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6CWF "Night of Champions" Special - Sunday August 4th 2024 (Episode 37)

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6CWF "Night of Champions" Special - Sunday August 4th 2024 (Episode 37) Empty 6CWF "Night of Champions" Special - Sunday August 4th 2024 (Episode 37)

Post by JJJohnson Thu 25 Jul 2024, 7:09 pm

Live from Bramall Lane, Sheffield
Start time : 3pm
Official theme songs: "All of the lights" by Rihanna & Kanye West

Bout 1
6CWF European Championship
Open Challenge
Dicey Reilly (c) vs ???

Bout 2
Brandon Perez vs Mike Masters

Bout 3
GazzyD/Uryu Ishida vs ???

Bout 4
6CWF Xtreme Championship
Geoff Steel (c) vs Jimmy Phillips

Bout 5
6CWF Tag Team Championships
The Coalition (c) vs Blue Dragon/Logan Kincade

Bout 6
Daniel Reilly vs Scott Harris
Special Referee: Acer

Main Event
6WF World Heavyweight Championship/FFTR Briefcase
Falls Count Anywhere
Genesis (c) vs Chris Patricks/Liam Wood


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6CWF "Night of Champions" Special - Sunday August 4th 2024 (Episode 37) Empty Re: 6CWF "Night of Champions" Special - Sunday August 4th 2024 (Episode 37)

Post by x12x Thu 25 Jul 2024, 9:35 pm

Our scene begins in the gaudy tour bus of Brandon Perez who can be seen lying 'seductively' on a pink leopard print chaise longue wearing a black and gold dressing gown. In the background on the wall in a picture of himself in the same position, on the same chair in the same dressing gown but surrounded by various actresses (to use the term lightly).

The camera focuses on Brandon who smiles in to the camera before speaking

Did you miss me ladies?!

Brandon then strokes his moustache, ensuring it is perfectly in place before continuing to speak again

Well the rumours are true...

...I'm coming...


Brandon winks

For far too long 6CWF has been missing that triple X factor that only I can bring and the wait is finally over. I missed the excitement that wrestling brought me and after watching in the wings it was time for me to spread mine and fly once more!

Brandon sits up and leans forward, speaking once more

You may be asking where I went and why I was away for so long and I'll be honest, it's been a journey...

...I restarted my acting career and had a few big parts in movies like "Good Will Humping", "Shindler's Fist" and the instant horror classic "Night Of The Giving Head" but I'll be wasn't enough.

...I needed more.

I needed to succeed where I had failed previously and that was here...In 6CWF.

Brandon almost has a serious look on his face as he speaks on last time

I am not a man who likes to fail...I like to overcome the odds and defy what is possible. Whenever I am faced with a challenge I take it head on and with both hands...when they said I couldn't host the worlds biggest gang bang I laughed in their faces and I have the world record to prove it!

I am here to say that I am going to become a champion in 6CWF and I am going to beat off anyone who stands in my way just like I beat those silly little Me Too accusations...

Brandon smiles at the camera one more time and then stands up and walks out of shot, as he does there is a slight wardrobe malfunction which is luckily pixelated for the viewers at home as the scene ends.


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6CWF "Night of Champions" Special - Sunday August 4th 2024 (Episode 37) Empty Re: 6CWF "Night of Champions" Special - Sunday August 4th 2024 (Episode 37)

Post by x12x Fri 26 Jul 2024, 9:48 am

Smooth by Santana blasts from the speakers and the fans cheer as Brandon Perez swaggers out on to the stage wearing the dressing gown he was seen in the previous vignette. Brandon takes his time walking down to the ring, stopping by every pretty women at ring side and flirting with each other to varying degrees of success. As he nears the ring he kisses a woman’s hand causing her to laugh only to reveal and p!ssed off boyfriend stood next to her.

I’ve missed this…

The fans cheer and various chants such as “Moustache Ride” can be heard bringing a smile to Brandon’s face

People asked me why I came out to save Percy last week and it’s simple, it really is.
Brandon Perez is a man of the people and he simply doesn’t like to see bullies pushing anyone around

Now, I’ve had a few naysayers come out and ask me if this will hurt my image as a ladies man but we all know that, that could never be hurt, right ladies?

Brandon pauses hoping for a big reaction from the women in attendance but he gets a mixed result, he quickly shakes it off and continues

They came up to me and asked me why a man so obsessed with hunting poon would go out of his way to help a homosexual but it’s almost like they forgot…

Brandon Perez is an ally!

It’s almost like they forget just how many lesbian porn movies I’ve helped produce, direct and film…reshooting scenes over and over and over until it was done correctly! I’m such an ally they should change the B in LGBTQ to Brandon instead of whatever it actually is!

The camera pans the crowd, some cheering, some confused as Brandon’s stupidity but most of the fans are behind him

It’s 2024 baby…live and let live…it’s not about who you love, it’s about how you love so please listen up…
It doesn’t matter if you’re a he, a she or a used to be…Brandon Perez is here for you! It doesn’t matter if you’re gay, straight or bi…Brandon Perez is here for you!

And one last thing…if you’re a bully and you like pushing people about…then you’re going to have to come through me first…and be warned, Brandon Perez comes pretty hard!

Perez lowers mic and climbs to the second rope of the turnbuckle to pose for the fans, thrusting in to the air as he does causing some of the fans to be overheard saying “that’s gross


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6CWF "Night of Champions" Special - Sunday August 4th 2024 (Episode 37) Empty Re: 6CWF "Night of Champions" Special - Sunday August 4th 2024 (Episode 37)

Post by JJJohnson Sat 27 Jul 2024, 10:50 am

*The crowd are expectant inside the arena (Live Show) as “Here comes the boom” hits the speakers. 10,000 strong are immediately on their feet as the electric blue spotlight whirls through the stands and comes to rest on the entranceway as JJ Johnson bursts out into view. JJ is dressed in his sleeveless white hoody and black joggers. He beats his chest in appreciation of the reception he has received before raising his right arm in the “Coalition Salute”. JJ has his tag belt over his shoulder as he makes his way down to the ring, slapping the hands of the clamouring fans and fist bumping with others. Johnson poses for pics and gives the audience all of the attention they want before he leaps up onto the apron and steps through the ropes. There are laughs and jokes shared as JJ interacts with Michael Bird before he takes the mic and turns to his people.

JJ: Newcastle….

*Crowd pop

JJ: It been a time….it been too damn long since JJ Johnson and the 6CWF rocked up to his beautiful city…..the home of one of the greats…an old-rival of mine……THE GODSENT ATHLETE!

Crowd: TGA! TGA! TGA!

JJ: Brother, if you’re watching, we had one hell of a ride and it was a pleasure each and every time…if you ever fancy coming back….

*JJ motions picking up the phone and the crowd roar

Crowd: One more match x10

JJ: I sure as hell hope so….door always open….

*JJ stops again now to let the crowd chant

JJ: So we gone get down to business o’ what?

*Crowd cheer

JJ: Y’all know JJ Johnson don’t mince his words, don’t ever get it twisted….so I’m out here with a list…

*JJ looks at his inside forearm and smirks

JJ: I’m just sh*tting with my homie, Dwayne….you know it’s all love, brother…

But I do got a list fo’ real…..point number one….last week Aftermath….Coalition…..Genesis…..tag team titles…

The match was everything I expected….me and Saint, two hall of fame mother*uckers and Eddy Kent & Rex Adamson….two mother**ckers….

*Crowd roar

JJ: But nah…in all seriousness…these two cats be two of the best in the world and they showed it….along with Hilary Skank in they corner, was always gone be a war of attrition….and you know fo’ two old dudes we held our own….we showed why we still got shares in this game, why we will a threat….we still get it poppin’ when that bell rings, feel me on that….

But let’s take it to the conclusion….my baby momma…

*The crowd roar and cut JJ off to chant Brandi’s name

JJ: I know she gone be appreciative of the love and I’m damn appreciative fo’ her….she kicked at least three STD’s out of Skank Davis….but just when the bout was finding it’s peak…..Liam Wood…

*Some of the crowd cheer, some boo

JJ: Yeah my sentiments exactly……look I feel like I need to speak on this because otherwise we gone do the whole Chinese whispers s**t and that ain’t how JJ does business….so hear me now, and hear me good…

Liam Wood is a world class athlete…he is, we all done know it….three time world champion, multiple other reigns and accolades…..arguably at Scars and Stripes he should have become 6WF World Heavyweight Champion….

*More cheers now from the fans that agree with this statement

JJ: And he was real pi55ed off at what went down, I get that….I been there, I know how it feels to have a dream snatched right out of yo hands….and you feel like the whole world out to get you…but then someone done f***ed up….someone in the back, someone in the truck….they gave Liam Wood one of these…

*JJ taps the mic

JJ: And he vented his feelings….and first he vented at Eddy Kent….Miss Jessica, Genesis….the ones who screwed him…..but then he got a little comfortable, he started spouting, he started flapping those gums….and eventually JJ Johnson’s name came outta his mouth….

*The crowd boo this

JJ: Nah look I’m a big boy….I done been around a long a55 time and I’d say JJ Johnson’s name been said by most at some point, sometimes good….sometimes bad……and I get that Liam Wood sees the fact that I own this company and believes I should have done mo’ to ensure he won the title….

Like I owe him something…

*JJ raises an eyebrow and some of the fans are smiling

JJ: I’m playing….look he said my name, he blamed me….and he has every right to do so….ignoring all the facts, like me handing over control of the shows to Damien Andrews and Max Adamson…

*Max gets a huge pop

JJ: I know I ain’t f***ing dreaming right….night after Night o’ Glory and I stood in the middle o’ the ring and said I’m full time again… terms of making business decisions I’m obviously involved but as far as what you see in these shows….Damo and Max doing they thing….they just like a clock making this place tick and….

Crowd: TOCK!

JJ: Damn straight….and even if I was running the show, I’d done say the same thing I said last week….same thing that Max said….because Wood was up in all o’ Genesis’ s**t last month, costing Kent the match against Percival….attacking at will…..let alone what he did to Tyler Roth…..and when you live by the sword you die by the mother**cking sword…..

Now it gone be construed that I got a problem with Liam Wood because I’m talking….or because we had a little CM Punk/Stone Cold stand-off….but in reality I didn’t give a s*** until the end o’ my match last week….

Because Coalition and Genesis tore the house down at York Hall and whoever you supporting, that match deserved a conclusion….but Liam Wood just couldn’t keep his a55 out of business…

Look, Liam…you a grown a55 man and I get you have vengeance on yo mind…and it seems all your pi55ing and moaning done got what you wanted next week at “Night of Champions”….somebody order a Gregers complex? Because it was like watching a live action version of an “Urgent PM for Mat” seeing you throw yo toys out the pram all night until eventually management gave in and let yo a55 back on the teat….

*JJ uses his sunglasses to scratch the side of his face

JJ: But listen to me because if there’s one thing you need to take away from all of this, it is this vital bit of advice….

*JJ stares down the camera now

JJ: Get involved in my s**t again and Genesis gone be the least of yo concerns because I’m gone introduce yo a55 to The Creator….and he don’t f*** around!

Crowd: JJ! JJ! JJ! JJ! JJ!

JJ: Now we move on…..point number two…..Blue Dragon….Logan Kincade…

*Huge response from the audience

JJ: Or the Big Blue B1tches….now I know you two mother****ers got some Daddy issues going on right now…..Logan licking windows whist Bluey looking in the mirror and rubbing his nipples because he finally won a world title at the 16 thousandth time of asking……Big Daddy Damo done the right thing chaining you little f*ckers up in the basement most o’ you life, the world was never gone be ready to see you in the horrifying flesh…

But f*ck me I digress…..see same thing applies to you two sorry sons of b1tches that I done said to Liam Wood….you put you noses where they didn’t belong last week..

Only difference being is that you actually put yo big mutant hands on me and Saint….you declared war…..and at “Night of Champions”….it’s on!

*Crowd pop

JJ: Blue Dong….you been spittin’ fo the last year to anyone who’d listen….ABSOLUTELY NOBODY!

*Crowd cheer

JJ: That you want JJ Johnson in the middle o’ this ring to finish some fictional feud that you dreamed up in yo addled brain….that I slighted you, made you feel unwanted…..cry me a river, b1tch….

