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6CW Aftermath 5th May 2015

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6CW Aftermath 5th May 2015 Empty 6CW Aftermath 5th May 2015

Post by JJJohnson Wed 22 Apr 2015, 7:11 pm

Live from Wembley Arena, London
Start time: TBA

Match 1
Ryker Kidd vs Jerome Dubois

Match 2
Jonathan Daniels vs Enigma

Match 3
Red Arrows vs Buck Riggins/Terrance Kray

Match 4
Jax Cutler vs Thunder

Main Event
War of the Worlds
GazzyD/Keith Leone/Liam Wood/JJ Johnson/Anthony Grace/Dicey Reilly vs Joshua/Vincent Costello/Mike Masters/Lex Hart/Max Adamson/Perfect Jack


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6CW Aftermath 5th May 2015 Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath 5th May 2015

Post by x12x Wed 22 Apr 2015, 7:42 pm

OOC: This promo takes place an hour after the Elimination Chamber match

Our scene begins in the backstage area of Madison Square Garden, we see resident 6CW interviewer Timothy Allen stood in a smart black suit with a concerned look on his face as he looks in to the camera.

TA: Ladies and gentlemen we are just a few hours removed from 6CW Revolution and what a night it was! Each match was a match of the night candidate but as the fans left there was only one that was still being talked about and that was the Elimination Chamber match for an EWF World Heavyweight title shot at Night Of Glory...

Allen looks to his left and once again a look of concern crosses his face, he adjusts his tie before continuing

TA: Joining me tonight was one of the unlucky men who came so close to booking himself in to a match with a longer term rival Vince...

Allen is quickly cut off by a familiar voice

???: Unlucky?

Allen stops in his tracks as the camera slowly pans back to reveal his guest at this time, former EWF World Heavyweight Champion The Viper Liam Wood. Wood stands next to Allen still wearing his ring gear that he wore in the gruelling Elimination Chamber match. A cut off denim jacket that Wood has pulled on has blood on it and his taped hands are also red from the attack on Masters. As the camera focuses it reveals Dubois' bloodied baseball bat in Wood's hand, Wood's face is also stained red with patches of dry blood but for some reason a smile covers Wood's face.

Allen looks shocked at Wood's question and speaks once again.

TA: Well, no offence but you once again came close only to fall to a cheap loss...How did it make you feel for that to happen again and for it to be Keith Leone as the man who heads to Night Of Glory with a match for the EWF Title? Compared to Leone's must feel a little unlucky?

Wood's smile is quickly replaced by a look of disbelief, the former World Champion shakes his head and speaks, his tone showing his shock.

Leone's achievement? Look, I'm happy for him to get his match and to prove that “he's still got it” but why are you talking to me if all you want to do is ask me about other people? I lost, he a bridge and get over it because it doesn't matter anymore...the real achievement you should be talking about is mine...

Allen's face now shows confusion as Wood's smile returns, Wood picks some of the dry blood off his clothing as Allen continues, obviously intrigued by Wood's attitude

TA: I mean this with the greatest deal of respect but what did you achieve here tonight? As noted before Revolution will be added to the list of big moments where you came short...The Key To The Kingdom, The Gateway To Glory...Any other man could begin to doubt themselves...

Wood quickly cuts Allen off

You're right, any other man would begin to doubt his ability, he'd watch the tapes of him being the runner up in the Key To The Kingdom match and The Gateway To Glory and he'd think about giving up but you see, I am not just any other man and I believe I achieved more than any other man in that match tonight...more than Thunder, Cutler, Masters, Dubois and even Leone...

Wood looks at the ground when mentioning the Elimination Chamber winner before looking back in to the camera

You want to know what I discovered tonight? I discovered that what they say is can only go so long holding in all the aggression and the anger before you snap and it all pours out...and the truth is, until you let the anger take over for a can never ever truly value what you have...and tonight? That was proven in that very ring...that feeling was imprinted in my mind and I will never forget it...

Wood runs his hand over his baseball bat and laughs to himself

You know, when I was stood there, standing over the body of Mike Masters and I watched as the blood began to pour from his head it finally clicked, as his blood covered the floor in front of him, I got this sick rush of adrenaline that I just couldn't handle...I felt more alive than any title...any moment in my life up until this point and I felt free...for the first time in a long time...I was in control...

Allen remains silent as Wood pauses

I know it might sound strange to you but it's because you're one of the unlucky ones who hasn't experienced what I experienced here tonight. You go about your business day to day and you keep everything in check, you live a 'normal' life and you never...EVER...let loose! As I broke that son of a b¡tch in half I realised that NOBODY was going to stop me until I was done! I realised that the pain that he had attempted to put me through...was didn't exists and just like fear...or was a state of mind and you either let it rule your life or embrace it and if you do the second one...then you're no longer scared anymore!

So Leone might have his title shot and I hope it goes well for him but don't think that he walked away as the true winner because you're looking at him and it's time other people were set free...just like I was tonight...look at you for instance Tim...

Tim takes a step back as a look of fear covers his face, Wood quickly pulls him in putting his arm around Tim's shoulder. Tim steps back again, trying to rub the Masters' dry blood off his fancy suit

That's what I mean walk in to a world like 6CW and you dress like you're at some vapid fashion week where the girls have no curves and they shovel sh¡t up their noses for buy in to this BS that you need possessions, that you need to show everyone just how many zero's you have in your bank account and you act like it matters...

...but it doesn't matter Tim.

Wood pauses once again

I was like that though Tim, I got given a lot of money at a young age and straight away I got the lavish apartment, I filled it with pointless crap and I acted like I'd made it but honestly...tonight has shown me just how sh¡tty that attitude really is and other's need to see that.

You see the blood on my face? That was my wake up call and I have Mike Masters to thank for it...he sacrificed himself to open my eyes...he showed me that when I let loose a little...I can do whatever the hell I want to do! In the past, that would have been taking that title from Vincent Costello but what I got here tonight was better than any possession...

...I held Master's career in my hands

Allen cuts in

TA: So you're looking to end his career Liam?!

Wood shakes his head and smiles

No way! As I said, Mikey helped me see the error of my ways and I just want to help him feel alive...

Wood turns to the camera and pulls it in close, speaking to Masters personally

Hi might not be feeling too good right now?! Not only were you beaten all over the ring here tonight but you also missed out on getting that title shot you wanted so badly! I have good news though, I'm here to help you...because it's true what they say...when you feel feel alive!

Wood smiles in to the camera

I want you one on one in a match, I am going to break you in half all over again, I am going to bust you open and spill your blood just like you deserve and it will make you feel more alive than you have EVER felt by the end of that match...

...but for every minute, every second you are in that ring with me...from the first bell to the are going to wish you were dead.

Wood walks away leaving a shocked Tim Allen as the scene fades to black.


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6CW Aftermath 5th May 2015 Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath 5th May 2015

Post by Marky Wed 22 Apr 2015, 8:03 pm

Wembley Arena is expectant as the fans await their superstars, there is a shock and a reaction with mostly boos but a few cheers as the first man to address the crowd is Max Adamson! "Radioactive" by Imagine Dragons is echoing around the arena as Adamson walks out wearing jeans and a t-shirt with "Welcome to the Adamson Show" across the front. Adamson walks down to the ring through the booing and enters the ring quite quickly, he snatches a microphone from ringside and quickly addresses the crowd;

Max: I'm not going to mess around tonight, this is the Adamson Show, but I have to explain my actions from Revolution. I have to explain to everybody my current state of mind, and why I did what I did during the EWF World Championship match between Vincent Costello, and Anthony Grace...

(The crowd response is mixed again, some cheers but a lot of boos)

Max: When I lost to Gazzy... When he turned around and hit me with a Deep Impact from the top rope, when he...

(Adamson has a look of disgust on his face as the crowd cheer)

Max: ...When he pinned me to retain the 6CW World Championship... I knew 6CW's reputation was on the verge of being torn apart. For ten and a half months, I was the 6CW World Champion. I opened new doors for 6CW. 6CW's coffers got more and more money in them due to the exposure and crossover to the floating fan by Max Adamson being the World Champion. GazzyD remaining champion has done irreparable damage to that reputation. But there was to be something that could have torn 6CW's reputation to tatters.

(Adamson begins to pace the ring as he continues)

Max: There was to be something that would take 6CW from this powerful juggernaut of a wrestling federation that was built by men like Max Adamson and Vincent Costello... To nothing more than a laughing stock.

(Adamson has a serious look on his face)

Max: If... If Anthony Grace had walked out of Revolution as your new EWF World Champion, people would look down their noses at the state of 6CW. Imagine the vitriol WCW got when David Arquette became their World Champion, and multiply it by a thousand. That's the reaction you would have got if Anthony Grace was stood here today as the EWF World Champion. So I did what only Max Adamson can do in this industry. I suffered immense heartache at the failure to recapture the 6CW World Championship that I had restored to its former glory, but instead of crying about it, instead of sulking about it like every single guy in the back would have...

(Adamson has a look of pride on his face as he speaks through the booing)

Max: ...I dusted myself down, tightened up my bootlaces, and I SAVED 6CW from having to cope with a Hollywood actor pouring shame upon this company and every single person who wrestles or has wrestled here. I saved 6CW from becoming a laughing stock. I saved 6CW legends and former World Champions like Median, Enforcer, Lex Hart, Mr Crowley, Jerome Dubois, Geoff Steel, Perfect Jack, Dicey Reilly, Daniel Reilly, Vincent Costello, Max Adamson, Diesel, Keith Leone, Ryan Rose and many others...

