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6CW Anarchy Tuesday 10th April 2018 *The Re-Up*

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6CW Anarchy Tuesday 10th April 2018 *The Re-Up* Empty 6CW Anarchy Tuesday 10th April 2018 *The Re-Up*

Post by JJJohnson Tue 10 Apr 2018, 8:29 pm

The 6CW opening credits come to a close and the show opens live from Wembley Arena as ‘Ladies & Gentleman’ by Saliva roars from the speakers to a huge pop as Henry and Harold Lloyd walk down the ramp to cheers from the crowd. The camera swings round the arena picking out various signs in the crowd…


Harold: Ladies and Gentleman what a reception that was! Thank you! Do not adjust your headset, don’t tamper with your speakers, this is live, this is real…. 6CW is back on your screens, it’s a brand new era, and tonight’s show promises to be action packed!

Henry: I haven’t felt so much buzz about a return in years, Harold! Tonight, we’re going to get all the answers to the questions and find out what is happening…


Henry: And I think this man may have some answers!!

The crowd erupt into a chorus of boo’s as ‘Power’ by Kanye West roars from the speakers and Anthony Grace makes his way out on to the stage flanked by Charles Kramer and another gentleman dressed in a grey suit. Grace stands on the stage, soaking in the hate from the crowd he smirks and begins to walk to the ring…

Harold: I don’t think it’s any surprise that this man is out here, Henry! After everything he put 6CW through at the end of last year, you can guarantee, whoever is the new owner, is going to be associated to this clown in some way.

Henry: Oh cram it, Harold! Do you wanna be out of a job? Have some respect for the man. When everyone else in 6CW was losing their heads, Grace was trying to keep it all together. Give the man a chance, you might enjoy it!

Grace approaches the ring and walks up the ring steps. He and Kramer hold the ropes for the unknown gentleman as a ring hand passes a Microphone to Anthony Grace. The crowd continue to boo as he strides to the middle of the ring…

Anthony Grace: Before we begin, I’d like to firstly take the chance to reintroduce myself, for those of you who don’t me. I’m the man that for the last 6 months kept this tinpot organisation afloat. I’m the man whose merchandise kept the tills ticking over and made sure everyone from filled their 401k’s. I’m the man who conquered Hollywood, took the box office by storm, and went on to become the greatest living wrestler this world has ever seen. I’m also the man who was held back, shunned, abused and ostracised by the idiots that ran this company into the ground. I’m the man you should all be saying your thanks to, because if it wasn’t for me, you wouldn’t be sat there now, howling abuse at the man……the legend…..THE ICON…….. Anthony…………..Grace….

Grace raises the large gold chain with it’s ‘A’ hanging from it to the sky to a cacophony of boo’s…

Anthony Grace: You should all be familiar with this man to my left. This is my associate, close personal friend, and trusted advisor, Mr. Charles Kramer.


Anthony Grace: This other Gentleman, is Lewis Parks, Chief Operations Officer for 6CW Enterprises, the holding company that I personally setup to ensure this Company would survive, and the man I have worked with personally to ensure 6CW ends up in the best……possible…. Hands….

Grace smirks to himself….

Anthony Grace: Now, I’d like to hand over to Lewis, who’s going to take you through what’s going to happen and where we’re at….i’m sure you’re all going to be delighted…

Grace hands the Microphone over to a nervy looking Parks, who swallows a deep breath before looking out around to the crowd…

Lewis Parks: Erm….. good evening everybody…. Erm, my name is Lewis Parks, I’m the new COO for 6CW Enterprises. It’s my job tonight to explain the changes to 6CW and it’s Leadership for the future….

Harold: Jesus, someone should’ve given this guy some public speaking tips!

Parks continues to look on edge as the crowd jeer.

Lewis Parks: It’s my pleasure to announce, that thanks to the tireless, painstaking, and overwhelming efforts of Mr. Grace and his Associate, Mr. Kramer, a new owner for 6CW has been found, and will be revealed in due course!

Henry: See, Harold!? Great news!! All thanks to our saviour, Mr. Grace!

Lewis Parks: The board and it’s owners recognise that the past is the past, and due to some of the downsizing required to reinvigorate a failing product, there will be changes in Personnel…..and also those among the roster who were at one time, Champions of this Company…

Harold: What the hell is he saying?

Henry: I think what he’s saying is….


Harold: OH MY!!

The lights in the arena flicker and the familiar red lights start to glow as ‘Haunted’ by Disturbed kick in and the crowd to their feet as Cerberus walks out on to stage!

Harold: What an ovation for the Champ!

Henry: Champion of what, Harold! Don’t go making assumptions.

Cerberus prowls the stage, walking back and forth as Grace whispers in the ear of an increasingly shaky Parks. Cerberus stares down the ramp at Grace…

Cerberus:  Can you smell that, Grace? That stench of fear coming from your little puppet. Did you think I wouldn’t come? Did you think my day was done? In case you needed a reminder, i’ll let these people tell you who I am…

Cerberus holds the microphone to the arena…


Cerberus: And the last time I checked, I’m reigning EWF World Champion….

Grace snatches the microphone from Parks and smiles…

Anthony Grace: Oh, you came out right as it gets to the good part! See, this is what change is all about, Cerberus….. please, Lewis tell the man…

Grace goes to hand the Microphone to Parks but snatches it right back…

Anthony Grace: That’s right, Cerbs! New owners, new rules, new start! Things have changed since the last time you checked. There is no ‘reigning champion’ any more. Everyone starts from scratch! Tell him…

Grace gestures at a thoroughly confused Parks who takes the microphone from an agitated Grace….

Lewis Parks: To confirm what Mr. Grace has said, it’s my duty as COO to announce that tonight there will be a Battle Royale to crown a brand new 6CW Champion. This comes at the request of the Holding Company who felt a fresh start, with a new Champion could be more appealing to for the EWF Championship, it is also my duty to announce that title is now defunct...

*Crowd boo

Harold: Oh you’ve got to be kidding me!? We’re getting a new Champion cause Grace paid the board off? What next, Grace makes the damn rules and selects the refs?!

Henry: Just remember why you have a job!

Grace snatches the mic as Cerberus fumes on the stage…

Anthony Grace: It’s a new era, Cerberus. And that means you go back to the bottom of the pile where you belong. Tonight, 6CW is all about the new…. I’ll see you later, ‘Champ’…

Harold: Well, that’s one way to kick off a new era folks! Tonight, 6CW will crown a new World Champion! And you have to wonder what else in store for tonight!

Henry: It’s the best start we could’ve asked for.

Cerberus and Grace continue to stare down as 6CW heads to commercial.


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Join date : 2011-03-09
Age : 34

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6CW Anarchy Tuesday 10th April 2018 *The Re-Up* Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Tuesday 10th April 2018 *The Re-Up*

Post by JJJohnson Tue 10 Apr 2018, 8:41 pm

The lights in the 6CW Arena go down as a single spot light appears on the stage, suddenly "Revival Mode" by Every Time I Die kicks in and a lone figure walks out slowly on to the stage, taking his place in the spot light as the crowd give a mixed reaction.

HA: Liam Wood is back in the 6CW Arena...the fans are split down the middle!

HE: How long until he quits again?! I put my faith in him and he walked out just because he wasn't champion anymore...disgraceful!

Wood pauses on the stage, soaking in the positive and negative attention from the fans but as the camera zooms in a blank look crosses his face. Wood shakes his head before walking towards the ring, some fans reaching out but Wood's eyes remain locked on the ring as he rolls inside, mic in hand.

HA: The last time we saw this man in the company he was hated by the fans...he did what it took no matter who it hurt...maybe he's back to turn a new leaf...

HE: Oh save me the pity party...he turned and ran, he wasn't good enough and he should have stayed away.

Wood pauses in the ring for a moment as the fans still seem split 50/50 for the former World Champion, Wood then speaks.

Wood: When I walked away from 6CW I knew that it would take me back with open arms because I was Liam Wood...I was the man with a million names...the man who knew that this company owed him...

...but then, I watched it close it's doors...

...I watched as 6CW shut down, as the people in the back lost their jobs and all of a sudden...the company I helped grow, the company I was at the top of...was gone and my last moment was me walking away from it.

(Wood pauses, the distress of watching 6CW close clear to see as he speaks again)

That's why, when I saw the doors re-open, I needed to be back in this this ring. I needed to reclaim what was mine...I needed to be back at the top of this company, I need to be the man that leads this company in to the future...because without died!

You see, I've said a lot of things about my career in the past but THIS is the only thing you all need to know right now...2018 I the year that Liam Wood gets back to the top of the mountain and he'll do whatever it takes to do just that...NOTHING is going to sto-

(Suddenly as Liam speaks he's cut off...)




(‘COSTELLO’S LAW’ appears on the screen and the crowd erupt as the opening bars of ‘Killing in the Name Of’ by Rage Against the Machine hits and the Vincent Costello runs on to the stage. He stops and stares, closing his eyes as he soaks in the atmosphere, bending to one knee before rising and beating his chest…)

Vincent Costello: COSTELLO’S LAW!!!

(The crowd respond in unison as Costello walks down the ramp, touching hands with fans down the ramp before stopping to hand a t-shirt to a small child in the crowd!)


(Costello slides into the ring and leaps up on to the second rope and raises his arms to a roar from the crowd. He turns and faces Liam Wood, who stands smirking. Costello reaches through the ropes and takes a mic…)

Vincent Costello: You’ll excuse my manners, Liam? I mean, of all the people I had to come out and interrupt, it just had to be you, right?

*Crowd Pop*

Vincent Costello: See, after so long away, that opportunity to come back presented itself, and I thought, why the hell not? Like you, Liam, I have so much to prove. And our stories seem to have a similar line through them….. both battled to get where they are, both took time out when things got tough…… and both of us want to get back to the top…

(Liam smiles…)

Liam Wood: You didn’t even give me a chance to say, ‘welcome back’?