*More cheers from the crowd

JJ: Next Sunday yo dream comes true….you and yo Children’ of the mother****ing Corn sibling got a match with The Coalition fo’ the tag team titles…

And put yo ear to the ground and you’d hear all the murmurs and concern that Logi Bear gone turn on yo a55 sooner rather than later….

But what you should be concerned about is the fact that you are stepping in this ring with two of the absolute baddest to ever do it…..and when the jokes stop and we done playing, it’s game time and you know exactly what that means…..

And if you don’t….because fo’ some very strange reason y’all seemed to have forgot just who in the hell we are…I am very much looking forward to reminding you…this whole business done got far too comfortable with talking on me, talking on Saint……like mother***er you bout to turn me back to the old me…..and that’s bad news for anyone there in the back…

Night of Champions we walking in tag team champions….we whooping those a55es like yo daddy should have….and we walking out strapped and loaded….guaran-damn-teed…..

Crowd: JJ! JJ! JJ! JJ! JJ! JJ!

JJ: Which brings me nicely on to point number three…..all o’ the above…..everything I done said…..listen up….friend or foe….

JJ Johnson is here….JJ Johnson is active and JJ Johnson is full time….like Omar in The Wire I don’t expect to walk away from this business, might leave in a bodybag but never in cuffs…they gone carry me out, no doubt….the game is the game and if you have designs on reaching the mountain top….you have designs on defining yo legacy….maybe you believe you gone be the Greatest of All Time…..

All roads go through me…

*Crowd pop

JJ: We got a stacked roster…..some of the greatest talent ever….but there’s only one JJ Johnson…..

And fo’ all you big game hunters in the back….here’s the prize kill…

JJ Johnson leads to immortality…..

So who wants to live forever?

*JJ smiles as the crowd roar and chant his name


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6CWF "Night of Champions" Special - Sunday August 4th 2024 (Episode 37) Empty Re: 6CWF "Night of Champions" Special - Sunday August 4th 2024 (Episode 37)

Post by DanielReilly Sat 27 Jul 2024, 1:23 pm

’Broken Dreams’ blasts out as Daniel Reilly and Oliver Keane make their way out to the ring to the usual chorus of boos from the fans. Reilly and Keane laugh and joke amongst themselves as they hit the ring, ignoring the fans around them as Keane passes a microphone to Reilly.

DR: Ladies and Gentlemen, what a week it has been here in 6CWF! The King has reluctantly turned up tonight and has seen the line up for the so called Night of Champions event and what a pleasant surprise to see who the King will be facing! And so with that being said, allow the King to get some things off his chest!

Scott Harris, the King would like to dedicate the next couple of minutes to yourself as Daniel Reilly thinks it is about time you and the King are properly introduced to each other! You see Scott, you and the King have been around for a long time, you and the King have been there and done that and yet after all this time, you still come out here and scream ‘needs more Harris’.

The fans cheer in approval before starting up a ‘needs more Harris’ chant.

DR: Scott, you have been saying that this place needs more Harris for so long now and yet this Company appears to the King to be doing just fine without any Harris. Scott, the King can see that you think you are special because these fans have jumped onto the Scott Harris bandwagon but the King is here to provide you with the sad reality that there was nothing special about you back then, and there is certainly nothing special about you now! You are a man who wants to climb to the top of the mountain and yet it is clear to Daniel Reilly that you are going to be unable to complete that climb when you are clearly incapable of keeping your emotions in check! Last week, you attacked the King backstage because you took your eye off the ball during your match and allowed the King to strike first. Scott, what happens in the ring should stay firmly in the ring and you have allowed your emotions to rule over your head and now the King has no choice but to make you pay for ever daring to lay a single one of your grubby fingers on the King!

Scott, you are nothing more then a fad, a craze and the King is going to silence you and every single one of these fans when he puts you down and there will be no need for any more Harris when the sharpshooter is confined to a hospital bed with a broken ankle once the King snaps it clean in half!

Reilly is smirking out towards the fans as they greet him with boos.

DR: And the King wants to make one thing very clear here. At any point, should an official lay a hand on the King, then he wants it known that he will have no hesitation in striking back so little Acer, the King hopes you are listening very, very closely.

Acer, the King can see just how out of your depth you clearly are right now. You have been given misguided advice by your Coaltion stablemates and they have led you like a lamb to the slaughter straight into a Main Event scene that you are clearly unable to handle! Acer, it is clear to the King that you do not even know yourself who you are at war with right now! Is it Daniel Reilly? Is it Scott Harris? Is it JJ Johnson? Acer, you have picked fights with too many big names all at the same time and you are going to end up flat on your face because the way the King sees it, Acer’s biggest enemy right now is none other then Acer!

Acer, it is clear to the King that your obsession with World Gold has led you down a dark path of self destruction and so the King would like to kindly remind you that should you be anything but a fair official when the King beats Scott Harris next week, then the King will be the one to push the very button that causes the implosion of Acer!


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6CWF "Night of Champions" Special - Sunday August 4th 2024 (Episode 37) Empty Re: 6CWF "Night of Champions" Special - Sunday August 4th 2024 (Episode 37)

Post by acer101 Sat 27 Jul 2024, 8:08 pm

The crowd’s boos turn into thunderous cheers. Acer steps out from behind the curtain, a black and white striped referee shirt draped over his shoulder. With a confident stride, he makes his way to the top of the ramp, tapping the microphone twice to make sure it’s live before he speaks.

“Well, isn’t this a surprise? Daniel Reilly, out here writing cheques with his mouth that his backside simply can’t cash. I heard you loud and clear, Reilly. You said, ‘50k won’t matter when you’re champion,’ so I guess 50k matters to you now? Looks like your negotiations aren’t going so well, huh?”

“You see, 50k to me? It doesn’t mean much. In fact, spending 50 thousand just to punch you in the face and watch you whine like a child to management is money well spent!

Acer pauses, pacing the top of the ramp.

“It’s funny, though, isn’t it? You spent most of your rant focused on the referee instead of your actual opponent. And you think your threats are going to scare me? Reilly, you should try stand-up comedy, because you’ve got the jokes down.”

Acers tone changes, becoming very serious as he points at Reilly. “But let me make one thing crystal clear. Next week, I will enforce the rules, and I will call it right down the middle. But I won’t hesitate for a second to put you or Harris back in your place if you step out of line. And Keane, I’ve got my eye on you too. I’ll be watching you like a hawk, and I’ll have no problem eliminating you—not just from ringside, but permanently.”

“So, Reilly, if for once in your life you decide to play by the rules, I’ll have no problem counting one, two, three, and declaring you the winner. But if you test me, just know that the only button you’ll be pressing is the one that’ll end with me knocking your teeth down your throat.”

Acer drops the mic, staring down Reilly, as the crowd erupts with chants of his name.


Posts : 117
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6CWF "Night of Champions" Special - Sunday August 4th 2024 (Episode 37) Empty Re: 6CWF "Night of Champions" Special - Sunday August 4th 2024 (Episode 37)

Post by Steel Sun 28 Jul 2024, 3:16 pm

We open at the announce desk in an arena, RJ and JT are already in the process of hyping up the upcoming Night of Champions event.

RJ: Almost every championship is on the line its sure to be a special occasion not to be missed, a stacked card worthy of a night of Glory or Born in Fire which could easily change the landscape of 6CWF.

JT: It cannot come around soon enough; the residents of Sheffield are sure in for treat and anybody else who makes the commute from the surrounding areas.

RJ: If you can’t be there live though do not forget you can tune in on Amazon Prime as normal to witness the spectacle.

The commentary pair are then interrupted as “Last Resort” sounds out across the arena, there is a mad scramble from the crowd as they all jump to their feet and give a rousing reception.
The Xtreme champion steps out from behind the curtain in his ring attire, the title sits proudly on his shoulder, he salutes the crowd to a further adulation before lifting the title above his head.

RJ: You think the crowd is loud tonight JT just you wait till Night of Champions, you can guarantee that roof will be blown off when the partisan crowd get to welcome home one of their own.

JT: Jimmy Phillips task was already going to be a difficult one dethroning the champ, add to that the hostile reception he is now likely to receive, you will be hard pushed to come across a person in the arena that will want to see him achieve his goal.

Steel is now at ringside he signs a few items for fans, before making his way to the steps, picking up a microphone and stepping through the ropes. He climbs each of the turnbuckles showing his appreciation to every sector in attendance, before taking his place in the centre of the ring lifting the microphone to his mouth as his music fades.

GS: So, tell me who had the money on Jimmy Phillips being the guy to take the next shot, who imagined this into existence, who asked for this? I can’t be mad at him taking his shot, as a champion in this company you are there to be hunted, everybody wants their pound of flesh. What annoys me most is the timing, he had all night to take that shot I wasn’t hiding backstage its not in my character, instead he choose to interrupt during a match all of you have been waiting for the best part of two decades but ive dreamed of myself and finally everything aligned and the opportunity presented itself. The match did not deserve to end that way, it required a definitive answer not an ambiguous what could have been. It’s not an if, it’s a when one day Dicey we will revisit this match and share this ring and give these fans the ending they deserve.

Steel begins to pace and sighs.

GS: The great excuse Jimmy Phillips had for his intervention, the same old tiresome reason I’ve heard all too much this past year, he’s here to save 6CWF from mediocrity, he’s had enough of seeing those he deems less worthy stealing airtime he feels he deserves, Geoff Steel is an old timer just chasing one last payday, yada yada yada you can fill in the rest of the blanks yourself. Id respect him more if he approached me as a man, approached me with courtesy and made his intentions to challenge for the title clear, I’m a fighting champ id have given him the shot I have no qualms defending this against anybody with aspirations to lead the Xtreme division.

RJ: Steel best be careful if he’s declaring it that easy to gain a shot at that championship the queue in the back will already be forming.

Steel then stops pacing and look directly into one of the cameras.

GS: Marty . . ...

Steel pauses and then smirks before regaining focus.

GS: Sorry I mean Jimmy, forgive me my transgression but this all just feels so familiar a Freudian slip. I carry this championship because I’ve earned it, I overcame my troubles of the past year to finally carry gold one more time, no shortcuts, no leg ups, all off my own back. I’m out here and I’m ready listen to the valid reasons you believe you deserve to be champion and not just the next villain of the week who I put in their place then move on from. I was intrigued so I looked you up, I’ve agreed to give you this match so it’s only right I do my research and what did I find, wrestling isn’t even your true passion you failed at pursuing a career in that Americas version of rugby for those that cant take a real hit without wearing pads. What happens Jimmy when wrestling doesn’t work out the way you wanted? what’s backup career number three is there even a fallback? When we meet at Night of Champions in my hometown of Sheffield England as if I needed any other motivation, let me give you a real taste of reality and deliver a few home truths by carrying on the trend as of late, making you tap out of pain with you quitting of your own volition, given your past it should come easy enough for you.

Steel then climbs one of the turnbuckles near the entrance ramp and lifts the title above his head to more cheers from the crowd. RJ and JT continue to plug the upcoming event as the camera remains focused on Steel.


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6CWF "Night of Champions" Special - Sunday August 4th 2024 (Episode 37) Empty Re: 6CWF "Night of Champions" Special - Sunday August 4th 2024 (Episode 37)

Post by DanielReilly Sun 28 Jul 2024, 11:32 pm

acer101 wrote:The crowd’s boos turn into thunderous cheers. Acer steps out from behind the curtain, a black and white striped referee shirt draped over his shoulder. With a confident stride, he makes his way to the top of the ramp, tapping the microphone twice to make sure it’s live before he speaks.

“Well, isn’t this a surprise? Daniel Reilly, out here writing cheques with his mouth that his backside simply can’t cash. I heard you loud and clear, Reilly. You said, ‘50k won’t matter when you’re champion,’ so I guess 50k matters to you now? Looks like your negotiations aren’t going so well, huh?”

“You see, 50k to me? It doesn’t mean much. In fact, spending 50 thousand just to punch you in the face and watch you whine like a child to management is money well spent!

Acer pauses, pacing the top of the ramp.

