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6CWF Presents Proving Grounds - Monday 3rd July 2023 (Episode 7)

Uryu Ishida
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6CWF Presents Proving Grounds - Monday 3rd July 2023 (Episode 7) Empty 6CWF Presents Proving Grounds - Monday 3rd July 2023 (Episode 7)

Post by JJJohnson Mon 26 Jun 2023, 8:18 pm

Bout 1
Daniel Reilly vs Uryu Ishida

Bout 2
Road to Royalty (Quarter Final)
Johnny Oko vs ???

Bout 3
Road to Royalty (Quarter Final)
Cassidy vs Scott Harris

Bout 4
Lex Hart vs Marty Helms*

*Geoff Steel calls out Blue Dragon

Bout 5
Road to Royalty (Quarter Final)
O'Callaghan vs Rex Adamson

Bout 6
#1 Contender (European Championship)
Cameron Faith vs Clarke James vs Cody Walker vs Eddy Kent vs Geoff Steel vs Liam Wood

Main Event
Road to Royalty (Quarter Final)
GazzyD vs Mike Hill

*On proviso that Marty Helms is medically cleared


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6CWF Presents Proving Grounds - Monday 3rd July 2023 (Episode 7) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Proving Grounds - Monday 3rd July 2023 (Episode 7)

Post by Uryu Ishida Tue 27 Jun 2023, 7:58 pm

Uryu is seen arriving at the arena as Christy is seen waving him over. He nods and approaches her.

CJ: Uryu, are you feeling alright after last weeks attack?

UI: It has reminded me what to expect. Eddy Kent is like a dog without his seemingly favourite toy. He needs to learn that last week in the ring, I got the message. After the attack though, He has made things worse for himself. Sorry about having to rearrange the meal though.

CJ: Well it's understandable, he did knock you for a loop, and concussion protocols as well.

Uryu nods, understanding.

UI: A couple years ago I would have ignored the doctors, ignored you.

CJ: Well you were stubborn as a mule back then, glad to see you've softened up to doctors.

UI: Well, you got through my stubborn head so i softened up to you as well.

Christy blushes a little as Uryu offers to hold her hand, after a few nervous seconds he pulls away, seeing her unsure reaction as they slowly walk into the arena.

UI: How about you? I know the BOD hasnt been easy with all the scenarios happening.

She looks away and stays quiet as Uryu holds her hand with concern as he looks into her eyes, speaking gently.

UI: Please, you were like this at the italian restaurant. I am here to be there for you like you were for me. Shared sadness lessened, shared joy increased. Please, speak your mind.

Christy nods as she musters up the courage to explain.

CJ: I...I saw Gazzy with Kristal and...well...

UI: The choice you have to make regarding him is yours, I won't influence you in that regard.

CJ: Please! i...i need advice about this. I need your help.

Uryu looks unsure for a few seconds as he thinks, the pair arrive at the locker room door.

UI: Alright, I will try and speak to Gazzy and clear the air but I'm not sure it will fully help.

Christy jumps up and hugs Uryu, falling backwards through the door as she lands on him. A few wrestlers warming up look at him. Uryu and Christy looking nervous as she quickly climbs off him.

CJ: Th...thank you.

She quickly runs out of the room as Rex and Max Adamson sarcastically applaud Uryu for different reasons.

Uryu Ishida

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6CWF Presents Proving Grounds - Monday 3rd July 2023 (Episode 7) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Proving Grounds - Monday 3rd July 2023 (Episode 7)

Post by Bentyf1 Tue 27 Jun 2023, 8:06 pm

[Our scene opens up to a 6CWF world exclusive taking place on the rooftop of the Copperbox arena in London, England. The air is warm as the golden sun is slowly sinking in the sky, behind the clouds. The camera also reveals a Robin Reborn TV show poster drenched on a bilboard in the background. Suddenly, a loudish dull thud of a door opening and closing is heard and the sound of footsteps soon reach the camera. Walking into shot, a proud looking Eddy Kent appears with a broad smile, his pearly white teeth almost as bright as the sun. He is wearing a pair of expensive looking oakley sunnies, a plain black t-shirt, a pair of grey under armour shorts and black nike sliders with white nike socks. Curling his lips and scrunching his nose for a few seconds, Kent surveys the scenery from the rooftop and the london skyline. Turning back to the camera, Kent takes off his sunnies and looks into the camera. His electric blue eyes staring into the lens for a few seconds before a arrogant smile crosses his face as he begins to speak]

