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The Covid-19 community thread

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The Covid-19 community thread  Empty The Covid-19 community thread

Post by RDW Thu 19 Mar 2020, 9:37 am

With not much sport going on I want to create a thread for anything to do with the global pandemic.

Feel free to use it however you want.

If you need to release stress or anxiety about what's going on to a bunch of strangers who don't know you then go ahead.

If you're self isolating and want some benign chat then crack on.

If you're struggling and looking for anyone to help with anything then reach out here and see if anyone can help out.

This may not be used or it may kick off and help someone out - either way please be nice. We're literally all in it together!

Last edited by RDW on Sun 03 Jan 2021, 1:30 am; edited 3 times in total


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The Covid-19 community thread  Empty Re: The Covid-19 community thread

Post by jimbopip Thu 19 Mar 2020, 9:46 am

A sound idea, Flounder. Is that what happens when you emigrate?


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The Covid-19 community thread  Empty Re: The Covid-19 community thread

Post by RDW Thu 19 Mar 2020, 9:55 am

So I'll kick things off.

As some of you know, last week me and my wife emigrated to Sydney. We made it in before Australia announced 14 day self isolation for anyone who arrives in the country, and they've only just announced no one will be allowed in the country tomorrow other than Aussie citizens. We can't comprehend how much of a mess we'd be in if we were flying out this week as we'd quit our jobs and had moved out our flat so would have been stuck in the UK with no income or place to live!

I started my new job this week so have some security, but my wife is meant to be finding a job out here. She's an experienced professional so would normally walk into a new job but they all seem to be disappearing and she's not hearing back from anyone. To add to the complication our temporary accommodation runs out in a few weeks so we need to find somewhere to live, not helped by my wife not being able to find work to contribute to the rental affordability checks they do! The food and toilet roll situation here really is grim - we're really not looking forward to having to fend for ourselves when the temporary accommodation ends. I genuinely haven't seen a single bog roll in a shop since we got here.

What's most difficult however is being so far from home and knowing that if something did go wrong with our families we probably won't be able to get home. Even if we did get home we then wouldn't be able to get back into Australia...

Watching the UK news is tough and I can't imagine what it's like in the UK. We may find out for ourselves in the coming weeks...!

We're also battling a moral dilemma on our minds, as we're actually really gutted that our big move - which has been months in the making - has fallen completely flat. We had loads of plans of things we wanted to do but they're not going to happen anymore. The dilemma being we know there's people far worse off than is so we don't have anything to complain about really.

So all I can do is keep going and try and keep my wife's spirits up - she's really struggling TBH so I'm trying to keep her busy and give her some tasks to do every day.

That's all from me - as I said there's people way worse off than we are so I feel guilty complaining about these things, but that's the life everyone is leading just now. Stay safe everyone and I really hope everyone's worst fears aren't realised over the coming weeks and months.

Last edited by RDW on Thu 19 Mar 2020, 10:02 am; edited 1 time in total


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The Covid-19 community thread  Empty Re: The Covid-19 community thread

Post by Guest Thu 19 Mar 2020, 10:00 am

Good idea RDW.  I'm currently working from home (I'm a uni lecturer and we've taken everything off campus to online delivery).  My wife has been told to work from home but she works in finance and sales, so she's turned the dining room into a mini call centre so I'm banished to the living room with a laptop! And the kids are going to be home too from next week and have come home with work and links to materials and websites to help us home school them!  First world problems, I appreciate.  But interesting times!  Gonna be lot of juggling going forward.

Hope everyone is safe and doing ok?  I have developed a nasty sore throat and it obviously makes you worry but I'm pretty sure it's just a cold  Shocked  

On a brighter note, we'd planned to go to the pub for the Wales v Scotland game (before they announced proper social isolation).  So when it was cancelled we decided to go anyway.  It was hilarious!  We saw big groups of lads on their way to the pub too, as for a normal game.  Some had rugby tops on.  The pub even did 'half-time' curry and it was packed!  A good day had by all before we retreated to isolation.  Nice community spirit for the rugby Smile  The only thing missing was a re-run of a previous Wales v Scotland game Smile

Last edited by The Oracle on Thu 19 Mar 2020, 10:03 am; edited 1 time in total


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The Covid-19 community thread  Empty Re: The Covid-19 community thread

Post by Guest Thu 19 Mar 2020, 10:03 am

RDW wrote:So I'll kick things off.

As some of you know, last week me and my wife emigrated to Sydney. We made it in before Australia announced 14 day self isolation for anyone who arrives in the country, and they've only just announced no one will be allowed in the country tomorrow other than Aussie citizens. We can't comprehend how much of a mess we'd be in if we were flying out this week as we'd quit our jobs and had moved out our flat so would have been stuck in the UK with no income or place to live!

Sorry to hear about your move and issues RDW. Crikey, imagine you were a week late and couldn't travel but had given up jobs. Nightmare.

Stay safe and I hope the move turns out well for you, eventually.