“It’s funny, though, isn’t it? You spent most of your rant focused on the referee instead of your actual opponent. And you think your threats are going to scare me? Reilly, you should try stand-up comedy, because you’ve got the jokes down.”

Acers tone changes, becoming very serious as he points at Reilly. “But let me make one thing crystal clear. Next week, I will enforce the rules, and I will call it right down the middle. But I won’t hesitate for a second to put you or Harris back in your place if you step out of line. And Keane, I’ve got my eye on you too. I’ll be watching you like a hawk, and I’ll have no problem eliminating you—not just from ringside, but permanently.”

“So, Reilly, if for once in your life you decide to play by the rules, I’ll have no problem counting one, two, three, and declaring you the winner. But if you test me, just know that the only button you’ll be pressing is the one that’ll end with me knocking your teeth down your throat.”

Acer drops the mic, staring down Reilly, as the crowd erupts with chants of his name.

Reilly smiles up at Acer as he finishes up before turning to Keane and asking if this guy is serious.

DR: Little Acer! How nice it is to see you! The King has to admit he has been a little bit worried about you recently after your loss last week to Revolution!

And so you decide to come out here during Daniel Reilly’s time and talk absolute s*it about money and rules? Acer, give the King a break you little hypocrite! You were the one out here last week moaning as you always do about Oliver Keane and so Daniel Reilly and Oliver Keane tried to do the honourable thing! Allow the King to explain.

After you moaned about the King’s good friend Oliver always getting involved, the King and Keane spoke and decided that it’s best that Keane doesn’t come to the ring with the King to save upsetting you anymore. But of course Keane is a big fan and so he didn’t want to miss out completely so it was decided that he would pay for a ticket so he could watch the action up close! But little Acer, you went and barged yourself into Keane and the King is afraid Keane has a short temper and so he reacted like any normal man would! And so don’t you dare come out here and accuse Oliver Keane of getting in your business when he was just out here trying to enjoy the action!

Keane is laughing as Reilly winks at him before turning his attention once more to Acer.

DR: But how wise of you to come out here and state you will call the King’s match down the middle! What a noble man you are, Acer! Daniel Reilly must say that he is looking forward to giving you a front row seat of the King destroying Scott Harris in one of the King’s last matches here in 6CWF before he departs! But Acer, with apologises, the King and Oliver Keane will have to leave you for now as a grievance needs to be raised to 6CWF management! You see first you laid hands on an innocent woman and then the following week, you laid hands on an innocent fan, let’s just hope your good pal JJ will let you keep your job!

Reilly and Keane laugh up at Acer who doesn’t look impressed.


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6CWF "Night of Champions" Special - Sunday August 4th 2024 (Episode 37) Empty Re: 6CWF "Night of Champions" Special - Sunday August 4th 2024 (Episode 37)

Post by TheCultOfPersonality Mon 29 Jul 2024, 8:20 am

Mike Masters has joined Clarissa for a backstage interview. Masters has on a silver waistcoat with lights on it. You can hear the fans booing as Masters exaggerates his chewing and smirks at the reaction.

C: I am joined at this moment by Mike Masters. Mike, it is fair to say it has been a poor run of form from you as of…

MM: Fair to say? It is fair to say, is it? You really are the dregs of broadcast interviewing, Clarissa. Tell me, who is it you’ve been noshing to keep this job so long?

Clarissa looks scandalised at Masters’ suggestion.

MM: You wouldn’t talk to Liam Wood like that, or precious Geoff Steel or that mutant halfwit Uryu Ishida

Clarissa mumbles something

MM: Don’t be shy, speak up.

C: I said they are actually winning matches so I wouldn’t…

Masters’ face reddens

Masters: Pathetic. You know when I was world champion not only was this company the pinnacle of this business but I was treated with the respect I deserved, you were practically hanging off my nutsack to get one of these interviews.

And now I hit a rough patch and you think you can talk to me like this? Form is temporary, Clarissa, but class is very much permanent and I’ll be proving that very soon. When I’m back on top, I know you prefer backshots Clarissa…

Clarissa is shaking her head now

Masters: I wouldn’t want to look at your face either. But when I’m back on top the whole lot of you backstage dwellers will be clamouring for my interviews and you can go swivel. The revitalisation of my career starts at Brammall Lane on Sunday when I put that disgusting little maggot Brandon Perez in his place. Walking around like the human form of Tindernitis. He’s a plague on this industry just like his partner in grime, the Philipino Pi55ant Percy Percival. Both of them have tested my patience of late and that is not a good position to be in.

I’m taking the win on Sunday and after that my sights are very much set on the so-called “champions” of this company. Because this gorgeous waist (Masters opens up his waistcoat to show his chiselled abs) deserves gold wrapped around it.

Masters shoots Clarissa another look of discontent before he walks out of camera shot, muttering about “amateurs”.


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6CWF "Night of Champions" Special - Sunday August 4th 2024 (Episode 37) Empty Re: 6CWF "Night of Champions" Special - Sunday August 4th 2024 (Episode 37)

Post by acer101 Mon 29 Jul 2024, 11:42 am

DanielReilly wrote:
acer101 wrote:The crowd’s boos turn into thunderous cheers. Acer steps out from behind the curtain, a black and white striped referee shirt draped over his shoulder. With a confident stride, he makes his way to the top of the ramp, tapping the microphone twice to make sure it’s live before he speaks.

“Well, isn’t this a surprise? Daniel Reilly, out here writing cheques with his mouth that his backside simply can’t cash. I heard you loud and clear, Reilly. You said, ‘50k won’t matter when you’re champion,’ so I guess 50k matters to you now? Looks like your negotiations aren’t going so well, huh?”

“You see, 50k to me? It doesn’t mean much. In fact, spending 50 thousand just to punch you in the face and watch you whine like a child to management is money well spent!

Acer pauses, pacing the top of the ramp.

“It’s funny, though, isn’t it? You spent most of your rant focused on the referee instead of your actual opponent. And you think your threats are going to scare me? Reilly, you should try stand-up comedy, because you’ve got the jokes down.”

Acers tone changes, becoming very serious as he points at Reilly. “But let me make one thing crystal clear. Next week, I will enforce the rules, and I will call it right down the middle. But I won’t hesitate for a second to put you or Harris back in your place if you step out of line. And Keane, I’ve got my eye on you too. I’ll be watching you like a hawk, and I’ll have no problem eliminating you—not just from ringside, but permanently.”

“So, Reilly, if for once in your life you decide to play by the rules, I’ll have no problem counting one, two, three, and declaring you the winner. But if you test me, just know that the only button you’ll be pressing is the one that’ll end with me knocking your teeth down your throat.”

Acer drops the mic, staring down Reilly, as the crowd erupts with chants of his name.

Reilly smiles up at Acer as he finishes up before turning to Keane and asking if this guy is serious.

DR: Little Acer! How nice it is to see you! The King has to admit he has been a little bit worried about you recently after your loss last week to Revolution!

And so you decide to come out here during Daniel Reilly’s time and talk absolute s*it about money and rules? Acer, give the King a break you little hypocrite! You were the one out here last week moaning as you always do about Oliver Keane and so Daniel Reilly and Oliver Keane tried to do the honourable thing! Allow the King to explain.

After you moaned about the King’s good friend Oliver always getting involved, the King and Keane spoke and decided that it’s best that Keane doesn’t come to the ring with the King to save upsetting you anymore. But of course Keane is a big fan and so he didn’t want to miss out completely so it was decided that he would pay for a ticket so he could watch the action up close! But little Acer, you went and barged yourself into Keane and the King is afraid Keane has a short temper and so he reacted like any normal man would! And so don’t you dare come out here and accuse Oliver Keane of getting in your business when he was just out here trying to enjoy the action!

Keane is laughing as Reilly winks at him before turning his attention once more to Acer.

DR: But how wise of you to come out here and state you will call the King’s match down the middle! What a noble man you are, Acer! Daniel Reilly must say that he is looking forward to giving you a front row seat of the King destroying Scott Harris in one of the King’s last matches here in 6CWF before he departs! But Acer, with apologises, the King and Oliver Keane will have to leave you for now as a grievance needs to be raised to 6CWF management! You see first you laid hands on an innocent woman and then the following week, you laid hands on an innocent fan, let’s just hope your good pal JJ will let you keep your job!

Reilly and Keane laugh up at Acer who doesn’t look impressed.

While Reilly and Keane laugh in the ring, Acer picks up the microphone he had previously dropped.

"Reilly, I've got to hand it to you—your storytelling is more convoluted and wishy-washy than the plot of ‘Now You See Me.’ Everyone knows that tale you spun was utter nonsense. Unlike you, I don’t need to hide behind a so-called ticket-buying 'fan' to handle my business.

You talk about doing the 'honorable thing,' but we all know Keane wasn’t just a spectator last week. If he truly wanted a front-row seat, he could’ve watched from the safety of his couch. But that wouldn’t have helped you, would it? You needed him to bail you out. The moment he got involved, he forfeited his rights as a spectator. Yet, you have the audacity to call ME a hypocrite?

As for calling your match down the middle, I always try do what's right, unlike you and your buddy over there. You can spin this however you want, but the truth is, you’re both scared of fair competition. In your mind, I’m beneath you, so you should have no problem squashing me. But let’s face the facts: I’m 1-0 against you in singles competition. You need outside help just to compete with me, and you’re not nearly as good as you think you are.

As for the grievance you’re planning to raise, go ahead. Run along, file your complaints, and enjoy your last few matches, Reilly. Because once I’m done with both of you, you’ll be grieving for your friend there and your career.”

Acer stands firm, staring down Reilly and Keane, before walking to the back.


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6CWF "Night of Champions" Special - Sunday August 4th 2024 (Episode 37) Empty Re: 6CWF "Night of Champions" Special - Sunday August 4th 2024 (Episode 37)

Post by DP Mon 29 Jul 2024, 12:05 pm

Reilly remains stood in the ring when 'Figure it Out' hits and the Sheffield crowd go wild for 'The Sharpshooter'.

Backstage footage shows Harris walking through gorilla when he comes face to face with Acer. The two men stare down for 10 seconds or so but it feels like it is longer due to their intensity.

Harris breaks the stare down and them emerges out on to the stage to a thunderous ovation. He looks down to Reilly in the ring. He heads to the ring, circling it in order to receive a microphone. He slides into the ring and firstly stares down Oliver Keane, who retreats behind Reilly before resting his gaze firmly on the King.

The crowd start chanting 'Needs More Harris' and Harris smirks at Reilly. When the noise dies down, Harris starts to speak.

SH: I might be wrong but I think that sounds more than a fad, don't you, your highness?

The crowd cheers and starts shouting 'Needs more Harris' again. Harris raises a hand to continue speaking and the crowd dies down again.

SH: These people pay their hard earned cash to buy their tickets and their merchandise. If they want to come here and shout 'Needs More Harris', they're more than welcome to.

Let's get one thing straight, I've never craved that, I've never begged for it. These people decided to get behind me and so I'm duty bound to repay their faith and support. And if that means sending your front teeth down your throat with this here knee of mine, then so be it.

See, I'm quite a straight forward character Daniel. In a business that is infested with ego, I'm the man that doesn't have one. Whilst people like you stand there and refer to yourself in the third person, or get Oliver there to whisper those sweet nothings in your ear, I go about business in a different way.

No BS, no false promises. Just pure and simple beatings. That's the stock I trade in.

Call it boring, call it dull, I don't care. I'll make you squeal like a pig and I'll enjoy it. That's what I bring to this business.

By costing me against Logan last week, you've made me your problem. Just like Acer made me his problem too.

As a word of warning, I usually solve my problems.

Harris turns back to the titantron, where Acer was stood.

SH: That goes for you too, Acer. You got a taste of it at Aftermath. Don't think I won't smash my knee into your face again if you try anything in your capacity as referee. You might be a lot of things but I know you're a man of integrity at the core of it.

Don't give me a reason to put you on your a** all over again.

I'm not a man to be messed with, it's on you both now and you'll learn that the hard way.

