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6CW Proving Grounds Results 29th April 2021

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6CW Proving Grounds Results 29th April 2021 Empty 6CW Proving Grounds Results 29th April 2021

Post by JJJohnson Thu 29 Apr 2021, 6:20 am

*We go live on air from our usual broadcast point in Glasgow, Scotland. The commentary team welcome us to the show and hype what we are going to see tonight, from the #1 Contenders match to Uryu vs GazzyD in an explosive main event. We get a recap on last week’s show with Jimmy Phillips attacking The Saint, Reborn/Ojore turning on Drake as well as the growing issues between Uryu/Gazzy as well as plenty of Gateway to Glory and Day of Reckoning build. The commentators are just debating on how tonight will begin when Marshall Murdoch enters the arena.

*Murdoch is once again fired up. He says every week he’s gonna show up, make his way to the ring and call out Clarke James until CJ is man enough to come and face him. He doesn’t want to keep repeating himself but he isn’t interested in waiting until Day of Reckoning. He wants to paint Glasgow with Clarke James’ blood and he wants to do it right now.

*The crowd are right behind Murdoch but there are stunned faces all round as “God gonna cut you down” echoes out and Rapture, the former 6CW TV Champion and Church of Hero member returns. Rapture, a victim of Clarke James’ assault two weeks ago, has half of his face covered by a mask to protect a shattered cheekbone and there are visible cuts and bruises all over his face. He climbs up into the ring and greets Marshall, who is as taken aback as anyone. The two men just stare at each other before Marshall pulls Rapture into a hug.

*Rapture launches into a speech about how everyone always kinda expected the Church to disintegrate at some point but nobody could have predicted that it would have been Clarke James who succumbed to the darkness, who allowed evil to course through his veins. Rapture explains what happened a few weeks ago when CJ visited, under false pretences, and then sprang a vicious assault upon them all, leaving them in pools of blood. Rapture explains that he has never faced such a malevolent force in his life and that what he witnessed and what he experienced will haunt him for the rest of his days. He says Clarke James is the most dangerous, psychotic man he has ever met and that is why he is here. He said they were a family, maybe the crowd disliked them at times but they had one another, and even though they don’t run together anymore he still has Marshall’s best interests at heart, he still considers him a “brother”.

*Rapture came here tonight to warn Marshall and plead with him to walk away. Walk away before it is too late. He says CJ wants the final two pendants….he wants Marshall’s and he wants the one that Murdoch took from Hero. He wants to put the final nail in the coffin of The Church and there is nothing he won’t do in order to make it happen. Rapture doesn’t want to see that happen. He doesn’t want to see Murdoch take a beating that he can’t come back from. He said escaping with his vision after what happened at Born in Fire should have been warning enough but Marshall always was stubborn and he knew he’d come back for retribution. But now he needs to put all that aside and himself because otherwise he will regret it.

*Marshall takes a few moments to digest what Rapture has said but then shakes his head. He appreciates Rapture’s concern but he’s almost offended. Everyone is acting like Marshall is out of his depth. Marshall kicked CJ’s a55 last month, almost snapped his neck in the process, before giving him a wrestling lesson at Genesis. Marshall Murdoch crushed Hero, destroyed the “Founding Father” and at Day of Reckoning he is going to destroy “The Creator” because he is the “Chosen One”. Marshall wants to know when Rapture got soft. Was it because CJ whooped his a55? He says Rapture might be scared, Zakky and Vlad too….but Murdoch fears nobody. He says Clarke James can call himself whatever he likes but at Day of Reckoning he will meet his maker…..Marshall and Rapture ran together for years, achieved greatness side by side, so Rapture should know what he is capable of….should know that as dangerous as he believes CJ is, he isn’t a patch on what Murdoch is capable of.

*Rapture looks disappointed but then he smiles. He says he should have known that Marshall wouldn’t listen, that he would be hell-bent on finishing it on his own terms. Rapture meant no offence, he merely came because he cares, because he doesn’t want to see it end this way….Marshall tells him it ends exactly how he chooses it too and if CJ wants those final two pendants then they’re right here and he should bring his a55 on and get them….Marshall shows a necklace from beneath his t-shirt and we see the two pendants….

*Rapture’s eyes focus on the pendants momentarily and then he looks around. He says he thinks Marshall will be waiting awhile, he doesn’t think CJ is coming. It isn’t part of his plan….Marshall wants to know how he knows and Rapture says because he told me the plan and then attacks from nowhere, knocking Marshall into the ropes as the commentators are stunned.

*Rapture runs at Murdoch and lands an enzeguiri to the temple that staggers him into the corner. He then grips him from behind in a waistlock and rolls him out into a chaos theory suplex. Marshall rolls over on his knees and Rapture crashes into him with a vicious boot to the face. Marshall rolls for the ropes and out of the ring as Rapture pursues him and looks to pull the pendants from around his neck. Marshall crashes his head back into Rapture’s face before grabbing him and smashes his head off the top of the steel steps. Marshall pulls the protective mask off of Rapture’s face before sending him into the ringpost.

*The commentators are talking about how CJ has taken his plots to a whole new level by recruiting Rapture. Marshall is furious as he drags Rapture around and he delivers a huge overhead suplex that sends him crashing on top of the Japanese announce desk. Marshall grabs a steel chair and he chases away ringside security and referees before waiting for Rapture to get up and he slams the chair across his head, splitting him wide open and draped across the table. Marshall then climbs up on the desk and he wraps his arms around Rapture’s waist, dragging him to his feet. Rapture offers no resistance as Marshall then scoops him into position and delivers a “Texas Slam” (Alabama) that sends Rapture crashing through the Social Media announce desk from the Japanese table. Marshall just stands there and stares down at the wreckage he has caused.

*Clarke James then appears on the big screen from an unknown location. He is all smiles despite what has just happened. He’s impressed and tells Marshall “See, you’re just like me”….CJ tells Marshall that the darkness lives within him as well and now it is beginning to rear its head, in the same way it did for James at Born in Fire. He says Rapture pleaded for mercy when he laid waste to the “Church” last month and he gave him penance in return for his attempted assault tonight. But CJ knew he would fail because he is weak and always has been. He just wanted the chance to expose Murdoch for the violent thug that he is and his job is done now.

He says they aren’t too dissimilar, not really, but Marshall has always tried to pretend he’s better. But the poison seeping through his veins can’t be stopped. Luckily for Marshall he has the antidote. He says it is really simple….he can conform, embrace his true self just like CJ did and join forces once more….he can work with CJ to dominate professional wrestling, as his right hand man….pledge allegiance and reap the rewards that Hero always denied the both of them….it was always supposed to be the two of them…..”The Creator” and “The Chosen One”…..all he has to do is hand over the pendants so that the ghost of the “Chuch” can be laid to rest….

Marshall is staring up at the big screen and then he shakes his head as the crowd roar. CJ tells him to suit himself. The other antidote will be administered at Day of Reckoning in the form of a mutilation that Murdoch will not be able to return from. He says he will, reluctantly, end Marshall’s career in a months’ time and then he will rip those pendants for his bloody, lifeless, hands. Because it is his destiny….his destiny to end the Church and end anyone associated with it. He is going to enjoy watching Marshall be consumed by his own rage over the next few weeks and reiterates that their paths will not cross until Day of Reckoning. He smiles again and says “See you soon, brother”. Marshall continues to stand on the table, his chest heaving, and he looks furious as medics tend to Rapture. The commentators talk about CJ’s offer and what just went down, hyping what promises to be, arguably, the most “intense” 6CW World Championship match in history.


