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6CW Aftermath Monday 24th October

Electric Demon
President Trump
Engel Harlequin
Dolphin Ziggler
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6CW Aftermath Monday 24th October Empty 6CW Aftermath Monday 24th October

Post by Dolphin Ziggler Wed 12 Oct 2016, 12:35 pm

6CW Aftermath Monday 24th October

The Funeral of 6CW
Presided over by Cassius Zhi

Match 1
Victor Smith vs Mike Masters

Match 2
Number One Contenders Match for the Tag Team titles
Parasite Killers vs BD & Logan vs Brandon Perez & Jack Hurst vs Order & Law

Match 3
TV Championship
Cerberus vs O'Callaghan

Match 4
Dicey Reilly/JJ Johnson/GazzyD/Steel vs Engel Harlequin/Thunder/Liam Wood/Vincent Costello

Match 5
Aaron Heath vs Robin Reborn

Match 6
Mike Hill vs Marshall Murdoch vs Cameron Faith

Match 7
Cassius Zhi vs Crime Lord

Dolphin Ziggler

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6CW Aftermath Monday 24th October Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath Monday 24th October

Post by Engel Harlequin Wed 12 Oct 2016, 4:53 pm

Darkness envelopes a packed 6CW arena as the crowd fall silent. A mixture of cheers and Boo's begin as a spotlight shines onto the entranceway and “time is running out” plays. Extravagantly, Engel Harlequin walks out into the spotlight wearing a pair of trousers, and shoes. Scars and bruises adorn his body and scrawled across his chest in child-like writing reads the word “Anarchy...E.H.”
Engel bows almost wincing as he does. He raises his head towards the sky before fixating on the ring, his head to one side slowly walking down the rampway, spotlight following him

HA: Nobody has heard hide nor hare from Joshua or the medical team that were as far as we know, in the process of cutting Joshua free from the barbed wire casket that this man, this freak Engel Harlequin threw him into only two weeks ago at Beachfront Brawl. Lets take you back...

As Engel continues to walk down to the ring, The scene cuts to the Tron showing a video of the destruction caused at Beachfront Brawl

Engel shakes his head and begins to beat Joshua down, the blood running spraying off his fists with every clubbing blow. He leaves the lifeless body there and goes to ringside to collect his special plaything...

HE: I don’t wanna see what happens with that coffin

HA: We need security! Joshua is in real danger here!

Engel slides it to the stage and opens the coffin to reveal it full of barbed wire, lining nearly every inch of it. Engel then looks down at Joshua before pulling him up and lifting him on to his shoulders

HA: I can't watch! Where the hell is security?!

HE: I think it's too late!

Engel hits an AA style manoeuvre sending Joshua crashing down in to the barbedwire filled coffin before slamming the door shut. Engel drops to a seated position and begins to rock as he looks at the destruction he just caused. Security arrive and drag him away as EMT's attempt to open the coffin only to realise that Joshua has become tangled within the barbed wire and the door has become locked

HA: Joshua has become stuck within the coffin...they need to get him out of here

HE: I think they've realised that there's only one way to do it

The EMT's carefully pull the coffin and use the stretcher to take the coffin to the back.

E: heheheh...What a lovely day for a funeral...hehehehehehe

HA: I can't believe what we've just seen and I cannot imagine how Joshua will recover from such a disgusting attack...the match was bad enough but that was something else...

HE: Engel came here to destroy Joshua and despite not getting the win for his team I think he got what he wanted...he brought a coffin with Joshua's name on it and sadly, he got to use it

The scene returns to ringside where the lights have come back on. Engel is pacing the ring his head shaking frantically

HE: Indeed Harold, what Engel did to that man was sickening, and yet he put his own body on the line throughout that match, he showed the greater resilience between him and Joshua and did what he promised he would do for weeks.

EH: Well aren't I just the big fat Elephant in the room? The clown, the freak, the custard pie throwing, balloon animal making, waste of space, no talent, fool, is finally right where he belongs alongside the greatest superstars in this business today.

Chants of “Dicey, Gazzy, Thunder, JJ and Steel” begin to grow around the arena as Engel laughs stroking his hair back

EH:Of course I am talking about Liam Wood and Vincent Costello...

Crowd: BOO!

Engel soaks up the crowd reaction for a while before continuing

EH: And do you know how I got into this fantastic incredible position? I got here by doing the one thing “Team 6CW...Robin Reborn...NONE OF THEM could do. I crushed the very life from the longest reigning 6CW champion of all time, I killed the unkillable...I destroyed JOSHUA...the great Joshua...Jonesey's choice, his unbeatable monster...his year ago I returned to this company...once the secret WEAPON of TEAM you see where this goes? Hmmmm oh great 6CW universe,do you see how far the rabbit hole goes...Team 6CW rises Team 6CW falls...Team 6CW RISES...Team 6CW falls...They fight the GOOD fight...for all of you...

Engel points to the crowd

EH: One year ago...I had a dream...a dream of 6CW in my vision, a dream of dead hero's and monsters rising to the forefront of this the Orchestra of anarchy, we bring the future to its knee's and watch it crumble...the year of Engel Harlequin starts here...MY time starts here...

Engel leans back into the ropes laughing manically, he twitches his head to one side

EH: I did what they couldn't do...I DESERVE MY PLACE...I...DID...WHAT...THEY...COULDN'T DO...HEHEHEHE.

Engel falls to the mat rocking back and forth violently

Engel Harlequin

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6CW Aftermath Monday 24th October Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath Monday 24th October

Post by President Trump Wed 12 Oct 2016, 5:04 pm

Diesel is walking down a hospital corridor with a bunch of grapes in his hand when he sees Sally Hendrix drinking a cup of coffee outside a room

Diesel: How is he?

Sally looks up and gives Diesel a tired smile

Sally: He’s pretty beat up, mentally and physically

Diesel: He’ll be ok, he’s been here before

Sally throws the coffee into a nearby bin and turns to face Diesel with tears running down her face

Sally: It’s different this time, he blames himself for it all, he thinks he’s failed everyone, he’s trying to but on his brave, tough guy act but I can see the pain in his eyes, he doesn’t care about the cuts and bruises just that stupid company.........I wish he never went back.......I wish I never came ba.....