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The Covid-19 community thread  Empty Re: The Covid-19 community thread

Post by Guest Thu 19 Mar 2020, 10:08 am

Also, to add further - it' a bit surreal here in the UK.  The messages have been mixed and the government has changed its mind based on new modelling, etc. which I completely get.  However, we're told to socially isolate, distance ourselves, work from home where possible...... however, our schools have been in all week.  So they pupils mixing a lot, they're potentially bringing in viruses from home, they're in contact with adults (teachers) who have their own social circles, and then you have hundreds of parents going to school for pick up and mingling in a busy playground.  I.e. the opposite of social isolation!  Crazy.  But only for a couple more days.


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The Covid-19 community thread  Empty Re: The Covid-19 community thread

Post by RDW Thu 19 Mar 2020, 10:11 am

The Oracle wrote:
RDW wrote:So I'll kick things off.

As some of you know, last week me and my wife emigrated to Sydney. We made it in before Australia announced 14 day self isolation for anyone who arrives in the country, and they've only just announced no one will be allowed in the country tomorrow other than Aussie citizens. We can't comprehend how much of a mess we'd be in if we were flying out this week as we'd quit our jobs and had moved out our flat so would have been stuck in the UK with no income or place to live!

Sorry to hear about your move and issues RDW.  Crikey, imagine you were a week late and couldn't travel but had given up jobs.  Nightmare.  

Stay safe and I hope the move turns out well for you, eventually.

Thanks mate. It's a 4 year Visa so we're looking long term with this one!

Some of my former Aussie colleagues in the UK are having to return home months before their visa is due to expire. We've also got UK guys out here on secondments who don't know what to do - their job is literally out here and not in the UK so have nothing to go back to, yet they could end up being stuck here with their visa expiring so are having to make a huge decision.


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The Covid-19 community thread  Empty Re: The Covid-19 community thread

Post by RiscaGame Thu 19 Mar 2020, 10:11 am

That's crazy how lucky you were with the timing, in a sense. I hope everything works out for your families though.


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The Covid-19 community thread  Empty Re: The Covid-19 community thread

Post by LondonTiger Thu 19 Mar 2020, 10:17 am

My brother (who is business partner) is now self isolating with symptoms. His adult sons are also in separate self isolating households.

Our business employs 30 people - 10 direct employees, 20 who are self-employed. We are currently open (constructing our long term project). We can continue to draw down funds as long as the site is open but should we have to shut down for longer than 12 weeks we are unable to pay even the direct employees. We are having to deal with both UK and Scottish Govts for advice assistance etc.

My two daughters and I are healthy, but the elder is distraught that she is unable to sit her A levels.

My Septuagenarian parents are currently stuck in India.

I had a tussle with two guys in Tesco (which has been stripped bare by panic buying) who were abusing a chinese lady.



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The Covid-19 community thread  Empty Re: The Covid-19 community thread

Post by RiscaGame Thu 19 Mar 2020, 10:18 am

The Oracle wrote: 

On a brighter note, we'd planned to go to the pub for the Wales v Scotland game (before they announced proper social isolation).  So when it was cancelled we decided to go anyway.  It was hilarious!  We saw big groups of lads on their way to the pub too, as for a normal game.  Some had rugby tops on.  The pub even did 'half-time' curry and it was packed!  A good day had by all before we retreated to isolation.  Nice community spirit for the rugby Smile  The only thing missing was a re-run of a previous Wales v Scotland game Smile

I saw a fair few people still going out, in their shirts yeah. My old local in Risca, had to still do curry as they had bought it fresh and it had to be used. We went to the Cwmcarn Hotel in the evening, off the cuff. Glad we did now, as it looks like we could end up having to avoid pubs etc for a while. They had already put a few steps in place then, like the hand washing and paying on card only but I am not sure what's happening now with them.

Otherwise, not really affected by it yet. I am working from home two days a week and I can't buy pasta that I normally eat, nor have the beans on toast that I fancied today thanks to panic buying, but all is okay otherwise.


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The Covid-19 community thread  Empty Re: The Covid-19 community thread

Post by LondonTiger Thu 19 Mar 2020, 10:26 am

PS: all the best to everyone.


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The Covid-19 community thread  Empty Re: The Covid-19 community thread

Post by RDW Thu 19 Mar 2020, 10:26 am

LondonTiger wrote:My brother (who is business partner) is now self isolating with symptoms. His adult sons are also in separate self isolating households.

Our business employs 30 people - 10 direct employees, 20 who are self-employed. We are currently open (constructing our long term project). We can continue to draw down funds as long as the site is open but should we have to shut down for longer than 12 weeks we are unable to pay even the direct employees. We are having to deal with both UK and Scottish Govts for advice assistance etc.

My two daughters and I are healthy, but the elder is distraught that she is unable to sit her A levels.

My Septuagenarian parents are currently stuck in India.

I had a tussle with two guys in Tesco (which has been stripped bare by panic buying) who were abusing a chinese lady.


I'm struggling to process all this myself never mind knowing I'm responsible for numerous workers too. That must be so difficult!


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The Covid-19 community thread  Empty Re: The Covid-19 community thread

Post by BigGee Thu 19 Mar 2020, 10:28 am

Just in case anyone is in any doubt about the seriousness of the situation.

