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6CWF Lockdown 22/3

Uryu Ishida
MtotheC's Wrasslin Biatch
Zoot - Trevor Swann 6WF
Paul Mac 6CW
14 posters

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6CWF Lockdown 22/3 Empty 6CWF Lockdown 22/3

Post by Mat Wed 14 Mar 2012, 3:36 pm

*Danny McGraw announcement

Match 1
Uryu vs Trevor Swann

Match 2
Nay Bother vs James McManus

Match 3
Clarke James vs The Dragon

Match 4
Scorpion vs Logan Kincade

Match 5
The Saint vs Longinus

Match 6
Max Adamson vs JJ Johnson

Main Event
Chaos vs Blue Dragon vs Crime Lord

6CW Creative

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6CWF Lockdown 22/3 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 22/3

Post by Paul Mac 6CW Wed 14 Mar 2012, 7:55 pm

In a down town bar Zane Altair is sat in a booth surrounded by beautiful women

Zane takes a sip from a pint of beer but is interrupted when his phone rings

Zane pulls his mobile from his pocket
ZA" Hello"

Muffled sound ??????????

ZA" You're kidding??????
No way!!!!!!!

That is awesome!!!!!!
Ok ok yep on my way to the gym now, yes I know , I agree , dedication is the key - definitely, straight to the top, aim for the stars , no stopping me
I'm all over it!!!!!

Ok yep ciao bye "

Zane hangs up the phone a huge smile on his face

ZA" I've got the night off....

Barman shots for everybody - The drinks are on me !!!!!!"

There is a huge cheer in the bar as Zane downs his pint and slams the glass down on the table

Paul Mac 6CW
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6CWF Lockdown 22/3 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 22/3

Post by Zoot - Trevor Swann 6WF Thu 15 Mar 2012, 10:20 am

Trevor Swann is seen sitting in the canteen wearing his cricket jumper and cap. He’s drinking a coffee and eating a croissant with a smile on his face. (It’s almost as though he doesn’t even have a locker room these days seeing as we always see him in the canteen). Clarissa enters and walks over to Trevor.

C: Trevor congratulations on your win over Zane Altair but I’m sure knowing you and you’re attitude to preparation you are already preparing for your next opponent at Lockdown.

TS: Yes of course I am.

C: Any further comment on how you are going to approach this next match?

TS: With the all guns a blazing Clarissa.

C: Any comments on your opponent Trevor?

TS: Erm er....well.... who is it I’m taking on?

C: Here you go Trevor here is the list of matches taking place.

Clarissa hands Trevor a sheet of paper which he looks at. His face changes to a quizzical look.

TS: Hmm interesting; very interesting. Not quite what I was expecting if I’m honest but I’m willing to give anything a try. So it looks like I’m going to boldly go where no man has gone before then Clarissa.

C: huh? What do you mean Trevor?

TS: I’m taking on the chief communications officer of the USS Enterprise by the looks of things Clarissa.

C: Sorry Trev still not with you on this one.

TS: I know I’m not really into these inter-gender matches myself but I’m taking on Uhura you know the Star Trek Character.

C: No Trev it’s Uryu.

TS: Who is that then? Are they new round here or something?

C: Nope not in the slightest Trevor. Uryu has been around here for quite some time he’s a former European champion. He’s got quite a history in the tag division and although he’s a really nice guy, you’ve probably got him at the wrong time right now.

TS: What you mean there Clarissa wrong time of the month for Uhura?

C: No Trevor if you had only watched you would have seen that at Survival Uryu’s new tag partner ended up going home in an ambulance. He and Dexter Morgan lost to Logan and Nay Bother and he seemed very steely in defeat afterwards. He said he wasn’t out for revenge but....

TS: Nope still not ringing any bells for me. Must be a nobody in my books. So where is he then this Uvahoo Ishida. Does he come in here much. I hope not as I don’t want another food fight like that stupid rock star Zane started. Anyway how on earth does a looser like Zane get a week off; Part timer.

C: No I don’t think so Trevor. Think I saw him earlier though down the corridor and then left at the third door and then through the gym.

TS: Arh ok thanks Clarissa, think I might go off in search of him then .... you know do a bit of scouting as it were.

Trevor stands up and reaches under the canteen table and grabs his cricket bat. Holds it in one hand and taps it into the other threateningly.

TS: Time for a bit of pre-match research Clarissa.

Trevor runs off out of the canteen.

We cut to the arena where we watch Trevor running down the corridor on the Trinitron screen. He stops and pauses with a puzzled look on his face.

TS: Third door then right and through the ...... curtain?!?

Trevor Swann comes through the curtain and is then at the top of the ramp in the arena. He’s startled by the crowd booing instantly and shields his eyes as he is blinded by the lights.

TS: oops must have been left at the second door sorry people my mistake was just looking for Uryu didn’t mean to come out here.

Trevor looks quite embarrassed as he turns and tries to sheepishly leave nervously smiling as he does.

Zoot - Trevor Swann 6WF

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6CWF Lockdown 22/3 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 22/3

Post by Lee Thu 15 Mar 2012, 10:53 am

A taxi pulls up at the arena and Logan Kincade steps out in his usual serious mood. He walks towards the doors as the security welcomes him.

Security: Hey Logan

LK: Alright...

Security: Wait and see who you are up against this week bud.

LK: What? Who.....

Security: Go and see....

Logan thinks to himself (LK: Me and Nay against Genesis? or a singles against BD!? or McManus?)

Logan makes his way to the Locker rooms, inside he sees the nights card on the wall, he sets his bag down and walks over....

*Danny McGraw announcement

LK: Psh not interested....

Match 1
Uryu vs Trevor Swann


Match 2
Nay Bother vs James McManus

Awwww man it's not Jimmy then, Nay has this covered though, no problem...

Match 3
Clarke James vs The Dragon

Ha, unlucky Dragon....

Match 4
Scorpion vs Logan Kincade

LK: OK.......................WHAT!?

A massive grin fills Logan's face as he turns on his heels and get's his gear out of his bag and sends the camera man who has followed him out the room and get's ready to come down to the ring...


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6CWF Lockdown 22/3 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 22/3

Post by MtotheC's Wrasslin Biatch Thu 15 Mar 2012, 11:19 am

“They Say” by Scars on Broadway hits, and the crowd roar as a red mist falls around the stage, perforated by bright yellow spotlights. The volume increases as Cassius Zhi steps out from the crimson cloud, holding the 6WF Hardcore Title loosely by his side. Cassius surveys the front row of the crowd slowly and intently, before making his way to the ring at a casual walking pace, dragging the Hardcore Title behind him. When he reaches the ring he throws the Hardcore Title over the ropes, then rolls in himself – making his way over to the other side and snatching a microphone from the ring announcer. Cassius stands over the Hardcore Title, led clumsily on the mat where he had thrown it, then slowly kneels down beside it as his music cuts.


Cassius : Though usually so joyless, I can't pretend I didn't enjoy 6WF Survival! Did you?

Cassius holds the mic up in the air


Cassius slowly lowers the mic back to his knelt position.

Cassius : Yes. It really had it all didn’t it?
Chaos continuing to display the hardened resilience of a true World Champion.
Blue Dragon proving to everyone that despite all the propagandist Americana spewed to the contrary, JJ Johnson is indeed fallible.
6CW showed up and did some bonus material things for the paying proletarians in attendance.
Hell, 6CW even performed a miracle in front of our very eyes when they summoned a man who falsely pretends to be God from whatever fictional heaven he has been residing in for the past four months – and they did it slap bang in the middle of the most militant, god-fearing state in the whole World, and somehow there wasn’t a riot – not even one beer can launched – amazing!
There were lots of signs, and surprisingly given that we WERE in Texas, most were spelt right and not one was homophobic or racist.

