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6CW Aftermath 14th September 2015

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6CW Aftermath 14th September 2015 Empty 6CW Aftermath 14th September 2015

Post by JJJohnson Tue 01 Sep 2015, 11:12 am

Match 1
Alpha Wolves vs ???

Match 2
Dimitri Pittal vs Brandon Perez vs Chael Kingdom

Match 3
Buck Riggins vs Majestic

Match 4
Aaron Heath vs Hero vs Jonathan Daniels

Match 5
Enigma vs Kyodai

Match 6
Ryker Kidd vs ???

Match 7
Thunder/Max Adamson vs Joshua/Jimmy Phillips

Match 8
Anthony Grace vs Lex Hart

Match 9
Keith Leone/Red Arrows vs Wakagashira/Shategashira/Reaper

Main Event
EWF Championship
Mike Masters (c) vs Vincent Costello


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6CW Aftermath 14th September 2015 Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath 14th September 2015

Post by aac101 Tue 01 Sep 2015, 4:03 pm

Chael Kingdom has just finished a grappling session at his gym and is leaving the facility, protein shake in hand, when he is stopped by a camera crew.

Cameraman: Mr Kingdom, Mr Kingdom, what did you make of the Beachfront Brawl Pay-Per-View yesterday?

CK: Honestly, best show I have seen in years. The production, the crowd, and the action in the ring…boy, everyone out there worked their tails off, and I hope they all got a bonus. The whole show was captivating.

Cameraman: A lot of people were surprised that you were not in the crowd for the show, and there are rumours on social media that you were refused entry into Brazil. Are these rumours true?

CK: *Takes a swig of his protein shake* Not true at all. I officially signed my 6CW contract last Wednesday and there was work being done behind the scenes to get me to Brazil for the show. However it was just too last minute. The only available flight I could have got would have got me into Rio an hour before the show, so unfortunately I had to stay at home to watch it.

Cameraman: As you saw, The Forgotten have joined forces with Mr Jones and new EWF Champion Mike Masters. What are your thoughts on this, and do you see yourself being affected by what went down yesterday?

CK: I’ll be 100% honest; I’ve been with the company less than a week. I’m the new guy, with a three month probationary period in my contract, and I don’t want to p155 anyone off at this time, so my official stance is “No Comment”. However, I will say it’s a travesty that Keith Leone was champion for less than five minutes. I mean, to have been what he’s been through over the past few years, to get back to being a champion…and for it to be snatched away like that…I dunno, but if I was Mike Masters, holding that championship belt would not be at all gratifying.

Cameraman: Breaking news, I have just been told that the card for Aftermath has been officially released. You’re making your debut in a Triple Threat match against Brandon Perez and Dimitri Pittal.

CK: Wow, battle of the new guys, huh? Perez debuted yesterday, and boy he looked good! And Pittal is debuting just like me. This’ll be a close one I predict. Perez is 0 and 1, Pittal and I are 0 for 0; the winner of this match can break out of the pack of the “New Kids on The Block” and work his way up the card, leaving the other two to play catch-up.

Cameraman: Do you think you can win on the 14th?

CK: Can I win? Listen, there’s no such thing a sure bet, but on the 14th, a victory for the “King” is the closest you will ever come to one. Although very talented, these guys wrestle, but every day I fight! And on the 14th, when all the dust has settled, it’ll be one more in the win column, one more upon the mantle and one more for THIS GUY!

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6CW Aftermath 14th September 2015 Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath 14th September 2015

Post by Dolphin Ziggler Wed 02 Sep 2015, 1:01 am

Its the first of September and two men sit alone in the sand watching the sunset over the sea from Copacabana beach. They are hunched silhouettes on the incredible skyline, but the voices are recognisable.

JH: Well, its a new day, Robin

RR: Yes it is.

*The angle switches to face on and both men sit battered and bruised, solemn in expression.

JH: Like we said, nothing lasts forever

RR: And we went down swinging

*Hurst gives a small smile

JH: That we did, Robin, that we did.

*They sit in silence for a few moments

RR: So, man, what now?

JH: Well, now we're part of the 6CW army.

RR: I guess we are. But aren't you just a little, I dunno...

JH...tired? I'm with you, Robin, believe me. Its been a long year, we've had to fight and claw our way to every last thing we got. Fighting everyday just to be seen in this place. Coming into each show trying to be something big, and not just the other guys. Not the ones who were there when Max and Enforcer imploded, not the ones who were there when Dicey and Jack got divorced, and not the ones who were there as the Forgotten took over.

RR: The titles were more than prestige, they made us stand out. Now we go back into the pack as just another part of someone else's story? Nah, not me.

JH: And nor I. Sure, Keith Leone has his fight, Thunder his, and Max's ego demands it. But we really don't have to follow the script. We're both students of the game, we know how they want this story to go.

RR: We'll be fighting the Alpha Wolves soon, giving the up and comers some relevancy...

JH:...and then one of us has to kick the other through a glass window, I guess

*The pair smile again. Hurst stands up

JH: Come on, lets go. Brazil has never been about wrestling and I don't think this visit is going to convince me otherwise! Who'd have thought we would have to come to Brazil to see officiating as bad as when that scumbag Argentinian used his bloody hand to oust our boys in Mexico.

*He walks away muttering about Lineker and Shilton. Reborn hops to his feet, takes in the beach one more time and then walks after Hurst

Dolphin Ziggler

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6CW Aftermath 14th September 2015 Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath 14th September 2015

Post by aac101 Wed 02 Sep 2015, 2:25 pm

A: Welcome to the Acer Show Podcast. With me in this lavish hotel room is the former MMA Fighter turned Pro-Wrestler, Chael Kingdom. Chael how you doing?

CK: And for the benefit of the listeners, by “lavish” hotel room he means my kitchen! *Laughs* I’m good buddy, thanks for having me on.

A: *Laughs* We’re going to cover a lot of topics in this conversation, so we’re going to cover you MMA Career, your new career path with 6CW. But first I want to start with your love for Pro-Wrestling. How did you catch the bug?

CK: Well the first ever glimpse of wrestling I ever saw was at my Grandparents. They used to live in Dubai, and this would have been back in 1996 or 97. They had Sky TV in there house over there. Now at the time I knew the four terrestrial channels…that’s it. I had no idea that there was cable or digital TV. So anyways, my Grandpa starts flicking through these channels, and we stop for about 10 to 15 seconds on two people fighting outside a ring. That was by first taste of wrestling, and I kept asking Grandpa to change it back over to that channel, but he refused saying it was rubbish. Anyways a few months later, my Dad, who as much as he denies it now, is still a big wrestling fan…he’d recorded a wrestling PPV on a Sunday night, and when I came home from school on Monday he sat me down and showed me one particular match. It was a tag-team ladder match between a set of brothers against another set of “brothers”, who in real life were actually just best friends. Anyways I’m watching this match and I’m hooked man! I couldn’t get enough after this! Every time we went shopping I’d look in the magazine aisle for the latest magazine, go down the video aisle for the latest PPV. So that’s how I became a wrestling fan.

A: Did you ever think about becoming a wrestler? How comes you ended up going down the route of MMA?

CK: Nah never thought about becoming a wrestler. Actually I take that back, I dreamed of being a wrestler, but I just thought that that was exactly what it was, a dream. And in terms of getting into MMA, I found out about it through a wrestler ironically enough. I used to watch all the wrestling shows and there was this bad-a55 who would put people in ankle-locks and suplex them here, there and everywhere. He disappears off the show one day and a month or so later I’m looking in one of my magazines and there’s a feature on him and Ultimate Fighting. So that’s how I became aware of it. But how I got into it was at the age of 16 going to my local gym for a training session with my mate, who no-showed. So I’m sitting around waiting for him and there’s a class going on in the studio. I look through the door and it’s a Jiu Jitsu class. The guy taking the class notices me standing in the doorway and welcomes me in and partners me up with someone. And I loved it! I kept going back every Tuesday and Thursday to train in these classes and within a couple of months I’m making so much progress that I’m partnering up with the teacher and on occasions beating him. He must have seen my talent because he gave me details for an MMA gym about 15 miles from home, which was strictly for Pro-Fighters or highly rated Amateurs with serious potential. And he vouched for me, went to the gym owners and pleaded my case, and I was invited to train there.

A: So you moved to this MMA gym, how difficult or how easy was it to progress in terms of your skills?

CK: Both very easy and very difficult. Easy in that there was such a wide knowledgebase in the team at the gym that you couldn’t help but learn. But difficult in that when I joined, as the rookie I was put with the worst guy in the gym, and even though he was the worst guy, he was a legit bad-a55. In order to learn from the Pro’s though, you have to train with them. And in order to train with them, you have out-train, out-work and go through the other guys in the team, and these guys aren’t gonna give up their spot easily!! But slowly and surely, I worked my way up the team ladder.

