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NOG 2017 Match Six Promo Thread: Hero vs JJ Johnson vs Crime Lord vs O’Callaghan vs Anthony Grace vs Engel Harlequin - Fight for the Right Briefcase Elimination Chamber Match

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NOG 2017 Match Six Promo Thread: Hero vs JJ Johnson vs Crime Lord vs O’Callaghan vs Anthony Grace vs Engel Harlequin - Fight for the Right Briefcase Elimination Chamber Match Empty NOG 2017 Match Six Promo Thread: Hero vs JJ Johnson vs Crime Lord vs O’Callaghan vs Anthony Grace vs Engel Harlequin - Fight for the Right Briefcase Elimination Chamber Match

Post by Dolphin Ziggler Tue 25 Jul 2017, 11:08 pm

[b]Match Six/b]
Fight for the Right Briefcase Elimination Chamber Match
Hero vs JJ Johnson vs Crime Lord vs O’Callaghan vs Anthony Grace vs Engel Harlequin
Theme: Higher – Sigma, Labrinth

Dolphin Ziggler

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NOG 2017 Match Six Promo Thread: Hero vs JJ Johnson vs Crime Lord vs O’Callaghan vs Anthony Grace vs Engel Harlequin - Fight for the Right Briefcase Elimination Chamber Match Empty Re: NOG 2017 Match Six Promo Thread: Hero vs JJ Johnson vs Crime Lord vs O’Callaghan vs Anthony Grace vs Engel Harlequin - Fight for the Right Briefcase Elimination Chamber Match

Post by Engel Harlequin Wed 26 Jul 2017, 1:40 am

Higher plays as a promo package appears on screen, the chains of the elimination chamber rise onto the steel structure and the competitors appear one by one onto the screen folding there arms facing the screen.

HA: What a difference a fortnight makes, just four weeks ago we were talking about the fight for the right Elimination Chamber match, the competitors set in stone. Yet here we are, the goal of the match overshadowed by terrible events just two weeks ago on the go home show for Night of Glory as Robin Reborn was found a bloody mess backstage. In his place, his friend Engel Harlequin has vowed to find the culprit and Henry, I dont think I would like to be the one to face the wrath of Engel Harlequin.

The scene cuts to the commentators desk where Henry and Harold Lloyd are sat

HE: HE did it Harold, I am telling you this is all a ruse. Engel Harlequin has stolen Reborns spot and probably ended his career in the process. Engel is sick.

HA: Its a very convincing ruse if I may say so myself. Talk of Reborn's career is also premature. There is nothing to suggest Reborn wont make a recovery.

HE: But will he ever be the same again? Thats the question on everybodies lips.

Time is running out hits as the arena lights go out

HA: Well it looks like Engels coming out here to silence his doubters.

A spotlight flickers for a second before shining upon the stage. Engel steps out from the curtain and basks in the light before taking an elaborate bow to the crowd. He receives a mixed reaction as he walks down the ramp towards the ring

HE: Even the crowd know the truth. Engel coming out here means nothing to these people. The fact is he did what he did so he could claim his spot in the elimination chamber.

HA: What about Hero? Did you see the glee across his face upon seeing Reborn bleeding out upon the concrete?

HE: Hero is a good man, I thought he had something in his eye.

Engel rolls into the ring microphone in hand as the lights raise, a small rumbling of fans begin an Engel chant

EH: It was me...

The crowd fall silent almost in shock

HA: WHAT?!?!

HE: I told you Harold...I told you.

EH: It was me, I killed Reborn. As god is my witness it is all my fault.

HA: What the hell is he doing?

HE: He got what he wants, he cannot lose his spot.

Engel laughs manically

EH: If it wasn't for me Robin Reborn would be here alive and kicking and competing for his shot, but instead I stand in front of you. I should have protected him, just like he protected me but the truth is I tossed friendship to the side in my quest for glory...NO MORE!

