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6CW Anarchy - Tuesday 3rd July, 2018

Uryu Ishida
Good Golly I'm Olly
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6CW Anarchy - Tuesday 3rd July, 2018 Empty 6CW Anarchy - Tuesday 3rd July, 2018

Post by Beer Wed 20 Jun 2018, 12:28 pm

Match 1
6CW TV Championship
Marty Helms (C) vs James McManus vs Cameron Faith

Match 2
Engel Harlequin & Bam Sparkleston vs Uryu Ishida & Lion

Match 3
Handicap Match
Liam Wood vs Chris Pickering & Michael McCulloch (Local Wrestlers)

Match 3
Anthony Grace & O'Callaghan vs Gazzy D & Mr. Kenty

Main Event
6CW Tag Team Championships
The TA (C) vs. Clarke James & Perfect Jack
*If CJ & PJ don't win they will defend the UK & International Championships at Beachfront Brawl


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6CW Anarchy - Tuesday 3rd July, 2018 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy - Tuesday 3rd July, 2018

Post by Marky Tue 26 Jun 2018, 12:55 pm

"Machine Gun" by Portishead hits and the crowd immediately boo as the trio collectively known as The TA make their way out to the stage, Adamson in a suit as ever, Horrigan and Jackson in their ring attire, Horrigan with his tag team title around his waist, Jackson with his over his shoulder, all three men make their way to the ring.

Henry: What a unit these guys are. Absolutely showed up Clarke and Jack at Genesis, and then last week Jackson branched out into the singles division with a decisive win over Uryu Ishida. These guys are on a roll right now Harold.

Harold: Maybe so, but with the pressure cranked up on Jack and Clarke last week, I wouldn't rule them out of winning back those tag titles.

Henry: Not a chance. And the way Jackson performed against Uryu Ishida, when they retain their titles I think Jackson is at the front of the queue for any UK or International Title shots.

The three men make it to the ring, Jackson stands on the middle rope bouncing up and down, Horrigan raises his title as Adamson applauds his clients. Jackson demands a microphone from Mike Bird

Jackson: Shut your mouths and listen to what your boys have to say.

The crowd unsurprisingly boos even louder as Jackson smirks

Jackson: We thought this might happen. We thought that Clarke James and Perfect Jack would invoke their rematch clauses, so we have no qualms about beating them again. What did catch my ear, was the announcement that if, or should I say when, old Ceej and Peej don't win this match, they will be forced to defend their UK and International Championships at Beachfront Brawl. Well, look no further!

(Henry: I knew it!)

Jackson: Because when we beat them on Anarchy, and yet again prove that The TA, IS Tag Team Wrestling, I proved it when I defeated Uryu Cuckida, that Jackson Jackson is no mug when it comes to singles wrestling either. Jackson Jackson IS Singles Wrestling. I'm the Chazz Michael Michaels of Wrestling dammit! And nobody can hold a candle to me. Even peak Max Adamson would tap out.

Adamson grins and seems to dispute that comment

Jackson: Irrespective of that, we are the pinnacle of Tag Team Wrestling, and as much as Clarke and Jack want to pretend they are, or that they deserve to still be Tag Team Champions, don't think we didn't see your match last week... You think you deserve these?

Jackson and Horrigan simultaneously hold up their World Tag Team Championships

Jackson: The fact of the matter is that you two couldn't even beat a makeshift team of GazzyD and Mr Kenty last week. What chance do you have against us?

Adamson tries to talk to Jackson off mic but Jackson dismisses him

Jackson: Nah I'm gonna say it. We're meant to be out here to hype this match up, make some money, it's the Anarchy Main Event, the former champs against your World Famous Two Time Champs, but Clarke and Jack couldn't win a damn thing right now. We've broken them. We beat them physically at Genesis, and you can see, they are broken mentally as well. But we won't stop with these World Tag Team Championships. Oh no. This is a pre-cursor to Beachfront Brawl. This match will be a mauling, when we beat on the carcasses of Clarke James and Perfect Jack, there will be no title switch here, there will be no upset.

