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6CW Anarchy Tuesday 9th October 2018

The Last Outlaw
Uryu Ishida
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6CW Anarchy Tuesday 9th October 2018  Empty 6CW Anarchy Tuesday 9th October 2018

Post by JJJohnson Wed 26 Sep 2018, 2:22 pm

JJ Johnson Returns to 6CW

Match 1
Handicap Match
The TA vs James McManus

Match 2
#1 Contender TV Title
Street Fight

Cameron Faith vs Xavier Ross
On commentary: Marty Helms

Match 3
Engel Harlequin vs Uryu Ishida

Match 4
Liam Wood/Anthony Grace vs GazzyD/O'Callaghan

Main Event
Cerberus vs Clarke James

Current Champions:
6CW - Cerberus
International - Engel Harlequin
UK - Liam Wood
TV - Marty Helms
Tag Team - The TA


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6CW Anarchy Tuesday 9th October 2018  Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Tuesday 9th October 2018

Post by x12x Thu 27 Sep 2018, 6:06 am

The fans boo as Revival Mode bursts through the speakers and a dejected Liam Wood walks through out on to the stage with the United Kingdom Title resting over his shoulder. Wood pauses looking at the booing crowd but instead of enjoying the hatred thrown his way instead lets out a deep sigh.

HE: These cowards are bullying Wood! Look at what they're doing to him!

HA: Seriously? Are we meant to feel sorry for him? It's only a month since he ended the career of Mr Kenty...

HA: I fail to see your issue there brother, Liam rid the world of a man who was stealing a career...these fans should be thanking them.

As Wood reaches the ring he takes a mic and rolls in under the bottom rope, getting to his feet he makes his way over to the turnbuckle before taking a seat. Wood pauses once more, staring up at the stage and shaking his head before finally speaking.

Go on then you idiots...kick me while I'm down!

The fans cheer sarcastically, enjoying seeing what seems to be a depressed Liam Wood, a side they haven't seen for years. Wood lowers his head and speaks once again

Oh how the mighty have fallen.

Once again Wood pauses with members in the crowd almost looking confused, a few though begin to start Gazzy D chants causing Wood to grit his teeth, his eyes moving around the audience as a look of anger crosses his face

HA: The fans seem to have hit a nerve! It seems taking the loss last week due to Gazzy D getting the blind tag...

HE: Basically cheating!

HA: ...As I was saying, due to Gazzy pinning Wood, it seems the UK Champions confidence has taken a knock!

HE: Don't be silly!

In the ring Wood is looking around the crowd as the Gazzy chants are getting louder and louder

You idiots really think this is about that walking, talking good guy cliché Gazzy D? Holy sh¡t you're dumber than I thought!

HE: Told you!

Wood continues to speak

The way I feel right now has nothing to do with Gazzy D stealing a win like the coward he is because that match is about as relevant as he is. No, the reason I feel like this is because the next time I step in this ring I will be teaming up with someone who ISN'T Marty Helms...I'll be teaming up with someone who ISN'T a champion and I'll be teaming up with someone who ISN'T even a real wrestlers.

At Anarchy I am being forced to team up with the biggest joke ever told in 6CW...Anthony Grace...

A select few fans seem to enjoy Wood bad mouthing Grace as they did in the past but Wood cuts it off

No, don't you dare pretend that I'm your hero again just because I think Anthony Grace is a disgrace to his company. I am NOT here to be your champion, I am NOT here to fight for you and I am NOT here to be the man who does everything he can for the're stuck with Gazzy D for that and even that won't last long when I leave him a bigger mess than his wh0re wife did when she told him she didn't love him anymore.

I am going to break Gazzy D just like I did to Mr Kenty, I am going to show him that his “glory” days ended a long time ago and he should have stayed dead and buried because the corpse that dragged itself here is sickening to watch...the truth is, he's just lucky that you morons will eat up nostalgia like crack because if you were to take off those rose tinted glasses for even a second you'd be wanting me to put him down, once and for all.

Wood looks at his title over his shoulder and shakes his head

The fact is though, next week I shouldn't be teaming with Anthony Grace...the man has lost two titles in two shows. He lost a World Title match where he basically had a two on one advantage and then last week lost the International Championship to a god damn f**king clown...the man made ENGEL HARLEQUIN look good and now I have to baby sit him? Hell no!

Wood looks up at the stage and speaks again, a little smirk covering his face this time

Anthony, I assume you're back there and I need you to listen to some advice I have for's time to give up, you have proven what we have all known for a long are a fake, you are an actor playing the role of a wrestler but when it comes down to it, you failed. You lost two matches which you should have won and now you have NOTHING. It's time to pack your bags and go back to making gay porn in Hollywood.

At Anarchy, I will NOT be there to support you...the fact is, I'll be trying to keep as much distance between the two of us as possible because the idea of being seen as part of a team with a moron like you makes me feel sick to my stomach. Does Alex Walker think this is Make A Wish?! Does he expect me to take a picture with you at the end to make you feel better about your career taking a nose dive off a cliff.

Wood pauses one last time

The truth is probably shouldn't even turn up to our match because it'll show you just how far you've fallen since Beachfront are walking in to a match with Gazzy D, a man who's wife can't stand him, a man who's neck seems to be as strong as a tooth pick and a man who's so obsessed with me that I'll be shocked if he doesn't have my name tattooed somewhere...and you're still going to be the most pathetic one in the ring.

You're a joke Anthony...
...but nobodies laughing anymore...

...they just want it to end.

Wood lets a smile cover his face as his eyes remain locked on the stage, the fans boo Wood as they continue to try and get under his skin with Gazzy D chants.


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6CW Anarchy Tuesday 9th October 2018  Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Tuesday 9th October 2018

Post by Uryu Ishida Thu 27 Sep 2018, 8:47 am

"Mr Blue Sky" plays as Uryu walks out slowly with a small bandage on his head, the crowd cheering for him as he walks to the ring and rolls in rather than his usual run. He grabs a mic and coughs heavily, almost doubling over.

UI: I'm alright to be out here so I'm alright to wrestle.

As the crowd continue to cheer Uryu looks up the ramp and shakes his head.