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Age : 33

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6CW Proving Grounds Results 29th April 2021 Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds Results 29th April 2021

Post by JJJohnson Thu 29 Apr 2021, 6:23 am

*We head backstage to Perfect Jack and Daniel Reilly. Reilly is back on the hype train after last week’s victory and believes it was exactly what they needed. Now they are in prime position to take the #1 Contender’s spot tonight. Perfect Jack seems more like his old self and he’s starting to believe in what they are doing. It’s been a long time since Revolution led the tag team division but victory tonight puts them within touching distance. Revolution prepare to leave and head for ringside but they are blocked off by The Parasite Killers and Jenny McManus. There is a stand-off between both teams and then Jenny McManus advises Revolution to stay in the back because they’re days of relevance are over and there is no way they are leaving with the title shot. PJ and Reilly mock PK for letting a woman do their talking for them. Fanatic steps forward but he’s held back as James McManus sneers and tells him to save it for the ring “out there is where we’ll prove what we are all about”. PK walk off as Reilly and PJ mock them some more.

*Scene change and Travis Sharp is interviewing Charles Kramer. Charles Kramer firstly answers questions on Karl Kramer versus GazzyD at Day of Reckoning. Kramer isn’t worried in the slightest because whilst Gazzy is a “legend”, he is far, far removed from his former glories and also far too preoccupied with his “love spat”...there isn’t a man on the roster who is a match for Karl Kramer, he’s proven it in a greater way than any champion in the history of this company and he will continue to do so no matter what challenge presents itself.

But now he wants to talk about The Empire and their upcoming tag match. CK launches into a list of accolades and achievements that his team have accomplished over the years. Dominating on many different continents and proving that they, without a doubt, the greatest duo in professional wrestling today. The only reason they don’t have the tag titles right now is because of Tyler Roth’s outside interference, otherwise we wouldn’t even be having this conversation. But tonight they will prove themselves head and shoulders above the rest of the “contenders” and then at Day of Reckoning they will set the record straight. He says The Next Big Things are an admirable team, who have helped to put tag wrestling back on the map, but that The Empire are the elevation that the division needs. He says once all of the gold is in The Empire’s possession, nothing can stop them from taking total control of 6CW and leave everyone trailing in their wake. CK says The Empire will rule with “Tekken” and Travis Sharp says “the videogame?” but CK advises him to buy a dictionary, he says “Iron Fist”….and that nobody can disrupt their reign.

The crowd then roar as Tyler Roth walks into shot. CK looks edgy all of a sudden but Roth tells him to chill, The Reaper isn’t ready to claim his soul just yet but it will be “too sweet” when the time comes. Roth just wants to pick up on a few things that CK has said….firstly that there “isn’t a man on the roster who is a match for Karl Kramer” but Roth and everyone else knows that isn’t true. CK says “you had your chance and you blew it” but Roth says one on one they know “little Karl” can’t win and that’s why Uncle Charles works so hard to prevent that from happening….but one day it will happen and Roth will commit the most “atrocious Regicide” ever known to man….CK looks worried but Roth laughs and says “don’t worry, maybe Gazzy will do the job for me”

CK regains himself and states, once again, that Kramer cannot be beaten…..The Empire cannot be defeated….Roth then says he’d like to put that to the test and he’s taking great interest in the upcoming tag team match….”you just never know who might turn up”….CK warns him to keep his nose out but Roth doesn’t appreciate the threats. He says he’s bored because nobody wants to fight him….and when he’s bored and unoccupied, bad things happen…..

CK seems to experience a lightbulb moment and he has an idea….he has just the perfect opponent for Tyler Roth, if he’s man enough to accept…..someone who will bring about the demise of “The Reaper”…..Ck seems positively gleeful over the idea…..Roth is almost amused but he accepts the challenge because anyone who aligns themselves with CK is an “enemy” and he will take great pleasure in breaking them in pieces…..Roth tells CK to “do your worst” and CK smirks as Roth walks away.

*We get separate images of GazzyD and Uryu Ishida arriving at the arena as the commentators hype up tonight’s main event between the warring rivals. Nobody quiet knows what to expect but they’re sure it has all the makings of an “instant classic”. Jeff Thadeus is concerned what this doing for Christy James’ mental state but Henry Lloyd believes this match “has to happen”….Jack Reynolds is in agreement that it must be settled “once and for all” because Gazzy and Uryu cannot continue on this path.


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6CW Proving Grounds Results 29th April 2021 Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds Results 29th April 2021

Post by JJJohnson Thu 29 Apr 2021, 6:25 am

Bout 1
#1 Contenders (Tag Team)
Revolution vs The Empire vs The Parasite Killers

*Just before the opening match The Next Big Things make a surprise entrance to a huge ovation. Ricky Nelson and Mike Hill pose with their championships before joining the 6CW announce team. They are out here to “scout the competition” as Henry Lloyd groans in disappointment. Mike Hill can be seen headlocking Lloyd whilst Nelson ruffles his hair.

*PK are out first and they share a staredown with NBT before they head for the ring. Charles Kramer then accompanies The Empire as commentary talks about how Jenny McManus and CK could influence the bout. Revolution are the final team to the party and they are greeted by a huge ovation from the 6CW audience.

*There is disputes between all three teams about who is going to begin but PK then step back to allow Vortex and Perfect Jack to start it out. Jack tries to go low and target the legs early but Vortex is so strong and picks him off the floor, just throwing him across the ring as CK applauds from outside. Vortex beckons PJ to try again and this time PJ goes behind for a waistlock but is launched backward by the rump of VX. Vortex looks to squash Jack in the corner with the “VX Express” but PJ moves and snaps off the “Perfect Slam” out of nowhere. James McManus breaks the count

*PJ stomps down on VX and then tags in Reilly. They drag the big man up and show their team skills to nail a double suplex. Reilly rakes his boot in Vortex’ face and then heads for the corner. He is preparing for a frogsplash but Johnny Oko distracts him. Vortex is up now so Reilly looks for a crossbody but Vortex catches him and nails the “Rupture”. Fanatic breaks the count before three.

*The commentators talk about how Revolution and The Empire have almost won the match early but PK are doing a great job from the defensive position. Vortex tags in Johnny Oko and they whip Reilly off the ropes….VX drops to a knee and slams his shoulder into Reilly’s gut as he comes back and Oko nails a buzzsaw kick for a close two. Oko takes control and nails an “Ode to Taka” (Michinoku Driver) but McManus breaks it up again. Oko lets Reilly get up and then plants him again with a running bulldog. He goes high for the “Kamikaze Moonsault” but Reilly moves.

*The race is now on for the tag and Fanatic ends up taking the tag from Reilly as Vortex comes back in. There is a big stand off between the two monsters and then they trade huge punches. Fanatic snaps Vortex’ head back with a big uppercut and looks for an Irish whip but Vortex counters and sends his man to the corner. Fanatic staggers back out into a Samoan drop but kicks out at two.

*Vortex pulls Fanatic to the corner and prepares for the “Banzai Drop”. Jenny McManus distracts the referee as James McManus runs across the apron and smashes Vortex in the side of the head with a harsh forearm. Charles Kramer confronts Jenny McManus on the outside as PK deliver a double “powerbomb” from the second rope on Vortex that causes the ring to shake. McManus covers but only gets a two.

*McManus runs the ropes and connects with a vicious “knee trembler” to Vortex’ head as he tries to stand. McManus turns and mocks the other teams and then covers but Vortex powers out on two. McManus goes to work with vicious stomps to the big man but can’t prevent him getting back up. McManus actually tries to scoop VX onto his shoulders but VX is too heavy and headbutts his way to freedom. McManus staggers into the ropes and comes back as Vortex scoops him up. Vortex looks for another “Rupture” but McManus manages to struggle over his shoulders. Reilly makes the blind tag and runs in to nail Vortex with the RKO as he turns around but McManus drags him off the cover.