A portion of the crowd begin to rally behind Engel as he paces the ring

HA: Not the words of a guilty man Henry, he may feel bad, but I am certain Engel played no part in the attack on his friend.

HE: He has you hooked on his every word you fool.

EH: NINE! Nine suspects walk these halls, nine suspects names I repeat OVER and OVER again...Dicey Reilly, Cerberus, Liam Wood, Hero, Anthony Grace, O'Callaghan, JJ Johnson, Cassius Zhi, Crimelord...Every single one of them has a reason, a motive...many share the same, some differ from others...but one things for certain of each and every single one...they will all look into the eyes of the devil tonight...and one will confess...they will drown in the shroud of there own guilt and scream for mercy as I pass judgement.

HA: I would hate to be on the receiving end when Engel finds the guilty party.

HE: Empty promises, Engel has done NOTHING in months, his time here is over.

EH: Destiny, prophecies...for months I have told you this is my time and for months I have given you nothing...tonight there are no promises of my glory...oh no...tonight is not my night...Tonight I stand in front of you all my Angels, THIS is Robin Reborns Night of Glory...I go into the Elimination chamber not for me, or you but for my friend little bird...tonight I claim that briefcase and end this night a title holder...and I do it all for Brother...and those that will do him harm? Can you walk through the fire unscathed? Can you stand in front of me and face  your punishment or will you cower away? I will find you.

Engel laughs manically as he looks towards the tron and licks his lips

Engel Harlequin

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NOG 2017 Match Six Promo Thread: Hero vs JJ Johnson vs Crime Lord vs O’Callaghan vs Anthony Grace vs Engel Harlequin - Fight for the Right Briefcase Elimination Chamber Match Empty Re: NOG 2017 Match Six Promo Thread: Hero vs JJ Johnson vs Crime Lord vs O’Callaghan vs Anthony Grace vs Engel Harlequin - Fight for the Right Briefcase Elimination Chamber Match

Post by TwisT Wed 26 Jul 2017, 1:56 pm

As Engel stares at the tron, he is faced by a massive A appearing in gold on it. "Power" by Kanye West blasts around the arena and the stage turns to gold as well. The crowd boo loudly as Anthony Grace appears, wearing his #BeyondNecessary t-shirt and white trousers. He looks over his sunglasses at Engel and shakes his head, before striding down the aisle.

HE: The man who is destined to bring a new era to 6CW......

HA: Or a man most likely to get his teeth punched in by the other five guys in that chamber. I have never seen a more hated individual in 6CW.

HE: Hated? He is loved! Loved by the important people in 6CW - the owners! The guy continues to pull in the crowds. You don't think they are here for Engel's depressing monologue do you?

As Grace gets to the ring, he is handed his gold microphone. He walks up the steel steps and climbs into the ring, staying close by the turnbuckle. He again eyes Engel over his sunglasses, before ignoring him and raising his arm in the air towards the fans. The music stops as Grace holds the pose, with the crowds boos deafening.

HA: Listen to this noise! Only Grace could muster this kind of negative reaction!

Grace finally drops his arm and then removes his sunglasses. He stares at Engel like something nasty he has found on his pristine white shoes. He then starts to speak.

AG: So it is all about revenge? All about righting a wrong? Not once did you factor in that this could be the biggest opportunity in your short, painful, nauseating little career. This is all because of your friend.

Grace turns to the crowd.

AG: How sweet.

He turns back to Engel.

AG: How sickening.

Grace walks across the ring and sighs deeply. He rolls his eyes and addresses Engel again.

AG: I will treat you as I treat anyone who doesn’t have the mental capacity to understand exactly what you are here for.

Engel looks confused and Grace mocks him.

AG: Oh you didn't know? Too dumb to read the small print in your contract.

Grace keeps his distance like the coward he is but shouts at Engel.

