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6CWF Presents Beachfront Brawl XI - Monday 9th September 2024

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6CWF Presents Beachfront Brawl XI - Monday 9th September 2024 Empty 6CWF Presents Beachfront Brawl XI - Monday 9th September 2024

Post by JJJohnson Sat Aug 24, 2024 7:46 pm


Live from King Abdullah Sports Centre Stadium, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Start time : 5pm
Official theme songs: "For the Glory" by All Good Things

Diego Romero vs ???

Bout 1
6CWF European Championship
Dicey Reilly (c) vs Perfect Jack w/ Angus Plague

Bout 2
6CWF Xtreme Championship
Geoff Steel (c) vs Jimmy Phillips vs Mike Masters

Bout 3
EWF Global Championship
Acer vs Daniel Reilly vs Scott Harris

Main Event
6CWF Tag Team Championships
Elimination Chamber
Blue Dragon/Logan Kincade (c) vs Brothers of Seduction vs Chris Patricks/Liam Wood vs GazzyD/Uryu Ishida vs Genesis vs The Coalition


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6CWF Presents Beachfront Brawl XI - Monday 9th September 2024 Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Beachfront Brawl XI - Monday 9th September 2024

Post by acer101 Sat Aug 24, 2024 9:48 pm

Following a Beachfront Brawl hype video, the camera cuts back to the arena. The crowd buzzes with anticipation as Acer paces in tight circles in the centre of the ring. His head is down, eyes hidden, and he’s gnawing at his fingernails—an image of barely contained frustration and obsessive focus. The noise gradually dies down, but Acer keeps moving, refusing to even acknowledge the crowd as he raises the microphone to his lips.

“There’s been a lot said this week—some of it to me, some by me, and plenty about me.” Acer’s pacing continues, faster now, his voice low and gravelly. “On TV, on social media, in every headline. So let’s clear the air—story time with Acer, if you will.”

He pauses briefly, as if gathering himself, then launches in with a biting edge.

“Back in 2007, I became the owner of 6WF. We had talent, but we didn’t have the money to back it up. So, like any desperate young man trying to keep his dream alive, I went out and sold pieces of the company for the cash we needed. By the end of 2008, as an 18-year-old balancing business and A-levels, I’d whittled my ownership down to 40%. And that, people, was the beginning of the end.”

His pacing slows, his tone darkens.

“I was still the guy running the shows, still the face of the company. And that didn’t sit well with certain ‘talents’ who believed they deserved main events and title shots. Unlike 6CWF, where it seems everyone gets a championship like some wrestling version of Oprah—‘You get a title! You get a title!’” Acer points haphazardly at the crowd, a mocking sneer etched across his face. “6WF was about earning them. With only two major titles—the 6WF Championship and later the TAW Championship—spots were tight. And that’s how I made enemies—by not giving in to the whining, by sticking to what I thought was right.”

“But they didn’t take it lying down. They went straight to the majority owners, and very quickly, I was unceremoniously dumped from my position as the promoter. And here’s the kicker—those same snakes slithered into my role, manipulating their way to the top while I was left to rot. Guys like JJ and Saint would win a match and get rewarded with title opportunities. Me? I’d win and get shoved into some ridiculous ‘Paternity Test on a Pole’ match to determine the father of Miss Jessica’s child. Miss Jessica—who I call ‘Piano’ because she’s always had a thing for minors.”

The crowd erupts—some cheer the insult, while others boo at the crudeness and uncalled-for verbal attack on a woman. Acer doesn’t flinch, his eyes still locked downward as if lost in his own dark thoughts.

“Back to story time. The great Muhammad Ali once said, ‘Don’t quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion.’ Well, I’ve suffered more than anyone in this business. I’ve done the work, earned title shots a hundred times over, but only now am I getting a crack at the big one. Whereas, I know that Saint and JJ got title shots they didn’t really deserve. And you know how I know? Because I was the one handing out those opportunities! I was the one pulling the strings back then, and I can tell you—those shots weren’t earned, they were gifted because they were my friends.”

His voice rises in intensity, almost shaking with rage.

“But let me clear something up—when I say that JJ politicked his way to glory, it’s not just because he played the game, it’s because he had the ear of the very people who couldn’t stand me. He became one of their favourites, cozying up to the same promoters who wanted me out. He didn’t speak up for what was right; he kept his mouth shut and played it safe. Instead of going to bat for me, instead of demanding I get a fair shot, he stayed silent, afraid that rocking the boat would sink his own position. That’s what politicians do—they look out for themselves while letting others get buried."

Suddenly, Acer stops dead centre in the ring. His head snaps up, and for the first time, he locks eyes with the camera, revealing bloodshot eyes that tell the story of sleepless nights and obsessive drive.

“Now, on to Beachfront Brawl. I’ve said before that the EWF Global Championship isn’t as big as the 6WF or 6CW titles, but right now? It’s the only thing that matters to me. This is a must-win if there ever was one. And I will not be denied.”

His gaze turns sharp, a predatory look as he addresses his opponents.

“Scott Harris, the third wheel in this match—you might think you’re ready for what’s to come in Saudi Arabia, but you’re not. You’re only here because these people” Acer jabs a finger violently toward the crowd “like you. But when that bell rings, they can’t save you. The whole world can will you on and scream your name all night, but it won’t change the outcome. Your time will come, but next week? It’s my time. And you’re just a poor b*stard standing in my way.”

His focus shifts, ice-cold now with a visible distance etched across his face.

“And Daniel Reilly, 6CWF’s perennial cockroach—like that bad smell that just won’t go away. Your last championship reign is so ancient that Blockbuster was still in business. You like to brag about your two reigns, but if I hadn’t been held down all those years, you wouldn’t have any! Let me remind you—you’ve never beaten me one-on-one. But I’ve beaten you. You’re hoping to walk out of Beachfront Brawl with the EWF Global Championship just to make one last push for that big contract renewal you’re so desperate to secure. But you need to get this straight—I have to walk out of Saudi Arabia with that championship, and I’ll do whatever it takes to make that happen. For me, this isn’t just another match—it’s survival, it’s everything. And I’ll stop at nothing to claim what’s mine.”

Acer begins pounding his fist into his own face with each word, punctuating his desperation until a small cut opens on his cheek, a trickle of blood running down. But he’s too locked in to notice, eyes blazing with unhinged intensity.

“Last week, I told you this match was the Base Camp of my Mount Everest. Now we’re here, and the air’s thin—too thin for most of you. It’s not about talent anymore—it’s about who’s got the heart to keep climbing when the world’s closing in. This is where the weak get left behind, where the wannabes start gasping for air. Be careful, boys—you’re in my element now, where every step is brutal, every breath is earned, and only the strongest make it to the top. You think you’re ready, but trust me—you ain’t gonna make it.”

With a final snarl, Acer spikes the microphone into the mat, eyes still locked on the camera, sending a chill down the viewers’ spines. He storms out of the ring, never breaking his intense focus as he marches up the ramp, leaving the crowd in stunned silence.


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6CWF Presents Beachfront Brawl XI - Monday 9th September 2024 Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Beachfront Brawl XI - Monday 9th September 2024

Post by Uryu Ishida Mon Aug 26, 2024 5:45 pm

Uryu is seen backstage walking around as he starts to speak to a camera that tracks him.

UI: Beachfront Brawl, Such a fun event for me. Last year I was 6CW Champion in a triple threat match and my partner was fighting a man who would change both our lives.

???: He made your life hellish, Turned GazzyD against you...who then promptly beat you for said championship. Then that man used Gazzy for his own ends, Became champion, Lost it and blamed Gazzy. You free Gazzy from his control and now he's coming back to take either one or both of you out!

Unknown to Uryu a hooded figure can be seen in the back of the shot.

UI: But enough about that man and what he did, We have to focus on what we are going to do in the main event. So I thought I'd give each of you a quick rundown of how I see our opponents for this Elimination Chamber match.

Lets start with the fun team, The team that most will see as a joke. The Brothers of Seduction. Do I see them as a joke? Not at all. They earned their right to be here just as much as everyone else. Sure they may be just two guys having fun but their definition of fun is what brought them here. If anyone thinks Percy and Brandon are just a joke then the last laugh will be on them. I say that having been described as a joke for many years, I became a World, UK and Tag champion. Who's gonna laugh at them if they win? Certainly not me.

???: They will come and they WILL have fun...