Liam Wood: I guess you’re right, there’s a similarity here. But don’t think for a second that the line keeps going in the same pattern. See I’ve got unfinished business here. I owe it to myself to put myself back on top of the pile, and you coming out here, all pumped and jazzed over your second coming is just another footnote I’m going to strike through.

Harold: I see these two are back to square one and we’ve only been back on air under an hour!!

Vincent Costello: Well, I’ve never been one to back away from anyone, Liam… so whenever you want to lay down that challenge, whether that’s down the road….. or, I don’t know…. Now….


Vincent Costello: I’m ready…

Henry: Oh, my! This. Is On.

(Wood and Costello go face to face and stare down…)


*Crowd Pop*


(The lights in the arena go bright white as ‘Blind Faith’ blares out and the crowd rise to their feet as ‘I Am Perfection’ follows and Perfect Jack and Clarke James come running on to the stage, clutching their familiar collection of Titles!)

Harold: They’ve been called the most marketable tag team in the history of Sports Entertainment, Henry! They’ve topped every merchandise list for the last 4 months!

Henry: They are an absolute joke!!

Harold: Oh grow up! You’re talking about the 6CW Tag Team Champions, the 6CW International Co-Champions and the 6CW UK Co-Champions!

Henry: For now! They’ll be stripped, and with any luck, hung drawn and quartered!

(The two men stand on the stage looking down at the ring…)

Perfect Jack:….. Ladies and Gentleman…… HOLLA IF YOU HERE ME!

*Crowd Pop*

Clarke James: You have no idea how it feels to be back in this arena…. For those of you that keep up with us on Twitter, it’s been nothing but a whirlwind…

Perfect Jack: Worldwide…

Clarke James: Sold out tour across the globe.

Perfect Jack: We’ve been from Brighton to Baghdad.

Clarke James: From Milton Keynes to Milan…

Perfect Jack: From Chicago to the clinic…

Clarke James: ……. Dude? PG Show….

Perfect Jack: Sorry. And for the record, it was Max, not me.

Clarke James: Any……who…. When they said 6CW was getting a new owner, we knew that couldn’t do anything without THE most marketable Tag Team in history, so, for anyone that’s wondering, Perfect Jack and Clarke James are BACK!!


Perfect Jack: And you know something, people didn’t pay to sit here and listen to returnee after returnee talk about how they are gonna do this, that…

Clarke James: … and the other. So, rather than watch as the sexual tension in the ring erupts…. Why don’t you two chumps put your panties back on, and what say we kick this show off, old school…

Perfect Jack: Wait….. are you saying, what I think you’re saying?

Clarke James: HOLLA, HOLLA, HOLLA!


Harold: YES!!

Henry: NO!

(Wood and Costello stare at each other before looking down the ramp. They run and nod and the crowd go wild!)


(The fans continue to chant as James and Jack head to the ring as 6CW heads to commercial.)


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Age : 34

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6CW Anarchy Tuesday 10th April 2018 *The Re-Up* Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Tuesday 10th April 2018 *The Re-Up*

Post by JJJohnson Tue 10 Apr 2018, 8:53 pm

HA: Here we go then folks, a real exciting contest to kick off the rejuvenated 6CW!

HE: And it's a tag match, did someone bring Teddy Long in here or something?!

HA: Liam Wood came out running his mouth as usual, only for the shock interruption of Vincent Costello to stop him dead in his tracks.

HE: And now they find themselves competing as a team, up against Perfect Jack and Clarke James, multi-champions extraordinaires!

Ding, Ding, Ding!

Liam Wood and Vincent Costello stand in their corner, "debating" who should take up the mantle for their team. This discussion continues for a good minute or so until Clarke James takes it upon himself to intervene, he sprints across to the corner and takes both men down with a leaping missile dropkick.

Wood is the first man up to his feet, James grabs him by the head and then throws him out over the top rope. James runs the ropes, diving down onto Wood with a suicide plancha. The crowd pop as James gets to his feet and rolls into the ring.

Costello is up and he throws a short-arm clothesline at James, who ducks underneath it. He then picks Costello up from behind and hits a big atomic drop, before bouncing off the ropes to take down Costello with a spinning heel kick. Cover.

Ref: 1...............2......Kick out!

HA: Fast-paced start from James up against the returning Costello, clearly looking to take advantage of any ring-rust that Costello may be feeling.

Clarke James locks in an armbar on Costello, he fights to his feet quickly but James wrenches Costello's arm downwards violently. He pulls him to the corner, tagging Perfect Jack who climbs to the top rope and then dives down, hitting a double axe handle down onto the outstretched arm of Costello.

James and Jack wrap up an arm each of Costello and then sling him down to the mat with a double tiger suplex. Costello rolls up and he is meet with a double hip toss, at which point James is forced to head to the apron by the referee. Perfect Jack runs the ropes and drops a knee down into the face of Costello before he makes the cover.

Ref: 1...............2..........Kick out!

Jack applies a seated rear chinlock on Costello. He fights up to his feet and then smashes elbow into the stomach of Perfect Jack who is forced to release the hold. Vincent Costello runs the ropes, only to be taken down with a drop toe hold. Costello rolls up and is taken down again, this time with a kick to the back of the legs.

He again gets to his feet, Costello swings wildly at Perfect Jack who easily ducks underneath, he swiftly clenches Costello from the side and throws him down with a picture-perfect belly to back suplex, bridging over into the pin.

HE: Costello being totally dominated thus far by the team of Perfect Jack and Clarke James.

HA: Liam Wood only just returning to the apron now after that quick start from James.

Costello kicks out and Perfect Jack quickly goes to the corner, tagging in his partner James. He springboards over the top rope, they allow Costello to rise before booting him in the stomach. James and Perfect Jack hit a double snap suplex, followed by a double standing elbow drop. Perfect Jack leaves the ring as James makes the cover.

Ref: 1..................2.............Kick out!

Clarke James allows Vincent Costello to his feet, only to then scoop him up onto his shoulders and send him into the canvas with a Samoan Drop. James then slightly adjusts the position of Costello before heading to the top rope...

HE: Wow incredible corkscrew senton from James!

HA: These two seriously impressing tonight.

Ref: 1...................2...........Kick out!

Costello kicks out. Clarke James then quickly attempts to work over the right leg of Costello with stomps and knees, before then looking to synch in a figure four leglock. Costello manages to roll onto his back and boot James away, and he crashes into the turnbuckles.

James is slumped in the neutral corner, Costello runs in and flattens him with a big clothesline. James falls to being leant up against the bottom rung of the corner, where Costello proceeds to stomp a vicious mudhole into him until the referee steps in.

Costello smiles, he takes a step back before sprinting in and connecting with a facewash kick on Clarke James. He pulls him out from the corner and covers.

Ref: 1...................2.............Kick out!

Vincent Costello allows Clarke James to his feet, he then kicks him in stomach. Costello then heaves James into the air, walking around, before dropping him down with a hesitation suplex. James stumbles up and Costello boots him in the gut, hitting a DDT afterwards. Cover.

Ref: 1....................2...........Kick out!

HA: Costello coming back into this one.

Clarke James kicks out, Vincent Costello lifts him onto his shoulders and runs to the corner, hitting a snake eyes, before tagging in Liam Wood. He springs over the ropes, running to the opposite corner before sprinting back across to nail a helluva kick. James staggers right into a reverse, swinging STO from Wood. Cover.

Ref: 1...................2............Kick out!

Liam Wood applies a grounded double underhook lock on James, dropping some knees down into the back of his head. Slowly he brings James up to his feet and then throws him across the ring with a double underhook suplex. James rolls up to his feet, throwing a wild clothesline that Wood ducks underneath...

HA: Pele kick...

HE: And then the superkick! Let the party start!

Ref: 1..................2..............Kick out!

Wood gets to his feet, he stomps down on the head of James a couple of times before allowing him to his feet, where he then takes down James with a big belly to belly suplex. CJ rolls to his feet and Wood levels him with a running big boot. Cover.

Ref: 1........................2..............Kick out!

James gets the shoulder up. Wood clambers onto James and drives huge punches into the head, before rolling away. James gets to his feet, Wood attempts an Irish whip to the corner but CJ reverses the momentum. He runs in but Wood flapjacks him face-first into the top turnbuckle, James stumbles out of the corner straight into a discus lariat.

Ref: 1...................2...........Kick out!

Liam Wood makes the tag into VIncent Costello. Wood holds James in a double chicken-wing hold, as Costello runs the ropes.

HA: Wow, great double team manoeuvre by those two.

HE: Tiger Suplex with a big boot, fantastic innovation!

Ref: 1...................2............Kick out!

James kicks out. Vincent Costello locks in an armbar on James, who valiantly fights to his feet only to be hit with a clothesline. Costello keeps the armbar applied, bringing James up to deliver a 2nd clothesline. James rolls up again and is again hit with a clothesline.

HA: James taking some serious punishment here.

Costello drags up Clarke James and then hits a swinging neckbreaker. He covers.

Ref: 1...................2............Kick out!

Vincent Costello lifts Clarke James to his feet, he throws him into the ropes and on the rebound he goes for the Omerta...


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6CW Anarchy Tuesday 10th April 2018 *The Re-Up* Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Tuesday 10th April 2018 *The Re-Up*

Post by JJJohnson Tue 10 Apr 2018, 8:57 pm

HA: Head-scissors counter!

Costello rolls up and this time it's James' turn to go to a tilt-a-whirl town, but his neckbreaker version connects.

Ref: 1...................2.............Kick out!

Vincent Costello powers the shoulder up and both men are down. James begins to crawl his way to the corner first, Vincent Costello manages to get to his feet and grab James by the foot, but he gets to his feet and nails an enzaguri kick to the head. This is quickly followed by a tag to Perfect Jack. He climbs to the 2nd rope and dives down, hitting a knee down into the back of the head. Cover.