The crowd boos again as Jackson snarls

Jackson: We are your World 6CW World Tag Team World Heavyweight World Champions of the World. And that ain't changing anytime soon. This Tag Team Title match is nothing but a sham, and by the end of Anarchy, not only will you be looking at, STILL, YOUR World 6CW World Tag Team World Heavyweight World Champions of the World, but you will be looking at your NEXT, 6CW UK and International, World Champions of the World. F*ck your rainbow.

Jackson drops the mic with a thud as the booing continues, all three men raise their arms in unison as a loud "TA Sucks" chant fills the arena


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6CW Anarchy - Tuesday 3rd July, 2018 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy - Tuesday 3rd July, 2018

Post by Mat Tue 26 Jun 2018, 12:57 pm

*The camera's go backstage to show a sleek black limousine rolling into the car park. It stops, the driver steps out and walks to the back of the car, opening the door. Mike Hill steps out from inside the car in jeans, a T-Shirt emblazoned with "Standard Mike Hill" and sunglasses. He walks towards the entrance of the arena where he is greeted by Tim Allen.

TA: Mike, this is the first we've seen of you since Genesis, where have you been?

MH: Mike Hill has been basking in the glory of his return to the top, Tim.

TA: What do you mean?

MH: 6CW Genesis. Mike Hill faces off against "the great" Vincent Costello. One of the "best" wrestlers in 6CW's history. One of the most sadistic and intimidating figures this company has ever seen. A former world champion, a guaranteed future 6CW hall of famer...and Mike Hill kicked his ass in less than 10 seconds!

Mike Hill told everyone what was going to happen but nobody listened. Everyone thought that this was the beginning of Costello's ascent back to the top of 6CW, everyone thought this was the beginning of some beautiful redemption story for one of this company's most treasured stars. But Mike Hill warned you, warned him, what was going to happen.

Mike Hill told you he was here to bust these myths, to see through the hype-jobs and look beyond the nostalgia pops. Mike Hill told you he was here to prove once again that he is the best god damn wrestler in the world and it was about time he started being treated like that. This company wanted to hark back to the good old days of Costello, Mr Kenty, Alex Walker when really they should be looking to guys like Mike Hill.

Those three might be idols of this company but quite frankly, they don't even deserve to be mentioned in the same breath as someone like Mike Hill. Just look at my CV, look at the championships that Mike Hill has won, the industry-defining factions that he has led, the match of the years that he has competed in. That is what you call a legend Tim, not someone like Costello.

TA: So what next Mike?

MH: Mike Hill is going to carry on his ass-kicking tour of 6CW. Mike Hill is going to sit down, relax and watch to see who this company is putting their weight behind next. It doesn't matter to Mike Hill whether it's another a legend or someone home-grown that the company want to hype up beyond their abilities.

Whoever it is who's getting all the air-time, all the favours from the powers that be, all the perks that they don't deserve...that's who Mike Hill is going to go after next. One by one, Mike Hill is going to push to the side anyone who doesn't deserve to be where they are, anyone who gets in the way of Mike Hill's ascent back to the main event, back to where he belongs.

You see, Mike Hill was the Next Big Thing. Mike Hill still is the Next Big Thing. But now, Mike Hill is also THE Big Thing in this company. Not Max Adamson, Not Cerberus, Not Liam Wood and damn sure not Anthony Grace. Mike Hill sets the Standard around here, no-one else.

*Hill strolls off to loud boos.

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6CW Anarchy - Tuesday 3rd July, 2018 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy - Tuesday 3rd July, 2018

Post by Michael_Sweetwater Tue 26 Jun 2018, 8:03 pm

Forever by Drake blares out and the calm figure of Lion walks out onto the ramp.

The commentators break in to talk. Harold speaks first "As stoic and well-mannered as ever, the quiet man of 6CW seems to have something to say"

Henry disagrees "If he took that stupid mask off, maybe we’d see that he is all anger and not so stoic at all."

Lion has walked softly down to the ring. Climbing up, he takes a mic as he steps through the ropes and then walks to the middle of the ring.

"I don’t have a lot to say, this evening will be a night where the louder men fill the voids in their heads with words from their mouths." This is said softly and calmly. He carries on

"But I come here to invite Uryu out to discuss progress here, as it seems we are drawn together. There is a spirit between us that is comparable, a willing to be the men that this company deserves."

