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6CWF Presents "Night of Champions" Results - 4th August 2024

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6CWF Presents "Night of Champions" Results - 4th August 2024 Empty 6CWF Presents "Night of Champions" Results - 4th August 2024

Post by JJJohnson Mon Aug 05, 2024 7:56 am

*The show goes live on air from a packed out Bramall Lane. The sun is beating down on the crowd and ringside area as the commentators welcome to our unique venue. The crowd are making so much noise as we are shown clips from throughout the morning and early afternoon with the talent arriving. We see Rex Adamson, Eddy Kent and Miss Jessica arriving on the "Genesis Express" before Liam Wood is shown entering the stadium with Emmy. Chris Patricks arrives alone and the commentators are talking up the monumental main event and everything that will be on the line. Will we see a new world champion crowned?

*Dicey Reilly receives a huge ovation as he appears on the screens inside the stadium during an interview with Jack Reynolds. Dicey admits he is very much chasing the £1 million on offer from VIP Promotions for 10 title defences but knows that it could all blow up in his face by continuing to take these open challenges. Reynolds asks Dicey if he has a preferred opponent and Dicey says everyone knows he's tired of all the flirting between him and Jack....the world wants to see it and there's a final chapter to be written in this storied feud between two of the best to ever do it.

Perfect Jack walks into shot now (dressed in a tracksuit) and he looks Dicey up and down. Dicey mocks PJ's new "intensity" and says "this mute act is boring as f***".....Dicey shoulders his European belt and tells Jack to come find him out in the ring and find out, once and for all, why he'll never be good enough to lace his boots.

*Damien Andrews and Max Adamson are in the Co-GMs office talking about tonight's show. Max wants to start talking about "Beachfront Brawl" but Andrews says "Let's see how tonight plays out, first.....I have a feeling the landscape might look a little different when this is all over".

Max points to the two boxes in the corner (they look like the ones delivered to JJ Johnson last week) and wants to know "What are we doing about those?".....Andrews looks over at them and replies "How about next week?" to which Max agrees. Andrews tries to push Max on the whole Rex/Patricks saga and which side he is on but Max says "You seem to be handling that situation just fine".....Adamson stands now and leaves on "business" as Andrews smiles and looks around the empty office..."I am handling things, exactly the way I want to".


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6CWF Presents "Night of Champions" Results - 4th August 2024 Empty Re: 6CWF Presents "Night of Champions" Results - 4th August 2024

Post by JJJohnson Mon Aug 05, 2024 7:57 am

Bout 1
European Championship
Open Challenge
Dicey Reilly © vs ???

*The Sheffield crowd are making plenty of noise as we head out to ringside for the opening bout. The Afternoon sun is beating down as Dicey Reilly enters to a monumental ovation. Dicey parades his European Championship and really works the crowd as the commentators talk about how Dicey’s making his seventh defence of the belt he won at Night of Glory and that he is chasing that £1 million prize for 10. Dicey turns to the stage now and he beckons his unannounced opponent to come out and face him.

*The crowd are on their feet as “Perfection” hits the speakers and looks like we are heading for the showdown we have been anticipating for sometime. Dicey is smiling as Perfect Jack walks out on the stage now, his dark eyes fully focused on his the champion. The commentators are hyping this up as “pay per view level” and run us through the history of the former tag partners/rivals. Jack is slowly walking to the ring as Dicey takes centre ring. Jack pauses now at the base of the ring and he glares up at Dicey before someone attacks the champion from behind. Stunned expressions all around as Jack clambers over the railings now to take a spot in the front row.

*The crowd are booing as Mike Logan is the surprise opponent. Logan is PJ & Reilly’s former running mate in Revolution and it seems this was all part of an elaborate setup. Logan stomps Dicey against the ropes and then drags him up and goes to work with vicious chops to the chest. The referee is trying to get a handle on proceedings but Logan continues his onslaught as he pummels Dicey in the corner until a count of four breaks them apart.

*Logan drives a shoulder thrust into Dicey’s body and then lifts him onto the ropes. He climbs up as well and nails a headbutt before hooking him in place for a superplex but Dicey battles back with punches to the body and then a suplex of his own to drop Logan frontways onto the canvass below. Dicey readjusts his feet now before he dives off with a shoulder tackle on his challenger. Logan gets back up and swings wildly with a right hand but Dicey avoids and smashes off a blue thunder bomb for a two count. Dicey stands and he stares out at PJ now, who looks back with no trace of emotion on his face.

*Dicey drags Logan up and flips him for a powerbomb but Logan lands out on his feet and nails a snap overhead belly to belly. Dicey gets back up and Logan pulls him into a wrist clutch suplex now as the commentators exchange their surprise at what we are witnessing here in Sheffield. Dicey is on his feet once more as Logan locks his hands around the waist and scores with a release German which dumps Dicey on the back of his head and neck. Logan signals he is finishing matters now as he walks to the corner and climbs high. Dicey is prone on the canvass as Logan gains serious hangtime on his moonsault but the champion moves and sends him crashing into the canvass.

*Dicey is up on his feet now and he shows his vicious side as he drags Logan up and launches him through the ropes into the ringpost, dropping him to the outside. The referee tries to keep it in the ring but Dicey climbs out after his foe and makes sure to stare at Jack as he drags Logan up and powerbombs him against the ring apron. Dicey motions for Jack to come and join his former partner but PJ continues sitting. Dicey throws the challenger back in the ring now and then he catapults over the top (ala Sheamus) into a shoulder block as Logan gets to his feet.

*Dicey drags Logan up for the brainbuster but Logan shows some fight to drop over the back and nails a cobra clutch/Russian legsweep combo. Dicey staggers back up in the corner as Logan runs into him with a knee and then lifts him onto the ropes. Logan is preparing for the “Ego Stroke II” (Rope assisted neckbreaker) but Dicey drops out on the apron at the last moment and guillotines Logan across the top. Logan staggers as Dicey climbs back in and runs through him with a huge boot to the mouth. Dicey connects with a brainbuster now and it looks like we have a three count but he pulls Logan’s head off the mat in time, smirking over at Jack as he does so.

*Dicey flips Logan up again and this time he runs him into a release powerbomb against the turnbuckle. Logan slumps down into a seated position and Dicey destroys him with the “Hangover Cure” knee strike. He drags Logan away from the ropes now and he considers the pin but instead he grabs his legs and turns him over into a Texas Cloverleaf submission. Dicey ensures that he can stare at Jack the entire time whilst Mike Logan is yelling out in agony. Logan is slumped into the canvass with nowhere to go and has no choice but to tap out, drawing a huge response from the Sheffield crowd.

*Dicey is handed his European Champion now and he heads to the ropes so that he can beckon Jack to bring it on. Jack stands up now and the crowd roar in anticipation but then PJ merely turns his back and heads off through the audience and out of sight. Dicey is shaking his head before he heads to the corner to celebrate his victory. The commentators believe it is only a matter of time before Dicey & Jack showdown but what is PJ’s gameplan here? JT reminds us that Dicey is 7 up now and only three away from the million.

*Dicey clambers down off the ropes now as Mike Logan is trying to stand up. Dicey turns to the crowd and smiles, nodding his head as they cheer, before he kicks Logan in the gut and drills him with the “Craicdown” piledriver. Dicey continues his celebrations now as the commentators hype what else is still to come in tonight’s show.


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6CWF Presents "Night of Champions" Results - 4th August 2024 Empty Re: 6CWF Presents "Night of Champions" Results - 4th August 2024

Post by JJJohnson Mon Aug 05, 2024 8:15 am

*Brandon Perez and Percy Percival are backstage talking about what they should call their newly formed team. "The Bareback Brothers" is suggested as well as the "An@l Academy" before Mike Masters interrupts the fun. Masters is disgusted to have to share the ring (ooo er) with Perez here tonight but is promising to remove this filth from 6CWF and send them back to the circus where they belong.

*Rex is already in the gym and getting prepared for the main event when Max Adamson enters. Rex says he doesn't have time to speak considering another "bulls*it management decision" but Max says that wasn't his call. Rex dismisses this and points to the fact that he is unbeaten and yet has absolutely no title shots or opportunities...Max points to the FFTR case and says "What better shot do you need?"...

"He won't have that shot much longer".....Chris Patricks walks into the gym now and quips on this "cosy family reunion". Rex rolls his eyes and tells Patricks he'll see him later as Max and Patricks walk outside. Max thinks CP is keeping tabs on him and then working in cahoots with Andrews....Patricks cannot believe Max's lack of gratitude considering he came back to help him fight the war against Genesis and now he's finding Max sneaking in meetings with Rex...Patricks went to Andrews because he didn't want Max involved and also because Andrews seems to be the only one who recognises his talent. Max aims to answer but Patricks tells him to "save it" and walks off leaving Adamson with mixed emotions.

*Liam Wood is constantly pacing in his locker-room as Emmy tries to calm him down. Wood wants the main event right now and he wants to be the 6WF World Champion. Emmy assures him that tonight is his night and she is here to celebrate with him but also ensure "that b1tch, Jessica" doesn't get involved. Wood says he is expecting to be "screwed" because that is the "routine around here" but Emmy says he can't afford to think that way and needs to concentrate. Wood says if 6CWF choose to get on the wrong side of him tonight then he is going to "Burn it down".


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6CWF Presents "Night of Champions" Results - 4th August 2024 Empty Re: 6CWF Presents "Night of Champions" Results - 4th August 2024

Post by JJJohnson Mon Aug 05, 2024 8:16 am

Bout 2
Brandon Perez vs Mike Masters

*The Sheffield crowd are having a great time as we return to ringside and Brandon Perez is making his first entrance as a signed 6CWF talent. The former p0rnstar is in high spirts and really playing up with the audience as we are reminded of his return last week and the subsequent, seeming, tag partnership with Percy Percival. Perez is gravitating toward the female fans and dancing to his music before rolling under the ropes and posing on the mat. JT doesn’t know he if is happy to see Perez or not but seems like the crowd are.