Ref: 1......................2............Kick out!

Perfect Jack lifts up Costello, he goes for a suplex and it connects. He releases the hold, Costello rolls up and Jack throws him stomach first into the corner. He follows this with a running knee to the back and then grabs Costello by the waist...

HE: Bridging German Suplex out of the corner!

Ref: 1......................2................Kick out!

Vincent Costello forces the shoulder up. Perfect Jack allows him to rise before throwing him to the ropes, on the rebound hitting a hip toss. Costello rolls up, Jack snapmares him down and then runs the ropes, hitting a big dropkick to the face.

Ref: 1......................2................Kick out!

HA: Getting closer!

HE: And Jack can sense that, he is signalling that it's time for the Perfect Plex.

Costello gets unsteadily to his feet, Jack kicks him in the gut...

HA: Blocked!

HE: Wow what a counter!

HA: Blue Thunder Bomb!

Ref: 1...........................2..................Kick out!

Jack gets the shoulder up. Costello tags in Wood, who quickly climbs up top. Perfect Jack slowly stirs...


Ref: 1.................................2..........................Clarke James breaks up the pin!

HA: Fantastic awareness from James!

James breaks the pin but he can't exit the ring before Costello gets hold of him, lifting him onto his shoulders and dropping him down to the outside with a thud. Wood smirks, he picks up Perfect Jack and has him on his shoulders as Costello turns around. Wood looks at him and then motions with his head to the top rope...

HE: Wood looking for another double team move.

Costello is hesitant, he looks to the corner and eventually walks over. He starts tentatively climbing to the top rope as Wood waits...

HA: We don't see Costello up here often, and he doesn't look confident.

As Costello tries to balance, Perfect Jack fights back against Wood, piling fists down into the top of the head. Just as Costello is about to make the leap, Jack manages to win the battle and he takes down Wood with a hurracanrana, sending Wood to the corner.

HE: That took just a little too long to execute and Jack took advantage of that.

Perfect Jack rises to his feet in the middle, Liam Wood comes sprinting out of the corner going for a big boot...

HA: Jack ducks!

HE: Watch out Costello!

HA: He catches the boot!

Vincent Costello is stood just behind Jack as Wood runs in going for the big boot, but manages to prevent himself being hit by catching the boot. He releases the leg of Wood but this is swiftly interrupted by Perfect Jack who runs in and dropkicks Wood into Costello and the duo's head clash together.

HE: Jesus what a collision that was.

Costello falls into the corner, Jack quickly turns Wood around...


Ref: 1.................................2...................................3!

Ding, Ding, Ding!

HA: This one is over, and it's Perfect Jack and Clarke James who manage to get a notch in the win column here!

*Jack quickly rolls out of the ring where his tag partner is beginning to stir, he helps him to his feet and the duo then raise one another's hands in victory.

HE: These two continue where they left off, an unconventional duo perhaps but highly successful it has to be said.

HA: They were given a real run for their money tonight though by Liam Wood and Vincent Costello, who as a team rather than individuals, put on a far better display than anyone expected.

HE: That maybe so but it was exposed in the end. Wood wanted Costello to go to the top rope, something that clearly Vincent wasn't confident of. Wood then nearly too Costello out, albeit inadvertently, and ultimately that cost them here tonight.


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Age : 34

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6CW Anarchy Tuesday 10th April 2018 *The Re-Up* Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Tuesday 10th April 2018 *The Re-Up*

Post by JJJohnson Tue 10 Apr 2018, 9:05 pm

*Anthony Grace is shown backstage in an executive office talking with Charlie Kramer as Tim Allen approaches….

Tim Allen: Mr. Grace, can we grab a few minutes of your time?

Anthony Grace: Ah, I guess we get all the returnees and the same sorry staff. But, what the hell, Timmy. Tonight is going to be a celebration of incredible achievement, so I’ll indulge you.

Tim Allen: I guess what a lot of people are wondering, is just how much influence have you had over the new owners, and what does that mean for 6CW?

*Grace removes his jacket and sits on the edge of the desk…

Anthony Grace: Listen, Timmy. You know how things were. You saw the utter chaos that was going around here. The inmates were running the asylum. We had crazed clowns beating people with a bat. We had a totally unhinged, unwarranted and undeserving Champion.

When the doors shut on that final night, nobody wanted to touch this place. It was toxic. It needed someone to be the shining light. The spokesperson for a new era of 6CW. Investors came and went, Tim. They came to the table, and the money wasn’t there. They didn’t want to be associated with a product that portrayed itself in that way.

I did what anyone in my position; with my contacts wouldn’t done. I stepped in and offered to do whatever I could to get 6CW back off the ground. I got backers, sponsors, board members. These returning Superstars are here because of what I have done.

Tim Allen: So you had their people call your people?

Anthony Grace: Exactly.

*Kramer moves into shot, taking a sip from a glass of water on the desk.

Charles Kramer: This isn’t about Anthony.

People will assume, incorrectly, like they always have, that this is Anthony trying to wrestle control of 6CW for himself. To use it to further enhance his worldwide profile and add this company to his extensive portfolio of investments. But that’s not the case.

Anthony; and myself, presented a number of reputable businessmen, all with a vested interested in promoting 6CW and its most marketable star to the Board and asked them to consider the proposals. This is about turning 6CW into a global phenomenon. Creating a product so dazzling, so entertaining and groundbreaking that rivals will fall by the way side.

The only way that has been possible is through Anthony and his contacts. He should be thanked, applauded to his commitment to getting this off the ground.

Tim Allen: So what’s in it for you?

Anthony Grace: Tim, this isn’t about me. Sure, there’s a few sponsors who insist on my image being associated with certain aspects of 6CW, but that’s understandable, right? Why would you take your most important commodity and hide it away? But with sponsors, with endorsements, comes revenue. That revenue will allow 6CW to grow and create a legacy moulded in the shape of it’s brightest star, and isn’t that what everyone wants?

Tim Allen: When you say ‘brightest star’, you’re referring to you?

*Grace chuckles with fake embarrassment…

Anthony Grace: Oh, Tim, thank you. But its not about me, as I keep saying. Tonight is about the rebirth of our fantastic brand. And whatever happens tonight, I’m sure 6CW’s New World Champion will lead 6CW into a defining new era. An era of power, glory…….. and Grace.

*Grace smirks…

Anthony Grace: Charles..

Charles Kramer: Yes…. Well, that’s all for now, Tim. We thank you for your time, and as always, our door is always open to you.

*Kramer gestures for Allen to leave as Grace walks out of shot and we head to commercial.


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Join date : 2011-03-09
Age : 34

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6CW Anarchy Tuesday 10th April 2018 *The Re-Up* Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Tuesday 10th April 2018 *The Re-Up*

Post by JJJohnson Tue 10 Apr 2018, 9:06 pm

*The action is backstage and the cameras come to focus on a water cooler. There are cheers from certain sections of the audience as a hand comes to rest on top of the cooler before the screen pans upward to show a smiling Uryu Ishida. Charlotte Grey comes walking into shot

CG: There you are....I thought you'd be on the roof?

*Uryu surveys Charlotte for a moment and then grins

Uryu: The art of being unpredictable allows me to stay one step ahead.....something I feel like I'm going to need around here...

*Charlotte seems a little unsure of how to take Uryu's comment.

CG: The rumours of course are true, you are now a signed 6CW superstar. How does it feel, after years in the wilderness since leaving the now defunct 6WF, to now be back in front of the bright lights....and in your very first match here you will have the opportunity to walk out a world doesn't get much bigger than that, surely?

Uryu: It is a huge chance, I don't think I ever had a world championship match in my entire career so you can rest assured my full focus is on what lies ahead.....I missed professional wrestling, I missed the energy of the crowd....I missed being able to compete with some of the best in the world.....when I got the call, I quite simply could not turn it down.....

CG: But what would it mean to you, to be known as Uryu Ishida, 6CW World Champion?

*Uryu takes a deep breath and closes his eyes for a moment

Uryu: It's almost beyond what even dreams are made of.....I've had some fantastic matches in my career, plenty of memories and achievements but of course being champion of the world would top it all...

CG: And, truthfully, how likely is it that you can pull it off?

Uryu: I wouldn't be here if I didn't think I could compete with anyone on this roster.....there will be doubters, there will be haters, there will be no believers and those who just don't care.....but within my self, in my soul, I believe that now is the time where I will rise and ascend to a level beyond where I have gone before....

I know I have the tools, I have shown it in the past, and tonight I can put that into action...I have made peace with the it is time for the future...

CG: Thank you Uryu and good luck tonight...

*Uryu bows his head in thanks as the scene changes


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6CW Anarchy Tuesday 10th April 2018 *The Re-Up* Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Tuesday 10th April 2018 *The Re-Up*

Post by JJJohnson Tue 10 Apr 2018, 9:11 pm

HA: Next up here on Anarchy, we have singles action for you and what should be a very interesting spectacle.

HE: Yes, and we say that, because we only know one of the competitors.

HA: That's right, an open challenge has been issued by the prodigious young superstar who has taken 6CW by storm, O'Callaghan.

'Run this town' hits as the lights in the arena go dark. There is a mixed reaction from the crowd as O'Callaghan appears on the stage illuminated by the strobe lighting before cockily striding down to the ring. He steps into the ring and holds aloft his Fight For The Right briefcase before sliding it under the bottom rope.

HE: O'Callaghan still carrying his Fight For The Right Briefcase, which of course entitles him to a world championship.

HA: Entitled Henry. We don't know what anything means right now.

O'Callaghan stands in the ring, demanding a microphone from the time-keepers area. He taps the mic a few times.

