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Post by JJJohnson Mon 09 Sep 2024, 9:33 am

Diego Romero vs ???

The fans are starting to pack into the King Abdullah Sports City Stadium as we head out for the pre-show contest. "VIVA LA RAZA" booms through the speakers and the audience cheers before it turns into "Gasolina" by Daddy Yankee. Pyros explode across the front of the giant stage. The words "BEACHFRONT BRAWL" are carved into an exceptional steel archway. Diego Romero then bounces out onto the stage and he taps his heart in appreciation of the fan reaction. Romero kisses the chain around his neck and raises his arms to the heavens...Romero then runs down the ramp and uses a springboard (ala Sin Cara) to launch himself up into the ring and lands in a a perfect kneeling position...

RJ: It’s been awhile since we’ve had ourselves some pre-show action, Jeff..

JT: It sure has but here we are amigo…..the glorious Kingdom of Saudi Arabia….Beachfront Brawl….6CWF firing shots…

RJ: I’m not sure that’s the best use of language in this country….

Diego Romero is in the ring, receiving a very generous reception from the fans in attendance, and he bows to the applause before “MK Ultra” plays out and the very intense Alexander Altair is revealed as Romero’s opponent….

JT: Whoah, this is a big step up for Romero…

RJ: Former 6CW International Champion…Altair is a dangerous assassin….haven’t seen him in a while but he left quite an impression during the heights of his run…

JT: The 6CWF fans have been very taken with Diego Romero but this will be a serious test of his mettle…

Altair climbs up into the ring, no trace of emotion, and walks to the middle of the ring. The referee keeps them separated as Romero offers his hand in respect…

RJ: Romero is definitely a traditional young man….

JT: He’s expecting a bit much here….see!

Altair just looks at Romero’s hand before slowly extending his own. He then tugs Romero forward and uses his free hand to drive a forearm into the throat. Romero is coughing and spluttering as Altair stomps on the back of his knee and then uses the point of his elbow to smash across the back of Romero’s neck, dropping him in a heap….

RJ: Altair is a methodical beast, he will look to chop Romero down here and keep him grounded…

JT: Whereas we know Romero loves to fly and use his agility….

Altair keeps Romero down and stomps on his legs and hands. Romero tries to use the ropes to pull himself up as Altair smashes punches into his spine and kidneys. He rags Romero away from the ropes now and looks for a back suplex but the Mexican backflips out onto his feet. Altair spins and runs forward as Romero drops and pulls the ropes, sending him over the top to the outside. The crowd are applauding as Romero leads them and then he runs the ropes and cartwheels into a mesmeric moonsault over the top into a takedown on Altair on the outside…

RJ: This kid is like a computer game….that shouldn’t even be possible…

JT: I’ve heard the chatter backstage and 6CWF officials are very excited about Romero and what he can do….

Romero grabs Altair and slings him back into the ring before he jumps onto the apron. He grips the ropes now and waits for his opponent to rise before he front flips over the top rope and catches Altair with a headscissors takedown….

JT: I don’t think I have ever seen that done before….

Altair staggers back up and Romero hits him with a dropsault to send him back to the corner. Romero flips out on his feet and then he handsprings into a back elbow splash against the turnbuckle. Altair staggers out as Romero jumps onto the turnbuckle and he moonsaults back to catch Altair with a sensational DDT as he floats over the top of him…

RJ: I am in awe…

……..shoulder up!

JT: Altair is a tough customer but he is struggling here….Romero’s speed and ingenuity is proving insatiable….

Romero helps Altair up and then snapmares him into a seated position. He runs back against the ropes and leaps into the air for a crushing H-Bomb (ala Dragunov) as he comes down but Altair just about manages to avoid it. Romero rolls back up and sprints forward but is drop toe holded into the ropes by Altair. AA then grabs Romero from behind in a straight jacket choke and slings him into a crunching suplex on the back of his neck………………1…………………2…………kickout!

RJ: We know Altair is a real player here and he could derail the Romero momentum…

Romero slumps on his knees against the ropes as Altair thunders into him with a knee strike to the side of the head/neck before dragging him toward centre ring and swings him into a neckbreaker for another two count. Altair’s lifeless eyes just stare at the referee…

JT: Altair could see this as a way back in to the company…..a win over a big time prospect could earn him a contract….

Altair stands and he stomps down on the back of Romero’s neck several times before the referee backs him up and warns him. Altair doesn’t seem interested as he drags Romero up for the uranage slam into the anaconda vice but Romero again flips out and wraps his legs around Altair’s arms and back before he spins out into a modified facebuster (ala Carmelo Hayes). Romero backflips into a split-legged legdrop………………1………………..2…………….Altair kicks out again!

RJ: Romero has a serious bag of tricks….this kid is a serious watch….

JT: But it all adds to nothing if he’s not putting Ws on the board….

Romero claps his hands, urging the crowd to do the same, and then he runs the ropes and returns for a V-trigger knee strike but Altair draws his head off the chopping block at the final second. He then charges into Romero and crashes him back into the turnbuckle before exploding with brutal shoulder thrusts to the midsection. He lifts Romero up onto the top rope now and prepares to launch him off with an iconoclasm….


Romero is launches through the air but he lands out on his feet again, grinning at the crowd’s reaction, and then he backflips and wraps his legs around Altair’s neck (ala Ricochet) to twist him into a headscissors takedown. They both scramble back up and Romero ducks an attack and springs onto the ropes before twisting back into a tornado DDT. Romero points to the skies as the audience cheer him on….

JT: This crowd want to see Romero fly…

RJ: And he is more than happy to oblige them….

Romero is up on the top rope in a flash and he sets himself before throwing himself into the “Tequila Sunrise” (630 Senton)….

JT: Nobody home!

Altair moves at the final second as Romero lands hard on his shoulder and neck. Romero stumbles back up as Altair gets him up on his shoulders and runs him into a powerslam….
…………..thr-shoulder up!

RJ: Close, close call….Diego Romero got a little overzealous there…

JT: In 6CWF any mistake will be punished….this is the big leagues…

Altair keeps Romero seated and drives vicious elbows down into his neck until the referee warns him off again. Romero is in a bad way as Altair shoves past the official now and he drags him up and lifts him into a suplex….


The crowd applaud as Romero spins his body in midair and drops out into a stunner. The impact staggers Altair back into the ropes and then he comes forward…


Romero leaps up off his knees and twists into twisting roundhouse kick that lands across the ear of Altair and drops him down on the mat. Romero flicks his hair from his face and smiles as he points to the turnbuckle again and the crowd urge him on….

JT: He failed the first time but Romero is not deterred….

RJ: He has Altair right where he wants him now…..TEQUILA SUNRISE!

Romero hits the home run at the second of asking as he thunders down onto Altair with the 630 Senton…

JT: That’s 2-0 for the “Prince of Pachuca”….

RJ: Fantastic way to kick off Beachfront Brawl and the audience all over it…. Diego Romero putting on a show….

JT: Tougher tests will await on the main roster but it cannot be argued that Diego Romero is making waves….

RJ: Something tells me the future is bright for the young kid…

Diego Romero is kneeling on the canvass with a broad smile as the crowd applaud him and his performance. He kisses his hand and points to the heavens before slowly clambering back to his feet….suddenly a video begins to play on the big screens around the arena…

We see an empty Wrestling ring, the lights are dimmed and there is a spotlight shining on the centre of the mat

"No siempre fui un dios"
(I wasn't always a god)

We see flashes of a young man training to wrestle. Hes wearing what looks like old wrestling tights and a pair of worn out boots. He's doing all of typical 'starter drills', leapfrog, drop down, hiptoss..

"Yo era un hombre, un mortal, un civil, como tú"
(I was a man, a mortal, a civilian, like you)

The same man is walking the streets now, in smarter but humble street clothes. He is unmasked but on the video, his face is distorted, a passerby stops and shakes his hand, he takes a picture with the man before he moves on. The next scene shows him recieving a Lucha mask from an older man, the mask is designed after a skull, Aztec in design...

"Pero fui bendecido por los dioses"
(But I was blessed by the gods)

Next we see the man in slightly better ring gear, taking opponents out into he ring with highflying and athletic moves. The crowd cheer as the man racks up wins and we see the three counts and the arm raises now in quick succession. His gear gets more and more elaborate and he really looks the part of a Luchador, giving Lucha Aura in spades.

"El destino tomó las riendas y fui guiado por un camino más elevado"
(Destiny took the reins, and I was guided on a higher path)

He is now wrestling for CMLL, for AAA, massive crowds cheer him on, his opponents are left on the mat, some with blood pouring from their mouths. Medics check on the men as does our skull masked Luchador. Then a succession of clips of him shaking hands with legends of the industry. He seems to be in the company of the greats now..

"El éxito siguió"
(Success followed)

Next we see him with the AAA world title, his arm being held aloft by a huge older Luchador as he looks him in the eyes and embraces him. We see more highlights, as the skull faced Luchador becomes more and more dominant, his style becoming more and more hard hitting and he looks to be enjoying hurting his opponents.

"y fama"
(And Fame)

Newspaper columns, some text redacted, including his name and few choice policies of information. Names of opponents, anything that 6CWF wouldn't want on their programming, one headline reads:
(in English strangely)

-AAA and CMLL Lucha star, ******* is set to break out alone as mentor is investigated-

Another reads:

-Mexico has a new King-

"y fortuna"
(And Fortune)

The man is now on a large yacht, surrounded by beautiful young women and younger stars of the Lucha scene. He's lapping up the attention..

"Fui el mejor, fui entrenado por los mejores, fui alumno de una Leyenda"
(I was the best, I was trained by the best, I was a student of a Legend)

Images of both him and the older man from the earlier clip flash on screen, there is a third and fourth man in the pictures but they are scratched out as they become less and less included. Eventually all the images are of the skull masked man and his mentor, the two seem to be the centre of attention wherever they go, not for any good reasons judging by the pictures.

"Ahora estoy aquí para mostrárselo al mundo, empezando por el Reino Unido"
(Now I am here to show the world, starting with the UK)

"That I am the Future of Lucha, I am coming soon, and all pretenders to the Throne will bow down, and worship me as the god I am.."

On the switch to speaking english there is a thick mexican accent, though his grammar seems perfect, like a well educated and wealthy man.. we see the screen now showing just his mask, it's a mask we recognise, or at least one we should do....?

*Romero is staring up at the screen in disbelief and begins looking all around him.

RJ: Who was that on the screen?

JT: I'm not sure but I have an idea that Diego Romero does....we heard that Romero is running from his past in Mexico but it would appear that the past is pursuing him....

RJ: This is becoming very intriguing.....another fantastic display from Diego Romero but perhaps his 6CWF career is not going to be as plain sailing as he hoped it would be....


Posts : 10428
Join date : 2011-03-09
Age : 34

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Post by JJJohnson Mon 09 Sep 2024, 9:48 am

*We go live inside the King Abdullah Sports City Stadium and there are over 60,000 fans packed inside the arena. A dramatic and expensive pyrotechnic display takes place whilst "For the Glory" blasts through the speakers. The cameras pan around to show the masses of fans and the elaborate stage that has been designed especially for tonight. There is a structure around the ring that has the "Elimination Chamber" attached to it, hovering above the ring. The fans keep looking up at the ominous chamber.

RJ: Ladies and gentlemen good evening and welcome to the eleventh addition of Beachfront Brawl.....60,000 plus packed inside the amazing King Abdullah Sports City Stadium in Saudi Arabia....and what a show we have lined up for you tonight....

JT: An amazing night of action......four matches on the main card....four championships on the line.....including a history making main event....for the first time ever, six teams will step inside the Elimination Chamber....Tag Team Championships on the line...but there is so much more to it than many rivalries and storylines heading into one of the most hellacious matches of all time...

RJ: And we cannot wait for it....but before then we have the European and Xtreme Championships as well as crowning a brand new EWF Global Champion.....this promises to be a night to remember here in Saudi Arabia...

JT: The stars have been arriving all afternoon....

*We get clips now of the 6CWF superstars arriving. We see Miss Jessica and Eddy Kent before another shot of Jackson Jackson and Rex Adamson entering the building, greeted by Max Adamson. The media on hand try to get a word but they are brushed off.

Blue Dragon & Logan Kincade arrive and BD is trying to engage his brother in conversation but Kincade has laser focus. We then see Acer arriving in the building. He walks past JJ Johnson & The Saint without acknowledging them.

Liam Wood and Emmy are here and then we see Perfect Jack arrive with Angus Plague ahead of the opening match. Dicey Reilly then appears on the big screen and the audience roar in delight. Dicey is having his knee checked over by a doctor but seems to be indicating that he is good to go.

JT: I think it's time we got this party started...

RJ: Amen to that...


Posts : 10428
Join date : 2011-03-09
Age : 34

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Post by JJJohnson Mon 09 Sep 2024, 9:56 am

[Fade in… and there’s nothing but complete darkness. Suddenly an orange ember flares to life in the center of the screen, briefly illuminating the shadows of a face. A long, slow exhale is heard and bluish white smoke dances in front of the camera, trailing off and dissipating.]

VOICE:  They say that inside of every man there is good and there is evil..

[Again the ember flares to life, this time illuminating the face a little more, black orbs gleaming between long strands of thick hair.. pause… and another slow exhale.]

VOICE:  Good… and evil.

[An orange glow.. dead eyes glistening.. exhale.. and a shrill scream shatters the hanging silence.]


[Silence. Slowly, a breathy laugh can be heard subtly growing louder.. louder.. louder. Until this.. beast.. is maniacally laughing, exasperated gasps between violent barks of sharp laughter. And then again, silence.]

VOICE: And as I stand before you today, I proclaim this.. THIS!.. the reckoning.. cities have been built and destroyed in my name, whole generations decimated by my brutality.. the horrors..

[His voice psychotically breaks into another scream.]


[Dead silence. A bright orange glare. A whisper of a voice..]

VOICE: .. there isn’t much time. Oh, the horrors I will wage… the burning.. the bleedings..


[A breathy laugh in the darkness cut short by venomous words.]

VOICE:  I pray.. I pray.. pray you’re ready. Pray for your souls as I come to take them. Pray for your safety as I come.. to SHATTER IT!!

[A horrible, cruel laugh punctuates the sentence. Shrill, demonic laughter continues without reason until it doesn’t..]

VOICE: .. and I know evil..

[The orange spot is snuffed out in an instant, leaving the screen in complete darkness. The short silence broken by an anguished yell, a simple sadness to it, but POWERFUL.]


[And that sickening laughter sticks in his throat. Something between joy and pain. Between sanity and insanity. It continues on until it fades into the dark. A darkness that is coming, a darkness that smothers.]


Posts : 10428
Join date : 2011-03-09
Age : 34

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Post by JJJohnson Mon 09 Sep 2024, 10:15 am

*We see Perfect Jack & the giant form of Angus Plague heading for Gorilla. Jack Reynolds tries to grab a word with them but Plague wraps a huge hand around the mic and shoves Reynolds away as they continue their journey to the ring. The scene changes again and Damien Andrews (receives huge boos when he appears on screen) is in the doorway of the medic's office. The doctor informs him that Dicey can compete tonight but he does have his concerns about the knee. Dicey stands up and he pours himself a shot of whiskey before downing it in one...

Dicey: Don't even f***ing think about stopping this match from happening....that million is mine...

*Andrews shrugs as Dicey walks past him and heads for the ringside area

Bout 1
6CWF European Championship
Dicey Reilly © vs Perfect Jack w/ Angus Plague

“Perfection” blasts through the speakers as we head back out to ringside and the crowd boo furiously as the challenger makes his way out onto the stage….

Michael Bird: Ladies and gentlemen the following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the 6CWF EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIP!

*Crowd pop

MB: Introducing first, from Robbinsdale, Minnesota……the challenger, weighing in at 260 pounds……….Peeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrffffeeecccccttttt Jaaaacccccccccccckkkkk!

JT: One of the best to ever lace them up, no doubt about that…

RJ: None at all….this is a new persona for Jack, a darker and more violent outlook but he retains the exceptional skills he has always had…..a two time world champion, multi time tag champ….he presents an extremely potent threat to Dicey Reilly’s reign here tonight….

JT: Not to mention the fact he’s already softened Dicey up by attacking that knee…

RJ: And now he has Angus Plague…

JT: Just look at this guy…6’4. 340 pounds…..Jack has enlisted a beast…

Plague walks the outside as Jack clambers up into the ring and stalks from side to side. The crowd are already chanting for the champion as “Born to fight” booms out to a stadium shaking reaction…

MB: And his opponent……..from Dublin, Ireland…..weighing in at 240 pounds…….the reigning and defending 6CWF European Champion……….Diiiiiiicccccccceeeeeyyyyy Reeeeeeeeeiiiiiiiiiiilllllllllllllllllllyyyy!

RJ: I can barely hear myself think….what a reception for the champion…

JT: Dicey Reilly is universally loved by the 6CWF fanbase and they are hoping that tonight he can get even with Perfect Jack and win the £1 million bounty that comes with a tenth defence of his title…

RJ: A huge addition to this match….an incentive from VIP Promotions for fighting champions….and Dicey Reilly is certainly that…

JT: Yes he is….but is he 100%? Because that knee is weakened, no doubt….the doctor was reluctant to let this match happen…

RJ: Dicey insisted because he will not just lie down….but Jack knows he has the injury and he also possesses the skillset to exploit it…

JT: This is an age old rivalry….at one time these men held the tag titles together…

RJ: But there has always been issues between them….and with Jack’s new outlook and violent streak it was almost inevitable they would clash again…

JT: Opening contest of Beachfront Brawl and it promises to be a banger…

Dicey makes his way down the ramp and tags hands with the fans. He looks over at Angus Plague and flips him the middle finger, drawing more cheers, before climbing up into the ring. The referee has to get in between both men as Dicey storms forward….Jack just stares at Dicey as the champion unstraps his championship belt and holds it in the air…

RJ: Big fight feel here in Saudi Arabia….

JT: Two of the absolute best….this is going to be special…

The referee succeeds in shoving both men back into neutral corners and then talks through the rules and expectations for the upcoming match…

RJ: Look at Angus Plague…..this guy is a machine….

JT: Expected by many to be a serious factor in this contest here…

RJ: As if Perfect Jack needs the help…..won nearly every title and accolade there is but needs backup….

JT: Because he’s facing Dicey Reilly…..a man who he has struggled to gain a single victory over in his career…

RJ: Dicey chasing that £1 million don’t forget…..another huge facet to this match. 10 defences was the condition made by VIP Promotions….Dicey is on 9……can Perfect Jack take the European Championship and the prospective bounty?

JT: What an atmosphere here in Saudi…..away we go…

The bell sounds and the crowd cheer as Dicey and PJ begin to circle one another. We see the huge figure of Angus Plague patrolling the outside as Jack lowers his centre of gravity and tries to shoot for Dicey’s knee…

RJ: And how will that knee hold up? Injured last month in a heinous attack from the challenger….

Dicey manages to pull his leg free but it is obvious from the look on his face that he isn’t overly happy. Jack stands again and they move to lockup as Dicey grabs him in a side headlock….Jack immediately drops and slams a hammerfist into the side of Dicey’s knee…

JT: Dicey is wincing already, that is not a good sign….

Dicey staggers away and tries to shake the feeling back in his leg but Jack is up and stomps on the back of the knee. Dicey sags against the ropes as PJ grabs his leg and pulls it backward onto the middle rope before leaping in the air and he drives his own knee down into the crevice of Dicey’s injured appendage….

