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Taker's Return To Smackdown

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Taker's Return To Smackdown Empty Taker's Return To Smackdown

Post by Jammy31 Sun Mar 06, 2011 12:18 am

Im going to get straight to the point - I wasn't that impressed.

I know that it wasn't meant to be a big thing, but I felt that it didnt have that much of a buzz as it should have done. My main reason for this is the use of Johnny Cash's "Ain't No Grave" as the entrance theme. I felt that it dumbed down Taker's persona. I dont know if this is just me or what, but all I can say is that I hope Taker isn't going to use "Ain't No Grave" as his entrance theme from now on.


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Taker's Return To Smackdown Empty Re: Taker's Return To Smackdown

Post by ADMIN Sun Mar 06, 2011 12:32 am

Better than the gimmick he had when he very first started...


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Taker's Return To Smackdown Empty Re: Taker's Return To Smackdown

Post by talkingpoint Sun Mar 06, 2011 1:29 am

I wasn't overly impressed by his promo; but I think that is more because he is a face. When Taker began he was this mysterious, otherworldly scary character who had a necromancer for a manager. I remember as a teenager being a little distressed at his Ministry stable when he would 'kill' wrestlers or abduct them before initiating them into his stable. Now his promos carry very little effect when everyone knows he's going to win at Mania and not because he is this incredibly dark, satanic figure but just because it's become so big. His promo was very average and I thought HHH's on Raw was alot better. At least Hunter spoke with a little more conviction and sincerity as well as having the intensity about him after Pedigreeing Sheamus through the announce desk.

If this is a sign of things to come I really think HHH is going to carry this feud as arguably HBK did last year.


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Taker's Return To Smackdown Empty Re: Taker's Return To Smackdown

Post by Sara Mon Mar 07, 2011 11:35 pm

I am liking the feud so far and I do like the Johnny Cash entrance music. However, it is bugging me that no one has yet to mention that Taker has already beaten Trips at 'Mania. When Taker said his name will be added to the list of those who have gone before him, I was thinking "he's already on the bloody list"........


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Taker's Return To Smackdown Empty Re: Taker's Return To Smackdown

Post by crippledtart Mon Mar 07, 2011 11:48 pm

I think this should be the final year that an established name goes after the streak. I liked the build up to Taker-Michaels and I thought "Aint No Grave" fit the tone, but it shouldn't be his entrance music. And there will not be more of a dream match than last year's streak vs career stip. Triple H just isn't Michaels, he's not at that level. However hard WWE has pushed him, he is not at that absolute top level where people just see him as an icon and legend. Taker is there, as was Michaels. And as a result I don't think this match, with or without the same stipulation, carries the same weight.

I'd like to see younger wrestlers, the likes of Barrett and Sheamus, be the ones who step up year after year to try and take the streak. You could do it once with a legend (well it was twice, but you know what I mean); you can't do it every year.

I also think - and I might get slated for this - that neither Taker or Triple H is a great promo. They are good on the mic, but again not at the absolute top level. They are trying to sell this match as something epic, but I'm not sure either is good enough on the mic to make it work.

I feel that when the match comes around there will be nothing like the same anticipation there was for Michaels-Taker. I'm sure they can do a good job building it up, but I'm not expecting a great one.

For me, this could be the year when the weaknesses that I have always criticised in the two men as performers are magnified. The fact that the build-up has somewhat fizzled out less than two weeks after it started adds to my theory.


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Taker's Return To Smackdown Empty Re: Taker's Return To Smackdown

Post by Jammy31 Tue Mar 08, 2011 2:43 am

I personally think that they've left it too late to try and build up a big promo for this. At least Michaels had the entire year between losing to Taker WM25 and WM26 to build up the feud even more etc...Also added to by the fact that Taker kept rejecting Michaels' challenge but accepted right at the last minute.

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Taker's Return To Smackdown Empty Re: Taker's Return To Smackdown

Post by liverbnz Tue Mar 08, 2011 2:47 am

They have a lot of work to do to get people interested in this fued. I really hope the WWE aren't taking the streak for granted as enough of a selling point.


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