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6WF Presents - Against The Wall!!!

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6WF Presents - Against The Wall!!! Empty 6WF Presents - Against The Wall!!!

Post by Beer Sun 29 Jul 2012, 9:49 pm

The opening credits begin to roll before a video kicks in.....a pitch dark screen appears and moves towards a dot on the screen......the dot becomes larger and shows the earth.....

VO:Within the great continents, the vast seas and the vast deserts, this great planet harbours some of the most athletically gifted and technically masterful men to ever grace a ring....

The video flashes images up of former 6WF stars, Snake Eyes, Nigal Naplam, Acer, River Ace and Hero before cutting to todays stars, showing Uryu, Clarke James, Chaos, TGA and James McManus...

VO: Pioneers of the ring, they strive to achieve dominate their stand taller than anyone else....

The video cuts to footage of The Saint and Christopher Patricks dominating JJ Johnson, Vortex standing over Scorpion and finally, Crime Lord looking down at the body of TGA.

The footage cuts back and the camera zooms in closer to the earth....

VO: But, in the quest for dominance and power, enemies are found........rivalries are reborn......and allegiences put to the test....

The footage shows Nay Bother, Logan Kincade and Blue Dragon before cutting to James McManus and Chaos......the screen cuts back to the earth as it zooms in quicker, scouring the globe and flicking from continent to continent....

VO: Tonight, those most dominant will rise above all else, those willing to push their bodies to the limit for the ultimate prizes will stand taller than anyone else.....

The footage moves towards a figure stood at the base of the Great Wall of China.....

VO: Those who do it, will do it.................Against The Wall........

The figure turns round and the camera zooms in on Cassius Zhi staring maniacally at the camera. He smirks as the camera zoomz out showing him stood at the base of the Great Wall of China before the camera zooms out until the earth disappears.


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Location : 'Whose kids are these? And how'd they get in my Lincoln?'

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6WF Presents - Against The Wall!!! Empty Re: 6WF Presents - Against The Wall!!!

Post by Beer Sun 29 Jul 2012, 9:56 pm

A huge array of pyro goes off and as 'Rest in Pieces' blares out from the speakers and the fans are on their feet as the pyro ends...

RJ: Ladies and Gentleman we are live from the sold out Manchester MEN Arena, live on Eurosport and Eurosport HD for Against The Wall.

MW: And what a huge night we have in store, RJ with two huge main events.

RJ: That's right, JJ Johnson will team with Clarke James to take on Christopher Patricks and hometown hero, The Saint.

MW: Absolutely RJ, and not forgetting, a mouthwatering main event as Crime Lord defends his title against three men, in Uryu, Cassius and his nemesis, TGA!

The camera pans around the arena picking out signs from the crowd....



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6WF Presents - Against The Wall!!! Empty Re: 6WF Presents - Against The Wall!!!

Post by Beer Sun 29 Jul 2012, 10:00 pm

The camera pans backstage where Danny McGraw is stood with The Consultancy....

DM: I want no excuses tonight. I want the job done. Swann, don't even think about letting that idiot Hobo get the better of you, the last thing this company needs is him at the helm, even if it is for one night only. And Logan, i'm counting on you to repay my faith and prove why you are the greatest Harcore champion to ever grace this company....

The camera pans round the men as they all nod and grin.....

DM: And Vortex, take the sting out of that Scorpion's tail and remind him why i booted his sorry ass to the bottom of the card!

Vortex smiles as we head back to ringside.


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6WF Presents - Against The Wall!!! Empty Re: 6WF Presents - Against The Wall!!!

Post by Beer Sun 29 Jul 2012, 10:01 pm

RJ: Ladies and Gentleman, welcome back to 6WF Against The Wall live from the MEN arena. Up first here, we have singles action.

MW: And it is a rematch from Lockdown, as former freeweight champion The Dragon takes on the impressive newcomer Gary Traitorelli.

RJ: Traitorelli got a big win over Dragon last week, so the Japanese star will be looking to get revenge for that tonight.

Italian R&B new Oriental - Beat hits the speakers and Traitorelli comes out with his chest puffed out and a smug look on his face. He walks down the ramp but is making sure he isn't touched by the fans as if he is going to catch something from them. He proceeds to go to the top of one of the turnbuckles and flicks his hand infront of his face to the fans.

RJ: Traitorelli has been building up a very impressive in 6WF as of late, and he is certainly a force to be reckoned with.

MW: He has all the tools to make it to the top, the power this guy possesses is scary at times.

“Jpop drop” blares out through the speakers and the crowd burst into loud cheers as The Dragon runs out onto the ramp. The crowd cheer him loudly, he sprints to the ring.

RJ: Dragon has not been in the best of form of late, and that has led to tensions between him and his brother.

MW: I’m with Foo Poo, Dragon really needs to start pulling his weight a bit more around here. Foo Poo can’t be expected to do everything, he got him this rematch, Foo Poo can’t win it for him.

*The camera pans around the crowd and shows Yarmouth Blade and Mike Hill watching the action.

RJ: Joined tonight by former 6CW wrestlers Yarmouth Blade and Mike Hill, Hill obviously a veteran of these places.

MW: What are they doing here? Hoping for a contract are they?

RJ: I understand that they’ve come along as Blade is a massive fan of the Dragon, and good friends after working in Japan with him.

Ding, Ding, Ding!

Dragon and Traitorelli lock-up, Traitorelli uses his power to force Dragon against the ropes. He whips him out across the ring but Dragon counters with a spin-out headscissors. Traitorelli rolls up to his feet, Dragon throws him down with an arm drag. Traitorelli gets back to his feet, Dragon hits a spin kick to the gut followed by a corkscew neckbreaker.

Ref: 1.............2.......Kick out!

Dragon gets to his feet, he lifts up Traitorelli and hits him with a headbutt. Traitorelli falls to the corner, Dragon ducks a clothesline from Traitorelli as he runs out of the corner and then nails a spear. Dragon goes to the 2nd rope and hits a leg-drop bulldog.

Ref: 1.............2.......Kick out!

RJ: Dragon dominating early on.

Traitorelli powers out, Dragon runs in quickly and hits a leaping knee into the face. Traitorellis tumbles out, Dragon goes for a snap suplex but Traitorelli blocks and then nails a big suplex of his own. Dragon rolls up and Traitorelli hits a big knee lift. Cover.

Ref: 1............2.......Kick out!

Traitorelli hauls up Dragon, he hits with a big uppercut and Dragon falls backwards to the floor. Traitorelli hauls him up and hits further uppercuts, he then connects with a big gutwrench slam. Dragon stumbles up straight into a big boot.

Ref: 1............2.......Kick out!

MW: Power game being used now by Traitorelli!

Dragon gets the shoulder up, Traitorelli goes to the corner and removes the top turnbuckle. He whips Dragon into the corner and then repeatedly smashes Dragon’s head into the exposed steel of the top turnbuckle. Dragon walks forward into a big back body drop...

Ref: 1..............2........Kick out!

Traitorelli rises up, he rolls Dragon onto his front then hits a series of knees to the back followed by a curb stomp. Eventually he releases, he allows Dragon up and whips him out across the ring, nailing a tilt-a-whirl side-slam backbreaker on the rebound.

RJ: Huge move from Traitorelli!

Ref: 1...............2...............Kick out!

Dragon barely kicks out, Traitorelli goes for a boston crab but is booted away into the corner. Dragon kips up to his feet, Traitorelli runs at him and Dragon leaps up, nailing a hurracanrana. Cover.

Ref: 1..............2............Kick out!

Traitorelli rises to his feet, Dragon hits a high angled dropkick and Traitorelli falls against the ropes. Dragon goes to whip Traitorelli across the ring, but the rookie is too strong and he bounces Dragon off the ropes, but he counters with a Springboard reverse DDT!

MW: Great move from Dragon!

Ref: 1..............2..........Kick out!

Dragon goes up top...

RJ: Frog Splash!

MW: That may seal it...

Ref: 1..............2................Kick out!

The crowd boo as Traitorelli drives the shoulder up, Dragon puts him in a front facelock and then goes to the corner...

RJ:Dragons Den...shoved away!

MW: F5!

RJ: That’s it!

Ref: 1.....................2................................3!

Ding, Ding, Ding!

MW: Another impressive win for Traitorelli here.

*Traitorelli gets to his feet and is booed by the crowd as he celebrates and then leaves the ring.

Dragon stirs slowly up to his feet and stands in the middle of the ring shaking his head. He then waves to the crowd before stepping to the outside, where suddenly Foo Poo leaps from the front row and clotheslines Dragon down.

RJ: What the hell is he doing? That’s his own brother!

Foo Poo starts to boot away on Dragon, he turns around and the crowd pop hugely as Yarmouth Blade climbs over the barriers onto the outside and floors Foo Poo with a running elbow smash! The crowd cheer Blade loudly as he helps Dragon up.

Mike Hill watches on from his seat, shaking his head at his tag partner who raises the hand of Dragon.


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Location : 'Whose kids are these? And how'd they get in my Lincoln?'

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6WF Presents - Against The Wall!!! Empty Re: 6WF Presents - Against The Wall!!!

Post by Beer Sun 29 Jul 2012, 10:09 pm

We cut backstage where Clarissa is stood with Scorpion and the crowd boo....

