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6wE Episode Four - card

Engel Harlequin
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6wE Episode Four - card Empty 6wE Episode Four - card

Post by Marky Tue Feb 12, 2019 12:33 am

6wE Episode Four

Match One
Uryu Ishida & Percy Percival v Engel Harlequin & Frank Horrigan

Match Two
Perfect Jack v Brandon Perez

The Fanatic's Ultra Violent Championship celebration

Main Event
Number one contenders match
Liam Wood v Jackson Jackson v Chris Patricks

Last edited by Marky on Wed Feb 13, 2019 3:18 am; edited 1 time in total


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6wE Episode Four - card Empty Re: 6wE Episode Four - card

Post by Engel Harlequin Tue Feb 12, 2019 4:15 am

'Time is Running out' by Muse plays as Engel walks out from behind the curtain. His body is bandaged and his head is stitched up. Engel raises his arm to the croud but clutches his ribs, pain clearly etched on his face

HA: Two weeks ago Engel Harlequin suffered agonising defeat against our new Ultra Violent champion Fanatic in one of the most hellacious battles I have ever witnessed.

HE: Engel has gone soft in my honest opinion Harold, this new man pales in comparison to the freak that tore through 6CW arenas week in week out.

HA: Did you witness a different match Henry? That was possibly the most brutal yet valiant displays I have ever seen from that man there Engel Harlequin.

Engel struggles as he climbs onto the ring. He pulls himself up gingerly by the ropes and slowly steps through the ropes. He shares a joke of some sort with the ring announcer as he takes the microphone from him

HE: I was just saying Harold. The Engel I know would have won that match. I mean look at him Harold...he is broken, he can barely stand.

HA: Are you surprised he is even standing? He stood toe to toe to a referee stoppage against Fanatic. A man with a clear height and power advantage, and he is out here tonight. I was told by doctors that Engel was refused clearance to Wrestle and yet here he is wanting to compete. That is a man with desire, a man with a passion for this business.

Engel raises the microphone to his lips but as he does so the crowd rise to there feet and applaud loudly with a chant of "Thank you Engel" echoing around the hall. Engel looks around at the crowd and smiles. As the crowd noise dies down he again raises the microphone to his lips to speak

EH: Two weeks ago, I fought in one of the toughest matches I have ever fought in against a man I have a lot of respect for. Fanatic, thank you for bringing my love for this business back to me that night. You see, I can talk about the battles with Dicey Reilly, Cerberus, Costello, I can revel in the memories of my battles with Hero, Liam Wood, Robin Reborn, but the fact is, that is history. You see, what happened between myself and Fanatic last week that is the here and now, and without a shadow of a doubt it was the biggest match of my career up to this point.

Engel pauses as the crowd cheer once more

HA: Engel appears humbled by these fans.

HE: Is this a retirement speech? I damn well hope so. Enough already. Engel is done.

Engel looks down at the ring mat before continuing

EH: But history is history and people in our profession are judged on that history, so imagine my surprise when I look at the match card and see History in the making, or at least I did for a second, let me explain. Me and Uryu have recent history. Uryu is a guy that I put through hell, and for every hit he took, every ounce of pain he suffered he kept getting back up, he kept coming at me. It takes a hell of a man to do that. He comes here, to a company whose owner has a clear vendetta against him and not only does he win the 6WE title, he beats said owner Max Adamson to do so.

Engel nods his head in approval as the crowd cheer and chant for Uryu

EH: So when I see Uryu Ushida Vs Engel Harlequin on that match card, damn I get excited, until I actually realise what this pertains to. You see two weeks ago, Max Adamson was in the back and he stated that whoever impressed him that night would face off against Liam Wood in a number one contendership match for the chance to face Uryu for the title.

Engel shakes his head

EH: Did you watch my match two weeks ago Max? I damn sure did, over and over again. I know these people did...