A: Now switching gears here, we’re going to talk about you signing with 6CW and making your debut at Aftermath on September 14th. How excited are you to be making your debut? Do you think you’re ready?

CK: Yeah mate mega excited! I’ve been excited since I got the call from 6CW asking to meet with me with a view to working together. I originally thought it would be in some commentary or analyst position, but they want me in the ring! In terms of am I ready, well, are you ever truly ready? Since I found out yesterday who I was facing, I’ve been scouting both of my opponents, finding footage of matches they’ve had previously in the industry. What I’ve gathered from Dimitri is that he’s a similar style to me, in that we like to take our opponents to the ground using various suplexes. However, from the little footage I have seen his weak point is when we’re on our feet, so I may look to keep the match standing and use my punches and kicks to dominate the fight. Perez on the other hand is really good on his feet, so in his case I will look to take him down at the earliest opportunity. He’s good on the ground mind, but I know I’m that much better so I should nullify anything he tries from the bottom. But make no mistake, this won’t be easy, all three of us are all looking to make our way up the ladder to a title shot and main event status, but I’ve worked my way up similar ladders before, and on the 14th September I’ll climb the first rung of that 6CW ladder because it’ll be one more in the record books, one more in the win column, and one more for THIS guy!

A: Nice enthusiasm, I like it. Now this is my final question, and don’t take this the wrong way, but why are you so confident that you will win on the 14th September at 6CW Aftermath?

CK: Simple, look at my MMA record, 15 and 1. Do you know what I remember the most about my career; it’s not the 15, it’s the 1. I’ll paint the picture for you; I was invited to fight at a Light-Heavyweight event which was tournament-based. Basically you had to beat three guys to be crowned the champion and if you lost, you went home. Now, I looked at the tournament and two matches of most concern were the first and third match-ups. In my first match I would be facing the Number 1 Middleweight outside of the UFC, I think he was 9 in the World at the time, who had moved up to Light Heavyweight for the tournament. And in the third and final match, I could meet the Number 1 Light Heavyweight outside the UFC. The thing is, I had beaten both of these guys prior in my career, so I knew they were out for a bit of revenge. I got through the first fight with a 2 rounds to 1 decision win and I instantly started focussing on the final. Not the semi-final. In the semi I was set to face a guy who had been called up to tournament due to injury and won his first round fight despite being two rounds down, due to referee stoppage before the beginning of the third because his opponent suffered a nasty cut above his eye. I didn’t take too much notice of him, I was only preparing for the final. Anyways, in the semi-final I went to take him down, but he stopped my attempt, so I get back to my feet, drop my hands for literally a split second…and he catches me with a head-kick that knocks me out cold! I’m eliminated from the competition, at an event that was mine to lose, because I looked over my opponent. And it was the worst feeling ever. I never want to feel like that again. Now had I done my scouting, I would have found out that this guy was a head-kick extraordinaire, and had I known that, I would never have dropped my hands. So since then, whether it’s MMA or wrestling, whenever I find out who my opponent is going to be, I scout them thoroughly. So that when I meet them either in the cage or the ring, I’m one step ahead of them. And if I do happen to lose, I can be content that it was because they were the better man on that night, and not because I took them for granted.

A: Chael Kingdom everybody, Chael thanks for your time and good luck at Aftermath.

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6CW Aftermath 14th September 2015 Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath 14th September 2015

Post by JJJohnson Wed 02 Sep 2015, 8:29 pm

*Charlotte Grey is pictured in the backstage area with Brandon and Jesse Wolf. The brothers could not be much different in their demeanours as the interview gets underway. Jesse is checking his appearance in the camera lens and casting glances at Charlotte whilst Brandon shakes his head at his sibling and keeps a calm focus.

CG: My guests at this time are 6CW's brand new tag team, Brandon and Jesse....The Alpha Wolves!

*There is a respectful reaction from the fans in attendance.

CG: Guys, having only just made your debut last month the 6CW Universe is still getting use to your style and what you bring to the table. What would you say to prospective fans of yours on what they can expect in the future from the both of you?

*Brandon opens his mouth to speak but Jesse slides in

Jesse: Well now, beautiful, that would be giving away all our secrets wouldn't it......and I don't like to give away the grand prize on the first date, get me?

*Charlotte giggles but Brandon grabs his brother by the shoulder and pushes him out of the way

Brandon: We respect the fans and the opinions they have but I don't think we need to stand here and talk about what it is that we can do; our actions inside the ring will speak louder than any words can. Too many people crave these...

*He taps his knuckles against the microphone

Brandon: And they want to talk, and talk and then talk some more. But us, no we prefer to deliver our message in a physical manner.

*Charlotte nods at the answer as Jesse continues to look her up and down

Charlotte: Tonight on Aftermath you face unknown opponents. Does it hinder your preparation not knowing who you are fighting against?

Jesse: It doesn't matter who they put in front of us. Heck we can beat them after the other....they don't call me the Slayer for nothing. And believe me, Charlotte, when I tell you that I can slay many things given the opportunity....

*Jesse winks at the interviewer before his brother pulls him back again with the feint trace of smile on his lips

Brandon: When we first got into this wrestling gig we had to deal with this kind of situation on a daily basis. We'd turn up at the event and they'd send us out to fight without the slightest clue of who we were going up against. We fared pretty well at that and I don't see why it would be any different here....

Jesse: When you've got the skills, baby, it don't matter who you have to demonstrate them in front've either got it or you don't...

*He removes his sunglasses and unbuttons his shirt, revealing a ripped torso. Charlotte takes it all in as Brandon shakes his head.

Brandon: They doubt us and that is fine, we've gotten use to that kind of treatment. We turned up at the Snake Pit and they tried to run us out of the building, told us we didn't look like no professional wrestlers. A few weeks later and after embarrassing every single "talent" they had, they had no choice but to accept that we are in this for the long haul. I'm not going to stand here and proclaim to be Brock Lesnar but I can hold my own and I'm damn sure so can my brother.....we've got skills, we've got heart and guts....and we will not back down from anybody....

Jesse: So tonight they can send out anybody they like and we'll put on a show. I'd love to hear the people chanting our names but I accept that we need to prove ourselves to them before that can happen. All I can say is that give us a chance and you will not regret it.

Charlotte: Obviously you weren't involved in action at the Beachfront Brawl pay per view but you travelled with the roster to Brazil. I have to ask what you thought of the 6CW Tag Team Championship match between the Red Arrows & The Forgotten?

Brandon: Absolutely fantastic. I mean both of those teams showcased tag team wrestling on that night and it was honour to be in the same venue. The Red Arrows have been putting it on the map for over a year now and I don't think there is a team out there who wouldn't list them as an inspiration...

Jesse: And those Forgotten punks might have stolen those championship belts but if they ever fancy defending them against the Alpha Wolves....

*Jesse lets out a howl

Jesse: Then we'll make sure they never even get close to reaching the Arrows record...

*Brandon puts a hand on his brother's shoulder

Brandon: We understand there is a hierarchy around here and right now we are down here....

*He puts his hand down by his waist

Brandon: But aren't the kind of guys to wait around and stand in line for too long. We want opportunities to prove ourselves and hopefully it won't be too long until we get to share the ring with the best names in this business....

Jesse: They can look upon us like we are some kind of step down but sooner rather than later they'll realise that we are just as capable as any other duo on this roster....we'll earn our chances, we'll take on anyone who comes our way....and we'll do it with style....because we aren't interested in just winning.....we want to make sure that they remember us long after we hang up our boots for the final time....

You want a sure bet, Charlotte? You're looking at it!

*He flashes her a bright white smile

Brandon: Cmon lover boy....we've still got time to talk tactics before it all kicks off...

*Charlotte is smiling and shaking her head as the Alpha Wolves walk out of shot

Jesse: I didn't even get chance to give her my number....


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6CW Aftermath 14th September 2015 Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath 14th September 2015

Post by Thunder87 Sat 05 Sep 2015, 2:54 am

Fan footage from earlier in the day…

A masked man in a suit, walks up and down the que of fans outside the arena. The white, mask covers his whole face, with two blacked out eye holes and a small, downward pointing triangle. As the man walks the que, he appears to chat with the fans as he hands them masks similar to his.

Live inside the arena, now…

Harold: it has been several days since Beachfront Brawl and we’ve yet to hear from anyone involved in that fateful night. Many questions linger in the air.

Henry: What questions remain? Who holds all the gold? The Forgotten. Who ran rough shot over everyone? The Forgotten. Who controls the company? The Forgotten.

Harold: The Forgotten control the company?

Henry: That’s what I just said.

Harold: The Forgotten do not run 6CW. A new owner has been found but, we don’t know who they are.

Henry: Please Harold. Your denial is not becoming of you.

Harold: Nothing is finalised… What the hell is this?

