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6CWF Lockdown 15/8

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6CWF Lockdown 15/8 Empty 6CWF Lockdown 15/8

Post by Mat Mon Aug 15, 2011 7:03 pm

Match 1
Logan Kincade vs Blue Dragon

Match 2
Uryu vs James Eagle

Match 3
The Saint/Scorpion vs Marshall Murdoch/Crime Lord

Match 4
Big Al Lustley vs Jason Young

Match 5
Chris Patricks vs Perfect Jack

Main Event
Hero/Chaos/Rapture vs Longinus/Soldiers of Fortune

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6CWF Lockdown 15/8 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 15/8

Post by AberdeenSteve Mon Aug 15, 2011 7:58 pm

The camera cuts backstage into Rapture’s locker room. He is seen pacing back and forth, his breathing heavy and an expression of pure anger across his face. He continues to do this for several moments before suddenly flipping a nearby table over in a fit of rage. He continues to smash several other objects up in the room, random screams of frustration are exerted before he slowly calms down. He pulls his hood over his head before pausing momentarily.

His head slowly begins to turn and look at the camera and he begins to talk.

“What just transpired out there was not how it was supposed to happen. The Rapture was supposed to fall upon 6WF once again and this time it was supposed to rid us of that virus Longinus. But no, Longinus had to write a whole new chapter in this sinister story.

You see Longinus, winning that match tonight is going to be the biggest mistake in your life. It is a whole lot bigger than turning your back on the great lord. You know why friend, because you have only gone and made me hungrier to bring you down. I am now more determined to make you suffer for your sins and I will do so in ways that are going to make you crumble right before my eyes.

I now have all these voices in my head that are telling me that all you people doubt that I deserved to be a follower of Hero. This makes me want to work that so much harder to prove him that his choice was a wise one. I am going to take everything that has ever meant anything to you away Longinus. Brick by brick I will pull and bit by bit you will fall.

I’ll be that shadowing lurking around the corner, I’ll be that voice in your head. I am going to make your life a living nightmare and I am going to enjoy every last second of it.”

Rapture then angrily throws the camera to the floor before it slowly fades out.


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6CWF Lockdown 15/8 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 15/8

Post by Legend Mon Aug 15, 2011 8:09 pm

(James Eagle is seen talking to a man backstage, while holding a notepad and paper down by his side. The man shakes his head and looks slightly guilty. Eagle strikes out a name on his pad, before his agent walks up to him.)

Agent: This place just isn't as safe for you anymore. By making yourself better known, people are also beginning to watch you. But they aren't watching you for your talent. What I'm trying to say is that you need some protection. Protection from thieves. You know what some of the guys are like back here...

JE: I'm already on it mate. This list is a list of potential candidates. I will find someone, but that someone won't just be anyone. I will find the best possible bodyguard you could wish for. They'll have to go through him before they so much as get near to me. 

Agent: Even after what just happened out there tonight?

JE: But that won't matter to them. It's three consecutive pay per views now that I've failed to win. And I have no explanation for that. But this doesn't mean I deserve to be pushed back to dark matches and watch as my former competitors move away. I'm now officially the least successful thing to come out of 6WF. As a matter of fact, maybe it's time I ought to leave the company. 

Agent: No it isn't...

JE: Don't worry I know that; I know it isn't. I'm not going to step down, look up to the others and bathe in my own money for the rest of my life. I'm not going to give up at the first sight of failure. Sadly, there are people out there like this, people like Yarmouth Blade, like how I used to be. In the past... but maybe that's where I need to look.

JE: My only successes in 6WF were with a partner. Even my first ever pay per view was as a tag team and i proved myself early on. I didn't see myself as a team player at first, but now I'm not so sure. If I can't do well on my own, perhaps I should change.

Agent: But where are you going to find a partner from? Everyone hates you.

JE: There's no need to ask, Tony. If they know who I am, they'll know what I have. So much as a flash of dosh will have them running. He won't just be a partner, this man will act as my bodyguard. He will be my follower, the first of many.

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6CWF Lockdown 15/8 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 15/8

Post by Guest Mon Aug 15, 2011 8:53 pm

The opening music in the arena fades away and the lights darken.

You can see the camera flashes going off in the crowd, hoping to catch whatever is happening. They are silent in anticipation.

The titantron busts into life showing a man walking in the woods in the daytime.
He is wearing a long cloak but the camera is following him from behind so you can not see his face. It is a peaceful scene with the a breeze gently blowing the leaves on the trees and the sun is glistening.

But the breeze quickly gets stronger. Almost gale force winds have picked up blowing the trees wildly. The man in the woods looks around from left to right sharply. What was once a peaceful scene is quickly turning into a nightmare.

Shadows are appearing on the woodlands floor. The sun is losing it's light. Darkness is filling up in the woods.

The wind suddenly stops blowing. Not a sound can be heard. The cloaked man in the woods is surrounded by darkness.

He turns to the camera, but due to the darkness, his face is hidden. Someone approaches! Another man emerges from the shadows as if gliding across the floor. He stops just a few feet ahead of the first man and declares "My darkness consumes you, and it always will. Old Friend."

The first man replies "Not this time Rapture!" and opens his cloak to reveal the Freeweight Title around his waist.

A brilliant beam of white light shines from the Freeweight Title and blasts Rapture head on. As quickly as Rapture appeared in the darkness, he is sent back deep into the woodlands.

The darkness is being fought back by the light sourced from the title.
Longinus takes the Freeweight Title off his waist and holds it high above his head. As the woodlands is being engulfed by the light, white lights come into effect in the arena at the same time emphasising it.

The stage is lit up brightly and Longinus is slowly raised up through the floor on the stage holding the title high above his head.

He steps forward as 'The Fight Song' blasts through the arena speakers. The crowd goes nuts at seeing their new Freeweight Champion. Longinus places the belt over his shoulder and heads to the ring, giving hi fives to the outstretched hands as he goes.

He enters the ring, climbs the turnbuckle, takes the title off his shoulder and holds it high above his head facing the crowd. He stays there for a few moments as an 'Atheist' chant echo's through the arena.

Longinus jumps backwards off the turnbuckle and takes the microphone being passed through the ropes. 'The Fight Song' slowly dies away.

"Atheist Atheist Atheist" chants continues to fill up the arena.

Longinus addresses the crowd.

L "Rapture..." he starts. Immediately boos fill up the arena. Longinus smiles and continues.
L "Rapture, the new disciple of Hero did not believe in The Atheist! Ever since I turned my back on the Church, he has claimed I made the wrong choice. Well, it's not looking too bad from where I'm standing!"

The crowd chants "Atheist Atheist Atheist"

L "I have said all along I have come here to 6CWF with a goal, with a purpose. And now my goals are being realised by becoming your new Freeweight Champion!" Longinus holds the belt up high with one hand.

L "But this is not over between us Rapture. Not by a long shot. I know you will do anything in your power to get this belt back, and yes you have that rematch clause. You may think you can get the upper hand by playing the numbers game and calling upon Hero's lackeys but that wont work this time."

Longinus looks at the front row of the crowd where his girlfriend Sofia is sat with Longinus' two brothers, Marius and Lucius. Longinus smiles.

L "Let's see how big a man you really are. I know you will play your pathetic mind games and hide in the shadows. But prove yourself. No back up, just you and me in this very ring. You have been confronted by your personal demons in the past, and you will be confronted by demons again. Because I want you in a Hell in the Cell! Believe in that, believe in The Atheist!"

The crowd goes crazy and Longinus drops the microphone in the ring. He climbs the turnbuckle once more and holds the Freeweight Title high above his head as 'The Fight Song' plays through the speakers.