AG: You make up the numbers in my show. Somebody had to fill the other pods and so, after weeks and weeks of destroying any popularity I had given 6CW, Enforcer finally threw you a bone.

Grace eyes Engel up and down.

AG: There is nothing impressive about you Engel. You are not a figurehead. You are not a leader. You are not someone to rally behind. What you actually are is dispensable. Someone that 6CW keep around to appear to the mental demographic. That is how low 6CW has got now……appearing to the few nutcases off their head on meth and following you because you look like what they see in the mirror. Look at me Engel. Look at the man 6CW want on their posters and merchadise. Feel the adoration that follows me around like the bad smell that surrounds you.

Grace eyes the crowd and they boo again. He waits a moment and sighs.

AG: See. Now that is love. Love wrapped up in dollar bills that are devotedly thrown about when people realise I am going to be on the show.

Grace shrugs his shoulders and talks directly at Engel again.

AG: You don’t deal with failure very well do you? Everything you touch just turns crazy. You may think it is part of your charm but pity will never trump charisma. So to be a winner, fighting for the right not for semi-cripples but for dollar signs, I really must ignore you and concentrate on important matters. Telling these people exactly why the A-Game is about to piss on their parade and declare himself…….

Grace looks at the camera.

AG:.......with Monster Energy’s blessing……

Grace turns back to Engel.

AG: The new world leader in the 6CW universe.

Grace waits, perhaps expecting Engel to leave and when he doesn't he shouts at him.


Grace angrily puts his hand through his hair in exasperation.

AG: The only punishment you put us through is being in this ring and speaking. No wait, that isn’t it. Our punishment is you being here and breathing! It is beyond necessary Engel…….and you need to rectify that before entering my ring again. So stand, sit, lie or die. Whatever........

Grace ignores Engel and turns back to the crowd.

AG: Did you not see my press conference? Did you not see how my name made headlines across the world? It was Anthony Grace that the media turned to when they wanted a quote on Robin Reborn. It was Anthony Grace that filled all the photos as Reborn struggled to drink from a straw. It was Anthony Grace who provided the biggest comment on the last show before Night of Glory…….

Grace stares into the distance in some kind of catalogue pose before speaking like a voice over to a movie advertisement.

AG: The A-Game has a guarantee of being crowned World Champion of wrestling!

The fans boo and Grace loses his temper.


He walks up to the ropes and seethes.

AG: I am not going to be World Champion of EWF. I am not going to be the World Champion of 6CW. I am going to be the World Champion of wrestling and everything connected to it! The chairs you sit on - I am world champion of it. The merchandise you buy - I am world champion of it. The ring we perform in - I am world champion of it. The air you breathe in my arena - I AM WORLD CHAMPION OF IT!

Grace stops as the crowd throw insults in his direction.

AG: So let me be absolutely clear for the special needs cases that are soon to enter this ring. Say what you want. Threaten whoever. Act all strong and dominant. No matter what you do it all comes back to the same thing......

Grace poses again and lifts his head up to the sky.


Grace is unmoved in his pose as Engel looks on and the crowd boo.


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NOG 2017 Match Six Promo Thread: Hero vs JJ Johnson vs Crime Lord vs O’Callaghan vs Anthony Grace vs Engel Harlequin - Fight for the Right Briefcase Elimination Chamber Match Empty Re: NOG 2017 Match Six Promo Thread: Hero vs JJ Johnson vs Crime Lord vs O’Callaghan vs Anthony Grace vs Engel Harlequin - Fight for the Right Briefcase Elimination Chamber Match

Post by Engel Harlequin Wed 26 Jul 2017, 8:37 pm

Engel looks Anthony Grace up and down. He shakes his head and steps through the ropes and onto the apron. He looks back at Grace and shakes his head before jumping down to the floor.

CROWD: NO! (chant)

Anthony Grace smirks towards Engel.

HE: Look at your hero, look at that clown. The big boys are out to play and Engel can't compete.