OC: Well, well, well...look where we've ended up. I'd like to say that it's good to be back in front of you all but I can't lie to you like that. It's good to be back in this ring, back under the 6CW banner but you lot, well I could do without.

*The crowd boo and O'Callaghan smirks.

OC: Oh it's so simple to wind you all up isn't it? Two sentences on the microphone and once again, you're eating out of the palm of my hand. Love me, hate the end of the day, you all still care about me.

Let's get the elephant in the room out of the way shall we? This briefcase, the Fight For The Right briefcase, made me the most-feared man in 6CW. It gave me a world championship shot whenever I wanted it. Just imagine that, a man with my brain, and the brawn to back it up, with a title shot whenever he wanted. My coronation was inevitable.

I had everyone looking over their shoulders but due to the total mismanagement of Enforcer and the rest of the board, I was unable to use this.

And now, I'm left facing uncertainty. I don't know what this briefcase means any more, I don't know if it means anything at all. I don't know whether I'm still entitled to my world title shot. I damn well know I deserve it but I don't know whether I will be given it.

But there is one thing that I do know, and that is that I am the most talented wrestler in the company. If this briefcase holds no weight, so be it. Because my talent does. If this briefcase doesn't entitle me to my world title shot, then I will just earn it by beating anyone that this company puts in front of me.

That's why I'm out here now. If there's anyone in the back who's dumb enough to think they have a shot at beating me, come on down here and let me prove you wrong!

O'Callaghan drops the mic, he runs the ropes a couple of times before stopping in the middle and staring up the ramp.

The opening bars of 'Sad But True' play. The hooded figure of James McManus appears on stage. He carefully throws his hood back and walks past the crowd, he climbs up the steps and stops there for a moment to hit them and then step through the middle rope into the ring.

HE: James McManus is the man to answer the challenge!

HA: James McManus is a name perhaps more known for achievements in the tag team division as part of the Parasite Killers, but he has also had a decorated singles career in our old rivals 6WF.

HE: But tonight he faces a tough test up against O'Callaghan, who was arguably the most in-form wrestler here in 6CW prior to the little break that we took.


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6CW Anarchy Tuesday 10th April 2018 *The Re-Up* Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Tuesday 10th April 2018 *The Re-Up*

Post by JJJohnson Tue 10 Apr 2018, 9:13 pm

Ding, Ding, Ding!

James McManus and O'Callaghan circle the ring, eventually they lock up. McManus quickly places O'Callaghan into a side headlock, but O'Callaghan transitions around into a hammerlock hold. McManus turns and swivels on the spot, eventually freeing himself and going for a hip toss.

O'Callaghan blocks that move, and then counters with a hip toss of his own. McManus rolls to his feet, O'Callaghan goes for a clothesline but McManus ducks underneath it and then pulls O'Callaghan down to the mat with a backslide pin.

Ref: 1..............2.........Kick out!

The FFTR Holder drives the shoulder up off the canvas, James McManus locks in a sleeper hold but O'Callaghan fights up to his feet, taking McManus down to the canvas with a snapmare. O'Callaghan then bounces off the ropes, leaping over McManus to hit a neck snap. O'Callaghan runs off the adjacent ropes, McManus sits up and O'Callaghan cracks him in the face with a leaping dropkick. Cover.

Ref: 1..............2.........Kick out!

HA: A very even start to this match-up, both men showing off their technical wrestling capabilities early on.

O'Callaghan locks in a seated rear chinlock on McManus, but the former 6WF man is briskly up to his feet. He counters with a couple of elbows up into the stomach of OC. McManus then uses the bit of free space he's created to take down O'Callaghan with another arm drag. O'Callaghan rolls up and walks straight into a boot to the gut. McManus follows that with a snap suplex, bridging into the pin.

Ref: 1...............2..............Kick out!

James McManus gets to his feet, he stomps down on the right arm of O'Callaghan and then synchs in an armbar hold. He drags up O'Callaghan and then taking him down with a short-arm clothesline. O'Callaghan stumbles up and McManus takes him down with a second clothesline. O'Callaghan rises for the third time and McManus hits a spinebuster, he then covers.

Ref: 1...................2................Kick out!

O'Callaghan forces the shoulder up off the canvas, McManus gets to his feet and then drops a couple of hard knees down into the face. He gets to his feet, running the ropes and this time delivering a leaping knee to the face.

HE: McManus perhaps realising it isn't wise to try and out-wrestle O'Callaghan.

James McManus then waits for O'Callaghan to rise, he drives a knee up into the stomach and then drives him into the mat with a powerbomb. He hooks the leg.

Ref: 1.................2................Kick out!

There's another kick out from the prodigious O'Callaghan. James McManus hauls up O'Callaghan, slinging him over his shoulders and delivering a running powerslam, he dives down into the cover once more.

HA: This would be a huge win for McManus if he could get one over on O'Callaghan, considering his previous form and reputation.

Ref: 1....................2................Kick out!

James McManus immediately heads to the top rope, waiting for O'Callaghan to rise. He then dives off, going for a crossbody...

HE: O'Callaghan rolls through!

Ref: 1.................2...............Kick out!

McManus powers the shoulder up, he rises to his feet but is quickly taken back down by a vicious big boot from O'Callaghan. Cover.

Ref: 1..................2................Kick out!

O'Callaghan slows the pace of the match down, locking in a seated full nelson hold on McManus. With the submission hold still locked in, O'Callaghan also drives a couple of knees up into the back. McManus is eventually brought up to his feet, only to be planted straight back down with a Dragon Suplex.

McManus drives the shoulder up, O'Callaghan gets to his feet and bounces off the ropes, crashing a vicious running boot into the back of McManus. He then locks in a sleeper hold, dragging McManus to his feet. O'Callaghan hits an inverted backbreaker, before running the ropes and nailing a bulldog. Cover.

Ref: 1...................2................Kick out!

O'Callaghan applies an armbar, he follows that up with a series of elbow drops down into the face of James McManus. He drags him to a vertical base, throwing McManus into the ropes and nails a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker on the rebound. Cover.

HA: O'Callaghan clearly targetting the back, in turn setting up for his sharpshooter finisher.

Ref: 1......................2..................Kick out!

McManus kicks out. O'Callaghan in fact goes for a Boston Crab rather than the Sharpshooter but McManus manages to boot O'Callaghan away. He runs back in as McManus gets to his feet, going for a sunset flip but McManus rolls all the way through and takes down O'Callaghan with a vicious knee trembler! Cover.

Ref: 1......................2....................Kick out!

O'Callaghan forces the shoulder up. McManus hits him with a series of elbows to the face, he then pulls O'Callaghan up from the floor and connects with the River Wensum Plunge. He hooks the leg.

Ref: 1..................2.................Kick out!

McManus drags up O'Callaghan, he sets up for the Tombstone Piledriver but O'Callaghan drops down the back. He rolls up McManus...

HA: Quick thinking from O'Callaghan!

Ref: 1...........................2....................................3!

Ding, Ding, Ding!

HE: He steals it!

HA: O'Callaghan gets the win with the roll up!

O'Callaghan rolls out of the ring as soon as the ref's hand hits the canvas for the third time. He grabs his briefcase from the corner and quickly retreats up the ramp as McManus sits on the canvas, looking aghast and protesting with the referee.

HA: James McManus can't believe what just happened to him there, one moment he's setting up for his finishing move and next the bell is ringing and his opponent is declared the winner.

HE: O'Callaghan is just so quick and technically proficient, he's got an escape route for almost every hold he's put into.

HA: That's what makes him such a threat, McManus was dominant for much of the contest yet O'Callaghan still found a way, and that's what you need in the very biggest matches.

HE: And that is exactly where O'Callaghan wants to be competing, he wants one of those big titles around his waist.


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6CW Anarchy Tuesday 10th April 2018 *The Re-Up* Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Tuesday 10th April 2018 *The Re-Up*

Post by JJJohnson Tue 10 Apr 2018, 9:16 pm

*Timothy Allen comes into shot and there is an almighty roar from the 6CW crowd as they realise who he is standing with.

TA: Ladies and gentlemen my guest at this time....6CW Legend.....GazzyD!

*Crowd pop as Gazzy smiles and gives the thumbs up

TA: Gazzy tonight 6CW is has been many months since this company was running, last time we saw you, you were embroiled in what seemed like a brainwashed situation involving Edward Plague and The that still the path you are following?

*Gazzy looks solemn for a moment

Gazzy: No, no it isn't and I'd just like to take a minute to apologise to my fans, to my friends, to my family and to my beautiful wife Christy.....for longer than I care to remember now I have strayed from the beaten path....I have spiralled out of control....looking in the mirror and barely recognising the man that stared back at me...

I turned my back on everything that mattered to me.....anything and anybody who ever stood by my side....I threw it all away....I was unhealthy, it was like a disease spreading through my veins....

I have to be whole heartedly honest and say that I think this business has taken a lot from me over the years....

TA: And yet you answered the call to return? Despite everything it has cost you?

Gazzy: It was touch and go, the hardest decision I have ever had to make....I sat down with Christy, after months of marriage counselling and healing wounds, and we talked through our options.....she knows how much 6CW means to me, means to both of us....but she is my number one priority now.....I am back here in 6CW, maybe for the final time, but should this business, this company come between me and my wife once again I will walk second look backs, I will leave with my head held high and call it a day....

TA: Well tonight, you heard the announcement earlier, we will crown a brand new world champion......a battle royal to determine the new 6CW Heavyweight will be entering that match....tell me, Gazzy, what would that mean to you to walk out of here tonight with the belt?

*A faraway look comes over Gazzy's face for a moment

Gazzy: would mean the world and more. I am the only remaining 6CW original.....from the very beginning in 2009 to where we stand today, this is almost ten years in the making now for me.....they're calling this the new era, but for me I've seen every single era, every single regime...I have lived and breathed 6CW through Liederman, Dubois, Keane, Drake, Alex Walker, Jones and there's a few damn more in there to boot....