Uryu passes by the door of JJ Johnson and The Sant, The Coalition. He smiles at it and sighs happily.

UI: The men with the most experience...the ones entering the chamber last. Some would call them favourites and they might be right. Yet I can tell you that entering last is not always a guarantee of success. Sure it improves the odds but luck can play its part and so can overconfidence. JJ and Saint are good in the ring but sometimes their egos can overinflate that performance so much you end up with paper tigers. Not as big as some others in this match but they will still be there. They have the experience to try and ground themselves but their egos will still be bouncing around and thats when they are weakest. They have my respect, I helped JJ when he was in charge but that respect goes out the window once that bell rings.

???: Yeah, Calling a former GM and an old rival paper tigers isn't the greatest move.

As Uryu passes the Genesis locker room he contemplates knocking on the door but shakes his head.

UI: Yeah...if the last team had egos, These guy's egos rival blimps. These guys are confident, Cocky, Arrogant and yet can somehow back it up. In ring they are quality but everything else is questionable at best, Mainly the behind the scenes dealings they are having are limiting their success. Yet they recently decided to add a can of petrol known as Miss Jessica to the mix and god knows when she's gonna blow up n set everyone else in Genesis on fire. Right now they are in a land of confusion, Tearing themselves apart seemingly just to prove a point. Yet I am not sure they are actually in as much trouble as they are showing us. An interesting tactic if it works but if it doesn't then they are throwing it all away and going down faster than the Hindenburg.

???: Maybe she will set the chamber on fire...

Uryu stops and stares at a water cooler and chuckles, Taking a cup of water from it and smiling.

UI: Ahh memories, Such a fun thing to have. Yet the current champions may not be willing to put any fires out but help them rage out of control. Blue Dragon and Logan Kincade. These guys are wild animals in the ring, Willing to inflict pain and suffering just for fun. They don't see the Elimination Chamber as a weapon but as a mere plaything for them to hurt everyone else with. They will happily lose control and trash everything just because they can. That is their strength but also their weakness. One of them swings at the other, Even accidentally and the other isn't afraid to swing back full force. They will scrap and fight until one of them falls. I am not afraid to fight them head on but it will take more than just one team to dethrone the current champions.

???: Think Max can get the Saudi army involved to stop them?

UI: As we move onto the final opponents...

Uryu looks towards the roof as the camera catches a few hooded figures in his way. Uryu rubs his eyes and they are no longer there as he shakily continues.

???: What the hell is going on? Why'd you stumble?

UI: Were was I...right..the two men who can't seem to get along with each other or me...Liam Wood who thinks the best form of defence is swearing and being a verbally impressive c**t. He thinks that mentally beating down everyone is an advantage. He's sort of right. It can be in a one on one situation but in this match all it does is bring everyone to look at you and want to shut your mouth up for good. His partner is a man who seems to think everyone deserves a kicking and he's gonna try and deliver it...Chris Patricks. He thinks I should stop being me, Stop trying to help everyone. Yeah I know I can't be a hero to them all but what gives him the right to stop me trying? I know when to act and when not to act. I have been friends with a lot of people in my time and I thought you would still be one of them! When we were first entered in this match I came at you with the respect you deserved. You came at me with a verbal punch to the face!

Uryu kicks open the door to the roof and sighs in frustration.

???: Hey now! Lets just wrap this up quickly.

UI: Most people don't see me and Gazzy having a chance. They say I'm too nice and Gazzy is chased by shadows. Well let me put this into very clear perspective for every single one of my opponents watching this!

Uryu goes close up to the camera.

UI: I know very well this match isn't nice. It breaks bones and shortens careers. It's not designed for a guy like me who cares about others and wants to help old friends and tag partners. I have to walk in there knowing I am in a cage with ten other lions wanting to claw my eyes out and maybe argue over who gets my right leg as a chewtoy! This...this isn't my first time in a scenario like this...and it won't be my last. I want you all to understand that once I step inside the ring that nice guy takes a step back! The guy who you will be fighting is a known survivor! Quit doesn't exist in his vocabulary and he ain't afraid to break arms just to stay alive! You can push and fight all you want but I will not go down quietly. I don't care who tries to take me out I promise you that I am dragging you outta that chamber and into a hospital with me!

Uryu suddenly punches the camera, cracking the lens as the feed cuts out but in the last shot several hooded figures can be seen behind and enraged Uryu.

Uryu Ishida

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6CWF Presents Beachfront Brawl XI - Monday 9th September 2024 Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Beachfront Brawl XI - Monday 9th September 2024

Post by DanielReilly Mon Aug 26, 2024 6:07 pm

Boos fill the arena as 'Broken Dreams' begins to play and Daniel Reilly and Oliver Keane come strolling out the back with smiles on their faces. The commentators discuss the hatred that has been developing recently between Reilly, Acer and Scott Harris as Reilly and Keane climb into the ring and Reilly is handed a microphone as his music stops. Reilly is wearing a black t-shirt with the words 'King of Global' written across the front as Keane is suited up for tonight. Reilly looks out towards the booing crowd with a trademark smirk on his face.

DR: Ladies and Gentlemen, the King had the misfortune of tuning in to Acer's therapy session earlier and so with that being said, the King has some things to get off his chest!

Keane is nodding as the boos grow even louder and Reilly begins to laugh to himself.

DR: Now little Acer had a lot to say earlier and some of those things were said with the intention to disrespect the King and to rile him up. But Acer in his attempts to bad mouth Daniel Reilly has instead lied to all of you people. Let's start at the beginning, little Acer stated that Daniel Reilly is a 'cockroach that won't go away'. Now Acer, you can call the King a cockroach but you are a little snake in the grass, a little snake sat in the Coalition locker room watching on in envy as JJ Johnson and The Saint compare careers that you couldn't even come close to achieving in your wildest dreams! And Acer seems to of missed the memo, but the King is going away! Daniel Reilly is riding off into the sunset this November with a World Championship firmly in his possession and Acer, it will be you who will need to look your good friend JJ in the eyes and explain to him how you couldn't stop Daniel Reilly winning one of his World Championships and leaving this Company with it!

More boos from the fans as Reilly paces around the ring, nodding his head with a smile on his face.

DR: Now Acer also said, and the King quotes that the King's 'last Championship reign is so ancient that Blockbusters was still in business'. Now Acer, you may of forgot what gold looks like but the King has recently went on a record setting reign as your European Champion so with respect, you can shut your mouth! But the King will give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you were on about a World Championship. And if that is the case then Acer you are right, it has been thirteen very long years since Daniel Reilly wore World Championship gold around his waist but the King will inspire you with a saying: 'it is better to of loved and to of lost, then to of never loved at all', and what that means little Acer, is that at least the King has been able to win World Gold and that is more then can be said for both you and for Scott Harris, and the King did it not once, but twice, so again, with respect of course, you can shut your mouth!

Now Acer has also said that Daniel Reilly would not of won two World Championships if he hadn't of been held down for so long but Acer, you wasn't even here when the King was trailblazing for this Company! Hell, if you had been here back then, the King would of probably held the World Title four times! You see Acer, the difference between you and the King is that when he comes across a little hardship, he pulls up his big boy pants and gets on with it but you instead choose to sit and cry and have a little tantrum about how the World is against you! Did you see the King crying when he lost the European Championship? No, the King pulled up his big boy pants and got on with it! Did you see the King crying when he didn't win the Hour match? No, the King pulled up his big boy pants and got on with it! You see little Acer, you and everyone else seems to think the King doesn't like having his own way, but when things don't go the way of the King? You guessed it, he pulls up his big boy pants, and gets on with it!

Reilly begins to chuckle to himself as he looks out at the fans.

DR: Now Acer mentioned that the King has not beaten him one on one and the King can not argue that point, Daniel Reilly has beaten Acer multiple times but one on one? Not yet but soon Acer, soon. But with every right comes a wrong because you think the King is trying to win this Title to get a better contract offered to him? Acer, you have no idea of the King's intentions! You see, the King is actually a star around here and so contracts have been put down on the table for the King but the King is not after money. The King is not after favoured terms. The King simply wanted some respect and JJ Johnson proved that he just couldn't swallow his pride enough to show the King some so the King has made it perfectly clear what is going to happen. Daniel Reilly is winning a World Championship and he is leaving with that belt in his possession! No contract renewal, no last minute decision changes, the King tells no lies and so when you say you need to win this Title Match more then the King? Acer, you have no idea how wrong you are! The King has made a promise to himself and the King has every intention of keeping that promise and if it means he gets to bounce your head off this canvas in the process, then the King is all in!