Clarissa: Scorpion, tonight you get your hands on Vortex for the Freeweight Title, and needless to say you've had your fair share of issues with him and The Consultant over the last few weeks?

Scorpion stares at Clarissa...

S: I Try to show them the way as I am an icon of this industry...I am the man who is caring this company at the moment not Cassius Zhi...Not That loser know as the saint heck not even the so called great TGA! I am the man who will define an era...i am the man who will end an era and I for sure I’m better than any one of those losers in the back, part of your pathetic conspiracy group!!!

S: After all if any of those mindless pigeons had a brain Consultant they for sure would see you are using them as you puppets and they are blinded by your so called "promises"! But you see Consultant I am wise enough to see that this company is your way of making it as a businessman after you failed in creating your own business.

S: But for a fact I know...all the guys in the back..heck even every single loser in the crowd knows that The consultant has no balls and either way if he did and managed to lose them? I am pretty sure his "Client" knows where they have gone missing if you know what I mean after all we all know what you to get up to in your limo.

S: Not only that at least I have the balls to come down here week in week out and speak my mind...speak the truth and try to help these mindless sheep into what they are falling for!!

S: That Freeweight Title is mine, and tonight, Vortex will see why i am the future of this company.

Scorpion storms off and leaves Clarissa standing.


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Age : 39
Location : 'Whose kids are these? And how'd they get in my Lincoln?'

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6WF Presents - Against The Wall!!! Empty Re: 6WF Presents - Against The Wall!!!

Post by Beer Sun 29 Jul 2012, 10:09 pm

Match 2

Freeweight Title

Vortex(C) vs Scorpion

RJ: He were are for the second match of the night and its for the Free weight championship, With Scorpion been the challenger and newly crowned champion Vortex.

MW: Vortex has come along way in such a short time but he must be careful against Scorpion this kid has so much potential but he needs to show it each and every week.

"I Wont Do What You tell Me" hits and there's a mixed reaction from the crowd as The lights in the arena fade and are replaced by the image of a scorpion scuttling across the desert on the big screen. The scorpion spots his next victim and as the Scorpion's tail viciously strikes its prey and the arena is bathed in golden colours. Scorpion appears on the stage as he rides his bike through a golden curtain pyro falling from the screen, and swirling sand that is blasted from the sides of the ramp, Scorpion then rides to the ring and rolls under the bottom rope and waits for his opponent.

MW: Am gonna have Scorpy baby tonight, You will see your new Free weight champion here tonight.

The crowd then start to boo loudly as Vortex comes up through the ramp in a plume of green smoke, while the arena is darkness. Think of it like The Broods old entrance. This is done in the first few repeating bars of "Breathe". Then just before the main music hits, he holds both arms outstretched with open palms. Then when the main music beat hits, he claps his hands together forcefully whist one large green pyro goes off behind him. He then strides down the ring, With the ?Consultant applauding his every move Vortex has the Free weight title wrapped round his waist and he walks up the steel steps and climbs into the ring while the consultant waits on the out side.

RJ: A monster of a man, Full of muscle and very powerful, he's my pick to retain.

The referee takes the Free weight title Vortex and shows it to Scorpion who looks down and taps it with his hand the referee hand the belt to the time keeper and then signals for the start of the match.

Ding, Ding, Ding.

The two men go to lock up but then Scorpion spins rounds and drive's a four arm to the back of the head of Vortex which doesn't phase the big man only makes him angry and then turns round Irish whips Scorpion to the corner follows up with a splash Scorpion staggers out of the corner and hits a running knee to jaw of Scorpion and goes for the cover.



kick out.......

RJ: Close call there for Vortex.

MW: You just don't wanna get Vortex mad like that.

The consultant is barking orders from the out side of the ring and Vortex takes nots he scopes Scorpion up and hits a body slam Vortex then drives an elbow to the chest and again goes for the cover.



Kick out..........

RJ: Vortex in total control thus far.

MW: Scorpion needs to do some think and fast.

The crowd are booing loudly as Vortex Irish whips Scorpion to the ropes and goes for a clothesline Scorpion ducks bounces of the ropes and hits a clothesline of his own sending vortex crashing to the ground.

RJ: Nice counter there from the big man.

MW: This could be the turning point of the match.

Scorpion picks up Vortex and uses his strength to hit a Suplex and then Irish whips to the corner and then hits a frog splash of his own and then a running knee lift and goes for the cover.



Kick out..........

RJ: Scorpion giving some of Vortex some of his own medicine.

MW: Copy right infringement there if I ever saw it.

The crowd starts to get on the side of Scorpion as he then Urges for Vortex to get to his feet Scorpion raises one arm in the air and the crowd goes wild.

RJ: Scorpion looking for the chokeslam here.

MW: Don't turn round Vortex your not gonna like the view.

Vortex staggers round towards Scorpion he puts his arm round the throat of Vortex lifts him high in the air and slam's him hard to the mat.

RJ: New champion there Michael.

MW: No look the referee 's not counting for the cover cos the Consultant is distract the ref.

Scorpion looks round to see the Consultant on the apron arguing with the referee Scorpion gets of the lifeless body of Vortex walks up to the consultant and connects with a hard right hand knocking the Consultant to the floor on the out side of the ring.

RJ: Serve's him right the Consultant had no business on the apron and got every think he deserved.

MW: And did you see that shot by Vortex great distraction work by the Consultant.

The crowd start to boo loudly as Vortex starts to come round a little see's what happened to the Consultant and then runs at Scorpion hitting a four arm to the back of the head sending Scorpion flying through the ropes and landing close to the Consultant who is out cold, Vortex rolls under the bottom rope and picks Scorpion onto his shoulders and drops him head first onto the steel steps blood starts to pour out of the head of Scorpion as the crowd start the you suck chant.

RJ: This is not good for Scorpion.

MW: Lets not forget Scorpion is a two time hardcore champion this is right up his street.

Vortex checks on the Consultant who is coming round a little and then as Vortex comes round Scorpion hits a spear on vortex picks him and then rams Vortex into the hard steel ring post right on the back and drops him to the floor.

RJ: This is getting hard core now Michael.

MW: Your telling me RJ.

Scorpion then lifts Vortex back into the ring and goes in after him and goes for the cover.




RJ: New champion, New champion.

MW: No look, Vortex has his foot on the rope.

RJ: I thought that was it great ring awareness from VX.

The crowd boo loudly as the replay shows the right foot of Vortex on the rope just as the referee is going to count to three Scorpion slams the mat in frustration picks up Vortex and is about to hit another suplex but Vortex blocks and hits a head but then another one and Vortex then hits a Powerbomb a then goes for the cover.



Kick out...........

RJ: So close again for Vortex what does it take to keep Scorpion down?

MW: Some think like that you mean RJ?

The crowd boo's loudly as Vortex urges for Scorpion to get to his feet V-X Bomb (Spinning TKO) and goes for the cover.




Ding, Ding, Ding.

RJ: That's it Vortex retains his title.

MW: Great match, Unlucky for Scorpion but he did put up a fight for Vortex.

“Breathe” by Prodigy hits as the crowd boo's loudly the referee hands Vortex his free weight championship and holds vortex arm high in the air as the Consultant can be seen clapping on the out side of the ring and staggers a little from the shot by Scorpion earlier on in the match.

RJ: Cracking match tonight, Cracking show after the first two matches, Come back after the break and see some more great action.


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6WF Presents - Against The Wall!!! Empty Re: 6WF Presents - Against The Wall!!!

Post by Beer Sun 29 Jul 2012, 10:11 pm

The camera goes backstage to a darkened room where Chaos is sat staring into a mirror at his heavily taped ribs...

Last week when you viciously attacked me backstage and left me unable to compete. But I must have taught you something as you then made it look like I had attacked you. I bet Jenny thought that was something really special now didn't she. What you are forgetting is that I wrote that book, I am the master of the mind games afterall. And who knows that better than you James.

Which is why I am warning you, warning you to back down. To realise that it is I who pays half of your wages and that it is yours truly that picked you out as the True Successor to the True Prophet. So James, do you really want to engage your master. Do you really want to get schooled by the Greatest 6WF Champion in history and the man who should by right still hold that title? Do you really want to face off against the Best in the Business? Do you want to find out just how far off of being the Greatest

(Chaos pauses to soak in the boos)

Greatest Cruiserweight in the World Ever. Afterall James, you have seen first hand how deadly I can be and broken ribs or not I will destroy you on Sunday. And once I have I will systematically destroy everything you hold dear until you have nothing to live for.


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6WF Presents - Against The Wall!!! Empty Re: 6WF Presents - Against The Wall!!!

Post by Beer Sun 29 Jul 2012, 10:12 pm

Match 3
Chaos vs James McManus

RJ: Further singles action up next here on Against The Wall, and a match that has to be quite honest, been brewing for some time now.

MW: It certainly ahs RJ, this is the proverbial battle of master vs apprentice. For a long time, James McManus looked to Chaos as a leader, an inspiration.

RJ: But now he finally sees it as his time to break the mould, to go out there and fight for himself and who can blame him?

MW: He should stick by Chaos that man will take him to the top.