(The crowd cheer and boo the respective legends as Adamson carries on)

Max: ...I saved them from having their legacies torn apart to shreds by virtue of Charlie Kramer and Dean Andrews and "the sponsors" plan to hand Anthony Grace the World Championship on a silver platter. 6CW is enough of a joke with GazzyD as World Champion, I had to make sure it didn't get beyond the critical state we're in by allowing that glorified movie star anywhere near the status those legends mentioned have worked their entire career to get to. I am the saviour of 6CW. Anthony Grace is not a liked man, he may have learned a few moves to get by as a wrestler in 6CW, but if he becomes World Champion, what does that make us? We're all aware of what the reaction would be. "Sure, Mr Crowley was a dominant Champion, but Anthony Grace won the World Title too, how hard can it be?"

(Adamson shakes his head in disgust)

Max: So I am here. Representing the 6CW legends. Representing everything that is pure about 6CW, it just so happens that the uprising against the sponsor driven machine that is Anthony Grace is being broadcast on The Adamson Show. I will not let him, or his business associates, or even Dean Andrews, allow 6CW to be whored off to the highest bidder. I, and many of the legends I mentioned, will NOT stand idly by while the status of World Champion is whored out to some chump actor with a lot of money behind him. I've worked too god damn hard to let my reputation be tarnished by him. You can boo me all you like, but I am your hero. A hero who isn't being appreciated right now, but I'm not doing this for you. I'm doing this for the guys in the back, I'm doing this for the legends of this industry. I'm doing this for the likes of Tyler Roth, Jax Cutler, Jerome Dubois, Mike Masters and Jonathan Daniels, guys who can't catch a break despite working their balls off for this industry, and have to sit and watch Anthony Grace be handed World Championship opportunities. It is not happening on my watch. Your move Grace. Or should I say, Andrews and Kramer. Dance monkey dance.

(Adamson drops the mic and almost absorbs the booing that echoes around Wembley Arena)


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6CW Aftermath 5th May 2015 Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath 5th May 2015

Post by Perfect Jack Wed 22 Apr 2015, 11:53 pm

I am Perfection blasts out of the arena speakers as the crowd begin to boo aggressively. The camera pans around the arena and those in the front rows can be seen throwing empty food and drinks containers towards the stage but they all fall short of Jack who is standing at the stage in a crisp white suit. The camera focuses on Jack who has a massive smirk across his face. He slowly begins to walk down the aisle, towards the ring.

Harold: I'm still in shock at what happened, for those who missed it, here it is.

The titan tron plays the clip where Perfect Jack turned on Dicey Reilly during the tag team title match at Revolution.

Henry: I don't blame him one bit, Dicey Reilly thought he was the star of the team, when we all know Perfect Jack was the star of the duo. I mean he won the tag title match at Revolution by making Jack Hurst tap out, but for some lousy officiating by the referee, the Red Arrows ended up retaining.

Harold: What do you mean lousy officiating? Perfect Jack wasn't the legal man. Dicey was. For a man who has a rich history in tag team wrestling, you would think he'd know that.

Henry: How dare you talk bad about Perfect Jack, he put the tag team titles on a level no one else has ever been able to replicate. He's about to speak, so be quiet so I can listen on.

PJ: Here I stand, a free man, freed from the shackles of that pathetic excuse for a wrestler, Dicey Reilly. Since Revolution, all I've been asked is, why did I screwed Dicey Reilly over. Well I tell you what, I had to put that SOB in his place. He thought he was better than me, no one is better than Perfect Jack. Absolutely no one.

The crowd boo loud and some chant Dicey's name.

PJ: You know Dicey, leading up to Revolution, I refereed to use as "Old Spice," and it was then when I dawned upon me, there is nothing old about me, nothing at all. I'm still as fit and perfect as i was 5 years ago when I debuted in 6CW. Nothing's changed about me, I'm still the perfect wrestling machine I always was. It was you who was keeping me back. I'm a world title contender, not a tag team wrestler anymore. You know what you remind me of Dicey? The dog old yeller, and we all know what happened to that old mutt, yeller, he had to be taken out back and put down.

Harold: What a sick man, a sick sick man, Dicey Reilly is a 6CW legend, a hall of famer, I bet this is why Jack turned on him. He's jealous. Jealous of Dicey.

Henry: Jealous of what exactly? Look at Perfect Jack, there's a reason why he's called Perfect. As for being a hall of famer, that is a travesty, and I hope the higher ups put that right one day.

PJ: So Dicey, at Night of Glory when we inevitably have our match, there will be no night of glory for you, I'm going to put you down once and for all and show the world there's nothing perfect about a drunken old animal that needs putting down.

The crowd continue to boo as Jack stands in the ring

Perfect Jack

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6CW Aftermath 5th May 2015 Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath 5th May 2015

Post by Thunder87 Mon 27 Apr 2015, 1:58 am

Behind the curtain after the elimination chamber, the crowd can still be heard cheering as Thunder stumbles through the curtain. His face looks a little swollen and battered, as he throws himself over a trunk to rest for a moment. As he lays there he takes in the sounds of the crowd, a smile crosses his face as he realises what a show he was a part of. Thunder pulls himself up and sits on the trunk his face lights up as an idea comes to mind. Thunder drops off the trunk and heads backstage, Tim Allen approaches him.

Tim Allen
Thunder, have you got a moment for a quick interview?

Sure, as long as you can walk and talk.

As the two walk through the halls towards the car park, Tim asks his questions.

You failed tonight, what’s next?

Thunder looks at him side ways.

Did I fail? I failed at nothing. I never said I was going to win, I said that I’d entertain, check and that I would earn Keith Leones respect… I think the closing moments of that match answered that one.

But, you lost the match and didn’t earn a shot at Vincent Costello’s title.

Thunder stops in his tracks.

Tim, Timmy, Timothy. It’s not about Vinnie Boy’s title, it’s about the way he carries himself. I will get my hands on him and he will regret letting me get with in arms reach, for now, he has a stay of execution but, I will get him, whether the belt is on him or not, after all a man drowns just as well with concrete boots as he does with a championship belt.

But Thunder…

Moumantai Timmy, mumantai. The way I see it, you can lay on your back looking up at the chain ceiling above you, watching as it all spins down the drain… Or you can pick yourself up, dust yourself down, count your victories and move on. I’m choosing the latter, I...technically eliminated two people tonight and I walked out of the chamber, which is more than can be said for some. As for what’s next, I’ve gotta go dude, I need to pick something up for a promo I have planned.

Thunder walks through the door to the carpark, leaving Tim standing alone, trying his hardest to pronounce moumantai. Thunder pop his head back through the door.

It mean’s, relax, no worries. Moumantai.

With that Thunder disappears again.

Can he just leave without getting checked out by the doctors?

Tim shrugs and walks off as the scene fades.


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6CW Aftermath 5th May 2015 Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath 5th May 2015

Post by Thunder87 Mon 27 Apr 2015, 2:31 am

The scene opens to a darkened room, in the foreground, sits a craft table complete with sewing machine and desk lamp, which provides the little amount of light that is in the room. Far off in the background, a door opens, casting a bit more light in the room. A man steps in to the doorway, carrying something in his hand.

As he walks through the door and makes his way towards the table, spotlights in the floor flash on as he walks past, revealing Thunder’s trade mark shorts. Thunder finally reaches the craft table, now fully illuminated. He stands still for a moment before throwing a red leather jacket on the table.


Thunder leans over the table lifting the jacket up to the camera.

That’s all this is. Until someone cuts it with scissors and sews it together, to create a shape. This is just cloth. That’s what all of us are. Now, I understand that sounds a little far fetched but, stay with me here. You, me, all of us, are just cloth until someone cut’s us. Not with scissors but, with their actions. It is the actions of others that cut us. It is not a needle and thread that shapes us but, rather the words of those around us, be it a promise, a threat or even a taunt.

Thunder walks around the table to stand in front of it.

It is by other’s actions and words that I have been shaped, shaped in to the sword of vengeance you see before you…

Thunder clears a space on the table and sits on it. He runs his hand over his face, unsure about what he just said. He mumbles to himself, moving his hands around in his lap. He lifts his arm, bringing his hand towards his face again, he pauses as he looks down at the crook of his elbow and smiles.

You know what, scratch that sword of vengeance part. Vengeance isn’t a valid motive, it’s an emotional response. This is more like…Karma. And I don’t feel like a sword, a sword is a pointed stick with only the reach of an arms length. My point is far reaching, I’m more like an arrow. I am the arrow of Karma.

Thunder rolls backwards off the table landing on his feet. He shrugs his one shoulder and brings the other arm up across his chest like a hunters arrow.

And sooner or later <Thunder flicks his arm towards the camera, pointing down the lens> I hit my target.

Thunder walks back towards the door, halfway out he pauses and throws the jacket on a mannequin. He continues to make his way towards the door, he pauses again by the door, he flicks off the lights and closes the door behind him. One light remains on above the mannequin as the camera focuses on the jacket before, the light pops off and the scene ends.


