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WWE Raw 1000 Results (SPOILERS)

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WWE Raw 1000 Results (SPOILERS) - Page 2 Empty WWE Raw 1000 Results (SPOILERS)

Post by Marky Tue 24 Jul 2012, 8:04 am

First topic message reminder :

Monday Night RAW 1000th Episode
St. Louis, Missouri
July 23rd 2012
Commentators: Jerry Lawler & Michael Cole
Reported by: David Stephens of

Are you ready? Then stop questioning your heart and join me because it’s time for Monday Night RAW!

A highlight video recaps some of the greatest moments in RAW history.

The arena is absolutely packed and there is a big night feel to the show as the commentators are dressed to the nines. Justin Roberts introduces the Chairman of the Board and Vince McMahon walks down to the ring. He thanks the fans in attendance. *Thank You Vince* erupts in the crowd. He replies, “Welcome to Monday Night RAW”. McMahon calls out Degeneration X!

HHH and Shawn Michaels make their way down to the ring to the old school DX intro video. Before chopping in the ring, Michaels grabs a microphone and says that something is missing. HHH agrees and asks Shawn didn’t there used to be more of us? He points to the ramp.

Billy Gunn, Road Dogg & X-Pac ride out on the jeep that was used in the WCW invasion angle. Everyone makes their way down to the ring to chop and tell the crowd to suck it. Pyro erupts around the ring. Road Dogg launches into his Tag Team intro.

HHH leads the crowd - “For the thousands in attendance and the millions… let’s get ready to suck it!” Michaels and Road Dogg argue about who is going to do the next part. They say that HHH never gave them a big enough part over the years. They agree to do it together.

Damien Sandow’s music hits and cuts them off. He walks down to the ring with a microphone and say that they world has fallen to the level of the degenerates in the ring. Michaels says that that is true of him so he is going home to church to ask for forgiveness. Sandow ignores the sarcasm and continues on claiming to be a martyr for the salvation of humanity. HHH says that DX needs to huddle to figure out what they are going to do. They break the huddle with a DX cheer. HHH says that this is what they decided to do – Shawn Michaels delivers Sweet Chin Music! HHH follows up with a pedigree. Dogg finally gets to his part and says, “if you’re not down with that we’ve got two words for you: suck it!”


Lillian Garcia introduces Jim Ross! Ross walks down to the ring to the Oklahoma Sooners’ fight song. He appears to be joining in for commentary for the next match.


Rey Mysterio, Sin Cara & Sheamus v. Chris Jericho, Dolph Ziggler & Alberto Del Rio

Back from the break Ziggler is working on Sin Cara in the ring. Jericho gets the tag and turns his attention towards the neck area. Cara goes for a roll up but Jericho kicks out and responds with a low drop kick. Jericho poses as he covers, but Cara kicks out. Del Rio gets the tag and works the neck of Cara. Alberto walks into a swinging DDT in the corner. Both men crawl to their corners for the tag. Sheamus charges in at Jericho and clobbers him with some knee lifts. Sheamus hits the Irish Curse Back Breaker and goes for the cover. Alberto saves the day with a cover. Rey knocks him out of the ring and flies out to meet him with a seated senton. Cara knocks Ziggler off the apron and the attention returns to the ring. Jericho attempts to hit a leg lariat from the second rope, but Ziggler attacks his own teammate! Sheamus knocks him back off the apron. Sheamus looks towards Jericho and connects with the Brogue Kick. This match is over.

Winners: Rey Mysterio, Sin Cara & Sheamus


Charlie Sheen is live on Skype and chats with Michael Cole about the show so far. He calls it “epic” and says he would fit in well with Degeneration X and puts over that Sheamus would probably be a good partner for partying. This is what’s replacing his Twitter contributions it seems.

# AJ is in the locker room saying how amazing tonight is going to be. Layla asks her if she is sure she wants to go through the wedding. AJ wants to know why people keep asking her that. She also wants to know why people keep saying she is unstable when everyone in the company is unstable. Outside the door to her locker room various Superstars appear.

Jim Duggan is shown shouting Hooooooooo. Roddy Piper and R-Truth are playing jump rope with Little Jimmy. Mae Young appears with a man wearing a full size hand costume. He says that he is Mae Young’s son all grown up!


Brodus Clay w/ Dude Love v. Jack Swagger

Clay goes right after Swagger and knocks him down to the mat. Clay hits the splash and this match is over.