Kent: Well, well, well.. doesn't this look familiar. I wonder where I've seen this before...good place to get a tan, I'll give you that Uryu. Why do you even come up here though? this has been on my mind since last week... do you venture up here to escape from reality? do you hide on the roof because you're hiding something? do you feel as if you need to hide from the very people you claim to fight for because they know deep down in their souls you're living a lie?

[Kent pauses with a sinister smirk now etched onto his face]

Kent: It can't be because of Christy James is it Uryu? no, no, I don't think you need to hide from her. Infact I think she needs to hide from you.. But hey, I don't blame you. You're a warm blooded man just like me and have urges. But these urges Uryu, they're not healthy and you're losing your focus and your will to win. So if it's not Christy James your are hiding from when you visit this dank, damp place you call sanctuary what is it? Oh I know exactly who you are hiding from... it's me, isn't it Uryu.

Kent: You hide in places like this from me don't you Uryu, and I don't blame you. I live inside your mind.. I am everywhere in your mind and it's asphxiyating you. it's really as crystal clear as this're swimming in dark, relenting choppy ice cold deep ocean waters and are losing your grasp on reality and as you're frantically trying to inhale oxygen a dark shadow grows larger... that shadow is the greatest great white shark in 6CWF at this date, me, Uryu. And as I said last week, I can taste blood... and what happened last week, I know and you know that I have just hit a vein and the blood is flowing now Uryu. One Genesis kick is all it will take me...just like that, it all comes crashing down.

Kent: You see, Uryu, you may hold that prestigious title around your waist, but let's be clear that championship was never meant to be yours. It was destined for my possession, for I am the rightful king of this industry, I am levels above all in this industry and not just that, my name is an institution of professional wrestling.

Kent: I've seen you parade around with that gold, basking in the adoration of the fans, reveling in their wildest cheers. But deep down, you know the truth, don't you? You know that your reign is nothing but a mere placeholder until I decide to claim what is rightfully mine.

Kent: You may have the skills, the talent, and the heart of a warrior, but all of that pales in comparison to the sheer presence and power that I bring to the table. I am a force of nature, an unstoppable juggernaut, and when I step into that ring, it becomes my domain, my sacred ground when I will triumph.

Kent: But don't misunderstand me, Uryu. I respect your journey, your trials, and the battles you've fought to reach this moment. You've earned your place at the top, but know this - the top is a lonely place, and it is my right to claim it as my own. I am the alpha and the omega, the pinnacle of this industry, and it is high time you recognise your true position in my institution.

[Kent exhales and looks behind him as the summer sun sinks further in the sky before turning back to the camera]

Kent: Kind of poetic the sunset, don't you think Uryu? almost like a pathetic fallacy, the sun is slowly setting on your fairytale title reign already and maybe even your career? I've said for weeks now Uryu... you're the locker room general and I will forever respect you for that. And I will forever respect you for the kindness you showed that little boy in 2012 joining 6WF when nobody else would. You took me in and treated me as an equal with tough love and respect. And at first I bought it... I bought it because I felt I had no choice...

Kent: But that was eleven years ago Uryu and the times have changed my old friend. But the respect I have for you back then is still here. So I'm giving you one free golden pass, Uryu. You know exactly what I want and when I want it... your legions of fans know it, it's only a matter of time. When that moment happens I want you to make the smart and correct choice. Not only for yourself but for Christy James, your fans and most importantly your career. See, if you don't take this free pass, Well... you're going to regret it.

[A vindictive smile flashes across Kent's face, his eyes looking slightly demented as he continues to speak]

Kent: But let's not forget the other opponents, the so-called contenders who have dared to step into my world this week at Proving Grounds. They too will feel my wrath.. I have history with the majority in this upcoming battle for the number one contendership for the European title. Cameron Faith, Clarke James, Geoff Steel and Liam Wood to name but a few and the young upstart Cody Walker... Alex really did a good job on him.

