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6CW Aftermath - Monday 14th September RESULTS

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6CW Aftermath - Monday 14th September RESULTS Empty 6CW Aftermath - Monday 14th September RESULTS

Post by Paul Mac 6CW Mon 14 Sep 2015, 9:38 pm

*The 6CW logo appears on the blank screen, as “Here Comes the Boom” by P.O.D kicks in. The crowd leaps to their feet, and erupt in a chorus of noise as blue, white, and yellow pyrotechnics display goes off. As the camera pans around the sold out 6CW arena across the thousands in attendance the voice of Harold Lloyd can be heard

HA: Ladies and gentlemen we are just two weeks removed from what was one of the most shocking pay per view conclusions of all time.....the landscape of 6CW has been completely altered and we still do not know exactly where we stand...

HE: Two weeks of speculation.....nobody knows where the power in this company lies but I'm sure sooner or later we are going to get some answers...

"Above the law" plays out to boos from the 6CW crowd. Dean Andrews, still unshaven and unkempt, is joined by a very jovial Charles Kramer and they make their way down towards the ringside area. Andrews looks sullen and unhappy whilst Kramer beams around at the masses.

HA: Quite an unexpected start to proceedings...

HE: Well somebody needs to set the record straight...

Charles Kramer is walking around the ring and trying to settle the crowd but this only riles them more, the boos growing louder and louder. Dean Andrews looks as though he would rather be anywhere else in the world as Kramer accepts a microphone from the ring announcer.

Kramer: Good evening ladies and gentlemen!

Crowd: A55hole x20

HA: Charles Kramer hearing exactly what the 6CW Universe thinks of him...

Kramer: Two weeks ago at the Beachfront Brawl pay per view we witnessed a dynamic shift in this company. We crowned two new world champions in the space of five minutes and the faction known as "The Forgotten" took control of the two most prized possessions that 6CW owns.

HE: It was a monumental occasion...

Kramer: With the unfortunate injuries to former owner; Daniel Magnusson, it has been impossible for any authority to exercise control over this band of degenerates. In the last couple of months, in my role as advisor to the Board of Directors, I was charged with the task of finding someone with the power and influence to ensure that 6CW continues to prosper in the face of adversity...

HE: Is Kramer saying he's found a backer to fight against The Forgotten?

HA: I'm not exactly sure what he's saying....

Kramer: Dean Andrews is a born leader however his hands have been tied from the outset due to the fact he was not sole owner of this company. Now that the Magnusson shares have been discontinued, the throne is now vacant.....ready for a new leader...

*Dean Andrews steps forwards and begins to raise his arm to accept the microphone from Charles Kramer

Kramer: However that man is not Dean Andrews!

HA: What?

HE: I thought it was a done deal?

Kramer: After much deliberation, Dean has decided that he is not the man to lead 6CW into the future. He believes his efforts will be much better served behind the scenes....isn't that right, Dean?

*Andrews looks at Kramer with the deepest loathing. Kramer smiles and continues

Kramer: No; 6CW needs a man who is not afraid to make tough decisions....a man who can handle the egos of the 6CW lockeroom and a man that when the chips are down can rule with an iron fist. We need a man who can exercise control over The Forgotten and their chaotic ways.....we need a man who can make the rest of the 6CW fall in line with the regime planned out...The ink is dry on the contract and it gives me great pleasure to announce to you the new owner of 6CW....

HE: Who is it going to be?


*The boos are in danger of taking the roof off Wembley Arena as "Riot" booms through the speakers and Mr Jones walks out onto the stage. He has a broad grin on his face, enjoying the fans' reaction, and slowly he is flanked by the Mike Masters, Joshua and the remaining five members of The Forgotten.

HA: This has to be some kind of a sick joke?

HE: Brilliant....

*Charles Kramer is applauding whilst Dean Andrews looks visibly sick by what he is witnessing. Jones leads his crew to the ring and slowly they begin to climb up inside. Kramer nods at Jones, who smiles back, and then hands him the microphone.

Crowd: This is bull(beep) x20

HE: Show some respect for your new leader....

HA: Fat chance...

Jones: Surprise!

*More boos and Jones laughs. Mike Masters, dressed in a brand new designer suit, is grinning whilst Joshua and the rest of The Forgotten look as menacing as ever.

Jones: Please don't tell me that you actually believed that I was finished? Did you really believe that after I lost everything that I would just crawl under a rock and accept it? I guess you all must have Forgotten...

HE: I never doubted he would return to power...

Jones: For months I have planted seeds.....I have watched them grow as I sewed them together behind your backs.....I have worked meticulously for this moment.......pulling the strings.....some may call me the "Puppet Master"....

*Jones turns to Joshua, who bows his head in acceptance of his leader

Jones: Like any good illusionist I showed you what was in my hands.....but I never revealed what was up my sleeve....misdirection and total control.....and you fell for it hook, ,line and sinker!

HA: I can't believe what we are hearing....

Jones: Whilst you all cried into your popcorn at the mind games I played with Liam Wood, you did not pay attention to the warning signs, the hints and the clues that pointed towards my allegiance with the power that was growing inside of this company.....

You really believe that my end game was converting the emo child with a bad attitude? I vowed a long time ago I would get even with Liam Wood for what he did to me but he was merely a sideshow to the main event....and whilst you watched me torture him, you missed me designing the most dangerous force this company has ever seen....

*The cameras pan around The Forgotten

Jones: I'll never forget the way I was unceremoniously dumped from this company.....thrown out like a wastrel by Dean Andrews and Daniel Magnusson, not one shred of thanks for putting this company back on the map.....that very night I made a promise to myself that I would not rest until I took control back.....and I would do it by any goddamn means necessary....

HA: This guy is a lunatic...

HE: He is a genius.....he masterminded this whole thing....

Jones: I searched the globe, every corner of it, for men who have been wronged by the who have been pillaged and raped for their abilities and their talent...given nothing in who craved revenge on those who wronged them....

*Jones walks up to one of the Forgotten and he yanks down his bandana, revealing Jimmy Phillips.

Jones: 6'4, 260 pounds....Jimmy Phillips is the perfect athlete. He has all the God given talent in the world.....he is any promoter's dream. But his face did not fit....first on the football field and then as a professional wrestler. He was overlooked time and time again for men who kissed a55 a whole lot better than he did.....they weren't as skilful as he but they played the I have given this man a platform on which he can realise his dreams.....he can show those who doubted him exactly what he is capable of....

*Jones moves on to the man known as Kyodai. He pulls down his balaclava to reveal a dark skinned, muscular man with a fierce face. The fans take a few moments to drink in his appearance and then there are some audible gasps.

Jones: Yes, ladies and gentlemen feast your eyes upon this man......I know you have all forgotten him but I promise you that I never did.......I give you TYSON ARMSTRONG!

HE: Wasn't he 6WF World Champion?

HA: He most certainly was...

Jones: An unstoppable human demolition ball who ploughed his way through the 6WF roster and destroyed everything in his path.....month after month he went undefeated, crushing everything in sight....finally capturing the Heavyweight Championship of the world at their flagship event......but an injury curtailed what promised to be the greatest championship reign that company had ever seen.....and do you know what happened then? You turned your back on him....

*The crowd boo furiously

Jones: You threw him on the scrap heap and didn't blink an didn't even consider his return, you moved on to the next big thing and Tyson's contract was cut.....years he has waited for an opportunity of retribution on the industry that ruined his life, that sucked him dry and when it had had enough of him it hung him out to he's back and he has the ways and means in which to make you all regret the day you turned him away....

*Jones moves on and stops next to the 6CW Tag Team Champions, Wakagashira and Shategashira. He grabs their bandanas and wrenches them down.

Jones: Hokori......another man who has been cast into the shadows by those less talented and yet more media friendly than he. Arguably the greatest talent to ever be born in the Land of the Rising Sun and yet due to his violent nature he was never allowed the opportunity to grace the halls of the Japanese greats.....I sought him out, I explained my crusade and he immediately accepted my offer......I have given him the chance he has always craved, to demonstrate his unrivalled skills and attributes on a grand stage....and within months he has captured championship gold.....I know his name will never be forgotten again....

*Hokori bows at Jones

Jones: And I know this man's face will be familiar to many....they call him the "Complete Package" but I call him "violence personified".....Austin Stevens is a man who has no boundaries.....he exists in order to create chaos and destruction wherever he every great army there must be men who are willing to go that extra mile and here is ours....Austin Stevens has been cast from company to company due to his extreme nature.....pushing the limits of acceptability....but I have promised Austin a whole new level and brand of terror......being one half of the tag team champions will only quell his thirst for the time being......I'm afraid many who challenge us will feel his wrath...

*Stevens glares into the camera with a fierce expression. He then pauses next to the man with the Grim Reaper mask.

Jones: Ah yes......The Reaper....

*The Reaper makes to take off his mask but Jones places a hand on his shoulder and shakes his head

Jones: I think we'll wait with this one.......they will not believe it when they first see and I really like to keep at least one of my eggs in the basket. Let's just say that this may be the greatest achievement of my search.....I looked for a man with power and the drive to prove himself once again.....this is a man who has seen it all and he has done it all....but leading us into complete control may be his greatest ever accolade....

*The rest of The Forgotten smile as the Reaper nods his head at Jones. Jones then pauses in front of Mike Masters and Joshua

Jones: The jewels of any crown....the EWF & 6CW World Heavyweight Champions......Mike Masters....well what can I say. Our relationship has been a fruitful one and although many doubted us....look where we stand now. I saw in Mike the ability to succeed at the very highest level.....all he needed was the right push in the right direction. This company has criminally underutilised him.....a man who has stolen the show week after week and month after month since the doors re-opened.....instead they offered the limelight to media darlings such as Nate Nack & GazzyD....overlooking a man who had every tool to put 6CW head and shoulders above the competition.....Mike had a point to prove and at Beachfront Brawl he proved it.....finally he is exactly where he belongs....

*Masters laughs off the boos as he hugs Jones and then lifts the EWF Championship into the air. Jones pats him on the back and then turns to Joshua.

Jones: And what can I say.....the man of whom they claimed that nobody could ever have a connection with.....I do not pretend this was an easy alliance, I do not pretend that we do not have moments of difficulty even now....however Joshua is a man.....he may be a devastating wrecking machine with an inhuman pain threshold but strip it all away and here exists a man with emotions......a man whom society has let down, has shunned and cast asunder....a man who has been forced to live his life in solitude because he was told he did not belong...

But he does belong.....he belongs with us......he has never known a family and even now he does not fully understand or recognise why we treat him with respect and loyalty but he does acknowledge that we share common goals and interests.....he appreciates the connection that binds us....

*Jones stares into Joshua's face

Jones: Each and every single one of us has been wronged......mocked and vilified....we have been forgotten by those who choose to believe they know better....but I promise you that we will be FORGOTTEN NO MORE!

*Huge boos from the audience

Jones: We have the power now.....we have you will beg us for forgiveness, you will get down on your knees and you will plead for our acceptance and understanding....

And you will be damn lucky if we give it to you!

*Jones is facing the camera and his features are ablaze with emotion

Jones: Control of this company escaped me once but I'll be damned if it ever happens again. I am putting this entire industry on will fall in line and you will respect my authority or else you will pay the most severe of penalties....

Anybody who chooses to continue to try and defy my reign....who challenges what I have built is in for the rudest of awakenings......because now I answer to nobody and I jump through hoops for no man...

Stand against me and I promise you I will make your life a living hell!

HE: I can feel the electricity from here....

HA: 6CW is in serious God I don't think we've ever been in so much trouble....

HE: Mr Jones is back in charge and he has built an army fit for purpose.......I think those who have been opposing The Forgotten should maybe re-think their stance now....

*Mr Jones stares at Charles Kramer, who is smiling and nodding, and then at Dean Andrews, whose head is bowed to his feet. He then turns to face his army once again as the scene comes to an end and the show goes to its first commercial break

Last edited by Paul Mac 6CW on Mon 14 Sep 2015, 11:14 pm; edited 1 time in total

Paul Mac 6CW
6CW Creative

Posts : 6474
Join date : 2011-01-26
Age : 44
Location : Born in Surrey, live near Sunderland and work in London

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6CW Aftermath - Monday 14th September RESULTS Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath - Monday 14th September RESULTS

Post by Paul Mac 6CW Mon 14 Sep 2015, 9:39 pm

Match 1
Alpha Wolves vs. ???

HA: Next up we see a return to 6CW for the Wolf Brothers Jesse and Brandon...last time out we saw them put on a showcase against the team of Molly Coddle and Percy Percival...

HE: It's hardly a big win Brother, let's not get too excited!

HA: Molly and Percy might not be the biggest team in the world but you can only beat who's put in front of you and they did that well...let's hope their ready to face their mystery opponent here tonight!

The crowd cheer as the lights dim and ice blue pyros illuminate the stage as Brandon and Jesse Wolf make their entrances. Jesse eats up the applause of the crowd and really plays up to them and the cameras whilst Brandon shakes his head and follows his brother down the ramp to the ring. They interact with the fans in their own ways before climbing inside.

HA: The Alpha Wolves are clearly building up a following here in 6CW, listen to that reaction for this new team!

HE: This crowd are fickle...if they don't impress here tonight then that support could be gone before it had a chance to really kick off!

Brandon rests up against the ropes and relaxes whilst Jesse climbs the four turnbuckles in turn and continues to milk the ovation.

HE: It looks like Jesse and Brandon have company!

HA: Who the hell is that?!

The crowd boo as both Jesse and Brandon are attacked by two hooded men who quickly toss the wolf brothers from the ring. The crowd continue to boo as the men remove their hoods revealing their identities causing the reaction to mix a little.

HA: Who let them back in the building?!

HE: Now that is the way to make a comeback

The Wolf Brothers stand back up on the outside and look up at AJ Harvey and Sohail “S.R.A” Ahmed AKA Glasgow's Most Wanted. Jesse and Brandon quickly slide back in to the ring and begin to trade lefts and rights with Glasgow's Most Wanted with both teams standing their ground. Harvey lands a knee to Jesse and throws him in to the corner as SRA and Brandon roll from the ring allowing the ref to call for the bell.

HA: GMW are back and challenging The Alpha Wolves perfect start!

HE: AJ Harvey is looking to put little brother away quickly!

Harvey charges at the turnbuckle looking to land a splash on Jesse only for Jesse to leap frog on to the apron before landing an elbow to Harvey sending him stumbling back in to the ring. The crowds cheers go crazy as Jesse reacts quickly using the ropes to springboard in to the ring, hitting a huge missile drop kick that sends Harvey flying in to the opposite turnbuckle.

HA: Jesse is picking up the pace for the brothers...and now it's big brother's turn!

Jesse quickly charges in with double knees making the tag to Brandon as he does, the pair then drag harvey from the corner hitting a big double suplex allowing Brandon to make the cover


HE: AJ Harvey has still got life in him...he needs to make a tag though!

HA: I think Brandon will have other plans!

Brandon Wolf quickly drags Harvey up, landing a knee and once again dragging Harvey to the corner. The Alpha Wolves make the tag with Jesse climbing to the top, Brandon pulls Harvey towards the middle of the ring before landing a back breaker holding AJ in place

HA: Jesse is about to fly! What a leg drop!

As Jesse hits the leg drop to Harvey as he's draped over Brandon's knee he makes the cover



HE: SRA making the save!

HA: Jesse and Brandon don't look happy!

Both Brandon and Jesse react quickly throwing SRA from the ring before turning their attention to Harvey, the Wolf brothers whip him off the ropes but he's able to duck a double clothesline attempt before coming back with a clothesline of his own that takes down both Jesse and Brandon with Brandon rolling from the ring.

HE: AJ Harvey is fighting back for his team and the reaction is picking up for Glasgow's Most Wanted!

HA: History can do a lot of things!

Harvey quickly dives to his corner but is met with nobody as SRA is still down after colliding with the guard rail. As AJ turns around Jesse is hot on his tail but the Scot is able to get his knee's up sending Jesse back in to the middle of the ring. Harvey follows up landing a knee to the gut

HE: Powerbomb!

HA: NO! What a reversal but AJ is safe!

Harvey looks for the powerbomb but Jesse is able to reverse with a hurricanrana which sends him over to his own corner allowing SRA to make the tag. SRA runs in quickly hitting a shot to the back of Jesse taking him down before knocking Brandon off the apron.

HE: SRA has changed the momentum...GMW are now in control!

HA: He now has Jesse in his sights! This won't be good for The younger Wolf.