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6CWF Lockdown 15/8 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 15/8

Post by Marsh Mon Aug 15, 2011 9:04 pm

Clarissa is stood outside a door next to the Church of Hero, on the door is stuck a piece of paper with a hand written note on it.

‘6WE headquarters’

C: ‘I understand that a member of the Church of Hero has requested a chance to speak one on one with the 6CWF stratosphere, I don’t know who it is yet but I really don’t have any preference, it would be like asking me my favourite member of Al-Qaeda. Anyway here goes.

(Clarissa enters to an office scene, Marshall Murdoch is sat feet up on a desk, on his desk is numerous pictures and messages from Hero, there is also an executive swinging ball toy and a name plate ‘Marshall Murdoch – 6WE Chief Operating Officer’.)

MM: It is polite to knock Clarissa, now go back and try again

C: Come again?

MM: Kindly try again, and please remember your manners this time

C: You can’t speak to me like that!

MM: Then I’ll not speak to you at all, would you please leave

(Clarissa looks momentarily stunned but then motions for her cameraman to leave)

MM: Leave that, not him, just the camera, I have a few things I need to get off my chest

(The cameraman sets up the camera facing Marshall, who is now sat up to his desk properly, he sets his desk toy off in motion and he stares in the camera)

MM: You’re probably wondering why I have asked for this time to speak to you, well I have something that needs saying. So I’m going to say it.

MM: For too long now I have been overlooked by those in ‘higher power’, just last month for instance team 6WF won the cross brand match, because of me. How was I rewarded? Well I’m still waiting for a phone call on that one, Blue Dragon on the other hand gets to name whatever he wants, through my doing!

‘The blame for the lack of investment in my undoubted talent can be laid squarely at the floor of management, judging by some of their recent decisions they wouldn’t know talent if it proclaimed itself a virgin, donned a frock, put on a Scottish accent and became a YouTube sensation, whilst being slightly mental.’

‘Let’s examine some of their recent decisions, take Sunday’s PPV for example, Danny McGraw’s gardener was in the number one contender’s match and Generic Jack was in the main event! You’d find more personality in this thing (Marshall sets his desk toy back off). If I’m not more worthy than them then Cassius Zhi’s an accountant.’

‘So 6WF find themselves the most naturally talented newcomer of the year, the greatest tag team wrestler in the industry, a guy who won a major PPV main event just three months after debuting, a guy who won them bragging rights against their biggest rivals, and how do they treat him?’

‘I’ll tell you’

‘First of all, take a look at Sunday’s card, there’s one notable absentee. Every Tom, Dick and Uryu’s on that card, we’ve got pornstars, gardeners and children in fancy dress on there, but no Marshall Murdoch, no I find myself shunted off to the B show, the Scottish Premier league of wrestling shows.’

‘Not only to I have to compete alongside that dross, to suffer the indignity of callling them people my co-workers, I have to curtain twitch for them! Let’s get one thing straight, I do not curtain twitch, even when I just starting out I never curtain twitched, and I certainly do not curtain twitch for the likes of Yarmouth Blade.’

‘So I decided to do something about it, cast your mind back to December 2010, the 6WE supershow and remember the outcome. The Church owns 6WE, The Church owns the competition, The Church owns our own destiny.’

‘So we decided to breathe new life into 6WE, you see we couldn’t help but notice that 6CW bought out Shutdown, and if they can do it so can we. So today Church lawyers put in a formal offer to purchase Lockdown, and I’m expecting a deal to go through rather quickly.’

‘When our offer does get accepted Lockdown will obviously be rebranded, so next Thursday you could be witnessing the debut of the brand new...

(Marshall motions in air, spelling out the words)

6WE COHdown!

‘Got a nice ring to it hasn’t it? 2 hours of all your favourite Church stars, watch the criminally underused Xeres in action every week and no longer will I have to play second fiddle to the likes of Mason White and the Generic one.’

‘And don’t worry about any potential job losses, the Church of Hero are a charitable group, you can still watch all your favourite 6WF superstars in action, watch Chris Patricks welcome people in the arena, watch Blue Dragon sweep the halls, watch Al Lustley serve up actual hot dogs and watch in amazement as Saint does some IT.’

‘Once the Church is in complete control I will get my just rewards, I will get what I truly deserve, I will no longer be criminally overlooked by those either too blind to my talent or those who are simply scared of it, and what the Church could be if given the correct opportunities.’

(Marshall sets of his desk toy again, and the balls clicking against each other rhythmically can be heard in the background)

‘Come Thursday, everything will change, The Church will reign supreme, and it will be good.’

(The camera focuses on the desk toy, which slowly grinds to a stop before being flicked over the desk in the bin, nestling neatly on top of a COHdown draft running card, the main event being listed as Marshall Murdoch appreciation hour)

‘See you at COHdown’


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6CWF Lockdown 15/8 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 15/8

Post by Uryu Ishida Mon Aug 15, 2011 10:01 pm

*Uryu limps into the building, still bandaged up as Clarissa walks up to him*

Clarissa: Uryu, are you alright? cleared to wrestle?

Uryu: Yeah, still a little banged up but I will be fine.

Clarissa: What happened to McManus?

Uryu: James, i'm not sure but I can say that he pushed me to my limit and damaged my leg pretty good, but do I regret doing what I did? kinda but he did push me that far. He took me to a limit that I thought I would never hit. If I had missed that Split Second last night, He would have won.

Clarissa: Really?

Uryu: Yeah, credit where credit is due. He knows how to take punishment and how to dish it out. I hope he is ok, but in all honesty if he ever needs to talk, i'm here.

Clarissa: You are offeringan olive branch to him?

Uryu: Sure, why not. He may be misguided but i respect his ability and thats enough.

Clarissa: What about James Eagle?

Uryu: James, i do not know what to say. you helped me out when i returned, you left and turned bad. Why? what was your reason? what made you leave? I hope you can answer me out of respect because when we meet even though i'm hurting I will not go easy on you!

*Uryu limps away slowly*

Uryu Ishida

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6CWF Lockdown 15/8 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 15/8

Post by MtotheC's Wrasslin Biatch Tue Aug 16, 2011 2:10 pm

“Party Girl” by McFly blasts out of the arena speakers and the crowd start to boo as a pink haze descends around the stage, perforated by shining white lights. The boos increase as Miss Jessica steps out of the plumes and puts her hands on her hips, enjoying the reception. Some of the fans nearest to her wolf whistle, and one waves a “Marry Me Miss Jessica” sign at her. Jessica slyly smirks as she slowly walks up towards him and intimately blows a kiss, holding her hand out for a moment, teasing to touch him, before spinning on her heels, flicking her hair and striding down towards the ring.

MW : Here comes the greatest manager in 6WF history RJ. I can’t wait to see her up close.

Jessica walks up the steps then slowly eases herself into the ring, through the bottom two ropes, not caring too much about revealing anything under her trademark, tight black minidress. Once in the ring she turns to face the stage, pulling on one on her sleek red pig tails – twirling it around her finger, and raising a finger to her glossed lips to shush her music.

The music dies and she turns to face the crowd, who begin to boo again. Jessica puts a hand on her chest and looks around mock-innocently, asking if the boos are for her off mic. Then her eyes narrow slyly as she raises the mic.

Miss Jessica : Seriously… that shush wasn’t just for the production crew, freakos!


Jessica rolls her eyes and looks down at her immaculate boots.

Miss Jessica : Whatever… like I have time for this? I’ll just talk over you…

She turns to the big screen again

Miss Jessica : Could you turn me up please boys?

She runs her finger up the shaft of the mic as she asks, licking her lips as she turns back to the crowd, her mic now louder, eliciting a satisfied, manipulative smile.