*Mike Masters arrives to boos and he does not look impressed by his opponent. Masters has been on a losing streak but has vowed to get even with Perez tonight after what went down last week. RJ believes there is a “level difference” between the two men but that doesn’t always mean anything when the crowd is onside, just like they are for Perez. Masters leaps over the ropes and then he slaps Perez’ hand away as he offers a shake. Masters is looking at Perez in disgust.

*The bell sounds and they lockup. Perez quickly takes the back and he hip thrusts at Masters which causes the former world champ to pull away quickly and look disgraced. They circle for a lockup again but this time Masters fires in with a boot to the gut and then snaps off a vicious chop to the chest. Perez staggers back into the ropes but then he smiles at Masters as though he enjoys the pain and he wants another chop. Masters looks angry as he takes a step back and then superkicks Perez in the jaw, sending him over the ropes to the outside.

*Masters climbs out on the apron and he runs across before leaping off with a diving knee to the back which sends Perez over the railing to the front row. Perez gets up in the lap of an attractive female fan and he grins at her before Masters grabs him by the hair and drags him to the railing and looks to suplex him back over. Perez floats over and lands behind Masters before pretending to hump him again. Masters throws an angry back elbow but Perez ducks and Masters’ arm smashes the solid ringpost. Perez grabs Masters’ arm now and nails a jumping armbreaker across the steel steps. The commentators remind us that underneath all the bravado, Perez is a skilled submission artist.

*Perez chucks Masters back in the ring now. Perez climbs the ropes and looks for an axe handle off the top but Masters lands a superkick to the gut on the way down. Perez doubles up and Masters nails a “famea55er” for a two. Masters winces at the pain in his arm as he tries to shake it loose. He beckons Perez up and looks for the springboard disaster kick but Perez catches him in a powerbomb position. Perez buries his face in Masters’ crotch which forces him to leap out, looking scandalised, and then he spins and runs but Perez pulls down the top rope to send his opponent over onto the apron. He quickly grabs Masters’ bad arm and snaps it across the top rope, sending him crashing to the outside in agony.

*The referee counts and Masters takes until eight to get back in. Perez circles and tries to initiate another lockup but Masters suddenly jumps up and lands a crunching dropkick to the face. Perez clutches his jaw as he stumbles up and MM grabs him for the “killswitch” but Perez counters with a schoolboy rollup for a two count. They scramble up and Perez sidesteps Masters, sending him against the turnbuckle, before dragging him out into a back suplex but he turns Masters’ body so he lands on his bad arm again. Perez grabs the arm and nails a mahistrol cradle for another two.

*The commentators applaud Perez and the fact that he, just like Percival, seems to have improved tenfold during his time away from the company. Perez is first in with a knee to the stomach as they rise and he looks to flip Masters into a “Liger Bomb” but Masters counters out with a hurricanrana takedown. They get back up and Masters ducks under a clothesline and runs up the turnbuckle for a whisper in the wind which gains him a very close two. Masters looks angered as he stomps all over Perez now until the referee intervenes.

*Perez grabs the ropes and tries to pull himself up now as Masters drives forearm shots into his back and then he drags him away from the ropes. He tries to turn him into the “Gringo Killer” but Perez swings out and snaps off a “Snake Roberts” style DDT which flattens Masters. Perez makes the cover but Masters manages to get his shoulder up off the mat. The commentators are talking up how big a win this would be for Perez, knocking off a former world champ. Perez waits for Masters to get up and then ducks under him into an electric chair for the “F.A.C” (Croyt’s Wrath) but Masters jumps off the back and springs off the ropes for a disaster kick as Perez turns around. Masters drags Perez up and plants him with the “Killswitch” now and we have a three count. Mike Masters taking the W and putting himself back on track.

*Masters doesn’t look satisfied with the win, however, and he is intimating Perez needs to pay for his transgressions. The crowd are booing as Masters shoves Perez’ head with his boot and then begins ushering him up. He rags him into position and twists him for the “Gringo Killer” but as he turns he eats a superkick from Percy Percival, sending him over the ropes to the outside. The crowd are cheering now and happy to see the reunion. Percy and Perez hug one another and are dancing as the crowd hype them. Mike Masters is watching from outside with an angry look on his face, holding his jaw from the superkick, as Perez and Percival continue to work the audience. RJ says “This is one of the most bizarre duos I have ever seen” and JT agrees “But the 6CWF crowd loves it….there is someone “chemistry” here”.


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6CWF Presents "Night of Champions" Results - 4th August 2024 Empty Re: 6CWF Presents "Night of Champions" Results - 4th August 2024

Post by JJJohnson Mon Aug 05, 2024 8:30 am

*We get a shot of 6WF Hall of Famer, Nemesis here in the crowd. He receives a deafening ovation as he stands up to greet the fans and it is remarked by the commentary team what fantastic shape he is in. JT would "love to see Nemesis lace them up one more time". We are then informed that management made the decision that Logan Kincade/GazzyD won match of the night (fan vote) at Scars and Stripes so they will share the 100k prize money.

RJ then informs us that VIP Promotions have upped the prize money to £2 million for the first superstar to win 100 matches. Rex Adamson is currently clear on those stakes at 24 victories whilst Scott Harris comes in at second place with 17. The race to 100 is on.

*GazzyD meets Uryu up on the roof of Bramall Lane. They look out at the afternoon in Sheffield as Gazzy talks (clearly a bit nervous after everything that has gone down). Gazzy understands it will take time and Uryu won't fully trust him but this is part of him "making amends" and he needs to do it. Uryu sits there and listens before he stands up and tells Gazzy that "A lot of water has passed under the bridge, I'm not sure it can be repaired".....Gazzy sighs but nods his head in acceptance before Uryu says "But that doesn't mean we can't build a new one"....Uryu heads off toward the door as Gazzy nods his head and smiles. Gazzy follows and pulls the door open before following Ishida down the stairwell. As the door closes we hear the tinkling of a very familiar looking music box that has been placed on the ledge of the balcony.

*Eddy Kent and Miss Jessica have demanded an interview with Clarissa. Miss Jessica is scathing of Clarissa and makes sure she keeps her "distance from Daddy". Kent says the world is currently operating under the false assumption that he shouldn't be champion and that somehow he is running from Liam Wood.....Kent wants to address that and tell the "unwashed" that they can set fire to as many wheelie bins as they like but it doesn't change fact....and fact is he is the greatest of all time....the G.O.A.T and he runs from nobody...

He beat Wood fair and square at Scars and Stripes and he will do so again tonight......he is the longest reigning 6WF Champion of all time....he retired Max Adamson....he has his beautiful Mami (Miss Jessica purrs at this) and the world is jealous....trying to sew division in the ranks of Genesis but it will not work....they are all committed....the prodigal son (Rex Adamson) is committed and sooner rather than later he will be world champion too.....father and son standing side by side as world champions in this company....

Kent dismisses Clarissa and he believes the cameras have stopped rolling as he turns to Jessica and says "Where the hell is Rex? He was supposed to stand at my side for this interview and show his allegiance....he's testing my f**king patience right now"...Jessica rubs Kent's shoulders and soothes him but it is clear not all is well in camp.


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6CWF Presents "Night of Champions" Results - 4th August 2024 Empty Re: 6CWF Presents "Night of Champions" Results - 4th August 2024

Post by JJJohnson Mon Aug 05, 2024 8:31 am

Bout 3
GazzyD/Uryu Ishida vs ???

*Gazzy is making his entrance as we return ringside and he is being afforded a massive reception, it seems the crowd are very much back onside. Gazzy looks almost embarrassed by the response because of his previous actions but he makes sure to reach out and tag hands with the fans before climbing up into the ring. Uryu then arrives to another rousing ovation and makes his way to the ring. There is clearly still a little mistrust and awkwardness between the pair but the audience seem happy to see them pairing up.

*Glasgow’s Most Wanted are revealed as the mystery opponents. It is boos aplenty for SRA & AJ Harvey as they arrive on the stage and taunt the crowd. JT reminds us of their background and informs us they have been working independents for years now. Gazzy doesn’t look overly keen to see his former company mates. SRA gets into it with a fan at ringside whilst AJ Harvey drags out a kendo stick from under the ring. He bashes it against the ring steps before pointing it at Uryu & Gazzy.

*SRA wants to start off and he is adamant he wants GazzyD. AJ Harvey is still carrying the kendo stick as he takes his place in the corner. Gazzy and SRA lockup and Ahmed is quick to twist Gazzy’s arm behind his back. He yells out and smiles until Gazzy reverses their positions with such rapidity that SRA flips upside down and lands on his backside. Gazzy bounces back off the ropes and lands a snap dropkick to the back of SRA’s head and tags in Uryu. Uryu springs over the ropes with a plancha to his grounded foe and then beckons him up and scoops him onto his shoulders for a Michinoku Driver but SRA flails off the back and makes a tag to Harvey.

*The referee is ordering AJ to put the kendo stick down but he steps in the ring it and swings but Uryu dodges the blow and then he kicks the weapon out of his hands before landing a backheel kick to the gut, doubling him up. Uryu springs off the ropes and drops a leg across the back of AJ’s neck before a two count. Uryu pumps through with a knee strike to the face of AJ, leaving him flat on his back, and then offers to tag Gazzy back in. Gazzy leaps up on the top rope and we get “spinal tap” from on high. He makes the cover and a three is definite until SRA breaks it up, sparking boos.

*The referee backs SRA away to the corner as AJ makes a grab for the kendo stick again and manages to crack Gazzy in the ribs with it. Harvey leaves the weapon as the referee turns back around and he lifts Gazzy into a back suplex before swinging him frontways onto his face. SRA tags back in now and they stomp all over Gazzy before dragging him into a double suplex. SRA taunts the crowd and then looks for a piledriver but Gazzy swipes his legs and catapults him into the ropes, sending AJ Harvey crashing to the outside. SRA staggers back around and Gazzy drills him with the “history maker” (inverted twist of fate). Once again the three count is assured but AJ gets up and places SRA’s foot on the ropes.