And I decimated The Saint!


Cassius seems to be enjoying himself for the first time since his return

Cassius : The past month has been the hardest fight of my life 6WF. Not with The Saint – but with myself. I knew that if I gave in to Saint’s threats, if I gave in to Saint’s attacks on my mentor’s, my family, and my… …

Cassius stumbles over his words for a moment, unable to find a word for Miss Jessica.

Cassius : … if I submitted to Saint’s intimidations and antagonisms, then he will have beaten me. If I’d have ceded my restraint and unleashed hell upon The Saint before this official match, then no doubt I would have won that battle, be it in the ring, in the locker room, or in the car park - I would have beaten Saint within an inch of his life – but Saint would be lying in a hospital bed somewhere, maybe even in the same bed that Jessica had lain in a few days previously, inhaling her sweet scent left behind on the pillow, knowing that HE had won the war. Knowing that he had achieved what he had previously falsely reported – made true his act of dishonesty – and made me lose… my… mind!

Cassius points to his temple with a sadistic grin, staring into the camera

Cassius : I couldn't allow that to happen. I had to beat Saint in Texas - where it mattered, where it was sanctioned! But not only did I beat The Saint at Survival… I beat myself. I not only beat that sick son of a bitch who has made the past year of my life a medicated hell, but I beat the sick son of a bitch who had been numbed and supressed for so long by that medication, and so yearned me to bow to its famined bloodlust. I faced the most formidable competitor in 6WF history in the lead up to Survival – an invisible enemy – but I did just that, I survived! Even though week after week I felt the immeasurable distance between my psyche and my reflexes diminish, I succeeded in preventing the collision of those two contradictory aspects of my being until Survival!

And what a satisfying collision it eventually was!

Cassius, still kneeling, places his hand on the Hardcore Title belt

Cassius : As a result, I stand before you as your 6WF Hardcore Champion. But this belt lying on the mat means nothing to me in terms of title, or prestige. It opens the doors to the likes of Longinus and Scorpion that the thought of walking through holds no seduction over me – but I shall do so anyway. If anything, this belt is an obligation – not an honour. A contractual chokehold on my freedom of expression. And a force majeure that dictates a fighting style that holds no interest; for don’t get me wrong – there is an implicit satisfaction in breaking a Singapore Cane over the head of a rival, however it cannot compete with the rhythmic vibrations transferred from an opponent’s cheek bone to one’s metatarsal… all the way to the loins. That… 6WF… is much more exciting.

Cassius’ grin is unnerving as he loses himself in a moment of imagined pleasure

Cassius : Regardless – even though to me, this belt is representative of something I have no desire to be a part of, I still hold it dear. I still spent all night after 6WF Survival - transfixed by it's warm glow under a solitary desk lamp.

Cassius’ expression drops, to a grim, emotionless stare into the camera lens.

Cassius : For in my eyes… this title belt… represents the scalp of The Saint.

A trophy of war.

And now I shall use my night off, to deliver it to Miss Jessica, and bask in the return of her own warm glow.

Cassius stands back up as “They Say” hits again. He throws the mic to the ring announcer, then kicks the 6WF Hardcore Title across the mat and put of the ring, onto the ramp. Cassius rolls out of the ring, then drags the Hardocre Title behind him again as he leaves up the ramp, ignoring all the fans outstretched hands as he goes.

MtotheC's Wrasslin Biatch

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Location : MtotheC's Leash

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6CWF Lockdown 22/3 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 22/3

Post by Marky Thu 15 Mar 2012, 12:13 pm

"Remember the name" blares out through the speakers and the crowd go wild as an array of pyro’s go off at the top of the ramp, JJ Johnson is shown back to the crowd in a hooded top. He turns around and the crowd realise it's Max Adamson!

Max: Come on, it's been a good couple of years since I impersonated JJ Johnson, I just thought, as we're facing each other one on one in that ring on Lockdown, i'd rehash an old segment. As it were. But look at this JJ Johnson hoodie, only £14.95 from and it's 100% cotton! Now, JJ and I had words a couple of weeks ago and I told myself his time would come.

I'm not saying that this match will be when his time will come, as my focus is squarely on the masked donut Chaos and his reluctance to give up what does not belong to him, the 6WF Undisputed Championship. But if, or when, I beat JJ Johnson, it will show once again to Danny McGraw that I deserve a one on one match versus Chaos for the Championship. Chaos beat me once, in a one on one match in 2011 and he dines out on it, Max Adamson has beaten Chaos twice in 2012 yet I do not get a one on one match for the title.

And I know Chaos has something to do with that. He might moan about the triple threats, the fatal fourways, but that gives him a chance to do what he does best. Sneak attacks from behind. Euphemism? Who knows. But what I do know is that when it's a one on one match, Max Adamson v Chaos for the Undisputed Title, the match everyone needs to happen whether they like it or not, Chaos will have nowhere to hide, and I WILL fulfill my destiny.

Max Adamson is like a bad smell at the moment, because I will not go away. Chaos, you'll have to face me eventually, and when you do, you'll see that all this was a premonition, it will have all come true, and you'll wish you listened.

But JJ Johnson and I both have aspirations on holding the Undisputed Championship, and I will have to beat him to consolidate my place as number one contender. But if JJ has anything to say after his speech last week about everyone else not pulling their weight then getting beaten by Blue Dragon, aint that a kick in the nuts, then I am right here and I am going nowhere.


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6CWF Lockdown 22/3 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 22/3

Post by Uryu Ishida Thu 15 Mar 2012, 2:13 pm

*Uryu is seen kicking a heavy bag in the gym when Trevor Swann walks in dazed and confused. Uryu stops and helps him sit down on a bench as Trevor shoves him away and grabs his cricket bat*

Uryu: Hey now, just helping you out whats your problem?

*Trevor looks around seeing no-one else before looking back at Uryu*

TS: Uvavu Ishida?

*Uryu looks confused*

Uryu: Excuse me? it's Uryu Ishida

TS: Don't care.

Uryu: You must be Eranu Swann then, nice to meet you.

*Uryu offers a handshake but its slapped away by Swann swinging his cricket bat, making Uryu jump back.*

Uryu: What the hell?! I just wanted to introduce myself!

*Trevor looks up at Uryu unconvinced*

Uryu: Look, save it for later ok. I am not in the best of moods. My tag partner did something stupid and got himself hurt because of it. I don't know what got into him but now he is laying in a hospital bed and I don't know when he will be back. I guess he was more like Logan than he realised.

*Trevor stood up and started practicing swings with the bat*

TS: Not interested in your life story, just here to win.

Uryu: Wow, caring lad aren't you?

*Uryu then grabs the bat from Trevors hands and sighs as he tries to get it back*

TS: What?

Uryu: You gotta beat me without using this at Lockdown...

*Uryu examines it and smirks as Trevor looks a little bothered*

Uryu:...signed by your supposed family member, interesting. I value it at...

*Trevor then snatches it back and swings at Uryu who dodges it easily*

Uryu: heh, you are a good batter, bet you want to get into the Hardcore Title contention, no?

*Trevor looks hesitant and listens*

Uryu: Well with the last number one contenders match being a draw, I think our GM should let someone else get a chance. No offence to Longinus but hes had his turn, no doubt Scorpion will screw anything to get another shot, weather it be in a bed, a dumpster or on Sain Lloyds seat from the Breakfast studio. You keep swinging that bat around and people will notice you, others however will want to beat your head in!

