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Opinons on a few exercises

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Opinons on a few exercises Empty Opinons on a few exercises

Post by Geordie Mon 01 Jun 2015, 10:45 am

Whats your thoughts on the following....

1) Do you prefer - Pec Dec v DB Flyes v Cables...and why?

2) Do you use the Leg Press machines or do you just squat.

3) Do you use the Leg extension? Is it bad for your knees?

4) Do you prefer - Seated Rows v Bent BB Rows v T-Bar Row v Single Arm DB rows? and Why?

5) Hamstring Curls v Romanian Deadlifts?


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Opinons on a few exercises Empty Re: Opinons on a few exercises

Post by AdamT Mon 01 Jun 2015, 12:57 pm

Prefer free weights to any excerices mate. However I powerlift so I am biased.

I still do use machines and they certainly have their place.


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Opinons on a few exercises Empty Re: Opinons on a few exercises

Post by TRUSSMAN66 Mon 01 Jun 2015, 1:54 pm

Was influenced by the old argument... free weights are the balls and machines are crap for many years ....before I opened up my eyes and learned to respect machines and the advantages they gave you in feeling the muscle and accentuating the negative in safety..

I prefer pec dec to DB Flyes as I can concentrate on the squeeze better..........and I prefer them to cable crossovers because I never perfected the tree hugging technique..

Leg pressed 913 for five full reps on Friday night.........Alternate them with smith machine hack squats..............Normal squatting hurts my lower back too much nowadays..

Use the leg extension as a finisher..

T-Bar rows have done wonders for more my back size.........Mainly because I really enjoy the exercise and my technique is good........Back responds to it.......

Hamstring curls...........Because when it comes to them after quads I can't be bothered loading the bar...So stiff legged deads and Romanian are out..


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Opinons on a few exercises Empty Re: Opinons on a few exercises

Post by AdamT Mon 01 Jun 2015, 2:18 pm

Like I say Truss, I use both. Obviously as a powerlifter, free weights are my bread and butter. Though a lot of my assitance is machines.

Lot of idiots think you need to squat heavy or deadlift heavy to build muscle. Perhaps it helps at the start but your muscles don't know if you are using a machine or a barbell.

If you work the muscle hard, you tear down the fibres and pump blood into them.

I know plenty of guys in good nick, who rarely touch heavy free weights.


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Opinons on a few exercises Empty Re: Opinons on a few exercises

Post by TRUSSMAN66 Mon 01 Jun 2015, 2:31 pm

If training for nearly 30 years has taught me something...........It's all about finding what works for you !!

Think Geordie wrote he doesn't get much out of dumbbell pullovers....That doesn't mean he isn't doing them right it just means that maybe he gets more out of the bench press than I do..........

Because our bodies respond to different exercises...........

If I have one regret about my bodbuilding it's that I wasn't more free thinking and bold when it came to variety when I was younger.........


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Opinons on a few exercises Empty Re: Opinons on a few exercises

Post by AdamT Mon 01 Jun 2015, 2:34 pm

TRUSSMAN66 wrote:If training for nearly 30 years has taught me something...........It's all about finding what works for you !!

Think Geordie wrote he doesn't get much out of dumbbell pullovers....That doesn't mean he isn't doing them right it just means that maybe he gets more out of the bench press than I do..........

Because our bodies respond to different exercises...........

If I have one regret about my bodbuilding it's that I wasn't more free thinking and bold when it came to variety when I was younger.........

I agree mate. It is why a lot of "Good" personal trainers, find out what works for their clients as everyone is different.

Bodybuilding/weight training is a science. It takes a lot of years and trial and error to see what works for you.


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Opinons on a few exercises Empty Re: Opinons on a few exercises

Post by Geordie Mon 01 Jun 2015, 2:37 pm

thanks for the thoughts guys....

I do prefer free weights and mostly the compound stuff (I get my more specialized training through my Muay Thai)

I was just curious on your opinions as ive totally rejigged my training programme and wanted to see what other people thought of various exercises. Im just going for a good rounded programme now - 3 days weights and 3 Thai / Fitness /circuit training days

What would be interesting is to get an idea of your weekly routines . Ive been trying to get some good ideas for a 3 day split powerlifting workout, but theres so many out there I just end up going back to the ...(1. Back / Shoulder Day, 2.Chest Day, 3.Leg Day) focusing on the main compound power lifts.

