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HTC Wildfire S

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HTC Wildfire S Empty HTC Wildfire S

Post by Guest Fri 12 Aug 2011, 4:29 pm

Anyone had any experience with this phone or a phone of the same manufacturer?

Thinking about getting this phone on a contract because my current phone is close to knackered.


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HTC Wildfire S Empty Re: HTC Wildfire S

Post by Scottrf Fri 12 Aug 2011, 4:45 pm

I like my Desire which I believe is similar but better screen/processor.

The software will be easy to use, not sure how quick the phone is though.

Phone up T-Mobile online sales, got mine for £25pm months ago with free internet/texts, about 600 minutes & an add on. Might get it cheaper now.


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HTC Wildfire S Empty Re: HTC Wildfire S

Post by sodhat Fri 12 Aug 2011, 4:52 pm

I have an HTC Desire HD, and it is pretty good overall. A little irritating in that it sometimes doesn't tell me I have a text, and sometimes crashes deleting all texts. It's internet is excellent and the Twitter/FB functionality is great too.

Android market is better than App Store for me, and you'll get alot more for free there too.


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HTC Wildfire S Empty Re: HTC Wildfire S

Post by Guest Fri 12 Aug 2011, 5:12 pm

Cheers for the feedback so far guys Ok!

The deal I'm looking at is 5000 texts, 250 minutes and 500mb internet per month and costs £15. Is 500mb more than enough internet if I'll only use it to check BBC Sport, Twitter, Facebook etc?


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HTC Wildfire S Empty Re: HTC Wildfire S

Post by Guest Fri 12 Aug 2011, 5:23 pm

Churchill wrote:Cheers for the feedback so far guys Ok!

The deal I'm looking at is 5000 texts, 250 minutes and 500mb internet per month and costs £15. Is 500mb more than enough internet if I'll only use it to check BBC Sport, Twitter, Facebook and etc?

Fixed that for you. OK


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HTC Wildfire S Empty Re: HTC Wildfire S

Post by sodhat Fri 12 Aug 2011, 5:24 pm

Depends how often you think you'll use to be honest. I have 1mb and I generally go over that allowance, using on trains (like I am right now!) and when out and about. I do use fb and Twitter alot, aswell as this site and becomes something of a habit and I think nothing of it till I get the bill!

You can link to wireless networks though, so when at home (or anywhere you get wireless) internet is free.


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HTC Wildfire S Empty Re: HTC Wildfire S

Post by Guest Fri 12 Aug 2011, 6:04 pm

Most of the time when I'm at home I'll use the computer or iPod if I need to go online, so it would just be out and about during the day when I need it. Do certain websites eat into the allowance; YouTube takes more than Twitter/606v2(Wink)?


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HTC Wildfire S Empty Re: HTC Wildfire S

Post by sodhat Fri 12 Aug 2011, 7:09 pm

Not entirely sure to be honest, but I would think watching videos on YouTube would take more out of your download limit than reading the BBC sites for example.

HTC's come with a programme that tracks your download limit so you can see what you've used and what is left (at least mine does!), so you can be sure not to overstretch.


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HTC Wildfire S Empty Re: HTC Wildfire S

Post by Gregers Sat 13 Aug 2011, 1:54 pm

Mrs G has the wildfire s and its brilliant, I have the desire z which is also brilliant.

HTC are making the best phones atm by far


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HTC Wildfire S Empty Re: HTC Wildfire S

Post by Scottrf Sat 13 Aug 2011, 7:16 pm

You will never hit 500mb on websites without streaming.


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HTC Wildfire S Empty Re: HTC Wildfire S

Post by Derbyblue Wed 24 Aug 2011, 10:33 pm

I have a HTC Wildfire, and although I like the phone I do find it very annoying and at times wish I had decided to hunt around and find a different phone. I'm sure at times it just decides it doesn't want to tell me I have a text, some texts will take more than a few hours to come through, the spellchecker thing sometimes just switches off in the middle of a word, it sometimes fails to type the letter I press despite it coming up showing I pressed that letter, sometimes the letters get stuck and they switch to the number/symbol they represent when held down. These problems may have been solved with the Wildfire S but I'm not sure.

I doubt you'll hit your 500 MB limit, though it's sensible to download an app which tells you how much of your monthly limit is left to make sure you don't go over.


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