*Suddenly Trevor drives the bat into Uryus stomach and shoves him to the floor, pinning the cricket bat against his neck*

TS: You talk too much, listen carefully....


Uryu Ishida

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Age : 34
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6CWF Lockdown 22/3 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 22/3

Post by Zoot - Trevor Swann 6WF Fri 16 Mar 2012, 11:44 am

TS: Don’t talk to me about hardcore smardcore I’m not after some form of ultra violence and thuggery.

Trevor leans in and pushes his face into Uryu’s. His face turning red as he appears to get wound up. He starts to shout into Uryu’s face and we can see the spittle flying out of his mouth.

TS: I’ve had enough of underlife like you accusing me of being violent. You don’t understand me and how I work. I come from a different way of life to you. A better place....

Trevor visibly seems to calm down and start to lean back, taking pressure of Uryu and lets out a sigh.

TS: ... a place flowing with cricket strokes of grace and style. A gentler more talented way. Where class shines through and skill is applauded. A way of life where bludgeoning your opponent is frowned upon and sportsmanship is exalted. Where gentlemen shake hands when the dust has settled and have a cup of tea.

Trevor stands up seemingly unaware of Uryu. He backs away and lifts the bat as he turns and swings the bat at Uryu’s head. Uryu spots this in time though and flicks a leg out tripping Trevor up so he falls backwards and the bat goes flying in the air. Trevor is left sprawled on his back grabbing his head where it banged on the concrete floor.

Uryu jumps up and grabs the bat out of the air before it hits the ground and jabs it towards Trevor’s throat.


Zoot - Trevor Swann 6WF

Posts : 1979
Join date : 2011-02-02
Age : 45
Location : Embracing the Cricket

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6CWF Lockdown 22/3 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 22/3

Post by Uryu Ishida Fri 16 Mar 2012, 12:19 pm

*Uryu smiles at him*

Uryu: You almost had me there. You sucker people in before hitting them for six. I have been here long enough to realise and understand people like you and I was just like you when I started. A rambling man who wanted more than he could get. I asked for help when I got here where as you just slammed an opportunity shut for yourself.

*Trevor looks away bored as Uryu presses the bat on his throat more, focusing his attention again*

Uryu: I give you a word of advice. Learn how to get noticed around here, but beware that people you want to get have been through it a hundred times. They have suffered much worse attacks than you realise.

*Uryu tosses the bat across the room as Trevor stands up*

Uryu: I think you will be caught out sooner than you realise. I do not like sneak attacks, I do like settling things in the ring but I know there is a time when things can never be settled and the way you are going Trevor, you are going to make everyone hate you without realising it. Me, I don't hate you because you showed me you will do whatever it takes to win, but do not try to attack me again until the bell rings or I will show you how a veteran of 6WF and TAW plays with toys like you.

*Uryu heads to leave as Clarissa walks out with him. Uryu streching his neck a little*

Clarissa: Uryu, are you ok?

Uryu: Oh I will be alright, Trevor just introduced himself in the wrong way to me.

* Clarissa then looks a little concerned*

Clarissa: Are you sure, you seemed rather aggressive to him in there, not like you at all.

Uryu: Well, my tag partner just put himself out of comission for smeg knows how long and thats made me upset I will admit because he shouldn't have done it and now my opponent for this week just tried to take me out with a cricket bat! So sorry for being a bit aggressive myself!!

*Clarissa steps back, a little scared as Uryu sighs and calms down, looking at her*

Uryu: I didn't mean to scare you, with all that has just happened this week I am a little worked up and I was in the gym letting off some steam. So I apologise for shouting at you, I didn't mean to.

*Clarissa nods and looks a lot calmer*

Clarissa: Alright Uryu, Are you going to explain what title you intend to go after and why?

Uryu: Sure, I want to return to my roots in TAW, I entered a lot of dangerous matches there but when that collapsed and I arrived here one of my first opportunities was the Hardcore Title. I may not have won a contenders match but I learned quickly how the world of Hardcore worked in here. I know Cassius holds the belt and I would like to face him, for old times sake for it. He is a worthy champion and I would like to hear who he wants his next challenger to be.

Clarissa: So you heard that the next challenger will be announced at Lockdown this week?

Uryu: Yeah, I heard. The board are smart people where as Danny and Scorpion are bias, untrustworthy and garbage. Longinus I do respect but he should go after another title if I am honest. IfI have to earn my shot at the Hardcore Title then so be it, I will earn my shot.

Clarissa: Well thats all I have for now Uryu, I will catch you later!

*Uryu smiles as Clarissa skips away*

Uryu Ishida

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6CWF Lockdown 22/3 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 22/3

Post by MtotheC's Wrasslin Biatch Fri 16 Mar 2012, 1:59 pm

As Clarissa skips away, Cassius walks into shot and looks Uryu up and down. Cassius is holding his Hardcore Title belt at his side, and he drops it at Uryu's feet.

Cassius : I couldn't help but hear your proclamation just there Uryu. You want me to make my choice of challenger known?

You know enough about me by now Uryu to know that is never going to happen. Because I don't care for choosing who I fight next. I have never chose who to fight next. For it is a cocktail of bravery and stupidity that takes hold of an individual, invokes them with a drunken-like confidence, and chooses my next opponent to step forward... to me!

Call it fate, destiny, call it the alignment of the stars - call it what you want, but something, somehow always seems to find it's way into the minds of the misguided, and convinces them to take on the most monumental task of their lives - in attempting to defeat me! And it seems that that dangerous cocktail of bravery... and stupidity, has taken a hold of you this time round. But what could your reason be for allowing it to consume you?

Mid-life crisis perhaps?

Cassius stares at Uryu challengingly

Cassius : What is it you truly desire Uryu? Winning the Hardcore Title? Or beating the Hardcore Champion?

If it's the former - then take it. I said it out in that ring, and I'll say it right here to your face, I really couldn't care less about the prestige of that piece of cow hide. I attach no value to it. So go on, take it... it's right there.

Cassius steps away from the Hardcore Title and offeres Uryu to pick it up, who doesn't respond.

Cassius : No, that's not it is it Uryu? Because you are a man of honour. You are a man of values. We all know that. And as such you would never take something you haven't earned. So that must leave the other option. That must mean that you want to beat the Hardcore Champion.

You want to beat me, Uryu?

Is that correct?

MtotheC's Wrasslin Biatch

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Join date : 2011-01-26
Location : MtotheC's Leash

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6CWF Lockdown 22/3 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 22/3

Post by Uryu Ishida Fri 16 Mar 2012, 2:13 pm

*Uryu smiles at Cassius, examining him*

Uryu: I want to earn the title the right way Cassius, if it means beating you, Saint, Scorpion, or anyone who is holding that title you don't care about then so be it, I will fight them with all my heart and soul and if I won or lost. I wouldn't mind because the better man would have won.

If I was to challenge you right now for that title, would you accept and take me on, beating me within an inch of my life to prove you are better? As you know I have been close to death before and I come back stronger every single time!

*Uryu happily sighs*

Uryu: Or would you decline saying that I am beneath you or that I am not worth fighting or the real reason is that you fear a guy who has nothing to lose if you gave him the chance! I would not hold back against you Cassius and you know I will not quit!

*Stands nose to chest with Cassius*

Uryu: So, I am challenging you for that Hardcore Title you hold. Do you accept? or are you gonna run away from a damn good fight?