I am a nurse of 30 years standing. I retired last year and only work part time now. I went in and did a couple of night shifts in a London Hospital over the weekend and they were probably two of the hardest shifts I have ever done in my working life. Virtually everyone coming into hospital has, or is suspected of having Covid and some of them are very sick. We had to intubate and take patients to ITU on both nights and others died, probably without being formally diagnosed as swab results are still outstanding, so I suspect the actual mortality rates are undercooked. people can get ill very quickly (especially certain population groups) and also deteriorate rapidly. It was a very scary and sobering shift and I am an old hand who has seen plenty of cr*p before.

As if to prove how contagious it is, it very much looks like I have got it now as well and have given it to the wife. Neither of us are particularly unwell fortunately, which is going to be the likely scenario for most people, but despite that, it is going to be devastating for some people, for their own health and that of their families.

We have all got a responsibility to help get on top of this disease and everyone is going to have to make sacrifices. We are in isolation now and I suspect all of London will be in the not to distant future.

If we get to the levels of mortality they have currently in Italy, which has a very good health care system, particularly in the north where the disease is at its worst, we will ask ourselves why more was not done earlier on. That is a question the politicians may be asking themselves now!

Be safe out there everyone.


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The Covid-19 community thread  Empty Re: The Covid-19 community thread

Post by RDW Thu 19 Mar 2020, 10:28 am

In other news I've just noticed NRL and AFL have started up in Australia again behind closed doors. The head of the NRL actually said it's essential for Australians' mental health that the footy came back on TV! Laugh


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The Covid-19 community thread  Empty Re: The Covid-19 community thread

Post by RDW Thu 19 Mar 2020, 10:29 am

Really sorry to hear that Biggee - hope you're both ok.


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Post by BigGee Thu 19 Mar 2020, 10:33 am

Probably worth noting as well, that despite how hard the Italians have had it (much much worse than us) there has been a discipline there not obviously present here. The shops are stocked and there has been no panic buying and the population have been heeding the governments advice, which has been on point and decisive.

So much for the Blitz spirit here (we certainly don't seem to currently all be in it together), I worry that our society has been to divisive for far to long.


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The Covid-19 community thread  Empty Re: The Covid-19 community thread

Post by LondonTiger Thu 19 Mar 2020, 10:34 am

BigGee wrote:Just in case anyone is in any doubt about the seriousness of the situation.

I am a nurse of 30 years standing. I retired last year and only work part time now. I went in and did a couple of night shifts in a London Hospital over the weekend and they were probably two of the hardest shifts I have ever done in my working life. Virtually everyone coming into hospital has, or is suspected of having Covid and some of them are very sick. We had to intubate and take patients to ITU on both nights and others died, probably without being formally diagnosed as swab results are still outstanding, so I suspect the actual mortality rates are undercooked. people can get ill very quickly (especially certain population groups) and also deteriorate rapidly. It was a very scary and sobering shift and I am an old hand who has seen plenty of cr*p before.

As if to prove how contagious it is, it very much looks like I have got it now as well and have given it to the wife. Neither of us are particularly unwell fortunately, which is going to be the likely scenario for most people, but despite that, it is going to be devastating for some people, for their own health and that of their families.

We have all got a responsibility to help get on top of this disease and everyone is going to have to make sacrifices. We are in isolation now and I suspect all of London will be in the not to distant future.

If we get to the levels of mortality they have currently in Italy, which has a very good health care system, particularly in the north where the disease is at its worst, we will ask ourselves why more was not done earlier on. That is a question the politicians may be asking themselves now!

Be safe out there everyone.

All the best for you and your wife.

My Ex is an ICU Consultant at a London Teaching hospital. The situation there is appalling - there is no suitable PPE, staff with symptoms are sent home without being tested and they are now full.

My daughters are now loathe to go down to London this weekend in case it enters lockdown, but there has been no confirmation that their half sister will be looked after by school even though her mother is a key worker.


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The Covid-19 community thread  Empty Re: The Covid-19 community thread

Post by Pot Hale Thu 19 Mar 2020, 10:39 am

RDW wrote:So I'll kick things off.

As some of you know, last week me and my wife emigrated to Sydney. We made it in before Australia announced 14 day self isolation for anyone who arrives in the country, and they've only just announced no one will be allowed in the country tomorrow other than Aussie citizens. We can't comprehend how much of a mess we'd be in if we were flying out this week as we'd quit our jobs and had moved out our flat so would have been stuck in the UK with no income or place to live!

I started my new job this week so have some security, but my wife is meant to be finding a job out here. She's an experienced professional so would normally walk into a new job but they all seem to be disappearing and she's not hearing back from anyone. To add to the complication our temporary accommodation runs out in a few weeks so we need to find somewhere to live, not helped by my wife not being able to find work to contribute to the rental affordability checks they do! The food and toilet roll situation here really is grim - we're really not looking forward to having to fend for ourselves when the temporary accommodation ends. I genuinely haven't seen a single bog roll in a shop since we got here.

What's most difficult however is being so far from home and knowing that if something did go wrong with our families we probably won't be able to get home. Even if we did get home we then wouldn't be able to get back into Australia...

Watching the UK news is tough and I can't imagine what it's like in the UK. We may find out for ourselves in the coming weeks...!