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6CW Aftermath 5th May 2015 Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath 5th May 2015

Post by MtotheC Mon 27 Apr 2015, 11:06 am

Max: So I am here. Representing the 6CW legends. Representing everything that is pure about 6CW, it just so happens that the uprising against the sponsor driven machine that is Anthony Grace is being broadcast on The Adamson Show. I will not let him, or his business associates, or even Dean Andrews, allow 6CW to be whored off to the highest bidder. I, and many of the legends I mentioned, will NOT stand idly by while the status of World Champion is whored out to some chump actor with a lot of money behind him. I've worked too god damn hard to let my reputation be tarnished by him. You can boo me all you like, but I am your hero. A hero who isn't being appreciated right now, but I'm not doing this for you. I'm doing this for the guys in the back, I'm doing this for the legends of this industry. I'm doing this for the likes of Tyler Roth, Jax Cutler, Jerome Dubois, Mike Masters and Jonathan Daniels, guys who can't catch a break despite working their balls off for this industry, and have to sit and watch Anthony Grace be handed World Championship opportunities. It is not happening on my watch. Your move Grace. Or should I say, Andrews and Kramer. Dance monkey dance.

*As Max absorbs the boos that are echoing around Wembley Arena… the words:


Reverberate out of the PA system, followed by the familiar beat of ‘Killing in the name of’ by Rage Against The Machine…

HA: Oh my!!!! The EWF champion is in the house, two of the most combustible characters within the 6CW universe are about to be in the same ring at the same time… This can’t be good!!!

HE: This is why the aftermath shows are my favourites in the 6CW calendar, you just can’t predict them… we may need security on standby here tonight!

*Costello saunters through the curtain pausing on the stage, surveying the packed out arena that stands before him…

HA: Costello brought the house down at Maddison Square Garden, I can’t even put into words what it was like to experience an atmosphere like that... But normal service has been restored, just listen to this Wembley crowd… there’s no love for Costello here tonight!  

HE: Costello’s home coming was everything it ought to be, New York City was fully behind its favourite son and he rose to the occasion like a true champion!

HA: Let’s not forget that the assist goes to that man right there, the former 6CW champion Max Adamson.

*Costello readjusts the EWF world title that is draped over his shoulder and makes his way to the ring and Max

HE: Hold on to your hats… things could get a little bumpy from here on out!

VC: Take that look off your face Adamson, I don’t want any trouble, I’m out here to for two reasons… and you’re the second, so cool your jets while I’ll get something off of my chest…

Keith Leone!

Crowd Pop!

Congratulations… you have won the right to face me for the EWF world championship at Night of Glory, you earned your shot inside that chamber… but unfortunately this is a bitter sweet moment for you! Yes you have your shot on the grandest stage of them all… but here’s the bitter pill you will inevitably have to sallow… You are going to lose!

Now people tell me your are some kind of legend around here, but all I’ve seen is a man that got beat by JJ Johnson, a man that when the pressure was really on couldn’t stand the heat… well you will need to stay in the kitchen a lot longer than you did at last year’s Night of Glory if you want to take what is mine! You may have been a somebody around here once upon a time but you’re looking at THE somebody NOW… right here, right now, not 2 years ago, not 5 fives ago… NOW! There’s a reason why not a single person has come even close to taking this championship away from me in the last 8 months it’s because I will do whatever I need to do to keep it and thats a proposition you just won’t be able to live with.

Now Max I can see you getting uncomfortable over there so let me address the second reason I’m out here…

You know what Max?! You talk a lot of sense!


VC: I was out the back, preparing for our match tonight, preparing for War, preparing for two worlds to come crashing into conflict… and the sound of your voice, well it broke my concentration… and I can’t help but agree with what you say… If Anthony Grace had won this title… it would have made a mockery of everything this belt stands for, of everything we have all worked so hard to build here!

As different as we are Max, we’re the same, we want the same things, we both want the injustice in this company eradicated from existence and that starts with Anthony Grace… that started with my defence of this title at Revolution and continues tonight in the main event.

Tonight we protect 6CW from the likes of Grace, tonight we stand together…

What do you say Max? The two most destructive superstars in 6CW, the two most dominant champions since the rebirth defending what we believe in… Are we on the same page Max?

Costello lowers the mic waiting for a response…


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6CW Aftermath 5th May 2015 Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath 5th May 2015

Post by President Trump Mon 27 Apr 2015, 3:11 pm

Perfect Jack is still standing in the ring when suddenly the TitanTron comes alive and the brooding face of Dicey Reilly is seen staring down Jack much to the delight of the crowd

Crowd: DICEY

Dicey: Sorry I am not out there with you Jack but after the week I have just had I don’t really need a murder charge on top of it

Crowd: KICK HIS ASS DICEY....KICK HIS ASS (clap clap)

Dicey: So all of this Jack, everything you threw away at Revolution, our friendship, our chance, the Tag team titles.....everything thrown away because you are JEALOUS!! And of me of all people, I never thought I was better than you Jack or anyone else, I just fought whoever was put in front of me and for once I thought I had someone who had my back, hell you brought me back to this crazy world, I was happy with what I was doing but you asked for help and being the dumb idiot that I am I jumped in both feet, anything to help a friend out and teach some jumped up little sh!ts a lesson and damn it Jack we did it, I should be standing in that ring with you now celebrating our Tag team win, with belts around our waist but you just couldn’t let that happen could you, you stupid bast@rd, you had to go back to being good old Perfect Jack, the most self centred assh0le in the history of 6CW

HE: He cant talk to Jack like that

HA: I think he would do more than talking if he were in that ring bro and rightly so

Dicey: You wanted to win but on your terms, you wanted a sidekick, a Robin to
your Batman, a Speedy to your Green Arrow, a Nick Clegg to your David Cameron but I ain’t nobodies b1tch Jack and at Aftermath there maybe a lot of people in our match but I will see only you Jack, you didn’t just poke the bear Jack you wounded it and it’s p1ssed

Suddenly the crowd start going wild as Dicey is seen running through the crowd and he slides into the ring and stands behind Jack


Dicey: Oh and one more thing Jack...........TURN AROUND

Perfect Jack’s eyes go wide as he turns slowly around to see a fuming Dicey standing there, Jack tries to put his hands up but Dicey launches at him and starts to rain blows down on a shocked Jack’s head, Dicey continues to pummel away on Jack until security swarm the ring and drag Dicey off him and somehow get Dicey out of the ring leaving Jack in the ring, Jack wipes blood off his mouth and looks at Dicey who is being dragged up the ramp, Jack gives an evil grin as the crowd boo

Last edited by Dicey Reilly on Tue 28 Apr 2015, 10:25 am; edited 1 time in total

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6CW Aftermath 5th May 2015 Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath 5th May 2015

Post by MtotheC Mon 27 Apr 2015, 5:42 pm

Terry Kray is backstage at Wembley Arena, he is leaning against the wall chatting on his phone…

Kray:…Nah Nah that’s not the guy… I’m talking about Dave, you know Ginger Dave, how can you not remember Ginger Dave… ???? He got sparked out by Pretty Pete that time in the chinky down Brick Lane… opened up his hairy toes a right treat he did… there was claret everywhere! Not ringing a bell?! Well anyway… Ginger Dave calls me right and he’s had a bit of agg and he’s not best pleased… Once I’ve finally managed to calm him down he proceeds to go into every minute detail about his little episode… well the long and short of it is… and get this right… is that some plumb has smashed straight into his motors hagen daas and according to Ginger there’s hackney marsh everywhere right and the other geezer is completely brahms and list I mean he’s been on the moonshine morning noon and night right… His own ham and eggs can barely even carry him….

???: Cough Cough

El-Tel turns around to Tim Allen looking expectantly at him

Kray: Just one second mate, I’ll have to call ya back I’ve got a right ‘hair gel’ here who probably wants an interview… I’ll catch you up on the adventures of Ginger later yeah!

Kray hangs up the phone and turns to Allen

What’s up Timothy, how can I be of service, you want a sound bite for Aftermath or something?

Allen: Well actually I was hoping to talk to you about a couple of things really, firstly how are you doing after Revolution? The result wasn’t exactly the outcome you were hoping for!

Kray: It wasn’t exactly no and don’t dress it up Timbo, don’t put any air and graces on it for me… I got beat at Revolution, I lost plain and simple… but I can take a defeat on the Harry Lin, I’m big enough and old enough to accept that on the day the other bloke came out the winner… but what I can tell you is that I aint gonna moan and cry and sit at home Hillary Swanking all day about how I didn’t get the Huckleberry Finn… instead I’m gonna work harder, I’m gonna train harder and I’m gonna keep being the loose cannon of 6CW… I’m gonna keep telling it how it is, you thought PepsiDildo hacked off the sponsors you just wait to see what I’ve got planned for my next HashTag!

Allen: So what about tonight, you and your mate Buck Riggins take on the formidable challenge of the longest reigning tag team champions since the rebirth… The Red Arrows… they have taken on all challengers and won.

Kray: Listen Timmy, me and my favourite ham shank have a lot of respect for the champs and everything they have accomplished, they have blazed a trail for wrestlers like me and Buck just to be here in 6CW, they have opened the door… and for that we hold them in high regard. But we aint going into this bout with anything other than the will to win tonight… just because we respect you doesn’t mean we won’t spark you out… Red Arrows; there’s two new young bucks on the scene and we want what you’ve got!!!!!!!

Allen: So you’re setting your stall out here tonight, Buck Riggins and Terry Kray are after tag team gold?

Kray: Hold your horses Tim… We want what the champs have got, that doesn’t necessarily mean the gold…  we want the respect, the spot, the camera time, the merchandise, we want it all, it’s what every wrestler dreams about and the champs just need to accept that by simply being the champs they have that kind of bull’s-eye on their chest.

Watch out for us tonight buddy because the Cockney/Rampage is gonna give these Londoners exactly what they came here to see… one hell of a show!


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6CW Aftermath 5th May 2015 Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath 5th May 2015

Post by Guest Mon 27 Apr 2015, 7:24 pm

As Vincent Costello and Max Adamson remain looking at one another, “Limo Wreck” blares out and the fans go into a frenzy.