As Jesse gets up SRA hits a superkick to the kneeling superstar before making the cover

…...NO! Close call!

SRA pulls Jesse up landing a hip toss before landing a leg drop across the throat and making another cover but Jesse kicks out straight away causing the crowd to cheer for the Alpha Wolves. SRA pulls Jesse up who quickly lands a right hook before ducking a haymaker. Jesse continues to land strikes before landing a brilliant dragon whip kick that leaves SRA almost out on his feet.

HA: and just like that the Wolf Brother's are back in control

HE: You were saying!

HA: Yeah! I was...

The crowds cheers hit the roof as AJ Harvey charges back in the ring looking for a bullhammer right hand only for Jesse to duck it before hitting the 68'd Full Nelson Gutbuster leaving Harvey to roll from the ring. Jesse quickly gets back to his feet and turns to SRA but SRA reacts faster and is able to stop Jesse's momentum landing a kick to the gut...


HE: GSM have this?!

HA: Why isn't the ref counting?!

As SRA makes the cover the ref shakes his head causing SRA to argue before the ref reveals a tag was made.


HE: Those cheats! How is this fair?!




The crowd cheers as the replay shows the moment that Brandon made the blind tag for the Alpha Wolves before showing SRA taking a huge Brogue Kick from Brandon. As we return to the ring Brandon is helping Jesse back to his feet as the two celebrate.

Last edited by Paul Mac 6CW on Mon 14 Sep 2015, 9:45 pm; edited 1 time in total

Paul Mac 6CW
6CW Creative

Posts : 6474
Join date : 2011-01-26
Age : 44
Location : Born in Surrey, live near Sunderland and work in London

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6CW Aftermath - Monday 14th September RESULTS Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath - Monday 14th September RESULTS

Post by Paul Mac 6CW Mon 14 Sep 2015, 9:40 pm

We head backstage and are met by the beautiful Miss Jessica who is stood outside the dressing room of Lex Hart on her phone, as she sends a text a figure strolls past before stopping in its tracks

???: Excuse me but do you believe in love at first sight...or do you want me to walk past again?

* Jessica looks up with a mixed look of confusion and disgust as she sees Brandon Perez stood their eyeing her up

MJ: Excuse me?!

* Brandon leans against the wall getting in close to Jessica who continues to look confused as to what Brandon is doing

MJ: Who are you and why are you talking to me?

BP: Hi Jessica I'm Brandon Perez...I used to be an actor but now I'm a's my only my second match tonight actually...

* Jessica continues to look disinterested with Perez' advances

MJ: An actor? come I've never heard of you then?

BP: Well let's just say my final film “???” didn't quite have a red carpet premiere and you're probably too much of a good girl to have seen it...I'm sure we can change that though.

* Jessica seems to smile for a second from the remark but quickly shakes her head

BP: We've got a bit of time before my match actually, I'm sure I've got a copy of it on the Bang Bus...or we could make one of our own?!

* Jessica looks insulted at first but as the figure of Lex Hart appears behind Brandon she puts a little smile on her face, looking right at Lex who grits his teeth

LH: Can I help you?

* Brandon glances over his shoulder for a second before returning his attention to Jessica

BP: No we're about letting me take you out tonight after my match...I'll dedicate it to you

MJ: While that is a lovely offer Brandon I feel like my boyfriend might have a few things to say about your little offer...

BP: He doesn't have to know...

* Brandon winks causing Lex to tap him on the shoulder

LH: Too late...I think its best you leave before I cut your career short...

* Brandon continues to look at Jessica, ignoring Lex to his annoyance

BP: I need to go get ready was nice meeting you Jessica; call me if you change your mind?

* Brandon hands Jessica a card and walks away with a smirk on his face causing Lex to pull the card away, throwing it on the ground putting a smile on Miss Jessica's face

MJ: No need to get jealous Lex...

LH: I don't get jealous...don't be stupid.

* Lex shakes his head before walking away leaving Jessica with a pleased look on her face.

Paul Mac 6CW
6CW Creative

Posts : 6474
Join date : 2011-01-26
Age : 44
Location : Born in Surrey, live near Sunderland and work in London

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6CW Aftermath - Monday 14th September RESULTS Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath - Monday 14th September RESULTS

Post by Paul Mac 6CW Mon 14 Sep 2015, 9:42 pm

Match 2
Dimitri Pittal vs. Brandon Perez vs. Chael Kingdom

HA: Can't argue with this next contest that has been ordered by Mr Jones here tonight......a triple threat match between 6CW's three newest talent acquisitions...

HE: About time you gave some respect.....Mr Jones is a fair man and he is giving these three men an opportunity to prove themselves on a big stage...

"Smooth" plays out and the arena is basked in a pale pink glow. Brandon Perez swaggers onto the stage, surrounded by his gleeful entourage, and he gyrates his hips in time to the music. Perez leads his groupies to the ring, stopping to flirt with female audience members as he does so...

HA: Brandon Perez made his in ring debut at Beachfront Brawl.....he may not have been victorious two weeks ago but he showed that he has far more ability than his playful demeanour may suggest......

HE: He's a circus act.....but he amuses me so I won't complain...

Perez continues to groove with his entourage before he climbs up into the ring and poses on the turnbuckle. He winks into the camera and thrusts his crotch towards the lens before "Keep it real" echoes out to a friendly reaction from the crowd. Dimitri Pittal walks onto the stage with a focused look on his face...

HA: We don't know a whole lot about Dimitri Pittal but he comes to 6CW with a big following from India......many who know him regard him as the greatest professional wrestler from that region....I am very much looking forward to seeing him in action....

HE: As long as he stays on the right side of Mr Jones he could have a big future....

Pittal removes his t-shirt and hands it to a fan in the front row before climbing up into the ring. He does not pay much attention to Perez's antics as they await the final competitor. Strobe lights begin to whirl around the arena as "Sin and Bone" booms through the speakers.

HA: This man has made quite a stir since he signed his 6CW contract....

HE: He's got a big mouth....I sure hope he can back up his words.....

HA: Chael Kingdom is certainly a confident athlete and he's walking in here after gaining some supporters in the last couple of weeks....

Kingdom makes his way onto the stage wearing a zipped up hoody. He scans the arena and nods his head before making his way down the ramp. The fans are cheering as he removes his hoody and places a gumshield in his mouth. Kingdom punches himself in the chin and lets out a yell before clambering into the ring....

HA: Kingdom is a self-proclaimed "fighter"....he thrives on competition....

HE: Well he's come to the right place because there is not a more competitive roster in the world than the 6CW one....

The referee gives his final instructions to Perez, Pittal and Kingdom before backing away and signalling for the bell to start the contest. Perez dances around the ring and he attempts to get his opponents to join in....Pittal just smiles at Perez but Kingdom shakes his head and drops Perez with a big right hand...

HA: Chael Kingdom is not in a dancing mood...

Kingdom drags Perez back up and he chucks him through the ropes to the outside before rounding on Pittal and beckoning for him to come and fight. Pittal nods his head and walks forward, entering into a lockup with Kingdom in the centre of the ring....

HA: Kingdom starting this match like he means business....

Kingdom pulls Pittal into a quick side headlock but Pittal bounces back against the ropes and shoves his opponent across the ring. Chael returns and drops his foe with a shoulder tackle and then he welcomes him back up and launches him back to the deck with a hiptoss. Pittal tries to get up but Kingdom grabs his head and tucks it under his arm as he drops backwards to the floor....

HE: Kingdom looking for a guillotine style choke here....

HA: Bringing his MMA background into play....

Pittal looks as though he could be in trouble but Brandon Perez returns to the fold and he dives into a low dropkick that smashes Kingdom in the back of the head. Perez grabs Kingdom and he nails him with a European uppercut before looking for an Irish whip....Chael reverses it and sends Perez across the ring...

HA: Brilliant belly to belly suplex!

Kingdom launches Perez over his head as he returns. He then beckons him back up and he grips him around the waist before launching him into a huge German suplex................1..........................2....................shoulder up. Kingdom gets back to his feet and he lands a big hook to Pittal's body and then whips him into the corner...

HE: Kingdom has started this match like a house on fire....

HA: Not bad for a wrestling novice....

Chael darts in after his opponent but Pittal drives out with his elbow pointed and catches Kingdom in the jaw. Kingdom staggers backwards and Pittal storms towards him with a brutal looking kick (sick kick) right to the face...
..........shoulder up!

HE: Kingdom did well to kick out there....

HA: That kick looked like it may have knocked him out....

Kingdom staggers back up to his feet and Pittal scoops him onto his shoulders before dropping him on his head with a crunching death valley driver....................1........................2......................Perez breaks up the fall.

HA: I think Pittal might have had that match sewn up there....

Perez pulls Pittal back up and he lashes chops against his chest and then looks for an Irish whip. Pittal turns inside and drags Perez towards him but BP surprises his opponent with a sharp kick to the stomach and then drops him with a DDT...................1.........................2..............shoulder up!

HE: These guys put on a show tonight and they continue to impress then maybe Mr Jones can find them a spot in his new army...

HA: I think these men would be better served following their own paths instead of selling their soul to the devil...

Perez grabs Pittal's arm and tries to roll him over into a cross armbreaker but Pittal rolls right through and onto his feet again. Perez charges at him but Pittal sidesteps and sends his foe against the turnbuckle before pulling him back and he drills him with a sickening backdrop suplex....

HA: Perez landed right on his head there....


Paul Mac 6CW
6CW Creative

Posts : 6474
Join date : 2011-01-26
Age : 44
Location : Born in Surrey, live near Sunderland and work in London

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6CW Aftermath - Monday 14th September RESULTS Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath - Monday 14th September RESULTS

Post by Paul Mac 6CW Mon 14 Sep 2015, 9:46 pm

.........Kingdom pulls Pittal off of the cover and applies an anklelock in the centre of the ring....

HE: That is what Kingdom can do....he's had the training....

HA: He was a 15-1 professional cage fighter....he knows how to fight....

Pittal yells out in pain and tries to frantically crawl for the ropes but Kingdom drags him back to the centre and applies the hold with serious venom. The referee is bent down and asking Pittal if he wishes to quit....

HA: This would be a huge statement of intent from Chael Kingdom on his debut here in 6CW....

Pittal has perspiration running down his head as he reaches for the ropes once more, trying to ignore the agony in his ankle. Chael Kingdom continues to press him his advantage and the end looks imminent....

HE: Pittal is going to quit....

Brandon Perez staggers back up, still dazed, and he grabs the back of Kingdom's head and drops him with a neckbreaker....

HA: I'm not sure Brandon Perez even knew what he was doing there....but he has kept this match alive...

Pittal rolls from the ring and tries to regain the feeling in his ankle as Kingdom and Perez get back to their feet. Perez boots Kingdom in the stomach and then he succeeds in scooping him up and nails him with a shoulder breaker. He leaps into the air and drives a double foot stomp down into Kingdom's left arm before seizing him by the wrist and rolling forwards...

HE: He calls this Sex Panther!

It is Kingdom's turn to yell out in pain as Perez applies the cross-armbreaker to great effect. The referee is quickly on the scene and asking of Chael wishes to quit....

HA: He's faced tough moments like before in his career....

HE: He knows the dangers of submissions.....he may be wise to tap out here and fight another day....

Kingdom is wriggling desperately and looking for a way out but Perez has the hold locked in tight. He really pulls back on the arm of his foe and pushes the elbow joint to a horrible angle...

HA: That arm could just snap at any moment....

Kingdom seems to be weighing up his options when he finds the bottom rope with the heel of his boot. Perez looks disappointed but he releases the hold upon the referee's orders...

HE: Perez really thought he had him there....

HA: He still has a weakened opponent and he should try to capitalise on that....

Perez's entourage are willing him on and he nods his head before clambering to his feet. He looks out to the crowd and yells "WHO WANTS A MOUSTACHE RIDE?"...

HA: Perez look for a finish it seems...

His entourage are dancing around the outside as he grabs Chael Kingdom by the head and drags him up. He then flips him up onto his shoulders...

HE: Here we go...

Kingdom fires down rapid punches into the head of Perez, who wobbles off balance, and then jumps off his back. Dimitri Pittal clambers back into the ring and looks for a running clothesline but Kingdom ducks it and runs off the ropes himself before returning with a spinning heel kick.....Pittal gets back up and Kingdom scores with a T-bone suplex....................1.........................2..............shoulder up!

HA: All three men giving a really good account of themselves here....

Kingdom gets back to his feet and he pulls Pittal up and aims for a fisherman's suplex. Pittal tries to hold firm and it allows Brandon Perez to storm in from behind and launch Kingdom into a full nelson suplex. Perez gets back up and he dropkicks Pittal into the corner and then runs him into a bulldog. Pittal tries to get up but Perez is straight on him with fierce martial arts kicks to the chest (ala Daniel Bryan)....

HE: Perez really leaving an impression on Pittal's chest here....

After five kicks to the chest Perez pulls his leg right back and swings for the head but Pittal catches his leg and then swipes his other....

HA: Sharpshooter!

Perez thrashes from side to side and then manages to reach up and grab Pittal's head, pulling him down into an inside cradle.............................1....................................2.................shoulder up. They scramble back up and Pittal misses wildly with a clothesline, allowing Perez to lift him into an electric chair position....

HE: F.A.C!

Perez looks to drop Pittal out into the explosive German suplex but Pittal leaps off the back of Perez's shoulders and quickly lifts him into the air...


Pittal lifts Perez up into a back suplex position before dropping him out front with brutal knees right to the spine. Pittal crawls over and makes the cover....
.........Chael Kingdom drags Pittal off the cover by his head and he scoops him up before drilling him on top of Perez's chest with a package piledriver...

HA: Unbelievable manoeuvre....

Pittal rolls away, holding the back of his neck, as Kingdom drops down and covers Perez....

HA: Chael Kingdom has a debut victory here in 6CW.....what a fantastic contest....

HE: They all showed ability but Kingdom showed a killer instinct....he had one opportunity and he seized it...

"Sin and Bone" booms through the speakers and the crowd applaud as the referee raises Chael Kingdom's arm in victory. He spits out his gumshield and nods his head....

HA: I was mightily impressed by these three men.....I think 6CW's recruitment policy has been very successful once again.....the fans certainly seem happy with what they just witnessed....

HE: I wouldn't get too carried away just yet.....wait and see them as the competition levels rise....

HA: Don't be too hard on them......we could be looking at future stars....

Kingdom takes a last look at his opponents and then he climbs from the ring and drops to the outside. Brandon Perez's entourage help him to the outside and they croon over him whilst Dimitri Pittal gets to his knees and looks disappointed in the result of the match. He stares out after Kingdom and gives him a quick applause...

HA: Pittal showing respect for what he knows is a very solid rival.....

HE: Hopefully it won't be the last time we see them clash...

Paul Mac 6CW
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6CW Aftermath - Monday 14th September RESULTS Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath - Monday 14th September RESULTS

Post by Paul Mac 6CW Mon 14 Sep 2015, 9:47 pm

*Timothy Allen stands alone backstage

TA: You join me now waiting for a scheduled interview with Buck Riggins. We have been waiting quite a lot longer than expected, and this interview was meant to be taped before the show. But Riggins isn't here, so as the pro-journalist I am I have taken the crew to wait outside his locker room. Sources have told me that Riggins has just arrived in the building, and, wait, he's here now.

*Allen speeds towards Riggins

TA: Excuse me, Buck, we would like a word and will not accept you just ignoring our arranged slot

*Riggins looks up at Allen and then at the camera

BR: I'm a reasonable man, Mr Allen, but don't push me, ya hear?

*Allen remembers himself and takes a step back, seeing the situation he got himself into

BR: Don't apologise now, boy. Buck don't wanna talk, so Buck ain't gonna. Not much to say. I lost. Last chance saloon closed its doors, and I ain't got a round in. Now let Buck decide how he does things from here

*Riggins walks into the dressing room, leaving Allen standing as the scene fades.

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6CW Aftermath - Monday 14th September RESULTS Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath - Monday 14th September RESULTS

Post by Paul Mac 6CW Mon 14 Sep 2015, 9:49 pm

Match 3
Buck Riggins vs. Majestic

Back at ringside and Majestic is already in the ring; K-Bone and Young Jeezy are stood on the outside

HA: Interesting matchup now folks. Majestic is proving to be a real contender for future success whilst his opponent tonight after a bright start to his 6CW career has somewhat stuttered of late since losing the UK Championship

HE: Riggins is still a rookie but he would have hoped for a few more W’s in the results column this stage into his first year of professional wrestling especially after tasting championship gold so early on

HA: He’s got the basics but needs to push on and tonight against Majestic and the obvious threat of The Crew will be a real challenge

"Devil Town" plays and the crowd cheer as Buck Riggins appears. He tips his cowboy hat at the crowd before walking down to the ring.