UI: Alex Walker, there's something you need to understand about my generation of wrestlers. We work as long as we can. We work 350 days a year to make sure our families are well looked after. We work 350 days a year to test ourselves against different competitors and to prove to ourselves that we still have what it takes. We work 350 days because fans around the world want to see us compete against the world's absolute best and eventually see us become the best! We work 350 days a year because we want to know if the crowd want to see us and the answer to that question since I have been here has never changed!

Uryu closes his eyes as the crowd chant his name repeatedly with pride.

UI: You think that I will disappoint them by saying at the start of the show "Oh sorry, I can't compete because I'm hurt" Well guess what! I have worked injured, cut, bruised to high heaven and that is never going to change! You try and stop me from doing what I love and you think that's alright? I want you to understand that when these people cheer for me that I will keep going. When they want me to get up and fight then I will do that. When they want my autograph I will give it. When they want me to pose for photos I will gladly do it. You cannot stop them from wanting me out here, doing what I do best and proving that I will still fight for them. Even if I am a 1 legged man in an ass kicking contest I will still kick ass!

Uryu pauses for a few moments as the crowd roar with appreciation.

UI: Now what Lion did was commendable and showed that he understands the fans and myself but he doesn't have to do it again. I know he has drive and passion but I will fight my own battles. There's no sense in him getting re-injured for my sake. I was put in that match and now I have been put in this one...against the man that tried to put me down for good. Our new International Champion. Engel, let me ask you a question. If you think what you did last time was enough, and I still came back to compete... what is it going to take for you to put me down for good? What do you have left in that box of tricks you call an arsenal that is strong enough, more powerful than the assault you gave to me backstage. Do you have anything like that? Because if you don't then you will never keep me down, you will always have me standing in your way and ready to kick your head clean off! I look forward to showing you first hand how dangerous, injured or not, I am.

Uryu smiles as he looks up around at the crowd, enjoying the moment.

Uryu Ishida

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6CW Anarchy Tuesday 9th October 2018  Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Tuesday 9th October 2018

Post by ncfc_Tooze Thu 27 Sep 2018, 9:18 am

Earlier this week flashes across the screen before we fade out when we fade back in James McManus is shown sitting backstage at an independent wrestling show.

He is rocking back and forth before he is seemingly approached

He extends his hand out to greet the person with a hand shake a gesture that the person accepts. We see the man's hand and forearm. Covered in blood.

JM-Just the person I wanted to see. It's been too long. It's time my friend

The camera turns round just as the man leaves. We see his back covered in blood and scaring

McManus looks down at his hand now covered in the man's blood and smiles as the camera once again fades out

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6CW Anarchy Tuesday 9th October 2018  Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Tuesday 9th October 2018

Post by TwisT Thu 27 Sep 2018, 1:05 pm

As Wood looks to the stage, the arena screen suddenly goes blank. The fans look on confused as Wood waits for some sort of entrance. There is a long pause as the crowd expect something to happen but nothing materialises.

HA: We must be experiencing some technical difficulties folks, but i am sure......

Suddenly the crowd start booing as the cameras point to the stage. We can see Anthony Grace stride out looking irritated, with no music or video playing. Gone is the flash white suit and sunglasses and in its place is a very basic pair of white boots and trunks. Grace walks to the stage, ignoring the boos and the confused looks from the fans.

HA: Has he lost the plot?

HE: I think it is more 6CW has lost the plot......and Anthony Grace in the process!

Grace reaches the ring and climbs into it. He completely blanks Wood and simply walks over to the corner and leans across the turnbuckle looking bored. Wood and the fans look at Grace, who simply just stands there. Grace gazes around the arena as the crowd jeers him and he simply shrugs his shoulders, while casually leaning against the ropes. Minutes pass where nothing is said, making the viewers at home feel there must be some sound issues. In the end, a stagehand comes running out and taps Grace's boot from the outside. He motions for Grace to take a microphone, only for him to roll his eyes and turn his back on the stagehand. The guy becomes most insistent and continually taps at Grace's boot. Grace rolls his eyes again and swears, before snatching the mic from the stagehand. He turns to Wood and sighs deeply before lifting the mic to his lips.

AG: I am going to keep this short as quite frankly I could not care less about this match. But thank you Liam, for spending your time talking about me and not about yourself. It is good to see you realise who the viewers are really interested in......

He turns to the hard camera and points at Wood.

AG: Unlike this guy who says he couldn't care less about 6CW but spends his life telling people all about it; I REALLY could not give a damn about anything to do with this place. The fans, the owners, the crew.....whoever. I have a contract and I will fulfil it to get the money I am due. But screw all the rest of this sh*t.

He turns back to Wood.

AG: So, yeah Liam, whatever you say.........

Grace chucks the mic over his head which lands with a thump on the commentary position. Grace then simply stands there leaning against the corner.


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6CW Anarchy Tuesday 9th October 2018  Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Tuesday 9th October 2018

Post by x12x Thu 27 Sep 2018, 5:33 pm

Wood looks at Grace and tries not to but ends up bursting out laughing at the former World Champion


Wood stops himself laughing, taking a moment to compose himself for a second

Oh, sorry...Max did that already didn't he?...but god damn! It's so hard not to laugh in your damn face're a f**king joke. Nice to see how much you don't care though, so much so that you come out here and put on whatever THAT was!

I have to correct you though...when you say I don't care about've got it wrong. I care a hell of a lot about this company, I care a hell of a lot about this business and I care a hell of a lot about the title resting over my shoulder. You see, what I don't care about are the damn idiots who think the shows revolve around them, the idiots who cheer for the guys who drop to their knees and beg for their attention. What I don't care about is the health and safety of those who stand in my way or the fakes who use this business.

Antony Grace, what I don't care about is you...the way you walk around pretending to be someone who belonged here, someone who bought his belts and then couldn't even defend them. For all I could care Anthony you could go home tonight and enjoy too many “Hollywood Cocktails” and end up drowning in the bath...this place, would be better if you did.

Wood drops down from the turnbuckle, his focus still on Wood.

Funny though, the big Hollywood star worrying about the money offered to him in his contracts...I guess your movies are as bad as I imagine they are. You failed to pretend to be a wrestler so I assume that your movies nose dive worse than you do in to a pile of cocaine.

If you excuse me now though, I'd rather not stand in the ring with you...I'm worried that if we're close enough for too long I might lose my belt. Whatever you caught hanging out with that Potato Headed Irishman O'Callaghan might just be contagious and I have NO plans on giving up my title any time soon.