*Gazzy signals to the crowd for “Deep Impact” as he looks out into the crowd and sees hooded figures rising from different sections. The audience are nervous now as Gazzy readies himself for what is to come but none of the hooded figures move. Gazzy goes back for SRA now as AJ Harvey tries to get in the ring. The referee heads him off which allows SRA to low blow Gazzy and hits him with a package piledriver. The referee counts but Gazzy just manages to kick out in time. SRA tags Harvey back in and they snap Gazzy down with a double superkick. AJ talks trash to the crowd and crotch chops in Uryu’s direction before heading to the ropes. He launches off for a swanton bomb but lands across the knees. The crowd are roaring Gazzy on now as he gets across to make the hot tag.

*Uryu springs in and immediately drills AJ Harvey with an x-factor facebuster. SRA clambers in and looks to attack but Ishida dodges him and nails a buzzsaw kick to the temple, sending him back against the ropes, and then lifts him into a Michinoku Driver. Harvey is back to his feet as Uryu drags him in close and nails a “Spanish Fly” across the prone SRA. The crowd are roaring now as the hooded figures seem to have disappeared. Uryu has his sights set on AJ (the legal man) as SRA pulls brass knucks from his trunks. He staggers up and is ready to punch Ishida when Gazzy springboards in with a dropkick to the chest that sends SRA crashing back into the corner in a seated position. Gazzy and Uryu look at one another for a moment and then Gazzy heads for the opposite corner and nails a fantastic coast to coast dropkick on SRA. Uryu heads for the apron now as Gazzy delivers “Deep Impact” on AJ Harvey before Uryu follows up with the “Split Second” from up top for a three count.

*The commentators are impressed by the first outing for Gazzy & Uryu but questions remain about the hooded figures. Gazzy is scanning the stadium now but there seems to be nobody in sight. Uryu pats Gazzy on the back and there is a momentary staredown (it seems the full trust isn’t there yet). Suddenly the big screen up on the stage depicts a blazing inferno and we hear laughter from all around. Gazzy and Uryu are both on their guard now as they search Bramall Lane for any sign of Edward Plague but there is nothing. The flames disappear as the commentators talk about what the future might entail for this new tag team in 6CWF.


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6CWF Presents "Night of Champions" Results - 4th August 2024 Empty Re: 6CWF Presents "Night of Champions" Results - 4th August 2024

Post by JJJohnson Mon Aug 05, 2024 8:45 am

*JJ Johnson is here and ready for his tag title defence. Tim Allen is grabbing a word with JJ when Acer walks by, seemingly with no plan of interacting with his friend. JJ turns and grabs Acer by the arm...."In a world of yo own there playa"....Acer withdraws his arm from JJ's grip and says he's just got a lot on his mind. "Share and share alike homie....put yo stuff in with me and Saint so we can catchup".....Acer is non-committal on this and JJ is clearly annoyed by his reaction.

We hear laughter as Daniel Reilly and Oliver Keane walk into shot. "I wouldn't worry about it, JJ, he just can't get out of your shadow and it's eating him up"......"A job, a little bit of relevance and TV a share of your locker-room....have you actually done anything for yourself, Acer?.....JJ holds Acer back as he tries to get at Reilly. Reilly and Keane swagger off as Acer pulls himself free of JJ and walks off, leaving Johnson confused by what has just gone down.

*Geoff Steel is ready for his upcoming match as Jack Reynolds is on hand for an interview. Steel is ready for war tonight and to put on a show for his beloved Sheffield fans. Max Adamson enters the fray and he wishes Steel luck but to also inform him this match will now be a "tables" match. Steel is fine with this and says he will be teaching Jimmy Phillips a very harsh lesson that he is unlikely to ever forget.

Jimmy Phillips walks in shot and there is an intense staredown between champion and challenger. Phillips says Steel has "coasted off your name" and tonight he will prove his tenure in 6CWF is past its sell by date. Phillips says Steel is going to choke in front of his friends and family and then Phillips is going to choke him out and put him through a table. You are looking at the new Xtreme Champion.

*Blue Dragon and Logan Kincade have arrived in Sheffield together (a united front?) as Damien Andrews walks out to greet "the new tag team champions". Dragon clearly isn't impressed by his father's appearance whilst Logan "just can't wait to beat the smug entitlement out of that sh*thead, Johnson". Logan is promising serious violence tonight which brings a smile from his dad but a furrowed brow from his brother who just wants to "concentrate on getting those straps".

Andrews is yelling after them "Can't wait to celebrate with my boys" as Dragon turns toward him with fire in his eyes. They round the corner as GazzyD & Uryu are walking back from the stage area. There is a staredown between the two teams as Gazzy and Uryu both look at the 6CW Championship on BD's shoulder. "Anytime, boys....anytime" quips BD before walking off. Logan just stands there glaring at Uryu and Gazzy.


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6CWF Presents "Night of Champions" Results - 4th August 2024 Empty Re: 6CWF Presents "Night of Champions" Results - 4th August 2024

Post by JJJohnson Mon Aug 05, 2024 8:49 am

Bout 4
6CWF Xtreme Championship
Tables Match
Geoff Steel © vs Jimmy Phillips

*It is a thunderstorm of boos as Jimmy Phillips walks out in front of the Sheffield crowd. We are reminded of Phillips’ return to the company last week and the subsequent attack on the Xtreme Champion which has led to tonight’s clash. JT reminds us of the stipulation change from management and the rules are very simple for this one – put your opponent through a table and you walk away as the Xtreme Champ. Phillips is dressed in a black, sleeveless, hooded top and he stands on the stage and just drinks in the audience’s reaction. Phillips then makes his way to the ring and leaps up on the apron as we are reminded that despite “years of promise” that Phillips has never held any form of championship gold.

*The word “deafening” doesn’t quite do justice to the ovation afforded to Geoff Steel’s entrance in his home city. The crowd is beyond raucous as “Last Resort” hits the airwaves and then Xtreme Champ walks out on the stage. Steel pounds his heart and nods his head in appreciation of the crowd’s support and makes sure to interact with as many as possible as he walks down to the ring. Steel climbs onto the apron now and he turns back to the crowd and raises his championship belt in the air (drawing another roar) as Jimmy Phillips runs across and barges him in the back, sending him crashing into the security railing on the outside.

*Phillips is very much public enemy #1 as he leaps from the ring now and he rushes in to Steel with a knee that slams him back into the railing again. Phillips just glares at the angry fans as they bombard him with abuse. Phillips drags Steel up and smashes his face repeatedly off the top of the railing before he grabs Steel by the face and holds him up to the audience. “This is your champion? This is what you cheer for?”

*Phillips heads for the ring now and drags a table out from underneath before sliding it in the ring. Phillips grabs Steel now and hauls him up but the champion ducks into JP and uses his power to lift him into a flapjack position and drops him backwards across the railing. Geoff looks down at the covers on the floor and he starts pulling them up….”This is payback for what Phillips did to him last week”……”The Xtreme Division certainly helps Geoff Steel to tap into a dark place”. Steel drags Phillips toward him and then he pumphandles him onto his shoulders before just lashing him across the exposed concrete.

*Steel looks a little demonic now as he rips the steel steps out of their fittings and he hauls them on his shoulders before running forward to smash Phillips in the head with them, leaving the challenger in a heap on the floor. Steel throws the steps away and then he points to the table in the ring, sparking the audience to chant his name. Steel rolls in and starts to set the table up before spotting that Phillips has somehow dragged himself onto the apron. Steel decides to demonstrate his power as he stands on the ropes (ala Cesaro) and prepares to suplex Phillips over the top and through the table but somehow JP floats over and lands on the mat before pulling Steel’s feet from under him, causing him to guillotine across the ropes. Phillips pushes the table over before he runs the ropes and returns with a “pounce” on the champion which sends him crashing against the turnbuckle in a heap. The commentators are talking about Phillips “scary, game changing power” and deliberate on whether he may be stronger than even the champion.

*Phillips paces back and forth now as he waits for Steel to rise and then he runs off the ropes for the “Game-Changer” clothesline (from hell) but Steel ducks at the last minute and then he scoops JP for the “Attitude Adjustment” but Phillips drops off the back and he locks in a coquina clutch. Steel is thrashing from side to side as Phillips is intent on choking him out. The table from earlier is sideways in the corner as Steel throws caution to the wind and launches himself forward and both men crash through the table. All eyes immediately turn to the referee to make a decision on what we have just seen but he is ruling that “neither man put the other through the table” so the show must go on.

*Both competitors take their time to recover from what has happened. Steel staggers up and he takes Phillips’ legs out from under him and tries to apply the “Steelworks” but Phillips’ uses his power to launch the champion through the ropes to the outside with his legs and hips. Phillips rolls out after and he grabs a steel chair now and swings….CRACK!.....Steel ducks as the weapon crashes against the ringpost and then he scoops Phillips on his shoulders and nails an “Attitude Adjustment” on the arena floor. Steel leans back against the apron to compose himself before he drags another table out. He places the table (upright) against the ring apron and then he drags Phillips up and prepares to powerbomb through the table but JP rushes backward at the last second and smashes the champion into the ringpost.

*Both men are hurting badly as they struggle up. Phillips pulls himself up on the apron as Steel grabs his feet and pulls them out, causing JP to crash on his face. Steel climbs onto the apron now as well and grabs Phillips by the head for the “Bladecutter” piledriver but Phillips shoves him backward into the ringpost again and then he lifts Steel on his shoulders. The champion lands furious elbows until they both fall off the apron and crash through the upright table against the barrier. Again all eyes are on the referee to make the call but he is, again, saying that there was nothing “clear cut” and that we must fight on. JT & RJ are in agreement that the referee will be called into question there…..”Steel was on the shoulders of Phillips when they fell, it could be argued that JP had control”.

*It takes another minute or so for both men to recover and get up. Phillips grabs the steel chair off the floor and he jabs it into Steel’s midsection and lashes it over his spine, dropping him to his knees. The crowd are booing but Phillips doesn’t seem to care as he sets the chair up now and he puts Steel’s head on the seat before dragging out a second chair…..CRACK! Steel pulls his head off the chair at the final second as the two means collide and then he lifts Phillips into a back suplex position and charges him forward so that his legs go either side of the ringpost (ballbreaker)….Steel pushes Phillips inside the ring now and goes in search of a third table.