Lion looks down the ramp and speaks once more

"So I want that addressed, because tonight we have the opportunity to show what this company can be, in our image."


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6CW Anarchy - Tuesday 3rd July, 2018 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy - Tuesday 3rd July, 2018

Post by Good Golly I'm Olly Wed 27 Jun 2018, 10:22 am

*We find ourselves in Dublin, Ireland with a stage set out at the Aviva Stadium. There are 50,000 excited Irish folk in the crowd, watching some highlights of their hero, their man, O'Callaghan, eagerly awaiting his arrival home*

PA Announcer: "Before we bring out the man we're all here to see, we have some very special guests to introduce him...."

*The stadium goes dark*

Alan Hansen: "I think it's bad news for the English game"

*Out come Frank Skinner, David Baddiel and The Lightning Seeds onto stage*

Baddiel, Skinner and Lightning seeds: " music  
He's coming home,
He's coming home,
He's coming,
O'Callaghan's coming home! music "

*The crowd have a smattering of boos and cheers as O'Callaghan's failed cash in is shown on the screen*

Baddiel, Skinner and Lightning seeds: " music
Everyone seems to know the score,
They've seen it all before,
They just know,
They're so sure,
That O'Callaghan's gonna throw it all away
Gonna blow it away,
But we know he can play
Cos i remember music "

*Now the screen cuts away to O'Callaghan winning the Fight for the Right briefcase*

Baddiel, Skinner and Lightning seeds: " music
Fight for the Right on his shirt,
The lovely briefcase still gleaming
Three weeks of hurt
Never stopped us dreaming music "

*Suddenly the music and screen stop. Frank Skinner steps forward*

Skinner: "Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome, O'Callaghan!"

*O'Callaghan struts out onto stage, in front of his hometime faithful, who give him a warm reception. O'Callaghan takes a seat on the sofa on stage, opposite Baddiel and Skinner who've now sat down on another sofa. O'Callaghan takes a sip from the water on the coffee table that seperates the two sofas.*

Baddiel: "O'Callaghan, how great of you to make time in your busy schedule to conduct this interview, particularly after recent events"

O'Callaghan: "No worries David. Let's crack on."

*As Frank Skinner goes to speak, a voice comes over the PA*

Unidentified voice: "O'Callaghan born in Ireland, became the first man in 6CW history to fail a cash in"

*Skinner and Baddiel look at each other, as O'Callaghan smirks in a little anger*

Baddiel: "Surely that's not....?"

*The crowd begin to look round*

Skinner: "....Aurora borealis in the Aviva Stadium?"

*A man comes from off the stage, wearing a robe and glasses...*


*Baddiel and Skinner go to greet Statto, who takes a seat behind them*

Skinner: "Wow what a moment"

O'Callaghan: "Yeah...fantastic."

*The crowd settle down, and Baddiel begins the interview*

Baddiel: "So O'Callaghan, the world wants some opinions on events of recent weeks?"

O'Callaghan: "My opinion? I was screwed out of the World Title. I was screwed out of my rightful place atop this company. I defeated the World Champion. That is a fact. For that I should be the champion."

Skinner: "But you do have a world title shot coming up against Grace!"

O'Callaghan: "He should be getting a shot against me. And we also have to deal with that blubbering buffoon Cerberus. The bain of my existence"

Statto: "Did you know that Ceberus eliminated O'Callaghan to win the Gateway to Glory?"


*O'Callaghan glares at Statto*

Baddiel: "Thanks Statto. So, seeing as you've mentioned him, and that match, what do you think of Cerberus?"

O'Callaghan: "Cerberus? I think deep down he is a man who has a good heart. I hope someday, we'll sit down together, and laugh with each other about these days, these days. All our troubles, we'll lay to rest, and we'll wish we could come back to these days, these days."

*O'Callaghan now motions for a camera to come to his face so he can look directly into it*

O'Callaghan: "That's right Cerberus. Cherish these days. Savour them. Keep memories, because your future is going to get very dark. It's going to get very painful. I am done coming second to you. I am done watching you take my chances to reach the top and wasting them. I am on a mission. A mission that is going to end in your demise, a mission that is going to end in the demise of Anthony Grace, a mission that is going to see O'Callaghan back here in Dublin with the 6CW World Title strapped around his waist."