HA: Oh God, what's he got on his mind.

Engel orders the time keeper and ring announcer out of there chairs and grabs them, He tosses one into the ring. Anthony Grace backs off as the flying chair almost hits him.

HE: SECURITY! Section this man, get him out of the building...somebody help Anthony Grace.

HA: We have seen what Engel can do, we have seen the carnage he can cause, but I do not think this is a good idea.

Engel folds the second chair and rolls under the bottom rope. He leaves the chair on the floor and grabs the unfolded one. Engel places the chair behind an uneasy Anthony Grace before grabbing the other one and unfolding it, the back facing Grace before straddling it and staring Grace dead in the eye.

EH: Sit down...

Grace tentatively shakes his head as Engel seems to grow impatient.

EH: Look, Anthony...this does not need to be difficult. Sit down, this chair is a beacon of opportunity. It is the light at the end of a dark dark tunnel. This chair is your SALVATION...HeHeHe.

Grace continues to refuse.

HE: What the hell is Engel trying to achieve out here? You can't intimidate a guy like Anthony Grace.

HA: It certainly seems like Engel can.

Engel brushes his hair back with his hand and laughs a single one syllable short sharp laugh.

EH: Fine, have it your way Anthony...I can call you Anthony right? I don't think you and I have really spoke since I beat you last year, but lets cut out the formalities eh? These people are bored. They hear the same thing week in week out from you. I apologise in my assumptions, but this act...El Diva, it just isn't working for me. Listen son, you might have been around the block a few times...hell you gave me a good match once upon a time...I remember it fondly in fact. You stood out here and you shook my hand in defeat. Humbled yet happy that you had the opportunity. All I hear now is B***ch this and moan that. “I'm entitled” “This is my right” blah blah blah blah blah.

HA: Engel has hit the nail on the head there thats for sure.

HE: Shut up Harold, Anthony Grace is a superstar...a legend...a goddamn movie icon!

EH: Anthony, I'm BORED! Give me something new, give me fresh...give me fact Anthony Grace why don't you tell me WHY you felt the need to have Robin Reborn maimed at Anarchy? Hey? Come on kid, this is the big don't spend time at the top without seeing how it works around here.

Grace looks almost shellshocked as Engel continues his line of enquiry

EH: You walk out here, can't even look me in the mock my blind faith in my friendship...abuse my mental issues like some big time charlie...You couldn't even beat Jerome Dubois for the TV title for christs sake! Anthony, you've turned you want some water?

Grace looks on as Engel again leaves the ring, grabbing a bottle of water from the commentary table

EH: Its okay man, I'll hook you up...I know its hard coming from your background not having people running around after you.

Engel rolls back into the ring and walks right up to Grace

EH: You want this?

Engel holds out the water, which Grace tries to take. Engel moves it away and smiles

EH: You want me to help you Anthony? Is that it? Little spoon fed A**holes need a helping hand every now and again.

Engel opens the bottle and takes a good gulp of the water, he rubs his lips together, wetting them before blowing a raspberry sending drops of water into the direction of Grace's face. Grace wipes his face in disgust and clenches his fist

EH: If your going to hit me you better crack on and do it because theres a whole world of hurt in that chamber...I thought not. You haven't got the stones. Look upon the horizon, look what you face! This is not the place for the straight laced, as I set free the monsters from the Xtreme division and they began walking amongst giants, we took over this place. People like you wait in line for the next time you will lose. Look Anthony, I just want a name...who did it? Hmmm? Its not that hard is it? I don't blame you for what's happened. You got caught up in a moment, we have all been there. Robin Reborn, the biggest threat in the chamber, the greatest superstar to walk these halls, he needed taking out. Your scared, you think I will take my vengeance out upon you, but you have nothing to fear. I want the puppet not the master, it was after all a brilliant plan. Absolutely brilliant, and only a guy like you could have masterminded such a scheme. I admire you...but you didn't count on me did you Grace. You can take all the legal mumbo jumbo you have in that clever little head of yours, stick it in that mixing bowl you call a mouth and spout it all you want. I am Engel Harlequin and I play by no rules. Look me in the eyes, look me in the eyes and tell me a name. Give me the culprit and I promise you no harm in the chamber.

