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Logan Kincade

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Logan Kincade Empty Logan Kincade

Post by JJJohnson Sat 16 Mar 2024, 12:12 pm

Name: Logan Kincade
Nickname: “Kincade”

Age: 40
Height: 6'5"
Weight: 18st.
Hometown: Liverpool
Class: Tweener

Gimmick: He has been lost to madness and clawed his way out, Logan is now at peace with his place in this world, he has a direction in life again having fought his brother Blue Dragon for the that same name. That direction is anarchy, he wants to cause chaos and will do anything to achieve his goals. Though he is on speaking terms with BD he still hasn't fully forgiven himself and still has moments of weakness and can still be found talking to himself. He still has the same arrogance and same distain for authority he always did.

Personality: Aggressive

Entrance Music: ‘Edgecrusher - Fear Factory (The word 'Listener' will be changed to 'Viewer' at the beginning)
Entrance Details: "DUE TO THE GRAPHIC NATURE OF THIS PROGRAMME, VIEWER DISCRETION...IS ADVISED" Plays out over the speakers, as the guitars hit red pyros explode as Logan walks out onto the top of the ramp, he walks with purpose down to the ring, up the steps and enters the ring through the ropes.

Finishing Move 1: '' ‘Rough Justice’ (A front First Choke slam from the top turn buckle, Grabbing the opponent by the back of the neck, jumping and slamming them face first into the mat)

Finishing Move 2: ‘Blind Justice’ (A Sleeper hold with the other hand over the eyes, after the opponent gets woozie then Logan runs up the ropes and hits Deadly Dog still blindfolding the opponent)

Trademark Move: Jumping Clothesline (Ala The Rock)
Submission Move: Lion Tamer
Highflying Move: Any excuse to jump off the ropes Logan will take it, he does it a lot he will go through the pain barrier to win.
Five - eight common moves:
Cross bodies (top rope and normal)
Super Kick,

Taunts/Catchphrases: “Get up! GET UP!!!”, He will stop and stare at his opponent who is lying in the ring while smiling away. He is always intense.
Match Tactics: 'He will do whatever it takes to get the win. Even if he injures himself he will do it but he hates being cheated and will go to extreme lengths to repay anyone who cheats him. Has no problem cheating himself.
Match Style: ‘Brawler who uses his impressive strength for strong striking and high impact moves, isn't afraid to go to the top turn-buckle’

Weapon of Choice: Claw Hammer
Specialty Match: Hardcore Hell


Posts : 9887
Join date : 2011-03-09
Age : 33

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