We're also battling a moral dilemma on our minds, as we're actually really gutted that our big move - which has been months in the making - has fallen completely flat. We had loads of plans of things we wanted to do but they're not going to happen anymore. The dilemma being we know there's people far worse off than is so we don't have anything to complain about really.

So all I can do is keep going and try and keep my wife's spirits up - she's really struggling TBH so I'm trying to keep her busy and give her some tasks to do every day.

That's all from me - as I said there's people way worse off than we are so I feel guilty complaining about these things, but that's the life everyone is leading just now. Stay safe everyone and I really hope everyone's worst fears aren't realised over the coming weeks and months.

Fair play for writing this, RDW. What's your wife's area of expertise/skill set? Do you have contacts/friends/network in Sydney?
Pot Hale
Pot Hale

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The Covid-19 community thread  Empty Re: The Covid-19 community thread

Post by RiscaGame Thu 19 Mar 2020, 10:42 am

Get well soon Biggee


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The Covid-19 community thread  Empty Re: The Covid-19 community thread

Post by BigGee Thu 19 Mar 2020, 10:46 am

The lack of testing is probably the most frustrating thing for me. On the current guidelines, I will have to now stay at home for 14 days without ever knowing for sure if I have had it or not. On my current trajectory, I would likely be ready to go back to work early next week, but won't be able to.

Knowing what the staffing situation is like at my hospital, I just find that ridiculous and I am far from the only one in that situation.

Our hospital has actually really pulled together and we have decent systems in place to try and separate and cohort patients to keep others safe. we are also freeing up beds and investing in new ITU facilities, but it could well end up being the staffing situation that overwhelms us first. I worry about the logistical support as well, we are struggling with protective equipment as well and we are only just getting going. It is going to get a lot worse before it gets better.


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The Covid-19 community thread  Empty Re: The Covid-19 community thread

Post by Pal Joey Thu 19 Mar 2020, 10:47 am

Welcome to Sydney, Boss.

Impeccable timing indeed just as the gates are closing.

If you really are in desperate need of bog rolls then PM me. I had no option but to buy a 24-pack the other day. Dropping some off to Mum's tomorrow... I could give you a half dozen if you need. We can arrange to meet in a park somewhere near you - incognito of course.  Smile

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The Covid-19 community thread  Empty Re: The Covid-19 community thread

Post by RDW Thu 19 Mar 2020, 10:50 am

Pot Hale wrote:

Fair play for writing this, RDW.   What's your wife's area of expertise/skill set?   Do you have contacts/friends/network in Sydney?    

She's a commercial property manager so should be plenty work around, particularly businesses needing to negotiate with landlords! Hopefully something comes up soon.

We're not alone here - one of my good friends lives here with his wife, although we've not actually seen him yet because of all this! I've obviously got my work colleagues but I'm definitely worried for the wife on her own all day, especially with friends and family back home asleep most of our daytime so no one to talk to. Hopefully the work situation kicks off soon - I definitely found things easier starting work this week and having purpose in life!


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The Covid-19 community thread  Empty Re: The Covid-19 community thread

Post by Guest Thu 19 Mar 2020, 10:51 am

All the best BigGee. I meant to put at the end of my post that we're feeling blessed in our household that we're salaried, in stable jobs, have the ability to work from home and carry on with our jobs, and the organisations we work for should be able to see this out (fingers crossed). Can't imagine what it must be like for front line health staff or for those (like LT) who have businesses that will suffer and staff that might not be paid.

Stay strong everyone.


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The Covid-19 community thread  Empty Re: The Covid-19 community thread

Post by BigGee Thu 19 Mar 2020, 10:55 am

Knowing your family are safe is a massive peace of mind.

Daughter number two has been travelling around Central America for the past two months, seemingly oblivious to our subtle (then not so subtle) hints that she might want to think about coming home. It was only when she almost got stuck behind closed borders in El Salvador (probably not the place most of us would choose to get stuck in) that the penny finally dropped and she got it.

Hopefully she will be on a plane home tomorrow and we will be very relieved!


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The Covid-19 community thread  Empty Re: The Covid-19 community thread

Post by No 7&1/2 Thu 19 Mar 2020, 10:58 am

Well all the best everyone. Myself and my family are currently 'unaffected' from the virus directly on the whole but for the first time in my life I know what anxiety is. Fortunate to work in the nhs so know the mortgage etc is safe for the foreseeable but now know that guilt that you're ok but you're not. Sounds weird I know.

No 7&1/2

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The Covid-19 community thread  Empty Re: The Covid-19 community thread

Post by Guest Thu 19 Mar 2020, 11:09 am

I read something yesterday about a version of the Big Brother TV show taking place somewhere (Australia perhaps?).  The 'contestants' have been locked aware away (*spelling error. I was not trying to type in a Yorkshire accent!) and are totally oblivious to what is going on in the world so the decision was being made to tell them.  Can you imagine being told that?!  They'll probably think it's a wind up as part of the show.  Scary.