RJ: He won’t Michael, Chaos is out for himself no-one else. He wouldn’t put McManus before him.

“Sad but true” blazes out through the speakers and James McManus walks out onto the ramp, he is being accompanied to the ring by Jenny. He gets a mixed reaction from the crowd, some booing, some cheering. McManus walks down to the ring, sliding under the bottom rope. McManus rises to his feet and waits impatiently.

RJ: McManus certainly seems pumped up for this one.

MW: This is a huge test for McManus tonight, he’s put it out there that he is ready to move away from Chaos, that he is better than him. If he loses tonight, there is no going back on that.

IT’S AN OMEN followed by “Granite” play out and the crowd descend into loud boos as the former 6WF Undisputed Champion Chaos steps out onto the ramp. He swaggers down the ramp before springboarding into the ring staring down at McManus.

MW: Chaos looking supremely confident here, and who can blame him? He taught McManus everything he knows, does McManus really think he can use Chaos’ own teachings to beat him?

RJ: McManus had a very solid and damaging moveset before aligning with Chaos, he will have only got better.

MW: But is he on Chaos’ level?

RJ: Well, we are about to find out aren’t we?

Ding, Ding, Ding!

Chaos goes in for lock-up but McManus quickly places him into a side headlock. Chaos whips McManus out across the ring but he is knocked down with a shoulder block. Chaos rolls quickly up to his feet, he stares at McManus before smirking at him. McManus goes in at Chaos with a big punch, but Chaos blocks.

He fires off a couple of sharp punches before going for a boot to the stomach, McManus grabs it and then spins Chaos on the spot and then hitting a knee lift to the gut. Chaos keels over, McManus goes for a gutwrench suplex but Chaos lands on his feet and nails a roundhouse kick to the back of the head.

McManus falls to one knee, Chaos then proceeds to slap McManus across the face. Chaos goes to the ring apron, he springboards in and goes for a dropkick but McManus rolls away. Chaos stumbles to his feet and McManus hits an atomic drop, he follows this up with a white Russian legsweep. Cover.

Ref: 1...............2.......Kick out!

McManus places Chaos into a sleeper hold, Chaos quickly gets to his feet and counters with a jawbreaker. McManus falls back against the ropes, Chaos goes for a running clothesline but is back body dropped. He lands on the ring apron, Chaos springboards in and knocks McManus down with a big flying clothesline.

He gets to his feet and quickly runs the ropes, connecting with a big lionsault. He hooks the leg.

Ref: 1...............2.......Kick out!

McManus gets the shoulder up, Chaos quickly begin to stomp away on the head of McManus. The ref steps in and stops Chaos, who quickly goes back onto the attack when the ref is finished talking to him. He runs in at McManus who catches him with a roll-up.

Ref: 1............2........Kick out!

Both men leap to their feet simultaneously following the kick out, they start exchanging big punches in the middle of the ring.

McManus Punches: WOO!

Chaos Punches: BOO!

Chaos manages to get the advantage with a thumb to the eye, he then whip McManus out across the ring and connects with a Double A Spinebuster on the rebound. Chaos then heads to the top rope...

MW: Spinal Tap!

Ref: 1..............2........Kick out!

Chaos rises to his feet, he nails a couple of knees to the face before placing McManus into a side headlock. McManus gets to his feet, he goes for a belly to back suplex but Chaos drops down the back and hits McManus with a chopblock. He falls to his knees, Chaos leapfrogs over the top and then nails a vicious running knee to the head as he bounces off the ropes.

MW: Chaos really starting to assert himself in this match.

RJ: He only had the chance to do so after some blatant cheating though Michael.

MW: It’s only cheating if you get caught.

Ref: 1.............2.........Kick out!

Chaos waits for McManus to rise, he then hits a punch to the back of the head followed by a one-handed running bulldog. McManus stumbles to his feet and Chaos leaps up, he goes for a hurracanrana but McManus manages to hold him in the air...

MW Counter from Chaos into an armbar hold!

Chaos manages to hurracanrana McManus down whilst grabbing the right arm and locking in the cross armbar/armbreaker hold on his former protégé. The crowd boo Chaos loudly as he synchs back on the armbar hold, Jenny is cheering for McManus from the outside.

MW: I don’t see those words of encouragement making too much difference, Chaos really has got this hold locked in tightly.

RJ: Maybe you were right Michael, maybe McManus wasn’t ready for this. Chaos seems to have an answer for every move McManus throws at him.

McManus slowly gets to his feet, he puts Chaos over his shoulders and goes for an airplane spin but Chaos counters with a spinning DDT! He hooks the leg.

Ref: 1.............2.........Kick out!

Chaos lifts up McManus and throws him to the corner, he comes running in going for a shining wizard but McManus manages to catch him and this time manages to connect with a powerbomb. McManus slumps down and it is a while before he rises to his feet.

RJ: Does McManus have the energy left to get himself back into this match?

McManus waits for Chaos to rise, he boots him in the gut and then nails a snap suplex. Chaos stumbles up and McManus floors him with a clothesline. He hooks the leg.

Ref: 1..............2...........Kick out!

Chaos kicks out, McManus drags up Chaos and whips him out across the ring and connects with a spinebuster of his own. Chaos rises to his feet...

RJ: Powerslam!

Ref: 1..............2.........Kick out!

McManus rises to his feet, he throws Chaos into the corner. He follows up but Chaos counters with a pele kick. He goes for a springboard moonsault but McManus catches him, hitting a gutbuster. Chaos rises to his feet...

MW: Lou Thesz Press!

McManus pummels away on the head of Chaos until the ref intervenes. McManus covers.

Ref: 1.............2...........Kick out!

James McManus lifts up Chaos, he goes for a Death Valley Driver but Chaos lands on his feet. He hits McManus with a spin kick to the gut followed by a scissors kick! Chaos goes to the top rope...

RJ: Five Star Frog Splash!

Ref: 1..................2...........Kick out!

Chaos lifts up McManus, he sets up for the G-Force but McManus counters with a back body drop. McManus goes to the top rope, Chaos is up quickly, he runs to the corner and leaps to the top rope, then hitting a belly to belly suplex. Chaos then steadies himself on the top rope...

MW: Chaos Rising!

Ref: 1................2........................Kick out!

RJ: Amazing from McManus!

Chaos returns to the top rope, but McManus is quicker than expected and catches Chaos across his chest as a frog splash changes to a crossbody. He puts Chaos onto his shoulders...


Ref: 1....................2..................................3!

Ding, Ding, Ding!

RJ: McManus wins, what a huge win!


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6WF Presents - Against The Wall!!! Empty Re: 6WF Presents - Against The Wall!!!

Post by Beer Sun 29 Jul 2012, 10:21 pm

Scorpion is shown backstage looking frustrated as Rasta walks down the corridor....

Rasta: Eh mon, you not be looking so hot? How ya go on against da fat man?

Scorpion stares at Rasta before launching a clenched fist straight into his face sending Rasta crashing to the floor, Scorpion begins kicking him as security run over to pull him off. Danny McGraw approaches...

DM: What the hell is going on here? You think you can just walk around here attacking members of staff?

Scorpion: You screwed me again, McGraw. I want another shot.

DM: Another shot? I'll tell you what, until you decided to attack poor old innocent Rasta you may just have had a shot.....but instead, i'm gonna give him the shot......on Lockdown!!

*Crowd Pop*

Scorpion: You can;t do that! He's an abomination! Look at him, doped up, out of his face. I'm straight edge, it should be me!!!!

Scorpion tries to kick out at Rasta but is held back by security...

DM: Get him out of here.

Security drag Scorpion away as Rasta gets to his feet....

Rasta: Yo mon, what y'all say about me shot?

DM: That's right Rasta, you getting a title shot....against this man....

Vortex walks into shot, grinning at Rasta, he picks him up by the scruff of his neck and lifts him off his feet as Rasta gulps....

Rasta: I be seeing you soon then mon?

Vortex snarls and slams Rasta into the wall before walking off with McGraw laughing.


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Location : 'Whose kids are these? And how'd they get in my Lincoln?'

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6WF Presents - Against The Wall!!! Empty Re: 6WF Presents - Against The Wall!!!

Post by Beer Sun 29 Jul 2012, 10:24 pm

Nay Bother and Blue Dragon are shown backstage....

BD: How you feeling, man?

Nay: Yeah i'm fine man, i just wanna go out there and make a point that they can't keep me down.

BD: But what about your head? You know Logan is gonna be gunning for you...

Nay: Yeah, and i'm a big boy, Blue. I don't need protecting.

BD: I'm your friend, Nay. Head injuries don't just go away overnight. You gotta be careful.

Nay rolls his eyes and looks at Blue Dragon...

Nay: Yeah, we're friends Blue, but tonight, we're opponents, and i know you want that title just as much as i do. So lets go out there and put on a damn show and let the wrestling do the talking, cause you're giving me a headache...

Nay smiles at Blue Dragon and walks off....


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6WF Presents - Against The Wall!!! Empty Re: 6WF Presents - Against The Wall!!!

Post by Beer Sun 29 Jul 2012, 10:28 pm

Match 4

6WF Hardcore Title

Logan Kincade (C) vs Nay Bother vs Blue Dragon

RJ: Welcome back and what a big match we have next here on Against The Wall.