Engel smiles at Grace

Engel Harlequin

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Post by TwisT Thu 27 Jul 2017, 4:49 pm

Grace wipes the drops of water on his face and replaces his sunglasses. He holds one finger up before it seems he is going to speak. He stops himself, shakes his head and tries to compose himself. The crowd boo as Grace looks on irate, seemingly incapable of saying a word.

HE: The man is in shock!

Grace finally seems capable of stringing a sentence together. He holds up his microphone for fifth time and speaks in a disgusted tone.

AG: You chuck a chair at me that narrowly misses? You spray the contents of your mouth over my face? You stand there and try to get a violent response from me?

Grace walks up to Engel and shouts.


Grace steps back and looks about him, trying desperately to find some representatives of Monster Energy. When he finds none, he turns his attention back to Engel.

AG: The A-Game and the whole world does not understand what you are talking about. The usual sensation people feel when you open your mouth……

Grace dabs his face again.

AG: The thought of you being in the chamber does genuinely scare me. For it is sideshow freaks like you that will undo all my hard work in getting that match to the top of the ratings pile. It is borderline offensive that someone who has had no relevance in 6CW over the last few months, suddenly gets to fill a void left by a guy that obviously needs to go to self-defence classes.

The crowd jeer and Grace turns on them.


Grace cracks his neck from side to side and brushes his t-shirt with his hand to remove any creases.

AG: If you wish to continue making the chamber match about something other than my crowning as World Champion of Wrestling, then you do it 100 yards away from me. That is the terms of the restraining order I will get. I am not having some mentally deluded, piss poor actor try and sabotage the chances of 6CW being prime time TV.

Grace backs away from Engel.

AG: Your words are about as flat as the reactions to your little speeches. In your head, I am sure you hear cheers and applause. But in reality it is all silent. 6CW doesn’t need you Engel. You just don’t have the X factor. You just don’t have the pizzazz. You just don’t have the following…….

Grace stares at the chair in the ring.

AG: So what we are left with are these outbursts and events where you are desperately crying for attention. Hoping that one day you will hit upon something. A moment of brilliance where you do not have to rely on a fraud of a champion getting assaulted to finally thrust you into the limelight. A stroke of genius where you do not have to depend on being simply a substitute.

Grace looks back at Engel.

AG: How does it feel to be such an afterthought that it is left to the last show to finally find a place for you at the biggest PPV in the 6CW year?

Grace scoffs and turns to the crowd.

AG: If people leave 6CW in their droves then the big story of “who attacked the Robin” will be as forgotten as…..well…the Forgotten. So if you find out who did it, then don’t get upset if nobody cares. Because nobody cares now Engel.

He waves his hand across the sky.

AG: Anthony Grace is the only person worth talking about. The headline creator. The money maker. The show stopper. The story supplier. All these things and more that will propel 6CW to the heights it should be. And providing the profits that it will bring…….

Grace stares into the distance for a while, before turning back to Engel.

AG: Excuse me…….your 15 minutes brush with fame is over.

Grace then calmingly steps out onto the apron and then down to the floor. He walks up to the Lloyd brothers and ushers Harold to get out of his seat. Grace then steps in his place and puts on the commentators headset. Grace simply sits there waiting while Engel is left waiting in the ring.