Harris looks back at Keane and Reilly as the crowd cheer his words.[/b]


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6CWF "Night of Champions" Special - Sunday August 4th 2024 (Episode 37) Empty Re: 6CWF "Night of Champions" Special - Sunday August 4th 2024 (Episode 37)

Post by DanielReilly Mon 29 Jul 2024, 10:56 pm

DP wrote:Reilly remains stood in the ring when 'Figure it Out' hits and the Sheffield crowd go wild for 'The Sharpshooter'.

Backstage footage shows Harris walking through gorilla when he comes face to face with Acer. The two men stare down for 10 seconds or so but it feels like it is longer due to their intensity.

Harris breaks the stare down and them emerges out on to the stage to a thunderous ovation. He looks down to Reilly in the ring. He heads to the ring, circling it in order to receive a microphone. He slides into the ring and firstly stares down Oliver Keane, who retreats behind Reilly before resting his gaze firmly on the King.

The crowd start chanting 'Needs More Harris' and Harris smirks at Reilly. When the noise dies down, Harris starts to speak.

SH: I might be wrong but I think that sounds more than a fad, don't you, your highness?

The crowd cheers and starts shouting 'Needs more Harris' again. Harris raises a hand to continue speaking and the crowd dies down again.

SH: These people pay their hard earned cash to buy their tickets and their merchandise. If they want to come here and shout 'Needs More Harris', they're more than welcome to.

Let's get one thing straight, I've never craved that, I've never begged for it. These people decided to get behind me and so I'm duty bound to repay their faith and support. And if that means sending your front teeth down your throat with this here knee of mine, then so be it.

See, I'm quite a straight forward character Daniel. In a business that is infested with ego, I'm the man that doesn't have one. Whilst people like you stand there and refer to yourself in the third person, or get Oliver there to whisper those sweet nothings in your ear, I go about business in a different way.

No BS, no false promises. Just pure and simple beatings. That's the stock I trade in.

Call it boring, call it dull, I don't care. I'll make you squeal like a pig and I'll enjoy it. That's what I bring to this business.

By costing me against Logan last week, you've made me your problem. Just like Acer made me his problem too.

As a word of warning, I usually solve my problems.

Harris turns back to the titantron, where Acer was stood.

SH: That goes for you too, Acer. You got a taste of it at Aftermath. Don't think I won't smash my knee into your face again if you try anything in your capacity as referee. You might be a lot of things but I know you're a man of integrity at the core of it.

Don't give me a reason to put you on your a** all over again.

I'm not a man to be messed with, it's on you both now and you'll learn that the hard way.

Harris looks back at Keane and Reilly as the crowd cheer his words.[/b]

Daniel Reilly smiles towards Scott Harris as he takes a second to look out towards the fans cheering for Harris.

DR: Scott Harris, the King would normally be a little bit agitated to have someone come out and take up Daniel Reilly's time but with you it is different! The King wanted to look you straight in the eyes and see what all the hype is about! You see, the King is not ignorant, the King is not deaf, he hears these people when your name is mentioned, he sees the reaction videos, he hears the podcasts, the King understands that right now, these fans want to see more Harris! But then you need to step back and realise that these people are from the same place as Geoff Steel and so their IQ isn't quite up there!

Geoff's name draws a cheer before the fans reign boos down on Reilly.

DR: But the King wanted to look you in the eyes and see what is so great about Scott Harris after all this time because the last time you was in a ring with the King, you were lay on your back staring at the sky! And now Scott, as you and the King stand here, the King is still none the wiser as to what all the fuss is about. You have been around for so long and what exactly do you have to show for it? The King on the other hand? He became a legend in this Company at just 18 years old when he became World Champion in a Company that included a prime Dicey Reilly, a prime GazzyD, a prime Geoff Steel, all legends of this Company despite what the King may personally think of them. You see when the doors to this Company reopened, the King didn't need to be here, he had done it all already before the age of 30. But whilst the King came back to add to his legacy, you are still here years later trying to start a legacy! Whilst you were out here chanting 'needs more Harris', the King was out here becoming the longest European Champion in this Company's history!

So don't you dare come out here and try to make threats towards Daniel Reilly. Don't you dare stand across from the King and pretend that you belong on the King's level when all you are is a catchphrase! You see, whilst you have been here a long time, the King has been here since the start and the King has seen thousands of men walk through those doors and the King can count on one hand how many actually had what it takes to become a complete star in this Company. Scott Harris, you are not one of them men! Sure, these fans may cheer your name and the King is not going to question your heart, but that is just two boxes ticked on a checklist that is just too long for you to be able to complete! So sure, stand there and talk your talk but you do not have the capability to knock even one of the King's perfect teeth down his throat!

Reilly and Harris are face to face now as the fans begin to cheer the head to head.

DR: The King wants to be very clear that whilst this may be personal for you, this is nothing more then business for Daniel Reilly. You are merely a small rock in the way of the King on his quest to win the World Title before he walks out them doors in just a short few months!


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6CWF "Night of Champions" Special - Sunday August 4th 2024 (Episode 37) Empty Re: 6CWF "Night of Champions" Special - Sunday August 4th 2024 (Episode 37)

Post by x12x Mon 29 Jul 2024, 10:58 pm

The camera begins to roll and we see The Viper Liam Wood stood in front of a dark brick wall with a serious look on his face. He takes a second to compose his thoughts because taking a deep breath and speaking

Eddy Kent...

Scars And Stripes may have finished weeks ago, the Hour match is in the record books but I know that you can still hear the ticking of that clock...I know that when you see me you can feel the countdown continue...I know that you can see the end in sight...

...when I take it all away from you and 'Daddy' is no longer 6WF world champion...when his hollow record finally comes to an end.

Wood lets a smile cover his face

You can talk about yourself like you're unstoppable but I can see the fear when I look in your eyes and it's obvious... the way you surround yourself with idiots... the way you rely on them to keep your hollow record going... the way you couldn't beat me even with the odds stacked against me.

Wood's smile

It's ironic your little squad are named after a book in the bible though because you are nothing more than a false prophet who believes his own lies...

...the record books will talk about your title reign as if it was an achievement but tell me one time you truly did anything for yourself? Tell me one time you actually earned to call yourself champion...

...without Micheal Sweetwater, Tyler Roth, Rex Adamson and now Miss Jessica, that belt would be around the waist of someone it's my job to right this wrong...and this week, I get another chance.

Wood nods to himself as he speaks one last time

Night Of Champions me and Chris Patricks are going to do everything in our power to ruin your life and I cannot wait for it to happen... listen to that ticking, listen to that count down and believe me when I say...

...your time is running out.

Wood walks off screen as the scene ends.


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6CWF "Night of Champions" Special - Sunday August 4th 2024 (Episode 37) Empty Re: 6CWF "Night of Champions" Special - Sunday August 4th 2024 (Episode 37)

Post by acer101 Tue 30 Jul 2024, 9:59 am

DanielReilly wrote:
DP wrote:Reilly remains stood in the ring when 'Figure it Out' hits and the Sheffield crowd go wild for 'The Sharpshooter'.

Backstage footage shows Harris walking through gorilla when he comes face to face with Acer. The two men stare down for 10 seconds or so but it feels like it is longer due to their intensity.

Harris breaks the stare down and them emerges out on to the stage to a thunderous ovation. He looks down to Reilly in the ring. He heads to the ring, circling it in order to receive a microphone. He slides into the ring and firstly stares down Oliver Keane, who retreats behind Reilly before resting his gaze firmly on the King.

The crowd start chanting 'Needs More Harris' and Harris smirks at Reilly. When the noise dies down, Harris starts to speak.

SH: I might be wrong but I think that sounds more than a fad, don't you, your highness?

The crowd cheers and starts shouting 'Needs more Harris' again. Harris raises a hand to continue speaking and the crowd dies down again.

SH: These people pay their hard earned cash to buy their tickets and their merchandise. If they want to come here and shout 'Needs More Harris', they're more than welcome to.

Let's get one thing straight, I've never craved that, I've never begged for it. These people decided to get behind me and so I'm duty bound to repay their faith and support. And if that means sending your front teeth down your throat with this here knee of mine, then so be it.

See, I'm quite a straight forward character Daniel. In a business that is infested with ego, I'm the man that doesn't have one. Whilst people like you stand there and refer to yourself in the third person, or get Oliver there to whisper those sweet nothings in your ear, I go about business in a different way.

No BS, no false promises. Just pure and simple beatings. That's the stock I trade in.

Call it boring, call it dull, I don't care. I'll make you squeal like a pig and I'll enjoy it. That's what I bring to this business.

By costing me against Logan last week, you've made me your problem. Just like Acer made me his problem too.

As a word of warning, I usually solve my problems.

Harris turns back to the titantron, where Acer was stood.

SH: That goes for you too, Acer. You got a taste of it at Aftermath. Don't think I won't smash my knee into your face again if you try anything in your capacity as referee. You might be a lot of things but I know you're a man of integrity at the core of it.

Don't give me a reason to put you on your a** all over again.

I'm not a man to be messed with, it's on you both now and you'll learn that the hard way.

Harris looks back at Keane and Reilly as the crowd cheer his words.[/b]

Daniel Reilly smiles towards Scott Harris as he takes a second to look out towards the fans cheering for Harris.

DR: Scott Harris, the King would normally be a little bit agitated to have someone come out and take up Daniel Reilly's time but with you it is different! The King wanted to look you straight in the eyes and see what all the hype is about! You see, the King is not ignorant, the King is not deaf, he hears these people when your name is mentioned, he sees the reaction videos, he hears the podcasts, the King understands that right now, these fans want to see more Harris! But then you need to step back and realise that these people are from the same place as Geoff Steel and so their IQ isn't quite up there!

Geoff's name draws a cheer before the fans reign boos down on Reilly.

DR: But the King wanted to look you in the eyes and see what is so great about Scott Harris after all this time because the last time you was in a ring with the King, you were lay on your back staring at the sky! And now Scott, as you and the King stand here, the King is still none the wiser as to what all the fuss is about. You have been around for so long and what exactly do you have to show for it? The King on the other hand? He became a legend in this Company at just 18 years old when he became World Champion in a Company that included a prime Dicey Reilly, a prime GazzyD, a prime Geoff Steel, all legends of this Company despite what the King may personally think of them. You see when the doors to this Company reopened, the King didn't need to be here, he had done it all already before the age of 30. But whilst the King came back to add to his legacy, you are still here years later trying to start a legacy! Whilst you were out here chanting 'needs more Harris', the King was out here becoming the longest European Champion in this Company's history!

So don't you dare come out here and try to make threats towards Daniel Reilly. Don't you dare stand across from the King and pretend that you belong on the King's level when all you are is a catchphrase! You see, whilst you have been here a long time, the King has been here since the start and the King has seen thousands of men walk through those doors and the King can count on one hand how many actually had what it takes to become a complete star in this Company. Scott Harris, you are not one of them men! Sure, these fans may cheer your name and the King is not going to question your heart, but that is just two boxes ticked on a checklist that is just too long for you to be able to complete! So sure, stand there and talk your talk but you do not have the capability to knock even one of the King's perfect teeth down his throat!

Reilly and Harris are face to face now as the fans begin to cheer the head to head.

DR: The King wants to be very clear that whilst this may be personal for you, this is nothing more then business for Daniel Reilly. You are merely a small rock in the way of the King on his quest to win the World Title before he walks out them doors in just a short few months!

The crowd murmurs in confusion as Acer reappears from backstage, seemingly having left just moments before. As he strides toward the ring, he begins to speak. “Against my better judgment, I'm out here again. Co-GM Max Adamson has just informed me that apparently my duties as referee have already begun, and I need to ensure you two don’t start throwing punches.”

Acer climbs the ring steps and enters through the ropes, pointing first at Harris, then at Reilly. “Which is a shame, really, because I’d love to see Harris knee your teeth down your throat, Reilly. Then knee you in the sternum, and finally hit you downstairs so hard it’s a reenactment of the fight scene in *Hot Shots Part Deux*.”

Acer positions himself between the two competitors, staring them down before turning to Reilly. “It’s none of my business, but I did wonder why Harris over there has your ire. But after that exchange just now, I get it. Harris has gotten where he is organically, within the rules, with only the fans behind him. You, on the other hand, have climbed your way up through conniving, lying, cheating, and outside help at every turn. Let’s face it: underneath all your delusional bravado, Harris is everything you wanted to be when you were growing up!”