*Reilly confronts McManus and then Fanatic climbs in. PJ joins the fray and there is a stand-off between PK and Revolution that breaks out into a firefight. Fanatic uppercuts Jack into the ropes and then looks for a pump kick as he comes back but PJ ducks underneath it. PJ grabs Fanatic by the waist as Reilly does the same to McManus and they nail tandem German suplexes. McManus staggers up and Reilly flips him into a fallout neckbreaker (ala Randy Orton) before PJ grabs Fanatic and demonstrates his strength and ability to land a back suplex. Revolution are fired up as they head for opposite corners. Reilly comes off with a frogsplash on McManus whilst PJ drops an elbow into Fanatic’s chest.

*PJ gets back up and Johnny Oko, taking the tag from Vortex, wipes him out with the “K-Oko” running yakuza kick. Reilly looks to attack but Oko dodges him and nails the “Tic-Tac-Toe” kick combo. Reilly stumbles back up and Oko runs at him but Reilly counters with a backdrop to send Oko onto the apron. Reilly turns and Oko catapults back in with a DDT (ala Johnny Gargano). Oko to the corner and lands the “Kamikaze Moonsault”….three count looks inevitable but Jenny McManus, much to everyone’s surprise, distracts the referee.

*Charles Kramer is once again back over to confront her but nobody realises he has thrown his cane into the ring. Johnny Oko grabs the weapon and beckons Reilly up before swinging it at his head but Reilly avoids contact and counters with an inverted headlock backbreaker (ala Randy Orton)….Reilly sets up for the “RKO” as the crowd go nuts. Oko puts the block on and shoves Reilly into Vortex who lifts him onto his shoulders for the “V-X Bomb” (TKO)…..Oko makes the cover but Fanatic drags him under the ropes and drops him with a pump kick to the face.

*PJ comes back into the mix as Vortex is looking to put the hurt on Reilly and he hits the big man with a chopblock to the back of the knee. Jack gets back up and attempts the “Perfect Plex” but Vortex is too big and shoves him away. Vortex charges into the corner for the “VX Express” but Jack dodges again. Reilly is back up and they land a double back suplex. Reilly prepares for the “RKO” but Fanatic climbs onto the apron. Reilly runs over to block him off as McManus clatters into PJ from behind and nails him with the “Death Valley Driver”….Reilly turns and takes the fight to McManus but that allows Fanatic to get in the ring and he ends up drilling Reilly with a double-handed chokebomb.

*PK are celebrating their efforts and Jenny McManus is applauding but Johnny Oko sneaks back in and covers Reilly. The three count is just about complete when McManus manages to break up the count. PK take the fight to Oko and beat him down. McManus drags Oko back up and scoops him onto his shoulders. Fanatic runs the ropes for the “Boot of Doom” but Oko slips off the back and causes PK to collide with one another. PK roll from the ring as Oko concentrates back on Reilly. Vortex gets back up and Charles Kramer looks delighted.

*Reilly is groggy as Vortex scoops him up and Oko goes to the corner. They nail the “Valley of the Damned” (Doomsday Device). Perfect Jack storms into the ring and tackles Vortex, rushing him back into the corner, which inadvertently allows McManus to run in and chuck Oko through the ropes. McManus makes the cover on Reilly and steals the three count.

*Jenny McManus is shrieking in delight whilst nobody else seems to believe what has just happened. James McManus is on his knees, grinning, as Vortex and Perfect Jack stare at him, in astonishment, from the corner. Johnny Oko is getting up on the outside and he looks at Charles Kramer, who cannot seem to comprehend what he has seen.

*The commentators talk about how PK played a “defensive game” and spent most of the match interrupting pinfalls before striking at the pivotal moment to steal victory from right underneath The Empire. They talk about how Revolution dominated huge portions of the match and looked like their old selves but somehow, some way, The Parasite Killers have secured the most unlikely of victories.

*PJ and Vortex seem to be thinking the same thing as they step toward McManus but then Fanatic pulls his partner from the ring so they can celebrate with Jenny on the outside. Vortex shoves PJ away and they exchange words now before PJ drops to check on Reilly.

*PK back away, delighted, and they reach the stage as The Next Big Things rise from the announce table. Hill and Nelson raise their belts as they walk out to stand in front of their challengers. We get major hype for “Chapter III” of one of the best tag rivalries in recent memories and it will go down at “Day of Reckoning” as PK look to break their duck against the champions. Charles Kramer is shown trying to console The Empire at ringside whilst Reilly is sat up on the canvass and is looking apologetic toward PJ, who only seems concerned for his welfare.

*We get another shot of The Next Big Things and The Parasite Killers, trash talking, before the action heads backstage.


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6CW Proving Grounds Results 29th April 2021 Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds Results 29th April 2021

Post by JJJohnson Thu 29 Apr 2021, 6:27 am

*Backstage and Jackson Jackson is alongside Travis Sharp. Jackson is on a high coming out of last week by defeating The Wolf Gang, closing the chapter on his issues with that group, so now all focus turns to Day of Reckoning and winning the Gateway to Glory match. Jackson has a big fatal four way tonight billed as a “GtG Exhibition” and that’s a great chance to put himself as a frontrunner, prove his doubters wrong and move one step closer to winning back the world title.

Travis Sharp asks whether Jackson will have a preference on the 6CW or 6WF Championships should he win….knowing full well he could follow in the footsteps as the likes of Max Adamson by winning both….Jackson stops and just stares at Sharp, he shakes his head and walks off, shouting back “I told you I’d walk away…..I follow in the footsteps of nobody”.
*Cameron Faith receives a big ovation as he joins Fleur Michaels for an interview. Faith feels good to be back on 6CW television week in, week out, and he has his first “W” under his belt. He admits he has a chip on his shoulder and the burden of the “Nearly Man” tag but he’s keen to put that to rest at Day of Reckoning. Faith remembers when he had the “Fight for the Right” briefcase in 6WF and everyone believed it would elevate him to the main event but it didn’t and he has had to live with that ever since. So now he’s back because it has eaten away at him and he cannot rest or “hang up the boots” until he has world gold around his waist and has tasted the atmosphere of main eventing the biggest shows in professional wrestling. Tonight is an “exhibition” and a chance for him to put on a show, something he believes he always does, but being a “show stealer” and a “crowd pleaser” isn’t enough any more. This is a results business and the only results that matter are “Ws” so whether it is tonight, tomorrow or May 23rd at Day of Reckoning he will do whatever he has to to leave with his arm raised in victory. Faith leaves the interview and we get a shot of Ethan Shaw watching from his “hideout”. Is Faith the new target for Shaw?

*A very dejected Daniel Reilly and Perfect Jack are in the backstage area, bemoaning their luck. Travis Sharp happens upon them. They admit that right now Revolution’s chances of leading the tag division are “nil” but they’re not giving up and vow to bounce back stronger than ever. But in the short term neither is going to pretend that they aren’t desperate to be world champion again….neither is going to pretend that they aren’t aching to headline Night of Glory….so they’re officially entering the Gateway to Glory match. Three world titles between them, they’ve shared the headline act on the “Grandest Stage” before but they want it again….they respect one another, they’d fight to the end for one another….but at Day of Reckoning they are ready to go to war against one another…..only one can leave with that “golden opportunity” so may the best man win….they shake hands and embrace before nodding at one another as the scene ends.

Official participants:
Cameron Faith
Daniel Reilly
Ethan Shaw
Geoff Steel
Jackson Jackson
Jimmy Phillips
Liam Wood
Mike Masters
Perfect Jack
Robin Reborn
The Saint


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Age : 33

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6CW Proving Grounds Results 29th April 2021 Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds Results 29th April 2021

Post by JJJohnson Thu 29 Apr 2021, 6:28 am

*Renier Grohl is sat in his office with Tim Allen. Grohl has granted this interview to get a more in-depth look at the man who is currently calling the shots here in 6CW. Grohl once again reiterates that he is “only an intermediary” for the 6CW Council but he has been given the power to make “on site decisions” as he sees fit. He admits that The Council will always have the “final say” and can overturn his decisions but so far they have agreed upon everything he has suggested.