*Steel finally gets another table and slides it before rolling back in. He sets the table up but then turns and eats the “Game Changer” clothesline from Phillips out of nowhere. Phillips drops for the cover but realises he can’t win the title that way. He stands up now and goes in stalk for the “Touchdown” (Rock Bottom) but Steel elbows his way free and then kicks Phillips in the gut for the “Bladecutter” but JP backs to the ropes and backdrops Steel over the top to the outside. Steel lands on his feet and grabs Phillips’ legs before pulling him to the outside. They brawl and then Steel ends up clotheslining himself and the challenger into the front row of the audience.

*The two men battle amongst the crowd (security making sure that both men are protected) and the battle leads them up onto a higher tier of the stadium. They find themselves over the top of one of the fan entrances and Phillips kicks out at Steel’s gut, winding him, and then looks for a dominator powerbomb over the ledge to the floor below (ten foot drop) but Steel drops off and he grabs a steel chair before unleashing a shocking blow to the skull which busts Phillips and leaves him unconscious on the floor. Steel staggers away and down the steps toward the fan entrance….he disappears for a few seconds and then the audience roar as he comes back and begins stacking tables in the entranceway. There are four tables in all (2x2) and then Steel starts to make his way up the tier again toward the ledge/balcony.

*Phillips is bleeding heavily as Steel grabs him and pulls him up but JP responds with a low blow and then quickly applies a coquina clutch. The crowd are stunned as Phillips drags Steel down onto the floor and wraps his legs around his waist, choking the life out of him. Steel’s eyes are heavy and they begin to close. “The choke out, the potential pinfall off the clothesline and the table incident….you could argue that Jimmy Phillips has won this match on three separate occasions” says RJ.

*Phillips’ face is masked by blood as he stands and taunts the crowd. Security have to push him back as he gets into it with a Steel fan. Phillips is pointing at Steel and mocking him before pointing over the balcony at the stack of tables. Phillips draws his finger across his throat now as he begins hauling Steel up. Steel is offering very little resistance but suddenly, from nothing, he scoops Phillips on his shoulders and launches him over the balcony through the stack of tables with the “Attitude Adjustment” to end the match. Steel sags back and sits in the chairs on the balcony now, breathing heavily, as the crowd go absolutely wild all around him.

*The commentators commend Steel’s courage and championship spirit but there is murmurings about just how close Phillips pushed him here and, under different circumstances, we’d be talking about a new champion. We get a shot of Phillips, unmoving amidst the wreckage, as EMTs arrive to check on him. Steel is presented with his championship belt and he gives his head a shake before standing up on the seats to celebrate with his adoring masses (who don’t care at all about anything other than the Steel W). JT wonders if Phillips may come back for more and argue his case but RJ is unsure if he’ll want to after that ending. Steel is still the Xtreme Champion and his celebrations with the crowd go on for quite some time.


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6CWF Presents "Night of Champions" Results - 4th August 2024 Empty Re: 6CWF Presents "Night of Champions" Results - 4th August 2024

Post by JJJohnson Mon Aug 05, 2024 9:12 am

*Scott Harris is with Clarissa backstage (a little bit of flirting going on). Harris says the whole world has been talking about his "championship potential" for a long time but he is the first to admit that it hasn't gone to plan. He believes he's had a "solid" year but going through Daniel Reilly and Acer (if he has to!) is necessary to proving he belongs on the highest level. He knows the talent level is so high now that even the men standing in front of the world title are world class so he needs to go above and beyond even that. Starting tonight with Daniel Reilly.

Clarissa asks about whether Acer will be a factor but Harris shakes his head and says if Acer makes this about him here tonight then he is going to be a very sorry man when all is said and done.

*Perfect Jack is accosted by Tim Allen before he leaves Bramall Lane. TA wants to know when Jack is going to step up and challenge Dicey Reilly but Jack shuts him down and tells him "when the time is right". Jack says Dicey doesn't call the shots and has been lost in this fantasy land where he believes he still runs things in the same way he did fifteen years ago. PJ seems to have some warped ideas about how Dicey held him back from his fullest potential for years and promises to make him pay for that.

Jack once again points to the scar across his eye and says that he "sees clearer than ever" and will expose all the frauds in this industry.

*Acer is putting on his referee's jersey when The Saint walks in. Saint has his tag title and is ready for his upcoming match but wanted to check in. Acer believes JJ sent Saint but Saint dismisses this and says "I don't do anyone's bidding". Saint wants to know what Acer's deal is right now and why he seems so against JJ.

Acer tells Saint this "isn't about JJ, as much as he wants it to be" and Saint is confused. Acer says his name has been put in same sentence as JJ & Saint for years but never out on his own. Saint has his own career and path....JJ has his own career and path...but it's always Acer, JJ and Saint....but he wants, no he "needs" it to be Acer....just Acer....

Acer needs the world to see what he can do and what he is capable of.....he doesn't want to share this because he will earn it all himself....Saint takes on board Acer's words and says "Well you know where we are if you need us"...."I won't" replies Acer....Saint shrugs and heads to leave as Acer says "But I appreciate it, Dale".

*Damien Andrews is finishing up a phone call when he turns to find himself face to face with Liam Wood. Wood is all fired up and says tonight he ends this facade that Eddy Kent is worthy of holding a world title. Wood says if management "f*** this up then you'll be sorry and you'll all answer to me...all of you".....Andrews is just smiling as JJ Johnson walks into shot with his tag belt and looks at Wood for a long moment. There are no words between JJ and Wood before Johnson leaves.

Wood rounds back on Andrews now as Blue Dragon and Logan Kincade walks into shot (on way for their tag title challenge). Andrews looks extremely smug now as he stands between his sons. Wood looks at all three men before he walks off. Logan is watching Wood leave as BD turns to Andrews and says "I'd literally watch him tear your f***ing head off".


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6CWF Presents "Night of Champions" Results - 4th August 2024 Empty Re: 6CWF Presents "Night of Champions" Results - 4th August 2024

Post by JJJohnson Mon Aug 05, 2024 9:19 am

Bout 5
6CWF Tag Team Championships
The Coalition © vs Blue Dragon/Logan Kincade

*It is raucous back at ringside now as flames are bursting from the stage and the four corners of the ring before Logan Kincade enters the fray. Blue Dragon is soon to follow and the 6CW World Champion raises his championship belt in the air as pyros burst behind him. The commentators are deliberating on who may be the first to step up to Blue Dragon for his title before they move on to discuss the relationship between the two brothers. Is Logan Kincade out of control? Does he have designs on his brother’s title?

*The cheers are paramount now for the arrival of the tag champs. JJ Johnson and The Saint are on the stage and working the Sheffield crowd. Blue Dragon & Kincade are just glaring at their opposition as we see a clip of what went down last week when Saint & JJ were chokeslammed by the brothers. JJ and Saint make their way down the ramp and they exchange looks before tossing their belts aside and diving in, taking the fight to their challengers as the audience roar in approval.

*JJ and Blue Dragon are trading shots (we’ve waited some time for this!) as Saint and Logan Kincade go toe to toe. Dragon slows JJ’s onslaught with a huge knee to the midsection and then he clotheslines him over the top to the outside. BD follows JJ and charges at him but Johnson sidesteps and sends the world champ against the steel steps. In the ring and Saint kicks Logan in the stomach for the “Divine Force” but Kincade launches him with a backdrop. Logan then shows immense athleticism as he runs up the turnbuckle and twists back with an impressive lariat (ala Mark Jindrak).

*Logan drags Saint up and headbutts him against the ropes before he runs the opposite side and returns with a clothesline (ala Mick Foley) which takes him and Saint over the top the outside. JJ smashes BD’s head off the ring apron and he tosses him back inside before he turns into a huge lariat from Logan. Kincade drags JJ up and scoops him on his shoulders before launching him off for a modified gutbuster (slamming JJ across the top of the steel steps) before he chucks him back into the ring. Dragon is up and he nods at his brother before dragging Johnson into a huge overhead throw. Saint uses the ringside barrier to get up as Logan runs across and punts him in the ribs, dropping him again. Kincade clambers onto the apron now as Dragon goes to work on JJ to officially start the contest.

*Dragon is slamming knees into JJ’s body in the corner whilst talking to him. He sits Johnson up on the turnbuckle now and he grips him in position for a “muscle buster” but JJ slams his head down into BD’s face until he staggers away. JJ tries to reposition his feet and then he leaps off the corner but takes a vicious right hand to the stomach on the way down. JJ drops to a knee as Dragon runs the ropes and returns with a brutal kick to the back of the neck. BD turns and offers a tag to Logan, who gladly accepts the invite. Logan whips JJ off the ropes and pops him up into the air before letting him crash down on his front. JJ is holding his body as Logan rags him up and launches him against the turnbuckle. Logan then runs off the opposite side and returns for a splash but JJ avoids at the final second. Kincade staggers around and JJ kicks him in the gut before running the ropes for a scissors kick but Dragon slams a fist into the back of JJ’s head….Johnson staggers and Kincade drags him into a huge sit-out spinebuster for a two count.

*Logan stomps down on JJ’s midsection again and again until the referee steps in to have a word. Logan merely glares at the official before he drags JJ up and slings him against the turnbuckle, stomping a brutal mudhole in his stomach until the official is forced to intervene again. Blue Dragon is watching his brother now and it is clear he has his concerns. Kincade pulls JJ into the centre of the ring now and he grips him in a headlock for “Blind Justice” (Deadly Dog) but as he runs up the ropes JJ seizes him and drops him across the middle of the ropes, leaving him in a crotched position. JJ tags in Saint now and the big man climbs onto the ropes and shows his strength to suplex Logan into the middle of the ring. Saint drags Kincade into a front facelock now for “Saint’s Row” (Jackhammer) but Logan floats over the back and grabs Saint by the back of his neck for “Rough Justice” but Saint sidesteps and lifts his opponent into a huge sideslam for a two count.