The lights dim low as the big screen turns to static and more static fills the air waves. Fans all around the arena, appear to stand and put white masks on, as the masked man in a suit, appears on the stage. He carries with him a duffle bag. He stands tall atop the stage, looks out to the sea of white masks and nods.

The masked man, opens the duffle bag and walks down the ramp. He throws more masks out in to the crowd as he walks down the ramp. As he reaches the bottom of the ramp, he reaches into the bag and pulls out a microphone. He walks slowly up the steps to apron. He ducks under the top rope and climbs in to the ring. He places the bag down in the centre of the ring and stands over it, holding the microphone down by his mid section.

Henry: A new Forgotten member has appear.

Harold: Another one? Isn’t there enough already?

The masked man stretches his arms out, palms up. He turns his hands down and lowers his arms. The fans in attendance, sit all around the arena. The masked man begins to speak, his voice distorted, clearly the effects of a voice changer.

Masked Man
The court of Owl’s is in session.

Henry: Oh God no!

Harold: Do you know something I don’t?

Masked Man
The Forgotten, are not the only one’s who wear masks. We all wear our own masks, all of us. Whether, that is a tangible mask or one of metaphor. A mask can be one of anger, hatred or normality. It can be that of face or a heel, a villain or a hero, friend or enemy. We all wear these masks to protect our true selves but, we the 6CW faithful choose to no longer hide our hearts.

The masked man reaches up to his mask, he takes hold of the mask. As he does the 6CW crowd remove theirs. The masked man looks around and removes his, revealing himself as Thunder. Thunder, unbuttons the suit jacket, then removes the tie, pulls the shirt out of the trousers and rips the shirt off. He looks down at the trousers and kicks his shoes off followed by shimming out of the trousers, underneath his usual white three quarter length shorts.

I’m missing something… oh yeah.

Henry: I knew it was too good to be true.

Harold: I’m a little lost here.

Henry: That’s what the buffoon does. He thinks he’s doing something cool, edgy, maybe even with meaning, when all he’s doing is confusing people and making himself the fool.

Harold: If I didn’t know better I’d say you cared.

Thunder leans down to the bag and pulls out his International championship. He lifts it in the air, to the roar of the crowd, before wrapping it around his chest like the bat symbol. Thunder walks over to the ropes and leans over, asking the time keeper what day it is before, returning to the centre of the ring.

Five days. It has been five days since Beachfront Brawl and no one but, the Arrows have commented. Ok, I’ll say it, over all, we got royally screwed. The Forgotten, interjected themselves into two… sorry, three more title matches and stole two more championships that do not belong to them. Not only that but, Bonesy revealed himself to be behind it all. It’s like the fraking FEAR campaign all over again.

I know the Arrow’s are feeling a little deflated right now and who can blame them? For a year they put up those titles against the best, including myself and Liam Wood and for what? For The Forgotten to come along and steal them? They didn’t win the tag titles, just like they didn’t win the EWF title or retain the 6CW title. When that many people get involved in a match on someone’s behalf that’s not winning.

I know my doubters, their sat at home right now saying “Well, Thunder Enigma got involved in your match so, you didn’t win either.” And yeah, that’s right I didn’t. If Jimmy Boy, isn’t happy with how that match ended, he’s welcome to challenge again and again and again, the result will always be the same, hope will still shine. But, I went of track again. The Arrows, got screwed and there seems to be talk of walking away, well boys, your call, either way, you have my support.

Thunder pauses and begins to pace. He seems to be considering where to go next. The crowd begins to chat for Max Adamson. Thunder looks up and out to the crowd, a light bulb seems to go off in his head.

The thing that bothers me the most about Beachfront Brawl, is that I couldn’t help Mighty Max get a fair fight. I knew the Forgotten would get involved, I was poised and ready to make the save. I didn’t count on the extra members blind siding me and leaving me in a pool of my own blood. During the time, they screwed Keith, I was out cold. Max, Keith, I hope you both know if I could have I would have been there for you guys. Would I have helped Vinnie? I honestly don’t know.

Thunder pauses once more.

On a brighter note, there was that fatal five way, a rookies row if you will. That was a good match that, I really enjoyed. I know Aaron Heath, is watching everything that’s going on right now and accessing which of the mid card titles he’s going after. Well, this <Thunder touches the International championship> is the crown of the mid card. If you think you can take it from me, you’re welcome to try, once the war is over. Me a Jimbo have unfinished business that you don’t want to get in the middle of.

You know, the more I talk, the more I wonder why no one has interrupted me yet. Could it be that the puppet master is scared of the on coming storm? Maybe, Jimbo is scared of what I have to say to his face, ‘cause yeah, I have vented quite a bit out here but, I have even more for that hypocrite.

Henry: I’d have thought that being a geek, he’d know better than to step on Superman’s cape.

Harold: Well, Thunder has spat in the wind.


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6CW Aftermath 14th September 2015 Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath 14th September 2015

Post by TwisT Sat 05 Sep 2015, 12:53 pm

The scene opens up at night time. We still seem to be in Brazil and on Copacabana beach, in what is left of the Beachfront Brawl area. Staff are milling around tidying the huge amounts of rubbish left and packing away equipment. A full silver moon shines down on them as they clean up the mess left by the already departed 6CW fans. The air is quiet and the only sounds audible are the clunking of plastic glasses being collected, the clanking of chairs being folded and the sea flowing back and forth on the beach.

Two men stand side by side cleaning up the rubbish, when one leans upon his broom and wipes the sweat on his forehead. He looks towards the sea and notices a figure sitting on the sand in the distance. He stares for longer, not quite believing his eyes as he notices a smaller person sitting next to the much bigger figure. He turns to the other man and nudges him. Pointing towards the figure, the man talks in Portuguese. The second man glances in the distance and shakes his head. He crosses himself religiously and wags his finger at the first man. He glares at him and motions for him to continue cleaning while saying just one word.


The first man looks confused but takes the hint. The two men go about their cleaning, making sure not to stare at the figures again. At this the camera moves away and goes towards the sea. As it approaches the figures, we can see that it is Joshua and McCoy, backs towards us and staring at the water ebbing and flowing in front of them. The 6CW title is turned upright and resting on the sand beside Joshua but a good distance away from him. McCoy on the other hand is close by, sitting motionless and gazing at the ocean.

The camera spins around and faces Joshua, who has his eyes closed. In one hand he holds his symbol of torment necklace, which he pushes towards his face. After a few moments he places the necklace beneath his shirt and opens his eyes:

A new era begun.........

He stares up at the full moon and cocks his head to the side:

Heavens angel........sent to save the beloved's theatre........was crushed into the earth and sent to hotter climates........The best saint that could be target this devil........was shown the way is barred unless you speak in the devil's tongue........

Joshua gazes to McCoy:

And the devil states........suffering will reign........regardless of the white armies intervention........

He gazes towards the water and holds McCoy back with one hand when the tide comes closer. He completely ignores the 6CW title as the sea comes perilously close to washing it away:

And the end of a night of.........all eyes were not on a saviour vanquished.........but on a master elevated.........

He flicks his hair back and snarls:

I allowed a time of what should be a night's despair.........I allowed the boos to reign forth.........instead of the tears that should have fallen.........I allowed a moment of glory.........for something that is worthless as the one I have to hold.........

Joshua bows his head again:

So it has been revealed that paths may not push on.........towards a common goal.........For that I pay no heed.........Because my desire to enrich people with hurt and hate.........still burns as strong as the fires of hell.........from which it came.........

He growls softly and shakes his head:

One saviour destroyed.........others seemingly lining up for battle.........Each will be felled and sent on their way downwards.........Careering towards the ground at pace and with venom.........And with my hand crushing their throats.........Torment picks no order of victims.........It merely comes to us all at some point.........Even those that stand aligned.........but with lesser objectives.........

Joshua turns towards McCoy:

Plans are afoot.........that I guarantee.........But the key vow is still there to be upheld.........Regardless of whose feet are being followed.........Pain will be caused.........and torment will continue.........So new victims that have pulled themselves to the top.........still need to be on notice.........Wolves are pack animals that are stronger in a collective fight.........But the singular creature close to the far more dangerous.........

He turns towards the camera as it zooms in on his scarred face:

Fools believe that new beginnings have been the course of one nights actions.........But even those who bask in the glow.........of their own intelligence..........Are blind to the notion that five was not six.........

As the scene starts to fade, Joshua softly speaks the next few words:

A new era begun........but one path still being tread........Alone or with numbers........The nightmare will continue........

All goes black as the last thing we hear is the sound of the tide.


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6CW Aftermath 14th September 2015 Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath 14th September 2015

Post by TwisT Sat 05 Sep 2015, 1:36 pm

As the scene starts, we see we are in a brightly lit church. The windows show that it is night outside, but the inside is bathed in strong candlelight. An old man of religion is at one end of the church, lighting yet more candles as heavy doors are loudly shut out of shot. Footsteps are heard coming towards the front of building, but the man does not turn round. The footsteps stop and it is only at this point that the old man gazes to the side. He looks upon the figure in front of him and smiles, as the camera pans round.