But Acer, you were right about something, you said Scott Harris was a third wheel in all of this and how right you are. You see Harris has become so irrelevant to the King that quite frankly, the King can not be bothered to speak about him. So Sharpshooter, little Acer, the King will see you boys soon!

Reilly shrugs to the crowd before smirking to the camera.


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6CWF Presents Beachfront Brawl XI - Monday 9th September 2024 Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Beachfront Brawl XI - Monday 9th September 2024

Post by acer101 Mon Aug 26, 2024 9:14 pm

As part of the final promotional push towards Beachfront Brawl, Acer appears on a popular combat sports show via Zoom, live from his airport hotel room. Throughout the interview, Acer has been upbeat and relaxed, effortlessly giving his thoughts and predictions on the upcoming matches. However, as the conversation shifts towards the EWF Global Championship Match, a visible change takes over him. His previously laid-back demeanour is replaced by an intensity that makes it clear the stakes couldn’t be higher.

“Before we let you go,” the interviewer starts, “and really, thanks for your time – I know you’re about to catch your flight to Saudi Arabia – we have to ask about your match, and specifically, Daniel Reilly’s comments earlier today.”

Acer’s gaze hardens as he stares directly into the webcam, his focus razor-sharp. He takes a deep breath before responding. “Ah, the ‘the Cockroach’... he sure got his crown in a twist over that one, didn’t he? Look, I called him a lingering smell because under normal circumstances, you beat someone in the ring and you move on. But not with Reilly. I beat him, and somehow, like a bad odour, he’s still here, hanging around like he belongs in the title picture.”

Acer’s voice grows more intense, the desperation barely masked. “Since Night of Glory, I’ve been clear about one thing – becoming World Champion isn’t just a goal, it’s my obsession. But Reilly? His sights were never even set a World Championship. He’s been too busy whining about contracts, being disrespected by JJ, and trying to make people believe 6CWF will actually miss him when he’s gone. This title shot? It’s a bonus for him. But for me? It’s everything. I’m not just fighting for gold – I’m fighting for validation, for everything I’ve bled for in this company. I need this more than anything.”

He leans forward, his expression darkening, the intensity in his eyes burning through the screen. “Reilly’s out here making promises like they mean something, but let’s look at the track record. He promised he’d be World Champion again – it’s been 13 years and counting. He promised he’d take out Dicey Reilly at Night of Glory, but guess who’s now walking around with the European Championship? He promised he’d win the Hour Match and become World Champion. We all saw how that ended. Three promises – two broken, and the third about to shatter next week. The truth is crystal clear: the liar isn’t me – it’s Daniel Reilly.”

Acer’s voice is now filled with venom, every word sharpened like a blade. His breathing is heavy, his nostrils flaring as the tension in his body becomes palpable.

“So yeah, let Reilly keep telling himself those fairy tales about riding off into the sunset with the title. The truth is, the sun set on his chances of being a World Champion again a long time ago. His last run with a World Championship belt was just that – his last run. He can dress it up with all the kingly nonsense he wants, but next week in Saudi Arabia, the reality will hit him harder than anything he’s felt in 13 years. This time, when he steps in that ring, it won’t just be a loss. It’ll be the death of the fantasy he’s been clinging to for far too long.”

Acer’s voice drops low, every word dripping with conviction. “Next week, I walk out of Saudi Arabia as the EWF Global Champion, and Reilly? He’ll be left in the dust, just like the relic he is. And if Oliver Keane or Scott Harris think they’re going to change that outcome? They can try. But nothing – and I mean nothing – is going to stop me from leaving with that title.”

The tension lingers in the air as the interviewer wraps up, thanking Acer for his time while hyping up the Beachfront Brawl PPV. But Acer’s face remains set, his mind already in the ring, ready to do whatever it takes.


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Join date : 2024-02-10

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6CWF Presents Beachfront Brawl XI - Monday 9th September 2024 Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Beachfront Brawl XI - Monday 9th September 2024

Post by President Trump Wed Aug 28, 2024 1:22 pm

Just as the crowd in the King Abdullah Sports Centre Stadium are settling in to their seats and tucking into their hummus “Refuse/Resist” hits out over the stadium

RJ: Listen to that reception JT, Chris Patricks is in the house

JT: He has definitely split opinions over the last few weeks with his verbal attacks against Uryu and in the manner of his wins but there is no denying that the fans love him

Chris walks out on stage and drinks in the fans cheers. He kisses the initials on his wrists, points to the sky before making his way down to the centre of the ring.

CP: Shukran lakum 'asdiqayiy (Thank you my friends)

Crowd: E-NIG-MA

CP: I was sitting backstage doing the usual press stuff when someone turned on Uyru’s latest trip into his self-absorbed, delusional mind f**k. So after watching that I needed to come out here lay on him some home truths.

JT: Here we go RJ

CP: First things first you little weeb, I am not trying to stop you being you. I am trying to open your eyes to the real world. A world in which you aren’t the saviour of anyone or anything. You might think you are but that’s all in that head of yours. Case in point Gazzy and Clarissa. You didn’t “save” them from Plague, you and your actions fed them to him. You actively sought out the affections of her friends fiancé…you did that Uryu….every week on live TV. Because of these actions you let Plague manipulate and get inside Gazzy’s head because I presume he didn’t know who to trust, he best mate, you, and his girl, Clarissa were flirting right in from of him. That would f**k anyone’s head up. So no Uyru you didn’t save Gazzy you sacrificed him for a bit of skirt, he was strong enough to get out of it himself. It’s the same with Max, you could have helped his situation with Rex and Genesis, hell you even teased it but you didn’t because again you were chasing Clarissa and a life you long to have. So no I am not trying to stop you from being you because you don’t even know who you really are…but I do

Some of the Uryu fans start booing but are drowned out

CP: Now onto why we are all here in this beautiful country (cheap pop) Beachfront Brawl and what is probably one of the biggest matches of my career. Six teams, twelve men locked into the chamber all looking to bring home the gold. I should be excited, I should be standing here with butterflies in my stomach but I am standing here with doubt instead. Doubt that my partner has his head in the game, doubt that my partner has his eyes on the prize and doubt that my partner has my back at all

RJ: What is he on about?

JT: Well if you shut up we’ll find out

CP: The last few weeks have been an eye opener for me, you see losing Max in this fight was always going to happen. When it came down to it he brought me in because he didn’t have the stomach to do what needed to be done. So him moving back stage wasn’t a complete shock but leaning on Wood instead of yours truly was. So instead of moaning about it I went to Andrews and left Max out of things. But as it turned out I was the one being left out of things, being over looked as just the add on or as Percy would call it, the fluffer. All over the internet it was Wood that was taking on Genesis, Wood is the hero we all deserve and fair play to him he deserves his spot and shot at the title. I would never begrudge anyone their chance, hell I even tried to save him from Logan a few weeks back but look at him now. Is he my Partner or his he Rex’s. When it comes down to it is he coming into the Elimination Chamber to win the tag titles with me or is he playing a game with his new bestie to screw over the rest of us?

RJ: Chris is seeing snakes everywhere

CP: Me on the other hand, I want that gold and holding it over Genesis and the Brother Dim would be a big win not just for us but for the company. I’m not here to play games, I’m here to win so Liam I hope you are here to do the same because I am not in the mood to play.

President Trump

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6CWF Presents Beachfront Brawl XI - Monday 9th September 2024 Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Beachfront Brawl XI - Monday 9th September 2024

Post by Uryu Ishida Wed Aug 28, 2024 3:16 pm

As Chris Patricks is in the ring we see the titantron light up and it shows Uryu shaking his head as he sits on the roof.

UI: I see someone has an interesting view of history. You are right on some parts. My actions back then were stupid. I shouldn't have done them. You keep on bringing it up though. As though I should still be paying the price for what I did. I did pay the price Chris, I lost my friend, I lost some fans and I lost my self respect. It has taken me a long time to get those back at it took even longer for the man I screwed over to say "move on" because he knows damn well I will never do it again. I earned his trust back and I am earning the fans trust back. I know theres likely still a ways to go on that but I ain't afraid of it. Nobody said the road I'm on will ever be easy and I don't think it will ever end as you'll just keep on building it.

Uryu lies on his back and sighs.

