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6CW Anarchy Tuesday 8th May 2018

Perfect Jack
The Last Outlaw
Uryu Ishida
Engel Harlequin
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6CW Anarchy Tuesday 8th May 2018 Empty 6CW Anarchy Tuesday 8th May 2018

Post by JJJohnson Wed 25 Apr 2018, 10:20 am

Match 1
Lion vs Marty Helms

Match 2
Uryu Ishida vs Bam Sparkleston

Match 3
Perfect Jack w/ Clarke James vs Jackson Jackson w/ Frank Horrigan

Match 4
Keith Leone vs James McManus
On commentary: O'Callaghan

Match 5
Liam Wood vs GazzyD
Special Referee: Mr Kenty

Match 6
Vincent Costello vs Mike Hill

Main Event
Anthony Grace vs Cameron Faith


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6CW Anarchy Tuesday 8th May 2018 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Tuesday 8th May 2018

Post by Engel Harlequin Wed 25 Apr 2018, 11:51 am

Quick cuts between Engel laughing manically, crying, clawing at his face and finally psychotic eyes bulging breathing heavy before cutting to Engel sat cross legged, his shoulders slumped and his head down.

EH: He...He...He...He...He

The maniacal laugh replaced by a slow sinister chuckle. Engel raises his head a look of silent desperation upon his face.

EH: Why?

Engel ruffles his hand through his hair scratching his head psychotic ally pondering

EH: Why Keith Leone won't you face me like a man? What have I got to do...what have I got to say?

Engel shakes his head slowly.

EH: I...want Keith Leone.  I want Keith Leone...I want him I want him...I need Keith Leone.

Engel claws at the side of his face screaming in humanely.

EH: Shut promised me the world and you kissed it in the flamed. A poisoned chalice of empty stinking promised and I fell hook line and sinker Mother...

Engels clawing hand slides down his face to his mouth almost choking as his fingers slide down his own throat. He removes them quickly.

EH: Keith Leone, you want to get involved in MY business? Anarchy was the last time you do. I am going to get you Keith I am going to get you and when I do I am going to hurt will learn what it feels to never be loved again you will suffer the pain and humiliation I suffer each and every day. You are going to bleed you are going to scream...Keith Leone you are going to beg to be able to laugh just one more time...I will see you Keith just like you saw me as you laughed and you clapped...but when I am done with you I will ask you this...whose laughing now?


Scene fades

Last edited by Engel Harlequin on Wed 25 Apr 2018, 4:27 pm; edited 1 time in total

Engel Harlequin

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6CW Anarchy Tuesday 8th May 2018 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Tuesday 8th May 2018

Post by Uryu Ishida Wed 25 Apr 2018, 3:46 pm

Uryu is seen entering the backstage area with his backpack as he sees a cameraman heading towards him.

UI: Yeah?

CM: Your thoughts on last weeks interference?

UI: You mean what are my plans for Marty Helms?

CM: Y...yeah I suppose

Uryu pauses a moment, looking around the area and giving a small smile.

UI: Marty is the kind of person who wants to stare at someone in a contest and then try to poke their eyes out. It's a way to make an impact but he went the wrong way about it. Now he will have to deal with what he has done.

Uryu starts to walk towards the locker room as his smile sharply fades and eyes glare at the cameraman, signalling the end of the conversation.

CM: Wait a second, does that mean you are planning on being ringside for that match even though you have a match against another newcomer in Bam Sparkleston?

Uryu stops and turns to the cameraman shaking his head and walking back.

UI: Hang on, I never said I would be ringside. I said he would have to deal with what he has done and he will!

After a brief pause Uryu smiles and grabs a bottled water from his backpack, taking a sip.

CM: Even though Lion might have an issue with it?

UI: Look, I was in the same postion as him last week, laying on the mat and looking up after he attacked me. If our opponents were reversed this week i'm sure he would be thinking about doing the same thing to Marty. If Lion has a problem with me watching his match then it is up to him to tell me.

CM: A..alright but..any words for your opponent this week?

UI: Bam, if your boys interfere in our match then don't even try to explain why. I will be taking it out on you if they do.

CM: Thank you for your time.

Uryu heads off down a corridor and as he barely passes the car park double doors one is pushed into him and he's almost forced over.

UI: What the hell!

Uryu then turns around and sees...

Uryu Ishida

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6CW Anarchy Tuesday 8th May 2018 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Tuesday 8th May 2018

Post by The Last Outlaw Wed 25 Apr 2018, 7:32 pm

With Uryu backstage, the camera cuts to ringside as Remedy by Seether starts to play

HA: And here is the man who made his presence well and truly known on our second show of this very exciting run. Last time out on Anarchy, Marty Helms showed that he was an outlaw on his own dime, doing things for himself

HE: Helms saw a match drifting between two amateurs and did us all a favour.

Helms walks out and the crowd boo. He spits out towards them. He's in his black combat pants and a new "Drain the Swamp" t-shirt. He looks to the crowd with disdain, but then smiles at the vitriol fired at him

HA: He's proud of himself, isn't he?

HE: So am I...

Helms is walking down the ramp and he stops to argue with a fan. Security pull him away as he tells a child to f*** off.

HA: This is not right, this man is taking depths and plunging into them further and further at great speed.

Helms stands and laughs at the fans who are now standing behind a wall of security to save both them and Helms.

HE: He has them in the palm of his hands

Helms walks away now and goes to the ring, climbing the steps

HA: It's been one week of a return, I'm meant to be impartial. I do not like Marty Helms.

HE: I don't think he will care one bit

Helms demands a mic, shouting at the people who have not got it to him quick enough. He checks that it's on and then looks down the ramp

MH: Well, well, well. You people think you've got a damned voice, dont you? Booing at me, swearing at me. That little fat kid over there...

He points at the fans behind the security who gathered

MH:...he will die a virgin at 42 with his obese little d*ck in his hands. And his fat Dad will be the only person who cares. 

Helms laughs as the boos chorus towards him, the father and his child now in a physical argument with the security as they try to get over the rail

MH: And you know what? I care about him more than that washed up piece of s*** Uryu Ishida. And I can tell you now, Alex Walker agrees. Did he stop me? Did he punish me? No. No he did not. The man basically thanked me for bringing some damn life to the start of that Anarchy. 