Miss Jessica : So… like… I was just thinking that yet another 6WF PPV has passed us by, and it’s like, August already – I know, right, what’s up with that? I mean, I know it’s confusing that like, one, two, three, four… NINE months have passed since Born in Fire yet I look about nine months younger than I did back then – whilst most of you look about nine stone heavier - but that’s what happens when you can suddenly afford like, THE BEST cosmetics around.

No seriously… I’m not joking - I’ve probably got anti-ageing creams that cost more that some of your houses. Not that I need them… but you know, every little helps doesn’t it girls? Or in most of your cases… a LOT would help… I mean, really a LOT!

Fans : Boooooooooooooooooooo!

Miss Jessica : (ignoring the fans) And why can I afford these creams? And that car? And those diamonds? And these boots?

Miss Jessica looks out of the ring towards a young woman

Miss Jessica : I know… they’re cute right?

I’ll tell you why I can afford them. It’s because ever since Cassius Zhi won the TAW World Heavyweight Title under my guidance that night at Born in Fire… in one form or another… I have managed a 6WF Champion. Like… Consecutively! Non Stop! From Cassy, through Lexy, to Sainty and now Scorpy – Seriously… I’m like, creating a dynasty here!

So I was thinking… what are you playing at Jess? HELLO… such a dynasty requires like, a massive celebration! You need to be planning it already.

Miss Jessica giggles to her self with massive satisfaction.

Miss Jessica : But before I get to that - I came out here to remind you all… that my unrivalled record proves that I am untouchable.

I’m out here to remind you all, that you really can’t touch what you can’t afford in 6WF. Because unlike all those scummy looters who did just that out on the streets last week – who will doubtless get off scot free – ANYONE who tries to touch this…. will sure as hell be punished!

Miss Jessica scowls and claws her hands like a cat

Miss Jessica : Big Al thought he could touch what he couldn’t afford … and he got stung by the future world champion, the future hall of famer – The Scorpion!


Miss Jessica : That totally yuk animal Blue Dragon thought he could half my power by taking the European Title – and he got well and truly Sainted!

Miss Jessica starts to walk around the ring with a hand on her hip, she looks up to the ceiling thoughtfully.

Miss Jessica : You know… when Cassy got taken away, I thought that was it for me. I thought that I’d lost that raw edge… that pure, unrivalled nastiness that took exactly what I wanted, when I wanted. But I hope you all took a picture of that moment, because for one of the only times in my life… I was wrong.

I was SO wrong.

She flicks her hair and laughs

Miss Jessica : And believe me, I won’t let it happen again anytime soon.

At Against the Wall, my cute little SAS soldiers showed that they were big scary monsters – just like Cassy. They showed their barbaric edge as Saint smashed Blue Dragon in his stupid scouse head with that studded glove, and Scorpion just like, just totally destroyed Lustley and Eagle!

And they deserve the best for those truly awesome displays that proved me wrong last night.

And that brings me onto my celebration – that I start planning with all of you right now!

Because I’m out here to tell you... No... I’m out here to GUARANTEE you…. That at Born in Fire, when I celebrate my A-mazing, totally unprecedented, full round year as a manager of consecutive 6WF champions… I’ll be doing it just like last year…

Miss Jessica pouts and looks at the camera

Miss Jessica : … BY raising the hand of a new… WORLD… champion!

Miss Jessica kicks a leg back and throws her arms in the air in triumph as her music hits again. She walks out of the ring towards the commentary desk and leans over seductively. She takes a lollipop from a sweet jar that Michael Wire has, slowly unwraps it, then throws the litter at Wire, giggling. Before walking back up the ramp to the back.

RJ : Where did those sweets come from?

Jessica turns back to the booing crowd and waves goobye, blowing a kiss before walking through the curtain

MtotheC's Wrasslin Biatch

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6CWF Lockdown 15/8 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 15/8

Post by Gregers Tue Aug 16, 2011 3:11 pm

(The titontron bursts into life)

VO: Back and Forth they went

(The video shows LPL and Patricks trying to beat Chaos)

VO: But the True Prophet never even broke sweat!

(Chaos is seen hitting the G-Force and pinning Patricks)

VO: The True Number One Contender has returned, this Thursday on Lockdown he shall address you pathetic parasites




(On boom the pyro goes off and Chaos' maniacal laughter can be heard filling the arena)


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6CWF Lockdown 15/8 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 15/8

Post by Legend Tue Aug 16, 2011 5:21 pm

(James Eagle walks over to Scorpion who is signing autographs beside the guest entrance. He is just about to tap him on the shoulder, when Miss Jessica struts across and pushes him away. Eagle looks at her, puzzled for a second.) 

JE: What was that for? I just need to have a word with your client...

MJ: The Scorpion is busy right now and doesn't want people like you swarming around him. His hands are full as it is.

JE: Well I was actually going to make him an offer that cannot possibly be turned down, but since you aren't interested, I'll find somebody else for the job. 

(Eagle pulls out a notepad and crosses off yet another name. He looks down the almost entirely struck out list and points to a blurred squiggle two names from the bottom. He stops to think for a second before heading straight out of the front door to the busy road. A limo pulls up outside and Eagle promptly slivers in through the door and the vehicle drives off.)

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6CWF Lockdown 15/8 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 15/8

Post by MtotheC's Wrasslin Biatch Tue Aug 16, 2011 5:35 pm

Jessica turns to Scorpion and laughs dismissively

Miss Jessica : HE was going to make US an offer not to be refused?

Is he like, serious?

I'm the only one around here who makes offers that can't be refused.

Jessica adjusts her top to show a bit more flesh then checks her phone as a message comes through

Miss Jessica : Speaking of which - I'm going to the boardroom, to see if I can... um.... "persuade" the directors to contribute to our little celebration at Born in Fire.

Now make sure you're charging for those signatures sweetie. You're the Hardcore champion, not some Joe Schmo like James Eagle.

Jessica walks away from Scorpion, leaving him to sign autographs. A grown man holds a programme out for Jessica to sign, which she bats away, onto the floor with her hand.

Miss Jessica : Seriously? Like.... grow up. Or get a job or something.


MtotheC's Wrasslin Biatch

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6CWF Lockdown 15/8 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 15/8

Post by Steel Tue Aug 16, 2011 7:32 pm

A hot pink Cadillac with enters the car park of the 6WF arena as a group of camera men and Clarissa watch on, the camera zooms in on the car as the driver exits the vehicle. The door opens and out steps Big Al Lustley wearing just his trademark leopard print thong and some rose tinted sunglasses. Al grabs a bag from the backseat and throws it over his shoulder before making his way to the arena entrance, Clarissa and the crew approach Al as he reaches the stage door.

Clarissa: Evening AL i see your suitably dressed as ever

Big Al: A man’s got to be ready for every eventuality dear I don’t like wearing anything too restrictive.

Clarissa: Its pretty cold out today Al im cold just looking at you can’t you put a shirt on?

Big Al: What? And deny all my female chance to adore their Adonis in the flesh; I wouldn’t want to leave any woman disappointed i put their needs before my own.

Clarissa: speaking of disappointed how are you feeling after your loss at against the wall Al? You came so close.

Al: Rome wasn’t built in a day petal, I may have lost my first title opportunity here in 6WF but i am in it for the long haul if i gave up after my first short coming i wouldn’t be where i am today, i remember when i made my first adult movie just being in the environment with all the people watching expecting you to give them a leading man performance, ill admit i was scared and Al junior was more like a flump than the statue of liberty he needed to be. I was ready to give in then but Big Al Lustley isn’t a quitter i took junior aside gave him a pep talk and he came out fighting and we won over the crowd.

Clarissa: Wow that is some analogy Al but wrestling is a whole different kettle of fish

Al: you would be surprised sweetpea both industries rely heavily on the mind im a strong believer in the words of a late wordsmith he once stated that if you can see it then you can do it, if you just believe in theres nothing to it, such a great saying from man ahead of his time.

