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6CWF Lockdown 12/04

Zoot - Trevor Swann 6WF
Adam D
MtotheC's Wrasslin Biatch
Uryu Ishida
16 posters

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6CWF Lockdown 12/04 Empty 6CWF Lockdown 12/04

Post by Mat Thu Apr 05, 2012 9:26 pm

Match 1
Fight For The Right Round 2
JJ Johnson vs Hobo

Match 2
Zane Altair vs Vincent Grimes

Match 3
Fight For The Right Round 2
Crime Lord vs Nay Bother

Match 4
Chaos vs The Saint W/ Blue Dragon on commentary

Match 5
Dragon vs Logan Kincade vs Trevor Swann

Match 6
Fight For The Right Round 2
Max Adamson vs Uryu

Match 7
Fight For The Right Round 2
Clarke James vs James McManus

Main Event
Hardcore Title
Triple Threat
Cassius Zhi(C) vs Scorpion vs Longinus


6CW Creative

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6CWF Lockdown 12/04 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 12/04

Post by Uryu Ishida Thu Apr 05, 2012 10:56 pm

*Uryu is seen getting ready in his locker room as you hear the TV...

RJ:...but James just had a bit too much for Longinus in the end.

*Uryu is wearing a full suit and tie as he sprays Lynx on himself. He heads out his locker room, locking the door as he sneaks out the back exit and sees a black Mercades waiting for him with a driver. Uryu looks around nervously as he awaits someone*

Uryu: Gotta calm down now...gotta stay calm!

*Soon he spots Clarissa wearing a casual t-shirt and jeans along with trainers, she walks towards him confused*

Clarissa: Uryu? You booked this? When I agreed to go out on a meal with a work collegue I thought you meant pizza or fish and chips. You look so stressed as well, calm down a little.

*Uryu sighs and looks at his shoes dissapointed*

Uryu: Too much huh...well I try to treat a lady right I try to go all out, with the guys I can go to the pub or shoot some pool but I always act a gentleman around a lady.

*Clarissa giggles a little but then remembers who last treated her like this*

Clarissa: Where are we going?

Uryu: I kinda...booked a table at Sinatras. If you don't wanna go thats fine I can call up and...

*Clarissas eyes widen in suprise as she runs back into the arena suddenly as Uryu chases after her a few yards but realises she must have had a good reason. He promptly walks over to a chainlink fence and punches it*

Uryu: Damn it! I always do this, I overprepare and over organise and it ends up biting me on the ass!!

*Uryu paces around the car as the driver sips some water from a bottle as twenty minutes pass by, Uryu chatting to several of the crew as they pass him by to head home. Uryu is just about to send the car away as he hears from the arena...

Clarissa: Stupid heeled shoes!

*Uryu spots Clarissa wearing a long purple dress and black tights, taking off her shoes as she walks up to him. Her hair is a little ruffled as she sighs happily*

Clarissa: Sorry for taking so long, had to change.

*Uryu nods slowly as he is suprised as his jaw hangs open, causing Clarissa to smile and close it.*

Clarissa: I don't look that great Uryu. I just didn't want to ruin the plans you have made has been a while since someone offered to pay for a meal. The crew guys ask me to pay most of the time.

*Uryu opens the door as he helps Clarissa in, he punches the air in joy as he enters the other side and they are driven to Sinatras*

Uryu: I hope I didn't freak you out last week by asking...

Clarissa: You mean because of what happened before? As you said then, we are just two work collegues going for a quiet meal as friends. Nothing more, nothing less, ok?

*Uryu nods and smiles, looking nervous*

Uryu: do look rather radiant tonight.

*Clarissa giggles and blushes*

Clarissa: Stoppit, this is just something in my wardrobe I picked up and put on. Apart from these stupid shoes that were supposed to go with this!

*She throws the shoes onto the car floor as Uryu tries to calm her down*

Uryu: Hey, you look fine Clarissa just enjoy tonight ok?

*Clarissa nods, still a little upset as they arrive at Sinatras, the driver letting Uryu out who then lets Clarissa out. They slowly approach the restaurant and as the waiter recognises the pair of them, he guides them upstairs, to a secluded area and they sit down*

Uryu: Well, what do you think? Have I gone too far?

*Clarissa is a little suprised by the suaveness of the place and looks unsure*

Clarissa: I think you have a little Uryu, I mean, are you sure you can afford this?

Uryu: Relax, I have paid for everything tonight, all you have to do is enjoy it.

*They slowly progress with the evening as they talk about up and coming stars, who will be inducted into the Hall of Fame and what persona will Scorpion become next. Both have had a little to drink as the conversation continues.*

Clarissa: Doink Scorpion? hehehe Uryu that sounds to silly to be true but what about Brooklyn Scorpion?

Uryu: Nah...that insults The Brawler.

*Clarissas phone rings as she answers it*

Clarissa: Uh huh...yeah hes here...Dinner, hes I won't...I will tell him Danny, ok? bye!

*She hangs up as Uryu looks concerned*

Uryu: Danny after me again, did I not do something right?

Clarissa: No, no, he just wanted to let you know who you have got next week.

Uryu: Oh...who?

Clarissa: Max drew you in the draw isn't that great?

*Uryu nods and smiles as he finishes his drink.*

Uryu: It is and it isn't but for now, lets finish up ok?

*Clarissa smiled as Uryu called over a waiter for dessert as there was a commotion downstairs. Several camera flashes went off as a few journalists ran upstairs towards them, taking photos*

???: Uryu, are you glad you drew Max Adamson in the tournament?

???2: Will it affect your friendship?

???3: Are you and Clarissa in a relationship?

*Uryu was getting nervous at the bewildering and suprising questions but Clarissa stood up and answered them confidently.*

Clarissa: Look now, we are here as friends having a meal, nothing more ok?! Can you just let us enjoy the meal he has paid for and you can ask him tomorrow about Fight for the Right!

*They both sighed as the journalists were escorted away from the restaurant*

Uryu: Cheers, never expected them here. Should I take you home now, while they are distracted?

*Clarissa ponders, finishing her white wine and nods*

Clarissa: Alright, sorry they spoilt the meal Uryu.

Uryu: Why are you apologising? They followed my car.

Clarissa: Lets just get out of here while we can, ok?

*Uryu nods as they head out of Sinatras through a side door and get into the car. Soon they arrive at Clarissas as Uryu smiles*

Uryu: You didn't have to change...

Clarissa: and you didnt have to invite me for a meal, I enjoyed it!