He strolls around the ring now, getting into it

MH: What happened the rest of that show? Did a match even end without someone running down and interrupting? THEY ALL SAW THE IMPACT I'M MAKING AND THE POWER I ALREADY GAINED!

He stops and looks down the lens, away from the ramp now

MH: I am coming to DRAIN. THE. SWAMP. Don't fear the walking dead, this roster is the walking dead. Kenty? Uryu? Gazzy f***ing D?! Jesus wept. I'm starting with this lion-faced waste of space and then I'm moving onto Ishida, the kind of guy who stalks your girlfriend online. The rest of these old, washed-up junkies can go next.

He turns to the ramp

MH: Sorry, I was expecting Russell Crowe's missing-link sibling to come out with his Australian title...

He walks over to the furthest turnbuckle and leans against it

MH: There's nothing they can do, and they'll see when I make the first Lion of 6CW extinct...after all, who is going to stop me?

The Last Outlaw

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6CW Anarchy Tuesday 8th May 2018 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Tuesday 8th May 2018

Post by Uryu Ishida Wed 25 Apr 2018, 8:31 pm

The titantron lights up and shows Uryu Ishida storming to the top of the ramp from backstage, microphone in hand. Mr Blue Sky plays as he walks out and the crowd cheer.

UI: I'm sorry, I couldn't just let you carry on out here talking about how you are going to drain the swamp of some very experienced talent and yet you start by beating up a very talented wrestler on his second show here, well done genius!

As the crowd cheer loudly Uryu rapidly paces back and forth across the stage.

UI: Are you going to build a wall so you can keep the fans from smacking you in the mouth that you so rightly deserve? Are you gonna make them pay for it too? Look everyone, Marty Trump here is going to be as popular here as he is in the USA!

The crowd boo Marty heavily as Uryu smiles. A chant of "Get the **** out!" starts slowly and builds up as Uryu points to himself, the crowd respond "NO!" and as he points to Marty the crowd chant "YEAH!" repeatedly.

UI: Alright, now if Alex Walker was a rookie at his job he would have fired you immediately Marty but he isn't, unlike the previous GM, Alex Walker has balls.

A loud cheer erupts.

HA: A shot at the world champion there

HE: Clearly fake news #GraceForever

UI: Alex Walker knows we experienced veterans can handle our own buisness and gives us more leeway than others. He allows us to settle things in a little bit of an old fashioned way.

Uryu starts walking down the ramp.

UI: He allows us to deal with the fans in our way...

Security part as Uryu goes to the fan Marty insulted and signs his t-shirt and DVD before pacing the ring, eyes focused on Marty

UI: ...The ring crew, commentators, timekeeper, referee, security in our own way...

Uryu slides in the ring and goes nose to nose with Marty Helms.

UI:... And you in my own way!

HA: Well now!

HE: Deck him Marty!

Uryu Ishida

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6CW Anarchy Tuesday 8th May 2018 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Tuesday 8th May 2018

Post by Marky Thu 26 Apr 2018, 11:44 pm

"Machine Gun" by Portishead hits and Max Adamson, Jackson Jackson and Frank Horrigan, collectively known as The TA, walk out to the stage to a mixed reaction of cheers and boos, as Ishida and Helms look on from the ring

Max: Sorry to interrupt this love in, but this time you're taking up in the ring is actually OUR time. We have this ring booked, because Jackson Jackson and Frank Horrigan finally have their chance to win back the World 6CW World Tag Team World Championships of the World, and they want to talk about how they'll do exactly that at 6CW Genesis.

(Adamson pauses and smirks at the two men in the ring, their gaze moving from each other towards the three men on the stage)

Max: But frankly, even if we didn't have this time scheduled, I'm fairly sure everyone here is bored to death of you two anyway. You've got Marty Helms, who seems to think that making unfunny insults and unfounded allegations about me makes him cool and edgy. In reality it makes you a helmet. And you, Uryu Ishida, a man who's not been relevant since I stole his girlfriend and she helped me become a two time 6WF Undisputed Champion while you did nothing more than endure a short term name change, how did that work out for you buddy?

(Adamson smirks again as neither Ishida or Helms look impressed. All of a sudden Jackson takes the microphone from Adamson, leaving Adamson a little bemused)

Jackson: Enough. This isn't about Uryu Ishida, this isn't about Marty Helms, and it certainly isn't about you Max.

(The crowd cheer as Jackson stares at Adamson)

Jackson: Oh no no no, it's not like that. You guys aren't going to witness any breakups here. We didn't come here to argue with each other and we certainly didn't come here to get involved with you two morons.

(Jackson and Horrigan nod at each other as the crowd boo them)

Jackson: We finally have our chance to take back what was stolen from us, the 6CW World Tag Team Championships. Frank and I are, without a shadow of a doubt, the absolute best team in professional wrestling. And at Genesis, the fun stops for Clarke James and Perfect Jack. The game will be over for those two.

(Jackson hands the microphone to Horrigan)

Horrigan: Newton's First Law states that an object will remain at rest or in uniform motion in a straight line unless acted upon by an external force. It may be seen as a statement about inertia, that objects will remain in their state of motion unless a force acts to change the motion. Horrigan's Law states that you are looking at the team who are going to be the external force that changes the motion of Clarke James and Perfect Jack.

(Horrigan drops the microphone with a thud, he and Jackson raise their arms to more booing.)


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6CW Anarchy Tuesday 8th May 2018 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Tuesday 8th May 2018

Post by TwisT Fri 27 Apr 2018, 3:03 pm

Suddenly “Power” by Kayne West comes over the speakers and the boos go up in volume. All eyes turn to the stage as Anthony Grace and Charles Kramer appear. Grace is wearing his over the top fur coat and white suit, and has his 6CW World Championship over his shoulder. Both men draw an “A” with their fingers, before Kramer starts applauding and Grace lifts up his gold “A” chain. Grace is handed a gold microphone by Kramer, as the music starts to die down. The 6CW World Champion then places his sunglasses on the top of his head and motions towards the TA.

AG: If I could interrupt this little science lesson……

He turns to the crowd.

AG: and I am 6CW World Champion so I CAN DO WHATEVER THE HELL I WANT……

The crowd jeer Grace as he continues.

AG: But can you three go and be your external forces somewhere external. Like away from my stage!

Kramer laughs as Grace blanks the TA and starts to walk down the ramp and points to the ring.