Diesel grabs Sally and brings her in for a hug

Diesel: Shhhh, don’t talk like that, especially around Dicey, if you left he would never recover, he loves you more than you realise, 6CW is more than a place of work for him, he came over here with nothing and ended up finding a home and a family, it will always be that for him so don’t take it to heart, he is hurting in more ways than one so we need to be there for the big idiot, let him wallow in self pity for a few days then kick him up the arse and tell him to get over himself and put things right, it’s what he does and it’s what WE have to do

Sally looks up and smiles at Diesel, she wipes her eyes, straightens herself up and opens the door, Dicey looks over at the door and smiles through his bandaged face as he sees Diesel standing in the doorway, Diesel throws the bag of grapes on the bed and greets his long time friend

Diesel: Jesus, that beating might just improve your ugly mug or if it didn’t we could always just re-bandage your face

Dicey tries to laugh but groans in pain

Dicey: You’re one to talk, at least I have an excuse, just put it to me my male modelling career over

Diesel smiles

Diesel: Don’t be silly, you’ll still keep your regular gig on the cover of Hunchback monthly

Dicey: You’re some c**t ya know that, slagging your poor friend as he lays in hospital
Diesel: You’re always in bloody hospital; if I was to keep silent I’d never speak again, anyway you’ll be out in a day or so, so you can get back to work and start busting heads again

Dicey’s smile fades and he stares off into the distance

Dicey: Not in the mood for one of your lectures D, not today

Diesel: Never took you for a f*nny

Dicey: Sticks and stones big man, what happened at Beachfront is down to me, I lost the match for my team and the fans, how can I face them all after that, I failed them ALL, I talked the talk but when it came down to it I got my ar*e handed to me, there was no double cross, no double agent to blame, it’s all down to me and I will have to deal with that, no wonder I was kept out of the invasions all those years ago, there is a reason players are left on the bench, D and now I know my place, now if you don’t mind I need to rest if I ever want to get out of this place

Dicey turns over and faces away from Diesel and Sally, Sally looks at Diesel with sadness etched in her face and breaths a heavy sigh

Diesel: Fine.....well if you want to talk you know where to find me

Dicey: Yeah I know, talk to ya

President Trump

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6CW Aftermath Monday 24th October Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath Monday 24th October

Post by x12x Wed 12 Oct 2016, 6:53 pm

Engel continues to rock back and forth the boo's get even louder as “Revival Mode” by Every Time I Die blasts from the speakers and The World Eater Liam Wood walks out on to the stage, a look of anger across his face as he looks at Engel in the ring. Wood pulls a piece of paper from his back pocket and the scowl on his face deepens as he looks at it. In the background the laughter from Engel can be heard.

Can someone shut Krusty up please?”

With Wood's words Engel's laughter stops as he looks at the former World champion who continues to speak at the man he'd be teaming with at the next episode of Aftermath

Congratulations Engel, you ended the career of a man who wasn't relevant anymore...I'm happy for your little victory but let's get taking out Joshua after Cerberus carried your team...not really the biggest achievement is it?”

You honestly think you're on my level because of that? You might be on Vincent Costello's level maybe...but not me and that is why I am out here to talk about our match...that is why I am out here to get some stuff off my chest...”

Wood looks at the paper again and holds it to the camera

Here is the card for the next show that you idiots are going to attend and the match I'm being forced to perform in is nothing short of a joke. Now the “man” in the ring might be all excited for it because he gets to say he teamed with a superior athlete such as myself but then again...clowns like jokes don't they?!

Now let's look past the fact that the team I'm facing is made up of Dicey Reilly...a guy I mentally and physically broke twice just for fun...Geoff Steel...a man who apparently used to be a legend but who's only job now is being Mike Hill's little b¡tch and Gazzy D and JJ Johnson...two men so brittle that it's like their bones are made of tooth picks...I'll be surprised if they don't break their hips making it down to the ring.”

No the real joke is my “team” let's look past the ones I'm facing...”

Wood begins to pace, Engel's eyes locked on him

...and let's look at the “team” I'm forced to appear with...”

Wood shakes his head, gritting his teeth as he looks at Engel

I'm being forced to team with a delusional clown with ideas of grandeur way above his station, a man so deluded that he believes that he belongs in the same ring as a man as great as me...a clown so foolish that he believes the hype that the voices in his head spout...

...and that's just Michael...our “brilliant” EWF Champion.

At Beachfront Brawl I did all the hard work for Robin Reborn and Michael to claim back their titles and now I'm being forced to carry another team of losers...”

Wood lowers the microphone for a second as the crowd boo him, causing him to lose his cool


The boo's get even louder causing Wood to stop speaking, he waits for the crowd to die down before lifting the microphone to his lips

Each and every one of you has the nerve to boo me just because I won't jump through hoops for you, just because I stopped caring what you thought and did stuff for myself...each and every one of you treats me like the bad guy just because I'm not going to beg for you to love me like most of the idiots in this match...but please...answer this question for me...”

Wood speaks in a calmer fashion, his voice clearly holding back the frustration

Where were your heroes when this company came back and became bigger and better than ever?! Where were JJ Johnson, Dicey Reilly, Engel and Geoff Steel?! I'll tell you...they were off not caring about you and your pathetic little lives...those four men beg for you to cheer for them but in're just £ signs in their're the ego boost they're the sad little yes men who pave over their insecurities. The sad truth is you're scum on the bottom of their shoe and if they were honest, they couldn't care less if you were dead or not as long as someone takes your place and is willing to buy their awful merchandise.”

The boo's get loud again but Wood speaks over them this time

It's true and you know many of them showed up until they needed their ego stroking?! When 6CW and EWF came back and had basically no coverage where were they then?! They came back because guys like me made this company what it is might hate me but you will give me the respect I damn well deserve...”

A chant for Gazzy D and Thunder comes up causing Wood to sneer

Really?! Gazzy D and Michael are your heroes as well?! Two guys who couldn't take a bit of pain and left you for over a year...two guys who had better things to do... my career I have been through things that could have stopped other men yet I came back...night after night...yet you cheer for Gazzy D and Thunder...two broken men who had enough and turned their backs on you.”

Wood laughs to himself

The funny thing is...the man who people are excited to see back because he's the “baddest man on the planet” is the worst of them all...Vincent Costello has disappeared so many times that I've lost count...he walks around these arenas like he's unstoppable but I've watched him be stopped more times than I can remember... Vinnie, until our match...keep safe. Maybe hire a guy to open your letters because I don't want you getting a paper cut and going away for another 6 months.”

Wood smirks, calmer than before but still annoyed. Wood then turns back to Engel who sits and watches Wood carefully, taking in every word

So Engel...don't get excited about teaming with me because that dream is going to be shorter than a Vincent Costello come back and once it's over you're going to come crashing back down to Earth”

Wood lowers the microphone, his eyes locked on Engel


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6CW Aftermath Monday 24th October Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath Monday 24th October

Post by Guest Thu 13 Oct 2016, 11:12 am

As the crowd pans around the arena, fans can be seen holding up different signs for their favourite superstars including Dicey Reilly, Aaron Heath and Thunder. Suddenly “Saviour” plays out as a good proportion of the fans cheer and the camera focuses on the entrance way, as “The Count” Victor Smith strides out onto the stage. He is a little bruised in the face as the camera zooms in on him, and as he begins to walk down to the ring, he isn’t quite as spritely as when he first came into 6CW, but he still tags fans hands and quickly gets down to the ring and gets inside. Smith looks around the crowd, analysing the reaction he is receiving, before calling for a microphone and beginning to speak.