HA: He looks focused

HE: But he’ll need eyes in the back of his head to cope with the threats of Majestic and The Crew

HA: Hopefully the referee will keep this to a one on one affair

Riggins slides into the ring. As the bell rings both men meet in the middle of the ring, Majestic looks for a headlock but Buck quickly pushes him away sending him across the ring and bouncing off the ropes. On Majestic’s return Buck ducks a forearm attempt and bounces off the ropes himself.

HA: Both men picking up a head of steam!

HE: This collision isn't going to be pretty!

Both Majestic and Riggins bounce off the ropes and charge towards the middle of the ring, Riggins looks for a clothesline but Majestic is able to duck under and hook around the waist. Riggins elbows free only for Majestic to land a hard shot to the back of the head before locking his arms around the waist once again before dropping Riggings on to his front and attempting to isolate the arm

HE: Crossface! Majestic looking to end this one early!

HA: Riggins' ring awareness is too good though!

As Majestic is able to catch Riggins in the Crippler the former UK Champion is able to place his foot on the bottom rope forcing Majestic to break the hold. Majestic quickly gets up taking time to mock Riggins about how close he was to ending the match. Riggins gets up and shakes his head before both men begins to circle the ring.

HE: Majestic is doing a great job and getting in Buck's head!

HA: Or he's giving Buck a chance to catch his breath...

Once again Majestic and Riggins meet in the middle of the ring and lock up, Majestic reacts quicker hitting Riggins with an arm drag that causes Riggins to roll across the ring before getting quickly back to his feet only for Majestic to hit a drop kick and take him down, rolling to the outside

HA: We've seen this before...that is NOT a good place to be when Young Jeezy and K-Bone are about!

HE: Oh don't be silly! We have referees to stop anything bad going on!

HA: Oh like that?! Majestic is a disgrace!

HE: If the ref isn't good enough to see that going on then how is that Majestic's fault?!

Thc crowd boos as the replay shows Majestic distracting the ref only for K-Bone and Young Jeezy to hit a double clothesline on Riggins before rolling him back in to the ring for Majestic to make a cover


Majestic quickly pulls Riggins up and whips him off the ropes, as Riggins returns Majestic leap frogs him only for Riggins to stop his on momentum stopping behind Majestic as he lands

HA: Riggins is about to catch Majestic out!

HE: Don't turn around!

As Majestic lands from the leapfrog he turns around to find Riggins stop directly in front of him, the fans cheer as Riggins hits a stiff right to the jaw of Majestic leaving him dazed on his feet. Riggins quickly reacts locking the waist of Majestic and bringing him over with a brilliant arching deadlift German suplex for the pin


Riggins gets up quickly and pulls Majestic up with him. Majestic is able to throw a groggy punch but Riggins ducks it before hitting a stiff kick to the ribs that causes Majestic to drop his guard allowing Riggins to hit another stiff right, this time though Majestic ducks it and fights back and catches Riggins with a stiff shot of his own. Majestic quickly bounces of the ropes and hits a shoulder block that wobbles the dazed Riggins but doesn't knock him down. Majestic attempts it again but once again doesn't get enough power to take Riggins down

HA: Majestic looking for another shoulder block!

HE: Third times a charm!

HA: Oh my god! What an impact...that took it out of both men!

As Majestic runs forward looking for a third shoulder barge Riggins throws a head-butt that leaves both men down after the impact forcing the ref to count

HA: Riggins might have knocked Majestic out with that head-butt

HE: He might have done the same to himself though killing off those last few brain cells

As the ref's count reaches 6 both men begin to stir and are able to pull themselves to their feet using the ropes, both men stagger to the ropes but it's Riggins who reacts quickest landing a kick to the gut and hitting a snap suplex before making the cover


HA: Majestic only just kicks out...

HE: It'll take more than a suplex to finish him off!

As Riggins gets up K-Bone and Jeezy pull Majestic to safety on the outside to the annoyance of Buck and the crowd. Riggins doesn't hesitate hitting a baseball slide to K-Bone before landing an elbow strike to the jaw of Jeezy that causes him to slump to the ground. K-Bone gets up and goes for a clothesline but Riggins ducks it and instead hits a release German suplex in to the guard rail

HA: Riggins taking care of business!

HE: Or getting distracted!

Riggins gets up and turns his attention to Majestic who is already up


HA: This is so unfair!

The fans boos pick up once again as Majestic is able to land his double underhook piledriver on Riggins on the outside leaving the American Superstar out cold. Majestic struggles but slowly but surely pulls Riggins up before rolling in to the middle of the ring, Majestic climbs up on to the apron before looking at the turnbuckle and then down at Riggins who remains ko'd.

HE: Majestic is looking to put the nail in the coffin! Up the turnbuckle he climbs!

As Majestic reaches the top rope he runs a thumb across his throat and points down to the lifeless body of Buck Riggins


HA: NO! Riggins was playing possum!

HE: I just thought that was something he ate!

HA: Very funny Brother but right now your favourite is in a whole world of danger!

The replay shows the moment that Riggins is only just able to roll out of the way of Majestic's 360 top rope splash. As we return Riggins has pulled himself up and has his sights set on Majestic, the fans begin to chant his name as Majestic gets up


As Riggins nails the lariat both K-Bone and Jeezy climb on the apron distracting the ref and stopping the pin count being made, Riggins slams his hand on the mat and charges over first landing the lariat on K-Bone sending him crashing off the apron before dragging Jeezy in to the ring and hitting him with the Bucktooth Blast X-Factor

HA: Buck has just taken out the entire crew!

HE: Not well enough!

As Riggins turns back to the ring a groggy Majestic is waiting, dragging Riggins down to the matt and locking in the Crippler in the middle of the ring, Riggins begins to drag himself towards the ring with Majestic putting all of his weight on the former champion.

HA: Riggins trying his best to get to safety! He might just do it!

As Riggins is a fingertip away Majestic breaks the hold, dragging Riggins back and locking it in once again, this time Riggins has no other choice but to tap

HE: Majestic gets the win!

HA: Don't you mean the Crew get the win?! Riggins has been robbed!

The crowd boo as Majestic pushes Riggins from the ring before K-Bone and Young Jeezy join their leader to celebrate.

Paul Mac 6CW
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6CW Aftermath - Monday 14th September RESULTS Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath - Monday 14th September RESULTS

Post by Paul Mac 6CW Mon 14 Sep 2015, 9:50 pm

*Timothy Allen stands with Aaron Heath

TA: I'm here with Aaron Heath who has touched down from Brazil and back onto our shores still feeling the highs of victory...Aaron, what now?

AH: Now I go again. The old men and the false hopes were left behind as I, Aaron Heath, took home a victory that every single one of you should have expected me to.

TA: Tonight you face off against Hero again, but this time with the added threat of our UK Champion in the ring with you both.

AH: I can put the old man down, and send a message to the guy looking after my first title

TA: Are you saying you have your eyes on the UK Championship?

AH: Tim, you imbecile, I think that’s pretty clear. I have my eye on every title, but this idiot is the first one to step across my path. Time to put him down too. I'm out

*With this he walks away and the scene fades

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6CW Aftermath - Monday 14th September RESULTS Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath - Monday 14th September RESULTS

Post by Paul Mac 6CW Mon 14 Sep 2015, 9:51 pm

Enigma and Thunder are sat backstage, both are dressed for competition

E: I have a bad feeling

T: Spidey sense tingling?

Enigma smiles briefly
E: Something like that

I know we have had an idea about all this for a while but now it's actually happened it feels so much worse than we could have imagined

They have complete control....

T: But there is always hope

Enigma bows his head as Thunder stands
T: You and I are different from most people but we are not alone, before all this we were a solo voice speaking out

But now the people see

Enigma lifts his head, his face still shadowed by his hood
E: But will they stand by our side and fight?

T: If they knew the truth...

E: The truth protects more people than it would save

T: A time will come when you will have to make a choice

E: And when that time comes I will be ready, but for now this hood and all that I fight to keep secret stays with me. I am not a leader of men; we need a band of brothers, all moving together, all fighting for one cause. Over the coming weeks the darkness will envelop this great company and we will be tested like never before, no matter what we stand strong

However many, however few…… We are one!

That is the message we must carry together

Thunder reaches out a hand to Enigma’s
T: Together!

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6CW Aftermath - Monday 14th September RESULTS Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath - Monday 14th September RESULTS

Post by Paul Mac 6CW Mon 14 Sep 2015, 9:53 pm

Match 4
Aaron Heath vs. Hero vs. Jonathan Daniels

HA: Next up here on Aftermath, we have triple threat action for you, with the 6CW UK champion involved in this one.

HE: A real tough contest for Jonathan Daniels straight after Beachfront Brawl, where he successfully defended his title against former champ Buck Riggins.

HA: And he immediately finds himself in against another potential challenger, after Aaron Heath's own win at Beachfront Brawl.

HE: Completing the trio is Hero, who was in the same match as Heath, but the veteran lost out to his younger, better rival.

"Friction" by Imagine Dragons screams from the PA system and the crowd goes wild as Hero strides out onto the stage. He runs from side to side, working the crowd into a frenzy before sprinting down the ramp and sliding in under the bottom rope. He leaps to his feet and again salutes the fans.

HA: Ever the showman, the crowd have been loving Hero ever since he returned to action.

HE: Oh they love him, but they also know that his time is fast running out compared to these newer, younger competitors. They are just making the most of him while they still can.

"Time Bomb, Baby" rips through the airwaves and is greeted by heavy boos. Hero glares down the ramp as Heath walks out confidently. He smirks at Hero as he saunters down the ramp, climbing up the steel steps as the ref stands between Hero and Heath as he steps into the ring.

HE: What a competitor this kid is. In many ways, he reminds of the old Hero, when he was great. Arrogant, cocksure but above all else, a tremendous wrestler.

HA: He has all the tools, but that attitude and chip on his shoulder aren't likely to endear him to anyone.

"Perfection" plays and Jonathan Daniels appears with his UK title slung over his shoulder. Gold pyros appear behind him and Daniels points at his t-shirt which says "I am perfect". Hero and Heath watch on as Daniels steps into the ring.

HE: Another member of this golden generation of talent coming through, he disposed of that hillbilly idiot Riggins at beachfront brawl, hopefully for good.

HA: That was an impressive defence, but Daniels knows he is living with the pressure of everyone in 6CW coveting that title belt of his. That is a difficult situation to be in.

Ding, Ding, Ding!

The bell tolls to start the match, Heath quickly goes on the attack against Hero with Daniels happily taking a step back from the action. Heath catches Hero off guard with a stiff forearm smash into the face. Hero stumbles back into the ropes, Heath whips him across the ring and goes for a back body drop but Hero leapfrogs over the top.

He rebounds off the ropes as Heath turns around, and Hero knocks him down with a flying back elbow. Heath rolls to his feet, he throws a wild clothesline which Hero ducks under and then backslides into a pinfall attempt.

Ref: 1.................2.........Kick out!

Heath gets the shoulder up, he rolls up to his feet only to be knocked straight back down with the Hero Sidekick. He momentarily stands over Heath before connecting with a standing moonsault, again covering.

HE: Hero may be the oldest competitor in this match, but he has started the match off at one hell of a pace.

HA: I doubt he'll keep it up. And look at Daniels stood here, ready to pounce when he wants. Great tactics from the champ.

Ref: 1...................2.............Kick out!

Hero locks in an armbar on Heath. He drags his rival to his feet, and then throws him down with an arm drag. Heath rolls to his feet, Hero kicks him in the stomach and then drives his head into the mat with a side Russian legsweep. Hero then goes up to the top rope, waiting for Heath to rise.

He goes for a double foot stomp but Heath manages to move out of the way. Hero lands on his feet, he turns around to face Heath but is greeted with a huge boot to the head. Heath makes the cover.

Ref: 1..................2...............Kick out!

Heath immediately goes on the attack, driving a series of elbows down into the face. He drags Hero up, pummeling away at the veteran with a succession of forearm smashes. Hero falls into the ropes, where Heath continues the elbow attack until Hero is slumped down. Heath then smashes a hard knee into the side of the head.

He applies a front facelock on Hero, lifting up the multiple time world champion and resting his legs on the middle rope before connecting with a spike DDT. Cover.

Ref: 1.................2............

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6CW Aftermath - Monday 14th September RESULTS Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath - Monday 14th September RESULTS

Post by Paul Mac 6CW Mon 14 Sep 2015, 9:54 pm

HE: NO!!

Hero kicks out, Heath allows him to rise before Irish whipping Hero into the ropes. The veteran goes for a crossbody block but Heath easily catches him across the chest, before flinging Hero out across the ring with a fallaway slam. Hero rolls up, he stumbles unsteadily into the path of Heath who scoops him into the air and nails a piledriver. He hooks the leg.

HA: That kind of power is exactly why Heath is the catalyst for change here in 6CW, perhaps starting with Daniels' title belt.

Ref: 1......................2.................Kick out!

Heath is again happy to allow Hero to his feet, he hits a knee into the stomach when Hero does rise before connecting with a neckbreaker. He lifts Hero up into a brainbuster position but he manages to free himself. Hero dropkicks Heath in the back, running in and hitting a second dropkick to send Heath onto the middle rope.

Hero quickly bounces off the ropes...

HE: Hero just dialled up the 619!

Hero stands on the ring apron, he waits for Heath to rise which is when Daniels strikes. He pulls Hero's legs from underneath him, causing his head to hit the edge of canvas before falling backwards, slumped on the ground.

HA: A nasty fall for Hero, Heath down on the canvas, Daniels timing his attack to perfection.

The UK Champion rolls in and immediately works Heath over with a series of brutal stomps down into the head. Daniels continues with the stomps, breaking just before the 5 count and disqualification. He then lifts Heath up by the throat, before driving him down into the mat with a chokeslam. Cover.

Ref: 1.................2...............Kick out!

Heath gets the shoulder up, Daniels locks in an armbar hold, before dropping knees down across the shoulder. Daniels lifts Heath to his feet, before knocking him down with a clothesline. Daniels keeps the armbar locked in, lifting Heath up and hitting a 2nd clothesline.

He again keeps the hold applied, lifting up Heath and whipping him out across the ring, nailing a spinebuster on the rebound. He covers.

Ref: 1....................2..................Kick out!

HE: Daniels in total control here.

Jonathan Daniels allows Heath to stir to his knees, before mockingly slapping Heath around the back of the head. He then applies a full nelson hold, slowly lifting Heath to his feet before driving him into the mat with a powerful full nelson slam. He doesn't cover, instead allowing Heath to get to his knees before hitting a snap DDT.

HA: What a powerful display this is from Daniels, sheer dominance since he got involved.

Ref: 1......................2..................Kick out!

Heath again forces the shoulder up, Daniels lifts up the youngster by the waist. He quickly throws Heath down into the mat with a German suplex, keeping the hold applied. He drags Heath back to his feet, nailing a 2nd German suplex and again retaining the hold. Daniels lifts up Heath, but instead of immediately hitting the suplex, he holds Heath in the air ala Brock Lesnar before throwing him down. Cover.

Ref: 1......................2........................Hero breaks the pin with a flying knee!

Hero quickly picks up the UK Champion and throws him into the corner. He sprints in, nailing a shining wizard. Hero then climbs up to the top rope, grabbing Daniels by the head and then flying off to deliver a bulldog. Cover.

Ref: 1.................2...............Kick out!

Daniels gets the shoulder up, Hero drags him to his feet, hitting a spinning shoot kick to the stomach. Daniels lurches forward, Hero kicks him brutally in the face and Daniels stumbles back. Hero holds Daniels in a front facelock and nails a tornado DDT. Hero then goes up to the top rope...


Ref: 1.....................2..................Kick out!

Hero allows Daniels up to his feet, before leaping into the air and taking him down with a hurracanrana. Daniels gets to his feet, Hero kicks him in the gut...


HE: Surely this OAP isn't going to win it!

HA: He is!


Aaron Heath grabs Hero and throws him out over the top rope. Heath quickly turns and covers Daniels.

Ref: 1...............................2....................................3!

Ding, Ding, Ding!

HE: Aaron Heath wins it; the kid really is on a roll at the moment!

HA: He stole that win from Hero. That was his victory, he was the one who took Daniels out with the Encore.

