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6CW Proving Grounds Thursday 2nd April 2020 (Day of Reckoning Build Week 3)

The Last Outlaw
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6CW Proving Grounds Thursday 2nd April 2020 (Day of Reckoning Build Week 3) Empty 6CW Proving Grounds Thursday 2nd April 2020 (Day of Reckoning Build Week 3)

Post by JJJohnson Mon 23 Mar 2020, 5:11 pm

Bout 1
Loser Leaves 6CW
No Holds Barred

Hero vs Marshall Murdoch

Bout 2
Jimmy Phillips vs Liam Wood

*Angelo Trust/Ricky Nelson say “farewell” to Scott Harris

Bout 3
O’Callaghan vs ???

Bout 4
Crime Lord vs Dante Phoenix

Bout 5
Karl Kramer vs Perfect Jack

Main Event
Jackson Jackson/Uryu Ishida vs James McManus/Marty Helms


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6CW Proving Grounds Thursday 2nd April 2020 (Day of Reckoning Build Week 3) Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds Thursday 2nd April 2020 (Day of Reckoning Build Week 3)

Post by The Last Outlaw Mon 23 Mar 2020, 5:51 pm

*The arena is plunged into darkness. After a few moments of silence, a pair of wings appear as silhouettes lit in the middle of the ring. As they settle, the image of Jesus hanging from the cross is placed between them. The noise of a creaking door rings out and then heavy footsteps, before a deep voice declares

“The hour has come”

*Remedy by Seether begins to play and out walks Marty Helms into the 6CW arena, the wings now on the screen as he walks out onto a low lit stage.

His shirt is black, emblazoned with white text that reads “Your Own Personal Judas”

JT: Here is the man who has brought more havoc to this company than anyone in recent times. Where once his entrance would be greeted with boos, Helms now has the silence of empty seats and an atmosphere he won’t be used to

HE: I think he might enjoy it. No one to question him, no fools to interrupt him

*He saunters to the ring, rolling in and grabbing a microphone

JR: He has been quiet in recent times, barely speaking to the 6CW audience

JT: Yet his actions have rung louder than any speech. His brutality has been heard in every corner of this company

*Helms stands and stares down the lens of the camera

MH: My, my, isn’t this peaceful. I have never been so happy to see the crowd at a 6CW show. The beauty of all this is a reminder that when all your normality returns, some of the regulars in those seats won’t. I’ll see empty rows, some of the older hands with their traditional views will be long dead.

If any set of people should suffer for their stupidity and lack of hygiene, it is a 6CW fan or, in fact, any wrestling fan. Every single person who turned up to this show last time out put themselves at risk to watch Jackson Jackson be SAVED from losing his me.

*He lifts his hands to the sky and looks upwards as his speaks

MH: I am the betrayer, oh lord, like in the Gardens of Gethsemane once more. The kiss of life from me, sacrificing Jackson for the greater good again.

*His gaze returns to the camera

MH: You won’t understand, I’m sure. Judas kissed Jesus on the cheek and the son of God was captured in the Garden of Gethsemane. I was a little less subtle, but my actions were the same.

I am the Judas Iscariot of 6CW. I am a man capable of bringing Jesus Christ himself to bloodied and brutal death. But your new God is a false prophet. He is a puppet of this management, handpicked to use his master’s fame to help this phoenix rise from the ashes once more.

*He begins to look angry

MH: And I am sickened by it, sickened and enraged. A man so weak that Uryu Ishida could beat him. Uryu Ishida, a man no one could love. An abortion that clung to life.

He could not lead my business, just as Jackson cannot.

*He stops and ponders before continuing.

MH: They are not on my level. I am to bring them forward and crucify them. Their mockery shall only continue until I bring it to stop. But I warn others too of their misdeeds. Do not think I didn’t see the Church’s failed resurrection. Judas misses no tricks.

I killed the demon, I affronted the harlet, the Church cannot touch me and the champion is afraid. Not even the returning Lord can ever contend with the actions of the violent crusader. I sit in this light, the darkness surrounding all else, because I know what I am and what I can do.