Smith: Each time I come out to this ring I seem to look a little less fresh than I did before. The marks on my face turn to black eyes, my ribs are covered in bruising and even my ego has taken somewhat of a beating. But time after time I come out here and have accomplished more than I could have possibly imagined. Fight and defeat a monster in my debut match, check. Fight two opponents in the same match and come out victorious, check. The very act of stepping foot in this ring is one of the biggest accomplishments of my life, because it was on my own terms and I succeeded thanks to my own work. Week in and week out I prove to people that I deserve to be here and that I am not some rich kid that needs to be handed everything in life. I mean, I realise that until I have some gold around my waist and have defeated some serious names, there will be people who still doubt me, but I knew that this would never be easy. So whether you love me or hate me, you had all better get used to seeing this face on your screens, because it’s not going anywhere soon.

Again, a large part of the 6CW fans in the arena cheer, though there are still some boos scattered around the arena. Smith smirks at the mixed reaction and then continues speaking.

Smith: This coming Aftermath though is my first chance at making a real statement in 6CW. I may still be in the opening match, but when that’s taking on a former World Champion, I really do not care. Mike Masters, it may have been some time since you last wore the EWF World Title with pride, but I’m sure that deep down inside of you that champion is still ready to fight. You know the champ that beat all comers and if you still had some backbone, would put those guys fighting for the World Titles at the moment back in their place. You may surround yourself with monsters and freaks now, and are more concerned with hurting people than proving you’re the best, but I really have no interest in fighting that degenerate. I can only prove so much whilst fighting a guy who has his nose so far up the backside of a clown he can actually tell us all what a big red nose smells like on the inside. If you actually come out here as your own man though, and put up the fight that we all know you’re capable of, I can really start to understand my place in this company.

You see, right now it’s not about win-loss records and undefeated streaks for me in this company. Any guy can win a hundred matches with nobodies and has-beens and then claim at the end of it they have proven themselves to be a dominant man. But the minute that man faces some real opposition, he crumbles into the dirt. The real champions in this or any industry, are the guys who are ready to be trodden into the dirt and then learn from their mistakes, before climbing back up the pecking order. I’m not afraid to take my lumps, I mean just look at me (Smith points to his blackened and swollen right eye), and I’m sure as hell not afraid of losing to a superior competitor. I just need to know that each time I come out to wrestle in front of you all, I am learning from each and every match.

When I walk out this week, I am well aware that I am walking into a fight that’s going to take a severe toll on me mentally and physically. You might be banged up from Beachfront Brawl, but you’ve got a chip on your shoulder and you want a chance to beat some respect into the new guy that’s running his mouth, and that’s fine. Bring the fight, bring all of your tricks, and if needs be bring the clown and monster too, I do not care. So long as when I stagger back up that ramp and look at myself in the mirror afterwards and see a guy who has earned something, I am fine with whatever happens in that match. But, before you do anything too dumb, it may be wise for you to keep one thing in the back of your head. You may well still be relevant now, and get to walk around, smacking the new kids around without any real consequences, but may not be the case soon. Maybe soon you’ll be looking a little more vulnerable and need some help from other guys, and if that’s the case, it may not be wise to alienate the guy who’s going to be ruling this place soon enough. So, yeah, bring your best, but maybe think about the man you’re dealing with before you do anything too drastic.

Victor Smith smirks as “Saviour” hits and the fans give a good pop as he drops the microphone and raises one of his arms, whilst subtly clutching his ribs with the other. Smith then rolls out of the ring and goes to walk up the entrance ramp.


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6CW Aftermath Monday 24th October Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath Monday 24th October

Post by President Trump Thu 13 Oct 2016, 11:48 am

Liam Wood and Engel are stood in the ring when all of a sudden they feel rain dropping on their heads they look up and see Dicey urinating on their heads, Dicey starts to laugh and hears a noise behind him only to see Harambe holding a baby version of Marshall Murdoch, there is a scream and Miss Jessica points at Harambe and out of the shadows Cassius Zhi appears and shoots the Ape, as he falls back his head falls off to reveal Clarke James under the costume, Dicey starts screaming as he looks down and he is naked from the waist down and is wearing a t-shirt with “KING OF YARMOUTH” on it and everyone in the arena starts laughing at his pen*s that has shrunk......

Suddenly Dicey wakes up in his hospital bed drenched in sweat; Sally wakes up on the chair next to him

Sally: Are you ok? Do you need a nurse?

Dicey looks at her wide eyes

Dicey: I need to lay off this morphine

President Trump

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6CW Aftermath Monday 24th October Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath Monday 24th October

Post by Electric Demon Thu 13 Oct 2016, 10:47 pm

The live 6CW coverage is interrupted by a grainier, pastel coloured image of a young, flawless, Chinese lady sat at a news desk in traditional red, sleeveless Chinese dress that wraps around her whole body from neck to toe. There is rolling Chinese text along the foot of the screen. She begins speaking in the foreign tongue, fast and enthusiastically, nodding her head with excitement.

As the name Cassius Zhi can be clearly made out amongst the unfamiliar language, his face appears in the corner of the screen before an antiquated zoom graphic focuses in and flips the screen momentarily green and then to footage of a conference hall where orderly rows of people are cheering and waving Chinese flags whilst they watch footage of Zhi pinning Dicey Reilly at Beachfront Brawl.

The newsreader continues, with 6CW and United Kingdom audible amongst the Chinese, and the footage cuts to a bar in Birmingham, where a gathering of 6WF diehards also cheer the victory – the caption on screen merely says “United Kingdom” next to a Union Jack flag. Finally a very short interview with one of the drunken Birmingham natives appears on screen – he shouts “Cassius Zhi is the Greatest of all Time. What a legend!” – which is subtitled in bold ciphers.

The newsreader wraps up, wide eyed with jubilation, still nodding and saying “Cassius Zhi” and “United Kingdom legend” several times in amongst her closing sentences which are delivered over the sound of triumphant Guzheng playing.

The seemingly Chinese state news piece ends, and the footage returns to a fully HD image of the same lady stood in the middle of the 6CW ring.

?? : Lady and Gentlemen. Stand please… for… conqueror of 6CW. For China and United Kingdom hero… Cassius Zhi!

The lady looks completely shocked as boos boom out around the arena and a 6CW chant almost immediately breaks out. As if in retaliation “They Say” by Scars on Broadway blasts out louder than the usual volume for an entrance, at first drowning out the jeers, forcing the fans to be even louder in their consternation.

Cassius steps out onto the stage in an old Phoenix Rose 6WF T-shirt and typical orange pants with bare feet, carrying his customary green tea in one hand.

Harold Lloyd : I have no idea what the hell that was all about, but this man is no hero. Here is the man who has terrorised this company and its employees, who has taken this company to the brink at Beachfront Brawl, and who hospitalised Dicey Reilly in a heinous show of contempt for a real-life HERO at War Games.