Uryu: Good, thats all that mattered.

*Uryu lets her out of the car as she skips to her front door barefoot.*

Clarissa: Thanks for the meal Uryu!

Uryu: Anytime Clarissa!

*Uryu steps into the car and closes the door, sighing relieved as the driver enquires*

???: Good meal?

Uryu: Yeah, it was.

*Fade to black*

Uryu Ishida

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6CWF Lockdown 12/04 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 12/04

Post by MtotheC's Wrasslin Biatch Fri Apr 06, 2012 2:17 pm

Cassius is backstage with a microphone, stirring a cup of green tea, with his 6WF Hardcore Title Belt over his shoulder. His appearance prompts a huge cheer from the Birmingham Bowl audience.

Cassius : This week on Lockdown, I have to defend my 6WF Hardcore Title against The Scorpion and Longinus.

Cassius smirks

Cassius : How entertaining. Defending my title against one man who rejects all known vices, and another who fights so so hard on a daily basis to keep his at bay. Oh this is too easy. Because whilst they will be busy fighting ideals and personal battles on Thursday Night, I... I will be giving into MY only vice.

And that vice is violence!

Cassius' sadistic smile slowly creeps across his face, as he takes a sip of tea.

Cassius : Because unlike my two opponents; I am free. Unrestrained by ambitions of purity or detoxification. And this 6WF Hardcore Title, the scalp of The Saint upon my shoulder, is my passport to a whole world of instant gratification. A license for violence. And there is no chance in hell that I'm letting either of you take that away from me. You can continue to deny yourself life's little pleasures, but you won't deny me MINE!

Cassius takes another sip of tea, then looks down at the title upon his shoulder, before returning his vicious glare at the camera.

Cassius : Scorpion. You can play the high and mighty with your straight-edge badge, but it means nothing. Its as hollow, and as cheap as your CM Punk imitation. Because you've never needed to turn to something to numb the kind of pain I am capable of inflicting upon you, and WILL inflict upon you, this Thursday Night. And Jessica is out of the picture now, so I'm going to do to you, what I wanted to do the moment I stepped back into this arena and saw you cosying up to her, tarnishing her legacy with your mediocrity. I wanted, with every fibre of my being, to tear you apart Scorpion, but Jessica asked me not to. But now Jessica is at home resting, I will be doing anything but!

Cassius gulps the remainder of his tea, throws the cup to the ground then unfastens the title upon his shoulder, holding it up to the camera.

Cassius : This title is a license to violence! And it is violence I will unleash upon both you and Longinus at Lockdown. In preparation for what is to come at Night of Glory... Tibetan Torture!


Cassius : Good God Saint, you really find yourself in a perilous position now don't you? You had a glorious opportunity to run free into the wilds. I was done with you. Relieving you of this Hardcore Title was akin to my untying of your shackles. Yet you had to keep returning to me, you had to continue reoffending upon me, and now you fond yourself incarcerated in the most vicious of cages.

Cassius begins to breathe sharper, his muscular frame heaving as he points down the lens

Cassius : You had the opportunity to stop this with at least some of your dignity intact Saint. But now... I will make you submit. I will make you submit twice. And your dignity... it will now be obliterated into tiny pieces to be left behind on that mat, just like the shreds of your flesh torn away by my barbed wire prison.

In fact, forget dignity. Forget flesh. Once we step inside Tibetan Torture... I can't promise there will be anything that remains of you at all, Saint. Because I don't just want to make YOU submit. I want to make every bone, muscle, organ, I want to make every damn cell of you squeal in submission...

Just so there is no part of you, Saint, that can ever be tempted to double-cross me again. Just so every single part of your rotten vessel remembers what happens when you do...

Cassius kicks the discarded cup away and walks out of shot. As he leaves he shouts "Feedback" as he punches a picture hanging from the wall, knocking it to the floor.

MtotheC's Wrasslin Biatch

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6CWF Lockdown 12/04 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 12/04

Post by Adam D Fri Apr 06, 2012 2:33 pm

Hobo is backstage being interviewed by Clarissa.

C: This week you face JJ Johnson - how do you feel about that?

H: 4 years, Clarissa. 4 Whole years I have been in this organisation. And this is only the second time that JJ and I have faced each other.

Clarissa closes up her notebook with a slam before looking annoyed.

C: Well that piece of research I did was wasted.

H: 4 years and only 1 match so far. But this time, that match means something. Its for a place in the semi final of the fight for the right tournament, an accolade yet to be won by this Riff Raffer. But its also so much more than that. This is about two legends of 6cwf going at it. Two icons of this business locking horns.

H: You ask me how I feel about it - I will tell you. Excited. Exhilarated. Smiling from ear to ear. But inside it saddens me a little that a match of such magnitude is not the main event of Born In Fire. Because thats where it belongs. Thats where JJ and I belong.

C: So how are you preparing for this match and how will you get a different outcome to the other time you met.

H: Well firstly, I am getting myself a big-ass cushion.

C: What for?

H: To sit on whilst I listen to one of JJs 3 hour promos. Man that man can talk. The last time I saw someone go on for that long was the one and only Stutterers anonymous meeting that took place in June 2009. BT got it wrong - its not "good to talk" when JJ is the one speaking! JJ is the only person I know who could win a talking contest with the talking clock. JJ speaks so much, Talk Talk tried to sponsor his mouth. JJ doesnt only talk of the devil but the rest of the characters form the bible as well.

C: Okay, thanks for that. We all get the idea.

H: What I am trying to say is that JJ talks a lot. But his verbal diarrhoea is not going to help him in this match. The only talking thats needed for this match are going to be orated by two little friends here [Hobo holds up his fists].

C: So you have no problem with facing another fan favourite in JJ? That wont effect your performance?

H: Far from it. JJ and I will tear it up in that ring. WE will both leave our all in those ring ropes. And afterwards, we will go backstage no matter what the outcome and share a beer. And JJ will most probably start talking about clocks and ticking, booming and stuff.

C: And what about the rest of the tournment?

H: Well if I would have been asked at the beginning of this thing who I thought were the biggest threats to me winning, I would have said JJ without a doubt. Of course if you would have asked JJ, he would still be telling you.

C: Do you think this is a good idea, picking on one character trait of your opponent and really taking the mickey out of it?

H: Have you ever seen a wrestling show before? And besides, JJ wont mind. He will take it in his stride and incorporate it into his spiel I am sure. I am certain he is with his script writer right now, making changes to the opening monologue of the third act.