*O'Callaghan looks at Statto*

O'Callaghan: "Then we'll make sure to update your little stat sheet"

*O'Callaghan flicks the mic at Statto, and saunters off the stage as the crowd are left wondering why they paid 30 euros for this...*
Good Golly I'm Olly
Good Golly I'm Olly
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6CW Anarchy - Tuesday 3rd July, 2018 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy - Tuesday 3rd July, 2018

Post by ncfc_Tooze Wed 27 Jun 2018, 11:06 am

We cut to a darkened room and we see footage of old world of sport matches on a TV screen. A shadowy figure is sat watching the action. As rollerball rocco locks in an arm bar the footage is paused. The figure gets up from his seat and he walks across the room. The camera follows him as he walks to a wall where we see replicas of the 6WF European and tag belts alongside the British cruiserweight title. The  man runs his hand along them as he gets to the end of the line of titles he points to a gap. The room lights up and shows that the gap he has stopped at has written on it "6CW TV Title"

The figure slowly turns to the camera and takes down the hood he has been wearing unveiling himself as James McManus

JM-Faith,Helms,McManus,triple threat match for the 6cw tv title.
One man will walk away champion
And that one man

Mcmanus slowly walks back and forth running his hand along his titles. He stops and stares at the gap each time. The gap seemingly bothering him

JM- This time I will not fail
This time the TV title comes home
I am the man that beat o'callaghan
I am the man that finished the careers of yarmouth blade,James eagle and chaos
I am a dangerous man
I am the future of professional wrestling
I am James mcmanus
And I am the man you will all soon be calling 6CW TV champion.

Mcmanus walks back to his seat and restarts the video he was watching  as we fade out

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6CW Anarchy - Tuesday 3rd July, 2018 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy - Tuesday 3rd July, 2018

Post by Marky Thu 28 Jun 2018, 1:00 pm

Being The TA

Jackson Jackson is recording himself in a hotel room with his phone on a selfie stick

Jackson: Welcome, to the hottest YouTube show in Wrestling history, Being The TA, oh, none of this Jaden T Waters b*llocks either, or any of that sh*t Bam Sparkleston does, I mean actual groundbreaking, behind the scenes footage of YOUR World 6CW World Tag Team World Heavyweight World Champions of the World. People want to find out more about us, people want to know what we do, how we train, how we prepare to be so f*cking good at what we do, and also just how we get along as a cohesive unit when part of the 6CW travelling schedule. Lets go.

music The TA, The The TA, The TA, The The TA music

We cut to a gym, where Jackson is grinning as he runs on a treadmill, he turns the camera around to show he's run 9 miles, he nods and throws water over his face.


Jackson is recording himself in the car now

Jackson: Here we are on our way to Anarchy, Max driving, say hello Max...

Max: ...Hello Max...

Jackson: ...We've got the big guy, one half of your World Tag Team World Champions of the World, Frank, Horrigan!

Horrigan: Mmhm.

Jackson pans the camera to show Frank dozing in the back of the car

Jackson: The big man likes his sleep... And it's me, the man so good they named him twice, soon to have more gold than Mr T, your boy Jackson f*ckin' Jackson.

Max: Do you have any actual material for this video?

Jackson sighs and starts complaining to Adamson as the video cuts off


We cut to a restaurant

Jackson: We had to take a pit stop, get some eats, get some GAINS, know what I mean?

Horrigan: I never know what you mean...

Jackson: So what are we ordering guys? Max is buying!

Adamson: Technically we're sending it to 6CW under expenses, but sure...

Jackson ignores everything Adamson said and reads off the menu

Jackson: I'm gonna have the Mac and Cheese, with Chorizo, a white chocolate milkshake, garlic bread and a side of chicken wings. Hashtag Gainz! Frank?

Jackson pans the camera to Adamson and Horrigan looking at the menu

Horrigan: Steak.

Jackson: You always have steak.

Horrigan shrugs as if to say "who gives a sh*t" and ignores Jackson

Jackson: Cool, cool... Maxy?