MW: Sure do RJ, A triple threat match for the 6WF Hardcore title involving three men whose fortunes have been embroiled with one and another for some time.

RJ: Nay Bother was Logan Kincade’s former tag partner before Kincade snapped, and Kincade only snapped because of a revelation made by the 3rd member of this match, Blue Dragon.

MW: Kincade has joined the Consultancy and has proved to be a truly dangerous competitor.

RA: Introducing the first challenger to the Hardcore Title...he weighs in at 220lbs...Nay Bother!

“I Fought the law” hits and the crowd are cheering loudly as Nay Bother steps out onto the ramp. His head is bandaged up as he proceeds to the ring, slapping the fans hands. Nay steps into the ring.

RJ: Nay has certainly been feeling the effects of the chair shot Kincade gave him last month.

RA: The 2nd challenger hails from Liverpool, England...


RA: And weighs in at 266lbs...BLUE DRAGON!

“Before I forget” blares out and after the initial boos for his hometown the crowd cheer as Blue Dragon walks out onto the ramp. He storms down to the ring, climbing over the top rope and slapping hands with Nay.

MW: I don’t see any alliance lasting too long in this situation.

RA: And finally...he hails from Liverpool(Boos from the crowd) and weighs in at 252lbs...the reigning and defending Hardcore Champion...LOGAN KINCADE!

“Edgecrusher” hits and the crowd boo loudly as Logan steps out onto the ramp, he holds up the Hardcore Title. Kincade then strides to the ring, sliding under the bottom rope.

Ding, Ding, Ding!

All 3 men stare at the title as the referee rings the bell for the match to start, Logan takes advantage by poking the pair of them in the eye and throwing Blue Dragon to the outside. Logan starts to work over Nay with punches in the corner and lifts nay up to the top rope. Logan springboards onto the top rope and goes for a hurricarana but Nay shoves him to the floor landing on top of Blue Dragon.

Nay stands up on the top rope and signals for the pair of them to get up, Nay lands a double moonsault to the outside landing on top of the both, He rolls Logan back into the ring and goes for a pinfall



Shoulder up!

Nay lifts Logan to his feet and lands the 1st of 3 suplexes but Logan knees him in the ribs before he can do the 2nd or 3rd and lands a reverse ddt , Logan heads for the top rope and lands a corkscrew moonsault onto nay and goes for the cover.



Logan is pulled out the ring by Blue Dragon

Blue Dragon lifts him up and powerslams him out the concrete floor, Blue Dragon looks under the ring and pulls out a ladder and a table , Blue Dragon sets up the table and hits Logan in the head with the ladder before setting it up close by.

Blue Dragon drags Logan and tries to lay him on the table but get his by a low blow and Logan goes for a powerbomb through the table but Blue Dragon grabs the ladder and pulls himself on to it, Logan starts to follow him up the ladder and tries to land a german suplex but Blue Dragons fights his way out with elbows and spins around facing Logan and hits him with a headbutt and lands the deathnote off the ladder crashing through the table below

Blue dragon pulls a drowzy Logan and rolls him into the ring but Nay knocks him off the apron and goes for the pin himself



Nay is pulled out by Blue Dragon who they charges him back first into the steel steps. Blue dragon pulls the top half of the steps off and puts them in the ring , Nay gets to his feet and ducks a big boot and lands a pele kick then rolls Blue Dragon into the ring.

Logan starts to rise to his feet and charges Nay but gets his with a backbreaker followed by the spinning neckbreaker.

Nay signals for the superkick but Logan ducks out the way and hits a springboard cross body.

Logan rolls out the ring and grabs a steel chair , Nay charges him on the apron but gets flattened with a chair shot falling into the corner, Logan goes to the top rope on the other side of the ring and jumps from coast to coast landing a chair drop kick to the head .Logan pulls him out the corner and goes for the pinfall



Blue Dragon breaks it up at the last second and deadlift powerbombs Logan and signals for Logan to get up,Blue dragon hits a massive spear, Blue Dragon goes for the pinfall



Shoulder up!

Blue dragon notices the chair in the corner of the ring .He takes a look at Logan who's starting to get to his feet with Nay also rising behind him.

Blue Dragon grabs the chair and slams it against the mat shouting get up at Logan who turns around but ducks at the last second nailing Nay over the head with the chair.

RJ: He hit Nay! He hit Nay!

Blue Dragon looks at a crumpled Nay on the floor, he looks around the crowd before staring at Nay...

MW: Blue's gonna pin him! He's gonna take the title from Nay! He meant to hit him! Look at his eyes....

RJ: Oh don't be ridiculous, it was an accident...oh look out.....!!!


Logan sneaks up behind him and lands the Blind Justice, he gets to his feet and smirks before covering Blue Dragon...




Ding, Ding, Ding!

RA: The winner of this match and still Hardcore Champion...Logan Kincade.

RJ: Kincade gets the win, after Nay is accidentally nailed by Blue Dragon with the steel chair.


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6WF Presents - Against The Wall!!! Empty Re: 6WF Presents - Against The Wall!!!

Post by Beer Sun 29 Jul 2012, 10:35 pm

Hobo is stood backstage with Clarissa and the crowd pop...

Clarissa: Hobo, it's a big night for you tonight, if you win, you get control of 6WF for one night only, how does that feel?

Hobo: I can't wait Clarissa. It's time to give back to all those riff-raffers who come here week in, week out and cheer for me. It's times to give them a night to remember, a night not controlled and dictated by Danny McGraw.

Clarissa: And in Trevor Swann you have an opponent you're building up quite a history with...

Hobo: Good ol', Trev. See, he knows that his title is the only thing that stands between me and the Grand Slam and he's going to cheat, avoid and do whatever it takes to make sure he doesn't have to drop that belt to me, and you know what, it's fine, cause somehow, someway i will get that belt...

Clarissa: Good luck out there, Hobo!

Hobo smiles....

Hobo: Thanks!


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6WF Presents - Against The Wall!!! Empty Re: 6WF Presents - Against The Wall!!!

Post by Beer Sun 29 Jul 2012, 10:39 pm

RJ: We're back live........hang on just a second....

MW: We're going backstage, RJ.

The camera switches backstage where security and agents are crowd round as a woman sobbing can be heard....

??: James....

The camera switches to show Jenny sat on the floor next to James McManus....

RJ: My god, he's out cold....

McManus is laying prone on the floor with blood running from a cut on his head....

Agent: Jenny, did you see what happened?

Jenny sobs as she looks at the agent....

Jenny: No, i just came round to find him and he was lying here, a man ran off but i didn't catch him. It's has to be Chaos.....he's had it in for James and now he's resprted to this.....HE'S SICK!!!!

EMT's approach and clear the way as they check on McManus...

MW: Chaos is certainly going to have to explain this one!

RJ: He sure will, folks will keep you updated on the condition of James McManus as we get it, we'll be back after the commercial.


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6WF Presents - Against The Wall!!! Empty Re: 6WF Presents - Against The Wall!!!

Post by Beer Sun 29 Jul 2012, 10:41 pm

Match 5

Hobo vs Trevor Swann

RJ: Singles action up here next at Against The Wall...

MW: And again, this is a match with plenty of history behind it. Hobo has been at loggerheads with 6WF Commissioner Danny McGraw for a hell of a long time now, and McGraw has been using the Consultancy group that has been formed to embarrass Hobo and rid 6WF of him.

RJ: Tonight it is European Champion Trevor Swann who faces Hobo, and of course that is another facet to this match, as Hobo only needs the European Title to complete the 6WF Grand Slam.

MW: The title isn’t on the line tonight but should Hobo win, even McGraw would find it difficult to deny Hobo a shot at the title.

RJ: And this time we mean a proper shot, not getting hit over the head with the title.

“Dreadlock holiday” hits and the crowd boo loudly as Trevor Swann walks out onto the ramp, he holds up the European Title to even louder boos. He then proceeds down the ramp to the ring, he slides under the bottom rope.

“Don’t fear the reaper” blares out and the crowd erupt for 6WF Favourite Hobo. He runs out onto the ramp and then continues to sprint down the rampway, tagging the fans hands as they chant his name. Hobo steps into the ring.

MW: Really looking forward to Swann finally ending Hobo’s dream!

RJ: I can’t see a defeat tonight ending Hobo’s dream, but he may have to wait until the belt is away from the Consultancy before he gets another shot.

Ding, Ding, Ding!

Hobo and Swann lock-up, Swann drives Hobo back slightly but he responds with the Hobo Handshake(Thumb to the eye) Swann spins around temporarily blinded and Hobo boots him in the gut, he then hits a hard knee to the side followed by a side-russian legsweep. Cover.


2.....Kick out!

Hobo lifts up Swann in a sleeper hold, he hits a couple of knees to the back but Swann counters with snapmare. Swann then runs the ropes and connects with a dropkick to the side of the head. Swann goes to the top rope...

RJ: Double Foot Stomp.


2...Kick out!

Hobo kicks out, Swann drags Hobo back towards the corner and then begins to stomp down on Hobo. Finally Swann retreats before running in and nailing a baseball slide. Hobo pulls himself up using the ropes. Swann runs in attempting a clothesline but Hobo grabs him over his shoulders, he then hits a running facebuster. Cover.


