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Joshua- Play time is over

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Joshua- Play time is over Empty Joshua- Play time is over

Post by MtotheC Thu 21 Aug 2014, 6:27 pm

Promo by Twist
Wrestler: Joshua

The front door of Plague’s mansion is slightly open and the evil looking face of McCoy pokes out of the gap. The puppet’s head rotates from side to side, as if assessing the situation inside the building. He stops moving and then disappears from view. After a few moments, the door opens and the formidable figure of Joshua appears standing in the door way. Joshua stands stock still but then moves his neck from side to side before lifting his shoulders up and down. His bones click and the noise echoes around the hall making some of the children step back into the legs of the adults. McCoy smiles sickly and throws his head back and forth as if laughing. Joshua is unmoved, his hair covering his face and the only evidence that he is alive being the strands of hair bellowing forward as he breathes. 

Joshua then grabs the door and slams it shut behind him. The boom is deafening and now even the adults take a few steps backwards. Joshua starts to walk forward along the gangway, his steps echoing around the hall and his head bowed. McCoy rotates his head, looking at the congregation as he passes and daring them to make a move. Plague and The Brotherhood look on as Joshua moves closer to them, his head still bowed and the tension filling the air. At last, Joshua gets to within a few steps of Plague. Instinctively, Cody and Dylan block the way and size up to Joshua. He stops, lifting his head and moving his eyes from one brother to the next. His mouth curls at the corners and he growls softly at them before speaking:

You are not worthy………of standing in my presence………Be gone………or be removed………

Plague places his hands on each brother’s shoulder and pulls them back. He then opens his arms out wide in a welcoming manner and goes to speak. However, Joshua cuts in, lifting a finger to his lips:


Plague looks slightly annoyed for a brief moment, before stepping back. Joshua glares at him and McCoy once again does his silent laughter movement. Joshua then turns his head and looks behind him. He stares at the congregation before returning to face Plague and shaking his head:

How can one man………amass such an army………of frightened souls?………Do they show you this fear………when you stand before them………or is it because they now know………that their fate is soon upon them?………

Again Plague goes to answer but Joshua simply walks past him and looks around the hall. He looks at the boarded up windows, tattered furniture and large cobwebs hanging from every part of the walls. The ornate lamps provide only ample light and the room is drab, decaying and dark. Joshua stops at one of the boarded up windows and peers through the crack. He begins to speak as he continues to look upon it:

Fear is something that can be easily………covered up………Shielded from the rays………we can hide our true feelings………beneath face paint and masks………There will be a time however………when the mask falls………Forcing the wearer………to confront a terrible truth………This truth may affect us………in many ways………For some we back away to safety………for others a misplaced act is used………in a desperate attempt to override………the real emotion………An act………that I can look at and know………fear is only a few layers away………An act………for example………like laughter………

He turns to look at Plague, his scarred face contorting into a snare. McCoy slowly turns his head to face Joshua, which makes the snarl vanish from Joshua’s face. He then walks up to one of the adults in the congregation. He snatches an ornate lamp and walks up to Plague. Cody and Dylan stiffen, but a glare from Joshua pushes them back. Joshua takes the lamp and holds it to the side of Plague’s face. Joshua moves his head slowly downwards so that he is only inches away from Plague’s. He uses the light, which is now shining brightly on Plague, to assess his opponent. He looks all around Plague’s facial features before speaking:

I look upon you and feel pity………Pity of a man so intent………to walk into the abyss………A man that has had………his mask removed………And the only comfort………he can cling to………is the sound of his own laughter………He knows………that he has been reckless………He knows………that he has bitten off more………than he can chew………He knows………that his suffering is sealed………with every conflicting chuckle………

Joshua suddenly chucks the lamp over his shoulder while still looking at Plague. The sound of breaking glass can be heard as the lamp smashes, followed by an audible gasp from the congregation. Joshua, still looking at Plague, smiles and then speaks:

The sound of masks falling to the floor………is music to my ears………You really must control………your orchestra………more carefully………The veil is slipping………and I see the confidence ebbing away………like the lifeless eyes I see before me………

Joshua turns towards Cody and the Dylan, who have now removed their masks and are angrily staring at back at him. Joshua tuts at them both and shakes his head:

Look at them………itching for a fight they can’t comprehend………You stare at me in anger?………Or looking at the cause………of your suffering?………Speak up children………What………Say………You?……… 

Cody and Dylan say nothing, as Joshua returns to looking down at Plague. He licks his lips while holding McCoy to the side of Plague’s face and nods his head slowly:

You realise now………that play time is over?………What you promised………has failed to happen………and now the conductor stares………disappointed eyes at you………I thought you would be more………much more………than the comedy act………I see before me………What a shame………that the facts have passed you by………Never have I been beaten………in the wrestlers fake world………Never have I submitted………in the federation of sheep………It is clear to you………that bringing me into………your group of weaklings………is something I refuse to contemplate………and am detested by the notion………To join you………To join this charade………Would only bring the curtain down………a lot sooner than I wish………I want you begging……pleading……suffering……safe in the knowledge that………your hopes………were only prolonged………for my own amusement………

He turns his back on Plague and stares at the congregation. Joshua lifts McCoy up with one hand so that they all can see and then addresses them:

You all………have had your death warrant………signed………When that fateful demise comes………is up to the conductor you look upon………The symphony you hear………the high pitched sound of screams………is a preview………of your own fate………and the fate of the man………you foolishly felt showed you the way………For the puppet………and his master………can only be connected as one………and outside influences………have no impact on them………mentally………or physically………For my blood can happily flow………and my bones receive a satisfying break………but the music will play and play………regardless of how you wish it to stop………I would give you a choice………a choice of walking away………but forgiveness and mercy………are words far out of the reaches………of my vocabulary………

He lowers McCoy slowly and turns round again to Plague. Joshua is breathing heavily and snarling:

I humoured you………by meeting you here………Consider it an exclamation………of intent………You may speak false promises………but I will clarify things………right now………You………the brothers………and the rest of your clan………need to finally take heed………So you can make peace………with whatever false God………you wrongly believe in………

He lowers his face to within inches of Plague’s and spits out his next words:

I will never………join with you………I will show………no compassion………And the Brotherhood………the idea you hold dear………will die at my choosing………

He stares into Plague’s eyes before stepping backwards so that the words can sink in.


Posts : 3382
Join date : 2011-07-08
Age : 40
Location : Peterborough

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