Clarissa: Wasnt that man R Kelly? And isn’t that song the theme tune to the movie spacejam

Big Al smiles and pats Clarissa on the shoulder and lets out a belly laugh
Big Al: Clarissa, Clarissa you’re so cute when you try to be smart, but that’s just absurd ha Spacejam that cracked me up, Now Clarissa i must love you and leave you i have my next match to prepare and i dont want to leave you ladies unsatisfied by my performance.

Big Al then walks through the stage door and laughs once more as the door closes behind me, The camera fades with Clarissa stood in the car park looking slightly confused as to what has just transgressed.


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6CWF Lockdown 15/8 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 15/8

Post by Uryu Ishida Tue Aug 16, 2011 7:40 pm

*Uryu watches James Eagle leave and sighs, picking up a phone and starting a conversation*

Uryu: James, get back here I want to talk to you, Skype details,yes now I just wanna know whats going on. I will get Chaos soon but not yet and don't change the subject, James, JAMES EAGLE YOU RICH PRAT, GET BACK HERE!!

*Uryu hangs up the phone and waits*

Uryu: I owe you for my 1st match back dude, I just want a few questions answering...

Uryu Ishida

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6CWF Lockdown 15/8 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 15/8

Post by AberdeenSteve Tue Aug 16, 2011 8:32 pm

The camera cuts backstage to show the door leading into the Church of Hero. Rapture eventually exits the door, his hood pulled over his head. He exits and turns to the left before taking several steps forward. He momentarily stops as if he has heard something in the background. He shakes it off before taking several more steps but once again stops. This time he turns round as Chaos walks into shot.

The crowd boo loudly at the sight of arguably two of the most hated wrestlers on the 6CWF roster. The stand nose to nose before Chaos takes a step back and begins to speak;

“Look who it is, Hero’s supposed benefitted follower. It makes me laugh because all you are, is a loser.”

Chaos goes to speak again but Rapture quickly steps up into his face. His expression quickly changing from nothing to sheer anger.

“I AM NOT A LOSER, in fact I am far from one. If I think back correctly weren’t you the won that had his ass beat so bad by Hero that you went off backstage crying to your little bitches in your so fantastic Emporium? I think I am correct, therefore making you a loser.

We all know that you are nothing but a cheap rip off Chaos. Just look at you, trying to surround yourself with people who you believe you can benefit. I feel sorry for them, having to look up to you. Have you ever won a world title Chaos? Have you? Have any of your followers won any championships? Again a negative answer. I on the other hand have been taught well, by a great lord. He has shown me the way to becoming the best and I am slowly doing so unlike you or any of your pathetic leeches that you surround. So if I was you, I’d get out of my face.”


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6CWF Lockdown 15/8 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 15/8

Post by Gregers Tue Aug 16, 2011 8:46 pm

(Chaos looks at Rapture before smirking)

C: I'm sorry am I supposed to know who you are? Wait its Clarke James isn't it?

(Rapture snarls)

C: Xeres?

(Again Rapture snarls)

C: Oh wait I remember you're that deluded General, Sanchez wasn't it? The man who went from the bottom of the card to the, well bottom of the card. Feuding over a title that no one cares about. And wait it gets better, losing that title to a man who mere months ago failed to win 6NG. How many World Champions have you defeated? How many successful title defences did you manage? Was that nil and nearly one?

(Chaos steps forward and goes face to face with Rapture)

C: I am the Greatest Cruiserweight in the World, I am the Greatest Wrestler in this Company. I am the True Prophet...

(Rapture cuts across Chaos)


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6CWF Lockdown 15/8 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 15/8

Post by AberdeenSteve Tue Aug 16, 2011 9:11 pm

[b]Raptures breathing becomes increasingly heavier as the anger builds up inside him.

"Do you think your funny degrading the greatest stable in 6WF history Chaos? I think you are just jealous that people want to be under the guidance of the great Hero whilst you find yourself lumped with nobodies like James McManus.

Yes, I didn't once successfully defend my championship but I am one that never gives up and always wants to prove a point. I'll prove my point and prove you wrong when I beat Longinus once and for all. I will then have a belt around my waist, unlike you. I'll take great pleasure in watching you get your ass handed to you by Hero when you meet at the next PPV.

That however is in the future but we are here on Lockdown preparing for a match that pits us against each other for the first time. Are you ready to prove to me that you are the greatest wrestler in this company? Are you Chaos? Because I don't think you are, I see the fear in your eyes. I see that little hint of doubt. You fear the Rapture.."


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6CWF Lockdown 15/8 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 15/8

Post by Gregers Tue Aug 16, 2011 9:46 pm

(Chaos looks irate at Rapture but steadies himself before cracking a smile)

C: Fear? You dare stand before me and claim that I feel fear? Oh Sanchez how you like to prove just how little your so called lord has taught you. I was European Champion for 5 months and was cheated out of my title by a great wrestler. Hell, I would already be the Undisputed Champion had McGraw not screwed over my number one contendership.

(Chaos shoves Rapture who snarls)

C: And proving myself? How about not pinned or forced to submit on PPV for over 14 months? How about retiring Max Adamson and Abe Abercorn? How about putting on Match of the Year candidates against Snake Eyes for months? How about the simple fact that I am the Greatest thing in pro wrestling today?

This week we "team" up. I say team up, do you honestly think that Chaos, Herbert and Rapture can work as a cohesive unit. This has McGraw written all over it. So Sanchez, are you itching to do a little Hoorah? Or do you actually believe what Herbert has brainwashed you to believe?


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6CWF Lockdown 15/8 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 15/8

Post by AberdeenSteve Tue Aug 16, 2011 10:25 pm

Rapture takes a moment to absorb the last insult that was thrown at him by Chaos. He inhales and begins to laugh at Chaos who now doesn’t look best pleased at his adversary’s reaction.

“What is it with you living in the past Chaos? Yes, I was once a naive idiot but now I am under the guidance of the greatest wrestler in history. Yes, you have ended careers and stolen the show on many occasions but again, all in the past. You are grasping on to pastures past and it is laughable at times.

If I am being completely honest, all I see when I look at you is a washed up has been still clinging on to those past ventures. I believe it is time you moved over and let the future walk into the spotlight, in particular in me. You see Chaos, I will shine brighter than you ever have or will and that irks you.

You stand before me, a confident and brash character playing to the crowd that you are some sort of villain but truly underneath you are nothing but a coward.

Want to prove me wrong? Get out in that ring and do it. See you there.”

Rapture swiftly turns from Chaos as he looks on.


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6CWF Lockdown 15/8 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 15/8

Post by Legend Tue Aug 16, 2011 10:45 pm

(James Eagle meets his agent just outside his private locker room and invites him in.)

Agent: That Uryu, I think his name is, he was just on the phone wanting to talk to you. I have the details right here. Would you like to return the call?

JE: Would i lime to return the call? Hmm... no. I have far more important matters to be dealing with than someone who is doing to receieve a heavy beating this week on Lockdown. Anywho, I think I'm on to someone.

Agent: Err, I'm sorry, you've lost me already...

JE: The bodyguard?

Agent: Oh yes, of course. So, have you come up with anything? 

JE: I think we may well have done. I've possibly hit a gold mine with this gem. It's not exactly what you might have been asking for, but it seems you're right about the general opinion of me backstage... jealousy is a horrible thing, right? 

(There is no response)

JE: Right?

(While Eagle is taking strides back and forth, up and down the room, he turns around to find his agent has disappeared. The Golden One rolls his eyes before kicking the wall and dropping his head into his hands, as the cameras return to ringside.)