2.....Kick out!

MW: Impressive start from Hobo.

Hobo waits for Swann to rise, he then hits the down n out boxing combination forcing Swann against the ropes. Hobo then whips him out across the ring and connects with a leaping high knee on the rebound. Swann rolls up and Hobo floors him with a huge running forearm. He hooks the leg.


2.......Kick out!

Swann is dragged to his feet by Hobo who boots him in the gut and then follows up with a Double Arm DDT.

MW: Warrior Splash!

RJ: Trash TV homage there!


2.........Kick out!

The European Champion kicks out, Hobo lifts him into position for a Torture Rack submission hold but Swann drops down the back and then connects with a killswitch. Cover.


2.......Kick out!

MW: Great counter there by Swann!

Swann allows Hobo up to his feet before flooring him with a running lariat. He follows that up with a standing moonsault. Again he covers.


2........Kick out!

Swann brings Hobo to his feet, he hits a couple of elbows to the head. He goes to whip Hobo to the corner but Hobo is stronger, he launches Swann towards the corner, he attempts a moonsault. Hobo catches him but Swann drops down the back, hits a reverse DDT backbreaker followed by a spinning neckbreaker.


2......Kick out!

RJ: Good stuff from Swann here!

Swann goes up top...

MW: Plancha!


2...........Kick out!

Again Hobo kicks out, Swann waits for him to rise before hitting a scoop slam. Then he returns to the top rope...

RJ: Swann Dive...Moved!

Hobo rolls out of the way, Swann stirs to his feet...

RJ: Hobo Cuddle!




Ding, ding, Ding!

RJ: Out of nowhere Hobo gets the win!

MW: A huge win for Hobo over a member of the Consultancy.

*The crowd cheer as Hobo gets to his feet.


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6WF Presents - Against The Wall!!! Empty Re: 6WF Presents - Against The Wall!!!

Post by Beer Sun 29 Jul 2012, 10:45 pm

RJ: What a great win for Hobo!

MW: McGraw won't be happy, god knows what Hobo is going to have in store for us!

RJ: It's going to be a night to remember thats for sure.....Ladies and Gents we aren't far away from our Main Event. A match which will bring together 4 seriously combustible elements, and none more so than Cassius Zhi, who this week has become more and more unhinged, let's take you back....

Cassius Zhi is backstage in his locker room, intently watching his kettle boil.

Cassius : This is the opportunity, Jess. This is the one that won’t escape my grasp the way of the ones before. Once again Crime Lord has conspired to put others between us… the Time Attack was four other men… the Battle Royal was a whole roster… but this time Two? I fear two is as good as we’re going to get, Jess. But it’s ok. We can manage two. We HAVE TO manage two. Two is fine.

The kettle clicks and Cassius pours the boiled water over the sticks of green tea in his cup

Cassius : But only if we manage the situation carefully… accurately. Leave nothing to chance. And luckily, that’s exactly what you’re so wonderfully adept at. Managing! You’re a true expert in the field.

Cassius turns to face the sofa in the room with a sly grin

Cassius : Don’t blush at such a compliment. Why display embarrassment at such a skill? Why exercise any modicum of modesty when basking in the glow of such overwhelming success as your career? Success we will repeat this Sunday. Our glorious day of rest once the mountain of work standing before us today and this week is complete. Work on a faultless strategy. I know enough about Crime Lord and Uryu now. I’ve watched them enough. I’ve been within their proximity enough over these past few weeks. But TGA… I’m going to need material.

Cassius clicks his fingers anxiously

Cassius : I’m going to need dossiers, DVD’s… strengths, weaknesses, fears… family history, medical history, company record…. Everything! I’m going to need everything on TGA, Jessica. And more importantly I need to know what he’s been doing for the past two years – what preparations he has undertaken? Because I can see it in his eyes, Jess, I saw it up close on Lockdown… in the heat of battle. I can see that he remembers our most bloody encounter… I can see he still has the scars on his soul… there’s fear there! Still a bit of fear, Jess. But fear breeds unpredictability. And unpredictability mixed with ill preparation…. It’s leaving too much to chance. It’s too much of a risk. WE NEED TO KNOW EVERYTHING!

Get me everything!

Cassius gulps a huge mouthful of tea and his eyes dart the perimeter of the room, before looking back at Jessica

Cassius : I know I can beat Crime Lord. I’m the last person to beat him on PPV. So he knows it too… and Crime Lord fears it. That’s why all these matches have so many combatants. So many places to hide. So many human shields to take the ferocity out of the blast. But not on Sunday. There’s only two. We can manage two. And once we’ve prepared for TGA, he’ll still be the same man I destroyed two years ago. The same man who’s career I could have ended. There’s fear there too.


And there’s fear in Uryu too, Jess. He’s admitted it himself. To the world. To me!

Cassius’ hands twitch and he drops his tea on the floor, muttering a curse word under his breath. He holds his hand out.

Cassius : Leave it. We don’t have time to clean up. That’s dead time!

We’re talking about Fear! In Uryu!

Uryu fears that I’m out of control. That that makes me somehow more dangerous. To him. To Crime Lord. TGA. EVERYONE! But I’m not out of control. He’s right, I’m dangerous… but not out of control! I’m IN control. And once our work here is done… I will be IN control of that match, every step of the way. And together we will be in control of this company once more, Jess! You and me! IN CONTROL! Me as 6WF World Heavyweight Champion… and you by my side!


Cassius rushes to the table and makes himself another cup of tea, then grabs a thick folder of documents with Crime Lord’s name on it from a shelf.

Cassius : He thinks I’ve lost my mind. But we’ll show him! We’ll show Uryu that he’s the crazy one!

Now let’s not leave this room until we’re done. Until we’re fully prepared.

Until we’re in control!

Cassius walks to the locker room door and locks it from the inside, then leaps onto the sofa. For the first time the camera pans behind Cassius.

No-one is sat with him.

Cassius opens up the folder and starts spreading out the documents inside.

RJ : Oh my God…. there’s….

MW : Jessica’s not there RJ.

RJ : Then who…. Who is he...? I don’t like this Wire. Not one bit.

MW : Uryu’s right 'Arj. He’s out of his damn mind. And now he’s locked himself in that room!

RJ: He is certainly on the edge, and we know how unpredictable he can be...

MW: That's right, RJ. But this is stranger than we have ever seen him and certainly he will be one to be reckoned with later...


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6WF Presents - Against The Wall!!! Empty Re: 6WF Presents - Against The Wall!!!

Post by Beer Sun 29 Jul 2012, 10:49 pm

RJ: Ladies and Gentleman this is going to be a classic. JJ Johnson, the Franchise Initiative will finally get his hands on The Saint and Christopher Patricks when he teams with Clarke James....let's take you back and show you how this all came about....

A video rolls showing highlights from JJ's losing streak and the continual beatdowns he suffered at the hands of The Saint and Chris Patricks and the involvement of Clarke James ending with the confrontation at Lockdown..

MW: JJ Johnson was on the brink of ruin, yet, somehow, he's back and god knows he's ready for this!


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6WF Presents - Against The Wall!!! Empty Re: 6WF Presents - Against The Wall!!!

Post by Beer Sun 29 Jul 2012, 10:49 pm

Match 6

Clarke James/JJ Johnson vs The Saint/Christopher Patricks

MW: We are drawing to the end of 6WF Against The Wall, but luckily for you it’s not quite over yet, two more matches to go.

RJ: And they are two huge matches involving the biggest stars 6WF has to offer. Up first here is a tag team contest.

MW: And this one is a real grudge match isn’t it RJ? The alliance between Saint and Christopher Patricks continues as they square off against the team of JJ Johnson and Clarke James.

RJ: Over the past month this feud has really heated up, The Saint and Patricks attacked JJ on the first Lockdown after Chaos ruling him out of the battle royal. The next week they beat down Clarke James after he offered to assist JJ in his battle with these two.

MW: And then last week, Johnson seemed to be tipped over the edge. His losing streak continued, he had alienated the rest of the roster and it took a verbal bashing from long-time mentor Marlo Green to kick him into action.

RJ: And boy did the pep talk have the desired effect, JJ stormed the ring as The Saint and Patricks beat down James again, seeing them off and challenging them to this match.

“Monster” blares out through the speakers and the Saint’s home-crowd rise to their feet and cheer Saint as he steps out onto the ramp, though a few loud boos are audible from the crowd. The Saint walks down to the ring in a “Manchester Forever” T-Shirt, he slides in and launches the shirt into the crowd. He rises to his feet and waits as...

“Ascending Malice” hits and the crowd boo loudly for the arrival of his tag team partner, Christopher Patricks. Patricks runs down to the ring before sliding under the bottom rope. He slaps hands with Patricks.

MW: What a formidable combination these two are, both men former world champions and both men keen to inflict punishment on Johnson and James.

RJ: You have to wonder how their alliance will last, as you list as one of their strengths both being world champions, surely their ambitions will be to return there?

MW: They know they will get there quicker working together rather than against each other.

“Cinderella man” hits and the crowd cheer as Clarke James steps out onto the rampway. He nods to the fans before walking down the ramp slowly, staring down Saint and Patricks who smile back at him. He then waits by the ring...