*Saint circles Logan now and clearly has the “RKO” on his mind but Logan succeeds in shoving him away to the corner. Kincade charges in but eats a huge boot to the mouth which rocks him backwards. Saint runs out now and twirls into a discus lariat but Logan avoids the impact and grabs Saint by the neck for a chokeslam but Saint slams a knee into his stomach and then scoop slams him to the mat. Logan gets up again and eats a second slam before Saint gets him on his shoulders the third time and drills him with a powerslam (ala Braun Strowman) for a two. Saint points to JJ and the crowd roar in approval. JJ is back in and he goes to the body of Logan with punches before driving up through the guard with an uppercut which snaps Kincade’s head back. He grabs his wrist and looks for a whip but Logan turns inside and pulls JJ toward him and pops him up on shoulders before nailing him with a death valley driver for a two count. Kincade crawls over and slaps his brother’s hand for the tag.

*Blue Dragon lands huge hooks to the body of JJ as he pushes him back against the ropes and then whips him across the ring. The world champ look for a big boot but JJ ducks it and lands a kick to the gut for the “Access All Areas” (Stunner) but Dragon drops him into an inverted headlock backbreaker and then lifts him into a huge inverted DDT driver for a two count. BD draws a finger across his throat as he grips JJ in a gutwrench now and he flips him up for the “Deathnote” but JJ lands out on his feet and this time he nails the stunner out of nowhere. Both competitors are left flat on the canvass as the crowd make huge noise.

*Saint gets the tag from JJ and he leaps over the ropes before dropping BD with a running shoulder tackle. He beckons him back up and headbutts him back into the corner before running in with a big splash. Saint lifts Dragon onto the turnbuckle and climbs up with him…

JT: Top rope Saint’s Row?

Saint wants the jackhammer but BD battles back with punches and a rake to the eyes before slamming a forearm into Saint’s throat to knock him back down to the canvass. Dragon sets his feet and leaps off but Saint immense power to catch him with a modified “Divine Force” (Sit-down powerbomb)

RJ: He didn’t get all of it but it might be enough…

Saint takes a few moments to get across and he drops into the cover but Dragon pops his shoulder up off the canvass in time.

*Saint draws energy from the crowd as he wills Dragon up and then dives in for the “RKO” but Dragon shoves him away. Dragon looks for a lariat now but Saint avoids and lands a boot to the stomach. He sets up for the “Promised Slam” but BD counters with a backdrop and then he runs the ropes and lands with a brutal big boot to the face as Saint tries to get up. BD smashes huge clubbing blows to the back of Saint and drags him up for a “Last Ride” but Saint jumps out the back and snaps off the RKO out of nowhere. Saint covers but Logan drags him out of the ring at the last second and roundhouse kicks him in the neck.

*JJ runs around ring now and smashes through Logan with a clothesline. He drags him up and bounces his head off the announce desks before ripping some of the covers off. Saint has dragged himself up on the apron, holding his neck, as BD grabs him by the throat and shows his own power to lift Saint up and over the ropes before twisting him into a chokeslam in the middle of the ring.

JT: Got to be new champions…

Dragon thinks he has the win but Saint manages to pop his shoulder off the canvass just in time. On the outside we see JJ smash Logan’s head off the announce desk again and intimate to the audience that he is putting Kincade through the table. Dragon sees the danger his brother is in and he rolls from the ring and clobbers JJ from behind before running him forward and smashes his head against the ringpost. Dragon slaps his brother on the shoulder to make sure he is ok and it is clear that Logan is pi55ed. JJ staggers up now and the Sheffield crowd are stunned as Blue Dragon & Logan nail a double chokeslam which obliterates him through the “6CWF” announce table.

*The referee has climbed from the ring and he is arguing with Logan and Blue Dragon about their actions and getting back in the ring. BD is getting into it now with the referee (the referee’s back to the ring) as Logan shuffles away. Dragon is arguing with the official still but we can see his eyes widening as he watches Logan roll in the ring and pour thumbtacks all over the canvass. Saint is struggling to his feet as Logan grips him and runs to the corner before nailing “Blind Justice” (Deadly Dog). Saint’s head is smashed down into the tacks and he is writhing in agony. Logan kicks as many tacks away as he can (a few dotted around) as Dragon pushes past the referee and rolls in. He drags Saint up (masking his head so the referee cannot see the blood and tacks) before nailing the “Deathnote” piledriver for the three count. Bramall Lane is stunned because we have brand new champions.

*The referee is looking at some of the remaining tacks on the canvass and seems confused. Dragon and Logan are handed their new titles and Logan nods at his brother. Dragon watches Logan walk away and it is clear that his brother’s violent streak in this contest has surprised him. Dragon throws the 6CW Championship over one shoulder and the tag belt over the other. We see JJ Johnson sitting up amidst the wreckage of the announce desk, holding his ribs, and then the Saint’s bloodied head. The referee is examining Saint now and coming to realise what has happened but Logan and Dragon are already leaving the ring with their new titles. The commentators are stunned but RJ is sure The Coalition will want retribution for what has gone down here at “Night of Champions”. We get another shot of Logan and Dragon standing on the stage, one of Logan’s hands has tacks embedded in it, as they raise the tag belts and flames rise around them. Saint is sat against the ropes now, tacks in the side of his head, and he winces as he looks over at JJ and then they both look up at the new champions.


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6CWF Presents "Night of Champions" Results - 4th August 2024 Empty Re: 6CWF Presents "Night of Champions" Results - 4th August 2024

Post by JJJohnson Mon Aug 05, 2024 9:47 am

*Chris Patricks is being interviewed by Jack Reynolds. CP acknowledges that he is being "overlooked" in tonight's main event and he is becoming used to it. He has listened to all the media, podcasts etc and nobody is even mentioning the fact he could walk out of here tonight as world champion. Patricks says the whole world seems to have forgotten he was a 2x Undisputed 6WF Champion so perhaps they need a little reminder. Uryu walks into shot now and starts talking about his battle against his "loss of identity" and if Patricks needs to chat....CP cuts him off and tells Uryu "If I wanted a shrink I'd pay for one....not some loser with an inferiority complex" (Patricks showing a little darkness here)....Patricks tells Uryu to keep his speeches for the next time he needs to talk himself down off of the roof or maybe listen to the other voice, the one that says "Jump".....Patricks says "I've got a title to win"....Uryu is left with his hands on hips and says to Reynolds "Being second best to Max Adamson can take its toll".

*The Brothers of Seduction are doing some media work now as Blue Dragon and Logan Kincade walk backstage with their new titles. Brandon Perez wants to congratulate the new champs but Logan grabs him by the throat and throws him back into a chair. BD shakes his head at the pair before focusing on Kincade as he strides out of shot. Perez looks to Percival "Not big on the choking, personally....forgot to give him the safe word".....Percy jokes that once upon a time he'd have "choked on them both at the same time" as Perez raises an eyebrow and the scene ends.

*Jimmy Phillips is leaving Bramall Lane in the back of an ambulance for precautionary measures as the commentators are talking about how Phillips may count himself unlucky to not be leaving here as Xtreme Champion. Geoff Steel walks into shot and he is battered and bruised. Tim Allen is talking about the war and Steel admits Phillips pushed him close but he did what champions do and he found a way to win. Steel says he will take on any challenge from anyone so if Phillips recovers and wants to settle things then he is more than happy.

Steel says he doesn't duck any challenge and that is when he is attacked from behind by Mike Masters. Masters drags Steel up and runs him face-first into a camera-arm, leaving him in a heap on the floor. Masters lays the boot in before security arrive to drag him away. Seems the queue is forming for the Xtreme Championship.

*Saint and JJ are in the trainer's room. Saint's head is bleeding whilst the doctor picks thumbtacks out of his head. Saint is yelling in pain and is clearly angry at what went down. He tells JJ that he wants the immediate re-match next week and he's going to "smash Kincade's f*cking head in....JJ says he'll see what he can do and he steps outside to see Acer walking past with his referee jersey on. Acer clearly has no intention of going in to check on Saint...

JJ: He's fine by the way...

*Acer turns and stares at JJ before continuing to walk

JJ: Man, the f*** is wrong with you...

*Acer stops now and he takes a step toward JJ

Acer: I've got a match...

JJ: Big f***s.....yo best friend just got his head busted by a madman and you ain't even given a s**t....what changed?

*Acer grins now and shakes his head

Acer: You just don't get it do you....this isn't the JJ Johnson show....this whole world rotates for everyone...we've all got sh*t to do....

JJ: Then don't let me keep you, playa....yo a55 clearly got some important places to' important than' important than family...

Acer: How dare you....when you needed me, I stepped questions asked despite what it cost me and my family....never forget...

JJ: I don't forget....but you, you've forgotten exactly where you came from...

*Acer sneers at JJ as he backs away and heads for Gorilla.


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6CWF Presents "Night of Champions" Results - 4th August 2024 Empty Re: 6CWF Presents "Night of Champions" Results - 4th August 2024

Post by JJJohnson Mon Aug 05, 2024 9:54 am

Bout 6
Daniel Reilly vs Scott Harris
Special Ref: Acer

*Acer walks out on the stage in his referee’s jersey as we head back to ringside. We are reminded of the ongoing issues between the three men involved in tonight’s match and questions are asked on whether Acer will call this down the middle?

*Scott Harris is the first competitor to arrive and receives a standing ovation from the Sheffield masses. Harris looks fired up as he makes his way to the ring, shooting a glare at Acer before clambering onto the ropes and posing for the fans. Daniel Reilly then enters the fray with Oliver Keane by his side, met by tumultuous boos. Reilly basks in the audience’s dislike as he swaggers to the ring and slithers in. Reilly is talking trash toward Acer and Harris before the match is underway. Acer is making sure that both men understand that he is in charge of proceedings.