It has been a few years now since I heard a ring announce proclaim me as "6CW World Champion" but every morning and every night I can still hear it, I can hear the crowd cheering my name....I can remember just how good it felt and I am desperate to hear it one more time.....

Tonight I have that chance....tonight I can climb to the top of that mountain and prove that I made the right decision to return.....

TA: And what about The Brotherhood....Edward Plague....Liam Wood......we know Wood is here but there are no guarantees one way or the other about Plague....

Gazzy: I'm trying to move in a different direction with my life, I'm trying to breathe positivity back into what was a rotten existence......I know Wood is here, and me and him will have words I'm for Plague, it may not be may not be this year or the next but I'm sure our paths will cross again......and when they do, all his mindgames...all his prophecies and smoke and mirrors will have no effect.....we'll settle our differences and he'll pay a very dear price for what he has done...

TA: Thank you for your time Gazzy.....and good luck in the main really is great to see you back in a good place!

*Gazzy shakes hands with Tim Allen as the scene fades


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6CW Anarchy Tuesday 10th April 2018 *The Re-Up* Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Tuesday 10th April 2018 *The Re-Up*

Post by JJJohnson Tue 10 Apr 2018, 9:27 pm

*The scene changes and Max Adamson, Frank Horrigan and Jackson Jackson are standing with Charlotte Grey.

CG: I am joined right now ahead of tonight's main event by Frank Horrigan, Jackson Jackson and their manager....Max Adamson!

*There are varying reactions from the crowd as Max Adamson grabs the mic and pulls it close

Max Adamson: That's right folks, don't believe everything you read on the internet....Team Adamson is still up an running, as good as ever....

CG: There were rumours....especially after the last time we saw you seemed as though the days of this unit were over...

*Adamson laughs

Adamson: I'll level with you Charlotte, because let's face it you're not as intelligent as me...

*Charlotte scowls

Adamson: It was all going to be a ploy, a way to trick the opposition....we tease dissension in the ranks, our enemies get complacent and we take advantage....but then they pulled the plug, looked like 6CW was done for good and we were forced to regroup....

But never fear....we're back with a new plan, a new way to seize control and show why we are the most dominant team in professional wrestling....

*Adamson points at Jackson and Horrigan, who smirk

Adamson: One of these two men, heck maybe even both of them if because if Clarke James and Perfect Jack can do it then we sure as hell can....Team Adamson is heading to the top here tonight....Jackson Jackson.....Frank are looking at the next 6CW World Champion....

Believe it....make a note of it....because it is happening...

CG: What makes you so confident?

Adamson: Beside the fact that they are the most genetically gifted superstars on the roster....they also have the equaliser....

CG: What's that?

*Adamson holds his arms wide and winks at her

Adamson: You're looking at me....two time 6CW World Champion....let us not forget I've won a Battle Royal reminiscent of tonight's main event to win one of those titles....I have the inside track....I have the blue print...

And now so do they...

*He points at Horrigan and Jackson again

Adamson: So sit back, relax and put your feet are about to witness history....time to play, Charlotte....time to play!

*Adamson laughs and beckons his men forward as the scene ends


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6CW Anarchy Tuesday 10th April 2018 *The Re-Up* Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Tuesday 10th April 2018 *The Re-Up*

Post by JJJohnson Tue 10 Apr 2018, 9:33 pm

Main Event
6CW World Heavyweight Championship
Battle Royal

The crowd are rocking as the action returns to ringside. The cameras pan around the cheering masses before settling on the case at ringside where the 6CW World Heavyweight Championship belt is resting.

Crowd: 6C-Dub x10

HA: This is it, brother.....we are back....6CW is alive once more and now comes the moment we have been waiting all night for....

HE: I am so excited right now.....we have been here since day one, we have witnessed every moment of this great company and tonight we get to see another....we have come back from the bring and extinction and right here we step into the future.....

HA: One of those men in the back, one of those 6CW superstars is about to add their name to the list....whoever wins this match tonight will be the 23rd 6CW World Champion....

HE: This has been such a historic tonight but it has all lead up to this point...

Ding ding

*The crowd give a roar as the legendary 6CW ring announcer Michael Bird climbs into the ring. Bird gives the crowd a wave and then waits for a microphone to be handed to him.

Michael Bird: Ladies and gentlemen....

*Another pop from the crowd as Bird flashes a grin

MB: It is now time for the main event of the evening...............a battle royal to crown the new 6CW WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION!

HA: Nobody in this business does it like Michael Bird....

MB: Elimination occurs when a superstar is thrown over the top rope and both feet touch the floor....this process will continue until only one is left standing and he will be the 6CW Champion....

So for the thousands in attendance...........and the millions watching around the world...........IT'S TIME TO PLAY!

*Crowd ultra pop

HA: Here we go.....

"Power" rings through the air and there are boos from the crowd as Anthony Grace makes his entrance. A smug look on his face as Charles Kramer stands by his side. Grace drops to one knee and mockingly says a prayer...

HE: This is my pick, Harold....tonight is the night....Anthony Grace will finally get to where he belongs...

HA: Backstabbing, shortcutting, double crossing....Grace and Kramer are men of many talents, they have tried so often to steal a world championship reign but thankfully they have always been thwarted at the final concern is that at the beginning tonight they were very smug.....very confident that things here in 6CW are about to change for their benefit.....

HE: They are....Anthony Grace is about to become world champion....

HA: There was more to it than that...almost as though Grace and Kramer know who the new owners of 6CW are....

Grace climbs into the ring as "Freedom" by Crossfaith booms out to a huge pop from the 6CW faithful. GazzyD leaps out onto the stage through a trapdoor and he fist pumps the air as he breathes in the atmosphere....

HA: Two time world champion....2011 and 2015.....GazzyD has been here since day one, a rollercoaster kind of career for the man they call the "history maker".....can he put the past behind him tonight and become only the second man to every win three 6CW Championships?

*Gazzy tags hands with fans as he makes his way down the ramp and then "Sad but true" echoes oit to some boos from the audience. James McManus swaggers onto the stage and motions a belt around hos waist.

HE: McManus went life and death with O'Callaghan earlier tonight but came up just short....can he go one better in the main event?

HA: McManus showed earlier that he has certainly got game.....this is a monumental moment for all of these superstars and they all have a chance....I'd rule nobody out....

"Hello Mr Blue Sky" is met by cheers as Uryu Ishida makes his way out and down the ramp. He reacts with the fans and then takes his place in the ring before "Machine Gun" by Portishead screams out a bug reaction from the audience.....

HE: One of the greatest tag teams in 6CW history....

HA: But tonight isn't about tag teams....tonight is every man for himself and Frank Horrigan and Jackson Jackson need to recognise that...

HE: Maybe so but the wise plan would be for these men to work together....eliminate the competition and take it from there....

Jackson Jackson and Frank Horrigan walk onto the stage and pose in front of the cameras. Horrigan flexes his huge muscles as Jackson walks around the 6CW Championship cabinet and licks his lips....

HA: These two men are trained and managed by Max Adamson, a two time world champion.....a winner of the Gold Rush Battle Royal.....they may just have an inside track on how best to tackle this kind of match....

HE: I'm surprised Max isn't out here....

HA: He's letting his men go alone....tonight they can step from the shadow...

"Run this town" then booms out and there are cheers from sections of the crowd and boos from others as O'Callaghan walks out onto the stage, still carrying his FFTR briefcase.

HE: O'Callaghan is adamant that briefcase still owes him a world championship opportunity.....

HA: By the letter of the contract the briefcase holds he is owed that shot....but I don't know how that will hold up with new owners.....that is something that O'Callaghan will have to take up with management...

HE: He may not need it after tonight....

HA: That's extremely true....O'Callaghan could rise to the top tonight, something he has promised since his first day in 6CW.....many believe he is destined for greatness....

O'Callaghan stands at the base of the ring and surveys the scene in front of him before "Next big thing" blasts out and is greeted by big boos from the 6CW crowd. Mike Hill swaggers onto the stage, arms wide, and he laughs off the crowd's reaction....

HA: Mike Hill is a former 6WF World Champion......6CW Tag Team Champion.....he is a veteran but more than capable of leaving here tonight as world champion.....

Flames then burst from the stage and there is a big reaction from the crowd as "Haunted" booms through the speakers. The giant form of Cerberus makes his entrance...

HA: It is hard to look past anyone else winning this match.....Cerberus is a near 7ft, 300lb athletic monster of destruction....

HE: And he's also on a mission, he feels wronged...

HA: And I hear him....Cerberus is the last EWF Champion.....he was the reigning champion of the world before 6CW took its last Cerberus' mind he should still be champion and he has a point....

HE: Clearly the landscape of this new era still need to be shaped and our new owners have some big decisions to make once their identity is known....

HA: Cerberus, though, for the time being must concentrate on tonight and erasing any doubts that he is the best in the world....

Cerberus climbs over the top rope and faces the rest of the 6CW roster. Everyone is on edge as they look to the next man, anticipating what the next move may be.  "Its not over yet" then plays out and Engel Harlequin stutters onto the stage....

HA: Is tonight the night when Engel Harlequin takes the circus of horrors to the next level?

HE: He's so unpredictable that this match may just suit him to the ground...

Harlequin looks, wide-eyed, around the audience and then begins to laugh hysterically. He shuffles down the ramp and rolls under the bottom rope, remaining on his knees as he stares at the rest of the playing field....

HA: That ring is getting busy now....

HE: How many more participants are there?

HA: I wasn't given an official list....

"Forever" begins to play out of the speakers as a masked superstar walks out onto the stage, dressed in a full body suit and a Lion Lucha mask. The superstar bends down and slaps the ground four times before shooting finger guns and drawing his finger across his throat...