Winner: Brodus Clay

After the match, Foley joins in the dance celebration and uses a tye-dye Mr. Socko to attack Swagger!

# HHH is in his office with Trish Stratus. She is helping him yoga. The other members of DX walk into the office to laugh at him for the awkward “rear entry” stance he has taken up.


The ring has been set up for the wedding tonight. Jerry Lawler introduces the priest for tonight’s service - Slick, the first African-American Manager in the WWE! Daniel Bryan’s music hits and he does a bunch of Yes chants on his way down to the ring. AJ is wearing a wedding dress and comes down to the ring to the wedding March. Slick starts the vows and gets to the part where if someone has a problem they must speak now or forever hold their peace. No entrance music hits, but the crowd begins to loudly chant no. Bryan takes the ring from Slick and recites his vows. AJ and Bryan each say yes. As Slick is about finish, AJ interrupts and says that she wasn’t saying yes to Daniel. She was saying yes to someone else! She says it is another man that made a proposal to her earlier tonight.

Vince McMahon’s music hits and he comes out onto the entrance ramp. Vince tells Bryan that it isn’t that kind of a proposal, it is a business proposal. Vince then goes and says that he is announcing the new General Manager of Monday Night RAW – AJ!!!

Bryan looks baffled. AJ shoves a flower bouquet into his hands. She then prances her way up the entrance ramp. Bryan snaps and starts to throw things around the ring.


CM Punk’s music hits and he makes his way down to the ring. Bryan is still throwing a tantrum in the ring. Punk says that it couldn’t happen to a nicer guy. Punk says that he is going to continue being the best in the world. Bryan repeats the phrase and says that Punk isn’t even the best that is in the ring right now. Bryan says that not only is he better than him, but he is the best WWE Superstar of all time. The greatest of all-time!

The Rock’s music hits and he makes his way down to the ring. His music plays for a few minutes and then cedes to the chants of the crowd. Rock looks at Bryan and says that he doesn’t get to say who the greatest of all time is, the crowd gets to make that decision. “Finally The Rock has come back, to St. Louis!”. The Rock goes to continue, but Bryan attempts to cut him off. Rock is not happy with the interruption. The Rock announces that whoever the Champion is at the Royal Rumble, will face the Great One for the Title! Punk says that he is going to win his match against Cena tonight, and then win against The Rock at the Rumble.

Bryan is furious and starts screaming no. He says that tonight was supposed to be about him. It was supposed to be the greatest night of his life. Bryan vows that somehow he will be the one fighting The Rock. The Rock says that he is sorry Bryan didn’t get married tonight, but he brought him a wedding present anyway – and delivers a Rock Bottom!


Bret Hart is introduced and he walks down to the ring. He says that one of the greatest moments of his career was winning the IC Championship from Mr. Perfect. He is out to introduce the participants in tonight’s IC Championship match.

Intercontinental Championship
Christian [c] v. The Miz

Christian leaps from the second rope with a missile dropkick. He throws Miz to the outside of the ring and flies out after with a slingshot crossbody as we head to commercial.


Back from the break Christian nails Miz in the face with a couple of punches. Christian takes to the second rope and hits a crossbody. He goes back to the second rope and hits a flying European Uppercut. Christian looks for the Killswitch, but Miz is not caught. Miz is caught in a sunset Flip attempt, but kicks out of the cover. Miz goes to work on the leg of Christian which was tweaked when he came off the second rope before the commercial. Christian catches him off guard with a swinging DDT. Christian falls back towards the corner and tries for a spear. Miz counters and connects with a hard DDT. Christian dodges a splash but is clutching his knee. He tries again for the KillSwitch but Miz pushes him away. Christian again tries, but gets sent backwards. Miz hits the Skull Crushing Finale, and this match is over!

Winner & NEW IC Champion: The Miz

Charlie Sheen is again present on Skype and gives a rundown of the past hour’s happenings.


# Regis Philbin appears on video to congratulate RAW on reaching 1000 episodes.

HHH’s music hits and he makes his way down to the ring still wearing his DX attire. A video clip airs HHH being placed in the Komura clutch by Brock Lesnar. HHH says that the fun for him tonight is over; he wants to fight Lesnar at Summerslam. He knows that Lesnar is in the building, so he calls on him to come down to the ring and give his answer.