AG: And as for you two, your airtime is officially over. If you want to continue your little spat then do it backstage and away from the cameras. Because those lenses only have eyes for Anthony “Amazing” Grace!

6CW security come into the ring and politely but forcefully make Marty and Uryu exit the ring. Grace walks down to the ring and enters it, being careful to avoid where Marty and Uryu had stood. Kramer follows him, but stops on the outside to orchestrate things. Grace rotates his neck and breathes in deep before speaking.

AG: So where is my usual welcome? Where is the sound that heralds the arrival of an Icon?

Grace laughs as the crowd take the bait and start jeering him. They have forgotten all about the other men and Grace holds court in his arena.

AG: After Liam Wood lost an absolutely winnable tag team match in the last show, I have had to contemplate a few things. One or two instances where some people seem to forget who I am and what I have done. It is important that we nail down a few issues right from the beginning at what will be a very long World Championship reign.

The crowd boo as Kramer applauds that the suggestion.

AG: Problem number 1……6CW’s choice for my opponents. Now it seems that guys having their debut get to face my good self in the main event. Someone who was not around during the dark depressing days of 6CW and now has returned asking for a free lunch. This is what 6CW may offer but this is certainly not what Anthony Grace gives. He works on the notion of passion……pride….and power within 6CW. None of which Mr Faith can supply.  

Grace walks around the ring.

AG: Oh he expects BIG things……and I am sure certain individuals have been whispering in his ear and telling him what he could achieve. But this is not old style 6CW. This is not “favours for friends” 6CW. This is not “let’s just give a World Title to whoever is left” 6CW. That era has passed. It is long gone. It is disappeared from existence.

Grace stops and pats his 6CW World Title.

AG: What we have now is a bigger, better and more profitable 6CW. One who is led by someone loved on front page news and billboard posters. They haven’t got time for hand me downs to washed up former champions. And I use the term champion loosely……in the kingdom of the blind the one eyed man is king!

He laughs and mouths to Kramer “You remember that right…..” Kramer laughs as well as Grace continues.

AG: But I will let this discretion slip by this one time. Moving forward people making their debuts start at Match 1 and they will live with it! And if they don’t like it, then they are more than welcome to return to whatever organisation they used to be in. Out of sight…..out of mind.

He stares at the camera.

AG: Cameron, you are going to get beaten by a true World Champion. So don’t even think about coming out here and saying otherwise.

Grace addresses the crowd again.

AG: Problem number 2……one Alex Walker.

The crowd cheer and Grace pushes his lips together in annoyance.

AG: Yeah, yeah, the saviour has returned and is already trying to make his mark. What a debut he himself had last show right? Wheeling and dealing and giving the fans what they want. But you see, asset wise, he forgot where the money lies. So his long term contract merely means I am going to have a lot of fun trending his face into the dirt! Chairman…..General Manager……Toilet Attendant… means the same thing as far as I am concerned.

Grace shakes his head as the crowd boo.

AG: And his little speech of putting his own money into this business for you people? Who in their right mind would waste cash on people who are so fickle?! Where were you when Cerberus was the World Champion…….I bet you didn’t even realise he was!

The crowd cheer when Cerberus is mentioned. Grace stares daggers at Kramer and then continues.

AG: Which brings me to problem number 3, 4, 5 and 10 million…….

He paces the ring.

AG: You see Walker thinks he can place me in a match which I have no chance of winning. Cerberus will rule in that steel cage and then the 6CW World Championship will go back to someone he thinks he can make his new poster boy. But he forgets……sorry, not forget….he simply wasn’t around.....when Cerberus had his chance and 6CW….well….evaporated into nothing.

Grace points around the arena.

AG: The buzz about this place is due to ME! The extra viewers is due to ME! The begging and pleading stars, returning in their masses when they could not care less 6 months ago, is due to ME! 6CW is ALL ABOUT ME!

Grace calms down slightly.

AG: So at this match at Genesis……the one Walker thinks he has found all the answers with……he will find I not only change the questions but I change his script. If he has road mapped a 6CW without Anthony Grace then he is going to need that long term contract. Because I am going nowhere and neither is this 6CW World Championship!

Grace raises his arm as the crowd boo. He then speaks confidently into the microphone.

AG: I thank you for listening to the main event. I will now leave you to the adverts.

He drops the microphone as “Power” plays and waltzes around the ring. He exits it and shakes Kramer’s hand before the two men start to walk up the ramp.


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6CW Anarchy Tuesday 8th May 2018 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Tuesday 8th May 2018

Post by The Last Outlaw Fri 27 Apr 2018, 5:46 pm

Marty Helms stares at the back of Anthony Grace with a look of pure disgust

MH: Hold on, hold on, hold on...cut this d***head's music

The music cuts but the two men stay with their back to the ring

MH: This is the most depressing sight in all wresting. The men who managed to hit the right note of apathy to kill 6CW. Yeah, killed. This company is a barren wasteland for talent, especially when the scrips run out.

Anthony Grace turns around, Charles Kramer following suit and then shouting at Helms

MH: Look, Grace, you've gone about this the way you've gone about it. You go out and get a job done, so I have to give you some respect.

Grace seems to calm a touch

MH: But if it doesn't say something for the state of this company that you, Nicolas Cage in a wrestling ring, could become world champion. The rest of this roster should be ashamed. That's why this dribbling idiot

He points to Uryu

MH: thinks he's welcome to come back. Why wouldn't you? Anyone with half a set of balls would trust themselves to beat an Anthony f***ing Grace. Which is why I guess Kramer has let you take Cameron Faith in the main event...

Marty looks as he sees Max Adamson laughing

MH: Don't you laugh, you washed up moron. You look like the stepdad who gets access to his kids once every fortnight, and watching these two special class kids behind you makes me it clear why you take Clarke and Jack to McDonalds in your spare time. Tag teams are for lonely rejects, people who can't command respect on their own. You've got Andre's ugly brother and his little friend, whose parents couldn't even be bothered to remember another name for him, so little was he wanted. They didn't want you, we don't want you. Jackson, if you come within two steps of me, I'll do what your Dad dreamed of when he first saw you and finally drown you in a river.

HA: This man has no limits!

HE: He has no limits to his realism.

Jackson and Horrigan are furious, whilst Max smirks

MH: That fat Aussie c*** has no idea what's going on.

