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6CWF Lockdown 8/12/11

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6CWF Lockdown 8/12/11 Empty 6CWF Lockdown 8/12/11

Post by Mat Sat 03 Dec 2011, 3:08 pm

Match 1
Interfed Cup
Rapture vs Mike Hill

Match 2
Uryu Ishida vs James McManus

Match 3
Elimination Chamber qualifying match
JJ Johnson vs Jerome Dubois

Match 4
Christopher Patricks/Blue Dragon vs Chaos/The Fanatic

Match 5
Interfed Cup
The Dragon vs Yarmouth Blade

Main Event
Scorpion/Crime Lord/Marshall Murdoch vs The Saint/Clarke James/Cassius Zhi

Last edited by Mat on Tue 06 Dec 2011, 8:50 pm; edited 1 time in total

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6CWF Lockdown 8/12/11 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 8/12/11

Post by AberdeenSteve Sat 03 Dec 2011, 5:08 pm

The scene cuts in to the Church. Rapture is sat on a bench, his back to the camera. He adjusts slightly so the side of his face can be seen before he begins to talk.

“You all thought we were going didn’t you? I know you all thought it. Their leader has left, what is their purpose now? What do they have to fight?

I’ll answer every one of those questions. We were all annoyed at first; I am not going to lie about that. We had given up our identities, our individual statuses to stand by the greatest man to have ever graced the wrestling world. He took us under his wing, but we had to make sacrifices. We all had to train hard, pray daily and hope that eventually we’d one day follow in the footsteps of Hero and become a 6WF legend.

Even after all those sacrifices, all those days spent praying and training hard we were just merely thrown to the side. He had decided he had grown bored of 6WF. He claimed he had done it all and there was nothing else worth staying for. We were worth staying for but he didn’t have the decency to do so. There was no sitting us down, explaining why he was leaving. It was like we never existed.

But we do exist; we are still stood before you. We are no longer the ‘Church of Hero’ but from this day forward we are to be known as just ‘The Church’. We are all brothers, and you don’t give up on those. We are still here to fight everything that is good in 6WF, be it JJ Johnson, Clarke James or Longinus we will hold no remorse. Another buck has decided to rear his ugly head, Cassius Zhi. He will only be another name added to the list that The Church will one day take out, and for good this time.

There is no ridding of us, and there never will be. Hero leaving was a blow, but it was a blow that has awoken us. We are wide awake, and aware of every threat. There was never any doubt in the future of The Church. It is looking bright, and we aren’t stopping until we have full control.

We don’t want to stop at taking over 6WF though, we have 6CW fully in our sights. I made the first step into exposing the Church to a wider audience. I crossed that line, I made Yarmouth Blade look like the jackass he is and came back with gold. All in a single nights work. I daren’t imagine the mayhem we’d cause if we consistently invaded. The Interfed Cup has provided us with another opportunity to spread our message. I will be crossing the border once again, and once more I shall return victorious. There is nobody they can throw at me who stands a chance. I will reign victorious and mark my words, the Church will be doing so for a long time to come.”

Rapture grins menacingly before turning his back to the camera.


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6CWF Lockdown 8/12/11 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 8/12/11

Post by Guest Sat 03 Dec 2011, 7:24 pm

Back at ringside and the arena lights dim until the whole arena is darkened. The flashes from the crowd's camera's can been seen all over. Several spot lights appear at the top of the stage and start to move all around the arena quickly as the following 'voiceover' can be heard.

As we live in these dark days filled with violence, opposition and hate.
There lies a place of saving grace
Protected in the hearts of the humble
The faithful, the ones who choose the path of resistance to protest
Protect, save, proclaim our lives lived not in vain.
In flesh, in spirit eternal
One love, One truth, One destiny
There is a strength in numbers we must unite mankind
There is a strength in numbers, our faith lies deep inside

MW: "What the hell is this?"

'Strength In Numbers' by Times Of Grace blasts through the speakers:
The strobe lights turn on and Longinus walks onto the stage as the song is in full force. He raises his hands high above his head to the cheers coming from the crowd who are on their feet. He slowly makes his way to the ring hi-fiving the outstretched hands as he goes. He runs up to the ring and slides under the bottom ropes. The strobe lights go off again as he times going on the turnbuckle to the chorus of the song to pose for the cameras. He stands there and then goes to the opposite turnbuckle to pose. Longinus jumps backwards off the turnbuckle as 'Strength In Numbers' finishes and he receives the microphone being passed to him through the ropes. He goes to address the crowd who are all cheering for The Atheist.

"So after Born in Fire the dust has now settled. Or has it? The Church yet again think they have the upper hand, but as it has been shown time and again there are those ready to step up and take the fight to the Church. Clarke returned, JJ returned, and now Cassius is back. (Crowd pop) And here I am. The Atheist. The one who has opposed the Church from my very beginning in the 6CWF. I saw first hand the inner workings of the Church from my time in 6NG and it was flawed. They may think they are a formidable force but the power struggle in the 6CWF is swaying away from them. Yes, they had some victories by beating some us at BIF, but who said that was that? Has the story ended? Has that chapter been closed? Not by a long way. As long as the Church are together the fight will ever end. With each passing week those against the Church grow stronger. We may get knocked down, but we come back better and more ready than ever."

"Hero has gone! The strength in numbers is longer on their side! It is with us! Rapture finds himself a target from everyone with his belts. He will be constantly watching his back as others join the fight against the Church. Clarke James has unfinished business with Marshall, as does Cassius with Crime Lord. And there is myself and JJ ready to kick the crap out of the Church at every given opportunity. The strength in numbers is with us. You are losing your power. We are untied. We have a faith that will never die. The Church's time in 6CWF is coming to an end. And you should believe that, because if you believe in anything, you should believe in The Atheist!"

'Strength In Numbers' by Times Of Grace blasts through the speakers once more as Longinus drops the microphone and goes back to stand on the turnbuckle.


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6CWF Lockdown 8/12/11 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 8/12/11

Post by Blade Sat 03 Dec 2011, 8:26 pm

The tron flickers in to life and the crowd suddenly cheer as The Dragon is seen walking down the street in Tokyo, Japan and as he walks down there are crowds of people at a market stall selling different kinds of fruits and they see Dragon and the bow in respect and Dragon bows back.

Dragon is dressed in jeans and a t shirt with the picture of a Dragon on it, the weather is mild and sunny, Dragon carry's on walking down the street when a man walks up to Dragon, He is an Englishman dressed in a smart suit in his his early 30's and is holding a brief case.

The man walks over to Dragon who stops in his track's the man puts down his brief case and then bow's in front of Dragon who again bows back to him.

Man: Can I have a few words with you Dragon? I am a Englishman and have travelled far across the world just to see the great Japanese star that has rocked 6WF to it's, I new you were coming back home for a few days and was wondering if I could have your auto graph?

The Dragon smiles at the man then shrugs his shoulders.

TD: So Sorry, No speak much English.

The man then reach's in to his inside pocket of his suit and pulls out an a to z book of Japanese short words, The man then flicks through the pages and begins to speak broken Japanese to the Dragon.

The words come on the screen in subtitle to what the man is saying?

Man: Can have have a pen to sign me book please?

TD: yes you can have a pen.

Dragon reaches in to his back Jean pocket and pulls out a pen and hands it to the man, The man smiles and takes the pen and then undo's the pen top and hands it back to Dragon and does a gesture with is arm as to say autograph my shirt.

Dragon smiles back to the man and then autograph's the man's shirt and he smiles and then walk's of back to the fruit stall.

Dragon carry's on walking down the street and then in to a bar, He walks in and the bar has a couple of people sat down on tall stools one at the end of the bar and one at in the middle of the bar, The man in the middle of the bar is dressed in a black suite with red tie on, The man turns round and it's Foo Poo and the crowd goes wild.

Foo Poo turns round and see's the Dragon and stands up and holds out his hand and the Dragon and Foo Poo both shake hand's and tap each other on the back.

The subtitles appear on the bottom of the tron as Foo Poo and Dragon speak in Japanese.

FP: Welcome brother, Have a cold beer after our long journey on the plane.

TD: Thank you brother.

FP: Please sit down you must be tired, Dragon you did well in you last two matches, You won the freshers ball contract and that just about guarantee's a title for you, And you beat our good friend Big al Lusty, Now you have to fight in the Interfed Cup and that will be some one from 6cw, Do you feel ready for this match?

TD: Yes brother I do feel ready, I know I am ready, Who ever they put in front of me I will fight hard, Train hard and hurt them hard, They will not know what has hit them, I will bring back honour to 6WF, 6WF is my home now, we shall conquer 6CW and we will gain respect from our brothers in 6WF.

FP: Have you seen mother and Father yet? They would very much like to see you and congratulate you in your success, They are very proud of you my brother.

TD: I will see them soon brother, But first let us drink and party like Big al Lusty taught us, we have fun now, Mother a father later.

The camera then zooms in the arena and back to RJ and Michael Wire who are dressed in smart grey suits.

RJ: did I here that right?

MW: I think so RJ, Foo Poo and the Dragon are brothers, Wow I never would have guessed that one.


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6CWF Lockdown 8/12/11 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 8/12/11

Post by ncfc_Tooze Sat 03 Dec 2011, 10:19 pm

The Final Countdown Hits and The arena is Lit up with blue lights as Mcmanus and Jenny walks out through the curtain to a chorus of boos from the crowd, as Mcmanus goes he Trash Talks the crowd as Jenny just laughs as The crowd get more riled up at Mcmanus' Trash Talking. The boos get louder the closer they get to the ring. Once in the ring Mcmanus Bends down and reaches for the Microphone from the member of staff placed at ringside. He blows into it before speaking. The boos are now at there loudest.

JM- Shut Up you Parasites

The Crowd Continue to boo.

JM- You see this week we have me vs Uryu part 4, The decider if you will. If I win, Me and The Fanatic proberly will go back into Tag Title Contention and then we will go to 6CW and win the titles which Uryu and Kincade lost, A feat they should be fired for, they lost one of the 6WF crown jewels. But it will be the team you Parasites hate the most win them back and that will be by the end of the year, Like it or not.

Jenny Takes the Microphone from Mcmanus and there are several wolf whistles from the crowd.

Jenny- shut up you pervs. I will prove soon and very soon that what ever I touch turns to gold once again. Nothing you can do about it, Nothing will stop it, Genesis the Killers are coming for there titles

suddenley the lights in the arena go off

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6CWF Lockdown 8/12/11 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 8/12/11

Post by Steel Sat 03 Dec 2011, 11:21 pm

The scene opens in a busy gymnasium there is training equipment scattered around and an array of people are working out, there are flat screen TV’s mounted on the walls around the gym showing highlights of Born In Fire. A loud grunting noise can be heard coming from a section of the gym and the cameras move to investigate, the cameras find a man with a large afro wearing a two piece leopard print tracksuit. The man has an oversized dun bell in his right hand and is counting his repetitions out loud.

??: 999,997…….999,998……..999,999…….1000000

The man then drops the dun bell to the floor and lets out a large grunt he walks to a mirror and stares at his reflection it is at this point the camera shows the man to be Big Al Lustley, Al flexes his muscles and roars at his own reflection. Al then spots the camera crew in the mirror and turns around.

AL: My gosh I didn’t see you there I don’t know if you heard I just did a 1000000 reps both my arms are physically numb I could join the dead hand gang if I wanted to at this point in time, but that workout wasn’t for pleasure, that workout was for the good of 6WF. That workout was to ensure that team 6WF win the house cup and to ensure that Big Al Lustley is that man that leads the team to glory. Let’s face Big Al needs to put in all the training hours possible which is why I haven’t left this gym since Lockdown and I don’t plan to, Ive been using these gym mats as a make shift bed with only the hairs on my chest to keep me warm, Ive been taking on my supplements in the shape of granola energy bars and isotonic sport drinks. That’s how committed Al is to this cause and how much I want to re-pay Danny Mcgraw for his trust in picking me on his team.

I can see from the team that Mcgraw has put together how much he wants to win this competition and get one up on that Mr Walker over in 6CW, who wouldn’t from what I have heard that Mr Walker isn’t a very nice guy and will stop at nothing to make sure that we are unsuccessful in our attempts to beat whatever team he puts together. Do I agree with the choices Mr Danny has made for our time the answer would be No, ive not been here long but how does he expect me to work with The Shadow after he tried to set his little pet on me, at least I have the dragon on my side who I know will watch my back. As for this Rapture ive not had any dealings with him but ive done some research and he has a shady past but who can complain at having a double champion on your side.

Al lets out a little chuckle and takes a sip of an isotonic drink.

Al: Now it seem I have this next week off to prepare for my first match in this competition against whoever this maybe, which gives me more time to come up with a plan to end this losing streak I have been on, the plan needs to be fool proof a one way ticket to victory which I why I am not taking my chances and telling anyone my secret. All you have to know is that project purple snuggle bunny is a go!

Al downs the last of his isotonic drink and tosses it to the ground, he then looks directly at the camera with a look of surprise on his face and a large rumbling can be heard. Al then sprints across the gym and exits through a door, the camera follows shortly after and zooms into a sign on the door of a stick Gentleman.

The scene begins to fade and only the sound of screaming and heavy breathing can be heard.


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6CWF Lockdown 8/12/11 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 8/12/11

Post by Lee Sun 04 Dec 2011, 11:48 am

The lights in the arena are out when all of a sudden the tron flickers into life, Then a puppet version of James McManus tumbles into shot and is lying crumpled on the floor, then it stands up and starts to look around and waves at the crowd who start laughing, James McManus is shown seething in the ring and shouting towards Jenny.

The Puppet then starts to speak in a high pitched suspiciously scouse voice

Puppet Jimmy: Hey folks, my name is Jimmy and I like to hide behind my big bad friends, like Fanatic

A large pair of puppet legs fall into shot

PJ: He is very big and he looks out for me between his poetry readings and the likes.

PJ: Now recently I have been a very naughty Jimmy and I have been saying naughty things about Logan Kincade (Crowd: WOOOOOO) Now I know I can't beat him one on one so I have to hide behind my big strong friends and my mother

A blonde witch puppet walks into shot

Jenny Witch: Everyone stop looking at me, I am too beautiful for you! I will turn you all into frogs! (cackles)

PJ: Now I am going to be fighting the mighty Uryu this week and I am very scared so I will be asking my big strong friends and my mother here to make sure nothing bad happens to me and then hopefully when the referee isn't looking I can hit Uryu with a cheap shot as I always like to do! Now recently I said another naughty thing, I said that Logan and Uryu lost OUR Tag Team titles but I forgot that Genesis cheated them out of it because no one can beat Logan and Uryu fairly because they're so good and strong and the type of people I wish I was like...