*Reilly and Harris lockup and Reilly applies a quick side headlock. Harris shoots him across the ring and leapfrogs him on the comeback before launching him into a hiptoss as he returns. Reilly looks annoyed as he gets back up but Harris lashes a chop into his chest and then a solid forearm smash. He whips Reilly across the ring and nails him with a back elbow to the mouth before ushering him back up into an inverted atomic drop and then an orthodox atomic drop into a bridged German suplex for a two count. Harris stomps Reilly back to the corner and lights him up with more chops, reddening the skin, before he lifts him up on the turnbuckle.

*Harris climbs up with a superplex in mind but Reilly rakes at his eyes and gets his boot up to Harris’ midsection before shoving him to the canvass. Reilly tries to get his footing but Harris sprints back up the turnbuckle and launches him with an overhead throw. They stumble back up and Harris scores with a t-bone suplex for a two. Acer makes sure to emphasise the two fingers to Harris, who merely shrugs (showing no bite).

*Harris drags Reilly up into a snap suplex and heads for the corner. Oliver Keane is talking trash and Harris tells Acer to watch the agent. Harris is on top for the frogsplash but eats canvass as Reilly moves out of the way. Reilly flips Harris into a fallout neckbreaker and covers for a two. Reilly sneers at Acer before landing a kneedrop to the skull on his opponent. Reilly tries to place Harris in a seated sleeper but Harris fights up to his feet and breaks free. He runs the ropes but Reilly lands a beautiful dropkick as he returns. Reilly back suplexes Harris right on his neck for two count. Oliver Keane is shouting encouragement now as Acer glares at him.

*Reilly is talking at Acer as he stomps down on Harris. He then hauls Harris to his feet and looks to lift him into a powerbomb position again but Harris lands out on his feet and smashes his head into Reilly’s face. Reilly staggers and Harris grips him for a German suplex but Reilly wraps his legs and rolls through, dragging Harris to the mat and applies an anklelock from nowhere. Harris shouts in pain but then spins his body and drags Reilly down into a small package for a two. They scramble up and Reilly sidesteps and Harris and sends him off the ropes before twisting back into a powerslam as he returns.

*Reilly tells the crowd “This is how it’s done” as he heads up high now for the frogsplash but it is knees all the way as he comes down. Harris staggers up now and we get a hat-trick of German suplexes as the crowd roar. Harris is back to the corner now and this time he is successful with the huge splash from on high. He hooks both legs but Reilly pops his shoulder in time. Harris takes his first look at Acer and the referee looks back and says “Not my fault if you can’t get it done”. Harris stalks Reilly now for the “Shot in the dark” (Olympic slam) but Reilly leaps out the side and boots Harris in the gut. He swings him out onto the apron and looks for a hangman’s DDT but Harris steps over and overhead suplexes Reilly over the ropes to the outside.

*Acer wants to count and tries to push Harris back to prevent him going out of the ring but Harris leaps out the other side and runs through Reilly with a massive clothesline. He drags him up and smashes his foe’s head off the announce table as Acer climbs out now and gets in Harris’ face about respecting his authority (calm down Cartman). The commentators are wondering if things are about to explode here but Harris merely turns away toward Reilly. Reilly lands a blindside eyepoke and then he lifts Harris off the mat into a DDT that smashes his head on top of the steel steps. RJ says “It can’t be denied that these three men have some real issues with one another”.

*Reilly puts Harris back in the ring and covers him but Harris kicks out. Reilly is up and in Acer’s face now. Acer is daring Reilly to take a shot at him but Reilly turns away and laughs. He stalks Harris now and then looks for the “RKO” but Harris counters into a backslide for two. They get up again and Reilly dodges a forearm blast and nails a leaping neckbreaker before covering again but Harris is equal to it. Reilly sneers at Acer as he stomps down on the back of Harris’ neck repeatedly until Acer intervenes. Reilly and Acer are arguing now as Oliver Keane chokes Harris over the bottom rope before releasing as Acer turns back around.

*Reilly pushes Harris into the corner and stomps at his midsection before he lifts him up top for a superplex. This time Harris battles back with punches and then smashes Reilly’s head down into the turnbuckle and nails a sunset flip bomb from on high for a two count. They scramble up and Harris looks for the “codebreaker” but Reilly catches him and turns him over into the anklelock. Harris yells in pain and scrambles for the ropes but Reilly drags him back and ups the ante. Acer is asking Harris if he wants to quit but Harris is shaking his head. He makes a dart for the ropes again but Reilly pulls him to the centre. Harris is clearly in a world of pain as he grabs Acer’s shirt and pulls him forward, causing him to collapse into the submission and break it up.

*Reilly is incensed and furious as he confronts Acer. Acer looks angry at both Reilly and Harris. He is making sure that both men know he will enforce the law by his own hand. Reilly stamps down on Harris’ ankle now and tries to reapply the hold but Harris rolls forward and pulls him down into a pinning combo for two. Both men get back up and Reilly looks to spring for the “RKO” but Harris counters with a snap dragon suplex. Harris is hurting bad but drags himself up and nails a suplex into a backbreaker (ala Roderick Strong) across his knees. The crowd are willing him on as he grabs Reilly’s legs and turns him over into the sharpshooter.

*Oliver Keane is biting his nails and looking extremely agitated as Reilly yells in agony and tries to get to the ropes. Keane thinks about pushing the ropes closer to Reilly’s hand but Acer looks at him and says “Don’t you f***ing dare”. Keane slinks away and rushes to grab a steel chair as Reilly shows tremendous resilience to get himself over and grab the ropes. Harris doesn’t want to release but he finally does as Acer gets in his face about listening. We hear Harris say “I f*cking heard you” before he backs in the corner and waits for Reilly to stand. Reilly struggles up as Harris darts out for the “Kneeds More Harris” but Reilly throws himself out of the way at the last second. Reilly leaps up and he drills Harris with the RKO now and he covers. Acer bends down to make the count but then stops. The commentators are wondering if Acer is deliberately screwing Reilly here but Acer is indicating something to Reilly.

*Reilly looks like he is going to erupt as Acer is saying that the tiniest part of Harris’ shoelace (which has come undone) is underneath the bottom rope and therefore the pin is invalid. It is clear to see that Reilly wants to attack and Acer is enjoying the moment as the argument continues. Oliver Keane suddenly slides the chair in the ring before running around the opposite side to leap onto the apron. He pops his head through the ropes as Reilly makes a grab for the steel chair. Reilly is about to use the weapon as Acer physically grabs Keane and drags him through the ropes before drilling him with a ”downward spiral”.

*Reilly marches over to Acer now and spins him around to confront him about what he just did. Acer is letting Reilly know that Keane is “not an active competitor” and he can do as he pleases. Reilly is shaking his head in astonishment and turns away. Acer turns to shove Keane out of the ring his boot and Harris lashes the steel chair across the top of Reilly’s head, causing the crowd to roar in delight. Harris throws the weapon away now and he follows up with the “Kneeds More Harris” knee strike as Reilly stumbles up. Acer makes the three count and this one is over. The commentators are talking about how Reilly is going to be disgusted that not only did Acer’s attack on Oliver Keane distract him but Harris then cheated to win the match when Acer wasn’t looking.

*Acer walks over to raise Harris’ arm in victory but Harris looks extremely cautious. Acer is insistent that he’s doing his job and Harris allows him to raise his hand. Acer gives Harris a nod before climbing from the ring to enjoy his celebration. Harris smiles as he looks down at Reilly and then climbs onto the turnbuckle. The fans applaud and then Harris leaps down and turns straight into a “Rogue spear” (catapult through the middle ropes) from the returning Acer, drawing a very mixed reaction from the crowd. “Seems Acer didn’t forget that flying knee last week, after all”. Acer tugs at his hair and glares down at both Harris and Reilly as the scene ends.


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6CWF Presents "Night of Champions" Results - 4th August 2024 Empty Re: 6CWF Presents "Night of Champions" Results - 4th August 2024

Post by JJJohnson Mon Aug 05, 2024 10:17 am

*We head backstage to see Rex walk into the Genesis dressing room. Miss Jessica saunters over to him and starts rubbing his shoulders as Kent walks out of the shower area. Jessica stops rubbing Rex's shoulders as Kent sees Rex place the FFTR case next to the 6WF Championship once again. Jessica is making eyes at Kent and he sighs before telling Rex what he means to the future of Genesis and how much he believes in him.

Kent: I know you'd never do anything to put MY world title in jeopardy here tonight...

Rex: Same way I know you'd never let me lose MY case tonight...

*Kent's jaw locks but then nods his head as Jessica claps her hands

Jessica: What a beautiful boys....and tonight we are so totally going to squash the opposition....

*Rex unzips his jacket to reveal a gold singlet. Jessica's eyes widen

Jessica: Gold is so totally your colour, Rexy...

*Chris Patricks is doing his final prep for the main event when Liam Wood walks in. Wood appreciates Patricks having his back but he needs him to know that tonight is about winning the title. Patricks cuts Wood and says he's preaching to the choir, he feels exactly the same and hopes Wood understands that if he gets a chance tonight he is taking it because the most important thing is that Genesis don't leave here tonight with all the power. There is clearly some uneasiness between the partners, how will that translate in the ring?

*Damien Andrews is in the GMs office when Blue Dragon walks in. Dragon stops Andrews in mid sentence and tells him that it is clear to see Logan's mindframe and violent tendencies coming to the forefront so he needs Andrews to "back the f*** off"....Andrews says "You can't fight inevitability.....blood will out and Logan's true nature is on the precipice"

Andrews reiterates that Dragon's main fear is being unable to beat Logan and stop him from taking the world title but Dragon laughs this off and claims "things have changed". He says Logan has shown his loyalty to his brother and if Kincade has to choose between the two of them, he's confident he'll pick Dragon....Andrews smiles at this and says "Maybe we can test that theory soon". Once again we see the demonic form of Logan Kincade standing in the shadows outside of the office.