HE: Everyone is always telling us about Hero's experience, surely he should have seen that coming.

HA: It's another big win for Heath, after that victory at Beachfront Brawl. And you have to wonder what impact this win will have on how he intends to use that title shot he has.

HE: After beating Daniels tonight, he does have a mental advantage, it may well be something he looks to exploit quickly.

*Heath celebrates in the ring as the crowd boo him loudly, as Hero is left disgruntled on the outside, slumped against the railings.

Paul Mac 6CW
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6CW Aftermath - Monday 14th September RESULTS Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath - Monday 14th September RESULTS

Post by Paul Mac 6CW Mon 14 Sep 2015, 9:55 pm

Anthony Grace is shown arriving at the 6CW arena; he is wearing dark sunglasses which shield him from the flashes of the cameras from the waiting press pack

Grace keeps his head down and keeps on walking as the questions are fired at him

Q1: What are your thoughts about the new owner of 6CW Anthony?

Q2: How does this affect your working relationship with Charles Kramer Anthony?

Q3: Have you spoken to Dean Andrews yet?

Q4: How much of what has happened did you know about Anthony, rumours are you were brought to 6CW by Michael Jones?

Grace stops and contemplates answering the question but he shakes his head and walks through the doors as they are opened by security

Grace removes his glasses as he steps into the reception area, his eyes heavy and tired, he takes a deep breath and a small smile appears, looking up to the ceiling he mutters under his breath

AG: Strength in adversity

Placing his glasses in his suit pocket he takes a step towards the dressing room area

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6CW Aftermath - Monday 14th September RESULTS Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath - Monday 14th September RESULTS

Post by Paul Mac 6CW Mon 14 Sep 2015, 9:59 pm

Match 5
Enigma vs. Kyodai

The action returns to ringside and "Hero" plays out to a big ovation from the crowd in attendance. The lights dim down and a spotlight falls on the stage. Pyros erupt and then Enigma appears through the gloom....

HE: This should be fun....

HA: Two weeks ago at Beachfront Brawl Enigma assisted his friend Thunder in the defeat of Jimmy tonight Enigma must battle The Forgotten's Tyson Armstrong as a punishment for his actions....

HE: This little dweeb stuck his nose where it wasn't wanted and now he is going to pay the price....just like everyone else who has opposed Mr Jones....

HA: Enigma has been fighting for the good of this should be supporting him....

HE: Not a chance.....this company is in safe hands now and we don't need idiots like this running around pretending to be a superhero....

Enigma tags hands with the fans before he climbs up onto the apron and steps through the ropes. He adjusts his mask and stares out at the fans as "Riot" then booms through the speakers, drawing the ire of the crowd. The muscular form of Tyson Armstrong moves out onto the stage and he pulls down the bandana from around his mouth, glaring down at Enigma....

HA: I'm still in shock that Tyson Armstrong is one of The Forgotten.....he's been somewhat of a myth for a very long time......and yet here he stands....

HE: Ready to pick up where he left off all those years ago......he was a dominant force then and he will be again...

Tyson Armstrong stands at the base of the ring and licks his lips with a smirk as he stares up at Enigma. He then rips his vest in half and tenses his huge shoulder muscles before diving into the ring and rushing at Enigma, he shows incredible speed and athleticism for a big man....

HA: Enigma barely had even a moment to think.....

Enigma tries to get out of the way and he jumps into the air but is tackled by Tyson and driven back into the corner with incredible force. Armstrong unloads with a barrage of shoulder thrusts to the midsection and then he grabs Enigma by the neck and hauls him through the air, casting him across the ring....

HE: Look at that explosive, raw power from Tyson Armstrong....

Enigma stumbles back up and Tyson crashes into him with a heavy clothesline before he rags him back up and whips him off the ropes. Enigma comes back and Armstrong sends him skywards with a huge backdrop but Enigma shows great skill to land out on his feet....

HA: Would you look at....OH!

The crowd cheer as Enigma lands on his feet but Armstrong spins around quickly and boots his opponent in the back of the head. He then bounces off the ropes and returns with a huge elbow drop to the spine of his opponent................1.........................2.................shoulder up from Enigma.

HE: Armstrong spent a year in 6WF and didn't once look out of place competing with the best they had to he's going to pick back up here in 6CW and help lead The Forgotten to untold glory....

Armstrong rags Enigma into a gutwrench and then he flips him up and drops him back down with a heavy backbreaker. Tyson then bounces back off the ropes and returns with a huge splash..............1......................2.............kickout!

HA: 300 pounds of pure muscle and explosive speed is Tyson Armstrong.....this man's power is practically untapped....

Enigma holds his chest as he stumbles up and Armstrong grabs his arm before whipping him to the corner with such explosive power that Enigma collides with it, chest-first, and collapses on the floor. Tyson then drags him back to the centre and he lifts him into a suplex position....

HE: I bet he could hold him there all day....

The crowd watch in awe as Armstrong holds Enigma in the air for over twenty seconds and then he launches him forwards, causing Enigma to crash on his chest with force. Armstrong then grabs Enigma by the head and he drags him up before hooking his arms.....he then flips Enigma into the air and in one movement catches him with a sickening powerbomb, snapping Enigma down on the back of his neck....

HA: That was brutal...

HE: This needn't have happened....if Enigma had just kept his nose out of The Forgotten's business....

HA: Enigma was side-lined after a brutal assault from Jimmy Phillips and he wanted retribution for that....

HE: Was it worth it? Because look what is happening to him now....

1......................2.................Enigma manages to kick out again. Tyson grabs him by the head and he starts pulling him up, allowing Enigma to tee off with a flurry of punches to the gut...

HA: Enigma rallying here....he's got guts a plenty....

Enigma draws free of Tyson's grip and he runs off the ropes before returning with a flying dropkick, staggering the big man off balance. Enigma gets back up and throws more punches at his opponent before running off the ropes again and this time returning with a flying forearm to the chest. Tyson staggers some more but does not go down....

HE: What are you going to do now?

Enigma quickly scurries to the corner and pulls himself up onto the top rope. He stares at Tyson for a second and then he leaps off towards him with a flying crossbody....

HA: Oh no....

Tyson displays his massive strength once more by catching Enigma in his arms. He then shows unbelievable strength to bench press his opponent above his head. He walks to the ropes and launches him down to the outside...

HE: Enigma just got splattered....

HA: This is a slaughtering here....

The referee begins to count Enigma out but Armstrong is in no mood to wait around. He clambers to the outside again and he waits for Enigma to stumble up before he tackles him again and crashes him upwards and back into the ringpost. He then grabs Enigma's arm and whips him forwards with furious power......BOOM!


The steel steps go flying as Enigma collides with them, leaving him desecrated on the floor. The crowd are booing and looking anxious....

HE: The Forgotten are even more unstoppable now that they have added this man to their ranks.....I mean look at this...

HA: I have to admit that Mr Jones has pulled off an incredible acquisition...

Enigma is barely able to stand so Tyson drags him up and launches him over the apron and into the ropes, Enigma gets tangled up and then drops through to the inside. Armstrong clambers up onto the apron and he scales the ropes before diving off with a thunderous shoulder tackle as Enigma tries to stand up...

HA: Enigma looked like he just got hit by a bus...

......Enigma surprises everyone by managing to kick out!

HE: Is this guy stupid?

HA: He's as brave as they come....but I have to voice my concern about this match continuing...

Armstrong looks almost amused as he watches Enigma trying to get back up to his feet. He pulls him into a full nelson and Enigma tries his very best to pull himself free....

HE: He's no match for Armstrong's strength....

Tyson lifts Enigma high off the floor and then throws him at the canvass with unbelievable strength. The referee is leaning down and talk to Enigma but the masked star waves him away and tries to stand....

HA: Enigma can barely climb to his feet....

Tyson grabs Enigma's arm and he tugs him upwards with serious velocity before spinning him around with an almighty belly to belly slam, shaking the ring upon impact. The referee is yelling at Armstrong to cover but he merely grins and shakes his head...

HE: Armstrong is enjoying himself here....

HA: This needs to be stopped.......Enigma is being brutalised....

Armstrong stands over Enigma and talks trash to him. He turns his attention to the crowd and ignores their boos as he raises his arms into the air...

HA: Yeah you're a real tough guy, Armstrong....

HE: He really is....don't shout your mouth off at him because he might come over here....

Enigma is on his knees, his head bowed, and Armstrong grabs him by the neck. He clubs him furiously across the back and then he pulls Enigma up and he flips him up onto his shoulders before pushing him higher into the air....


Armstrong ploughs Enigma back down into the canvass with an earth-shattering "last ride" powerbomb. Enigma pops back up from the impact but then slumps down, unmoving...

HE: That is all she wrote....

Armstrong thinks about the cover but the referee pushes him to the side and waves the bout off, drawing boos from the audience. Tyson glares down at Enigma with a very fierce expression...

HA: It is not often that a referee stoppage is forced but I believe this is the right call.....Enigma can't defend himself, he has been demolished by Tyson Armstrong here tonight....

HE: You are taking a very good look at what happens to those who oppose Mr Jones and his Forgotten Army....

The referee is trying to force Tyson Armstrong from the ring but the big man is unmoving. He continues to look at Enigma and then he bends down to grab hold of his opponent once more...

HA: C’mon now.....enough is enough.....this isn't right.....

Tyson motions to the crowd that he is going to break Enigma in half and then pull off his mask. The crowd are booing furiously but then deafening cheers break out...

HE: Keep him away....

Thunder comes sprinting down to the ring and he dives into the ring. He ploughs into Armstrong, knocking him backwards, and then he kneels over Enigma, shielding him from more harm.

HA: Thunder coming to the aid of his friend here.....showing that 6CW will not back down despite the threats of Jones....

HE: This guy is an idiot.....he is witnessing what happens to those who continue to fight against The Forgotten and now the same will happen to him....

HA: Thunder has already nailed his colours to the mast.....he isn't afraid....

Thunder is glaring at Armstrong and beckoning for him to come and fight. Tyson looks amused by the International Champion's presence but he does not attack, instead choosing to shake his head and climbs from the ring. The crowd boo Armstrong as he walks into the aisleway...

HE: A message has been sent and these idiots who continue to fight Mr Jones would be wise to heed the warning.....look what happens to you...

HA: I don't think this will stop the uprising....if anything I think it is likely to inspire Jones' opposition to fight harder.....

HE: Then they will all suffer the same fate...

Thunder is helping his friend, Enigma, to his feet as Tyson Armstrong stands on the stage and stares back at them. The crowd are applauding and cheering as Enigma thanks Thunder and they turn their attention to Armstrong....

HA: The first night of the Forgotten Revolution is certainly making an impression on the 6CW roster......still so much more to come tonight though folks....

HE: Still many more lessons to be taught before this one is over....

Paul Mac 6CW
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6CW Aftermath - Monday 14th September RESULTS Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath - Monday 14th September RESULTS

Post by Paul Mac 6CW Mon 14 Sep 2015, 10:00 pm

Ryker Kidd is backstage with Tim Allen

TA: Ryker, we are moments away from your match up tonight, firstly can I say congratulations on your successful defence of your XTreme championship at Beachfront Brawl

Kidd nods and smiles
RK: It was a great event and I was honoured to be a part of such a huge spectacle. Being a part of 6CW is what every wrestler dreams of and I am very proud to be standing here as their XTreme champion so early in my career

TA: And what are your thoughts on today’s challenge, any idea on what or maybe whom you will be coming up against

RK: It sounds like a cliché but it doesn’t really matter to me either way Tim. I don’t back down from a challenge, so no matter how big or small. I’ll face it head on same as always

That’s who I am, that’s what I do
Allen smiles
TA: Good luck…

The scene fades

Paul Mac 6CW
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6CW Aftermath - Monday 14th September RESULTS Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath - Monday 14th September RESULTS

Post by Paul Mac 6CW Mon 14 Sep 2015, 10:00 pm

**Previously Recorded footage**

Timothy Allen is sitting on a chair across from Dicey Reilly who is wearing a big knee brace

TA: Hi folks and welcome to and today I get to interview a legend....Mr Dicey Reilly

Dicey: Obrigado.....just a spot of Portuguese I brought back from Brazil, thanks for having me Nice but Dim

TA: Great, now Dicey first things first how is the knee

Dicey: It has seen better days I can tell you, it’s been through the ringer the last few months, first with Jack injuring it on the build-up to Night of Glory and on that night, then Wood destroying it at Beachfront, the doctors did a great job in Brazil, they looked after me very well and gave me the VIP treatment during my stay there, it will be a few weeks of physio before I can work on it again but I’m working hard to get back in the ring as soon as possible

TA: Talking about Beachfront and the Key to the Kingdom match, what is your thoughts on what happened in that match between you and Liam Wood?

Dicey shifts in his chair and Tim can see he is trying to hold his anger in

Dicey: All I have being doing is thinking Tim, Lying in a hospital bed there is not much else you can do, like was he really going to try and end my career, what would I do if this was it, how can I get out of this bed so I can finish the job I started on him at Beachfront, loads of thoughts Tim

TA: And what was your conclusion?

Dicey: Of course he tried to take me out, I saw the look in his eyes, I knew what was coming and I was just lucky that that God botherer Grace was there to distract him long enough for me to try and take him out first

TA: So you tried to end Woods’ career

Dicey: Damn Skippy I did Tim, the only way to deal with a rabid dog is to shoot it and that’s what I tried to do by Piledriving him through that table from the ladder, as Master Yoda once said, “Do or do not, there is no try” it was him or me Tim and I chose me, there is no doubt he will be back to seek some sort of revenge on me and I will be waiting, the gloves are off, Mr Nice Guy is gone, I tried with the kid I really did but he doesn’t want a father figure telling him to stop acting like a thick, he doesn’t want a guy like me putting my arm around his shoulder and telling him he’s a good kid and he should just pull his socks up and work at it, he doesn’t want all that because he is lost Tim, he is a lost little boy that is lashing out at everyone that is trying to help him but he has lashed out and hit a wasps nest and Beachfront was just a little sting but the rest will come and if the kid decides to stand there he is going to be f**ked up and there is no better man to put some manners on this little cretin

TA: Just one more question, what did you make of Masters and Jones being behind The Forgotten and Masters winning the belt off the newly crowned Champ, Keith Leone

Dicey: I have no dealings with any of them and as long as it stays like that I have no opinion on the matter, Leone and Adamson are big boys they can look after themselves and they will have too but there will come a day when I come after one of those belts and that is the day the Forgotten know what fear is, it has been a long time since I had gold around my waist Tim, Jack messed up my chance a few months ago and ever since then it has been eating away at me, I want to feel that feeling again but first I need to deal with my Emo problem

TA: Thank you for your time Dicey and I hope you get back in the ring soon

Dicey: Thanks Tim

Last edited by Paul Mac 6CW on Mon 14 Sep 2015, 10:15 pm; edited 1 time in total

Paul Mac 6CW
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6CW Aftermath - Monday 14th September RESULTS Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath - Monday 14th September RESULTS

Post by Paul Mac 6CW Mon 14 Sep 2015, 10:01 pm

Match 6
Ryker Kidd vs. ???

Back at ringside “Bawitdaba” blasts out around the arena and the crowd go nuts.

HA: The XTreme champion impressed a lot of people with his win in Brazil, he has a bright future in 6CW, mark my words. I know you’re a big fan Henry?


The lights go out for a few moments before “MY NAME IS KIDD” flashes onto the arena screen. Massive pyros go off around the beach as we see Kidd with his back to the ring and his arms stretched out. He turns around and we see

The 6CW XTreme belt over his shoulder. Kidd strides down the aisle, slapping the fans hands before sliding under the bottom rope.

HA: Kidd may be a cruiserweight by definition but his mentality is that of a seven foot tall monster. Once he gets going there are few that could stop him

Kidd stands in the ring looking up at the ramp

HA: Tonight’s match isn't an open challenge so someone somewhere knows who is about to walk down that ramp way

HE: Has to be Steel, we know he's scheduled to be here tonight but no sign of him yet

HA: Then why keep it a secret, this is someone else, it has to be...

HE: Oh my.....

The lights go out and the arena is in total darkness

HA: This is never a good sign

Flames shoot from the turnbuckles and the crowd jump at the loud bang

'Haunted' by disturbed booms out of the speakers

HE: It can't be.....


The devil himself has walked through the fiery gates of hell back into 6CW!!!