UI: Why don't you just admit it. You do not like guys who keep on trying to help. Who have the drive to do what is right and are not selfish. I am not here to take away others opportunities but I am not about to give up on ones I have earned. Are there better men and women in the company? Probably, Yet I keep coming back when they decide to stop trying. I am still here and I am not going anywhere soon because there are things I can still do. Yet you accuse me of not helping Max? Max...who when he asked me saw I just got my ass handed to me. I offered my help but you know Max as well as I do. He needed someone with a clear focus and right then that was not me. Oh I still offered but it was his choice who he wanted to partner with and that was you. Am I mad? No. Honestly for that situation you were the best choice for him. Max isn't an idiot Chris and if he had chosen me I woulda just brought my baggage to him.

Uryu kips up and smiles as he looks into the camera as he starts walking into the arena.

UI: You can keep talking about the past Chris and about how you are showing me a truth I already know. You can keep on twisting things and play the woe is me card all you want. Hell Gazzy thought you getting his wifes name wrong was accidental at first but let me correct your stupid ass. Her name is Christy James and if you want I can get Gazzy to stamp it into your brain just so you don't forget.

Uryu is seen going through multiple doors as the crowd can be heard chanting for Uryu in the arena and on the camera following him.

I am here to fight Chris, I offered you the respect you deserved when we were in the ring a few weeks ago and you have just thrown that aside. If you want I can show you the respect you have left with me right now. adhhab wamaras aljins mae nafsika! ( Go F yourself)

The camera cuts off as the arena cheers as Uryu is walking towards the ring through the crowd ready to fight.

Uryu Ishida

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Age : 34
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6CWF Presents Beachfront Brawl XI - Monday 9th September 2024 Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Beachfront Brawl XI - Monday 9th September 2024

Post by President Trump Wed Aug 28, 2024 4:23 pm

Chris smiles as he sees Uryu walking towards the ring. He sits on the middle rope and asks Uyru to come in. Uryu declines for the moment and stays at the bottom of the ramp

CP: Why are you so wound up Uryu, did my truth hit a nerve? Storming down the ramp, fists all clenched like a pastier Dicey Reilly. What you did back then was stupid and selfish and just scummy and you did lose your friend, but you know what Uryu…you deserved to. You act like “ah well it’s all over now, let’s all go to the Winchester until it all blows over” you are deluded. As I already said, you f**ked over you friend and in doing that he not only lost his mind and his World title but nearly his fiancé and child, but you’re right let’s move on.

Chris gets out of the ring and sits on the Japanese announce table near Uyru

CP: As the saying goes, If you tell the same lies over and over then they start becoming the truth, but that might fly in imagination land inside your head but not here…not in the real world. There is nothing you do that isn’t for selfish reasons Uryu, none of us in this business can say any different. You and Kent are a lot alike, you both use, used others to keep that title around your waist. Him with Jessica and Rex and you messing with Gazzy and Clarrisa because not only was Gazzy a treat but Plague was breathing down your neck. You messed with a family to keep that gold on you and when you lost it you didn’t give two sh1ts what happened to Gazzy. If you did you would have stopped at nothing to take Plague out, but you didn’t do you, you let Blue Dragon and Logan do the dirty work while you wormed your way back in.

See just like me Max knew the real you, that’s why he didn’t really want your help and that’s why you never reeealy offered it because there was nothing in it for good old Uryu. There is a reason I didn’t want your respect or cared you were trying to show me you respected me. You are a fraud and the sooner all these people realise that the better.

President Trump

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6CWF Presents Beachfront Brawl XI - Monday 9th September 2024 Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Beachfront Brawl XI - Monday 9th September 2024

Post by DanielReilly Wed Aug 28, 2024 11:48 pm

We have a exclusive as we are taken to Birmingham International Airport where Tim Allen is waiting, microphone in hand. In the background, we see the figures of Daniel Reilly and Oliver Keane strolling through the airport pulling their luggage. Allen scurries over to the pair and Reilly and Keane look surprised to see Tim. Keane tries to usher him away but Reilly tells Keane it's okay and both men stop as Tim begins to speak.

TA: Ladies and Gentlemen, this is an exclusive for, I'm Tim Allen and I'm here with Daniel Reilly and his advisor Oliver Keane! Daniel, firstly, how do you feel your chances are going into the triple threat match for the 6WF Global Championship?

DR: Tim, firstly, it is rude to interrupt the King when he has a flight to catch to Saudi Arabia but you are in Daniel Reilly's city and here, things wait on the King and so the King will indulge you for just a short few moments. Now you ask about the King's chances? Well Tim it's simple. You have had the King of the Streets era, you have had the King of all of Europe era and now? Now you are all about to bear witness to the King of Global era! And how fitting that the King will win the Championship on foreign soil when Daniel Reilly captures the 6WF Global World Championship when he finally shuts Acer and Scott Harris up and proves to the World that only one man in this match is truly World Championship quality!

TA: Now you mentioned Acer, did you get a chance to catch his comments earlier today?

Reilly rubs his chin as he chuckles to himself.

DR: His comments? You mean another one of his little breakdowns? Another one of his temper tantrums? Well as a matter of fact, the King did see it, and it is just same old Acer. Big words from a little man. That lunatic seems to think he has really got the King's number because he called him a cockroach but the reality is that the King has had bigger insults from bigger men so if that is all little Acer has then Daniel Reilly wants him to know that he is well and truly out of his depth! But the King did notice one thing Acer said. Acer said that this match was just a bonus to the King and that Acer needs to win this and how right he is. This is a bonus to Daniel Reilly because the King has been there and done it, he has won World Championships so another one around the King's waist is nothing more then a bonus but Acer? Well little Acer needs to win to finally become a World Champion, to finally prove that he can live outside of the shadow that is JJ Johnson and The Saint, he needs to win to prove that he isn't going crazy but reality is reality and the World is on the verge of witnessing the biggest Acer meltdown yet when he is forced to watch as Daniel Reilly stands tall as your new 6WF Global Champion!

TA: Well also in this match up is the Sharpshooter, Scott Harris! You said before that you had nothing to say to Scott but is there anything you would like to say before your match up?

DR: Not really, no.

Reilly laughs as he turns to walk away but pauses and turns back to face Tim.

DR: But on second thoughts, Acer said something that Daniel Reilly actually agreed with. He said that Scott Harris is in this match because of the fans and Acer is right. Scott Harris is not in this match because of talent, he is not in this match because he has earned it, he is in this match because he is the fan's flavour of the month and the 6CWF management want to cater to the fan's latest craze. Problem is that whilst the fans may of got Scott into this match, the fans can not fight this match for Scott. Scott Harris is quite simply irrelevant in this match, this is an issue between Daniel Reilly and Acer and Scott Harris has for some reason felt like he is missing out and got involved but he will soon see that he has bitten off more then he is able to chew when the King finally shuts down the so called 'needs more Harris' movement!

TA: And finally, the rumours continue to swirl around your contract. You have stated you are leaving but can anything be done to get your signature signed to a contract?

Oliver Keane steps forward and tells Tim that the interview is over as he and Reilly have a flight to catch. Reilly smirks and shrugs as both he and Keane turn and walk away leaving Tim stood alone as the camera fades.


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6CWF Presents Beachfront Brawl XI - Monday 9th September 2024 Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Beachfront Brawl XI - Monday 9th September 2024

Post by BlueDragon1205 Sun Sep 01, 2024 3:19 pm

]During the BeachFront Brawl Preshow we cut to the panel where RJ and Tim Allen are sat with 6WF legend Rasta and special guest for the preshow Paul Hollywood (who, in the Saudi heat, looks to have somewhat of a soggy bottom)

Onto our next contest for the evening Folks, the Hell in a Cell tag match for the 6CWF Tag Championships. It promises to be one 'hell' of a match..

Tim Allen laughs like that's the funniest joke ever before Rasta shrugs and walks off. Paul Hollywood reaches in to offer RJ a signature Handshake for the joke but his hand is batted away by Tim who shifts to Rastas empty seat to be a little closer to RJ

Well that went down like a fruitcake in a bathtub, right Paul... In anticipation of this match we have received a message from 'our' Tag Champions, the 6CW World Heavyweight Champion and his psychopathic, half, brother Logan Kincade...

The screen flickers for an second as we hear Paul Hollywood start to explain that Fruitcake actually does float despite the common misconception of it being heavy...