Kent: The confidence they all exhibit, thinking their strength, their skills, or their charisma will be enough to overcome me in my god mode era.  I have walked through the fires of hell, and I have emerged unscathed, fueled by the desire to be the greatest professional wrestler of this generation. Oh, be assured 6CWF I have history with all of them or some form of connection... I haven't forgotten our histories.

Kent: So, to you, the deluded challengers, prepare yourselves for a match like no other. In that ring, I will revel in your pain, your shattered dreams, and your broken bodies. The crowd may gasp, the commentators may scream, but in the end, 6CWF's great white shark will prevail, and I will be taking all the titles starting with you, Mike Hill. Just like in 2014 at Night of Glory when I pinned you for the 6WF World heavyweight championship... I bet you remember that don't you.

Kent: I will raise my arms, victorious, as the sun sets on a old era and rises on a new era, an era where I stand as the undisputed ruler of this ring and the master of the wrestling universe. The world champion will fall,  the European champion will fall and the challengers will be destroyed, as the greatest of all time claims his rightful place at the pinnacle of this company. Because I am simply...Levels above.

[Kent evily smirks into the camera while chuckling ominously. Placing his sunnies back on, Kent turns his back to the camera and stares out into the London Skyline. Looking at the floor, Kent once again scrunches his face at the dirty floor before striding away to the exit of the rooftop as the sky grows darker and the scene fades away.]


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6CWF Presents Proving Grounds - Monday 3rd July 2023 (Episode 7) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Proving Grounds - Monday 3rd July 2023 (Episode 7)

Post by Steel Wed 28 Jun 2023, 9:37 pm

The arena darkens, lights begin to flicker around the entrance ramp, as Last Resort begins to boom from the arena speakers, the crowd erupts into cheers and applause for Steel.

Geoff Steel emerges from backstage, he appears focussed as he strides purposefully down the entrance ramp, fans reach out and try to touch him to show their support.

Geoff climbs up onto the ring apron before stepping through the middle rope, he then waits in the center of the ring.

The crowd cheers for Geoff Steel he shows his appreciation by clapping the reception he is recieving.

RJ: Steel really soaking in the admiration of this crowd.

JT: Theres no denying he's a popular talent, this support though has yet to work in his favour though hes still awaiting his first win since returning.

RJ: I suspect Steel has more on his mind at the moment than just claiming his first victory.

Steel beckons for a microphone from ringside and one is tossed in his direction which he catches.

JT: Looks like we are about to hear exactly what is on his mind.

As Steels music fades he lifts the mic nearer his mouth and begins his address.

GS: Lets get straight to the point, I'm out here to address one man, no doubt you are listening Blue, if you are here in this arena why not come take a closer seat.

Steel pauses for a second and opens his arms wide, he looks around the arena then shrugs his shoulders.

GS: Of course not why would you show now, at this moment you have my full undivided attention Blue, there are no other distractions to keep me busy. I'll hand it to you Blue it's a smart move, you and I both know the result of you stand opposite me on equal footing, it ends with my arms raised it victory as it has in the past.
So celebrate your cheap shots, believe your own damn words that the reason you are back goes beyond just facing me and is about some great injustice you feel you suffered at the hands of this company. The truth youre just still pissed I took away your chance of being 6CW champion when I defeated you at Born In Fire and you've never truly gotten over it, that was your one big shot and you can't accept you blew it. That's the truth.

Steel begins to pace the ring.

GS: Theres no injustice just jealousy, you can't admit that though because indoing so you have to accept your own faults. If it means that much to you Blue I'm ready any time,any place, I'm out here now, why wait, I don't care whether you have a contract or not, you're a fighting man who needs a piece of paper to legitimise that, you're used to making deals and it's time for us to conclude our business.

RJ: Steels ready for a fight here

JT: He better be careful, Blue Dragon has had the better of him so far recently.