Uryu Ishida

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Age : 34
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6CWF Lockdown 22/3 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 22/3

Post by MtotheC's Wrasslin Biatch Fri 16 Mar 2012, 2:28 pm

Cassius grins sinisterly

Cassius : No Uryu. I don't accept your challenge for the Hardcore Title.

The two men stare each other down

Cassius : Because that title doesn't matter. I don't ackowledge your challenge for the Hardcore Title. But I do ackowledge your challenge lain down to ME, and that Uryu... that I do accept!

Now whether that is for the Hardcore Title or not, like I said, I don't care. I'll leave that decision to greater powers than you or I.

But either way, I would not fear you. No matter how much heart, or how much soul you bring to the ring. You don't posess enough of either to ever trouble me.

You didn't all those years ago.
What makes you think you do now?

Cassius eyeballs Uryu and grins again

Cassius : Tell me what it is... that makes you think you can beat me now Uryu?
Tell me...
Do you think you are better...
Or that I am worse?

MtotheC's Wrasslin Biatch

Posts : 12543
Join date : 2011-01-26
Location : MtotheC's Leash

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6CWF Lockdown 22/3 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 22/3

Post by Zoot - Trevor Swann 6WF Fri 16 Mar 2012, 2:42 pm

TS: Or just not paying attention anymore!!

Trevor Swann seemingly forgotten runs at Cassius with the cricket bat held above his head attempting to blindside him. The smile disappears from Cassius face as Swann goes to bring the bat down only for Cassius to superkick Swann back into the corner he came from. The grin returns to Cassius face and he looks back at Uryu calmly waiting for the answer to his question.

Zoot - Trevor Swann 6WF

Posts : 1979
Join date : 2011-02-02
Age : 45
Location : Embracing the Cricket

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6CWF Lockdown 22/3 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 22/3

Post by Uryu Ishida Fri 16 Mar 2012, 2:43 pm

*Uryu smiles and laughs a little*

Uryu: Cassius, call this a test. For me, it is a test to fight someone who seems overconfident, yet has beaten me multiple times and it is time I was tested again to see if I am ready. For you, the test is to fight someone who you think is beneath you, but who has grown with experience, speed and knowledge and you have not faced me in almost two years.

*Uryu walks around Cassius whilst talking*

Uryu: We both have improved during our time here. I want to see how much you have improved. I want you to see how much I have improved. not to be acknowledged but just to show you how far we all progressed in our time here. Your skills have not diminished one bit.

*Uryu smiles, walking away*

Uryu: Next week Cassius, I shall show you how much I have improved

Uryu Ishida

Posts : 4223
Join date : 2011-05-30
Age : 34
Location : Derby

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6CWF Lockdown 22/3 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 22/3

Post by Lee Fri 16 Mar 2012, 7:44 pm

The crowd are buzzing with excitement as the lights go down. Suddenly a red spotlight points at the stage as the opening notes of 'Master of Puppets' hits four more spotlights shine down the ramp as Logan steps out and the crowd go wild.

He stands at the top of the stage arms raised and as the song kicks in he sprints down to the ring as Pyros explode either side of the ramp. As he reaches the ring he dives through under the bottom rope as red pyros explode from the four corners of the ring and the crowd begin to chant LO-GAN LO-GAN LO-GAN. He climbs the turnbuckle and salutes the crowd.

He does this on all four corners then signals for a microphone which is thrown into the ring with Logan just manages to catch causing him to glare at the stage hand then remembers where he is then smiles and winks at him.

LK: Well.......


LK: ...Haha nice to see you are on my side again. I understood how it might have looked from the outside but you all saw that when I say something, I mean it.

I heard Uryu talking earlier, he is disappointed with his Partner and maybe Dex is more like ME than he thought?

Uryu....What Morgan did angered me enough to injure him.... very easily I might add, but it never had to happen did it? Let's look again shall we?...


*A video from Survival begins to play showing the tag match*

MW: The referee says it was just two and a half, So Close for Kincade but what about the move that Uryu did? Suicide Dive over the top ropes and he still gets to eat's steel.

The crowd cheer for both men as Uryu kicks out just in time, Kincade slams the mat in frustration, Logan then stands up and lifts his arm high in the air ready for a choke slam, all though still a little groggy Uryu spots what Kincade is about to do and dives over to his corner and tags in the unsuspecting Morgan.

Morgan then climbs into the ring and runs at Kincade who then kicks Morgan with a big boot to the face and Kincade smiles at Uryu and waits for Morgan to get to his feet and hits him with a choke slam.

RJ: I think this could be the end of the match coming up here, It could be time for Rough Justice.

MW: My god did you see the impact of that move this one is over.

Kincade then picks up Morgan and climbs the top turn buckle and hits another choke slam and then grabs Morgan by the back of the neck, jumping and slamming them face first into the mat and then goes for the cover smiling at Uryu who is not looking best pleased.


RJ: This one is over, What a move, What an opening match for Survival, If this is what we have in store for the rest of the night then this is gonna be one hell of a show.

Master of Puppets by Metallica hits and the referee raises the hand of Kincade and Nay Bother who has come in to the ring to celebrate the victory with Kincade.

MW: That was just one hell of a match lets get the official word from Mike Bird.

Mike Bird: And the winner of the match via one fall is

Nay Bother and his partner Logan Kincadeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

RJ: What a match that was lady's and gentleman don't go any were as the show continues right after these short messages.

*Kincade and Nay get to their feet and celebrate, Morgan is dragged out of the ring by Uryu and is stirring.

Morgan steps into the ring and attempts to blindside Kincade, Nay cuts him off with a huge spear. Logan looks down at Morgan angrily, he hauls him up and hits the blind justice twice on Morgan!

MW: Nay and Logan really not happy with that from Morgan!

*The camera returns to Logan in the ring with a smile on his face*

LK: Not bad eh? Not bad at all...Now the point I am making isn't how awesome me and Nay (AKA Damage Inc.) did. But the point is this, watch the ending again....

The video replays and shows Uryu dragging Morgan out of the ring. As Dexter climbs back in Uryu looks on and doesn't move as the video pauses on Nay spearing Dexter into next week.

LK: See Uryu, you like to throw sly insults my way but.... you could have at least tied to stop Dexter attacking me from behind, thankfully Nay was there and saw it coming. Secondly...well let's continue the video

As Logan grabs Dexter the first time the camera shows Uryu looking on and doing nothing.

LK: Uryu you had plenty of time to stop me hitting the second blind justice on Dex, fact is you didn't care then and now you are starting to feel like maybe you should have. Well that's on you mate, not me. I have always said if you attack me you best be gone by the time I get up but you know what, I am done with you. We had this match, one last match to see who was the better team. Turns out there was only one team in it. So good luck but we are done.

LK: RIGHT! Enough seriousness, You know me I am Mr fun

Many of the fans turn to their friends with a raised eyebrow but cheer anyway.

LK: Let's get down to this weeks match. Tonight on Lockdown yours truely, Logan Kincade faces of against the one, the only.........



LK: Now now, Scorpion is a good wrestler, OK he is a massive knobber but still, as a warrior he is up there with....some of em...

...anyways, the fact is, Scorpion is a two, count em, two time Hardcore Champion.

TWO TIMES!? well, maybe it's about time he met the only true Hardcore Superstar in this offence Blue, But I have been overlooked by McGraw since I came here. Fine at first I had my....problem, but since I got better there is little reason not to have put me in the Hardcore scene. I don't know if Danny boy is scared or just plain wants to make an enemy of me, but he is now on my radar.

This week will be a great way to make McGraw see the error of his ways, when I beat his little puppet, me and Nay will demand our shot at the tag titles and no one will stand in our wa.....