HA: And just when you thought that this situation couldn’t get any more combustible.

For a few moments there is no life on the stage, when suddenly the fans get even louder as the hooded figure of Keith Leone comes walking out onto the stage. Leone looks around at the fans who keep cheering, before walking down to the ring. As he does so, Leone holds one hand at his side, as the Elimination Chamber match at Revolution had taken its toll on his ribs and back. Leone then walks around to the timekeeper’s area, before slowly getting to the ring apron and stepping through the ropes into the ring. Leone looks at both of his adversaries in the ring, before waiting for the crowd reaction to die down as he begins to speak.

Leone: I knew it would be only a matter of time before the scum of this company began to come together.

The crowd cheer loudly and a grin comes across Leone’s face, before he takes down his hood to reveal yet more bruising across his face.

Leone: Now Max, I’m sure I’ll get onto you in a moment, but right about now I need to talk to a man about a World Title, so just keep your mouth shut and none of us have to go through any more hell for the time being.

Leone turns his attention to Costello and the fans become louder once again as the two men stare across at one another for the first time. Costello seems unimpressed as he looks at the bruised body of Leone.

Leone: I don’t know if you’re fully aware of the magnitude of this situation yet Costello, so I’ll spell it out for you. What we have here is a clash of the generations that the wrestling world has been waiting for ever since 6CW climbed back to the top. No matter what people say about how you defended the title at Revolution, or any of your more underhand tactics in your title reign, they all still agree that right now you are “the man”. No competitor has outperformed you in the past 2 years, whether it be Liam Wood, JJ Johnson, Jerome Dubois or whoever. The fact of the matter is that you have proven that you’re one of the toughest S.O.B.’s this company has ever seen. The thing is, that a few years ago, a very similar description could be used for me. I came to this company and made it my own, I beat the best it had to offer and the legends that helped build it, and when all was said and done, I was a deserved 6CW World Champion. Now I know that you can look at a guy like me now and laugh because I reached the top of the mountain, and was very quick to tumble down, however that better be a warning to you Costello. You have had an amazing run as Champ so far, however there really is only one way to go from here, especially if you let your guard down for even a second. Though I’m sure you’d never do anything that dumb, particularly if someone with a chip on his shoulder was coming after you and your gold. What happened in the Elimination Chamber was just the first step of my return to the top. Those men who fought tooth and nail to try and get the win and systematically beat me black and blue, they were the first men to fall, and I thank every last one of them for reminding me what it’s like to fight. Now Costello, step two is the run up to Night of Glory, where I demonstrate to you that the hell you’re about to face isn’t just in the ring. It’s the trash talk, it’s the clashing of egos, it’s the waiting game to see if I’m really all that good, though if you want an idea to the answer, go back and watch the tapes.

Leone’s smirk twists slightly maniacally as the crowd cheer and a look of determination comes across the face of Costello as he adjusts the EWF Title on his shoulder to emphasise its presence. Leone then turns to Adamson.

Leone: I would also suggest not trusting someone like this Costello, a guy who would do anything to keep in the headlines, and will stab anyone in the back to do it. Don’t believe me, just count how many times Max Adamson has been a Tag Team Champion and how many of those partners still keep in touch. But away from all that Max, my interest was piqued much like Costello’s, by you talking about defending the honour of 6CW by stopping Grace winning the title. I mean, I’m no Grace fan and if anyone knows about people being screwed by the powers that be to gift the title to someone else, it would be me. However, I’m not sure that I need your help in defending my own honour, because right now I think I’m doing a damn good job. In fact the legacies of all those names you mentioned will do just fine will do just fine without you trying to piggyback off of them to justify your own means. You don’t like Grace, that’s fine by me and I really hope you have fun kicking his ass all at Aftermath, but once you’re done with him, you have to face up to the rest of us. There may not be too much unity in our ranks; I’m sure as hell not going to be winning the Tag Titles with any of them soon, but there is respect and honour amongst us. A hell of a lot more honour than there is between the two of you. (Leone looks from Adamson to Costello and back), so if you think that the two of you are going to form a team to stop Grace then that’s cute. But I know that soon enough, this love in is going to end and you two will be scrambling to throw the other to the wolves. But hey, I interrupted please continue on, because right I could do with a chuckle whilst I rest up.

Leone backs into the ropes and painfully leans back into them as he looks at Adamson and Costello.


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6CW Aftermath 5th May 2015 Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath 5th May 2015

Post by Guest Mon 27 Apr 2015, 11:13 pm

Before Max or Vince can respond, the crowd erupt in cheers as the oh so familiar guitar intro of Limelight begins to play and gazzy walks out to the stage. He takes a moment to soak in the crowd reaction before patting his heart and pointing out to the fans.

Ha: and here's the 6CW champ, this guy went through yet another hellacious war with Adamson to retain that title around his waist

He: and what did that get him? Attacked by Joshua and now stuck having to defend the title against that same guy, I'd rather have lost

Ha: Well not gazzy, he's a fighting champion

gazzy makes his way to ringside and grabs a mic before climbing the steps onto the ring apron

g: Keith, apologies for interupting, I'll let you get back to Tweedle-dee and Tweedle-dumbass in a minute. But I was backstage watching all this unfold and was thinking that we really do have one hell of a main event tonight don't we?

The crowd roar in approval

g: I mean how many world title reigns do we have in this very ring tonight? You're probably never going to see the likes of this ever again. The 6CW Universe is really in for a treat

again the crowd are going wild getting psyched for the match

g: and as much as I hate to do this, I really couldn't care less about this tag match. You see, the reality is there is a much much....MUCH bigger picture here and it involves this *he pats the title around his waist* and what happened right after I pinned Max here

because I don't know if you all saw it, but Joshua, the man who won Gateway to Glory finally made his decision over who's title he was challenging for, and he made that decision quite publically when he grabbed me by my throat and slammed me into the canvess with a devastating chokeslam. I'm not gonna lie that hurt, and I'd gone through a war already.

So I'm sure you can understand why I'm not in the mood for this tag match tonight. I know you might not be happy hearing that, but I'd much rather come out here, stand in this very ring and tell Joshua that he needn't hide in the darkness anymore *gazzy unhooks the title from around his waist* why wait till Night of Glory? We do this tonight and I can send you back to the shadows with your tail tucked between your legs

huge cheers from the crowd

Ha: Strong words from gazzy

He: Strong....or stupid?

g: so what you say Joshua? Are you indeed a monster, or will you continue to sit off in the darkness playing with your puppet?


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6CW Aftermath 5th May 2015 Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath 5th May 2015

Post by TheCultOfPersonality Tue 28 Apr 2015, 6:12 pm

As Gazzy looks up at the entrance ramp awaiting a response from the puppet master, to the shock of everyone, Mike Masters theme song, "Champion" hits. As the theme song plays, Mr. Jones makes his way out by himself to a chorus of boo's. Mr. Jones slowly makes his way to the ring as the men already in the ring seperate to different corners of the ring. Mr. Jones looks at all the men as he stands in the middle of the ring with microphone in hand.

HA: Well, Mr. Jones is out on his own.

HE: Well of course he's on his own, did you see what Wood did to Masters at Revolution?!

MJ: First of all Gazzy, just let me start by offering my apologies, I know you were expecting a crazed monster to appear before your eyes but fortunately for you, it's only old Mr. Jones. You see gentlemen, I just had to come out and well...put you all on notice. Put 6CW on notice. Now let me just say, I would like to congratulate you all on having an excellent night at Revolution. I feel I should give credit were credit is due, because that's just the kinda person I am. It's the kinda leader I feel I am. Gazzy and Vincent Costello, the two of you put on fantastic individual performances, you showed the 6CW universe what true champions are made of, and more importantly will headline Night of Glory as champions. Max Adamson, you thought valiantly, just like you did continously throughout your tenure in the Authority. Now Max you may not have won, but you made a statement, you kept the focus on you even though you lost you're championship opportunity. In fact, you did the 6CW universe a favour and took out Anthony Grace. Grace is a man not wanted in this industry, he and his hollywood image is bringing total corruption to our industry. 6CW isn't just about money, it's about professional wrestling. 6CW management fail to see this, now if I was in charge, I would do what's right. I would do what's best for business. Speaking of what's best for business...

*Mr. Jones turns his attention to Keith Leone*

MJ: What a story that is aye Mr. Leone? You showed your worth, you showed you still had a lot left in the tank, and now you're headlining Night of Glory. But you see Mr. Leone, I feel you have a certain someone to thank for that win of yours. Do you know who you have to thank? I'm sure you guessed it, the man I'm talking about is Liam Wood. You see gentlemen, at Revolution, Mr. Wood snapped. He snapped, plain and simple. My client, Mike Masters was to quote Mike, "stealing the show" and he fairly and cleanly pinned Wood for the three count. After this, it was abundantly clear Wood couldn't take his loss, therefore he resulted in giving Masters a vicious, incredibly bloodly, destructive beatdown. Masters was defenseless and Wood gave no mercy. It was a sadistic moment which had been coming for months. At Revolution, gentlemen we saw the real Liam Wood, we saw Wood finally embrace the hate. As a result, Mike Masters is now at home resting, healing from the vicious the beatdown, but the funny thing is he is laughing inside, laughing at the fact that Wood had to result in such cowardly actions. For this reason gentlemen, I am out here to put you all on notice. Liam Wood has not only wished myself dead, but he's given the future of the company a death threat.