Henry Lloyd : It was a War, Harold! Exactly what it said on the tin. And in war there are casualties.

Harold Lloyd : It was a damn wrestling match, and what this sick individual did within that cage went far beyond that. The amount of blood Dicey Reilly left on that canvas was truly terrifying and if Zhi had any hint of humanity, any semblance of remorse in his evil body then he would have just ended the match, taken the damn bragging rights, and got the hell out of there with the victory that was so important to these animals!

In the time Harold and Henry argue the toss, Cassius has made his way into the ring. He takes the microphone from the Chinese girl who bows respectfully and makes her way out. Zhi walks to the centre of the ring and takes a sip of tea as his music ends, then slowly raises the mic, and raises his voice to be heard over the baying arena.

Cassius : I am amazed….

Zhi lowers the microphone and does a slow 360 turn of the spot he stands on, looking up into the top tiered rows of fans

Cassius : I am amazed that this place has still sold out tonight.


Cassius : Perhaps you are simply the mourning hoards lining the mausoleum for one last look at the corpse you loved so dearly. Or wide-eyed romantics, clutching onto the last gasps of adolescence, come to stare into the beachfront fire and reminisce on the joys of an innocence now lost.

Either way, despite my killing of your precious company at Beachfront Brawl… despite me taking the best this organisation has to offer and making it all such a pitiful irrelevance… despite the team you invested so much of your passion and energy in letting you down so badly…


Cassius takes a deep breath through flared nostrils and takes a sip of tea

Cassius : … despite all that, you all have every reason to be delighted that you are 6CW fans, that you continue to purchase your ticket and come here tonight, because all any wrestling fan truly wants is to see things that they never thought they would see, isn’t that right?

Cassius laughs derisively

Cassius : And be honest… you never thought you would see 6CW in the state of disrepair you see it in right now… you never thought you would see the great Dicey Reilly so prone and defenceless and UNABLE to fight… and you never thought you would see the day Cassius Zhi stood victorious in the centre of your beloved ring!

But you always longed for the latter didn’t you?

Cassius takes a sip of tea and looks out into a section of the crowd

Cassius : A year ago, with that ticket pressed in your clammy hand, you hoped that it would be the one that buys you entry to the episode where Cassius Zhi finally appears on your show! The greatest that never had! And not just you, but your superstars too. When interviewers asked for dream feuds – whose name always came up? Fan polls of dream debutants – the same name… you had WANTED me here…

You were simply too foolish to understand the consequences. Why dreams should never come to reality!

WARGAMES… were those consequences!

The consequences of your desire to see things you never thought you would see.

Cassius thoughtfully stares down into his cup

Cassius : Funny things consequences… they always catch up with you in the end.

When I first arrived here… when I sat down to sign my 6CW contract, a bitter betrayal of one’s self that I truly believed could not be bettered… 6CW management did just that when they said we are just not sure how committed you are going to bewe are not sure that you will hang around

Cassius laughs again, swirling his tea around and then taking a deep swig before an instantaneous violent mood change


Cassius seethes into the camera and takes a calming sip of tea

Cassius : But am willing to forgive that transgression, and I will offer you a reprieve 6CW.

In war, sometimes a heinous, hideous action must occur in order to provide the perspective that opens up a way forward. Hiroshima… Omagh… … … Aleppo


Harold Lloyd : Oh come on… this is vile

Cassius finishes his tea and drops the cup before addressing the camera directly

Cassius : Now that I have razed your crumbling house to the ground, allow ME to make it great again.

Allow me to be your HERO!. Forget Dicey Reilly… he is a failure no matter what Diesel or Hendrix tell him. Allow ME To do what I promised Mr Jones I would do when he signed my contract and SAVE this company.

Harold Lloyd : SAVE IT? Give me a break!

Cassius : Give these people want they want, 6CW…

to see something they never thought they would see

Cassius stares vehemently into the camera.

Cassius : Cassius Zhi as 6CW World Heavyweight Champion!


Electric Demon

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Join date : 2016-02-27

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6CW Aftermath Monday 24th October Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath Monday 24th October

Post by Dolphin Ziggler Fri 14 Oct 2016, 5:16 pm

Away in the back, Robin Reborn strolls through the corridors of 6CW. He shakes hands with a couple of the guys backstage, carrying his title on one shoulder and a gym bag on the other. Charlotte Grey sidles up beside the champ as he walks along, and Reborn starts a conversation before Grey can put a mic in front of his face.

RR: The

*He chuckles aloud and Grey gets the microphone out ready

CG: A Cena reference?

RR: A champion's shout. A lot of people making noise around here now, and I'm just sending out a reminder. A reminder of many things...

*Charlotte shows puzzlement so Reborn continues

RR: We got man making noise about old times and old war cries. 6WF making waves when the ship already gone down. Whether it Marshall, Zhi, Faith, Crime Lord or Mike goddamn a whole boat of old men talking game they ain't played for years

CG: Forgive me, but what do you mean by that?

RR: See, here the real deal with this. These men ain't been to the top of that mountain for a long time, and they think they have brought the place down beating on Dicey, Gazzy and JJ? Nah, they played back on the Atari, but we new-gen in this place. They ain't stepped up with me, they ain't stepped up with Thunder, they ain't even stepped up with eyeliner Wood.

*He turns to look directly at Charlotte

RR: Tonight I gon go out there and take down one trash-talking little man, and send a message to the rest of them. I start this with Heath, then I pray the rest get sent my way. And if they ain't then I'll find em myself.

*He walks away as Charlotte nods her head

Dolphin Ziggler

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6CW Aftermath Monday 24th October Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath Monday 24th October

Post by Engel Harlequin Sat 15 Oct 2016, 2:02 am

Somewhere in the darkest recesses of a drink addled mind, the 6CW universe are laughing at the urine soaked figures of Engel Harlequin and Liam Wood stood miserably in the centre of the ring.

HA: Well this is why we are live folks, absolutely anything can happen.

HE: Being covered in p***-

HA: This is a family friendly show Henry.

HE: What part of Dicey's behaviour is family friendly Harold? And OUR audience cheer the idiot, what he has done is completely disrespectful, rude, and just completely nasty on so many levels.

HA: Well am sure it wasn't that uncomfortable, certainly not for Engel anyway.

HE: What exactly is that supposed to mean?

HA: Well he looks like the type of guy that enjoys that sort of thing.

Engel wipes the dark golden alcohol tainted P*** from his brow and smirks as the crowd chant


Engel raises the microphone to his lips and awaits the crowds silence. Wood absolutely fuming at proceedings

EH: I always said that if Dicey's contribution to proceedings ALWAYS had to be P*** and s*** jokes he might as well urine on us and go home his work done. I guess he finally took my advice. Such a shame about his EMBARRASSING defeat when he vowed to win for 6CW, for all of you. Failure, he just can't get the job done any more. He hasn't got the heart, the energy to push himself to his once great heights...