AG: Forgive me father for I have sinned.

We see Anthony Grace standing there in his white usual suit, but this time without a jacket. His shirt is unbuttoned at the top and he has a weary look on his face. The old man points to the pews and the two men walk towards them. Grace winces as he sits and lets out a deep sigh. The old man turns towards him and nods his head.

FL: Well my son, you have come to the right place. My name is Father Lawrence. What seems to be troubling you?

Grace smirks slightly.

AG: Where do I start?

Father Lawrence turns to face the alter and smiles.

FL: At the beginning. That is usually the best place.

Grace smirks and then frowns.

AG: You do know who I am right?

Father Lawrence chuckles but still faces the alter.

FL: Yes Anthony, even when you are not smiling, it is not difficult to know who you are. Quite a night you had last week.

Grace stares at him confused.

FL: Just because I am a man of the cloth Anthony, doesn't mean I do not take pleasure in what life brings. I watched along with millions and enjoyed the spectacle. And from what I saw you fought with God on your side.......and upheld his values.

Grace looks confused again.

FL: Your interjection between the tormented soul and the Irishman's fight?

Grace sighs again.

AG: That proved to be too much for even me. I saw they were out to destroy each other and I could not let them do it. Hate is something that is rife in the world and I can't stand to see it everywhere I look right now.

FL: So what appears to be the problem? You tried and failed, but it is not a sinful action. Sin would have come from not trying at all.

Grace looks down at his bruised hands.

AG: It isn't that. It is other things. Other torments in my life. I feel I haven't made good decisions. I have let my want for earthly things blind me in what should be my path. A path of goodness.

FL: You are too vague Anthony......I cannot help yet.

Grace sighs a third time.

AG: At the end of the match I could have helped those who were injured. And yet I concentrated on selfish needs. I reached up to that briefcase and grabbed at it.

FL: And what did you hope it would.......achieve?

The two men laugh slightly and Grace forces a smile.

AG: I thought with that case I had power to change things. Real power. I could get people to my way of thinking and eradicate the hate that has welled up in the last few months. I wanted that power so much. For good yes, but power can lead to evil things. I don't know what kind of man wants that to happen. Not a man who believes in God and all that is good in the world.

Father Lawrence frowns.

FL: Forgive me Anthony, but I believe who have answered as if I was an interviewer. I am a man that acts as God's mouthpiece. I fear you are holding back because you are fearful of judgement. Do not disguise yourself with a smile. Be true and let the burden fall.

Grace doesn't say anything. He looks around in anguish and trying not to look at the man beside him. In the end, he starts to unbutton his shirt. He takes the white fabric away from his skin and lays it on the floor. The camera zooms in and we see that Grace has had massive angels wings tattooed on his back. Father Lawrence turns towards it and tuts. He then turns back to Grace.

FL: You believe this shows you are close to God? Placing wings of an angel on your skin and hoping it shows that you are one of God's fighters?

Grace smiles awkwardly. His shoulders then hunch forward as the leader of the COG's loses all fight.

AG: I don't know anymore. Even in front of God, I do not trust myself. I am fearful of the truth even if I can see it clearly. I try and do things to prove I am fighting for the Lord. But I am failing.......yes?

Father Lawrence says nothing but gets up on his feet.

FL: I believe you need to find answers in prayer Anthony. Be true to Him then. Do not hide behind Anthony Grace the film star. Approach him as Anthony Grace, the troubled man. He will forgive your sins. But only if you drop the veil.

He starts to walk away but speaks out as he does so.

FL: Signs of faith do not come from words, but of actions. A man who says he is close to God but needs to remind others of that actually closer to the devil then he may think.

Grace looks towards the alter as Father Lawrence disappears. He closes his eyes and breathes in deep.

AG: Forgive me Lord.....for I have sinned.

The scene starts to fade as Anthony mumbles underneath his breath.


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6CW Aftermath 14th September 2015 Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath 14th September 2015

Post by x12x Sun 06 Sep 2015, 4:44 pm

We join Timothy Allen in the backstage area of the 6CW Arena, he's sporting signs of a bad sun burn courtesy of Beachfront Brawl's beautiful Brazilian location. Tim smiles to the camera before speaking.

Ladies and gentleman, we are only a few days removed from Beachfront Brawl but the fans are already getting excited over the next edition of 6CW man who will be there, making his London debut was one of the men who came up short in the Freshman Fatal Fiveway...Brandon Perez!

Brandon smiles as he walks in to the shot wearing a cheesy hawaiian shirt and still in his beach speedos to the dismay of Tim. Brandon attempts to hug Tim who pushes him away before continuing to speak

Brandon, now before we speak about your upcoming match or even your match at Beachfront Brawl...there are a lot of people out there who were talking about your Anthony Grace inspired entrance...some called it a tribute...some called it mind games, can you fill us in?

Mind games? No way...I know a lot of people...including the beautiful Christy James just think I'm this good looking, brilliant wrestler but deep down there's a sensitive side and when my career as an “entrepreneur of the adult entertainment industry” was cut short...I was lost but when I saw how Anthony was doing it inspired me.

Anthony Grace is one of the main reasons I am here today, I saw how he had made it from being an actor to being a fighter and it showed me that even after what happened I had a second chance! I loved that someone in our business was showing the world just how tough we could be!

We might be on different ends of the acting spectrum when it comes to the films we're in but without Anthony I might not have even become an first ever role was in an “adult adaption” of his classic movie Look Who's Talking Now...but you might know it as Look Who's Porking Now...

Tim's face goes red for a second before cutting Brandon off.

I can ensure you that I do not know that version!

A few of the cast and crew laugh in the background at seeing how nervous Tim is at the mention of the adult film.

TA: we mentioned before, at Beachfront Brawl the 6CW Universe saw you in action for the first time and although you didn't quite win you did put on an impressive display in front of a huge international did that feel for you?

I had people telling me about their first times and the rush it gave them but what most people said is right...Tim, until you step in side that ring and face your opponents, there is no way of describing how it feels!

I am a man who has done a lot most people couldn't even dream of...I've had twins for christ sake but I think that putting it all out there and fighting for a chance...for these fans...even beats that...

...Sorry girls if you're watching!

Tim face palms as Brandon looks down the camera and motions a call me gesture

Right, moving on Brandon...your next match, this time at 6CW Aftermath see's you once again face off against multiple partners this time in the form of newcomers Dimitri Pittal and Chael Kingdom. First off, do you think your match at Beachfront Brawl is going to help you and how do you go in to a match knowing nothing of your opponents?

Brandon pauses for a second and thinks, rubbing his chin and looking off in to the distance for a second before answering

I think having a match against guys like Hero and Blade is going to give you a bunch of help due to their experience so in that aspect my match was a great way to kick off my career but in all honesty, my personal life is probably the thing that is going to help me the's surprising how the adult entertainment gets you ready to fight half naked men...

Tim looks almost depressed as he prepares for the answer

Take the twins...Brittany and Jessica...if you went in to that without a game plan it wouldn't end well for you. You needed to know where both were at all times and give them each your undivided attention otherwise one gets angry and you get a knee where you don't want it...if I go in to this match and let one of those men get the upper hand then I'll lose my head and the match...I know what I need to do and I'm here to show the fans that despite the fact I like to party...I'm here to compete, to win and show the world that I am capable of greatness.

So do you have a message for those two?

The twins?! Tell them to call me but to be fair after the time they caught me with their mother I doubt they'd want a reunion...

Tim face palms and shakes his head

No, Dimitri and Chael!

Oh, my bad...tell them that at Aftermath they're going to get a tour of Sleaze City from the President!

As Brandon is speaking his groupies turn up causing him to get dragged away. Tim looks relieved as the scene ends


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6CW Aftermath 14th September 2015 Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath 14th September 2015

Post by aac101 Wed 09 Sep 2015, 1:19 pm

Timothy Allen is backstage ready to interview Chael Kingdom.

TA: My guest at this time, making his eagerly awaited debut at Aftermath, Chael Kingdom

CK: Hi Tim

TA: Now that you are days away from making your in-ring debut in 6CW at Aftermath on the 14th, have the nerves started to kick in yet?

CK: Not really, I'm more excited than anything to be honest. It's been a while since I felt the adrenaline rush I get whenever I walk out into an arena full of fans, and I cannot wait to walk down the ramp to the ring on Monday.

TA: Now I'm sure you saw or at least heard about my interview with Brandon Perez, who's also new to 6CW. He seems to think that making his debut at Beachfront Brawl puts him at an advantage of yourself and Dimitri Pittal. How do you care to respond?

CK: Well he may think he will have an advantage as he had a number of weaknesses exposed at Beachfront Brawl, and will have had time to acknowledge and work on those. However, I've been working day in and day out, being the first man in the training room and last out, to make sure that I have no weaknesses to expose, and because of that I feel that I have the advantage over Perez.