Helms looks to Uryu

MH: He's as high as a kite and still he's a better wrestler than you. When I was in EWF there was a guy like you called Thunder, but at least he cosplayed as a 40 year old virgin. The fact you live that life is even more depressing...

The crowd boo loudly and Helms raises his hands to gesture for more, giving his rivals a chance to interrupt

The Last Outlaw

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Join date : 2012-12-20
Age : 36

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6CW Anarchy Tuesday 8th May 2018 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Tuesday 8th May 2018

Post by Uryu Ishida Fri 27 Apr 2018, 6:59 pm

Uryu snatches the mic from Anthony Grace, smiles at him and never stops looking at him as he talks.

UI: For once Marty, you have said something I agree with. Our 'esteemed' champion here is the most depressing sight in wrestling!

As the crowd cheer Kramer tries to pull Grace back but he refuses to budge.

UI: He thinks he is Ric Flair but in fact he has the skills of David Flair and needs help from his butt kissing buddies to decide what to do!

As Max Adamson laughs Uryu points at him without looking away from Anthony Grace

UI: Max was a great competitor, WAS. Though he thinks his two pupils can win the tag team titles and he be considered as great as Paul Heyman or Paul Ellering but he can only be considered close to Rolf Harris with his two little boys right in front of him.

Max looks at Uryu unimpressed and shaking his head as the crowd cheers.

UI: What you dont get Anthony is that me and Max actually have something in common. We have both faced Cameron Faith and we know he is not a pushover as you seem to think. Max may not admit it but Cameron pushed him to his limits as well as me. Alex Walker wouldn't have signed him if he wasn't worth it. He's a good wrestler and you think otherwise, stating it as fact when it's not.

Uryu suddenly points to Marty

Yet you and Marty, You both keep underestimating those who have come before you and those that are coming. You are trashing those from the past as old relics with nothing left and attacking rookies who have a great career ahead of them. You are both concerned with self interest and how your egos are growing. Yet you fail to see what I have faced in the past and how it impacted me. Cassius Zhi was a legendary monster and yet I stood toe to toe with him. Hero was a grand champion among champions and hell, even Max Adamson was a fantastic rival as well as a girlfriend stealing SOB... but never the less he was still a fantastic opponent who always pushed me further and further.

Max applauds and bows as the crowd were chanting "ZHI! ZHI! ZHI!" and "Hero! Hero!"

UI: You Marty Helms are going to feel first hand how battling those man...and Max... have improved my skills and pushed me to the man I am today. When I get to face you Anthony Grace you are going to realise that the past is something you should never, ever forget.

Uryu Ishida

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6CW Anarchy Tuesday 8th May 2018 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Tuesday 8th May 2018

Post by TwisT Sat 28 Apr 2018, 7:35 pm

Grace laughs from the outside of the ring and seems totally oblivious to what has just been said. He shares a few words with Kramer, who equally seems very amused, and the two chat away for a while. Kramer motions to a member of 6CW staff to bring him a microphone. He offers it to Grace, who politely refuses. Kramer then turns to Uyru and smiles.

CK: Oh what a sorry existence you have had Uryu. A long line of failed opportunities and sob stories have left you in this pitiful state. You now have to resort to name dropping to try and justify what the hell you are doing here. Basically proving to anyone that follows wrestling what we already never had it, you never will have it and the guys you have mentioned merely prove what a sorry waste of space of our airtime you are.

Grace laughs hard and applauds. Kramer then turns to Helms.

CK: And as for you.......God you are a real dreamboat aren't you? Striding through those doors and bringing your repertoire of put downs and fighting words. It has an uncanny resemblance to one Dicey Reilly. Unfortunately for you that comparison means you are a lighter version of a failed reject. Someone who loves to bring those cute little watershed moments to homes around the world and then having his teeth kicked in faster than those swear words can machine gun out of those lips of yours. If you seriously think a few shock and awe sentences will get you ahead of anyone of note then you really need to look again where you are on the card. Because most of these people you play to won't have their fat arses touching the seats before you return back to the locker room after whatever outcome that match of yours has. Thankfully I don't have to know or care.........

Both Helms and Uryu go to speak but Kramer stops them.

CK: Now now gentlemen.....shhhhhhhh! You have had your little 15 minutes of fame but don't push your luck. Play nice and Walker might just offer you a sweetie or something.

He is about to drop his microphone to the ground but Grace takes it off him. He places his sunglasses back over his eyes and sighs deeply.

AG: Cameron, if you are watching this.....well I have things to do and people to see. My time is precious. Your time is worthless. And I cannot have you coming out here and adding to this already embarrassing spectacle that meets my eyes. I will see you around......never.

Grace throws the mic at the head of the staff member. He brushes his coat down and adjust his World Title on his shoulder. Then he and Kramer walk casually up the ramp and behind the curtain.


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6CW Anarchy Tuesday 8th May 2018 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Tuesday 8th May 2018

Post by Marky Mon 30 Apr 2018, 10:40 am

Max: Round of applause for David Arquette everybody! Thinks his time is precious AFTER he already wasted his time listening to Uryu talk nonsense. Either way Uryu, Marty, it is time for The TA to bid you adieu. We've made our points, we've achieved what we came to the ring to achieve today, you two can go back to whatever it is you two were doing.

(Adamson walks off, Jackson and Horrigan walked off midway through Adamson's speech, Adamson follows them to the back)


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6CW Anarchy Tuesday 8th May 2018 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Tuesday 8th May 2018

Post by Hero Mon 30 Apr 2018, 6:00 pm

As Adamson and the TA make their way to the back #Selfie by the Chainsmokers begins to echo throughout the arena and the titantron springs to life to show Bam Sparkleston in the gorilla position awaiting to emerge holding the camera. He’s wearing a black leotard with a unicorn puking a rainbow over the front, on top of that he’s got a large furry coat and fedora hat. The fans begin to cheer and ERRRRMMMMAAAHHHGGGGEEEERRRRRDDDDD reverberates across the crowd as he emerges onto the stage, his phone in hand directly streaming to the big screen. 

HA: Bam Sparkleston, the plucky rookie, the fanboy of 6CW has returned and already he’s been the centre of attention of social media this week, #BamFam was trending on social media and his snapchat channel was featured in this week’s What’s Hot.

HE: All well and good, only issue for Bam is last time we saw him the kid couldn’t actually wrestle and just spent his time fawning over the 6CW stars.

