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6wE Episode Six - Sunday 7th April ish

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6wE Episode Six - Sunday 7th April ish Empty 6wE Episode Six - Sunday 7th April ish

Post by Marky Thu 21 Mar - 12:20

Match One
6wE Ultra Violent Championship
The Fanatic (c) v Triple D v Frank Horrigan v Engel Harlequin

Jackson Jackson's tribute to Liam Wood

Match Two
Jackson Jackson v Brandon Perez

Main Event
6wE World Heavyweight Championship
Uryu Ishida (c) v Chris Patricks v Perfect Jack


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6wE Episode Six - Sunday 7th April ish Empty Re: 6wE Episode Six - Sunday 7th April ish

Post by x12x Fri 22 Mar - 9:34

The scene opens in the back of an ambulance which is driving away from the Round House during the last taping of 6WE. We see former World Champion Liam Wood in severe pain lying across a stretcher as the camera shows the damage caused by former stablemate Jackson Jackson. Wood tries his best to sit up but as he does a look of pure agony flashes across his face.

EMT: Mr Wood you need to stay could have multiple broken bones, we won't know until we can get you an X-Ray. Please...just lie down.

Wood ignores the EMT and finally sits himself up, before pulling off the monitoring equipment and reaching across and pulling the EMT in towards him. As Wood speaks it's laboured and the pain is clear to hear on his voice but he speaks with a motivated tone.

Turn this damn ambulance around...I need to go and teach Jackson that turning his back on me was the worst decision he could have possibly made. I'm not messing around...

The EMT is able to move Wood's hand away with ease, almost shocking Wood as his grip of the EMT's uniform fails so easily. The EMT then puts a hand on Wood's shoulder and speaks in a serious tone.

EMT: Mr Wood, you are in no fit state to go teach ANYONE a lesson. You have possibly broken bones and internal bleeding...if you go back in this state, you are risking your health. You NEED to listen to me otherwise you could be ending your career early.

Wood attempts to stand up but as he does the pain on his face is even more clear and he's forced to lie back down. The scene fades to black with Wood motionless, the pain causing him to pass out.


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6wE Episode Six - Sunday 7th April ish Empty Re: 6wE Episode Six - Sunday 7th April ish

Post by President Trump Mon 25 Mar - 14:49

Chris storms into the lockeroom and throws his bag over to the far side of the room


Tim Allen walks in with the crew

TA: Chris can we have your opinion on what just happened out there

CP: What do you want me to say Tim, it’s getting f**king stupid now, me and Uryu busted our asses off out there to show the world that they should be watching 6WE even with that douche Jack as special ref, we got rid of him so we could get on with things and what happens…..he ruins the match and then gets rewarded by Max, I came here because Max asked me too, he wanted to get 6WE out there and to be the best we could be but week in and week out he does things that hurts this company and why…because he wants his mates to be the top of the company…what about me Max am I not your friend?? My patience has run out, I will walk out next week and I will destroy Jack and Uryu and I will take the 6WE title, not for you, not for 6WE but for the fans, I don’t do politics or ass kissing, I do wrestling and I will be the best in this company and do whatever I can to keep you and your band of asshats as far away from the title as possible

Chris walks over and grabs his bag and walks out

President Trump

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6wE Episode Six - Sunday 7th April ish Empty Re: 6wE Episode Six - Sunday 7th April ish

Post by Perfect Jack Fri 29 Mar - 19:29

I am Perfection plays out of the arena speakers as the crowd begin to boo the appearance of Perfect Jack. He walks out on the stage with a big smirk on his face as he walks down the aisle. Ignoring the outstretched hands of the fans. He enters the ring and picks up a microphone.

Harold: How he can have that smirk on his face I will never know. He ruined a perfectly good title match and more importantly, ruined a fantastic main event for the fans.

Henry: He ruined nothing, they put their hands on him. He had no other choice, you can't just put your hands on the referee and not expect to receive any consequences. The blame lays squarely at the feet of Uryu Ishida and Chris Patricks.