C: So what do you predict for this match?

H: Quite simply a win. I have got to win. This is my express ticket back to the top - somewhere that I havent been in a very long time, or to put it in a unit of time, somewhere that I havent been to for about 3 JJ speeches.

C: Well thank you for your time. Any last words for JJ?

H: He has enough words already. Couldnt bare to give him a bigger lexicon! Thank you C!

Adam D

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6CWF Lockdown 12/04 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 12/04

Post by Crimey Sat Apr 07, 2012 8:14 pm

(Crime Lord is in the 6WF gym lifting weights, he is wearing a vest and still has his suit pants on. Sweat is dripping down his forehead, Clarissa walks into the gym.)

Clar- Crime Lord, can I get an interview?

(Crime Lord sits up, he grabs a towel and wipes his forehead before chucking it to the side. He stands up.)

CL- Give me a minute then.

(Crime Lord steps into the changing rooms. When he walks out he is wearing a white shirt, he steps out of the gym with Clarissa to the backstage corridors.)

Clar- Crime Lord, on Thursday you are taking part in the second round of the Fight for the Right against Nay Bother, your thoughts on that?

CL- I hate this idea of 'Fight for the Right'. I have been fighting for the right for the past four years, I earned the right when I won two world titles, when I have stayed at the top of the 6WF for years and years. I shouldn't have to waste my time with a group of jokes to prove again that I am the best. Nay Bother?! Who the hell is Nay Bother?! I'll tell you Clarissa, he's a nobody, a waste of my time. Nay is criminally deluded if he thinks he's even got a slim chance against me, the chances of Nay Bother beating me a zero.

Clar- Are you sure you should be underestimating people like that?

CL- It's not a matter of underestimating Clarissa, I'm not estimating at all, I KNOW that I'm better than him, there doesn't need to be a tournament to prove that. Nay Bother doesn't even need to take it personally, sure he's not even close to me, but nobody is. I have finally got rid of the deadwood surrounding me, focused hard on the prize at the top of the moment, it's been so close to my clutches the past few months that I know now what I had to do to snatch it. That's getting rid of people like Marshall Murdoch, people like Rapture, they were holding me back.

The parallels are obvious Clarissa, the last time I won the world title, when I ended Snake Eyes' fairytale, the first step I took was to get rid of the Crime Syndicate, took out the deadwood, and that let me focus all my efforts and winning the world title. I will do that again, I am nearly there Clarissa, I only have to get through this tedious effort of the Fight for the Right and I'll be right there, on the precipice of finally taking my rightful spot at the top of this company.

Clar- You said that nobody comes close to you, is there nobody in Fight for the Right that worries you?

CL- I'm sure the speculation is that people like JJ Johnson, Max Adamson, Clarke James and even Hobo might pose a threat to me in this tournament. That is pure and utter crap. Not one of those guys possess even a tenth of my talent. I have beaten them all before, I will beat them all again. JJ and Hobo are has-beens, still clinging to the past. Max Adamson and Clarke James are serial failures, always seem inches from success, but are actually miles away. I will happily beat them all on my path to glory, I'm capable of it and I'd be happy to do it.

Clar- Are you not sure you might get egg on your face after this?

CL- No. I'm not. This isn't overconfidence or arrogance like you're implying...this is the truth. I am the best and I will make this official by rising straight to the top, and I will become 6WF World Champion once again.

Clar- Well thanks for your time anyway.

(Crime Lord takes a deep breath before walking away leaving Clarissa and the audience to think about what he has said.)


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6CWF Lockdown 12/04 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 12/04

Post by Lee Sat Apr 07, 2012 11:22 pm

A video shows a taxi pull up to the arena, Logan Kincade steps out wearing a Hoody with MASTER OF PUPPETS on the back, he is holding a large bag and his hood covers his face.

He makes his way to the main doors and through into the corridors that lead to the locker rooms. On the way various members of the production crew greet him but he just ignores them and makes his way to the locker room and shuts the door.

He sets the bag down on the floor and stares at the mirror on the wall.

LK: What is happening?...

...I haven't won a match in weeks, I am out of the 'Fight For The Right' competition.... What has happened to me?!

Logan paces around the room and punches a locker door.

LK: Grrrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh! WHO AM I!

Logan turns and flips a table filled with drinks and snacks then throws a bench at the wall. He calms himself and turns back the mirror.

LK: I can't let the past dictate my future any more, so what if I don't know where I come from, it's not where you've been, but where you're going right?........

no......I've gotten soft....... I blame all the time I spent around Uryu....trying to "help me control my anger"...It wasn't anger you idiot...... it was my warrior's spirit....and I plan to get it back.....

Logan pulls down his hood to reveal a return to the face paint he wore when he first recovered from his mental problems, roughly smeared tribal patterns around the left side of his face.

LK: ...Dragon.....Swann, no matter what happens in this JOKE! of a match, I don't care...but I tell you this I will leave my mark on both of you, you will know you have been in a fight with a true Hardcore wrestler...

Logan removes his hoody to show the tribal paint is also on his chest and torso

LK: From now on, people will see the real me, the no holds barred Logan Kincade.... the no holding back no nonsense Master of Puppets, the true warriror... I am a future Hardcore Champion, I! am a future WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION! I am the future of wrestling....I AM LOGAN KIN-KADE!

Logan stares into the mirror as the camera fades to black.


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6CWF Lockdown 12/04 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 12/04

Post by Uryu Ishida Mon Apr 09, 2012 8:56 am

*Uryu is seen in his locker room playing Tekken 6 as he tosses the controller aside in frustration*

Uryu: Darn it, stupid Bryan jugglers!

*he sighs and turns the X Box 360 off before heading to the bathroom and looking at himself in the mirror*

Uryu: Why do I have to face him now! I mean, hes my friend and we have helped each other out so much but...

*A knock is heard at his door as it opens*

Max: Uryu, you in here?

*Uryu sighs a little and heads out the bathroom to greet Max*

Uryu: Hey Max, whats up?

*Max closes the door as the pair sit down, under the chair are Clarissas heels she tried to wear to the meal*


Uryu Ishida

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6CWF Lockdown 12/04 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 12/04

Post by Marky Mon Apr 09, 2012 10:05 pm

*Max Adamson looks at Uryu in an odd way*

Max: Are you ok Uryu? You've been off with me ever since we got paired together in the Fight for the Right! You do know it's all business out there don't you? Whatever happens, we walk to the ring as good friends, we leave the ring as good friends, we leave everything in the ring and one of us advances. We've been through a lot with the whole Project X thing, but lets be realistic here. Both of us want to win this Tournament, but you're sat here as if it's the end of a friendship because one of us has to lose!