“Remember the name” blazes out over the speakers and the crowd erupt into huge cheers as JJ Johnson moonwalks out onto the ramp. He spins on the spot and pyro’s go off around him, Johnson then sprints to the ring tagging the fans hands. He slides in and slaps hands with James.

MW: What a reception for JJ Johnson, I’d say it was even louder than the one that The Saint received and he is in his home city.

RJ: And The Saint is clearly not too happy with the way his people have reacted to JJ’s arrival.

*The Saint is visibly seething as the bell rings.

Ding, Ding, Ding!

The Saint starts off in the ring, the anger etched across his face. Clarke James goes in for the lock-up, Saint drives a knee into the gut and then starts to pummel down on the back of James who collapses to the mat. The Saint waits impatiently for James to rise before flooring him with a scoop slam.

Again Saint waits for James to rise before whipping him out across the ring, James goes for a crossbody block but Saint catches him and nails a backbreaker followed by a fallaway slam. James rises to his feet and Saint floors him with a clothesline. Cover.

MW: Saint has been fired up by the reaction JJ got from this crowd.

Ref: 1...........2...Kick out!

James forces the shoulder up, Saint immediately starts to stomp away on James who rolls back into a neutral corner. Saint runs in going for a stinger splash, which connects. James walks forward out of the corner and Saint goes for a side-slam backbreaker but James elbows his way out, he then goes for a boot to the gut but Saint grabs it...Enzaguri kick!

Saint stumbles up to his feet and Clarke James hits The Saint with a spinning heel kick. Saint stumbles up and James nails a leaping reverse STO. Cover.

Ref: 1...............2......Kick out!

Saint kicks out, James places him into a sleeper but Saint is up quickly and manages to throw Clarke James to the mat with a hip toss. James gets to his feet and Saint hits James with a big belly to belly throw. James stumbles up and he is placed into a side headlock. Saint tags in Patricks who hits a boot to the face on James.

Patricks then hits a couple of big European Uppercuts backing James across the ring and into the ropes, CP then whips him out across the ring and connects with a corkscrew back elbow on the rebound. Cover.

Ref: 1.............2.......Kick out!

Patricks lifts up James, he boots him in the gut and goes for a front flip piledriver which James counters with a back body drop. Patricks stumbles up, James hits an atomic drop, James then bounces off the ropes and connects with a big crossbody. Cover.

Ref: 1.............2......Kick out!

Patricks gets the shoulder up, James places him into a front facelock. Patricks gets to his feet and James hits a series of big knees to the face, Patricks forces him back to the corner but James tags in JJ who steps behind Patricks and hits a German suplex.

Patricks stumbles up to his feet and runs at JJ, who lifts him onto his shoulders and connects with a Samoan drop. Cover.

Ref: 1............2......Kick out!

JJ lifts up Patricks, he fires in some big right uppercuts that back Patricks against the ropes. Patricks looks for the tag from Saint but he shakes his head. JJ whips him out across the ring and then connects with an emerald fusion on the rebound. JJ tags James, he goes to the top rope.

JJ again whips Patricks out across the ring, this time nailing a sidewalk slam. James then dives off the top rope and connects with a Corkscrew Senton. Cover.

Ref: 1............2........Kick out!

James lifts up Patricks, he connects with an inverted atomic drop. Patricks keels over and James runs the ropes, sunset flipping over into the pinfall. Cover.

Ref: 1............2.......Kick out!

James drags Patricks to the corner, he tags in JJ. JJ whips Patricks out of the corner straight into a James spinebuster, Patricks rolls up and JJ floors him with a spear from on the apron!

Ref: 1..............2..........Kick out!

JJ hauls up Patricks, he boots him in the gut and then connects with a powerbomb followed with another powerbomb.

RJ: What power from Johnson, really looks like he is back!

Ref: 1...............2.........Kick out!

JJ tags in James, he steps into the ring and lifts up Patricks. He goes for a tilt-a-whirl neckbreaker but Patricks counters with a neckbreaker of his own. James stumbles up, knee to the gut...

MW: Front Flip Piledriver!

Ref: 1...........2.......Kick out!

Patricks gets to his feet and he then proceeds to stomp away on the abdomen of James who rolls away towards the ropes. Patricks hits a choke slingshot, he then allows James to stumble up before nailing a superkick!

Ref: 1.............2........Kick out!

Patricks drags James to the corner, he tags in The Saint and the two begin to stomp a mudhole into James.

RJ: Double team, come on ref!

MW: No different to what James and JJ did earlier.

Eventually Patricks is forced to leave the ring. Saint lifts up James out of the corner. He sends him into the opposite corner and nails a big clothesline, James walks forward into a huge boot from The Saint. Cover.

Ref: 1.............2.......Kick out!

Saint immediately stomps away on the head of James until once more the ref is involved. Saint waits impatiently as James stumbles up, he hits a knee into the back and then applies an abdominal stretch. After wrenching back on the hold for a good couple of minutes, he drills James to the mat with a pumphandle slam. Cover.

Ref: 1.............2.......Kick out!

Saint tags in Patricks, they hit a double brain buster. Saint then picks up James, he throws him towards Patricks who connects with a knee to the head, James topples groggily into the path of The Saint who drills him to the canvas with a huge sit-down powerbomb.

Ref: 1...........2........Kick out!

RJ: Absolute dominance from Patricks and Saint.

MW: James completely isolated.

Patricks drags up James, he connects with a jumping DDT. He then goes to the outside...

RJ: The Big Bang!

Ref: 1.............2.........Kick out!

Patricks places James into a leg scissors hold. James manages to get to his feet but Patricks manages to counter with a backcracker. He tags in The Saint, he lifts up James and nails an implant DDT. Cover.

Ref: 1...........2...........Kick out!

James just about kicks out, Saint waits for him to rise before booting James in the stomach...

MW: Divine Destroyer!

Ref: 1.................2..............Kick out!

Again James kicks out, Saint tags in Patricks, he goes up top...

RJ: Puzzle Solver...


James manages to roll back to the corner...


Johnson storms the ring, Patricks manages to tag in The Saint. Saint runs in, he throws a big punch that JJ blocks and he then fires off a series of big punches, his trademark boxing combination finishing things off backing Saint into the ropes. He whips him across the ring...


Patricks comes running in at JJ but he nails a pele kick! JJ kips to his feet and the crowd pop hugely. Saint gets to his feet, he throws a groggy clothesline that Johnson easily ducks, he counters with a jawbreaker followed by a huge belly to belly suplex that sends Saint flying across the ring.

Patricks launches himself from the apron into the ring but JJ catches him in mid-air and nails a huge spinebuster! Patricks rolls to the apron Saint stumbles up and JJ hits a boot to the gut...

MW: Scissors kick!

RJ: Johnson on fire!

Ref: 1............2........Kick out!

Johnson lifts up The Saint, he whips him out across the ring again and connects with a leaping back elbow. Saint rises, JJ goes for the Fade to Black but Saint shoves him away and tags Patricks. JJ runs over and throws Patricks into the ring, he stumbles up straight into an RKO!

Ref: 1..........2.......Kick out!

JJ lifts up Patricks, he hits the Dragon suplex, then goes up top.

RJ: Shooting star press!

Ref: 1.............2...............Kick out!

JJ lifts up Patricks, he goes for the VIP experience but Patricks drops down the back and shoves JJ to the corner, who tags James. He goes to tag in The Saint but he drops off the apron. Patricks turns around and eats Faithless, James then re-tags Johnson...


Ref: 1..............2..................3!

Ding, Ding, Ding!

RJ: JJ breaks the losing streak!

MW: And in The Saint’s hometown!

*Johnson and James celebrate in the ring as The Saint looks on angrily from the ramp.


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6WF Presents - Against The Wall!!! Empty Re: 6WF Presents - Against The Wall!!!

Post by Beer Sun 29 Jul 2012, 10:55 pm

Main Event

6WF Undisputed Title

Fatal Four Way

Crime Lord (C) vs TGA vs Cassius Zhi vs Uryu

RJ: Ladies and Gentleman, what a show it has been this evening here at the MEN Arena for Against The Wall, some absolutely tremendous contests have been witnessed tonight.

MW: The show is coming to an end unfortunately, but not before our Main Event, a Fatal Four Way match for the 6WF Undisputed Title.

RJ: What a match this one promises to be Michael, there’s so many different facets to this match, so many different feuds that it is almost impossible to call.

MW: I certainly wouldn’t recommend betting on this match folks, as RJ says this is one hell of a tough call, there is no over-whelming favourite tonight. You’d say Crime Lord was least likely to walk out champion purely because of the numbers game, but then you only have to think back to last month where he last the whole time attack match without losing the belt and then 5 days later defended the title in a battle royal.

RA: Ladies and Gentleman, it is now time for your MAIN EVENT! It is a fatal four way match, scheduled for one fall and is for the 6WF UNDISPUTED CHAMPIONSHIPPPPP!

*Crowd pop

RA: Introducing the first challenger, he hails from Nottingham, England and weighs in at 220lbs...URYUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU ISHIDDAAAAAA!