GS: For a certainty Blue there's no chance of you burning what's being rebuilt here to the ground, theres not only me that will stand in your way and allow that to happen, this company and its heritage means so much to so many that will rally if that's put in jeapordy, you're one man Blue, isolated and alone, exactly what damage can you hope to achieve.

RJ: Other than the obvious harm and physical pain, Im sure Blue Dragon has given this serious thought.

GS: As much as I could stand in this ring for eternity to try provoke a response I know it isn't coming tonight, I'm not hiding Ive never been one to shy away, Blue I'll be out in that ring again Monday maybe grow a pair and face me.

The crowd cheer for Steel as he lowers the mic and Last Resort begins to resonate once more.


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6CWF Presents Proving Grounds - Monday 3rd July 2023 (Episode 7) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Proving Grounds - Monday 3rd July 2023 (Episode 7)

Post by x12x Thu 29 Jun 2023, 5:59 am

Our scene begins in the back of the Copper Box Arena as the latest episode of Proving Grounds comes to an end and we see The Viper Liam Wood leaning against a bare brick wall. As the camera focusses on Liam we see every mark left by the ambush that he was caught in during tonight's show.

Wood takes a second, clearly still in pain before speaking directly to the camera

You know Drake...I really have to hand it to you.

Last week I told you exactly what you had got yourself in to by starting a war with me and you were clearly listening because tonight, you pulled out all of the stops to take me out.

Wood moves away from the wall, wincing as he does, his hand cradling his ribs

but it seems like you weren't listening enough because I'm still standing tall, ready for the next round. I'm still ready to walk out there and face everyone and anyone in my path until I get what I deserve.

So you can bring back every single member of that EWF Roster to try and bury me but we all know the matter how many times I'm knocked down, no matter how many times I'm hurt and no matter how many times you think you've won...'re just fooling yourself.

Wood leans back against the wall, clearly finding it hard to deal with the pain running through his body

You see, last week when I talked about knowing my career would one day be put to an end and this would all be over is actually quite means that I know that my time stood in that ring is limited and that I have to make the most of it before it's taken away from me.

It means that I'm not scared to take risks because I know that I'll regret the things I don't do much more than the things I do. There's no time to shy away or back down anymore because every second has to count.

Wood once again moves away from the wall, trying his best to hide the pain he is in with a determined look across his face.

While others after taking the beating I did would step back or even walk away forever, I'm going to come back and make sure that you really realise the mistake you've made...

So bring back Conrad, Jones, Garcia, E-Unit, and Kelvin every single week and align yourself with lapdogs like Daniel Reilly because honestly you're going to need each and everyone of them to stop me. You're going to need to bring back every single name who's ever been attached to EWF to try and prevent what is coming for you...

...but it won't prevent it long enough.

Wood smirks through the pain, his hand firmly on his ribs still as he continues to speak directly to Drake Callihan down the lens of the camera

no, all you can do is prolong the inevitable.

All you can do is put another road block in my way for me to knock down. You might think you have 6 people fighting in your corner for you and that's going to be enough to take me out but the sad truth is, you failed once before and you're going to fail again.

I'll take out every challenge you have for me and i'll do it one by one if I have to...

Wood pauses for one last second as he signs off

...this ends with only one of us left by the end of it and I'm here to make a promise that it's going to be me.


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6CWF Presents Proving Grounds - Monday 3rd July 2023 (Episode 7) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Proving Grounds - Monday 3rd July 2023 (Episode 7)

Post by DanielReilly Fri 30 Jun 2023, 9:58 am

The lights flicker on backstage and the outline of a figure comes into focus. The figure slowly walks towards the camera. It’s Daniel Reilly who is wearing his trademark smirk.

DR: Today marks a special day. Today changes everything. Today we forget about yesterday. Today is the day that the second coming of Daniel Reilly begins.

You see, since the rebirth of this company, I’ve sat and watched everyone running their mouth whilst I rather uncharacteristically sat in silence. I came out to the ring each week and ate loss after loss. I made the error of thinking my name and my history alone would carry me on by. Today everything changes. Today I went back to my roots. I walked out into the streets, I went and found my crown, and I placed that crown upon my head as I stood once again as the man who made me. The King of the Streets!