Adamson: Ultimate Burger.

Jackson: Ultimate Burger for the Ultimate Manager... Am I right?!

Adamson: Yeah. And a coke.

There is an awkward silence as neither Horrigan or Adamson particularly care about the show

Jackson: Alright. Ciao for now folks, we gots to gets our eats on.

Adamson: Why are you talking like that? Aren't you from Cambridge?


The camera cuts to Jackson filming his empty plates and empty glass

Jackson: Hashtag Gainz.


Jackson: This has been your debut episode of Being The TA, we'll see you on the other side. Toodle-ooo motherf*ckers!

music The TA, The The TA, The TA, The The TA music


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6CW Anarchy - Tuesday 3rd July, 2018 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy - Tuesday 3rd July, 2018

Post by x12x Fri 29 Jun 2018, 10:01 am

We join Tim Allen backstage as he waits near the entrance to the 6CW Arena. Suddenly Liam Wood wanders in wearing a pair of aviator sunglasses, an old school WCW t-shirt and skinny jeans. The moment Wood notices Allen he lets out a sigh.

TA: Liam...can we have a quick word...

Wood simply nods, already looking bored as the idea of talking to Allen

TA: Thank, the last time we saw you, we saw what some are saying was a big shock as the up and coming Lion was able to beat you, how do you feel about this loss?

Wood sighs again before speaking

Lion? Oh I kept forgetting who he was...I honestly have no feelings regarding that match.

Allen looks confused at Wood's response but presses on

TA: No feeling at all? As someone who wants to end up as a World Champion again I would have assumed that you would want to beat everyone involved...

No...who cares about that match, in a few weeks people will move on and talk about something that ACTUALLY matters. For example...I lost every match before Genesis but which match at people talking about right now? The match I won against Gazzy D and Mr Kenty...the only match that ACTUALLY mattered because it was on PPV.

You see, Lion might have gone home and jerked himself silly over his fluke win but he'll learn in time that nobody really cares and until it's on a big doesn't really count. So sorry Lion, you can take pride in it all you want but your 'big' moment will be forgotten and then you'll be stuck dealing with hasbeens and neverbeens...just like your saviour last week Uryu.

TA: As you mention Uryu I have to ask if you have any plans of revenge for him getting involved after your match last time out? Will there be retaliation for him making the save for Lion?

Wood smirks before shaking his head

Look, I don't know if Uryu wants to form a team with Lion and start some sort of Dutch Rudder type deal with him...or if he wants to try and stay relevant by going after me but I can honestly say he isn't even on my radar. To me Uryu is just like Gazzy D or Mr Kenty...a distraction that slows down my rise to the top. Uryu offers me nothing, he was never as big as Kenty or Gazzy and from what I've heard...he has a dark past that I don't want ANYTHING to do with.

TA: A dark past?

Wood's smirk widens as he answers

Hey, I'm not saying anything but I heard a few things off Max Adamson...let's just say that it's not that shocking that Uryu helped a YOUNG, up and coming superstar like Lion.
Can we move on though...I feel like if I say Uryu's name a few more times that Yewtree might start knocking at my door.

Allen looks shocked at Wood's hints but moves on to his match in the next few days

TA: how do you feel about your next match at Anarchy? We get to see you face two of the local talent...Michael Mc-

Wood puts his hand over Allen's mouth, cutting him off.

Don't use their names as if they're real people...the fact I have to face them and let them be in the same ring as them is sickening enough but to treat them like human beings is a step too far. You want to know how I feel...the same way I feel about 99% of the roster...I couldn't give a f**k.

I am the elite here...I should be flown in just to fight PPV's and title matches...instead I get Make A Wish duty and have to deal with tweedle dee and tweedle dum. It's a disgrace.

TA: So you're not worried at all?

Wood removes his sunglasses and rolls his eyes sarcastically before mouthing the word “idiot” at the camera and walking away leaving Tim looking embarrassed.


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6CW Anarchy - Tuesday 3rd July, 2018 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy - Tuesday 3rd July, 2018

Post by TwisT Fri 29 Jun 2018, 1:37 pm

Anthony Grace and Charles Kramer are walking down the backstage corridors, both still showing the scars of the Genesis aftermath.