RJ: Perfect Jack is the last person you want to present an opening to….he will target and he will grind…

Dicey falls to the mat as Jack grabs his leg now and drags him away toward centre ring…

JT: He wants the figure four….

Jack twists for the submission but Dicey plants his free foot into the bottom of PJ’s back and shoves him through the middle ropes to the outside of the ring. Dicey sits up now and tries to massage his knee….

RJ: A very brief respite for the champion but it will not last long….

Jack is already back on his feet and he rolls back in. Dicey is trying to hobble up as Jack crashes into him again with a chopblock…

JT: This is just aggravated assault right now…..we did worry about Dicey’s knee and it seems Jack laid the foundations last month…..this could become a walkover….

Jack grabs the leg again and he stomps on it repeatedly before placing it on the bottom rope. The referee tries to warn the challenger but he ignores as he leaps up and drives all his bodyweight down on the knee….

RJ: This could break the knee, dislocate…..imagine the damage being done to the tendons….

JT: Dicey Reilly is in the twilight of his career, it cannot be denied, and a serious injury would be extremely difficult to return from…

The referee warns PJ as he backs him up toward centre ring. This allows Angus Plague to grab Dicey’s bad leg and repeatedly smash it off the ring apron….

RJ: And now Plague plays his part… though Jack isn’t in control all by himself…

JT: Call it an insurance policy….we still don’t know Angus Plague’s full motivation for joining 6CWF or aligning with Perfect Jack but they are already becoming a formidable duo…

Dicey has rolled back toward the middle of the ring as Jack grabs the leg again and he lifts it up off the mat before slamming the kneecap down into the canvass. The crowd are watching on and look gravely concerned…

RJ: This has been one way traffic from the get go….I’m not sure how Dicey Reilly survives here, he is being mutilated….

Jack has a savage, unrepenting, look on his face as he seizes Dicey’s leg again and begins to twist for the figure four…

JT: No way does Dicey survive this….this is it, what a shocking way to begin Beachfront Brawl….


RJ: Dicey almost stole it….

Jack turns for the submission as Dicey grabs the back of his trunks and rolls him for a very close two. Jack is up in a flash and he stomps on Dicey’s bad leg, dropping him to one knee, before nailing a snap suplex…Jack rolls around and he twists Dicey over on his stomach into a single-legged Boston Crab….

JT: This should be all….any submission targeting that knee….listen to Dicey’s yells of pain…

RJ: That knee could be holding on by a thread, sinew….and it could go at any moment….

Dicey is clawing at his own head as he tries to battle the pain coursing through his body. Jack is sat right back in the submission as we get a shot of the European Championship belt….

JT: That is the prize on the line here tonight….a belt that has really grown in stature since the rebirth of 6CWF….

RJ: One of the premier titles in all of professional wrestling….and one that Perfect Jack has never held…

JT: Not yet anyway…

Jack continues to apply pressure and tug back on the leg as Dicey cries out. The referee is asking the champion if he wants to give it up but he shakes his head and tries to drag himself across the canvass toward the ropes…

RJ: We know how tough Dicey is, he’s one of the baddest SOBs to ever lace them up….but what he is putting his body through here, how long can that sustain?

JT: It is elite mentality and the reason he’s been one of the best for almost two decades….that and the fact that he can walk away with £1 million here tonight….

RJ: Is that money worth his career? Dicey has made plenty in his life….

JT: Nobody is just walking away from a mil, no chance…..Dicey Reilly is a warrior….

The crowd roar as Dicey fights through the pain barrier and he reaches out to grab hold of the bottom rope. Jack keeps the submission locked for another few seconds until the referee threatens him with DQ. Once again they walk away to centre ring, arguing, as Angus Plague seizes Dicey’s head and lifts it before smashing it down off the apron….

RJ: Cmon now, this is getting ludicrous…..Perfect Jack does not need a 300 plus pound juggernaut at his disposal….

JT: Doesn’t hurt his chances though….

Dicey is just slumped, face down, under the ropes as Jack grabs his heel and pulls him toward the middle of the ring. The crowd are trying to strike up a “Let’s go Dicey” chant to motivate the champion but Jack shakes his head and he locks his feet in place around Dicey’s legs…

RJ: Jack looking for that inverted sharpshooter….

JT: Made famous by Adam Copeland….

RJ: Dicey is not having it, though….

Dicey twists his body so that he is on his back and then uses his good leg to boot out as hard as he can into PJ’s heel so that he falls on top of Dicey…



Posts : 10428
Join date : 2011-03-09
Age : 34

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Post by JJJohnson Mon 09 Sep 2024, 10:17 am

The crowd go wild as Dicey catches Jack coming down and wraps his arms around this throat. Jack is flailing from side to side as he tries to escape….

RJ: Dicey created his own chance….this is why he’s a champion..

JT: And look at Angus Plague, he doesn’t have a clue what to do from here…

Plague is glaring at the action in the ring but knows he can’t do anything to prevent it. Dicey has the submission locked….

RJ: Jack might just pass out…..what a way to win a million….


JT: He almost lost it all…

Jack somehow rolls his body backward so that he is pinning Dicey’s shoulders on the mat which forces the champ to relinquish the submission so that he can kick out. PJ is sucking in deep breaths as he scrambles back to his feet and he makes a quick beeline for Dicey….


Dicey ducks into PJ’s midriff and lifts him off the mat before dropping him backward, guillotining him across the top rope. The crowd are applauding as Dicey gets back up, hobbling on his bad leg, and he grabs Jack by the head…

JT: Dicey knows he is on borrowed time here, he needs to finish this quick……CRAICDOWN!

Jack swipes Dicey’s legs from under him, preventing the piledriver, and then he drops back and catapults him to the corner. Dicey collides with the turnbuckle as Jack scrambles up…


Dicey drops over the side of the attempted “Olympic slam” and he drives a kick into Jack’s stomach and drills him with a double armed DDT….

JT: Right out of the Leone playbook….one of Dicey’s fiercest rivals…

…………Jack gets his shoulder up!

RJ: Dicey is starting to have successes, landing shots….but that knee is a big problem….

JT: As is Angus Plague…..Dicey has a lot of roadblocks to navigate if he wants to win this one…

Dicey hauls Jack to his feet again and he is thinking brainbuster but Jack locks his legs around Dicey’s bad knee and drags him to the floor…

RJ: Ankle…

JT: Dicey cannot afford an injured ankle as well…

PJ grabs the ankle for another submission but Dicey throws himself into a roll which sends Jack through the ropes and onto the apron. The champion stands back up and grabs PJ to suplex him back in but Jack hangs Dicey up on the top rope…..Dicey staggers away as Jack ascends the turnbuckle….

RJ: Jack changing it up….this isn’t his preferred method of attack…


PJ jumps off for an axe handle but Dicey ploughs a swinging axe handle of his own into the exposed midsection. Jack is doubled up as Dicey pulls him backward into an inverted DDT position and then lifts him up and over into a modified slam….

RJ: What a move from the champ…

JT: Surely not, Dicey…..think of your knee….

RJ: Dicey’s a risk taker but this seems like too much to me….

Dicey sees Jack roll over on his back and then he looks toward the turnbuckle. He flips the finger to Angus Plague and then he heads over and begins to climb….

JT: You can see him wobbling already…..Dicey, this is a step too far…

Dicey reaches the top but it has taken him awhile and it allows Jack to get up and swipe his feet. Jack clambers on the ropes now and he lights up the champion’s chest with hard knife edge chops, reddening the skin immediately, and then he pulls Dicey into a front facelock….

RJ: A superplex is going to bring Dicey Reilly’s reign to a conclusion….

JT: Dicey fighting….

The crowd cheer as the champ lands hooking blows to the body of Jack, taking all the wind out of him, and then he shoves him off the ropes to the canvass below. Dicey sets his feet but then turns and leaps to the outside…


JT: He’s removing roadblocks….

RJ: But he landed on that knee….

Dicey lands the lariat and crashes into Plague, knocking him down, but his knee slams into the arena floor upon landing. The champ is grimacing as he pulls himself up….


Jack looks to dive under the ropes but Dicey scouts him and drags him onto the floor and kicks him in the gut….


Jack suddenly turns his body and he lifts Dicey up before dropping him with a kneebreaker across the top of the steel steps. Dicey is howling in agony as Jack drags him up and dumps him back in the ring….

JT: I fear Dicey Reilly is done now…..he took the risk of removing Angus Plague but he’s put himself in real jeopardy…..

Jack rolls in the ring now and he stalks Dicey before dragging him up and obliterates him with the “Perfect Slam”….

RJ: Ring the bell and get Jack his new title….




RJ: For now anyway…..Perfect Jack is fully aware of how tough his opponent is, he knows all too well….

JT: Is there doubt creeping in? We spoke about how Jack has always struggled to beat Dicey…..

Jack kneels and stares at the referee for a few moments as the official makes it clear that Dicey kicked out. The challenger gets back to his feet now and he hooks Dicey under the armpits and drags him to the corner before repeatedly stomping on him until the official interjects again….


Angus Plague runs along the outside now and he shows incredible agility for a big man as he leaps into a dropkick (ala Roman Reigns) which smashes Dicey’s head back into the bottom turnbuckle. Jack finishes arguing the official now as he pulls Dicey away from the ropes…

JT: This is a mugging….


RJ: I thought we were starting the night with a new champion….

JT: Don’t rule it out…..we know we are definitely crowning a new EWF Champ here at Beachfront Brawl, but there are three others on the line….

RJ: Money on four new champions?

JT: It really wouldn’t shock me….each bout is ultra competitive…..

Jack stands and he stomps down on the chest of Dicey before clambering into full mount and tees off with hard right hands. The referee issues a final warning now and tells PJ that he will throw him out if he breaks the rules again….

RJ: Jack walking a tightrope….he’s becoming a little more desperate….

JT: He felt Dicey would be done by now….

RJ: He will be if Jack can synch this submission in…

Jack again goes for the leg to apply the figure four but Dicey grabs his head and tees off with rights until the challenger staggers away. Dicey hauls himself back up as Jack comes storming toward him….

RJ: Fleet footedness from the champ….

Dicey sidesteps and sends Jack against the turnbuckle before he snaps him down with a neckbreaker. Jack’s legs come up over his head as Dicey pins him down…………….1……………….2…………….kickout!

JT: Straight into another submission attempt….Jack is dogged tonight…..

Jack spins out and grabs Dicey’s arm to apply a crossface but Dicey rolls his body and breaks free. They both get up and Jack looks for another vicious kick to the knee but Dicey scouts it and catches his leg before spinning him around 360 and nails a brutal clothesline to spin PJ inside out. Dicey drags Jack back up….


The crowd cheer as Dicey digs deep, ignoring his knee, and lifts Jack off the canvass and splatters him on his head with the suplex…….

JT: Close but that million is still in the bank….

RJ: Dicey chipping away….

JT: But each movement is causing real distress….

Dicey again looks to the corner but seems to think better of it. He watches PJ crawling toward the corner now and he decides to back up and take his chance…

RJ: Hangover cure coming up…..


Jack throws himself out of the firing line as Dicey’s knee clatters the turnbuckle. Jack snatches Dicey by the head now and drags him out….



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Post by JJJohnson Mon 09 Sep 2024, 10:18 am


JT: Forget about……NO!

*Crowd pop

RJ: He really was “Born to fight” this man…..

JT: A champion’s heart, a warrior spirit….call it what you like but Dicey Reilly embodies it….

RJ: He’s fighting a near enough handicap match on one leg but he will not lie down and accept defeat….

Jack slaps his hand against the canvass and glares at the referee once more before he stands up. He and Angus Plague stare at one another for a moment and then Jack bounces back off the ropes and returns with a snapback neckbreaker (ala Charlotte Flair) to his seated foe……Dicey is sprawled on his back once more as PJ heads for the corner…

JT: Again, not his forte….but Jack is recognising that tonight may take a little more, something different….


Jack perches on the top rope and then he throws himself into an elbow drop which strikes Dicey’s chest with serious impact……Dicey rolls over on all fours as Jack just stares out at the capacity crowd….

JT: Perfect Jack’s new persona, his whole new outlook…..we questioned it, some even scoffed….but it cannot be denied that this is a revolution of his career…..

RJ: He said he was taking the European Championship tonight and I had my doubts at first but I doubt no longer….

Jack uses his boot to push Dicey on his back and then he reaches down and grabs his legs…

JT: So far he has failed every attempt to apply the figure four….

RJ: Because Dicey knows that it’s over if he gets it….


Jack is almost lax, believing he has it, as he bends down but Dicey kicks out now and collides with the cheekbone of the challenger…

RJ: That could have shattered the eyesocket of Perfect Jack..

The impact sends Jack staggering and he drops to his knees against the ropes. Dicey is scrambling for a vertical base and he breaks into a run….


Dicey smashes his good knee against Jack’s cheekbone again and splatters him into the ropes….


*Huge boos

RJ: If Angus Plague wasn’t out here this match would be over….he put Jack’s foot on the ropes…

JT: Now the picture is becoming clearer… really is an insurance policy…

RJ: How do you compete with that?

Dicey is sitting and just staring in disbelief as the referee indicates to the foot on the bottom rope. Dicey then turns his head and he looks at Angus Plague and rolls out to confront him…

JT: I’m not sure how wise this decision is….

RJ: Dicey doesn’t give a damn….there’s no intimidation here…

JT: I know, that’s what I mean….

Dicey and Angus Plague go head to nose now. Plague is just grinning until Dicey slaps him in the face…

*Crowd pop

RJ: He’s antagonising him….if Plague strikes back, Dicey wins…

Dicey is beckoning for Plague to come at him and it is quite clear he wants to. He looks ready to throw hands when Jack rolls from the ring to get between them…

JT: Jack knows his chance is on the line here….

Jack turns to Plague but this allows Dicey to drive into him. They crash back and Plague is slammed into the steel steps. PJ turns and throws a right hand but Dicey blocks it and nails a headbutt before twisting Jack around and slams him into the ringside barrier. The champion hauls Jack back in the ring now……

RJ: He’s going up top again!

The crowd are in disbelief as Dicey begins to clamber the turnbuckle from the apron. PJ is already back on his feet, however, and he runs up the turnbuckle to join his foe….

JT: This is not a good position for either man to be in….OH MY GOD!


The crowd are in shock but bouncing around in amazement as Jack seems ready to land an overhead suplex but then Dicey ducks under him and scoops him into position for the back to belly piledriver off the ropes…..Dicey lands hard on his knee, however, and rolls away clutching at it….

RJ: Jack is done….Dicey just needs to bite down on the gumshield….make the cover…

JT: That was amazing….

Dicey is grimacing but he claws at the canvass and drags himself across before placing a hand on Jack’s chest..


JT: Jack is a 2x world champion and you are seeing why…..he came to win tonight….

Dicey just sags against Jack for a minute as he tries to plan his next attack. The audience are making a huge amount of noise as Dicey stands and he seizes PJ by the head and hauls him up…

RJ: What an opening salvo to Beachfront Brawl….who is leaving as European Champion?

JT: Dicey if he lands this….CRAICDOWN!

The cradle piledriver is imminent but Jack backdrops his opponent at the last second and staggers away to the corner. Dicey gets back up and charges in for a splash but Jack avoids it and then snaps off a bridged German suplex……………………….1………………….2……………..kickout!

RJ: We know Jack is a wrestling machine….he’s been hell bent on the submission but if he can change it up now, I’m not sure Dicey can go with him….

Jack underhooks Dicey’s arms as he pulls him up for another suplex but Dicey drives him back into the corner and explodes with shoulder thrusts to the midsection. He tries to scoop Jack on his shoulders again for another “White Noise” but PJ rolls down the back and drags Dicey’s legs out from under him….


Dicey puts his foot into Jack’s stomach and pushes him back into the turnbuckle, where he squashes the referee….

RJ: Dicey has done amazing to avoid the figure four this entire match but now the ref has taken a bump…

JT: He’s winded, not unconscious….

The referee sags against the ropes as Jack pays him no regard and makes a beeline back toward Dicey and grabs him…

RJ: Small package…

Dicey rolls Jack up again but the referee is turned and looking to the outside, trying to catch his breath. The pinfall attempt is released as both men fight to a vertical base and Jack avoids a clothesline attempt and grabs Dicey by the waist again….


Dicey smashes his elbow back into Jack’s face, sending him staggering, and then he waits for him to come around and he pulls his legs out from under him…

RJ: I don’t believe it…..FIGURE FOUR LEGLOCK!


The crowd are ecstatic as Dicey drops PJ on the mat and grabs his legs for the submission. He turns his body around and that is when Angus Plague slides the European title belt to Perfect Jack. Dicey twists back now and drops down to apply the submission. Jack yells in pain but then grabs the title belt and he repeatedly batters it against Dicey’s bad knee, breaking the submission, before chucking it back out to Angus Plague….

RJ: He used the goddamn belt….

JT: The referee didn’t see it….he was too busy catching his breath….

RJ: I saw it….the entire audience saw it….

Dicey is yelling in pain as he somehow tries to get his leg back under him and stand up. Jack grabs the leg now and he nails a dragon screw takedown before finally applying the figure four leglock in the middle of the ring….

JT: Has Dicey Reilly ever submitted?

RJ: If he has then I don’t remember it….

JT: But how can he possibly hold on here? This is one of the most dangerous submissions in the game and Dicey’s knee is already battered….

The referee stumbles over now and drops to his knees next to Dicey as Jack applies as much pressure as possible. The champion is screaming in pain but shaking his head vigorously every time the official asks him if he wants to quit…

RJ: Dicey won’t want to go out like this…..a million pound on the line as well as his European Championship….

JT: He may never walk again if he doesn’t….

The submission is in for nearly two minutes but Dicey is still not giving it up. He is shaking his head, his hand wavering (HBK at WM 21 vs Angle) but is ultra reluctant to quit. Jack is ramping up the pressure even more and then he extends himself into a figure of eight position (ala Charlotte Flair)…..

RJ: How can he withstand this!!!

Dicey is clawing at the legs of himself and Jack in any attempt to break the hold but he cannot. His hand shakes again on the verge of tapping out….


JT: That’s it….

Ding ding ding

RJ: I don’t think I have ever seen anyone pinned by a figure four before but I think Dicey has passed out through the pain….

JT: Too goddamn tough for his own good….he would not quit but he could not survive either….

Michael Bird: Ladies and gentlemen here is your winner……AND NEW 6CWF European Champion…………..Peeeerrrrrrrrffffeeeeeeccccccccccctttt Jaaaaaaaaaaaaacccccccccccckkkkkkkk!

RJ: Perfect Jack is the new European Champion…..Dicey Reilly fought like a goddamn trojan here but he has lost his title and his chance at £1 million….

JT: Call it like it is….it was a damn handicap match, how many times did Angus Plague get involved? Or the bad knee? Or the use of the title belt? Dicey is a hall of famer, one of the best ever, but he never stood a chance here….

RJ: He was on the precipice of adding another amazing achievement to his illustrious career but Perfect Jack has snatched it away from him….a cunning and calculating performance from the new champion….

“Perfection” is playing out as Jack just kneels over Dicey and is presented with the European belt. The audience are booing whilst the official kneels down next to Dicey now to check on his condition and call over the ringside doctor….

JT: Nearly five minutes that submission was locked in….I don’t think I have ever seen anyone withstand that kind of pain for such a duration….

