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Should Wales have played Tonga instead, and could they of played Russia?

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Should Wales have played Tonga instead, and could they of played Russia? Empty Should Wales have played Tonga instead, and could they of played Russia?

Post by Shifty Fri 12 Aug 2011, 5:54 pm

Wales have gone into the World Cup with 2 physical games against England. Clearly this is designed to toughen the pack up ready for South Africa. But after those 2 tests they play Argentina. My question would be should Wales have added a game against Tonga instead of Argentina, based on the fact Wales are playing Fiji and Samoa at the World Cup.

Secondly, as Wales players will be short of match practice do you think it might of been an idea for Wales to of played Russia this Tuesday?
Tuesday will see Newport Gwent Dragons play Russia, but Wales could of easily organised a game instead and played some of the other fringe players, that haven't been used in the England games. This would still of given Wales 6 days before the Argentina game as well.

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Should Wales have played Tonga instead, and could they of played Russia? Empty Re: Should Wales have played Tonga instead, and could they of played Russia?

Post by MBTGOG Fri 12 Aug 2011, 5:59 pm

You do realise that Tonga play a different style of rugby to Fiji and Samoa? In fact, Samoa and Fiji are really quite different as well in their styles.


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Should Wales have played Tonga instead, and could they of played Russia? Empty Re: Should Wales have played Tonga instead, and could they of played Russia?

Post by Shifty Fri 12 Aug 2011, 6:04 pm

MBTGOG wrote:You do realise that Tonga play a different style of rugby to Fiji and Samoa? In fact, Samoa and Fiji are really quite different as well in their styles.

Yes mate, I have all the Pacific Nations cup games on my hard drive from the last 2 seasons, but Wales's weakness with Islander teams, is not from a style of play, it's being put off their game by ferocious tackling and aggressive defence, and in those areas, all 3 Island sides are pretty similar.

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Should Wales have played Tonga instead, and could they of played Russia? Empty Re: Should Wales have played Tonga instead, and could they of played Russia?

Post by MBTGOG Fri 12 Aug 2011, 6:09 pm

I don't know about ferocious tackling but Argentina will certainly bring aggressive defence and also really test the breakdown of Wales which is important. Plus, do you think Tonga can really afford to fly half way across the world for one Test?


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Should Wales have played Tonga instead, and could they of played Russia? Empty Re: Should Wales have played Tonga instead, and could they of played Russia?

Post by Shifty Fri 12 Aug 2011, 6:12 pm

MBTGOG wrote:I don't know about ferocious tackling but Argentina will certainly bring aggressive defence and also really test the breakdown of Wales which is important. Plus, do you think Tonga can really afford to fly half way across the world for one Test?

Well Russia can for games against Dragons and Ospreys, and Wales will be paying Argentina to come here, so why not Tonga instead? angel

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Should Wales have played Tonga instead, and could they of played Russia? Empty Re: Should Wales have played Tonga instead, and could they of played Russia?

Post by mpc28 Fri 12 Aug 2011, 6:12 pm

I doubt Tonga would of come over here for just for 1 match especially as the world cup is on their doorstep and besides they're not nearly as strong as Fiji or Samoa so what would we of got from playing them that we cant get out of playing England or Argentina who are much better teams and certainly as physical.


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Should Wales have played Tonga instead, and could they of played Russia? Empty Re: Should Wales have played Tonga instead, and could they of played Russia?

Post by MBTGOG Fri 12 Aug 2011, 6:17 pm

AlynDavies wrote:
MBTGOG wrote:I don't know about ferocious tackling but Argentina will certainly bring aggressive defence and also really test the breakdown of Wales which is important. Plus, do you think Tonga can really afford to fly half way across the world for one Test?

Well Russia can for games against Dragons and Ospreys, and Wales will be paying Argentina to come here, so why not Tonga instead? angel

The difference between a flight from Russia and a flight from Tonga is nearly 24 hours more.


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Should Wales have played Tonga instead, and could they of played Russia? Empty Re: Should Wales have played Tonga instead, and could they of played Russia?

Post by Utility-forward Fri 12 Aug 2011, 6:22 pm

I wouldn't say the problem Wales have is dealing with the defence, it's playing the wrong attack and chucking it about rather than grinding them down for about an hour then playing quickly. Hopefully a situation Gatland has rectified


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Should Wales have played Tonga instead, and could they of played Russia? Empty Re: Should Wales have played Tonga instead, and could they of played Russia?

Post by Shifty Fri 12 Aug 2011, 6:25 pm

Well of Tonga's 30 man World Cup squad
10 are based in France
8 in New Zealand
3 in England
2 in Wales, Australia, Japan
1 in Tonga, Italy, and Ireland

The game would also of suited Tonga as France and Wales are not totally disimilar, in style and attitude.

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Should Wales have played Tonga instead, and could they of played Russia? Empty Re: Should Wales have played Tonga instead, and could they of played Russia?

Post by MBTGOG Fri 12 Aug 2011, 6:26 pm

AlynDavies wrote:Well of Tonga's 30 man World Cup squad
10 are based in France
8 in New Zealand
3 in England
2 in Wales, Australia, Japan
1 in Tonga, Italy, and Ireland

The game would also of suited Tonga as France and Wales are not totally disimilar, in style and attitude.

Of Tonga's squad, they are all based in Tonga at the moment doing prep for the World Cup.


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Should Wales have played Tonga instead, and could they of played Russia? Empty Re: Should Wales have played Tonga instead, and could they of played Russia?

Post by Peter Seabiscuit Wheeler Fri 12 Aug 2011, 6:48 pm

What you really mean is wouldnt t be nice to get one win in the warm ups

Peter Seabiscuit Wheeler

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Should Wales have played Tonga instead, and could they of played Russia? Empty Re: Should Wales have played Tonga instead, and could they of played Russia?

Post by Shifty Fri 12 Aug 2011, 9:10 pm

Peter Seabiscuit Wheeler wrote:What you really mean is wouldnt t be nice to get one win in the warm ups

No real need for that comment, I was trying to start a constructive discussion Shocked

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Should Wales have played Tonga instead, and could they of played Russia? Empty Re: Should Wales have played Tonga instead, and could they of played Russia?

Post by glamorganalun Sat 13 Aug 2011, 9:17 am


We are playing England they have plenty SH players to play against, I think England are a good choice, aat least we are giving them a game this RWC.


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Should Wales have played Tonga instead, and could they of played Russia? Empty Re: Should Wales have played Tonga instead, and could they of played Russia?

Post by Shifty Sun 14 Aug 2011, 11:26 am

glamorganalun wrote:Alyn:

We are playing England they have plenty SH players to play against, I think England are a good choice, aat least we are giving them a game this RWC.

No,no I think England is a good choice, I was discussing whether to swap the Argentina game for Tonga. Beating England at Cardiff always put Wales confidence into orbit.

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Should Wales have played Tonga instead, and could they of played Russia? Empty Re: Should Wales have played Tonga instead, and could they of played Russia?

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