We see Logan Kincade and Blue Dragon sat in a locker room backstage, both look to be getting ready for a match. Behind them hang the Tag Championships, Blue Dragon's polished and gleaming, Logans belt is all scuffed up. The leather starting to Frey, there even looks to be some patches of blood starting to deoxidise the gold a little.

Dragon is staring down at his 6CW World title. The light reflecting from it as he admires his reflection. Behind him, he spots Logan's face looking over his shoulder at the belt, he pretends not to notice as does Logan, who shuffles slightly away, BD coughs as he quickly places it to the opposite side of him and looks down the camera lens..

Last week Me and my brother where given the opportunity to get our hands on some of the sh*tbags that are going to share the ring with us at the PPV. Last week you got a taste of what Me and JJ Johnson can do in that ring and the lengths that we will go to to be the better man.
JJ, last week I made you an offer, if you survive the Hell in a Cell, if you can get out of that Cell while your heart pounds and your lungs suck air then I'm more than happy to uphold my elderly of the bargain, you want to go around telling people you've still got it, that your the very best, well I'll give you the chance to prove it to the world and more importantly.. to yourself, that you are as good as you say you are. Almost the best..
When it comes to Jay, I'm not content to brutalise and to beat him bloody. No I don't want to physically beat JJ, I want to show him that I am the better 'Wrestler' and that is what you seen the start of last week...

Logan interrupts BD

Last week.
If you think burying me will stop me then it will have to be 10 feet under because I will always get up and I will come for you, nothing can stop that now...
The die is cast...

Logan's eyes begin to widen at the idea of the carnage he will inflict..

JJ Johnson, unlike my brother I do... just want to physically beat you, but for very similar reasons, you're not the best I...We, are the best.
Time is ticking down on the story of JJ Johnson...and we will be the full stop on the final word on your final page...

Dragon looks at his brother, his chest rising and dropping as his skin is flush, the blood in Logan's veins is pumping harder, even his body is preparing itself for battle. Like an army, whose numbers are swelling, who's fire is rising to meet the enemy and be victorious no matter the odds.

Dragon takes a second, he glances over at his World title and he puts an arm around his brother. Logan's body tense, Dragon begins to match the energy. The two staring down the lens, an intimidating sight to say the least

I want to tell you all...
Something that may be hard to believe...
Something that I'm willing to bet that the whole locker room wish wasn't true.
That Me and Logan are on the same page.
Isn't that a scary thought? Despite, you all.
Despite you saying that Logan is coming for me and my belt. Your all saying how we're fractured and yet, we have won these Tag Championships and now we hold them with dominance and the really scary thing is, it's just expected. It's not a shock, it's not surprising to any of you that we hold the pace and the position that we do. Like this..

Dragon reaches up and unhooks their tag belts. He slings one over Logan's shoulder and one over his..

What, to someone else, would be a lifelong achievement. This is us starting to find our feet again after years away. This is page one in the book of the Brothers of Destruction. This is barely the start of what you will all see, what will become the fate of 6CWF. And it all starts at Hell in a Cell...

After all.. what is Hell for most, is heaven for us...
It is true though what Junior says, though we may have ambitions and we may fight each other from time to time, we are on the same page even with the turd in the sandwich that is Andrews Senior, The man has become something of a nuisance to Blue Dragon and while I hate the man there are some things that cannot be allowed to go unpunished. But don't get it wrong, I don't do things without reason, I'm not stupid, we're not stupid, everything we have achieved has been down to our meticulous planning...
War is coming, there is nothing that can stop that now...

Dragon looks at Logan for a few seconds before he takes a deep breath and shakes his head. Logan just looks at him, slightly puzzled but a little p*ssed off.

Anyway, I don't want to talk about Andrews right now. That's not why we asked for this time...
We wanted to show you all, that we are in fact on the same page, maybe not over everything, but over what matters. Right now, that, is the gold that we have over our shoulders (Dragons hand, almost on its own, reaches out and clutches on to the 6CW title on the bench next to him). You see there's certain people in this match that we both have a lot of history with.
There's at least three that Logan his actively tried to murder..

Logan holds up four fingers..

Oh yeah... I forgot me ..
Theres at least four men in this match that Logan has tried to kill.
There's ex tag partners,
There ex rivals,
There's former friends and allies,
There's even one or two guys with crushes on Logan here.. but more than that. There's a whole host of victims, prime for the picking, Logan was right when he said that Hell in a Cell is Heaven for us, after all, who created Hardcore Hell... This psychopath next to me.
These future and past victims of us aren't ready for what they are about to witness, to experience...
Id love to sit here and list off all the good points they have. Id love to tell you how JJ is the real deal in between those ropes. Id love to tell you have Rex and Wood are the future of the industry, I'd love to say that I respect the Saint, Uryu, Patrick's hell even the Brothers of Seduction, for all they do in this ring.. I'd love to do all of that. And to a point that is true. A version of me, somewhere inside this head would do all of that. But the fact of the matter is a simple one...
That guy, that Blue Dragon, who has both earned and given this industry so much respect, so much blood sweat and tears...
Well, unfortunately for the guys in the back, that guy's not here right now, I'm in fight mode, I'm in beast mode right now, I don't care who else is in the cell with me, I don't care who else stands toe to toe with me.. I'm the f*cking Alpha...

The camera has zoomed in on BDs face and as it comes back out we see Logan looking at BD, his face trying to stay calm and not show it, his eye twitches and his jaw in clenched tight, he cannot hide the fact that he didn't like BD calling himself the best, that he took offence to the comments...

Logan takes a breath, BD hears this and comes to the realisation that maybe he offended Logan, he's not too concerned as Logan turns away from Dragon and clicks his neck...

The rest of you in this match listen up, Genesis, oh how I hate Genesis...

Logan stares for a second with hate in his eyes then snaps back out of it.

Kenty, you've become something I could almost respect of late, trying to take Blue's head off with a sledgehammer? Impressive, but you bottled it, like you always do, when it comes to being a monster you s**t your pants and run away hide behind your boys but the fact is people talk about me and Blue being close to self destruction at any time, but you lot are a shambles, but then again you did try to brain my brother...and that won't do, so we'll deal with you t**ts too.
Now! The Brothers of seduction, everyone likes you, you're very them, not to me. I promise you, in this fight, when me and Blue dominate you...this time you won't fu**ing like it.

Dragon laughs and he picks up his wrist tape from the bench, he throws it into his bag and he slides his World Title in too. He nudges Logan. Who starts to pack his stuff up too.

Right, we've got a match to get ready for, we need a warm up. Did you see that MMA place in the way here?

Logan starts throwing his things into a Brown Leather bag he's got his back to BD who notices the bag and looks puzzled for a moment, Logan shifts it back and inside a bigger gym bag he has too. Before turning to Dragon.

Let's go! (Logan sweeps everything into his bag and stands up ushering Dragon from the room). Warm up with some local 'tough guys' should be laugh... Haha hahahahAaaa!!

As they stand BD reaches out and grabs the camera, he holds it very close to his face..

See you in Hell... F*ckers!!!

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6CWF Presents Beachfront Brawl XI - Monday 9th September 2024 Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Beachfront Brawl XI - Monday 9th September 2024

Post by Bentyf1 Sun Sep 01, 2024 10:22 pm

[The 6CWF universe is greeted to a roasting, oppressively hot day in Riydah, the kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The sun is blasting down onto the city without a cloud in the sky. The 6CWF universe is immediately shown the Public investment fund tower, the tallest building in Riyadh and also the tallest financial building in Saudia Arabia. The tower is glistening in the baking hot sunlight as the scene changes to one of many large air conditioned corridors at the top of the building. A familiar clicking of heels can be heard as the camera picks up on a proud and sophisticated looking Miss Jessica who has her trademark vixen smile. She is wearing a gucci green baggy top and long cream white trousers with small black heels. Her red hair is looking shorter these days and is in pristine condition. 6CWF reporter, Jack Reynolds is trying to keep up with her, clutching a microphone. Reynolds is wearing a smart three piece black suit and yellow tie. Reynolds manages to catch up with a striding Jessica who is smiling smugly as Reynolds speaks to her as the pair walk.]

MJ: Keep up Jack, you know he is busy... I've scheduled in meetings with the saudi prince, make a wish foundations, sponsor obligations, 6CWF interviews such as yourself. You have to keep up, we shouldn't keep the inevitable one and our daddy... Eddy Kent waiting.

JR: With respect, Jessica, we aren't exactly quiet on this side of things, I...