Engel continues as he walks towards Liam Wood.

EH: Ah Liam, that reminds me...didn't you promise to end that HAS BEEN? Oh and look he is still prancing around, making a fool out of you at every chance he gets...the difference between YOU and me, is so disappointingly black and white...I ENDED my has been.

Some of the crowd get behind Engel and begin a chant


EH: Now I dont want to be getting into a war of words with such a fine learned, SUPERSTAR, I am here to show the world that I belong HERE. But of course...I WIPED that smug ARROGANT smirk from your face about 30 seconds ago didn't I Liam? Which tells me that deep down you know my think you can use them, that angering me will be your greatest asset when we are in this ring at Aftermath...well I hope its that otherwise you must be as dumb as you look.

Engel laughs at Liam and leans into the turnbuckle.

Engel Harlequin

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6CW Aftermath Monday 24th October Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath Monday 24th October

Post by x12x Sat 15 Oct 2016, 8:51 am

Wood looks up at Engel and smirks at the laughing Engel

“So Engel, you ended Joshua didn't you? So what do you have to show for it?! What do you have to show for “ending” him?! I guess knowing he's gone is enough for that little brain of yours because for me, it wouldn't see, when I break someone mentally and physically I want to be able to watch that take an effect...I want to be able to watch their life crumble and know that I was the start of the ripple...I was the atom bomb that levelled everything after that point!.”

“I told Dicey I was going to break him and after I beat him like a disobediant dog, he hit rock bottom...he was driven back to drink and he was left with nothing...I beat Mike Masters, taking away his title shot and he dropped so far down that he ended up trusting in YOU, he became the lackey of some two bit clown who has made a nice little home for himself in the shadow of Cerberus...I beat Keith Leone for the title and that pushed him to the point where he lost his career.”

Wood's smile grows bigger, his eyes locked on Engel

“So well done for getting rid of Joshua but don't act like you broke him, don't act like you drove him to despair and depression and don't act like you can do half the amount of damage as I can just by beating act as if you're this destructive force but you're nothing but a cave man in face paint, a joke who can't see the bigger picture...”

“...Cerberus is going to go down as the man who beat Team Joshua, he's going to go on to bigger and better things because that's what he is compared to you, better...Engel, you're a joke, you're nothing more than the class clown who hasn't realised that we're laughing at him and not with're pathetic and the highlight of career is that you'll be able to say that you got to team with me.”

Wood begins to pace

“So brag about your capabilities but just remember that when the history books are written you'll always be the man who never quite made it, the mental patient who helped lift Cerberus to better's funny, you walked in to 6CW like some sort of cult leader but you 'bleat' just like every other sheep allowing yourself to get've killed yourself time and time again for people who couldn't care less...the fans, Mr Jones, Cerberus...the list is starting to grow...if I offered to take you with me to the top you'd drop to your knees quicker than your own mother...”

Engel reacts to the mention of his Mother, tilting his head and staring at Wood

“...sadly for you though, I don't need a side kick to help me...I found with Michael that they just get in the way and that being next to greatness gives them ideas above their station and now I've been left to tear down this monster that I've created in's just too much hassle”

Wood stops slowly pacing, turning back to Engel one last time

“So, I'm sorry but after our match you're back to being on your own...watching as the people around you get what they deserve and you're left to be the 6CW freakshow...but hey, at least you fit the bill down to a tee.”

Wood lowers the mic, looking directly at Engel with a sh*t eating grin


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6CW Aftermath Monday 24th October Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath Monday 24th October

Post by x12x Sat 15 Oct 2016, 9:29 am

Our scene opens in the dressing room of Jack Hurst and Brandon Perez, the pair are sat on metal chairs facing each other with Jack talking as we join them

I'm not saying the loss at Beachfront Brawl was your fault Brandon, I'm just saying that I'd understand if you were to shoulder the burden of defeat...but that is a different story, we start a new at Anarchy with a chance to become champions elect...we just need the right course of action to achieve our goals...

Perez nods but as he goes to speak Kelsey Callahan walks in, smiling at the boys before walking behind Jack and pulling out what looks like a halloween costume, Perez' eyes lock on Kelsey as he looks over and speaks

KC: Don't mind me boys, just trying on my next outfit...I hope you're ready for Kelsey Quinn

Kelsey winks at Brandon bringing a smile to his face before she reveals the costume as Suicide Squad's Harley Quinn. Jack turns around and shakes his head looking at Kelsey.

Do you really have to do that here?! You know how easily this poor boy is distracted...

KC: Just act like I'm not here!

Hurst turns back around, clicking his fingers at Perez to get his attention but as Hurst begins to speaks Kelsey begins to change in to the outfit, clearly distracting Perez, causing him to drift off to a day dream

JH: There's one thing we need to focus on for success and it's...

As Hurst speaks the camera slowly pans up his voice fading out, a shimmering effect appearing before the camera pans back down to reveal Jack, dressed as Batman stood on top of a tall building. After a few moments of Jack staring out in to the distance Perez, dressed as Robin jumps in to the shot, a dumb smile on his face. Suddenly though, an alarm can be heard. The camera then pans around to reveal masked thugs breaking in to the “6CW BANK” and making off with the valuable tag team titles!

Holy cockblock...this looks like a job for JACKMAN and THROBIN!

Jack and Perez both jump down and confront the various masked thugs, each dressed in the colours of the other tag teams in the tag team division. One by one Perez and Hurst begin to beat up the thugs, each hit being accompanied by big comedy speech bubbles with words such as “thwack” and “pow” in true classic Batman style. After a few moments the thugs are left K.O'd, all in a pile as JACKMAN and THROBIN hold the precious belts.

6CW is safe once again!

As Perez and Hurst pose with the belts, reporters begins to surround them and begin to interview them but once again Perez, even as THROBIN is distracted

Reporter: JACKMAN...The 6CW titles have been save...what was the key to success?!

JH: There's one thing we needed to focus on for success and it's...

Once again Jack's voice fades as Perez cuts through the crowd to Kelsey, now in full Harley Quinn attire

KC: My hero!

Kelsey throws her arms around THROBIN and the pair go to kiss but just before the magic moment Kelsey speaks softly

KC: I love you...

BP: ...I love you too...

Suddenly we are back in the room, Hurst with a look of confusion on his face as Brandon suddenly comes back to reality. Hurst shakes his head and walks away leaving Brandon to think about his day dream some more, Kelsey still teasing Brandon with the outfit.


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6CW Aftermath Monday 24th October Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath Monday 24th October

Post by Crimey Mon 17 Oct 2016, 1:58 pm

('Out of the Black' blasts out of the speakers soon after Cassius finishes speaking. The crowd boo louder. Crime Lord strides out onto the stage, a smirk plastered on his face. He's wearing a white shirt, open collar and grey pants. He walks down the ramp, ignoring the booing fans before stepping into the ring. He has a microphone in his hand.)