(Max readjusts his chair)

Max: The truth is Uryu, in a normal match we're both good enough to win. But in this Fight for the Right match, I need this. I need this more than you do. And I cannot lose. I will not allow myself to lose, but I don't want you to do anything other than bring absolutely everything, because this isn't about me trying to talk my way into the next round, this is about me telling you that when I beat you, and I will beat you, we will still be friends. You know what I mean?


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6CWF Lockdown 12/04 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 12/04

Post by Bull Tue Apr 10, 2012 12:34 am

The arena goes pitch black as on titantron a scorpion can be seen attacking its prey. As the lights come back on "I Won’t Do What You Tell Me"
Blasts out through the sound system as the crowd can be heard booing. Scorpion can be seen on the ramp wearing his signature Straight Edge
jacket. He walks down the ramp ignoring the crowd with a grin on his face. Scorpion gets into the ring and is given a microphone.

Scorpion gets into the ring as the crowd boo loudly.

S: so..Then I am finally given some kind of "reward" for working my a55 of every single night.

S: ...and i will show you why i should be main eventing NOG! When I defeat Cassius Zhi for the hardcore title and become joint
record holder of the most wins of the championship. Not only that if it was not for me the hardcore title would have lost its prestige.
I am the man that revived the hardcore title and aim to do the same to the world title.

Crowd boo as Scorpion walks around the ring before grinng and begins to speak again.

S: Cassius....

Scorpion begins to shake his head before he grins again.

S: The things i said to JJ was not just about him , it was all so aimed at you! I am sick of watching you veterans return
and put down the people who worked here 24/7...before you can say you came back etc you work here 24/7 etc. but the thing is you took
a break to get your head back together in that asylum where you where sent by the so called "Saint". It is time people like you realised
your return means nothing but selfishness to this company...sure you get a few “smarks” to jump up and down (Scorpion claps) good job there Zhi...guys like you are the reason why the company will end up like WCW! your massive pay checks
, your ego stopping young talent from getting to the top of this industry...You can say that its good for "business" but is it really Zhi? you returning for a few months and then disappearing?
Where does this leave the young talent that where making their way up before you squashed them?...that’s right now where, the return of you egoistic veterans may be good in the short term
but the thing you don’t realize is that it is killing the business in the long term.

S:... This is why Cassius i am happy that you are going to put everything you have got against me. this is why I can prove myself that i can defeat the world superpower!...and maybe make you
realize that if you’re going to destroy the’re going to need to become your former self...not only that Zhi! maybe my voice will be heard now...maybe I will gain "some publicity"
...just maybe people will start to see the "truth".

Crowd boo as Scorpion smirks while looking up the ramp.


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6CWF Lockdown 12/04 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 12/04

Post by Uryu Ishida Tue Apr 10, 2012 11:28 am

*Uryu nods slowly and looks at Max*

Uryu: Yeah I understand you want my best and the problem is though I want you to get what you deserve, you helped me so much when I first came here. You showed me around, taught me the rules of 6WF and made me smile and what do you have to show for it? a European Title that I couldn't hold on to and no World Title. That hurts you a lot. You have worked so very hard to earn shot after shot.

*Uryu slowly stands up and picks up the X Box controller, putting it back next to the TV*

Uryu: Then theres what I want, I want to win this not just for me but for the fans. They have been asking when I will get a shot and I haven't been able to answer them, I wanted to fight James or even Nay Bother because I knew the result will hurt us both. If you won, you would be sad because you had to beat me to get here and I would feel sad for losing. If I won the roles would swap. The end result is sadness for us both and I don't want that. I want a title shot yet I don't wanna hurt my friends.

*Uryu returns to his chair, looking a little distracted*

Uryu: I just feel like there is nothing else I can do. We will be friends afterwards but there something else.

*Uryu looks to Max and smiles as Max looks curiously*

Uryu: Probably the stupidest thing I have done besides doubt myself...yet I am proud I took the first step.

*Uryu points under his chair as Max looks at Clarissas heels*


Uryu Ishida

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6CWF Lockdown 12/04 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 12/04

Post by Marky Tue Apr 10, 2012 12:14 pm

Max: You stole Clarissa's shoes? How does that prepare you for our match?! Never mind...

(Max shakes his head at Uryu)

Max: Uryu, not that I don't value our friendship, but the reality is that the reason either of us are in this industry is to be World Champion, not to make friends. Making friends is a bonus. I have to say, if I had to choose between friendship and achieving my dreams, I choose my dreams. Maybe it's just me being selfish, I don't know.

(Max takes a deep breath)

Max: Is it sadness if I lose? Not really, more frustration, more anger than sadness. I don't hold anyone other than myself responsible for not winning the 6WF World Championship. I certainly wont hold you responsible if you advanced ahead of me. But it's easy to say that because I will not lose Uryu. What the fans want is irrelevent. What you or I actually want is irrelevent, the only relevent thing is what happens inside the ring. And if I win, when I win, yours and my sadness will pale into irrelevency compared to my joy from getting into the next round of the Fight for the Right.


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6CWF Lockdown 12/04 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 12/04

Post by Uryu Ishida Tue Apr 10, 2012 12:50 pm

*Uryu smiles and laughs a little*

Uryu: You forget why I am here, I will do my best for the fans, for my friends and my family and for those i...

*He pauses and clears his throat*

Uryu: Max, I know people want me to win, not just myself. The fans want me to get a title shot they they think is long overdue, my family want me to win just so that in three years time my neice can say "Uncle Uruu won a belt" in the cutest little voice she will have and I know somewhere deep down in that Fosters Gold heart of yours that you want me to win too!

*Uryu smiles confidently at Max*

Uryu: You think I can't do it? You think I can't win this tournament just because my best friend stands in the way? Max, you underestimated me once before and I will gladly show you that I can get it done again. Although...I want to make a deal with you. Loser has to pay for a night out for the winner. No questions asked.

*Uryu grins happily and offers a handshake to Max before pulling it away as he pulls a ringing phone and answers it*

Uryu: Hello? autographs at a hospital? alright, today? excellent! see you there.

*Uryu hangs up and smiles*

Uryu: Want to visit the Childrens Ward with me?

*Max ponders as Uryu offers a handshake again*

Uryu: Loser pays for a night out for the winner?