The Last Outlaw

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6CW Proving Grounds Thursday 2nd April 2020 (Day of Reckoning Build Week 3) Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds Thursday 2nd April 2020 (Day of Reckoning Build Week 3)

Post by Marky Tue 24 Mar 2020, 9:10 am

As Helms finishes his sentence, "Take me to the hospital" by The Prodigy hits and Jackson Jackson immediately walks out onto the stage, no bravado, just the 6CW World Heavyweight Championship clutched in one hand, and a microphone in the other. Jackson is wearing light blue latex gloves, as he stares intently at Helms.

Jackson: Welcome back Marty. You look terrific. Have you lost weight? Enough small talk. Lets talk brass tax shall we? Because here you stand, spreading fake news like the autistic Donald Trump that you are, with your long list of bible references, oooh just in time for Easter too... And yet, you fail to mention key moments in your story. I've got time to run through them with you though, it's not like I have anywhere else I'm allowed to go...

Jackson clears his throat as Helms just stares back at him

Jackson: This false God that I supposedly am... He won the Ironman Tournament, and in the semi final... He defeated some guy... I forget his name... He looks a lot like you Marty Helms! In fact, now I mention it... IT WAS YOU I BEAT!

Jackson makes over the top hand gestures to emphasise that he now remembers

Jackson: I can be so forgetful at times, apologies for that. But yes, I beat you, Marty. And that's what this is really about, isn't it. Even back in the days of The Four Hundred, you allowed that group to continue because you had positioned yourself as the Alpha. The audacity of someone you saw as being beneath you, daring to pin you and go on to win the tournament and the prize of the 6CW World Heavyweight Championship, it kills you. So, once you finish dealing with your issues with Cerberus, you come waltzing back. You hospitalise my tag team partner, and then you and the McManuses interfere in my 6CW World Title defence. But apparently you're enraged by me not being good enough.

Jackson smirks at Helms

Jackson: Lot of effort for someone so... Beneath you. I also have to query your version of events in that title match. I had Uryu beat, and then Jenny McManus moved Uryu's leg onto the rope. That happened before you got into the ring, a simple oversight on your part, don't worry, I'll let it slide... But the other thing. Uryu hit his finisher, he pinned me, one, two, Marty Helms breaks the count and causes the disqualification. Because obviously I was never likely to kick out. I just never got the chance to. You cannot say Uryu could beat me. Because even when I was going through the whole match thinking of you, Marty, Uryu could not get the job done. He went one on one with an underfocused, underprepared version of me, and the only reason he didn't lose definitively is because Jenny f*cking McManus put his foot on the rope. Uryu Ishida cannot, and obviously did not, beat me.

Jackson lifts up his 6CW World Championship

Jackson: And neither will you. See, I won this Championship because I won the Tournament. A Tournament that you, Uryu, McManus and twelve other 6CW Superstars didn't, and couldn't, win. You have resorted to sneak attacks to get what you want, but this week, you don't get to sneak attack. You get to stand across the ring and look me in the eyes, and when you do, you will see that I am not the kid you once thought you knew. McManus and Ishida will be there, I don't care about them. See, to me, this is still about what you did to Frank. So I'm on board with this tag team match. I will wear these gloves so I don't have to touch Uryu Ishida. And I will call Jenny McManus a sl*t for confusing the matter, because she is the sole reason I didn't defeat Uryu. I'll ask James how he's doing, the empty vessel of a human being that he is. And I'll look you square in the eyes Marty Helms, and tell you that I am not f*cking afraid.

Jackson stares at Helms and then puts his 6CW World Heavyweight Championship over his shoulder


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6CW Proving Grounds Thursday 2nd April 2020 (Day of Reckoning Build Week 3) Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds Thursday 2nd April 2020 (Day of Reckoning Build Week 3)

Post by TwisT Tue 24 Mar 2020, 11:06 am

The camera scans the empty arena and it is a very sombre scene. The hard camera focuses on the empty ring and zooms in. The picture holds for a few moments before we hear footsteps coming out on the stage. Charles Kramer appears first in his all white suit and red shirt, with a red rose on his lapel. He looks out to the empty arena before pointing his cane to the curtain.