TA: Does his other career as an adult film star play on your mind? He definitely seemed like one to try and play mind games.

CK: Not at all. Let's put it this way, my last career I was an MMA fighter. In quite simpler terms I was a Cage Fighter, seen by many as one of the lowest of the low, along with hookers, junkies and adult film stars. And you see, when you're the lowest of the low, you group together, so I have spent a lot of time with adult stars. The male ones always go on about their size....well I tell you what, "size" accounts for nothing when you're being punched in the face!

I hope for Perez's sake that he takes me seriously. They say that sex the night before weakens legs, well I break them!

TA: Dimitri has kept radio silence and has yet to comment on Mondays match. Is this a good ploy by him to not get involved in a slanging match between yourself and Perez?

CK: oh most definitely, it makes him an unknown quantity. I've only seen some footage of him online, and even that was 30 second clips. So he definitely is the dark horse in this match. But it doesn't matter, I'll be prepared and ready for whatever he and Perez throws at me. And when it is all said and done, it'll one in the win column, one in the record books and one more for this guy!

TA: Chael Kingdom ladies and gentlemen.

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6CW Aftermath 14th September 2015 Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath 14th September 2015

Post by President Trump Wed 09 Sep 2015, 2:25 pm

Timothy Allen is sitting on a chair across from Dicey Reilly who is wearing a big knee brace

TA: Hi folks and welcome to and today I get to interview a legend....Mr Dicey Reilly

Dicey: Obrigado.....just a spot of Portuguese I brought back from Brazil, thanks for having me Nice but Dim

TA: Great, now Dicey first things first how is the knee

Dicey: It has seen better days I can tell you, it’s been through the ringer the last few months, first with Jack injuring it on the build up to Night of Glory and on that night, then Woods destroying it at Beachfront, the doctors did a great job in Brazil, they looked after me very well and gave me the VIP treatment during my stay there, it will be a few weeks of physio before I can work on it again but I’m working hard to get back in the ring as soon as possible

TA: Talking about Beachfront and the Key to the Kingdom match, what is your thoughts on what happened in that match between you and Liam Woods?

Dicey shifts in his chair and Tim can see he is trying to hold his anger in

Dicey: All I have being doing is thinking Tim, Lying in a hospital bed there is not much else you can do, like was he really going to try and end my career, what would I do if this was it, how can I get out of this bed so I can finish the job I started on him at Beachfront, loads of thoughts Tim

TA: And what was your conclusion?

Dicey: Of course he tried to take me out, I saw the look in his eyes, I knew what was coming and I was just lucky that that God botherer Grace was there to distract him long enough for me to try and take him out first

TA: So you tried to end Woods’ career

Dicey: Damn skippy I did Tim, the only way to deal with a rabid dog is to shoot it and thats what I tried to do by Piledriving him through that table from the ladder, as Master Yoda once said, “Do or do not, there is no try” it was him or me Tim and I chose me, there is no doubt he will be back to seek some sort of revenge on me and I will be waiting, the gloves are off, Mr Nice Guy is gone, I tried with the kid I really did but he doesn’t want a father figure telling him to stop acting like a thick, he doesn’t want a guy like me putting my arm around his shoulder and telling him he’s a good kid and he should just pull his socks up and work at it, he doesn’t want all that because he is lost Tim, he is a lost little boy that is lashing out at everyone that is trying to help him but he has lashed out and hit a wasps nest and Beachfront was just a little sting but the rest will come and if the kid decides to stand there he is going to be f**ked up and there is no better man to put some manners on this little cretin

TA: Just one more question, what did you make of Masters and Jones being behind The Forgotten and Masters winning the belt of the newly crowned Champ, Keith Leone
Dicey: I have no dealings with any of them and as long as it stays like that I have no opinion on the matter, Leone and Adamson are big boys they can look after themselves and they will have too but there will come a day when I come after one of those belts and that is the day the Forgotten know what fear is, it has been a long time since I had gold around my waist Tim, Jack messed up my chance a few months ago and ever since then it has been eating away at me, I want to feel that feeling again but first I need to deal with my Emo problem

TA: Thank you for your time Dicey and I hope you get back in the ring soon

Dicey: Thanks Tim

TA: That’s it folks, until next time, Goodbye

President Trump

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6CW Aftermath 14th September 2015 Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath 14th September 2015

Post by TheCultOfPersonality Wed 09 Sep 2015, 2:26 pm

***The following footage aired shortly after the Beachfront Brawl PPV ended***

The footage begins zoomed in with two champagne glasses touched together. As the video zooms out, the footage shows Mike Masters and Mr. Jones holding the champagne glasses. Masters is shown with an ice packed towel around his neck and his newly won EWF title laying on his lap. Before the two drink, Mr. Jones begins to speak...

MJ: You know Mike, ever since we alligned together, I always knew greatness would be upon us. We were always destined for greatness. When we say somethings gonna happen, we don't just talk for the sake of talking, we back it up. Mike, I promised you that when you joined together, I would help propel you to the top of the mountain. I knew you had it in you all along. You had everything it took to become one of the best wrestling talents in our industry. Mike, I promised you world championship status. And with all this, you promised me that you would help me get my power back. So, Mike I'd like to make a toast. Power and control.

Mike Masters and Mr. Jones toasts eachother as they drink the champagne. Masters then places his glass on a table and calls for the cameraman to get closer. Mike Masters gets up and close to the camera as he begins to speak.

MM: Ever since I stepped into this company, all I've ever done is strive to be the best. I've showed off, I've run circles around all those goons in the back, not because I'm cocky, but because I'm the Masterful one. It's been a long road, people laughing at me, people cheered me, people just didn't take me seriously. But then I joined Mr. Jones and everybody stopped talking, everybody just stopped talking and started to take witness. You wanna know what they started to witness, they started to witness the future. Beachfront brawl, I grabbed that key like I said I would all along. I cashed in my key because it was the right thing to do. Oh poor Leone, I have no remorse. You know why? Because I'm the future of 6CW, the future of pro wrestling, the future of this god damn business! I am the future, I was the future all along. And here I stand, *holds up his belt* your new EWF champion. The future is here, the future is now. off.

Masters begins smiling and then starts laughing as he shouts out a scream and high five's Mr. Jones.

MJ: You see this was our plan all along. People thought this plan was nothing more than a myth, but here we stand. A new era has begun, the nightmare reigns on, the power is back, now we seek control.

Mr. Jones displays a sadistic smile as Masters comes into the images and puts an arm around Mr. Jones and raises his new EWF championship as the footage slowly fades.


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6CW Aftermath 14th September 2015 Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath 14th September 2015

Post by Cable Thu 10 Sep 2015, 4:24 am

Dimitri Pittal (August 30th, 2015) (12 Hours before Dimitri aboards to UK)

....- I wonder what's waiting for me in UK. I am very excited about all of this. I can't stop imagining what the UK will provide for me.

....- Well my son I want you to becareful and make the most of the experience. You were given this life changing contract. And you always wanted this to occur so do what you told me you were going to do.

......- Yes ma'am

(The man who stands 6'2" walks out of a hall in the Arena and is awaited by a press conference. A hour pass as the man walks back in the curtain awaiting by the woman)

......- it went well everyone seems so positive I never seen as much people in my whole entire life! Everyone was hitting me with the hard questions. But this was expected if I'm going in to be the best thing out of Dubai and represent my country proud thats how I want to be remembered.

.....- Dimitri I'm so proud of you..

Dimitri- Thank You Mother Anya

Mother Anya- Have you packed up all your stuff you leave tomorrow?

Dimitri- Yeah I just gotta see Salma. She wanted me to pay her a visit before I go.

Mother Anya- You and that girl always been closer since you two been young. You need to marry her if you want to have babies with her!!

Dimitri- No Mother Anya she's strictly a friend. We been close because we seem to be more like siblings

Mother Anya- Dimitri- I'm no dummy! Brothers and Sisters? That's a bit Incest hehe.

Dimitri- Oh Mother... it's not even that..

(5 Hours before Dimitri aboards to the UK)

......- And here I thought you was going to forget about me!

Dimitri- Salma why would I forget you when you know I want to bring you with me.

Salma- Now you couldn't. I have to stay here in Dubai. My life and my everything is here.

Dimitri- You're right.. just be here still when I come back.

Salma- Did you talk to mother anya?

Dimitri- Yeah I did. I'm more so worried about her. She's been sick lately and I don't want her to get any worse while I'm gone.

Salma- Hey! Listen to me. Mother Anya is the most happiest she's ever been. She is proud that someone who she raised all his life is finally becoming the man and getting out of this country. Just remember while you're in the UK don't forget where you came from

Dimitri- What makes you think I will?

Salma- I don't know you become big over there, world champion or something then you forget all of us.

Dimitri- I'm only in this for the opportunity.