JW: And dreamy Mmmmmmmmm...

PJ: Now I best get back in the ring and wind this up so I can stop wasting you fine peoples time.... GOODBYE EVRYBODY! (Puppet Jimmy and Jenny Witch wave to the crowd who are laughing loudly)

The tron goes black as 'Master of Puppets' blasts out as the laughing changes to cheers. A spot light points at the top of the ramp where Logan Kincade is stood with the Jimmy puppet, he then drops the puppet and smiles then makes his way to the bottom of the ramp.

LK: Heeeey thanks for that Jimmy it is good of you to say you wish you where like me, I am touched.... and You Jenny I am flattered but erm (Looks her up and down) ta.

LK: Now I agree with you Jimmy, we DID lose the titles to them cheating B******s Genesis, and that's why it will be ME AND URYU! who will go over to bizzarro world and get them back! Because let's face and Fan Boy....just aren't good enough...


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6CWF Lockdown 8/12/11 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 8/12/11

Post by ncfc_Tooze Sun 04 Dec 2011, 12:00 pm

JM- Yawn, Yawn , Yawn, Kincade. You really are a funny fellow aren't you.

Jenny- No hes not, hes a beep, beep, beep.

JM- Cool it Jenny, he doesnt know what hes doing, he doesnt know what he will have awoken before me facing Uryu in our decider,He will not be the Tag Team Champion , The Parasite killers will be.

Crowd- You're a puppet, You're a Puppet

Mcmanus kicks the ropes and shouts at the crowd that hes not a puppet.

JM- Kincade, Through what you have done just there I will go full out to beat Uryu, I will stop at nothing, then next week, I will come for you

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6CWF Lockdown 8/12/11 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 8/12/11

Post by Lee Sun 04 Dec 2011, 12:15 pm

LK: Awww thanks Jimmy, I AM funny.

LK:look James I wish you COULD beat Uryu mate, I really do, because I would LOVE to face you one on one, no partners in the corners, no rules, no cheating just you and me in that ring, like men real men, no hiding behind people no under handed tactics just a real fair fight...

LK: But you can't do that can you? Because you're a joke! I know that, Uryu Knows that and these fans know it and McGraw knows it, and why would he put a joke team up against a team like genesis? Get a grip jimmy.....psh.

Jenny: Who the hell do you think you are talking to!?????

LK: I'm sorry Mrs McManus but your son said some nasty things to me in the past so I am just putting him straight. Now I clearly interrupted you before you had a chance to put your make up on so I won't hold you any longer....Ma'am

Jenny looks outraged and McManus has to hold her back from climbing out of the ring.

Logan drops the mic and starts walking up the ramp with a smirk on his face....


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6CWF Lockdown 8/12/11 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 8/12/11

Post by ncfc_Tooze Sun 04 Dec 2011, 12:19 pm

JM- dont worry Kincade, Fanatic will not be out there during mine and uryu's match, I have proven more than once I have all the skill to beat him on my own, lets see if you can keep away.
I hope you do as I want a Clean end to mine and Uryu's 7month feud, there will be a winner and it will be the Future
1 win 1 draw and 1 loss will soon be 2 wins 1 draw and a loss

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6CWF Lockdown 8/12/11 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 8/12/11

Post by Uryu Ishida Sun 04 Dec 2011, 5:21 pm

*Uryu Ishida is seen backstage with a wrench as he starts repairing the water cooler and singing a tune*

Uryu: Its time to play the music, it's time to light the lights, its time to meet the muppets on the muppet show tonight!

*Uryu looks up to see James McManus approaching him with a seething look on his face as Uryu puts the wrench down.*

Uryu: James, I see you cannot just let it lie. You keep on asking for verbal punishment from Logan and he delivers again and again. What is it with you and being the first to fight Genesis? What claim do you have? none, you just want to queue jump us to get the first crack at Genesis. Well I am sorry but that is not happening! We have an actual case for it where are you and Fanatic are little whiny children wanting first pick of the candy bowl. Now I am starting to get sick and tired of your games. So if you want to finally end it, War. Double Dragons against you Puppet brothers. Winners get Genesis.

*Uryu then kicks the cooler, making it work*

Uryu: Huzza!!

*Before James can answer Uryu gets a text*

Uryu: Gotta run! Dragons rule! puppets suuucckkkk!

*Uryu scampers off to the parking lot to meet Logan.*

LK: FINALLY, hes almost here!

Uryu: look I just was talking to Kermit McManus so I apologise for being late.

*Suddenly a car pulls up as Logan holds up a sign labelled "Neigh" as Uryu sighs and out steps someone wearing a black hooded cloak steps out.*

Uryu: Hey, welcome to 6WF, follow me...thats Logan by the way.

*As they walk and shake hands Logan still holds the sign up as James McManus smiles*

JM: Falling for the barnyard now boys?

LK: Shut it before I ram the sign up your...

Uryu: Logan! no...we deal with them soon! come on!

*Logan reluctantly follows as Uryu smiles*

Uryu: Read the history?

*the hooded figure nods*

* "Those Who Fight Further" plays as the mysterious figure stops backstage, almost frozen as Uryu looks around on the ramp. Uryu waves out Logan and the hooded figure to the ring. Logan smiles.*

LK: Take it all in kid, this is your future.

*Uryu smiles and warms up the crowd*

Uryu: 6WF X5

Crowd: 6WF x10

*As all three are in the ring, Uryu has the mic*

Uryu: Ladies and Gentlemen, I am here today with my partner Logan 'puppetmaster' Kincade to introduce someone. He is a person we know quite well, it is not Buff Bagwell...or even Judy Bagwell! This kid has just signed a contract with 6WF as we feel he will do very well here! He can become one of this shows top stars. A superstar, a super duper star if you will. Ladies and gentlemen...

*the hooded figure pokes Uryu and whispers in his ear*

Uryu: Aww, folks he seems a little shy, wanna help him out?

*The crowd cheer happily*

Crowd: 6WF! x5

*Logan smiles as the lights suddenly cut out as Uryu and Logan help the kid take off the cloak as the crowd listens in as the mic is still on.*

LK: Hood then arms Uryu!

Uryu: No lift it up Logan, over his head!

PA: Technical difficulties folks!

LK: Damn stitching more like!

*A few moments later the power returns as a lone figure is standing in the ring with the mic, Uryu and Kincade running up the ramp*

Uryu: Floor is yours!


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6CWF Lockdown 8/12/11 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 8/12/11

Post by Nay Sun 04 Dec 2011, 7:04 pm

*The Crowd are looking on wondering about the new Kid standing in the ring wearing what can only be described as normal street clothes, Blue jeans, Orange Polo Shirt and Timberland Boots*

*Nay stands in the middle of the ring, He adjusts his peaked beany hat, He has the microphone in hand looking around and soaking in his new surroundings for a minute. Nay composes himself, adjust his hat again in what is appearing to be a sign of nerves, Finally he lifts the microphone and starts to speak.*

Nay Bother: First i better thank Uryu and Logan for the entrance and you guys for the welcome but i only have a few things to say now and so will make this brief

*crowd cheer at naming of Uryu and LK*

NB: Uryu is correct i have just signed a contract to join 6WF.I have come from the Highlands of Scotland, where there is only 3 things to do, Fish, Farm or Fight. I will give you all 1 guess which one i was best at!

* The crowd instantly Shout FiGHT*

NB: You Got it! Now as fish and chickens do not hold much of a challenge in a fight, it has it has always been my dream to be a wrestler and fight the best, Prove that i am the best.

NB: Now i have this opportunity i wll not let it go, i can not go back to being a Fisherman, a Farmer, a nobody. I am here to put the roster on notice that i will fight to earn Respect, I will work hard and claw my way to the top Starting with anyone the GM sees fit

NB: I WILL FIGHT ANYONE, it does not matter who they are, and they better be ready, BECAUSE I WILL BE!!!!!

*The crowd are feeling pumped and give Nay his loudest cheer*

*Nay drops the microphone, takes off the polo shirt he is wearing and looks back at the locker room with a look of determination and with no sign of adjusting his hat*

Last edited by Nay Bother on Sun 04 Dec 2011, 8:02 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : grammer)


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6CWF Lockdown 8/12/11 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 8/12/11

Post by ncfc_Tooze Sun 04 Dec 2011, 7:56 pm

Mcmanus is shown Walking around the Arena.
He stops and stares at one of the water coolers.
Then gives out a small chuckle.
He Kicks the Cooler over and Kicks at the glass bottle on the top of it. Water Spills all over the floor.

JM- Thursday Night it won't be water that is spilled,Uryu it will be your blood.

The scene then changes again, but this time it shows Mcmanus, going past a Childrens Party, where there is a puppet show being performed.
One of the Puppets looks just like Logan Kincade.
Mcmanus Snatches the Puppet from over the top of the tent, and throws it to the floor, Breaking it.

JM- Soon, We will meet Kincade, It wont be a puppet left broken, it will be your body.

The screen fades out after a message is shown on the screen

'2-1-1, This is your future and it comes Thursday'

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6CWF Lockdown 8/12/11 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 8/12/11

Post by Marsh Sun 04 Dec 2011, 9:53 pm

The backstage area in shown, and what was formerly the Church of Hero, on the front door the words ‘of Hero’ have been sellotaped over and inside all the images of Hero, together with all the pews, the alter and all other religious regalia have been removed.

What was Hero’s office is now shown, and Marshall Murdoch is shown leaning back on his chair, feet on the desk, three replica trashie awards are placed on the desk together with various pictures of Marshall which have replaced those of Hero.

Also in the room are Xeres and Zachariah Spencer, they are no longer wearing their Church of Hero robes, but rather ponchos (ala Primo and Epico) with ‘MM’ designs on the front. The two lackeys are clearing out Hero’s old possessions, with old woo woo ingredients filling a whole bin.

MM: ‘That’s its lads, soon we’ll have this place fit for ...

(Xeres brings Marshall a scrapbook of old Miss Jessica pictures that Hero had kept from when they were together, and asks Marshall what he wants doing with it)

MM (Flicking through the book): Well what do you know, the carpet does match the drapes. (He stops at one particular page, and shows it to Xeres) Any idea what this stain is? (Xeres shakes his head) Ah well (Marshall stashes the book into his desk drawer)

(There is a knock at the door)

MM: Game faces people! Remember the ‘we’re all equal’ rubbish!

(Xeres and Zach quickly remove their ponchos and stash them behind some of the boxes of Hero’s old possessions)

(The door opens and Vlad walks in carrying in a camera, he is also wearing a ‘MM’ poncho)

MM: Vladimir! What have I told you about knocking! Remember to use the code word from now on

(Vlad nods and sets up the camera)

MM: Right positions people!

(Marshall sits up in his chair, Xeres and Zach both put their ponchos back on and stand behind Marshall, one to either side and arms folded whilst Vlad operates the camera)

MM: Ladies and Gentlemen of the 6WF stratosphere, I am talking to you today on a historic day for 6WF, the reign of Hero is no more, and I know you’re all as disappointed about that as I am.

‘But never fear, as one era ends another must take its place, it is the way of the World, once those who previously clung to power so desperately have finally admitted their flaws, then they are replaced by the new generation, a generation who are hungrier, fitter, more talented and fuelled by desire’

‘The Church of Hero is dead ... long live the Church!’

V, ZS & X (In unison): Long live the Church!

MM: Indeed and as you saw on Lockdown, the Church is under new ownership and collectively we are stronger then we have ever been, no longer do we have to comply with the desires of one ego-maniac who cannot let go of his position, no longer do we have to put the fantasies of one man ahead of the collective greater good. For we are all equal now.

MM: Whilst I say that it has to be admitted that the cream will naturally rise to the top, whilst we officially have no leader, I think it is safe to say that you will see the likes of Crimey and Rapture looking to me for guidance from now on, as you see already (he points to the other Church members) people flock to me, for I am natural leader of men, they flock to me for advice and guidance, and for good reason

(Marshall points to the replica trashies)

MM: As you can see I am the only man to win 3 trashies awards, as voted for by my peers, that shows how highly they value me. (He picks up the first award) ‘Best show – Destiny 2011’, who pulled double duty that night? I did. Who stole the show that night? I did, in exactly the same way I have been doing every day for the last four months.

(He picks up another one, and reads the title)

‘Best match – Destiny 2011, the Gold Rush Battle Royal. Once again who stole the show in that match? Who risked life and limb to entertain you good people? I did. Who showed unbelievable guts and heart to return to the ring after being damn near paralysed? I did. Who provided the stand out moment and in doing so presented Keith Leone with his opportunity to shock the World and get 6CWF talked about across the World? I did, oh and you’re welcome Keith.’

‘Finally this one, (he indicates the final award) best storyline – The Church of Hero. A given really, the boost we gave 6WF really is beyond belief and deserved recognition, and as the only surviving Church original it is only fitting that I was presented with this award.’

‘Now this may seem like idle boasting to you, like I’m just showing off, but I’m not. I’m simply presenting this information for your own good, you see in these hard economic times people need someone to aspire to, they need some light in their pathetic little lives. And that is what I provide, and that is why people, who don’t have such lofty achievements, like my Church comrades, will naturally flock to me.’

‘But with this great power comes some unwanted responsibility, it means I have to deal with hangers on wanting a small piece of what I have. Hangers on like Clarke James.’

‘Now Clarkey boy, ever since you made your noble return to 6WF all you have done is beg for a match with me. Which out of the goodness of my heart I provided you with, and you failed Clarke. You tested yourself against the best, and quite frankly you weren’t good enough Clarke, there’s no shame in that, you just need to accept your limits.’

‘What there is shame in however, is sneak attacks. Yes your little car park stunt was very clever Clarke, sorry did I say clever? What was the word I was looking for...?

V: Cowardly, sir.

MM: That’s the one thank you Vladimir, it was cowardly Clarke, it was the act of desperate man, one who knows he is out of his depth, one who has bitten off far more than he can chew’.

‘But I’m not going to rise to it Clarke, you can have your little moment if you want, maybe it will make up for all for previous failings against me and make you feel a tiny bit better about yourself. The truth is Clarke that you don’t interest me anymore, you see I have bigger fish to fry, fish like the Elimination Chamber!’

‘Oh yes, as the man appointed to carry on Hero’s legacy, it is only good and proper that I get a spot in that match, I mean let’s be honest I’m already much more worthy than Blue Dragon, and how many shots does Chaos want? He is another one who needs to accept his natural limits.’