Karl Kramer then strides out, oozing confidence and looking a totally different wrestler from when he first entered 6CW. His red mohawk stands proud on his head and he wears red and black MMA shorts. He now also has a sleeveless black t-shirt on with ꓘK in red lettering. He slaps his right arm across his chest a few times before walking out in front of his uncle. The two men stride to the ring, with Karl in front. We can now see the wording on the back of Karl's t-shirt which reads "Back to Back. Moving Forward"

Kramer gets to the ring first, jumps onto the apron and steps between the ropes. He then immediately goes over to the corner and leans on the turnbuckle. Charles Kramer is handed a microphone before walking up the steel steps and entering the ring. He looks out at the empty seats and back down at the microphone. Charles then just nonchalantly chucks it over the ropes and addresses the hard camera.

CK: There is something biblical happening with the world today and 6CW is not immune to it. There is talk of lost prophets and the return of Judas, and all the scriptures.....chapter and verse....that this new change in society has brought. There are those trying to find answers in higher powers. There are those trying to find answers in science. There are those cowering in the shadows and hoping that these events will soon pass......

Charles walks the ring.

CK: But these times can also bring great positive change in 6CW. A return to a simpler ethos without gimmicks being used as protective blanket. Without a crowd to play up to, to joke with, to feed off their cheers or boos, the wrestlers in the back are left fighting their battles without the confidence boost that comes from surrounding yourselves with people, phrases and the past.

Charles Kramer looks at his nephew.

CK: The Kramer Klan only needed two distinct halves to become a truly dominating whole. No catchphrases. No flunkies. No thirst to bring up history. The Kramer Klan works purely on the basis that it knows that it is better than whoever it faces. No need for humorous words. No need to play up a non existent crowd. No need for the usual tit for tat which never really gets anywhere.

Karl walks up to his uncle and places a muscular arm on his shoulder.

KK: Just because I'm done talking doesn't mean I don't know how to speak. My improvement curve has shot higher and quicker than any new worldwide virus cases and has no way peaked yet. The Kramer Klan is all about action. We don't wait for outside events to influence us, we make things happen right now. That's why changes are happening inside and outside the ring. You guys can return to your old cliches and pray they still do the job, but we are here to say that you will be left wanting. Wise up to this new serious era or self-isolate.

Charles smiles at his nephew and watches as he punches the air a few times and returns to the corner.

CK: 6CW, princesses with power and the world as a whole are in denial. Time to get real or fall away in this survival of the fittest. The Kramer Klan have the best combination of brains and brawn, and this dominate species will rule 6CW for a long, long time.

Charles smirks and stares at the curtain.


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6CW Proving Grounds Thursday 2nd April 2020 (Day of Reckoning Build Week 3) Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds Thursday 2nd April 2020 (Day of Reckoning Build Week 3)

Post by Marsh Tue 24 Mar 2020, 9:48 pm

Backstage Marshall Murdoch is stood in his own locker room, addressing a solitary self-held camera.

MM: ‘For those of you who don’t know who I am… (Marshall shakes his head and lets out a small chuckle) who I am kidding? You know damn well who I am, that reaction on Monday told me you still know who I am. My name is Marshall Murdoch, and I’m here…well for several reasons actually.’

‘Number one – I’ve got an itch to scratch, I’ve become sick and tired of people telling me that I ‘underachieved’, that I never fulfilled my ‘potential’. And you know what? To some degree they’re right, when I look back on my career, it’s not bad, founding member of the greatest stable 6WF or any other federation has ever seen, one half of the greatest tag team champions of all time, secondary titles, Born in Fire main eventer, and undefeated at Born in Fire may I add, I’ve shared a ring with all the greats, and beat pretty much every single one of them, now that would be enough for most people… but I’m not most people.’