Now can I take full credit for my new found motivation? Not fully, no. To my friends, the Callahans, I thank you both for tapping into the mind of this legend of the business and making me realise once again who I am. I’m the damn most dangerous man in wrestling and I ain’t about to stand around no more taking loss after loss. I’m a damn prize fighter who fights until he gains his prize so let it be known this whole rooster is on notice that I want championship gold around my waist!

Which brings me to poor old Uryu. Sweet old Uryu. Uryu is a man of a thousand words, always has something to say. Well my apologises to everyone because dear old Uryu will talk no more when I knock his teeth down his god damn throat! Uryu, believe me when I say it’s nothing personal, you just happen to be the man that management have fed to me as I emerge once again as the King of the Street.

But I’ll tell you what is personal. Liam Wood, you piece of crap! I’ve done this many times, my man! You attack me, I attack you, we go at it until we have no more fight left in our broken bodies. You walk around me talking about Daniel Reilly is a lap dog to the Callahans, well this is what I say, you want to survive in this business, you align yourself with the people that give you the best options. With the Callahans by my side, my ass is going straight back to the top of the food chain where it belongs and you’ll do well to understand that!

I’m not going to sit and tell you to stay out of my business because that line has crossed, the battle lines have been drawn and you’ve walked just that little bit too far over the enemy’s line and you’re in a world of danger, son! The dreams you have are about to be broken so understand that now the real Daniel Reilly is back it’s time for their to be big things popping! ….. and little things stopping!


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6CWF Presents Proving Grounds - Monday 3rd July 2023 (Episode 7) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Proving Grounds - Monday 3rd July 2023 (Episode 7)

Post by Mat Fri 30 Jun 2023, 4:03 pm

*The opening riff of “The Next Big Thing” blares out through the speakers of the arena and the crowd descend into boos. As the song reaches it’s chorus, Mike Hill saunters out onto the stage and the boos get even louder. He stands in the middle of the stage, smirking as he drinks in the boos, he re-adjusts the European Title on his shoulder before swaggering down the ramp towards the ring. He climbs up the steel steps and then walks along the apron, turning his back on the crowd before removing the European Title from his shoulder and holding it high above his head before stepping into the ring. He is thrown a microphone and stands in the middle of the ring, he takes an audible deep breath through his nose.

MH: Ahhh yes, it took Mike Hill a moment but he just realised what that odour in the air was. It’s the unmistakable smell of jealousy and bitterness that mere mortals like yourselves always exude when greatness is in their presence. From the cheapskates up in the nosebleed seats (Hill waves) to the marks in the front row who sold their latest action figure to get the best seats, you’re all the same. You might boo and pretend to hate me but deep down, it isn’t hatred, you’re just in awe of Mike Hill. You are just in disbelief that someone could be this god damn good, while you’ve only ever failed at anything you do.

But it’s ok guys, don’t worry. You are not alone in this. Since the rebirth of 6CWF, the powers that be on the Board Of Directors at VIP Promotions have been suffering from the exact same inferiority complex that you are crippled with. They’ve done everything they can to keep Mike Hill down, to stack the odds against The Next Big Thing in order to give everyone else a chance, giving has-beens like Lex Hart chance after a chance to try and rectify their failures. And do you know what happens every damn time? Mike Hill wins. Mike Hill is the man stood tall at the end of the match, having his arm raised and title wrapped around his waist while everyone else looks up from the canvas crestfallen and broken.

Finally though, even the Board Of Directors have accepted their own shortcomings and understood the reality in front of them. As much they may hate Mike Hill, they recognise that Mike Hill is money and they have finally returned him to his rightful place. That’s right folks, Main Event Mike Hill is back in the building and after Monday night, he will never be moved from that spot again.

Now is the man in the main event against Mike Hill belonging of that place? No, of course he isn’t. Gazzy D has, for as long as Mike Hill can remember, represented the very worst this place has to offer. Another one of the favourite names who has been given chance after chance despite their ineptitude and continual failure. A perennial nearly man, an almost-legend, a glorious loser. For years, you have cheered this man and encouraged him to work for your adulation, at the cost of actual, genuine success. You have enabled Gazzy to feel like this is enough and now, only now, is he beginning to realise that he has achieved nothing.

