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Eddy Kent

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Eddy Kent Empty Eddy Kent

Post by JJJohnson Thu May 11, 2023 2:22 pm

Name: Eddy Kent
Nicknames: Mr Kenty

Weight: 237lb
Height: 6ft 2in
Age: 36
Hometown: Buckinghamshire, United Kingdom

(Face/Heel): Heel
Gimmick: A Grizzled veteran who has done it all and is now obsessed with becoming the greatest of all time in 6CW.

Personality: A egomaniac, cunning, brash and tough fighter.

Entrance Music (and if you wish any entrance details): Succession (main title theme) - Eddy arrvies from behind the curtain with an air of a man who truly believes he is the greatest 6CW wrestler of all time. He breathes in the atmosphere of the arena and crowd before marching towards the ramp. Midway on the ramp, Eddy stops again and exhales before exclaiming at the camera and audience "I dont need a mic anymore, I'm on another world. Witness greatness." Kent struts to the apron and glides into the ring. He then struts to the middle of the ring and cricks his neck from side to side and stares down the audience before pointing at his chest with a confident smirk.

Finishing Move: Kentlock (Guilotine submission hold)

Eight most common moves: swinging neckbreaker, big boot, knee lift, inverted headlock backbreaker, Facewash into running kick into turnbuckle, spike DDT, Rolling fireman's carry slam, Spinebuster

Match Tactics (Clean/Dirty): Dirty

Fighting Style (Select three): Brawler, Showman, Cheat
Weapon of Choice: Steel chair

What Match you're best at: Last Man Standing

Pic Base(Who does your wrestler look like?): Eddy is slightly older now so bald, Blue eyes, smirk on face at most times!, backstage attire is usually general sports gear, black tracksuit bottoms, official Kent shirt with "Witness greatness" on it in big bold gold letters against a black shirt. Expensive looking nike shoes also of multitude of colours. In ring gear is basic black trunks or black mma shorts, black wrestling boots. Nothing special!


Posts : 9887
Join date : 2011-03-09
Age : 33

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