Acer steps back, making sure both men are in his sight. “I’ve already told you,” he points at Reilly, “but now that Harris is here, I’ll say it again: I will call this match down the middle. Play by the rules, and we’ll have no problems. Overstep or break them, and I’ll go Judge Dredd on you because I am the law! I will referee as I see fit. You piss me off, and that three count for victory becomes a Big E count of five. You piss me off, and I’ll remove the sanctuary of the ropes when you need them most. You so much as look at me the wrong way, and that’s grounds for disqualification.”

Acer steps in front of Harris. “I should be mad at what you did to me at Aftermath. But I’m an understanding man, and I know you owed me one after Scars and Stripes. But make no mistake,” Acer says, speaking through gritted teeth as he pokes Harris in the chest, their faces mere centimeters apart, “you do that again, and I will ****ing bury you where you stand!”

The crowd erupts with ‘oohs’ at those words, and dueling chants of ‘Acer’ and ‘Needs More Harris’ echo deafeningly around the arena.


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6CWF "Night of Champions" Special - Sunday August 4th 2024 (Episode 37) Empty Re: 6CWF "Night of Champions" Special - Sunday August 4th 2024 (Episode 37)

Post by Bentyf1 Tue 30 Jul 2024, 2:01 pm

[We go live to the 32,050 jam packed and buzzing Bramall lane in Sheffield, United Kingdom. The famous old football stadium has been somewhat converted into a stadium fit for wrestlling with a set similar to the outdoor Wrestlemania's with a cover over the ring. The summer sun is beating down in the stadium without a cloud in the sky as the crowd are chanting "6CWF" Over and over again. The first few notes of "Sucession" roar from the sound system as the crowd stand to welcome and acknowledge the greatest 6WF world heavyweight champion of all time with begrudging respect. "Numb" then takes over from sucession as the crowd continue to ferociously react with vigour either booing loudly or chanting "We want Daddy" as three figures saunter out from behind the curtain and onto the makeshit entrance area where a large poison G is adornded onto the titantron just behind. The camera reveals Genesis's rottweiler, Michael Sweetwater, still reeling from the assault from Blue Dragon and Logan Kincade last month as his shoulder and arm are still in a cast. Sweetwater is still suited and booted however in a three piece black armani suit with a poison green tie. Next up is Genesis advisor, Ralph Santos who is looking smug wearing a similar three piece suit like Sweetwater but is more navy than black with the same poison green tie. Santos is also holding the 6WF undisputed world championship for the man in the middle, Eddy Kent. The camera zooms in on our champion as Kent is wearing the official Genesis addidas shoes, Nike black tracksuit bottoms and a new 6CWF black Poopie with poison green wording on it with "Daddys inevitable" etched into the fabric. As the three men stand at the entrance way, soaking in the atmosphere from the crowd the voices of JT and RJ can just about be heard.]

RJ: There they are JT, Genesis and the greatest 6WF world heavyweight champion of all time, a man in god mode and on a run the likes we could very easily never see again.. the daddy of 6CWF Eddy Kent! and of course accompanied by Michael Sweetwater and Ralph Santos... speaking of which, where is Mami? where is Miss Jessica?

JT: I think we have our answer, RJ...Oh my god, you cannot be serious!

[Skipping and giggling from behind the curtain, the vindictive and ruthless Miss Jessica appears as the crowd roar their disapproval at what they see. Jessica is wearing a Sheffield wednesday shirt with Mami in green on the back. She is also wearing a short black skirt and black high heels and a golden necklace, encrusted with diamonds with a G in it's centre. Jessica strides up to Kent, twirling her dark blood red hair and smiles broadly with her pearly white turkey teeth as Kent looks back at her, he nods at her remaining focused. Jessica then snatches the 6WF undisputed world championship from Santos who looks on, mouth a gape as Jessica strides to the ring with a smug smile, the camera switches to Kent and Santos as Santos still looks shocked as Kent shrugs and lets out a slight laugh as the trio then follow Jessica into the ring. Jessica slithers into the ring and points to the owl badge on her Sheffield wednesday shirt before pushing down on the ring rope for Kent only as Santos and Sweetwater look on, bemused at Jessica as Kent purposefully steps into the ring. The four are now fully standing in the ring, Santos is already clutching a microphone for Kent as Kent motions with his finger to Miss Jessica who skips over to him with the 6WF undisputed world championship. Jessica kisses the title, her eyes locked on Kent before presenting Kent the championship, who then raises it into the air as green pyrotechnics rocket around outside the stadium into the afternoon blue sky. A few seconds pass before they stop as a thin green haze slowly enters the stadium as Jessica jumps out and down clapping as Kent slowly lowers his title. Santos hands Kent a microphone who gives Santos the 6WF title to hold as Jessica now is stood next to Sweetwater with her hands behind her back and looking in awe at Kent. The camera zooms in on Kent as numb slowly dies down as largely the crowd are booing while some are chanting "Daddy's home" and "Hello Mami". A focused looking Kent stares around Bramall lane as the hard camera zooms in on him, his hench figure taking up much of the view. Kent spins back around with a snarl and exhales loudly, cricking his neck from side to side as his electric blue eyes look from side to side. Kent raises the microphone to his lips.]

Kent: Sheffield.... DADDY'S HOME!

[The crowd boo ferociously as Jessica jumps up and down in the background clapping as Sweetwater smirks and Santos clutches the 6WF title harder and looks at his friend, Eddy Kent with respect. Kent purses his lips at the reaction as he paces on the spot, twirling the microphone in his hands. Kent stops and rubs his beard for a few seconds before raising the microphone back to his lips.]

Kent: Santos... my friend, my advisor... We are going to start things off a little differently this afternoon aren't we? And by the way Sheffield, this was the main mans idea... I'm going to give Sheffield and the world what they want. I want to hear what the new Mami of Genesis, Miss Jessica has to say right now!

[Jessica points at herself with glee and jumps up and down with excitement as the crowd, despite Jessica wearing a sheffield Wednesday top, somewhat cheer and start "Let's go Mami" while some still loudly boo. Santos gives Jessica another microphone as she giggles and walks behind Kent who is now smirking with his arms folded. Jessica then points at Kent and raises the microphone to her glossy red lips. As the crowds reaction is deafening as she tries to speak, in a very mixed way.]

Jessica: My Daddy... You all saw Sheffield, you all saw how we kicked off this show, the same way we have always kicked off in twenty twenty three and in twenty twenty four... we are putting everybody on notice that this year and the future belongs to the hall of fame group, Genesis! and we are starting on this red hot summer afternoon in Sheffield with facts... Rexy, the son, is our fight for the right champion... Michael Sweetwater is our rottweiler... Ralph Santos is our advisor and the man you see infront of me... He is your daddy and he is my daddy... The greatest 6WF world heavyweight champion of all time... Eddy Kent!

[Jessica rubs Kents broad shoulders as Kent rolls them with a arrogant smile as the crowd continue to largely boo. Jessica jumps up and down and points at Kent mouthing "Daddy always wins" as Kent sniggers. Kent raises the microphone back to his lips as he goes to speak again.]

Kent: Now, Sheffield, I don't know if you tuned in the other week... but I'm pretty sure you all tuned into Scars and Stripes. What do you think happened? well what happened in the hour was when your daddy, the inevitable one... the end game boss, the greatest of all time defeated some of the best 6CWF wrestlers in living memory over in the US of A in the hour match. Some of these names, and you all know how good they are... From Mike Masters, Scott Harris, Percy Percival, Daniel Reilly, Acer and of course Liam Wood. So, Genesis arrives to Proving grounds last week and what happened? well, what happened is the setup to the biggest match this year on Proving Grounds tonight here in Sheffield where Rex Adamson and Eddy Kent face Liam Wood and Chris Patricks in a winner takes all match.

Kent: And Yet, I still see hear the same old comments from you people, the same old whispers on social media about how Genesis is going to explode, Rex is going to betray me, Liam Wood is going to take my title and end the reign and it goes on and on and on... so, your daddy has to sit on that stew on it for week after week because that's something I don't understand because your daddy never loses. It's not in my makeup, it's not in my DNA...Let's go back to the hour, some say I lost? No, Liam Wood lost in the end! look it up, I'm a man of my word and I beat Liam Wood.

Kent: The hour match is done and to be honest with you all, it's all in the past, it's fugazi, fairy dust it's gone in the wind. We are moving forward and looking forward but what is confusing to me is that Liam Wood keeps calling his shot. Why does he keep saying he will beat me and guarentees to take my championship? I can't get my head around it, it confuses me so much. I can't figure it out. I call my shot. I call the shots because the 6CWF daddy always delivers and there's never a problem. But I feel embarassed for Liam Wood and the likes of him, I really do.

Kent: I mean look at me, look at me. I'm like Michael Jordan, Babe Ruth, Muhammad Ali... the list goes on and on. And I look at Liam Wood and I'm confused. It's like he wants to be the daddy of 6CWF? Is that true Liam, you want to be the daddy around here? the inevitable one? Why are you trying to be like me? do you want to do what I do? do you think you can do it better than me in the ring? hear me out guys, in my position at the very, very top you have to be concerned and think about these things. Eyes in the back of your head etc etc why is Liam Wood trying to be like me? does he want to be me? does he think he's fit to hold this company and run with it?

Kent: And I'm sure Liam will say tonight the same thing he's been saying about me, Genesis, Rex, Jessica, sure, great, whatever... I don't care about the likes of Liam Wood. I want the likes of Liam Wood to disappear, go away, leave forever to the little leagues where they belong. But despite that, even now... I respect Liam Wood. I said it before and I'll say it again, i respect Liam Wood and his ambitions. Someone who keeps getting up and refusing to die and accept the order around here... like a coackroach. And I don't want anything bad to happen to Liam Wood.. but day after day and week after week. It's getting very tricky for your daddy and Genesis to resist.

Kent: As the face of 6CWF I don't lie so let me tell another truth.. It's never smooth sailing for your daddy. But as the mami of Genesis said at the start of the show... this is the era of Genesis and your daddy makes it work. Why do you think I'm the greatest 6WF champion of all time? why do you think 6CWF is the one of the most viewed products around the world? because everything I touch turns to greatness. We've put a lot of eyes on this place. And sure, some of the greatest wrestle in this business but none of them, none of them... can hold a candle to me.

Kent:  And who could forget Chris Patricks... Oh boy, Chris Patricks. Hey Patricks, you have a problem with my boy? Rex Adamson isn't just a boy... He is the son. MY SON. Genesis's son and he is going to be running this place when I'm done with it. Patricks... I said it before but you're jealous of Rex. He's relentless, a powerhouse... bit like your friend, the other Adamson. Is Max still your friend, right? But unlinke his uncle, Rexy has it all. Rexy knows his time will come when Daddy says so. Rexy knows what happened to his uncle at Night of Glory and down the years at my hands isn't worth the pain or time. So Rexy knows... Rexy is going places with me and Genesis.

Kent: Sheffield... in this business, there are contenders, there are champions, and then there's Eddy Kent. Genesis and I don't just win, we conquer. I don't just defend; I assert my dominance. This afternoon, I'll walk into this ring, face two challengers hungry for our blood, and Rex and I will emerge victorious, as we have time and time again. Patricks and Wood should know by now, you're not facing an ordinary champion; you're facing the daddy of 6CWF. The greatest of all time.  When the dust settles, remember one thing – everything and I mean everything... championship, this company, they all belong to me. Daddy and Genesis reigns supreme, and this afternoon, in that very ring, my legacy will continue to rise with my son. Because Genesis and I... we are inevitable.

[Numb screeches over the soundsystem as Jessica starts jumping up and down again, and snatches the title from Santos, waving it around Kent before hopping out the ring posing with the title. Santos and Sweetwater follow quickly as Kent stares into the camera with an arrogant smirk. Kent mouths "You know how it ends, Daddy wins" before pointing at his shirt and chuckling evily as the scenes slowly fades away to a quick TeamZoomZoom commercial break.]