Suddenly Logan is cut off as the sound of broken glass is heard and 'I won't do what you tell me' blasts out to a chorus of boos and Scorpion steps out onto the stage with a smirk spread across his face and a microphone in his hand....


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6CWF Lockdown 22/3 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 22/3

Post by Bull Fri 16 Mar 2012, 8:33 pm

The crowd boo as The Scorpion can be seen on the stage wearing a leather jacket with "Straight Edge" on the back and a scorpion down the side and a microphone in his hand. Scorpion smirks as the crowd continue to boo him as he makes his way down to the ring.

as he makes why down Scorpion sarcastically begins to make fun of a few fans and begins to taunt them. This makes the crowd react by booing louder at Scorpion's actions. Scorpion ignores the crowd as he walks into the ring.

S: "Great speech there old pal" (sarcastically begins to clap).

Logan can be seen getting annoyed as Scorpion once again goes to speak.

S: Now Logan you say that its time that I met the only true superstar in the company. but tell me this Logan what makes you think you’re the only hardcore superstar in this company? what in the world have you done to be hardcore...

Logan goes to speak before scorpion stops him.

S: Don't tell me that what you where about to say is your "I Went to Prison" Crap! Cause I have heard that from your Idiotic lizard friend...ops I mean Dragon...he is a dragon right?

S: never mind... he lost the hardcore title to me Logan how does that make you feel that your great buddy lost to the biggest thing in this company? how does it make you feel that he was mental destroyed by me a rookie who was here less than 3 months?

Logan can be seen getting a bit frustrated

S: You see Logan you’re a very lucky guy...who happens to be standing with the man who gets this crappy promotion its ratings....the man who is the greatest thing in this company!.....a man who is a role model to the kids of those alcoholic bar stewards that they call parents!

Crowd Boo.

S: You see not only do I work my ass off every single day for this company.
I inspire people to look up to me instead of those bar stewards they call their parents who don't give a crap if their son was to be found the next day addicted to Drugs!!!

Scorpion gets in to Logan's face.


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6CWF Lockdown 22/3 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 22/3

Post by Lee Fri 16 Mar 2012, 9:07 pm

LK: I get you don't drink but you could at least brush your teeth...

Logan bumps past Scorpion who snarls at him

LK: ...What have I done? Well you got me there buddy, I haven't done anything to show I deserve to be in the Hardcore division, well besides absolutely annihilating Uryu and Dex last week, but as far as Hardcore matches go you are right...

...but that's because of your sugar daddy


Scorpion looks annoyed and attempts to correct Logan but he cuts him off

S: He....

LK: Don't worry kitten, I was only joking, but it's funny is it not, that Blue Dragon, myself, Nay hell even McManus and Uryu, people who Should have been in or around that Hardcore title haven't had the chances they deserve, yet someone like you.... no offence, get's shot after shot at it?

Now far be it from me to decide who get's title shots around here, but there is a clue in the name "Hardcore" the type of person who does'nt fear a broken rib or two, dislocated shoulders, losing a few teeth.....

...But instead we A little boy with a fear of alcohol and the inability get the job done. Look....mate!, I don't fear injury, just like I don't fear defeat, or fear the pressure of success. I just simply do not fear anything, and that in turn....makes me something the rest of the roster should fear, where as many men have the heart of a Dragon or the bravery of a lion or whatever crap they wanna call it the fact is they all fear something, I don't know where I come from, I don't choose friends, I don't have any family there is NOTHING holding me back as there is with others around here. So tonight you best be ready for a war, because I don't do this s**t for fun.

I do it because that's all I know, Fight or die.

OH! and seeing how you brought up beating Blue Dragon...I would watch yourself with that one, Blue Dragon has never been given his rematch, The rematch he Should have had a long time ago....

Scorpion looks a bit taken aback at the realisation but then returns to his smug over confident self....


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6CWF Lockdown 22/3 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 22/3

Post by Bull Fri 16 Mar 2012, 9:59 pm

Scorpion begins to speak again as the crowd boo.

S: the reason Logan that the likes of you, nay, uryu have been no where near that hardcore title is not because of this so called "Sugar daddy". Who wasn't even around when I won the hardcore title twice!!!

S: You don't even deserve to be in the title shot Logan. What have you done...what have you achieved apart from breaking some stupid water cooler? And being a shadow which just manages to lurk around backstage?

Logan gets in to scorpions face as the crowd boo.

S: That’s right Logan...Nothing at all... unlike me!.. I'm broke Blue Dragon mentally.... I'm the person that took the saint to hell and back... I'm the person who resurrected the hardcore division!

S: You say Logan you're not scared to break a few bones, don't make me laugh when in the world did you break any bones? You have all ways had the odds even for you..All ways someone there watching your back.

S: Unlike me who had the odds against him... the man who everyone in the back looked down upon in Nxt....and you know why Logan??

S: They knew I was a threat to them...they knew I was going to be the next big thing in this company and what did the "Kliq" do??
That’s right kicked me out...just like they did to the others who spoke there mind and had the balls to say that they were wrong!

S: Just like those who stood up to their actions! It makes me sick that you stand around here demanding something which you have done nothing to earn apart from win a tag title. (Scorpion begins to clap)

S: well done Logan you won something...but you had someone watching your back...its time you realized that anyone of those guys in the back can chew you up and spit you back out to get what they want!...even the likes of Uryu...

Nay Bother...

Even that person you call friend...Blue Dragon...

Logan can be seen getting angry as Scorpion grins.


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6CWF Lockdown 22/3 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 22/3

Post by Lee Fri 16 Mar 2012, 10:26 pm

Scorpo, you forever look backwards, I am talking about...right now, why does someone who has lost virtually every match he has had for the last few months deserve the breaks you have had

S: I haven't lost every....

LK: No... shut your face, you don't deserve anything. Oh and by the way the only way you can win the "TAG TITLES" is by having someone watching your back, otherwise it wouldn't be a "TAG MATCH" now would it genius..... As for breaking Blue Dragon mentally, he seems pretty fine to me, you don't beat JJJ if you are mentally broken...

...You see I have seen the tapes, SO many times...too many times but that's BD for you. You won with a roll up then ran like the bitch you are.


Scorpion is visibly annoyed and begins throwin insults Logan's way off the mic.

LK: I deserve a shot at that Hardcore title as much as anyone on performances these last few weeks alone..... But! Scorpy, I am not even asking for a shot at the Hardcore title, not right now. I am demanding your boss take his balls out of your mouth, puts them back in his pants, march over to the B show and demand 6WF has a shot at the Tag Titles....

and by 6WF, of course I mean 'Damage Inc'


LK: And that's why I will beat you at Lockdown, that's why Nay will beat McManus, that's why we will go over to 6CW, Kick Genesis's collective arse and bring back our titles!!

Logan climbs the ropes and roars as the crowd go crazy and Scorpion rolls his eyes...


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6CWF Lockdown 22/3 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 22/3

Post by Blade Sat 17 Mar 2012, 9:10 pm

The crowd are pumping in the arena and waiting for another explosive edition of Lockdown and what the fall out will be after Survival, Suddenly the lights go down in the arena and then the titron flickers into life and is showing high lights from Survival and a voice over begins to speak.

Voice over: There were men who fought and survived...............

The scene shows Logan Kincade standing over the broken body of Dexter Morgan and the referee holding Kincade's arm high in the air for the victory.

Voice over: There were men that fought hard but lost the fight...............

The crowd erupts into to cheers when the see The Dragon pinning Yarmouth Blade with Blood pouring down his face and getting the 1,2,3 with Mike hill on the out side smiling at Blade after he gets eliminated.