RJ: Unsurprisingly, it looks like his agent got bored like the lot of us and decided to wander off. You know you're in trouble when someone you pay thousands of pounds every week starts leaving you to talk to yourself! Laugh 

MW: How can you be so sure that that's exactly what happened?

RJ: And what do you mean by that? Are you saying he was abducted by aliens? Michael, you really need that head of yours checking out sooner rather than later! 

MW: You know just what I mean. Unless of course, you're the real idiot here... I mean, aliens aren't the only creatures with the ability to abduct...

RJ: Either way, I think Eagle's agent was correct about his predictions. The games have already begun.

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6CWF Lockdown 15/8 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 15/8

Post by Uryu Ishida Wed Aug 17, 2011 7:33 am

*Uryu is limping around, now wearing a knee brace as he approaches James Eagles locker room*

Uryu: If you cant get him to the mountain....

*He knocks on the door and waits*

Uryu: James, whats going on man? Can we talk?

*Clarissa walks up to Uryu and gently hugs him*

Clarissa: Heya, James is inside but why must you talk to him?

Uryu: He is the guy who helped me on my return, showed me around the 6NG guys and then he dissapears maybe even more suspiciously than Samoa Joe was kidnapped by...

*Clarissa covers his mouth*

Clarissa: We cant say anything about that you know the rule!

*Uryu nods and smiles, knocking on James' door again*

Uryu: James, if you don't show up I will break this door down. I don't want to but I will if I have to!

Uryu Ishida

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6CWF Lockdown 15/8 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 15/8

Post by Legend Wed Aug 17, 2011 7:37 am

(The sound of bolts being unbolted and locks being unlocked comes from the other side of the door. The handle begins to move, accompanied by a quiet creak, as the door is pulled open incredibly slowly. There is a small gap between the frame and the door, through which James Eagle peers. His eye darts around Uryu to check for others.)

JE: Is anyone else with you?

(Uryu shakes his head)

JE: Very well then.

(The door shuts for a second as Eagle unhooks the thingumajig that I can't remember the name of. OK Eagle opens the door and steps out hesitantly.)

JE: What do you want?

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6CWF Lockdown 15/8 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 15/8

Post by Uryu Ishida Wed Aug 17, 2011 9:00 am

*Uryu steps in, pulling James back in rather harshly and locking the door*

Uryu: Sit down as this is important.

*As he waits for James to sit down he turns his phone off*

Uryu: I return, you help me out and then you suddenly fall off the face of the earth, you return a month later and badmouth everyone here. my first question is where did you go? Why did you go? What happened to make you change?

*Uryu starts pacing around and just as James opens his mouth*

Uryu: You had potential in that match, an abundance of talent that you just needed a bit of guidance on to make it perfect and what have you done without guidance? you turned sour and hit out at everyone by rubbing the fact you are Richie Rich in their faces!

*Uryu pauses and sits down*

Uryu: What has changed?


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6CWF Lockdown 15/8 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 15/8

Post by Legend Wed Aug 17, 2011 9:05 am

JE: Look, I've seen what you do to people. And to be totally honest, it's pretty sick. I'm not up for any of your funny games, nor am I going to get involved. This Thursday will be a nice warm up for bigger things. Once I push you aside, I will once again be able to tell people that I can and will beat many others to come. But there is something you can do about that...

JE: My rise to fame was a fortunate one. I was lucky enough to side with another top young star. But that soon changed. We parted ways and I found my true niche. At one point I even went six matches unbeaten, but that clearly wasn't enough to convince the higher powers. They just didn't want to know. No matter how hard you try to please them, Uryu, you won't get anywhere near a title. Nobody likes a butt kisser and that's what you are. Perhaps you could argue that's what I was and I wouldn't complain. That's because I knew it. But that was the past. Today is about looking to the future. Making new alliances. Winning more matches... Winning more titles. I've just got to hope that if my money starts losing influence, then I can actually be looked at as a formidable competitor. So far I've been accused of bribing myself into both of my title matches to date.

(Uryu looks at Eagle questionably)

JE: I'm not going to lie to you, Uryu. But what I'm trying to say is that no matter how many wins you pick up, you will start to realise how much of a dictatorship this place is. You will start to notice people racing past you because of "insider knowledge". Not even money beats that. Look at Big Al Cumstain for example. Where did he come from? How did he end up earning a number one contenders match, never mind a title match. Don't you see it? These "higher powers" aren't fair. They just don't want you to succeed. They don't want either of us to succeed. 

(There is a silence, as both men share inquisitive looks.)

JE: There is, actually, something I'd like to suggest to you. But...err, this isn't something everybody should hear. Those cameras need turning off, if of course you are interested?

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6CWF Lockdown 15/8 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 15/8

Post by Uryu Ishida Wed Aug 17, 2011 9:22 am

*Uryu ponders a reply*

Uryu: James, I am here as a friend, look at how long it took me to even get a number one contenders match, three months. Did I mind waiting? a little but I approached every single challenge and every single opponent with a good heart and good intentions of performing at my absolute best! How many times did I face Cassius Zhi? 5, maybe 6. How many times did I win? none! how many times did i get right into his face with confidence and give him a good fight because of that!?!

*JE looks on, slightly unimpressed*

Uryu: I got my opportunity by working hard, being friendly with everyone and proving it in the ring! I may be hurt but will that stop me from giving you my best? NEVER! I will fight with a broken arm if it means going out there and proving that I am still capable of putting up a good fight for the fans! They back me all the way and what about your fans? are they cheering you?

*the fans boo*

Uryu: Didn't think so, James I will listen to your proposal but you have to convince me without a doubt!

Uryu Ishida

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6CWF Lockdown 15/8 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 15/8

Post by Legend Wed Aug 17, 2011 9:44 am

JE: In fact, there's no way I will be able to convince you. You just don't see it do you, it's a conspiracy. You wouldn't want to hear it. Your naivety is too much of a serious issue. I wouldn't be able to convince you. I wouldn't be able to convert you. You, my friend, are not going to see the light even if I tried... But I'll try anyway. 

JE: I am on a mission to turn this place into a true democracy, where people who have earned their title matches get them. Where champions are actually the best in the division. Not some edible beast like Scorpion or another of my inferiors, Longinus. For I have never truly lost to Scorpion. We have only faced one on one once. And guess who won... me of course! I'm sure you watched 6NG and saw who was the best. I made it to the final. So why aren't you champion I hear you ask. You tell me. Why aren't I champion? Because they don't want me to? I am the best singles wrestler there is in 6WF. But I shouldn't be made to face incapable rookies like that pinner, Lustley. My future is as a champion. More importantly, my future is the future that everyone aspires for. And there is a way in which you can share this future. In fact, everyone has the chance. All you have to do is ask.

(Eagle looks at Uryu, before turning round and hitting a big left hand down the lens of the camera behind them, sending it backwards onto the floor. The voices continue, but the only image is of the patterned ceiling of James Eagle's locker room.)

JE: You only have to ask...

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6CWF Lockdown 15/8 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 15/8

Post by Uryu Ishida Wed Aug 17, 2011 10:09 am

*Uryu looks at James and sighs*

Uryu: So there are men who get there by hook or by crook, do I care?

*Uryu pauses as we hear James smirk*

JE: Now you understand, don't you?

Uryu: look just because there are people who jump the line doesnt mean you should barge past them to! I will still fight for what I believe in and that is giving the fans what they deserve, but I...

*he kicks a wall*

Uryu: I understand where you are coming from but the way you are going about it is just plain wrong! Lets go beyond the higher ups if you want to do it the right way...

*Uryu looks at the camera and smiles*

Uryu: I will only help you, if you beat me in the ring James. Details will be sorted out later. If I beat you, you drop this and stand in line, agreed?