The crowd are speechless as Cerberus stands in the ring across from Kidd; a red hue has befallen the arena. Cerberus face is half covered by a mask. The XTreme champion stands tall as Cerberus stalks his prey

HE: Six foot nine, three hundred pounds, he is towering over Kidd

HA: But that won't put him off

Kidd charges forward unleashing rights and lefts but Cerberus is unmoved

HE: Chokeslam....TO HELL!!!!

Cerberus drives the champion to the mat by his throat. The lights come on around the arena; the crowd are completely silent as Cerberus stares at Kidd who lies stricken on the mat

He grabs Kidd by the hair lifting him to his feet; drawing his thumb across his throat he lifts him in the air


With the modified tombstone pile driver Cerberus drills Kidd’s head into the mat with sickening velocity, the champ’s arms fall lifeless to the side. Cerberus walks slowly backwards from his victim rolling out over the top rope

HE: Has this match even started?

HA: I don't think Cerberus ever had any intention of being in a match tonight, this has been all about making a statement

HE: Job done on that front

HA: Indeed. Cerberus has been away from 6CW for a long time but in a blink of an eye he has reminded us all just how devastating a monster he is. Has there ever been a more dangerous time in 6CW than right now?

Cerberus walks slowly backward up the ramp, an evil grin on his face as Kidd lies still in the centre of the ring as the show goes backstage

Paul Mac 6CW
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Location : Born in Surrey, live near Sunderland and work in London

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6CW Aftermath - Monday 14th September RESULTS Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath - Monday 14th September RESULTS

Post by Paul Mac 6CW Mon 14 Sep 2015, 10:03 pm

Lex Hart is sat in his locker room with Miss Jessica; Lex is holding a TV remote and is replaying the end of the match involving Brandon Perez

Lex smiles and glances at Jessica

LH: Not so impressive now, huh?

Jessica licks her lips and smiles

MJ: Jealous Lexy kins, maybe you do care after all

Lex stands abruptly
LH: The only thing I care about is showing some jumped up walking talking STD who the boss is around here

Jessica runs her hand across Lex's chest
MJ: I love it when you're angry!

Lex looks Jessica directly in the eye
LH: Then you're gonna love what I'm about to do to Anthony Grace

Hart strides past Jessica as she stands staring at her man and the show goes to a commercial break

Paul Mac 6CW
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6CW Aftermath - Monday 14th September RESULTS Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath - Monday 14th September RESULTS

Post by Paul Mac 6CW Mon 14 Sep 2015, 10:04 pm

Back from commercials

HA: I am still in a state of shock of what we have seen already tonight. What a night we have had so far here on Aftermath.....all the fallout from an historic Beachfront Brawl event....

HE: And we have a new regime in charge....6CW is only going to move to bigger heights now that Mr Jones has power once more...

HA: I have no idea what it means for the future of 6CW but what I do know is.....OH MY!

*Crowd ultra-pop


There isn't a fan in the arena that isn't on their feet as the lights dim and "Last Resort" rips through the airwaves with a deafening crescendo. Pyros scream into the air and explode high into the rafters as the crowd continues to go nuts...



The noise levels, if possible, increase as Geoff Steel walks out onto the stage. He is dressed in jeans and a white shirt, a huge grin on his face as he soaks up the atmosphere of the audience. He looks a little overwhelmed but takes it in his stride, raising his arms into the air.

HA: I didn't know if we'd ever see the day when Geoff Steel returned to his rightful home but mark this date in your diary because here he is...

HE: But why now? Why has Steel chosen to return to 6CW? I wonder if he has jumped on The Forgotten bandwagon...

HA: I highly doubt that....Steel is 6CW through and through, he'd never sell his soul...

HE: I wouldn't bet on it.....the lure of power and glory makes men very persuadable....

Steel makes his way down the ramp and he reaches out and tags hands with the adoring masses as he does so. He walks all the way around the ring, continuing to converse with his delighted supporters, before eventually clambering up between the ropes.

HA: This is a truly monumental moment in 6CW has been three and a half years since Geoff Steel entered a 6CW ring and yet here he is....

HE: They don't come much bigger and better than Geoff Steel....

HA: Former Xtreme Champion, TV Champion and of course World Champion.....Geoff Steel is the epitome of what hard work and dedication can do for your career....I'm so happy to see him and so is this capacity crowd...

Crowd: Welcome Back x20

Steel walks around the ring, soaking up the atmosphere, and occasionally stopping to pose for the audience. He revels in it, a massive smile on his face, and he accepts a mic from the ring announcer.

Crowd: There's only one......Geoff Steel x10

HA: Carnival atmosphere here in London for the return of one of our all time greats....

HE: Wembley Arena is rocking....

Steel tries to speak a few times but he is cut off by the continued chants and cheers from the crowd. He stops and grins before finally raising an arm to request a little quiet. The crowd finally die down and Steel nods at them before raising the mic.

Steel: I cannot begin to express how good it feels to be here tonight....

*The crowd pop and more chants and cheers start up

Steel: Three and a half years since I last stood in this ring.....I was one of the last men to compete in the old 6CW and I have to admit I never believed this company would rise from the ashes in the way that it has....I had my doubts when I heard of the re-birth but over the last two years I have watched this brand grow and grow.....I have seen it develop in epic proportions and I don't think there is a man alive who would dismiss the claim that 6CW is now the stellar brand in professional wrestling....

Crowd: YES....YES.....YES x10

Steel: They let the cat out of the bag two weeks ago at Beachfront Brawl and if I'm honest I struggled to keep quiet for even that long because the news of my return has been on the tip of my tongue for months.....I sat at home watching tremendous event after tremendous event and I could feel the hunger growing inside of me. The desire to return to my home and prove myself against the very best this world has to offer......I'd done it before but a new fire had been lit inside of me, more determined than ever....

So a few calls to my agents, contacts I had gained within the business and I was able to inform 6CW about my interest in returning...they were delighted to hear it, they'd hounded my acquisition for some time.....the contracts were written up and signed and here I stand...

*Crowd cheer

Steel: Some of you will not know me, I'm an unknown quantity, but I'm hoping in time that I can rebuild my army of fans that carried me to such amazing heights during my career.....I'm hoping that together we can reclaim the glory days and create some historic memories....

*Steel stares around the arena and smiles

Steel: I know things have changed around here....a lot of new faces and a lot of incredible talent that I have to prove myself against.....everyone who knows me knows that I'm not the kinda guy to come in here and coast off any past reputation or because I'm perceived as a "name"....I understand there is a pecking order and I understand this isn't 2012....I'm not world champion and I need to show everyone that I still have what it takes to be a main level superstar.....but getting back to the top of the mountain is my goal, it is constantly on my mind and I will do whatever it takes in order to make it happen....

I just can't wait to get started....I've trained hard, pushed myself further than ever before and I am raring to go.....hopefully I don't have to wait too long before I get a chance to put on a show for the 6CW Universe...

HA: OH MY....

HE: Be careful what you wish for, Geoff....

*There are boos from the crowd as "Perfection" booms through the speakers and then Perfect Jack makes his way out onto the stage, dressed in joggers and a training jacket. He smirks at the sight of Geoff Steel...

HA: Two men who go back a long time.....this is quite a moment....

HE: I don't think Jack is too happy to see Geoff Steel....

Jack: I suppose I should say welcome back...

*Crowd boo and Jack smirks whilst Steel looks indifferent

Jack: But then I'd be lying, Geoff, because in my mind you aren't welcome here and you never will be. What happened, the guest appearances dry up? The autograph signings not satisfying you any more? And all of a sudden you thought the best option was return to try and steal the limelight away from those of us who bust our balls week in and week out....

*The crowd boo but Steel smiles

Steel: Great to see you, Jack, and it is nice to see your delusions of grandeur still exist.....if you removed your head from your a55 you'll have heard me say that I'm not here to steal anyone's spot, I'll earn my opportunities......see some of us don't expect everything handed to them on a plate.....but then again even when that happens you've got a pretty good track record of choking....

*The crowd cheer as Jack flushes

Jack: You always did think you were some kind of tough guy didn't you, Steel? And yet you always kept on my good side, why was that? Because you know that being tough won't help you against an athlete of my know that I could break you in two....embarrass you and inflict pain upon you the likes of which you have never experienced....

Steel: I kept on your good side? From the moment I hit my peak you never sought a fight with me, Jack, and I know it's because deep down you doubt whether you'd really be able to take me one on one...

*Jack laughs this off

Steel: I'm not a young upstart, I'm not earning my apprenticeship....I've been around a long time, Jack, and although I don't doubt just how good you are, I'm very confident that I'm at least as good if not a whole lot better...

Jack: Don't talk such don't even compare to me, Geoff.....don't make me come down there and prove it....I'd hate to ruin your big comeback by humiliating you....

*The crowd cheer as Steel walks to the ropes and holds them open

Steel: Please come down and take your best shot....I said I can't wait to get back into action and if you're stupid enough to walk on down here then I'd be happy to demonstrate that "I've still got it"....

*The crowd cheer

Jack: I don't take orders from you and I don't bark on command like a dog, Steel....but know this, now that you're back you don't need to worry about some new kid on the block trying to make a name off of need to concern yourself with the fact that sooner or later I'm going to get my hands on you and when I do you will regret ever coming back here....these people owe me respect and once I have finished off what remains of you they will have no choice but to appreciate that I am superior in every single department....then nothing will stop me from getting back to the top of this company.....

Steel: Empty words and yet I expected nothing else from can talk about what you are going to do, Jack....but until you locate your balls and actually do it, stop wasting my time....actions speak a whole lot louder than let me know when you actually want to have this fight and I'll be more than obliging to kick your a55 straight back under the rock it crawled out from....

*Crowd pop

Jack: I wouldn't get too'll get what's coming to you soon enough, Steel.....see you around!

*The crowd boo as Jack drops his microphone and glares at Steel as he backs into the entranceway. "Last Resort" then screams through the speakers again and the crowd go wild as Steel smiles and raises his arms into the air.

HA: Geoff Steel is back in 6CW and he looks in great shape....I can't wait to see him back in action....

HE: But already he has drawn the ire of Perfect Jack and that is never good......Jack wants to teach Steel a lesson....

HA: It'll be a hell of a clash when it goes down, I'm sure......Steel never backed down from a fight in his life so I'm sure PJ can have it any time he likes....

HE: Jack is as dangerous as they come....Steel's return may be bittersweet and short lived....

HA: Another amazing moment here on Aftermath and there is still plenty more to come not go anywhere!

Paul Mac 6CW
6CW Creative

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Age : 44
Location : Born in Surrey, live near Sunderland and work in London

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6CW Aftermath - Monday 14th September RESULTS Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath - Monday 14th September RESULTS

Post by Paul Mac 6CW Mon 14 Sep 2015, 10:09 pm

Match 7
Thunder/Max Adamson vs. Joshua/Jimmy Phillips

HA: Now it's time for tag team action...

HE: Not just any tag team action though Harold, we've got the 6CW World Champion in action...competing alongside one of his fellow, well, I'm not if Joshua is a part of The Forgotten or if it's a wider scheme.

HA: Either way, him and Jimmy Phillips are certainly going to prove a brutal, dangerous pairing. But it won't be easy tonight up against Max Adamson and 6CW international champ Thunder.

HE: That's where you're wrong; it will be easy, there is no way Adamson is going to be in any kind of shape to compete.

The crowd boo as "Riot" rips through the speakers and the muscular Jimmy Phillips marches down the ramp, his wolf balaclava hiding the bottom half of his face. He ignores the reaction of the crowd as he rolls under the bottom rope and motions for a belt around his waist...

HE: Phillips was unsuccessful in his quest for the international title, but it was one hell of a night for The Forgotten.

HA: These...these thugs shouldn't be celebrated Henry, they should be banned from 6CW. They are a disease that this company needs to be ridden of.

The familiar pulse of a heart fills the arena, followed by the howl of a wolf as the lights dim and a scream can be heard from the crowd. The lights flick back on after a moment and Joshua is stood on the stage, as boos reverberate around the arena. Joshua is carrying McCoy, who has the 6CW title around his waist, as he walks slowly down the ramp. Joshua places McCoy in the corner before exchanging a respectful nod with Phillips.

HE: A successful first defence for Joshua against Adamson, I don't see anyone here who can beat him!

HA: Well of course they won't beat him if his matches always end in 4, 5, 6 on 1 beatdowns. That isn't the way a real world champion operates.

Heroes are Hard to Find blasts out of the sound system. Thunder bursts through the curtain, the International championship around his chest. Thunder taps his heart three times and points out to crowd on his left, then the crowd on his right and finally those in the centre. Thunder begins to make his way down the ramp, he stops at the bottom of the ramp and poses for the fans. He waits for his team-mate instead of entering the ring.

HA: You have to think that is clever from Thunder, he knows how The Forgotten operate, they're just as likely to attack early and not even start the match.

HE: You want to watch your mouth might be next!

"Radioactive" blares out through the speakers and the crowd erupt into cheers as Max Adamson strides out onto the stage, looking supremely focused as he looks out around the arena. He marches down the ramp, climbing up the steel steps and then entering the ring as Thunder rolls under the bottom rope.

HE: He tried not to show the pain on his face but look at all the bandaging on Adamson. His ribs, his head, a black eye. He simply isn't 100% tonight.

HA: Well is it any wonder? These fans cheer Adamson because he comes out and competes like this, he stands up to these thugs and you have to admire that!

HE: It's just plain stupid.

Ding, Ding, Ding!

Max Adamson immediately steps forward for his team, and he motions for either Phillips or Joshua to come forward. The Talent is the man who steps up, and Adamson barely allows him forward before running in and taking him down with a stiff clothesline. Phillips rolls to his feet, Max boots him in the stomach and then drops Phillips with a DDT. He covers.

Ref: 1..............2...........Kick out!

Jimmy Phillips gets the shoulder up off the canvas and Adamson goes straight back on the offensive, looking unperturbed by his injuries. Max drives some knees down into the face before allowing Phillps to his feet. He Irish whips him out across the ring before connecting with a back body drop.

The Talent gets up to his feet, Max drives a knee up into the stomach and then bounces off the ropes himself, leaping into the air...

HA: Fa-Maxxer!

HE: Adamson going high risk early, he knows he needs to because his body simply won't hold up for this entire match.

Ref: 1.................2...............Kick out!

Phillips powers out, Max Adamson locks in an armbar and hauls up Phillips, before sending him into the mat with an arm drag. Phillips rolls up, he runs at Max who lifts him onto his shoulders before running to the middle of the ring and connecting with a big powerslam. He again makes the cover.

Ref: 1.................2..............Kick out!

Max walks to the corner, making the tag to Thunder. Adamson lifts up Phillips, hitting a back breaker as Thunder then dives off the top rope and connecting with a big leg drop down across the throat. He hooks the leg.

Ref: 1....................2................Kick out!

Thunder lifts up Phillips before hitting his version of Undertaker's lifting arm wrench hold. He keeps an armbar applied, walking to the corner and looking like going for an old school, however he jumps off the top rope and plants The Talent with a jumping DDT. Cover.

Ref: 1.....................2................Kick out!

HA: Thunder continuing from where he left off at Beachfront Brawl.

Phillips again kicks out, showing some tremendous resilience. Thunder allows him to his feet, scooping him onto his shoulders before nailing an electric chair drop. Thunder then goes to the outside, before connecting with a slingshot leg drop. Cover.

Ref: 1...................2...............Kick out!

Thunder is happy to oblige when Adamson offers the tag. The Australian steps through the ropes, Phillips is up and Max goes for a running big boot but Phillips manages to dive out of the way. He chopblocks Max down to one knee, Phillips then attacks by hitting knees to the face of his own as the crowd boo.

Adamson slumps down into the mat and Phillips stomps away repeatedly on the back of the head. Phillips allows Max to stir before throwing him down into the mat with a Northern Lights suplex, bridging over into the pin.

Ref: 1.....................2..................Kick out!

Max kicks out, Phillips slowly gets to his feet as he recovers from the onslaught. Max is up, The Talent boots him in the gut and then places Max onto his shoulders. He walks to the corner and drops Max down face-first across the turnbuckle with snake eyes, before grabbing him and hitting a Russian legsweep. Phillips covers.

Ref: 1....................2...............Kick out!

Jimmy Phillips allows Max to his feet before dragging him into the corner, where he hits a suplex into the turnbuckles. Phillips tags in Joshua, who menacingly steps into the ring. He Irish whips Phillips into the corner, where he hits a hesitation dropkick on Max. Phillips moves Adamson away from the corner as Joshua goes to the 2nd rope, hitting a splash on his rival. Cover.

Ref: 1..................2...............Kick out!