‘But is written in the stars, it is Gods will and testament, that I will walk into War and the Elimination Chamber, and walk out the first man ever to unify the European and World Championships, but more importantly than that, I will walk out ...

A one time,

One time,

One time,

World Heavyweight Champion!’


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6CWF Lockdown 8/12/11 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 8/12/11

Post by jeromedubois Mon 05 Dec 2011, 2:16 am

We are back from commercials.

The camera begins to pan across the arena as fans wait and anticipate just what is going to happen on Lockdown.

RJ: Well Ladies and Gentlemen last week proved to be nothing more than a Shockwave, as the 6WF witnessed the return of one of the greatest wrestlers of all time, and a 6WF Legend in Cassius!

MW: What a perfect timing, though if you ask me, I believe he was afraid of Hero and waited for him to retire rather than get involved with the great one himself!

Suddenly the arena erupts into boo’s as a familiar face appears on the screen with Clarissa by his side.

C: Good Evening Stars and Studs! Clarissa here with another scoop for all of the millions of 6WF fans! Please give a warm welcome to my guest at this time, The Phenomenal Frenchman, Jerome Dubois!

Dubois is seen on screen wearing his Hermes custom made black suits with orange tie, as Clarissa in seen in her red dress.

MW: Yes!

RJ: Oh god.....

JD: (Cough) It is ze Phenomene Francais Clarisse......

C: It’s Clarissa.....

JD: Dat is what I zaid Clarisse

C: know what never mind....Jerome, Last week marked your return to singles competition, after such a long period away from it, and from what we saw there was no ring rust!

JD: But of course Clarisse....Not only are all Frenchmen groomed into adapting to any situation but we come out victorious! I am like one of ze all time greatest men who had ever existed! Napoleon, not only was he a husband, a father, he was head of ze French army! He was able to adapt from one role to another! Not only dat Clarisse but Napoleon like all great Frenchmen did exactly what I am doing! He shocked ze world! He shocked ze world, by changing ze meaning of war. He understood that nutrition, health, moral, education, and intelligence, were all key components to winning not only ze battle but also ze war! And he did dat very very well! He was like me Clarisse one steap ahead of each and every person! Why? Well what can I say....we Frenchmen aren’t just average people, we are in a class of our own, by being born French you are already born one step ahead of every other human being in ze world!

*The crowd burst into a chorus of boos.

RJ: Well how come David Haye knocked Jean Marc Mormerck out!

C: You think after 2 years in the UK you would have gotten rid of your accent....

JD: I am a proud Frenchman, I have done it on purpose to keep my accent, I do not wish to come across like each and everyone of zese inbred english people!

Crowd: bumhole!

C: You seem to have a new lease of life ever since you left Edan Ekram behind.

JD: I feel liberate Clarisse.....I feel like a new man, but a man whose mission is not fulfilled! By taking a step away from Edan I have been able to regain my focus. For too long I had a child with half of my talent, sucking me dry, making sure he “Ride the wave of success” for as long as possible! Which is why I “Took out ze Trash” so to speak....Because you see it was Marcel who opened my eyes again. My friend Marcel phoned me up before Born in Fire, and he told me that he barely recognised me anymore...dat I had turned into a shell of a my former self! Dats when it came to me, dats when I realised dat you can only keep pumping money in a bad investment for so long....And well Edan Ekram was a bad investment.....I gave him gold, he gave me crap....

C: Well we have news that Edan is in intensive care in the Hospital following your vicious attack on him, and that he will be out for serval month maybe even half a year....

JD: You know what Clarisse great....because look at me now.....look at ze before and after! Before I was getting my assed handed to me, week after week, and now? Not only do I win, but I win emphatically! As soon as dat bell rung Shadow had already lost ze match! I exposed him, just like exposed every single other wrestler who has been in ze ring with me! I showed ze world dat Shadow was noding more dan another small sewer rat dat dought he had a chance, but due to my intelligence, I had him figured out and I got ze 1.....2.......3! But hey he should be happy, because once again Dubois has made another man Famous! He had his 15 minutes of fame on TV with me! But now....he will just be remembered as another guy who wasn’t able to stop ze Phenomene Francais!

Dubois begins to smile as he takes out a cigarette from his jacket pocket, and lights it up.

C: Well Jerome you have been entered into the Elimination Chamber qualifier match this week as you face J..

As the crowd begins to cheer, Dubois facial expression quickly changes as he throws his cigarette on the floor as he seems irritated..

JD: Don’t you dare say his name......

C: J.J

Dubois covers her mouth...

JD: Did you hear me? I said don’t you dare say his name in front of me! You see I know what your next question is going to be so hand me that little microphone of yours and get the hell out of my time!

Dubois snatches the microphone off Clarissa and shoves her away, as he stares straight at the camera.

JD: J.....J.....Johnson.....Well, well, well, it seems once again Mr.6WF has returned, and dat everyone is jumping for joy about it! Well JJ, I am not surprised! I know you JJ, I know you very, very well....You knew dat Jerome Dubois was on ze verge of making history and establishing ze “Era of Culture’ but you decided to return and try to steal ze spotlight away from me! Well...tsk...tsk...tsk....I am sorry but your return is going to turn into a 2 second wonder, because you cannot stop me from qualifying into dat cage and walking out with ze 6WF World heavyweight Championship!

The crowd burst into boo’s.

JD: You see JJ, a lot had changed since we last met! It has been 1 year, 1 year since 2 of ze greatest athletes in 6WF history went at it! But in dat year JJ, I have become World Champion....I know what it feels like to have ze best prize in ze game! And I know what it feels like to be public enemy number one when your champion! I have elovated my game JJ! While seem different to me JJ....You seem like a Shadow of a man dat you use to be! It seems to me dat your return is noding more dan a quick way to get some cash before you disappear again into ze obscurity where you belong! Because dis time JJ dings are going to be very, very different! Dis time JJ, I guarantee you dat ze “People Champion” is going to crash and burn against ze “Cultured Champion”. I have beaten you before and will do so again! Dam

Crowd: ......

JD: Straight! Because JJ......come Lockdown, dere won’t be a happy ending to your fairytale return! Non Mon Ami! It will be a French Nightmare!


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6CWF Lockdown 8/12/11 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 8/12/11

Post by Beer Mon 05 Dec 2011, 8:11 am

Marshall rocks back in his chair resting his hands above his head....


??: Marshall, you suck!

The sound of glass smashing echoes through the Church. Marshall smirks....

MM: Go check that out for me....

Marshall sends Xeres, Vlad and Zakky out of the Church. He sits back in his chair but gets up almost immediately as the sound of footsteps can be heard....

MM: I'm pretty sure you didn't find the culprit tha.......

??: Gotta say I like what you've done with the place....

Marshall is interrupted by a familiar voice. He sits back in his chair and snarls as Clarke James walks into his office to cheers from the crowd.....

CJ: Oh, please, don't get up.....I'm not staying long....

James pulls up a chair and sits opposite Marshall, he leans back in his chair and rests his feet on the desk....

CJ: Must be a nice feeling, huh? No more Hero holding you back? No more out of control woo woo parties? No more having to lie down in the ring for him.........oh wait, that was me!? But still, you know what I mean! You're all equals now...

James claps sarcastically....

CJ: You, that little fella, Rapture. And Crime Lord. Jeez, you couldn't be more Church like unless of course you changed your name to the 'Circle of Sodomy' but I'm pretty sure that wouldn't get past the censors...

MM: What do you want.....

CJ: Why the hostility? We used to be buds!? But let me guess, you're still a bit pissy cause I jumped you in the parking lot? It's ok, I get it. You're not used to being jumped in that way? But you know, you had it coming..... And I know I said I wouldn't lower myself to your scummy standards but actually, it felt good. Smacking your head into that car repeatedly gave me an enormous sense of well being. That same buzz I used to get when I first joined here.....

James looks around the room and back at Marshall.....

CJ: So anyway, despite enjoying my little assault I thought 'come on Clarke, you're better than that'. I was gonna come in here and apologise, break bread with you and start afresh...... But then I walk passed and I hear you cracking jokes? That I'm out of my depth? Reached my limit? All this from the guy that needed an assist from not one, but TWO men to beat me. 

James turns and stares across at Marshall....

CJ: You remember that? Born in Fire, I had you beat. Laid out, centre of the ring. Your hand flapping and slapping the canvas in despair, tapping out like the little bitch you are. Just think, if that ref had turned round you'd be sitting their now the holder of nothing. Elimination Chamber? Please. You'd be lucky to be considered for an oxygen chamber....

James rocks back in his chair, a grin across his face....

CJ: But maybe you're right, Marshall. Maybe it's time for a new challenge. Maybe winning the European Title isn't for me. Maybe I should be shooting higher........ Clarke James: World Heavyweight Champion? It's got a nice ring to it don't you think....


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6CWF Lockdown 8/12/11 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 8/12/11

Post by MtotheC's Wrasslin Biatch Mon 05 Dec 2011, 11:13 am

“They Say” by Scars on Broadway hits and the crowd go wild as a red mist descends over the stage, perforated by searching yellow spotlights – illuminating the arena in the red and gold of China. The fans are jumping out of their seats and giving a roaring ovation which ramps up even louder as Cassius Zhi steps out through the billowing crimson cloud onto the stage.


MW : I’m still not over the shock of seeing the New World Super-Power appear on Friday Night Lockdown, RJ!

RJ : I don’t think anyone in this arena is Wire. And you’ve got to wonder if Crime Lord is? He looked like he’d seen a damn ghost.

Cassius stops on the stage and surveys the front row of the crowd with an emotionless stare, before making his way slowly and methodically down the ramp towards the ring.

RJ : Cassius Zhi has been away for over 6 months folks. He’s been in a god damn mental institution for over 6 months because of the paranoia he suffered during his most recent World Title reign. But on Friday Night, whether he escaped, or was released - his timing couldn’t have been more perfect for Miss Jessica.

MW : That’s right RJ. We hear Miss Jessica isn’t here tonight due to a concussion suffered at the hands of a Saint chair shot, intended for Scorpion. But who knows what state she could be in right now, if The Church had made good on their intentions? Do you remember Hobo?

RJ : Oh don’t.

Cassius Zhi walks over to the ring announcer, and coldly holds his hand out for a microphone. The ring announcer nervously hands it over, and Cassius snatches it. Zhi stares at the microphone in his hand for a moment, and gives in to a sinister grin as he caresses it. The crowd cheer as Cassius turns and rolls into the ring, taking position in the centre as his music dies away.


Cassius slowly raises the mic and stares right down the camera

Cassius : Where… do I… begin?


Cassius : I’ve been away for so long that there are people out the back who were asking who I am on Friday night.

Cassius turns and walks up to the ropes facing the stage, leaning over them aggressively

Cassius : Well I’m Cassius Zhi - And I’m beyond comparison. So I’m not going to waste anybody’s time trying to explain how I’m a bit like this, and a bit like that – BECAUSE I’M LIKE NOTHING YOU’VE EVER FACED BEFORE!

Cassius snarls up the ramp, before easing into a sly smile.

Cassius : But believe me… when it’s your turn to find out… you’re going to wish you never asked.


Cassius returns to the centre of the ring, calming down.

Cassius : No - I’m not going to waste these people’s time, because time truly is precious. And I know that more than anyone else - because I’ve lost far too much of it recently. And we’ll get to why I found myself in that place and who put me there soon enough, but first I want to assure you that not all of that precious time has been wasted. Because what I have been through in the past 6 months has been a somewhat cathartic experience.

My time spent in that most contradictory of blots on your English landscape… a whitewashed hell, dressed up as a haven - where the most thorned of roses abuse your body and mind with heinous behavioural intoxins… a true microcosm of the world we live in, where those who govern trespass where they are uninvited and poison the purity of soul of others, all under the guise of good… it wasn’t all wasted, 6WF.

Because that hospital became my chrysalis.

That hospital became my place to evolve.

Because if they were going to trespass upon me, and unearth the secrets of this troubled mind… then this mind had to evolve… it had to change!

Cassius taps the side of his head.

Cassius : And change it has. What you will see emerge from that chrysalis, is not some beautiful formed butterfly – not an image of grace and elegance… but more like a butterfly that has survived a damn abortion. Twisted! Gnarled! Heinous! What will emerge from that chrysalis 6WF, is going to be uglier than ever before – and the only symmetry apparent will be that I kicked everybody’s ass before I was locked away in that hell-hole… and I’m going to kick everybody’s ass now I’m out again!


Cassius breathes heavy as he looks down at the mat, his eyes almost closed

Cassius : I ask you - Does that sound like someone who is cured? I was locked away from the world, and for what?

He looks up at the camera with a vacant glare

Cassius : Am I more stable?
I crave instability!

Am I pacified?
I crave war!

Have I achieved clarity of thought?

Well maybe I have! Because my mind is clearer than ever. It is definite. It is absolute. It is certain that I crave instability, I crave war, I crave destruction, I crave depravity, and I crave it all from the one place on earth that it is mass produced, RIGHT HERE IN 6WF!


Cassius begins to pace the ring now, stroking the back of his head anxiously

Cassius : When they let you out of that place, your soul should be nourished… yet I am hungrier than ever. I feel a hunger for aggression that aches like I’ve never ached before. They… They’re like cravings for hurt that drive me wild. Insatiable cravings like those of a pregnant vessel, gestating a new era within her purgatorial womb.

Cassius touches his stomach, and laughs sinisterly.

Cassius : And now it’s feeding time.


RJ : Cassius is unhinged right now. He’s no better than when he went in.

MW : I think he’s worse!

Cassius’ laugh fades away, and he twitches his neck and stops pacing, returning to the centre of the ring. He looks up at the expectant crowd and turns a slow full circle to look at everyone.

Cassius : But I haven’t just come out here to burden you all with my recent sufferings. Like I said - time is precious. I just naturally feel a little bitter about what has happened to me… and needed to cleanse my pallet. But I realise that things got a little dark just then, so if you’d be so kind as to allow me a little more of your precious time, I’d like to take that pallet and add a little colour to proceedings… …. by painting some targets.


Cassius : Hell… let’s go crazy… (Cassius looks up knowingly) and jump straight in with some desecration and paint one huge target on the side of The Church?!!

After all – it’s the Church that put me in that place. I may have been rambling on about Abe Abercorn – but it’s the Church who exasperated my mental state. It’s the Church who wound me up. It’s the Church who played Abercorn’s music during my matches - turning the screw at every given opportunity. And seeing as Danny McGraw would never want to lock away his greatest talent, who sells his product to the biggest market in the world just by turning up every week and giving his humongous country something to cheer – then I’m willing to bet that it’s The Church who called whoever it is you call to get someone sectioned!