HE: Who is this guy?

HA: It is my understanding that this is one of the hottest properties from the North American Lucha circuit....I'm amazed to see him here in 6CW....the outfit may just give it away but this is the artist known as Lion!

The fans reach over the barricade to slap the shoulders of Lion, and he nods his head at them, before running the rest of the way and springboarding himself up and over the top rope. Lion lands on one knee in the middle of the ring and stares around at the rest of the 6CW superstars...

HA: They said there would be surprises here tonight and I guess there is the first one....

"Blind Faith" plays out of the speakers and then mixes into "I am perfection" as Clarke James and Perfect Jack swagger out, holding their championship belts.

HE: Would you check these idiots out....

HA: Idiots? That is no way to talk about the current and reigning 6CW Tag Team, International and UK Champions....

HE: We don't even know if those championships are still active....and those cardboard belts look ridiculous....

HA: But can you imagine if they add the World Championship to their collection? Has that ever been done? Nobody has ever held every single championship in 6CW at one time....

HE: I can't even fathom it....

Jack and CJ make their way around the ring and then lay all eight of their championship belts around the glass case housing the 6CW Championship. They nod at each other and then climb up into the ring....

HE: I'm not sure how many more will fit in there...

A rose appears on the screen and the crowd go wild as "Killing in the name of" blasts through the airwaves and then Vincent Costello makes his way out onto the stage.

HA: It wasn't a winning return for Vincent Costello earlier tonight but he'll not care one jot if he ends this evening as the 6CW World Heavyweight Champion....

HE: And he can do it, we know he can do it.....his credentials speak for themselves...

HA: Yes they do.....former two time EWF World Champion.....tonight he could add his first ever 6CW Title reign to what is a very impressive resume....

Costello slicks back his hair and nods his head before taking his place in the ring. He smirks around at the rest of the superstars in the ring and then cocks his head toward the stage as "Revival Mode" booms out...

HE: Another two time EWF Champion....another man who believes it is his destiny to win his first 6CW Championship here tonight....

HA: Liam Wood oozes self confidence, bordering on and often straying into unbearable arrogance....but there is no doubting his talent.....there is no doubting that he enters this match tonight as one of the favourites.....

Costello stands and glares at Wood, who returns the gaze, as the Hereford man makes his way to the ring and then joins the fray. The atmosphere is palpable as the superstars circle each other and size up the opposition...

HA: I count fifteen men in there.....and one of them will be leaving as the 6CW World Champion...

HE: Is that it? Definitely?.....

HA: I believe so...


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6CW Anarchy Tuesday 10th April 2018 *The Re-Up* Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Tuesday 10th April 2018 *The Re-Up*

Post by JJJohnson Tue 10 Apr 2018, 9:39 pm



*Crowd ultra pop


Every single fan is on their feet as "Turn up the trouble" booms through the speakers and the very familiar figure of Mr Kenty swaggers out onto the stage. He poses for the crowd and then waits for a mic to drop from the rafters into his hand.....

HE: I don't believe it....

HA: Well believe it....he's here....

Crowd: Holy (beep) x10

Kenty: Miss me........

*Crowd pop again

Kenty: Ladies and gentlemen..........introducing to you here tonight..........hailing from Buckinghamshire..............weighing in at a lean, astonishing 230 pounds..........he is soon to be your 6CW World Heavyweight Champion....................MMMMMMMMRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR KEEEEEEEEEEENNNNNNNNNNNNTTTTTTTTTTYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY...............Kenty!

HE: I don't believe it....Mr Kenty is long has it been?

HA: Must be five years at least....but this crowd are raucous....they are of the best they have ever seen is back...

HE: What a moment....

HA: And look at Liam Wood.....he is salivating....

Liam Wood's eyes are bulging as he watches Kenty swaggering down the ramp. Wood is ordering the rest of the playing field to the sides of the ring as he makes it known that he wants Kenty and nobody else...

HE: Wood looks like a man possessed....

HA: Liam Wood loves to add names to the collection of those he has conquered, Mr Kenty would be right near the top of that list....

HE: He looks beside himself..

Wood psyches himself up and looks thunderous as Kenty climbs up onto the apron and stares at him. Kenty looks focused but is smiling as he climbs through the ropes....

HA: Wood wasting no time....

Wood bursts forwards and drives a knee into the shoulder/head of Kenty. He clubs the back of Kenty, leaving him bent over and then runs back off the ropes and returns looking for a huge big boot....

HE: Kenty saw that coming....OH MY GOD!

*Crowd pop


Kenty ducks the kick from Wood and then grabs him by the shoulders and launches him high over the top rope to the outside. Kenty is laughing and mockingly dusting off his hands as Wood looks beside himself with fury and tries to get back in the ring...

HE: Did that just happen?

HA: Yes it did.....Liam Wood is the first man eliminated from the Battle Royal, he will not leaving here tonight as the world champion....

HE: He was so hell bent on getting to Kenty he lost his focus...

Kenty's triumph is short lives as he is clattered from behind by Perfect Jack, who is quickly joined by Clarke James is stomping down on the returnee. Suddenly all hell breaks loose in the ring as the rest of the competitors go to war....

HA: And now we are rocking.....6CW Championship on the line....

Kenty is being pummelled by CJ & PJ whilst Horrigan and Jackson Jackson attack Anthony Grace and send him clattering through the ropes and into the ringpost. James McManus is trading punches with O'Callaghan as Cerberus runs through Mike Hill and GazzyD with a huge double clothesline. Vincent Costello is squaring off with Uryu whilst Engel Harlequin takes a knee in the corner to survey the action....

HE: I really think teaming up with someone here is the answer....strike alliances, eliminate the competition and then settle it....

The TA back away from the corner and set their sights on Lion. Lion is dwarfed by Horrigan but the Lucha ducks the running clothesline and then he springboards onto the ropes, flying back with a dropkick that sends Horrigan smashing into Jackson.... Lion gets back up and he attacks the legs of Horrigan with vicious kicks before ducking a huge backhand and he springboards onto the ropes again....

HA: Not this time....

Horrigan catches Lion in his arms and launches him onto his shoulders but Lion counters with a beautiful headscissors that sends Horrigan flying across the floor. The crowd cheer as Lion clambers back to his feet....

HA: That kind of style could see Lion become a fan favourite very quickly....

Clarke James is over and he shoves Lion in the chest. Lion responds with a shove of his own and then some kicks to the legs until Perfect Jack flies in from behind with a chopblock, drawing some boos from the crowd....

HA: These two are like hyenas at times, picking their mark....makes them no successful...

The tag champs stomp on Lion and then they drag him up and whip him off the ropes, launching him high with a huge double backdrop as he returns. Horrigan and Jackson Jackson get back to their feet, squaring off with their rivals......

HA: These two teams have engaged in quite the rivalry over the past year or so....

Both teams circle and then dive in for the fist fight, trading shots in the centre of the ring. CJ smashes Jackson in the face with forearms and then whips him to the corner. He runs in after his foe but Jackson drives his feet up into the face of James, knocking him back and into the path of Horrigan....

HE: What a spinebuster!

The ring shakes from the impact but then Jack runs in behind Horrigan and nails a "natural selection" neckbreaker. Horrigan staggers back up to his feet and Jack and James look at one another before running forward....

HA: They weren't expecting that....

Jackson Jackson runs in from the side and nails a flying dropkick on James that sends him flying into Perfect Jack. Clarke James stumbles back up to his feet....


James is destroyed in the centre of the ring by the knees of Jackson Jackson. Horrigan then drags Perfect Jack back up....

HA: Jack all alone now...

Jack drops back down to his knees and nails a thunderous low blow on Horrigan. He then dives forward and tackles the legs of Jackson Jackson, taking him down, as Horrigan staggers away...


Cerberus grabs Horrigan by the throat and then runs him backward and pushes him over the top rope drawing a roar from the crowd.

HA: I think these two teams forgot about the others in the match for a moment....

Cerberus turns around from the ropes and now realises all eyes are on him. Every single other competitor in the match is watching the former world champion....

HE: The rest of the playing field are recognising the threat of Cerberus now....

Cerberus nods in acknowledgement and then beckons for them to come fight. Uryu and James McManus burst forward from the pack but receive uppercuts and straight right hands from the monster before Mike Hill suffers the same fate. Costello tackles the big man around the waist and Cerberus tries to beat him off but O'Callaghan, GazzyD and Kenty join the fray to knock Cerberus down to the ground....

HA: Cerberus is clearly the most dangerous man in this match and everybody else is now seeing that....

HE: Great tactics from Anthony Grace too....

HA: What is that idiot doing?

Grace, still rubbing his shoulder from hitting the ringpost, is on the outside of the ring holding a conversation with Charles Kramer whilst officials try to get him back involved in the match. In the ring, Cerberus is being dragged to his feet by at least seven 6CW superstars....

HE: Tremendous tactics these....

HA: If this is what it takes to get rid of Cerberus then this is what it takes....

Cerberus is fighting against his rivals as they hoist him up and try to dump him over the top rope. McManus is underneath and trying to prop Cerberus up so the rest can shove him over but Cerberus will not budge. Cerberus kicks out and he catches Perfect Jack in the face...

HE: Jack's jaw may have snapped from that....

Jackson Jackson, who has hold of Cerberus' arm, breaks free of the crowd and he jumps into the back of Perfect Jack with double knees. Jack flies into the ropes and JJ takes his opportunity to dump him over the top....

HA: Jackson Jackson levelling it up for his team there.....

HE: Revenge for Horrigan....

Clarke James not breaks ranks and clotheslines Jackson from behind. Cerberus is now able to break free of those who were trying to eliminate him and he grabs McManus and headbutts him to the floor before delivering a huge uppercut to Lion, sending the Luchador flying across the ring....

HA: Cerberus is all fired up now....