Max forces the shoulder up, Joshua lifts him to his feet and then fires in a succession of headbutts on the former world champion. He continues with the headbutts until Max retreats into the corner. Joshua then whips Max firmly into the opposite corner of the ring, before running in and hitting a knee to the temple.

Adamson stumbles forward out of the corner, Joshua boots him in the stomach before driving Adamson head-first into the canvas with a conventional piledriver. Joshua goes for the pin.

Ref: 1.................2............Kick out!

Joshua grabs Max in a sleeper hold, lifting him to his feet and swinging him aggressively from side to side. Joshua then pulls Adamson down, hitting a backbreaker. Joshua then pulls Max down into the canvas with an inverted suplex. Joshua again pins Max.

Ref: 1..................2............Kick out!

HE: The Champ is dominating!

While he is in control, Joshua is still happy to tag out to Jimmy Phillips. He springboards into the ring past Joshua, he waits for Adamson to rise before knocking him down with a leaping clothesline. Max groggily gets to his feet, Phillips then demonstrates some tremendous power by hitting an overhead belly to belly suplex on Max. He covers.

Ref: 1....................2..................Kick out!

Adamson forces the shoulder up once more. Phillips allows Max to his feet, only to then fling him down with a conventional suplex. Adamson rolls up, he is booted in the gut a couple of times by Phillips who then whips Max into the ropes and delivers a spinebuster. He hooks the leg.

Ref: 1..................2................Kick out!

Jimmy Phillips tags in the 6CW Champion once more. He steps into the ring and smirks down at Max, before picking him up and holding him across his chest, before hitting three successive backbreaker with relative ease. Joshua covers.

Ref: 1........................2...................Kick out!

Max forces the shoulder up, Joshua goes on the attack immediately with a series of punches into the head. He then lifts up Adamson, following the punches with a number of headbutts as Adamson falls back into the ropes. Joshua locks in a front facelock, firing in a series of knees up into the face of Max. He then lifts Adamson by the waist to rest his legs on the middle rope...

HA: Gift from McCoy!

Ref: 1.......................2..................Kick out!

HA: This is some tremendous resilience from Max. He is showing that he will fight for 6CW, against the odds and against his injuries.

HE: He desperately needs out of this match.

Joshua drags up Max, he hits a couple of firm body punches followed by a kick to the stomach. Joshua lifts Max onto his shoulders, setting up for a powerbomb...

HA: Hurracanrana from Max! Desperation but it works!

Joshua stirs up, he staggers into the path of Max Adamson...

HE: Pop-up powerbomb!

HA: How did he manage that? What power from Max!

He slumps into the cover.

Ref: 1.......................2....................Kick out!

Joshua gets the shoulder up, but Max doesn't immediately tag out. He waits for Joshua to rise before running the ropes....

HE: Fa-Maxxer! His second of the match!

HA: Now you need the tag Max!

Adamson begins crawling towards the corner, as does Joshua. Max is there first to the delight of the crowd and he tags in Thunder who springs into the ring. He grabs the leg of Joshua but the champion boots him away and tags in Phillips.

He springboards off the top rope...


Ref: 1.......................2......................Kick out!

The Talent kicks out but Thunder has all the momentum. He picks up Phillips and places him on his shoulders before connecting with a Samoan Drop. Thunder then runs the ropes, nailing a rolling thunder. He covers.

Ref: 1....................2.............Kick out!

Phillips kicks out, Thunder applies an armbar. He drags up the Talent before knocking him down with a short-arm clothesline. He releases the armbar, Phillips rolls up and Thunder hits a more powerful cactus clothesline. He then goes up top...

HA: Guilotine leg-drop!

Ref: 1........................2....................Kick out!

There is another kick out from The Talent as the crowd cheer Thunder loudly. These cheer grow louder as he kips to his feet. Phillips is slowly up, Thunder boots him in the gut and nails a rock bottom. He then goes to a neutral corner, away from the slumped Adamson and the brooding Joshua...



Ref: 1..............................2.................................Joshua breaks the pinfall!

HA: Damn it!

HE: The champ makes the save!

HA: And Max is out of it, he can't help his team-mate, as much as he would like to.

Joshua breaks the pin with a double axe handle blow. He leaves the ring at the ref's request, smirking. Phillips slowly stirs, he smiles down at Thunder, retreating back and waiting for Thunder to rise...


Ref: 1................................2...................................Kick out!




Thunder kicks out to huge cheers as Phillips looks up at the referee, half in disbelief and half in fury. He looks up at Joshua, whose hand is stretched out...

HE: I think he wants in.

Joshua steps in, past Phillips and holds the throat of Thunder on the ground before bringing him into the air...

HE: Thunder has just had to GO TO HELL!

Ref: 1..............................2................................................3!

Ding, Ding, Ding!

HA: It's all over, and once again, the numbers game proves the winning factor for The Forgotten and Joshua.

HE: Don't be so ridiculous, this was a tag team match. It was a perfectly fair contest, I told you from the very beginning Adamson wasn't healthy to compete. He should have taken the night off.

HA: What, and let these thugs win? Max Adamson, and Thunder for that matter, are fighters and they have shown tonight they will stand up to the brutality of this group of mercenaries. They are willing to fight to keep this company out of the hands of The Forgotten.

HE: I'm really not sure that's a good idea. Accept it, embrace it, applaud it. The Forgotten are here to stay. And that world championship is there to stay around the waist of Joshua for some time.

Paul Mac 6CW
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6CW Aftermath - Monday 14th September RESULTS Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath - Monday 14th September RESULTS

Post by Paul Mac 6CW Mon 14 Sep 2015, 10:09 pm

The Red Arrows are stood backstage as highlights of the announcement earlier in the show replays

JH: A new day, a new dawn Robin my good man

Reborn nods

JH: A new fight but a familiar foe, we lead the charge now it seems....

RR: We are always up for the fight!

JH: That we are Robin. The goal may be different but the enemy remains. There will be time when we achieve retribution for our recent loss but for now our individual aims must sit on the back burner

RR: They will get theirs...

Hurst smiles
JH: We will still be the same old Red Arrows, the standout team, the longest reigning Tag Champions in 6CW history. Nothing can change that but now we add another string to our bow

We provide the unity that 6CW needs

RR: With Leone?

Is he even here, no one’s seen him since Brazil?

JH: Leone cuts a lonely figure but he has shown his colours before. We need to show the same faith in them that we show in each other

It's the only way we can win this!

RR: Wherever you go I will follow bruh

Hurst nods
JH: Once more unto the breach my friend....

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6CW Aftermath - Monday 14th September RESULTS Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath - Monday 14th September RESULTS

Post by Paul Mac 6CW Mon 14 Sep 2015, 10:43 pm

Match 8
Anthony Grace vs. Lex Hart

HA: My god, what an edition of Aftermath it has been this evening, and yet there is still so much more to come tonight.

HE: Including our Main Event, which sees Mike Masters defend the EWF Title against the man he dethroned at Beachfront Brawl, an undoubtedly fuming Vincent Costello.

HA: However, let's not overlook the match which is up next, a match that could quite easily headline tonight's show and many others across the world, Lex Hart vs Anthony Grace.

HE: Of course both of them fought it out against Masters in the Key to The Kingdom match at Beachfront Brawl.

HA: And while that chance at a world title shot escaped them, they will see this as an opportunity to immediately put their names back in those kind of circles.

"Be Myself" blares out through the speakers and the crowd descend into boos as Lex Hart swaggers out, followed by Miss Jessica. She applauds Hart all the way down the ramp as he walks confidently to the ring and slides in.

HA: You have to say, it is quite a contrast between these two stars. Lex Hart the technical specialist, up against the all-action Anthony Grace.

HE: Hart is going to wrestle circles around Grace tonight.

"Amazing Grace" then plays out to a mixed reaction from the audience, signalling the arrival of Anthony Grace. Grace stops and poses for pictures with some of his adoring fans before he climbs up into the ring.

HA: I think you are being incredibly harsh on Grace, he is very accomplished in the ring these days and has shown that he can go with the best of them, he was going to win the Key to the Kingdom until Mr Jones got himself involved.

HE: Maybe so Harold, but Lex Hart is a different ball game all together. I am interested to see how he goes.

Ding, Ding, Ding!

Lex Hart and Grace lock-up. Grace applies a side headlock on Hart, but he counters with a belly to back suplex. He bridges into the cover.

Ref: 1..................Kick out!

Grace kicks out, Hart quickly transitions into a side headlock of his own. Grace powers up to his feet, he whips Hart towards the corner and follows in. Hart uses the ropes to spring back over the on-rushing Grace before rolling him up into the pinning predicament. Cover.

Ref: 1.................2............Kick out!

Lex Hart allows Anthony Grace up to his feet, he hits a kick to the stomach and follows that with some punches down across the back. Grace lurches forward, Hart runs off the ropes and connects with a swinging neckbreaker. Lex then runs off the ropes, springing back and connecting with a moonsault. He hooks the leg.

HE: Lex Hart has started this match off superbly, Grace not even getting a look-in.

Ref: 1.....................2............Kick out!

Grace kicks out. Hart applies a sleeper hold on the movie star as Miss Jessica applauds her client on from the outside. Hart lifts up Grace slowly, before pulling him down into a backbreaker. Grace stands jolt upright followed the backbreaker and Hart hits an edge-o-matic before covering.

Ref: 1...................2...............Kick out!

HA: Grace is a fighter, you can't deny that. Kicking out of everything that Hart has thrown at him thus far.

Lex goes on the attack, stomping away on the head of Grace repeatedly. He shuffles back to the corner, Hart lifts up Grace and hits a couple of knees into the stomach before taking some steps back. Hart builds up speed as he sprints in going for a dropkick but Grace leaps out of the way and Hart crashes into the turnbuckle, collapsing in a heap as Jessica gasps on the outside.

Grace immediately hits a series of knees into the face of Hart against the turnbuckle. He then turns Hart around, before sling-shotting him into the corner face-first. Grace then grabs Hart by the waist, slinging him down with a German suplex before bridging over into the cover.

Ref: 1........................2...............Kick out!

Anthony Grace rolls Lex onto his front, dropping a couple of knees into the back. He then allows Hart to his feet, before hitting a big atomic drop. Grace then runs off the ropes, knocking Hart down with a running clothesline. Hart stirs up and Grace hits a 2nd, more powerful clothesline. He hooks the leg.

Ref: 1...................2...............Kick out!

Miss Jessica looks on worried from the outside as Anthony Grace lifts up her client and fires in a couple of hard right-hands. Hart stumbles back, Grace hits a couple of hard left hands before whipping Lex out across the ring. Grace connects with a back body drop. Hart stirs, Grace runs off the ropes...

HE: Bulldog!

Ref: 1......................2................Kick out!

HA: It might be a more basic, less flashy offence than that of Hart but Grace's style is equally effective, as this display is showing tonight.

Anthony Grace picks Hart up from the mat and hits a scoop slam. Lex Hart gets to his feet and Grace hits a couple of European Uppercuts as Hart falls back to the corner. Grace climbs up to the top turnbuckle to start punching down on Hart. Jessica gets onto the ring apron and Grace is distracted as the ref tries to get Jessica down.

This allows Hart to poke Grace in the eye, he then places the temporarily blinded Grace on his shoulders before walking forward and nailing a powerbomb. Cover.

Ref: 1.......................2................Kick out!

Lex allows Grace to his feet, before lifting him up and connecting with an inverted atomic drop. Hart then drops Grace with a superkick. He hooks the leg.

Ref: 1....................2...............Kick out!

Grace kicks out, Lex Hart lifts him to his feet and then throws him into the canvas with as suplex. Hart keeps the hold applied, dragging up Grace and connecting with a 2nd suplex. Hart lifts up Grace...

HE: Triple Suplex! Tremendous wrestling from Lex Hart.

Ref: 1...................2.................Kick out!

Grace forces the shoulder up. Lex waits for Grace to rise before running in and nailing a leaping high knee to the head. Grace falls to the mat, Hart goes up top...

HA: Triple moon...KNEES UP FROM GRACE!

Hart writhes in agony, Anthony Grace gets to his feet and lifts Grace up by the head and then plants him to the canvas with a bulldog. Cover.

Ref: 1................2.............Kick out!

Lex Hart kicks out, Anthony Grace lifts him to his feet and throws him down to the canvas with a snap suplex. Hart rolls to his feet, Grace then bounces off the ropes and connects with a spinning heel kick on Lex. He hooks the leg.

Ref: 1.....................2...............Kick out!

Anthony Grace picks up Lex Hart, he Irish whips him into the corner. Grace runs in, leaping onto the 2nd rope and then punching away on Hart's head with a series of punches that a portion of the crowd cheer along with. Grace drops off the 2nd rope, Hart stumbles forward and Grace hits a legsweep DDT. Cover.

Ref: 1.......................2...................Kick out!

HA: Grace totally in charge now!

Hart kicks out, Grace lifts him up and goes for the Ovation, but Hart manages to spin out of it and then drops Grace with a reverse DDT. He hooks the leg.

Ref: 1...........................2......................Kick out!

Grace manages to get the shoulder up. Lex Hart lifts up Grace, he sets up for the RKO but Grace pushes Hart away into the ropes. He runs in behind and rolls Hart up.

Ref: 1.....................2...................Kick out!

Hart forces the shoulder up on this occassion. Both men rise simultaneously but Grace is first to the punch, nailing a couple of big right-hands on Hart. He falls into the ropes and Grace continues with the punches. Hart manages to block and he pushes Grace into the ropes, punching away on him.

The ref steps in as Grace gets caught between the ropes. Hart is talking to the ref, as Grace manages to free himself. Miss Jessica is onto the apron, Grace walks forward but Jessica grabs him by the arm. Grace wriggles his arm to try and free it without hurting Jessica.

She feigns an injury as Grace does free himself. Hart backs Grace immediately backs towards Jessica on the ropes. He then turns Grace around so Jessica can gain some revenge, she smirks and draws her hand back...

HA: Grace ducked!

HE: Jessica just slapped Hart right across the face!

Hart stumbles back more in shock than anything as Jessica watches on in horror, Grace turns on the spot...


Ref: 1..............................2.............................................3!

Ding, Ding, Ding!

HA: Anthony Grace gets the win! Anthony Grace has defeated Lex Hart!

HE: Only because of that slap, that accidental slap, from Miss Jessica on Hart. Lex had this won.

HA: It serves her, and him right, for trying to play the numbers game. Their own cheating back-fired this evening. That is a huge win for Grace.

HE: A total fluke!

HA: Grace will always have his doubters, you will always be one, but he more than matched Hart in there tonight. And you have to wonder how Lex will take to that slap from Jessica.

HE: That is totally out of context, it was meant for Grace and Hart knows that. He also knows he is far better off with her on his side than against him.

*Anthony Grace climbs the ropes to salute the fans, some of whom boo and some cheer. Grace holds his arms aloft as Jessica beats on the mat in anger on the outside.

Paul Mac 6CW
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6CW Aftermath - Monday 14th September RESULTS Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath - Monday 14th September RESULTS

Post by Paul Mac 6CW Mon 14 Sep 2015, 10:43 pm

The scene opens to a dark figure, a clear sight of him obscured by the lack of natural light within the room. His face is obscured by a hood. As soon as the camera settles on the darkened face, the man slowly reaches for the hood pulling it back to reveal the face of the Grim Reaper emblazoned on a black mask. The skeletal face fits over that of the man underneath, exuding a sinister intent. The man begins to laugh. As he begins to speak his voice is muffled by the mask but in spite of that, it suggests weariness, tiredness... Discontent.

Reaper: Just when you think the score has been settled, that the odds are shortening, fate deals you a bitter, cruel hand.

That's the narrative that beset The Red Arrows in Brazil. Their hopes, their dreams, their belief that they could triumph, snatched away by the cold, cruel hands of the men that the world forgot.

Doesn't it hurt, Jack Hurst? Doesn't it sting, Robin Reborn? Doesn't it pain you when you realise that you suddenly face the cruel realisation that these people will soon forget you. After a while, these people will find new heroes, new champions and the name The Red Arrows will sink into the depths where it belongs.

There is a new wave taking over. One that is sick and tired of seeing the same recycled faces commanding the spotlight. This is a threat 6CW has never seen before and this is a terror that it will never recover from.

Keith Leone and the Red Arrows may think that they are the bastions of 6CW's hope, that they can settle this score. They are wrong.