MW : Hey. I’m glad Cassius is back and all – but he ought to be careful when throwing accusations like that around.

RJ : Come off it Wire.

Cassius reaches into his pocket and takes out a huge bundle of folded papers.

Cassius : And as such, I’ve been following the Church ever since. You see these? Weekly letters from Miss Jessica… updates… each with it’s own tale of how the Church was becoming more and more dominant, more powerful with each broadcast. But not only that, but each one of these letters reads like a letter to Santa, begging for the one big present that would once again turn the tide. Well guess what… Santa’s just delivered a sack full of hell at the Church’s door.

Cassius throws the letters to the floor and returns to stare up at the stage

Cassius : And if you’re thinking my timing was perfect. It really wasn’t. Because I’ve been here for weeks. Hell… I was even at Born in Fire. If there is one thing to learn from people like Cruiser Jim (Fans : YEEEEEAH!)… Solomon Riddick (Fans : YEEEEEAAAH!)… even Mark Palmer (Fans : YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAHH!!).. it’s that there are plenty of places to hide in a 6WF arena. And I’ve been hiding, watching and waiting for a moment to strike. And that moment was fast approaching, because there is nothing easier to topple than a leaderless state. But what you did on Friday night meant that I had to intervene sooner than I would have liked. I wanted to sit and watch the Church die all of its own accord, then come and add insult to injury by killing off its congregation one by one with it. But then you took one step too far.

Cassius takes one step towards the camera and stares evilly down it

Cassius : Now someone has got to take responsibility. Just like in real life, God has walked away from his species and left them to fend for themselves in a corrupt, moral-less society. But this isn't some fantasy novel like the Bible... Hero's death, unfortunately, has not absolved you all of your sins. And even though the Fuhrer has popped the poison pill… his generals must still face the consequences of their actions.

Now… the thing is, contrary to popular belief, I’m not completely devoid of compassion. Marshall Murdoch and Rapture are young… naïve. They’ve got caught up in this due to the influence of people who really should know better. Of course... they do still need to be beaten to within an inch of their life for their actions, but maybe they don’t deserve to face the wrath of the New World Super-Power.

Maybe that’s just a little too harsh?


Cassius : So I’ll leave them to accept their sentencing from the slightly lesser threat of Clarke James, Longinus and JJ Johnson.

But Crime Lord… …

Crime Lord really should know better. Crime Lord should have known that I wouldn’t be gone forever. Crime Lord should have known that if he laid his hands upon something which he has no right to touch… if he chose to endanger a protected species… then there really would be a plague brought upon his house that all the prayers in the world would be unable to prevent.

The camera zooms in on Cassius as a sinister smile returns

Cassius : Some of the guys backstage might not know what I’m capable of. Marshall Murdoch and Rapture may not know what I’m truly capable of. But Crime Lord has been around long enough to know… what… I am capable of.

So let me ask you Crime Lord…

Which one of us is crazy?

Cassius begins to laugh maniacally

Cassius : Why don’t you do something even crazier “Crimey”, and walk your pathetic, wannabe Scorcese actor ass out here and take a look up at the task you are going to be forced to try and scale pretty damn soon…

Come out here and look up… at The Great Wall!

MtotheC's Wrasslin Biatch

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6CWF Lockdown 8/12/11 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 8/12/11

Post by Guest Mon 05 Dec 2011, 11:43 am

The crowd are going wild for Cassius, anticipating Crime Lord's arrival, but they are shocked as 'Monster' hits. Cassius looks piqued as the crowd erupt for The Saint, who walks from behind the curtain and stands at the top of the ramp, hardcore title over his shoulder. He doesn't take his eyes off Cassius, as he descends towards the ring.

RJ: Well, this isn't Crime Lord...

MW: No, it's The Hardcore Champion, Cassius' former partner, The Saint and he clearly has something to say...

The Saint climbs into the ring and still looks at Cassius, who returns the unrelenting stare.

RJ: So much tension right here Michael, The Saint said some pretty awful things prior to Cassius being taken away, and it looks like Cassius heard them.

The Saint paces around Cassius, who remains still as he watches The Saint, the crowd loving it.

The Saint: Well, well, well... Look who finally got a clear bill of health. Welcome back Cassius, it's great to see you're just as unhinged as ever, promising big things, beatings, shockwaves and whatever it is you dish out.

The Saint is smiling wryly but this slowly turns into a snarl as he rounds on to Zhi.

But how dare you!

How dare you come back, walk into my arena and act like you're going to resume where you left off. Things have changed, the landscape has altered, 6WF outgrew Cassius Zhi when you decided to lose your mind and turn the strongest group in 6WF into a damn laughing stock.

And who was there to pick up the pieces, who had to take up the mantle of 'the man'?!

Well, you're looking at him, The Saint. I had to restore parity and yet you think you can just saunter back in here and reclaim whatever it is you want to reclaim.

It ain't happening. Not on my watch.

I returned the prestige to Miss Jessica's clientele, I turned it from a laughing stock back into a feared entity in this company, but as you probably know, I outgrew them.

But that's what you expect from the benchmark, the standard of this company!

You might see this address as boring, as unnecessary, but this is me marking my territory, making sure you know your place on thursday.

It's The Saint who is the man in 6WF now, and thatn is a title I wish not to relinquish!


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6CWF Lockdown 8/12/11 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 8/12/11

Post by MtotheC's Wrasslin Biatch Mon 05 Dec 2011, 12:26 pm

Cassius stares intently at Saint, then looks at the name plate on the Hardcore Title, dusting it off and nodding in appreciation.

Cassius : Oh I can see that things have changed. I can see that a lot of things have changed since I was last around. Hero’s gone. Johnson’s back. Our company seems to have gained a new initial in its name which just doesn’t roll off the tongue as nice. But I find comfort in the fact that The Saint still walks around with a gigantic chip on his shoulder, trying to convince anyone that’ll listen that he has balls.

I didn’t see the chip at first… conveniently covered up by that second rate title on your shoulder. But as soon as you opened your idiotic mouth I knew it was still there. As for the balls… I’m still not convinced.


Cassius grins at Saint

Cassius : So you’re the man are you?

A man who routinely loses to a boy… and who bounces a chair off a defenceless woman’s head? Come on Saint? When I came out to the ring on Friday night – you weren’t exactly looking like much of a man were you? And how can you say you returned any prestige to Miss Jessica’s stable, when I could bend down right now and pick up any one of these letters at random and be sure of finding a “Saint’s not pulling his weight”, or a “Saint’s showing off again”? What exactly have you done Saint? The Church were about to attack Jessica… if you were a man, not only would that not have happened, BUT THE CHURCH WOULDN’T EVEN EXIST!



Cassius is seething at Saint, but he slowly calms down, his expression changing into an antagonistic smile.

Cassius : Don’t answer that. I already know. It’s all in these letters.

Cassius nonchalantly kicks the pile of letters, spreading them across the ring

Cassius : You know… when you were hanging off the coat-tails of Lex Hart and myself… I was embarrassed for you.

So just imagine what I felt as I watched you hanging off the coat-tails of some rookie.

Cassius takes a step towards Saint and eyeballs him, without emotion

Cassius : You stopped Miss Jessica’s stable being the laughing stock alright… when you stepped up and took that role all for yourself.

Maybe you ought to think about relinquishing that title.

MtotheC's Wrasslin Biatch

Posts : 12543
Join date : 2011-01-26
Location : MtotheC's Leash

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6CWF Lockdown 8/12/11 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 8/12/11

Post by President Trump Mon 05 Dec 2011, 1:11 pm

Refuse/Resist hits as the crowd get to their feet and cheers as a dishevelled looking Chris Patricks walks down towards the ring with the Undisputed belt over his shoulder

RJ: What a rollercoaster week for the Champ, first at Born in Fire he retains his title in the Main Event against Chaos and then Chaos kidnaps his wife and is holding her somewhere, I cant not even try and understand what Chris and his kids are going through right now

MW: It certainly is a grave situation for Chris, Chaos has finally lost it, he thought he had the Championship in the bag at BiF, it was his Destiny but losing has tipped him over the edge

Chris climbs into the ring and rubs his darkly circled eyes

Chris: Born in Fire was the greatest achievement in my career to date, a moment I have always dreamed about, I walked in as the Undisputed Champion of the world and fought tooth and nail to retain this title, but what a difference a week makes, I have gone from being top of the world to living a waking nightmare…

Chris stops to clean his throat and wipe the tears from his newly bearded face

Chris: Is all this worth it Greg…is this title worth it…does being Champ mean that much to you that you would break into a mans home, tie up his kids and take away the one person in the world that he loves the most…is this the path you want to go down…well here take it because thrust me its not worth it Greg nothing is…

Chris throws the Undisputed title onto the mat

Chris: Come on Greg walk down here and take it…come on what are you waiting for, you want the Title and I want my wife back…

Chris stands back and looks up towards the rampway and shakes his head

Chris: Just as I thought you haven’t got the balls to walk down and take it your gonna bottle it just like you did against me at BiF, I saw the fear in your eyes on Lockdown when I came down to the ring, I saw the same look in Crowley’s eyes when he tried to get at me through my family just before I locked him in a coffin and set him on fire, you can only push a man so far Greg, I will get my wife back one way or the other and when I do YOU WILL PAY!!!! YOU WILL SUFFER!!!!AND I WILL ENJOY EVERY MINUTE!!!!!!!!!

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6CWF Lockdown 8/12/11 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 8/12/11

Post by Guest Mon 05 Dec 2011, 1:28 pm

The Saint looks at Cassius, his eyes popping out of his head, each and every single word levelled at him seeming to have hurt...He then begins to laugh, taking Cassius aback. The Saint makes a point of laughing directly in Cassius' face before stopping and slowly bringing the microphone back to his lips...

The Saint: And for every bit of me, that has a chip on my shoulder, that craves the respect and fear of this roster, there you are with that delusion of grandeur that you pull of oh so well.

The Cassius Zhi act where he'll walk to this ring, big himself up with some complicated wording that you expect everyone to understand, followed by some empty threats, followed by more wording straight from your thesaurus is almost as boring as the will they? won't they? love story you've got going on with your handler!

And as for that handler, if you'd have seen Cassius, she was no longer my problem. Because I'm better than anything that ginger haired harpy could ever have given to me.

She made her bed when she decided to back that illiterate, doe eyed, idiot Scorpion over a three time World Champion.

And no, Cassius, it wasn't because Scorpion is a better wrestler than The Saint. It's purely because he was more prepared to tell her what she wanted to hear, like the mindless, talentless sycophant that he is!

The Saint has never been anybody's drone. Even when I 'was clutching' at your's and Lex' coat tails, I was still much more of a wrestler than you and him!

And it was a measure of both men, that they only got to their positions of stature through selling their souls to the wicked witch herself.

That's never been The Saint!

You speak of feeling embarrassed for The Saint, when your mind was spontaneously combusting in front of everyone, as the great wall came crumbling down, I looked you and I laughed, I laughed and laughed and laughed as the realisation that the mystique of Cassius Zhi has imploded had sunk in.

I look at you now and I feel none of the fear, none of the weariness I felt before, I pity you, I think you're weak.

So as much as a laughing stock you think I am, after your little display, Zhi, you will always trump me hands down.

But that's as far as it goes, because there is no way on this earth that you'll ever top the achievements of The Saint, The Ultimate Weapon, the standard of this company.

And as for THAT chair shot...

The Saint gets right up into Cassius' face.

...Merely collateral.


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6CWF Lockdown 8/12/11 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 8/12/11

Post by MtotheC's Wrasslin Biatch Mon 05 Dec 2011, 2:45 pm

Cassius strokes his chin then places a heavy hand on Saint’s title-less shoulder. He laughs a nervous half-laugh, looking very annoyed at Saint’s final comment.

Cassius : You know what the problem has always been with you Saint? You really are, incredibly… and I mean obscenely, stupid.

Cassius Zhi keeps his hand on Saint’s shoulder, but looks down at the mat, where he is anxiously scuffing his feet. He looks back up into The Saint’s eyes.

Cassius : You say Jessica is not your problem anymore… that’s fine. That’s your decision. But you Saint… … You…

Cassius takes his hand off Saint’s shoulder and pokes him in the chest

Cassius : ..You’re not MY problem either. But what you’re doing here, by not only coming out and interrupting my welcome back challenge to Crime Lord, but also insulting me… and my manager…

Cassius strokes the back of his head again

Cassius : Well… you’re antagonising me. And you’re beginning to make yourself MY PROBLEM.

And that Saint… is irrefutably asinine!

It’s ludicrous that you would come out here and antagonise someone who is on your side. And it’s absurd that you would fire a manager with a history of making World Champions. And as for my promos… if you did understand every word of them, then it would indicate to me that my intellectual standards have surely slipped, because you Saint… you’re a very good barometer of the bare minimum level of intelligence required to operate within this company.

Cassius fixes Saint with a cold stare

Cassius : And what's most foolish about you. What makes you a complete and utter joke beyond anything else, is that you’re a walking contradiction Saint.

You say you’ve surpassed me, but you’ve done absolutely nothing for six months. Yet I’ve been back six minutes and you’re already down here trying to hitch another career lift. You couldn’t get down here quick enough. The CD playing my entrance music had barely stopped spinning. Why is that if you have indeed surpassed me? What relevance am I if you’ve already surpassed me Saint?

Is it your Hardcore Title that makes you think that you have surpassed me? Do you think that this…

Cassius smacks the Hardcore Title with the back of his hand

Cassius : … and it’s resultant Grand Slam makes you a legend? You think defeating The Scorpion makes you a legend? You think fighting ME will make you a legend? OPEN YOUR EYES SAINT! The Church, with or without Hero are killing this industry. What’s the use of being a legend in a company that no longer exists? They are taking over AND YOU’VE DONE NOTHING!

Cassius picks up a letter

Cassius : Reading these letters, I can see that apart from Clarke James, JJ Johnson and Longinus… who I hasten to add, I’ve never even heard of – yet he’s clearly still got more bottle than you, 6CWF has become a collective, silent union of the acceptance of hopelessness.

And there is none more hopeless than you.

Cassius scrunches up the letter and throws it out of the ring

Cassius : By my reckoning, you’re the longest serving guy remaining on the roster. Yet you’d rather fight me than fight for the company you’ve represented for so long.

Cassius steps back up into Saint’s space

Cassius : So on Thursday night… go ahead and fight me if you want. We'll be in the same ring, and I've got plenty of pent up aggression to go round.

But I’ll be fighting The Church. I’ll be fighting those who would kill this company. Those who would have me locked away in an asylum for the rest of my career. That's who I'll be fighting Saint.