‘You see, despite all that, there’s always been one thing that’s eluded me, one thing that’s come to define me and my career…’

‘The best never to win a world title’

‘What started off as a back-handed compliment has soon become a millstone round my neck, I am better than that. Yet to the average man in the street I’m the bloke who couldn’t get it done when it mattered, to them I’m the guy who every time I had just what I wanted within my grasp I let it slip, I was the guy who just wasn’t good enough…and that is not good enough for me. I am here to put an end to that image, no longer will people talk of an underachiever, they will talk of a World Champion.

‘Number two – now I’m not going to lie to you here, money talks. And by the way Kramer, my debts are always collected, one way or the other. It’s not so much a case of Marshall Murdoch needs 6CW, its very much a case of 6CW needs Marshall Murdoch, so I was made an offer I couldn’t turn down and it’s really pretty obvious why isn’t it? Just look at this week’s card for instance, I mean match number one is an absolute dream match, but any match I’m involved in is a ‘dream’ match isn’t it? But other than that? Uryu Ishida in the main event? Who on earth let that happen? Perfect Jack is still knocking about? 2010 called and even they’re bored of him. My old running buddy Crime Lord is still here, still plodding along trying to re-capture his glory days, at his time of life I’m surprised his care home isn’t in quarantine, and then there’s one more, the third, and possibly most important reason I’m here…’

(Marshall sets the camera back down and gets really close to it, his previously calm exterior replaced a maniacal stare in his eyes)


‘The one man I’ve never beaten. Now don’t get me wrong, I will forever be grateful for the start you gave me, however since then you have been nothing more than a leech on my career, wherever I’ve turned, whichever company I’ve been in, you’ve always tried to find a way to make it all come back to you, to make it all about you, to make sure I always ended up back in your shadow, to make sure you ended up back on top.’

‘Well no more, I need to create my own legacy, one you can not and will not tarnish, I cannot allow you to smother me any longer. I can’t allow a broken down, pale imitation of the man I once knew hold me down any longer. And to do that, to ensure that no longer will you interfere, will you manipulate my career for your own benefit, for your own ‘legend’. I need you gone, I need you gone from 6CW, I need you gone from my career, from my life.’

‘The only way you’ve been able to win recently is with my help, Costello? O’Callaghan? They mean absolutely nothing to me, they were merely obstacles to get to you, to let your precious little ego believe that everything was back to how it used to me. Let’s face it, the only way you used to win at your peak was through stifling my career, through Clarke James, through Crime Lord, the list down the years goes on and on.’

‘So Hero, how will you cope next week? How will you cope when it’s just you out there? How will you cope when you are now under my shadow? You may well have brought me into the wrestling world, well I’m damn sure going to take you out of it’.

‘And may He…God have mercy on your soul.’


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6CW Proving Grounds Thursday 2nd April 2020 (Day of Reckoning Build Week 3) Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds Thursday 2nd April 2020 (Day of Reckoning Build Week 3)

Post by Uryu Ishida Fri 27 Mar 2020, 7:35 am

"Hold on Tight to your Dream" starts to play as Uryu walks out and goes straight past Jackson and climbs into the ring before being passed a mic. He looks back at Jackson briefly before staring at Helms.

UI: Well, I am not suprised by this in the slightest. You both argue about being the best, about how you can beat any and everyone. You know what? All we need is McManus beating Jackson and we have a perfect circle of victories. Jackson beat you in a thrilling match, You beat me in lets face it about 5 minutes, I beat McManus and then continued to beat the p1ss out of him backstage for trying to end my career which you told him to do!

The crowd cheer Uryu as he doesnt look away from Helms.

UI: And now you may say you had nothing to do with it but you were there, admiring his attempt and acting like a proud father figure at a school sports day, cheering him on. Well he didn't finish the job and you saw what I did to him when I returned and I don't think he wants to be in the ring against me again. So I have a question for you...

Uryu; struggling to contain his anger, goes nose to nose with Helms.

UI: Why don't you try and end it right now? Come on, do what so many men have tried and failed to do! Take me out of this ring for good! I promise you that if you even try I will break both your damn arms and show you why that will never be an easy thing to achieve!

Helms goes to lift the mic to speak but Uryu knocks it out his hand with force as Helms briefly looks amused at this.