CL- I wouldn't get so carried away Cassius. 

(Cassius looks at Crime Lord inquisitively.) 

CL- WE killed 6CW, don't forget that Zhi. You aren't a one man conqueror. We killed 6CW...6WF won. The reason Dicey Reilly is now sitting in some hospital recovering is because of US, the reason JJ Johnson is desperately contacting his Hollywood pals trying to secure a role in the Tooth Fairy 3 is because WE ruined his triumphant return, the reason GazzyD has slunk off back to retirement is because WE were too good, the reason Max Adamson is on a flight back to Australia is because of OUR dominance and the reason Geoff Steel is stumbling around the streets of Sheffield looking for a purpose is because WE stripped him of one.

You must be really deluded if you thought I was going to sit out there and listen to you take all the credit, listen to you trying to re-write history. This is why it all started Cassius. 6CW re-writing history to make themselves the true victors and you are brazen enough to try and do the same thing. You delivered the final blow, sure, I'll give you that. But I was in there from the first second, I turned those guys into pulp and left you their remains to play with. If it wasn't for that son of a bitch JJ Johnson, it would have been me destroying Dicey Reilly at the end and putting the final exclamation mark on the match. It would have been my moment. Nevertheless Cassius you've got to be really....seriously...certain in yourself if you want to jump ahead of me in the queue. 

(Cassius Zhi is stone-faced as Crime Lord continues to talk.)

CL- It's over with 6CW....we won. And if you thought there might be some residual friendship left were wrong. I don't like you Zhi, I don't like Marshall, I don't like Mike Hill or Cameron Faith. You were tools and useful ones, but now it's over. We killed 6CW, it's funeral is coming up and then it's back down to business and right now my business is with you.

(Crime Lord moves closer to Cassius Zhi.)

HA- 6WF's team is falling apart at the seams.

HE- They're competitors Harold, that's what they do. They can back up their talk.

CL- The powers that be have decided that at Aftermath it will be Crime Lord versus Cassius Zhi. 6WF's titans battling once again. If they've done this to try and tear up 6WF's team, I am more than happy to oblige them. You're not my friend, you're not my colleague. You were a weapon, a weapon to take down 6CW, but now it's time you were dismantled and sent back to the loony bin that you crawled out of. Mr Jones brought you here as a weapon but he was too incompetent to really use you. But we did, 6WF used you but now you're not needed. Forget your dreams of becoming 6CW Champion, forget your dreams of battling with Dicey Reilly through the ages because you've hit a major stumbling block....ME.

(Crime Lord gets nose to nose with Cassius and the crowd don't know how to react.)


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6CW Aftermath Monday 24th October Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath Monday 24th October

Post by Fernando Mon 17 Oct 2016, 3:55 pm

"Haunted" By Disturbed hits as red flashing lights spread around the arena as Cerberus walks down the ramp dragging his TV Title behind with the steel chain from the PPV wrapped around his neck.

HA: Last Week at the PPV Cerberus showed why he was undefeated at Xtreme matches 
HE: The dude is absolute psychopath what kind of mind do you need to have to utilize a chain like he did.

Sunday night was the end of a dark era presiding over the festering corpse of what is left of 6CW...
I said at the beginning that Joshua will be exposed as to what he really is...
And Sunday was the culmination of that...
As he was wheeled out Engel's toybox...
The faces of fans realised what was once was indestructible...inhumane...
Had fallen from his throne and was nothing but a mere mortal in a monster's world...

Cerberus stands arms wide chuckling 

But now it's time to move on from the past and back to restoring some pride to this title...
Yet it appears this company has decided it's going to reward failure with title shots...
A guy that got beat by Aaron Heath for his title...
I mean really He got beat by a guy that's not even on my level...

Cerberus starts mocking the crowd as they chant O'Callaghan at him

 Who'd have thought it you knew who i was talking about...
It doesn't matter how much you chant and scream for the ret@rded Leprechaun...
He's never going to get this title...

Cerberus raises it to booing

The fact is all he is a poundland Connor McGregor...
He can run his mouth all he wants...
He can spout all the sh*tty Shawn Mendes lyrics he wants but im not going to be have mercy on him...

Cerberus pulls the chain from around his neck and lifts it up staring at the entrance way

But at the end of the day O'Callaghan...
Much like McGregor...
You're going to get choked the f**k out...
And their is not a damn thing you can do about it...

Cerberus stands one foot on the bottom rope & the other on the second leaning out of the ring with the TV Title in his hand pointing at himself mouthing "This is Mine" 


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6CW Aftermath Monday 24th October Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath Monday 24th October

Post by Marsh Mon 17 Oct 2016, 9:44 pm

We cut backstage to see Charlotte Grey stood backstage, outside of the ‘6WF’ locker room.

CG: ‘Ladies and gentlemen I am out here waiting to hear from one of the victorious members of Team 6WF, after the hellacious War Games match last Sunday’.

(Charlotte knocks on the door to be greeted by Marshall Murdoch, who is wearing one his old Church robes from the CoH days)

CG: ‘Marshall, I was hoping I could grab a moment of your time?’

MM: ‘Hang on…you still work here?’

(Charlotte looks a little bit taken aback but composes herself)

CG: ‘Well yes, I my love my job here at 6CW, why do you think I’d leave?’

MM: ‘Well that’s the thing Charlotte, I didn’t think you’d leave by choice but 6CW as you knew it doesn’t exist anymore, in fact 6CW doesn’t exist anymore full stop. At Beachfront Brawl we killed 6CW, we took over, this is 6WF territory now. Quite frankly I was expecting you to have been replaced by Clarissa by now, but I suppose we’ve got to abide by all this HR boll@cks and give a notic period? Now Clarissa knew how to conduct a proper interview, it was all pre-planned out, very respectful, none of this on the fly, make up as you go along nonsense.’

(Charlotte tries to interrupt but Marshall just carries on)

MM: ‘For doesn’t that just sum up everything wrong with the organisation formerly known as 6CW? A lack of planning, a lack of thought. Weeks you had to plan for War Games, it was announced ages ago, yet there you were trying to cobble together a team at the last minute, trying to rely on one man to carry you through it, rather than operating as a team, which 6WF did.’

CG: ‘It’s interesting you mention 6WF being a ‘team’, yet the 5 of you face off over two matches at Aftermath this week, what are your thoughts on that, are 6CW management punishing you for the victory?’

MM: ‘Firstly, it’s Lockdown, it’s Monday so we facing off at Lockdown. Secondly, does this not just emphasize the borderline lunacy of the former 6CW management? Try and wedge a divide through the opposition after they’ve already defeated you? It just doesn’t make any sense, and it won’t work, for we are a true team. If I win, 6WF wins, if Mike Hill wins, which we won’t, then 6WF wins, if Cassius wins, 6WF wins, you get the idea, whatever happens on Lockdown, 6WF wins the final two matches, and that is what people will remember.’