And anyone else who gets in my way…

Cassius shrugs his shoulders

Cassius : … merely collateral.

MtotheC's Wrasslin Biatch

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6CWF Lockdown 8/12/11 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 8/12/11

Post by Crimey Mon 05 Dec 2011, 4:49 pm

(As Cassius finishes that last sentence, a huge bang of pyrotechnics goes off on the stage. 'Rain Wizard' blasts out of the speakers and the crowd are booing heavily as Cassius Zhi gets a lot more active, pacing up and down the ring and he starts to stare down the ramp waiting for Crime Lord to come out, but he never does.)

???- Over here!

(Cassius looks up to the top of the arena where Crime Lord is walking down, surrounding by an entourage of security, Cassius' face screws up in fury. Crime Lord faces many fans out of their seats as he stands in the middle of the fan area, the security making a protective circle around him.)

CL- I'm sorry to break up this little reunion you're having, but I seem to recall that it was me who you wanted to see, and while Saint clings to some form of relevancy, it was me who you wanted to walk out from backstage. So here I am Cassius. I'm sure you'll spout off some rubbish about how I am a coward by bringing security with me, about how I should fight my own fights...but Cassius, you have to remember, you're mental...completely and utterly out of your mind and I am not going to risk my body getting into the ring with someone so unstable as you, that would be plain stupid.

I know exactly what you WERE capable of Cassius, I know exactly what you HAVE done in 6WF in the past, and I am perfectly aware of the danger you USED TO possess. Notice the pattern, Zhi? All past tense, all way back in the past. You haven't been the monster you think you are for over two years, you haven't even come close to the same terror you used to make people fear. You've gone soft, you, like the very men you have criticised, crave to hear these pathetic apes chant your name and cheer your words.

You're a hypocrite! All those times you stood in that ring and soaked in the boos, the jeers, the abuse as you tore into JJ Johnson, into Abe Abercorn into every son of a bitch that I hated just as much, if not more than you did. I respected you, I genuinely did Cassius, it takes a lot to earn my respect, but you earned it....yet you fell in exactly the same way they did, one little cheer, one tiny chant and your resistance to these fickle customers crumbled just like your mind. Now look at you, pausing to hear their cheers, saying everything they want to hear. It's PATHETIC!

You dare to criticise me for my actions?! I'm a genius, time and time again I have shown that in the 6WF and now in 6CWF there is nobody better at what I do. Let's have a history lesson shall we, Zhi? The Dynasty, the New Dynasty, the Crime Syndicate, the Church of Hero, the Church...what two things do they all have in common? 1. They have dominated the 6WF, they control the 6WF and 2. Me! It's pretty simple Cassius, I'm not the one who should be afraid, you're not the wall to be scaled....I am.

I don't care how you got out of the nut house, I don't care why you have come back, or how offended you are about what we did to your precious Miss Jessica on Lockdown. All I care about is that you Cassius, you and your hypocritical words, and your broken mind are getting in my way! You're stopping my progress. You will not, and never will, get away with that. You can come back here and try to paint this picture of invincibility, but it simply doesn't work any more.

The aura around you has gone and no matter how hard you try and recreate it, you will fail. I will take great pleasure in picking apart the mirage you're trying so hard to form. You've shown so many times vulnerability Zhi, you were carted out of here screaming, and you will go out of here quiet, lying on a stretcher. By returning Cassius you have condemned what scraps of a legacy you had left, because what people remembered of you was a dominant beast who could take on all comers, after you've gone toe to toe with the Iron Man, the Great Wall will be nothing but rubble to be dusted off my shoe.

You're no longer the man you think you are, you're nothing but a hypocritical, pathetic and ultimately worthless joke!


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6CWF Lockdown 8/12/11 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 8/12/11

Post by MtotheC's Wrasslin Biatch Mon 05 Dec 2011, 5:37 pm

Cassius stares up the ramp at Crime Lord, then gives Saint a sideways glance before looking back at the Church member.

Cassius : I see you brought your own little great wall with you tonight, and if I remember rightly – I recognise some of those faces as those who helped the doctors cart me away a few months back. So I would take great pleasure in coming up there and doing a little demolition job, and creating a bit of rubble myself.

Some of the security guards take a step back as Cassius glares at them, but Crime Lord barks an order at them that makes them stand to attention again.

Cassius : However… I understand that I may be under close surveillance these days, and I’d hate to lose my job for attacking an official. I’d much rather lose it by doing something much more worthy of disciplinary action… to you!

Cassius and Crime Lord stare at each other through the wall of security

Cassius : But even if you’ve bought company, at least you turned up. It seems it’s not just these fans who I am popular with these days. All the irrelevant old guard want in on the action too. You accuse Saint of desperately clinging to any semblance of relevance remaining? But how about you… joining Hero’s flock of newbies? Standing in line with a bunch of kids, whilst taking orders from someone YOU KNOW YOU CAN BEAT! When I heard that, even I started believing I had gone crazy!

Respect is a two-way street Crime Lord. And back in the past-tense, it was mutually held. The difference between you and I in the present, is that I didn’t choose these fans. I didn’t choose popularity. And I sure as hell haven’t chosen to tread a virtuous path. Whereas you CHOSE to go against everything you previously stood for. You were the don. The leader. The beneficiary of the blood, sweat and tears of any old stooges who would take your dirty money. Corruption may not be a tactic that I endorse, what with it being a concept much more suited to Western ideology, but at least you dominated this company, on YOUR terms, and had some nice shiny accessories to go with your immaculate suit every once in a while.

But now… you’re the stooge. It was your blood. Your sweat. And Your tears that made Hero an eight time world champion. And the pristine suit left in the corner to mould and fester like your damn career. And for what in return? He’s not even here anymore! No backhander. Not even a hand-me-down. The only belt is the one keeping your ridiculous gown from blowing open and revealing your now shrivelled, subservient genitalia.

Your actions don’t strike me as genius Crime Lord. The Dynasty was. The Syndicate was. But this just strikes me as one huge gamble that didn’t pay off.

Cassius starts to pace the ring then he stops and leans on the ropes

Cassius : And another difference between you and I, Crime Lord... is that I don’t gamble.

I’ve called you out because I know I can beat you. And I’m not stupid like Saint here… or naïve like Scorpion. I know that my aura needs to be rebuilt and I need to strike fear into the heart of this company once more. And that’s why I WILL beat you!

Cassius turns his back and looks at the crowd in the opposite direction of Crime Lord

Cassius : You know what I WAS capable of… but you have no idea what I am capable of now Crime Lord. Because do you know what happens when all that rage, and all that bloodlust that boils up inside all of us fighters is suppressed with multi-coloured pills and sugar coated capsules in a place like that, and then all of a sudden you’re free, and you stop taking those suppressants?

Cassius turns his head to look at Crime Lord with a maniacal grin

Cassius : Well that rage and bloodlust enjoys the newfound freedom even more than it’s human shell does!

And just like I craved the first green tea. The first proper meal. The first smell of Jessica’s hair. The first breath of real air…

It craves it’s first victim… … …

Cassius slowly raises his hand and points at Crime Lord, as the crowd start their familiar chant

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6CWF Lockdown 8/12/11 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 8/12/11

Post by Crimey Mon 05 Dec 2011, 5:54 pm

(Crime Lord doesn't react, staring coldly back at Cassius.)

CL- Your mind games don't work any more Zhi. They're tired, old and repetitive...just like every part of your nature these days. You're a shadow of the man that once spread fear through 6WF's corridors. You've become your own cliché, desperately trying to recreate what you lost the moment you sold out to this group of fools and imbeciles. You can make up these sad excuses that you didn't "choose" the cheers, it's irrelevant and you know it! You might not have chosen to hear the cheers, you might not have chosen to get the chants, but you love them, you crave them, you're addicted to them.

Everything you do, everything you say, these days it's all for the cheap cheer, all so you can hear them stroke your ever-growing, but undeserving, ego. They think you're going to kill me, but we know differently. You're controlled by Miss Jessica, and if not by that slut, you're controlled by your own overpowering demons. Some would say you have a seed of doubt in your mind, I say you have a whole plant growing inside that mind, strangling any sense that was left in it. What happened to the Superpower?

The Church is in control of its own destiny, the Church of Hero was the first step, one of many. His spirit has been used, it has built up greater men than you in Marshall Murdoch and Rapture, it has created a whole new group of super powers, and once again I am right in the thick of it, while you have been hiding in your padded cell with only the "voices" to keep you company, I have been busy wiping the floor with the weak and the insecure.

You're not capable of anything Zhi, that's why they put you away, that's why you should still be locked up. You're no more capable of beating me than any of these fans are of gaining even one iota of intelligence. You've lost it Zhi. Lost everything and anything that you made you a somebody, you're a nobody, a nothing. All you are to me is an inconvenience. A part of the past that should have stayed buried.

You need to stop deluding yourself into believing your own lies, because you're not the man you think you are. That rage, that fury that has been kept down by pills, it's simply your own delusions of grandeur. In your unstable state you've managed to convince even yourself that you're better than you actually are, and it is my job, my DUTY to beat that message deep into your concious!


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6CWF Lockdown 8/12/11 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 8/12/11

Post by Bull Mon 05 Dec 2011, 7:31 pm

From crime lords last line Cassius begins to stare him down with the saint staring him down

Sainty Goes to speak on the Mic as the crowd continue to chant Cassius is “GONNA KILL YOU”

The Saint...

“I Wont Do What You Tell Me” Blasts out of the Sound System, the Scor-Peons Begin to cheer followed by Boos!

Crime lord orders his security to watch behind him as the crowd wait for scorpion

The Saint: Show Your Self!

The Scorpion: Over Here Sainty !

Scorpion can be seen getting out of the Crowd near the announcers table he then goes to sit on top of the announcers table where RJ and Wire are sitting ... he turns around and waves at Wire before turning back to stare at the Saint and Cassius as well as Crime Lord

The Scorpion: so what was the lord of crime asking? What happened to the superpower?

The Scorpion stands up on the table

The Scorpion: YOU’RE LOOKING AT HIM! ( points to him self )

Crowd Boo as the Scor-Peons Cheer, Scorpion sits back down on the table

The Scorpion: Anyway back to “Business”..... As the Super Lord Him Self was saying Sainty I accept you to relinquish that title back to me in a few weeks. After all while working with you Sainty i found out that you’re a quitter... a loser who will use anybody to get what he wants and you call me the stupid one? You’re the one who attacked Jessica and look where that’s got you “CHAMP” ....I don’t even think you deserve that title ...or any title ...well apart from champion of begging losers!

Sainty can be seen getting angry while Cassius goes to speak

The Scorpion: Hold It big guy I’m not done yet, I’m only just starting to have fun!! ...anyway Sainty before you give me your crap about being a grand slam winner blah blah i just want to say was it worth it? ....Really the second grad slam winner? Who cares about the guy who comes second!....... NO ONE! !

The Scorpion: .....I’m not done!! Before you ask me “Big Z” I aloud to call you that? ...why I’m out here ... well it’s because It’s the best seat in the house!!!

The Scorpion: Any way over to you “Champs”!

Cassius, Crime Lord and Saint look angry as they begin to stare down scorpion!


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6CWF Lockdown 8/12/11 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 8/12/11

Post by Gregers Mon 05 Dec 2011, 8:09 pm

(With Patricks in the ring the titontron suddenly goes to static before slowly changing to a dimly lit room. In it a person can be seen sitting cross legged on the floor. Soft sobbing can be heard before a door suddenly slams and the sobbing can no longer be heard. The figure slowly raises their head revealing the twisted face of Chaos)

C: Expecting someone else were we Christopher. A missing loved one perhaps, (Chaos laughs) you see Christopher what happened on Lockdown wasn't fear. It just wasn't time for you two to be reacquainted. You see Christopher this is but a glimpse into the pain that you caused my Destiny to undergo. Just a slither of the agony at having my dreams destroyed. The year of Chaos undone by a parasitical champion.

You see Christopher at first this was just about that title that you stole from me but now it is much much more. An eye for an eye or in this case a Destiny for a Legacy. Afterall Im sure you recognise this (Chaos raises the chain hanging around his neck revealing Patricks' wifes' wedding ring on the end of the chain). Oh how easy it was to prize it from her finger, how quickly she gave it up. Maybe things aren't quite as rosy in the Patricks' household as you wish to pretend.

(Chris is shouting at Chaos from the ring)

C: Oh don't worry Christopher, she's safe...

(Chaos takes a dramatic breath in which the door slowly creeks open and the gentle sobbing can be heard again)

... For now.

(Chaos laughs before the camera fades to black with only Chaos' laughter and the gentle sobbing being heard in the darkness)


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6CWF Lockdown 8/12/11 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 8/12/11

Post by Uryu Ishida Mon 05 Dec 2011, 8:16 pm

*Uryu smiles backstage as he approaches the water cooler. He looks at it and picks up the pieces of broken plastic and metal silently before disposing of them in a nearby bin. He then silently walks around backstage until he passes Clarissa*

Clarissa: Uryu, are you alright?

*Uryu nods as he heads up to the roof. He sits down, looking out towards the city, sighing*

Uryu: He keeps on pushing me harder and harder. I keep pushing back but what does this do? He seemingly gets better and I keep on taking everything he gets. I mean, we have been in a war ever since I returned and this thursday we have another match to prove who is better. Well you know what? I want a new challenge. I want to put James McManus in his place and say "I am better than you" but I could have said that with the old James McManus and he would have accepted it and shook my hand but now if I say it he will throw all his toys out of the pram and cry saying "it wasn't fair" I hate how good people change because they cannot get a win. Sure it's important but what he doesnt understand is that his performance has been outstanding! He is a top 6WF star of the future but his mouth will cause him much damage to his reputation in the future.

*Uryu stands up and paces on the roof*

Uryu: I want this to end, I want to move on and face Genesis. They just sealed their fates by destroying the tag team titles, we will get them, but James McManus and The Fanatic must be made to step aside. One last match, me and Logan against the pair of you. Winner faces Genesis, Losers step aside.

*Uryu heads to leave the roof as he closes the door a sign hangs on it reading "Tag Team Cage Match, yes or no?" *

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6CWF Lockdown 8/12/11 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 8/12/11

Post by Marsh Mon 05 Dec 2011, 8:17 pm

Marshall stares at Clarke, who is still laid back on the chair, with a look of utter contempt.

MM: ‘How dare you!’

(Marshall unexpectedly swipes Clarke feet from off the desk and to the floor, causing Clarke to sit bolt upright in his chair)

MM: Nobody puts their feet on my desk expect me!