Wood smirks at Grace who remains stood in the ring before climbing out and walking over to the commentary desk. As Wood reaches it, he picks up the mic that was thrown by Grace and throws it back causing it to land with a thump next to Graces feet. Wood then sits on top of the commentary and speaks one last time.

You might need that Tony...unless your plan was to show us just how much you don't care by coming out and giving me the silent treatment? If so, did you learn these mind games from teenage dating advice?!

Wood laughs to himself again, his eyes still on Grace in the ring.


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6CW Anarchy Tuesday 9th October 2018  Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Tuesday 9th October 2018

Post by TwisT Thu 27 Sep 2018, 8:03 pm

Grace stares at Wood and continues his strop. He rolls his eyes and picks up the microphone. He then pauses a while, rolling the mic back and forth in his hands. He then very deliberately chucks it at Woods face, only narrowly missing.

Grace simply then hunches down and sits against the turnbuckle. The crowd continue to jeer as Grace pays no attention to them.


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6CW Anarchy Tuesday 9th October 2018  Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Tuesday 9th October 2018

Post by x12x Thu 27 Sep 2018, 8:29 pm

As the mic flies over the head of Wood, missing narrowly the UK Champion remains unmoved, a smirk still on his face. Wood then lifts the mic and speaks again.

What is this Tony? A cry for help, a childish rebellion because things aren't going your way or is it that you've had the realisation that you just aren't good enough? I'd probably quit if I was you...

...but I know your fragile little ego can't do that.

Wood stands up and walks up on to the apron, a grin covering his face

The sad fact is that even though you say you don't care, you still needed to act as if you're the reason these fans watch week in week out. You told us just how much it didn't matter while giving yourself an ego boost. You see the mixed message right?!

For someone who doesn't give a damn you're putting on enough of a show about it. You've come out here to cause a scene and act all dramatic but at some point you're going to have to stand yourself up and walk off in silence.

Wood walks even closer to Grace and leans on the top rope, looking down at Grace who remains hunched at the bottom of the turnbuckle.

I guess you leaving in silence is quite fitting actually...nobody cares about Anthony Grace the “wrestler” anymore because he's lost his fake titles, nobody cares about Anthony Grace the “actor” anymore because JJ Johnson is coming back and nobody will care about Anthony Grace as a person anymore because THIS is how he acts when the chips are down.

You can act like it doesn't matter, you can act like you're better than it but deep down you know that finally the cover has been blown, people have seen through the smoke and mirrors and they finally see the true Anthony Grace and he's a bit of a nonce.

Wood laughs to himself, dropping his own mic at the feet of Grace once again before nonchalantly hopping off the apron to the floor. Wood, now face level with sarcastically waves at the former champion before walking up the aisle and leaving through the exit leaving Grace sat in the ring, alone, the fans unsure of how to react due to Grace still ignoring them.


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6CW Anarchy Tuesday 9th October 2018  Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Tuesday 9th October 2018

Post by TwisT Thu 27 Sep 2018, 8:51 pm

The former world champion couldn't look less bothered as Wood exits through the curtain. The crowd get more and more angry as Grace simply sits there, staring straight ahead and ignoring the boos.

A couple of stagehands appear and try to coax Grace to his feet. He ignores them too, even when they become nearly as agitated as the crowd.

HA: What a bizarre spectacle we are witnessing. Grace is just not playing ball.

HE: Wood came out here and spent his entire time demeaning Anthony, but all eyes were on Grace.

HA: He isn't winning any fans with this attitude.

HE: Anthony doesn't care and why should he? He is been told he doesn't deserve to be here and yet here he is. 6CW is now paying a guy millions for doing SFA. Whose the idiots? It's not like he cares what Wood or anyone thinks of him.

Grace continues to be talked to by the stagehands but he continues to sit in an empty ring on his own, hogging all the attention.

HE: You sit right there Anthony. You don't owe these fools anything!

Grace sits in silence with a loud negative reaction from the crowd ringing in his ears. The kind that Wood, for all his talk, could only dream of getting.


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6CW Anarchy Tuesday 9th October 2018  Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Tuesday 9th October 2018

Post by Marky Thu 27 Sep 2018, 10:30 pm

As Anthony Grace sits in the centre of the ring, the crowd erupt into a mixture of cheers and boos, as "Radioactive" by Imagine Dragons hits, and out walks Max Adamson! Adamson is dressed in jeans and an official TA t-shirt (available now at

Henry: What's going on?!

Harold: Adamson and Grace have a storied history, but I don't get what Adamson is doing out here now?

Adamson gets to the ring, calmly walks up the ring steps and into the ring. He has a microphone with him as he tells the stage hands to leave the ring. Adamson sits down next to Grace who remains unmoved. Adamson sits next to Grace for a few moments while smirking at the booing from the crowd. Adamson speaks to Grace.

Max: Hey sport. Is everything okay?

Parts of the crowd laugh as Adamson plays the sympathetic stepdad role

Max: D'ya... D'ya wanna talk about it champ?

Adamson makes a sad face at the camera

Max: Hey buddy. I know what'll turn that frown upside down. I know when I feel sad, all I've got to do is sing the happy song...

(Henry: Uh oh...)

The crowd pops as Adamson grins

Max: I'm sure these people want to hear the happy song...

The crowd pops again as Adamson smiles, Grace is still unmoved

Max: "I'm H-A-P-P-Y! I'm H-A-P-P-Y! I know I am, I'm sure I am, I'm H-A-P-P-Y!"

Adamson stands up and sings louder as the crowd cheer

Max: "H-A-P-P-Y! I'm H-A-P-P-Y! I know I am, I'm sure I am, I'm H-A-P-P-Y!"

Grace barely looks up at Adamson, who is standing over Grace. Adamson sighs and shakes his head.

Max: Well, if that won't fix it, I don't know what will.

Adamson stands deep in thought

Max: I've got it! Let's forget our troubles with a big bowl of strawberry ice cream! Or better yet, why don't we get in the car and go for some frosty chocolate milkshakes. Yay!

Adamson motions for Grace to follow him but Grace is still unmoved, albeit looking a little annoyed.

Max: Oh I give up. You wallow in your own self pity. I'm going for milkshake and ice cream. Such are the joys of retirement and no need for diet plans. Adios amigo.