And boy don’t we know about it. All Mike Hill ever sees when he’s backstage is Gazzy either staringly longingly at his phone or at Christy from across the room. Gazzy has become that much of a loser that he’s not even the favourite man of his own partner anymore. And to make matters worse, Gazzy is losing her to Uryu! Gazzy, WAKE UP! You’re losing your wife to god damn Uryu! If that isn’t enough to make you change your ways, Mike Hill doesn’t know what is.

But don’t worry Gazzy because Mike Hill is here to help. You see sometimes to realise what you’ve become, you’ve got to hit rock bottom and face the reality of what you’ve become. So on Monday Night at Proving Grounds, Mike Hill will do you the courtesy of not only beating you in front of these fans who you so adore and the millions more watching, but he will embarrass you. He will humble you and then when you get backstage, you’ll be able to look in the mirror and say “I want to be as good as that.” Now don’t set yourself unrealistic goals Gazzy, because you will never, ever, be this god damn good. But you will be able to pick yourself up from the beating and embarrassment you receive on Monday to the point where one day Mike Hill might let you carry his bags.

Monday night, Mike Hill gets one step closer to winning Road To Royalty and becoming what he already knows he is, the king of 6CWF!

*Hill drops the mic and exits the ring to boos*

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6CWF Presents Proving Grounds - Monday 3rd July 2023 (Episode 7) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Proving Grounds - Monday 3rd July 2023 (Episode 7)

Post by DP Sat 01 Jul 2023, 10:26 am

We go backstage where Clarissa is stood facing the camera.

Cl: Ladies and Gentlemen, my guest at this time: 'The Sharpshooter' Scott Harris.

The camera zooms out to reveal a rather unimpressed looking Scott Harris standing next to the interviewer.

Cl: Scott, thank you for your time.

Harris' reply doesn't match the sentiment.

SH: Pleasure.

Cl: A rather interesting episode of Proving Grounds for you, Scott. A no contest win through to the Quarter Finals of the Road to Royalty, followed by a sneak attack by your opponent next week, Cassidy. What's your reaction?

Harris looks at Clarissa and holds the stare. He looks to the ground and lets out a big sigh.

SH: My honest reaction probably isn't fit to be broadcast without VIP Promotions getting it in the neck from OFCOM...

Clarissa smirks at the reply, as Harris looks at the camera.

SH:... So, I'm going to try and play this as calmly as I can manage.

See, I'm ticking Clarissa, I'm coiled. For a wrestler, there's nothing worse than spending all week preparing for a match. Putting yourself through the ringer, so that you're at your peak come showtime and then having your opponent bail out.

I'm not going to draw myself into questioning someone's mental health, as it's very murky ground but we all know what Clarke James' game is. I'm not dragging myself into anything else on that. The only thing I'll say is that the paying public were deprived of what should have been a hell of a match...

They were also deprived of seeing that waste of oxygen getting the beating he's been due for a few weeks.

Harris looks at Clarissa, waiting for her next question.

Cl: And your reaction to what happened afterwards?

SH: The draw?

Cl: Well, yes but also the actions of Cassidy too?

SH: Who?

Cl: Cassidy? Your opponent in the Quarter Finals?

Harris' eyebrows raise.

SH: Oh, you mean the John Doe fantasist!

Clarissa looks blankly at Harris.

SH: It's a pretty niche, 90's film reference Clarissa but stick with me.

You see, I wasn't expecting the sneak attack from someone who gets their rocks off to serial killer fare but nothing should surprise me in this company anymore. When you've got the likes of Eddy Kent marauding like he's top boy and quite frankly incompetent referees like Santos being allowed to call the action, someone like Cassidy is just a drop in the ocean.

I have no idea when The Scorpion stopped and Cassidy began but I'm sick and tired of people like him thinking that they can take pot shots at me, just to get their moment in the spotlight!

I'm going to put this to you as simply as I can Cassidy. You've messed with the wrong person. You've bitten off more than you can chew this time.