(A sly grin breaks across Clarke’s face as he promptly places his feet back on the desk, Marshall swiftly knocks the feet back off, and Clarke places them back on before Marshall knocks them promptly back off again, this continues for 4 or 5 more times)

MM (Losing patience): HAVE YOU FINISHED YET?

(Clarke sits back on his chair normally)

CJ: Something troubling you Marshy? You want to relax a little mate

MM: Something troubling me? Funnily enough there is, but anyway this area is for authorised Church personnel only, how on Earth did you get pass security?

(Clarke simply shrugs as the camera switches to outside the Church where a man wearing a ‘MM’ poncho is lying passed out across the floor)

MM: ‘But never mind that, the important thing is that you’re here, I would offer you a drink but some fool destroyed the water cooler I ordered.’

‘Must bring back soom memories this place eh Clarke, changed a bit since you were last here, somethings never change though, I see you’re still as deluded as ever though Clarke.’

‘Did the beating I handed out to you at Born in Fire not register with you? I mean what on Earth makes you think that you are in any way worthy of a World championship match? Ever since you came back you’ve been attempting to punch way, way above your weight Clarke, and yet you’ve come up short every time, putting you in the World Championship match would only lead to national humiliation for yourself, and I’m not sure that your fragile mental state could accept such a set back.’

‘So take my advice Clarke, if by some miracle you are fortunate enough to gain a qualifying match, forfeit it. Save yourself the embarrassment, live to fight another day against someone a bit nearer to your own level ... I hear the reserve league, my apologies I really must be much more respectful to our near neighbours, I hear 6CW is nice this time of year.’

‘But please for your own safety, listen to my words carefully Clarke, it’s just a little bit of friendly advice’

(Marshall puts on a forced, unconvincing smile)

MM: ‘But back to your favourite subject, I mean you don’t half go on the about the time you were pinned by Hero, don’t you?’

‘I really wish you’d let it sink in that thick little skull of yours, I am and never was, jealous of that moment.’

‘That moment was the minute you were done in my eyes, that moment means you always were and always will be a quitter, unlike me. I thrive on competition, I am a natural competitor, a born winner, I would never have laid down for Hero, simply because I have more self respect for myself than that.’

(Marshall walks over to the door and holds it open)

MM: I don’t mean to be rude, and this has been very pleasant and all that, but as you can see (he motions to the rest of the room) I’ve got quite a bit of decorating to carry on with, and I thought you weren’t staying long?’

Last edited by Marshall on Mon 05 Dec 2011, 8:56 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : It didn't flow through naturally)


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6CWF Lockdown 8/12/11 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 8/12/11

Post by ncfc_Tooze Mon 05 Dec 2011, 8:28 pm

The Camera cuts to Mcmanus' Locker room

JM- Uryu the same Mcmanus is still here, the one that gained your respect, But I am just fed up, of not having fair cracks at a title, not one title match I have had so far has been a 1 on 1 or 2 on 2 match they always seem to be 1 vs 1 vs 1 vs 1 or 2 vs 2 vs 2 vs 2 vs 2 vs 2, you must know how annoying that is, if you don't the answer its very.

Mcmanus walks out of the room and slams the door, it shows a sign on it that says Tag Team Cage, Maybe, We will have to see

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6CWF Lockdown 8/12/11 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 8/12/11

Post by JJJohnson Mon 05 Dec 2011, 9:13 pm

*The action goes backstage and the crowd pop as Clarissa is standing with JJ Johnson.JJ is dressed in a pair of black jeans,a green vest and he has on a white bandana.He looks incredibly focused as Clarissa begins the interview...


*Crowd pop

Clarissa:This week on Lockdown you go one on one with Jerome Dubois,with the winner earning a very prestigous position inside the Elimination Chamber at 6WF War,for the 6WF Undisputed Title.Now earlier this week we heard what Dubois had to say but how do you respond to his comments.....and how does it feel being two steps away from regaining the world heavyweight championship?

JJ:First of all let me tell you how good it felt last week to be back inside B-Man,hyping it up like only JJ Johnson can.....burn the candle at both ends like only JJ Johnson can....and most importantly whooping a55 like only JJ Johnson can!

*Crowd cheer

JJ:This week I step in the ring with a man I know very well....a man that has spent his whole career cowering in my shadow pretending like he wants a piece of me...

*JJ rips his vest in half and the women in the crowd wolf whistle as he smirks

JJ:You want some of this mon frere? really wanna step up in the grill of the Franchise Initiative and watch real close as I slap those garlic stained lips from yo face?...Don't try and kid all these people like you big news Dubois....your nothing,you aint jack (beep) and this week on Lockdown I am going to show you that...

*JJ laughs and then produces a beret and places it on his head.He begins to jig on the spot and talk in a bad french accent

JJ:Ey theenk you can disrespect want to steal the limelight from moi...eet has all changed now...i'm a big boy now....I can even use the potty...

*JJ rips the beret from his head and throws it on the floor before spitting on it and wiping his boot across it.

JJ:Oh why don't you shut your mouth you frog munching mother(beeper).....ain't nobody care what you gotta say....ain't nobody even wanna see your face on your television set because bottom suck complete monkey a55!

*Crowd cheer and JJ removes his vest completely

JJ:This look like a shadow to you?....This look like a shell of a man?....let me tell you something vinoballs,JJ Johnson has and always will be better than you....I wake up in the morning and i'm better than you and I go to bed at night better than you.....the (beep) I produce when I go to the bathroom is better than you and aint that the damn could bring the French Revolution to our fight and Triple J would still beat yo a55 right back down the Channel Tunnel...

You think beating some rookie with one leg qualifies you for the Billy big balls competition?....let me tell you Jeremy,you ain't never been don't even know the meaning of bad....but don't get your pantaloons in a twist because this thursday night I am going to show you exactly what bad really is...

JJ Johnson is back in 6WF.....back,bigger,badder and better than ever before....I don't care which second rate company you went to to become world champion,you ain't never won the big one in 6WF and aslong as there is a breath in my body,you never will....cos you are second rate,mediocre,naturally average and in just aint JJ Johnson...

Crowd:JJ! JJ! JJ! JJ! JJ!

JJ:Just listen to these people and they tell you anything and everything that you need to know...they don't want you in the Elimination Chamber....they want me.....and that is exactly what they are going to get.....the two time world champion,the reflection of perfection....Mr 6WF himself...

I'm walking into Lockdown on Thursday night and I'm whooping your a55...onto War....6 man Elimination Chamber.....walking out....6WF UNDISPUTED CHAMPION!


JJ:I competed in the first ever Elimination Chamber match....I won the first ever Elimination Chamber match.....Mike Hill,Acer,Abe Abercorn,Nemesis,Hero.....they all stepped in that chamber with me and I beat them all career is full of countless names of legends that have met JJ Johnson inside the squared circle and there ain't one that never felt my wrath....

So what makes you any different Jeremy?....what makes you think that you can do what countless others have failed to do......there aint one man in this business right now that compares with JJ Johnson....aint one man that electrify the millions...


JJ:And millions of playas and playarettes that buy their tickets each and every week just to watch me do what I do!

And thats exactly what i'm here to do....what i'm gonna keep doing until my name is etched on the top of the mountain once starts with Pepe le Peu and it ends with five dismantled carcasses inside the devils playground.....

There's only room for one Supreme One in this company....and baby your looking at him!

*The crowd cheer as JJ winks at the camera and gets ready to leave

Clarissa:Just quickly before you go JJ....your thoughts on the return of your oldest rival this week,Cassius Zhi?

*JJ looks at Clarissa for a few moments and then smirks

JJ:Sooner or later.....sooner or later...

*JJ nods his head and soaks up the cheers of the crowd before walking away.


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6CWF Lockdown 8/12/11 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 8/12/11

Post by Beer Mon 05 Dec 2011, 9:48 pm

James looks up at Marshall, grinning. He goes to get up but instead rocks back in his chair and begins fiddling with items on the desk....

CJ: You know, it's really not a bad little pad you have here?! I mean, the drapes need changing. It could do with a lick of paint and maybe get some of those intitiation stains off the carpet but other than that it could be a nice little home for you and the rest of your little club....

James gets up and wanders round the desk....

CJ: Plenty of picture space, a nice little mantlepiece for whatever you've got in those boxes. Still, you know what they say, whores will have their trinkets. But lets get back to basics, Marshall, lets open up....

James takes a seat in Marshall's chair...

CJ: *Shudders*......... God, that just felt all kinds of wrong....

James gets to his feet....

CJ: You know, so many times you've mentioned my favourite subject, you know? The laying down for Hero 'thing', but actually Marshall it's you with the issue. You've said yourself how you lost 'respect' for me; how i was 'done' in your eyes. But you know, behind that gormless exterior i know it irks you. I know deep down it pisses you off that he never chose you....

MM: I.....

CJ: Hold up, before you start. I don't care whether you say you wouldn't of done it. That you would have more respect for yourself. I'm hardly gonna take that from someone who cheated to retain his title....

James wanders round the desk as Marshall eyeballs him....

CJ: Oh, give it all the big stare you want. Pop those beady little eyes right out of your skull, fact remains, that 'beating of my life' you gave me is nothing but a disturbed vision in that crackpot little head of yours. I had you beat. I had you tapping out and there was NOTHING that YOU could do. You were helpless. Just like the day you wandered into this Church. Wandered into Hero's life looking for a new wing to crawl under. And you hated it didn't you? Hated the fact that i was already nestled. Already his favourite.

James gets in Marshall's face....

CJ: Natural born winner? Hardly. You're a leech. A cockroach that won't die. You think you're gonna walk into that Elimination Chamber a European Champ and walk out a World Champ? You're wrong. If; and believe me, it's a big one, you even get close to getting a slot. I'm gonna be right behind you. I'm gonna guarantee that you're gonna walk in European Champ and you're gonna barely, barely walk out a beaten and bloodied mess. No escape. No interference. No chance to cheat.

Sink this into your tiny little brain. I'm not scared of you. I'm better than you. I always have been and i always will be. I'm your 'Everest'. If that bothers you so much, then drop that title of yours, take your ball and you go and join the 'reject league', 6CW, as you so quaintly put it. Go try your luck against Lex Hart, Keith Leone, Gazzy D and Jackson Black. Watch those guys tear you apart like i did at Born in Fire. Then pack your bags and come home so i can finish you. Cause i can assure you i am gonna eat, drink and sleep kicking your ass until i get what's mine.....

James walks over to the table and grabs the 'Best Storyline' Trashie....

CJ: I think you'll find, half of this, belongs to me....

James smashes the trophy on the table, breaking it in half. He walks back over to Marshall who's face is filled with rage....

CJ:Enjoy you're decorating, 'Champ'. And get some rest. Cause the next few weeks aren't gonna be pleasant for you. Or your poxy little Church....

James taps Marshall on the cheek and walks out of the Chruch, stepping on the guard as he barges past Xeres, Vlad and Zakky.


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6CWF Lockdown 8/12/11 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 8/12/11

Post by Guest Mon 05 Dec 2011, 9:55 pm

The Saint looks from Scorpion, to Crime Lord, to Cassius. He puts on a face of exasperation as he keeps looking at each man.

The Saint:...And just when I thought this couldn't get any better! I honestly don't know who or where to start! Because now we have the sheep...

He gestures at Crime Lord.

...The out right insane...

He looks to Cassius.

...And the downright stupid!

The Saint rounds on Scorpion.

The Saint: Honestly, I don't know where to start, so you know what?! I'm just going to wing it! Starting with you Crime Lord!

Clearly you're not out here for The Saint, but the thing is, I can't help but look at you and be amused at your collapse from grace. Once a leader and now a follower. I mean, granted, your syndicate never was the most intimidating of groups but your decision to become a disciple of one of the most over-rated men I've ever seen, was one that drove the nail into the coffin of your once so-so career.

Yet you're the one saying I'm hunting for a bit of relevance, when it's been you riding off the coat tails of this company's biggest fraud for a good few months now. Oh the hypocrisy! Hell, at least Clarke James showed a bit of individualism and broke free, because if I was in your little movement, your collective lack of charisma would have driven me to the same nuthouse that Cassius found himself in.

But then again Crime Lord, rest on the fact that at least you've found yourself a bit of success in your career, unlike the insolent child that is sat on the announce table!

The Saint turns to Scorpion.

The Saint: Did you really, I mean really have to come out here and embarrass yourself in front of the big boys?! I mean, I know, seeing a legend, a wannabe and Cassius Zhi: insanity supreme, stood in the same ring might make most young children wet themselves with excitement, Scorpion, but you, you're taking your already existent inferiority and tripling it by merely being stood in the presence of three men that between them have won more titles than you ever will.

As for calling The Saint a 'quitter', did you not know slander is a criminal offence?! Since when has The Saint EVER quit?! You took the hardcore title I craved, and I didn't drop back and think "Hey, Scorpion won, he deserves some time off!!" No, I kept up the pursuit, I eroded any bit of belief you had in yourself to keep that title and I schooled you at Born in Fire. And your little show of resistance at Lockdown, your show of throwing down the gauntlet once more, it's very much accepted, because I'll happily embarrass you again, like I did at Born in Fire!

You paint the picture that I attacked Jessica on purpose, well, Scorpion, that chair shot was intended for you, and I assure you, I damn well promise that next time, I won't miss, whether it be Thursday night, next week or at War!

Now run along, because I have one more bit of business to attend to!

And that's you!

The Saint turns to Cassius.

The Saint: How dare you?! How dare you say that I don't want to fight for this company, when you, oh mighty protector used to walk these halls with only your own gain in mind. That's why you enlisted Jessica, that's why you terrorised half the roster. Not because you were doing it for 6WF, you were doing it for Cassius Zhi.

I see you issuing your call to arms against the church, and I merely just see it as yet another display of hypocrisy! Who's going to help you Cassius, when you alienated yourself against half the roster...

Who's going to help you when in reality you can't even control your own psyche!

That pathetic excuse for a former Champion (The Saint points at Scorpion) entitled me the quitter, yet it's you that walked away...


The Saint fumes in the face of Cassius.

You let your mind fall apart, and crushed the fear, the respect that we'd built together...And to me, Cassius, that's unforgivable! Whoever made that call, whoever made sure you couldn't trouble the landscape deserves a handshake. Because they made the right decision!

Don't worry, I'll be there Thursday, not fighting for you, not fighting for the 6WF, but fighting for myself, because that's what we all do! We're all as selfish as eachother and if I could screw anyone over to get to the top, I'd make that call!

I hope you watch how THE man gets it done, because like it or not, I'm the standard in this company, the bar everyone is trying to reach and whilst I'm living and I'm breathing, that bars just going to keep on rising...