MJ: Who knows what this mans gonna do next, he could snap against any one of you too. And so, together, I feel we need to get rid of Liam Wood. While Mike Masters heals and gets back to the perfect show off he is, I feel we together can get gain power and control of 6CW and stop people like Anthony Grace, his agent and Liam Wood ruining this great coompany. What do you say?

HA: The nerve of him...

Mr. Jones begins smiling at each of the men in the ring before putting his arms out.


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6CW Aftermath 5th May 2015 Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath 5th May 2015

Post by x12x Tue 28 Apr 2015, 7:17 pm

As Jones stands staring at the men in the ring a huge cheer breaks out from the fans causing Jones' smile to get even wider, he begins to nod before speaking...

MJ: It's nice to see that you agree with me...

Mr Jones' smile quickly goes as a familiar voice can be heard coming from behind him

???: I think it's me they're cheering for Jonsey...

Jones quickly turns on his heel to see the site of the former EWF World Heavyweight Champion, The Viper Liam Wood on the 6CW Titatron. Jones' smile disappears and is replaced by an ugly scowl. Wood smiles as he appears to be in a backstage area of the 6CW Arena. Wood adjusts his black EWF hoody, opening it to reveal a Mike Masters t-shirt underneath. As the fans begin to chant for the man who took out Masters, he finally begins to speak.

Can you hear yourself and the crap that comes out of your mouth Jonsey? I know that in old age the hearing starts to go and people get let me remind you just how much of a damn hypocrite you really are..
You came out here and you talked about how your toy boy Mike Masters was unfairly beaten down by the big bad Liam said that I should be thrown out of this company and how all of the men in that ring should help you do it...the only issue...they probably agree with me.

You see, unlike you...they aren't losing their mind...they remember what it was like when you had your decrepit old hands on this company and they saw what you did to countless people...You want 6CW to do something about me taking out Mike Masters...let them...but first let them deal with you taking out and beating down guys like Jonathan Daniels, Bad Intentions, Enforcer, Marty Helms, Blade, Nate Nack and even your own son Scott Harris.

Wood stops for a second and looks directly down the lens of the camera

What happened in the Elimination Chamber was a message that Mike Masters needed to deal with...he needed to realise that teaming up with a parasite like you was going to get him hurt bad and it's a shame really because despite having an ego that even outshines mine...he's a great wrestler who could be a legend but until he gets his head out of his ass and dumps'll happen again and again.
The truth is...if it was morally ok to punch old people in the face, it would have been you taking that punishment but I guess as you have the physique of a stick insect leaving your blood all over that ring just isn't the right thing to do.

So wish Mike a quick recovery and tell him for me that what happened wasn't and everyone else in the ring will be seeing me in a few days time.

Wood walks away from the camera leaving the titatron to shut off. The fans continue to cheer for him.


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6CW Aftermath 5th May 2015 Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath 5th May 2015

Post by TwisT Tue 28 Apr 2015, 8:22 pm

As the men look at each other after the video goes off screen, "Amazing Grace" blasts out around Wembley arena. The fans cheer loudly and inside the ring the men scoff at the reaction.

HA: Well Anthony Grace is amongst friends in London it seems......

HE: Even though everyone in that ring hates his guts!

It takes a few moments but Anthony Grace appears on the stage. He is smartly dressed as usual and is wearing his sunglasses. Charlie Kramer appears behind him and whispers into his ear as Grace nods in agreement. Kramer then disappears behind the curtain as Grace starts to walk down the aisle. He stops to greet some young fans and sign autographs as the five men in the ring look at him with various levels of disdain. Grace finally makes his way to the ring and climbs up the steel steps. He enters through the ropes and salutes the cheering fans.

HA: He is looking his confident self again! New York's reaction doesn't seem to have fazed him.

HE: Adamson's attack should have!

As the music dies down, Grace takes the time to offer his hand to all of the men. Only Gazzy grudgingly shakes it when the other 4 men completely shun the invitation for a handshake. Grace shrugs his shoulders after each rebuff and stands centre stage in the middle of the ring. He completely ignores the other wrestlers and addresses the fans.

AG: Thank you! THANK YOU! It is good to be back in my spiritual home! Surrounded by the love and respect of the thousands of COG's in attendance. It is truly a honour to be back at Wembley!

Grace holds his hands out and applauds the audience. He waves to the top of the crowd and makes sure he points to every corner of the building. The 6CW cameras scan the fans and pick up many shots of young fans holding their posters in support of Grace. The other men in the ring are not amused and start bitching at Grace to address them. Grace stops his waving and moves back against the ropes so that he can see all of the men in the ring.

AG: Well, this is a MONUMENTAL occurrence! Past and present champions! Legends of 6CW and.......

Grace looks up to the screen where Wood was.

AG: .......EWF. A coming together of great minds and talent in the quest of perfection. Perfection that WE can show for these people at Aftermath. Perfection personified on the very first step we ALL take towards Night of Glory. This match may be called the War of the Worlds but the war will be AMAZING viewing for the 6CW universe. I am glad to be taking part in such a historic main event! Never have 6CW seen the like before! And these people.....these PEOPLE......will be cheering us on to a level that very few have reached. And when that plateau is scaled........when we stand on top of the mountain......we will DESERVE their applause. For we will truly be, at that moment, GOD's amongst MEN!

Grace holds his hands out wide as some of the fans cheer. It appears it is only the die hard COG's and Grace looks across the fans a bit sheepishly. He turns round to the men in the ring who look irritated and not amused. Grace takes a heavy sigh and places his sunglasses into his jacket pocket. He coughs slightly and talks quietly for once.

AG: Look, gentlemen, I am no fool. As much as I wanted to be a popular guy in the locker room, I can sense the tinge of resentment towards me. I can hear you out here and your words have had a big impact on me........

Grace coughs again and adjusts his suit.

AG: All I have wanted since I came to 6CW was to provide a show for the fans. A masterpiece of theatre that is unrivalled in our profession. I wanted each and every person that watched the matches to go home with a smile on their face and excitement for the next show. These fans, the fans of OUR show, look forward to see Anthony Grace in action. Fighting the cream of this company and, God willing, coming out on top...........

He looks at the men in turn.

AG: Is that such a problem? Is that such a dishonourable aim? Is that worthy of your hatred?

Grace waits for a few moments as silence greets him, before smiling awkwardly. He then turns to Vincent Costello.

AG: Mr. Costello, what a match we had! And you came out of it a worthy winner! I gave you my all in front of thousands of your neighbours and took everything that you threw at me! It wasn't enough, I realise that. But boy, was I privileged to be a part of history! A legendary match that will live on far beyond our lives. You showed me EXACTLY why you are champion. You showed me EXACTLY how much more I need to excel to be able to tackle you. And you showed me EXACTLY the reason why I entered this put on a performance that has the world in awe. YOU brought that out of me Mr. Costello and I thank you for it. So even though you don't want to shake my hand........I still respect you.

Grace turns to Max Adamson.

AG: And so here we are Mr. Adamson.......the circle complete as it were. Even though I am disappointed you felt the need to interfere in such an epic match, I do understand your reasoning. You and I both shared the same feeling that night Mr. Adamson. The feeling of coming so CLOSE to success unparalleled but falling at the last hurdle. It is OBVIOUS you are hurting! It is OBVIOUS that you want to point the finger! You see me as a target for abuse because you couldn't get the job done.......

Adamson goes to speak but Grace cuts in.

AG: No, no, it is fine believe me! If I need to be that target, then so be it. We can both stop dwelling in our frustration and use it to make one of THE colossal feuds 6CW has ever seen! History is there for the making Mr. Adamson and we can SIEZE it! Together, pushing each other all the way to the top, we can provide a spectacle that will live long in the memory. And that feeling of despair of coming up short at Revolution will fade into dust. So even though you don't want to shake my hand........I still respect you.

Grace then turns to Mr. Jones who is laughing slightly.

AG: Ahhhhh, the former boss! A man that always has the interests of the business at heart! I admit I am sad to hear that you didn't feel I fought valiantly in my match. But obviously I need to show you just how much MORE I can give the company that you used to run. You say this industry doesn't want me, but the industry is built on the foundations of the fans. THOSE fans!

Grace points to the audience as a cheer goes up.

AG: These are the people I answer to and it is the positive noise such as that which I hope to keep hearing. Maybe I haven't impressed you yet. Maybe I have more to prove. But challenges such as that are not avoided, but EMBRACED! You have your opinion and I acknowledge that. As I BELIEVE in what's right for business. So even though you don't want to shake my hand........I still respect you.

Grace lastly turns to GazzyD and Keith Leone.

AG: And to my tag team partners. Legends of 6CW that any wrestler would be overawed to have in their corner! Let me be the first to congratulate you on you successes at Revolution! It was performances such as that which made it such a GREAT PPV! A championship retained and hopefully a championship gained at Night of Glory!

The audience positively acknowledge the remark.

AG: Let me assure you that in the main event match, I will have BOTH your backs.

He turns to GazzyD.

AG: I will protect you from monsters............

He turns to Leone.

AG: And I will help you keep fit for your biggest test! You see Mr. Leone, your words are the ones that shocked me the most. Actually CONDONING your opponents and men who would stab you in the back, to beat up a man who has the highest degree of esteem for yourself. I know you want to set yourself apart. I know you have been in this business long enough to trust no-one. But I want you to know that a partner in name means a partner in action. And Anthony Grace will not fail to help his team mates..........and that includes Mr. Johnson and Mr. Wood as well..... come Aftermath! So even though you don't want to shake my hand........I still respect you.