AG: So this is your plan? The grandest scheme that you could come up with? I......6CW World Champion......should play second fiddle to....

Kramer cuts in

CK: To two guys that have the capacity to take that belt away from you.

Grace glares at Kramer.

AG: Your lack of belief is worrying

Kramer shakes his head.

CK: My job is to ensure that the belt you hold so dear is wrapped around your waist for a very long time. As much as I loathe Walker, his power cannot be denied. The board think he is doing a sterling job and profits are increasing. The Anthony Grace effect has now been replaced by the Walker effect. He has made it quite clear that they do not need you as World Champion to be successful.

Grace scoffs.

AG: They have made that mistake before.

CK: Quite. But unless Walker messes up in a spectacular fashion, the board aren't going to crawl back to you and ask for forgiveness.

Grace stops.

AG: So your plan is.......?

CK: Walker believes the future is in Cerberus, but now O'Callaghan has been thrown into the mix. He couldn't control or deny that.......O'Callaghan had earned his chance. But what Walker doesn't see is the two men he chooses to be his poster boys are two men he can't control. So, we have to bring out the worst in them so the board think Walker is returning 6CW to those dark times of wrestlers doing what they want and how they want.

Grace nods but then stops himself.

AG: But my part in all this is to be a human punching bag.

Kramer tries hard to hide his smile.

CK: Anthony, it is nothing like that. It is simply divide and conquer. Instead of Cerberus targeting you......someone who he feels is well beneath his talents and not worthy of being champion.......then he will go for the more likely threat. Namely O'Callaghan. Walker's problem is that when those two go for each other then it will be impossible to stop. That is when we push on the fact that 6CW has been down this route before and that Walker is not strong enough to control his men.

Grace looks at Kramer.

AG: So for this tag match, you think Cerberus will appear?

CK: Oh I have no doubt. We just have to make sure he goes after O'Callaghan and not your good self. And hope that much blood is spilt. The more chaotic it becomes, the more we can press our advantage.

AG: And I keep this belt.

Kramer sighs slightly.

CK: Yes will keep the belt.

Grace smiles to himself and the two men walk off.


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6CW Anarchy - Tuesday 3rd July, 2018 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy - Tuesday 3rd July, 2018

Post by Uryu Ishida Sat 30 Jun 2018, 8:50 am

"Mr Blue Sky" plays as Uryu walks out on the stage, waving for Lion to follow him to the ring as he nods and does so. As they climb in the ring Uryu is handed a mic as he looks at the cheering crowd.

UI: Lion if I may say it is rare to find someone like you who has a similar outlook on 6CW as I do. I mean, we are about earning opportunities the right way, showing these fans that what we do is for them. I treat my opponents with respect if they have treated me the same and you have done exactly that. However I must say that after previous experiences with tag partners I am not fully trusting of you yet and I likely never will and I think you can understand that and do the exact same. To put it in perspective do two lions with similar goals and outlooks on life but from different packs ever fully trust each other?

Lion ponders the thought as Uryu nods and continues talking.

UI: Though this will be our first time teaming up I do look forward to it, you have some incredible skills at your disposal and the fans like you as much as I do. They want to see you go far and I believe you can. You just showcase yourself to the world and i'm sure that opportunities will arise for you. Though don't think that if this partnership goes well that we won't fight each other to earn title opportunities in the future. I may not have as much time left on the proverbial wrestling clock as you but I do not intend to waste a second of it by dawdling about. My goal and yours is to climb to the top of 6CW and dethrone whoever the champion is and portray the company in the light it deserves to be.

As the crowd roar and chant 6CW repeatedly both Lion and Uryu look around at the crowd, nodding as Uryu chuckles.

UI: You are what makes 6CW great, You are the ones who power us forward in our goals and you are the ones who brought him here and brought me back to the ring! You think we can go far as a team?

Crowd: YEAH!

UI: You think we can get a shot at TA and shut them up?

Crowd: YEAH!

UI: You think we can go all the way, win the belts, defend them against all challengers and become one of the best tag teams ever in 6CW?

Crowd: YEAH!!!