*Allen wants to know more about Grohl. He is from Baden, Germany and grew up dreaming of being a professional wrestler but he was never the most athletic or intimidating. But he always had a great voice, an ability to talk, so he went into Politics in his town. He became Mayor and he was a key part of beginning a wrestling promotion over there. Only small hall shows but he loved it and soon they gained a little recognition that allowed them to perform on a bigger stage as a prelude to a much bigger promotion coming to the country. Grohl says he made some very “good friends” during this time and it was one of those friends who enlisted him for this role, knowing he would be perfect for this on screen role and carrying the message of The Council. Tim Allen is fascinated and asks about Baden being close to the “Black Forest” and if the fairytales like “Hansel and Gretel” are true? Grohl laughs and says “witches are only the beginning of the horrors that lay inside the forest”...Allen smiles and doesn’t’ seem to know if Grohl is being truthful but notices him running his hand along a statue on his desk, depicting an elegant pale woman in a robe who seems to be holding the leash of a wild wolf like animal. On the other side of the desk is another figurine of two giant like creatures standing over a fleeing village.

*Grohl is asked about Crime Lord and Marty Helms’ suspensions. He says the 6CW Council haven’t decided on a return date for either man as of yet but goes on to reiterate that their actions were completely reprehensible and that any attacks upon employees of 6CW, specifically non-talent, will not be tolerated. Massive fines, suspensions and even terminations await anyone who breaks these rules. Allen asks once again whether Grohl is concerned for his own safety having been targetted but he smiles, showing teeth, and says that “I have security if I need it”. Allen asks if the 6CW Council have listened to him and provided it to which he replies “something like that”.

*Tim Allen wants to know what the plans are with the TV Championship now that Ethan Shaw has been stripped of the title, thus vacating the belt for the umpteenth time since its inception. Grohl admits that the 6CW Council have questioned the legitimacy of the belt and they are looking into alternatives. He expects to be able to make an announcement on that within the next two weeks that should present some new possibilities for the locker-room.

*Grohl hypes the “most star-studded” Gateway to Glory in history which shows the depth of the roster at this present moment in time. Grohl hints at some surprises at Day of Reckoning but is coy on the details. Tim Allen tries to probe on “new signings” but Grohl merely says that “you never know who may turn up” as he gazes absently at his figurines once more. He moves his hand and his suit sleeve rolls up slightly to reveal a cross-like tattoo from his wrist to his forearm but we don’t get a clear look.

*Renier Grohl then reveals that Night of Glory IX will be “Nights of Glory” with an incredible two show event because “there is just so much to look forward to”. He says they have worked tirelessly and they are confident they will be allowed inside Wembley Stadium with a sell-out crowd for the showpiece and he already believes it will break all records. Grohl tells us that in due course there will be further announcements as every “Proving Grounds” in the run-up to “Night of Glory” will be held in unique locations. Allen asks whether any members of the 6CW Council will be present at Night of Glory or even in the run-up to the historic event. Grohl feigns mock hurt that Allen doesn’ think him fit to run the show but then laughs and says he doesn’t know...he says there are seven individuals on The Council and he guesses any could show up at any time….TA asks if we know anyone of them but Grohl just smiles

Tim Allen notices a painting up on the wall of a malevolent looking force hidden within a shadowy background. He asks about the painting and the figurines, noticing a “dark undertone” to them, but Grohl passes them off as “family heirlooms” and finishes with a laugh, saying “I told you the Black Forest is darker than even the name suggests”.


Posts : 9887
Join date : 2011-03-09
Age : 33

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6CW Proving Grounds Results 29th April 2021 Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds Results 29th April 2021

Post by JJJohnson Thu 29 Apr 2021, 6:30 am

Bout 2
Cameron Faith vs Ethan Shaw vs Geoff Steel vs Jackson Jackson

*All four men make their entrances with Geoff Steel out first to a rousing reception whilst Ethan Shaw is the final participant and is greeted by unanimous boos from the 6CW audience. The commentators hype up the credentials of all four men and their chances of winning the Gateway to Glory match.

*Faith, Steel and Jackson all exchange looks and then they rush Ethan Shaw, trapping him in the corner so they can attack. Jackson is ferocious with stomps to the gut before Cameron Faith lets loose with knife edge chops. They whip him out and Steel spins him into a spinebuster position but places him on the top of the ropes and just shoves him over to the outside.

*Faith quickly grabs Steel from behind and rolls him but only gets two. They grin at each other and then Jackson runs over and dives onto Faith, switching him into a cradle for another two. All three men kneel now and smirk.

*A three way brawl ensues between them before Faith lands a vicious chop to Steel’s chest and Jackson follows up with a dropkick to send him through the ropes. Faith quickly drags Jackson back up and looks for a swinging neckbreaker but JJ swivels right through and lands an atomic drop into a snap tiger suplex

*Faith stumbles up and Jackson looks for a standing “Spanish Fly” but CF elbows free. Faith looks for the superkick finish but Jackson ducks it and nails a wrist-clutched cradle slam for another two count. He drags Faith up for the “Jacked Off” but Steel is back in and lands a huge full nelson slam, causing Jackson to roll from the ring.

*Steel and Faith stare at another and then they meet centre ring for a brawl. Steel’s punches carry more power and he rocks Faith back and looks for an Irish whip. Faith flies back off the ropes with a huge diving lariat takedown. They get back up and Faith lands a jumping knee in the corner (ala CM Punk) and looks for a running bulldog but Steel shoves him away and straight into a spinebuster from the returning Ethan Shaw. Steel runs forward but Shaw drops him with a kick to the mouth.

*Shaw stomps on Steel and goes to work with punishing blows to the back and neck. He drags him up and gutwrenches him off the floor before just throwing him through the middle ropes to the outside of the ring. Cameron Faith struggles to his feet and Shaw lines him up for the “codebreaker” but Faith pulls out, landing Shaw on his back, and bridges over the top for a very close two.

*Shaw is quickly back up and he drills Faith with a brutal knee to the stomach and nails a sickening package piledriver. Jackson Jackson then leaps over the ropes and takes Shaw down with a tornado DDT before he can make a cover.

*They scramble up and Jackson lands a flush kick to Shaw’s stomach as he ploughs forward before attempting the “Jacked Off”. Shaw manages to fight free by raking Jackson’s eyes upon landing and then he throws him against the turnbuckle with impact before drilling him with a crunching back suplex on the comeback. The commentary team talk up how Shaw is dominating the field here, just as he has in his career thus far.

*Shaw stalks Jackson now and is readying for the codebreaker when Steel sprints in and crashes through Shaw with a spear. Jackson drags Steel back up and he suplexes him on top of Shaw before completing another two suplexes for the hat-trick. He lines them up side by side and heads for the corner. He comes off the top with the “Jacksault” and lands it. He covers Steel but Cameron Faith breaks it up before three.

*Jackson and Faith brawl now and JJ rocks Faith back onto the ropes. He looks for an Irish whip but Faith turns inside and drags Jackson into a backbreaker/neckbreaker combo (Ghetto Blaster). Faith points to the skies now as the crowd cheer. Faith goes up top for the “Leap of Faith” moonsault but Ethan Shaw runs over and shoves him off the top, sending him crashing to the outside and against the plexiglass barriers.

*Shaw then lands the “codebreaker” on a groggy Jackson and synches in the deadly triangle choke submission. Jackson is kicking and flailing but there is seemingly no way free for him. His fight becomes less and less pronounced and it seems the referee is readying to call for the bell.

*Geoff Steel suddenly grabs Shaw’s legs and pulls him off the submission and applies the “Steel Works” as the crowd go wild. Shaw yells out in pain and tries to get to the ropes but Steel drags him back to crank up the pressure some more. The commentators can’t quite believe we are about to witness Ethan Shaw tap out but they big up the effectiveness of Steel’s submission game.