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6CWF Lockdown 12/04 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 12/04

Post by Marky Tue Apr 10, 2012 1:52 pm

Max looks at Uryu's outstretched hand;

Max: Loser pays for a night out for the winner.

(Max shakes Uryu's hand)

Max: But bear it in mind that I like steak, beer and naked ladies. Don't try and take me to a Wangbar or something! As for the Children's Ward, do they have nurses who tend to them?

Uryu: They do.

Max: Well I can take a little time out to visit the sick children I guess Whistle


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6CWF Lockdown 12/04 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 12/04

Post by Zoot - Trevor Swann 6WF Tue Apr 10, 2012 3:51 pm

Trevor is seen walking through the doors at the Birmingham Bowl with his cricket kit bag over his shoulder with his bat poking out.

TS: Arh it’s good to be back here after a long good Great British Bank Holiday. The weather being it’s traditional self and raining but that never puts a damper on our spirit.

Trevor looks up on the notice board to see who he is due to be fighting this week. His face drops before he starts to laugh.

TS: Dragon vs Logan Kincade vs Trevor Swann what a joke. I beat that Logan Kincade last week with Chaos. He’s not won in...... well since I can remember and they put him in a match with someone of my quality for the second week running. 6WF is turning into a joke at this rate.

TS: Dragon also what sort of a competitor is he? I should be giving him respect as he’s the free-weight champion. The problem is though that who on the 6WF roster did he beat to gain the title? No one; that’s who. That belt used to have honour and respect when I held it and now it’s just a worthless bit of tinfoil around this jolly foreigner’s waist.

TS: The powers that be feel that from last week supporting our undisputed champion in Chaos I should be now reduced to taking out Logan the guy that can’t get a win and Dragon the guy who has lowered the standard of the free-weight title to that of pub quiz champion of the Nags Head.

TS: Oh well I guess it should be entertaining to watch those two getting educated in how to be a Great Britain like myself. If my guess is right though they’ll pretend to forget to turn up and be asking “where me keys, where me phone” as I know they’ve not got any british talent in the ring and lost their bails.

Trevor turns and walks off chuckling top himself.

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6CWF Lockdown 12/04 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 12/04

Post by Blade Tue Apr 10, 2012 4:47 pm

The scene changes to Dragons locker room and and the wall's is a cabinet were there is all of Dragon's trophy's that he won as a teenager while he was wrestling for the school he was with.

Dragon then looks down on a coffee table in the middle of the room and see a clip board that Foo Poo has left, Dragon picks the clip board up and scans through the matches for tonight's Lockdown.

Match 1
Fight For The Right Round 2
JJ Johnson vs Hobo

Match 2
Zane Altair vs Vincent Grimes

Match 3
Fight For The Right Round 2
Crime Lord vs Nay Bother

Match 4
Chaos vs The Saint W/ Blue Dragon on commentary

Dragon then stops and looks in shock at the next match.

Match 5
Dragon vs Logan Kincade vs Trevor Swann.

Dragon rubs his fingers through his hair and then look's up at the trophy cabinet and gives a little smile and then looks down at the clip board and starts to talk to him self.

Dragon: I need to get back to winning ways, I must be like I was back in my school days and go back to basics.

Logan Kincade and Trevor Swan are very good fisters and I must prove to my self that I am a worthy champion.

Two matches I have had since I cashed my Freshers Ball contract and two matches I have lost, I am the Free weight champion, I must fight like a champion, Never give up and give 100% in every think I do.

Logan Kincade is a very tough wrestler but he is in the same predicament as I am in, He has not won a match in a long time, Trevor Swan, Another very good fister but he has been very inconsistent with his matches too, Some he wins and some he loser's.

This must be the time were I win my match, This must be the time were I go back to school and win every match that I compete in.

Dragon look's on to his shoulder were the Free weight championship is draped over his shoulder, Dragon gives the belt a rub and then slam's the clip board onto the coffee table and then walks over to his trophy cabinet and smiles at all his accomplishments.

Just then Foo Poo walks into the dressing room and see's the clip board has been moved from its original position and looks up at Dragon who is looking a little more confident then when Foo Poo left him, Foo Poo smiles and walks over to his brother and puts his arm round his shoulder.

Foo Poo: Look's like my plan worked then brother, You ready to go out there and fight?

Dragon: You damn right I am brother!

They both give each other a high five as the scene goes dark.


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6CWF Lockdown 12/04 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 12/04

Post by TwisT Tue Apr 10, 2012 9:14 pm

The Lockdown arena goes dark and "Smells like Teen Spirit" plays on the speakers. Vincent Grimes comes up through the floor at the top of the ramp, surrounded by green smoke. He coughs slightly as he makes his way down to the ring. The crowd are undecided about him and there is fairly little reaction. Grimes looks confused at times and makes his way around the outside of the ring, before he finally finds the steel steps to enter the ring. The announcer gives the crowd Grimes' stats: 310lbs and 5'10 tall. Still very little reaction from the crowd.

RJ: "Vincent Grimes, better known as Vortex, making his way....well hasn't got in the ring yet.....obviously finding his feet. A 300 behemoth additional to the 6WF roster. Michael Wire, what say you on this young man's chances in 6WF?"

MW:"..........did someone just die?"

RJ: "What are you on about now Wire?"

MW: "No seriously, someone in the crowd has brought in a dead cat they found on the highway."

RJ: "I think you will find that the smell is coming from the man they call V-X Wire.......first night nerves no doubt from the teenager."

MW: "One things for sure, 6WF won't be the same again. Aroma wise at the very least. Can someone get me some air freshener?

V-X takes the microphone from the announcer and frightens himself when there is some feedback. He regains his composure, and starts talking in very calm and measured tones.

V-X: "Well, hello, my name is Vincent Grimes. But you people can call me Vortex *laughs nervously - no crowd reaction*. I came to 6WF to prove myself. Prove that I was better than most people think of me. I am more than just a 300 pound teenager. I have a heart. One that I give to 6WF, and I will strive to work hard to prove my worth here."

MW: "Who let the choirboy in? Give me a break, are 6WF recruiting boy scouts now?!"

V-X: "My first opponent is Mr Zane Altair, a musician I respect greatly. His skill to his profession is without parallel, and he is a noble adversary for my first match. I hope to win what will be a very tight contest, but above all give all you people a match worthy of 6WF. I hope Mr Altair sees this and may I wish him the best of luck in the contest."