UI: Though you have that belief in us we have to get started in the right way. Our opponents this week are not going to be easy as we have both faced Bam and know that whilst he has a strange way of talking it does not diminish his skill at all. Engel is the only person I think that makes as little sense as him but his skills must not be questioned either. He is extremely unpredictable and reminds me of Cassius Zhi.

Crowd: ZHI! ZHI! ZHI! ZHI!

UI: He once had a war against a stuffed bear and would attack anyone at random. He was a danger before he lost his mind but when he did Zhi became a nightmare. Engel is deranged, a loose cannon and honestly worries me. He is a guy we have to watch our backs for all the time and when I see him he could offer a balloon animal or a beating. If we win against these two this week we have a possibility of fighting TA and that would be the first step of a long journey for both of us. We have to make sure of that and your support will help us achieve that.

Uryu looks across at Lion and offers him the chance to say a few words as the crowd cheer.

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6CW Anarchy - Tuesday 3rd July, 2018 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy - Tuesday 3rd July, 2018

Post by The Last Outlaw Sat 30 Jun 2018, 1:17 pm

With the crowd cheering for Lion and Uryu, but is interrupted by the sound of Remedy by Seether. Boos start to echo around the arena

HA: And, ahead of schedule, not invited and not really relevant to all this, out comes Marty Helms

HE: Not really relevant?! This is Marty Helms - he is 6CW TV.

HA: TV Champion..?

HE: I didn’t misspeak, brother. This man IS 6CW TV. He’s the reason to tune in, log in, however people get their fix; their fix IS Marty Helms.

Marty stands at the top of the ramp, enjoying the hatred of the crowd. He lifts his mic to speak once his music begins to fade.

MH: Ladies and gentlemen, our crowd full of assorted virgins, I thought I would show you what a real man looks like, so worried was I that the king of the 40 year old virgins himself, Mr Ishi, might become an influence on all the little fat kids in the crowd.

He looks around and smiles, boos raining down.

MH: I can see you, hitting Twitter straight away. “Helms has called the crowd virgins LOL - a lot of these weirdos probably are though #virginlosers”

Yeah, I understand Twitter. And if there’s anything bigger than telling people on the internet all your fake sex goals then I’ll step back and let in the bad asses.

No one really reacts, so Helms goes on, pretending he hadn’t laughed at his own wit.

MH: I’m out here because you’re boring, I’m interesting, and my pay cheque goes down when you and Uryu get on the screen and talk together. So let’s get this back to money and talk all about me. Me. ME! The main event of this parade, the final float that everyone waits for whilst the special schools float by first.

He stops and looks at Lion

MH: You’re one of the specials, Leon. Hide behind your mask all you want, I see that limp, I see you holding yourself together by string. One victory over a washed-up Liam Wood doesn’t put you on any front pages.

In fact, you’re up there with McManus and Faith. Nobodies. Not worth my time. Two men of 6CW’s past, or 6WF, I don’t know or care. They’re to blame for you, them, Uryu, all these former names who never really meant much and need to go away and die. They’ve given you ideas of greatness, they have let you think that they are the standard.

Helms looks around in mock confusion.

MH: Them? The standard?

Helms snarls

MH: So of course you think you can come in and make an impact, anything better than those backwards, blown-up losers would be some progress, that’s what you thought.

Helms goes to find a camera and points it in to focus right on his face.

MH: Spoiler alert, you f***ing nerds: I’m the standard bearer now. And I’m absolute money.

He paces as the crowd boo

MH: Keep your gentlemanly pacts, keep your bottom dollar talent like Spam Parkinsons and cross-dressing Pennywise, because I’ve just made this segment into ratings.

The crowd boo again and now Helms is walking around with his arms out, beckoning forth their fury

The Last Outlaw

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6CW Anarchy - Tuesday 3rd July, 2018 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy - Tuesday 3rd July, 2018

Post by Engel Harlequin Sat 30 Jun 2018, 3:41 pm

*As Uryu awaits Lion's response "It's not over yet"- The Klaxons plays and the arena lights go out. A spotlight shines out onto the arena ramp and Engel walks out onto the stage*

Ha: The most unpredictable savage man in 6CW today. He is unbridled hate and anarchy. He beat Keith Leone in an absolutely epic encounter at Genesis and has since set his eyes on Bam Sparkleson.