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NOG 2017 Match Six Promo Thread: Hero vs JJ Johnson vs Crime Lord vs O’Callaghan vs Anthony Grace vs Engel Harlequin - Fight for the Right Briefcase Elimination Chamber Match Empty Re: NOG 2017 Match Six Promo Thread: Hero vs JJ Johnson vs Crime Lord vs O’Callaghan vs Anthony Grace vs Engel Harlequin - Fight for the Right Briefcase Elimination Chamber Match

Post by Good Golly I'm Olly Tue 01 Aug 2017, 6:54 pm

*As Grace is settling down at the commentary table, "Run this town" comes over the speakers and O'Callaghan saunters out onto the ramp, suited in a pure white suit and trousers combination with a pink tie, and a mic in hand, as he begins to walk down the ramp to the ring*

O'Callaghan: "It is not often that one agrees with Anthony Grace, but the man makes some good points, doesn't he Engel?"

*O'Callaghan is now at the bottom of the ramp, and is looking at Engel to respond*

O'Callaghan: "That's a question my man, I know you're used to performing in front of village halls with 15 kids and a few more blow up balloons around you, but you should know what a simple question is, no?"

*O'Callaghan now enters the ring*

O'Callaghan: "Fine, I shall answer it. Yes, yes Anthony makes some good points. You have come out here, and said you both attacked Robin Reborn and then in a matter of seconds said it wasn't you, you have allowed yourself to become distracted oh oh so simply. So simple. That's what they're gonna write on your tombstone isn't it buddy?"

*O'Callaghan chuckles*

O'Callaghan: "You see Engel, you're easily manipulated. You are now about to enter the biggest match of your life, on the biggest night of your life, and you're more worried about someone else. It makes me sad actually, it makes O'Callaghan sad that this is what 6CW is going to put up against him. Engel Harlequin. The clown."

*O'Callaghan imitates a clown*

O'Callaghan: "I guess I shouldn't be really surprised, with Enforcer still somehow, inexplicably in charge around here, it was inevitable that he'd continue to make baffling decisions. From continually placing O'Callaghan down the card, to bizarrely conspiring with Clarke James and Perfect Jack to give them the UK and International titles, dropping their prestige instantly, he was of course bound to include you on the card somewhere, despite not being worthy. But hey, one less guy for O'Callaghan to worry about."

*O'Callaghan now turns to look at Grace, who is sat at the commentary table*

O'Callaghan: "Anthony! Mr Grace! I found you to be talking sense. What a time to be alive eh?"

*O'Callaghan smirks*

O'Callaghan: "But that is all you are isn't it Anthony. Just talk. Unlike O'Callaghan, who has the brawn to back up his brain, you simply spout nonsense that you can't backup. As shown last week, when O'Callaghan gave you a taste of what is to come inside the chamber, when I laid my arm across you for a three count."

*O'Callaghan imitates the three count*

O'Callaghan: "Anthony, you can talk restraining orders, you can spout about you being 6CW, but everyone here knows when we get inside that chamber, you don't have the skills to best me. Nobody in this match does. I am the greatest wrestler 6CW has ever seen, I am the superstar of the year, and at Night of Glory I prove again I am the future of not only 6CW, but wrestling."

*O'Callaghan now looks back up the ramp*

O'Callaghan: "And speaking of future, I highly doubt we'll be seeing any of the OAP crew who make up the rest of this match, for it is what, must be 7pm at least now, so they're tucking into bed following their early bird meals, probably watching Night of Glory one, which coincidentally is the last time Crime Lord, Hero and JJ Johnson were last relevant!"

*O'Callaghan laughs to himself*

O'Callaghan: "So, I guess I better settle in here and get talking you guys through how I'm going to win the chamber match then..."

*O'Callaghan points to the timekeeper to pass him a chair to sit on...*
Good Golly I'm Olly
Good Golly I'm Olly
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NOG 2017 Match Six Promo Thread: Hero vs JJ Johnson vs Crime Lord vs O’Callaghan vs Anthony Grace vs Engel Harlequin - Fight for the Right Briefcase Elimination Chamber Match Empty Re: NOG 2017 Match Six Promo Thread: Hero vs JJ Johnson vs Crime Lord vs O’Callaghan vs Anthony Grace vs Engel Harlequin - Fight for the Right Briefcase Elimination Chamber Match

Post by Engel Harlequin Wed 02 Aug 2017, 2:35 am

Engel looks down at O'Callaghan and laughs frantically

EH: I love a good clown joke...