UI: I am not done yet so stand there and shut up! That's the issue with you and Jackson. You both think that I am not worth anything in this. That I am the joke of 6CW and I shouldn't be anywhere near this fight. Well last week I showed I could go punch for punch with Jackson and with a bit of, albiet unwanted help, I came within a split second of winning! So I may not interest either of you but last week proved I have a stake in this and I damn sure want a rematch with Jackson as well as a large piece of you Helms! So I dare you both to underestimate me, kick me aside, ignore me or laugh right in my face, at this point I have seen all those tactics used against me and the end result has been the exact same. They all realised they made huge mistakes as they are screaming in pain at Sunset.

Uryu Ishida

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6CW Proving Grounds Thursday 2nd April 2020 (Day of Reckoning Build Week 3) Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds Thursday 2nd April 2020 (Day of Reckoning Build Week 3)

Post by Marky Fri 27 Mar 2020, 8:15 am


Jackson angrily shouts into the microphone as Uryu turns back to face Jackson

Jackson: Now, I'm not saying you won't get another shot at this title. But I asked you to stand aside last week so I could fight Helms. You wouldn't. You insisted on having your shot. Yeah it ended in a DQ, yeah we can both claim we should have won, but irrespective of the result, your shot, for now, is done. Now it's time for me to fight Helms. So get the f*ck out of my business.

Jackson is shaking his head in disbelief at Uryu's actions

Jackson: Unbelievable. You give an inch, and they take a mile... I f*cking HANDED you that title shot last week. And it wasn't because I underestimated you, no. It was because I respected you. And because I respected you, I asked to postpone our match, to focus on that dickweed. Because I wanted our match to be a true test, a 100% Jackson Jackson versus a 100% Uryu Ishida.

Jackson is now pacing on the stage

Jackson: Do you hear that? PAST TENSE. RespectED. Your actions have cost you any respect you had earned. You're no better than everyone else you claim to be better than. I've got to team with you, but I want no part of you. I want to fight Helms, and I will fight you Helms. But Uryu, you are just a pure scumbag and I can't wait for the 6CW fanbase to see what a conniving pr*ck you really, truly, are.


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6CW Proving Grounds Thursday 2nd April 2020 (Day of Reckoning Build Week 3) Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds Thursday 2nd April 2020 (Day of Reckoning Build Week 3)

Post by The Last Outlaw Fri 27 Mar 2020, 4:18 pm

*Amidst the chatter, Marty puts a hand out and another microphone is passed to him. Helms only eyes Jackson. He waits for the pause and finally steps forward to speak

MH: To think, they let someone quite so arrogantly stupid be positioned as their company leader...

You didn’t beat me, Jackson. You were just the beneficiary of an outside world you wouldn’t understand. It has ever been thus. Like you don’t understand what I knew about your big bulkish boar of a tag team partner.

As the powers that be use you, you used him. Puppet on a string. Take the focus away from your title, hide behind the beast.

And with him out of the way, now it’s the buffoon.

*He turns to Uryu.

MH: Pathetic. Little gestures of a broken man. Knocking microphones out of hands, pretending to pick fights. You know, I didn’t learn a lot from Max, but the things I picked up, well I thought regen over there...

*He points a thumb at Jackson

MH: ...would have done this sooner.

*He clears his throat and then steps towards Uryu. Ishida goes to step to him, but Helms puts a hand out and pushes him back a little.

MH: Hahaha hahaha haha ha haha ha

*He straightens his hair then walks away, turning his back on both men and stepping through the ropes.

Walking up the ramp, he turns

MH: Make your little team, gentlemen. But until you, Jackson, can prove to be man enough to beat this mockery, I’m really not lowering myself to stepping into that ring with you one-on-one. You never earned that title, and you certainly haven’t earned a match with me.

*He drops the mic and his music plays, playing as he walks off and away from the two men and out of the arena area.

The Last Outlaw

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Age : 36

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6CW Proving Grounds Thursday 2nd April 2020 (Day of Reckoning Build Week 3) Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds Thursday 2nd April 2020 (Day of Reckoning Build Week 3)

Post by Dolphin Ziggler Sat 28 Mar 2020, 6:14 pm

*A few moments later, out stumbles Angelo Trust. He's holding his nose

AT: He is not a nice man, Jack's son. He just punched me in the nose. Joke's on him though, I've got the thingy, you know, the whatsit that's been spreading round..?