Adamson leaves the ring and reluctantly walks up the ramp, sadly looking back at Grace every few steps. He eventually gets to the top of the ramp, and shakes his head at the still unmoving Grace, before Adamson walks through the curtain.

Harold: I don't think any of us expected that.


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6CW Anarchy Tuesday 9th October 2018  Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Tuesday 9th October 2018

Post by The Last Outlaw Fri 28 Sep 2018, 5:56 am

Remedy by Seether kicks out through the speakers, and with it comes a chorus of boos

HA: Oh god, do we really need to add this man to the mix?

HE: Right now, maybe the shock jock himself, the Last Outlaw Marty Helms might get a reaction from Grace

As he walks down the ramp from the entrance, it is clear he is carrying a microphone in one hand and a green sheet of some kind in the other. He rolls into the ring and turns to address the crowd, not looking at Grace

MH: Ladies and gentlemen, I am out here to apologise to you for the ridiculous actions being undertaken by some very immature gentlemen on 6CW.

He pauses

MH: Lets address the elephant in the room here

He pauses again

MH: Me being only on commentary this evening is absolute a reason for you to void your tickets and ask for a refund. That Alex Walker could put on such a blatant show of selfish ignorance is absolute ridiculous. Sure, I’m the TV champion, and the viewers at home are about to witness the first ever interesting match either of those two men will have. However, you lot in the arena won’t have my commentary to save it, you’ll be stuck having to watch Xavier Ross and Cameron Faith trying to fight. They - - -

Finally, Helms turns to look at the unmoved Grace

MH: Oh yeah...

Without a moment’s more hesitation, Helms walks directly over to Grace and covers him completely with the green sheet he carried to the ring with him. He walks quickly back to the centre of the ring

MH: There, sorted. Green screen now, they can fix that in post. It’s not the first time Anthony has up and disappeared because he’s lost a title.

The fans actually clap him, which annoys Helms

MH: Hey! I’m just joshing around, people don’t quit when they lose titles! I’m not here for your entertainment, and I’m certainly not here to let him leech off someone with actual talent with the spoken word. You know why I’m

He unclips the title around his waist and holds it in the air

MH: Do you dribbling cretins know why I’m the champion? Because when the clowns and the bravehearts backstage come knocking at my door, I come out and rip their f***ing heads off! And Alex Walker knows that, which is why Alex Walker is too scared to put me in a match this week, and it’s why Alex Walker isn’t booking me any real opponents for this TV title I hold above me.

He lowers it and clips it back around his waist

MH: Instead I’m cleaning up his messes. Hiring Ross and Faith are two of his own dumb mistakes that I have to save 6CW from.

He puts on a weird voice, seemingly to mock Alex Walker

MH: “Keep the ratings afloat during the special olympics, Marty.”

He then looks at the corner, before speaking as himself again

MH: I’ve even cleared up the little problem Robert Downs was trying to create.

He finally turns to look down the ramp

MH: So lets have a message of hope or the drunken shout of a Glasgow city centre. Come on, boys, make this worth the timeslot. Advertise yourselves. Hell, remind the mouthbreathers watching what your actual names are. I dare you...

He glares down from the ring to the big screen and the entrance, looking for Xavier Ross or Cameron Faith

The Last Outlaw

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6CW Anarchy Tuesday 9th October 2018  Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Tuesday 9th October 2018

Post by TwisT Fri 28 Sep 2018, 9:02 am

We now have the bizarre spectacle of Marty Helms waiting in the ring for Ross and Faith, with a Grace shaped green monster sitting in the corner. As Marty awaits a reply, attention turns once again to Grace, still unmoved and covered by the green sheet. The crowd are totally bemused and are taking photos of the former world champion.

HA: I still don’t know what to make of this. Grace is being mocked left, right and centre and he is just sitting there. Has the man lost his spine?

HE: Have we ever seen a reaction from backstage like this before? First Liam Wood, then Max Adamson and now Marty Helms. It is like the whole of 6CW are lining up to take their shot. The ring has never been busier for a round of Anarchy talk!

HA: Marty does look a bit perplexed now as he waits. It is quite off putting!

HE: Wood repeatedly stated that 6CW doesn’t need Grace and yet look at the reaction we are getting from his peers! It is like Grace feeds 6CW.

Marty Helms continues to wait. He stares back at Grace from time to time; but quickly returns his attention to the stage. Suddenly laughter fills the arena as Grace, from still under the cover, seems to cough and then scratch his head. Even the Lloyd brothers are heard to be chuckling.

HA: Ross and Faith better come out soon. Who wants to stand alone in the ring when a guy with a green sheet over his head is getting all the attention!

Marty Helms continues to wait, whist getting more and more annoyed.


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6CW Anarchy Tuesday 9th October 2018  Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Tuesday 9th October 2018

Post by XR Fri 28 Sep 2018, 10:10 am

As helms looks on from the ring, a familiar voice is heard.

The following message is brought to you by The Beacon of Hope, Xavier Ross.

The immediate reaction from the crowd is to boo but there is a smattering of cheers amongst them for answering the challenge of Marty Helms.  His name emblazoned on the big screen, Xavier Ross steps out on to the stage clapping his hands slowly and staring directly at helms.  Ross stands at the top of the ramp, still clapping the man staring back at him as he pulls a microphone from his back pocket.  Ross slowly walks down towards the ring, addressing the TV Champion as he does.

Xavier Ross: Bravo, Marty, Bravo.  You’re living up to your reputation, giving everyone here tonight a spectacle in how not to act.

There are a few more cheers as Helms points towards Ross and mouths something unsavoury.

Xavier Ross: Let’s clear something up, the annoyance you feel about not wrestling tonight is matched by my displeasure of having to face Cameron Faith again.  He’s somehow got his way and gets the chance to take on the premier talent in 6CW in…a street fight.

The fans cheer but this time for the mention of Cameron Faith and the street fight, not so much for Xavier.

Xavier Ross: It seems that this company still panders to whiners and is missing a backbone to tell them no, to wait their turn or to make something happen for themselves.  The only upside to beating Faith for the second time in succession is that championship in your hands.

Helms looks down towards his TV Title, his knuckles whiten as his grip on the strap tightens.  Ross is now by the steps at ringside, he continues whilst ascending them.

Xavier Ross: I would be silly to say that this opportunity doesn’t appeal to me.  Once Cameron Faith is dispatched, then it’s just you and i…and whatever that is stood there in the corner.