Cerberus drills Vincent Costello with a bicycle kick and then he seizes Mr Kenty around the throat.

HE: Kenty going for a ride...


There is a huge roar from the crowd as O'Callaghan comes from behind and nails Cerberus with a gigantic German suplex. Clarke James, Uryu, Lion, Jackson Jackson, Mike Hill and GazzyD all then suffer exactly the same fate....

HE: O'Callaghan is rolling....

HA: These are the kind of skills that made the 6CW Universe believe O'Callaghan is the future of this company......

O'Callaghan rolls back up to his feet and he raises his arms in the air as the crowd chant his name. His focus then falls on the outside of the ring and Anthony Grace....O'Callaghan points at Grace...

HA: It's about time somebody got Grace back in this's disgraceful that he's still out there....

O'Callaghan walks toward the ropes and starts trash talking Grace as he tries to entice him back him into the ring. Grace and Kramer merely stand and smile at O'Callaghan....

HE: Grace ain't taking the bait....


There are boos from the crowd as James McManus sneaks up behind O'Callaghan and dumps him over the top rope, much to the surprise of the Irishman. O'Callaghan is stunned on the outside as McManus holds up one finger on each hand....

HE: McManus letting O'Callaghan know that he's evened things up after their match earlier tonight...

HA: James McManus just cost O'Callaghan the 6CW Championship, that will not be forgotten....

HE: O'Callaghan took his eye off the ball....nobody can be blamed but himself there....


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6CW Anarchy Tuesday 10th April 2018 *The Re-Up* Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Tuesday 10th April 2018 *The Re-Up*

Post by JJJohnson Tue 10 Apr 2018, 9:42 pm

McManus is still celebrating his feat and mocking O'Callaghan when he is spun around by Cerberus. Cerberus grabs McManus by the throat and he walks him to the ropes before lifting him high and chokeslams him over the top rope....

HA: Cerberus is picking up on every single mistake here tonight....

McManus is in disbelief and struggling to pick himself up on the outside when O'Callaghan drags him up and starts pummelling him. McManus is trying to fight back but is dazed and confused as officials rush in and try to diffuse the situation....

HE: O'Callaghan is livid with what has happened here....

Lion is on the top rope and he comes hurtling through the skies with a dropkick to the back of Cerberus, sending the monster flying toward the ropes. Lion gets back up and he runs forward, ducking a clothesline from Cerberus and he handsprings against the ropes before launching back with a twisting kick that cracks off the side of the head of the big man....

HA: This guy has got serious heart and guts....I love it....

Cerberus rocks to the ropes again and Lion draws on the cheers of the audience. He beats his chest and then runs off the opposite ropes before rushing back.....


Cerberus ducks his head and sends Lion flying over the top with a backdrop but the momentum and speed of Lion sees him fly over and land on his feet on the fan barricade....

HA: That is unreal....

*Crowd pop

Lion wobbles slightly and then he shows amazing athleticism to jump the gap back to the ring apron, only for Anthony Grace to grab his leg and drag him to the floor...

*Furious boos from the crowd

HE: Brilliant...

HA: This is disgusting.....will somebody please get Grace in that damn ring....

Grace merely shrugs his shoulders and laughs as he backs off from the ring again and leaves Lion in a heap on the floor. In the ring, Uryu takes his turn to attack Cerberus....he backs off from the big man and then launches back in for a superkick....

HE: Not the brightest idea....

Cerberus catches the foot of Uryu and he whips him around before almost turning him inside out with a gargantuan clothesline.

HA: Have you seen Engel Harlequin? He hasn't left that corner this entire match....

Harlequin remains in the corner, muttering under his breath and occasionally laughing, his eyes darting all around as he watches the action. Mike Hill is back on his feet and he lays out Mr Kenty with a spinning heel kick and then runs the ropes, nailing a springboard asai moonsault across Kenty's chest....

HE: Mike Hill still has the speed and the agility, it's like he never aged a day the way he moves....

Costello attacks Hill from behind and he spins him around, kicking him in the gut, and almost puts him through the ring with a crunching double armed DDT. Costello gets back up to his feet and GazzyD kicks him in the stomach...


The crowd cheer as Gazzy nails Costello with his finisher but then Gazzy is dragged to his feet by Kenty, who drags him into position...



Kenty gets back up and Cerberus nails him with a big boot that sends him over the top rope. Kenty's right foot hits the floor but he manages to swing his left back up on the apron just in time.

HA: That was so close....

HE: Get him, Anthony....

HA: Get rid of that idiot....

Grace rushes over and tries to grab Kenty's foot, pulling him off the apron, but Kenty kicks out with his other foot and catches Grace in the mouth, sending him into Kramer and leaving them both sprawled on the floor. Kenty drags himself back under the ropes...

HA: That was so close to Kenty being eliminated...

Clarke James pulls Jackson Jackson up and tries to nail "Faithless" but JJ elbows his way free and then connects with a pele kick that leaves CJ on the seat of his pants. Jackson runs off the ropes and returns with a basement dropkick....Clarke James staggers back up and Jackson runs him to the ropes and tries to dump him over....

HE: Clarke isn't going without a fight....

HA: He's locked his legs, he's trying to pull Jackson over with him...

James is over the ropes but holding onto the apron whilst trying to use his legs, which he has wrapped around the waist of Jackson, to pull his rival over with him. Both men are fighting for dominance and position....

*Crowd boo

HA: This is getting ridiculous now....

Anthony Grace rushes over and he grabs the arms of both Clarke James and Jackson Jackson before pulling them both over the top rope, eliminating them from the match. Grace is still holding his face from Kenty's kick but looks smug as he raises his arm to the crowd's boos...

HE: Anthony Grace has eliminated three men so far....I told you he's my pick....

HA: He should be allowed to participate in this match, he's barely even been in there....

There are more officials at ringside now trying to coax Grace into the ring but still he refuses to play ball. Uryu is back up his feet and he delivers a spinning back heel to the gut of Cerberus, doubling the monster over, before he climbs out onto the apron and springboards back in....


Cerberus catches Uryu on his shoulders and he spins him around in circles, disorientating him, before walking to the ropes and launching Uryu through the air with a powerbomb....

HE: Cerberus just wiped out all those referees and security guards on the outside....

HA: Thank god they were there to break Uryu's fall...

HE: The battlefield is thinning out now.....the path is becoming clearer....

Suddenly, Engel bursts from the corner and attacks Cerberus, punching at every part of the body he can reach. He grabs Cerberus arm and looks for an Irish whip but Cerberus is able to reverse and sends Harlequin off the ropes....


Harlequin flies back with a body block (ala Bray Wyatt)) that knocks Cerberus off his feet with the impact. Engel rolls from the ring and he shoves a cameraman and the timekeeper to the floor as he grabs a steel chair...

HE: What on earth is this lunatic thinking?

HA: It seems Engel is going back to that dark place....he's watched from the sidelines this entire match but now he is alive...

Engel's breathing is ragged as he walks back to the ring with the steel chair, Anthony Grace and Charles Kramer giving him a wide berth, before rolling back. Mr Kenty is getting back to his feet when Engel just launches the steel chair through the air and off the top of his head....

HE: Kenty is out cold....

Engel scoops the chair back up again and this time he throws it at the face of GazzyD and then Mike Hill, leaving them sprawled on the deck. Engel is laughing to himself, an ugly grimace on his face, as he picks the chair up again and he leathers it across the back of Vincent Costello before backing away and launching at VC's head....

HA: Engel Harlequin is clearing house....he is destroying the competition....

Cerberus is the only one getting back to his feet now and Engel approaches him with the steel chair but the big man shoots his hand out and grabs the clown by the throat...

HE: Cerberus has seen enough....

Engel struggles against the grip of Cerberus but cannot break it. Cerberus prepares for the chokeslam but then Engel boots him right between the legs and then smashes the steel chair right over Cerberus' head, leaving him flat on the canvass....

HA: Is this Engel Harlequin's night?

Harlequin climbs from the ring again and he pulls up the ring apron before pulling out a bunch of balloons. He carries them back into the ring and begins to separate them individually. Engel takes the first one over and starts attaching it to the wrist of Mike Hill before doing the same to GazzyD...

HE: I guess the circus really is back in town...

HA: I have no idea what the symbolism is here.....

*Lights out

HA: What the...? NO.....NO WAIT.....IT CANNOT BE....



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6CW Anarchy Tuesday 10th April 2018 *The Re-Up* Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Tuesday 10th April 2018 *The Re-Up*

Post by JJJohnson Tue 10 Apr 2018, 9:45 pm

The noise in the arena is deafening as "Limowreck" smashes the soundwaves and then a hooded figure walks out onto the stage. Engel Harlequin is frozen in the centre of the ring as the hood is lowered....




Leone removes his jacket, revealing his battle scarred body, and he begins to march his way down to the ring. Engel Harlequin is now shaking in anticipation as he throws the rest of the balloons away and reaches for the steel chair once again....Keith Leone dives into the ring as Harlequin rushes forward....

HE: A short lived return....

Engel swings the chair with venom but Leone ducks underneath it just in time, the weapon barely brushing his shoulder...


The crowd roar again as Leone superkicks the chair into Engel's head, sending the clown scrambling into the ropes and then Leone dives forward with a second superkick that sends Harlequin flying over the ropes to the outside....

HE: Harlequin is gone....

HA: Keith Leone has returned and knocked off Harlequin....and look at the dawn of realisation on the faces of everyone else....

Leone stands tall in the middle of the ring as the rest of the competitors begin to come to. GazzyD and Mike Hill are confusedly removing balloons from their wrists as they stare at Leone....Kenty is on one knee....

HA: The history between Leone and Kenty is well documented.....many have salivated over the years about seeing these two go one on one....

