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Lemmy - The Movie

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Lemmy - The Movie Empty Lemmy - The Movie

Post by AberdeenSteve Sat 31 Dec 2011, 12:34 pm

I watched the above yesterday evening on BBC 4. Absolutely terrific insight the Metal God that is Lemmy Kilmister and the way he goes about his day to day life when on the road. There are views and opinions from the likes of James Hetfield, Dave Grohl, Ozzy Osbourne etc. So interesting hearing the guys from Metallica (who have inspired so many metal bands) say that Motorhead are the reason they exist. It was a fantastic watch from beginning to end.

The guys drinking habits are discussed in details and the man truly has a liver made of steel. Laugh
How he continues to perform at the age he is commendable.

I'd throughly recommend any metal fan watches this and leaves their views.


Lemmy - The Movie


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Lemmy - The Movie Empty Re: Lemmy - The Movie

Post by Lee Sat 31 Dec 2011, 12:47 pm

yeah I watched it too, the Nazi obsession is a bit weird though lol

was great though, him sitting round with Dave Grohl and them swapping stories was awesome, would love to just sit and chat like that with these type of guys.


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Lemmy - The Movie Empty Re: Lemmy - The Movie

Post by Cari Sat 31 Dec 2011, 3:36 pm

It's a cracking film all right - almost like This Is Spinal Tap for real. Speaking of which, someone has lent me a DVD of the film below in the link cause i really enjoyed Lemmy.


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