CG: ‘So that’s the closing of the show, but what can you tell us about the opening, this ‘funeral’ that Cassius Zhi will be conducting?’

MM: ‘6CW is dead Clarissa, and it’s only fitting we give it some kind of send off, it’s the least we could do in the circumstances. It’ll give the people one final chance to say goodbye, although god knows why they’d want to, and (Marshall does a little twirl) it gives me a chance to get these out of storage, it’s been years since I last donned this and it still fits! It’ll be good to get back to my early routes, although I’m not quite sure what Cass was in mind, I imagine it’ll be quite different to a Hero sermon, although regardless, the outcome will be the same, and I will pray to Hero, sorry force of habit, I will pray to 6WF to have mercy on its soul.


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6CW Aftermath Monday 24th October Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath Monday 24th October

Post by Electric Demon Tue 18 Oct 2016, 7:45 pm

Cassius snarls at Crime Lord as they stare intently at each other

Cassius : I am fully aware that I was brought into 6CW as a weapon, Crime Lord. And I think you are the deluded one if you really think Mr. Jones wasn’t aware of my capabilities. I think Mr. Jones was FULLY aware… Crime Lord. Fully aware that the weapon he unleashed was uncontrollable by design… indiscriminate by design… and intoxicating by design! Like a chemical weapon, Crime Lord, set off by Jones just as he was stepping out into the clear air of freedom… left behind in the closed confines of this arena to choke the life out of what remained.

And you can’t get rid of me now I have been unleashed, Crime Lord. I cannot be dismantled. I am all around… suffocating, asphyxiating… poisoning!

Cassius smirks sinisterly at Crime Lord

Cassius : I’m not re-writing history, Crime Lord. I’m making it! And your protestations that that history would somehow be different if it wasn’t for JJ Johnson are somewhat sullied by the fact that JJ Johnson… was!

Zhi laughs dismissively in Crime Lord’s face, antagonistically leaning a little closer in.

Cassius : I’m not re-writing history because the fact is you didn’t kill anything at Beachfront Brawl, Crime Lord. You were there from the first second for sure, but only I was there at the last. And only I, quite literally, left with blood on my hands.

The difference between you and I, Crime Lord, is that when the war was over, and the night was through, you probably sat back in your plush air-conditioned locker room, poured yourself a treble scotch and lit up one of your finest, fattest Cubans in celebration of a monumental victory to which you undoubtedly contributed.

Whereas, I…. Crime Lord... I sat with my claret-stained hands on the steering wheel of my car, already driving to my next destination – the heating turned up to its maximum so that I could enjoy the oppressive acrid stench of the drying blood hanging in the heavy air. And then on arrival at my hotel room, I stepped into the shower, and I ran these hands through my hair to make that dried blood wet once more… to feel it run down my face, a manifestation of Dicey Reilly’s tears, and then to my throat… to savour the true taste of victory.

A taste that just leaves me wanting more, Crime Lord.

Cassius takes a deep, lustful breath and closes his eyes as he exhales then fixes Crime Lord with his viciously piercing gaze.

Cassius : I have a hunger for it that is insatiable

I will never stop!

Because I am not content with merely dining out on the past. There is no point in being a titan of a forgotten land, Crime Lord. Just as Hercules wields no strength while Greece lies in ruins – he is the heir to nothing. I am not satisfied to inherit such a meaningless fortune, Crime Lord.

The difference between you and I is that I am not satisfied to be forever known as a titan of 6WF… I shall be a titan of 6CW!

Cassius angrily stabs at his own chest with his finger

Cassius : The difference between you and I, Crime Lord, is that by time the history of this great war actually does come to be documented, by an authority much greater than you or I, you shall have a medal, but the statues will be mine!

Because just like at War Games… you are merely the foundation upon which my greatest victories will be built upon! The bomb that cleared the path for my intoxication to spread further.

And if you choose now to cease clearing the way for me, to turn around and stand in my way, Crime Lord… then your history will already be written!

Electric Demon

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6CW Aftermath Monday 24th October Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath Monday 24th October

Post by President Trump Wed 19 Oct 2016, 12:22 pm

Dicey is sitting in his flat in Glasgow when Sally walks in with an envelope, she tosses it on Dicey’s lap

Sally: Here this was hand delivered

Dicey looks at the envelop with curiosity

Dicey: By who? It’s probably more get well soon stuff

Dicey tears open and looks at the card inside........he picks up a nearby empty bottle and throws it against the wall, Sally walks calmly over and takes the card from Dicey’s shaking hand and starts to read


Dear Dicey

I know you are indisposed at the minute regrettably by my own hands but I wish to invite you to the Funeral of your once great home, 6CW, I would love for you to be there to see firsthand the final nail being driven in and the birth of the new age.


The Conqueror of 6CW, The China and United Kingdom hero

Cassius Zhi

Sally throws the card to the ground

Sally: Are you going to stand for this, he beat you, scarred your face and now he is rubbing it all in with a ton of salt while you sit there feeling sorry for yourself, yes you lost, yes Team 6CW was beaten but what’s new, how many times has it happened in the past, how many times has 6WF looked their noses down on us, their company is gone and still we let them do it, we lost at Beachfront before it even started because we weren’t prepared for what was coming, they have shown their hand and what they can do now and the next time we will be ready

Dicey: WHAT NEXT TIME.........its over Sally, the new owners obviously dont give a sh*t that the company they bought has been dismantled, their top stars beaten, there is no leadership

Sally: That is untrue........YOU are their leader, you are the only one that stands up for what is right, you have done it since you came here, Oliver Keane, Drake, Dubious, Walker, Jones, you have stood up to the lot of them and you are loved by the fans because of it, because you stand up for them, the voiceless, the little man, you stand up because it’s what you do and it’s what you are good at, so what if you lose along the way or things don’t pan out they why they should, the fans don’t care about the results they care that someone they look up to is standing in that ring and sticking his middle fingers up at the bad guys, they guys that spit on them and abuse them because they can, you are the best man I know and I know you will get off that f**king chair and do what is best for everyone, not just you or that bloody company but for everyone

Dicey looks at the furious face of Sally and gets up and walks over to here and hugs her tightly

Dicey: I’m not gonna do it for anyone, I’m gonna do it for you

Dicey kisses her and walks towards the hall door

Dicey: Are you just gonna stand there feeling all smug or are you going to get me back on track, call that big lump Diesel and tell him to get the gym sorted, I need to punch something hard

Sally smiles and grabs her phone

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6CW Aftermath Monday 24th October Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath Monday 24th October

Post by Engel Harlequin Sun 23 Oct 2016, 2:30 am

The Scene opens in Engel's dressing room, a clearly distraught Engel is on his knee's sobbing in front of a large crate. Engel sits up and leans over the crate and begins tossing things out of it

EH: Ruined...RUINED...R-U-I-N-E-D...RUINED! How could you do something so stupid? How could you be this dumb...YOUR A CLOWN!