*Uryu waits a second but as no-one is there to tell him, he kindly lets him know and shouts from the ring

UI: Coronavirus

*Trust looks shocked

AT: Where?! Oh

*He recomposes himself

AT: No, no, not that. AIDS, that's the one I've got. I've got AIDS.

*The two men in the ring look flabbergasted as Trust smiles at them

AT: I'm very lucky. Helms comes after me, and I know Jack's boy will help me. And it looks like you two are good friends now, so Uryu is will probably aid me too. Not best friends though, are you? Better not get your hopes up, Uryu. Jack's lad doesn't let just anyone get close to him, he can be really stubborn about it all. Not a social guy, really. Been asking him for ages to tag up, but he always has other commitments or the board here won't let him.

*Jackson is unmoved by Angelo's obvious fishing

AT: ...sooooo I've made this little alliance with Mike Hill and Mike Hill's son. We've killed Scott Harris, or something. I don't know, apparently we are addressing his death on the show. Seems a bit drastic, but I am pretty sure wrestling companies operate outside of police control. Like international waters for those monkey fights?

*He smiles

AT: Sorry, I'm rambling. I didn't even mean to come out here, to be honest. I was just a little scared and I'd heard Uryu shouting too. Awful noise, isn't it? You need to calm down, mate, life's not so bad! Did you clap the other night? Can you clap? You should have done, your carer would have appreciated that one, pal.

*He puts gives Uryu a thumbs up

AT: Well, I'll probably just stay and watch for a bit, then I'll know old Marty is gone and I can keep an eye on you two as well.

Dolphin Ziggler

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6CW Proving Grounds Thursday 2nd April 2020 (Day of Reckoning Build Week 3) Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds Thursday 2nd April 2020 (Day of Reckoning Build Week 3)

Post by Marky Mon 30 Mar 2020, 8:16 am

Jackson sighs, he looks at Uryu in the ring, and at Angelo across the stage from him, he shakes his head

Jackson: Not today. Not happening.

Jackson drops his microphone to the floor with a thud, and walks off with his 6CW World Heavyweight Championship clutched in his fist, almost dejected by Helms' words, he leaves the stage and disappears leaving Uryu and Angelo in the empty arena


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6CW Proving Grounds Thursday 2nd April 2020 (Day of Reckoning Build Week 3) Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds Thursday 2nd April 2020 (Day of Reckoning Build Week 3)

Post by Crimey Mon 30 Mar 2020, 10:26 am

*Backstage Christy James is stood outside of a locker room, microphone in hand*

CJ: Hello 6CW fans, I'm stood here outside of the locker room of Crime Lord. Last week he was pushed to the limit by Jimmy Phillips in a match that showed just how good Jimmy Phillips could be. All of the talk is about the future Jimmy Phillips will have here in-

*Christy is interrupted as Crime Lord opens the door, he's wearing a white shirt and his suit pants. He furiously grabs the microphone from Christy's hand and looks at her.* 

CL: This is it Christy. This is exactly what I am back here for. Last week I beat Jimmy Phillips comfortably. Sure, he got a few shots in...sure, he lasted longer than most guys could...but ultimately and most importantly "little Jimmy Phillips" LOST.

The talk shouldn't be what a hero Jimmy Phillips is, the talk should be what a dominating force Crime Lord is. Every headline should be: "HE'S STILL GOT IT" - as if there should ever have been a doubt. I'm the Iron Man, I just keep going and going and before long every person in this company will be just like Jimmy Phillips - a loser! 

*Christy starts to speak up, Crime Lord turns to her* 

CL: Your interview? It's not happening. You were just stood outside of my locker room waiting for me and I heard you. Jimmy this, Jimmy that - you're the problem too Christy. I'm not interested in talking to 6CW if they're going to continue to celebrate mediocrity. It's pathetic. I'm back to fight that attitude. For too long this business has been happy with the effort, happy so long as the crowd's cheering and people are still watching. We should strive for the best Christy and, make no mistake, I am the BEST of the BEST! You list the legends of 6CW and I've beaten them all, I've dominated them all and now I'm here to do the same to this lot.