Some of the workouts I read had Bench, Deads etc etc on the same day...which was new to me.


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Opinons on a few exercises Empty Re: Opinons on a few exercises

Post by AdamT Mon 01 Jun 2015, 2:46 pm

I do 3 days weights and a couple days cardio.

An example of my current Strenght training.

Day 1


60kgx5 75x5 90x5 100x4 115 3x2 (all pause reps)

3 x 8 dbell heavy inclines

seated barbellpress shoulders 4x8

seated side raises for shoulders 3x12

rope pull downs 3x12

close grip bench 3x12



60x5 80x5 100x5 115x1 140x5 100x4 (pause at bottom and explode)


60x5 80x5 100x5 120x3 140x2 175x5 140 3x3 for speed reps.

Leg press 3x12 pause at bottom every rep

Day 3

Hamstring work 3x20 reps for pump
Calve raise 3x15 (heavy)
Leg extension 3x20 pump

Pull ups 3x10
Low bar cable for back 3x12
dbell pullovers 3x12-15

Bicep curls 4x12 with barbell

Planks weighted for 30 secs 3 sets.

That is what I am at this week.


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Opinons on a few exercises Empty Re: Opinons on a few exercises

Post by Geordie Mon 01 Jun 2015, 2:54 pm

Now that's interesting .

Much of the time my weights sessions are not structured enough. I do the main lifts routinely...for example im squatting 3 x 10 reps at 120 (140 with the bar) and feel comfortable.

My problem is after that deciding which exercieses to follow up...should I do presses, should I do extensions (I don't like them at all) should I do single leg squats...etc

Same for Deads and Bench.

I have my favorites - I love pull ups...clean and jerks etc I love my explosive exercises that balance my martial arts stuff....and whilst its done me no harm...I just don't have a structured weights programme which does annoy me sometimes.


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Opinons on a few exercises Empty Re: Opinons on a few exercises

Post by AdamT Mon 01 Jun 2015, 3:02 pm

Do leg press and pause at the bottom of every rep.

Great carryover for deadlift. Makes you fast from the floor when pulling.

Could try a six week training cycle.

first 2 weeks go more volume and higher reps.

Say for example squat bench and dead 4 sets 8-10

Next 2 weeks do the above exercises for sets of 3-5, with 85-90% of your one rep max.

Week 4 work with heavy doubles. Couple sets at 95% of max

The last week try for new pbs on squat dead and bench.

Use cleans and chins, with dips for your assitance work.

that is a rough example. At work so couldn't really put much thought into it mate.


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Opinons on a few exercises Empty Re: Opinons on a few exercises

Post by TRUSSMAN66 Mon 01 Jun 2015, 3:05 pm

I find it amazing Adam how you can do deads after squats.........

I used to feel like puking after squats and my energy was spent........

If I was into powerlifting I'd do

Mon - Squat...

Wed - Bench

Fri - deads.....

Splitting up the deads and squats with bench on Wed.............Because it gives the lower back and hams time to recover.......

Routine at the moment................

Sunday - Chest + Tris

Tuesday - Back...........

Thursday - Shoulders and Biceps

Saturday - Traps and legs...........


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Opinons on a few exercises Empty Re: Opinons on a few exercises

Post by AdamT Mon 01 Jun 2015, 3:13 pm

TRUSSMAN66 wrote:I find it amazing Adam how you can do deads after squats.........

I used to feel like puking after squats and my energy was spent........

If I was into powerlifting I'd do

Mon - Squat...

Wed - Bench

Fri - deads.....

Splitting up the deads and squats with bench on Wed.............Because it gives the lower back and hams time to recover.......

Routine at the moment................

Sunday - Chest + Tris

Tuesday - Back...........

Thursday - Shoulders and Biceps

Saturday  - Traps and legs...........

You are right but my deads after squats are a bit lighter than when I am fresh.

Also if I do the 2 exercises on the same day, then I have a full week to recover.

Nice routine Truss, always liked doing the push/pull routine myself.