Ross points towards Grace.

Xavier Ross: But please...with tonight’s match comes a word of advice...perhaps a disclaimer, from myself to you.

Ross enters the ring.

Xavier Ross: You can act like what is standing in front of you doesn’t make you a little nervous, makes you doubt yourself.  It's ok, I expect you to hide behind a shield of bravado but you can't fool yourself.  I want you to actually feel your emotions, I want you to have a long look in the mirror and have a conversation with your soul.  Listen to what it has to say and then accept that as the real truth, your real belief and it will make what's coming your way far easier to handle.

Xavier stands across from Helms.

Xavier Ross: My message is simple: You either take me seriously or the consequences will be devastating.  Your attitude tonight suggests there needs to be a bit more work on your side but don't worry, you will have a ringside seat tonight and maybe you'll finally understand.  Deep down, it’s there.  There’s a light ready to be switched on but you’re afraid to do it because you know it means one thing…losing who you are.  That championship has made you but once that's gone, what’s left?  You’re afraid to find out but that decisions is no longer in your hands.  When I put Cameron Faith out of his misery and have my arm raised, I become the number one contender to your belt.  Your worst nightmare is going to played out in front of you and you can’t throw a green screen over it, you can’t run nor hide from it.  You will be front and centre, face to face with the man who will bring your world down to it's knees...

Ross pauses and scratches his chin whilst slowly looking around with his eyebrows slightly raised.  He looks back at Helms.

Xavier Ross:  Am I making sense yet?


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6CW Anarchy Tuesday 9th October 2018  Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Tuesday 9th October 2018

Post by ncfc_Tooze Sat 29 Sep 2018, 12:41 pm

As Ross finishes talking buffalo soldier hits and the crowd go wild as RASTA makes his return to 6cw. He has a beard and his dreadlocks longer than ever before. His eyes very bloodshot. Its obvious he has had a good night.The camera zooms in as he raises the microphone to his lips
But before he can speak he spots Grace wrapped in the green sheet.  He runs to the back shouting repeatedly

R: ghost mon there is a ghost in the ring mon. I didn't sign up to this

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6CW Anarchy Tuesday 9th October 2018  Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Tuesday 9th October 2018

Post by The Last Outlaw Sun 30 Sep 2018, 8:25 am

Helms looks down the ramp, back to the ring, down the ramp again and finally, a little bemused, up at Xavier Ross

MH: This is what you bring, Xavier. You’re a joke. What was his message brought to me by? The Milk Council?

Ross looks at him and points at the corner, mouthing “that joke is you”

MH: Don’t look at it, it feeds off the attention.

Helms goes over and organises the sheet so the top has a little point

MH: He'll feel more comfortable now, I’m sure he’s comfortable with a sheet and a pointed hood...probably lucky Rasta left.

The crowd boo Helms, seeing that he has again crossed the line. The TV champion ignores them, unbuckling his TV Championship once again. He walks over to Ross

MH: But lets not ignore what you said, Xavier. Outside all the s***, I could feel you begging for respect. So here

He offers the belt to him

MH: touch it. Go on.

Ross looks down at it, then up to Helms with a look of annoyance and a sneer

MH: Yes, that’s better. Starting to understand now. Starting to see what this is all about. Cos only one man in this ring is a champion, and championships come in very similar ways as respect. You earn them. And I’ve got both from everyone in that locker room, this audience, this industry.

Oh, they might not like me, but this isn’t a popularity contest. They respect me cos they see my damn results. If you want me to worry about you, take you seriously, you’re going to need to do something. The real champions around here, we make good on our words. We have bravado cos we back it up. Marty Helms, Liam Wood, Max Adamson - we talk the talk cos we walk the walk.

He takes his belt away and rests it on his shoulder

MH: Until you can do that, it won’t just be my respect you don’t get near.

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6CW Anarchy Tuesday 9th October 2018  Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Tuesday 9th October 2018

Post by gazzyD Mon 01 Oct 2018, 8:31 pm

The scene opens in the parking lot of the arena, a car engine is heard before a modest Vauxhall Insignia pulls in and parks up. The driver door opens and gazzy emerges from the vehicle and throws his gym bag over his shoulder before making his way in to the arena as Tim Allen comes in to shot

TA: gazzy, you got a moment for a few words?

g: sure thing Tim, but I got a busy night I need to get ready for

TA: So last time out saw you pick up the W against Liam Wood, I tried to catch up with you after that but this rivalry between yourself and Liam just wouldn't allow for it. Now I have you, I was wondering if we can get your thoughts and feelings, it must have been pretty good to pick up the pinfall victory right?

g: You know what Tim, I would usually come out and play to the cameras and say yeah this was a huge win for me, but you know, with everything that Wood has said about me, about my personal life with Christy, then I'm just gonna be honest and say that I couldn't give a damn about pinning him in some throwaway tag team match

TA: Surely though any win is....

g: Tim, no disrespect but you'll never understand. I don't think anybody would. You don't know what it feels like to have once been seen as as one of, if not THE number one guy in this company, and now for somebody like Liam Wood to come out week after week and constantly run his mouth about me. To repeatedly say how he's going to put me out of my misery, about my glory days being behind me like I'm some washed up has-been

TA: gazzy, I totally understand that you don't need to explain

g: No Tim, you don't understand, you see these past weeks there's been multiple times I've stayed awake at night, racking my brain, doubting myself, my ability, actually buying in to what I've heard Liam Wood saying. You don't know how that feels, nobody around here does

Tim Allen goes to ask another question but gazzy immediately talks over him

g: Listen, I know that since 6CW re-opened its doors it's not been ideal for me. Heck, you could probably argue that since I came back from my back injury its been less than perfect but I ain't about to sit back and feel sorry for myself. Like my injury, like the crap with Max, like Joshua and The Forgotten, Like you can see I've faced a lot of crap in my career and I'm still standing. I ain't no has-been, I'm 35 years old and in better shape than I've ever been. Wood, you want to keep running your mouth, you keep saying that you're going to end my career then step up to the line sunshine, because you can bet your ass that I ain't going anywhere. I'm gonna make you eat your words by pinning you again tonight, and I ain't letting up until that pretty little UK Title you have is around my waist.