Bam takes several selfies with the fans on the way down to the ring, each with a different filter setting, a lasting image is of him with dog ears and tongue sticking out as he slides into the ring and pulls out a sparkly gold microphone with BAMF written across it. The crowd begin to quieten as he raises the microphone to speak….

Bam: ERMAHGERD!! That was lit AF fam! Bam’s got the feels right now. 

Bam turns his hands into a gesture of a heart and motions it towards the fans.

Bam: But what Bam doesn’t have the feels for is what’s going down here, Uryu blud, your dissin Helms is like totes savage max level. Ya going on about dees relics like Casio and old man Hero like it’s 1999 bro. Pokemon Go is more relevant than dem guys fam. My man Poopz said ya you were like waving the freak flag of snoozeville but jeez Louise you were cranking it up a notch them. Do ya have a level that isn’t monotone? 

Bam walks around the ring now pretending to be an extra from the Walking Dead as Uryu shows disdain

Bam: Whoah my little askhole, step back with the bitch resting face and flip reverse it. I’z ain’t here to disrespeck you. Bam’s got a lot of love for ya Uryu, I think it’s awesome topped with awesome sauce how 6CW is embracing its diversity and allowing specials to wrestle, you’ve gotta big up respect from the flid community blud.

Bam moves himself so that Helms is between him and Uryu as Uryu seethes. Bam does the flossing dance briefly and then turns his attention to Helms…

Bam: Well aren’t you quite the poopy mouth! C this, f that, Tourettes called, they want their frakking C U next Tuesday dictionary back. Why you so angry Blud? You’re hundo P like a ickle Hulk without the green skin and the ability to pull Black Widow. Need a snickers as you’re throwing shade out here. You’re all like GRRRR me mad bro. There must be more to you fam than just a sassy attitude, tell us your story blud, dont go hating, lets relating, where on the doll with Uryu touch you?


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6CW Anarchy Tuesday 8th May 2018 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Tuesday 8th May 2018

Post by x12x Tue 01 May 2018, 10:15 pm

The crowd boos as Revival Mode by Every Time I Die blasts through the speakers bringing Liam Wood out on to the stage with a scowl across his face. Wood pauses for a moment soaking in the hate before slowly making his way to the ring, as he does a fan reaches out for him only to have Wood spit his chewing gum in the fans face, causing Wood's scowl to turn in to a smug grin.

HA: Liam Wood showing just why the fans hate him, you'd think with his current record he'd want all the support he could get

HE: He doesn't have to care...he might not be where he wants to be right now but he's got there in the past and I know he'll do it again because he's as good as he says he is.

HA: Nobody doubts his talents but he seems to put more effort in to being a jerk than anything else at the moment.

The boos get even louder as the fans react to Wood's disgusting act, Wood ignores it though, snatching a mic and rolling in to the ring. Wood then takes a second, waiting for the fans boos to die down only for them to get even louder.

Keep it up you you really think anything you do will have an effect on me or my career?! Do you really think that you being here changes a god damn thing?! You are just walking bags of money that pay my doesn't matter if you hate me, you still make sure that I make more money a week than you will in your pathetic little lives.

...So boo me all you want... changes nothing.

Wood then lowers the mic and taps his watch, shouting “I've got all night” which causes the fans boos to die down a little. Wood then lifts the mic and speaks, addressing 6CW itself.

I came back to this company to put myself where I belonged to be but it seems that someone in the back is out to get me.
You see, this week the 'brilliant' minds behind 6CW have decided that Mr Kenty is going to be the referee for my match against someone else who shouldn't be in a god damn wrestling ring with me...Gazzy D!

The fans begin to swap between “Lets go Gazzy” and “Lets go Kenty” chants that clearly wind Wood up, he begins to pace and shake his head before speaking again.

Seriously?! You idiots really think those two men are worth cheering for?! No wonder this business is full of inane little morons who think they can make it if Mr Kenty and Gazzy D are seen as heroes of the sport. It's lucky I came back when I did...because believe me when I say this...

6CW is f***ed and I am the ONLY person in the world who can save it...but for some reason, I'm the one being punished!

The crowd mock Wood causing him to show his anger, unable to hide it on his face anymore

It's a disgrace...I walk away once and now I'm being put in matches I have no chance in winning?! I walk away ONE god damn time and now I'm having to go through hell for the sake of it?! I WAS THE PERSON KEEP THIS BUSINESS ALIVE...I WAS THE ONLY THING KEEPING THIS SHIP FLOATING AND THIS IS THE GOD DAMN THANKS I GET?!

Wood calms himself, his breathing hard to control as he speaks

Alex Walker needs to realise that THIS is NOT how you treat your biggest don't allow retards like Mr Kenty to control what happens, you don't put him in matches with “legends” like Gazzy D who's legacies are based more on sympathy than anything else...

Gazzy...if you're listening...get this in to your thick, f**king head...

Wood moves over to the ropes and looks down the camera, addressing Gazzy personally


You are are just a sad, washed up cripple with a grudge that is only important to YOU and nobody else. Nobody cares that Plague made you his b¡tch, nobody cares that that stupid wh0re left you...and nobody cared when Joshua almost crippled you for life because someone was able to step in and do exactly what you did...but better. You see, I'm walking in to a match against you knowing that Mr Kenty is going to screw me over, so at Anarchy...I don't care if I win or lose...I just want ruin your night, just like I ruined Kenty's last time he was in this ring.

Gazzy...just like I did to Kenty...I'm going to put you in your place, so if Kenty wants to screw me over it won't matter because just like I ended the last show standing tall, I'll be leaving our match having gained more...

Wood pauses for a split second, clearly getting angry

...but don't take it personally, unlike you wanting to fight me...this is NOT about Liam Wood v Gazzy D, this is not about former champion v former champion and this is sure as hell not to do with Edward f**king Plague! just get to be my stepping stone because believe me, your whole issue with Plague is the last of my concerns, your life crumbling because of him didn't even register to me and ANYONE could take your place because at the end of the day...

...This is about Liam Wood showing Alex Walker and his brain dead team that they can NOT hold me back, this is about showing the idiots in the audience that hating me won't stop me and this is about me making my mark, proving myself and me moving on to what I deserve...

...MY title...
...MY legacy...
...MY place at the top of the mountain.