*Cameron Faith then comes from nowhere and he lands the “Act of Faith” superkick flush on Steel’s jaw, breaking the submission. He makes the cover and the referee’s hand comes down for three when Jackson Jackson breaks it up.

*Jackson drags Faith up for the “Jacked Off” but Faith slips over the back and shoves Jackson to the corner. He chases in but Jackson sidesteps and sends CF against the turnbuckle. JJ then nails a “Sliced Bread #2” off the ropes. Ethan Shaw is up and he clatters Jackson from behind. He pulls the former 6CW Champion up and flips him onto his shoulders for a “dominator” powerbomb but Jackson drops behind and staggers away. Shaw turns around and Geoff Steel lands a huge clothesline that sends him over the ropes to the outside.

*Jackson tries to steel a rollup on Steel but he kicks out on two. They struggle back up and Steel swipes Jackson’s legs for the “Steel Works” but JJ drags him down into an inside cradle for another close two. Back up again and Jackson looks for a spinning heel kick but Steel bats him away and knocks him down. Steel drags him back up for the “Blade Cutter” piledriver but Jackson swipes his legs. Jackson catapults Steel into the turnbuckle and then amazingly lands a standing “Spanish fly” as he comes back.

*Jackson stares down at Steel as the crowd applaud him, weighing up his options. He watches Steel struggling up and decides to run the ropes but Ethan Shaw is ready and he wallops Jackson across the spine with his patented baseball bat. Cameron Faith sprints out of nowhere and suicide dives through the ropes to tackle Shaw backwards into the announce desks.

*Geoff Steel is back up and he swipes Jackson’s feet before applying the “Steel Works”. Jackson’s spine is already damaged as Steel drives his knee down into it. JJ tries to drag himself to the ropes but Steel pulls him back and cranks up the pressure to maximum. Jackson’s pain is beyond the threshold and he has no choice but to tap out. Cameron Faith is just up on his feet and stares into the ring with disappointment.

*The commentators praise all four men for their phenomenal efforts but high credit goes to Geoff Steel for a huge victory and a statement on the road to Night of Glory. Geoff Steel is having his arm raised when Cameron Faith comes from behind and launches him over the top rope into the aisleway. Steel is sat down and staring up at Faith as the commentators talk about how that would have been an elimination in the Gateway to Glory. Faith said he wouldn’t allow crowd pleasing to get in the way of Ws but he did again tonight, something he can’t afford if he wants that top spot.

*Ethan Shaw then comes in and launches Faith from the ring to leave him sat across from Geoff Steel. They both just stare at one another as Shaw glares down at them and then at Jackson Jackson. Ethan Shaw, despite not winning, has made a huge statement again tonight. Could one of these three men be his next target? Or is the 6CW or 6WF Champion on his radar? We get a look at Jackson Jackson, holding his back, and how he will be disappointed in a submission defeat despite some real positives in his performance. Will one of these four be heading for Night of Glory?


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6CW Proving Grounds Results 29th April 2021 Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds Results 29th April 2021

Post by JJJohnson Thu 29 Apr 2021, 6:41 am

*Robin Reborn is backstage in the Wolf Gang HQ. He's stood behind the lectern to deliver his latest sermon. He talks about how Drake was afforded chance after chance but he clearly did not believe in their cause and undermined it at every opportunity. Reborn, being benevolent as he is, wanted Drake to succeed and feast upon the fruits of their labour when all was said and done but even the most forgiving of souls could not continue to overlook the failures as they mounted high.

But now Drake must learn and he must become a martyr for the movement. His demise will serve as a notice to anyone and everyone who does not see the big picture. Drake's downfall will be a stepping stone for the Wolf Gang and from there they shall move within reach of their goal, which is to attain a power position within this company to force 6CW into change. To make them acknowledge and right the wrongs of injustice that has plagued them since day one.

As for Jack Hurst. Well Reborn doesn't even know where to begin. You can relive all of the history you want but that is exactly where Hurst should have stayed; in the past. Reborn accuses Hurst of riding his coattails whilst believing he was "the master with his performing monkey". Reborn says Hurst had no business getting involved last week and it goes to prove that he never truly knew him if he believes this isn't the real Robin Reborn. Reborn has had to work harder and give more than anyone on this roster to claw for opportunities and now Hurst thinks he can come back and jump on that success? Steal another five minutes of fame? Reborn vows to teach Hurst who the "Massa" really is. 

We then get a shot of Ojore in the background, war helmet on, and he appears to be working on some medieval looking weapons.

*Marshall Murdoch is standing by with Fleur Michaels. Murdoch seems spaced out and his arms are still coated in the blood of Rapture. Fleur is asking him about what just went down but Murdoch doesn’t seem able to focus on the questions. He begins to babble and ramble about how CJ has “done this” and that he has no choice but to bring about “extreme, biblical violence” when they meet at Day of Reckoning. Marshall continues to stare at his blood-stained hands as the commentary team talk about how the darkness seems to be enveloping Murdoch and that can only mean bad things are afoot. They continue to hype “The Creator versus The Chosen One” as we change scenes.

*Drake is shown getting ready when Jack Hurst enters the locker-room. Hurst looks to embark on a rousing speech about riding into battle but Drake silences him. Drake doesn’t like Hurst and he’s not looking to become friends. This is a business arrangement due to their mutual interest in bring down The Wolf Gang. Drake doesn’t need pep talks and he doesn’t need Hurst in his face, he just needs him to pull his weight when the fighting starts. Drake is only interested in retribution and exposing Reborn “for the fraud that he is”. Drake accuses Reborn of hiding behind a political agenda when in reality all he wants is power and success. Hurst assures Drake that he is “on board” and ready for whatever comes their way.

*The commentary team are talking about who Charles Kramer may recruit to challenge Tyler Roth tonight and talk up his history as “The Collector”. We then see CK on the phone and he seems to be in the midst of making arrangements. Karl Kramer then enters as the phonecall ends. He asks his Uncle “is it sorted?” and CK responds that everything is in place. Charles Kramer then asks his nephew if he’s planning on being at ringside tonight for the main event but KK isn’t interested. He says GazzyD’s Day of Reckoning is just around the corner and until then he and Uryu can tear strips off of one another.


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6CW Proving Grounds Results 29th April 2021 Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds Results 29th April 2021

Post by JJJohnson Thu 29 Apr 2021, 6:42 am

Bout 3
The Wolf Gang vs Drake/Jack Hurst

*Back to ringside as The Wolf Gang enter. Robin Reborn is side by side with Ojore, who has his war helmet on and is dragging a huge ball and chain along the floor with him. Reborn climbs up into the ring as we get a recap on what went down last week between tonight’s participants.

*Drake and Jack Hurst make their entrances and begin their descent to ringside. Drake’s eyes are on Reborn, who is standing centre ring, as Ojore runs around the ring and ploughs his head, with the helmet on, into Jack Hurst’s chest. Hurst is badly hurt on the outside as Ojore then grabs the ball and chain. He swings it violently and tries to aim it at Drake’s head but he ducks as it clatters off the ringpost and makes a huge din. The impact staggers Ojore and it allows Drake to sprint at him and spear him straight through one of the plexiglass barrier walls into the fan section.

*Robin Reborn is stunned in disbelief at what has just happened. Medics and officials are checking on Ojore and Drake as Reborn scrambles from the ring to get hold of Jack Hurst. Hurst is still winded from Ojore’s headbutt as Reborn throws him into the ring. He clambers up onto the apron and prepares for the springboard forearm smash but Hurst, somehow, catches him on his shoulders. Hurst prepares for the “Washboard Stomach” but Reborn scrambles off the back and connects with the “World Star” neckbreaker.