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6CWF "Night of Champions" Special - Sunday August 4th 2024 (Episode 37) Empty Re: 6CWF "Night of Champions" Special - Sunday August 4th 2024 (Episode 37)

Post by DP Tue 30 Jul 2024, 2:43 pm

Harris carries on staring down Acer, neither man moving an inch. After a charged few seconds, Harris lifts his microphone to his lips, never breaking contact with the legend stood before him.

SH: Do it... I dare you.

The crowd lap this up and carry on the split between the respective chants until Harris speaks again.

SH: I'm not going anywhere, I'm not backing down. You want to bury me where I stand, I say let's give these people what they want.

The crowd roar at this.

SH: I pity you to a degree though, Acer. It must really eat you up when you're busting your balls so hard to be relevant again, yet you're in the shadow of two people who couldn't really give a toss whilst they're picking up another pay day.

I wouldn't even call it a shadow either, you're dwarfed by a man in JJ Johnson, who has a half an eye on the business at all times and worse than that, The Saint, who is an absolute shadow of what he used to be.

I see it in you, the desire, the passion to carve your path and yet you'll always be the after thought and you know that too. That's the bit that eats you up. You give this talk of calling this thing fairly but I say your own ego gets the better of you because you're so desperate to be the man in your little group.

Harris turns to look at Reilly.

SH: And as for you, 'King'.

I'm more than happy to show you 'what the fuss is about'. In fact, I'd be delighted to step into this ring at Night of Champions and give you an education on what Scott Harris is all about.

You might be correct. I don't have the accolades like you do. My CV doesn't stack up when you put them side by side but let me tell you something. When that bell rings and we go head to head, I'm going to be your worst nightmare.

I don't know how to stop, I don't understand the concept of quitting... I'll just keep coming back at you with hold after hold, move after move... I'll systematically take you apart... And I'll enjoy it.

There's nobody on this roster that has an in ring IQ that matches up to mine, nobody else gets near the arsenal at my disposal and you're the lucky soul who gets to live and breathe that at the next show.

Harris stares down Reilly and moves nose to nose with him.

SH: You strut around this place, calling yourself the King yet you forget that there is only one of us who was actually given that title officially.

Harris smirks at Reilly.

SH: You're staring at the real King of 6CWF... The difference between you and is that I don't need a title like that to feed my ego... You clearly need something like that to try and keep yourself relevant.

Regardless of how the Coalition's third wheel over there calls the match, I'm going to show you up for the pretender that you really are.

Harris lowers the mic and the crowd cheer his words as they chant 'Needs more Harris'.


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6CWF "Night of Champions" Special - Sunday August 4th 2024 (Episode 37) Empty Re: 6CWF "Night of Champions" Special - Sunday August 4th 2024 (Episode 37)

Post by acer101 Tue 30 Jul 2024, 3:34 pm

DP wrote:Harris carries on staring down Acer, neither man moving an inch. After a charged few seconds, Harris lifts his microphone to his lips, never breaking contact with the legend stood before him.

SH: Do it... I dare you.

The crowd lap this up and carry on the split between the respective chants until Harris speaks again.

SH: I'm not going anywhere, I'm not backing down. You want to bury me where I stand, I say let's give these people what they want.

The crowd roar at this.

SH: I pity you to a degree though, Acer. It must really eat you up when you're busting your balls so hard to be relevant again, yet you're in the shadow of two people who couldn't really give a toss whilst they're picking up another pay day.

I wouldn't even call it a shadow either, you're dwarfed by a man in JJ Johnson, who has a half an eye on the business at all times and worse than that, The Saint, who is an absolute shadow of what he used to be.

I see it in you, the desire, the passion to carve your path and yet you'll always be the after thought and you know that too. That's the bit that eats you up. You give this talk of calling this thing fairly but I say your own ego gets the better of you because you're so desperate to be the man in your little group.

Harris turns to look at Reilly.

SH: And as for you, 'King'.

I'm more than happy to show you 'what the fuss is about'. In fact, I'd be delighted to step into this ring at Night of Champions and give you an education on what Scott Harris is all about.

You might be correct. I don't have the accolades like you do. My CV doesn't stack up when you put them side by side but let me tell you something. When that bell rings and we go head to head, I'm going to be your worst nightmare.

I don't know how to stop, I don't understand the concept of quitting... I'll just keep coming back at you with hold after hold, move after move... I'll systematically take you apart... And I'll enjoy it.

There's nobody on this roster that has an in ring IQ that matches up to mine, nobody else gets near the arsenal at my disposal and you're the lucky soul who gets to live and breathe that at the next show.

Harris stares down Reilly and moves nose to nose with him.

SH: You strut around this place, calling yourself the King yet you forget that there is only one of us who was actually given that title officially.

Harris smirks at Reilly.

SH: You're staring at the real King of 6CWF... The difference between you and is that I don't need a title like that to feed my ego... You clearly need something like that to try and keep yourself relevant.

Regardless of how the Coalition's third wheel over there calls the match, I'm going to show you up for the pretender that you really are.

Harris lowers the mic and the crowd cheer his words as they chant 'Needs more Harris'.

Acer’s voice slices through the “Needs More Harris” chants, silencing the crowd. “Isn’t it ironic, SH, that you’re talking about ‘IQ’ and ‘systematically taking him’”—Acer points directly at Reilly—“‘apart’ when you can’t even muster the emotional intelligence to realise that coming at me is a bad idea? I don’t need you, but you desperately need me to be impartial on Sunday. A loss for you pushes you further down the line, just like a loss for Reilly brings him one step closer to the door.”

He pauses, letting the tension hang in the air. “It’s hilarious how much you assume about what drives me, when you don’t know me at all. Underestimate me at your peril if you think I’m living in someone else’s shadow. I’m here to make an impact and carve out my own legacy. JJ and The Saint have their stories—and I respect that our paths will be forever intertwined—but they don’t define me, and they never will.”

“If you think I’m just an afterthought, you’re in for a surprise. My passion and desire are my strengths, fueling my journey every step of the way. While you’re busy boasting about your fight IQ and refusing to quit, I’m already strategising how I’m going to put it to the test when we finally face off. And when that day happens I’ll expose you for what you truly are: just another pretender with an over-inflated ego.”

He smirks, nodding toward the crowd. “You call yourself the ‘real King,’ yet you have the audacity to talk about my ego. I don’t need a delusional nickname to feel secure in myself, and I certainly don’t need validation from you or anyone else. It’s results that matter, and since my return, I’m undefeated in singles competition. I’m just getting started.”

Acer steps through the ropes standing on the ring apron, turning to Harris in the ring. “You talk about relevance. Keep watching. I’m on my way to the World Championship, and your legacy and future relevancy will be simply —‘beaten by a future World Champion.’”

With that, Acer drops off the ring apron and strides up the ramp, leaving an electrified audience behind.


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6CWF "Night of Champions" Special - Sunday August 4th 2024 (Episode 37) Empty Re: 6CWF "Night of Champions" Special - Sunday August 4th 2024 (Episode 37)

Post by gazzyD Tue 30 Jul 2024, 4:19 pm

Steel wrote:We open at the announce desk in an arena, RJ and JT are already in the process of hyping up the upcoming Night of Champions event.

RJ: Almost every championship is on the line its sure to be a special occasion not to be missed, a stacked card worthy of a night of Glory or Born in Fire which could easily change the landscape of 6CWF.

JT: It cannot come around soon enough; the residents of Sheffield are sure in for treat and anybody else who makes the commute from the surrounding areas.

RJ: If you can’t be there live though do not forget you can tune in on Amazon Prime as normal to witness the spectacle.

The commentary pair are then interrupted as “Last Resort” sounds out across the arena, there is a mad scramble from the crowd as they all jump to their feet and give a rousing reception.
The Xtreme champion steps out from behind the curtain in his ring attire, the title sits proudly on his shoulder, he salutes the crowd to a further adulation before lifting the title above his head.

RJ: You think the crowd is loud tonight JT just you wait till Night of Champions, you can guarantee that roof will be blown off when the partisan crowd get to welcome home one of their own.

JT: Jimmy Phillips task was already going to be a difficult one dethroning the champ, add to that the hostile reception he is now likely to receive, you will be hard pushed to come across a person in the arena that will want to see him achieve his goal.

Steel is now at ringside he signs a few items for fans, before making his way to the steps, picking up a microphone and stepping through the ropes. He climbs each of the turnbuckles showing his appreciation to every sector in attendance, before taking his place in the centre of the ring lifting the microphone to his mouth as his music fades.

GS:  So, tell me who had the money on Jimmy Phillips being the guy to take the next shot, who imagined this into existence, who asked for this? I can’t be mad at him taking his shot, as a champion in this company you are there to be hunted, everybody wants their pound of flesh. What annoys me most is the timing, he had all night to take that shot I wasn’t hiding backstage its not in my character, instead he choose to interrupt during a match all of you have been waiting for the best part of two decades but ive dreamed of myself and finally everything aligned and the opportunity presented itself. The match did not deserve to end that way, it required a definitive answer not an ambiguous what could have been. It’s not an if, it’s a when one day Dicey we will revisit this match and share this ring and give these fans the ending they deserve.

Steel begins to pace and sighs.

GS: The great excuse Jimmy Phillips had for his intervention, the same old tiresome reason I’ve heard all too much this past year, he’s here to save 6CWF from mediocrity, he’s had enough of seeing those he deems less worthy stealing airtime he feels he deserves, Geoff Steel is an old timer just chasing one last payday, yada yada yada you can fill in the rest of the blanks yourself. Id respect him more if he approached me as a man, approached me with courtesy and made his intentions to challenge for the title clear, I’m a fighting champ id have given him the shot I have no qualms defending this against anybody with aspirations to lead the Xtreme division.

RJ: Steel best be careful if he’s declaring it that easy to gain a shot at that championship the queue in the back will already be forming.

Steel then stops pacing and look directly into one of the cameras.

GS: Marty . . ...

Steel pauses and then smirks before regaining focus.

GS: Sorry I mean Jimmy, forgive me my transgression but this all just feels so familiar a Freudian slip. I carry this championship because I’ve earned it, I overcame my troubles of the past year to finally carry gold one more time, no shortcuts, no leg ups, all off my own back. I’m out here and I’m ready listen to the valid reasons you believe you deserve to be champion and not just the next villain of the week who I put in their place then move on from. I was intrigued so I looked you up, I’ve agreed to give you this match so it’s only right I do my research and what did I find, wrestling isn’t even your true passion you failed at pursuing a career in that Americas version of rugby for those that cant take a real hit without wearing pads. What happens Jimmy when wrestling doesn’t work out the way you wanted? what’s backup career number three is there even a fallback? When we meet at Night of Champions in my hometown of Sheffield England as if I needed any other motivation, let me give you a real taste of reality and deliver a few home truths by carrying on the trend as of late, making you tap out of pain with you quitting of your own volition, given your past it should come easy enough for you.

Steel then climbs one of the turnbuckles near the entrance ramp and lifts the title above his head to more cheers from the crowd. RJ and JT continue to plug the upcoming event as the camera remains focused on Steel.

As Geoff Steel is taking in the reception of his home people, the cheers turn to boos as Jimmy's voice is heard over the arena PA system

JP: Geoff.......yo Geoff

Steel looks around the crowd for the source of the voice

JP: Up here Geoff

The boos grow louder as the image of The Talent appears on the big screen. Steel jumps down off the turnbuckle and lays his title on the mat and motions for Phillips to come to the ring

JP: Woah now, not so fast, not so fast. You really think I'm gonna come down to the ring and duke it out with you for free? You really think that The Talent......Jimmy Phillips would reduce himself to getting involved in a brawl when he's not bound by his contract, his rather lucrative contract might I add. That's not how I roll. Besides I'm not even there tonight, ain't no way I was going to spend an extra day in Sheffield that I didn't need to

This draws nuclear boos from the crowd

JP: Now I know you're ticked off after what I did at Aftermath and Geoff, let me be the first to say from the bottom of my heart, I'm sorry

Geoff looks confused but the crowd aren't buying and continue to boo

JP: I'm sorry that at Aftermath I only clotheslined and touchdowned your ass and I didn't put you out of commission for good. But then, where would be the fun of that? It would have been too easy for me to have left you a crippled mess there and then, and contrary to what I've been reading on X this week, I ain't that big a coward. The Talent isn't a man who will sneak up and blindside somebody just to take them out, send a message sure, remind the people watching of who I am definitely, but never to take somebody out completely. That is however what I plan to do at Night of Champions, put you on the shelf and end this sad act that you've become

Geoff Steel used to challenge for World titles, now I see you've lowered your standards holding that third rate strap you carry over your shoulder. Now I know that sounds crazy because I have a shot at said third rate title, but thats the difference between me and you, when that belt is wrapped around my waist (the camera pans out and Phillips brushes at his 'chiselled from stone' physique) I'll elevate it to places the Xtreme division has never been. So take this time amongst your people, soak it in one final time, because on Sunday its the hometown hero, the king of Xtreme......the old B1tch, Geoff Steel against The Talent Jimmy Phillips and I'm gonna put the old b!tch down

Jimmy rips the mic off his hoody but can be heard one final time as he gets up and exits the shot

JP: Where the f*ck is Sheffield anyway?