Last edited by The Oracle on Thu 19 Mar 2020, 11:32 am; edited 1 time in total


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The Covid-19 community thread  Empty Re: The Covid-19 community thread

Post by RDW Thu 19 Mar 2020, 11:18 am

The Oracle wrote:I read something yesterday about a version of the Big Brother TV show taking place somewhere (Australia perhaps?).  The 'contestants' have been locked aware and are totally oblivious to what is going on in the world so the decision was being made to tell them.  Can you imagine being told that?!  They'll probably think it's a wind up as part of the show.  Scary.

It was Germany I think.

They probably won't want to come out - safest place to be!


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The Covid-19 community thread  Empty Re: The Covid-19 community thread

Post by BigGee Thu 19 Mar 2020, 11:22 am

The Oracle wrote:I read something yesterday about a version of the Big Brother TV show taking place somewhere (Australia perhaps?).  The 'contestants' have been locked aware and are totally oblivious to what is going on in the world so the decision was being made to tell them.  Can you imagine being told that?!  They'll probably think it's a wind up as part of the show.  Scary.

Its like being a crew member on one of the nuclear subs. They are not allowed any news from home over the whole cycle of the mission, despite the fact that they do pop up every so often to receive messages. Even if they have had a bereavement they are not told until just before they get back into port.

That must be remarkably stressful for everyone involved.


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The Covid-19 community thread  Empty Re: The Covid-19 community thread

Post by LondonTiger Thu 19 Mar 2020, 11:31 am

RDW wrote:
The Oracle wrote:I read something yesterday about a version of the Big Brother TV show taking place somewhere (Australia perhaps?).  The 'contestants' have been locked aware and are totally oblivious to what is going on in the world so the decision was being made to tell them.  Can you imagine being told that?!  They'll probably think it's a wind up as part of the show.  Scary.

It was Germany I think.

They probably won't want to come out - safest place to be!

"I'm a Celebrity, keep me in here"


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The Covid-19 community thread  Empty Re: The Covid-19 community thread

Post by LondonTiger Thu 19 Mar 2020, 11:31 am

RDW wrote:In other news I've just noticed NRL and AFL have started up in Australia again behind closed doors. The head of the NRL actually said it's essential for Australians' mental health that the footy came back on TV! Laugh

Apparently they have renamed the MCG the MTCG (say it out loud if confused)


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The Covid-19 community thread  Empty Re: The Covid-19 community thread

Post by Guest Thu 19 Mar 2020, 11:33 am

Very Happy


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The Covid-19 community thread  Empty Re: The Covid-19 community thread

Post by No 7&1/2 Thu 19 Mar 2020, 11:46 am

A bit like Dead Set where there was a zombie outbreak. Charlie brooker has written a lot of things that are coming true, not good considering some of his black mirror stuff.

No 7&1/2

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Post by Pete330v2 Thu 19 Mar 2020, 12:26 pm

My wife and I fulfilled her lifelong dream to open her own coffee house in December. We toiled for 4 months renovating a fairly derelict retail unit into a funky, querky little establishment that she was running very well. A brand new business opening in the hardest months of the year to survive but she sailed through December, January and February without too many hitches. March was meant to see people starting to spend again and St Paddy's day was to be our biggest day of the year. We were not prepared for what transpired. St Paddy's day morning came and as planned our full quota of staff were on shift but unfortunately only to be told that we had to close indefinitely but that we would do our best to support them. What we didn't say was that without more help than is currently available from the government we'll not be able to open again as we've now got nothing left in the bank. The life savings are gone and we're left with a couple of loans to pay off as well. I won't be able to retire when I'd planned and even a remortgaging of the house might not help.

Despite this my other half has offered to order in supplies at cost price from our suppliers for anyone that is finding it hard to get to the expensive, crowded supermarkets and has also given our number to our elderly neighbours so that we can pick up any other groceries they may need.

Tough times for many but there are always positives to be taken, community spirit being one of them.


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The Covid-19 community thread  Empty Re: The Covid-19 community thread

Post by BigGee Thu 19 Mar 2020, 12:34 pm

Sorry to hear that Pete, these are tough times for you and a lot of small business and self employed people. It is to your credit that you can still see some positives.

I hope the government steps up and offers the support you need to get you through this. This will be a big test for them and somehow I don't feel confident.


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Post by lostinwales Thu 19 Mar 2020, 12:46 pm

Working from home. Just hoping the work doesn't dry up but company I work for in reasonable shape for now.

I used to be a university based researcher and would therefore work anywhere, but one of the many reasons for leaving was to have a job with more structure. It is hard going back to trying to impose my own structure. We have some useful tools for networking but one of the things I always valued the most was talking issues through with my co-workers.

Wife also working from home as of next week and she's happy - there isn't much she can do so she may be able to give the new allotment some proper attention.

In the meantime it may actually help my sons (well one of them) They are both out of education for various reasons, but having the current reboot may (fingers crossed) help the younger one go back.


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Post by Guest Thu 19 Mar 2020, 1:06 pm

Unfortunately I have flu like symptoms and am self isolating as a precaution. Already feeling better but was touch and go yesterday with breathing difficulties and I planned on phoning the 111 service today if it got worse. Irrespective of whether I have it or not the only sensible thing to do is stay away from people for a fortnight to be on the safe side. My thoughts are with those more vulnerable than I am and for everyone who has and will lose loved ones.