*Daniel Reilly is throwing a fit backstage and smashing up equipment. He is screaming about injustice and robberies. Corrupt officials and Harris cheating to win.....Reilly is demanding action from management and that he is considering legal proceedings. Reilly is telling Keane that he can't wait to walk out of this hell hole in November and orders Keane to take the calls from WWE....Max Adamson walks into shot now and says he can understand Reilly's frustration, even if he is a douchebag, but he's pretty sure WWE already have enough whiny b1tches causing issues backstage and they won't want another...

Reilly squares up with Max now and says "Good job you are retired because otherwise you'd be in my sights"....Max dares him to take a shot, retirement or not he will drop Reilly right here and now. Reilly says this company has underutilised him for too long and he'd be world champion anywhere else, maybe he'll just sit out the remainder of his contract. Max says there's no other company with the depth of quality that 6CWF has but he acknowledges Reilly's claim and next week he might want to turn up for the announcement but if he really does want to sit the rest of his contract out - there's the door.

*Acer walks backstage are the mayhem at the end of the Harris-Reilly match. Tim Allen wants to talk to him about what happened out there and also the issues with JJ Johnson. Acer laughs and shakes his head "Every f*cking time.....just one interview, just one match....just one minute without mentioning his f**king name". Acer is looking wild and angry as he storms off, leaving the interviewer with a surprised expression on his face.


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6CWF Presents "Night of Champions" Results - 4th August 2024 Empty Re: 6CWF Presents "Night of Champions" Results - 4th August 2024

Post by JJJohnson Mon Aug 05, 2024 10:19 am

Main Event
6WF World Heavyweight Championship/FFTR Briefcase
Eddy Kent/Rex Adamson © vs Chris Patricks/Liam Wood

*The crowd are at fever pitch for the main event. Michael Bird is up in the ring to explain how tonight is going to work and the rulings (mainly that only one of the two prizes can be won or lost depending on who is pinned/submitted). Now come the entrances and Sheffield is on its feet for the arrival of all four men. The referee is making sure all four are aware of his expectations whilst Eddy Kent is grinning over at Liam Wood. Chris Patricks and Rex are locked on.

*Wood and Rex are starting off (huge roar from the crowd for this clash). They circle and lockup centre ring. Wood twists Rex’s arm but then Rex spins free and drops to a knee before flipping Wood over his shoulders to the canvass. They get back up and Rex sidesteps before sending Wood off the ropes. He leaps for a leapfrog but Wood ducks under and runs the opposite ropes before returning with a flying crossbody takedown. Rex, however, catches Wood and rolls through to his feet with a grin. He looks to spin Wood up on his shoulders but Wood kicks his legs and drops off the back. He looks for the full nelson but Rex locks his legs and then spins around back for a German suplex. Wood runs forward and presses both of his feet into the turnbuckle before pushing backward so that he rolls on top of Rex for a two count. Commentators remind us that Wood was walking out with the FFTR briefcase had he got then pin. “Nowhere for Eddy Kent to hide if that happens”.

*They get back up and Rex reacts quicker with a knee to the stomach. He looks for a huge suplex and holds Wood in the air for ten seconds before just launching him across the ring so that he lands on his chest. Wood kneels for a moment as Rex beckons him to stand up and fight again. Patricks leans over the ropes and slaps Wood’s back for the tag. Wood casts a look at CP as he leaps over the ropes (“That’s the issue in this match for the chasing team….only one of them can win here and that is bound to create problems”). Patricks and Rex circle before moving forward for a lockup but CP spins low and swipes Rex’s feet with his heels. Patricks performs a standing moonsault and then bounces back into the ropes for a somersault legdrop. Rex staggers up as Patricks springs off the ropes and lands a leg lariat (ala Matt Cardona) for a two, the cameras show Liam Wood was moving through the ropes (is he going to allow Patricks to win this match?).

*Eddy Kent is watching from the apron (showing no interest in getting involved) as Chris Patricks clambers up top and leaps off with a missile dropkick on Rex Adamson. Patricks wills Rex back up and crashes a roundhouse kick into his gut and then kicks his legs out from under him with his opposite foot. Patricks nods in recognition of the crowd and then he runs the ropes for rolling thunder but lands across the upturned knees of Rex Adamson. Rex rolls back onto his feet now and he charges off the ropes with a shoulder tackle which sends CP back into the ropes and pops him into a Samoan drop as he returns. Rex talks trash at CP as he gets up and he circles the ring before running the corner and looking for a huge imploding catapult splash (ala Jack Swagger) but Patricks moves at the final second. Rex is scrunched up on the mat as Patricks nails a split-legged moonsault for another two count. Liam Wood is starting to look agitated from the apron.

*Patricks circles Rex and then looks to drag him in position for a “crossrhodes” but Rex drops to a knee and launches CP over his shoulder. They scramble back up and Patricks leaps into a twisting wheelbarrow position but Rex catches him and launches him backward into the turnbuckle with a German suplex. Patricks is folded up hurting as Rex runs the ropes and returns with a cannonball splash (ala KO). Rex pounds his chest (some of the crowd clearly behind him) and then he follows up with the imploding catapult splash (ala Jack Swagger). He covers but Wood gets in the ring and rags him off the cover. Rex kneels and smirks as the referee backs Wood into the corner. Rex looks to Kent now and asks him if he wants to get involved but Kent shakes his head and urges Rex to continue his assault.

*Rex takes his spot in the corner now and he is waiting for Chris Patricks to rise to his feet before he sprints out for the “Gore” only to be on the receiving end leaping enzeguiri. The kick doesn’t land flush but it is enough to daze Rex and he stumbles back up into a backstabber from Patricks. The crowd are cheering Patricks on and Liam Wood is asking for the tag but it is clear that CP is reluctant to give up his hold in the contest. Patricks heads for the corner instead (Wood cursing him) and he leaps up top. Bramall Lane rises as Patricks launches himself into the “Puzzle Solver” frogsplash but finds nothing but canvass as Rex moves out of the way. Rex gets up now and shows his power to gutwrench Patrick into the air and catches him in position for a release crucifix powerbomb. Rex staggers back into the corner and he looks to Eddy Kent but it is clear that Kent has no desire to get involved and put his title in jeopardy. Rex looks annoyed but then runs out for the “Gore” instead but Patricks leaps over him and rolls him up for a two count. They scramble up and CP grabs Rex but is shoved back into the ropes, which allows Liam Wood to tag himself in.


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6CWF Presents "Night of Champions" Results - 4th August 2024 Empty Re: 6CWF Presents "Night of Champions" Results - 4th August 2024

Post by JJJohnson Mon Aug 05, 2024 10:20 am

*Wood springs in now and lands a flying clothesline (ala CM Punk) to take Rex down. Rex gets back up and misses with a right hand as Woods superkicks him in the stomach and nails a “final curtain” suplex as the audience roar. Wood stands and he points to Eddy Kent and dares him to man up and get involved but Kent doesn’t move an inch. Wood grabs Rex by the throat now for a chokeslam backbreaker but Rex jumps out the side and slams a knee into Wood’s stomach before flipping him up for a powerbomb. Wood lands out front and counters with a double armed DDT out of nowhere. The crowd are on their feet as Wood heads to the corner now and leaps through the air with an elbow to the heart of Rex. He beckons the youngster up and kicks him in the stomach before locking him in for the “Manson Driver”. Rex struggles and counters by swiping Wood’s legs. He catapults Wood to the corner and he lands on the turnbuckle. Wood feints to twist off into a crossbody so Rex drops to a knee in anticipation….Wood smirks and leaps off with a devastating “Psycho Crusher” foot stomp. The audience cannot believe it as Wood makes the cover but somehow Rex just about kicks out.

JT: Eddy Kent didn’t even try to intervene….he’s the goddamn leader of Genesis and he was just going to watch Rex Adamson lose the “Fight for the Right” briefcase…

RJ: Eddy Kent only cares about being world champion….this should be obvious to everyone…

JT: Well it certainly should be becoming a lot more obvious to Rex Adamson!

*Wood stares at Kent and says “Your mask is slipping….he can see you and the fact you don’t give a f*ck”. Kent is stony faced as Wood drags Rex up now and he whips him off the ropes for the “World Eater” but Rex stuns the crowd with a midair headscissors….”This kid can do anything” says RJ…..both men get back up and Rex rushes at Wood but is backdropped over the ropes and onto the apron. Rex lands on his feet and beckons Wood around before aiming a shoulder thrust through the middle rope but Wood is ready for him as he leaps into the air and drives a knee down into the back of Rex’s neck. Rex is left slumped on the apron as Wood runs the opposite ropes before returning with a flying spear to take himself and Rex crashing to the arena floor. Kent is yelling at the referee “Count them out” but the referee shakes his head…

JT: This is proper referee….he recognises the stakes tonight….this isn’t ending on a count out…

Kent looks disgusted as he decides to drop down off the apron and he waits for Wood to rise (the first man to do so) and then he looks for the “Genesis Kick” but Wood avoids it as Chris Patricks runs across the apron and launches himself into a senton which wipes Kent out and crashes them both back against the security barrier. Wood hauls Rex up and throws him back into the ring.

*Rex stumbles up as Wood catapults over for a “Buckshot” lariat but Adamson ducks under it and springs off the ropes himself before twisting back with a flying “claymore” style kick. Wood staggers up and Rex smashes him with forearms and then whips him off the ropes. He lowers his head for a backdrop so Wood attempts to hurdle him but Rex pops his head up and catches Wood in mid-jump before dropping backward across the top rope with an inverted powerbomb. “These two were just meant to fight one another” remarks JT…..Rex drags Wood up and suplexes him into the air before releasing him into a falling neckbreaker for a two count. Rex drops the straps on his singlet and tries to get Wood into the “stretch muffler” submission but Wood kicks out repeatedly at his knees until he drops. Wood swivels on top now and tries to apply the “Viper Lock” but Rex stands out of the hold and then he climbs up the turnbuckle (Wood still on his back). What happens next is quite remarkable as Rex throws himself into a moonsault which causes him to land hard on his own chest but the impact reverberates upward and sends Wood flying across the ring.