He: Has he? Maybe he is interested in the 6CW TV Title. Who knows? What we do know is he is a very very dangerous man and when Engel Harlequin sets his eyes on something, the forecast is pain.

*The spotlight follows Engel down the ramp and the music stops as he reaches the ring. The lights raise and Engel climbs up onto the apron. The crowd boo as Engel smiles and licks his lips staring intently at Uryu and Lion. Uryu looks a little concerned and they both walk to confront Engel who drops down to the matting below shaking his head frantically*

Ha: Engel does not want none of that.

He: He is toying with them.

*Engel grabs a microphone from the time keeper and slowly walks up the ring steps. Again he is cut off by Uryu and Lion*

Ha: Strength in numbers here. Engel is a dangerous man.

EH: Truly your vision of 6CW is a great one. I also have a vision.

*Engel paces the matting outside*

EH: You see I sent a little message to Bam Sparkleness and Marty Helms last week at Anarchy, a message that ultimately cost my partner tonight Bam Sparkleness his opportunity against Marty Helms for the Television title. I didn't intend to affect the outcome of the match, simply to add a...sprinkle hehehe of Anarchy. You see, that Television title Marty Helms wears so proudly around his waist...once upon a time that title wasn't the cookie cutter kid friendly belt it now is. Once upon a time that title became what it was because of guys like me, Cerberus, Vincent Costello and some drunk Irish guy...

Crowd: *chant* DICEY REALLY

EH: Tearing the rule book up and showing what it meant to be Extreme...tearing up the foundations of 6CW.

*Engel rushes the ring and stands in front of the pair*

EH: Lion, Uryu what you achieved against Liam Wood last week impressed me. But the touch paper has been lit...a change is coming not in your image but in mine...

Engel Harlequin

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6CW Anarchy - Tuesday 3rd July, 2018 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy - Tuesday 3rd July, 2018

Post by Fernando Sun 01 Jul 2018, 4:37 pm

Cerberus is approached by Tim Allen as he's walking through the backstage

TA: Time for a quick chat?

Cerberus nods

Well i've got the night off so might aswell for once...
Try to refrain from being you though...

TA: Have you seen O'Callaghan's video from the other day?

Tim Allen shows him it on his phone

Cerberus wipes his hand across his face in embarressment for O'Callaghan

It's Poopie like this that makes people think Wrestling is fake...
How is even still employed here after that...
Let alone being given a World Title Shot...
Legit worse then any Engel/Thunder promo...
It's that f**king bad...

What did i do to deserve to be forced into a ring with the n0nce and Poundland Aaron Chalmers...
Sooner they hand my title back to me the better...
Even 2 on 1 they couldn't finish the job...
Im still here battered and bruised...
And will reclaim what is rightfully mine...
It's just a matter of time...

TA: Will you be watching closely tonight?

If i told you that Tim...
Id have to kill you haha....
All you need to know is that...
What goes around will always come back around...
And hit them square in the face....

If Anthony thinks he's going to stand around...
And do nothing like he tries to every f**king time...
Maybe ill have to take a visit to ringside...
Have a chat with Henry & Harold...
Who knows...

Have a Good Evening Timothy..

Cerberus walks off into the darkness of the arena chuckling


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6CW Anarchy - Tuesday 3rd July, 2018 Empty Re: 6CW Anarchy - Tuesday 3rd July, 2018

Post by Perfect Jack Sun 01 Jul 2018, 11:15 pm

Perfect Jack and Clarke James are walking backstage moments after their defeat to GazzyD and Mr Kenty. Perfect Jack is slightly ahead of Clarke James who stops Jack from walking further ahead.

CJ: Hey! What was that back there? We had that match sown up and you go and do that?

PJ: I know. I made a mistake. I'm still angry at what happened at Genesis. My anger got the best of me. My bad dude. My bad.

CJ: I'm still angry too, but we have to put what happened at Genesis behind us. We have to look ahead to the title rematch now.

PJ: I know I know.

CJ: Good. Lets get going then.

Both men continue walking to the locker room as the scene ends.

Perfect Jack

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