RJ: A testament to how tough Dicey Reilly is…he would not give Jack the satisfaction of submitting to him but the agony became too much, the body shut down and Dicey was counted out…..either way, Perfect Jack is the new champion…..what a start to the show…

JT: And we got a big preview of what Angus Plague is bringing to the table….this duo have sent a loud and clear message to 6CWF tonight….

Jack rolls from the ring now as Angus Plague stands by his side. Jack raises the title belt over his head as the boos continue….we see Dicey sitting up now and he’s asking “what happened?” as the doctor checks on his knee. Dicey yells in pain now as pressure is applied…

RJ: Dicey doesn’t even remember passing out, that’s how bad the pain must have been….

JT: But he knows now because he can feel the knee…..I think it may be a few weeks at least until he is cleared to go again….

RJ: Question marks tonight over whether he should have been allowed to compete but he insisted and it has backfired….Dicey is no longer the European Champion…


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Post by JJJohnson Mon 09 Sep 2024, 10:33 am

*Backstage and Clarissa is knocking on Rex Adamson's door but Jackson Jackson answers. Jackson tells Clarissa that Rex needs to prepare for tonight's main event and won't be taking any questions at this time. Clarissa asks if Jackson is considering a return but he just smirks at her and closes the door.

Inside the dressing room and Max Adamson is talking with Rex.

Max: So you've seen you tonight you have to choose, this is the crossroads, Rex..

*Rex just sits there with the FFTR briefcase on the desk. Jackson walks to Max's side

Jackson: He knows what he needs to do, Max....let's just give him some time...

Max: But...

*Jackson gives Max a look and he nods his head before leaving.

Jackson: So you've decided?

*Rex looks up at Jackson and nods his head

Jackson: Then make it happen...

*Eddy Kent and Miss Jessica are in the Genesis dressing room and Kent is pacing back and forth.

Kent: Has he answered yet?

*Jessica looks at her mobile and bites her lip before shaking her head

Kent: What is he playing at?

Jessica: Daddy...

*Jessica stands up and wraps her arms around Kent's shoulders

Jessica: You are so need to relax before your big match....let me relax you...

*She gives him a seductive look and he grins before she takes him by the hand and leads him out of shot. The mobile on the table begins to buzz.

"Rex Calling"

*We get a threeway split screen now as Geoff Steel, Jimmy Phillips and Mike Masters appear. The commentators hype up the next match for the Xtreme Championship and debate on whether Steel can overcome the odds. Steel picks up his belt and walks out of the dressing room as Dicey Reilly is being helped toward the medical room by EMTs. Dicey and Steel look at one another now before Steel puts his belt over his shoulder and walks toward Gorilla. Daniel Reilly and Oliver Keane now step in front of Dicey.

Reilly: I'm sure the last time I saw you, you had a title over your shoulder....what happened, champ?

*Reilly and Keane grin

Dicey: F*** off, Daniel, you sad little pr1ck...

Reilly: That cuts deep, Dicey....but not as much as it must kill you knowing you fumbled the bag tonight....lost your belt, the chance to win a million, you can barely walk....but at least you can rest safe in the knowledge that tonight you can watch me become world champion once again whilst you scrape together what's left of your pathetic career....

*Reilly and Keane continue to laugh as they walk away, leaving Dicey looking annoyed.


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Post by JJJohnson Mon 09 Sep 2024, 10:59 am

Bout 2
6CWF Xtreme Championship
Geoff Steel © vs Jimmy Phillips vs Mike Masters

We return to ringside as “Champion” plays out and the crowd boo furiously for the arrival of the first challenger…

Michael Bird: The following contest is a triple threat match for the 6CWF XTREME CHAMPIONSHIP!

*Crowd pop

MB: Introducing first…..from Palm Springs……weighing in at 205 pounds………….Miiiikkkkeeee Masssstttteeerrrrrsss!

JT: Second championship match of the night and another champion in real peril here…..Geoff Steel has to defend against both Mike Masters and Jimmy Phillips…

RJ: Phillips and Masters have done their best to get under Steel’s skin in the last couple of months…

JT: Masters has attacked Steel on a couple of occasions but the former world champion wants to take it one step further now and dethrone Steel…

RJ: Masters voiced annoyance that Steel has been painted as the “Face of Xtreme” and had a whole division handed to him…he believes he deserves that kind of treatment from 6CWF….

JT: We know Masters is a phenomenal wrestler, one of the absolute best….but can he thrive in this kind of environment?

Masters sneers and trash talks the fans as he makes his way down to the ring and leaps up on the apron. He climbs into the ring as “Evil” booms out…

JT: This is a man who believes he should already be the Xtreme Champion…

MB: From Cleveland, Ohio…..weighing in at 264 pounds……The Talent……Jiiiiiiiiimmmmmmmmmmmmmmyyyy Phhhhhiiiiiiiilllllllllliiiiiiiipppppppppssssssssssss!

RJ: Last month at “Night of Champions” Phillips engaged in a brutal tables match with Geoff Steel….during that contest there were a couple of very close calls where Phillips claims he put Steel through a table but the referee ruled them accidental…

JT: Phillips has been banging the drum ever since and tonight he has the chance to set the record straight and win his first championship…

RJ: An extremely talented and vicious individual….can Phillips reach his potential tonight?

JT: Let’s not forget that last time out he choked Steel unconscious in the backstage area….if he does the same tonight he will be the new Xtreme Champion…

Phillips leaps onto the apron as pyros explode from the turnbuckles and then he steps in through the ropes. Masters and Phillips exchange a look…

RJ: These two men have struck up an alliance of sorts in the last month but how will that manifest tonight? Because only one can leave with the belt…

JT: No way can they coexist….


*Crowd pop

RJ: Is there a more popular man on the roster right now than Geoff Steel?

JT: I genuinely don’t believe there is….the Xtreme Division has revitalised Geoff Steel….

MB: And their opponent…………..from Sheffield, England………….weighing in at 259 pounds….the reigning and defending Xtreme Champion…….Geeeeeeooooooffffffff Stttteeeeeeeeeeellllllllll!

RJ: Geoff Steel had such a “nearly” 2023 but when it was announced that the Xtreme Division was returning he grabbed the bull by both horns and ran with it…..he has really established himself as the leading light in this division…

JT: Something about the violence has awoken Steel….no doubt about it…

RJ: And he shirks no challenge….he was the one who threw down the gauntlet tonight, he offered the title opportunity to both men because he wants to prove he is the best….

JT: Pound for pound the strongest man on the roster….Steel will need that raw power here tonight to fight off the jackals at his door…

RJ: He also knows he has a record to set straight…..Steel dismisses Phillips’ claim that he won at “Night of Champions” but he knows they were tight calls….tonight he has the chance to prove who the dominant force in this division really is…

The thunderous reception continues as Steel makes his way down the ramp. The fans are reaching over the barricades to slap him on the arms and shoulders before he climbs up into the ring. He looks at both of his challengers and then unstraps the Xtreme belt from his waist and raises it into the air, drawing another huge roar from the audience…

JT: Triple threat rules….champion does not need to be pinned to lose his title….

RJ: Anything goes in Xtreme environments….

JT: Geoff Steel staring down the barrel tonight….can the face of “Xtreme” withstand the serious threat in front of him?

RJ: One title has already changed hands tonight…..are we set to see another?

Steel finds himself backed in the corner as he stares at Jimmy Phillips and Mike Masters. They look to pin him down but Steel rushes forward and picks Masters up off the floor to drive him back into the opposite turnbuckle. Jimmy Phillips clatters into Steel from behind and looks to drag him out into a coquina clutch….

JT: Phillips choked Steel out just two weeks ago….

Steel turns his body and smashes hard elbows into Phillips’ stomach until he staggers to the ropes and then he smashes into him with a clothesline to send him over the top to the outside. Steel turns back around and is wiped off his feet by a spinning heel kick from Mike Masters….

RJ: Masters said he can outwrestle Steel or he can destroy him in a hardcore environment….

JT: I don’t doubt the wrestling side, not many have Masters’ talent between the ropes…

Steel gets back up as Masters dropkicks him in the back to send him to the corner. MM chases in but Steel drops his shoulder and backdrops Masters over the ropes and onto the apron. Masters nails a step-up kick to the face as Steel turns, staggering him to centre, and then he springboards in….


Phillips is back in and he smashes through Geoff Steel with a spear which send Masters flying across the ring…………………….1……………………..2………………Steel throws his arm up off the mat!

JT: Jimmy Phillips caught Geoff Steel unawares there and almost walked out as champion….that is what can happen with triple threat matches….need eyes in the back of your head….

Phillips kneels and pounds at the back and neck of Geoff Steel before he hauls him up and chucks him at the ropes before trying to pop him up as he comes back…


Steel leaps out the side and kicks Phillips in the gut for the spinning piledriver but JP swipes his feet at the last second and catapults him…


Mike Masters is waiting to superkick Steel in the face as he is catapulted into the air by Phillips. Steel staggers backward and Phillips rolls him up…………………1…………………………2…………..Masters breaks it up!

RJ: There has been an alliance of sorts over the last month between Masters and Phillips but not now….only one can leave as champion…

Masters and Phillips square up now and argue. They look set to exchange blows but Steel is up and runs the ropes for a double shoulder tackle which sends them sprawling across the canvass. Masters gets back up and looks for another superkick but Steel ducks under and immediately scoops Masters into a powerbomb position….JP gets up and Steel launches Masters at him, sending Phillips through the ropes to the outside…

JT: Steel doing a fantastic job thus far of dealing with multiple threats….

Steel drags Masters back into the centre of the ring now and he suplexes him into a cradle bomb……………………1………………………2………………shoulder up!

JT: This is when Steel needs to make his mark…..he’s separated the challengers….

Steel pulls Masters back up again and he scoops him onto his shoulders for a running powerslam but Masters kicks his feet and drops behind. Steel twists and looks for a running clothesline but Masters ducks it and heads straight up the turnbuckle into a “whisper in the wind” takedown….

RJ: That’s the fantastic athleticism we were talking about in regards to Mike Masters…

Masters has a renewed smile on his face as he ushers Geoff Steel back to his feet now and then he runs to the ropes and springs off them…


Steel catches Masters in his arms now and he smashes him down with a rib-breaker into an overhead fall away slam. The champion gets back to his feet now and grabs Masters by the hair and pulls him into place…



Steel is once again preparing for his finisher when Jimmy Phillips throws a trash can across the ring and it smashes him in the head. Steel staggers as Phillips lifts him into a back suplex position now and turns it into a sickening slam across the can…


RJ: This is “Xtreme” after all….the audience expects to see some carnage…

JT: And carnage they shall have…

Phillips kicks the flattened can away now as he circles Geoff Steel and then he grabs his wrist and drags him up…



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Post by JJJohnson Mon 09 Sep 2024, 11:01 am

Phillips wants the “Rock Bottom” but Steel lands furious elbows to break his grip. Steel then scoops Phillips on his shoulders…


Phillips drops behind and tries to snap on a “masterlock” full nelson but Steel runs forward and just launches himself Phillips through the ropes. They both crash onto the apron and land on the hard flooring….

RJ: Not too dissimilar to one of the “controversial” table spots during Steel & Phillips’ match at “Night of Champions”….

JT: Many, Phillips included, believe “The Talent” should be the defending champ right now…..not sure I agree but it’s a debate….

Steel and Phillips are nursing their bruises as they get back to their feet on the outside…


Crowd: Holy (beep) x10

JT: Mike Masters showing blatant disregard for his own body there….

Masters is standing on the turnbuckle and he launches himself off into a moonsault takedown on both Steel and Phillips. The audience are applauding the action as Masters beckons Steel up and then he springs off the ringside barrier…


Masters is attempting another “disaster kick” but Steel catches him. He spins him to powerbomb him against the ringpost but Masters counters with a headscissors that sends the champion, head first, against the solid steel. Steel staggers away toward the announce area as Masters leaps on the barricade and runs around before leaping off….

Crowd: HOLY (BEEP) x30



Masters leaps through the air but Steel, despite being dazed, and catches him and spins him onto his shoulders before obliterating him through the “6CWF” announce desk with an “Attitude Adjustment”…..

RJ: Mike Masters’ race may be run…..

JT: And so it should after that…..Geoff Steel and Jimmy Phillips could be set to slug this out now for the Xtreme Championship…

Mike Masters is flat on his back, amidst the wreckage, just staring up at the lights as Geoff Steel walks away. Jimmy Phillips has dragged a kendo stick from under the ring and he lashes it into Steel’s midsection before breaking it in pieces as he smashes it off his back….

RJ: Look at the welt….the skin is ripped….

JT: Those kendo sticks are no joke…

Steel drops down on his knees as Phillips throws up the ring apron again and this time he drags out a table, which sparks cheer from crowd…

RJ: It had to be…..unfinished business with the tables…

Phillips props the table upright against the ringside barrier and then he turns and kicks Steel over onto his back. Phillips then dislodges the steel steps from the base and hauls them on his shoulders….

JT: What is he? OH MY….

Steel rolls out of the way just in time as the steps land where he had just been on the floor. Phillips grabs the champion by the head but Steel drags him forward and spins him into a spinebuster across the base of the steps still attached to the ring….

RJ: Terrible landing for Jimmy Phillips there but there will be no remorse, not after what he just tried to do….

Steel looks angered by what Phillips was attempting with the steps as he stands up and heads back around to the announce area. The champion grabs a steel chair now and raises it to the audience, sparking yet more cheers…

JT: Geoff Steel is the leader of this division and he is more than at home with what that entails…..

Phillips has dropped off the base of the steps and is on all fours……….CRACK!.....Steel lashes the chair down across his spine to leave him flattened. Steel then sets the chair up on top of the steps base….

RJ: What are you thinking here, Geoff?

JT: Something that does not end well, that is for damn sure!

Steel grips Phillips and drags him up before placing his head on the seat of the chair. There is a little bit of a far away look in Steel’s eyes….

RJ: Geoff Steel does seem to taken on an edge to his persona when in the “Xtreme” setting…

JT: I think a dormant beast was awakened when Geoff Steel returned to this division….

Steel rips up the ring apron again and this time he searches underneath and pulls out a roll of tape…

RJ: What on earth…

JT: He’s strapping Phillips’ head to that chair…he can’t move…

Steel goes around and around with the tape until Phillips locked in place. He then pulls himself up on the apron above where JP’s head is fastened to the chair seat….

JT: Now what?

RJ: I think he’s gonna stomp Phillips’ head through that chair….

JT: From the apron? He’ll crush his skull….

All the wind is suddenly driven out of Geoff Steel’s body as he turns toward the ring and a steel chair is driven through the middle ropes into his stomach…

RJ: I have no idea how Mike Masters is back up but he may have just saved Jimmy Phillips….


The crowd are going wild as Masters sunset flips over the ropes now and pulls Steel down off the apron into a powerbomb that sends him flying backward through the table up against the ringside barrier. Steel is in a decimated state, unmoving….

RJ: Mike Masters has just destroyed the champion….

JT: But he needs him in the ring….falls are only legal between the ropes…

Masters is just sitting on the arena floor, smiling, as he stares at what he has just done to Geoff Steel. We see Jimmy Phillips trying desperately now to get himself free of the tape and steel chair…

RJ: No way is Phillips freeing himself from that…..Steel’s even taped his arm through the backrest…..

JT: Can the referee cut him free?

Phillips is yelling over at Masters to come and free him but it is evident that Masters has no intention of helping him. Masters summons his strength now to drag Steel out of the wreckage and he rolls him back into the ring….

RJ: Mike Masters has a free run at this now…..Steel is unmoving and Phillips is trapped….

We see Phillips thrashing around on the outside and trying to pull himself free as Mike Masters heads up onto the top rope…

JT: Mike Masters told us he was leaving with the gold…..450 SPLASH!

Masters throws himself into the somersault and smashes down on top of Geoff Steel…


RJ: Steel kicked out….

JT: That was razor thin but he popped the shoulder…..he’s the Xtreme Champ for a reason….

RJ: Masters does not look impressed….

Masters stands to confront the referee as the crowd begin to make huge noise. We then see Jimmy Phillips (head still strapped to the seat of the chair) clambering up the turnbuckle…

JT: How can Jimmy Phillips even see where he is?

RJ: I’m not sure he can…..but Masters doesn’t know he’s there…….OH GOD!

Phillips reaches the top turnbuckle and then he slips and falls, smashing into the canvass, which amazingly frees him. Mike Masters turns now and sees Phillips ripping the tape off his arms and neck….

JT: Phillips does not look happy….

RJ: You can’t blame Masters through…he saw an opportunity and ran with it…

Phillips begins to stand now and he is fuming as Mike Masters tries to reason with him. The two men are trading words now as Phillips presses forward…

JT: I’m not sure Jimmy Phillips is in the mood to be reasoned with here….

Phillips suddenly reaches out and grabs Masters around the neck with both hands and he hauls him into the corner. He then swings a huge right hand but Masters ducks under it and rushes away. Phillips turns and runs but Masters sidesteps and sends him over the top onto the apron….Masters then springs onto the adjacent ropes and flies back as Phillips gets up….


Masters soars back and grabs JP’s head before hanging him up across the top rope and sends him splattering to the arena floor. Masters gets back up, a cocky smile on his face, and he stalks Geoff Steel now before seizing his arms from behind…


Steel puts the brakes on and he shoves Masters away to the corner. Masters shows his agility to leap straight onto the top rope and moonsaults back….


The crowd are on their feet as Steel sets his feet and catches Masters across his shoulders before running him into a huge powerslam…




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Post by JJJohnson Mon 09 Sep 2024, 11:02 am

The crowd groan and wince as Phillips pulls Steel under the bottom rope before the completion of the count and then runs right through him with the devastating clothesline from hell. Phillips stands over Steel now, his chest heaving….

RJ: Jimmy Phillips is one angry SOB right now….

JT: Who already believes he should be the Xtreme Champion….

RJ: He could be on the edge of making that a reality right here….Masters is down….Steel down….Phillips standing tall…..

Phillips looks down at Steel again before he spots Mike Masters trying to get up in the ring. Phillips snarls as he rolls in now…

JT: Phillips felt he and Masters had an alliance but not anymore….

RJ: Only one man can leave with the gold….no time for friends here…..GAME CHANGER!

Phillips runs the ropes and looks to catch Masters with the clothesline but MM ducks it and snaps off a superkick to send JP back into the corner. Masters runs in with a flying dropkick to the chest (ala Daniel Bryan) and then he climbs up on the turnbuckle and begins to administer a ten punch combo…

JT: Mike Masters showing toughness and grit….

RJ: He’s a former world champ, it shouldn’t come as any surprise…

Masters lands eight punches before Phillips hooks him and carries him out for a powerbomb. Masters leaps out back before springing off the ropes…


The kick lands flush and sends Phillips staggering into the opposite ropes and he comes back into a standing enzeguiri to the temple which drops him………………1………………………2………..Phillips kicks out!

RJ: Three men putting on a show here…..but who leaves with the strap?

JT: At the moment it is looking like a new champion, whichever way that falls….

Masters stalks Phillips again now and looks to drag him up into position for a “Gringo Killer” but Phillips battles his way free and then grabs Masters….


Phillips attempts to apply the coquina clutch but Masters senses the danger and leaps up to press his feet into the ropes and pushes backward so that they fall to the mat in a pinning combo…………………..1………………………….2……….kickout. They scramble up again and Masters ducks a right hand and handsprings off the ropes….


Phillips catches Masters in midair and applies the coquina clutch. Masters is thrashing from side to side but Phillips drags him to the mat and legvines him…..