Lesnar’s music hits, but it is Heyman who walks down to the ring. HHH says that he wants to talk to the horse’s head, not his ass. Heyman says that Lesnar is in fact here tonight. Heyman has been authorized through power of attorney to answer HHH’s challenge. Heyman says that HHH may want to main event Summerslam, but the answer is no. HHH says that if Lesnar isn’t going to come out then maybe he’ll have to go find him himself. Heyman says that HHH should probably want to avoid another lawsuit. HHH starts to call Lesnar a coward, so Heyman calls him out on resorting to name calling. Heyman makes a comment about being embarrassed for HHH’s children.

Stephanie McMahon’s music hits! She makes her way down to the ring and tells Heyman to never talk about her children ever again. Stephanie says that the lawsuits are really about Heyman trying to mask his failures over the years. Stephanie says that at least her kids will be proud of their father and grandfather, unlike Heyman’s kids. Stephanie says that Heyman’s kids are ashamed because their father is a professional parasite. She slaps him across the face.

Heyman is furious and grabs a mic. He says that the match is on; it’s Lesnar v. HHH at Summerslam. Heyman catches himself and starts to laugh; he knows that Stephanie tricked him. Heyman starts to say something about her kids, but she jumps on him and starts to pound on Heyman.

Lesnar’s music hits and he runs down to the ring. He begins to brawl with HHH and all hell breaks loose. HHH ends up throwing him out of the ring. They stare each other down and take off their shirts to add some fuel to the fire.


A video package highlights the Steve Austin v. Vince McMahon feud.


Santino and Hornswoggle walk down to the ring with a bunch of WWE Brawler Bodies. It’s a series of plush toys. Howard Finkel is brought out to be tonight’s special ring announcer for the next match.

Slater is introduced and comes down to the ring. He says that everything that has happened in the past doesn’t matter anymore. The only thing that matters tonight is his next match. Slater says that this match is going to be epic. He challenges any legend to a no-count out no dq match.

Heath Slater v. Lita

After the bell rings, Lita takes the mic and says that she hired some protection for tonight. The APA comes down to the ring! Slater decides to high tail it, but instead all of the legends that Slater has faced over the past couple of weeks comes down to push him back towards the ring.

Lita hits the Twist of Fate. Bradshaw follows up with the Clothesline from Hell. Lita takes to the top rope and leaps for the moonsault, this match is over!

Winner: Lita

After the match the legends all enter the ring. Ron Simmons grabs the mic and delivers the obligatory, “Damn”.

Sean Mooney is backstage with Daniel Bryan and asks him about his night. Bryan says that everyone including Charlie Sheen has insulted and humiliated him tonight. Bryan says that Sheen needs not Anger Management, but Life Management. If Sheen was standing right next to him, Bryan would lock the Yes Lock on him faster than he could say winning.


Michael Cole is ringside with the 100,000,000th Social Media follower for the WWE.

A video plays hosted by Fozzie Bear featuring the greatest catchphrases in the history of RAW.

# Zack Ryder is backstage with Gene Okerlund and John Cena. Ryder claims that Gene was behind GTV. The Rock walks into the shot and all but Cena slink away. Cena welcomes him and goes over what The Rock said tonight. Rock wishes him well in his match, and says that if Cena has the Title at the Rumble he will take it from him.


Kane’s music hits and he comes down amidst a bed of fire to the ring. Jinder Mahal’s music hits and he comes down to the ring with a handful of guys to try and take out Kane. They get in the ring… but The Undertaker’s music hits!

The Undertaker slowly makes his way down to the ring. He enters and takes off his spiky attire. The men with Jinder get in the ring and try and take out the Brothers of Destruction. Kane and Taker quickly clear the ring. Taker and Kane hit a stereo Tombstone, followed by a double Piledriver! They take a moment to pose before the break.


Charlie Sheen is back via Skype to address the comments made by Bryan. He says that anytime Bryan is in the area he will face him in the ring.


WWE Championship
CM Punk [c] v. John Cena

This match is starting at 10:59 ET. Cena bounces off the ropes with a shoulder block. Punk goes for a backslide cover, but Cena kicks out. Punk gets behind him with an abdominal stretch. Cena escapes and grabs for Punk’s legs but gets kicked away. They lock up and Punk is pushed back into the corner. The referee makes them separate. Cena starts to unload with a series of punches. The crowd begins to boo. Cena cinches on a side headlock.