Leone scoffs and Grace turns round to look at all the men again. They all still look at him with anger and are not impressed by his words. Grace takes another deep sigh and addresses the crowd.

AG: Rest assured, these men may not like me. They may feel as if I don't deserve to be in this ring. But one thing WILL continue. I will provide the excitement. I will provide the smiles. And inside or outside of this ring, Anthony Grace WILL be the reason why the millions tune into 6CW. And I, humbly and respectfully, want to tell you all those people one thing!

Grace walks forward towards the ropes and points to the fans, completely ignoring the other men in the ring.

AG: Keep BELIEVING! Because I just need keep achieving!

The fans cheer at this and Grace scans the crowd with a smile on his face.


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6CW Aftermath 5th May 2015 Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath 5th May 2015

Post by Marky Wed 29 Apr 2015, 2:06 pm

(Adamson interrupts the cheering with a not-so-subtle clearing of his throat)

Max: This. This is exactly what I'm talking about. Grace, you get your ass kicked and you try and justify it with your mindless speech. Listen to this Grace. I didn't attack you because I was frustrated at losing my 6CW World Championship match. I didn't attack you because I wanted to blame someone else, and I didn't attack you because I couldn't get the job done. I attacked you because I DON'T LIKE YOU.

(Adamson sneers as the crowd boo and Grace looks a little taken aback)

Max: You're not here to win friends, I get that. But look at you. With your costly suit, your perfectly trimmed facial hair, your unnecessarily expensive haircut, everything you could ever want back in Hollywood, but you come here, with certain aspects of management pushing you ahead of honest, hard working guys in 6CW to try and make Anthony Grace become this World Champion that would look "oh so good" on your CV. You haven't earned your stripes son. You can't just do what you, or your advisors, or what Dean Andrews wants around here. Not while I'm here. I worked my ass off over several years to get close enough to become a World Champion. I've had four World Title reigns in my career and I've damn earned every single one of them. You've been here, what, five minutes? And with the right investors you've been able to worm your way towards the top?

(Adamson spits on the floor where Grace is standing)

Max: The fact is, you think you're better than me. You think you can deny it, you think you can just dismiss what people say and say to everybody that "BELIEVING IS ACHIEVING", while they stuff their fat faces and cheer for you. You want this Grace v Adamson thing to turn into some colossal rivalry that people talk about for decades, "Hey did you see Adamson v Grace? What a match!"

(Adamson shakes his head)

Max: Nah. I didn't attack you to start a rivalry either... I attacked you to send a message. Just like I'm going to attack you in this huge match to send a message. I want you, and your cronies, GONE from 6CW. I want to put an end to the circus that is Anthony Grace in 6CW. A company that I transcended into greatness by being its longest ever reigning World Champion. I am NOT having all my hard work mocked and ruined and defacated on by you and your presence. I don't care where the match is, I don't care if it's Night of Glory... I don't even care if you get your dream Night of Glory appearance against me at Night of Glory, because wherever we fight, I assure you... I promise you. I am going to end your wrestling career. I am going to remove you from the 6CW roster. I am going to hurt you beyond the point where the doctors, and your advisors, make the decision on your behalf because you're clearly too stupid to see it yourself. Anthony Grace's days in 6CW are numbered. And I am going to be your executioner.

(Adamson slams the microphone into the chest of Grace and walks backwards to rest on the ropes as the crowd boo)


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6CW Aftermath 5th May 2015 Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath 5th May 2015

Post by MtotheC Thu 30 Apr 2015, 10:55 am

As Adamson slams the microphone into the chest of Anthony Grace, Costello steps forward and beings to speak…

VC: You hear that Grace, you think because you get a few cheers from the prepubescent drones in the audience that you somehow have the right to be standing in this ring, that you somehow have the God given privilege to be in the main event… well these idiots would cheer for a damn mop and bucket if the marketing machine got behind it the way it has you… there’s nothing special about you Grace, you’re a manufactured, generic, vanilla shell… nothing more! You’re a tool, a piece of apparatus designed in a marketing brainstorming workshop for nothing more than to sell supersize cups with your face on.

Just look around this ring, there’s not one single person that respects you… not even the great white knight of 6CW, Mr 6CW Gazzy D… you turn his stomach Grace… you make a mockery out of his career, out of all of our careers. Even Keith Leone the legendary defender, he even detests everything you stand for! So trust me on this Grace… because soon and sooner than you think, you and your ‘friends’ will get your just deserts!

And speaking of the great defender… Keith… you walk out here and speak about me like you know me! Well you don’t know a god damn thing about me!!! You don’t know the first thing about what I’m capable of or what I will do to protect what is mine. Now you’ve done a lot of things in this business that you can be proud of, things that you can look back on with a nostalgic glint in your eye and pat yourself on the back for… but that was a lifetime ago! If you think you can step into my time, into my world, into my ring and take MY title then all those concussions over the years really have taken their toll! You’re deluded Keith… despite all that wisdom, all that experience, all that insight you’re destined to fail… why? I see you thinking it! Because I am destined to succeed! This isn’t my first rodeo, I’m the longest reigning EWF world heavyweight champion for a reason bub… I’m a two time world champion for good damn reason… it’s because I’m the best… you know it… I know it, these inbreed hicks that flood this stinking arena know it and come Night of Glory the history books will know that Costello’s Law is unbeatable!

But let’s get one things straight right now, you may have been a somebody, you may have done a lot of great things over the years but that means jack to me… and I sure as hell don’t respect you… I respect one thing and one thing only… THIS…

Costello hoists the EWF title into the air

I respect that this signifies that I’m the best, right here, right now and there’s not a damn thing you or anybody else can do about it.

Costello pauses for a second and begins to smile…

I can see you have a problem with that, I can see that look in your eye, you wanna hit me don’t ya? You wanna run across this ring right now and put your hands on me! Well I’m sorry Keith… after the injuries I suffered at Revolution I’m afraid I’m not officially cleared for physical combat until the main event of Aftermath… and if you even think about engaging me I’ll have you tied up in so much litigation your title shot will be nothing more than a distant memory…

Costello lowers the mic, laughing in the direction of Leone.

Last edited by MtotheC on Thu 30 Apr 2015, 6:14 pm; edited 1 time in total


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6CW Aftermath 5th May 2015 Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath 5th May 2015

Post by TwisT Thu 30 Apr 2015, 11:43 am

Leone is about to speak when "Money" by Pink Floyd blasts out around the arena. Anthony Grace looks up to the stage confused and the rest of the men follow suit. The crowd are indifferent as Charlie Kramer wanders out onto the stage talking into a mobile phone. The music continues as he carries on his conversation and ignores the irritation of those is the ring.

HA: Charlie Kramer out here with something to say.......on Grace's behalf no less.

HE: That's if he can get off the phone!

The music dies down as Kramer continues his conversation. At last he says his goodbyes on the phone and then places it into his pocket. He is handed a microphone from a stagehand and Kramer shoos him away. The men in the ring stare at Kramer and then at Grace, who is wearing an uncomfortable smile on his face. Kramer coughs loudly and tests the microphone, before pointing to the ring.

CK: Mr. Grace, I am sorry to bother you but we have appointments to keep. Sponsors don't like to be kept waiting as you know......

Grace adjusts his suit and looks sheepish as the crowd start to jeer. Kramer assesses the mood and speaks again.

CK: 6CW is very quick to judge it seems. The sponsors that Mr. Grace are meeting are interested in helping him start a fund for the Nepal earthquake disaster. Without Anthony's direct response, millions of people could miss out on the chance of aid. That's food. Water. And shelter. Something people should not take for granted. It is Anthony Grace going beyond the call of duty yet again for those who need help!

Grace looks more confident at this and the crowd stop jeering.

CK: I thought see 6CW is a big part of Anthony Grace's life, but beyond these walls he is needed greatly as well. Who else would be proposing sending his entire fee from his last movie to give to those suffering from this terrible disaster?! The other men in that ring?!

HA: That was The Reckoning......the movie he made with Chuck Norris. That made millions in the cinemas!

Grace takes his cue and apologies to the men in the ring, who ignore the gesture. He then slides out of the ring and quickly strides up the aisle. He talks aside to Kramer as he reaches him and Charlie nods in agreement. Grace turns round and salutes the crowd who cheer loudly before exiting behind the curtain.

HA: What a man! Thinking of others before himself again!

HE: ..........

Kramer stays out on the stage and smirks at the men in the ring.

CK: Mr. Grace would like to apologise that he had to cut this little......."chat"......short. But his time is money. And that money is going to the disadvantaged. What have you ever done for those that need it? Hmmmm?

Kramer laughs and shakes his head.

CK: You can say how much you are looking out for 6CW. You can say how much you don't respect Anthony Grace. But the truth is, you are not worthy of his respect. He is trying to make a difference. He is looking out for people beyond wrestling. He is just a good man trying to do good things.

Kramer points to the men in the ring and gets irritated.

CK: And you prima donna's are so concerned with your own careers and quest for power, that you are blind to the fact there is a world beyond 6CW. A world that goes on with real life, important issues! You type stuff! So you continue to have your little make believe squabbles. Real men see the big picture. And you guys are just a fleck of paint on the masterpiece Anthony Grace is striving to create! A masterpiece where there is no suffering in this world. And day by day he ACHIEVES it!

The crowd cheer as the men in the ring look taken aback and annoyed. Kramer smirks again and goes to exit through the curtain. He suddenly stops and turns round.