“Those who fight further” hits and the crowd cheer loudly as Uryu slowly walks out onto the ramp. He surveys the arena before nodding to the fans, he then walks down to the ring tagging the fans hands. He climbs up the steel steps and walks along the apron, again saluting the fans, before springboarding into the ring.

RJ: What a run Uryu has been on as of late Michael, he has propelled himself into the world title scene. That is some achievement considering how long he has been here, he must have thought the time had been and gone for him.

MW: His drive and determination is admirable RJ, but as you say it’s taken him a long-time to get here, arguably he’s now in decline rather in his peak in terms of age, is he really good enough?

RJ: He more than held his own in both the Time Attack and Battle Royal matches, and to be honest Michael I completely disagree, I think he has just hit his peak.

RA: Introducing the 2nd challenger, hailing from Tibet, China and weighing in at 250lbs...CASSSIUSSSS ZHIIIIIIIIIIIIII!

“They Say” blasts out through the speakers and the crowd’s cheers continue as Cassius Zhi storms out onto the rampway. He stares down intensely at Uryu before stomping down to the ring, the crowd chanting Cassius Gonna Kill You building into a crescendo as he slides under the bottom rope and leaps to his feet.

MW: This one of the many feuds going into this match, Uryu cost Cassius the world title at last month’s Time Attack match, breaking his pin attempt just before the 3 count.

RJ: It’s been said that Cassius isn’t what he used to be, even Miss Jessica seems to be having her doubts about him. Tonight is the night for him to show that he is not past it, that he is just a bigger threat as ever.

RA: Introducing the final challenger...he hails from Newcastle, England and weighs in at 310lbs...T........G.......AAAAAAAAAAAA!

The crowd erupts and rises to it’s feet as “Just Close your eyes” blazes out around the arena , smoke billows around the top of the ramp and slowly TGA walks out onto the main stage and the cheers get even louder. The crowd go wild either side of him as he walks down the middle of the rampway to the ring, he climbs over the top rope and stares down the two opponents in the ring.

RJ: Michael, I never thought I would see the day when TGA would once again be Main Eventing a 6WF Pay Per View, looking to regain the 6WF Championship.

MW: His return shook the wrestling world to it’s core RJ, the blogs went wild, twitter crashed that’s how many people were talking about this return. This is bigger than the Rock or Brock Lesnar returning to WWE, TGA is a bona fide 6WF Legend.

RJ: It’s not just that, it was the way he came back. Crime Lord had been utterly dominant, he thought he had the whole roster beat and arguably he did, until the newest addition revealed and TGA cleaned house on him!

RA: And finally...from Lancaster, England...he weighs in at 285lbs...he is the reigning and defending 6WF UNDISPUTED CHAMPION...CRIME LOOOORRDDDDD!

The crowd descend into huge boos as “Rain Wizard” plays out, Crime Lord slowly strides out onto the top of the ramp, he has the 6WF Title wrapped firmly around his waist. He removes the belt and holds it up before storming down to the ring. He to steps over the top rope into the ring, and proceeds to stare down TGA.

MW: Like you said RJ, prior to the return of TGA Crime Lord had been utterly dominant here in 6WF, no-one could beat him and he will want to show that remains the same, even if TGA is back.

RJ: Of course they are former friends Michael, former allies from the Dynasty and New Dynasty, that is until Crime Lord turned his back on him, Mike Hill and Rock V2 and created the Crime Syndicate.

MW: This feud has been years in the making RJ, and I can’t quite believe it’s actually happening.

Ding, Ding, Ding!

The match starts off and Uryu quickly decides that he is going to go after the champion, leaving TGA and Cassius to fight it out. Uryu hits Crime Lord with a couple of punches but the Undisputed Champion fires back with a stiff knee to the stomach, he follows that up with a release Fishermans suplex!

TGA and Cassius lock-up, TGA uses his power to force Zhi back against the ropes. Cassius in a Roundhouse kick to the gut, TGA keels over and Cassius goes for a neckbreaker but TGA spins his way out, he then lifts Cassius onto his shoulders and connects with the silent death!

RJ: The start of this match being dominated by the power of TGA and Crime Lord!

MW: It’s quite clear those two have the advantage in that department, Uryu and Cassius need to use their speed to get the advantage over those two.

Crime Lord goes to take out TGA with a clothesline but he is cut off by Uryu who connects with a running dropkick on Crime Lord. He stumbles back into the ropes, Uryu tries to whip him across the ring but Crime Lord uses his strength to launch Uryu across the ring, only to be met with a corkscrew crossbody block on the rebound!

TGA lifts up Cassius Zhi, then he hits a suplex on him. Zhi rises to his feet, TGA lifts Cassius onto his shoulders in a torture rack position but Zhi manages to drop down the back and hit TGA with a vicious spinning neckbreaker. He hooks the leg for the first pinfall of the match.

Ref: 1..............2..........Kick out!

Crime Lord gets to his feet following Uryu’s crossbody, only for Uryu to hit a monkey flip sending Crime Lord to the corner. Uryu comes running in only for Crime Lord to get the boot up into the face, Uryu falls forward and Crime Lord drills him to the canvas with a huge powerbomb! Cassius lifts up TGA, he is firing away Roundhouse kick when TGA blocks one, he then throws Zhi down with a belly to belly throw.

TGA runs forward but is cut off by Crime Lord who hits a big boot. TGA falls against the ropes and Crime Lord beats away on him with big punches before running and knocking him down to the outside with a huge clothesline. Crime Lord turns around with a big grin on his face only to be met with a superkick from Cassius!

Zhi immediately begins to stomp away on the head of Crime Lord. The 6WF Undisputed Champion tries to shield himself but Zhi continues with the stomps until the referee steps in and forces him away. Crime Lord stumbles up and Zhi hits a running calf kick. Cover.

Ref: 1..........2.....Kick out!

Crime Lord forces the shoulder up off the canvas, Cassius waits for him to get onto his knees before running the ropes and hitting a big kick to the side of the head. Crime Lord rolls into the corner, Cassius spins him and then catapults him into the top turnbuckle. Zhi goes to the apron and nails a roundhouse kick to the side of the head, Crime Lord stumbles backwards and Zhi springboards in hitting a clothesline.

Ref:1 .........2........Kick out!

MW: Cassius now starting to take control of this match-up, it’s been a long time since he had that world title around his waist isn’t it RJ?

RJ: Sure is Michael, but tonight Zhi seems fully focused, he’s not distracted by getting revenge on Uryu, he’s doing what he has to win that world title.

Cassius is onto his feet, he drops a couple of knees into the face and then drags up Crime Lord. He puts him into a sleeper hold, Crime Lord tries to get the ropes but he is dragged back by Zhi who connects with a backbreaker. He then runs the ropes, hitting a senton.

Cassius gets to his feet only to turn around straight into a big spinebuster from TGA who is back in the ring! Crime Lord is up onto his feet, he runs at TGA, who ducks the clothesline then nails a huge Germans suplex and Crime Lord rolls away to the outside. Zhi is up, TGA boots him in the stomach and then nails the Lights Out!

Ref: 1...........2........Kick out!

TGA places Zhi into a seated rear chinlock. Cassius manages to fight up to his feet and he spins out, only for TGA to again keel him over with a kick to the stomach, this time Teej follows up with the Angel Driver. Again he makes the cover.

Ref: 1..............2........Kick out!

RJ: The most impressive thing about TGA is that it is like he has never been away, he came back to 6WF after a two year absence and has shown no signs of being ring rusty whatsoever.

MW: TGA was always the consummate professional RJ, but even I didn’t expect him to come back in shape like this. He’s only had two matches since a 2 year absence and he has been dominant in both.

RJ: And he is certainly dominating Cassius Zhi here tonight!

TGA lifts up Zhi and he fires off a series of big punches to the chin, he follows those up with a sharp body punch. TGA lifts Cassius onto his shoulders and places him into the torture rack hold once again. He walks around the ring, carrying Zhi almost effortlessly across his back.

MW: Submission locked in...

RJ: Or not Michael!

TGA then changes the move, leaping up and driving Zhi’s back across his shoulders. TGA hooks the leg.

Ref: 1..............2........Kick out!

TGA rises to his feet, he stomps down on the back of Cassius repeatedly and then places him into the Heaven’s Gate(Boston Crab)

RJ: Now the submission is locked in, and look how vicious this hold is!

TGA pulls back viciously on the Boston Crab, he sits further down to increase the pressure on Zhi’s back.

Crowd: TGA! TGA! TGA!

The crowd chant his name but before the hold takes full effect, Uryu takes TGA out with a missile dropkick. TGA stumbles up and Uryu connects with a rotating DDT!

Ref: 1............2........Kick out!

MW: Now Uryu’s turn to try and take control of this match.

Uryu waits for TGA to rise, he hits a spin kick to the stomach, he then runs the ropes and hits a boot to the face. TGA falls to the corner. Uryu runs in and connects with a shining wizard, he then climbs to the top rope before nailing a flying bulldog. Cover.

Ref: 1..............2.........Kick out!

Uryu again waits for TGA to rise, he then goes for a boot to the gut. TGA grabs it but Uryu counters with an enzaguri kick. TGA stumbles into the corner, Uryu monkey flips him out of the corner. TGA stumbles up and Uryu hits a running, jumping clothesline and again makes the pin attempt.