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Post by TheMildlyFranticLlama Thu 19 Mar 2020, 1:41 pm

Really gutted to hear about the impact this is having on you guys, makes me realise how fortunate a situation I'm in that my employer is in a pretty strong position to ride this out and we're well set up for people to work from home. We're now enforcing working from home globally and I'm nearing the end of my second week doing it after I returned from a snowboarding trip to Tyrol and was asked to stay away from the office for 14 days (office is now entirely closed of course).

Pete - that is such an awful position for you to be in and I'm so inspired that you can find any positives right now. I really hope you get the support you need right now

Biggee - take care of yourself buddy, I hope you recover well and thanks for everything you're doing to help people out. Fingers crossed your daughter makes it back safe and sound

Flounder - I'm gutted for you that this has come along and pissed all over your big move, here's hoping things work themselves out for you both

LondonTiger - I hope the respective governments can step up and help you through this, the stress of looking after employees must be horrendous. I also hope you came out on top of the tussle, I can't stand anyone who uses this situation as an excuse to let their inner racism out on others!

And everyone else, stay safe out there!


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Post by jimbopip Thu 19 Mar 2020, 2:03 pm

gentlemen, Hug , what a horrendous situation we all find our selves in Shocked

BigGee, get well soon mate. Give my best to MrsGee, she may remember meeting Bru and myself at Parkhead. Your post was certainly sobering. If London is in total lockdown when daughter arrives back and she is totally stuck PM me. We have spare rooms and as you know we're not too far east of you. Gee, you mentioned people dying during your shifts; were they in the over 70 and/or underlying health issues group?

Flounder, look on the bright side the colonies are a couple of weeks ahead of us in the virus cycle so you should be reaching the hump sooner than if you'd stayed in London. Grasping at straws here One piece of advice we're getting here is that self isolation doesn't mean you can't go outside: you just can't get too close to other people. Take MrsFlounder for a drive, show her the outback, or follow the coast. Get out the house, it's crucial for your (as in both of you) mental well being.

MrsPip and I are in a strange kind of limbo. We will continue to receive our teachers' pensions and the chest freezer is full so we're not facing the immediate worries that many are. I was teaching at a college in Basildon until mid-Feb but then decided to make the most of being semi-retired and whisked herself away for a week in Orlando. After 30 years taking school holidays it was wonderful to go when we wanted. When we got back things had started to change. I felt that schools should have been closed weeks ago, although could see the "logic" that young children don't seem to be affected too badly. However, I turned down a few offers of teaching in FE because the students there aren't children they're adults. Colleges should have been closed much earlier. If Oracle's uni, along with many others, could see the need to stop all face to face teaching why are all the FE colleges still open until tomorrow?
Monday and Tuesday this week the supply agency were never off the phone; all their teachers were in schools and the schools were still massively understaffed. I think by yesterday the government had no choice in the matter, the schools couldn't continue. I think the government's response so far has been very piecemeal rather than a co-ordinated strategy. heaven help us if this virus mutates into something even more dangerous.

My eldest son (who doesn't live at home) seems to have had it; felt rough at the weekend, woke to soaking sheets on Monday, struggled into work and was sent home. He seems a lot better today. I hope that's pretty much how it will affect most of us; unpleasant but not too long lasting. Mind you, I was furious when I thought about the people who shared his train and tube journeys on Monday. His partner also was poorly but is now on her feet again.

I think we should keep talking on here and support each other till we reach the end of this. Then we can go back to bitching about referees and Gatland ruining the Lions.


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Post by jimbopip Thu 19 Mar 2020, 2:12 pm

Pete330v2 wrote:My wife and I fulfilled her lifelong dream to open her own coffee house in December. We toiled for 4 months renovating a fairly derelict retail unit into a funky, querky little establishment that she was running very well. A brand new business opening in the hardest months of the year to survive but she sailed through December, January and February without too many hitches. March was meant to see people starting to spend again and St Paddy's day was to be our biggest day of the year. We were not prepared for what transpired. St Paddy's day morning came and as planned our full quota of staff were on shift but unfortunately only to be told that we had to close indefinitely but that we would do our best to support them. What we didn't say was that without more help than is currently available from the government we'll not be able to open again as we've now got nothing left in the bank. The life savings are gone and we're left with a couple of loans to pay off as well. I won't be able to retire when I'd planned and even a remortgaging of the house might not help.

Despite this my other half has offered to order in supplies at cost price from our suppliers for anyone that is finding it hard to get to the expensive, crowded supermarkets and has also given our number to our elderly neighbours so that we can pick up any other groceries they may need.

Tough times for many but there are always positives to be taken, community spirit being one of them.

Sorry to hear this Pete.
Lads; when tis is all done could we do something like a fundraising match at Pete's local cub? After match grub at his establishment? It might help put the business back on it's feet.