Salma- Well if you see Keith Leone or Geoff Steel get their Autographs for me. Even Geoff he's my favorite wrestler.

Dimitri- Well I make sure I ask him for a autograph after I beat him.

Salma- You jerk (smiling)

Dimitri- I'm going to miss you

Salma- Close your eyes.

(Dimitri closes his eyes as he feels a kiss on his cheek)

Dimitri- What was that for?

Salma- For good luck. The next time I see you I hope you bring a title here.

Dimitri- If that kiss wasn't a kiss of death then I will bring a title back.

(1 hour before plane to UK)

Dimitri- This is our final goodbye I want you to be safe and I'm worried about your health!

Mother Anya- I'll be fine you worry so much. And I know you have press releases and promotions so you will be busy. Just don't forget where you come from my boy.

Dimitri- I love you. You're the one who believed in me all my life and I'm doing this for you and my country.

Mother Anya- Make me happy Dimitri.

Dimitri- Yes Mother

(Scene Fades Away)

Last edited by Cable on Thu 10 Sep 2015, 5:55 pm; edited 1 time in total


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6CW Aftermath 14th September 2015 Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath 14th September 2015

Post by Cable Thu 10 Sep 2015, 4:52 am

Dimitri Pittal (September 3rd, 2015)

(Dimitri is shown packing his clothes and setting up his new apartment.  He looks amazed as he begins to talk to 6CW Agents)

Dimitri- Yes I have... No I haven't watched the video package? I'm not really nervous at all. This is the full front of entertainment and I am here to showcase who I am. Is it really good? Then I'll watch it.

(Dimitri Pauses)

Dimitri- Yeah I have a sit down interview with a announcer on the 10th and I don't even know who I'm facing....

(Dimitri pauses)

Dimitri- Oh those two? Oh they're probably arguing back and forth feeling left out or something because I haven't mentioned not one of them. They'll be ok.

(Dimitri pauses)

Dimitri- Yup I'm heading out in a few but send me the video package of the press release I'll check it out! Yup thanks!

(Dimitri hangs up as the scene fades away)


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6CW Aftermath 14th September 2015 Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath 14th September 2015

Post by Cable Thu 10 Sep 2015, 5:54 pm

Video Package of Press Release

6CW Interviewer- Welcome to Dubai 6CW Universe. Just in a few moments I want to welcome the newest edition to the 6WF Locker Room. But before hand. I want to announce this beautiful country is about to witness the very birth of the new generation. The next stars or professional wrestling. Ladies and Gentleman allow me to introduce to you Dimitri Pattal

(Dimitri walks from out the curtain to a roar of cheers. The man is wearing a all black suit with a white tie. He waves to the press as he shakes the hand of the 6CW Reporter. He takes a seat and pulls a microphone up to his face.)

6CW Interviewer- Dimitri we are live from Dubai and before we came we had you sign a contract as one of the newest signee's of this fantastic promotion. Dimitri how do you feel?

Dimitri- Well I want to say first that it's been too long since someone came out of Dubai to showcase their talents and I am happy to say that the 6CW Universe is alive and wired in Dubai!

(The crowd cheers)

Dimitri- I am estatic to be the newest member of this 6CW World.

6CW Interviewer- Amazed. But I must ask who is Dimitri Pittal?

Dimitri- Well I am the punjabi philanthropist. I seek what I see and make something positive out of it. In this world today especially in my country. There is poverty, there is struggle. Crime and negativity. Before I came out here today. I saw a little boy who didn't have no clean clothes on his back and nor did he have food to eat. I gave this boy my last bit of money. I never received the money from my contract yet. I won't til I reached the UK but being who I am. I want the 6CW Universe to see how much I want change to come to my country and city of Dubai.

(Dimitri pauses)

Dimitri- People can say what they want to say but I want to be remembered as someone who changes things. In 6CW. I want to change the landscape of that company and show how diverse and how people can relate from all over. Everyone struggle, everyone has hardship, it's how we all overcome that hardship that makes each of us unique. If it's with a helping hand or just by watching someone on tv from your city make it. I want that.

(The Fans Cheer)

6CW Interviewer- What wonderful words! I'm already pumped for you already Dimitri! What about your cross to the UK are you nervous about the transition?

Dimitri- Nervous? No I'm more than pumped. I was born ready to make a opportunity of myself and excel beyond belief. I want to be able to give the UK Audience that flair that missing puzzle piece. This isn't just a Indian fellow. A gimmick or a hatred speech on why I hate international countries. NO!

(Dimitri pauses)

Dimitri- When you look at a long list of Indian Wrestler's who's the most popular one of all time? A anti american who once spit on that flag. Will I do the same to the UK Flag? No! I am different from the past because I want to give hope. That's been missing from decades and so many years. I want to change the arena and put Dubai on the map!

(The fans are chanting "Dimitri")

6CW Interviewer- What if this doesn't work out for you do you have a back up plan? What if you fail?

(The fans boo)

Dimitri- Don't boo you guys him he's just asking questions. And of course I have a very good response.

(Dimitri stands up)

Dimitri- I don't have a back up plan because I want this my entire life. Ever since I was young watching old vhs tapes. Even learning the science of wrestling and how I can make myself better each and every day. Listen we're in Dubai!

(The fans cheer)

Dimitri- We never give up on our hopes and dreams. We are rebels and we strive to overcome and achieve. That is what I will do. If I fall I get back up! If I get injured. I bust my ass until I'm healed. I'm a new breed for professional wrestling and 6CW just found it's guy!

(Dimitri puts the mic down as the fans are giving him a standing ovation. The Interviewer claps in approval as the scene fades away)


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6CW Aftermath 14th September 2015 Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath 14th September 2015

Post by Cable Thu 10 Sep 2015, 7:23 pm

Dimitri Pittal (September 10th, 2015)

Christy James- Good Evening 6CW Universe we are just days away from Aftermath and with just days away we'll be featuring new talent on the roster. With that being said I have one of the newest signee's who will be featured in his first match. Dubai's own Dimitri Pattal!

(Dimitri walks in a black and purple suit with a dubai flag colored handkerchief  in his sleeve pocket.)

Christy James- Hello Dimitri welcome to the UK

Dimitri- Thank You Christy I feel even colder being here. I'm already missing Dubai ha.

Christy James- Well get used to it because you have a long journey ahead. So how are you liking UK so far?

Dimitri- Well Christy.. all joking aside. The United Kingdom is beautiful. As each day goes by I love it more and more here. The opportunity, the people and the culture. Why I'm here is to simply process this and take it as a opportunity and go forward with this. Dubai is beautiful itself and I want to be able to transition that with the UK audience.

Christy James- there's a hungry locker room back there Dimitri what makes you so different why do you stand out from the rest?

Dimitri- I bring the freedom I bring the heart and the desire to do the best with this. I have the ambition and the will to win. I seen nothing but hardship and that to me is worser than losing a match. Failure is worser than losing a match. When you feel like a joke or not being take serious that hurts more. That negativity makes me stronger and influence me to bust my ass each and everyday.

(Dimitri pauses)

Dimitri- I learn in life that everything doesn't last for a long time. Nothing does. Not a 434 day reign or even a 295 day reign. It ends after while and it's all about the person who ends that and how that person is remembered. I want to be the one who is remembered from being big in this company. If I have to shed blood and sweat to get there I will!

(Dimitri pauses)

Dimitri- There is no question of doubt I will not make it to the top. I want to be able to showcase how dominate and how serious and how fierce I am. I'm fighting for alot of things. Children of Dubai, I want those kids to get a better education and food and clothes on their back.

(Dimitri pauses)

Dimitri- I'm fighting for someone who was my caretaker all my life. I grew up without parents. My caretaker raised me from when I was born to where I am at now. I am adopted. I know my parents died, my mother gave birth to me and died from causes. I was told this at a younger age. But to my mother who is resting in the sky watching over me. To my father who was shot and killed from a loan shark who is also dead. That type of hardship has been engraved in my life. And I have to live with this until the day I die.

(Dimitri pauses)

Dimitri- I am here in the United Kingdom because I want to better my life and I want to change. Not only change but for that little boy who's tired seeing all these stars and nobody from Indian to represent. I am that light and that hope! I am that knight in shining armor and I am that gift to this company. I am trendsending this company to new heights! And I will bulldoze my way to titles and to the top of this country!

Christy James- I'm invested. I'm amazed Dimitri.. wow I'm speechless.

Dimitri- I figured I get my life and put it out their on the table. I may laugh and I do joke alot but when it comes to a fight. If I'm fighting for my life I will give it my all.

Christy James- Now speaking of a fight you are in a triple threat match when you're opponents Brandon Perez and Chael Kingdom has already had some heated exchange of words and even brought you up. Do you have anything to say to those men?

