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Political Animals.

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Political Animals. Empty Political Animals.

Post by Glas a du Sun 11 Nov 2012, 12:33 pm

According to Machiavelli: "The first method for estimating the intelligence of a ruler is to look at the men he has around him."

Robert Howleys record in charge of Wales in Gatland's "absence" is dire. Almost Gareth Jenkins like in win ratio. And Howley's wins were not against test nations. The WRU wanted continuity in the caretaker roll and looked to a member of Gatland's existing staff to provide it.

But the general consensus on Rob Howley (source: quick scan of Twitter) is that he is regarded currently as useful as the proverbial fart in a bottle.

Gatland chose his staff, his Wasps unit with the retention of McBryde. Does this not reflect poorly on Gatland as a judge of character and on his decision to appoint Howley?

Not a bit of it. Warren Gatland seems to be a very intelligent man.

To understand Gatland you have to be Machiavellian in your outlook. The assumption that he would want all the best men to surround him would be a fair one and adopted I expect by most fans, but clearly wrong.

If you are the boss do you want your authority to be undermined by deputies who are capable and more importantly have the desire and aptitude to replace you?


The only member of Gatland's staff who comes close to him in ability is Edwards. However he is not perceived to be a threat as he seems, currently, to lack the ambition to be the boss man.

McBryde's record as caretaker was blemishless...on a tour of North America. There are still teams out there that Wales can expect to beat. The best you can say for McBryde is that he is something of a political animal himself as his staying power as forwards coach is impressive...given that Wales' line out has misfired throughout his tenure.

And Howley. Robert Howley. The man who (note: the next bit is my personal theory, an opinion and not a statement of fact) has consigned Dwayne Peel to the international wilderness for deigning to take his place as Wales' scrum half. The man who dropped Biggar from the squad to go to Australia BEFORE the Barbarians game. The man who has lost four test matches on the bounce; who selected a weakened team for the FIRST Autumn International, when ideally you'd want a bit of momentum to be built; who selected a weak front row against Argentina; who thought it a good idea not to have a second row on the bench, etc.

He is a softly spoken man with a high pitch to his voice and a look of almost perma-worry on his face. He doesn't inspire me with any confidence, so I dread to think what the players make of him.

So, as the final leaves are blasted by storms from sick Ash trees, and as the Autumn gives way to winter and Christmas advertising, the long suffering rugby folk of Wales face yet another six nations tournament after a grand slam where to finish fourth (under Howley) will be considered a bonus. Who of the Welsh fans reading this would bet against an Autumnal whitewash in the meantime?

"Poland! They've been to Poland! What was that for?"

Anybody reading this and struggling to think of a Christmas present for Mike Ruddock, may I suggest a book, a classic - The Prince by Niccolo Machiavelli.
Glas a du
Glas a du

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Age : 48
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Political Animals. Empty Re: Political Animals.

Post by HammerofThunor Sun 11 Nov 2012, 12:53 pm

Look at Ospreys with Tandy. Gave him a chance in the LV and bye bye Holley


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Political Animals. Empty Re: Political Animals.

Post by Thomond Sun 11 Nov 2012, 2:14 pm


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