Uryu Ishida

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6CWF Lockdown 15/8 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 15/8

Post by ncfc_Tooze Wed Aug 17, 2011 10:12 am

MW-and now we have some very graphic footage from after the Against the wall event. We pick up this footage with Mcmanus recieving attention for a cut on his forehead after clashing with the announce table in his fight
with Uryu (footage of this is being played at the same time)

JM-So how many stiches

DR.-about 12

JM-OK, Uryu really beat me up badly,Has he been in

DR.-Yes, he has some leg damage and some bruising to his ribs.

JM-Hopefully he gets better, as much as I dislike him,I respect him and didnt want him to become to injured

DR.-Ok stiches going in

(lots of swearing comes from mcmanus as the stiches go in)

DR.-OK all done, we just need to bandage over that, Hang on your elbows swollen

as Mcmanus talks the doctor bandages the injury

JM- Oh yeah, its proberly dislocated, it does that now and again.

DR- we need to re locate it then, close your eyes


DR-Ok all done, you will need to keep that elbow protected for a couple of weeks,by just putting elbow pads on and bandaging underneath

JM-Thanks doc

camera fades to black

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6CWF Lockdown 15/8 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 15/8

Post by Legend Wed Aug 17, 2011 10:18 am

(James Eagle looks at Uryu for a while pondering a decision.)

JE: So... if I can beat you this Thursday, you join me and help me to conquer the company. To end this madness. If I lose, however, you get the benefit of doubt and I stop?

(Uryu nods)

JE: It's a deal.

(He offers a hand to Uryu)

JE: Now you'd better get out of here before people start asking questions. Now scoot.

(Eagle ushers Uryu out of his locker room before shutting the ppt and locking back up.)

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6CWF Lockdown 15/8 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 15/8

Post by Uryu Ishida Wed Aug 17, 2011 10:19 am

*Uryu nods slowly*

Uryu: but we do it my way James...

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6CWF Lockdown 15/8 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 15/8

Post by President Trump Wed Aug 17, 2011 10:40 am

The crowd are settling down in their seats and getting ready for another action packed night when “Refuse/Resist” wails out over the arena and as one the crowd bust into cheers as their hero Chris Patricks walks out on stage and raises his arms up and points to the sky before slowly making his way down to the ring

RJ: Here comes the Enigma and what a match that he was involved in on Sunday

MW: It was a great match and it was won by a greater fighter…Chaos

RJ: Chris must have been disappointed about the outcome, nearly everyone had him on as favourite to get the win and become No1 Contender to Hero’s crown

MW: I have been telling you…hell even Chaos has to you for weeks that Chris is just not good enough to go that extra step, he’s had his chances and now it’s time for the True Prophet to take his

Chris walks up the steps and climbs into the ring and looks around the arena at the cheering fans

Crowd: E-NIG-MA

Chris: I was standing in the back with all these different things to say in my head about how im gonna do this and that and how Im gonna get back on my feet and go for the gold again…but I just can’t say it


Chris: After another disappointing night on Sunday, it’s getting harder and harder to come out here and act all upbeat and put on the happy mask because to be honest im devastated, most of you are too young to know how it feels to train and train all your life with one goal in mind and for you never to reach that goal it’s pretty soul destroying, don’t get me wrong, I’m not out here to make excuses, I put the work in and I failed no one else.

RJ: I have never seen Chris like this, he’s usually so upbeat

MW: Maybe he’s realised he’s just not good enough

RJ: Shut up Mike

Chris: I have come to a crossroad in my career and there are only 2 ways I can go, One is I could leave 6CWF and return home, I have been on the road most of my life and maybe it’s time for me to stop being selfish and spend some time with my family, all the sacrificing has to stop sometime and it’s my Wife and Kids that have suffered the most, they have lived in the side-lines as I went for my dream of becoming World Champ…and the other option is to stay and train harder than before and get up to that next gear that I just haven’t been able to get to and brush off the “Nearly man” title and become The Man…



RJ: Have you no shame

Chris leans back on the ropes and looks out at the crowd, at all the young fans wearing his t-shirts and holding up banners with his name on it, he strokes the newly grown stubble on his face and looks up towards the heavens as in some kind of secret prayer then down at his Brother and Father’s initials on the back of his hands and smiles, the crowd go quiet as Chris brings the mic to his lips

Chris: Well it looks like I have some training to do…


RJ: He’s gonna stay and fight Mike, the Enigma will not give up the dream

MW: You all make me sick

Refuse/Resist hits again as Chris climbs out of the ring and walks up the rampway tagging fans on the way, he stops at the top of the ramp and salutes to the fans that are still chanting his name

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6CWF Lockdown 15/8 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 15/8

Post by Guest Wed Aug 17, 2011 2:24 pm

-A sleek black Audi TT roars into the Birmingham Bowl, it rolls into a designated parking space, and the camera moves backwards to focus on the number plate, it reads: 'D1V1N3 1', there is a predominantly positive reception from the audible crowd in the arena. The drivers side door opens and The Saint steps out of the car, suited and booted, along with sunglasses. He breathes in the Birmingham air, and then reaches into his car, revealing the European Championship. The Saint looks at the camera and smiles wryly.-

The Saint: 6WF, what a weekend The Saint just had! What a weekend! A weekend where The Ultimate Weapon TORE back into his hometown, the place where it all began, his spiritual home, Manchester! And can The Saint just say how wonderful it was to be back home! Anyway, The Saint swept through the MEN and lifted the roof off but the most important thing that happened at Against The Wall, was that The Saint retained this European Title and gave his hometown fans a masterclass in getting the job done.

Blue Dragon received a lesson in proper wrestling on Sunday. He tried to lower the match to the only thing we knew, and got bit on the ass as a result! By bringing his weaponry into the match he sealed his own downfall because I'm far more smart than the idiotic spot monkeys he's used to facing. I'm resourceful, and I utilised that. Blue Dragon received a lesson, that the biggest gun doesn't win the war, it's how you make use of what is available to you that sees you through.

Now whether he'll come back and have another go at wrestling this belt from my midst remains to be seen, but Thursday sees me resume my skirmish with the Church of Hero, and the top choir boys, Marshall Murdoch and Crime Lord. Two men who ventured into the territory of the lesser brand and got schooled by two of the most inferior beings I've ver seen in my life. I'm sure Father Hero was most rough with his punishment unto you both. Let me guess, you're both walking a bit gingerly because he was just a little bit too rough?

Anyway, that's irrelevant, because The Saint can't help but think back to when The Church of Hero had the balls to say he was past it, and not worth a crap. Well, fast forward a few months, and whilst Marshall Murdoch and Crime Lord remain the mediocre peon's they've always been, The Saint is THE form wrestler in the 6WF. I've taken on some of the 'best' 6WF has to offer, served them up and aced them out the park.

And Thursday, alongside Scorpion, I'll carry on the festivities by compounding your two's horror show of a weekend, but don't worry, I'll do it in such a way that you're master/pimp doesn't have to beat you for your failures.

Divine Intervention at it's finest...

You will be Sainted!

-The Saint smiles, ammends his belt on his shoulder and heads into the Birmingham Bowl.-


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6CWF Lockdown 15/8 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 15/8

Post by CMPUNKisthesaviour Wed Aug 17, 2011 4:19 pm

Clarissa is shown in the back area with The Soldiers of Fortune.The crowd clap and cheer the tag team champions.

Clarissa:Thank you for joining me guys, and first of all congratulations on another title defense last week.

Castiguer:Thanks Clarissa,that means a lot.It means a great deal for all these great fans to be cheering us on and supporting us night after night and it means so much to still be able to represent this company as tag team champions.