JT: Masters is going nowhere……I bet that alliance with Phillips looks pretty good right now…

RJ: He’s going out here…..Jimmy Phillips is taking the belt….


Huge roars ring around the stadium as Geoff Steel soars through the air and slams down on top of Mike Masters’ chest with the headbutt which, in turn, breaks the submission and Phillips’ grip. Masters rolls from the ring now, fleeing for safety, as Steel and Phillips scramble back to a vertical base….


Steel gets Phillips up on his shoulders but the challenger elbows his way free and then beckons the champ around….


Steel slams elbows into the side of Phillips’ head to break away from him but Phillips then grabs a steel chair off the mat from earlier….CRACK!

RJ: Steel got the arm up but he didn’t fully block that….

The chair smashes against the side of Steel’s head and his arm as he tries to block. He stumbles off balance as Phillips firms up his grip now and he drives the chair into Steel’s midsection as he turns around…..JP slams the chair down on the deck…..


Phillips plants Steel down on top of the chair and he hooks the leg…


More cheers ring out as Steel is able to throw his arm off the mat before the ref’s hand comes down for the three. Jimmy Phillips looks irate…

RJ: Jimmy Phillips came here tonight to set the record straight with Geoff Steel but he is finding out, once again, just why the champion is the champion….Steel will not be conquered…

Phillips looks down at the chair again now and an evil grin crosses his face. He unfolds the chair and slides it over Steel’s head….

RJ: Phillips remembers what Steel did to him earlier…..

JT: And what he did at “Night of Champions”…..

RJ: He’s going to choke him using the chair…..this will destroy Steel’s windpipe….

Phillips tries to sit Steel up on the mat and apply the coquina clutch with the chair wrapped around his neck but Steel drives his head backward and smashes his skull and the weapon into the face of the challenger….

JT: Steel knows how close he was to being in a hospital bed right there….

Steel rolls back up now, knocking the chair off his head, as Phillips scrambles up too, blood running from his noise, and darts forward…..



Steel ducks the clothesline and he gets Phillips up on his shoulders and smashes him into the deck with the fireman’s slam…



Mike Masters returns to the ring at the last second and obliterates a light-tube across the top of Geoff Steel’s head. It smashes into pieces and there is blood running down Steel’s hairline as the champion rolls from the ring. Masters then pulls at the turnbuckle pad and exposes the steel underneath….he stalks Phillips and then grabs hold….


Phillips frees his hands and tries to apply the “coquina clutch” but Masters flicks his heel back and catches JP between the legs. Masters seizes Phillips now….


Masters drills JP down into the canvass and he covers……………………….1…………………….2…………….Phillips kicks out!

JT: These are proving to be three incredibly tough superstars….they all want that gold and are willing to suffer to get their hands on it…

Masters is yelling at the referee now and up in his face. The official makes it clear that it was a definite two count as Masters leaves the ring and drags out a ladder from underneath. He slides the ladder inside and then opens it up so that he can place Phillips between the two sides….

RJ: Jimmy Phillips finding himself trapped once again….

JT: And Mike Masters has bad intentions……COUP DE GRACE!!!

Masters jumps from the top rope, tucking his feet and knees for more impact, before exploding down on the ladder and Jimmy Phillips, crushing him inside. Masters rolls back to his feet and he drags JP out and kicks the ladder under the ropes….

RJ: I think Jimmy Phillips is finished here….I don’t know what Masters is waiting for….

JT: He wants to make sure….he and Phillips have been running together this last month, he knows he’s a real danger…

Masters grabs the steel chair off the mat now and he slams it down on Phillips’ chest before he springboards off the ropes…

RJ: LIonsault for the exclamation….



The audience are on their feet as a bloodstained Geoff Steel (Cena ’05) drags Masters off the cover and immediately turns him over into the liontamer. Masters is yelling in pain and trying to scramble for the ropes…

RJ: There’s no rope breaks anyway…..Masters in big trouble here….

JT: How the hell is Geoff Steel standing? He has lost so much blood…

Blood is spurting down Steel’s head as he ups the ante on the submission and really digs his knee into the spine. The referee is kneeling next to Masters and asking him if he wants to give it up….

RJ: Mike Masters doesn’t want to quit but his body is wracked in agony here….he may have no choice at all…

JT: Geoff Steel is about to upset the odds here….


Jimmy Phillips staggers up and he leaps on Steel’s back to apply the clutch submission. Steel relinquishes his grip on Masters as JP drags him down on the mat….

JT: Steel has already lost so much blood, he’s barely clinging to consciousness…..

Blood is running down Phillips’ forearms from the head of Steel as he squeezes the life out of the champion. The referee is trying to communicate with Steel but is getting no response….

RJ: This could be the second time tonight a champion passes out and loses his belt…..


Mike Masters grabs the steel chair off the mat and slams it down on the head of Phillips so that he releases the sub. Both JP and Steel are flat on the canvass as Masters chucks the chair down and then crotch chops toward the audience..

JT: Mike Masters is in the ascendency here, believe it or not…

RJ: Earlier in this match I thought he was done….but here we are….

Masters climbs from the ring now and he begins ripping up the apron before he drags out two tables. He slides them both back in now and follows…

JT: Masters feels on the brink but he knows he needs something big to end proceedings…

Masters sets the tables up, side by side, and then he drags the bloody, limp, form of Geoff Steel up before draping him across the tables. The crowd watch on in anticipation as Masters heads for the corner….

RJ: He landed the 450 earlier but if he hits this through the table, goodnight Vienna…

JT: I don’t care how tough Geoff Steel is….especially with the blood loss…

RJ: He isn’t coming back from this…

Masters reaches the top as the audience chant “You suck” at him. He sneers at them and crotch chops again before motioning a belt around his waist…

JT: Masters wants to concentrate on the task at hand and not arguing with the fans…

RJ: He can’t help himself….

*Crowd pop

Steel is up and he throws the steel chair (ECW style) through the air so it smashes Masters in the head and sits him down on the ropes. The champion is on extremely unsteady legs, barely able to see through his crimson mask, as he makes his way to the corner and climbs up….

JT: Masters practically had the belt in his hands, but he was too busy playing the fool….

RJ: Steel taking advantage…..the champ might just pull this off….

JT: I never would have believed it……..YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!?!?!?!?!?!

Crowd: Holy (beep) x30

RJ: WOW…..

Steel is up on the ropes and tries to position himself so he can scoop Masters on his shoulders when Jimmy Phillips staggers over and lands a very low punch. Phillips clambers up now and all three men are fighting for position on the turnbuckle….Steel somehow wins out the battle as he scoops Masters on his shoulders and then demonstrates his unbelievable strength to pick JP up as well…..Steel turns his body, both challengers on his shoulders, and he leaps off with a double “Attitude Adjustment” through the two waiting tables…


RJ: No controversy tonight….

Crowd: ONE…

JT: None whatsoever….

Ding ding ding

Michael Bird: Ladies and gentlemen here is your winner……AND STILL 6CWF XTREME CHAMPION………..Geeeeooooooooffffffffffff SSSSSSSSSSttttttttttteeeeeeeeeeeeeeellllll!

RJ: The “Face of Xtreme” retains….

JT: And look at his face, that truly is the epitome of this division….Geoff Steel has been through hell and high water tonight but he leaves Saudi Arabia the same way he walked in…..champion!

RJ: Fantastic battle between three stellar athletes….but in the end it was a Herculean effort from Geoff Steel, unrivalled strength, to nail that top rope AA on both challengers through the tables below which got the job done….

JT: The odds were against him but Steel has rose above and sealed the deal…..Mike Masters and Jimmy Phillips may have dethroned a lesser man here at Beachfront Brawl but not Geoff Steel….

Steel is a bloody mess as he just sits there, almost entranced by what he has done, whilst the ref declares him the winner and hands him his title. Mike Masters and Jimmy Phillips are still motionless amidst the debris….Steel slowly crawls to his feet, his hands bloodstained, and he looks down at the title belt in his hands before raising it above his head, drawing a roar of approval….

RJ: Another fantastic battle here at Beachfront Brawl and that is one championship successfully defended……but coming up next we will crown a brand new EWF Global Champ…..Acer, Daniel Reilly and Scott Harris will go to war to call themselves world champion…..who is leaving with the spoils?

We get another shot of Geoff Steel, clambering onto the turnbuckle, posing with his championship belt as the audience applaud and chant his name before we head backstage.


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Age : 34

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Post by JJJohnson Mon 09 Sep 2024, 11:19 am

*Liam Wood is sitting in the dressing room with Emmy. Emmy knows Wood has one eye on next week's match with Rex and getting his shot at Eddy Kent but she wants him to be careful tonight because the Chamber can "end careers". Wood looks at her and says there are 11 men (notice he includes his own partner) who should be worried about the fact they are locked inside that structure with a man who "will do literally anything" to win. Emmy kisses Wood's head and leaves as he is left staring down at his feet.

*Uryu Ishida is sitting outside of the stadium when GazzyD arrives. Uryu welcomes Gazzy and there is a handshake between the two men. Gazzy asks Uryu "Are you ready?" and Uryu nods as they head inside of the building. We see a cloaked figure staring at them from the far corner of the stadium.

The scene then changes as we see Scott Harris doing his final prep for the upcoming match for the EWF Championship. He starts his walk to Gorilla and is wished luck by several backstage workers. JJ Johnson is doing some work in Gorilla and he turns to Harris now. He offers him a handshake and wishes him luck. Harris nods his head in appreciation. Acer walks in now and sees the handshake. He shakes his head and turns away from JJ, pacing back and forth as he waits for his call to enter.

Daniel Reilly and Oliver Keane are walking down the hallway toward Gorilla and Keane is yelling "AND THE NEW". Max Adamson steps out in front of them now and tells them that Keane is banned from ringside. They complain but Max makes it clear that if Keane gets involved he will personally ensure that Daniel Reilly doesn't hold a championship ever again and he can leave the company in November empty handed. Reilly looks furious as Keane whispers something in his ear. Reilly smiles and nods his head before shooting another look of loathing at Max.


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Post by JJJohnson Mon 09 Sep 2024, 11:46 am

Bout 3
EWF Global Championship
Acer vs Daniel Reilly vs Scott Harris

Michael Bird: Ladies and gentlemen the following contest is a triple threat match for the EWF GLOBAL CHAMPIONSHIP!

*The crowd pop as we get a look at the brand new championship belt set on a plinth at ringside

JT: Here we go, RJ….time to crown a new world champion…

RJ: The EWF Championship has been held by some absolute greats….Liam Wood, Enforcer, Thunder, Cerberus…Keith Leone…..who will add their name to that illustrious list here tonight….

“Figure it out” blasts out of the speakers as the crowd rise to their feet and begin to applaud for the first competitor…

MB: Introducing first, from London, England…………..weighing in at 280 pounds……….The Sharpshooter……..Scccccccccooooooootttttttttttt Haaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrriiiissssssssssss!

Harris is stalwart and focused as he marches out onto the stage. He raises his arms as pyros explode around him and then makes his way to the ring…

JT: Scott Harris is the man of “untapped potential”…..for a decade now we have waited to see this developmental standout become a global star but it still hasn’t happened….it is hard to believe he has never held a singles championship…

RJ: Baffling….he is one of the best pro wrestlers in the game…explosive technical ability….the fans love him….but when it comes to the big one, he just cannot seem to get it done….

Harris climbs up into the ring and performs some last minute stretches before “From sound to silence” echoes out…

MB: Hailing from London, England…….weighing in at 225 pounds…………Acccccccceeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!

JT: The Original…..Acer over the last couple of months has displayed an almost “Desperate” nature to become a world champion…

RJ: He returned to pro wrestling to assist his best friend JJ Johnson in his war against Exodus but then decided to pursue his lifelong ambition of becoming world champion…..but it seems the shadows cast by his best friends JJ & The Saint are hard to break free from…Acer is certainly affected by that…

JT: Acer wants to be his own man and prove that he has what it takes to rise to the mountain top, without any kind of assistance….

RJ: We saw that mindset evolve into meltdown last month at Scars and Stripes….that’s when the issues between these three men really erupted…

JT: Ended with all three men being fined and threatened with suspension……tonight they go to war again but this time it is sanctioned….

Acer climbs into the ring now and the referee makes sure to direct him away from Scott Harris. The majority of the crowd are cheering Acer but there is a smattering of boos…

RJ: Some fans not happy with Acer’s actions and words toward JJ Johnson….

JT: I think it all goes way over Acer’s head right now, he is zoned in on winning a world title….

Acer is just glaring at Scott Harris, who doesn’t break eye contact, before “Broken Dreams” echoes out to a crescendo of boos…

MB: And finally…….from Birmingham, England………….weighing in at 196 pounds…………The King of the Streets…………Daaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnniiiiiiieeeeeeeellllll Reeeeeeeeiiiiiiiiiiiilllllllllllllyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!

RJ: The only man in this match who has tasted world championship gold before…

JT: Nearly fifteen years ago however….but there is no doubt that Daniel Reilly is in the form of his career, he’s matured and become a world class athlete….

RJ: There is also the small matter of his contract status….Reilly is adamant he will win a world title and defend it at Born in Fire before leaving the company with the belt, scuppering 6CWF’s plans….he believes he has been mistreated by the company…

JT: How will he cope tonight without his agent, Oliver Keane?

Reilly swaggers down the ramp, ignoring the reaction from the crowd, and then he slithers under the bottom rope. He grins at both of his opponents as the referee presses him back to another corner. The official receives the EWF Championship belt now and holds it high….all three competitors stare at the gold…

RJ: That’s the prize…..that is what these three men will go to war for…

JT: Huge atmosphere here in Saudi Arabia…..what a night this has been already…

Ding ding

RJ: There has been some scrutiny about 6CWF introducing a third world title into the mix but look at these three men and tell me that they do not belong at this level….

JT: They absolutely do and there is no doubt that the EWF Championship has a rich and legitimate history….we know there are background plans in the works and this belt isn’t going to be around forever but clearly management have something lined up…..but for right now, here at Beachfront Brawl…one of these three men is walking out as a world champion….

RJ: Only Daniel Reilly has tasted that success before….will we add a new name to the history books tonight or will the “King of the Streets” secure a third reign at the mountain top?

The atmosphere is electric as all three competitors stare at one another. Reilly has a smug grin on his face as he steps into the middle and motions a belt around his waist. He then swaggers in Scott Harris’ direction before doing the same to Acer. Acer has seen enough, however, and lands a huge right hand…

JT: Acer is in no mood to play Reilly’s games, he came here to prove he belongs….

The crowd cheer as Reilly staggers and then he eats another huge right hand from Scott Harris. Harris and Acer play tennis with Reilly’s head as they punch him back and forth across the ring before delivering a double clothesline that sends him over the top and onto the arena floor….Acer and Harris turn to each other now…

RJ: These two aren’t fond of one another either….and no time for friendliness tonight….


Harris and Acer waste no time in throwing shots at one another, dividing the audience. Harris begins to rock Acer back but then Acer rakes the eyes (some boos ring out) before he lifts Harris into a back suplex position and swings him forward onto his face….

RJ: We know all about this chip that Acer has been carrying on his shoulders for a long, long time…..can he finally step away from JJ Johnson and The Saint…..can he recognise his life’s ambition and become world champion?

Acer pulls Harris back to his feet again and looks for a suplex but Harris floats over the back and locks his hands around the waist. He lifts Acer for a German suplex but Acer kicks back onto his feet and then swings back elbows until Harris releases him. Acer grabs Harris by the wrist and drags him into a short-armed clothesline before welcoming him back up and he kicks him in the stomach…


RJ: Was that meant to be a message to JJ?

Acer wants the stunner but Harris counters into a release German. Harris lets Acer back up and nails a second German before he heads to the corner. The fans rise up in expectation of the frogsplash but Reilly is back on the apron now and he shoves Harris off, sending him crashing into the aisleway…

JT: Always the danger in triple threats…..

Reilly smirks and then decides to climb the ropes himself. Acer is back up and lands a right hand to the jaw, sitting Reilly down, before he climbs up on the turnbuckle…

RJ: Early risk…..IMPACT!

The superplex lands and the ring shakes as Acer drills Reilly into the canvass from on high. He crawls into the cover…………………….1………………………….2…………..shoulder up!

JT: Taking that move at anytime in the match is going to drain resources but the earlier the better otherwise you are looking at a bout ending move….

Acer slams forearms and elbows into the back of Reilly before he drags him up into a powerbomb position…

RJ: Acer may be thinking “Barry White” here….

He flips Reilly into the powerbomb position but Reilly drops out on his feet and tries to snap off the RKO from nowhere but Acer blocks and counters into an inverted DDT………………..1…………….2………kickout again. Acer backs into the corner and lifts himself onto the second rope. He beckons for Reilly to stand and then leaps toward him but Reilly immediately counters into a twisting powerslam (ala Randy Orton)….Reilly leaps into a kneedrop and then clambers onto Acer to deliver furious rights and lefts…

JT: Not only is this a huge match and opportunity for these three men but there is a lot of animosity too… has been brewing for the last couple of months….

RJ: It erupted at Scars and Stripes…..all three men were fined and disciplined for their behaviour at the event….and now here we are, EWF Championship on the line….

Reilly gets back up and he seizes Acer by the head and rags him up on his knees before placing his head between his legs….

JT: Piledriver?

Reilly shuffles and fights before nailing a backdrop which sends Acer over and onto the apron. Acer lands on his feet and he drives his shoulder through the middle rope to wind Reilly….Acer grips the top rope now and flips over….


Reilly ducks under the huge lariat and then leaps in the air to crack Acer into the canvass with a neckbreaker…Acer rolls over on his front as Reilly lifts himself onto the second rope and drops a knee across the back of the neck…………………1………………2…………shoulder up again!

JT: Close call but Acer is not going to give up on his dream easily…..he believes this is his destiny….

Reilly ploughs his forearm down into the back of Acer’s neck some more and then he tries to pull him up for a piledriver but Acer swipes his legs. Acer is trying to synch in a Canadian Cloverleaf but Reilly succeeds in kicking him back to the corner. Acer rolls back up as Reilly sprints out and attempts to punt him in the skull….

RJ: So close to losing his head…CHAOS THEORY!

Acer pulls his head off the line and then wraps his hands to push Reilly into the turnbuckle and then rolls him out into the huge release German. The crowd are rocking as Acer points up high….

JT: Acer feeling it…..he’s looking at the EWF Championship in front of us and he knows he is one big shot away…


Acer is up top as Scott Harris sprints across the ring and up the turnbuckle to launch him into a huge overhead suplex. Acer clutches the bottom of his back as he stumbles back to his feet and Scott Harris drags him into a huge twisting belly to belly slam (ala Ken Shamrock)………………..1…………………2…………..shoulder up!

JT: Acer was so caught up in winning the strap that he forgot about Scott Harris…

RJ: I’m not sure anyone can forget about Scott Harris……this is a man who has been talked about as a potential world champion for over a decade…..can he finally realise his potential tonight?

Harris slugs Acer back onto the ropes with right hands and looks for an Irish whip but Acer turns inside and lands a solid boot to the gut. Acer looks for an impailer DDT (ala Edge) but Harris lands out on his feet and counters with a northern lights suplex…………………1………………..2……………..kickout!

JT: Harris is a wrestling machine, an absolute answer and counter for everything….

Harris drags Acer back into a front facelock for a suplex but Acer slams a knee into the midsection and counters with a twist of fate. Harris is left flat on his back as Acer makes his way to the corner again….

