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Some boxers shoudn't be allowed to Tweet

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Some boxers shoudn't be allowed to Tweet Empty Some boxers shoudn't be allowed to Tweet

Post by Seanusarrilius Sun 03 Jun 2012, 6:15 pm

So, I been doing the Twitter stuff for the forum these last few months, and my oh my do you read some funny Tweets. By and large the guys we follow (which are all boxers,pundits, trainers etc) are as you would expect. Al Bernstein in learned and polite. Paulie is mad, in a good way, Jane Couch insane, but funny.

But Adrian Broner. Man, he is an idiot. Tweets are normally incomprehensible, takes pictures of himself on the toilet. Man really is a child.

Floyd Mayweather Senior has an account. I don't know if it is a spoof because the Tweets I read were so pathetic (about him banging women and just random rubbish) I actually unfollowed him.

Like I say, I enjoy the insight and it's great being able to talk to fighters and trainers. But one or two of them are insane. Ha.

Anyone else follow Twitter?

Last edited by Seanusarrilius on Sun 03 Jun 2012, 6:17 pm; edited 1 time in total


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