(Crowd cheers)

EH: To quote your fellow country man "ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED?" Perhaps the question should be are you blind? Or can you not see the pound signs? It writes its damn self god damnit. Engel Harlequin Vs Liam Wood a man I have never beaten, for a shot at a man I terrorised for months in 6CW. Maybe you did watch and thought a soft tag match was for the best considering my injuries. But I am here aren't I? Or maybe the history between myself and Uryu is the perfect back drop for you to continue your vendetta against him. Well I am not here to do your dirty work Max, you can let your enforcer loose all you want but I WILL stand in the way of any funny business. I am not a tool of destruction I am destruction itself and I play by my own rules.

Engel lowers the microphone to his side as the crowd cheer

Engel Harlequin

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6wE Episode Four - card Empty Re: 6wE Episode Four - card

Post by x12x Wed Feb 13, 2019 7:04 pm

Our scene opens on a beach in Barcelona, as we see the former EWF World Heavyweight Champion Liam Wood wearing a Hawaiian shirt, Wood is surrounded by beautiful girls as he begins to speak to the camera.

For the people watching, I think you can tell I am finding my current suspension from 6WE hard to deal with...I want to be there fighting but due to a silly mistake on my part I am not allowed and instead I am stuck on this sunny beach, surrounded by friends who have taken the time to try and console me.

Wood looks back at the girls before turning back to the camera and smirking

It is during my week long suspension that I have been able to think about my actions and wonder where it all went wrong...what got me here, to this sun kissed beach with all of these beautiful women and I have nobody but myself to blame. Being the humble and inspiring man I am though I am willing to shoulder the blame and show how Max did the right thing...

Now, I understand there will be some of you out there who will say things like “but Liam, how is it a punishment if you won't actually be missing a show?!” or “how is £50 a punishment when that's all you have filling your wallet to the brim?!” and to those questions I say that I have to agree...this isn't a punishment.

Wood smirks again

The reason this isn't a punishment is because it has taught me something's about myself and I am able to move on to bigger and better things once I have done my time...when Max came down on me he didn't do it to hurt me, he did it to heal me. Max wanted to show me that despite being the biggest name on the roster, despite being the biggest talent and despite being basically untouchable...I am still human and that I can be better.

When I return from this hellish week of women throwing themselves at me, people wanting to give me free stuff wherever I go and sunshine I will return a better man and I will become the number one contender. After my suspension is up my return match is facing not only some guy called Patrick but also someone I would consider a friend and a team mate in Jackson Jackson.

Wood's tone seems to take a serious turn as he continue to speak

At Episode 4 people will see me become the number one contender, they will see me do what it takes and set myself up with a match against the most pathetic champion I have ever seen, Uryu Ishida. People have asked if I'll be teaming with Jackson to get rid of the other guy but I'm here to cut the rumours out now...

...When I step in to the ring in just over a weeks time there will be no alliances, no team work and no mercy. I was shown what happens when you put your faith in other people back in 6CW and it doesn't end up going well for anybody. So it doesn't matter...friend or foe...I'll be walking out as the number one conte-

Suddenly Wood's face is shrouded by shadow as a fan approaches and begins to speak to him, completely cutting Wood off.

Fan: Excuse me, my son is a HUGE fan...can I get an autograph?!

Wood puts on a clearly fake smile before standing up and speaking to the fan.

Your son must be a huge fan for you to interrupt the thing I was just filming...

The fan realises his error but seems to push through, handing Wood a pen and a piece of paper only for Wood to drop the items on the floor before reaching in to his back pocket and pulling something out.

One second mate, can you just hold this for me?

The fan takes the item with a confused look and as he unfolds it reveals a €50 note. A split second later Wood moves in, landing a super kick to the chin of the fan leaving him out cold on the floor.

Keep the change man and tell your son I said 'get a life'. Come on girls...let's go.

The scene ends with Liam Wood walking away from the KO'd fan with the group of girls, the last shot we see is the €50 note floating slowly to the ground.