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6CWF "Night of Champions" Special - Sunday August 4th 2024 (Episode 37) Empty Re: 6CWF "Night of Champions" Special - Sunday August 4th 2024 (Episode 37)

Post by DanielReilly Tue 30 Jul 2024, 8:59 pm

Reilly watches as Acer walks off before turning to Harris with a smile on his face.

DR: Well, well, well, Scotty you’ve really gone and put little Acer in a bad mood now! And the King thought it was only him and good old JJ Johnson who could rile up Acer!

Keane is laughing as Reilly pauses to take a look at his watch.

DR: Well Scott, the King can see that it looks like the time for talking appears to be up! But despite what you may want, Daniel Reilly is not going to fight you now, the King has patience and the King will wait until our match before he shows you up for the fad that you are!

As they say, talk is cheap and the King is going to prove that he is not all just mouth! You can walk around here claiming you are the real King but Daniel Reilly sees no gold in your past to justify being anything but a jester!

And as for that delusional fool who’s just left the King’s ring? Scotty, the King has to be honest, he is starting to get a little bit worried about that man! Maybe Daniel Reilly dropped him on his head just a little too hard this week because he genuinely thinks that the King would rather be over with these people then have the career that Daniel Reilly has achieved? Pathetic.

See you next week, Sharpshooter!

Reilly blows a kiss towards Harris before smirking as he and Keane exit the ring leaving Harris to look on. Harris appears to be ready to get the fight started but Reilly begins to slowly walk up the ramp telling Harris ‘not yet, but soon’.


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6CWF "Night of Champions" Special - Sunday August 4th 2024 (Episode 37) Empty Re: 6CWF "Night of Champions" Special - Sunday August 4th 2024 (Episode 37)

Post by Lee Tue 30 Jul 2024, 10:46 pm


JJ stands in the ring with a look of surprise on his face as Edgecrusher by Fear Factory blasts out into the packed out arena to a mixed reaction from the fans.

JT: Talking of hunters...

RJ: This has the potential to go very badly

JT: I can't wait

Logan Kincade strides out onto the ramp as flames engulf the stage around him.

He walks down to the ring ignoring the fans as they hold out their hands, he circles the ring all the while never taking his eye off JJ Johnson.

Logan grabs a mic aggressively off the desk and climbs the stairs and slowly enters the ring.

The two men soak up the energy from the crowd who are itching to see a fight

RJ: Listen to this crowd! The fans really want to see these two men throw hands!

JT: They're not the only ones!

Logan still hasn't taken his eyes off JJ as he brings the mic to his lips.

LK: I hate you

JJ laughs at Logan which Logan tries not to react to but a small twitch of anger creeps out.

LK: Look JJ, don't get me wrong, I hate everyone. But I really, really, hate you.

Logan lowers the mic in frustration as the crowd boo before a chorus of "JJ! JJ! JJ! JJ!.." fills the arena. As it doesn't really subside fast enough for his liking Logan begins to shout over them.

LK: I hate the idea of you, this idea that JJ Johnson is the greatest of all time... The only reason people think you're great, is because I wasn't around to show them that you aren't.

Logan starts walking around JJ

LK: Don't get me wrong, you're good, maybe even very good....but the greatest? No.

LK: I'm back to show you what greatness looks like, I'm back to restore some kind of respect to a company rotten to the core.

It started when I kicked the stupid out of Gazzy, it continued when Junior won the world title and put an end to the Plague Family nonsense once and for all.... the next step? Fix the tag team division.

And that means dealing with the Coalition. Which, unfortunately, means having to deal with you....But here we are.

JJ is clearly amused by Logan's words which is only adding to Logan's irritation.

LK: See, that's you all over isn't it? You laugh, you'll call me some stupid nonsense name and then these idiots will lap it up.
And then some halfwit online will clip it and the unwashed masses will find that hilarious and believe the hype and then it's rinse and repeat and frankly I'm sick of it.

Logan gets closer to JJ who looks ready to swing if need be.

LK: I want to believe you're better than that, but I don't think I do. Frankly JJ you've been riding the wave of hype for so long that I don't really think that YOU believe it anymore do you?

Logan laughs as he turns his back on JJ and looks at the camera with a smirk.

LK: So I heard your little declaration... All roads go through you? JJ Johnson leads to immortality? Is that so...well me and Junior will be happy to blaze down that road leaving nothing but ashes, and we're more than ready to become immortal at Night Of Champions...

Logan lowers the mic with a wide smile across his face as the crowd chant for JJ Johnson...


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6CWF "Night of Champions" Special - Sunday August 4th 2024 (Episode 37) Empty Re: 6CWF "Night of Champions" Special - Sunday August 4th 2024 (Episode 37)

Post by President Trump Wed 31 Jul 2024, 12:21 pm

Chris Patricks is sitting in a studio across is RJ shuffling through some papers. The cameraman gives the rolling signal

RJ: Hi everybody to a sit-down interview with the one and only, The Enigma himself Christopher Patricks

CP: Thanks RJ, great to be here.

RJ: So Chris let’s start with this week’s show, Night of Champions. You are once again teaming with Liam Wood and this time going up against two men that you know very well these days, the 6WF Champ, Ed Kent and the FftR holder, Rex Adamson, Genesis if you will. Now there is a big stipulation in this match that could possible see you walk out as either champ or briefcase holder

CP: There is a lot on the line this week for all of us. I was sent snippets of VIP Productions little podcast online all week. Just parts about the up and coming match and the title scene and it is glaringly obvious that I am not in the picture or even thought of by the powers that be. The same guys that pat me on the back backstage when I crawl out of the ring after giving my body and blood for their ratings. I have been an underdog ever since I joined 6WF back in the day. Even when I was champion I was expected to lose every title defense but I kept fighting and winning and that’s what I have done since my return.

I came back here to help a friend and to right some wrongs. I helped Max realise what was needed to be done to take down not only Rex but Genesis as well. Did that happen? Not 100% but I am still fighting the fight while Max is now management

RJ: Do you hold any resentment towards Max

CP: No why would I, let’s be honest his heart wasn’t totally in it, he had a personal stake in all of it, Rex is family so Max was never going to destroy his career that’s why I was brought in to help. I don’t blame Max at all I would be the same if it was my son in the same situation, blood is thicker than water.

RJ: Is that way you have been talking to Andrews

CP: In a way yes, Andrews doesn’t need to second guess what I tell him what I am going to do, in a way he thrives in it. Contrary to what Rex thinks I am not in Andrews’s ear, I am not stacking the deck against him. Come on how is now outside interference stacking the deck? Sure between me and Wood there was no one left to interfere well until the walking STD, Jessica showed up but that is Woods problem at the moment.

RJ: And what’s your thoughts on Liam Wood getting in the mix now

CP: You know what, I like Woods, he is no nonsense and does what needs to be done and just like me he was screwed at Stars and Stripes. He should have that title around his waist and I should be sitting here with the briefcase and this whole conversation should be about me cashing in but it isn’t because VIP Productions haven’t got a clue what is going on with their officials or just don’t care because Genesis make money.

I know I probably sound like Daniel Reilly in his tinfoil hat but look at the matches, it’s all there see? I am baffled

RJ: What do you think the outcome will be at Night of Champions?

CP: You have to go for the Gold RJ, I will be doing my best to walk out there with something, the 6WF title, the briefcase or Rex's head. The way I see it is Kent doesn’t want that briefcase anywhere near him or his title and you couldn’t blame him. He could be taking a dump and Rex could be outside the door with a ref ready to cash in. He will want one of us to win it off Rex. You can plan against an opponent but not against your chosen “Son” a guy that knows your routine, your strength, and your weaknesses. It’s a no brainer

RJ: Do you really think Ed Kent will somehow screw his partner and fellow Genesis member out of the Fight for the Right case?

CP: Accidents happen all the time RJ, but if I get my chance I am telling you it won’t be no accident. At Night of Champions the landscape of this company will change and I will be standing in the centre of the ring ushering it in. Thanks for the interview but I need to be somewhere

RJ: Thanks for joining me Chris and good luck

Chris shakes RJ’s hand, removes his mic and walks off camera

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6CWF "Night of Champions" Special - Sunday August 4th 2024 (Episode 37) Empty Re: 6CWF "Night of Champions" Special - Sunday August 4th 2024 (Episode 37)

Post by Marky Wed 31 Jul 2024, 3:54 pm

President Trump wrote:Chris Patricks is sitting in a studio across is RJ shuffling through some papers. The cameraman gives the rolling signal

RJ: Hi everybody to a sit-down interview with the one and only, The Enigma himself Christopher Patricks

CP: Thanks RJ, great to be here.

RJ: So Chris let’s start with this week’s show, Night of Champions. You are once again teaming with Liam Wood and this time going up against two men that you know very well these days, the 6WF Champ, Ed Kent and the FftR holder, Rex Adamson, Genesis if you will. Now there is a big stipulation in this match that could possible see you walk out as either champ or briefcase holder

CP: There is a lot on the line this week for all of us. I was sent snippets of VIP Productions little podcast online all week. Just parts about the up and coming match and the title scene and it is glaringly obvious that I am not in the picture or even thought of by the powers that be. The same guys that pat me on the back backstage when I crawl out of the ring after giving my body and blood for their ratings. I have been an underdog ever since I joined 6WF back in the day. Even when I was champion I was expected to lose every title defense but I kept fighting and winning and that’s what I have done since my return.

I came back here to help a friend and to right some wrongs. I helped Max realise what was needed to be done to take down not only Rex but Genesis as well. Did that happen? Not 100% but I am still fighting the fight while Max is now management

RJ: Do you hold any resentment towards Max

CP: No why would I, let’s be honest his heart wasn’t totally in it, he had a personal stake in all of it, Rex is family so Max was never going to destroy his career that’s why I was brought in to help. I don’t blame Max at all I would be the same if it was my son in the same situation, blood is thicker than water.

RJ: Is that way you have been talking to Andrews

CP: In a way yes, Andrews doesn’t need to second guess what I tell him what I am going to do, in a way he thrives in it. Contrary to what Rex thinks I am not in Andrews’s ear, I am not stacking the deck against him. Come on how is now outside interference stacking the deck? Sure between me and Wood there was no one left to interfere well until the walking STD, Jessica showed up but that is Woods problem at the moment.

RJ: And what’s your thoughts on Liam Wood getting in the mix now

CP: You know what, I like Woods, he is no nonsense and does what needs to be done and just like me he was screwed at Stars and Stripes. He should have that title around his waist and I should be sitting here with the briefcase and this whole conversation should be about me cashing in but it isn’t because VIP Productions haven’t got a clue what is going on with their officials or just don’t care because Genesis make money.

I know I probably sound like Daniel Reilly in his tinfoil hat but look at the matches, it’s all there see? I am baffled

RJ: What do you think the outcome will be at Night of Champions?

CP: You have to go for the Gold RJ, I will be doing my best to walk out there with something, the 6WF title, the briefcase or Rex's head. The way I see it is Kent doesn’t want that briefcase anywhere near him or his title and you couldn’t blame him. He could be taking a dump and Rex could be outside the door with a ref ready to cash in. He will want one of us to win it off Rex. You can plan against an opponent but not against your chosen “Son” a guy that knows your routine, your strength, and your weaknesses. It’s a no brainer

RJ: Do you really think Ed Kent will somehow screw his partner and fellow Genesis member out of the Fight for the Right case?