Wood lowers his mic and turns his attention back to the stage as the fans rain down abuse at the former World Champion.


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6CW Anarchy Tuesday 8th May 2018 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Tuesday 8th May 2018

Post by Perfect Jack Wed 02 May 2018, 9:53 pm

Perfect Jack and Clarke James are backstage in their locker rooms preparing for tonights match. The room has a couple chairs with a few tables, the duo's collective championships placed on the table.

PJ: Big match tonight. Time for revenge after what happened last week.

CJ: I agree. They're after our prized tag team championships, they think they deserve a rematch, but honestly, do they really?

PJ: No not at all. There's a reason why we nearly all the titles in 6CW with world title being the exception.

CJ: But according to management, they might take away our UK and International championships, I hope they don't, we've brought back prestige and honour to those titles.

PJ: They may take away our UK and International titles, but they'll never take away what's inside of us.

CJ: What do you mean?

Perfect Jack points at his own chest and at Clarke's chest.

PJ: Our hearts. Our desires.

CJ: You're right.

PJ: They will never take away the legacy we left as the holders of those titles, years from now children will ask who were the greatest UK and International champions were? Their grandparents will say; Perfect Jack and Clarke James.

The two men shake hands before leaving their locker room ahead of the match.

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6CW Anarchy Tuesday 8th May 2018 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Tuesday 8th May 2018

Post by Michael_Sweetwater Thu 03 May 2018, 7:49 pm

Drake's Forever plays and out comes Lion onto the ramp, stands centre stage, feet shoulder width apart, bends down and slaps the ground 4 times, shoots finger guns to the crowd then does a quick cutthroat gesture before walking down the ramp.

"Here comes Lion, Henry. A quiet man, I can't see him enjoying the immature war of words that has erupted from Uryu to Helms, Grace to Adamson."

"He may hate their language, but I bet he still prefers them to this weirdo Sparkles"

Lion gets to the edge of the ring and takes the steps, being handed a mic. He bows in thanks then stays stood on the apron.

"These loud...yet their noise cannot drown out the unfortunate quell of disrespect and insecurity that comes from the men who have spoken in this ring. It is a disappointment to see some great competitors lower themselves to the level of cheats and Hollywood's cheapened men"

The crowd cheer the insult to Grace

"I can respect achievement, of which many of these men have accrued so much. Max has won it all, Jack and James hold gold, the legend of Uryu has grown strong from the shadows. These men will always have the respect of history books, even if none of them have the same self-respect right now. Uryu tries to be the exception, and he fought honestly with me last time out."

He steps into the ring

"And it is you" he points at Helms "who thought himself better than our battle. I, and I say this of you respectfully Uryu, was in control of a forthcoming victory. Yet it was you who believed arrogance the best way to showcase yourself, rather than any semblance of talent. I do not question whether this choice was correct, as we are yet to see if any of your talent still remains."

The crowd react to this insult, as does Helms who now swears off mic at Lion.

"Maybe you and Grace are hiding your inability to wrestle behind walls of noise and underhand acts. It will take the likes of young Bam here, so enthusiastic, to show you the real power of words - and how often we see that so many mean just so little. Was he fazed? It looks to me like he is not"

Helms now gets in Lion's face, but then turns in anger at the goofy, laughing Bam. With Helms now shouting at a giggling man, Lion nods to Uryu and steps out of the ring. He drops down to the floor, Helms turning to shout at him then realising he's gone.

"My time is not for screaming. I came here to fight for the pride of my pack, past and present. To show the world that this man, this Lion, is one of the best alive. On Tuesday the 8th of May, you will remember the night your in-ring career began again and how quickly you were swimming in a sea too rough for you, amidst new talent and a generation of brilliance that 6CW will bring to the fore."

Lion bows to the audience and his music starts playing to cheers. He looks forward once more, straight into Helms eyes, and then walks away


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6CW Anarchy Tuesday 8th May 2018 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Tuesday 8th May 2018

Post by Fernando Thu 03 May 2018, 9:46 pm

We see Cerberus standing and starting at a monitor backstage watching all the goings on in the ring

Watching the world burn one step at a time...
Watching sheep 1 by 1 beg to be slaughtered by the regime...
Thinking they have hope and can make a difference to 6CW...
Whilst in reality they go after far as their allowed until Anthony feels threatened by them...
Then the strings get cut and the circle of failure repeats over and over...

Cerberus smirks to himself as he leans against the wall 

I was just another victim of the system...
But this is now bigger then me...
Bigger then title belts...
Bigger then Anthony Grace thinks he is...
This is about protecting 6CW from heading back into that yawning chasm of failure 

People's livelyhoods are at stake yet somehow....
All 6CW care about is this 2 bit actor with an inferiority complex...
Because "He brings money"....
That's all he brings yet he's allowed to play "World Champion"

It's an insult to Professional Wrestling...
That someone like him can throw money about and get his way...
Yet people with talent sit at home or down the bottom of the card...
Watching him gloat like the c**t he is....

Cerberus walks the halls of the arena past the dressing room of wrestlers before coming past Anthony Grace's personal dressing room

At Genesis Anthony is going to be locked inside a steel cage with me...
No where to run or hide this time...
No just standing at ringside waiting for an opportunity to arise...
I get to watch the color drain from his fate as he realises about what is going to happen...

Im going to put my hands around his throat and throw his lifeless body around like a ragdoll...
Watching the blood drip down his face as i grate it across the steel mesh....
And only then will i climb out of that cage...
Becoming 6CW World Champion...
And then Grace can go back to being the Z-List actor he was destined to be...

It's time to put 6CW back in the hands of people that love wrestling...
Not the biggest bank account or media followers...
Where people are able to be themselves...
Get to where they deserve without the strings being cut from above them...
 Genesis will truly be the new dawn that 6CW deserves...

Cerberus walks off into the distance as the scene closes 


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6CW Anarchy Tuesday 8th May 2018 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Tuesday 8th May 2018

Post by The Last Outlaw Mon 07 May 2018, 1:03 pm

Helms watches Lion walk away and then turns angrily to Uryu

MH: Look at you, you worm. You just let him talk down to you like that. I expect it of that

He points at Bam, without looking at him

MH: But aren't you supposed to be some sort of fighter? He just told the world how easily he had you beaten before I saved your fat ass, and you stood there and smiled. Get back out there in the stands with your signed DVDs, you're about as relevant as that - you're holiday camps and signing sessions, you're at the events little companies wheel out when Night of Glory comes to town, and Dads try to tell their kids about this wrestler who used to be so funny to watch.