Punk hits a side slam as Jerry Lawler astutely observes that Cena is like Superman. Punk gets behind Cena and has a rear chinlock applied. Cena gets to his feet and tries to punch his way free. They begin to exchange blows back and forth. Cena tries for a back body drop but Punk lands on his feet and pushes Cena into the corner. He charges and connects with a high knee. Punk mocks the You Can’t See Me, which results in him getting caught in the lifted bulldog. Cena tries for the 5 Knuckle Shuffle, but Punk kicks him in the skull! Punk tries to lift Cena up into the air, but Cena scurries off of his back! In the process the referee gets knocked out of the ring. Cena would have picked up the win, but there is no referee to count off of an Attitude Adjustment. Cena gets out of the ring to check on the referee.

With the referee down, Big Show runs to the ring and spears Cena! He delivers the Knockout Punch which leaves Cena down for the count. Punk gets back up on his feet, but knows that he still doesn’t have a referee in the ring. Punk heads out of the ring to revive the referee and brings him back inside. Punk goes for the cover… but Cena kicks out! Punk lifts Cena up on his shoulders and looks for the GTS. Cena counters and applies the STF. Big Show runs back down and attacks Cena which causes the ref to call for the bell.

Winner via DQ: John Cena

The Big Show attempts to continue the attack, but The Rock runs down to make the save. Rock hits the Rock Bottom on Show and goes for the People’s Elbow. Punk runs at Rock and hits a hard clothesline! Punk lifts Rock up into the air and hits the GTS. The crowd begins to boo the WWE Champion as he walks up the ramp to close out this 1000th Episode of RAW.


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WWE Raw 1000 Results (SPOILERS) - Page 2 Empty Re: WWE Raw 1000 Results (SPOILERS)

Post by VDT Tue 24 Jul 2012, 2:14 pm

But I want to know NOW!!!! Ha!!! steam

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WWE Raw 1000 Results (SPOILERS) - Page 2 Empty Re: WWE Raw 1000 Results (SPOILERS)

Post by Guest Tue 24 Jul 2012, 2:26 pm

I've turned my (censored) off and everything in anticipation!


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WWE Raw 1000 Results (SPOILERS) - Page 2 Empty Re: WWE Raw 1000 Results (SPOILERS)

Post by Liam Tue 24 Jul 2012, 2:34 pm

for god sake someone do something this is torture!


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WWE Raw 1000 Results (SPOILERS) - Page 2 Empty Re: WWE Raw 1000 Results (SPOILERS)

Post by Statto00 Tue 24 Jul 2012, 2:37 pm



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WWE Raw 1000 Results (SPOILERS) - Page 2 Empty Re: WWE Raw 1000 Results (SPOILERS)

Post by Guest Tue 24 Jul 2012, 2:44 pm

I can't bear this any more


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WWE Raw 1000 Results (SPOILERS) - Page 2 Empty Re: WWE Raw 1000 Results (SPOILERS)

Post by Zoot - Trevor Swann 6WF Tue 24 Jul 2012, 2:50 pm

It's worse than who is the Anon GM this he leads us all along then just leaves us dangling. He's laughing at us you know.

Zoot - Trevor Swann 6WF

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WWE Raw 1000 Results (SPOILERS) - Page 2 Empty Re: WWE Raw 1000 Results (SPOILERS)

Post by VDT Tue 24 Jul 2012, 2:53 pm

This better be a mind blowing storyline owen10ozzy!!!! lol

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WWE Raw 1000 Results (SPOILERS) - Page 2 Empty Re: WWE Raw 1000 Results (SPOILERS)

Post by Liam Tue 24 Jul 2012, 2:56 pm



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WWE Raw 1000 Results (SPOILERS) - Page 2 Empty Re: WWE Raw 1000 Results (SPOILERS)

Post by bretmeharty Tue 24 Jul 2012, 3:23 pm

Even if Ozzy came back and said I took a sh!t - the end. It would still be better then what we witnessed last night


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WWE Raw 1000 Results (SPOILERS) - Page 2 Empty Re: WWE Raw 1000 Results (SPOILERS)

Post by Crimey Tue 24 Jul 2012, 3:33 pm

Appointing AJ as GM seems that WWE are doing their usual thing of something getting fairly popular so just overloading on them, they did the same with John Laurinaitis.