Even beyond the heights of the great wall himself!

-The Saint throws down his microphone and leaves the ring, heading to the back.-


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6CWF Lockdown 8/12/11 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 8/12/11

Post by Marsh Mon 05 Dec 2011, 10:51 pm

Marshall grabs his half of the Trashie and throws it frustration against the wall, smashing the trashie and leaving an indent on the wall

He goes to run after Clarke James but trips over the motionless security guard, he steadies himself before regaining his balance and shouting several obscenities after Clarke, out of the corner of his eye his notices Rapture still sat on his bench, camera in hand, watching what has been going on with a look of bemusement.

MM: Alright mate

(Marshall returns to his office slamming the door in frustration, and causing the one remaining picture of Hero to fall from the wall and smash into several pieces)


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6CWF Lockdown 8/12/11 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 8/12/11

Post by BlueDragon1205 Mon 05 Dec 2011, 11:53 pm

Blue Dragon appears on the tron and the crowd pop, he's sitting on the turnbuckle in his gyms ring. He has a cut on his head from Chaos' coast to coast drop kick last week. He speaks into the camera...

BD: Chris Patricks (Crowd Pop) I’m sorry I couldn’t do what I told you I would, I said I'd kick Gregs ar*e and make him tell me where your wife was.... I failed, I’m sorry.

He touches the would on his head and winces with pain before checking his hand for blood...

BD: To be honest with you mate, I've been a little distracted since Danny boys big announcement last week, and do you really blame me? I fought in 6CW to try to gain their World Title so I could Fight you for the biggest Prize in 6CWF... And in the process I found out that Merging the title would only serve to bring our one down. You fight and defend that title with honour Chris, and lets be fair Steel defends his like a man too. But at least with the 6WF Title you know where you stand, specially right now... I mean you and me are in the Chamber to battle like the men we are, Greggers is going to go into the night looking fr cheap and easy ways out, JJ seems dead set on Joining in, and yes I respect him as a competitor but come on... does that guy ever shut up??

He jumps down off the turn buckle and slides out of the ring as the camera follows...

BD: But this week we team up to take on 'Chaos' and the Fanatic... Master and Pupil.. Postman and Postbox. It's been a long time since we teamed up Chris, not long after my Return we worked together for 'one night only' and now look, paths once more meet and we get to team up, crack skulls and gain some satisfaction in beating the living sh*t out of chaos and his boy fanny. I know we've got a big match coming up and I know it's for your 6WF World Title, but tonight, Against those to pr*cks, I've got your back.

Dragon sits on a bench and pulls out a mobile phone, as he talks, he's texting...

BD: A little message for Logan to ask him how far he wants me to shove fanboys head up Gregs ar*e....

His phone makes a noise and he chuckles to himself..

BD: haha.. Puppets... ahh, that dudes still crazy I tell you...

He realises he's still being filmed and throws his phone over his shoulder...

BD: Yes, so this week, Lockdown, Me and Patricks Vs Chaos and the Fanatic..... Should be interesting to say the least.....

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6CWF Lockdown 8/12/11 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 8/12/11

Post by MtotheC's Wrasslin Biatch Tue 06 Dec 2011, 9:49 am

Cassius watches The Saint retreat up the ramp with intense breathing.

Cassius : It seems to me that the only heights you’re scaling right now Saint, are the hills you are quickly running to.

You really are a self-obsessed moron aren’t you? You must be? Because there can be nothing more cretinous than forgetting who your allies, and who your enemies are. But if you want to continue to play this dangerous game Saint, and stack the statistics against yourself by adopting the self-consumed middle ground… the no man’s land… the centre of a Venn diagram – switching the positions of all those who surround you as you please – then just go ahead, because I have absolutely no issue watching that centre ground evaporate and constrict, and squeeze the damn life out of you. I have absolutely no issue standing back, and watching it happen… just like you’ve stood back and let the Church squeeze the life out of this industry.

Cassius points up the ramp aggressively, the veins in his arms starting to bulge

Cassius : And don’t get me wrong. You’ve already misjudged my character once tonight by classing me as an enemy. It would be incredibly hazardous to also assume that anything has changed with regards to my actions being only in the interest of Cassius Zhi. Because they still are. But unlike you, I harbour the intelligence to understand that if the Church were to tighten their grip around the neck of this company any more… you, me, Chris Patricks, Chaos… we can all kiss goodbye to ever seeing that Undisputed World Heavyweight Title again.

We may all be having a bit of fun, criticising each other’s relevance out here right now… but we’re all wasting our time on a moot point if they take over this company… BECAUSE WE’LL ALL BE IRRELEVANT!

But I understand if you want to shake the hand of the man who put me away, dispelled my aura, and damaged my legend. Because likewise, I want to applaud the man who dispelled and damaged yours.

Cassius turns on the spot and slow claps Scorpion. He kneels down and rolls out of the ring, walking over to the announce table where Scorpion is sat, and slow claps up in his face, the gaps between the claps growing further apart until he stops, and stares at the former Hardcore Champion.

Cassius : What you have achieved, in such a short space of time – is remarkable.

Scorpion nods and says thank you, as Cassius slowly moves his hand to take hold of the collar of his t-shirt

Cassius : But if you… ever…

Cassius nervously laughs and strokes his chin

Cassius : … if you ever, address me like that again, you really want to hope you’ve got a strong exoskeleton… because I’ll snap you in half like a damn lobster.


Cassius lets go of Scorpion’s collar, with a push.

Cassius : You know… in China… we impale Scorpions on sticks, and eat them as snacks. And that’s exactly what you will be if you ever talk to me like that again. A snack… before the main course.

Cassius points up into the crowd at Crime Lord, without turning to look, still eyeballing Scorpion.

Cassius : Now I have told Jessica, that I have no issues with her managing you… as long as you bring something to the table, and don’t take her talent for granted like that imbecilic ape that took your Hardcore Title has done for the past year. But ducking that chair shot was strike one. Coming out here, addressing me the way you did, and daring to adopt my moniker… that was strike two. And I’m not such a big fan of your inane American sports, but I’m pretty sure strike three is where something bad happens. Do you understand?

Cassius stares coldly at The Scorpion before very slowly turning

Cassius : And as for you…

Cassius stares up into the crowd at Crime Lord, still surrounded by security

Cassius : That podium you stand on. That pedestal that you and your fellow parishioners put yourself upon. That is the only grand delusion around here. That is the only fabrication of the mind.

And I’m not addicted to these cheers… far from it. I don’t need them. I don’t crave them.

But if that’s the reaction they emit when seeing someone like you knocked off a pedestal which is a mere construct of their mind, then I’ll happily take another hit.

MtotheC's Wrasslin Biatch

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6CWF Lockdown 8/12/11 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 8/12/11

Post by Blade Tue 06 Dec 2011, 11:41 am

Suddenly the crowd are on there feet let out a huge eruption of cheers when J drop hits and Green and yellow pyrotechnics blast of from the top of the stage and then out comes The Dragon closely followed by his brother Foo Poo, They both walk down the ramp tagging fans as they go and roll under the bottom rope and then pose for the fans, Foo Poo then reaches over the ropes for a microphone and then waits for the crowd to settle and for the Dragons music to stop playing.

Dragon then bow's to the crowd and whispers in to the ear of Foo Poo.

FP: The dragon say's he is honoured to represent 6wf for the interfed cup and will do his up most to win and bring the pride back to 6WF.

The crowd gives a huge pop for the Dragon who smiles to the crowd.

FP: dragon also says that he has a message for Rapture, You defeated that bad boy from 6CW Yarmouth Blade for the TV title, dragon would like to remind you that he has the freshers ball contract and he thinks the TV title would look very good across the waist of Dragon.

The crowd gives another huge ovation for Dragon, who then whisper in to the ear of Foo Poo.

FP: dragon now says that Saint has a title he would like to have also oh and don't forget the 6WF title, that would look very nice around the waist of my brother the Dragon.

MW: yeah right as if he could win that belt, These two jokers shouldn't even be in the ring never mind going for the 6WF title.

RJ: hey listen up goof ball, the Dragon has got the freshers ball contract, he could cash it in on any three of our champion's, You should know that by now Michael.

Dragon again bows to the crowd and whisper's in to Foo Poo's ear wants more.

FP: My brother says that he has being taking English lesson and that he would like to say a few words.

MW: Oh great, this should be funny.

RJ: Come on give the kid a break.

The crowd start to cheer as Foo Poo hands the microphone over to Dragon and they both bow to each other, Foo Poo stands next to Dragon with his arms crossed in front of his chest.

TD: I will win a champion, dragon will do it for you and fist a good fist.

The crowd gives out a huge ovation for Dragon and Foo Poo as they both give high fives to each other and then bow to fans as Jdrop hits the loud speakers.


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6CWF Lockdown 8/12/11 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 8/12/11

Post by Crimey Tue 06 Dec 2011, 6:31 pm

(Crime Lord lifts the microphone back up to his mouth.)

CL- Classy Saint...take a cheap pot shot at me and then run off like the scared little girl you are. You think my career is dead? That joining the Church was cowardly? You couldn't be more wrong "Sainty." The Church of Hero was a success, we destroyed all those in our path, where is Hobo now? You can criticize our charisma all you like Saint, but what matters really is what we did in the ring, and it was better than anything that had been seen before. The Church of Hero was good, the Church will be out of this world!

The cheek of saying that my career is dead for being a member of the Church is laughable! Especially when it comes from a man who is so desperate to cling on to the relevancy that left him years ago that you spent months with Miss Jessica being her sloppy umpteenths all because you thought you could be the next Cassius Zhi. It got you no where! You turned into a joke, and walking out here and criticizing me won't change that.

(Crime Lord looks down at The Scorpion who is sat on the announcer's table.)

CL- I don't even know why you're out here, or what the hell you're doing? The only explanation is that you're begging to get a boot to your face, to have me slam you through that table...You think you're some kind of big shot because you've won two hardcore titles? Come back when you've won three! Or even better come back when you've won two world titles. You can talk a good game, granted, but I haven't ever seen you back it up in that ring.

You're not a superpower, and you never will be. You're worse than Saint, at least he fought his own fights once in a on the other hand are wrapped right around Miss Jessica's finger, it's possibly the most pathetic sight I have ever seen. It's worrying how far up her, no doubt accepting, backside you are Scorpion! She offers you absolutely nothing, other than being the only woman stupid and slutty enough to get into bed with you. Get your ass backstage, and leave the real men to speak, I have no time for little boys.

(Crime Lord turns and stares at Cassius Zhi and starts sarcastically clapping.)

CL- Well done Cassius Zhi, we've made some progress today, you've started speaking some kind of sense. You recognise the power of The Church, you see the threat we pose to every single member of the roster. Unfortunately you ruined any progress we made in rebuilding your mind by convincing yourself that you can stop us, that you can stop the Church. You're, predictably and as usual, completely and utterly wrong. You, nor anybody else can stop us.

Despite all your words, despite all your threats, you have failed to convince me of anything other than that you probably should have stayed locked up, it would have been less embarrassing for you that way. No amount of threatening words will be able to bring back any shred of credibility once I am finished with you. After I have finished taking the Great Wall apart brick by brick by fragile brick you will have nothing left to console yourself with, nothing to fall back on.

Miss Jessica won't want you any more you've proven yourself a failure. These fans won't cheer you, you can't pander to them while unconscious after all...The only thing left for you will be the sanctity of your pills and padded cell, and that is where you'll have to skulk back off to, your tail between your legs, your dignity, your "legacy", your career in tatters!

That is what you have returned to, and that is what you will get.


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6CWF Lockdown 8/12/11 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 8/12/11

Post by Nay Tue 06 Dec 2011, 8:26 pm

*A Camera backstage catches Nay Bother walking around the back of the arena, still topless with a set of earphones in, he appears to be mumbling some lyrics, the camera spans and Clarissa is jogging over microphone in one hand and orange polo shirt in the other*

*Clarissa has one last look at the label sewed into the shirt she is carrying, and can’t believe it reads property of Nay Bother, if found phone 079……….,*

Clarissa – Hi Nay, I brought you your T-shirt back

*She holds up the T-shirt*

C - but this is just an excuse to start a conversation, I was hoping you would answer a few questions?

*Nay takes out his earphones, “A licky boom-boom down, Informer….” is heard blaring from the earphones*

Nay Bother – Sorry Clarissa, never heard a word of that, ahh I see you picked up my t-shirt.

*Clarissa looks a little annoyed, but hands Nay the t-shirt*

C – I was just wondering if you would be willing to do an interview

N – Sure, anything for my favourite interviewer.

*Clarissa lifts up the microphone, feeling slightly less annoyed and now she has her interview*

C – It has been a busy show so far, what are your first impressions, and how did it feel, having finally stood in the 6WF ring?.

N - Let me talk about stepping foot into the Ring first, it felt great,the fans where amazing.

*The fans cheer*

N - but I need to get in that ring to fight, thats when it will all come togethor, thats when all the hard work will have paid off.

*Nay becomes more serious*

N - now for the second part of that question, you are right business has just picked up in the arena, but that is not my concern, i have no beef with anyone although i am sure that will change in the future.

*Clarissa looks unimpressed with the non commital response*

C - ok, ok, one more question, can you tell the fans one thing about you they wont be able to read anywhere, for instance do your tattoos means anything

*She looks nay up and down*

C- What about the lion rampant on your lower belly?

* A cheeky grin comes across Nays face*

N - Lets just say, if you want to upgrade from the rabbit, you have my number.

*Nay puts his earphones back in, starts to walk away, turns around and throws the t-shirt back at clarissa*


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6CWF Lockdown 8/12/11 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 8/12/11

Post by Blade Tue 06 Dec 2011, 9:38 pm

The scene is in the parking lot underneath the arena and the fans can be herd cheering as a limo pulls up, The crowd cheer and wait to see who get out of the limo, Then there's a huge eruption of boo's echoing around the arena when the driver gets out and opens the door, The camera shows one white Nike trainer and jeans drop down on to the hard concrete floor, The camera then backs of a little to reveal Yarmouth Blade who is wearing a Red T-shirt, On the T-shirt there's the words I will win the Interfed cup for 6CW on it.

Blade walks towards the entrance of the arena and there's a security guard standing in his way and holding a clip board with a list of names on it, He has a walkie talkie strapped to his trouser belt and a truncheon on the other side of his belt, The security guard holds his arm out in front of him and stops Blade in his track's.

Security guard: Sorry Blade you can't come in, Your not on the list, You must turn round and get back in your limo.