RJ: Acer knows that the “shooting star” is gonna lead him to the promised land….

Acer is out on the apron but Reilly (who had rolled from the ring) rips his feet out from under him and causes him to fall, smashing his chin off the apron before landing on the arena floor. Reilly shakes his head at Acer before rolling back in the ring…

JT: Daniel Reilly not showing any signs of struggling without Oliver Keane out here to help….

RJ: A huge but necessary call from Max Adamson….this is about a world title and they want the best man to win, no controversy….

Reilly goes into stalk mode as he waits for Scott Harris to get back on his feet and then he pounces…


Harris counters into a backslide……………………1………………….2…………….kickout. They scramble back up and Reilly attempts to leapfrog but Harris catches him in a powerbomb position and twists him off into a lungblower backbreaker across his knees. Harris drags Reilly up again and suplexes him into a release backbreaker across his knees again (ala Roderick Strong)….

RJ: Scott Harris laying the foundations here and targeting the back….

Harris scurries up now and he grabs the legs of Reilly…

*Crowd cheer

JT: Reilly can fight it but he’s in trouble now….

RJ: “The Sharpshooter” has the sharpshooter locked….

Reilly is yelling in agony as he is turned over on his stomach. Harris sits right into the submission, determination etched all over his face, arching Reilly’s back and stretching his legs to apply even more pressure…

JT: Daniel Reilly is suddenly looking down the barrel…..

RJ: And Scott Harris is looking at superstardom…..

The crowd are going wild and urging Reilly to tap out as Harris continues to sit right into the hold and up the ante. The referee is asking Reilly if he wants to quit but he shakes his head and refuses. Reilly tries to drag himself across the canvass….

JT: Reilly wants the ropes….

RJ: Won’t make a difference….no DQs, no rope breaks…..that’s triple threat…..

JT: I think we are crowning a new champ here….Reilly’s done….

Reilly’s sweat is dripping on the canvass and he looks in agony as he slumps down on the mat. He raises his hand in the air, almost accepting the inevitable…



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Age : 34

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Post by JJJohnson Mon 09 Sep 2024, 11:47 am

There is a huge roar as Acer flips over the ropes and he almost decapitates Scott Harris with the clothesline. Harris staggers back up as Acer drags him in close and drills him an inverted STO…
……………..shoulder up!

JT: Acer kept this match alive in the nick of time….and now he is looking to take the prize for himself…

Reilly has rolled from the ring as Acer sets his sights back on Harris. He ushers him up and then grabs his head to pull him into position…..



Harris counts whilst being flipped into the air and drops Acer’s face across his knees, leaving him sprawled. Harris crawls for the corner now and he drags himself up high…

RJ: Hasn’t been a favourable place for many so far…..NAILED IT!

Harris takes off through the air and he slams down on top of the chest of Acer with the frogsplash before hooking both legs………………………1…………………………………..shoulder up. Harris takes a deep breath as the audience applaud and chant….

JT: This Saudi crowd are appreciative of what they are watching here…

RJ: Three of the best staking their claim……KNEEDS MORE HARRIS!

Harris charges out of the corner and takes off through the air for the flying knee but Acer ducks and sends him clattering into the turnbuckle. Acer drags Harris back up and into the centre of the ring…


Harris is planted on his head, his legs go up in the air, as Acer grabs his feet…………………1…………………..2………………kickout again!

RJ: Acer is knocking at the door but so far nobody is answering…

JT: And you can see that dark glint in his eyes….we know how desperate he is for this…

Acer punches the mat in annoyance before getting back to his feet. He backs into the corner and kneels, pulling at his hair, as he ushers Harris up and charges forward….


Harris shows great improvisation to counter the running spear attempt into a t-bone suplex……………….1……………….2……….shoulder up. They scramble up and Harris ducks in and grabs Acer’s arm…

Acer leaps over the back of the “Olympic Slam” and then lifts Harris on his shoulders….



The crowd are stunned as Reilly runs back in and he dives through the air, pulling Harris off of Acer’s shoulders into the cutter…

RJ: Astonishing!

………..Acer drags Reilly off the cover at the final second and flips him into the air….


Reilly counters in midair with a hurricanrana to send Acer into the turnbuckle and he rolls him up………………….1…………………2……………kickout. They scramble back up and Acer looks for a discus forearm but Reilly avoids it and kicks him in the gut before flipping him up into a fallout neckbreaker. Reilly rolls on his front now and sizes up Acer’s movements as he starts to rise…

RJ: Reilly is coiled….RKO!

Acer shoves Reilly into the ropes and he pops him up into a snapping powerbomb on the comeback, Reilly’s head whiplashing as he collides with the mat. Acer stumbles over to the corner now and he ascends up top….


The noise levels are through the roof as Acer comes hurtling from on high and he crashes down on Reilly…



Harris is back up, somehow, and he drags Acer off the pin and immediately tries to turn him over into the submission. Acer is thrashing from side to side and is then able to drag Harris down into an inside cradle………………….1……………………2……….kickout!

JT: It is frenetic now….so much on the line here and you can sense just how much this means to everyone….

Both men get back up again and Acer looks to land a hard kick to the midsection but Harris catches his foot and nails a dragon screw takedown. He looks for another sharpshooter but Acer plants both his feet in Harris’ chest and shoves him back to the corner. Acer rolls back up as Harris sprints out….



Spray flies from Acer’s head as Harris detonates the flying knee against his skull and leaves him flat on the canvass. He drops on top and makes the pin…………………1……………………….2…………………….3!


Nobody can believe as Daniel Reilly, barely conscious himself, is able to grab Harris’ leg and drag him off the pin into the submission. Reilly immediately applies the leg vine to keep Harris grounded….

RJ: Reilly is barely with us, that shooting star kneedrop took everything from him….

JT: But the champion’s instinct allowed him to sense how close Harris was to winning….he couldn’t even stand up but he had enough to drag Harris off the cover and apply the submission…

RJ: One of the deadliest holds in the game and he will take that ankle home with him if he has to….Scott Harris is in big, big trouble here….

JT: Reilly said he was leaving tonight with his third world title and I sense no lies…..Harris is trapped, nowhere to go….

Harris is yelling in agony as he tries to thrash around the canvass to break free of Reilly’s iron grip. The referee is asking him if he wants to give up but Harris is shaking his head…

RJ: We have seen submissions utilised to perfection, pardon the pun, here tonight and this could be no different…..Scott Harris is in a world of hurt here….

JT: I don’t see how he escapes here, he’s trapped…..Reilly has him locked…

The seconds are ticking by as Harris’ shouts of agony continue but he will not give up. Reilly is ripping and tearing at the ankle, screaming at Harris to “give up”….

RJ: I’m not sure how much longer Scott Harris can withstand this….he’s in agony here, that ankle must be on the brink of breaking….


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Post by JJJohnson Mon 09 Sep 2024, 11:48 am


Crowd: Holy (beep) x10
This is awe-some x10


Acer has somehow dragged himself back onto the top rope and propels himself into the shooting star press that lands him down on top of Reilly to break the submission…..Acer clutches at his ribs and rolls away, breathing raggedly, whilst Harris drops from the ring clutching at his ankle and Daniel Reilly is left flat on the canvass….

RJ: All three men have poured so much into this match….this is quite astonishing….

JT: Worthy of any world title pay per view match….

The referee is waiting in the middle of the ring for any of the three superstars to start making a move. Acer is the first man to stumble to a vertical base and he looks at Daniel Reilly, who is slowly stirring…

RJ: Acer can finish this…..recognise your dream, this is it…

Acer is pacing back and forth as he thinks about his next move and then he leaps out on the apron. He stalks Reilly as he clings to the middle rope and prepares to spring…

JT: We’ve seen this incredible spear utilised by Acer on so many occasions….will it unlock the door?


Acer prepares for the catapult spear but Reilly scouts him and leaps to catch him for the RKO (just like on Proving Grounds) but Acer reads the counter and remains on the apron as Reilly hits the deck….


Acer springs onto the ropes and takes off for the flying kneestrike but Reilly rolls out of the firing line at the last second. Acer is clutching at his leg after a bad landing and Reilly grabs his ankle…


Acer’s face is contorted with agony as Reilly rips and tears at his ankle now. Acer makes a scramble toward the ropes but Reilly drags him back and continues to up the ante. Acer throws himself into a forward roll to escape but Reilly rolls with him and stays in control of the submission. Acer turns on his back and kicks out with his free foot but Reilly dodges the shots and turns Acer again….

JT: Daniel Reilly is a man possessed and he is adamant he will leave with the EWF Championship….

RJ: And walk out on 6CWF after Born in Fire with a world title….that was his promise….

Reilly continues to bend the ankle at a horrifying angle but Acer will not quit. He is ripping at his hair and screaming “NO” at the referee every time he asks him if he wants to give up. Acer makes another dart for the ropes but Reilly hauls him back…

JT: If Reilly gets that legvine in, forget it….


Scott Harris stumbles back in, hobbling, and he ducks in behind Reilly and lifts him into a huge spinning “Olympic Slam”..



RJ: This is fascinating…..three stallions going to war….

JT: All with the same goal and ambition….they want this championship so badly….

Harris is just sat staring at the referee in disbelief before getting back to his feet. Acer is sat in the corner trying to get some feeling back in his ankle whilst Daniel Reilly has begun to crawl for the ropes. Harris is looking from one rival to the other and then makes a beeline for Reilly and grabs him by the waist…

*Huge boos

RJ: That was blatant…

Reilly flicks out his heel and catches Harris right between the legs. Harris is badly winded as he staggers away and Reilly swings him out onto the apron now, resting his legs on the ropes, and he drills him with a hangman’s DDT…

JT: Reilly might just have this…

………..thr-shoulder up!

RJ: Scott Harris is a tough son of a gun….he wants this just as bad as anyone…

Reilly swears at the referee before he stands and begins to stomp down on any inch of Harris until he rolls out of the ring for some respite. Acer has somehow manages to pull himself up in the corner, unawares to Reilly, and he runs out as he turns around….


Reilly shows amazing footwork to leap into the air and deliver a thunderous dropkick to Acer as he runs in. Acer is all over the shop as Reilly drags him back up and detonates a hammerlock DDT…

……………….Harris drags Reilly under the ropes now and launches him across the arena floor with an overhead suplex. Harris drags Reilly back up now and lifts him into a front suplex before slamming him down, chest first, across the top of the Spanish announce desk…

RJ: It has taken some time but the No DQ ruling is starting to really come into play here…

JT: Harris wants to take Reilly out of the running….

Harris clambers up on the table now and he drags Reilly to his feet for a “Shot in the Dark” but Reilly lands out on his feet…


The crowd roar and wince at the same time when Reilly ploughs Harris’ head into the table with the flying cutter. The table, however, doesn’t break and both men are left sprawled on top…

JT: Utterly devastating impact…..Scott Harris could have concussion from that landing…

RJ: His head splintered the wood but did not break the table clean, that was not a nice watch…

JT: But gave the desired effect Daniel Reilly was looking for….

Reilly sits up on the table and he looks at Harris, flat on his face, and then he shakes his head. Reilly rolls off the table and stumbles behind, throwing the commentators out of his way, as he pulls himself onto the security railing behind….

JT: Or not…..Reilly isn’t done…..GOD!

RJ: Scott Harris might just be now….

Reilly jumps across and legdrops the back of Harris’ neck which destroys the table now and leaves them in a heap. Harris remains unmoving whilst Reilly holds the bottom of his back and staggers back up…

RJ: Scott Harris is in a terrible way down at our feet…..he may have lost his chance to leave tonight as world champion…

JT: Whereas Daniel Reilly is heading back to the ring in an attempt to clinch it…


The crowd roar as Acer flies through the middle ropes and clatters into Reilly and drives him backwards into the “Social Media” table, knocking it on its side….


RJ: Harry and Henry Lloyd scattered for their lives….

Acer is flat on his back, staring up at the lights, whilst Daniel Reilly is left holding the back of his head and neck. The crowd are roaring and chanting…

JT: All three men are putting it all on the line…..this is one of the best triple threat matches I have witnessed…

Acer is back on his feet now and he succeeds in dragging Reilly to his feet and hauls him in the ring. Acer clambers on the apron now, an almost manic look in his eyes, and he grips the ropes as he waits for Reilly to stand…

RJ: Acer is so close to realising a lifelong ambition……ROGUE SPEAR!



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Post by JJJohnson Mon 09 Sep 2024, 11:48 am

The audience are stunned as Reilly catches Acer in mid-leap and drills him with the RKO…

RJ: We have our champion…



There are huge cheers from sections of the crowd as Acer just manages to force his arm up off the mat before the three count completion. Reilly turns to the referee now and looks ready to blow a gasket….

RJ: The most potent weapon in the Daniel Reilly arsenal but Acer kicked out….

JT: On some nights all the stars just align….is that what is happening here for Acer? Is this his night? Can he be denied?

Reilly stands, wincing through the pain coursing through his body, and he backs the referee up and gets in his face. The official stands his ground but Reilly grabs the front of his shirt…

RJ: Reilly is another man toeing the discipline line….he needs to be extremely careful…

JT: He just needs to concentrate on winning the title….that’s why we are here….

Reilly finally releases the referee’s shirt and turns away from him, looking annoyed. Acer is struggling onto all fours as Reilly backs up in the corner and ushers his head to rise before he sprints out at him…



Acer suddenly off his knees and smashes into the midriff of Reilly as he charges forward. The audience are rising to their feet as Acer grabs Reilly by the head now and he hauls him up….





RJ: We all did…but the will and the desire to leave here as champion is so damn strong…..these men want immortality….

Scott Harris dives from out of the picture, much to the shock of everyone, to break the pinfall just before the referee’s hand touches down for the three. Acer looks almost apoplectic as he glares at Harris….

JT: Acer looks as though he may be entering the twilight zone of destruction, look at that twitch…

Acer’s eyes is twitching and he looks beside himself as he chooses to roll from the ring and grabs the EWF Championship belt off its plinth. He glares at the gold before he heads back to the ring and rolls in…

RJ: Whether this is frowned upon or not there is nothing in the rules to prevent Acer from using whatever he needs…

JT: Shades of Stone Cold Steve Austin in 2001….

RJ: Whatever it takes….”I need it more than anything else in the world”….

Acer stands in the middle of the ring with the belt in hand as he stares from Reilly to Harris and back again. Harris is the first man to start getting back to his feet and Acer primes himself….


Harris ducks the shot at the very last second and nails a huge German suplex. He keeps his hands locked around Acer’s waist as he gets him up for a second suplex…..and a third…..fourth….fifth…..


Crowd: EIGHT………NINE………TEN!

The tenth is accompanied by a huge grunt of effort from Harris, dumping Acer flat on his back in the middle of the ring. The chant of “Needs more Harris” is ringing all around as “The Sharpshooter” scrambles over to the corner now to wait for Acer to get up…

JT: Harris wants that knee….that devastating flying knee that he has added to his arsenal…

RJ: At any juncture a potential finish…..and this juncture, given what these men have already been through….he lands the knee and you can get him that belt….


Acer grabs the referee, much to everyone’s shock, and drags him into the firing line as Harris almost takes the official’s head off. Harris looks down at the official in despair as Acer grabs the championship belt off the canvass once again….


JT: But there’s no ref, you got him wiped out….

Acer smashes Harris in the face with the belt, leaving him unconscious, but now there is no referee to make the count. Acer tries to shake the ref awake but to no avail and then he signals for another to come down from the back…

JT: We cannot crown a new champion without a referee…..that is an absolute given…

RJ: Acer’s unquenchable thirst for the title drove him to the chaos we have just seen…..these aren’t random actions, the descent into madness began weeks ago….

Daniel Reilly staggers back up to his feet now and he spins around as Acer smashes him in the face now and leaves him flat next to Harris on the canvass. Acer stands over both of his rivals and then he heads for the corner….

JT: All he can do is either wait for this referee to wake up or another to come down…

RJ: And he might as well inflict more damage upon his foes whilst he waits….

JT: This is the exclamation point if he nails it…..SHOOTING STAR KNEEDROP!

Reilly throws himself out of the firing line as Acer smashes down on top of Harris’ head and adds insult to injury, busting his nose and mouth upon the devastating landing…..


Reilly suddenly runs over and kicks Acer flush in the side of the head and sends him rolling from the ring. Harris is a bloody, battered, mess and tries to stand up. His whole face, nose and mouth, is covered in blood as he struggles back to his feet…

JT: I’m not sure how Harris is standing here….look at the blood, that is horrific…

RJ: That shooting star kneedrop has broke his face….cheekbone, nose, eyesocket….I have no idea but he is in a terrible way….

JT: And he is ripe for the picking here…..Reilly knows it…..RKO!


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Post by JJJohnson Mon 09 Sep 2024, 11:49 am


Harris, on instinct alone, spins out of the RKO attempt and lands the codebreaker. Reilly sways on the spot as Harris shuffles back up and lands with the “Shot in the Dark”…..



RJ: At some juncture in this match all three competitors could argue they should be champ….

Harris can barely see, his eyes swollen, as he just slumps back on the deck. The crowd are doing everything they can to will him on as he gets back onto a vertical base and falls into the corner…..Reilly is flailing on the mat, trying to stand, as Harris beckons him up and runs out….


Reilly has pulled the turnbuckle padding off as he sidesteps the knee attempt and sends Harris’ battered face against the exposed steel. Harris falls back around as Reilly takes him down…



Reilly’s hands are lost in the blood that is pouring out of Harris’ nose and mouth. He wrenches back on the head as the referee starts to stir…

RJ: I don’t even think Harris is awake…..

Ding ding ding


RJ: I want to see that replay immediately….

The referee is barely consciousness himself as he looks over to see Scott Harris’ hand tapping against the canvass…

Michael Bird: Ladies and gentlemen here is your winner…………AND NEW EWF GLOBAL CHAMPION…………Daaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnniiiiiieeeeeeeeeeellllllllllll Reeeeeeeeeeiiiiiiiiiiiilllllllllllllllyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!

JT: Put that replay on…

RJ: Someone in the truck, please….

“Broken Dreams” is blasting out as Daniel Reilly rolls on the canvass with a broad smile on his face. Scott Harris is face down in a pool of blood as we see a disorientated Acer get up on the outside, rage building on his features…

JT: Acer can’t believe it….

RJ: Neither can I….where is this goddamn replay? LOOK AT IT…..THAT IS OUTRAGEOUS CHEATING!

The replays are showing now to everyone on the big screens. It is becoming extremely clear that Daniel Reilly has hold of Scott Harris’ hand and is tapping him out…

JT: Has to be some kind of VAR call here….

RJ: I’m not sure we work off that…..

JT: But the cheating is there to see…..everyone in the building, everyone at home can see….Harris didn’t tap…

RJ: The referee was too groggy to even notice, he just saw Harris’ hand slapping the canvass and he waved it off….

JT: Daniel Reilly has pulled a goddamn highway robbery here….

Reilly turns to see the thunderous look on Acer’s face and he tips him a wink before grabbing the EWF belt and rolling out the opposite side of the ring into the aisleway. The crowd are booing as Oliver Keane comes running down the ramp to join Reilly in his celebrations….

RJ: Now Keane can join in… wouldn’t surprise me one bit if he was involved in this (beep)….