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WWE Raw 1000 Results (SPOILERS) - Page 2 Empty Re: WWE Raw 1000 Results (SPOILERS)

Post by bretmeharty Tue 24 Jul 2012, 3:35 pm

Crimey wrote:Appointing AJ as GM seems that WWE are doing their usual thing of something getting fairly popular so just overloading on them, they did the same with John Laurinaitis.

Always all or nothing, not sure wwe know the word moderation. Speaking of mod's have you been promoted to Admin then?


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WWE Raw 1000 Results (SPOILERS) - Page 2 Empty Re: WWE Raw 1000 Results (SPOILERS)

Post by GSC Tue 24 Jul 2012, 3:37 pm

In any case, the ppoint of Raw is to build up to PPVs and keep you interested.

Plenty of talking points to be answered

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WWE Raw 1000 Results (SPOILERS) - Page 2 Empty Re: WWE Raw 1000 Results (SPOILERS)

Post by bretmeharty Tue 24 Jul 2012, 3:38 pm

Graeme Swann's Cat wrote:In any case, the ppoint of Raw is to build up to PPVs and keep you interested.

Plenty of talking points to be answered

You really believe that, wwe ppv's always seem to lead to more questions


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WWE Raw 1000 Results (SPOILERS) - Page 2 Empty Re: WWE Raw 1000 Results (SPOILERS)

Post by GSC Tue 24 Jul 2012, 3:40 pm

Which then builds up to another PPV.

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WWE Raw 1000 Results (SPOILERS) - Page 2 Empty Re: WWE Raw 1000 Results (SPOILERS)

Post by Zoot - Trevor Swann 6WF Tue 24 Jul 2012, 4:13 pm

I think I have the answer.


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WWE Raw 1000 Results (SPOILERS) - Page 2 Empty Re: WWE Raw 1000 Results (SPOILERS)

Post by VDT Tue 24 Jul 2012, 5:11 pm

Mr H wrote:WWE.Com says Cena is officially the first man to cash in his briefcase and not win the title, and his opportunity for a championship match has gone.

Who needs the belt when you main event every ppv anyways. Doh

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WWE Raw 1000 Results (SPOILERS) - Page 2 Empty Re: WWE Raw 1000 Results (SPOILERS)

Post by Guest Tue 24 Jul 2012, 6:09 pm

Sainty's review - (Nowhere near as good as Owen's...)

The Good:

Loved The Rock, Bryan and Punk together.
APA and THAT clothesline - nice sell by Slater too.
HHH and Lesnar.
Steph heart
Punk's turn.

The Bad:

AJ as GM - Could go one of two ways.
Lack of quality matches.
Kane and Taker - Taker just looked a bit past it, it was all a bit laboured to me.
No Austin or Edge.
The crowd.

All in all, it wasn't as great as I thought, BUT it's left me looking forward to what's coming.


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WWE Raw 1000 Results (SPOILERS) - Page 2 Empty Re: WWE Raw 1000 Results (SPOILERS)

Post by Kay Fabe Tue 24 Jul 2012, 7:34 pm

That Slater sell was freaking awesome, probably one of the best I've ever seen

Kay Fabe

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WWE Raw 1000 Results (SPOILERS) - Page 2 Empty Re: WWE Raw 1000 Results (SPOILERS)

Post by Guest Tue 24 Jul 2012, 8:22 pm

Just watched that bit again. Brilliant!

Slater made it look bloody brutal! Loved JBL's grin, as if to say, yeah, that was awesome!


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WWE Raw 1000 Results (SPOILERS) - Page 2 Empty Re: WWE Raw 1000 Results (SPOILERS)

Post by bretmeharty Tue 24 Jul 2012, 8:25 pm

Best line of the night - "Bellman ring the bell" Laugh


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WWE Raw 1000 Results (SPOILERS) - Page 2 Empty Re: WWE Raw 1000 Results (SPOILERS)

Post by owen10ozzy Tue 24 Jul 2012, 8:27 pm

Ok ive decided not to give my review just yet....but I promise it will be the end of the world as you know it...

Visit the thread again in the week and I will definitely review the 1000th Raw Episode....

No really I will... Whistle


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WWE Raw 1000 Results (SPOILERS) - Page 2 Empty Re: WWE Raw 1000 Results (SPOILERS)

Post by VDT Tue 24 Jul 2012, 8:48 pm

owen10ozzy wrote:Ok ive decided not to give my review just yet....but I promise it will be the end of the world as you know it...