Vortex goes to leave the ring.....

MW: "Wow, an earth shattering promo there from V-X. Can someone check the pulses of the people of the front row? I think they died of boredom"

Vortex is half way through the ropes, when he turns suddenly and marches back in the centre of the ring, getting increasingly agitated.

V-X: " But....But....BUT...If he thinks he can come to this ring, play one of his silly little guitars....strum a bit of 'Smoke on the Water'...stop and then say 'hang on a minute, it isn't smoke on the water, but skidmark on the canvas....I will say NO! It's not my fault! It went wrong! They made me like this! I won't have no freaking jumped up, weed filled, wannabe rock star come into my life and tell me to get high. The only dealing I do comes out of my ass! And you people better believe it! I don't care what you hear, or what you say, or even what you see. By the end of our match, you will all be surrounded by the smell of sweet sweet victory. You say to me it stinks?! You better get used to it! I am what is evil in the air. The winds of change are upon us...........and it's all about me!

The crowd go nuts with this sudden change of character and start booing Vortex.

Vortex hands the microphone back to the announcer before chucking him over the top rope. He exits the ring and throws the steel steps in anger, and shakes the metal barricades separating the fans. He argues with some of them and rips up some signs. His demeanour changes as he calms down, and he looks around if waking from a dream. He then sheepishly walks up the ramp shaking his head and waving his hand behind his backside embarrassingly.

RJ: "An earth shattering promo there from V-X. He even took out the announcer. Altair better hope that V-X regains his composure, otherwise it could be a very quick match!"

MW: "I am shocked RJ. He completely lost it."

RJ: "I totally agree Wire. He could snap at a moments notice, and I would not like to be on the end of it. The 6WF roster better wise up to this latest addition. He could seriously do some damage to whoever he is up against. He seems ready to kick up a stink in the federation! Do you have anything to add Wire?"

MW: "Yeah......someone open a window."


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6CWF Lockdown 12/04 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 12/04

Post by Nay Tue Apr 10, 2012 11:25 pm

*”I fought the law” blares out through the speakers around the arena as Nay steps out onto the stage, he is wearing a brown boiler suit with a crudely painted ghost surrounded by a red circle with a line through it across the chest and a super soaker in his left hand. Nay starts to walk to the ring firing squirts of water into the crowd as they cheer him*

RJ: Here comes Nay Bother, this young lad finally appears to settling into 6WF picking up some big wins and showing he is no pushover.

MW: If you mean his win in the first round of the fight for your right tournament, that was pure luck, lucky that Cassius interrupted or Saint would have progressed. And what is the costume all about he looks ridiculous

RJ: Cassius interrupting did help him, agreed, but he had put on a great showing before that, and had enough in the tank to capitalise on the situation.

*Nay is handed a mic as he climbs into the ring, he fires off a few more shots of water at Michael wire before lifting the mic to speak.*


Crowd: NAY BOTHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nay: Last week I pinned Saint in the first round of the fight for the right tournament when people gave me no chance, I once again stepped up and got the job done when it matters. Proved that come the big occasion, I put on a show, and that I am the best young wrestler this company has to offer.

And now to why I’m dressed as a Ghost buster. This week I will put it all on the line again in round 2, my opponent a man who has been known to hang around in churches, has been known to skulk around in the shadows of greater men, a man named after the white ectoplasm regularly seen dripping from his hands after he has had the special thoughts on his former “Hero”, SLIME LORD!!!!!!!

He says I have zero chance in our match, no chance of progression in the tournament, not even worth consideration. That’s what Saint Thought and it’s a thought you will soon be wishing you never had.

I am going to progress in this tournament, I am going to Night of Glory and I am going to become Champion. I will once again prove why I am the Showstopper, Mr PPV and an ex cleaner, a glorified lackey is not going to stop me.

*” I fought the Law” starts up again as Nay drops the mic and climbs up each turnbuckle firing water from the super soaker into the crowd to loud cheers*


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6CWF Lockdown 12/04 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 12/04

Post by MtotheC's Wrasslin Biatch Wed Apr 11, 2012 10:00 am

Scorpion is still looking up the ramp when “They Say” by Scars on Broadway rips through the arena sound system. The Hardcore Title Belt flies through the curtain and lands with an ungracious flop on the stage, before Cassius paces out behind it, greeted with a voracious cheer. Cassius stands over his maltreated Championship belt and stares back down the ramp, straight at Scorpion, as his music cuts.

Cassius : Do you really want “the truth” Scorpion? Do you really want to generate some “good publicity”? Because seriously, if you want both of those things, I can gladly deliver both in abundance by time I’ve finished with this microphone in about five minutes time. If I hit you with “the truth” Scorpion… then that publicity you so clearly desire will be immediate in its trail, because the dirtsheets, the forums, hell maybe even BBC News 24 will be discussing it by time… I’m done… with you!


Cassius kneels down beside the Hardcore title and nonchalantly flicks it over with his foot, so it is now face up. He places a hand on the golden face.

Cassius : You know, it’s funny Scorpion. Funny that you should consider your two-time holding of this championship to be the thing that restored its once glorious prestige, when in fact I consider that exact same statistic to be the one which devalues it. The fact that some skinny “punk” from a pathetic parade of wannabes, on a show that he didn’t even come close to winning, wearing clothing which was last seen at some dingy underground club in New York in the late 1980’s… let me see you Vogue, Scorpion… who peddles an ideology, a way of life, so nauseatingly unsubtle that he writes it in tin foil on his waistcoat, like an even more embarrassing version of John Cena, selling a message to kids which would be admirable if not for the fact that they have no legal means of contravening it, rendering it at best a moot point, and at worst – complete and utter bullshi*, the fact that YOU, Scorpion, YOU have won this 6WF Hardcore Championship twice, makes me wonder if I took just a little too much of that medication that was forced down my throat. Makes me wonder if I'm seeing things. Because the fact that YOU have won this 6WF Hardcore Championship not just once, but TWICE, not only devalues this title, its previous holders and its history… it devalues 6WF!

Cassius stares icily down the ramp as he stands back to full height

Cassius : That’s why this Thursday at Lockdown, I’m not letting you anywhere near this 6WF Hardcore Title again, Scorpion. Because people like myself, JJ Johnson, Hero, Crime Lord, even that son of a bitch Saint, we’ve worked too hard, for too long, to let some ungrateful, disrespectful kid like you saunter out to that ring and not just run us down, but run this company down with pathetic title reigns and barely comprehensible diatribes.