The fans begin to cheer when they hear the Security Guard say this.

YB: What the hell, Do you know who I am You idiot? I'm the guy that;s gonna win this damn cup for 6CW.

Now get the hell out of my way, Blade try's to push the Guard out of the way but the Security Guard stands firm and moves Blades arm out of the way.

Security guard: I said your not allowed in Blade, Please return to vehicle.

YB: My god, you got some nerve putting your hands on me you idiot, If your not gonna let me in then fare enough I shall return to the limo.

Security guard: Thank you Blade, I'm sorry just doing my job.

The crowd begin to cheer when Blade turns back towards his limo but then suddenly burst in to huge boo's as blade then turns round and spears the security guard and rams him in to the wall then Blade starts to hammer punch's to the face of the security guard, Picks the guard up and Irish whips him in to in to a load of trash cans and picks up a trash can and smash's it hard on to the back of the security guard who is left motionless on top of the trash cans.

The crowd continue to boo looking at shock at the titron, Blade look's at the security guard and and laughs.

YB: sorry about that just doing my job, And it's MR Blade to you scum bag, Next time let me in and you wont get the crap beat our of you.

The crowd boo heavily towards blade and Blade walks of towards the entrance of the arena and looks back and smiles at his handy work and then closes the door behind him.

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6CWF Lockdown 8/12/11 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 8/12/11

Post by Bull Tue 06 Dec 2011, 10:03 pm

Scorpion starts to stare and Crime lord and Cassuis as he starts to clap his hands

Scorpion: Me a Little Boy? Oh please if it was not for Hero you would not
have a career Crimey...I mean he pretty much mothered you with his Love....

Yeah and people though Hero was a badass please save me the hassle.

Crime lord starts to stare back at Scorpion and goes to speak

Scorpion: Hold It... Any way yeah sure you’re a 3 time champ, a 2 time world champion... but I’m pretty sure it took you a long time to get that far and the so called "GM" Let you win

...look at you you’re a psycho why would you let that guy win over Big Z.... Oh wait his the guy that ended up in the madhouse...

Cassius Begins to count the strikes as the crowd start chanting

Cassius can be seen getting angry as he goes to walk up to the Scorpion

Scorpion: "Breath" Big Z "Breath" I do respect what you have done and agree word to word about what you said to The Grand Slam winner...

Scorpion stops and begins to laugh

Scorpion: Oh Wait I Mean SECOND Grand slam winner!

Scor-peons cheer as Scorpion begins to mouth "who cares if you’re second?"

Scorpion: Oh wait.... I swear you said something about me being a superpower Crimey and how much better I am then the Saint cheers "Homie"

Crime Lord Looks to be getting really angry

Scorpion: And ... What in the hell was that Saint? An attempt by you to drop a pipe bomb... And guess who’s cleaning up the debris

Scorpion stands up on the table...

Scorpion: "THIS GUY!"


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6CWF Lockdown 8/12/11 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 8/12/11

Post by Blade Tue 06 Dec 2011, 10:04 pm

RJ: Welcome back every one and what a night of action so far, We have some interesting things going of back stage too, what's gonna happen in the Interfed cup. who's gonna bring that trophy home?

MW: you should know who gonna bring it home RJ, It's 6WF of course. That bunch of loser's in 6CW don't have chance against our boy's.

RJ: Hang on Mike I'm just hearing there's a commotion in the back stage area, There telling me there's a cameraman back there, Lets take a look.

The tron flickers into life and the crowd start to boo when they see Yarmouth Blade and the Dragon brawling in one of the corridors, Dragon kicks blades leg sending blade to one knee and then goes to kick blade in the face but Blade blocks the kick and kick's the other leg of the Dragon from underneath him, Dragon then falls backwards landing on his back, Blade then grabs both legs of Dragon and sling shots him in to some steel shutter's and Dragon slumps to the floor, Suddenly out of know were security guards surround blade and restrain him stopping Blade getting to the Dragon.

Foo Poo Comes in to camera shot and the crowd cheer, He checks on dragon who is just coming round, Foo Poo, Then stares at Blade who is still being Restrained by security guards.

Foo Poo: Why, Blade, Why?

Foo Poo then charges at Blade and catches him with a four arm, Blade stumbles to the floor taking the security guards with him, Blade then stands up and clothesline Foo Poo and starts to punch Foo Poo in the face as more security guards comes flooding in and pile on top of Blade and drag him away.

The camera goes back to to RJ and Michael Wire.

RJ: what the hell was that all about,I know blade is facing Dragon but why the attack? I though that footage we saw of Blade in the parking lot was at 6CW arena, But how wrong we were.

MW: Although I hate the Dragon he didn't deserve that, Walker needs to keep control of his guy's when he sends them over here or they just might come back in one peace.

RJ: I can't beleave Foo Poo trying to help his brother out, He did get a good shot in though, Blade will feel that in the morning.

MW: And look what he got for his troubles, A good old fashioned clothesline, If it weren't for security Foo Poo and the Dragon might have been seriously injured.

RJ: I must admit there seems to be a more viscous side to Blade in the last few weeks.

Last edited by yarmouth blade on Tue 06 Dec 2011, 10:06 pm; edited 1 time in total

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6CWF Lockdown 8/12/11 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 8/12/11

Post by ncfc_Tooze Tue 06 Dec 2011, 10:06 pm

Mcmanus walks into shot and smiles

JM- Aren't you all pleased I got rid of this loon from 6WF

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6CWF Lockdown 8/12/11 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 8/12/11

Post by MtotheC's Wrasslin Biatch Wed 07 Dec 2011, 9:34 am

Cassius stares up at Scorpion, who towers above him as he stands on the commentary desk.

Cassius : You may be an annoying little desert dweller… but you’re scuttling on very thin ice right now.

With that Cassius pulls the top part of the commentary table from underneath Scorpion, almost making him lose his footing. Scorpion retains his balance and shares a tense stare-off with the Chinaman.

Cassius : But you’re not alone…

Cassius once again turn to face Crime Lord

Cassius : You don't need to warn me of what I have returned to Crime Lord. I’m already starting to get a very good idea of what I’ve returned to. And the reality is that it seems even more insane than the place I have returned from. Morons like this (points to Scorpion) are parading around as two time champions. Miss Jessica, not even a wrestler, has somehow won a best promoer Trashie. And YOU seem to believe you have a chance in hell of defeating ME.

Cassius laughs to himself sinisterly

Cassius : Oh god I do hate to resort to cliché… particularly such an obviously, tiresomely relevant cliché… but the lunatics really are running the asylum here. Whereas the one I emerge from, whilst immoral and unwelcomely interfering, was actually run quite well.

Cassius seethes with a controlled aggression

Cassius : But 6WF is a perfect example of what happens when the church is allowed to immorally, and unwelcomely, interfere with the state.

And illusion!

And you can go ahead and preach them all from up there in your pulpit in the sky, Crime Lord. But know this…

When I get you… and don’t forget I have the best negotiator in the business on my side… so I WILL get you, one on one in this ring…

I will shatter them all…

And restore some... ... (Cassius thinks for a moment before choosing his word).. sanity, to 6WF.

Cassius starts to laugh maniacally as “They Say” begins to play again. He maintains his glare at Crime Lord who doesn’t shy away from staring back. Crime Lord gives in to a cocky grin, and a sinister laugh of his own as he beckons his security to lead him away. Cassius throws the mic down onto the floor and takes one last glance at Scorpion before leaving ringside, and walking away up the ramp – ignoring the outstretched hands of his fans.

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6CWF Lockdown 8/12/11 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 8/12/11

Post by Blade Wed 07 Dec 2011, 12:18 pm

The crowd cheers as the tron flickers in to life and The Dragon is laid down on a table with just a towel wrapped round his waist, Foo Poo if standing next to him and looking at the women massager doing her magic on Dragon's back.

Dragon whispers to Foo Poo in his ear.

FP: I don't know why Blade attack us Dragon, He was one bad man and needs to be taught a lesson in honour, There is no honour attacking a man before he is about to fight.

Dragon again whispers in to Foo Poo's ear.

FP: I know brother, She is very nice but I don't think she does any extra's, She is not that kind of women.

The women look's at Dragon smiles then wack's him across the back of the head as the crowd laugh in the back ground.

FP: Hey go easy on my brother, He does not under stand the ways of red light lady'd such as your self.

The women then smacks Foo Poo in the face and storms out of the Dragons locker room, Foo Poo rubs his cheek and smiles.

FP: That is what you have to do to Yarmouth Blade Dragon, You have to smack him all over that ring, We do not take kindly to outsiders coming in to 6wf and hitting us from behind.

We have to be ready, Blade is not a very nice man as we have already seen, Blade is dangerous, Blade needs to be stopped and you my brother, You are the one to do that.

Now do you want me to carry on with that massage or do you want do you want me to phone up Red's girls and get you a proper women?

Dragon whispers in to the ear of Foo Poo.

FP: Ok then, Red girls it is.

Foo Poo gets his mobile out and dials the number in to the key pad as the screen fades to black and the crowd are cheering.


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6CWF Lockdown 8/12/11 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 8/12/11

Post by Mr Dangerous Wed 07 Dec 2011, 12:19 pm

The screen goes black for a second and then begins a countdown.

10.......9.....8......7.....6.....5......4......3......2 and a half......2......1......


And then a vignette appears on the screen.
Showing a man in far too much baby oil as he rubs it across his chest and upper arms. He poses with them for a second at the camera.

Man: Oh yeah feeding the swans baby!

Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls, welcome to a new dawn for 6WFCW.

*cut 4

Ladies and Gentle Ben, boys an...

*cut 13

Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls, welcome to a new dawn for 6CWF! ...

* Does thumbs up to guy off screen

... A Dangerous One!!!
For I am Dangerous...literally.
Mr Daniel ‘Danger’ Dangerous. See that my middle name spells Danger...D...A....G.....N.....E......R!
I’m the living embodiment of what a wrestler should be.
I have the look
*Kisses his guns again
The raw charisma
*Winks at the screen, but doesn’t quite do it right and it comes across more that he has a boss-eye
The moves
*He then stands up and does an elbow drop onto the couch, miscalculates and ends up falling off it onto the floor.

I’m the complete package, the sum that equals the total, bigger, faster, stronger, better than any guy currently out there.
No-one out there comes close, not some angry dude from Timbuktoo, not some Dappy fella from the hood, not even Chris Patterson the current 5WFC champion!
See they all have weaknesses, they all have flaws, their brains aren’t ready for me, I’ll exploit those cracks in their armour but they cannot do the same with me,
No chinks, no cracks, just pure DANGER!!

Mr Dangerous

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6CWF Lockdown 8/12/11 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 8/12/11

Post by Gcass Wed 07 Dec 2011, 7:40 pm

The tron flickers into life

All that can be seen is a dark, dank boiler room with a figure sat in the corner. The figure has his back to the camera, a dirty mirror hangs on the wall. In one hand of the figure is a Scorpion action figure, in the other a mask.

The camera zooms in, the room is too dark to make too much out clearly.

The figure talks and it is clear it is the Shadow

Shadow: you always favoured him Grandma, he got the toys at Christmas, he got your love. When I took his favourite soft toy you told him to hurt me.


You told me I was wrathful, I AM WRATH!

The voices told me to come here, to hurt them as you hurt me. They still talk to me Grandma, they tell me the deadlies are coming.

I love you Grandma, WHY DIDN'T YOU LOVE ME!

The Shadow raises the hand with the scorpion action figure, hurling it at the mirror, smashing it to pieces.

He drops his mask, as he bends down to pick it up a scarred eye can be seen reflected in a mirror shard as he puts on his mask. He stands up turns towards the camera and marches out of the room.


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6CWF Lockdown 8/12/11 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 8/12/11

Post by Blade Wed 07 Dec 2011, 7:47 pm

Clarissa is walking round back stage and she see's Yarmouth Blade drinking a hot cup of coffee, she walks over to him nervously and brings the cameraman with her.

C: Hi Blade nice to see you, not seen you round here for a long time.

YB: Oh look who it is the slut of a cow from this crap hole, You know why you not seen me you dumb cow? Because hunny I have been in a company that gives me opportunity after opportunity and I have have grabbed them all one by one, And i thought you were my friends, What was the last thing you said to me when you last saw me in hospital all those months ago,? Oh yeah that was it, I will give you a ring some time, Well some time never came did it Clarrisa, You never picked up that cell phone and dialled my number, Not once did you call me to ask how I was doing, Not once did you call me to see if I wanted a chat and that peed me off Clarrisa, That made me mad.

C: I'm sorry Blade, I have been really busy....

Clarrisa steps back a little and starts to shake with fear.

YB: Sorry doesn't cut it sister, You think beating the hell out of the security guard, The Dragon and that Cat brother of his was bad wait till I get my hands on you slut.

The crowd start the arse hole chant and Clarrisa screams as Blade makes a be line for her and she run away down the corridor.

YB: Hey were you going, Hey cameraman come here for a sec.

The cameraman slowly walks over to Blade a little closer.

YB: I need another coffee go get me one, Oh before you go leave that camera here and then I know your gonna come back for it, If you don't come back with my coffee and 2 minutes the camera gets it, Then am gonna take it out on you.

The cameraman gives the camera to Blade who holds up on his shoulder and the camera is showing the cameraman running down the corridor were a coffee vending machine is standing, The coffee machine is not working and the cameraman is looking worried.

YB: There's another one further down the corridor fella, Quick run you got 1 minute left.

The cameraman runs down the corridor as fast as he can he see's the next coffee machine and quickly gets his money out and then gets Blade a coffee, White, Two sugars, He then runs back down the corridor and see's Blade holding the camera and Blade is pointing to his watch, The cameraman then runs to Blade and hands him his half full cup of coffee.

YB: Just in time mucka, Hey what the hell is this, My cup is half, And its got bloody sugar in it.

Blade then put's down the coffee on the floor and grabs the camera back of the cameraman and places that on the floor, The cameraman is frozen stiff with fear and then spears the hell out of the cameraman, blade then picks up his coffee and takes another sip.

YB: Actually I like sugar in my coffee, Sorry about that fella.

Blade does a sarcastic laugh and walks down the corridor as the crowd can be herd booing.

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6CWF Lockdown 8/12/11 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 8/12/11

Post by Gregers Thu 08 Dec 2011, 7:12 pm

(We cut backstage where the Fanatic is sitting on an upturned cauldron)

F: Once upon a time,
When the Frogs began to rhyme,
And the sheep began to leap,
So that everyone could sleep,
There were giant fat black cats,
Who were chasing magic rats,
And all of those who might have saved the day,
Have done so in their very own way.


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