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Post by Pete330v2 Thu 19 Mar 2020, 3:16 pm

jimbopip wrote:
Pete330v2 wrote:My wife and I fulfilled her lifelong dream to open her own coffee house in December. We toiled for 4 months renovating a fairly derelict retail unit into a funky, querky little establishment that she was running very well. A brand new business opening in the hardest months of the year to survive but she sailed through December, January and February without too many hitches. March was meant to see people starting to spend again and St Paddy's day was to be our biggest day of the year. We were not prepared for what transpired. St Paddy's day morning came and as planned our full quota of staff were on shift but unfortunately only to be told that we had to close indefinitely but that we would do our best to support them. What we didn't say was that without more help than is currently available from the government we'll not be able to open again as we've now got nothing left in the bank. The life savings are gone and we're left with a couple of loans to pay off as well. I won't be able to retire when I'd planned and even a remortgaging of the house might not help.

Despite this my other half has offered to order in supplies at cost price from our suppliers for anyone that is finding it hard to get to the expensive, crowded supermarkets and has also given our number to our elderly neighbours so that we can pick up any other groceries they may need.

Tough times for many but there are always positives to be taken, community spirit being one of them.

Sorry to hear this Pete.
Lads; when tis is all done could we do something like a fundraising match at Pete's local cub? After match grub at his establishment? It might help put the business back on it's feet.

Cheers Jimbo!!!

See what I mean about community spirit? Positivity is of great solace at times like this but also remember what I keep telling MrsPete. This time next year we'll might well be completely broke, a little sad and angry at what's happened but we'll still be lucky. There are too many who are here today that won't be about next year because of this awful virus. Always remember that folks, no matter what this next 12 months holds.

At the very least we'll have spotless holes!!!


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Post by Pot Hale Thu 19 Mar 2020, 3:31 pm

Pete330v2 wrote:

Cheers Jimbo!!!

See what I mean about community spirit? Positivity is of great solace at times like this but also remember what I keep telling MrsPete. This time next year we'll might well be completely broke, a little sad and angry at what's happened but we'll still be lucky. There are too many who are here today that won't be about next year because of this awful virus. Always remember that folks, no matter what this next 12 months holds.

At the very least we'll have spotless holes!!!

Couldn't agree more.  Most insightful comment of the year.  
So far.

Last edited by Pot Hale on Thu 19 Mar 2020, 3:50 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Post by BigGee Thu 19 Mar 2020, 3:37 pm

jimbopip wrote:

BigGee, get well soon mate. Give my best to MrsGee, she may remember meeting Bru and myself at Parkhead. Your post was certainly sobering. If London is in total lockdown when daughter arrives back and she is totally stuck PM me. We have spare rooms and as you know we're not too far east of you. Gee, you mentioned people dying during your shifts; were they in the over 70 and/or underlying health issues group?

Thanks for the thoughts and the offer Jim, it looks like Boris is still vacillating about what to do about London, so there should be tubes to get her back from Heathrow tomorrow morning, my main worry is whether the yanks will let her change planes at Newark to get her over the pond.

Bit like your son and daughter in law, I am a lot brighter today as well, with the missus maybe a day or two behind me. This is how it is likely to be for the vast majority of people. On the whole, the people suffering in hospital are in the groups you mention, though I have heard of younger people, including health care professionals who also have it badly.

There is a danger though in referring to certain groups of people as though they are expendable. You will probably have heard people (mainly thoughtless young people unfortunately) saying things like, 'I don't need to worry about it as I am not old, so I will just carry on going out as normal'.

What they don't see is that 'old person' could be their parent, their grandparent, who despite their age, probably has a very good quality of life and with some good luck and a tinkering of medical management, might live on for many more years. Underlying health problems is often a euphemism for the smokers and drinkers of this world, who some might feel have it coming, but again also includes young people on cancer treatment or with other immunosuppressive illnesses, who may not be perceived as at fault for their health conditions.

There is some pretty selfish behaviour going on at the moment and some people may regret that if one of their own nearest and dearest succumbs to this. There is no individual way of dealing with this, but there is individual responsibility.

We were meant to be getting our house rewired next week and have stripped it down to the floorboards in preparation for that. I am about 99% sure that we will both be fine by Monday and probably not infectious as well. The research is suggesting that the actual period that you are infectious is usually a few days and the 14 days being currently used as the quarantine period is a complete belt and braces approach. I could not though, consciously go ahead with it and have had to ask the electrician to re-schedule. Goodness knows when it will happen now, but it had to be done.

I wonder if there should be some greater communication from the government in the form of tv ads to get the message over how much individual recklessness can indirectly endanger others.

In Europe, France and Italy in particular, not countries where following the rules comes naturally, they have got it a whole lot better than we have.


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Post by Pot Hale Thu 19 Mar 2020, 3:49 pm

It's tough for a lot of people and muddling through seems to be the order of the day. Living where I am, everyone seems to have copped on pretty quickly what's required in terms of restrictions and distancing. Pubs, cafes, shops (other than food) are all closed. People walking about at a distance from each other. Disposable gloves, alcohol gel, and wipes for trolleys inside food shops. Even toilet rolls and tissues sitting normally on shelves.