Ref: 1.............2.......Kick out!

RJ: Despite all of his experience in 6WF, in terms of world title matches, Uryu is the least experienced in this match.

MW: He only got his first world title shot last month, and I can’t help but feel he’s gone too early here. He should have waited for someone else to deal with TGA before taking advantage.

Uryu waits for TGA to rise, he drags him to the corner and then lifts him to the top rope...


Ref: 1.............2..............Kick out!

TGA barely kicks out, Uryu goes to the top rope for the split second but Crime Lord is up and hits the ropes, causing Uryu to crotch himself. He puts Uryu over his shoulders and then connects with a running powerslam!

Ref: 1............2.........Kick out!

Uryu kicks out and Crime Lord goes straight on the attack, stomping away at Uryu. Finally he drags him up and whips him out across the ring, hitting him with an STO on the way back. Uryu stumbles up, Crime Lord boots him in the stomach and then hits another powerbomb!

Ref: 1...........2.......Kick out!

MW: Here comes the champ!

Crime Lord lifts up Uryu in a side headlock, Uryu whips him across the ring but Crime Lord decimates on the rebound with a clothesline from hell. Uryu stumbles back into the corner and Crime Lord runs in, he nails a huge splash! Uryu stumbles out of the corner and Crime Lord bounces off the ropes hitting a spear!

RJ: What impact!

Ref: 1..............2.........Kick out!

Uryu forces the shoulder up, Crime Lord lifts him up for a suplex but Uryu drops out down the back, Cassius quickly goes for the Dragon’s Fury but Uryu ducks and then dropkicks Zhi down to the outside.

Uryu spins around and Crime Lord hits him with a boot to the side, Uryu keels over and Crime Lord bounces off the ropes...

RJ: That was sickening!

MW: The most brutal Mafia Mow Down I have ever witnessed!

Uryu falls to the outside, Crime Lord turns around to be face to face with none other than TGA.

RJ: With no offence to the others in this match, this is the moment these fans have been waiting for...and TGA is wasting no time!

TGA nails a headbutt on Crime Lord, Crime Lord returns with a punch of his own. Soon the two are brawling all around the ring, firing in punches, slamming each other’s heads into turnbuckles. Eventually Crime Lord gets the advantage with a poke to the eye, he then connects with a Fireman’s Carry into a gutbuster!

Ref: 1...........2........Kick out!

Crime Lord hauls up TGA, he sets up for a Belly to Belly but TGA blocks, he then hits a big throw off his own. Crime Lord stumbles up and walks straight into the Angel Wings!

Ref: 1..........2........Kick out!

This time it is TGA who lifts his old rival to his feet, he sets up for the Angel Clash but Crime Lord back body drops him. Crime Lord goes to the 2nd rope and hits a double axe handle down onto the head of TGA. TGA stumbles up...Big Boot from Crimey!

Ref: 1............2.........Kick out!

Crime Lord sets up for the Custody but TGA shoves him away into the ropes. Crime Lord falls back to the centre of the ring...SPINEBUSTER!

MW: What a contest between these two, matching each other’s strength and then one-upping it.

Ref: 1............2...........Kick out!

TGA waits for Crime Lord to rise, he whips him across the ring, Crime Lord goes for a clothesline which TGA counters with a snap powerslam! Crime Lord is down...

RJ: What a contest this has been tonight folks, an unbelievable fatal four way match for the 6WF Undisputed Title!

MW: Each man has come so close to winning that belt on occasions tonight, but right now, TGA is in the driving seat. Crime Lord is down, we don’t know where Uryu is such was the ferociousness of that Mafia Mow Down he took from Crime Lord!

TGA is standing, waiting impatiently for Crime Lord to rise. The crowd are chanting TGA’s name loudly as Crime Lord starts clawing at the legs of TGA to pull himself up, he slowly manages to get to his feet. TGA whips him across the ring...




TGA nails the Black Hole Slam and Crime Lord is lay flat out on the canvas. TGA turns around to go and make the pinfall...




Cassius goes to make the cover on TGA...


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Age : 39
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6WF Presents - Against The Wall!!! Empty Re: 6WF Presents - Against The Wall!!!

Post by Beer Sun 29 Jul 2012, 10:56 pm

Ref: 1........................2.................................



Uryu hits the 450 splash just as the hand was about to come down for the 3 count. All 4 men are down in the ring, slowly Crime Lord rolls towards TGA.


Crime Lord puts his arm over the prone body of TGA.

Ref: 1......................2..............................................3!

Ding, Ding, Ding!


RJ: He didn’t hit his finisher in that sequence, in fact TGA nailed him with the hell and back, yet it is Crime Lord who walks out of Against The Wall with the 6WF Undisputed Championship still in his possession!

MW: Unbelievable RJ! Un-freaking-believable!


The crowd are booing loudly as Crime Lord slowly stirs to his feet, the ref passes him the belt and he clutches it tight to his chest. He leaves the ring and stumbles up the rampway, turning and holding up the belt before leaving.

MW: What a match, what a match RJ!

RJ: How on earth Crime Lord walked out of here with that belt I don’t know!

Cassius slowly stirs in the ring following the split second...

RJ: Cassius came so close to winning that...

MW: And he isn’t happy RJ!

Zhi looks at Uryu, realising that once again it was Uryu who has cost him the title. Cassius rolls away to the outside and goes crazy, he starts booting over the railings and shoving fans out of their chairs. He tips one set of steel steps over and then throws another set away.

Cassius walks towards the Spanish announce table, he grabs one announce by the throat and then throws him over the table, the 2nd announcer quickly scurries away as Zhi boots the chairs over and then removes the top of the commentary desk and throws it down. He removes the monitors and throws them to the floor and then tips the whole desk over.

RJ: Zhi has completely snapped here!

MW: Shut up RJ damn it, he might come after us next!

Cassius rips the bell out of the time-keepers area and throws that down, following that he then throws the time-keeper out of the booth as well. Zhi then turns around and sees Uryu stumbling to his feet. Zhi walks around the ring menacingly. He slides in and as Uryu rises starts hitting him with a series of vicious roundhouse kicks to the side and to the head.

Uryu stumbles back into the corner and Zhi continues with the attack, Uryu manages to block one kick and then hits a headbutt. He then starts firing back with big punches off his own and Zhi is now on the retreat. The crowd pop as Uryu knocks Zhi down with a Lou Thesz Press and starts pummelling him in the centre of the ring.

RJ: This one has exploded!

MW: We need security out here right now!

Uryu continues punching down on Cassius, who manages to roll him away. They leap to their feet and then start exchanging huge blows in the middle of the ring as security come sprinting down the ramp, they slide into the ring and drag each man back. Zhi manages to break free and leaps over the security holding Uryu back and starts punching down on his head.

Again Zhi is restrained and now Uryu breaks free from security, he runs in and hits a big headbutt on Zhi, then manages to throw a couple of extra punches at Cassius before once more security intervene. The crowd are chanting let them fight.

RJ: Thank god for security, it looks like they have the situation under...

Zhi again breaks free, and this time Uryu manages to do so as well. Security run in at Zhi but he shockwaves one of them down and the rest retreat slowly. Zhi runs in at Uryu and ends up clotheslining him onto the outside, Zhi falling over the top rope as well. Both men rise to their feet simultaneously.

Zhi nails a big kick to the side, only for Uryu to come back with a big right uppercut. The trading of blows continue up the ramp, Zhi manages to hit a kick to the gut, he goes to smash Uryu’s head into the railings but Uryu blocks and then sends Zhi’s head into the railing instead. Cassius stumbles, Uryu goes towards him and continues punching away.

Both men are at the top of the stage...

RJ: God this could get dangerous now!

Miss Jessica and Clarissa walk out onto the ramp, they are pleading with their men to stop, Cassius looks at Jessica momentarily before merely turning back to Uryu and firing away at him with some more punches, Uryu giving back as good he gets.

Eventually, Cassius gets the advantage by booting Uryu around the head, he falls back towards the edge of the stage. Cassius grins and waits for Uryu to rise...

MW: Please no Cassius...don’t do it!

Clarissa realises what is about to happen and runs around in front of Zhi, standing in front of her boyfriend. Zhi stares at her wildly, shouting at her to move but she refuses. Zhi shoves her away but Clarissa walks back over in front of Uryu who rolls away. Clarissa then slaps Zhi across the face and the crowd cheer.

RJ: What is she doing? Get out of there Clarissa!

Zhi holds his face for a moment and then turns back towards Clarissa...






Cassius shockwaves Clarissa and she falls from the stage and crashes down. Jessica is stood, looking on in shock, Security are stood on the rampway also stunned by what they’ve just seen as Cassius stands, grinning wildly down at the wreckage he has just caused. EMT’s come sprinting out from the backstage area and down to attend to Clarissa.

Uryu jumps down to the outside and shoves the EMT’s away, he brushes back the hair of Clarissa as he looks down over her, unconscious on the outside. EMT’s once again start attending to her, Uryu looks up with the maniacal grin still etched across the face of Cassius.

Against The Wall goes off the air with the image of Zhi stood looking down on Clarissa with that familiar deranged grin on his face and the crowd booing him.


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Age : 39
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