PJ: Ladies and Gentlemen, I know you are all feeling anger and frustration. But don't show me those emotions. Show them to Uryu Ishida and Chris Patricks. They are the ones who ruined the 6WE championship match. I was calling the match up until that point, fairly and evenly. They put their hands on me, I am the victim here, I am the man who was done wrong.


PJ: And our esteemed General Manager, Max Adamson saw this, he saw my efforts to officiate the 6WE championship match of the decade in an even manor and has rewarded me just, by including me in the rematch, thus making it a triple threat match.


PJ: Now, those will say you are a hypocrite Perfect Jack and they would be wrong. I attacked Uryu Ishida and Chris Patricks after the match when my duties as an official came to an end. They did it first and I returned in kind. Like I said, blame them, not me. I warned them beforehand, I shouted from the rooftops so to speak, to all those who would hear me. But they rejected my message, they hated me for speaking the truth. I told them not to touch me, But I, the Almighty Perfect Jack, told them once and shall tell them again to heed my warnings. I warned them last time not to touch me and now this time, heed my warning, I will defeat you both and become your new 6WE World Champion.

Perfect Jack

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6wE Episode Six - Sunday 7th April ish Empty Re: 6wE Episode Six - Sunday 7th April ish

Post by Marky Sat 30 Mar - 11:08

Jackson Jackson is walking backstage when Tim Allen approaches him;

TA: Jackson, any explanation for your vicious attack on Liam Wood?

Jackson removes his sunglasses and stares a hole into Tim Allen

Jackson: I do not owe you, or anybody else, an explanation for my actions. Ever. I am Jackson Jackson. I should be in that Main Event for the 6wE World Heavyweight Championship. But I'm not. Liam Wood blamed me for him not being in that match, well I blame him. He cost me in that initial triple threat match with Patricks. He was going to "take out his frustrations" on me, but could only settle for a sneaky roll up when we had a match. Nah. Jackson Jackson is not explaining why he did what he did. The truth is, he had it coming. I will be hosting a tribute to Liam Wood, not because I care about him. But because his career is over.

Jackson smirks

Jackson: I have retired Liam Wood. I've seen his injuries. Nobody comes back from that. I won't go into it, but he's done. I am Jackson Jackson. Just call me the Champ Killer.

Jackson walks off as Tim Allen looks unimpressed


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6wE Episode Six - Sunday 7th April ish Empty Re: 6wE Episode Six - Sunday 7th April ish

Post by Uryu Ishida Thu 4 Apr - 19:23

Uryu is seen walking around backstage looking around at his surroundings before arriving at the 6WE Gorilla Position and smiling.

UI: I've been past many of these in my career, yet this one seems different, almost homely. Each time I pass it I feel like I am getting a pat on my shoulder from an old friend. I have never asked for it but I appreciated it every single time. This time however...with who I am facing I feel like I need to ask for it, that extra bit of support, the edge just to get me across the line and defend this title successfully. Some would argue that this isn't the toughest challenge I have had but I will disagree with them. Every single day this challenge gets harder for me, proving that I am still the best in 6WE. Proving to the fans I can still be worthy of representing them and even being worthy to myself. I walk out to the ring and hear the voices of the crowd but when I am in my room, waking or sleeping I am am the one asking myself "Should I get out of bed and defend the title?" It may seem harsh to think about but each time I do I give myself the same answer, after every match I keep giving myself the same answer but here...the same answer is starting to become harder to say. Not because it is boring or I am lazy but after each match i walk home and collapse on my bed hurting more and more. My body is wearing a bit thin but from this spot here, as soon as I get out onto the entrance ramp and walk to the ring I am rejuvinated by cheers and chanting of my name.

Uryu hears the crowd chanting his name and smiles as he looks straight up.

UI: Time may not be on my side but I think every fan in the arena wants to push the clock back again and again, thank you.

Announcer: ...And their opponent... the 6WE World Champion, Uryu Ishida!

UI: Time to show everyone I still got it!

Uryu heads out to the ring for his match, smiling and pumping the crowd up.

Uryu Ishida

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