*Reborn stands over Hurst now and trash talks him about coming back and trying to steal the spotlight. He seems to be sizing up his former tag team partner for the finish when Drake suddenly rises from the wreckage. Reborn’s eyes widen in surprise as Drake climbs up into the ring. RR contemplates running but he springs the attack instead and rains down with punches and kicks. Drake, using his power, launches Reborn away and then floors him with a huge big boot as he comes back in. Drake waits for Reborn to rise and then bench presses him into the air before slamming him down onto the canvass. He backs up into the corner and sets up for the spear.

*Reborn is oblivious to the fact he is being lined up as he gets back to his feet. He is just about to turn into a spear when he is shoved aside and Drake is met in mid-sprint by a huge running tackle (Pounce) from a man in a wolf mask. Another masked individual joins the fray and they stomp all over Drake before dragging him to his feet. Drake despite his size is flipped onto the shoulders of one of the men and suffers a sit-down powerbomb/neckbreaker combo from the assailants.

*Ojore is slowly rising now and he stares up into the ring where Robin Reborn is greeting the two newcomers. Reborn seems to be giving orders as Drake is hauled up again and this time Reborn goes to the apron and springboards back in with his patented forearm smash to the face.

*Jack Hurst has rolled from the ring and Ojore tries to grab him but he ducks under and scrambles up the ramp. Henry Lloyd labels him a “coward” but Jeff Thadeus asks “What do you want him to do? Suffer the same fate as Drake?”. Hurst watches the horror unfold from the stage.

*Ojore shows astonishing power to lift the ball and chain up into the ring and shoves it under the ropes with the help of the two new additions. Ojore then lifts the ball again and carries it forward before smashing it down ontop of the chest cavity of Drake. Drake screams in agony and immediately blood begins to pour from his mouth as he writhes on the canvass.

*Ojore then wraps the chain around Drake’s throat and kneels over him, wrenching up on his head. Security and medics storm the ring but not before Ojore manages to get his hand inside Drake’s mouth and he pulls up so hard that it appears Drake’s jaw has shattered. Drake is left in a desperate state as Reborn, Ojore and the two new masked men stand in a line and raise their arms. Reborn lets out a howl as he looks down on Drake with disgust.

*The Wolf Gang turn their attention to Jack Hurst, who is still watching from the stage, as the commentators struggle to describe what we have just witnessed. Drake continues to receive emergency treatment as Reborn points out to Hurst in an indication that his time will be coming very soon. A debate rages on who may be under the masks but they do not remove them as we head backstage.


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6CW Proving Grounds Results 29th April 2021 Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds Results 29th April 2021

Post by JJJohnson Thu 29 Apr 2021, 6:45 am

*Tyler Roth is backstage with Tim Allen. Roth is ready for a fight and he doesn’t care who Charles Kramer has acquired because their soul will be claimed by “The Reaper” just like everyone else that crosses his path. Roth is keeping his options open when asked about the Gateway to Glory match because he’s still hoping to the 6CW Council comes to their senses and grants him his rightful opportunity at the 6WF Championship against Karl Kramer. When asked how he plans on getting their attention he smirks and says “By giving them no other choice”.

 *Travis Sharp is on hand as Robin Reborn, Ojore and their two new recruits head into the backstage area. They are given a wide berth by everyone else after what has just gone down at ringside. Reborn stands and delivers a message to “everyone” and he hopes they are listening because what just happened to Drake is what is going to happen to everybody else who stands in the way. Reborn says 29 other men can receive the same fate at Day of Reckoning but before that Jack Hurst is target number one. The pack has his scent and there is nowhere he can run and nowhere he can hide. Reborn promises to disembowel and eviscerate Hurst and challenges him to a match at the pay per view. The Wolf Gang are on the front foot now and the new moon has risen, Reborn can see the “Night of Glory” just up ahead. Travis Sharp works up the courage to ask the identities of the two new recruits. Reborn just stares at him for a minute and then he nods his head….they take off the masks and Jax Cutler & Blade are now part of the set up and sharing in the same ideals. Both men have been victims of the prejudices of this business and they are ready to take things to the next level. Reborn promises from here on out things are on the “Up and up”.

 *Vortex and Johnny Oko are voicing their frustrations over losing the opportunity to challenge for the tag titles. Charles Kramer sympathises with them and he’ll do all he can to get a reversal on the decision but he also knows their time is coming, they just need to show faith because when has Uncle Charles ever let them down before? It may not be Day of Reckoning but sooner rather than later the tag titles will be where they belong and nobody will prevent that from happening. But right now he has a job for them. Oko and Vortex show intrigue as the scene ends.

*There is a huge commotion backstage and we get a shot of The Saint and Jimmy Phillips in the midst of a brawl. Security are trying to break them apart as they swing for the fences with huge punches. Phillips drives into Saint and tackles him backward into the wall whilst Saint is clubbing down with venomous shots. Eventually they are dragged apart but the verbal assault continues from both men as the commentary team recap what went down between the two men last week and look ahead to what promises to be an explosive fatal four way match later in the night. Could one of these men headline Night of Glory? Or will their issues with one another force their eye off the ball?


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6CW Proving Grounds Results 29th April 2021 Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds Results 29th April 2021

Post by JJJohnson Thu 29 Apr 2021, 6:49 am

Bout 4
Tyler Roth vs ???

*Tyler Roth receives a huge ovation as he heads for ringside. The announce team continues to debate on who Charles Kramer will have recruited to take The Reaper out here tonight and whether Roth can force his way into the 6WF Championship match at Day of Reckoning.

*We see The Empire watching on from backstage and Charles Kramer is all smiles. Back to ringside and there is surprise as former International Champion, Alexander Altair appears. Henry Lloyd hypes Altair as the “ultimate hired gun”.

*Altair stands at the base of the ring and just stares up at Roth, who is beckoning him for the fight. Altair slowly removes his robe, never taking his eyes off of Roth, when suddenly two more unknown men come from behind the ring and attack The Reaper. Altair takes the opportunity to climb up onto the apron and is just getting into the ring when Roth seizes one of his attackers and launches them into the other, knocking them both down.

*Altair strikes from behind at the back of Roth’s knee and then he grips hold before delivering vicious knees to the side of Roth’s head. Roth goes down and Altair works him over with stomps to the legs, shoulders and head. Charles Kramer is shown with a huge smile from the backstage area.

*Roth is clearly shaken and dazed from the assault and is struggling to get up. Altair stalks him and then sets up for a running knee but Roth moves and sends him flying into one of his helpers. Roth grabs the second attacker by the throat and then just launches him with a “Biel” throw into Altair as he stands. Both of Altair’s helpers are now immobilised on the outside of the ring as Roth turns his focus to the main man.

*He whips Altair into the corner and follows up with a huge clothesline. He delivers nine more before easily lifting his groggy opponent and runs him out into “The Hangman” (Cradled muscle buster). Roth rips off his vest now and we get a shot of a disgruntled looking Charles Kramer whilst Karl Kramer is shaking his head from the bench behind.

*Tyler Roth circles Altair for a good few moments and then he places him in a sleeper hold. Altair tries to fight but Roth is far too strong and just locks his enormous arms around the neck. He crushes Altair's airwaves and pushes all his own bodyweight down on his opponent as he drops to his knees and he is unconscious in mere moments as the referee signals for the bell.

*Roth throws Altair aside and has his arm raised but he’s in no mood to celebrate. He is beckoning a championship around his waist as the commentary wonder if he has done enough to convince the 6CW Council to take action. Roth drags the limp form of Alexander Altair up and he launches him over the top rope with so much force that Altair flips 360 and lands on his face in the aisleway (think Taka Michinoku at Royal Rumble ‘00)

*The final shot is of The Empire watching on the monitors, all eyes on Charles Kramer now, as Tyler Roth stands tall in the middle of the ring.