CK: Oh and Mr. Adamson, we will get back to you about that Night of Glory match you wish for. Anthony Grace has a busy schedule but we will try and fit you in if at all possible. Priorities in life and all that.........

Kramer leisurely flicks the microphone from his hand and lets it bang on the ground. He laughs while exiting through the curtain and out of sight.


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6CW Aftermath 5th May 2015 Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath 5th May 2015

Post by Guest Thu 30 Apr 2015, 9:54 pm

Keith Leone turns his head and watches the two men exit the curtain, a look of pure distain across his face. Leone then lifts the microphone to his mouth and begins to speak.

Leone: I bet anyone in this ring a fiver that Grace could not point to Nepal on a map.

Leone now turns his attention back to the men in the ring, looking at Gazzy D first.

Leone: Gazzy, I appreciate the situation you’re in and it must be nerve racking knowing that you will shortly be in the ring with a monster, but you need to keep focussed right now. You’ve always been prone to being a hot head, but when you put your mind to it, there are very few men that you are not able to overcome. Though if you take your mind off of the current goal, there’s a good chance that you won’t even make it to Born in Fire. You start fighting with that monster now and he may be the least of your worries. I know now that the self-righteous half-wit that just walked through that curtain is going to be of little help to us come Aftermath. If you want a shot at fighting Joshua at Aftermath, you need to have the rest of our backs, because as much as I don’t believe that those two can co-exist (Leone motions to Adamson and Costello), right now we seem to be fairing even worse. I don’t like situations like this any more than you do, and in the days of old I’d come into this with the same attitude as you have, but times have changed. I know now that I cannot afford to give Costello over there, a single advantage by losing focus, because that’s all he needs to cave my head in with his boot. So you are going to buck up and co-operate for long enough, or so help me god I will kick the teeth down your throat, before Joshua has the pleasure of tearing you apart.

Leone has a look of anger on his face as he stares at Gazzy, before he then turns his attention to the amused looking Vincent Costello.

Leone: You’re right Costello; I do want to smack you in the face. But it has nothing to do with you running your mouth just then, it’s all to do with that very punchable face you have. But trust me when I tell you that I’ve dealt with guys like that before, and I’ve been able to control myself around them, so keep on yapping away little dog. In fact please keep on talking, because it’s your mouth, which is going to be your down fall. Because when people look into your eyes, they see a mix of arrogance and ambition, because that’s what you try and project to the whole world. You may mock and belittle me, but I know how much a win over me would mean to you, retain your World Title in the Main Event of Night of Glory VI against one of the greatest of all time. Also yes, I do question whether I can beat you; I mean I am no longer in the same shape that I was when I took down Genesis single-handed. But that’s why you need to worry, I’m not being cocky, I’m not overconfident, I’m treating you with exactly the amount of respect you deserve. Being locked in a Chamber again seemed to really get some of that fighting sense back into me. I know exactly how good you are if you’re the guy that’s defeated some of the men that I fought with at Revolution, but never confuse that with a feeling of worry. I’m merely sitting back and waiting to see your weaknesses and you’ve presented me with the best possible outcome. This whole goading thing is your signature, you need people to play into your games because you need control of a situation. That’s why you have your lawyers, that’s why you thrived for so long with that title shot briefcase and that’s why you loved fighting Grace in your hometown. You always want to fight on your own terms, and you’re very quickly realising that with me in the equation that’s just not going to happen. Age has battered my body so that I don’t get out of bed as easily every morning, but it has also brought me wisdom for situations like this. You’re a very smart man Mr. Costello and that’s why you’re so dangerous, but in this situation you’re out of your depth. I’m the guy that moves the chess pieces, I’m the one that decides when the fighting starts and finishes. I don’t need you showing me a doctor’s note to prove to me that you can’t be in class today. I want to fight you at your best, and I’ll decide when I do that. So you sit back and relax until Aftermath, and by all means keep running your mouth, because it’s just getting you further and further into a hole that you can’t get yourself out of. This might be your time to shine, but it’s my damn company and I’m back to reclaim it.

Keith Leone’s eyes are almost a blaze as he begins to breathe deeply to calm himself, before leaning back into the ropes and waiting for someone else to speak.


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6CW Aftermath 5th May 2015 Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath 5th May 2015

Post by TwisT Fri 01 May 2015, 12:12 pm

Just as Leone finishes, the house lights suddenly go down to near darkness. A buzz of anticipation fills the arena and thousands of flashes go off as pictures from fans camera phones start to be taken. The men inside the ring look around at each other confused as they stand in the gloom.

HA: I think we know what is going to come next.......

Suddenly, a heartbeat thunders across the arena and the fans start to boo, cheer and scream as they know who is about to appear. The men in the ring look around and get ready for a fight. They also start to argue with each other in their confusion. GazzyD has his arms raised and gazes all around him.

HA: The Gateway to Glory winner is about to make his feelings known!

HE: Who called the Puppet Master? Because Joshua isn't the kind of guy we need right now!

HA: Look at the faces of those guys in the ring. Speaking with confidence before but now looking worried and ready for a fight.

The heartbeat continues and the lights pulse brightly on and off on every beat. Joshua still doesn't appear and the tension ramps up. An eerie mist flows from the stage and starts to bellow upwards towards the arena screen. The crowd turn towards it and start whistling and jeering.

HA: These people are caught in two minds. They want to see Joshua make an appearance but I don't think they can stomach the torment he brings!

The men in the ring are getting annoyed now as still no appearance from Joshua is made. They shout out across the arena and beckon the Puppet Master to reveal himself. Still the heartbeat continues and the darkness maintains its presence around them, only being broken by the flashes of bright light on the beat. Then, without warning, the arena screen starts to come on and the heartbeat stops. Words start to shimmer into view in red lettering and shine out from the centre of the screen.

Frightened souls talk to hide damaged hearts.

But talking about the future doesn't change the past.

The men in the ring start to walk collectively towards the ropes and stare up at the screen. In near darkness, the whole arena is transfixed on it, as more words start to appear.

Silence befalls those whose actions brings worlds to their knees.

And the silence only occurs after the screams......

McCoy's head suddenly appears from the bottom of the screen and shocks the audience. His evil looking eyes piece around the arena before he rocks his head back and forth as if laughing.

HA: The puppet is mocking us!

HE: You think the guys in that ring are amused?!

The men in the squared circle argue amongst themselves and point to the screen. McCoy still moves his head as if laughing and the crowd grow uneasy at the sight of his face. Then, McCoy suddenly stops and looks towards the ring. He nods slowly as the houselights start to come up with near blinding brightness before returning to normal.



The fans cheer in shock as Joshua stands with his head bowed on the other side of the ring. The men turn round and are shocked at the sight of him. Jones actually falls and ends up pushing himself backwards towards the turnbuckle. The wrestlers stare at Joshua and start breathing heavily. No words are said and GazzyD is the closest to the Puppet Master. Joshua doesn't move an inch and stands tall in the ring. After a few tension filled moments, he lifts his head back so the hair moves away for his face. His scarred features are visible as he looks at each of the men in turn. He then stares at GazzyD who is trash talking to him but keeping his distance. Joshua slowly lifts his hand up and points to the arena screen. The men turn round and see the following words.

Suffering will be evident on the heartbeat of your fright.

And all your glories will end that fateful night.

Costello, Adamson, Leone and GazzyD turn back towards Joshua who lowers his hand. They say nothing as the heartbeat begins again and the houselights go down to darkness with a bright light pulsing on and off. Joshua lowers his head and calmly strides forward. The men part out of the way and let him through, as they stare at him going past. Joshua climbs over the ropes and exits the ring, before striding up the aisle.

HA: What a statement! After hearing those guys big up their credentials, it is the man who says nothing that has made the biggest impact.

HE: You could see Gazzy was itching for a fight but he could not bring himself to!

Joshua reaches the curtain and exits through it, as the heartbeat suddenly flatlines and the houselights go back to normal.


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6CW Aftermath 5th May 2015 Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath 5th May 2015

Post by Guest Fri 01 May 2015, 7:07 pm

After Joshua leaves and disappears backstage, the camera focuses on gazzy who is looking on in frustration before he lifts the microphone

g: Is that it? You can't just come out to this ring point to your daft little riddles and then walk back out. I asked you to come out here and fight, and lord knows that before the end of the night one way or another I owe your ass a beating. So if you're not gonna come back to this ring now and settle this like men, then I guess I'm gonna have to bring the fight to you

the crowd cheer gazzy loudly as he drops the micro and climbs out of the ring and gives chase of Joshua

He: I think the champion has a death wish

Ha: hes a fighting champion, gazzy won't back down from any fight

gazzy exits to backstage leaving the remaining competitiors eyeballing each other in the ring


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6CW Aftermath 5th May 2015 Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath 5th May 2015

Post by Dolphin Ziggler Sun 03 May 2015, 2:26 am

"I'm backstage now and joining me soon will be 6CW's Tag Team Champions the Red Arrows, but first, lets take another look at the dramatic betrayal that decided the triple threat tag team title match at Revolution"

*Tim Allen presents the footage that fills the screen...






Ding ding ding

HE: I can’t believe what just happened….

Ring Announcer: Ladies and Gentlemen here are your winners…….and STILL 6CW TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS….Jack Hurst and Robin Reborn…..THE REEEEEDDDD ARRRROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWWSSSS!

HA: The question is not “what?” right now….the question is very “why?”….

The instant replays document the end of the match. Dicey Reilly has Jack Hurst primed for the cradle piledriver when Perfect Jack drops behind his opponent and lands a furious low-blow, drawing a stunned reaction from the audience. Dicey drops to his knees, his eyes widening in shock, as Perfect Jack looks at him with disgust and then exits the ring….Jack Hurst cannot believe what he is witnessing but takes quick advantage by scooping Dicey up and nailing him with the “washboard stomach” for the three count….