Helms backs out of the ring, dropping down from the apron to the floor

MH: Your career is coming to a halt, all in the way everyone would have predicted. Sad, out of shape, a limp dick that never got it up. Go into your carny match with the transvestite and let relevance slip by you like you have done your whole career. 

Helms drops the mic and his music hits as the fans boo. He shouts abuse at some of them before turning at the top of the ramp to talk trash and laugh at Uryu before leaving.

The Last Outlaw

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6CW Anarchy Tuesday 8th May 2018 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Tuesday 8th May 2018

Post by Uryu Ishida Mon 07 May 2018, 3:20 pm

Uryu simply shakes his head, smiling.

UI: You think what he said bothers me? Matches like that are the reason these people come to 6CW, to see how the best fight each other. When you interfered had an important role as well. He hit the last move and took himself down with me so I understand why Lion mentions having the upper hand. If I had hit the last move I would be entitled to say the same thing. You think just because you took on two men who were down makes you a big man? Hell you wanna try again when the playing field is level?

Uryu pauses and ponders

UI: However...what if this means you can't beat him or me one on one? what happens to your supreme arrogance then if you lose this week? Is your bark worse than your bite? Are you going to throw a tantrum afterwards? Twitter about it at three in the morning proclaiming you actually won because the referee was bias? If you do win I'm sure I will await you in the future but now, go spit your childish venom somewhere else.

Uryu heads up the ramp but spots Bam looking at him with intent. Uryu stops and nods.

UI: Bam, I do not mean to be rude but, I was not ignoring you. I just didn't understand everything you were saying. A clash between us is an interesting sight. Past v Present. Yesterday v Tomorrow. Good Music v Justin Bieber. Please come with a translator next time so I can fully understand how much of what you say means anything. I don't fully understand you Bam but I repeat my warning to you. Keep your boys out of the match or you will not like what happens. I may be old and outdated to you but a part of me wants to teach someone how the old school deals with disrespect. See you in the ring.

Uryu smiles at a confused Bam and an angry Marty as he heads backstage.

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6CW Anarchy Tuesday 8th May 2018 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Tuesday 8th May 2018

Post by Nay Mon 07 May 2018, 3:38 pm

*The scene opens with Cameron Faith walking towards the arena, he slaps the hands of the fans queued at the entrance, before stopping to sign the caps of a couple of kids wearing “Straight Outta the Weege” t-shirts.*

HA: Looks like Faith is finally arriving at the arena,

HE: Better late than never I suppose

HA: It's a question that’s plagued Faiths career whether he really has the desire to push on and commit to succeeding.

HE: You mean he’s a no good lay about. It's clear to everyone this guy should he nowhere near the Main Event let alone our esteemed champion Anthony Grace.

HA: Esteemed Champion?....Wait, I think....Yes. we are going to cut to Tim Allen who has managed to catch Cameron Faith for a few words. I guess we will find out exactly how much esteem our champions held in.

*Faith finishes signing autographs before turning, shaking Tim Allen’s hand and facing the camera.*

TA: Welcome Back Cameron.

CF: Thanks Tim, it’s great to be back. I wasn't sure what to expect, but the reception from the fans has been great. I couldn’t have asked for more

TA: Yet not everyone is glad to see you back Cameron, your opponent Anthony Grace has been particular vocal around your ability and whether or not you should have been allowed back, never mind facing the World Champion in the Main Event. Champion

*Faith holds back a snigger at the mention of World Champion*

CF: Look, Grace is allowed his opinion, whether you like him or loathe him, he seems to have a done a lot to get the company back up and running.

If he doesn’t think I belong here that’s fine, he doesn’t think I should be main eventing that’s fine.
Like my dear old ma used to say, “Sh** happens”

*Faith pauses removes his cap and places it on backwards*

CF: But Grace is right about one thing. Wrestling, 6CW it is all about levels and me, I’ve always seen myself at the bottom of that list, most of the time I was beaten before I even stepped foot In that ring, purely by the reputation of my opponent.

But this time its different, see I was sat at home minding my own business, I hadn’t paid the slightly bit of attention to 6CW. Unlike the others I didn’t join the Indy scene. I was just sat at home happy as Larry playing the PlayStation.

Then I get a call out of the blue from Alex Walker, he said that 6CW had folded, but was restarting, he said the slate had been wiped clean for everyone. Then he came out asked straight do I want to re-up.

*Faith pauses looks around at the fans behind him*

CF: And well, I was close to saying no, I didn’t need this, the truth is life was good.

But the more I thought about it, the more i got this feeling in my stomach. Something different something I hadn’t felt before. It was the realisation that I don't need to climb to the top, I just need to bring everyone down to my level.

Besides what type of Re-up would it be without the Ghetto Soldier!!!!!!

*They fans behind start to chant Faiths name*

So if Grace thinks he’s too good to step Into that ring with me then he's in for a rude awakening, because I'm fighting for something more than an expensively bought World Championship. I'm fighting for myself, I’m fighting to prove something to myself and that makes me dangerous.

TA: So what are you saying Cameron.

CF: What I’m saying Tim, is going forward the only reason I will give two f***s about someone’s reputation is so I can wreck it, ralph style.

And I can't think of anyone better to start with than Tony Grace, can you Tim.

*Faith pats the reporter on the shoulder, leaving him staring blankly into the camera before walking Into the arena*

HE: What the hell was he blabbering about?

HA: I think he's he made it quite clear, hee's here to fight, anyone, anywhere and that's a Faith we can all get behind.


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6CW Anarchy Tuesday 8th May 2018 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Tuesday 8th May 2018

Post by Bentyf1 Mon 07 May 2018, 6:54 pm

The night has fully drawn in over London and the moon and stars shine bright and true in the clear night sky. The Copper box arena is brightly illuminated by the artificial lighting covering the arena creating a wall of light in contrast to the darkness. The noise of London general traffic rumbling on in the background as the camera continues to roll over the setting. The scene quickly changes to the parking lot behind the arena where plenty of 6CW fans are mixing behind a security railing barrier, the excitement palpable.*

*The camera provides a high shot angle, showing the width and depth of the sheer amount of fans, general public and 6CW staff all mixed together behind the barriers. 6CW reporter Tim Allen is seen at the front of the scrum, looking intently for a sign of a 6CW star to show his face. Suddenly, a few excited whispers breakout amongst the fans and this quickly spreads as voices can be heard saying..*

???: Is he coming? now, Right now?