[Jessica stops abruptly and cuts Jack off. Her tone now changes to a more serious and aggressive tone as Reynolds looks a little startled.]

MJ: Who do you think you are Jack?I mean really, who do you think you are? You should be feeling pride... feeling pride and feeling honoured that he is waiting for you. Honoured that he is giving up his limited time to speak to you. Answer all the questions you have with all the integrity in the world. Let me guess, I bet your question or questions will pander to the woke mob. Am I right Jack? all you will want to do is try and catch him out. Try and pander to the 6CWF underground who wish to see 6CWF back on it's knees before he came along and created this universe. This perfect universe we live in under his should be honoured. Don't make me talk on my podcast about how Jack Reynolds, long time 6CWF reporter is spreading misinformation so that 6CWF can be hijacked by the likes of Blue Dragon, Logan Kincade and Liam Wood... this is your first and last warning.

[Reynolds breathes deeply and nods as Jessica mouths, "okay" at him and rolls her vindictive green eyes. The pair continue to walk in silence before stopping at a wide, metal door. Jessica looks at Reynolds and smiles evily and shruggs her shoulders in a giddy way as she knocks on the door and opens it wide. The pair walk into a large conference room where the view from the windows is of the Riyadh skyline. The noise of the aircons working overtime hums slightly in the background as the pair walk in. The camera reveals Genesis items and memorobilia plastered around the room and large HD televisions set up with 6CWF in poison Genesis green. Switching between that and images of Genesis members such as Rex Adamson posing and of course, Genesis leader and 6WF undisputed world heavyweight champion, Eddy Kent. The camera then shows a large, poison green ceramic table in the middle of the room, very much set up like a media interview area with black chairs dotted around. On the table itself is a collection of bottled, freezing water and fruit. Also on the table is the 6WF undisputed world heavyweight championship. Reynolds stops in his tracks in awe at the surrondings as a giddy and evily giggling, Jessica strides over to the broad figure we see staring out into the Riyadh skyline. Jessica then speak as the camera pans in on the pair.]

MJ: Hey Daddy, it's time...

[The figure swivels round in his chair as the camera reveals none other than 6WF world champion and leader of Genesis, Eddy Kent. Kent is wearing a expensive italian three piece black suit with a poison green tie and a steel rolex watch. Kent seems aloof as his ice cold blue eyes look at a timid Jack Reynolds and then back to his right hand, announcer of the Genesis awakening podcast and Mami of Genesis, Miss Jessica. Jessica smiles in awe at Kent who looks at her with a slight grin. Jessica bends down slightly and whispers into Kent's ear as a smarmy smirk begins to fully creep over his face. Kent nods and looks at Jessica who winks at him. She then looks at Reynolds with a face only that could be described as dog mess at the bottom of your shoe. Jessica quips at Reynolds as Kent looks on with a nonplussed face at Reynolds.]

MJ: You don't have long, Reynolds... help yourself to water, fruit... I'm staying however. I have to make sure nothing is twisted... we cannot trust the likes of you.

JR: Fair enough..

[Jessica then sits at the table next to Kent with a proud smile. She then whips out her very flashy green Iphone 15 pro max as the notification noise of the social media platform, X, rings over and over again. Jessica smiles evily as she begins to type her poison to the masses. Reynolds makes his way to the table and sits at the far end of it, directly opposite Kent. Reynolds clears his throat and looks at Kent. Kent eyes are now locked on Reynolds as he takes a sip of water,  and scratches his cheek. Kent looks at Reynolds with a look of well, what do you want? as Reynolds begins to speak.]

JR: Eddy Kent.. here we are again. One year after your triumph in the elimation chamber last time out at Beachfront Brawl, we find ourselves back in the elimination chamber in Riyadh, Saudia Arabia. This time for the 6CWF Tag team titles. How are you and how are Genesis feelings about this enormous match?

[Rolling his ice cold blue eyes, Kent purses his lips and scowls at Reynolds. Kent then leans back in his chair and lets out a long bored sigh before locking eyes with Jack Reynolds again. Kent this starts to speak in a relatively serious tone.]

Kent:  While I appreciate your question, Reynolds. Do you remember what I told the whole world nearly a year ago, Reynolds? what I told the world last year is exactly what I'm going to tell you now, incase you have forgotten, Genesis and Eddy Kent are surviving the elimination chamber and winning more gold. No wild celebrations and no wild parties... straight up business here in Saudi Arabia. Genesis are gatekeepers of this company, Reynolds... This is serious business. This is about Genesis led by me being the best in this generation, no, the best in living memory in professional wrestling. And do you think that winning another piece of the puzzle is worth celebrating? I have news for you Reynolds, It isn't. This is just another day in the life of god mode. The son, Rex Adamson and I are going to claim more gold in our quest for Genesis to be the greatest of all time.

Kent: Look at that Reynolds, Look at that championship. That is the 6WF world heavyweight championship. This title is regarded as one of, if not, the greatest wrestling championship of all time, Reynolds. And who is in possession of it right now? Me, Eddy Kent. Not Logan Kincade, Blue Dragon, not Liam Wood, not Chris Patricks, not Gazzy D and not Uryu Ishida. That title is being held by the greatest of all time and the stats back it up, Reynolds. It needs not just a mere man as champion, it needs the very best and Reynolds, I am the best. I am levels above the rest... now, can you imagine Eddy Kent and Rex Adamson as your 6CWF tag team champions? the 6CWF tag team titles was a challenge to my boys Tyler Roth and Michael Sweetwater, sadly, plans change... and now, my 6CWF universe will be treated to the daddy and the son of 6CWF being their tag team champions.

[Kent reclines in his chair as Jessica looks at him, almost love drunk and smiles at him as Kent looks at her with a small grin. Kent then exhales and looks at the ceilling before looking at Reynolds once more. Jessica's phone then pops off as she goes back to tweeting as Kent begins to speak once more at Jack Reynolds.]

Kent: Now look, I bet you want to ask me how I feel about the elimination chamber... to be honest, Reynolds. I'm probably the most experienced wrestler in the world today to discuss the elimination chamber, so let me fill you in. You know, they all say the Elimination Chamber is one of the most brutal matches in 6CWF history. They say it is designed to break a man's body and spirit. But you see, I am no ordinary man... I am Eddy Kent, and I am the single greatest wrestler in the world today. I am the daddy... I am the god of this company and this universe... which I created, whether these fans and other wrestlers like it... this company runs all the way up to me. Everything goes through me. Who has won two elimination chambers in this company’s history? That's right. Me. And at Beachfront Brawl, I'm going to win a third with my son.

Kent: I have walked into two Elimination Chamber matches with other so-called wrestlers, And what did I do? I conquered every single one of them! I smashed them against the cold, unforgiving steel over and over again. I've broken legends such as Cerberus and I have crushed the likes of  Scott Harris to a point where he couldn't stand on his own two feet. In my past two elimination chamber matches I have won the 6WF Freeweight championship and last year I walked out with the 6WF world heavyweight championship... and Reynolds, this year I'm going to make it three. And I'm going to be part of a Genesis team known as 6WF world tag team champions.

Kent: But I'm going to be honest with you, Reynolds, this is not just about championships. This is a symbol of my dominance and the dominance of Genesis, Reynolds. The Tag team championships will be a symbol of our supremacy. This will be symbol of the universe I have created where I continue to be the daddy of this company and the greatest living wrestler in memory, Reynolds. And while it is all those things, this will just be the start of the son and I. Genesis and Eddy Kent, want it all, Reynolds. The 6WF world championship continues to be part one. The 6CWF tag team championships are part two of the puzzle. It’s time for some more history to be made, Reynolds. Has there ever been a more dominant group that has held the 6WF world championship and  6CWF tag team championships? you can argue Blue Dragon and Logan Kincade are already there, but their foundations are built on sand... Genesis has plans for the brothers, Reynolds. That I assure you. I will not let these two men drag us to the gutter. I will save 6CWF from the monsters that wish to hijack my world and bring it into the hands of the baying mob.

Kent But let us not forget the others, Reynolds, the so-called contenders who will continue to try and break my perfect world of Genesis. They too will feel my wrath... I have history with most others wrestlers in this match. Liam Wood, Chris Patricks, Ishida, Gazzy D,  the brothers of seduction, the coalition... this list goes on and on. The confidence they all exhibit, thinking their strength, their skills, or their charisma will be enough to overcome me and my son in the Genesis god mode era.  I have walked through the fires of hell, and I have emerged unscathed, fueled by the desire to be the greatest professional wrestler of this generation. Created a world of Genesis and perfection.