Gazzy pauses and takes a moment before turning his attention to the camera

g: I owe it to myself, I owe it to the fans who just want you to shut the hell up, and most importantly of all, I owe it to Christy. Lord knows I've made her life miserable, but God bless her she was willing to give it another go and I'll never take what I've got for granted again. For the first time in a while I can say I believe my demons are behind me and everybody is about to see the return of the real gazzyD, the Human Highlight Reel, The History Maker.....Mr 6CW

gazzy immediately walks away from shot as the camera turns and focuses back on Tim Allen

TA: THANKS FOR YOUR TIME G.....gazzyD there, I think safe to say as fired up as we've seen in sometime. Stay tuned for Anarchy

scene fades


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6CW Anarchy Tuesday 9th October 2018  Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Tuesday 9th October 2018

Post by Engel Harlequin Tue 02 Oct 2018, 2:26 pm

It's not over yet" plays as darkness sweeps over the arena. A spotlight slowly creeps up the ramp to the entranceway before stopping as Engel Harlequin walks into the light cradling the International Championship in one arm and his trademark barbed wire baseball bat in the other. Engel goes to raise the title in the air but quickly thinks against it, pulling it into his cheek screaming "MINE" repeatedly.

HA: Well here he is folks. Your new *ahem* International Champion.

HE: You don't seen very pleased about that. I told you he would do it Harold.

HA: if only you had the courage to stand by your conviction throughout his career. Now Uryu Ushida that is a guy standing by his convictions. He seems unfazed by Engels arrival

Engel reaches the bottom of the ramp and stares at Uryu Ushida who stares back intently. His music stops and the lights raise. Engel slowly walks around the ring his eyes transfixed on Uryu, a sickening smile across his face.

HE: Engel Harlequin clearly has not finished with Uryu. Stupidity to keep asking for more if you ask me.

Engel rolls into the ring. He rests his barbed wire bat on the corner ropes as he puts the International title around his waist and takes a microphone from his jacket pocket. He grabs the baseball bat and swings it from side to side as he walks around the ring. The crowd boo as he raises the microphone to his mouth.

EH: hehehe. You know what I like in a man Uryu? I like them big balls. Not many 6CW superstars have stood in this ring after a previous encounter with me and coke out here and wanted more. Look at the legends that have come and gone because of me...Joshua, Keith Leone...from the sounds of it even Anthony Grace has lost it. You think you are fit enough to lace there boots Uryu? What of the guys that came back for more? Dicey Reilly? Cerberus? Liam Wood? Giants of this business. Who are you Uryu? WHO...ARE...YOU? But...Yet here you stand balls a swinging back and forth like they are ready to take down the Eiffel Tower. Hehehe. I like that Uryu...I ADMIRE that.

Engel nods his head and points at Uryu in appreciation.

EH: Yet, you fail to see the bigger picture here. You see, I am the new champion of the Inter Nations. This match is not happening because you demand it happens. This match is happening because when my lord and saviour Mr Alex Walker came to me and he said Engel, Engel I have a guy in the back that wants a rematch. You see at first I thought it was Grace clamouring for my title. But then he said it's Uryu. And at first I said no. No way Alex. He is done I had my fun, but then I had a chat with my old friend here Mr. Bat and you see Mr Bat tells me he never got his good night kiss. You kept...turning your back to him. And that made Mr. Bat very very sad. Now we don't want Mr. Bat to be sad do we Uryu? So I accepted this match but like hell are you getting near this International title Uryu. It's MINE!

Engel slumps into the corner a wild gaze upon his face.

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6CW Anarchy Tuesday 9th October 2018  Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Tuesday 9th October 2018

Post by Uryu Ishida Tue 02 Oct 2018, 3:22 pm

Uryu looks across at Engel who suddenly grins at him.

UI: Who am I? Well that is a very interesting question you ask because it all depends on who knows me best. You ask Alex Walker and he will say I am a guy who openly disobeys doctors and himself in order to give the people what they want. If you ask Lion he will say that I am a man that he knows and respects, a man who is willing to put himself at a negative if the positive helps his friends. If you ask Max Adamson then he will say that I am a complete joke of a man who can't get over past events and that I'm jealous of his greatness.

Uryu slowly chuckles.

UI: And they are all absolutely correct! Even your view is correct, however twisted it may be. Cerberus, Anthony Grace, Xavier Ross, JJ Johnson, Cassius Zhi, Hobo, Thurman "Sparky" Plugg you can name anyone connected to the wrestling industry who has even heard of my name and their opinions will always be correct. Their opinions are not the ones I hold in the highest regard however. The ones who I hold closest to me are the ones generated by every single person in every single arena I perform in. I listen to them and after every match I am always reminded by their cheers who I am.

The crowd slowly start an "U-RY-U!" chant.

I am their hope, their ideals and dreams, their entertainer and their pride. I come out here regardless of condition and will perform for them. You may call it some sadistic form of puppetry but what I am is their champion! I am there for them and they are there for me, cheering me on and keeping me going. I have been here an awful long time Engel and I know that you may stand as tall as the Eiffel Tower but I am always ready to knock down any obstacle that gets in their...

Uryu points to the fans and spins 360 degrees.

UI:... and my way.

Uryu gets close to Engels face.

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6CW Anarchy Tuesday 9th October 2018  Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Tuesday 9th October 2018

Post by Engel Harlequin Tue 02 Oct 2018, 3:52 pm

Engel takes an uneasy glance at Uryu as he slides past him.

EH: So brave, so gallant. Oh Uryu you are such a big boy hehehe. Did your mum put ginger bread in the cookie cutter that shaped you? I would love a taste hehehehe.

Uryu looks at Engel with disdain. Engel mockingly shakes with fear as he continues.

EH: Oh I get it Uryu, you want your vengeance. You want to prove to all of these lovely people, to yourself, to Alex Walker that you have still got it despite looking like you have just come out of the ICU... (Engel lifts Mr. Bat to his ear) Yes Mr. Bat you did that hehehehe... (lowers the bat) it's SO adorable Uryu but the truth is that as admirably as you stand there you are going to need more than just your big balls and your little kitty cat out there at Anarchy cause you see this Uryu (points at his International Title) This bad boy right here has got my name on it. You know why? Cause I am the best, the toughest, most sadistic unpredictable monster to ever set foot in ANY nation on this goddam planet. I have put down freaks, I have put down monsters and I have ended legends in this company. You see him (raises Mr. Bat) you see the dried on blood all over his face? He is living proof that not only did I survive you once, it's proof that if you come round again I will put you down again and again and again. You might have your friends...the support and love of all these people but Mr. Bat is all I'll ever need.