Engel claps towards O'Callaghan in an exaggerated manner. He pauses and looks at the bemused O'Callaghan before holding a finger up and nodding his head. He pulls out what looks like a balloon.

HE: Oh for gods sakes...He's a clown!

HA: A clown who knows how to rile up his opponents.

HE: You don't go into an elimination chamber match, for the fight for the right briefcase and set out to annoy your opponents!

HA: I think you underestimate the power of getting under an opponents skin.

As the commentary goes on, Engel puts his mouth to the balloon and inflates and ties it. He rubs it atop his head, his hair rising towards the balloon.

EH: I sense a little friction hehehehehehehehehehehe....

Engel pops the balloon in the face of O'Callaghan

EH: Could it be? Could it be O'Callaghan that YOU conspired with Anthony Grace to take out Robin? O'Callaghan, proving to be quite the failure when it comes to approaching the numbers you thought you'd do some subtraction...hehehe...but you didn't count on one thing did you? You didn't count on Engel Harlequin, the most unpredictable man on this roster, ripping off that favourite tag you seem to have stamped yourself, chewing it up and spitting it at your feet.

Engel circles O'Callaghan slowly

EH: No, you see O' this ring by all accounts there is nobody better, I admire that quality about this ring on your day you are the best in this damn business.

CROWD: (Cheer)

EH: But outside that ring you are nothing, all bark and no bite. Your not a thinker, your angry with Grace because you know I am know that he has brought the fires of hell upon each and every one of you in that I say on your day you are the best in this damn business...but O'Callaghan...there's not a thing you can do in that ring that I can't match, not an ounce of pain you can take that I can't thrive on, your angry because your scared...

Engel laughs as he looks down on O'Callaghan

EH: End of the line O'Callaghan, your road to Night of Glory ends here, goodnight Eileen, that clocks not striking no O'Callaghan o'clock. Between that little streak cowering behind the commentators desk, and you sat with that flat as your gimmick expression, we've got ourselves a dilemna...because whoever took out Robin Reborn condemned each and every one of you...

CROWD: Engel's gonna kill you (chant)

EH: Not one of these peope will admire you, they'll never shout your name because YOU cannot do what needs to be done, sure you might win the odd title, you have the ability to get the big one...but if you can't do what needs to be done, your grip will be as loose as sally after a night with Dicey Reilly, your blasé, comedy bad guy routine might have made you famous...but this is 6CW and that don't float round here...

Engel Harlequin

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Post by JJJohnson Wed 02 Aug 2017, 4:23 pm

*The crowd inside the arena are making a raucous noise, the different chants can be heard resonating throughout the building and then there is an almighty roar as Timothy Allen appears on the big screen alongside JJ Johnson in the backstage area. JJ looks pumped and ready, he stops and listens to the ovation of the supporters, and then he beckons for the interviewer to begin his speech.

TA: JJ...

*Crowd roar

TA: Here we are.....Night of Glory can hear the people, they're ready.....on the outset of it you look ready....but are you prepared for what is to come? The biggest night in the 6CW calendar and you are set to enter the Fight for the Right Elimination Chamber....just how far can you go to get ready for this kind of match?

*JJ continues to listen to the crowd and then he stares at Tim Allen for a moment

JJ: Fact is, can' can train every single day, two, three times a can push yo body to its limits, work on strength, stamina and can spar and you can practise.....but ain't no gym I ever been to that got a 20 foot, three tonne unforgiving structure in can't train for the pain and torture that this kind of match brings to the cannot mentally or physically ready yoself for what is to come...