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6wE Episode Four - card Empty Re: 6wE Episode Four - card

Post by President Trump Fri Feb 15, 2019 9:44 pm

Tim Allen is walking through the airport and he spots Chris Patricks sitting in a waiting area

TA: Hey Chris, you got a minute

Chris looks up from his phone and smiles at Tim

CP: Ah Tim, how goes it buddy

TA: Not bad Chris, it’s great to see you back, you on your way home

CP: Yep…Boston calls, a nice rest with the family before I come back and take that no 1 spot

TA: Do you mind giving me some of your thoughts on the match

CP: My only thoughts are on winning it Tim, to be honest I haven’t a clue who the other guys are, I know one is in a tag team of Max’s

TA: Yeah that’s Jackon Jackson, he’s in the TA

CP: What a dumb name anyway and the other one Liam Wood whats he like

TA: To be honest with you Chris…he’s a bit of a kn0b, he is in Max’s like 400 group so I wouldn’t be trusting your best buddy Max either

CP: Who said I trust Max, I know him long enough to know he’d sell his own mother to get what he wants don’t worry about that, as for Woods I looked at his little video and some of his tweets, getting my name wrong on purpose…jeeze “Look out for the edgy guy” (Chris and Tim start to laugh) and I just hope those girls he was with on his holiday were of age…I know how these British wrestlers like them young

Chris winks at a nervous looking Tim

CP: You’re alright Tim you didn’t know she was 16 and hey that could be anyones d1ck in that Snapchat

Chris’ name is called out over the tannoy for his flight

CP: That’s me Tim, I’ll see you when I get back

TA: Cheers Chris, say hello to Joyce and the kids for me

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6wE Episode Four - card Empty Re: 6wE Episode Four - card

Post by Uryu Ishida Thu Feb 21, 2019 11:21 pm

Uryu is seen entering the arena as Tim Allen approaches.

TA: Uryu, You put up a great effort last week but fell to superior numbers. your thoughts?

Uryu sighs and shakes his head before smiling and looking at his 6WE World Championship.

UI: I lost, to a roll up with the tights? Am I mad? No. Am I surprised? No, not from them. They will do anything to win and honestly it would shock me if they hadn't resorted to tactics like that.

TA: Because of that result Jackson is now in the position of possibly challenging you for the title, do you have any comments on that match?

Uryu starts off stoic but breaks into a happy smile.

UI: Chris Patricks...welcome back! It has been such a long time and you have seen many things, bet you never saw me winning a title again much less this one. So surreal to some yet it is real. I am a champion here and represent the company so if you win that triple threat then do not expect me to back down or roll over. I am here and am going to prove I belong here.

Uryu looks serious suddenly. have done things that in most places would kick you out of the company. Instead you get a small fine and a minor suspension...and a potential ass kicking from me! Part of me wants you to win so badly that I get to give it to you but let me say this. Respect is earned and right now I will happily beat you from pillar to post for what you did to that fan. You want that to change? Well you have to do an awful lot to try.

TA: And Jackson?

UI: Well, I say the same thing every time I face one of The TA. You keep your partner out of the match and we will have an understanding. Hell I half expect him to start singing "This old man" assuming he thinks it will insult me! Jackson you are a good kid, don't spoil your future.

Uryu goes to leave but Tim stops him.

TA: Sorry but do you have any thoughts about your tag match tonight?

UI: Engel...and Frank...not exactly the most normal pair to face but I take every challenge head on. As Engel well knows how tough I can be and Frank should learn from his boss and never underestimate me. Now if you will excuse me I have to hit the gym.

TA: Pleasure talking with you Uryu.

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Post by ncfc_Tooze Fri Feb 22, 2019 5:02 am

Straight after last time outs main event

Fanatic is shown sat in a darkened area just behind the stage. The blood from the death match still dripping from his forehead. He looks down at his new title laid upon his lap. He strokes the belt as if it were a pet. He slowly stands throwing the title over his shoulder as he does. He marches through another curtain were he is greeted with a loud round of applause from several of his 6we colleagues. The camera shows fanatic limping down the corridor and into the medical room as the scene fades out

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