Anneire:We knew heading into Against the Wall that we had a challenge on our hands.Ekram and Dubois have really gelled well as a team,they have a solid base of which to grow and develop their style and they even managed to one up us on a few occassions.But we stuck to our task and we kept our cool.We are not arrogant men but we know what we are capable of and we know that on our day we can ride out with the best of them and defeat them inside the squared circle.

Castiguer:It was a fantastic match,the crowd in Manchester was electric and we felt like we really hit the ground running.From the get go I knew that we were going to turn in a special performance and even when it looked like the chips were down,I knew we could rise up and we could walk away victorious.

Clarissa:I spoke to you after that match and you had a few choice words for the 6CW Tag Team Champions,Frosted Dice.For those who didn't hear,would you care to repeat?

Anneire:We aren't talking down to Frosted Dice,in fact we respect their abilities and we see them as a formidable force.We have wrestled teams from every continent and Frosted Dice are up their in the highest category.All me and Castiguer have said is that we are happy to face Frosted Dice anytime.Because we want nothing more than to entertain all of our fantastic fans and what better way to do that then a huge cross-brand tag team bout between the two best in the business.

Castiguer:The Soldiers of Fortune are always looking to better themselves,we never shirk the opportunity to test our skills against the best and this is the same situation as always.Frosted Dice are seen as the best in 6CW,we are the best in 6WF,I would say it makes perfect sense.

Clarissa:I am sure that is a match that the fans would love to see,but looking ahead to this week on Lockdown.You team with the new Freeweight Champion,Longinus, to go up against Chaos,Rapture and the 6WF Champion,Hero.Your views?

Anneire:A difficult match,we are facing three of the toughest men in this industry.The Undisputed champion,his number one contender and the former Freeweight Champion.But on the other side of the fence we have the tag team champions and the current Freeweight champion,Longinus.

The crowd cheer

Anneire:This has all the makings of a great main event and its down to us to go out there and show the entire world that we can compete with anybody in this company.Me and Castiguer are not singles competitors but it would be a massive boost personally to gain a victory over such a high calibre of opposition.

Castiguer:Any time you get the chance to go out there and compete with the Undisputed champion is a privilidge.We don't like the way Hero does business but we respect what he is capable of,respect his achievements and this type of match can only improve us as competitors.

We are going to go out there on Thursday night and we are going to put on a show like we always do.Give 110% and hopefully leave with a huge win....

Anneire:The SOF leave it all in the ring,we know what awaits us but we sure hope that our opponents are ready as well.We look forward to going out there and entertaining our fans,and with a bit of luck their support will guide us to victory!

Clarissa:Thanks again for your time, good luck on thursday.

The crowd cheer and they chant "SOF" as Castiguer and Angelo Anneire high five before walking away.


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6CWF Lockdown 15/8 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 15/8

Post by Legend Wed Aug 17, 2011 6:08 pm

(James Eagle returns to his locker room after a hard days work to find his agent shaking in the corner. He sits curled up with his chin resting on his knees, as Eagle rushes over to enquire about the latest occurrence.)

JE: Oh God, somebody else who can't just stick to their job! You look a bloody state, but I don't want to know what's wrong or who's done what now. You are probably aware that im not a happy bunny right now. Quite the opposite in fact. Yesterday evening, I turn around to find myself talking to nobody, as you had long deserted me. Today, I come here to find you shivering like a naked polar bear.

(Eagle's agent continues to shiver, yet remains almost motionless.)

JE: Hmm. Providing you don't just run off again, I would like to give you something...

(Eagle hands his agent a small envelope, but he just takes it and continues to shiver with his eyes frozen on the blank space ahead.)

JE: I'm not sure what your problem is, but you'd better sort yourself out sharpish, because I don't hire people to cry in the corner.

(Eagle receives no response once again, just angering him further.)

JE: Look, if you don't get out of that corner right now, I'm going to send you straight through the wall headfirst. Get up and there's no trouble.

(Eagle's response is little more that a tiny grunt, but his agent makes no effort to move.)

JE: That's how it is, then.

(Eagle's facial expression suddenly changes and he completely snaps. He runs full pelt straight into his agent, smashing a powerful knee directly at the man's skull. His head bounces violently off the wall, leaving a noticeable dent, as he falls forward, collapsing onto the freshly febreeze'd carpet below. 

Eagle starts pacing the room, as he occasionally looks back to his "client", but showing little remorse. He stops at one end of the room in the opposite corner to his agent and psychotically smashes his head into the wall with immense force. He spins round 180 degrees and slides down the wall until he reaches the floor, where he remains seated, staring blankly at the agent.)

RJ: It looks like 'The Golden One' has finally snapped, and big time! These mind games paired with this so called "Dictatorship in the higher powers" has really got to him.

MW: He needs to gather his thoughts and not let things get to him. In the meantime he just needs to think about Uryu and the match this Thursday. Otherwise, he could really flip and...

RJ: And?

MW: Wait, isn't it obvious?

RJ: Isn't what obvious?

MW: Eagle's tormentor.

RJ: Go on.

MW: No, it doesn't matter. I'm probably wrong.

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6CWF Lockdown 15/8 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 15/8

Post by Uryu Ishida Wed Aug 17, 2011 6:21 pm

*Uryu watches on concerned at what James just did.*

Uryu: I had better keep my guard up, he is looking rather upset about being tormented...but I have been tormented as well in the past. I have to take this as serious or we will have a 2nd Chaos on our hands and I dont want that to happen again!

*Uryu paces around, getting nervous*

Uryu: It won't happen again, not like last time!

Uryu Ishida

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6CWF Lockdown 15/8 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 15/8

Post by Lee Thu Aug 18, 2011 8:39 am

We see a dimly lit hallway, all of a sudden a man appears at the end of it, it is Logan Kincade "The Captain". He looks troubled but angry.

We see a flash of images, he is curled up on the floor against the wall screaming, then he is tearing pictures off the wall and kicking in doors, then we see a moment of calm as he stares into space with a look of terror in his eyes. The images fade and we see him walking again.

He stops...

Logan: Who is there? I SAID! WHO IS THERE!?

He continues to walk towards the locker rooms. He enters the room and sits down, he sees a piece of paper on the bench, as he reads it he sees his fight is with Blue Dragon

Logan: Blue Dragon.....?

All of a sudden the images crash into his head again and he lets out a mighty scream. We see the images of the shadowy figure that we saw when he smashed up the locker room last week but this time he is clearer, and it looks a lot like Blue Dragon.

Logan: What is happening to me! It must be him! Blue Dragon.... he did this to me! He was working for the scientists who captured me and experimented on me! That Wretched Villain! I am going to KILL HIM!!!

There is a knock on the door, Logan spins round to see Clarissa standing ready for an interview.

Clarissa: everything alright?

Logan: My lady everything is fine, please come on in.

Clarissa: So Logan, you are up against Blue Dragon he is a former Hardcore Champion, and he comes off the back of a defeat to the saint in Manchester. How do you feel about this fight?

Logan: Haha my dear I know little of this Blue Dragon person, but I saw his fight with The Saint and his actions left me with no doubt in my mind...He is a Villain, and one I must take out. But this time I will not be cheated out of victory, or be handed victory by a low blow, NO!...

...I will beat the Blue Dragon until he breathes is final breath!

Clarissa: Wow that....doesn't sound like the Captain who I've spoken to before, has something happened?

Logan: Yes Clarissa, something HAS happened, I feel deep in my mind, that I have seen this Blue Dragon before, in my darker days, but because of the experiments that those evil scientists did to me, my past is clouded,... BUT images keep flashing into my head, and it is starting to become clear....

He pauses for a moment thinking......

Alas fair Clarissa I must take my leave, Justice cannot rest, for the villains of this world are relentless, and it is my DUTY! to stop them. Farewell!

As Logan walks off Clarissa looks totally confused down the camera.

Clarissa: well....there you have it.....erm Good luck Logan, You will really need it.


