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Haas to use Ferrari Engines

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Haas to use Ferrari Engines Empty Haas to use Ferrari Engines

Post by Bull Wed 03 Sep 2014, 5:42 pm

The new Haas team will use Ferrari engines when it enters Formula One in 2016.

Ferrari confirmed it will commence a “multi-year” agreement with the American-based team to supply “the enter power unit” for its cars.

Haas chairman Gene Haas said “there is no team in Formula One more accomplished than Scuderia Ferrari, and no team with more history”.

“They’ve been a part of Formula One from the beginning, and now they’ll be a part of Haas F1 Team’s beginning.”

“Aligning Haas F1 Team with such a tenured and successful company in Scuderia Ferrari provides our team with the greatest opportunity for success in 2016 and beyond,” he added.

Haas will join Sauber and Marussia as Ferrari engine customers. Ferrari team principal Marco Mattiacci said: “A few months ago we joined forces with Gene Haas on a commercial level and this is the natural next step of our growing relationship.”

“While our objective is to reinforce our power unit development programme for all our customer teams, we believe this new partnership has the potential to evolve beyond the traditional role of supplying our power unit and all related technical services.


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Haas to use Ferrari Engines Empty Re: Haas to use Ferrari Engines

Post by Gerry SA Wed 03 Sep 2014, 6:08 pm

Wouldn't be surprised to see Bianchi at Haas F1 TBH.

Gerry SA

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Haas to use Ferrari Engines Empty Re: Haas to use Ferrari Engines

Post by Guest Wed 03 Sep 2014, 7:23 pm

You must be joking. Bianchi's proved himself at the back end of the grid, he's not waiting around for Haas in 2016 or anyone uncompetitive. Bianchi has eyes for Kimi's seat or a team at the front end of the action.


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Haas to use Ferrari Engines Empty Re: Haas to use Ferrari Engines

Post by Guest Thu 04 Sep 2014, 8:30 am

Agree John. No doubt Haas will struggle early doors, Bianchi would be foolish to even consider it. He's done his hardship at Marussia, now it's time for a natural promotion up the grid.


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Haas to use Ferrari Engines Empty Re: Haas to use Ferrari Engines

Post by dyrewolfe Fri 05 Sep 2014, 1:10 pm

Think a move to Ferrari would be too much, too soon for Bianchi, but I wouldn't bet against them "finding" him a seat at Sauber next season.

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Haas to use Ferrari Engines Empty Re: Haas to use Ferrari Engines

Post by Guest Fri 05 Sep 2014, 3:18 pm

Not if Ferrari have a brain & are thinking long term. 2016 is huge for most teams now, in terms of line up, because of the contracts expiring at the end of 2015. Vettel to join Ferrari is pretty much rumoured everywhere, who better to partner him with than a Bianchi type to produce a clear no.1 no.2 dynamic.


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