You're not screwing with someone who will kind of put up a fight and then let you assert yourself. You're not going up against someone who's going to just lie down and let you do your odd branding thing.

That's not me. That's not in my DNA.

You've never stepped foot in a ring with someone like me before and that's going to show at Proving Grounds. You think you're something new, something unique.
You're not.

There's nothing about you that causes me concern. You didn't make the grade when you were The Scorpion and you certainly don't make the grade now, even if you're a couple of steps more demented.

I'm ready for you Cassidy. When it comes down to a FAIR fight, without the cheap shots and the corrupt officials, not many can hold a candle to me. There's a chasm between you and I in terms of ability, Cassidy.

At Proving Grounds, Ill show you and the rest of the locker room that a shot in the dark is the only shot you need. When it's all said and done. You'll be guilty of one those sins that you're trying to put right. I'll let you work out which one.

See you on Monday.

With that, Harris walks away.


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6CWF Presents Proving Grounds - Monday 3rd July 2023 (Episode 7) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Proving Grounds - Monday 3rd July 2023 (Episode 7)

Post by Uryu Ishida Sat 01 Jul 2023, 12:41 pm

As Eddy Kent goes to leave the roof the door suddenly swings open and he jumps backwards to avoid it hitting him.

EK: Who the hell...

He glares at the doorway, seeing Uryu looking at him with a calm smile. His glare turns to a confident smirk.

UI: Sorry about that Mr Kenty, Don't really get many visitors up here.

EK: It's Eddy Kent or did that Genesis Kick to the head last week knock a few braincells loose?

UI: No, I prefer Mr Kenty. Especially after that speech I heard throwing everyone else under the bus. Honestly thought I was listening to Maxie Zeus for a minute. God Mode Era? What's next, a national holiday in your honor?

The roof door closes as Uryu steps out of the doorway and looks at the sun briefly before locking eyes with Eddy.

UI: Or is this a stepping stone for getting to me? Going after the only active title I held in the past. Trying to prove you are better than me? Kenty, you can believe you are better than me. You can believe that you are winning the 6CW World Championship through that free pass of yours. You are obviously believing your own hype. What's next, Believing you can fly?

Eddy takes a step forward, inches away from Uryu.

UI: Stuff your free pass Mr Kenty. You think I would give up the one thing I worked over sixteen years to aquire properly? You want this?

Uryu points to the title around his waist.

UI: You earn it in the ring. You can do whatever the hell you want to get into the match. Not pinning me in a match, ambushing me twice but once you get into the situation you want then reality sets in. You get into the ring and you see a bruised and battered me, thinking you have an easy ride. What happens when Ten, Twenty minutes into the match you haven't put me away? That I keep coming after you and you start thinking "what do I have to do to keep him down?" You start worrying that you have thrown absolutely everything at me and I am still getting back up. What goes through your mind then? What does Mr 'God Mode' Kenty do after he has used every trick and move in the book? Does he realise that he is not as great as he believes? Or that he has underestimated my sixteen years of hard work taking the right way to the top?

Uryu smirks at he goes nose to nose with Eddy Kent.

Uryu Ishida

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6CWF Presents Proving Grounds - Monday 3rd July 2023 (Episode 7) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Proving Grounds - Monday 3rd July 2023 (Episode 7)

Post by Marky Mon 03 Jul 2023, 9:52 am

A white Ford Mustang pulls up at the talent entrance to the arena, Max Adamson gets out of the drivers seat and Rex Adamson gets out of the passenger side, Rex grabs his gym bag and looks relaxed as he grins for the assembled press. Christy James approaches the pair with a microphone as they are walking from the car to the building

CJ: Rex, a quick word if I may...

Max: Even if we say no, here you are...

Christy scowls at Max who smirks, before Christy regains her composure and goes back to doing her job

CJ: Rex Adamson, you've been fairly quiet lately, any particular reason? You're also going into your quarter final tonight against O'Callaghan, thoughts on that and also thoughts on Cassidy seemingly outsmarting you in the Showcase match last week?