A good few people I know have lost their jobs or been temporarily let go (incl myself) but have applied for the Govt support scheme so hopefully that comes through. Live by myself so self-isolation is not something new or difficult. What is striking is the emergence of greater kindness and courtesy from people, wishing each other well, and offers of assistance where possible. Varadkar's St Patrick's Day speech seems to have struck a chord with a lot of people and many of us out of work are planning to get involved with a couple of community initiatives to help out vulnerable and elderly people in the area.

Hope that everyone writing on here keeps well - we will get through this.
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Post by BigGee Thu 19 Mar 2020, 4:00 pm

Pot Hale wrote:It's tough for a lot of people and muddling through seems to be the order of the day.   Living where I am, everyone seems to have copped on pretty quickly what's required in terms of restrictions and distancing.   Pubs, cafes, shops (other than food) are all closed.   People walking about at a distance from each other.   Disposable gloves, alcohol gel, and wipes for trolleys inside food shops.   Even toilet rolls and tissues sitting normally on shelves.  

A good few people I know have lost their jobs or been temporarily let go (incl myself) but have applied for the Govt support scheme so hopefully that comes through.   Live by myself so self-isolation is not something new or difficult.  What is striking is the emergence of greater kindness and courtesy from people, wishing each other well, and offers of assistance where possible.   Varadkar's St Patrick's Day speech seems to have struck a chord with a lot of people and many of us out of work are planning to get involved with a couple of community initiatives to help out vulnerable and elderly people in the area.  

Hope that everyone writing on here keeps well - we will get through this.

Varadkar has proved himself a good leader on more than one occasion now, I wish we had him over here!


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Post by Pot Hale Thu 19 Mar 2020, 4:11 pm

BigGee wrote:
Pot Hale wrote:It's tough for a lot of people and muddling through seems to be the order of the day.   Living where I am, everyone seems to have copped on pretty quickly what's required in terms of restrictions and distancing.   Pubs, cafes, shops (other than food) are all closed.   People walking about at a distance from each other.   Disposable gloves, alcohol gel, and wipes for trolleys inside food shops.   Even toilet rolls and tissues sitting normally on shelves.  

A good few people I know have lost their jobs or been temporarily let go (incl myself) but have applied for the Govt support scheme so hopefully that comes through.   Live by myself so self-isolation is not something new or difficult.  What is striking is the emergence of greater kindness and courtesy from people, wishing each other well, and offers of assistance where possible.   Varadkar's St Patrick's Day speech seems to have struck a chord with a lot of people and many of us out of work are planning to get involved with a couple of community initiatives to help out vulnerable and elderly people in the area.  

Hope that everyone writing on here keeps well - we will get through this.

Varadkar has proved himself a good leader on more than one occasion now, I wish we had him over here!

Some may disagree with you on that point. Talking with some people about his speech, they begin - I'm not a fan normally, or didn't vote for him, but....
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Post by Guest Thu 19 Mar 2020, 4:59 pm

Not sure if I can help anyone out in any way, but if anyone needs anything that I can do remotely then please let me know. For free obviously. Scratching my head for what I can actually offer but will try anything really! Sounds ridiculous when I type this but if anyone needs someone to do some sort of home based admin type work then I’m sure I could help out! I’m a lecturer by trade but I’m sure I can turn my hand to typing, report or document writing, a bit of stats/excel etc. Who knows, but someone might need support for their business where they’ve lost staff, etc. I’m just sitting here doing marking and emails so will have times when I am a bit quiet.

Here to help - just PM me.


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Post by WELL-PAST-IT Thu 19 Mar 2020, 6:07 pm


I don't know how it would affect me, but if London goes on lock down, I only live a few miles from Heathrow, (inside London, but only by a few hundred metres. if your daughter needs to access trains from Central London, I would be happy to pick her up and take her to a station outside of London where she can get a connection

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Post by BlueCoverman Thu 19 Mar 2020, 7:02 pm

Picked up a prescription from the local doctors today. Stood outside in the cold for ages with lots of other people including many elderly. Normally friendly and lovely staff would only speak to you through a half opened window, and on the condition you were standing at least six feet away. Who can blame them, felt I was in the start of the worst horror movie ever.


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Post by BigGee Thu 19 Mar 2020, 8:40 pm

WELL-PAST-IT wrote:BigGee,

I don't know how it would affect me, but if London goes on lock down, I only live a few miles from Heathrow, (inside London, but only by a few hundred metres. if your daughter needs to access trains from Central London, I would be happy to pick her up and take her to a station outside of London where she can get a connection

Thank you, much appreciated.

Looks like the lockdown rumours were a bit premature and she should be able to get home under her own steam.

She is currently somewhere in the air between Costa Rica and Newark. As long as she can get through US immigration (no given thing even at the best of times) we should be fine.

It will be a big relief to see her home. There is always one of your children who seems to be a magnet for stress. She managed to find herself in Paris the night the Bataclan Terror incident was going off on a previous trip!


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Post by RDW Thu 19 Mar 2020, 9:32 pm

Morning/Evening all,

I'm delighted - and actually quite touched - to read the posts from over night and see everyone coming together and supporting each other. We may just be a piddly rugby forum but there are some really good people here.

Please keeping using this thread as you all wish.

Lions team selections all seem a bit trivial now eh? That will all change in 12 months I'm sure!


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