JT: They will have had several contingency plans I am sure…..Daniel Reilly was adamant he would leave tonight as world champ and he has done whatever it takes to make that happen…

RJ: Call it what it is, cheating….he cheated…..Scott Harris was a bloody, horrific mess, but he did not tap out…..Reilly used his hand and he made him tap…

JT: Poor Scott Harris probably has no idea what happened….his face has imploded from that flying knee from Acer…

RJ: Acer, however, has seen the replays that everyone else has and he is livid….this might just tip him over the edge….

Acer is tugging at his head and lets out a yell of rage as Reilly and Oliver Keane laugh at him. Reilly raises the EWF belt in the air whilst Keane pats him on the shoulder and keeps shouting “AND THE NEW” over and over again…

JT: A triple threat match for the ages…but it ends in a shroud of controversy, quelle surprise….

RJ: These three men put on a classic and I would pay good money to see them do it again…

JT: I think they should, it is only right after what has gone down here…..Daniel Reilly is leaving as EWF Champion here but Acer and Scott Harris both have plenty of reasons to contest that….

RJ: I fear for Acer’s mental state….he truly believed tonight was his night….OH NO!

Acer suddenly tears a camera from one of the workers and he launches it against the ringpost, smashing it in pieces. There are worried looks on the faces of the 6CWF personnel, including Allie Thompson (the timekeeper)….

JT: Someone make sure Allie is ok….she bore the brunt last time Acer lost his temper…we don’t want a repeat….

Acer boots the upturned announce table now before grabbing a steel chair and he smashes it off the steel steps and the ringside barrier. Security arrive on the scene now followed by Max Adamson and Damien Andrews…

RJ: Management are out here to try and restore some kind of order…

Acer: Look at the f***ing replays….you’re going to allow that?

We can hear Max and Andrews trying to reason with Acer and get him to drop the weapon. Acer looks agitated as he slings it across the floor and pulls at his hair again before finally starting to walk backstage…

JT: Emotions and tempers running very high here at Beachfront Brawl…..Acer’s lifelong ambition to be world champion has been taken away from him…

RJ: I’m sure Max and Damien Andrews will make a decision on what we have seen but perhaps now is not the time….

JT: Absolutely….there will need to be an investigation but let the dust settle….Acer is in no frame of mind and Harris is not physically capable…Reilly will celebrate here tonight, at least…

Acer is still angry as security form a wall around him and lead him toward the back. We can hear raised voices as he continues to go back and forth with Max Adamson and Damien Andrews. There is then a huge round of applause as Scott Harris is sat up in the ring but his face is like something from a horror film. He is badly swollen and bloodstained…

RJ: Scott Harris is an absolute warrior….he may not have won tonight but he did not quit, that is a certainty…

JT: He will rest up and come again, of that I am certain…

RJ: What a goddamn war we just watched….

JT: Speaking of wars, RJ….it is nearly time….first time ever….six teams will enter the Elimination Chamber….only one team leaves with the tag titles….one of the most highly anticipated main events in the history of this company….

RJ: Let’s do it….I cannot wait for the carnage to be unleashed….


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Age : 34

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Post by JJJohnson Mon 09 Sep 2024, 12:43 pm

*Eddy Kent and Miss Jessica are shown on the big screen walking out toward Gorilla when Rex Adamson comes out of his dressing room with Jackson Jackson. Jackson claps Rex on the shoulder and shoots a glare at Kent before walking away. There is a huge tension hanging in the air. Kent goes to speak but Rex holds up a hand.

Rex: By the end of'll know!

*Kent looks concerned and Miss Jessica intrigued as Rex walks past them toward Gorilla

*We get a split screen of Brandon Perez doing hip thrusts and Percy Percival waxing his legs before JJ Johnson and The Saint appear to a huge roar from the crowd. JJ and Saint touch knuckles and hug one another. JJ slaps his hand against a poster on the wall of the original "Coalition" including Rock V2. Saint psyches himself up and follows JJ out of the room.

Uryu and Gazzy are shown walking toward Gorilla now and Chris Patricks steps out in front of them. He sizes Uryu up and says "See you out there" before swaggering off. Liam Wood is kissed by Emmy before being sent into battle.

The final scene shows Blue Dragon picking up the 6CW Championship belt. He looks at his brother in the mirror and claps him on the shoulder before walking out of the room. Logan looks at himself for a long time in the mirror and then stands up and walks out of the dressing room. Damien Andrews is standing there. Logan looks at his father...

Andrews: No more hiding, them all!

*Kincade snarls and then heads off in the direction of Blue Dragon.


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Post by JJJohnson Mon 09 Sep 2024, 1:03 pm

Main Event
6CWF Tag Team Championships
Elimination Chamber
Blue Dragon/Logan Kincade (c) vs Genesis vs Chris Patricks/Liam Wood vs The Coalition vs GazzyD/Uryu Ishida vs Brandon Perez/Percy Percival

*We return to ringside as the ominous Elimination Chamber is lowering down around the ring

RJ: Custom built for the twelve men about to enter…the biggest Chamber in history…

JT: It is main event time folks and I have a bad feeling about what we are about to see…

Michael Bird: Ladies and gentlemen….this is the ELIMINATION CHAMBER MATCH FOR THE 6CWF TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIPS!

*Crowd ultra pop

Michael Bird: Two teams will start out whilst the remaining four teams will take their place inside the pods. Every five minutes a new pod will open and a random team will enter proceedings. Only one member of a team needs to be pinned or submitted for them to be eliminated….pinfalls and submissions must take place inside of the ring………the last team remaining will be the 6CWF TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS!

JT: Simple but brutal…

RJ: Oh this is going to be brutal…

“It’s a fight” echoes out now and pyros shoot through the air before we hear “Not giving in” mixed with “Here comes the Boom” as JJ Johnson and The Saint walk onto the stage…

JT: The former champs…

RJ: Two Hall of Famers…..eight world title reigns between them…

JT: JJ Johnson and The Saint will enter this match last after Saint won the “Beat the Clock” challenge….that gives them an edge without a doubt…

JJ and Saint look at one another and touch knuckles before entering the Chamber and taking position inside the first pod…

RJ: Both of these men have competed in Chamber matches before but never like this….we’ve never had one like this before…

“Revival Mode” screams out and Liam Wood enters the fray to a mixed response from the crowd. He has his eyes set on the giant structure in front of him and then “Refuse/Resist” booms out…

JT: A team of convenience no doubt….Patricks and Wood united to tackle Genesis…..tonight they find themselves as a team again…

RJ: But there has been a growing animosity……….Patricks feels he has been overlooked whilst Wood is obsessed in getting his hands on Eddy Kent……these two have all the talent in the world but can they work together? That’s their biggest stumbling block tonight…

Patricks catches up with Wood in the aisleway but Wood doesn’t even acknowledge him as he walks up the steps to the Chamber. CP shrugs his shoulders and follows before walking inside of the second pop…..flames then erupt from the turnbuckles and the stage….

JT: The champs are here….

RJ: The most dominant forces in 6CWF right now….absolutely…

JT: But the question is; can Blue Dragon exercise control over his brother? There is no doubt Logan is falling back into his old ways…

RJ: And a match like this is perfectly designed to suit Logan’s violent tendencies…

The giant forms of Blue Dragon and Logan Kincade make their way down to the Chamber now. The referee reluctantly asks for their title belts as Blue Dragon walks over to the “Coalition” pod and smashes his hands against it…

Dragon: Nothing gonna protect you tonight, JJ….your mine…

JT: Plenty of ongoing issues between JJ Johnson and Blue Dragon…..I’m sure that will rear its head at some point during this contest…

RJ: Oh there is going to be so much brutality I can’t even begin to comprehend….

Logan looks like he wants to refuse entry into the pod but Dragon puts a hand on his shoulder. Logan glares at his brother but then walks inside. “Toby” then screams out and there is a huge ovation for the arrival of Rex Adamson….he appears, alone, on the stage and bobs from foot to foot before “Numb” screams out and Eddy Kent joins him on the stage…Kent is side eyeing Rex with mistrust….

JT: Genesis are here….or are they? Rex just told Kent that he’d know by the end of the night but what does that mean…

RJ: Not even Eddy Kent knows and that is what bothers him….he feels control slipping away from him and he has no idea what to do…

Liam Wood is shown glaring out of his pod as Rex and Kent walk inside the Chamber now. Rex looks over at Wood and then Kent notices them and his suspicion grows even more. Rex heads around to the final remaining pod as Kent follows…

JT: There is so much intrigue in this….so many stories….this is fascinating…

RJ: And now we know the two teams will start this match…

The crowd let out a huge roar as GazzyD and Uryu Ishida enter onto the stage together and pyros erupt all around them….in the shadows of the entranceway there are hooded figures and Gazzy casts a look back but they are gone…

JT: Never in a million years did I expect to see these two teaming together but here we are….

RJ: Differences aside it would seem….Gazzy is looking at life after Edward Plague and winning the tag titles would be a great way to do that…

JT: But are they fully on the same page? Can they truly ever trust one another?

RJ: Tonight will tell us a lot about that…

Uryu and Gazzy enter the Chamber match now before “Like a prayer” begins to blast out. It is a carnival like atmosphere inside the stadium and the crowd are dancing and singing along as Percy Percival and Brandon Perez make their entrance…

JT: The wildcards….the surprise package…

RJ: Brandon Perez and Percy Percival may have been seen as some kind of “joke” in the past but these two guys can go and I have been massively impressed with both since they returned to 6CWF….

JT: They have more than shown they can hold their own….but they are stepping in tonight with the absolute elite of professional wrestling…

RJ: Nine out of the 12 have held world championships….that is the level we are talking about here tonight….

JT: The biggest main event, arguably, in the history of this company….

Perez and Percy take their time to enter the structure and then the door closes behind them, causing them both to do a comedic leap into the air. The referee waits as the Brothers of Seduction climb into the ring now to join Gazzy and Uryu…

JT: How do you even sum up what we are looking at here, RJ?

RJ: History in the making, for starters…..this is a monumental moment in professional wrestling….six teams, twelve of the most premier athletes in the business inside of this demonic structure….main event of Beachfront Brawl with the Tag Titles on the line….but this is so much more than that….so many angles, facets and intricacies….if you could design the perfect match, I believe this is it… is impending warfare in a bottle….

JT: And that bottle is going to explode any minute….

RJ: GazzyD. Uryu Ishida and The Brothers of Seduction starting us out….remember that only one team member needs to be pinned or submitted for an entire team to be eliminated….no DQs or countouts but the falls must take place inside of the ring….

JT: A new team enters every five minutes….last team standing leaves with the gold…

RJ: And the dominance….because that’s another huge part of this, not just the gold….these teams wants to show who is running things here in 6CWF…..two of the three world champions are involved here….

JT: And Rex Adamson….with that Fight for the Right briefcase….you have to wonder….

RJ: Like I said….Keates, Shakespeare, Dante himself….they could not have wrote this storyline any better… predict what is going to happen here tonight…

JT: I wouldn’t even know where to begin….

The Saudi crowd are deafening as the bell sounds to get us underway. The cameras pan around to show the enormity of the custom-built Chamber and the teams inside of the giant pods in each corner. GazzyD, Uryu Ishida, Percy Percival and Brandon Perez are eyeing one another and the structure…

RJ: Gazzy has been inside the Chamber before, he lost his world title in 2011 in this structure….the other three, they’ve never seen anything like it…

JT: Nobody has seen “this” Chamber however…..restructured and reinforced because of how many men are involved….this is haunting to look at and that’s even before any damage has been caused….

RJ: That will not take long…

The two starting teams stare at one another again before getting underway. Uryu locks up with Brandon Perez whilst Gazzy does the same with Percy Percival. Perez places Ishida in a side headlock but he is sent off the ropes and returns into a dropkick takedown from the former world champion. Gazzy snapmares Percy to the canvass as Uryu runs across now and nails a low dropkick to the seated PP…

JT: Gazzy and Uryu….what a story….

RJ: It would be an incredible chapter to see them leave here tonight as tag team champions….

JT: They have the pedigree….

Percy rolls from the ring as Uryu and Gazzy focus back on Perez. They drag him up into a double suplex and then Uryu handsprings off the ropes into a standing moonsault. Gazzy drags Perez up and hooks his arms…

RJ: This is smart….an early elimination….DEEP IMPACT!

Percy springboards back in and he missile dropkicks Gazzy through the ropes to the outside of the chamber. Uryu looks for a buzzsaw kick but Percy ducks under it and he rolls Uryu up…………….1………………………..2…………..shoulder up!

JT: Both of these teams are looking to knock off an elimination early and leave themselves time to recover before the next arrival…

RJ: If a team can do that throughout this contest they will put themselves in a phenomenal position….

Uryu dodges a backhand chop as he gets up and springs off the ropes into a headscissors takedown on Percy. Perez runs over for a clothesline but Ishida ducks under it and then he handsprings off the ropes again into a double “Cardiac” kick on both members of BOS….

JT: Uryu has come to fight tonight….

RJ: He’s made it clear that he has struggled ever since losing the world title but tonight could be the spark he needs to reignite….

Both Percy and Perez stagger up in opposite corners as Uryu charges into them with flying dropkicks (ala Daniel Bryan). He nails three in a row and then he beckons Perez out and scoop slams him to the deck…

JT: Uryu thinking “Split Second”…

Uryu hops onto the top rope but the crowd are urging him to climb higher. He looks at the pod behind him, housing Patricks and Wood, and he shrugs…

RJ: Surely he’s not going all the way?

JT: Oh my….

Percy is on the ropes and shows impeccable balance to run along and leaps into a headscissors takedown that sends himself and Uryu crashing back down onto the canvass. Percy crawls back up and he wills Uryu up…


Uryu ducks the superkick and backdrops Percy over the ropes, causing him to land badly on his spine on the metal grating….

*Crowd pop

JT: That’s why he’s the “Human Highlight Reel”…

Gazzy looks at Percy writhing on the steel and then he springs off the chamber wall and lionsaults him. The crowd are applauding…

RJ: This match is moments old and already we are seeing spectacular things…

Brandon Perez is on the turnbuckle now and he jumps to the outside with an axe handle takedown on Gazzy. He checks on Percy before he beckons for Gazzy to get back….Uryu springs to the outside with a meateora knees to the chest that drives himself and Perez back into the chamber wall…

JT: This is madness….absolute madness personified…

Uryu rolls back onto his haunches as Perez is crushed in a seated position against the chamber. Percy is slowly crawling up as Ishida grabs him and looks for a suplex….

RJ: Great athleticism…

Percy is lifted but places his feet against the pod behind him and uses it as a base to push himself up and over Uryu’s head, landing on his feet. Uryu turns and Percy detonates the superkick on his jaw…


RJ: And he sent Uryu over the ropes into the ring….

Uryu is sent over and left flat on the canvass. The crowd are roaring as Percy puts his hand to his mouth and makes a beeline for the ring…



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Post by JJJohnson Mon 09 Sep 2024, 1:05 pm


Gazzy nails a split-legged moonsault off the turnbuckle and lands on top of the pinfall before the referee can complete it. Gazzy beckons Percy up now and kicks him in the gut….


Perez returns to the ring and runs in behind Gazzy to plant him with a bulldog. Gazzy staggers up and the BOS double clothesline him over the ropes to the outside before turning their focus on Uryu…

JT: Uryu is wounded here….and Percy & Perez fancy their chances of the first elimination….

RJ: This would be huge before the next team enters…

Uryu uses the ropes to get himself up and Perez ducks under him to lift him into an electric chair position but he rolls down the front……………….1……………….2…………….Percy breaks it up. They scramble back up and Uryu sidesteps as he sends Percival into the corner and nails a step-up kick to the face. He lifts Percy up top now and heads up….

JT: Frankensteiner?

The crowd roar as Perez rushes over and he lifts Uryu backward off the turnbuckle onto his shoulders. He yells at Percy to get himself set…..


Crowd: HOLY (BEEP) x20


The arena is unglued as the cameras follow GazzyD who has clambered right up the chamber wall and is hanging over the ring at the highest point. Percy is mid-leap to kick Uryu off Perez’ shoulders when Gazzy flips himself into a falling shooting star from the chamber roof that clatters Percy and drops them both on top of Uryu and Perez. All four men are down in a heap….


JT: The timing and precision of Gazzy’s fall to prevent Percy’s flying kick was unbelievable….

RJ: They said this main event would be historic and they were not lying….

The audience are still making copious amounts of noise as the replays continue to show the insanity we have just witnessed. Gazzy, amazingly, is the first man to start getting to his feet and he drags Percy into position….


Gazzy drills Percy into the mat with the “skull crushing finale”……………1
………….Brandon Perez manages to break it up!

RJ: Brothers of Seduction hanging on in there…

Perez slugs Gazzy with right hands and looks to clothesline him to the outside but Gazzy drops his shoulder backdrops Perez over the top. Perez lands on his feet and grabs the back of Gazzy’s head before snapping it off the ropes…


RJ: Uryu is on fire here…

Gazzy drops to the mat as Ishida then somersaults over the top rope into a takedown on Perez on the solid steel. Uryu then stumbles over to the chamber wall and starts to climb…

JT: What is the thinking here?

RJ: I have no idea what goes through the heads of these men….

Perez is back up and he decides to follow Uryu up the chamber wall. They find themselves 7-8 feet up and they are trading shots. Perez tilts his body to kick out at the ribs of Ishida…

JT: This is a highly precarious position for these combatants, so early into this match….

RJ: Ooft….look at that impact…

Uryu sags and almost loses his grip but then he launches forward to smash his elbow into Perez’ jaw. Uryu grabs his head now and batters it against the chain mesh before he takes hold…


Crowd: Holy (beep) x10


Uryu has Perez in position and then he backflips both of them into an inverted “Spanish Fly” which sends them both crashing down onto the floor below…

JT: That was utterly death defying…..

RJ: And both men could be finished…..the risk involved there was daunting….

The crowd are sparking into “Holy s***” chants again as both Gazzy and Percy stumble up and gaze at what has just happened…

JT: Not even their respective partners can quite believe it…

RJ: Already we have seen so many death-defying stunts in this contest…

JT: And we are seconds away from introducing two more to the party….

Percy dropkicks Gazzy in the back and sends him sprawling across the ropes. The audience applaud as Percy nails a 619 now….Gazzy rolls back toward centre ring…



Percy sails through the air for the dragonrana but Gazzy catches him and transitions into the incredible “styles clash”…
…………..Percy just manages to kick out!

*Claxon sounds


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Post by JJJohnson Mon 09 Sep 2024, 1:06 pm


The crowd cheer as the first pod is opened to allow Liam Wood and Chris Patricks to enter the fray. Chris Patricks is almost grinning as he watches Uryu getting up and then he scoops him onto his shoulders and runs him face-first into the steel chain wall…

RJ: Chris Patricks renewing hostilities with Uryu from the get go…

JT: And Liam Wood just wants a piece of anyone….


Wood lets Perez get up and then swipes his legs and catapults him, face first, into the plexiglass pod. Perez just slumps to the floor as Wood grips the ropes and springboards into the ring, wiping out GazzyD with a flying lariat. Gazzy stumbles back up and Wood smashes him with a discus forearm smash, dropping him in a heap. Percy gets to his feet and Wood suplexes him into a front slam on top of Gazzy….

RJ: This is where you are going to see the freshest teams take charge….

JT: And thanks to The Saint it will be The Coalition who enter this match the freshest…

Wood heads to the corner and climbs up top. He looks down on Percy and Gazzy before leaping off and landing a double elbow drop to both of their chests. Chris Patricks planchas in now across Percy’s body…

RJ: Wood and Patricks are not a conventional team…..they united in their pursuit of Genesis but that has definitely soured in recent weeks…

JT: But they need each other if they are to pull off a victory here tonight….