Rex stops in his tracks and sighs

Rex: First of all... Cassidy didn't "outsmart" me at all. He did a wrestling move on me. He hit a few of them on me, and I hit a few back. It's nothing but a storm in a teacup, and I have zero concerns about Cassidy. Secondly, I've not deliberately been quiet. I'm busy, training, preparing, and I'm sorry that being too busy to give mind numbing, pointless interviews with you or Tim Allen makes me "quiet", but the real world is bigger than what happens backstage at the Birmingham Bowl, you know.

Rex stops to pick up a bottle of water from his bag and takes a swig before continuing

Rex: Oh yeah, you asked me about O'Callaghan. I might be confident but my eyes are wide open going into this. Styles make fights, and I'm telling you now, this is going to be Match of the Night. His MMA background and my Amateur Wrestling background. In one corner, you've got one of the most dangerous guys on the roster. Someone who has caused pain and suffering to his opponents in every single sport he has competed in. Someone who is undoubtedly a future hall of famer. And in the other corner, you've got... O'Callaghan.

Rex winks at Christy who rolls her eyes, Rex and Max walk away as Christy and the cameraman following them stop

CJ: Rex Adamson there, still confident.


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6CWF Presents Proving Grounds - Monday 3rd July 2023 (Episode 7) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Proving Grounds - Monday 3rd July 2023 (Episode 7)

Post by Beer Mon 03 Jul 2023, 2:53 pm

The camera fades in on Clarke James, seated in his dark room. A wicked smile plays across his face, his eyes gleaming with an unsettling excitement. He holds the microphone with an air of calculated deception.

Clarke James: I want to take this opportunity to thank the board members of 6CWF. Not only for their understanding of my current mental wellbeing; but the swift and rapid nature with which they dealt with dear, sweet, Acer…

Clarke's voice drips with insincerity, his tone mocking and taunting.

Clarke James: I didn’t want to be in this situation, JJ. I wanted to go about my business like any other member of this roster. But…. But you couldn’t allow it, could you? You’re constant desire to suppress talent, to smother them with the overbearing shadow of your jealousy. And look at what it brought you? You’ve exploited my mental wellbeing. Used me as a pawn in your selfish, egomaniacal games. And now, you’ve placed someone else who considered you a friend in grave….. grave danger…

He chuckles, his amusement unsettling.

Clarke James: Poor, sweet, Acer. The archetypical family man. JJ has played you. Made you a pawn in his game. When you were just his errand boy, that was ok….it was a nice spot for you, Ace… You got to pretend you were relevant… almost important…. And then you fell…. hook, line and sinker into their trap. The sacrificial lamb….

Clarke's smile widens, his eyes filled with malicious intent.

Clarke James:  I’m not a well man, Ace. I’ve been betrayed, exploited, tarred with a brush that I didn’t deserve. I just wanted to take back what was mine. To stand there, raising that World Title above my head, solidifying me as the benchmark of this business. And instead, I have to take an old, frail has been out for one last waltz…

He stands up, pacing back and forth with a twisted delight.

Clarke James: It’s only fair that I warn you of what awaits you, Acer.  You see, you, JJ, Brandi… You've driven me to a place of torment and anguish. Every strike, every hold, will be a manifestation of the pain I've endured. Every mark I leave on your withering old body; every breath you gasp for will be nothing compared to what I am capable of. What lengths I will go to…

Clarke's voice takes on a chilling calmness, his eyes gleaming with a sinister glee.

Clarke James: JJ, I want you to have a front row seat to Acer’s demise. I want you to see your reckoning. I want you and the rest of the board to understand the consequences of your actions. I want your eyes focused on the mess I’ll make of Acer as he begs for me to stop. For someone to throw that towel in and save him from what you created…

James rises up, walking round to the back of his chair and staring into the camera

Clarke James: Make the most of your remaining career, Ace. Make sure you have no regrets, because come Against the Wall, it’s lights out……..see you soon, Ace.

James takes something from his pocket and blows it towards the camera. The camera zooms out as rose petals fall on the chair and the scene fades to black.


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6CWF Presents Proving Grounds - Monday 3rd July 2023 (Episode 7) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Proving Grounds - Monday 3rd July 2023 (Episode 7)

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