Engel strides over to Uryu and gets in his face holding the bat close to both faces.

EH: If only Bam had lived to tell the tale we might have been able to have a selfie. Uryu, (Engel taps the side of his head with his finger) you hear that? Right there in your head? It's me Uryu and you can't do a damn thing about it cause wether you like it or not wether you bring along your friend or you fight for these people you haven't got it in you.

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6CW Anarchy Tuesday 9th October 2018  Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Tuesday 9th October 2018

Post by Uryu Ishida Tue 02 Oct 2018, 4:47 pm

UI: You say you survived me? We have never had a one on one match before this week and you think attacking me whilst I was restrained is survival? Do you find me that much of a threat to you? Well if that is the case then it proves something to me. People backstage are noticing what I can do when 100% focused. Yes I had just lost in Australia because of my own distractions but what you did has just drawn my attention all on you, like a piece of iron to a magnet. You could have stayed away and let me wallow in my own despair and sadness and i'm sure you would have enjoyed seeing me crumble but what you did is reinforce me. What you could not factor in is that with every single bat shot you gave me you made me remember every single time I fell down and struggled to get back up. So for that I thank you.

Uryu corners Engel and smiles.

UI: Every single hit is a lesson, every assault an experience and I have taken countless beatings throughout the years and they all made me bent out of shape. They all twisted and turned me into something wild and strange so I took some time away, reforged my purpose and waited. Waited for the right time to return and show these people that what they believe in is not dead. That some old ways like honor and courage can thrive in todays environment. I didn't ask for Alex Walker to make this match between us. Just like I didn't ask him to make last weeks match between me and Mike Hill. Doesn't mean I will not enjoy the challenges he gives me and you are certainly a challenge, that I can happily say. You are International Champion because you defeated one of the craftiest men in 6CW and what this match between us this week allows me to do is stake my claim to an opportunity to take that belt away from you. An opportunity like this is one not to waste and I ask you a question. What will happen if you end up on the mat with me covering you, or you tapping out furiously or even running up the ramp or having to resort to that bat? What will happen when you realize that I am better than you?

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6CW Anarchy Tuesday 9th October 2018  Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Tuesday 9th October 2018

Post by Marky Thu 04 Oct 2018, 12:58 pm

"Machine Gun" by Portishead hits and the crowd immediately boos, as the 6CW World Tag Team Champions, Jackson Jackson and Frank Horrigan, make their way to the stage.

Henry: Well, McManus wanted more of The TA and he got what he wanted. Two on one handicap match Harold, he's gonna get annihilated!

Harold: The way McManus has been talking, maybe he's not coming alone...

Henry: What are you on about? It's two v one. Not two v two. Learn to read.

Jackson and Horrigan have made their way to the ring, Jackson has a microphone as he climbs up the steel steps to the ring apron, Horrigan merely steps up onto the apron from the floor, Horrigan steps in over the top rope while Jackson springboards over it simultaneously. Both men have their 6CW World Tag Team Championships around their waists. Jackson hushes the booing crowd with his hand as he speaks into the microphone.

Jackson: Oh James McManus. One half of the Parasite Killers...

Jackson looks unimpressed as the crowd sing "Ohhhh Parasite Killers"

Jackson: Remember them? Those no-hopers who were dismantled by yours truly when we, for the first time, became World Heavyweight World 6CW World Tag Team World Champions of the World. And "one half of the Parasite Killers" is posting cryptic messages on Twitter, and talking to "an old friend". Like we're stupid or something. Gee, I f*cking wonder who James McManus, one half of the Parasite Killers tag team, might be talking to?

The crowd ask "Who?" in a New Day style, Jackson smirks

Jackson: But it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter if McManus turned up with The Fanatic, or if he turned up alone. It wouldn't matter if he brought along Nigel Napalm. The end result will be the same. As seen in the last few weeks of these shenanigans. James McManus, face down on the mat, and standing in the ring, arms raised, once again, Frank Horrigan, Jackson Jackson, YOUR, WORLD, 6CW, WORLD, HEAVYWEIGHT, WORLD, TAG TEAM, WORLD, CHAMPIONS, WORLD, CHAMPIONS, WORLD, CHAMPIONS, OF, THE, WORLD.

Jackson grins as the crowd boo, he absorbs the jeering and booing as he laughs

Jackson: Cos here's the thing. James McManus might be a credible wrestler. Everyone in 6CW is, realistically. Quality wise, this roster is the absolute best wrestling roster on the planet. But at the top of the pile, are your Gold Standards. At the top of the pile, are a select few who just so happen to be that little bit ahead of everyone else. Names like, Jackson Jackson, Frank Horrigan, Liam Wood, Marty Helms...

The crowd loudly boos every single one of those names

Jackson: ...these are the guys who are the true beacons of 6CW. And it's not about membership, or friendship, or even who you know, this is purely about mutual respect, that a select few are seen as locker room leaders, standard bearers, we are the benchmark. We are this generation's Four Horsemen, only superior. We are this generation's Kliq, only superior. Guys like McManus and Fanatic can only dream of being what The TA are. And that is a true Beacon of Excellence.

Harold: What the hell is he talking about?

Henry: You know the saying brother. If you have to ask, then you'll never know.

Jackson and Horrigan raise their arms and their Tag Team Championships in the air as the booing continues to echo around the building.


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6CW Anarchy Tuesday 9th October 2018  Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Tuesday 9th October 2018

Post by Nay Mon 08 Oct 2018, 10:32 pm

*Suddenly The arena erupts in a cacophony of noise as “I Fought the Law” blasts out across the arena and Cameron Faith walks onto the stage, dressed in torn jeans, Timberland Boots, cap on backwards and baseball bat. He walks towards the edge of the ramp and stands surveying the scene, baseball bat across his shoulders.*

HA: Faith, demanded this street Faith, and he looks like He’s ready for a fight

HE: Faiths nothing but a thug, look at him, utterly pathetic.

HA: I would say that the four men in and around this ring have driven him to this, Faith just wants a fair match.

HE: A fair match, Faith has proved time and time again that he just isn't good enough. Ross is just another name to prove this. He doesn’t deserve to be treated this way.