Aftermath is the night that the era of the Forgotten begins, the night that 6CW is forced to embrace the Reaper, sit and marvel at the man the world forgot. I have spent too long sitting in the darkness, stewing in contempt, feeling a bitter rage brew inside me. Mr Jones offered me the chance, the opportunity to unleash my anger at this world.

Through my actions, through my undoubted ability, there will be a sudden, hard realisation. A realisation, an ideology that will swarm through this company like the virus that The Forgotten is.

Five words.

You reap what you sow.

Reaper starts to laugh once more, pulling his hood back up, covering the skeletal face that is almost chilling in the half light. The scene fades to black.

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6CW Aftermath - Monday 14th September RESULTS Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath - Monday 14th September RESULTS

Post by Paul Mac 6CW Mon 14 Sep 2015, 10:44 pm

Anthony Grace is sat in his locker room following his victory; the door is pushed open and in walks Charles Kramer

CK: Don't stand Anthony

Grace remains unmoved

CK: Great win tonight, this could be the start of something big for us all Anthony. You really have the world at your feet right now

Grace lifts his head but stays silent

CK: I've been speaking to the studio tonight, something has come up that could be very exciting for you, a chance to put you further in the spotlight. It's only a few days filming but they want you straight away to meet the rest of the cast and crew so Michael has agreed to let you take a few weeks off, he gets how important you are to 6CW, he is as committed to your future as I am Anthony

You fly to LA in the morning so get some rest this evening; use this few weeks to really focus on what you want

The world is your oyster Anthony

Grace stares straight ahead
CK: Anyway, I'm keeping you from getting ready. Grab a shower, a bite to eat and I'll call you tomorrow

Exciting times Anthony, exciting times...

Kramer spins on his heels and walks out of the locker room leaving Grace sat silently staring into space…

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6CW Aftermath - Monday 14th September RESULTS Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath - Monday 14th September RESULTS

Post by Paul Mac 6CW Mon 14 Sep 2015, 10:46 pm

Match 9
Keith Leone/Red Arrows vs. Reaper/Hokori/Austin Stevens

HA: Huge match here on Aftermath......Mr Jones and The Forgotten have already made an impression here tonight but they are determined to really stamp their authority on 6CW.....and more importantly those who have challenged them in the past....

HE: Enigma, Adamson & Thunder have already suffered the it is time for another three men to get what is coming to them....

"Stronger" booms through the speakers and the crowd go wild as Robin Reborn bounces out onto the stage, followed by Jack Hurst. Hurst waves at the fans and the Arrows high five another before making their way down the ramp...

HA: It feels strange seeing the Red Arrows without the tag team championships....

HE: Get used to it; brother.....the reign is over....

HA: It took five men to steal the belts from the record breaking champions......and I am damn sure they will not take that lying down....

HE: What choice do they have? Mr Jones has control now....

HA: If I know the Arrows they'll do what they can to get those belts back......and they will not stop taking the fight to Jones & The Forgotten...

HE: Then they'll pay....

Reborn slaps the hands of the fans around ringside before clambering up onto the apron and he vaults over the top rope. Hurst makes his way up the steel steps and he wipes his feet on the apron before climbing through the ropes....

HA: Jack Hurst will not have forgotten the sledgehammer shot to the stomach.....nor will either of these men have forgotten the attack they suffered backstage later in the same night....

HE: What a shame they can't do a damn thing about it...

The Arrows circle the ring and the fans cheer them on before they begin to chant for "Keith Le-one". The lights in the arena dim and the crowd roar in delight but "Riot" screams through the speakers instead of "Limowreck"....

HA: What the...? That isn't Leone's music?

HE: I guess Keith got cold feet.....brilliant....

The crowd are booing furiously as Hokori, Austin Stevens and Reaper make their entrance. Austin Stevens is laughing at the looks on the Arrows' faces...

HA: Something isn't right here....Keith Leone wouldn't just not turn up....

HE: Well that is exactly what he's done......I don't blame him for being afraid.....these guys brutalised him at Beachfront Brawl....

Hokori and Stevens unstrap their tag team championships and raise them into the air as the fans boo furiously. The masked Reaper climbs up onto the apron and stares through the middle ropes at his opponents....

HA: So what now?

HE: Well the Arrows are a member short....I guess this is now a handicap match....

HA: Do you have to sound so damn pleased about it? This is another bloody setup...

Hurst and Reborn stand back to back and glare at their opponents as they adopt a fighting stance. Hokori and Stevens throw their championships to the floor and they dive into the ring, immediately taking the fight to their rivals....

HA: Now the Arrows know who their fight is with.....they can finally see what is beneath the masks...

Reborn really rallies with forearms and punches to Hokori whilst Hurst tries to battle the much larger Austin Stevens. Stevens grabs Hurst and he headbutts him in the face, dropping him on his back....

HE: Austin Stevens loves a fight....he loves the physicality of it all...

Reborn dodges a roundhouse kick from Hokori and then wipes him out with a spinning heel kick. He crawls back up and greets Stevens with a big dropkick, knocking him off his feet....

HA: Reborn rallying....


Reaper clatters into Reborn from behind with a lariat and then launches him across the ring with a release German suplex, drawing boos from the audience. The referee moves in and tries to get some control of the situation...

HA: Jack Hurst and Robin Reborn may need a little more than the referee's intervention here....

Hokori and Stevens climb from the ring as Reaper pulls Jack Hurst up and he pummels him back into the corner. He drives his knees into Hurst's gut and then lifts him up onto the top rope. He follows him up and he pulls him into a front facelock....


Hurst holds firm and then rallies with a series of punches to the stomach of Reaper. He then grabs his mask and ploughs his head into his opponent's face, sending him crashing back down to the canvass. The crowd are cheering as Hurst stands tall and then launches through the air...


The flashbulbs go off and the crowd cheer as Hurst lands with the huge flying legdrop. He quickly makes the cover.................1............................2...................Austin Stevens breaks it up. Stevens pummels Hurst and drags him up before flipping him up onto his shoulders....


The boos are furious as Stevens drills Hurst with an almighty "Barry White" driver in the middle of the ring. The referee is trying to restore order to proceedings but Robin Reborn leaps from the top rope and missile dropkicks Stevens in the side of the head, sending him flying through the ropes and to the outside....

HA: There is no control here from the referee......these men are not to be contained....


Crowd: That was awe-some x10

Reborn quickly scampers back up and he sprints to the ropes before front flipping over the top of them and he smashes into Stevens on the outside, sending them both crashing to the hard flooring. Reaper staggers back up to his feet and Hokori slaps him on the back....

HA: Reborn needs to get a look at what is going on the ring here because Jack Hurst is a sitting duck...

Hurst is barely able to stand as Hokori grabs him from behind in a headlock and then runs him forwards, drilling him with a spiked bulldog. Hurst folds up and Hokori rolls him over...

Paul Mac 6CW
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6CW Aftermath - Monday 14th September RESULTS Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath - Monday 14th September RESULTS

Post by Paul Mac 6CW Mon 14 Sep 2015, 10:46 pm

.......Reborn drags Hokori under the bottom rope and he snaps him down with a zigzag neckbreaker on the outside!

*Crowd cheer

HE: The match was bloody won....

HA: Not yet it isn't.....

Reaper runs along the apron and he drives his knee into the skull of Reborn, who collapses to the ground. He then clambers up the turnbuckle, his eyes on Hurst, and he launches himself into a frogsplash...

HA: He dodged it.....Hurst fighting on damn instinct here......WASHBOARD STOMACH!

The crowd are going wild as both men stagger back up to their feet and Hurst scoops Reaper onto his shoulders before landing with the furious punt straight to the midsection...

HA: The Arrows have turned this into a barnburning firefight and they might just do it....

...............Austin Stevens breaks up the count again. He drags Hurst up by the arm and pulls him forwards whilst looking for a huge palm strike to the face....



Hurst ducks it and in the same motion he scoops Stevens up on his shoulders. Reborn climbs back up on the apron as Stevens scrambles off Hurst's back and pushes him into the ropes...

HE: Brilliant!

Hurst and Reborn clash heads, sending Reborn flying back down off the apron, and it allows Stevens to nail Hurst with a full nelson into a backstabber. Stevens gets back up and he draws a finger across his throat as he clambers from the ring and grabs two steel chairs...

HA: Wait just a damn minute....

HE: This isn't about winning.....this is about putting the Arrows in their place......

Stevens rolls back into the ring at the same as his tag partner, Hokori. He throws a chair to his partner and picks up the other as they wait for Hurst to get back up...

HA: This damn sure isn't right....this has been a setup from the start.....where is Leone?

Hurst is on unsteady legs as he gets back up and Hokori and Stevens swing the chairs at his skull, only for him to duck at the last second. The chairs clatter into each other and it allows Hurst to scoop Hokori up on his shoulders and he spins him around....


Stevens turns his chair on its edge and he drives it into Hurst's stomach, signalling the end of the match by disqualification. Hurst is doubled up in pain and Hokori quickly sets up his chair before Stevens flips Hurst into the air....



Steven’s power-bombs Hurst down across the seat of the chair, breaking it in half upon impact. Robin Reborn rolls into the ring with a chair of his own......CRACK!

HE: Get out of there you lunatic....

HA: Reborn won't stop fighting....

Reborn smashes his chair across Stevens' back and then he throws it through the air so that it smashes into Hokori's head, sending him falling into the corner. He picks the chair back up and beckons Stevens around......CRACK!

HA: What a shot!

The chair thunders off the top of Stevens' head and he collapses to the floor. Reaper then grabs Reborn from behind and spins him around before nailing him with a "Mic Check"....

HE: You can't fight the numbers game....

Reaper grabs two steel chairs from the mat and he presses them both on Reborn's body before he heads for the ropes. The crowd watch on with anguish as Reaper climbs him and then hurtles off with a frogsplash, slamming the chairs down into Reborn's body....

HA: Reaper hurt himself there but he doesn't seem fazed.....this has been a mugging here tonight....

HE: Messages are being sent loud and clear, Harold.....Mr Jones promised it and The Forgotten are delivering.....

HA: The Red Arrows have fought valiantly....proven that they are far from finished here in this war.....but they have been undone by the numbers disadvantage here tonight..........I just don't understand where Keith Leone is and why he hasn't turned up.....

HE: Because he's afraid....he's tasted what The Forgotten can do and he wants none of it....

Hokori and Stevens stagger back up to join Reaper and they all stare down at their handiwork. The crowd are booing furiously as the three men raise their arms to the sky....

HA: 6CW desperately need a response here.....this night has certainly belonged to the new regime....

HE: The Forgotten Takeover is here to stay....

Stevens, Hokori and Reaper leave the ring whilst Robin Reborn crawls across the ring to check on Jack Hurst, who is still struggling to move.

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6CW Aftermath - Monday 14th September RESULTS Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath - Monday 14th September RESULTS

Post by Paul Mac 6CW Mon 14 Sep 2015, 10:47 pm

Tim Allen is backstage with a clearly fired up Vincent Costello

TA: Vincent you are moments away from your EWF rematch against new champion

Costello grabs the microphone and snarls
VC: Masters is no champion; he is a fraud, a figure made of paper, a joke, an insult to all that I have done before him

Costello stares directly down the lens of the camera
VC: I am not an idiot; I know full well what happened. I recognise the threat that they saw in me. But in these actions, in this moment of stupidity, what they have done is made an enemy of a man who should have been left alone, a man who they should recognise as the single most dangerous man in this company

Leone stood with me toe to toe. I respect a man who will do that in the face of all that is thrown at him. There is no respect for what they did next

They took the cowards path, they could not get the job done on their own so they resorted to THAT!!

Costello’s eyes are wild
VC: Masters…..


There is a bounty on your head and Costello’s law says Justice must always be sought

Prepare to pay the ultimate price!!!

Costello slams down the mic and strides towards the ringside area

Paul Mac 6CW
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6CW Aftermath - Monday 14th September RESULTS Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath - Monday 14th September RESULTS

Post by Paul Mac 6CW Mon 14 Sep 2015, 10:48 pm

Main Event
EWF Championship
Mike Masters (c) vs. Vincent Costello

Ding ding

Ring Announcer: Ladies and Gentlemen the following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the EWF WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP!

*Crowd pop

HA: After everything we have witnessed tonight from Jones and The Forgotten I am very surprised they have allowed this match to take place...

HE: Mr Jones is a fair man and he honours agreements.....Vincent Costello has a re-match clause and tonight he gets it...

"Killing in the name of" booms through the speakers and although it is greeted by a lot of boos from the crowd there is also an abundance of cheers from the 6CW audience. Purple pyros explode into the rafters....

RA: Introducing first; the challenger......weighing in at 225 pounds..........from Hell's Kitchen, New York City...........Viiiinnnnceeeennnnnnntttttt Cooooossssttttteeeellllooooooo!

HA: It feels very bizarre to hear Vincent Costello introduced as the "challenger"....after a 400 day reign as EWF Champion he looks oddly naked without that championship belt....

HE: I couldn't believe it when he lost to Keith Leone....but at least Mike Masters and The Forgotten where there to save the day....the EWF Championship has a respectful owner once more...

HA: Do me a favour? Masters is not respectful was a goddamn highway robbery the way he took that belt from Leone......I've never been a massive Vincent Costello fan but I hope he teaches Masters a lesson in humility here tonight....

Costello stands at the bottom of the ramp and he runs his hands through his hair, a slightly demented look on his face, and then he circles the ring and climbs up onto the apron. He stares around Wembley Arena...

HE: Vincent needs to remember that it wasn't Masters who took the championship from him....his real gripe is with Leone....

HA: Nice try....Costello's allegiance is to that championship and that means that whoever holds it is his enemy.....Vincent isn't stupid, he knows that had he defeated Leone inside the barbed wire steel cage he would have suffered the same fate that Keith did...

Costello clambers through the ropes and he rips off his vest before throwing it to the outside. "Champion" then booms through the speakers and there is a tirade of abuse and boos from the sell-out crowd. Red pyros light up the darkened rafters and then a figure appears through the smoke...

RA: And his opponent........from London, England.............weighing in at 225 pounds...........he is the current, reigning and defending EWF World Heavyweight Champion.........Miiikkkkeeeee Maassssstttttttteeeeeerrrrrrssssssss!

HA: I'm extremely surprised to see Masters out here all backup...

HE: He is the EWF Champion, he needs no backup...

HA: Funny because that wasn't the case when he won the title was it.....all of a sudden he feels brave? Or is it because he knows he now has the full backing of 6CW management and therefore is protected from above?

Masters appears on the stage and is even more cocky and arrogant than usual. He screams into the camera and thrusts his arms into the air before rubbing his hands along the EWF Championship that is strapped around his waist. He winks at the camera and slicks back his hair as he struts down the ramp....

HA: Mike Masters waited just three minutes after Keith Leone had won the EWF Championship to cash in his Key to the Kingdom briefcase......he used the power of The Forgotten to guarantee his victory and now here he stands....

HE: This has been a very long time heard Mr Jones at the beginning of the night....Masters has been stealing the show ever since this company re-opened its doors and if anyone ever deserved to be a world champion then it is this man right here....

HA: Complete and utter earn a world championship and Mike Masters did no such was highway robbery, a goddamn mugging and you know it....

Masters makes his way around the ring, unstrapping the world championship as he does and parading it to all of the fans at ringside. He laughs off their abuse and then he climbs up the steel steps and clambers through the ropes to join Costello inside. Costello tries to storm for the champion but the referee holds him off....

HA: Costello doesn't want to wait....he wants to fight and he wants to regain the championship that belonged him for a record breaking amount of time...

Masters seems reluctant to hand over the EWF Championship to the referee but eventually he does so and the official holds it high in the air. Costello eyes it greedily and then turns his focus back to Masters as the bell sounds to start the contest....

HA: This is one fall to a finish....EWF Championship on the line...

HE: What an Aftermath main event....

Costello stands and stares at Masters whilst the new world champion tries to talk with his challenger. Costello is listening intently as Masters extends a hand...

HA: Is he for real?

HE: Think about it, Vincent....this could be a great deal for you....side with the mega power...

HA: Costello answers to one master and his name is not Michael Jones.....SEE!

The crowd roar as Costello slaps Masters' hand away and then drills him with a fierce right hand. Masters staggers backwards and Costello follows up with several more punches to the face before whipping his opponent across the ring....sending him to the ground with a running knee lift as they collide in the centre...

HA: Vincent Costello only cares about the EWF Championship.....he doesn't want alliances or friends...

Masters staggers back up, breathing deep, and then Costello thunders into him with a clothesline that sends him flying over the top rope to the outside. The referee tries to keep the challenger inside but Costello brushes him aside and climbs out onto the apron....