Dimitri- It's funny you say that because I don't. I don't care or actually have anywords for those men. But what I do know a word and a action is completely different. Actions speak way louder than words. What I'm really concerned about is why you got people like Johnathan Daniels degrading the UK Championship or even The Forgotten holding all of the major titles in this company. Those men are my targets that's what I'm focused on. I want to make a stand and take out those forgotten members even if it means being beaten up or bruised up. As I said before everything don't last forever.

(Dimitri pauses)

Dimitri- Whether you're a double champion that comes to end as well. And when it does all you can remember how good you had it and the man who beat you. I may not soar into that title picture scene so soon. But I'm sure by the time my one year anniversary in 6CW rolls around please believe I will be a much better and a much stronger man than I was today!

Christy James- Well Dimitri I believe you will be nothing but excellent for this promotion. You have the heart Dimitri and I've seen alot of people come and go but Dimitri  think you'll stay here. This is your home now and the landscape has change. Who knows what a year can bring Dimitri but I think you have that drive.

Dimitri- It's 2015 it's time to change the game.

It's time to change 6CW.

(Scene Fades Away......)


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6CW Aftermath 14th September 2015 Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath 14th September 2015

Post by JJJohnson Fri 11 Sep 2015, 7:29 am

The following footage was filmed almost 6 hours after Beachfront Brawl and was later anomalously handed to 6CW Production.

As the camera zooms into a dark smoke drenched room, you hear the sound of a distinctive chuckle followed by several voices as Mr Jones laughs out of one side of his mouth as he carefully positions a cigar with the other as he slams two playing cards on the table...

Mr. Jones: “Double Aces Boys... Looks like I win again!”

As Mr Jones drags the poker chips to his side of the poker table, you hear a small bang on the club door. Suddenly the camera looses focus before Timothy Allen’s face covers the majority of the feed as he whispers angrily at the cameraman. The door is quickly booted off its hinges as multiple ‘Forgotten’ members force both Timothy Allen and the cameramen into the club house as Mr Jones remains calmly seated.

Blowing smoke into the face of Timothy Allen, Mr Jones asks “What can I do for you Timothy, was the success of tonight not enough for you?” As Timothy Allen stutters to get his words out, Mr Jones cuts across...

Mr Jones: “I’ll tell you what Timmy, seeing as I’ve fleeced these guys out of their money, I’m feeling in a generous mood. I’m going to allow you to do what you love doing and that’s poking your nose in everybody’s business. I’m going to allow you to ask me three questions and three questions only”

As Shategashira and Wakagashira both tighten their grip on Timothy Allan he turns in panic...

Timothy Allan: “Where the heck I am and are you guys going to hurt me?” Mr. Jones slowly rises to his feet and slowly walks over to Timothy. He places both hands across his shoulders

Mr. Jones: “Now Timmy, you need to calm yourself down. You just wasted two questions but to answer, you have found yourself at our little clubhouse and we have no intentions of hurting a backstage reporter”

Mr. Jones forces Timothy to sit down on an empty seat next to Rene Rouissmof and gets in his face

Mr.Jones “You have one final question Timmy; make sure you this one counts.”

Timothy Allan: “Are you ‘The Devil’ that The Forgotten have been hinting about these past few weeks?” Mr. Jones takes a step back as he looks on impressed with Timothy’s new found courage, as he’s about to answer the question Shategashira cuts in...

Shategashira: “You know how they say you have to sell your sole to the devil Timmy? Well let me tell you one thing for free, once you have joined the devil’s club, there’s no escape, there’s no way out.

As Timothy looks on in confusion Shategashira adds “When you have your eyes on the devil, you miss what’s right in front of you. Sometimes Timothy you have to watch out for the crow, the crow flies straight, in a perfect line... It will stalk its prey until it knows it’s time. Capturing the gold is just phrase one, we have much more planned for 6CW. We’ll see you real soon Timothy.”

Shategashira drags Timothy to his feet as he looks on visibly shaken. Rene Rouissmof stands and demands that Timothy should leave while he still has the chance as both quickly escape from the club house.


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6CW Aftermath 14th September 2015 Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath 14th September 2015

Post by aac101 Fri 11 Sep 2015, 1:20 pm

Timothy Alan is seen standing outside the arena, while Chael Kingdom walks into shot

TA: Chael, Chael, can I grab you for a moment? Dimitri Pittal has finally spoken and I'd like to know your thoughts.

CK: My thoughts? Well, lets just say I'm not too impressed. And to be completely honest, I'm not too hot on your colleague Christy James. To say myself and Perez have had heated words is a massive overstatement; I think we've mentioned each other a grand total of three times in three interviews. And then also to imply that I have bad-mouthed Dimitri...I implore you, go back, listen and watch every interview I have done since the Aftermath card was released, and you will see that I've been nothing but respectful to Dimitri and his abilities.
Now on the subject of Dimitri apparently not looking at either myself or Perez as any sort of competition is a bad, bad move. I'm not a great fan of Perez as a person, however you just look at his performance at Beachfront Brawl...he's not going to be a pushover. Neither am I. Dimitri, rather than looking at the Main Eventers as your targets, how about you look at the two roadblocks in your path come Monday. You better be prepared, I hope you don't get scared, when you are in the ring with me. Because, you may wrestle, but every day I FIGHT! And when it is all said an done, it will be one in the win column, one in the record books and one for THIS GUY!

Chael storms out of shot.

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6CW Aftermath 14th September 2015 Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath 14th September 2015

Post by DP Fri 11 Sep 2015, 5:17 pm

The scene opens to a dark figure, a clear sight of him obscured by the lack of natural light within the room. His face is obscured by a hood. As soon as the camera settles on the darkened face, the man slowly reaches for the hood pulling it back to reveal the face of the Grim Reaper emblazoned on a black mask. The skeletal face fits over that of the man underneath, exuding a sinister intent. The man begins to laugh. As he begins to speak his voice is muffled by the mask but in spite of that, it suggests weariness, tiredness... Discontent.

Reaper: Just when you think the score has been settled, that the odds are shortening, fate deals you a bitter, cruel hand.

That's the narrative that beset The Red Arrows in Brazil. Their hopes, their dreams, their belief that they could triumph, snatched away by the cold, cruel hands of the men that the world forgot.

Doesn't it hurt, Jack Hurst? Doesn't it sting, Robin Reborn? Doesn't it pain you when you realise that you suddenly face the cruel realisation that these people will soon forget you. After a while, these people will find new heroes, new champions and the name The Red Arrows will sink into the depths where it belongs.

There is a new wave taking over. One that is sick and tired of seeing the same recycled faces commanding the spotlight. This is a threat 6CW has never seen before and this is a terror that it will never recover from.

Keith Leone and the Red Arrows may think that they are the bastions of 6CW's hope, that they can settle this score. They are wrong.

Aftermath is the night that the era of the Forgotten begins, the night that 6CW is forced to embrace the Reaper, sit and marvel at the man the world forgot. I have spent too long sitting in the darkness, stewing in contempt, feeling a bitter rage brew inside me. Mr. Jones offered me the chance, the opportunity to unleash my anger at this world.

Through my actions, through my undoubted ability, there will be a sudden, hard realisation. A realisation, an ideology that will swarm through this company like the virus that The Forgotten is.

Five words.

You reap what you sew.

Reaper starts to laugh once more, pulling his hood back up, covering the skeletal face that is almost chilling in the half light. The scene fades to black.


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6CW Aftermath 14th September 2015 Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath 14th September 2015

Post by Bentyf1 Sun 13 Sep 2015, 10:08 pm

*Wembley arena is filled with rampant and excited 6CW fans, the most knowledgeable fans in the world making as much noise as humanly possible as the camera pans around the arena. The spotlights also marking out various groups of fans contributing the cacophony of noise. Suddenly, “Timehop baby” reverberates over Wembley arena as the fans go wild creating a wall of noise, mixed with cheers and boos, but mostly taunts. Suddenly a smirking and bemused, self-proclaimed prophet of 6CW, Aaron Heath makes his way onto the ramp. Sauntering onto the top of the ramp, Heath is clutching in his right hand a scruffy, crumpled piece of paper clipped onto a clipboard. Mocking Hulk Hogan, Heath riles the fans up which is massively mixed as he requests more noise from the fans. Heath is wearing his official new “It begins with me” t-shirt which is all black and the lettering is in emblazoned with golden thread mixed with white. He is also wearing his black wrestling warrior shorts and black wrestling boots. Soaking in the hate and adulation, Heath saunters down the ramp with a real spring in his step as he broadly smirks at the fans. The voices of the Lloyd brothers can then be heard just over the ferociously loud people in attendance.*

HA: This man… Aaron Heath, he has rapidly become one of 6CW’s most controversial stars in a matter of months. How highly do you rate this man, Henry?

HE: Everyone knows how good Heath is. I mean, as soon as he walked into this company, the man has had no fear. His tongue is as sharp as his wrestling skills however, he is a ticking timebomb… but with Heath, he can back it up.