Wood and Patricks stare at each other and then turn back to Gazzy. Gazzy crawls back to his feet and he sees both men looking at him…

*Crowd cheer

RJ: Gazzy isn’t going to back down…

Gazzy beckons them on as Patricks lands a flush superkick which staggers him backward into a full nelson slam from Liam Wood. The crowd are cheering now as Patricks heads for the corner…

JT: If he lands this, it’s game over…

Uryu is back up and he swipes Patricks’ feet from under him, crotching him on the turnbuckle. Uryu then springboards onto the ropes from the outside and nails a top rope frankensteiner that flips CP off the ropes and clattering into Liam Wood….

RJ: Tremendous move from Uryu Ishida…..I feel he just kept this match alive for his team…

Uryu bounces off the ropes and returns with a double dropkick on both Wood and Patricks as they try to get back up. Wood stumbles up as Uryu superkicks him in the back of the head to send him to the outside….Patricks runs forward for a clothesline but Uryu dodges it and springboards into a fantastic tornado DDT…..Gazzy is back up now and they deliver a double buzzsaw kick to the sides of Patricks’s head, leaving him in a heap on the floor….Gazzy urges Uryu to take the skies….

RJ: Gazzy knows it would be a big moment for Uryu to knock off Chris Patricks…

Ishida nods as he heads for the corner and propels himself up top. He looks down at Chris Patricks before launching himself off…


The 450 lands flush as Uryu hooks the leg………….1
…………………..Liam Wood rags Uryu off the cover by his heels and onto his feet. He looks for another discus punch but Ishida ducks it and handsprings off the ropes…


The crowd groan as Wood catches Uryu in midair and launches him backward on his neck with the suplex. Gazzy kicks Wood in the stomach and hooks his arms in place…


Wood battles against Gazzy’s grip and swipes his legs. He catapults him to the corner but Gazzy lands on the middle rope and then backflips over Wood…

RJ: Stylin’ DDT!

The audience roar in approval as he lands the inverted DDT. Gazzy gets back up now and he pulls Wood closer to the ropes…

JT: These two men had one hell of a rivalry….I wouldn’t mind watching them throwdown again…

RJ: Fantastic chemistry….SPLIT-LEGGED MOONSAULT!

Wood drives his knees up at the last second to send Gazzy rolling away in agony. Wood shows great athleticism to kick up on his feet now and he drags Gazzy in position….


Gazzy swipes the legs now and he bridges over the top of Wood………………1……………………….2…………kickout!

RJ: Gazzy almost caught Wood out…..that would have been a hell of a turn up to see Wood eliminated first…

They scramble back up and Gazzy looks to go low with a leg sweep but Wood jumps over it and slams a vicious knee into Gazzy’s face that leaves him sprawled on his back. Wood is about to head for the corner again when Percy springboards….


The flying dragonrana lands………………..1……………………2………..kickout. Wood rushes to his feet and he scoops Percy on his shoulders before spinning him off in an F-5 motion, driving his knee up into the face…


Percy is out but Brandon Perez leaps on Wood’s back and wraps his arms around the throat….

JT: Perez has the sleeper….he’s going to put Wood out here….

RJ: Never believed this was a possibility but Perez and Percival have really struck up a combination….

Perez is clinging on for dear life as he attempts to put Wood to sleep. Wood is flailing but then manages to drive backwards and squashes Perez against the turnbuckle…

JT: Close call for Liam Wood there…

Wood stumbles back toward centre to catch his breath as Perez rushes out after him….

RJ: Tilt-a-whirl…

Wood spins Perez but he lands out on his feet and drives a hard kick into Wood’s stomach. He pulls him in close now…


Wood backs to the ropes and he succeeds in backdropping Perez over the top. Perez lands on the steel grating once more and writhes in pain….



Crowd: Holy (beep) x10

RJ: I am with all of these fans….

Gazzy has made his way up onto the top of Dragon & Logan’s pod and he throws himself off into the incredible corkscrew attack across the body of Brandon Perez. Gazzy is also writhing in agony because of his landing…

JT: GazzyD just put his entire career on the line there…

RJ: These matches were made for GazzyD, he is a born show stealer…

JT: But he could have ended things for himself and Brandon Perez here…

Gazzy is holding his back and trying to stand as we pan back to the ring. Uryu springboards back in from the opposite side and nails an overhang neckbreaker on Liam Wood. He ushers him again and lands a backheel kick to the stomach, doubling him up, and then springs off the ropes into a sunset flip………………….1…………………….2…………….Wood kicks out and rolls onto his feet. Uryu leaps for a hurricanrana but Wood catches him on his shoulders…


Uryu swivels his body around Wood’s shoulders and nails a poisonrana. Wood rolls over on his knees as Uryu ploughs into him with a vicious shining wizard….Wood rolls from the ring as Uryu clambers back to his feet to see how Gazzy is getting on…

*The lights flash out momentarily and come back on

JT: What happened there?

RJ: Beats me….OH GOD!

Gazzy is on his knees on the outside when he looks into the empty pod that Wood & Patricks entered from. Only it isn’t empty. There is a cloaked figure kneeling inside…


Gazzy is on his knees, stunned in disbelief, as the figure starts to rise up. They lift their arms out to their side and seem to be shaking with laughter. Their hands now lift toward the hood…

RJ: Gazzy is living a waking nightmare here…

Uryu is also frozen to the spot as he is watching what is unfolding in front of him. Gazzy is shaking his head in disbelief but then the lights go out again and the figure has disappeared…

JT: Where did he go? What the hell is this?

RJ: If that was indeed Edward Plague then he is the master of mindgames and manipulation….

Gazzy’s hands are on the plexiglass now and he is looking into the pod with a mixture of fear, anger and astonishment. Uryu is leaning against the ropes…

Uryu: He’s gone, Gazzy….



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Post by JJJohnson Mon 09 Sep 2024, 1:07 pm

Gazzy turns to stare at Uryu as Liam Wood drops from a seated position on top of the pod (having climbed up during the lights out) and he stomps Gazzy’s head down into the steel….Uryu is stunned as Wood just glares at him….

RJ: Liam Wood just broke GazzyD in bits…..


Uryu suddenly spins around and walks straight into the huge “Sky High” powerbomb from Chris Patricks. Patricks rolls to the corner and he leaps up top…



JT: First elimination…..and this one is not without some goddamn controversy……

RJ: Edward Plague was here, of that I am almost certain, unless we were looking at a real life apparition inside that pod…..Gazzy was stunned and that allowed Liam Wood to pounce….

JT: You know that scene from Final Fantasy 7 when Sepiroth drops through the air to kill Aerith?

RJ: I don’t but go on…

JT: It was uncannily similar….

RJ: Are you suggesting Wood & Plague are in cahoots?

JT: Wouldn’t be the first time and Wood’s certainly been in a dark place recently….

RJ: Food for thought….but Chris Patricks has knocked off Uryu, that is the definite talking point and will only serve to add more weight to their rivalry….

JT: Uryu was entranced too….don’t forget his issues with Plague….

RJ: If Plague truly has returned after what happened to him at Scars and Stripes then believe me when I tell you that “something wicked this way comes”….

The audience are raucous as we get replays of Patricks landing the huge frogsplash on Uryu to get the three count and Liam Wood’s crushing stomp on Gazzy from the top of the pod. Wood and Patricks are looking at one another now…

JT: So currently we are down to Wood/Patricks & The Brothers of Seduction…

RJ: Won’t be long until we add another team into this mixer…

Brandon Perez spins Patricks around and lands right hands now. He looks for an Irish whip and lowers his head on the comeback…


Patricks runs back and looks to counter with the flipping piledriver but is snapped back on his neck from an Alabama slam. Perez gyrates his hips as CP staggers back to the corner and crushes him with an inverted back splash….he beckons Patricks out and flips him up….


Perez decides to change tact with the running Liger bomb and instead he release powerbombs Patricks over the top into Wood and knocks them both down. The crowd are applauding Perez’s performance as he makes his way up top now and then chooses to pull himself onto the pod roof…


Another huge pop rings out as Perez throws himself into a senton that knocks down both Wood and Patricks on the steel floor. Perez crawls up and he throws Chris Patricks into the ring before he springboards onto the ropes and drops into a splash…


………………thr-shoulder up!

JT: That would have been the biggest pinfall of Perez’ career thus far….

RJ: Perez is rolling….breakout night….

Perez can’t quite believe it wasn’t a three count. He sucks in a deep breath and then he spots Percy getting to his feet…

RJ: Brothers of Seduction have something big planned here….

Perez points to the turnbuckle and Percy nods as he rushes over. Patricks is on unsteady legs as Perez ducks under him and lifts him into an electric chair position…

JT: We’ve seen them utilise this before….Chris Patricks is in trouble here….


Percy leaps off and he kicks Patricks off Perez’ shoulders and splatters him into the canvass…………………1……………………….2………………..3!


Wood returns to the ring and he runs over with the devastating footstomp on Perez as he his making the cover. Percy springboards off the ropes now for a hurricanrana but Wood catches him by the legs and shows incredible strength to deadlift him off the deck back onto his shoulders….


*Claxon sounds



Wood has just drilled Percy across his knees when the claxon sounds out and we find out it is Blue Dragon and Logan Kincade who will enter the match next. Wood stands and stares as the pod is opened….

JT: This is huge….the 6CW World Champion and his demonic brother are walking into battle…




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Post by JJJohnson Mon 09 Sep 2024, 1:08 pm

There is pure astonishment in the building as Logan and Blue Dragon step out of the pod. Brandon Perez and Percy Percival are both at their feet (having been taken out by Wood) and they bend down to drag them up. Dragon flips Percy up whilst Logan does the same to Perez. They clatter them together before spinning around (ala Authors of Pain) and they powerbomb them through the pods on either side, destroying the plexiglass….

Crowd: Holy (beep) x20



The camera pans between the two “empty” pods to show Perez and Percival motionless. The plexiglass has broken around them, blood down their arms and bodies. Logan and Dragon are just looking at their handiwork before turning to the ring…..Chris Patricks has stumbled up next to Liam Wood now and they staredown with their rivals…

JT: The reigning champions were already the favourites but you wanna talk about making a statement? The Brothers of Seduction just got obliterated…

RJ: And look at the two remaining pods….Genesis & The Coalition are watching on…

We see JJ & Saint exchange looks whilst Eddy Kent and Rex are staring out at what just went down. Dragon and Logan begin to step into the ring now…

RJ: We are going to have a huge fight on our hands now….all four of these men have been to the mountain top….Blue Dragon is currently there and Logan Kincade may be the most dominant star on the roster right now…..


Wood and Logan trade off with punches whilst Dragon and Patricks reignite their old rivalry. Wood lands a hard stomp to Kincade’s body and tries to hook his arms…


Logan spins clear and looks to drag Wood into a black hole slam but Wood lands out on his feet. Kincade charges forward but Wood sidesteps and slings him over the top onto the solid steel…

JT: Wood and Logan taking their fight to the outside…

RJ: Not sure that is where you want to be with Logan Kincade…

JT: Liam Wood may be just as psychotic….

Wood goes out after Logan and looks to slam his head into the steel chains but Kincade gets his boot up to block and then elbows Wood in the body to break his grip. Wood staggers toward the “Genesis” pod as Logan runs at him….BOOM!....Wood sidesteps and sends Logan’s head against the pleixglass before beckoning him around and kicks him in the stomach….

RJ: Trying for that lungblower….

Logan swipes Wood’s legs and catapults him into the steel chains. Wood’s head smashes against the chamber walls and then Logan gets up and lands a huge splash to the back, crushing Wood’s face against the mesh….

JT: Logan is going to have fun here now…

In the ring, Chris Patricks springs onto the turnbuckle and twists back for a crossbody but BD catches him. He carries Patricks around and launches him for a fall away slam but CP lands out on his feet. Dragon gets back up as Patricks nails a step-up enzeguiri to the temple which staggers the world champion back to the corner…

RJ: Patricks and Dragon came into this business together….an age old rivalry….

JT: I’d damn sure pay to watch a new chapter….


Kincade is now grating Wood’s head against the steel chains, drawing blood, before he spins him around and smashes his head against the “Coalition” pod. Wood drops to his knees, smearing blood all down the pod, as Logan glares at JJ & Saint inside…

JT: Logan has made it clear that he wants hands on JJ & Saint tonight…

RJ: He only has to wait for nine minutes or so to get his wish….

Patricks has climbed onto the turnbuckle and is smashing right hands down into Dragon’s head but then BD seizes him and carries him out toward centre…


Patricks jumps out the back at the final minute and then he springboards onto the ropes and moonsaults backward…


BD catches Patricks across his shoulders and then charges him to another corner and drops him for some snake eyes. Patricks staggers back around and Dragon grabs him by the throat….


The impact is huge as Dragon smashes Patricks down into the mat….
……………thr-shoulder up!

RJ: Chris Patricks hanging on in there….barely but he’s still in it….

JT: And Liam Wood would have had no idea…..he’s being victimised by Logan Kincade on the outside…

Logan grabs the back of Wood’s head and repeatedly beats it off the “Coalition” pod until Wood just falls back on the floor. There is a very dark look in Logan’s eyes…

RJ: We know for months that Blue Dragon has been concerned about his brother’s mental state….I believe a match like this is only going to influence Logan’s violent tendencies even more…

Back in the ring and Dragon is landing huge clubbing shots to the back of Chris Patricks. He puts his hands together in an axe handle and repeatedly batters down on the spine….Patricks is slumped as Dragon draws a finger across his throat…

JT: Dragon looking to put an end to another team here…

RJ: And he’ll take great satisfaction in being the man to put Patricks out….DEATHNOTE!



BD gutwrenches Patricks up through the air but somehow CP is able to counter in mid-flight into the incredible flipping piledriver. The 6CW Champion rolls away across the canvass….Kincade sees what is happening and makes a beeline for the ring but Patricks runs over and lands a dropkick which sends Logan crashing back against the chamber wall. CP grabs the ropes and springboards to the outside…


Kincade catches Patricks around the throat and is ready to chokeslam him on the steel grates when Liam Wood lands a low blow on Logan from behind. Kincade is doubled up in agony as Wood spins him around…


JT: Patricks heading up high….PUZZLE SOLVER FROM THE POD!

Logan is drilled into the steel grates by Logan as Patricks shows his agility to get up on the pod in quick time before he drops off with a frogsplash variation on top of Kincade. The audience are going nuts as Patricks and Wood look at one another…

JT: Patricks and Wood just worked together to take out Logan Kincade…

RJ: Showing their teamwork credentials…

JT: And now they are setting sights on the 6CW Champion…


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Post by JJJohnson Mon 09 Sep 2024, 1:09 pm

Dragon is stumbling in the ring as Patricks springboards back in and drills him into the mat with a bulldog. Liam Wood heads up the ropes to the top now and he launches himself through the air into an elbow to the heart…

RJ: This would be a massive moment….if Liam Wood and Patricks can eliminate Blue Dragon…

JT: Not only would it eliminate the favourites from this match but it would also, surely, put Wood and Patricks at the front of the queue for a 6CW World Championship opportunity….

Dragon is doubled over, on all fours, as Wood looks down at him and then runs off the ropes…


Wood looks for the foot stomp but Dragon rises into it and catches Wood on his shoulders. Patricks runs over and he dropkicks BD’s knees out from under him which causes him to drop Wood….

JT: That wasn’t a great landing for Wood either….wasn’t quite what Dragon was looking for but it still did damage…

Wood lands on his side and rolls from the ring as Patricks continues his assault on Blue Dragon. He grabs him in a Muay Thai hold and leaps into a double knees under the chin that leaves Dragon sprawled on his back. Patricks then runs the ropes and rolls back…


Patricks lands the rolling senton and then he ushers BD up and pulls him into a front facelock before running up the ropes to twist…


Dragon keeps his feet and blocks the tornado DDT before launching CP across the canvass through the air, causing him to land on his chest. BD then charges forward for a huge boot but Patricks rolls underneath it and then lands a pele kick. Dragon is staggered by the kick as Patricks superkicks him in the stomach and heads to the corner. Patricks leaps off and lands a brilliant legdrop to the back of the head. He then rolls to the opposite corner…

RJ: Chris Patricks has left the 6CW Champion in a battered heap…..what a moment this would be…..PUZZLE SOLVER!

It is nothing but canvass for Chris Patricks as he throws himself into the air for the frogsplash but Blue Dragon moves out of the firing line. Both men struggle back up and then Dragon charges forward and almost takes Patricks’ head off with a big boot. Dragon smirks now as he heads for the corner…

JT: Not Blue Dragon’s usual forte but he can fly for a big man….

RJ: And if you get caught underneath his aerial assault, forget about it….TSUNAMI!

Dragon looks to throw himself into the huge splash but Patricks avoids it at the final second. The World Champion thunders into the canvass and is winded…

JT: Patricks just saved himself there…

RJ: And he may have put himself close to knocking off the 6CW Champ….


Patricks attempts the “Sky High” but Dragon puts the brakes on and headbutts him away to the corner. He races in and dives into a huge splash but CP avoids it and sends him against the turnbuckle. Patricks springs off the ropes and lands with a cutter that splatters BD into the mat….he looks back to the corner again and then his eyes travel higher…

RJ: He’s already hit one Puzzle Solver from up there….

JT: But this one could be the one that unlocks the door to the mountain top….

*Claxon sounds


Rex Adamson steps out of the pod as Eddy Kent stays put, looking reluctant to step into the fold. Rex looks back at him…

JT: Eddy Kent not looking like he wants any part of this…

RJ: Well he still doesn’t know if he can trust his partner….Rex said he’d get his answer inside the Chamber…

Rex shrugs as Patricks beckons him to come and fight. Rex nods and leaps over the ropes into the ring….

RJ: These two have waged some serious wars on one another of late….

JT: And now we are about to get another…

Rex and Patricks meet in the centre and begin to trade with punches. Rex’s carry more weight and he looks for an Irish whip but Patricks returns with a slingblade takedown. They get back up and Patricks looks for a quick kick but Rex catches his foot and then launches him into a backflip….Patricks lands on his feet but Rex charges into him and crushes him into the corner before unloading with huge shoulder thrusts to the midsection….

RJ: Rex Adamson wasting no time here at all…

*Crowd cheer

JT: Liam Wood wasn’t about to let Eddy Kent just hide…

Wood runs forward with a huge yakuza kick to the face of Kent as the 6WF Champion was trying to shut the pod door once more. Wood climbs inside the pod and is unloading with brutal punches to the face of the world champion before he drags him out of the pod and slings him into the ring…..Rex has Patricks on the ropes for a superplex but Patricks battles back and nails a sunset flip bomb from the top rope…

RJ: That was hellacious impact….


Crowd: Holy (beep) x10


Wood, Patricks, Kent and Rex are embroiled in a war in the ring as we see Blue Dragon pulling himself up on top of one of the pods. He is looking down at the four men in the ring but then he smiles as he sees Percy Percival, bloodstained, pulling himself onto the pod with him….Percy is barely conscious as BD grabs him by the head and drags him up. He flips him into a powerbomb position and then just throws him off the pod, smashing all four men down in the middle of the ring….


RJ: Thank god those four men were there to offer some kind of cushion to his landing…

JT: He’s destroyed…

RJ: And look at Dragon just looking down at them….surveying his kingdom….