Visit the thread again in the week and I will definitely review the 1000th Raw Episode....

No really I will... Whistle


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WWE Raw 1000 Results (SPOILERS) - Page 2 Empty Re: WWE Raw 1000 Results (SPOILERS)

Post by Fellaini25 Tue 24 Jul 2012, 9:10 pm

Turns out the reason why Stone Cold wasn't there, was because he has recently undergone knee surgery and is on crutches.


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WWE Raw 1000 Results (SPOILERS) - Page 2 Empty Re: WWE Raw 1000 Results (SPOILERS)

Post by owen10ozzy Tue 24 Jul 2012, 9:10 pm

Kidding here's my review...

I ended up sitting up and watching the show (which in itself is unusual for me)..but given the occasion I decided watching live was definitely necessary!!

Did I regret it...hmm not so much, could it of been better....yes by a long long way. It's not so much the show itself that annoyed me last night, I actually thought it was one of the better ones done by WWE in recent what annoyed me last night was the progression of the storylines...and as those who were on the chatbox last night will in particular!!

But I will start with some positives:

Humour/Comedy - Finally the writers gave the grown up's something to laugh at. Witty and delivered in the correct way their were some great 'fillers' last night. The hand was sheer comedy was little Jimmy skipping.

APA - For one reason only...that clothesline! Brilliant. Always forget just how much I like Bradshaw...would not mind seeing him back for another stint.

Miz v Christian - I enjoyed the match..wish it had gone on a little longer however someone mentioned Christian was injured so in that case no complaints. Im glad they have decided to put the title on the Miz..I believe his now a triple crown member?...I just hope they stick with him now and he has a lengthy reign.

Rock-Punk-Bryan - Nice little segment here. Rock gold on the mic as always...and I liked the fact that Bryan had some intensity to his character, hopefully it stays that way following what happened to him. Whilst he was in the Rock's shadow in this segment the fact he was their was great to see. Actually thought he held up quite well on the mic also...and of course always great to see a Rock Bottom. I also liked it as it doesn't completely dismiss Bryan from the title picture scene...although the chances of course are that he wont be seen around it anytime soon. At first I wondered why Punk didn't jar much with him on the mic....but given the ending it would seem that they are holding back on the verbal jousting until further down the line.

AJ Swerve - Now I can actually see why people would be so against this...however im willing to hold out on being negative because she hasn't actually done anything in the role as of yet. However what I will say is that the swerve itself was fantastic. Absolutely no one would have seen it coming and thats the point of a swerve angle isn't it? I also think that at this moment in time their is no one better than her available....she is gold at the moment. The fans are hot on here....she is great on the camera (in fact I think she deserves more credit for how she has portrayed her gimmick thus far)...and the fact she is totally bonkers means we wont know what to expect from here.

As a permanent thing I will hold my breath before giving judgement but as an angle/part of the 1000th episode of Raw...Loved it!!

Now onto the mixed/negative:

The Legends - Ok it was fantastic seeing the majority of the legends back again...especially DX which was a mark out moment. However sometimes they just go a little bit to far with it...

10 minutes of DX in the ring...great! Edging on 25...not so much. It became a little bit cringe for me after about 10 minutes..once they started repeated themselves etc it kind of lost its magic for me...

Although saying that once Sandow entered the scence I was back paying full attention again. This guy is fantastic on the mic and so assured when in the ring delivering...that moment he tried to get into the huddle lol!!

Brodus - I do not want to see this guy on my screen at the best of times...never mind on the 1000th episode Fair enough if he just came out and squashed someone but by the time he does ring entrance, dance...girls dance etc etc you have wasted a perfectly good 10 minutes of the show which could have been used to show a talent who may actually do something in the future...I.E. CODY RHODES!!!

Then their was Mick...poor old Mick. There were only two things which I wanted to see Mick be part of..either he came to the show on the premise of Ambrose making his debut. Or we saw him backstage a couple of times..once chatting with perhaps The Rock...another time maybe with Vince. Instead we see him as Dude Love (his least famous character) with bloody Brodus!! Awful

6 Man tag - Simple...if your going to have one dont do it with people involved who everyone knows will cost someone the win! Yes im talking about Ziggler and Jericho. On the same team after one ate a Codebreaker last week....I know they have to set up a feud but jesus is this how lazy they have become.