Kent: But let me make one thing abundantly clear, to all of them. right here, right now... at Beachfront Brawl, Genesis are going to break each and every one of them. But they know this deep down. But, I am well aware to believe they are foolish enough to want war with me and my son... I promise you Reynolds,  I will want to break  each and everyone one of you, both physically and mentally. I want to witness the desperation etched upon their faces as they realise there is no escape from me and Genesis. I want the mob and their fans to see their heroes being dragged through the mud…they will belong to me in that chamber, that I promise you now.

Kent: Reynolds... if there's one thing you take away from the time I have allowed you let it be this.  the other wrestlers inside the chamber with me and my son.. they simply will need to prepare themselves. Prepare themselves because Genesis have you all in our crosshairs. All of them I know will want a shot at that 6WF world heavyweight championship down the road and I somewhat respect that, But this isn't about my 6WF world heavyweight championship.No, this is about the Tag team championships and a pair of titles that are required in my Genesis... but honestly, Reynolds. I want to revel in their pain. I will revel in their anguish, their shattered dreams, and their broken bodies. The crowd may gasp, the commentators may scream, but in the end, 6CWF's inevitable one and his son will prevail, and we will be taking all the titles. The Genesis world is expanding even more Reynolds...

Kent: Next week, the referee will raise the son and my arms, victorious, as the night sky is lit up with thousands of dollars worth of green pyro as Genesis rises more. where my son, Rex Adamson and I stand as the undisputed, unified rulers of this ring and the masters of the wrestling universe. And then the rest will fall to me in the coming months and the challengers will be destroyed, as the greatest of all time continues on the summit, his rightful place at the pinnacle of this company. Because Genesis... and I are inevitable. We are the gold standards. And we are simply...Levels above. And my Genesis is something you will never ever see again. Genesis and Eddy Kent will save 6CWF from itself, starting inside the Elimination chamber.

[With that Jessica stands up from her chair and strides over to usher Jack Reynolds out of the room with conviction. Reynolds jumps up and nods at Kent before being quickly accosted out of the area by Jessica. She then slams the door behind her and jovially makes her way over to the daddy of 6CWF, Eddy Kent. Jessica gets close to Eddy, her arm almost touching his head. She speaks softly as Kent raises his head back in her direction.]

MJ: Perfect as always, daddy... just so you know, socials are through the roof. My podcast has gotten more views than ever and my message is getting out there. We are planting the seeds... all we need to do is just to keep watering it every now and then. Eddy Kent, you are the protector of 6CWF and we will make this place in your image. Just you wait daddy...

[Kent looks at Jessica, his ice cold blue eyers meeting her emerald green eyes. She rubs his shoulder and smiles evily and sits on her chair and drags it closer to Kent. She then whips out her phone once more and shows Kent her poison she is spreading with glee, clutching Kent's broad arm with a evil smile, her pearly white teeth now showing. The scene slowly fades away with the camera zooming out on the evil pair with Kent looking into the distance with a assured and slightly egomanical look on his face as Jessica tells him everything he wants to hear before heading to a TeamZoomZoom commercial.]


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6CWF Presents Beachfront Brawl XI - Monday 9th September 2024 Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Beachfront Brawl XI - Monday 9th September 2024

Post by acer101 Mon Sep 02, 2024 7:42 pm

Titled ‘The Calm Before The (Sand)Storm’ and Part 1 of an Elevation Combat series to hype Beachfront Brawl, this video follows Acer in the final days leading up to his bout at Beachfront Brawl. With the match approaching, Acer remains focused, ready to seize the opportunity of a lifetime.

The video opens with Acer finishing his Zoom interview, calmly closing his iPad and packing it into his rucksack. He wheels his luggage out of the hotel room, the soft sound of the wheels echoing in the quiet corridor. The scene transitions to a bustling Heathrow Terminal 5, where Acer’s calmness contrasts with the surrounding activity.

The video then shows Acer boarding his British Airways flight, with Cabin Crew guiding him to his First Class seat. This journey isn’t just about comfort; it’s a step towards destiny, with every moment earned through hard work. One of the Cabin Crew is clearly a fan, and midway through the flight Acer is seen having a FaceTime call with her son, who is also a massive fan!

The scene shifts to Saudi Arabia, where Acer steps off the plane, the serene desert backdrop contrasting with the tension beneath his composed exterior. The golden hues of the desert evoke a sense of both tranquility and foreboding—a reminder that this peaceful landscape will soon bear witness to a violent clash of wills.

Further footage shows him checking into his hotel and diving into the pool to “get the flight out of my legs” swimming lengths of the pool and partaking in some water-resisted shadow boxing.

The final shot captures Acer leaning against the pool’s edge, droplets of water glistening on his skin as he speaks directly to the camera.

“Every step I take brings me closer to what I’ve worked my entire career for. People think this is just another match, but for me, this is everything. The focus isn’t just on winning – it’s on leaving no doubt who the EWF Global Champion is. No one can outwork me; I’ve done the hard yards in the weeks leading up to this. And in 7 days’ time, I will, for only the second time in my career, be a Champion.”

The video fades to black, leaving viewers with the anticipation that the calm is about to give way to the storm.


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6CWF Presents Beachfront Brawl XI - Monday 9th September 2024 Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Beachfront Brawl XI - Monday 9th September 2024

Post by TheCultOfPersonality Wed Sep 04, 2024 11:51 am

Mike Masters is in the gym preparing for Beachfront Brawl. He is hooked up to heart rate monitors as he goes through the paces on the treadmill. Jack Reynolds is there to speak to him and get his thoughts on the upcoming event.

JR: Mike, I can see you are busy right now but would it be possible to talk about Beachfront Brawl?

Masters pulls of his altitude mask and indicates for Reynolds to ask his questions.

JR: I appreciate that. Just a few days out now from the event. All talent have now arrived in Saudi Arabia and you are preparing to challenge Geoff Steel for the Xtreme Championship along with Jimmy Phillips in a triple threat match. Why do you believe you are leaving Beachfront Brawl with the gold?

Masters doesn’t break stride as he talks, continuing to stare straight ahead at the monitors

MM: Because, you idiot, I am superior in every single sense of the word to Geoff Steel. Steel is a try-hard who has been looked after by management for nearly two decades despite having very little talent. If his face didn’t fit he would have been let go along time ago, discarded with the Blades and the Bam Sparklestons.

Steel is loved so much that they even decided to centre a whole division around him and that is where I drew the line. I took that personally. You see a guy like me, ultra talented, movie star good looks, money in the bank yet I have to scrape and claw for a crumb from the table even when I’m stealing the show every time I appear. Steel on the other hand has been stinking it out from day one and he’s on the posters and the billboards, he’s a champion in this company and gets major airtime. I wasn’t about to just stand back and allow that kind of favouritism to continue.

Phillips; I have no problem with. He and I share common goals but Beachfront Brawl is every man for himself and he appreciates that as much as I do. But I don’t share and I have absolutely no intention of allowing sentiment to get in the way of putting myself back in the champion’s enclosure. When that bell sounds I will take care of business and I will do exactly what I said I will and that is win.

JR: There have been questions though in regards to why you picked the Xtreme division? It isn’t exactly in-keeping with the style you have portrayed over the last decade?

MM: Don’t ever assume to know about me or what I can or cannot do. That’s where so many have ballsed it up over the years. Mike Masters is no one trick pony and I made it very clear a few weeks ago when I told everyone that regardless of the division or the rules, I will beat Geoff Steel because he does not belong on my level.

I can outwrestle Geoff Steel and take him to school, humiliate him like he has never been humiliated in his life. Or I can meet him on his own turf, the face of Xtreme, and I can beat him within an inch of his existence. I’m not reliant on one style and that is what sets me apart from anyone else on this roster and that is what will take me back to the top of this company, mark my words.

I told you why I picked Xtreme and that is because someone like Geoff Steel doesn’t deserve to have a whole division assigned to him as though he is printing money. My ambitions stretch way above and I will be a world champion again but for now my sights are firmly set on re-establishing myself as the very best this company has to offer. This is a statement maker and when I walk out of Beachfront Brawl as the new champion I don’t want to hear surprise or anyone trying to blow smoke up my arse because I told you what was going to happen and you were all far too stupid to pay attention.