Dragon lifts his arms up and poses on top of the pod as we watch the superstars trying to get up inside the ring. Eddy Kent is trying to get back onto his feet as someone climbs in behind him….

JT: Could you imagine….Brandon Perez is looking to finish Eddy Kent…

RJ: After all the issues they’ve had in recent weeks….

JT: Perez is a bloody mess….

Perez has blood all over his arms and legs but he crotch chops at the back of Eddy Kent and then he drops under his legs and lifts him into an electric chair…

RJ: F.A.C!

Kent leaps off the back of the attempted “Croyt’s Wrath” and shoves Perez to the corner. He runs in after him but Perez smashes a back elbow into his jaw. Kent staggers back as Perez lifts himself onto the second rope and leaps off….




JT: Very, very brave and, at times, spectacular performance from The Brothers of Seduction…..they can be proud of their performances here…

RJ: After those tandem powerbombs through the glass pods they were always going to struggle…

JT: Look at Eddy Kent….acting as though he just slayed a giant….


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Post by JJJohnson Mon 09 Sep 2024, 1:10 pm

Kent pins Perez with a foot on the chest and he raises his arms in the air as the referee completes the three count. There are some boos from the audience and then Kent is spun around and smashed in the face by a right hand from Liam Wood…

RJ: Liam Wood knows that in a week he will have to face Rex Adamson for one more shot at the 6WF World Championship but if he was to eliminate Eddy Kent here tonight that would send a very loud and clear message…

Kent is rocked on his heels from the shots but then he grabs at Wood’s face and rakes at his eyes. Wood staggers blinded and Kent kicks him in the stomach before spiking him on his head with a DDT….

RJ: Like Eddy Kent or not it cannot be denied what a world champion he has been….a year since he won the 6WF Championship, the longest reigning champion in history…

JT: But does he believe he can beat Liam Wood? I don’t think he does…

Kent kneels and smirks but is then greeted by a low flying dropkick to the mouth from Chris Patricks. Patricks nails a standing moonsault on Kent and then he looks up at Blue Dragon, who has continued to stand on top of the pod…

RJ: I know Patricks has no fear but I wouldn’t advise pursuing Blue Dragon up there for a fight….


Kincade is back on his feet and is causing a commotion. The door to the Chamber is open to allow Brandon Perez and Percy Percival out but Logan threatens the officials and they scatter, leaving the door open….

RJ: What is Logan thinking here?

JT: Whatever it is I can guarantee it isn’t good…

Kincade is walking down the steps to the outside of the Chamber with a dark expression on his face. Back in the ring and we see Chris Patricks dragging Eddy Kent back up and he looks for a suplex but Kent floats over the back and nails an inverted headlock backbreaker into a swinging neckbreaker…Kent spits down on Patricks as he heads to the corner and he climbs up…

RJ: Eddy Kent looking for his second elimination… champion leading the charge….



Logan is back and he lashes a barbed wire steel chair over Rex Adamson’s head and leaves him bloody in the doorway of the Chamber. Dragon perches now to watch his brother in action…

RJ: Dragon has the perfect view of his brother’s psycho tendencies here…

JT: Penny for his thoughts….

Liam Wood is back up and makes a beeline for Logan but is jabbed in the midsection with the weapon before it is lashed across his back. Kincade gets in the ring now…

JT: Eddy Kent looks like he doesn’t have a clue what to do…

RJ: If he climbs up then it’s Blue Dragon….if he gets down it’s Kincade….

Kent decides to jump off the turnbuckle to the outside of the Chamber. Logan instead places the weapon on the mat as he beckons for Chris Patricks to get up and he grips by the throat….


Logan grabs Patricks by the back of the neck to lift him for the face-first chokeslam but Patricks shows incredible skill to flip out of Kincade’s grasp and he kicks him in the stomach before nailing another destroyer on top of the barbed wire chair…..Logan rolls from the ring, clutching his head, as Eddy Kent storms back in…


Patricks elbows his way free of Kent’s grip and then beckons him back around….


Kent lands out on his feet and pulls Patricks in close to him before splattering him on the deck with the “Mic Check”. Kent crawls over toward the opposite corner as we see Dragon clambering down off his pod…

RJ: Looks like Blue Dragon is returning to the match…

JT: That spells disaster for everyone else…

Eddy Kent is looking down at Chris Patricks but then he sees Liam Wood clambering up on the outside. Wood has blood running down his back from Kincade’s chairshot as Kent pulls him to the ropes to suplex him back in….

RJ: Eddy Kent was to prove Liam Wood isn’t on his level….

JT: Backfired!

Wood floats over Kent and lands in the middle of the ring. He superkicks Kent’s knees from under him and runs the ropes…



Wood gains serious hangtime on the foot stomp but Kent rises and catches him on his shoulders into a rolling fireman’s slam. Kent sits there for a minute with a grin and then he gets up and heads for the corner….

JT: Eddy Kent wants Wood gone…..KENT…

Wood staggers up and dives against the ropes, causing Kent to fall into a crotched position on the turnbuckle. Wood staggers over now and climbs up…

RJ: What is Liam Wood planning here?

JT: The end of Eddy Kent….MANSON DRIVER!


The audience are once again going wild as Wood drills Kent from on high with the pedigree like move….he rolls the champion over…






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Post by JJJohnson Mon 09 Sep 2024, 1:11 pm

The referee’s hand comes down for the three when Rex Adamson drags Liam Wood under the ropes to the outside. Wood has no time to register what has even happened as Rex runs into him and “Gores” him straight through one of the remaining pods…


RJ: I wonder what the hell Max Adamson is thinking right now?

JT: Rex said by the end of tonight we would know….well he just stopped Wood from pinning Kent and has absolutely destroyed Liam Wood…

Wood and Rex are motionless amidst the wreckage of the pod but there are still huge cheers ringing around. Eddy Kent is prone on the mat as Chris Patricks has leapt on top of another pod…

RJ: Patricks was the forgotten man at “Night of Champions” but if he pins Eddy Kent tonight nobody can deny he belongs at the top table…..


Crowd: Holy (beep) x10


Blue Dragon is up on the ropes now and he latches his hand around Chris Patricks’ throat. He just glares into Patricks’ eyes and then grins as he rips him off and twists him into a huge chokeslam….Dragon drops down and covers….


JT: Chris Patricks takes the pin and to be honest you could have counted to a 100 there…

RJ: But let’s talk about Rex/Wood and Kent…..all the talk coming in was that tonight Rex Adamson would finally break free of Kent and Genesis but he has, seemingly, chose to stay Green & Black….

JT: Wood had Kent finished….but then Rex completely and utterly destroyed him….

Eddy Kent has sat up, resting against the ropes, and he grins as he sees Rex stumble out of the pod and realises what he has done. Kent gives Rex the thumbs up and Rex nods back at him…

RJ: The surest sign yet…..Eddy Kent has Rex Adamson back onside and that means big problems for everyone else…

JT: Blue Dragon doesn’t seem to care though….look at this monster….standing tall in the middle of the ring and beckoning Genesis on to him…

RJ: And we’ve still got one more team to enter…..this has been a match for the absolute ages….

JT: Just as we suspected it would be…

Blue Dragon is looking at Rex and Kent as he beckons them on for a fight. Rex nods his head and climbs into the ring…

RJ: This is what Eddy Kent wants….Rex fighting his battles….

JT: And Rex vs Blue Dragon is exactly what Kent wants…..keeps his own world title safe…

Dragon throws a huge right hand but Rex ducks it and lands a flush uppercut to the midsection and then launches BD overhead with a suplex. Dragon staggers up and Rex releases him into a German suplex before lowering the straps on his singlet….

RJ: Rex is busted from that earlier chairshot from Logan Kincade but he doesn’t give a damn….he’s ready to finish this….FIRE & THUNDER!

Dragon kicks his legs and scrambles off the back before pushing Rex into the ropes. He boots him in the stomach as he comes back and grabs his head…


Rex slams punches into the head of Dragon until they stagger back to the corner. Rex continues to pound away before he shows amazing skill to backflip out onto his feet. He screams at Dragon to come out and runs at him….


Dragon sidesteps and sends Rex through the turnbuckle into the pod behind. He grins and turns around….


Eddy Kent almost kicks Dragon’s head off with the kick and drops on top of him……………………..1………………………2……………….3!


JT: Eddy Kent can’t believe it….

Kent is clutching at his head in dismay. The referee assures him it was a definite two. He stalks BD now and he drags him in position…


Dragon elbows his way of Kent’s grip and then grabs him by the throat…




JT: That’s why these two men currently hold world championships…

Dragon is kneeling over Kent with an almost wry smile when he looks toward the doorway of the Chamber. Logan (bloodied from the chair earlier) is dragging two tables inside…

RJ: Logan left the Chamber again…..he really is just obsessed with causing destruction….

JT: Whilst Dragon is inside and fighting for dominance….Logan wants to play….

Logan throws the tables into the ring and climbs in. We see Rex Adamson battered outside of the ring as Logan sets the tables up next to each other and then he comes back with a bag….


Dragon stands up with wide eyes whilst Logan pours petrol over the tables and then empties the bag of thumbtacks on them as well. Kincade’s demonic features are illuminated as he sets fire to the tables now…

JT: We saw what Logan was capable of at Scars and Stripes when he burned Edward Plague….

RJ: Dragon has been doing his best to keep Logan away from this but I think his attempts have been futile…

JT: His father told him they would be….

Logan looks down at Eddy Kent now and then at his brother. Without words he is urging his brother to put an end to Kent….

RJ: Blue Dragon is a violent wrecking machine but this is about much more than this….his brother is consumed….Dragon hurts people for dominance, Logan does it because he enjoys it….

Dragon is looking at his brother and then down at Eddy….he turns to the burning tables…

*Claxon sounds



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Post by JJJohnson Mon 09 Sep 2024, 1:13 pm

The crowd roar as JJ and The Saint are released from the final pod and they storm the ring. Dragon looks for a clothesline but JJ ducks it and unloads with a lightning quick combination of punches to head and body. Dragon staggers back into the ropes and then JJ scoops him on his shoulders…

RJ: Which one of these three teams is leaving here with the tag titles?

Dragon battles on JJ’s shoulders until he is able to drop over the ropes and land on the metal grating outside. He grabs JJ by the neck now…


JJ grabs Dragon’s head and he guillotines him across the ropes, staggering him back to the Chamber wall. JJ leaps over the ropes now and jumps through the air…


JJ lands the crunching punch to the jaw and then shows his power to get Dragon on his shoulders and charges him into the chain mesh. Dragon drops in a heap whilst the crowd chant JJ’s name…

JT: We know all too well that the 6CWF fans want to see JJ Johnson & Blue Dragon tussle for the 6CW Championship….

RJ: Tonight they are getting a preview of what that would look like…

In the ring and Logan Kincade uncorks an uppercut on The Saint before running into him with a clothesline that takes them both over the ropes to the outside. Logan gets back up and grabs at the barbed wire steel chair before swinging it….CRACK!

JT: Saint just saved himself momentarily…..


Saint ducks the chairshot (it clatters against the Chamber wall) and then he knees Logan in the stomach and drills him with the jackhammer on the metal grating. He kneels there for a moment and then looks over to the opposite side….JJ is stalking BD and looks for “Access All Areas” (stunner) but Dragon pushes him into the remaining pod. JJ’s head batters against it and he turns back around….


Dragon demonstrates his own strength as he gutwrenches JJ into a powerbomb position and then throws him over the top rope so that Johnson lands badly in the middle of the mat…

JT: JJ landed on that surgically repaired neck….

RJ: And those tables are still burning in there…..this is not a good position or situation for anyone right now…

Dragon looks down at JJ and then decides he is going up high to finish him. He drags himself onto the ropes…

JT: He looks for this “Tsunami” splash once already tonight….

RJ: If he lands this 300 pound frame on top of JJ from there, forget it…


JT: Never rule out The Saint… of the greatest ever….

RJ: Coming to JJ’s aid….what a goddamn shot!

Saint is back in the ring and he lashes the barbed wire steel chair over Dragon’s head to sit him down on the turnbuckle. Saint turns to the crowd now as they chant his name…

RJ: Saint said two weeks ago he had one more run at the top left in him….

JT: And if he knocks off Blue Dragon here, who could deny him?

RJ: What are you doing, Saint? What’s the plan here? OH MY DEAR LORD ALMIGHTY!

Saint climbs out onto the metal runways and he pulls Dragon around before showing off his legendary strength to pick the 6CW Champion into a powerbomb position….he staggers forward and ploughs him down into the steel grate…


The metal folds and breaks as Saint rolls away holding the bottom of his back and Dragon is left completely motionless. We see the referees on the outside getting the door shut again…

RJ: The officials finally closing that door off….

JT: Now they aren’t going to be attacked by Logan Kincade…


JJ Johnson is holding his neck as he slowly starts trying to get up in the ring. We then see someone climbing through the broken grate on the floor to enter the Chamber. JJ reaches his feet….



Acer looks completely unhinged as he propels himself through the ropes and he spears JJ to the canvass. He is pulling at his hair and staring into JJ’s face…

RJ: Acer has completely lost it……..after failing to win the EWF Championship earlier tonight….he has finally snapped and taken out JJ Johnson…


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Post by JJJohnson Mon 09 Sep 2024, 1:13 pm

The doors to the Chamber have re-opened as a team of referees and security pour in. Saint has staggered up and he is staring at Acer, who looks right back at him with no trace of remorse…

JT: Saint can’t believe it….

RJ: Neither can this crowd….


Rex Adamson takes advantage of the staredown as he runs through Saint with the spear. Eddy Kent has crawled over and dropped an arm on JJ’s chest…


RJ: Dammit…..The Coalition are out of there…

JT: Thanks to Acer….he has stabbed his friend’s in the back….all because of the corruption to become world champion…

RJ: The lure of the gold will make men do terrible things…

Acer is still ranting and rambling as he is escorted toward the doorway of the Chamber. Eddy Kent is leaning against JJ’s chest and staring at the flaming tables…

JT: Genesis vs Blue Dragon & Logan Kincade…..that is what we come down to…


The bloodied form of Logan is back up and Eddy Kent can see him through the flames burning on the table. Kent starts scurrying backward as Rex climbs through the ropes…

JT: Rex isn’t backing down…he is ready meet Logan head on…

RJ: I really don’t think this is wise…

Rex charges into Logan and lifts him up before battering him back into the corner. He looks for a shoulder thrust but Logan drives his knee up into Rex’s head….Rex staggers back as Logan follows him and grabs him by the back of the neck…


Eddy Kent clatters Logan from behind and then he and Rex spin him around and nail a huge double suplex….


Dragon shows amazing agility for a big man as he catapults himself over the top rope into a double clothesline to take out both members of Genesis. Logan staggers to his feet and he and his brother look at one another…

RJ: No words necessary….

JT: They are ready to finish this….

Rex and Kent stagger back up as BD grabs Kent by the throat and Logan does the same to Rex….

RJ: Genesis are finished!

*Crowd eruption


Logan suddenly spins Rex and launches him so that his head collides with Blue Dragon’s midsection. Dragon is bent double, winded, as Logan grabs his brother by the throat and chokeslams him through the burning tables…



Rex and Kent are on their knees and they stare at one another before looking at the devastation in front of them. Logan is just looking down at the charred remains of the tables and thumbtacks and his brother….he then backs away and climbs from the ring…

RJ: Dragon didn’t see it coming….he had no idea….

JT: He was ready to win this match with his brother, to retain their titles….


Dragon has blood running down his back, his skin blistered, and tacks stuck all over him. He is clearly in agony but he fixes a glare on his brother….Logan is in the doorway of the Chamber and stares right back…



Kent nails the “brogue” kick to send Dragon backwards into the “Samoan” Driver from Rex Adamson…

Ding ding ding

Michael Bird: Ladies and gentlemen here are your winner……………..AND NEW 6CWF TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS……….Geeeeeeennnnnnnnnneeeeeeeeeeesssssssiiiiiiiiiiiiisssssssssssss!

RJ: Genesis on the same page…Genesis rising….Rex has made his choice and they have captured the tag team titles…

JT: Which is one of about seventeen talking points at the conclusion of one of the most insane main events I have ever witnessed….we expected Beachfront Brawl to deliver but nobody expected this…

RJ: A night that will never be forgotten…..Acer taking out JJ Johnson…..Logan’s betrayal…..Rex’s choice….I can barely keep up….

JT: The road to Born in Fire just took about twenty turns in the space of the last hour….I am in awe of what we have just watched….

RJ: You and me both….this is crazy…

“Numb” is booming through the speakers as Eddy Kent and Rex Adamson are presented with their gold. Rex looks down at the title as Kent drags him forward and hugs him…

JT: Eddy Kent is the happiest man in the world right now….not only is he 6WF and Tag Champion but Rex is back onside….Genesis is the dominant force…

RJ: What’s he whispering?

Kent is whispering something into Rex’s ear. Rex is listening intently and then there is a roar from the crowd…


Miss Jessica is hurrying down the ramp and she has Rex’s FFTR briefcase in her hands. The door to the Chamber is open….

RJ: NOW? Rex Adamson is going to cash in his world title opportunity on Blue Dragon…

JT: Dragon is decimated….he’s a sitting duck…

RJ: Rex Adamson is about to become world champion….

Jessica hurries over and hands the briefcase to the referee. The ref looks over at Rex and Kent. Kent is gleeful and urging Rex to make the decision…

JT: Rex Adamson and Eddy Kent…..Genesis will have total control!

The Chamber is rising into the air as Rex looks at the briefcase and then down at Blue Dragon, who still isn’t moving on the canvass….

*Flames burst from the turnbuckles


Kent’s eyes widen with fear as Logan Kincade starts marching back down to the ring. Rex suddenly grabs the briefcase from the official and clambers from the ring…..

JT: Logan Kincade may have destroyed his brother here tonight…..some real Cain & Abel storyline…..but something tells me he has designs of his own on that 6CW Championship belt….

RJ: No way was he going to let Genesis take it….

Rex is on the outside and looks sullen as he turns the case over in his hands. Kent has turned to the referee now and he is screaming at him…

Kent: Where’s my f***ing belt?

The referee is trying to explain to Kent that they can’t find the 6WF World Heavyweight Championship belt when the crowd erupt…..Kent turns back toward the aisleway as Liam Wood smashes him in the face with the belt….Wood throws the title down on Kent as he stares at Rex and Miss Jessica…

JT: Next week at Proving Grounds it will be Liam Wood & Rex Adamson one on one…..if Wood wins he gets Kent for the title, if he loses there will be no more title shots….

RJ: The stakes could not be any higher….


Logan is standing over his bloodstained brother in the ring before he climbs out and searches under the ring. We see Damien Andrews rush out on stage and then freeze…

RJ: You’re just as much to blame as anyone for this, Andrews….turning your own sons against one another…

Logan produces two steel chairs and a sheet of glass now and he slides it in the ring to set up. Damien Andrews has made his way down to the ring now and is holding up his hands in a mercy signal but Logan stares right through him. BD places his hands on Logan’s boots now….

JT: Dragon did everything he could to prevent his brother’s fall into the abyss….

RJ: But I fear he was always fighting a losing battle…


Logan has set the chairs up and placed the sheet of glass across the seats. He then grips brother in a headlock and looks over at his father before he runs up the ropes and delivers the “Deadly Dog” through the glass….

RJ: There are no words….

Beachfront Brawl draws to a close with a bloodstained Logan on his knees whilst his brother is face down amidst a pool of blood and shards of glass. Damien Andrews is just staring at the carnage in disbelief…


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