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6CWF Lockdown 15/8 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 15/8

Post by Legend Thu Aug 18, 2011 9:07 am

(James Eagle steps out of his white Lambourghini, straight into a flurry of interviewers and paparazzi. He pushes through the clouds, clearly troubled, but tries to hide his emotions.)

MW: It's unusual to see The Golden One completely alone. There is usually someone to protect him, but for the last few weeks the relationship between he and his employees has been gradually deteriorating. Last night, he literally attacked his agent, one of his last remaining men. 

RJ: And with very few people around to keep an eye on him, somebody has taken it on themselves to launch a series of mental attacks.

(Eagle enters the arena to escape the clutches of the public interest. Clarissa walks up to him.)

C: What did you think you were doing? 

(Eagle gives Clarissa a disgusted look.)

C: Attacking an innocent man just like that. It's sick. He won't be returning to your side anytime soon, he won't be returning to anyone's side. The poor man has a fractured skull and suspected brain damage... and that's all down to you. What do you have to say to yourself?

(Eagle just ignores the question and pushes Clarissa to the side. She shouts abuse at him, but he just walks on. After a short while, he simply stops to punch the wall. Eagle stops walking and  just looks at the wall for a while, before slamming his head hard into it. He recoils a bit, but continues to butt the wall, only for a huge figure to pounce on him from behind, pulling him away.

???: Don't let this get to you, man. You can't let this happen. It's no good for your health.

(Eagle stops still against the wall, while the man walks off into the distance.)

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6CWF Lockdown 15/8 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 15/8

Post by ADMIN Thu Aug 18, 2011 11:41 am

The camera cuts to a different location, Butlins. Inside the Skyline arena a large number of small children are at the front of the stage watching Barney the Dinosaur sing about candy raindrops. The camera pans across to the front row of seating where Hero sits with Austin on his knee, to his side is Miss Jessica. On the table is a collection of Billy Bear teddies, a Mojito and a Woo Woo.

Hero: I hate this place.
J: You hate it? don’t get me started! This place is just so like totally skankeriffic, just look at some of the Jessica wannabees parading around in their fake Abercrombie & Fitch tops like an episode of Jersey Shore.
H: Why did we come here?
J: it was your idea! Do you think I want to sit opposite you for a week, you're like the worst hunk repellent ever known to exist! Thought at least you'd have dressed appropriately! *looks at Hero who's sat in his ring attire still.
H: I just feel comfy in it! Anyway people will recognise me and want autographs!
J: How many have you had?
H: 2 so far.
J: And they thought you were Shawn Michaels, must have been the receding hair and boss eyes.
We came here for Austin you said, he’d love to have Mommy and Daddy take him somewhere for a break. Where he can round around with a load of snot filled brats drinking Fruit Shoots until their front teeth rot, where the ball pit is more an unlucky dip for who can find the discarded dirty nappy.
H: Nappy?
J: Diaper you moron how long have you lived over here?, anyway this is your fault, not mine, so I might as well make the most of my time here *winks across at the Redcoat at the DJ booth.

Austin begins to play with one of his Billy Bear toys at this point and another toddler wanders over and grabs hold of it, both begin to argue as they pull on an arm each.
Hero looks around to see if the other childs parents are looking before reaching down and raking the kids eyes, the girl immediately lets go and clutches his face, her heavily tattooed parents in football tops rush over.

Dad: What happened to Chantel?
Hero: He slipped and caught the edge of the table, poor girl.
Dad: Urr well thanks.
Hero: No probs.

Miss Jessica: Saw that cheap shot.
Hero: Worked didn’t it?
Miss Jessica: I’d have gone for a foot stomp or kidney punch though, far less obvious.
Hero: Hmm, good call, I’ll remember that next time.

The camera fades out as Hero begins to slurp on his Woo Woo.
J: And don't drink them too quick, last night you got all flirty when we got back to the room!


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6CWF Lockdown 15/8 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 15/8

Post by BuffDaddy Thu Aug 18, 2011 1:39 pm

The camera cuts to a darkened room, a man in his mid 30’s stands there wearing wrestling gear, black trunks, knee pads and boots with a dark red trim. He is muscular without being defined, hairy chested with short cropped hair receding slightly, a few patches of gray hair in amongst the brown. He stairs into the camera for a few seconds without saying anything as it zooms slowly in on his face, he looks serious and there is intensity in his eyes as he stats to speak.

The human race. Petty, vulgar, greedy, selfish. I look at the current generation and it’s a wonder how we ever got buy, ever evolved. The youth of today live only for the moment and I can’t think of anywhere I see men living for the moment more than in 6WF. It sickens me, men almost killing each other weekly for the gratification of the crowd, for the love of the people, for honour and glory in the ring. Men who’s lifetime ambition is to hold a golden belt aloft at ‘Born in Fire’. Such short sighted narrow mindedness is poison, it’s shallow, unachievable by all but a few but even the men who fail to do this and loose weekly in this pantomime are the roll models the youth of today choose, not doctors, not lawyers not great men like me. They look up to steroid addled freaks who have no intellect, no substance only catchphrases and vulgarity, men who when they open their mouths can only speak threats of violence and pompous monologue! Well I say enough! No more! I say that it’s time that the young men and woman who tune into this freakshow weekly have someone they can really look up to. Someone who will teach them that with every action comes an equal consequence. That you can’t achieve your dreams by working hard, that most of you are doomed to failure. How am I going to do it? By fighting fire with fire, today’s youth tune into 6WF to be entertained, to enjoy the soap opera that is wrestling! I am going to deprive them of that soap opera and give them something different. Extreme, unadulterated violence! You have been warned! I am coming! THINGS ARE GOING TO CHANGE! I am John ‘The Herald’ Marx. Remember my message!


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6CWF Lockdown 15/8 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 15/8

Post by ADMIN Thu Aug 18, 2011 4:16 pm

The camera cuts once again to Butlins and this time the swimming pool. Miss Jessica is sat at the side in a gold bikini as Hero comes out still in his ring attire holding Austin’s hand. Austin’s wearing armbands with the COH logo on them.

Miss J: Oh how totally dred!

Hero: Is that good?

Miss J: Does this face look like it’s good? *Jessica lowers her sunglasses and glares at Hero.
Now remove yourself from my presence, you’re sending bad vibes to that rather lush lifeguard over there and I don’t want him thinking that the pair of you are rolling with me whilst he’s checking out my chung.

Hero: Checking out your what? Is that what you called your foo foo nowadays? For this angle it’s looks more like a cameltoe.

Miss J: Chung means my general gorgeousness, that I’m like a total uber babe.

At this point Austin wades into the water and splashes Miss Jessica.

Miss J: Oh that’s like totally gross. Ew eww eww!

Hero: It’s water! What’s the issue?

Miss J: Do you realise how many brats have peed in that? Can you comprehend the verucas, the plasters, all the horrid bits that have floated off all these frankly subhumans and have now splashed against me, it makes my skin crawl.

Hero: It looks half dead as it is, has it ever seen sunlight?

Miss J: Pale is the new black, I have the skin of a 12 year old!

Hero: Yeah you’ve got the boobs too.

Miss J: I thought I was meant to be the biggest bitch in 6WF? You’ve got your claws out today!

Hero: So are you just going to stay there all afternoon? Not even going to get wet at all?

One of the lifeguards walks past Miss Jessica

Miss J: Hmm I might be in a bit.

Hero: Anyway, this hol is for Austin, what would you like to go on kid?

Austin: Can we go on the Billy Bear slide Daddy?

Hero: Billy Bear Slide? What are you, some kind of wuss? I was being put burning tables from 40ft up when I was your age! It’s the MasterBlaster Deathdrop 3000 for you! C’mon!


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