JR: Mike.

MM: Look at that.

Masters indicates to the monitors

MM: Haven’t even broke sweat, sixty minutes flat out and my breathing is almost at rest levels. You think Geoff Steel can compete with that? You are even dumber than you look. Healthy body, healthy mind and sole focus on Monday and leaving Saudi Arabia with gold back around this gorgeous waist.

I am going to steal the show again, humiliate Geoff Steel again and put my name up in lights again. Nothing handed to me, no favours. I am going to take what has been a long time coming to me and nobody is going to stop that from happening.


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6CWF Presents Beachfront Brawl XI - Monday 9th September 2024 Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Beachfront Brawl XI - Monday 9th September 2024

Post by Marky Wed Sep 04, 2024 5:58 pm

We open up to a shot of Tim Allen stood in beautiful weather, with a gorgeous beach behind him, the sand is golden yellow and the sea is a bright blue

TA: Hi, welcome to Nissi Beach, Ayia Napa in Cyprus, I'm here with one of the tag teams heading into Beachfront Brawl in Jeddah this weekend aiming to become your new 6CWF World Tag Team Champions. Please welcome, the Brothers of Seduction, Brandon Perez and Percy Percival!

We see Brandon and Percy walk into shot, both are wearing sunglasses and beach shorts, Percy is wearing a white vest and Brandon is topless

TA: Guys, what brought you to this beautiful part of the world in the build up to Beachfront Brawl.

There is a brief pause as neither man says anything, Brandon just shrugging and looking around as if to say "what a stupid question", Percy clears his throat and leans forward towards the microphone

Percy: There's a few reasons Timmy. Firstly, the obvious elephant in the room... Rainbows aren't very popular in Saudi Arabia. So we fly in for the show, and fly out straight after. We're only an hour or two from Jeddah, so we base ourselves in Ayia Napa and prepare here. But also, acclimatisation to the heat and humidity, and the views.

Brandon is distracted by a woman in a bikini bringing over two drinks in coconuts, Percy takes them off the tray as Brandon watches her walk away

Brandon: That's one of my favourite views...

Percy hands a coconut to Brandon and Percy sips from the straw of his drink

TA: So, what are you drinking? Some kind of protein shake?

Percy: Pina Colada. We've been crushing them. You see Timmy, it's just as important to give the spirit a workout too. Mind, body, and our souls.

There is an awkward silence as Tim Allen tries to figure out if Percy means "our souls" or "ar5eholes"...

TA: So, er... What's your training routine like? How does a tag team like the Brothers of Seduction prepare for such a huge match.

Percy walks to Tim and puts an arm around him

Percy: The only way I can explain it, is with a montage.

Brandon: Even Rocky had a montage.

"Scarface (Push It to the Limit)" by Paul Engemann starts playing, and the training montage begins

Percy: Cardio...

We cut to a shot of Percy, Brandon, and a group of young men and women, all dancing energetically in a nightclub

Percy: Weights...

We see Brandon bench pressing a bikini clad blonde over his head, as a small crowd cheers him on

Percy: Taking on fluids...

We see Brandon and Percy downing drinks from red solo cups, as a crowd chants "chug, chug, chug" at them

Percy: Sparring...

We see Brandon throwing punches at security guards who are trying to drag him off of a nightclub dancefloor

Percy: Shedding weight...

We see Brandon and Percy leaving a seedy looking building with a sign "SAUNA AND BATHHOUSE" on the front

Percy: Teamwork...

***Graphic scenes unsuitable for the 6CWF Audience***

Percy: And of course, working on our tans.

Percy and Brandon are posing as we cut back to them with Tim Allen, as the music fades out

TA: I must admit your tans look good. How much effort did you put in?

Both Brandon and Percy look appalled at Tim Allen, Percy looks upset as Brandon shakes his head angrily


Tim Allen is taken aback as both Brandon and Percy storm off very quickly, almost as if they were looking for an excuse to leave the interview...

TA: Er... The Brothers of Seduction here in Ayia Napa, Cyprus. I'm off for a lie down...


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6CWF Presents Beachfront Brawl XI - Monday 9th September 2024 Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Beachfront Brawl XI - Monday 9th September 2024

Post by Steel Thu Sep 05, 2024 7:57 pm

The cameras begin to roll, we find ourselves in a busy downtown area. We then start to move rapidly through the city passing all transport and people going about their days. As we begin to exit the Cosmopolitan area the large complex of the King Abdullah Sports City comes into view, we move across the now flat mostly sandy landscape towards the imposing structure. The outsides of the stadium are adorned with various large posters of 6CWF superstars, we come to a halt Infront of an image of Geoff Steel the Xtreme championship held aloft above his head. The camera then pand down and the real Geoff Steel can be seen adopting the sake pose, the camera zooms in so that he is center stage, he lowers the title onto his shoulder and begins an address.

GS:Ahlan Wa Sahlan, welcome to Beachfront Brawl the literal hottest ticket of the summer, I'd like to extend my thanks to our gracious hosts for the warm welcome extended so far. We can't wait to return the favour by giving you all a night that will live long in the memories of all those in attendance or watching at home. It's always the aim of 6CWF to leave the fans happy and wanting more, my aim at Beachfront Brawl Infront of all of you is to leave with this championship still firmly in my possession, a task easier said than done.

Steel looks down at the championship and beats on it with his first.

GS: Two men stand between me and that goal, the men who have become a gigantic frustration for me over the last several weeks. Who at every opportunity have attempted to blindside me, waiting in the shadows around every corner, acting like cowards preferring the element of surprise over honest actions. That all ends Monday, in the centre of the ring there is no place you can hide, the whole world will see you for what you truly are, nothing more than game hungry parasites looking to live off the name of others, forever hoping it elevates your own personal.

Steel turns and looks up at the poster of himself briefly before turning back.

GS: Mike and Jimmy appear under the impression that I did very little to earn my spots the head of this division and the face of Xtreme.
I'd encourage them to go attempt to find another member of this roster who has shed as much blood in that ring this past year other than myself, or been invited over in more brutal and barbaric encounters than I've had to endure all in the name of extreme, not only have I survived but also been the bane and one of the leading causes of my opponents misery.
There's no other individual more capable or proven to lead this division than Geoff Steel.
A fact you will come to realise when we face off, a lesson to be learnt from the very moment that first bell tolls.
As much as it pains me to admit though there's no denying the substantial talent you both posses, you aspirations also have to be admired, both your futures like contain gold at some point down the line.
Right now though unfortunately for you it's me that stands in your way, which means your future will have to wait as there's much life in this old dog yet and I'm not about to give up or share this bone.
In the end it truly doesn't matter what your opinion of me is, I proof people wrong out in that ring, allowing my actions to speak for me.
In the Jeddah heat I'm walking back out with my championship, if you're lucky hopefully it won't take the doctors that long to put you both back together.

The camera then pans out and Steel lifts the championship again to match the image behind him as the scene ends.


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6CWF Presents Beachfront Brawl XI - Monday 9th September 2024 Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Beachfront Brawl XI - Monday 9th September 2024

Post by Perfect Jack Sun Sep 08, 2024 12:53 am

Perfect Jack is stood in a dimly lit room with a large shadowy figure of Angus Plague stood behind him. Perfect Jack begins to speak and looks directly into the camera.

PJ: Dicey Reilly, your time as European Champion is at an end. Not only will you lose your treasured championship, you will lose out on on your chance to win that £1million bounty. But that's what really drives you isn't it, your own greed. Your own selfishness and ego. Now I have the chance to strip that away from you, to break you down to your bare bones but I won't be building you back up because you are lost. You will be left behind and cast aside, just like you did to me when I suffered this devestating eye injury.

Angus Plague places his hand on Perfect Jack's shoulder. Jack looks down at it and smiles.

PJ: I know I can inflict unlimited amounts of pain on you Dicey Reilly and to your credit you can take it, all your career you've done it, proven how tough you are, how hard it is to beat you. But there's a difference, the difference this time is, that not only do I want to totally and utterly annihilaite you....

Jack stares into the camera

PJ: I want to break your spirit, I want to break you from the inside out. I know the one thing that keeps you going and that's your fighting spirit and I want to take it all away from you. As the match goes on I want you to cast doubt upon yourself, question your every decision. To ask yourself questions you never thought you would ask of yourself.


Perfect Jack stares into the camera with his severly scared and damaged eye.

Perfect Jack

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