Engel slams his fist into the side of the crate and screams. A frantic Theresa suddenly rushes to her knee's beside Engel. Theresa looks a little raggedy, her hair a mess, makeup running down her face as if she had been crying, her torn dress and sludgy shoes paint the picture of a girl that has had a rough night

Theresa: Engel? Whats a matter baby?

Engel laughs abruptly once before speaking

EH: Whats THE matter baby would be the correct pronunciation and what are you doing here? I barred you from this place...your bad luck remember...hmm hmm? I mean come on look I don't need you any...(Engels voice goes crackly as if trying to hold back)

Engel bursts into tears before he can finish his sentence

EH: Ruined...ITS ALL don't look like that...its not your fault...CLOWN...sorry, Theresa look at them...they melted.

Theresa tries to look over the edge of the crate but can't quite do it. Theresa clearly agitated shrugs her shoulders at Engel

EH: For god's sakes girl...the Engel Ice lollies...melted the whole lot! I mean what am I suppose to do now? HE TOLD ME...(Engel sobs) HE TOLD ME...this is it...the year of...ENGEL...HARLEQUIN...embrace him...THE YEAR...OF...THE...CLOWN...THE F***ING ICE LOLLIES GODDAMMIT...I mean Theresa...really of all the things to go wrong...oh and thats not the worst of it no that is just the TIP of the iceberg...oh yes.

A bewildered Theresa stands there as if to say what the hell are you on about?

Theresa: Your sobbing over ICE LOLLIES? Your punching things and screaming over ICE LOLLIES? REALLY? I mean COME ON...You know Engel...I just don't get it...Why do I keep coming back to you time and time again...ICE LOLLIES?

Engel backs away a little from Theresa before speaking as if nervous

EH: Just think of the markets we open ourselves upto.

Theresa smiles as Engel says ourselves

Theresa: Since when have YOU been acute at business?

EH: Theresa...Theresa its not just the Ice lollies...its the T-shirts...I think I may have translated wrong to those Iranians that made my shirts...I told them I needed the stuff to come together...I didn't mean in the same crate...AND THE ICE CREAM ON TOP? I MEAN  REALLY!!! I figured out that shirt sales equate to the eventual rise of a superstar...well I didn't...I figured it out on that thingamy box that plugs into that thingamy bob.

Theresa: You mean that WWE 2K17 on Playstation 4?

EH: We could get sacked for that hehehe...

Engel kicks the crate angrily

EH: YOU KNOW WHAT I NEED? I NEED A P.A. Theresa? How you fixed? Christ you look like you have had a rough night...beautiful though...chaotically beautiful.

Theresa hesitates, but a grin begins to form on her face

Theresa: You mean the job I had before? The job you sacked me from?

EH: The very same. Think about it...I AM AT THE PINNACLE...this Aftermath I stand toe to toe and side by side with the very greatest...from here...the world is my oyster...I need you know what I am you know what I do...

Theresa shrugs her shoulders

Theresa: As if you would ever need to ask twice...when can I start?

EH: RIGHT NOW? Now can we do ANYTHING with these Icelollies?

Theresa: Right, so we will refreeze the ones that ARE salvageable and sell them all misshapen and stuff...sells the idea that your chaotic...

Engel nods his head impressed

EH: Marvellous! But here's the tough one...what about my T-shirts?

Theresa: That's easy! The dry cleaner.

EH: HA...HA...Thats why I continue to be associated with you Theresa, your logical brilliance can always find the right within my chaotic beauty...

Theresa: Ahhh bless your one and only nice bone...

EH: Right you and me need a plan...a GOOD plan...WE ARE GOING TO THE TOP BABY!

The scene fades as Engel and Theresa mumble to themselves

Engel Harlequin

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6CW Aftermath Monday 24th October Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath Monday 24th October

Post by Nay Mon 24 Oct 2016, 11:01 am

*Faith walks into shot stares at Marshall and Charlotte before shaking gis head*

CF: Lets cut the bullsh1t, this place was dying long before last night, Not that you would know it by the way these drama queens claiming it was a great victory for 6WF. Most these f*ckers couldnt give a sh*t about 6WF. I was actually there when the doors closed and i know i dont.

I joined team 6WF for one only, the success but the truth is it it didnt matter who won last night, sh!t aint gonna change.

One of the lloyd brothers put it perfectly in commentry when he said Faith aint got no history, so he dont really matter and it makes you wonder what the f***ing point is.

*Faith turns to focus fully Marshall*

So Marshall talk up 6WF victory all you want while your bum chum Cassius continues his amateur dramtics. Me im only interesting in beating you and Mike Hill tonight, for all the good it will do.

*Faith strops off leaving Marshall and the reporter in shock*


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6CW Aftermath Monday 24th October Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath Monday 24th October

Post by Nay Mon 24 Oct 2016, 5:13 pm

*Faith is stood in his full ensemble, wearing the Fur coat, cap, sunglasses. He takes the glasses off and places then on the top of his head revealing bags under his eyes. He continues to stare at himself in the mirror until he suddenly lets out a roar before punching the mirror, shattering it into a million pieces.*

*Faith looks at his bloody hand, before staring at the mirror a small cracked reflection staring back at him from corner of the mirror*


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6CW Aftermath Monday 24th October Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath Monday 24th October

Post by Perfect Jack Mon 24 Oct 2016, 5:39 pm

Timothy Allen is stood backstage in the interview area.

TA: Hello 6CW fans from around the world, let me introduce our guests at this time, the reigning 6CW tag team champions. Perfect Execution.

Perfect Jack and Lex Hart walk into shot accompanied by Miss Jessica who has both titles over her shoulders.

TA: Gents after the events at Beachfront Brawl where you retained your titles via DQ from Blue Dragon and Logan Kincade, it would appear that you've been given the night off. What are your thoughts on this.

PJ: Well Timothy we said this before Beachfront Brawl and we were proved right. We said that we were better than Blue Dragon and Logan Kincade and that they couldn't beat us. That DQ proves us right.

LH: They lost their cool, their calm, so they decided to take the easy way out and get disqualified. They thought they could beat us, but we proved them wrong. We proved quite a lot of people wrong out there that thought that we'd lose. No chance. No chance in hell that Perfect Execution are relinquishing our world tag team titles.

PJ: There's a reason why those within the industry consider Perfect Execution on the Mount Rushmore of wrestling, resiliency like that at Beachfront Brawl is a perfect reason why we are the kings of tag team wrestling. United we Stand ladies and gentlemen. Perfect Execution will never fall.

MJ: Interview over Timothy, we're going out to celebrate yet another tag team title defence.

The scene ends with all three walking away. She hands each title to the other and they link arms together with Miss Jessica in the middle.

Perfect Jack

Posts : 649
Join date : 2011-01-26
Age : 32

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