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6CW Proving Grounds Results 29th April 2021 Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds Results 29th April 2021

Post by JJJohnson Thu 29 Apr 2021, 6:52 am

*Liam Wood brings Emmy flowers and it seems as though the couple are back on good terms. Wood apologies for his overreaction and reiterates his trust in his partner. They embrace and now Wood is turning his attentions tonight and the upcoming fatal four way. Wood is a proud UK Champion but he is dreaming of headlining Night of Glory again to become a four time world champion. This is a great opportunity for Wood to stake his claim and prove he should be considered a serious contender for the Gateway to Glory. Emmy kisses him and wishes him luck before he leaves. A backstage runner then appears with another gift for Emmy. She drains of colour when she reads the message tag attached but she does not open it. We see Emmy throw it in the bin and she looks around, clearly worried, as the scene ends.

*Jimmy Phillips is on the interview podium with Travis Sharp. Phillips has a fat lip from the earlier altercation with The Saint and he seems in a fired up mood. Sharp asks why JP went after Saint last week and he says “Do you know how many main events I’ve had since last August?” Sharp shakes his head as Phillips tells him “Not a damn one”…..the most in-form superstar in 6CW for over half a year, with no exceptions, and he hasn’t even main evented Proving Grounds let alone a pay per view. Yet The Saint swans in, years in the wilderness, and he gets a main event in his first match back. That’s what Phillips is fighting against, that is what his cause is all about….eradicating has-beens like The Saint who are handed everything on a plate. Phillips says Saint can get it the same way Hobo did, or Finlay or any of those other “Legends”…..he can get it here tonight in the fatal four way or he can get it at Day of Reckoning during the Gateway to Glory match…

Phillips wants it on record here and now that he is winning GtG and he will headline Night of Glory….if that means ending The Saint once and for all, if that means exterminating every single “hall of famer” in history then that is what he will do….Phillips has pushed and pushed against that glass ceiling with no give but at Day of Reckoning he is putting his fist straight through it and he is leaving Night of Glory as a world champion…

Mike Masters saunters in and he smirks as he looks Phillips up and down. He tells JP to get in line….for a shot at The Saint and the Gateway to Glory…..Masters is taking that golden ticket to Night of Glory, Charlie….Phillips says Masters “ain’t no legend” but he can make an exception just this once to wipe that smug look off of his face…..Phillips lets Masters know that if he’s standing in the way then he’s a problem and that problems about to get solved. Phillips barges Masters away and leaves the scene. Masters slicks back his hair and sneers at Travis Sharp as the scene ends.

*We get a stand-off and some back and forth between Parasite Killers and The Next Big Things as the commentators hype up “Chapter III”. Parasite Killers want the record set straight and they make the challenge for a “30 Minute Iron Man Match” to settle the feud at Day of Reckoning. The Next Big Things don’t need much persuading as they agree to put it all on the line.

*There is an announcement for a monumental ten man tag team match to headline next week’s Proving Grounds as Jimmy Phillips/Mike Masters/Robin Reborn/Ojore & Ethan Shaw will take on The Saint/Liam Wood/Geoff Steel/Cameron Faith and Jackson Jackson. Whichever participant gains the winning fall will receive the coveted #30 spot for the Gateway to Glory.


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6CW Proving Grounds Results 29th April 2021 Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds Results 29th April 2021

Post by JJJohnson Thu 29 Apr 2021, 6:53 am

Bout 5
Jimmy Phillips vs Liam Wood vs Mike Masters vs The Saint

*All four men make their entrances to varying reactions from the 6CW Universe. The biggest ovation is reserved for The Saint, who immediately gets into it with Jimmy Phillips.

*Phillips and Saint’s brawl goes to the outside of the ring and Mike Masters looks to steal the march on Liam Wood with a “Master Kick” off the ropes but jumps straight into flying dropkick from the UK Champion. Wood whips Masters off the ropes and tilt-a-whirls him onto his feet before chokeslamming him into a backbreaker for a two count.

*Phillips smashes Saint’s head off the announce table but Saint responds with a huge uppercut and then grabs JP and launches him against the ringpost, leaving him in a heap on the hard flooring. Wood sets Masters up for the “Manson Driver” but Masters swipes his legs and catapults him into the corner. Wood sways after hitting his head and Masters nails the zigzag neckbreaker but only gets a two.

*Saint is back in the ring for a showdown with Masters. They trade off and Masters goes to work with harsh chops but Saint takes control with a huge knee to the gut. Saint whips him to the corner but Masters runs up the turnbuckle and twists back with a “whisper in the wind” takedown. Masters beckons Saint up and looks for the “Master Kick” but Saint catches him on his shoulders just like last week. Saint prepares for the “Divine Force” when Jimmy Phillips takes him out with a spear. Masters lands on top and almost steals the three count but Phillips breaks it up.

*Phillips throws Masters over the top rope and turns back to The Saint. He stalks him and sets up for “The Touchdown” but Masters has “skinned the cat” and he grabs JP from behind and launches him back out of the ring. Masters sets Saint up for the “Masterpiece” (Gringo Killer” but Saint shoves him away. Wood is up and he kicks Masters in the gut before nailing the “Manson Driver”. The Saint breaks the count on two.

*Huge staredown now and the crowd are torn as Wood and Saint go nose to nose. They exchange words and then a firefight breaks out. Saint comes out on top and whips Wood across the ring but Wood returns with a leaping discus forearm smash. Saint gets back up and Wood pulls him in for a double armed DDT but is countered with a backdrop. Saint backs into the corner and sets up for a spear but Wood leaps over it and sends Saint into the opposite turnbuckle. Wood scores with the double armed DDT but Saint kicks out.

*Wood sets up for the “Psycho Crusher” but Saint amazingly counters and catches him in mid jump. Saint looks for “Divine Force” but Wood jumps out back and immediately sprints to the ropes and spears through onto Jimmy Phillips, taking them both crashing to the outside.

*Saint is surprised by what just went down and then eats a “Master Kick” from Mike Masters. He spins, groggy, and Masters kicks him in the gut before delivering the “Masterpiece” in the middle of the ring. The count seems academic but The Saint kicks out.

*Masters has a fit and pounds the mat in frustration before complaining to the ref, which falls on deaf ears. He pulls Saint closer to the ropes and goes up top. Masters looks for the 450 splash but lands across knees. The Saint staggers up and nails the “Saint’s Row” (Jackhammer) but Phillips drags him out of the ring before the three count.

*The brawl between Phillips and Saint continues until JP slams Saint into the steel steps. Phillips is irate now as he begins to pull apart one of the announce tables. He drags the steel steps toward the announce area and attempts to pull Saint up on top. Phillips appears to be setting up for a powerbomb but The Saint drops off the steps at the last minute and swipes his legs, causing JP’s head to smash off the steel. The Saint then signals to the crowd that Phillips is in trouble.

*Saint clambers up on the steps now and he sets up for a “Divine Force” from the steps through the announce table. He is just about to flip Phillips when Mike Masters low blows him from behind. Masters is on the steps now and he exchanges a look with Phillips before they deliver a sickening swinging front slam that ploughs The Saint, face-first, through the announce table.

*There is shock around the arena but it barely has time to register as Liam Wood runs around the ring and dropkicks the steel steps, taking them out from under both Masters and Phillips. He drags Masters up and launches him back into the ring. Wood goes up high and launches off with a missile dropkick as Masters rises.

*Liam Wood stalks Masters and then he whips him off the ropes and delivers the “World Eater” as he comes back. Wood is about to make the cover when the lights in the arena dim. There is no music but a solitary red rose appears on the big screen and begins to ooze blood as the petals fall and it turns black. Wood is stunned and frozen on the spot at what he is seeing. The commentators debate on what the rose means and Henry Lloyd believes he has solved the case on who is causing all the problems for Wood and Emmy.

*Phillips suddenly comes from behind and he snaps on the “Game Over” coquina clutch on Wood. He drags him to the floor before he can even register what is happening and wraps his legs. The referee checks Wood’s pulse but there is no response so he calls for the bell. Phillips has the victory and some payback for what happened at Genesis.