Why not have a couple of singles of which could of been Sheamus/Rey v need to see Jericho at all...then boom out of the audience he comes and costs Ziggler the match..gets on the mic and says 'I've just become relavent'...or the other way around have Ziggler come down and cost Jericho a least it would be a little more climatic. As soon as the two were announced on the same team you were just awaiting Ziggler to do something! Boring...oh and the match itself was pretty poor. Please Please Please Get rid of Sin Cara - How someone can be called a high flyer when they always botch or look messy conducting a high flying move I do not know.

Brock/HHH - Ok this actually goes in my mixed column because the fact Brock actually came on just about rescued the situation. However again simple flaws were made which if corrected could of made the angle much hotter...

It's already been said but the whole name calling leading to Heyman deciding to accept after initially rejecting makes no sense at all!! Again it's lazy and easy booking by the writers...just no creativity at all.

I mean if you were going to go down that route you could have had the following:

Steph still get's involved ...berates Heyman as she did (since lets be honest she was their for nostalgic reasons...HHH could have easily said the things she did to Heyman)...anyway so she is berating Heyman..slaps him...he gets riled up but says that the decision is Brock's not his and he steps out of the he goes to leave HHH gets back on the mic and instead of the whole 'oh brock is scared...he's a coward' simple line could of been used'...Heyman I always had you down as a 'Bit*h' but I didnt realise Brock was too'....Delivered with some anger and verveits a brilliant line which calls into question Brock's tough guy/legit persona.... then BOOM Lesnar's music hits and out he comes...he walks to the ring...rather than have him get into it (as Steph was their)..HHH meets him half way they go at it hammer and tongue until a whole hoard of security come to break it up..couple of 'each man gets loose' and continues fighting moments' before cutting for commercial. Angle done...Summerslam set up sorted and done so with some excitement.

So thats my quick one part...the ending of course! Which im so annoyed about I will write up a seperate piece for....

Oh and yes you will have to wait Smile


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WWE Raw 1000 Results (SPOILERS) - Page 2 Empty Re: WWE Raw 1000 Results (SPOILERS)

Post by NickisBHAFC Wed 25 Jul 2012, 12:03 am

AJ Being named Raw GM runied the whole show


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WWE Raw 1000 Results (SPOILERS) - Page 2 Empty Re: WWE Raw 1000 Results (SPOILERS)

Post by Kay Fabe Wed 25 Jul 2012, 12:32 am

Felt really bad for Mark Henry last night...that hand was White dammit!

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WWE Raw 1000 Results (SPOILERS) - Page 2 Empty Re: WWE Raw 1000 Results (SPOILERS)

Post by GSC Wed 25 Jul 2012, 12:45 am

I don't have a problem with AJ being GM. With heel Punk, I'm willing to see where it goes.

Better than rehashing Flair, Foley or Heyman.

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WWE Raw 1000 Results (SPOILERS) - Page 2 Empty Re: WWE Raw 1000 Results (SPOILERS)

Post by Beer Wed 25 Jul 2012, 8:05 am

Is it me, or should Mae Young's son been mixed race?


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WWE Raw 1000 Results (SPOILERS) - Page 2 Empty Re: WWE Raw 1000 Results (SPOILERS)

Post by Nay Wed 25 Jul 2012, 8:44 am

Was it just me or did the son look like Will from the inbetweeners


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WWE Raw 1000 Results (SPOILERS) - Page 2 Empty Re: WWE Raw 1000 Results (SPOILERS)

Post by theundisputedY2D2 Wed 25 Jul 2012, 1:58 pm

So Mark Henry's not the father of Hand?!?

And why the hell did Hand look about 30 years old when by rights he should only be about 12?


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WWE Raw 1000 Results (SPOILERS) - Page 2 Empty Re: WWE Raw 1000 Results (SPOILERS)

Post by Mr Video Man Wed 25 Jul 2012, 2:00 pm

theundisputedY2D2 wrote:
So Mark Henry's not the father of Hand?!?

And why the hell did Hand look about 30 years old when by rights he should only be about 12?

because his growth spurt happened alot faster than the other hands
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WWE Raw 1000 Results (SPOILERS) - Page 2 Empty Re: WWE Raw 1000 Results (SPOILERS)

Post by theundisputedY2D2 Wed 25 Jul 2012, 2:05 pm

Maybe Big Show's the father?


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WWE Raw 1000 Results (SPOILERS) - Page 2 Empty Re: WWE Raw 1000 Results (SPOILERS)

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