*Faith pulls a microphone out his back pocket and continues to stare at the men stood in the ring before turning his attention to Xavier Ross stood in the ring.*

CF: Look I’m Xavier, I’m gonna make this quick, see I told you I was gonna hunt you, I said that you would beg for this match!

*Faith stops and smirks*

CF: I just didn't know that it would be this quickly!!

See I know you're a proud man Xavier, I know you couldn't bring yourself to go to Walker.

But you claim to be an intelligent guy, you had to know what you what was gonna happen when you jumped me. You knew that it would lead to this match.

Well that’s fine with by me because your about to step into my playground, your about to find out exactly what Cameron Faith brings to 6CW and your about to find out exactly who Cameron Faith is.

*Faith points the bat at Xavier Ross*

CF: Because right now know I don‘t give a f*ck about Helms, Wood, Grace or any off their championships, the only thing I’m interested in is f***ing you up b*tch!!!!

*Faith drops the like, stands staring at Ross before turning to exit the Arena to a huge ovation.*

HA: Looks like Faith is sick of the games, short but not so sweet here

HE: Vulger Harold, just pure Vulger


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6CW Anarchy Tuesday 9th October 2018  Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Tuesday 9th October 2018

Post by The Last Outlaw Tue 09 Oct 2018, 8:28 am

Helms is looking at his phone during all this, but once he hears an end, looks up at the angry Scotsman, then at Xavier Ross, and finally to the green sheet. He puts his phone into his pocket and begins to talk, staring between the two men in the ring.

MH: Sorry, I hate reruns. Thought I’d check my Twitter instead. I rarely use it, the internet is full of 6CW fans and I hate people who dribble, but The Beacons had been lit.

He settles a stare at Faith

MH: My little challenge there to Xavier, that’s all well and good. He’s new, he’s keen, he’s naive. But you, Faith, you’re nearly as old as Terry Funk. And whilst Xavier has a career ahead of him to try reach my level, it’s been 72 years and you still haven’t got near any sort of excellence. This Anarchy might be the biggest night for your legacy, as a footnote on a wrestling trivia night.

He takes a step back to the rope and leans there, smile on his face, chuckling to himself

MH: Anthony Grace as the compère, a load of fat, ugly virgins in the crowd, interspersed between them the usual odd one who isn’t a virgin, who has touched their own sister while she slept...

He looks into the crowd that guy there...

He points at a guy in an ECW shirt

MH...this Philly local, 20 years old but from the cauldron of Extreme, almost definitely rubs up against women on the train.

The guy applauds as fans boo, really taking Helms’s attention

MH: Oh sure, you loved that. Gonna discuss my ‘heat’ and my ‘persona’ now? Fat piece of s***!

Helms takes more boos and turns back to Faith

MH: You’ll be the answer to a question about who was in the ring as Marty Helms first did commentary on 6CW Anarchy. No one will know the answer, you’ll not be what’s remembered that night, but least you’ll get a name check. And you can continue your little feud, the one where you both amount to nothing and fight over who gets to lose the opening match on a PPV that people purposefully arrive late to.

Helms looks to the two men, who clearly care far more about each other and their upcoming match than they do the incessant noise of an arrogant champion.

MH: But don’t let me get in the way, let’s see if the ratings can handle this being about just the two of you. But...

He steps over to the green sheet in the corner

MH: ...before I go.

He pulls the top of the sheet off to show Anthony Grace once more, and as he does so, the crowd cheer wildly

HA: Wait a second..!

HE: Where’s Anthony?!

Helms looks shocked and flabbergasted, searching around and looking to every corner to see where Grace has gone. An incoming message sound plays very loudly in the arena. Henry Lloyd stands up

HE: I’ve just received an email from

He looks down

HE: The Magician Of 6CW.

Henry is up and speaking into a mic so the arena can hear him.

HA: Who?

HE: And I quote: I have eclipsed all others in 6CW and taken the situation in the ring into my own hands.

You will see Mr Grace again when I choose him to be ready.

Henry stops and looks around.

HE: Thats all it says.

Henry sits down and the crowd seem at first puzzled, then boo. Their attention turns to the ring again, and then down the ramp as Helms has walked away

MH: That was the dumbest s*** I’ve ever heard. You don’t deserve me to be here as you try get out of that hole.

He drops the mic and Remedy by Seether plays as he exits behind the curtain

The Last Outlaw

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6CW Anarchy Tuesday 9th October 2018  Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Tuesday 9th October 2018

Post by Perfect Jack Tue 09 Oct 2018, 8:02 pm

The scene opens with Perfect Jack leading a camera man quietly down a corridor towards his locker room that he shares with Clarke James. Perfect Jack has a cardboard cut out of Cerberus under his shoulder.

PJ: Shhh, he's in the locker room now. Come on now, quick as you can but keep it quiet.

Perfect Jack approaches the looker room slowly and quietly with the camera man in tow. The door is slightly open but Perfect Jack moves it open a bit further. The camera man pokes the camera in quietly and captures Clarke James standing opposite his locker. The camera man takes a step back and lets Jack step ahead. Perfect Jack puts the cardboard cut out in through the door with the camera man filming right behind him.

Perfect Jack speaks with a silly impression of Cerberus.

PJ: Clarke James you thought you could attack me with your silly friend Perfect Jack now I am here for revenge.....oooooo....wooooo

Clarke James does a double take before he sees Perfect Jack who is laughing heavily.

CJ: Ah man you numpty. What was the point of that.

Perfect Jack walks into the room and stands the cardboard cut out up against the wall.

PJ: For a laugh matey. I know you've been thinking about your match and Cerberus and there's nothing to worry about. After what we did to him two weeks ago he has no chance of defeating you.

CJ: Yeah you're right. What a message we sent to him and the rest of the 6CW world.

PJ: Definitely. We are only a few steps away from becoming the first ever co world champions. Only a pair of our strength and ability could do this.

CJ: Yup yup. I'll tell you what, hand me that cardboard cut out there.

PJ: Here you go.

Jack hands the cut out to Clarke.

CJ: Camera man over here please. I want to send a message to Cerberus.

Clarke James picks up the cut out and rips it in half and throws it on the floor and proceeds to stamp on it a few times.

PJ: Hey that wasn't cheap you know. But i do agree with message.

The camera fades with it focusing on the cut out of Cerberus ripped in half.

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