Do you really want to know why we’re still around, Scorpion? Do you really want to know why every time one of us tries to take a break, or even take retirement, we’ve got Danny McGraw’s secretary – which I believe is now you is it not? - spamming our e-mail inboxes, leaving copious amounts of voicemails, delivering letters like god-damn Hedwig, begging us to return before we’ve even had time to book a cruise?

It’s because the “young talent”, Scorpion, are anything but.
The “young talent” in this company, as manifested and so wholeheartedly represented by you, are not good enough!

Cassius smirks as the fans react mixed to Cassius’ egotistical claim. Cassius begins to pace the stage

Cassius : Scorpion. The only reason you got any damn publicity at all, was Miss Jessica. But just look, now that I’m back, she’s dropped you like a damn stone. Skimmed you across the water onto McGraw's island, who has somehow rewarded you with even less than she managed, even though he's the damn boss. You were just a last resort. A desperate measure that landed on her lap at an opportune moment. Just like you would be to 6WF if the “egotistical veterans” upped sticks and left. You would only ever be 6WF's last resort. And its curtain call.

Truth is Scorpion – you wouldn’t have been able to main event Night of Glory even in 6CW’s darkest days, when it was close to the wall, with the bailiffs circling like sharks. What chance do you have in its ascendancy?

Cassius takes one step down the ramp, and his expression changes to one of pure anger

Cassius : You honestly believe that this Hardcore Title opportunity is a reward for all your hard work?

Seriously? Cross your heart and hope to die - and believe me that may just happen on Thursday - you truly believe that? Scorpion - You’ve been handed everything on a damn plate since Day One. And when the bigger dog eventually stepped back onto your adopted territory to once again dine from that plate, I was kept on a leash by Miss Jessica to prevent the inevitable confrontation. But now Scorpion…. Now you’re going to find that plate is eternally empty, and far from being rewarded for your illusionary hard work…

You’re going to find out that you’ve worked nowhere near hard enough, to stand any chance of defeating me!

MtotheC's Wrasslin Biatch

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6CWF Lockdown 12/04 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 12/04

Post by ncfc_Tooze Wed Apr 11, 2012 7:08 pm

Mcmanus is Shown is his training gym, He is in the ring with a student who is running the ropes, the student stops and slaps Mcmanus in the face. Mcmanus grabs the Students hand and pushes him to the floor. he Kicks him several times and then attacks the leg, he Locks in the British Figure Four and the student screams in pain as a cracking sound can be heard. Mcmanus unlocks the hold and looks into the camera and shouts into it as the student is rolling on the floor.

JM- That is exactly why you do not mess with James Mcmanus. That goes to the whole roster.
That is the reason why I am going to win this tournament
That is the Reason I am The Future.

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6CWF Lockdown 12/04 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 12/04

Post by Paul Mac 6CW Thu Apr 12, 2012 10:40 am

As Grimes is walking up the ramp the video screen starts and Zane Altair appears

ZA" Hey there Vince, can I call you Vince or do you prefer Vinny or what about V man

Yeah V man I like it catchy - V versus the Z
Gotta ring to it don't you think????

RJ" Has this guy been smoking crack????"

Zane laughs " Come on V Man why so serious????

Grimes stares intently at the screen, his expression fixed

ZA" Ok then..................................

Conversation not your strong point????????

Cat got your tongue????? - Or is it only defenseless signs you take your frustration out on

Oh wait a minute , I know .............. no , actually no that cant be right

Have you run out of gas???????"

The crowd laugh

ZA" No maybe not , judging by the foul stench out there, and im not talking about your mic skills, which by the way stink

You've clearly got plenty more left in the tank,so it gets me to thinking
What can I do to stop your ermmmmmm.............'talent'

And then it hit me......................."

Zane holds up a cork

The crowd laugh again

ZA" This is my weapon of mass destruction V man - Zane smiles

See ya at Lockdown.................... It's gonna be explosive!!!!!!!!!!"

The screen fades to black with Grimes looking on fuming

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6CWF Lockdown 12/04 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 12/04

Post by TwisT Thu Apr 12, 2012 11:30 am

Grimes goes backstage and hunts for Zane. He goes past several wrestlers in their normal clothes, and each one of them moves out of Grimes' way. He knocks over camera equipment and boxes, while getting more and more agitated.

He finally finds Zane sitting backstage, still holding the cork. Vortex marches up towards him, but Zane keeps his nerve and simply holds up the cork with a cocky grin on his face. Grimes grabs it out of his hand. Then he suddenly calms down.

VG: Thank you for this Mr Altair. I often have problems finding the right depth to bung it up sufficiently, but this looks about perfect. What a lovely gesture before our match.

Grimes actually goes to shove it up his backside, and the cork is lost in the massive layers of his rump. Zane looks totally confused.

VG: I hope you heard me wishing you good luck for our bout, but if you didn’t, let me shake your hand and hope that whatever the outcome we can become good friends.

Grimes offers his hand; the same hand that he stuck the cork up his ass with. Zane decides not to take it (would you?!). Grimes is fine with this, and instead gives Zane a huge hug that Altair struggles to breathe in.

VG: Until we meet again Mr Rock Star. (he nervously does a bull horns gesture with his hand, but then puts his hand down embarrassed).

Grimes turns away, but then suddenly stops, turns round, and then hurls a huge clothesline at Zane that knocks him off his chair. He hits the back off his head hard on the floor.

VG: But…..But…..BUT….. If you THINK you can come to me, with so called extensive medical advice and equipment such as this cork….tell me what to do with it….and not even have the correct qualifications….I will tell you, Phoenix, No! My doctor prescribes me with the correct butt plugs and I won’t have no alley-way medic, obviously high as a kite, come to me with infected ass plungers and think I will stand for it!

Grimes takes out the cork and flicks it at the prone Zane. Grimes face changes to one of worry and he calms down again.

VG: Oh, Mr Altair, are you ok? I hope the Phoenix rises in time for our match *laughs nervously* And just for you, I will grant your request and make the bout explosive…….I will make sure I have an extra hot curry beforehand. I hope that pleases you. Until our match then. Take care…..

Grimes walks off, and Zane sits up with a frown on his face and holding the back of his head.


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6CWF Lockdown 12/04 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 12/04

Post by MtotheC's Wrasslin Biatch Thu Apr 12, 2012 12:10 pm

Cassius continues to stare at Scorpion, agitated.