You gotta rely on the person that looks back at you in the mirror in the gotta trust in gotta believe that tonight is your night and not only are you better than those five other men but you also got Lady Luck on yo side, because a match like this don't get won without her smiling down on you....

I been here befo, I know what to expect from this kind o' match, I've competed and won these matches befo but that don't mean that I'm the favourite, that don't mean I got much mo' of an advantage than anybody just means I know the horrors on the horizon....

TA: The winner of this match is guaranteed a world championship match of their choosing, any time, anywhere....that has to be a monumental incentive...

JJ: Not a single one of us would be in this match if it wasn' and my five opponents have the same goals, the same desire...this is a one way ticket to the mountain top....I promised when I came back that I was heading back to the summit and right here is my opportunity....I've had a few setbacks along the way but I will not be denied....I will not be a stepping stone fo' somebody elses' future......

My opposition are hungry for success but so am I.....and sure it's a whole lot different to when I was coming up, back then I was striving to feed a family, striving to make it in this business and that kind of hunger will take you beyond the pale....but now I have a new found taste for the big time and that stems from the motivation to prove to myself that I am still the elite force in professional wrestling....

I'm pushing myself harder and body has taken a hammering but physically I have never felt better, I truly believe that I am more equipped than ever befo to become the world heavyweight champion....

On this stage two years ago my career was practically ended by Lex Hart, they said I would never wrestle again.....I defied those odds, I came back, and on this very same stage I intend on putting myself back in the driving seat of my own can't buy the motivation or the drive to succeed that I have....I have been on the brink and I pushed back against the impending and inevitable doom...

TA: It is an all star lineup, do you look at your opponents? is there anyone in particular that worries you?

*JJ laughs

JJ: No man ever scared me in my entire life, it ain't about to start now....and that's not to be tripping because I know exactly what I'm up against here, I know that these five men are five of the very best that this industry has to offer....

But they need to understand that they also fighting me and I am the best that this industry has ever offered and at Night of Glory that is where all the difference will lie...

They say the organised chaos of this match will suit Engel Harlequin.....the brutality of it will play into Crime Lord's hands.....they say O'Callaghan will be at a disadvantage as this won't play to his technical strengths....that Anthony Grace will throw in the towel rather than spoil his movie star good looks and that you never write off an eight time world champion like Hero because he always finds a way to win....

But all of those opinions come from people who never set foot inside the Elimination Chamber......from people who don't have the first clue what it takes to win a match like this....

I've seen monsters tremble inside that structure....I've seen hardcore legends wilt under the pressure whilst high fliers and submission artists flourish under the lights.....I have seen the most unlikely of superstars rise to the occasion because that night was their night and just ain't no stopping them from accomplishing what they set out to....

Yo spirit and yo heart will win you this match....because souls can be destroyed in there, bones can break and blood will most certainly be spilled....

There is no formula to win this match and although I feel confident and I'm talking the talk as per usual I ain't gone talk (beep) about any of the other men in this match....not today, not on this one...

Do I think I'll win? You damn right, Do I think I'm better than them? All day and all night....but they still got as big balls that I do to step in there in the first place and that deserves respect...

They all in with a chance and anything can happen on any given night...

But I intend on being the main that goes in there and makes myself at home from the outset....they call it the devil's playground but that son of a b1tch ain't got the kind of fire and hustle that I have when I'm in full flow....

This is go hard or go home can feel the electricity in the air............everyone in the lockeroom, the production work all year round fo' this moment.......the grandest stage, granddaddy...........this is the Super Bowl, the World Series and the World Cup all rolled into one....

It is now or put up or you shut up....every single one of us got our names up in lights and you either rise or you by the sword and you die by the goddamn sword....

Because when the smoke clears, the dust settles and all is said and done...

This right here....

*JJ points at himself and all around

JJ: This is my Night of Glory!


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Join date : 2011-03-09
Age : 34

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