*Back with the suited Allen as he stands in front of a huge 6CW logo.

TA: Of course, the question on everyone's lips now is just why Perfect Jack would sacrifice tag team glory just to settle a personal vendetta of his own making. With me now to discuss all the fallout, the team that retained in that dramatic match...the Red Arrows!

*Jack and Robin walk into shot with the tag titles draped over their shoulders and ignore the outstretched hand of Tim, who looks down at it then sheepishly withdraws it. He instead goes to ask a question but Jack interrupts him

JH: Look, do not ask your first question. Do not waste our time on gossip. You welcome on record breaking Tag Team champions and every second of your focus is on two wrestlers who didn't beat us.

TA: Well, I, urm, it is big news...

JH: But not to these belts *the pair pat the titles* but hell, we know fully well that that doesn't matter to you, or seemingly anyone else around this place.

TA: What are you saying?

RR: What do you think he's saying, fool? We retained our damn titles, we won that match, and y'all ask about the drama? You gonna check up on Eastenders with us when we beat Riggins and his mockney mate too? God knows we need to win that, just to make sure Terry don't get no more mic time. Can't understand a word that fools says

JH: Indeed, Robin. Slightly overdoing the rhyming slang, sounds to me like he's another North Londoner trying to pretend he's not from there. Not that I blame him, is there a soul who really wants to admit he's from Tottenham?

TA: You do know we're in North London, right?

JH: And I know the English crowd, this place is full of people from Manchester to Devon, Kent to Newcastle and everywhere around this place. Because the British people love their wrestling and they'll go anywhere to follow it. Just like I know that this is another lazy attempt by Andrews and Magnusson to put a roadblock in our progress. Record breaking tag team champions and we're an afterthought. Perfect Jack uses these titles as some way to play games with a legend like Dicey Reilly, Kray and Riggins team up because they have nothing else to do tonight, Andrews and Magnusson are too busy arguing over Anthony Grace to even put effort into the division.

RR: So let us put out a notice. We gonna make this fun. Deano, Maggie - if you can't make the best of your business, we can make your business decisions for you. Don't believe us? Watch us achieve it.

Dolphin Ziggler

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6CW Aftermath 5th May 2015 Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath 5th May 2015

Post by x12x Mon 04 May 2015, 9:21 am

Our scene begins in a dark room with a mysterious figure stood in front of the camera, the man's features are lit up by a dim light that show off the marks on his skin. As the man speaks we see that it is Krasimir Marinov, the leader of the Death Squad.

“6CW Universe...this is a warning...”

A sick scowl covers his face as he issues his warning

“...for months we have played the game that the managers have required from us but we have had enough of having nothing to show for it but disrespect...”

The scowl grows as Krasimir grits his teeth. As Krasimir's face skews the light shows each and every wrinkle and mark along his face. His eyes stare holes in the lens.

“...We have sat and waited for 6CW to give us our rightful opportunity but time and time again they have given us nothing. Well the games are now over...we now take the respect that we deserve...we now take it by force.”

The scowl turns in to a sick smile as Krasimir continues to speak

“We once told The Red Arrows to take respect and now it is our turn...after months of being treated like a spare team to throw in their matches we have had enough...we are ready to climb to the top of the mountain and we will leave a trail of bones in our wake.
I stand here, hours before Aftermath with nothing to show for my team...a team that has shown dominance...a team that has not been given the shot that they demand...a team that is been overlooked. We will use the coming days as our rebirth!”

Krasimir's scowl returns

“Tonight we have not been given a match...we have not been given a chance that we have asked for...we will no longer be asking...this has been a warning.”

The scene ends as the light flickers out.


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6CW Aftermath 5th May 2015 Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath 5th May 2015

Post by Mat Mon 04 May 2015, 4:20 pm

HA: Welcome back to Aftermath folks, last week I had the opportunity to catch up with 6CW UK Champion Buck Riggins, after his successful defence of the title at Revolution.

HE: Why is it that it's always you who gets to do the interviews Harold?

HA: Well, it's probably because you'd say something that would offend the guest, who would then proceed to put you through a table or something. It's just not worth the insurance hassle.

HE: I don't say things to offend, I just say it how it is.

HA: Anyway, let's take a look at that interview.

*The film begins to roll, it shows Buck Riggins sat in a chair, wearing his trademark cowboy hat, a sleeveless check shirt and some pale blue jeans. The title belt is rested over his shoulder as he looks across at Harold who is sat opposite him.

HA: Buck, thanks for taking the time out to speak to me before you head back home.

Buck Riggins: Anytime Harold. But are y'all sure that I'm okay to do this interview dressed like this? Y'all turned up in a fancy suit, and well, I don't even own a suit. I never needed one back home on the farm, and I didn't think I need one when I joined 6CW cos y'all know what I'm like, I just like beating people's heads in. I wouldn't want to get a blood on a fancy suit like that.

HA: No, no it's fine Buck. Let's first talk about Revolution, where you defended that title against Enigma and Dario Machiavelli. It was a tough first defence for you, how happy were you to walk away with that title belt still over your shoulder?

Buck Riggins: Well, I was happier than a Turkey whose still alive the day after thanksgiving! I knew that against Dario and Enigma, that I was going to be in for a real hard match. They are two real talented wrestlers, and they put there all into that match, and I took a few heavy shots in the process but in the end, I came through and managed to keep a hold of this title.

I think that those two, and everyone else in 6CW, realised that I am not going to lose this title without putting up one hell of a fight first. Being brought up with three brothers, you have to be prepared to take a few beatings in your time, and it's made me who I am today, the son of a farmer from the deep south of the USA who is tougher than a two dollar steak!

HA: You mentioned your brothers, I know you're heading back home after this interview...

Buck Riggins: See, I think y'all might have got a bit confused there Harold. When I said that I'm going home, I mean I'm on the next flight back to London. That's my home now Harold, and that's why I'm proud to hold this title belt, and represent the good people of the United Kingdom. Back on the farm, there was one person who believed in me, my little sister Lyla. She always supported me, but no-one else.

Everyone else, including my pops, thought I was 9 dimes short of a dollar even pursuing this dream. The fans of 6W, they supported me from the start. Hell, they may not understand half the stuff that I come out with, but they still cheer and chant my name. They've taken me in as part of their family, and that means a lot to me. I don't want to let them down, and I want to reward that support by entertaining them, by beating the living hell out of people they don't like. And that's as fun for me to do, as it is for them to watch.

HA: After that win at Revolution, you could potentially be going to Night of Glory as a champion of this company. Did you ever imagine that could happen?

Buck Riggins: I really didn't think anything like that would happen to me. I know that Night of Glory is 6CW's superbowl, and it was an aim of mine to at least have a match at that show. But going there as a champion? I didn't think it would happen this quick. I ain't taking nothing for granted, I know things can change real quick round here, so I'm just taking each week as it comes.

But, I would be lying if I didn't say that I am more excited than a starving bullfrog at a bluefly convention at the thought of defending this title in front of all the fans on the biggest night in 6CW's year. It's the stuff dreams are made of Harold.

HA: And finally, at Aftermath, you team with Terence Kray against The Red Arrows. Are you looking forward to renewing acquaintances Terry?

Buck Riggins: Hell yeah I am Harold. Terry and Me arrived about the same time, and we really hit it off. He took me under his wing a little bit, showed me what the UK is all about. He took to me pubs, he introduced me to Fish and Chips, and he even made me learn the words to the national anthem. I mean I taught him a thing or two as well, a few phrases and how to wear a cowboy hat without looking like Woody from Toy Story.

It should be good to team up with him against, but it'll be tough for us up against The Red Arrows. They're a real exciting team, but I think we can beat them. Those boys have got bees in their bonnet, and ants in their pants at the moment, I think that may be a bit distracted by some of the stuff going on and we can take advantage of that. Who knows, maybe I can have a second championship belt for my other shoulder.

HA: Thanks for your time Buck.

*Aftermath goes to a commercial as Buck is shown standing up out of his chair and shaking hands with Harold.

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6CW Aftermath 5th May 2015 Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath 5th May 2015

Post by Nay Tue 05 May 2015, 12:59 pm

*The scene opens up in the car park where Ryker Kidd is stood signing autographs for a large crowd of fans.*

??:Ryker, Ryker!!

*Kidd looks up as the crowd starts to open as an out of breath crew member barges through. *

Crew guy : Sorry Kidd, But I have been team to come get you, the bosses are peed that its so close to show time and you aint even through Security yet. We got to go now!!!

*Kidd ignores the clearly agitated crew member and continues to sign autographs before finally putting the pen in his pocket and picking up his bag.*

RK: Right come on then, lead the way dude

* Both men reach the entrance where they are met by a man in a suit, tapping his Watch.*

Ryker: Come on John, I was just signing some autographs.

John: Yeah well this is a big night for you Ryker, a match with Dubous. A win here really puts you on the map.

*Ryker smiles as he walks past the man patting him on the shoulder.*

Ryker: Did you see me beat Tyler Roth at RevoLuton,  that performance left the MSG audience in awe, I've already made a name for myself.

Do you really think I'm going to let that go to waste by leaving my preperations till the last 20 mins.

Jerome Dubious might be a big name around here, but he is about to face someone with a big future.

*Kidd walks through  the door leaving the man in the suit stood there as the words Au revior echo through the door*


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