CP: Accidents happen all the time RJ, but if I get my chance I am telling you it won’t be no accident. At Night of Champions the landscape of this company will change and I will be standing in the centre of the ring ushering it in. Thanks for the interview but I need to be somewhere

RJ: Thanks for joining me Chris and good luck

Chris shakes RJ’s hand, removes his mic and walks off camera

The camera cuts to show Rex Adamson watching Chris Patricks' interview intently. He is wearing his Adidas x Genesis tracksuit, and is clutching his Fight for the Right briefcase close to his chest, almost cuddling it. He doesn't break his glare at the screen even after the screen has cut to just show the 6CWF logo, until Tim Allen approaches the Genesis youngster.

TA: Rex, strong words from Chris Patricks there. Ahead of a monumental main event, where you and Eddy Kent defend the 6WF World Championship and that Fight for the Right briefcase, against Chris Patricks and Liam Wood, what is going through your mind, bearing in mind the ramifications?

Rex takes a deep breath through his nose, and exhales, clearly stressed out by the situation

Rex: Eddy Kent, is going through a war with Liam Wood regarding the 6WF World Heavyweight Championship, Kent is now dealing with an infatuation with Miss Jessica, the "Mami and Daddy" of Genesis, while Tyler Roth is still in recovery alongside Michael Sweetwater, Eddy seems to have moved on a little too quickly for my liking. Liam Wood, whose cowardly attack is the reason Tyler isn't here, is fully at war with Eddy, and you want to know what's going through my mind.

Rex finally breaks his glare at the screen to look into the eyes of Tim Allen

Rex: Chris Patricks is on a war of his own, to take this Fight for the Right briefcase away from me, despite the fact I won this fair and square in a sixteen man tournament. Patricks couldn't get the job done despite stacking the deck, and despite what he literally just said on that television, he's a liar, he absolutely got the match changed to a ladder match because he can't beat me, AND STILL COULDN'T BEAT ME. He then manages to get another shot, in this farce of a tag team match, again to try and steal a prize I won in a tournament away from me... And you ask, what's going through my mind.

Rex crouches down, letting the Fight for the Right briefcase away from his chest, and he places it next to him on the floor

Rex: Thing is Tim... This is probably the first time since joining Genesis, that I don't have all of the answers.

Rex shakes his head and looks at the floor

Rex: We're coming up to eighteen months of me being in 6CWF. And in that time, I have been handed NOTHING. Lets recap, shall we Tim?

Rex stands back up, leaving the briefcase on the floor as he sighs

Rex: I was entered into the Freshers Ball match, to win a secondary title opportunity. I won that, and then I used that to win the Key to the Kingdom Championship. Remember that? JJ Johnson might want everyone to forget that even existed, but it was definitely a thing. I won that, and I used that to get myself a match against Uryu Ishida for the 6CW World Heavyweight Championship. Only that was ruined by Jerome Dubois causing a DQ. So I f*cked him up, and then I beat the legendary Max Adamson at Born in Fire, and then I joined Genesis.

Rex is getting more and more passionate as he talks

Rex: I competed in War Games, I then won a sixteen man tournament to win the Fight for the Right Briefcase, which I have been forced to defend in a Ladder match against an all time great high flyer. I have been in 6CWF for approaching eighteen months. In that time, I have defeated numerous former World Champions. I earned the moniker "Champ Slayer". And over these eighteen months... I have never been pinned or made to submit...

Rex looks at his Fight for the Right briefcase before continuing

Rex: ...And over these eighteen months, I have been given, exactly ZERO World Title opportunities. Zero. The one I had, I earned myself using the Key to the Kingdom. And when that was ruined, I was never given another one. Since the turn of the year, we've had people like Acer, Mike Masters... Even Percy f*cking Percival... Return to this company, and be given a spot in The Hour, which means that since I debuted here last year, and went on an eighteen month unbeaten run... Percy Percival has been given more World Championship matches by management than Rex Adamson.

Rex shakes his head in disbelief

Rex: And don't think this is an attack on old Percy, I've nothing against the guy. But it is a prime example of the systematic abuse of power, perpetrated firstly by JJ Johnson, and continued by Max Adamson and Damien Andrews. Liam Wood has the audacity to call out the management because he got screwed out of an opportunity... Rex Adamson isn't even given opportunities.

Rex picks up the Fight for the Right briefcase

Rex: And that's why this briefcase... This means everything to me. The management don't want to give me an opportunity to become World Champion. That's fine. Chris Patricks thinks he deserves this more than me... Last time I checked, he had a World Championship match at Night of Glory, and he couldn't get the job done. This briefcase represents what 6CWF Management don't want me to have... The chance to become World Champion. And the last time I had an opportunity, that I created myself, I was screwed out of it. Management never gave me my rematch for the 6CW World Championship. So I have to be one hundred percent certain when I cash this in, because I'm not going through this again...

Rex looks back at Tim

Rex: So if Liam Wood or Chris Patricks want to take this from me... I'm fully ready to go to war. This means more to me than it could ever mean to either of them.

TA: Does that mean you're going to be more focused on keeping your briefcase than helping Eddy Kent keep the 6WF World Championship?

Rex smirks at Tim

Rex: Thing is, if either Eddy or I beat either of Patricks or Wood, we both win. The real question is Tim... Do you think either Patricks or Wood are going to stand aside and let the other guy win what they desire? Because I don't.

Rex grins as he goes to walk away

Rex: Think about it Tim. They can't both win...

Rex walks away as Tim nods in acknowledgment


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6CWF "Night of Champions" Special - Sunday August 4th 2024 (Episode 37) Empty Re: 6CWF "Night of Champions" Special - Sunday August 4th 2024 (Episode 37)

Post by Uryu Ishida Wed 31 Jul 2024, 5:36 pm

Uryu is sitting on a chair in GazzyD's locker room as he looks around and starts to talk.

UI: You think back through all the stuff that happened? You know...the stuff with Christy, Ethan Shaw, Me, You, ever wonder what the other person is going through? Like...not just their motivations they ended up getting there? And what happens afterwards?

???: careful about this, He's likely still hurting.

UI: You think they just...dust it off? Water off a ducks back kinda thing? I mean, I know Christy and me know...but thats the past and I'm not gonna even attempt to go beyond friend with her out of respect for you both. I did something stupid, Got caught and apologised. Yeah she rejected me but the action...still feel kinda bad about doing it...even if back then I thought I had a reason to. You think everything that happened to me after atonement?

???: Uryu quit pressing this's obviously going to hurt you both!

UI: Yeah, I get it we are on different pages but have travelled similar paths. I have tried my best to get my hands on him over and over yet all I managed to do when I get him was miss...Every time I think he's gone he just comes back stronger!

Uryu stands up and throws he chair at the wall.

???: Jesus Uryu cool it will ya!!

UI: You think he's not gone away for good either!

Uryu sighs and stares at the chair for a few seconds before he up again, sitting on it.

???: Just tell him already...

UI: The fans...are one step to getting you out of this hole you are in. They support and help you but only up until a point. I...I've been at that point, Trying my best to get past it by reading the tweets, Emails and even the odd letter I still get. The only time I felt I made progress...was trying to help you. You came to me...asking for help when...honestly I need yours just as bad...maybe more so. It might be selfish've seen the run I'm on. I'm...struggling. If he comes back he's gonna eat me alive and he knows it. I...I can put on a brave face but it's all I can do right now. I can be my best but...right now a brave face in the ring feels like my best...

Uryu slumps forward looking at the floor, his body shaking slightly.

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6CWF "Night of Champions" Special - Sunday August 4th 2024 (Episode 37) Empty Re: 6CWF "Night of Champions" Special - Sunday August 4th 2024 (Episode 37)

Post by Perfect Jack Thu 01 Aug 2024, 12:26 pm

Perfect Jack is walking around frantically backstage with an action figure in his hand, it isn't clear which figure he has when RJ cautiously approaches him for an interview.

RJ: Perfect Jack could I have a moment of your time please?

Perfect Jack instantly stops and stares at RJ:

PJ: Speak

RJ stutters as he begins to speak.

RJ: Last week at Aftermath you had a small interaction with European Champion Dicey Reilly, a man you have a lot of history with.

PJ: History? The only history that man has is a history of abandoning his friends. Just like the rest he left me to suffer alone.

RJ: He has an open challenge at Night of Champions special event, will you be answering that open challenge?

PJ: I don't answer to anyone. But I do answer to cowards who abandon their friends and hide themselves away in pubs across the country. Give me that microphone and get away from me.

Perfect Jack snatches the mic from RJ who scurries away.

PJ: Dicey Reilly, your time will come. Just like everyone else's. Everyone saw what I did to Uryu Ishida and everyone will see what I do to you.

Perfect Jack raises the action figure to the camera which reveals it is one of Dicey Reilly. Jack bites the head off it and spits it onto the ground. The camera zooms in on the head of Dicey Reilly and fades to black.

Perfect Jack

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6CWF "Night of Champions" Special - Sunday August 4th 2024 (Episode 37) Empty Re: 6CWF "Night of Champions" Special - Sunday August 4th 2024 (Episode 37)

Post by BlueDragon1205 Sun 04 Aug 2024, 7:53 pm

As Logan and JJ are face to face in the ring, almost nose to nose the lights dim and JJ smiles, Logan takes a deep breath, fighting back frustration as 'Bodies' hits and out swaggers Blue Dragon..

Logan takes a step back from JJ and he walks towards the corner of the ring as Blue Dragon walks down the ramp. He fist bumps a kid who has their hand out and almost breaks the kids hand. Logan can't help but smile as he sees the pain the kid is in. As Blue Dragon walks up the steps and gets into the ring. He asks for a mic and is thrown one by a stagehand before he nods at Logan and steps towards JJ...

Finally Jay, finally I get to meet you in this ring. With gold on the line... 

He pats JJs tag championship as Johnson looks at his hand with disgust.

You and Saint have no f*cking idea what your in for do you? I'm in the back, getting the deserved praise for finally getting my hands back on a world title. I walk past a monitor and I hear you and Logan out here. I hear you talking sh*t about me, about Damien Andrews and about Logan here.. well I'm out here to clear the air, since your all about throwing truth around JJ, since you want to tell this 'How they is'

Blue Dragon mocks JJ in quite an accurate impression..

Lemme tell ya something Playa'! I'm bout done wit diss GM thing, Am bouda book myself into a tag title spot Playa!!

JJ breaks slightly and smirk crosses his face for a second..

But the truth here Jay, the truth is that your not the man you used to be. Once upon a time you could rule over this place with an iron fist. Once upon a time, your ego was justified, now it's just boring....

Logan steps forwards slightly and places a hand on BDs shoulder as he talks. The camera zooming in to see their faces all three men quite close now.

You want us to keep our noses out of your business, when you come out here every week and you spout your usual b*llocks about half the roster, don't you see your only making life harder for yourself. Your making enemies of people that you really should be trying to build bridges with. Logan is the most dangerous man in 6CWF, there's no denying that after what he done to Gazzy at Scars and Stripes, there's no way that man will never be the same again. And me? I'm the new 6CW World Champion and I'm hungry for more. You joke about us growing up locked up, like it's some sort of tragic backstory, when in reality, it made us the man we are today, the men about to embarrass you and Saint, Logan's right, you say all roads lead through you, he's willing to go through you...

I don't agree..

Logan glares at BD, he smiles knowing that Logan is looking..

By the time he gets in the ring as Night of Champions, there won't be anything left of you to go through. He will have to pick up the scraps, or should I just call him Saint? The road to the top doesn't even meet you JJ, the road the top .. 

Well that leads straight to me....

Dragon smiles as JJ smirks back at him, JJ looks at Dragons shoulder as the camera Zooms out and we see it's not his shoulder that Logan has his hand on, its the 6CW World Championship as the camera fades to black ...

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6CWF "Night of Champions" Special - Sunday August 4th 2024 (Episode 37) Empty Re: 6CWF "Night of Champions" Special - Sunday August 4th 2024 (Episode 37)

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