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How did you hear about 606v2?

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How did you hear about 606v2?

How did you hear about 606v2? Vote_lcap85%How did you hear about 606v2? Vote_rcap 85% 
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How did you hear about 606v2? Vote_lcap4%How did you hear about 606v2? Vote_rcap 4% 
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How did you hear about 606v2? Vote_lcap4%How did you hear about 606v2? Vote_rcap 4% 
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How did you hear about 606v2? Vote_lcap4%How did you hear about 606v2? Vote_rcap 4% 
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How did you hear about 606v2? Vote_lcap0%How did you hear about 606v2? Vote_rcap 0% 
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How did you hear about 606v2? Vote_lcap0%How did you hear about 606v2? Vote_rcap 0% 
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How did you hear about 606v2? Vote_lcap0%How did you hear about 606v2? Vote_rcap 0% 
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How did you hear about 606v2? Vote_lcap3%How did you hear about 606v2? Vote_rcap 3% 
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Total Votes : 26

How did you hear about 606v2? Empty How did you hear about 606v2?

Post by Davie Fri 8 Jul - 14:35

Hi everyone.

Quick poll to see how we’re doing on members, please let us know how you came to hear about this site. If you have answered one of these previously please just spare a couple of seconds to tick it again!


Posts : 7821
Join date : 2011-01-27
Age : 63
Location : Berkshire

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How did you hear about 606v2? Empty Re: How did you hear about 606v2?

Post by kwinigolfer Fri 8 Jul - 14:43

Where is the option: Coerced by other 606v2 members?


Posts : 26476
Join date : 2011-05-18
Location : Vermont

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How did you hear about 606v2? Empty Re: How did you hear about 606v2?

Post by venice1 Fri 8 Jul - 15:29


Don't you mean:
1. 'Roped and Hog-tied'
2. Threatened with unsubstantiated photos
3. Questioned about your true national allegiance
4. Barraged with Google searches on your alias/name
5. Aerial attacks from GoogleMaps attempting to pinpoint your castle in Vermont


Posts : 449
Join date : 2011-01-27

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How did you hear about 606v2? Empty Re: How did you hear about 606v2?

Post by McLaren Fri 8 Jul - 20:13


I think the term you are looking for is groomed.

Posts : 17491
Join date : 2011-01-27

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How did you hear about 606v2? Empty Re: How did you hear about 606v2?

Post by oldshanker Sat 9 Jul - 0:36

kwinigolfer wrote:Where is the option: Coerced by other 606v2 members?

Laugh Sorry

Posts : 656
Join date : 2011-01-27
Location : Cambridgeshire

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How did you hear about 606v2? Empty Re: How did you hear about 606v2?

Post by baboo800 Sat 9 Jul - 14:25

No1yankee told me about it


Posts : 89
Join date : 2011-06-17

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How did you hear about 606v2? Empty Re: How did you hear about 606v2?

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