Voice over: But there is always a way that will get men to the high grounds of 6WF, Men that will be strong enough to go all the way, Men that will get what they want.

Lady's and Gentleman please welcome the man that went so close to winning the Interfed cup and eliminated 3 members of team 6CW and the man who has won the Freshers ball contract and is the fastest rising star in 6WF, His name is The Dragon.

The 6WF fans in the arena goes wild as jdrop blast's out of the arena speakers and yellow and green pyrotechnics shoot of into the rafters and then crowd goes into a wild frenzy and rush towards the front of the barricades to get a look at the Dragon as he comes from behind the curtain holding his freshers ball contract and then looks back as the crowd lets out a huge roar of approval as Foo Poo walks out behind Dragon.

Dragon who has his head tapped up after last weeks match walks down the ramp and tags fans on either side and then rolls under the bottom rope and into the ring as the crowd cheer on Dragon holds his freshers contract high in the air with the crowd cheering for the Dragon and Foo Poo.

RJ: Dragon look's pretty banged up after Survival, He gave it all he got but on the night it was just too much for him.

MW: Yeah I must admit it was one hell of a fight by the big Japanese star but the odds were against him after all it was at one point 3 on 1.

Foo Poo collects a microphone from the ring announcer and bows to Dragon and the crowd as the cheer back at Foo Poo.

Foo Poo: Dragon has told me that he feels very sad that he and his team mates could not get the job done at Survival and gives his up most apologise's to you the fans that help my brother all most over come the odds and win the Interfed cup for 6WF but the odds were too great but he promises to make this up to you by defeating the European tonight and that is Clark James.

The crowd gives out a huge cheer and start the lets go Dragon Chant.

Foo Poo: Dragon all so say that he may even cash in his Freshers contract after he wins the match to become your new European Champion.

Crowd: Do it, Do it, Do it.

Foo Poo and Dragon smile to each other as if the have a plan for the freshers contract.

RJ: Hmmmmm do you think he's gonna cash in the Freshers ball contract Mike.

MW: I have know idea RJ but If it were me I wouldn't broad cast the fact that I might cash it in tonight.

Foo Poo: That sounds like a very good idea but may be it would not be wise to tell your opponent when your going to cash the Freshers contract in, Clark James you have been put on the list of champions that my brother the Dragon may or may not cash his contract on.

You could be the one or may be you might not be the one, You will find out like the every one else and you will be surprised on who my brother cashes in on.

RJ: Dragon playing a few mind games then hey?

MW: Might not be wise to try and wind up Clark James, Hes one of the best and wont take to kindly in Dragon threatening to cash the Freshers contract on him.

Foo Poo: Dragon all so told me that when he does cash in his Contract that he will dedicate it to every single one of you the 6wf universe who helped him through the pain last week and he will try to be the best champion 6wf has ever seen.

The crowd gives out a huge roar as jdrop rages out of the speakers and Dragon holds out his Freshers contract high in the air for the world to see.


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6CWF Lockdown 22/3 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 22/3

Post by ncfc_Tooze Sat 17 Mar 2012, 9:31 pm

JM- So this week, I am facing off against one of the up and coming stars of this promotion in Nay Bother
I don't Know much about this Lad but I know that he is in with that numbskull, Logan Kincade, so if he is anything like him he is nothing but a class A loser

The Crowd boo Loudly

JM- From mid card to Lower card with in the space of a couple of weeks. I pushed Clarkey Boy and the Hobonator to the limit and this is how I am repaid, I should have another shot at that euro title this week, But I don't
So Nay, Watch Out the anger, the fire in my stomach is back and I will prove once and for all why I am the most technically gifted, Violent wrestlers this company has to offer. Then Once I have done with you I go back for the euro title

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6CWF Lockdown 22/3 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 22/3

Post by Nay Sun 18 Mar 2012, 11:35 am

*Backstage Nay is drinking some Irn Bru and watching a monitor as a cleaner empties the bins around him, Once McManus finishes speaking he spits out his Irn Bru as he starts to laugh*

*Nay turns to the cleaner as wipes the monitor with his shirt.

Nay: Sorry about that Gus, but you heard this guy.

*Nay starts lifts his arms starts to mimic the Thunderbirds with a high pitch squeal for his voice*

Nay: "I pushed Clarkey Boy and the Hobonator to the limit and this is how I am repaid, I should have another shot at that euro title this week, But I don't. " and" I am the most technically gifted, Violent wrestlers this company has to offer."

*The cleaner starts to giggle as Nay stops the playing around and makes sure the camera is facing him*

Nay: McManus you claim to be most technically gifted the most Violent, all I see is the most wooden performer in the history of this company.

Have you really not seen a pattern over the last few months McManus? You push your opponents to the limit and lose, most people are not as deluded as you and think they deserve a rematch like you. Most would class that as just not good enough and if it takes me to get that through your thick skull so be it.

You did get one thing right, I am one of the most up and coming stars in this company, I am the show stopper, Mr PPV. You see I may not win all the time, but when it really matters, the big matches, I find a way to get the Job done.

Which takes me nicely to Mr McGraw, Me and Logan did our bit; we once again beat Uryu and Dexter. We even left a statement of what Damage Inc can really do. At least Dexter can say he made a real impact on his comeback.

*The cleaner mumbles yes with the mat*

Now it’s your turn McGraw to MAN UP send us across to 6CW and let us stroll back here with the Tag Team Titles we deserve.


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6CWF Lockdown 22/3 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 22/3

Post by Lee Sun 18 Mar 2012, 7:04 pm

Before Scorpion has a chance to reply Logan jumps down from the ropes roars in his face then laughs

LK: See you tonight.........Chum...........p

Logan throws the mic over his shoulder raises his arms and the crowd goes wild as he leans over the top rope and 'Master of Puppets' blasts out

He makes his way up the ramp all the time smirking at Scorpion who snarls back at him and mouths the words YOU'RE GOING DOWN LOGAN! YOU'RE GOING DOWN!

Logan smiles then mouths the words TRY IT CHUMP! Logan stops at the top of the ramp as the two men stare at each other.

Lockdown goes to an ad break.


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6CWF Lockdown 22/3 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 22/3

Post by Beer Mon 19 Mar 2012, 6:24 pm

'J-Drop' scratches out and the lights in the arena drop before 'Blind Faith' roars from the speakers and the crowd erupt as Clarke James walks on stage with a t-shirt that reads '#PrayForMuamba' and the European Title hung over his shoulder...

MW: Looks like Dragon is gonna get his chance to go to face to face with Clarke James right now!

RJ: Maybe not the best idea to call out the European Champ in this way!

James heads to the ring, stopping by the apron and jogs on the spot before leaping onto the apron and into the ring. He stops in front of Foo Poo and Dragon before bowing to both men and grabbing a mic...

CJ: Konichiwa, watashi no namae wa Clarke James des.

Dragon nods and bows in approval....

CJ: You know, usually i get called out week in week out by a bunch of nomads who claim to be 'the future', or someone wanting a final shot at glory so this is new to me, I mean you pose genuine threat, you've got that briefcase for one and anyone who's anyone has been talking about THAT performance and Survival...

*Crowd Pop*

CJ: They get it...

James points out to the crowd...

CJ: It's one thing to go out there and make a name for yourself, but to take on a whole team and nearly win, against all odds, you know that takes balls and that kind of sh*t needs applauding, cause you fought for the pride of 6WF, you put it all on the line and even though you lost you walked out of there head held high.....

The crowd begun to applaud and chant Dragon's name before James silences them....