Monday Chest and bis

Tuesday Legs

Thursday Shoulders

Friday Back and triceps


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Opinons on a few exercises Empty Re: Opinons on a few exercises

Post by Geordie Mon 01 Jun 2015, 3:22 pm

I must admit I would always do my Deadlifts on a different day to my squats.

This is what I was thinking off..?

Day 1
Bench - 5 x 5-6
Incline Bench - 3 x 10-12
Narrow Bench (Z-Bar) - 3 x 10-12
DB Flyes - 3 x 10-12
Tricep pushdown - 3 x 10-12
Dips - 3 x 15
Weighted Roman Chair Sit ups - 3 x 12 / Leg Raises - 3 x 12 (Supersets)

Day 2

Squats - 5 x 5-6
Leg Press - 3 x 10 - 12
Romanian Deadlifts - 3 x 10-12
Single Leg - 3 x 10 each leg
Barbell Calf Raises - 3 x 10-12
Russian Twists - 3 x 12 / Twisting Sit Ups - 3 x 12 (Supersets)

Day 3

Deadlifts - 5 x 5-6
Standing BB SH Press - 5 x 5-6
Pull ups - 3 x 10-12
Standing DB SH Press - 3 x 10-12
Bent Rows or Seated Rows - 3 x 10-12
Shrugs / Lateral Flyes - 3 x 10-12 (Supersets)
BB Curls - 3 x 10-12
DB Curls - 3 x 10-12
Hanging Leg Raises - 3 x 20
Weighted Side Bends - 3 x 20


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Opinons on a few exercises Empty Re: Opinons on a few exercises

Post by AdamT Mon 01 Jun 2015, 3:24 pm

Nothing wrong with that mate.

Heavy compounds with some nice bodybuilding assitance. Plenty of volume.

Have done similar many a time before. Best of both worlds.

Good Hybrid training there Geordie.

Looks structured enough to me.


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Opinons on a few exercises Empty Re: Opinons on a few exercises

Post by TRUSSMAN66 Mon 01 Jun 2015, 3:28 pm

If your routine is making gains............It's the best routine in the world regardless of what anyone says..

I don't do any stomach exercises...........

Only see your abs If your diet is good...

.....and I'm a naughty boy that lacks discipline these days..


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Opinons on a few exercises Empty Re: Opinons on a few exercises

Post by AdamT Mon 01 Jun 2015, 3:29 pm

TRUSSMAN66 wrote:If your routine is making gains............It's the best routine in the world regardless of what anyone says..

I don't do any stomach exercises...........

Only see your abs If your diet is good...

.....and I'm a naughty boy that lacks discipline these days..

I haven't done a sit up in years.

You work your core doing a lot of the heavier exercises. Yep, a flat stomach is definitely made in the kitchen unless you have a fast metabolism.

I agree, the workout that works best for "you" is the one that should be done.


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Opinons on a few exercises Empty Re: Opinons on a few exercises

Post by Geordie Mon 01 Jun 2015, 3:35 pm

Well ill give that a go for a little while to see how it goes...ill report in with the thoughts .

It should balance nicely with my Thai work.


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Opinons on a few exercises Empty Re: Opinons on a few exercises

Post by AdamT Mon 01 Jun 2015, 3:41 pm

GeordieFalcon wrote:Well ill give that a go for a little while to see how it goes...ill report in with the thoughts .

It should balance nicely with my Thai work.

You must be in good shape. Used to do a lot of kickboxing and my conditioning was fantastic then.

Got a bad eye injury so jacked it in. Just do weight training now and run for fitness.

sometimes I will swim and do some heavy bag work as well.


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Opinons on a few exercises Empty Re: Opinons on a few exercises

Post by Geordie Mon 01 Jun 2015, 3:59 pm

Ah not bad Adam, Ive always been involved in Rugby, Thai and Weights. 38 im slowing a little bit Wink

lots of circuits, burpees and explosive stuff. Im 16st and 6'1.

The only thing I just cant cope with is going for long runs. I can blast an hour of hill sprints or circuits...burpees etc but I just can run long distance. my max is about 5 miles.

We went out the other day along the beach was a 4.5 mile course and after the 1st mile I was ready to give up ha ha....

I have said one year ill do the GNR, but the thought of that just fills me with dread...


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