???: I thought he had already entered?

*The flashbulbs then immediately begin to erupt, the light becoming ten times brighter in the dark, warm early Summer evening. At the far entrance of the parking lot, appears to be a calm and relaxed looking Mr Kenty. The furious flashbulbs of the camera's illuminate his figure at the entrance of the parking lot as he has a quick chat to a fan who is greeting him and asking for a selfie. Patting him on the shoulder, Kenty smiles broadly before striding confidently towards the awaiting scrum and fans who are going wild.*

*The camera returns to a normal state back to 6CW coverage which is indicated by the newly revamped 6CW Logo in the bottom hand right corner, reflecting a broadly smiling Mr Kenty with a slight abrasion below his eye where Liam Wood attacked him last week. He is wearing an official refereeing 6CW shirt, its black and white striples fully on display with tight black shorts. He is also wearing a pair of red Adidas running shoes. His hair is looking shorter these days and his usually immaculate skin shows signs of aging. But Mr Kenty is beaming from ear to ear as the camera of Tim Allen interview crew shakes slightly from the sheer excitement of all the fans, thrusting their phones with snapchat open in the way of Mr Kenty. The flashbulbs continue to go off infront of Mr Kenty as he still smiles proudly. Tim Allen manages to speak before all the fans and general public asking for a selfie, as Kenty nods warmly.*

TA: Well.. where do I start. Mr Kenty.. That Refereeing outfit suits you!
Mr Kenty: Haha, it's perfect right? As soon as I got the call from my old friend, Alex Walker to officiate a match between Liam Wood and Gazzy D, I wasn't going to decline? I mean cmon, I haven't been skipping leg day have I Tim? I'm thinking of a future career in the refereeing business you know... These black shorts look pretty good don't you think?

*Kenty tenses his large, muscular legs much to pleasure of the female fans who wolf whistle and the laughter of other fans. Kenty winks at the camera before carrying on speaking*

Mr Kenty: Now days things like being a special guest referee in a environment like this allows me to catch my breathe, these guys are on a different level back here. Now, a few weeks ago, I made my return back to 6CW and strangely enough, I think I got on the wrong side of certain individuals, Causing a little trouble as always...

*The fans cheer loudly and start a Kenty chant as he shakes his head and jokingly holds his hand to his right ear as Tim Allen continues to hold the microphone to the lips of Kenty as he continues to speak.*

Mr Kenty: Well I appreciate that, I think these magnificent 6CW fans agree and fully know that all I do is cause trouble everywhere I go! Anyway, It has gotten a little heated between Liam Wood and Mr Kenty and honestly, I truly, would have loved to have a one on one match with Liam Wood this week on 6CW anarchy... I wanted to face him man on man, an eye for an eye if you will and show him that I'm here for the long term and not for a quick ride on the gravy train.

Mr Kenty: You know and even Gazzy D, Gazzy is a guy who I have known down the years, many roads we've been down in our history, I have nothing but respect for this guy. It excites me greatly because I have watched both of these guys and their craft down the years and it's on another level... But the matter of the fact is Alex Walker wanted me being a referee and it would defuse a situation, anyhoo! All water under the bridge.

Mr Kenty: But I can just sense, something is going to happen tonight, somethig big between the three of us, the tension is palpable. And I would be a liar to you tim and a liar to all these great fans here in attendance and around the world to say, nothing will happen tonight! and knowing me, knowing Liam and knowing Gazzy, the ante is going to be raised even more tonight!
Mr Kenty: After everything I've been through with Gazzy in particular, sharing a locker room with the guy for more than 5 years, despite sometimes being at opposite ends, I always had the upmost of respect for Gazzy. Gazzy and I, especially towards the end of my first time in 6CW did things which will remain with these fans for the rest of their lives and go down in history in this company. And after everything we've been through, I hope Gazzy can realise that this is going down the middle...

Mr Kenty: And I also hear Liam Wood with all his little insecurities, Calling people like Gazzy washed up, a cripple and a phony, almost in search of that validation his craves to be a 6CW superstar. I have watched from afar and I have seen why Liam Wood needs this validation, it's because hes got all the skills and the words from his sharp tounge but can never back it up. I have seen guys like this come and go, and they all have one thing in common and that is the validation they crave from all these people.

Mr Kenty: Thats why last week when I looked Liam Wood in the eyes I could see the look of fear and insecurities come flooding back to him as two men who have given their body, their souls and their blood to this company and are on one hell of a warpath to get back to the top of the mountain. And when Wood cheapshotted his way to his validation, I knew then, Gazzy and I have this kid on the ropes. You can't teach old dogs new tricks, but we know all the tricks.

Mr Kenty: Liam Wood thinks it his destiny to get to the top of the mountain over Gazzy and myself first, You know what? I think it's more irony than destiny. Because it's ironic that one guy who stands in his way is the guy who has come back despite his personal issues and his hard struggles which Liam Wood partly inflicted on him, Gazzy. Gazzy is the guy who is going to reach the peak of the mountain quicker than Liam Wood, believe me.

Mr Kenty: And it's also ironic that I could very well be the guy to count 1,2,3 as Liam Wood is the loser tonight, his shoulders square on the mat, and yours truly standing tall, holding Gazzy D's hand in victory? And turn Liam Wood into loser infront of all these people, the same people who he seeks validation from so hard. Isn't it ironic, That I could still be the guy to also reach the top of the mountain before Liam Wood, a guy who he's claimed to have already been put in his place.

Mr Kenty: As far as I'm conernced, I'm only a small part in their match, think of me as... a neutral if you will. If Gazzy D and Liam Wood tear each other to pieces, then so be it. If Liam Wood wins, so be it and if Gazzy D wins, so be it. But they both should realise... and know that their is still one more guy in the equation, one more guy that sees that mountain top and want's it more than ever...and his name is....



*Kenty smiles warmly with a confident glint in his eye as he thanks Tim before the flashbulbs continuously go off once again as Kenty makes his way past the adoring public and into the 6CW arena, his short, tight black shorts strutting away as the fans continue to cheer as the scene fades away.*


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