CJ: And so that leads me to now, and the reason I came out here......see, I'm all for opportunity, I'm all for guys getting a shot, but what gets to me, what makes me mad, is guys who show honour, show heart and pride want to resort to cheap ass tactics, and by that, Dragon, I mean your little briefcase....

*Crowd Pop*

CJ: That how you wanna do it? You wanna wait till I'm drained down enough to take advantage of? Because if you do you're mistake if you think I won't be ready, oh no! You see, I won't buy into the mind games. I'm not gonna start tearing up car parks and pace around the arena. I'm gonna be on red alert. Every time that bell rings for the end of the match I'm gonna stare up the ramp and wait for you to make your move.

You'll have to beat whatever I have left out of me. Kick me to within an inch of my life to take this title from me. And if...... And my god I mean 'if' you do it, don't rest on your laurels cause rest assured I will hunt you down..... I'll find you and I will take it back quicker than you can say 'chop suey', bitch.

James stares at Dragon....

CJ: Balls in your court, you've been warned, your move....

The crowd chant 'Cash it in' as James and Dragon stare down...


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6CWF Lockdown 22/3 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 22/3

Post by Blade Mon 19 Mar 2012, 7:02 pm

The crowd continue to chant cash it in when Dragon holds his brief case high in the air and the crowd let out a huge roar of approval.

Foo Poo is about to speak but Dragon stops his brother dead in his tracks as the crowd cheer loudly for Dragon, Who bows to Foo Poo and then takes the microphone from Foo Poo's hand as the crowd start a Dragon chant and Dragon waves his arms up and down as to keep the crowd quite which they do at his request.

Dragon: MR James I new I would get your attention if I mentioned my Freshers contract, You may be wondering why I am speaking to you right now, Well you MR James are one of the select few that I feel deserve to hear my voice and not my good brother Foo Poo.

Clark James bows to Dragon in respect and Dragon bows back to him.

Dragon: Now am not gonna cash my contract on you but if I did it would have to be when you have fought the most gruelling match you have ever been in, The one match that you have been beaten by an inch of your life, The one match were you can barely stand that is the only way I will cash my Contract out on you.

Half the crowd boo and half the crowd cheer towards Dragon.

Dragon: MR James you are a man of honour, You are one of the men that have been a respectful champion, I will have to be at my very best to defeat you here tonight at Lockdown, I must defeat you are this contract means nothing to me, I must see how good a really am and the only way I can do that is to Defeat the great Clark James.

The crowd erupt into huge cheers an Dragon stares back into the eyes of Clark James who taps his belt on the shoulder and stares back in the face of Dragon.


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6CWF Lockdown 22/3 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 22/3

Post by Uryu Ishida Mon 19 Mar 2012, 9:28 pm

*Clarissa is walking by when she is handed something from a crew member, she stops and opens it up, reading it.*

Clarissa: Sorry?

*She puts the paper in her pocket and looks curious before wandering off*

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6CWF Lockdown 22/3 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 22/3

Post by Gregers Tue 20 Mar 2012, 1:05 pm

(We go to ringside where the Undisputed World Champion Chaos is already sitting on the turnbuckle, the camera reveals an empty arena and the total silence is incredibly eerie. A solitary spotlight is illuminating Chaos. Slowly he raises a microphone to his lips)

C: The era of Chaos continues, three more challengers have been dispatched yet I do not feel a sense of accomplishment. I do not feel joy at dispatching the latest trio. I feel pity.

Pity that they thought they even stood a chance.

Pity that I didn't break a sweat.

Pity that their careers lie in tatters.

Pity at the inevitability of it all.

Max Adamson, Crime Lord and Marshall Murdoch. Three men who to any other Champion would have caused nerves, would have caused doubts, would have caused mistakes. But not the True Champion, oh no. These three were swept away as if they never existed. Yet at least one of them still feels he deserves another shot.

Max Adamson. Study the tapes Max. On PPV this year I am 2-0 over you. You can complain about the odds all you want but the odds of yours truly retaining were mathematically lower than you winning. Yours truly had to defend this belt (Chaos pats the World Title) first in a triple threat and then in a fatal fourway. I am yet to defend one on one. And you know why Max?

Because there is only one man in this company who even has a chance one on one against his True Prophet. And listen carefully Max




It never has been and it never will be. Max Adamson, the nearly man. And that is how it will stay. But this other challenger, yes he could pose a threat. He could finally present the True Prophet with a challenge.

Blue Dragon.

Blue. I've heard you talking about how you caused me, how you caused a fragile and misguided, pathetic and week individual to turn into the Best in the Business. To turn into the True Prophet. To embrace the Chaos.

But we all know that the only person you're trying to convince is yourself. You see Blue, our Destiny's are entwined. Yet here I am as the Undisputed World Champion whereas you are stuck under the glass ceiling. Forever trying to convince yourself that you deserve a shot at the big time. Listen up Blue because the next words of the Prophet will give you everything you've ever wanted.

Me and you Blue. One on One for the Undisputed World Title at the two biggest events of the year. Night of Glory and Born in Fire. Two guarenteed title shots, two chances to make history and dethrone your True Prophet.

You see Blue, I'd like the challenge that you provide. For if the prophecy is true there is something even more powerful lurking inside of me (Chaos points to his head). My mind has yet more to reveal and if you are true and that you were even partly responsible for unleashing Chaos onto 6WF then the chance that you could provide yours truly with the tools to be even more powerful. Even more deadly. Even more damaged. Is one that cannot be passed up.

Think about it Blue, the chance to Main Event the two biggest shows of the year. The chance to steel the show. The chance to represent the Flagship brand just as you've always dreamed of. And don't kid yourself that fighting for the lesser World Championship at Born in Fire was really what you've always wanted. Its this belt you want isn't it Blue. (Chaos strokes the World Title). I saw it in your eyes when I became Number one contender to face Patricks at Born in Fire, I saw it in your eyes when I won the Elimination Chamber, I saw it in your eyes when you ripped JJ Johnson limb from limb at Survival. Well here it is Blue, the chance of a lifetime.

No need to earn the right.

No need to be pushed into the shadows anymore.

The time to take your place amongst the immortals is drawing closer.

But what if you back out. What if you doubt yourself. What if you run from your Destiny just as you've made a career out of doing? Well Blue, as you might have noticed I always get what I want. The European Title, Main Eventing Born in Fire, The Undisputed World Title. What I did to the Patricks's is just a glimpse of what I will do to you.

Your friends will suffer Blue.

Uryu will burn again

Logan will have his career ended before its even begun

And you Blue,

You will "Always Walk Alone"

So Blue, will you give me want I want? Will you smash your way through the glass ceiling and join your True Prophet in the promised land?

Or will I have to continue with my pity, with my boredom and defeat Max Adamson once more.

The choice is yours Blue....

All Yours.


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6CWF Lockdown 22/3 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 22/3

Post by MtotheC's Wrasslin Biatch Wed 21 Mar 2012, 9:37 am

Cassius is sat on a bench in his locker room, sullenly staring silently into a swirling, steaming, disposable cup of green tea. He thoughtfully stirs the contents of the cup then gulps it down in one go, before getting up to his feet and dropping the polystyrene container into the bin.

Cassius looks around the room for some kind of impetus, then makes his way over to the wall cabinets, opening one which contains a multitude of Miss Jessica’s outfits. Zhi runs his hand across the numerous hanging garments and takes one dress out and looks at it, rubbing the fabric between his fingers. He lifts the dress to his nose and inhales the scent, for a moment seeming transfixed, before placing the dress back inside the cupboard and closing it again.