*The camera pan around and show the wreckage of The Saint before we see Mike Masters, looking frustrated from the corner, and Liam Wood’s unconscious form. Jimmy Phillips’ arm is raised and he stares around, glaring at Masters, before pounding his chest and points up at the “Night of Glory” sign.

*The commentators talk up Phillips’ momentum whilst debating on Liam Wood’s growing crisis and what comes next between The Saint/Mike Masters and Phillips as Day of Reckoning and The Gateway to Glory looms ever nearer.


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6CW Proving Grounds Results 29th April 2021 Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds Results 29th April 2021

Post by JJJohnson Thu 29 Apr 2021, 6:56 am

*GazzyD is backstage with Tim Allen. Allen starts off by asking about Christy and Gazzy responds that she is on the mend but doesn’t give too much more away. Allen wants to talk about tonight’s match with Uryu and how Christy feels about it. Gazzy looks affronted and says Christy is supportive of her husband. Allen tries to probe further and how this is all affecting Gazzy’s preparation for Karl Kramer at Day of Reckoning but Gazzy is adamant that there is no distraction. Uryu must take responsibility for what he has done over the last couple of months and he will tonight. Then all focus will turn to Karl Kramer and the 6WF Championship, which Gazzy has no doubts he will win for the first time in his career.

Allen asks about the title shot and whether Gazzy is still pursuing legal action for what happened to Christy. Gazzy shows signs of anger at the line of questioning and says he’ll be looking into it after Day of Reckoning. TA asks whether that feeds into the idea that Gazzy has been “bought” by management to keep hush. This tips Gazzy over the edge and he accuses Allen of siding Uryu whilst ranting on how everyone believes he is out for himself and questioning his love for his wife.

Gazzy goes on the defensive about how he had to watch Ethan Shaw almost kill his best friend (Angel) and his wife in the last couple of months but still has these aspersions cast upon him. He looks at Allen in disgust, shaking his head, and says “shame on you” before walking away.

 *We get a shot of Uryu Ishida meditating in the backstage area as the commentators hype the upcoming main event and discuss Gazzy’s dramatic outburst. The scene then leads into The Saint standing by with Fleur Michaels. Saint is clearly battered and bruised from his encounter with Mike Masters and Jimmy Phillips but his spirits are not dampened. He’s been put down before #CarCrashToMainEvent but he always rises back to the top. He promises that Masters and Phillips will pay for what they did tonight and then at Day of Reckoning he’s going to put everyone over the top rope as he guarantees his main event spot at Night of Glory.

*Renier Grohl is in his office as the cameras zoom in on the two figurines once more and the painting over his head. Grohl is on the phone and he seems less than pleased by what he is hearing. He says “I don’t understand why he has to come here” but it seems The 6CW Council have decided to add another layer to proceedings and they want more “hype and promotion” so they are sending a representative to act as 6CW Promoter. Grohl hangs up and he sighs as he sits back in his chair. He fishes out a necklace from inside his jacket and twirls it in his hands. The pendant shows the same symbol that is tattooed on his arm.


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6CW Proving Grounds Results 29th April 2021 Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds Results 29th April 2021

Post by JJJohnson Thu 29 Apr 2021, 6:57 am

*Liam Wood is back in an argumentative mood with Emmy as we visit their locker-room. Wood says Emmy must know more than she is letting on. All the presents, the links to New York, the rose on the big screen. Wood doesn’t want to go down this road again. He accuses Emmy of being in on it and believes now this is why she returned, to “bring him back” and ruin Wood’s career. Emmy is in tears as she storms from the locker-room. We see her run down the corridor and it is evident that someone is watching from the shadows.

*Geoff Steel is with Travis Sharp. Steel is happy with his W tonight but he knows that the hard work starts now. He is ready for the Gateway to Glory match and is confident that next week he will get another victory that sees him enter at #30. Cameron Faith enters and he congratulates Steel on the win earlier but he has to correct him because that #30 spot is his. He’s happy to work as a team but when it comes down to it, only one of them can take it. Jackson Jackson then walks in and he’s glad they can do the math because the spot is his. He respects both but he’s on a mission right now and that mission ends with him leaving Night of Glory as a world champion. There is some respectful back and forth between the three men until Mike Masters swaggers in. Masters runs down on Steel and Faith before calling Jackson a “pound shop Max Adamson”. There are exchanged looks before Jackson knocks Masters clean off of his feet with a right hand. Jackson walks off, leaving Masters on the floor holding his jaw, whilst Steel and Faith smirk.

*We get one final shot of Marshall Murdoch sitting in his locker-room, still with blood on his hands. He holds up the two pendants that Clarke James is seeking and just stares at them as they swing in front of his eyes. We get an announcement although Clarke James has said he won’t be there until Day of Reckoning there is a head to head presser scheduled (The Promoter’s first call) for next week’s Proving Grounds.


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6CW Proving Grounds Results 29th April 2021 Empty Re: 6CW Proving Grounds Results 29th April 2021

Post by JJJohnson Thu 29 Apr 2021, 6:58 am

Main Event
GazzyD vs Uryu Ishida

*We have major hype for this main event coming in with a look back at the issues that arose during Gazzy’s return at Born in Fire and the attack on Uryu from Ethan Shaw. We see the Christy James “love triangle” emerge with Shaw pulling the strings in the background. The commentators talk about how this showdown was “inevitably necessary” and wonder whether Christy James will be watching from home.

*GazzyD is the first out and although he receives cheers from the 6CW Universe there is some audible boos and voices of disgruntlement from the fans that have clearly seen a different side to their hero. Gazzy looks focused as he climbs up into the ring and prepares for a fight.

*The commentators believe this a first time ever one on one meeting between the two rivals as Uryu’s music hits the airwaves to a unanimous set of cheers. Gazzy waits and the commentators wonder if Uryu is playing mind games by keeping him waiting. Jeff Thadeus doesn’t believe “mind games” are Uryu’s thing.

*Gazzy starts to air his frustration to the referee as Uryu continues to his no show.

*Suddenly we are backstage and at first it is unclear what is happening but then we see Johnny Oko and Vortex putting the beatdown on Uryu. Ishida tries to fight back but Vortex crushes him against the wall with a huge splash before Oko explodes with the “K-Oko” kick to the head. They are all smiles as Charles Kramer joins them and congratulates them on a “job well done”. The commentators are stunned by what they have seen and wonder what the agenda here is.

*Back at ringside and Gazzy has watched the scene unfold on the big screen. He seems torn but then rushes toward the ropes to leap out into the aisleway. He is halfway through the ropes when Karl Kramer, in a tracksuit, sprints in and leaps through the air to meet him with a “Kiss the Ring” (Superman Punch). Gazzy is sent sprawling across the canvass as Kramer smirks and soaks up the boos.

*Henry Lloyd is gushing but Jack Reynolds and Jeff Thadeus are less than impressed by the “set up” on behalf of The Empire. Kramer gets in the ring now and removes his jacket, revealing the 6WF Championship around his waist. Gazzy stumbles back up as Kramer unstraps the championship and nails him right between the eyes with it. Kramer drops into full mount and begins to unload with brutal right hands as Gazzy is left bloodied from the attack.

*Henry Lloyd declares this a “Royal Statement” ahead of Day of Reckoning as Karl Kramer stands up and looks down on his busted up challenger. He shakes his head at Gazzy and talks some trash as Charles Kramer, Johnny Oko and Vortex walk out on the stage. Charles Kramer leads the applause as Karl Kramer raises the 6WF Championship into the air amidst a torrent of boos from the audience. The commentators talk up what we have just seen and what it means for Gazzy/Uryu as well as Day of Reckoning. We get a shot of Tyler Roth watching from backstage as Kramer continues to reign supreme to end the show.


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Age : 33

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