HE: I've been a big Costello fan from the start of his career and I don't want to him oppose The Forgotten....

HA: Well he isn't....he is only opposing Masters because he wants the EWF Championship back.....Costello has no personal gripe with The Forgotten right now....

Costello jumps off the apron and lands a double axe handle to the back of Mike Masters. He slicks his hair back and lets out a growl as he drags the champion back up and hauls him into the ring....

HA: Costello knows he cannot win the title back on a count out.....he needs the action in the ring....

Costello slides back under the bottom rope and he charges into Masters with a knee under the chin before grabbing him and dropping him with a neckbreaker...
.......shoulder up!

HE: I don't think I've ever been so torn over a result.....I'm a big fan of both men....

HA: I think I'd just like to see a great match with no outside interference.....

Costello crawls back up and he pulls Masters towards him before suplexing him into the air and dropping him back down on the deck. He gets back to his feet and he bounces off the ropes before returning with a leaping knee-drop to the forehead of his opponent....

HA: Costello will look to keep this physical.....he will attempt to stifle the athletic nature of the champion....

Masters tries to get back up and Costello ploughs punches into his spine before dragging him around and thrusting a European uppercut into his chin. He drives his knee up into Masters' gut and then he whips him across the ring....

HE: Masters isn't the kind of guy you can just stifle....he finds a way....

Masters returns and he baseball slides through Costello's legs before getting back up and levelling his challenger with a dropkick as he turns around. They scramble back up and Costello misses with a clothesline, allowing Masters to roll him up.....................1.........................2......................Costello gets his shoulder up.

HA: Masters will take the victory by any means he can get.....he has waited so long to become a world champion and he isn't going to give it up easily...

HE: No he isn' much hard work has gone into his rise to the top....

They get back up and Masters looks for a hiptoss but Costello stops short and then floors his opponent with a short armed clothesline. Masters stumbles back up and Costello scoop slams him back onto the mat before he runs off the ropes and sprints back....


Masters shows great skill to leap into the air at the same time and he wraps his legs around Costello's neck, dragging him into a standing hurricanrana with a pin....................1.....................2................shoulder up. They get back to their feet and Masters lands a back-heel kick to Costello's gut before grabbing his arms and spinning him around.....


Costello counters with a brutal half nelson suplex and then covers....................1.........................2...............kickout. The challenger gets back up to his feet and he grabs Masters by the head before flipping him into the air....

HA: Power....

Masters ploughs punches down into Costello's head, preventing the powerbomb, so VC staggers backwards and falls, smashing Masters' chin into the top turnbuckle....

HA: The champion may have been knocked out there....

Costello grabs Masters' wrist and pulls him away from the ropes......................1..........................2.................shoulder up. Costello grabs Masters under the chin and he pulls him back up to his feet before whipping him to the ropes and beckoning him back....

HA: Costello might just try and end this here....OMERTA....

Masters swings out the back of the black hole slam and counters with a zigzag neckbreaker...

Paul Mac 6CW
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6CW Aftermath - Monday 14th September RESULTS Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath - Monday 14th September RESULTS

Post by Paul Mac 6CW Mon 14 Sep 2015, 10:49 pm

..........thr-shoulder up!

HE: I thought that was a three....

HA: Masters pulled that out of nowhere....

Masters is still a little groggy but he is first to his feet and he lashes knife edge chops into the chest of Costello. He then grabs the challenger's arm and he attempts to whip him into the corner but Costello puts the reverse on and he sends Masters towards the turnbuckle...

HE: Up and over....

Costello follows in but Masters uses the top rope to push himself up and propel himself back over Costello's head. He then waits for Costello to turn around and floors him with a flash superkick to the chest.............1.................2...........kickout. They get back up and Masters ducks a right hand before lifting Costello off the floor and nails him with an atomic drop. Costello staggers into the corner and Masters ploughs into him with a splash, before leaning on the ropes and delivering a ten punch combo...

HA: Masters finding a flow now....he looks much more confident all of a sudden....

HE: He's the Heavyweight Champion of the World, he should be confident....

Masters lands the tenth punch and he talks a little trash to the crowd before seizing Costello by the hair and he jumps backwards, landing down on his knees whilst planting the challenger's face into the canvass...

HA: That was devastating impact....

Masters looks pleased with himself as he crawls across and covers.......................1......................2.............shoulder up. Masters gets back up to his feet and he brushes his hair from his face before pulling Costello up and hooking his arms....

HE: Masters wants this finished.....GRINGO....

He pulls Costello around and attempts to lift him up but VC pulls free and bounces back off the ropes before returning with a heavy boot straight to Masters' face. Masters staggers back up and Costello drills him with leaping STO..............1..........................2................kickout!

HA: I have never seen an athlete adapt as much as Vincent Costello does when the world championship is on the is like a drug to him, an addiction that drives him to new heights...

Costello grabs Masters by the head and tries to turn him into a neckbreaker but Masters spins all the way through and he kicks VC in the gut before nailing a leaping DDT, really planting the challenger on the top of his head.........he drapes an arm on the chest of his opponent...................1.....................2.................Costello kicks out!

HE: Back and forth they go.....I knew this would be close...

HA: Two very evenly matches competitors......the elite that 6CW has to offer....

Masters clambers back up and he grabs Costello by the head and tries to pull him into a piledriver. Costello kicks his feet and refuses to budge before swiping Masters' feet out from under him. He then drops back and catapults Masters to the corner.....

HE: Mike's too skilled for that....

Masters shows his athletic ability to land on the turnbuckle and then he leaps to the middle of the ropes before launching himself back at Costello....


Costello ducks the flying kick and then he beckons Masters back around before scooping him up on his shoulders. Masters grabs out for the ropes but Costello walks him to the centre of the ring...

HA: GO TO....

Masters counters with a head-scissors, sending Costello across the ring, and then they scramble back up and Masters catches the challenger coming in with a sidewalk slam....................1...................2................Costello kicks out!

HA: This main event is proving just as thrilling as we expected championship on the line, matches like this are prime time television....

HE: The reason 6CW is top of the tree in professional wrestling....

Masters gets back up to his feet and he grabs Costello by the hair and pulls him into the centre of the ring. Costello responds with a huge right hand to the gut of the champion and then grabs his head, pulling him down into a jawbreaker. They get back up and Costello tries to lift Masters on his shoulders again but the champion drops over the shoulder and grabs Costello's head, pulling him down with an edge-o-matic (sitout rear slam).....Masters then crawls to the corner and begins to climb....

HE: Costello is down; he landed hard on the back of his head....

HA: The challenger is certainly seeing stars right now and the champion is aiming to capitalise....


The flashbulbs go off as Masters propels himself into a fantastic 450 splash, only to land across the knees of Vincent Costello. The crowd are cheering as Masters holds his gut and rolls out onto the apron....

HA: Vincent Costello has the 6CW fans on his side.....something we don't see very often....

Costello stumbles back up and he reaches through the ropes before dragging Masters back through the middle. Masters' legs are hanging on the ropes as Costello twists him into a sickening corkscrew neckbreaker...

HA: That might just do it.....Costello to regain the championship....

.......Masters throws his shoulder up!

HE: Mike Masters is the world champion now; you'll have to render him unconscious before he ever gives up the belt....

Costello tugs at his hair and looks a little psychotic as he pulls Masters into the centre. He tries to drag him up but Masters keeps falling back down to his knees. Costello clubs him across the back and drags him up before flipping him into the air....


Masters drops out the front and he shoves Costello back into the corner. He chases in but VC drives his knees up and catches Masters in the side of the head. The champion staggers back and drops down on one knee as Costello lifts himself onto the second rope....


Masters rolls out of the way and Costello lands awkwardly on his knee, jarring it. Masters then sprints to the ropes and springboards....


The sound echoes around the arena as Masters kicks Costello clean in the face and he hooks both legs...

Paul Mac 6CW
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6CW Aftermath - Monday 14th September RESULTS Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath - Monday 14th September RESULTS

Post by Paul Mac 6CW Mon 14 Sep 2015, 10:50 pm


Masters looks furious as the referee tells him it was a definite two count. The crowd are applauding and cheering Costello on...

HE: That was so very close to a three count....

Masters slicks his hair back and he argues with the referee before turning his attention back to Costello. The challenger is trying to use the ropes to clamber up and Masters pulls him away from the ropes by his arms....


He turns Costello around but VC puts on the brakes and then he pushes Masters away to the ropes. Masters comes back at speed and Costello picks him up.....


*Crowd pop

HE: Wow.....he nailed him....

Costello spins Masters around three times before drilling him into the mat with a thunderous black hole slam...



The referee's hand is barely an inch from the ground when Masters' arm comes up off the deck. The crowd are in disbelief and Costello rolls over to stare at the official, unable to accept the decision....

HA: Mike Masters displaying the heart of a him or not...

Costello shakes his head as he gets back up to his feet. He takes a few deep breaths before he pulls Masters up and lifts him onto his shoulders.....


Masters drives his elbow repeatedly into Costello's jaw before scrambling off the side. He shoves Costello away and then runs at him, only for Costello to explode back from the corner and look for a huge forearm smash....


Masters ducks Costello's attack and runs straight up the ropes before twisting back with an exceptional corkscrew takedown. Masters quickly rolls under the bottom rope and onto the apron, waiting for Costello to get back up....


Masters springboards back into the ring and the sound is a crunching one as he drives his forearm straight into the jaw of Costello....
...........Costello barely gets his shoulder up!

HE: Masters is piling on the pressure is a matter of time....

Masters screams for Costello to get back up and then he grabs his head and pulls him into the centre of the ring, drilling him with a big piledriver.........................1.......................2................Costello gets his shoulder up again. Masters looks a little annoyed as he clambers to his feet....

HA: Masters is throwing the proverbial kitchen sink at Costello now....

Masters mocks Costello as he pulls him back up again and he hooks his arms. He pulls him around and attempts to lift him up off the floor....


Costello puts on the brakes once more and he shoves Masters into the corner. He follows in but Masters shows amazing skill to jump on the ropes and he backflips over the oncoming challenger. He crotch chops at Costello's back and grabs his arms....



The crowd boo as Masters turns Costello around and plants him straight on his face.....

Paul Mac 6CW
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6CW Aftermath - Monday 14th September RESULTS Empty Re: 6CW Aftermath - Monday 14th September RESULTS

Post by Paul Mac 6CW Mon 14 Sep 2015, 10:51 pm

HE: That is how a world champion perfor...AAHHHHH!

HA: Costello defies the count once more!

The crowd are cheering as Masters rolls over on his stomach and punches the mat with ferocity. He tugs at his head and looks set for a meltdown....

HA: Masters is struggling as so many have in the past.....Vincent Costello is a different beast when the world title is on the line.....

HE: Masters will need to find a way if he wants to build his legacy...

Masters staggers over to the referee and he grabs him by the front of his shirt, demanding a three count. The official waves Masters away and tells him the match must continue...

HA: No leg up for Masters tonight.....despite the fact his boss is running the show....

Masters pushes away from the referee and he turns his attention back to the challenger. He looks a little frustrated as he beckons him back up and then he hooks his arms....

HE: This will end it for sure.....GRINGO...

Costello pulls Masters up on his shoulders in a counter but Masters quickly scrambles off the back. He screams for Costello to turn back around and attempts a superkick but Costello catches Masters' leg over his shoulder and lifts him up into the air....

HA: Powerbomb.....KERB STOMP!

*Crowd ultra-pop

Costello runs to the corner and he power-bombs Masters into the turnbuckle. Masters collides hard and staggers back out to the centre and on his knees as Costello sprints off the ropes and returns with the huge foot stomp to the back of the head...



The booing in Wembley Arena is deafening as Hokori jumps the fan railing and leaps onto the ring apron, providing a distraction for the referee. Austin Stevens then rolls into the ring with one of the tag titles in hand and he beckons Costello up before clocking him right in the face with the belt....

HA: What the hell is this......a damn setup....

Stevens grabs Masters and drapes him across the prone Costello before rolling back out of the ring. Hokori drops down off the apron and orders the referee to turn around...

HE: One hand watches the other, Harold....

HA: This is disgusting....

The referee turns around and looks confused by the situation but he slides down to make the count all the same....
HA: This is not right...
HE: Mike Masters is still...
..........HA: HE KICKED OUT.....OH HELL YES!

The crowd are cheering as Hokori and Austin Stevens exchange glances, shocked by what is going on. Mike Masters looks almost tearful as he staggers up and falls into the ropes...

HE: But how?

HA: Vincent Costello is desperate to win that world championship back...

Masters grabs Costello by the head and he drags him into the centre of the ring. He hooks his arms in place and then drills him with a huge "gringo killer". He looks down at his rival but he isn't satisfied, choosing instead to head for the top rope....

HA: Masters isn't convinced that Costello will stay down....

HE: He surely can't take any more....

The crowd boo but Masters ignores them as he launches off the top rope and lands with a ferocious 450 splash to the chest of Costello. He hooks both of the legs and glares at the official as the count is made...


HA: Finally Vincent Costello succumbs....but by God what an effort....

Ding ding ding

Ring Announcer: Ladies and Gentlemen here is your winner.......and STILL EWF World Heavyweight Champion.....Miiikkkkeeee Masssstttteeeerrrrsssssss!

HE: Get used to hearing that Harold.....Masters has the full backing of Jones & The Forgotten.....the EWF Championship is going nowhere....

HA: And you condone that, do you? The only reason Masters is still champion is because of interference from Hokori and Stevens.....Costello had this match in the bag and you damn well know it...

"Champion" rings out as Masters gets to his feet, a smile now creeping over his face. He snatches his championship belt from the referee and lifts it over his head as boos sound out around the arena. Hokori and Stevens nod at their handiwork....

HE: Tonight a message has been sent.....The Forgotten are in control of 6CW and nobody can stop them....all those who have tried have paid the price....everyone else has run for the hills...

HA: 6CW is certainly facing an uncertain future.....with The Forgotten at the helm and abusing power it is going to be a hard road ahead for anybody who opposes them...

Masters shrugs at Costello and then climbs onto the apron and parades with the belt some more. He is really gloating and taunting the fans....

HE: We could be looking at the greatest world champion ever...

HA: How can you say that? He's had the belt two weeks......Costello held it for 400 days.....stop kissing a55....

HE: I'm just saying it is a possibility.....


Costello is struggling to catch his breath as he staggers to his feet. The referee tries to check on him but he pushes the official aside and makes a beeline for the corner. He grabs Masters by the trunks and hauls him off the turnbuckle....he then grabs the world championship off the floor and screams for the champion to get back up....

HE: What are you doing, Vincent?

HA: Costello is not a happy man...

Hokori tries to jump up onto the apron but Costello swings the belt at him and sends him retreating. Austin Stevens tries the same but is clattered on the shoulder by the belt, sending him sprawling back down. Jimmy Phillips, Reaper and Tyson Armstrong then storm down the ramp and burst into the ring....

HA: This isn't right.....

HE: Costello chose to continue fighting.....

Costello jumps into Phillips and begins unloading with right hands but Tyson Armstrong tackles his legs and takes him to the ground. Reaper and Phillips then begin stomping down on Costello before Stevens and Hokori climb in to join the beat down....

HA: Only Joshua not out here now....

HE: Don't speak too soon....

Joshua walks side by side with Mr Jones as they stand on the stage to survey the action. Mike Masters takes a disgusted look down at Costello before picking up the EWF belt and he exits the ring, heading up the ramp to join Jones and Joshua. Tyson Armstrong then drags Costello up and he ploughs him with a World's Strongest Slam before Reaper leaps from the top rope and crunches into him with a huge frogsplash.....

HA: This needs to be stopped.....Costello is being taken apart here....

HE: He could have just walked away after his defeat but he had to carry on....

HA: Because he was robbed....

Armstrong and Reaper nod at the rest of their allies before climbing from the ring to join Jones up on the stage. Costello isn't stirring as Stevens and Hokori drag him up, taking an arm each, and they whip him off the ropes. Costello comes back and the tag champions as well as Phillips lift Costello up into the air.....


Costello is thundered into the canvass by the almighty triple flapjack, leaving him completely unconscious, face down on the mat. Jones is nodding with a satisfied look on his face as Hokori, Stevens, Phillips; Armstrong & Reaper raise their hands to the sky. Joshua & Masters raise their world championships....

HA: What a frightening scene this is....

HE: This is the future of 6CW......get used to it....

The show ends with Mr Jones' face, looking extremely smug at what he has achieved.

Paul Mac 6CW
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