HA: A cold, calculating, brooding anti-establishment figure is Aaron Heath… he’s coming off a big win from the Beachfront Brawl too.

HE: That’s right Harold, he is in possession of a opportunity which can propel Heath even further up the ladder towards his Destiny. And that Destiny is to become the new leader of what is being described as a new era of 6CW…

*Heath reaches the bottom of the ramp, the fans at opposite ends of the barrier don’t hold back, taunting Heath as he cricks his neck
and smiles sickly, shaking his head before sauntering towards the steel steps and towards the ring. Heath makes his way into the ring, he motions for a microphone to be passed to him which is quickly passed by the timekeeper. Heath paces the ring, cricking his neck to the side looking at the sea of fans who pass judgement loudly and ferociously. Heath finally sits down, folding his legs as he tosses the microphone in one hand and flaps the clipboard carrying a contract in the other. The music dies down as the crowd are largely split, some chanting “You’re the saviour” while others chant “You Suck” Heath strikes another smarmy smirk as he places the contract to the mat and raises the microphone to his lips.*

AH: I think a little bit of recapping is in order tonight folks… If you didn’t scrape enough money together to watch Beachfront brawl, which by the way I wouldn’t blame you with the current British government… But I digress. If you didn’t manage to catch Beachfront Brawl or have been living in a different dimension, you would have to be told that Aaron Heath defied the odds yet again and came up smelling of roses. Aaron Heath was victorious against four different guys and has obtained a contract.

*Heath picks up the contract to his side, raising it in the air defiantly as the crowd ratchet up the noise some more. Heath has a cold, calculating look in his eyes, an intensity so huge it’s almost palpable.*

AH: The way I see this, this contract represents the next rung of the ladder. This contract allows a hand grenade to be thrown into the championship mix. Three championships, Three champions…. Thunder, Jonathan Daniels and Ryker Kidd. Who’s it going to be folks…well you see, I’m going to let you into a little secret right here right now. These champions… aren’t really champions.

*Slamming the contract down to the floor, the fans look confused as Heath straightens his back, cricking his neck once again and then stares out to the audience with the microphone raised to his lips.*

AH: These three guys… they may believe they are champions because they hold solid championship gold. There is no problem with that but if you ask anyone of them one simple question, looking into their eyes and their very souls you will get your answer. And that question is, are they worthy to be known as champions? These champions are paper champion’s folks. You look at their very essence and you know, they are living a lie. Gold defines them, but I see right through it. Deep down in their souls, they know they aren't good enough. Chancers, frauds… the list is endless. And in the cold hard light of day, I know I could beat them in any environment, any stipulation and in any condition.

*The crowd continue to go wild with massive reactions, Wembley arena has quickly become a cauldron of noise as fans continue to chant and boo with many smart phones filming Aaron Heath and taking photos.*

AH: It’s funny to me however, that you people chant my name and proclaim me your saviour but I also find it ironic that the very same people will throw merchandise in front of my face, of other wrestlers in this company and expect me to signing it. Haven’t you people been listening to a word I have said? Evidently not, and that is why unfortunately I count you all in the same category as Ryker Kidd, Thunder and Jonathan Daniels. You’re all living a lie… and it pains me it really does.

AH: For the past decade, I have always wanted to become a saviour. A prophet if you will… and it’s funny because all I really need to do that is what I’m holding right now, and that is this little microphone. In the past decade, I have been all over the world… however, 6CW is the place that needs saving the most. Saving from this clearly evident delusion and clearly evident frauds claiming their champions. And more to the point, my Voice has become so prominent already in 6CW that I can’t check twitter without receiving a message from little billy sat in row T saying I suck over and over again.

*Heath stands up, to a further electric reaction as the crowd continue to either bay for blood or chant “You’re the saviour” Heath smirks as he raises the microphone to his lips once again.*

AH: It’s time that you people and the roster in the back see me for what and who Aaron Heath is, and that is the hottest property in this industry today. And a prime example of this was Beachfront Brawl and that controversial ending… I single handily made 6CW reach new levels of social exposure that it has never reached before. The real world was talking about that, from Great Britain to Australia to even little old Timbuktu. I have allowed 6CW to flourish on YouTube, Twitter and Facebook… you can see me Powerbomb
Hero over and over again if you so wish or watch me win this little beauty.

*Heath sits down once more, an evil smile crosses the self-proclaimed saviour of 6CW’s face.*

AH: Brits are what is wrong with Britain. You people want me to fail and fall to my knees because of your spite and jealously. You people want me to fail because I’m the one who isn’t afraid to back down and speak his mind and I was the one who got everything and still today that has not changed. And it will never change.

AH: I’m more successful than you people, I’m richer than you people, I’m more attractive than you people and what makes you all mad is that I have a backbone. The whole 6CW world is against me, and what makes you classless, mindless sheep even madder is that I will not beg or ask for anything. You can knock me down, push me down, you can assault me in this ring but what makes you people spite me is that I will keep getting up time and time again. Despite all that, I will come back stronger and more successful.

AH: That is what I have done my whole life and that is why you people despise me. I was raised by a man with a backbone, so I therefore have a backbone. I always wondered why you people have come to hate me and now it hits me as clear as daylight. I represent everything you are not. I’m strong, tough and smart. Three traits which I could add to which everyone in this single arena in London is not. That is what is wrong with this crumbling nation… people like each and every one of you.

AH: The British tabloids, Sky, BBC News…. They are all interested in one person and that is me. I’m of the rarest entities… I’m of the rarest breed. And that alienates you all. I have even had people like Piers Morgan calling my phone to ask about my story to prominence. But I don’t give people like that the satisfaction… no it’s too easy. The way I see it this story is far from finished. If anything this story is just getting started.

AH: As far as tonight goes… you people don’t deserve it but you will truly see a wrestling masterclass. Hero and Jonathan Daniels… Men that represents people like you, the ordinary Joe of Great Britain. Hero and I already have a chapter or two… but I sense deep down, Hero want’s another shot at me and that is okay. Because I’m willing to give this guy another shot at me and he gets that tonight.

AH: Jonathan Daniels, represents almost the final stand of you common people and criminals. Yes, I’m talking about those that snuck in under the nose of the 6CW security staff. And Yes, I’m talking about those who have the best intentions yet find themselves on the wrong side of the law. Jonathan Daniels aswell as Hero will feel the wrath of the prophet tonight… I suggest you all watch as this saviour of 6CW saves two stars who needs saving from themselves. Tonight, Aaron Heath continues his rapid assault towards his Destiny and the culmination of a decades work. Aaron Heath will save 6CW from itself.

*Timehop Baby roars over the soundsystem as Heath Stands to the crowd and mockingly bows, as the fans continue to chant his name or boo violently and ferociously. Heath grabs the clipboard and arrogantly salutes the fans as he exits the ring and makes his way up the ramp with a evil grin. The scene fades away as Heath turns his back on the 6CW cauldron and makes his way back into the backstage area.*


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6CW Aftermath 14th September 2015 Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath 14th September 2015

Post by x12x Mon 14 Sep 2015, 11:04 am

Our scene opens in the Power 5 studios, as always we are met by the beautiful host CJ Holmes with a huge screen behind her that reads “Latest rumours”. CJ smiles before speaking to the camera

CJ: Just hours to go until 6CW makes it's return home for 6CW Aftermath and nothing has been heard from one it's biggest stars...after 6CW's latest trip to Brazil is there trouble in paradise?

The crew behind the camera laugh as CJ cringes as her own joke, the titles for The Power 5's rumour mill begin to run with text on the screen reminding the viewers that Power 5 has no real links to 6CW so all rumours are just that until proven true. As we return CJ is now sat behind the Power 5 desk, this week she is wearing the new Dicey Reilly t-shirt.

CJ: Long running fans of 6CW may remember last year when a certain member of the roster went AWOL for a few weeks with some believing he'd be gone for good...well it seems that lightning can indeed strike twice as Liam Wood has once again gone silent.

The screen behind CJ plays footage of Wood's last match which saw Mike Masters win the Key To The Kingdom, it shows the biggest moments including the moment that saw Liam Wood left down, out and able to compete anymore at the hands of Dicey Reilly. CJ speaks as the footage loops in the background

CJ: That's right...Mr EWF...One of the most unpredictable men in the company at the moment has disappeared and not been heard of since the end of Beachfront Brawl with all of his social media staying silent too despite Dicey Reilly attempting to call out his new found rival.

With Wood giving the 6CW Universe the silent treatment and the former superstar of the year not booked to appear on tonight's show the rumours have inevitably begun to surface with some saying that Wood's time at the company may have come to an end with the temperamental superstar leaving after another big match defeat...I guess only time will tell.

CJ stands up and moves around the desk, moving towards the camera

CJ: What ever the reason for Wood's silence, tonight we will get a few answers...will the World Eater rise or run?


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