Cassius : What are you waiting for Scorpion?
Are you hoping McGraw will feed you a line?
Miss Jessica?
A scriptwriter?

You’re going to be stood there a long time Scorpion. Because I can tell you for a fact, that McGraw has been in my firing line once before, and he will have no desire to do so again.
And Miss Jessica is still at home undergoing some much needed rest and recuperation from the injuries sustained at the hands of The Saint, and from being mercilessly overworked managing a god-damn idiot like you.

Cassius turns to the curtains and holds his arms out invitingly

Cassius : Or are you hoping that The Saint will continue upon his path of cowardice and attack me from behind, saving you the need to respond at all? Saving you the need to face an actual challenge for the Hardcore Title on Thursday Night, rather than just some slum drunk hiccupping his way towards his future endeavours.

Cassius slowly turns back to face the ring

Cassius : I don’t see that happening either. Because Saint is probably sat back in his locker room right now, studying some book of submission holds he once borrowed from Lex Hart – a picture book of course – in anticipation, in preparation, in a last-minute, fruitless effort to avoid the ass kicking of his life at Tibetan Torture.

SO COME ON SCORPION. It’s just you and me now. You had all the barbs and all the rhetoric before I came out here. So do enlighten us with more. Because when I come to throw you down that hole you’ve started digging for yourself Scorpion… I really want it to be satisfying. I really want it to feel worth it. I want to hear your bones snap as they viciously collide with their final destination Scorpion… and I just don’t think you’ve dug deep enough for that to happen yet.

MtotheC's Wrasslin Biatch

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6CWF Lockdown 12/04 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 12/04

Post by Beer Thu Apr 12, 2012 2:44 pm

Clarissa is stood backstage with a microphone in hand...

Clarissa: Ladies and Gentleman, my guest at this time......the 6WF European Champion, Clarke James!

The crowd roar with approval as Clarke James walks in to shot, his title draped over his shoulder and a focused look on his face...

Clarissa: Clarke, thanks for your time, i wondered if we could get your thoughts on this weeks match?

CJ: Thoughts? They ain't plural, see, every week, every day, every hour and every minute it's the same damn thought. Walking in to Night of Glory looking for redemption, getting my shot and righting the wrongs of the past 12 months. See every day it gets closer, that feeling of getting over my past. Every time i step foot in that arena i can sense it, i can feel it in the air that something big is gonna happen. Every match is this god damn tournament is just another stepping stone to getting what i deserve. And you see, all those nay sayers in the back who say 'Clarke James can't win this', let me tell you........Clarke James CAN and WILL win this thing. I've been here before, i've got experience just like everyone else, difference is i've learned from it and i've built on it and i'm the best damn thing in this company right now...

Crowd: CJ! CJ! CJ! CJ! CJ!

James stares intensely at Clarissa...

Clarissa: Your opponent in the 2nd round is James McManus, a man you've faced a number of times recently, and notably defended your European Title against in a triple threta match at Survival. He too refers to himself as the future of this company, how do you see that? And how is that different to you?

James smirks and relaxes...

CJ: Good ol' Jimmy. Always good for a laugh. Let's be honest, any Tom, Dick, Vincent or Zane can walk through those doors and claim to be the future, hell, i could walk outside, grab some bum off the street and walk him in here screaming 'Bah Gawd, Hallelujah praise the lord i have found the future', shi*t don't mean a jot if you can't back it up. And that's the thing about our Jim. He talks it all up, makes out like his some bigshot cause he's walking round kissing the ass of the champ, but what the hell has he actually done? Took out some 6ft tall special who wrote poetry? Bravo. If the guy could tie his shoelaces properly i'd say that's almost worth claiming. Then we have these little training videos. Am i supposed to be intimidated that he's making some rookie tap out in his shed? If he wants to get his kicks rolling around with kids in his basement then he's in the wrong business cause there's a whole asian market that would pay megabucks to watch that.

Crowd: Laugh

CJ: See, i ain't no rookie. I'm not some punk kid. I'm CJ James, i'm European Champion. I'm the man that was at the forefront of THE most dominant faction to ever hit this company, i've rolled with the big dogs, i've kicked it with legends and i sure as hell earnt my stripes to get where i am, that's why i AM the future of this business, that's why on Lockdown, i'm gonna teach Jimmy a lesson. Let him see what the true future looks like and let him see just how far from greatness he really is!

The crowd roar again as James winks into the camera...

Clarissa: And finally, Clarke, any predictions? Who's your money on?

CJ: Ha! See, i can't see past myself, but you want me to eye up the competition? Well, way i see it, you got JJ Johnson, the franchise player, been there, done it all, but just has that final piece of the puzzle missing, the reason he came back, the reason he'll go down as one of the greatest.Then you got Crime Lord. Mafia boss, turned god botherer turned i don't know what. Hasn't won the big one in so long he probably forgot what it looks like. You've got the Aussie phenom, Australia's second most powerful man behind Hugh Jackman. You've got Uryu, Nay and Hobo, all with something in them, and then you got me. Put your house, your car, everything you've got on me, cause ain't no way i'm walking out of Night of Glory anything but a winner.

James stares down the camera and walks out of shot as the crowd cheer.


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6CWF Lockdown 12/04 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 12/04

Post by Gregers Thu Apr 12, 2012 2:50 pm

(The titontron flashes into life, on it it shows a small plastic Blue Dragon. A voice starts)

???: Blue this is getting embarrassing. I hoped you'd at least put up a bit of a fight. Something that would at least cause the True Prophet to break sweat.

Well after this weeks Lockdown you just as well not bother showing up at Night of Glory. As I will destroy what is left of your chances.

(Suddenly the toy bursts into flames as the maniacal laughter of Chaos is heard and the scene fades)


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6CWF Lockdown 12/04 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 12/04

Post by MtotheC's Wrasslin Biatch Fri Apr 13, 2012 12:19 am

Cassius continues to pierce Scorpion with a challenging glare, waiting for a response. Zhi walks over to the guy who has a "Cassius Gonna Kill You" sign every week and tags his hand, before asking the devotee to pass his folding chair. The fan goes nuts and can't pass it over the barrier quick enough. Cassius unfolds the chair on the ramp and slowly sits down, laying the Hardcore Championship at his feet. He then calls over a stage hand. The Hardcore Champion says something to the stagehand which prompts him to run away up the ramp, returning a minute later with a steaming, disposable cup of Green Tea which he passes to Zhi.

Cassius points at Scorpion with his mic from his relaxed position, sat back in the chair with a fresh drink.

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