Jimmy Phillips, O'Callaghan, Scott Harris - they're just the start. I will beat every single member of the 6CW roster. I am indestructible, insurmountable...I don't just at the top of the mountain, I am the mountain! I cannot be stopped, I cannot be slowed down - you're about to watch history play out in front of your eyes. Everything I have achieved has led to right now. You're all playing catch up to what I have known for ten years - it doesn't matter when - 2008 or 2020, it doesn't matter where 6WF or 6CW and it doesn't matter who - Cassius Zhi or Dante Phoenix - I will ALWAYS, ALWAYS be the man to beat.


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6CW Proving Grounds Thursday 2nd April 2020 (Day of Reckoning Build Week 3) Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds Thursday 2nd April 2020 (Day of Reckoning Build Week 3)

Post by Perfect Jack Wed 01 Apr 2020, 8:02 pm

Perfect Jack is backstage in the interview area all by himself with a camera crew ready to film him.

PJ: Ladies and gentlemen at the previous Proving Grounds, you saw the excellence of perfection, me, dominate the 6CW UK champion James McManus.

Perfect Jack smiles and flexes.

PJ: But that wasn't the only thing you saw, you saw the current UK champion James McManus and soon to be former UK Champion run with his tail between his legs whilst being shouldered by his wife. I tell you what, he's lucky he had her there because I was about to log in the figure four leg lock and break a few bones and tear a few muscles.

Perfect Jack makes a snapping gesture with his hands.

PJ: I'm not here to take part, i'm not here to go on some farewell goodbye see your ass later tour, I AM HERE TO WIN. And winning is what I've done. I've had some challenging opponents so far, but I've overcome those challenges with perfect results and I've shown that I'm not some has been. I am a 6CW legend, I am the legendary Perfect Jack and James McManus your reign as 6CW UK champion is nearing its end. I hope you're listening James, because I want you to keep my soon to be claimed 6CW UK championship glistening because I'll be there soon to take it away, wrestling in a PERFECT JACK WONDERLAND!!!!!

Perfect Jack smiles and poses as the video ends.

Perfect Jack

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6CW Proving Grounds Thursday 2nd April 2020 (Day of Reckoning Build Week 3) Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds Thursday 2nd April 2020 (Day of Reckoning Build Week 3)

Post by Dolphin Ziggler Thu 02 Apr 2020, 1:51 am

*Trust looks at Jackson walking away, a sadness in his eyes as he turns back and looks towards the ring. There’s an emptiness in his gaze before he seems to fix his eyes on Uryu.

UI: You did this to my best friend. I want you to know, Uriah, that you can’t take this referee attitude and suddenly become a wrestler. You’re not just crossing paths with a world champion of the world, Mr Rennie, and you’re not just going toe-to-toe with the greatest professional athlete of my generation, his generation and even as far as your generation.


*He points at Uryu fiercely

AT: YOU are playing games with a beautiful man. And you’d do well to remember that.

*He trembles now as he speaks

AT: I swear, Uriah, that what I can do to Scott Harris is nothing compared to what I’ll do to you if you hurt that man. I swear.

*He walks away on the spin, storming off after Jackson

Dolphin Ziggler

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Age : 35
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6CW Proving Grounds Thursday 2nd April 2020 (Day of Reckoning Build Week 3) Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds Thursday 2nd April 2020 (Day of Reckoning Build Week 3)

Post by Uryu Ishida Thu 02 Apr 2020, 6:43 pm

Uryu simply looks bewildered by the entire situation and shakes his head.

UI: And people said laying on a rooftop and hanging around watercoolers was weird...

Uryu pauses a moment and smiles.

UI: At least I am not a joke to Jackson, only thing left is to make sure Helms understands that this 'joke' as he called me is rammed down his throat.

Uryu Ishida

Posts : 4134
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Age : 34
Location : Derby

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