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Sesame Street in the Fed Cup

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Sesame Street in the Fed Cup Empty Sesame Street in the Fed Cup

Post by polished_man Sun 11 Dec 2011, 9:49 am

Strange days they are in Coaching&Education. After a series of authoritative studies and the living example of legends of the field such as John Dewey and Maria Montessori, it became ever more apparent how the role of the teacher needed a complete reshape to cope with major challenges of the modern society.

That is way what was formerly an authoritaive and despotic figure, the Teacher, has been progressively undermined in his powers, and now resemble more a confidential friend to studends. A parental figure who can educate as well as occasinally "nurture" his pupils either figuratively speaking obviously.

so what next?

Classrooms attended within the comfort of the domestic walls?
Universities located in the paeceful shade of gardends and parks where our grannies will be inflexible examinators of History of the World Wars?
And finally, mums eager to impart the all imortant everyday life lessons on how to develop our little kids into tomorrow's brightest stars!


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Join date : 2011-06-01

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