Kenty clambers to his feet and he and Leone go eye to eye and toe to toe. Kenty talks a little trash and then they start to trade punches in the centre....the crown are torn in their support...

HE: This is all about being the 6CW can see how much this means....

Kenty begins to rock Leone back with shots and then he runs off the ropes and returns looking for a big boot...


Leone attempts to counter with a superkick but Kenty stops just short and then runs through Leone with a clothesline. Kenty drags Leone back up...

HE: MIC...

Leone elbows his way free of Kenty's clutches and then he scores with his patented superkick, drawing huge cheers from the audience. Vincent Costello is now on his feet and he eyes Keith Leone....

HA: Two more men with a whole lot of history...

Mike Hill gets up and stands in between Leone and Costello. He taunts both of them and beats his own chest...

Hill: You know who the hell I am? .....

HE: Mike Hill wants a little respect....


Leone and Costello share a look and shrug their shoulders before Leone superkicks Hill right in the jaw and sends him into the path of Costello, who grabs Hill by the head and launches him over the top rope....Costello laughs as the crowd cheer...


Costello shakes his head at Mike Hill and then turns around straight into a superkick from Leone that sends him flying over the top rope. Leone flicks his hair from his face and soaks up the reaction of the crowd....

*Ultra boos from the crowd


Anthony Grace seizes his opportunity to storm the ring and he grabs Leone and throws him over the top rope, drawing an incredible ire from the crowd. Huge "a55hole" and "f@@@ you Grace" chants ring all around the arena...

HE: A perfect plan....Anthony Grace has bided his time and now he strikes to eliminate Keith Leone....

HA: He's a damn snake...

Grace is laughing at the crowd's reaction as he looks down at Keith Leone and wags his finger back and forth. The boos from the crowd start to turn to cheers as Grace backs toward the centre of the ring....

HE: Please don't turn around, Anthony....

Cerberus is standing in wait and Grace bumps into him. Grace reaches behind himself and feels that whoever is stood behind is much larger, he gulps...

HA: Grace knows exactly who is waiting for him.....the rightful heavyweight champion of the world....

Grace slowly turns around and finds himself facing the giant form of Cerberus. Grace quickly raises his hands in mercy...

HE: I don't think Cerberus has a merciful bone on his body...

Cerberus just glares at Grace and then he grabs him by the throat. Grace tries to wriggle free but Cerberus' grip is too strong...

HE: This is bad....

HA: Depends who you ask....for me this is very fitting...

Grace is lifted airborne but in desperation jams his fingers into the eyes of Cerberus, saving himself and allowing him to break free. Grace scrambles for the ropes, where Charles Kramer rushes over to him...

HA: Grace knows how close he came there...

GazzyD is back up and he lashes kicks into the legs of Cerberus before kicking him in the stomach. He drags Cerberus in close....

HA: GazzyD looking to make history....DEEP....

Cerberus easily overpowers Gazzy and launches him backward with a backdrop. Kenty is back and he kicks Cerberus in the gut and looks for a spike DDT but Cerberus launches him forward and through the air.....Kenty gets back up and Cerberus grabs him by the throat....


Gazzy is back to his feet and he delivers a sharp kick to Cerberus' stomach again, breaking Kenty free, and they both look at each other before delivering a huge double suplex to the monster....

HA: Gazzy and Kenty need to work together here, it is their only option....

HE: Only four men of these four will be the 6CW Champion....

Kenty drops down on the chest of Cerberus and begins to pummel him before pointing for Gazzy to climb out onto the apron. Gazzy nods and climbs through the ropes before springboarding up onto the top rope....


HE: Gazzy's won world championships with that move....

Gazzy nails the huge splash across the chest of the monster but Cerberus continues to move and stumble to his feet. Kenty shakes his head, almost disbelieving, and then he grabs the head of Cerberus and drags him up....



Cerberus is clearly dazed and out on his feet but he continues to try and stand. He sways from side to side as he stumbles toward the ropes.....Gazzy and Kenty both get back to their feet and look at one another....


They storm forwards toward the groggy Cerberus but he shoots both hands out and seizes them both by the throat. Everyone in the air are stunned as Cerberus spins the position on both men and then shoves them both over the top rope to the outside of the ring....




HA: Cerberus and Anthony man will leave as the 6CW World Champion....


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6CW Anarchy Tuesday 10th April 2018 *The Re-Up* Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Tuesday 10th April 2018 *The Re-Up*

Post by JJJohnson Tue 10 Apr 2018, 9:45 pm

Cerberus takes a huge breath and then he turns around to look for Grace, who is still on his knees being tended to by Charles Kramer. Cerberus listens to the voices of the crowd and then marches forward, Kramer scrambling for safety...

HA: Kramer running like the b1tch he is....Grace is high and dry....


Cerberus reaches down and grabs Grace but Grace swivels and punches the big man right in the face, revealing his rosary beads wrapped around his fist. Cerberus staggers back, a huge cut across the bridge of his nose, spurting blood and Grace takes his chance...


Grace grabs Cerberus and tries to dump him over the ropes but Cerberus spins and knocks the brash superstar down with a huge right hand. The crowd cheer as Grace staggers up and Cerberus grabs him by the throat....


The ring shakes from the impact of the chokeslam from Cerberus and the crowd cheer. Charles Kramer looks fearful on the outside as Cerberus stands over Grace and shakes his head...

HE: Oh no, I can't watch....

HA: It was a valiant effort at a highway robbery but Cerberus is just too monstrous, too dominant....

Cerberus drags Grace up, holding his lifeless body upright, and then he scoops him up onto his shoulders. Cerberus looks angry, blood running down his face, as he walks around the ring with Grace on his shoulders and then he charges toward the ropes....


Kramer is up on the apron, blocking Cerberus' path, and although he looks terrified he stands ground, nonetheless. Cerberus shakes his head, Grace still on his shoulders, and he grabs Kramer by the throat....

HE: Kramer is going down with the ship....

HA: I guess that's what he is paid to do....

*Crowd boo


Kramer suddenly sprays something in the face of Cerberus, blinding the monster and causing him to stagger backward in agony. Grace is dropped from his shoulders and Cerberus is clearly in a lot of pain as he falls across the ring....





Ding ding ding

HA: Please lord no.....



HA: I don't believe what I am watching here.....this has to be a nightmare...

HE: This is a dream come true.....The Icon....The Hollywood Superstar....finally it has happened........ANTHONY GRACE IS THE HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION OF THE WORLD.....THE NEW ERA IS THE GRACE ERA!

HA: This may be the darkest day in 6CW's history....

The crowd are furious and launching litter into the ring as confetti and golden balloons fall from the rafters. Anthony Grace is in mock tears as he drops to his knees in the centre of the ring and Charles Kramer rips the 6CW Championship belt from Lewis Parks on the outside and carries it into the ring. Kramer is bent double in jubilation and he shakes in delight as he places the belt into the waiting arms of the brand new world champion....

HA: He only competed in half the damn match.....he wouldn't get in there.....he broke every damn rule, cheated his way to that victory.....this is get jail sentences for less...

HE: Will you hush your noise and bow down to your new king, the leader of the new regime....Anthony Grace is 6CW Champion....this is monumental, this is historic.....this is box office....

HA: Will you please sit down....

Henry Lloyd is on his feet and clapping as more ticker tape, confetti and balloons fall from the sky. Anthony Grace is cradling the 6CW Championship belt as Charles Kramer helps him to his feet....

HA: What the hell is this celebration all about....

There are bands now playing music and dancing girls on the stage as Grace continues to milk his title victory. He is standing on the ropes and blowing kisses to the disgusted masses as Charles Kramer stands behind him and continues to applaud in an overenthusiastic manner...

HE: This may just go down as my favourite 6CW moment of all time....

HA: Grace better milk this and make the damn most of it because if he thinks Cerberus is gonna take what happened to him lying down, he has another thing coming....


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6CW Anarchy Tuesday 10th April 2018 *The Re-Up* Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Tuesday 10th April 2018 *The Re-Up*

Post by JJJohnson Tue 10 Apr 2018, 9:48 pm

Two scantily clad women enter the ring, handing magnums of champagne to Grace who begins spraying Kramer and the girls…

Harold: This is embarrassing……

Henry: This is glorious, Harold.

Harold: Wait….. what’s going on?

The crowd start to fall silent as the stage screen flickers into action and a Limousine pulls into view as Lewis Park is shown on stage…

Harold: Is this? Can it be?


Henry: What’s going on, Harold? I can’t see?

Crowd: YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! 6-C-DUB! 6-C-DUB! 6-C-DUB! 6-C-DUB!

Harold: I can’t see? Who is it?

Grace stands in the ring, looking shocked towards the monitor as the crowd continue to chant vociferously. He grabs Kramer, shaking him and shouting. The monitor goes black and Grace gestures for Kramer to head up the ramp.

Harold: I have no idea what’s going on? We’ve lost all pictures? WAIT A MINUTE!

Lewis Park is listening into his earpiece and runs up the ramp as Kramer stops halfway up the ramp….

Lewis Park: Ladies and Gentleman, please accept my apologies for interrupting. On behalf of the Board of Directors, allow me to introduce you to the new Chairman of 6CW Holdings, and the new General Manager of 6…..C…W….



Henry: NO WAY!


Henry: IT’S HIM!! HE’S BACK!

The opening chords of ‘Numb’ by Linkin Park explodes around Wembley arena and the crowd rise to their feet…


Alex Walker slowly walks onto the stage to an enormous ovation! Grace stands in disbelief, dropping the magnum of champagne at his feet as Kramer looks round in shock!


Henry: ……


Alex Walker stands on the stage, a huge grin etched across his face as the fans chant his name. the 6CW logo appears on the screen as the show goes off the air.


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6CW Anarchy Tuesday 10th April 2018 *The Re-Up* Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy Tuesday 10th April 2018 *The Re-Up*

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