Cassius turns and looks down at his 6WF Hardcore Title, clumsily draped face down across the bench he was sitting on and he laughs to himself whilst shaking his head. He slowly traverses the room and makes himself a fresh green tea, then returns to the bench, sitting with his head back, pressed against the wall in silent ennui.

MtotheC's Wrasslin Biatch

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6CWF Lockdown 22/3 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 22/3

Post by Zoot - Trevor Swann 6WF Wed 21 Mar 2012, 10:23 am

We see the silhouette of Trevor Swann walking up and down a corridor next to the canteen through some frosted glass. He is on his mobile phone talking to someone.

TS: Yes I did watch that Escalation program last night. No I’m sure that 6WF will be fine and Genesis will remain at a distance from this establishment. I’m happy here. Look I’ve got a very good package here that Danny McGraw has set up for me. Full health insurance, a multi year deal, taking inflation into account, a nice pay deal with a small bonus if I manage to get a belt. It’s a really good set up I’ve got.

TS: hmm yes I know but. I know that cricket is a much safer sport mother but I’m very happy competing here. I know you worry about me constantly. No this Genesis group aren’t going to threaten us I’m sure. I know you would prefer me to stop all this travelling and settle down near the Oval with you in the bed sit but it isn’t going to happen mother.

The silhouette of Trevor seems to be pacing much more energetically now and the tone of his voice sounds increasingly frustrated.

TS: Yes I know he seems a very nice chap that Uryu. I’m meant to beat him mother I can’t go easy on him and let him win. No mother I’ll try not to use the cricket bat on him. Ok mother absolute pleasure speaking to you as always. Yes that’s right I’m just going to keep my head down and not stand out from the crowd. Head down blend in, don’t do anything stupid and work away hard as always mother. Ok speak soon bye.

Trevor hangs up the phone and walks through the door into the canteen where a whole host of the production crew are. We can now see that he is wearing nothing but a jockstrap and cricket box.

TS: What you all looking at?

Zoot - Trevor Swann 6WF

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6CWF Lockdown 22/3 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 22/3

Post by Blade Thu 22 Mar 2012, 11:15 am

Opps posted this on the wrong thread, Sorry fella's.

The crowd are on the feet chanting 6c dub when all of a sudden they cheer loudly as 'Can't Stop' kicks in and when the riff starts, pyros go off and the fans wait in anticipation for the young super star to come out,

The music dies down and the crowd are puzzled as to why Zach Corchia has not come down to the ring.

HL: What the hell is going on, That's Corchia's music but no sign of him?

JT: I have no idea but am sure we will find out soon enough.

Can't Stop Blast's out of the speakers once more and the crowd again cheers and they still wait for Zach Corchia to walk out and then the crowd start to boo loudly as the y see Yarmouth Blade holding a microphone come from behind the curtain laughing loudly as the crowd start the you suck chant.

JT: I get it now, This idiot started to play Zach's music, Just to wind the crowd up.

HL: Brilliant just Brilliant, These geek's in the crowd are so easily pleased and Blade just proved that.

Blade starts to walk down the ramp continuing to laugh down the microphone as he goes he the walks up the steel steps and climbs into the ring as the music cuts of and continues to laugh into the microphone.

Yarmouth Blade: God you guys are just so gullible, You really thought it was that punk kid Zach Corchia didn't you?

How dumb are you idiots?

The crowd start the you suck chants towards Blade.

Yarmouth Blade: Now you may be wondering were my Dad is tonight, well he's in the back laughing at the dvd I gave him of my match last week with Hidari and the former Free weight champion Mike Hill.

Blade laughs even louder as the crowd continue with the You suck chant.

JT: This guy is too much, He cost Mike Hill his title and using the Interfed cup with it as well.

Yarmouth Blade: That was the punishment the MR Walker gave Mike Hill after all he was the main instigator in this little feud we have going, As for my punishment well I have been put in a match with your Favorite super star Zach Corchia.

The crowd gives out a huge cheer as they hear Zach's name mentioned.

[b[Yarmouth Blade: Go ahead and cheer for him now cos when I have finished with him you will have to find another superstar to cheer for.[/b]

And if this is what my punishment is then I applaud MR Walker, He has put me in a Treasure Trail Qualifier match against this punk kid, Do you guys know any think about your beloved star?

Well let me tell you a little story about Zach Corchia, He was the man that got a company called TWA cancelled, He was the man that was all ways in the main event, He was the man that got fired while being TWA champion, You saw him here in the crowd that night with the belt wrapped round his shoulder.

The viewing figures only went up when me, Yarmouth Blade was in the ring, When Zach came on they turned on to watch Emmerdale farm.

I will win against Zach, I will advance to Night of Glory, I will have gold round my waist once more.

HL: You tell em Blade, He's right in every think he says.

JT: You can't seriously suggest that Zach was the man behind TWA'S failure are you?

HL: Hell yeah, And its happening to use right now, MR Walker needs to get this kid out of our company and fast.

The crowd boo Blade as he just laughs down the microphone.

Yarmouth Blade: So tonight will be the night when Blade kicks the living hell out of Zach Corchia and send him packing down wash out lane.

The crowd continue to boo loudly as I don't care about you by FEAR rages out of the speakers as Blade laughs into the microphone.

Last edited by yarmouth blade on Thu 22 Mar 2012, 1:48 pm; edited 2 times in total

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6CWF Lockdown 22/3 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 22/3

Post by President Trump Thu 22 Mar 2012, 12:41 pm

A car pulls up to the entrance of McLean, Psychiatric Hospital and the driver gets out and walks inside to where a lone figure is standing waiting with a duffle bag.

Driver: Chris

Chris Patricks turns to see his Brother in law Bradley standing looking at him with a big smile on his face, he walks over and the two men shake hands and embrace each other

Bradley: It’s good to see you Chris, your look better

Chris: Looks can be deceiving but I feel a lot better, well than I was anyhow

Bradley grabs Chris’ bag and the two start to walk towards the car

Chris: So how is she doing?

Bradley opens the boot and shoves the bag in and pauses at Chris’ question

Bradley: She’s getting there, trying to forget the bad stuff and just focus on the kids ya know

Chris: I never meant for things to go like this…I….

Bradley: I know Chris, we all know, even Joyce knows but it happened to her and we’ll never know what truly went down over there with that sick bast**d

Chris clenches his fists and jaw at the mere mention of Chaos but he looks at his reflection in the car window and starts to relax as Bradley slaps him on the shoulder

Bradley: Anyway that’s all behind you, it’s time you looked to the future and I know at least two people that are dying to see you, they are back in the hotel waiting for you

Chris smiles and climbs into the car

Chris: Well you better bring me to them…the future starts here Brad

Bradley: That’s the Chris we all know and love, off we go then

The car pulls off, and Chris stares at the hospital that was his home for the last few months

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6CWF Lockdown 22/3 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 22/3

Post by ncfc_Tooze Thu 22 Mar 2012, 1:44 pm

The Camera goes Backstage

JM- Nay The time for talking is over, Yes you talk well, you can take the mick of people with the best of them, but are you a very good wrestler.
I Personally feel that the answer to this is no, You are a brawler and I will not get into that game ever again, Im going to take you down to the mat and I'm going to hurt you, Thats what Technical Violence is all about.
Nay, You will see the reason why I'am being called the future and why I was made a member of the emporium, The Old Mcmanus is back, the one that destroyed James Eagle's and Yarmouth Blades legs. The one that knocked seven bells out of Uryu for months last year.
By the time I have finished with you no one will want to face me ever again........

Camera fades and goes back to the arena

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