RJ: Perhaps one of the most unreal things I ever saw in a pro wrestling ring…

*Wood is breathing heavy as Patricks reaches over the ropes and tags himself in. Rex is winded from his fall as CP springboards in and wipes him out with a tornado DDT. Patricks is signalling this one is a wrap as he leaps onto the top rope and launches himself into the “Puzzle Solver” frogsplash. The three count is inevitable until Liam Wood pulls Patricks off the cover. It looks like we are going to have our first clash between teammates. Patricks is up now and in Wood’s face. The two men are arguing and shoving one another. The crowd are very much torn in their support until Eddy Kent comes out of nowhere with the “Genesis Kick” on Patricks. Wood spins the world champ and lands a headbutt before Rex rips right through Wood with the “Gore”. Rex is hurting bad as Kent screams at him to cover Patricks. He crawls over and drops on top but Patricks is too close to the ropes.

*Rex yells at Kent now “Help us out” but Kent wants to retake his position on the apron. Rex wipes sweat from his brow as he drags Patricks up now and swings him onto his shoulders for the “Fire/Thunder” Driver. CP kicks his legs and drops behind before shoving Rex into the ropes, causing him to collide with Kent. The referee is calling it a tag and Kent cannot quite believe it as Rex staggers around and walks into an “Enigma Bomb” from Patricks, sending him rolling from the ring. Kent is arguing with the ref but the tag is being called official. Patricks grabs Kent now and hauls him over the top rope onto the canvass as the crowd roar in delight. Kent tries to plead but Patricks dropkicks him into the corner and follows up with another so that Kent slips into a seated position. Patricks circles back around on himself and sprints in with the brutal boot (ala Matt Cardona) that crushes the world champion’s head against the turnbuckle. Patricks drags him out now before clambering onto the apron and nails a springboard somersault legdrop for a two count. It is clear that the Sheffield crowd are starting to believe here tonight.

*Patricks signals for a destroyer as the audience cheer. He runs the ropes for the attempted piledriver but Kent swivels and catches him on his shoulders before nailing a rolling fireman’s slam. The world champ sits for a moment and nods his head before heading for the corner. He climbs up high and poses in front of the crowd before throwing himself into a “Kent Bomb” but Patricks moves at the last second. Kent staggers back up as Patricks leaps into him and nails a wheelbarrow into a bulldog facebuster and follows up with rolling thunder. Patricks points to the turnbuckle and drinks in the roar of the crowd. He leaps up high and sets his feet for the “Puzzle Solver” when Liam Wood climbs back on the apron and makes the blind tag. Patricks is kneeling on the ropes and staring at Wood with real annoyance. He then shakes his head and shrugs before launching off and he lands the “Puzzle Solver” on the champion…

JT: Patricks might not be happy that Wood is legal but he said he’d make sure Genesis lost either way tonight….


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6CWF Presents "Night of Champions" Results - 4th August 2024 Empty Re: 6CWF Presents "Night of Champions" Results - 4th August 2024

Post by JJJohnson Mon Aug 05, 2024 10:22 am

Liam Wood climbs into the ring now and he drags Kent into position and nails him with the “Manson Driver”. He hooks both legs and the crowd count along until Rex drags Kent under the bottom rope to shield him, nobody can quite believe it but Rex Adamson has kept Eddy Kent’s world title reign alive.

*Wood looks furious as he clambers up and prepares to catapult himself over the ropes to the outside but Rex turns away from Kent and jumps into the air to meet Wood with a spear. He rags him back up and runs him around ring before launching him over the announce desk into the Spanish commentators behind. Rex is all kinds of fired up as he rips the coverings off the Spanish table. Chris Patricks is in the ring and he runs the ropes and somersaults over the top into an attack but Rex sidesteps as CP slams, upside down and spine first, into the announce table. The crowd are looking stunned at the manner of Patricks’ landing and we might need some medical attention here. Rex shows no remorse or mercy as he turns and throws Wood on the table now before climbing up with him. He gets Wood on his shoulders but Wood fights off now and kicks Rex in the stomach before delivering the “Manson Driver” through the desk.

*Wood drags himself out of the wreckage as Eddy Kent slams into him and delivers the “Mic Check” against the ring apron. Wood is clearly dazed as Kent throws him into the ring now and scores with the “Kent Bomb” from the top rope. Looks like another Eddy Kent title defence but NO!.....Wood delights the audience as he manages to pop his shoulder off the canvass just in time. Eddy Kent is looking incredulous as he stands and confronts the referee. The official is adamant it was a two count and Kent needs to get on with the match. We see the ringside doctor talking to Chris Patricks (looks like a concussion?)…..Kent spits in anger before willing Liam Wood up to his feet and he launches at him for the “Genesis Kick” but Wood avoids it and he gets Kent on his shoulders before nailing the “World Eater” knee strike. Liam Wood is a four time world champion…………………1…………………2………….Miss Jessica is there to put Eddy Kent’s foot on the ropes. Isn’t this Déjà vu?

Jessica is cackling and twirling her hair before she is span around and dumped on her backside by a right hand from Emmy. Pure catfight out here at ringside. Security and more referees are called to deal with this madness as Miss Jessica and Emmy are pulled apart. Liam Wood is watching the drama unfold and then turns his attention back to Eddy Kent. Kent is obviously in a bad way as he struggles up and Wood drills him with a lungblower. Kent rolls over on his knees as Wood indicates it is over…..running “Psycho Crusher”……Wood is making the cover again but the referee has got out of the ring to sort the fight between Jessica/Emmy. Chris Patricks is on the apron with a steelchair…

JT: There is a very glazed look in Chris Patricks’ eyes…he doesn’t know where he is…

RJ: He should have been taken out of here….OH GOD!


Patricks springs on the ropes and tucks the chair under his legs for the “Big Bang” facebuster but he lands down on the back of Liam Wood’s head (who is in the process of covering Eddy Kent)….

*Rex Adamson drags Patricks out of the ring now and he smashes him with the FFTR briefcase (that concussion is a guarantee now) which leaves CP flat on the canvass. Rex is smarting from going through the table (blood coming from his ear) as he turns to the ring with an angry grimace. Liam Wood and Eddy Kent are both struggling on the canvass as Rex places the briefcase on the apron and rolls in. He paces back and forth as he waits for Wood to stand up and then sprints out toward him….



Wood sidesteps the spear attempt and sends Rex running through Eddy Kent. Rex swears loudly as he stands back up and Wood kicks him in the gut for the “Manson Driver” but Rex swipes Wood’s legs and catapults him to the turnbuckle. Wood staggers back around and Rex drags him into a release side uranage slam…..Rex stumbles up and he looks down at Wood before looking over at Eddy Kent (clutching his ribs) and the FFTR briefcase…

JT: Kent is hurt here….what are you thinking, Rex?


*Rex is clearly torn as Eddy Kent looks up at him. There is a pleading and look of realisation on Kent’s face but then Liam Wood slams into Rex with a jumping knee to the spine. Rex staggers into the ropes and comes back around as Wood lifts him for the “World Eater” but Rex battles off the back and he lifts Wood into an electric chair position for “Croyt’s Wrath” but then pops him out in midair to catch him on his shoulders as he comes down…


The crowd are astonished at the incredible foot stomp counter as Wood comes down from nearly ten foot in the air. Rex rolls from the ring as Wood turns and Kent propels toward him…


Wood avoids the contact at the final second and he scoops Kent onto his shoulders in the “Burning Hammer” position before he flips him off and catches him with the second devastating “World Eater” knee…



Ding ding ding

*Claxon sounds


*It is pandemonium in the stands of Bramall Lane as the referee’s hand comes down for the three count when the claxon sounds out all around the stadium. There is some real confusion because surely Liam Wood is the brand new 6WF World Heavyweight Champion. The referee certainly seems to think so as he asks for the belt to be handed to him. Liam Wood is on his knees, struggling to believe what he has just achieved but then Damien Andrews is walking out on stage.

Andrews commends all four men on one of the greatest matches we have ever seen but the bad news is that there is a sixty minute time limit in place and that sixty minutes elapsed just before the referee’s count could be completed. Therefore Eddy Kent is still 6WF World Champion. The boos are deafening as Andrews tries to deliver the news. Liam Wood looks on the verge of a mental breakdown. Max Adamson joins his Co-General Manager now and they are doing their best to keep the situation as calm as possible.

Miss Jessica has returned to the ring and is crouched next to the unconscious form of Eddy Kent as we see Rex Adamson climbing onto the apron again with his FFTR briefcase. Liam Wood is now embroiled in a full blown argument with Damien Andrews as Max Adamson is staring at his nephew (is he giving Rex the green light to cash in?). Rex is looking from his case to his Uncle and then at Kent as Miss Jessica realises what may be about to happen. Is she smiling? This is madness….Rex looks taken aback by Miss Jessica biting her lip. He is stepping through the ropes at the time but freezes….

Another “Cash it in” chant is just starting up but all attention is diverted as Liam Wood nails Damien Andrews with a huge right hand….Wood has snapped!!!

Security and referees are involved as Max rushes around to get Wood under control but flames burst from the stage and Logan Kincade is here!!!

Kincade is marching to the ring amidst the mayhem and he is in the ring as he seizes Liam Wood by the throat and drills him with a huge chokeslam in the middle of the ring (Logan protecting his dad?). Chris Patricks (very much worse for wear) is in the ring and he looks to help Wood out by attacking Logan Kincade. He is trying to back up but here is the 6CW World Champion, Blue Dragon….Dragon and Logan deliver a double chokeslam on Patricks now in the middle of the ring….

JT: I’m not sure Blue Dragon wanted to come to his father’s aid but he wasn’t going to leave Logan out there alone…

*Eddy Kent has recovered enough to slither from the ring, clutching his world title, as Rex Adamson drops from the apron and makes his way around to Kent/Miss Jessica. Kent is staring at the mayhem at ringside as he holds his title even tighter before casting a look at Rex Adamson. Rex is watching Blue Dragon & Kincade (Is that the route he wants to take with his case?) before looking at Kent and Jessica (remember that lip bite?)….

RJ: I mean if Rex Adamson wants to be world champion….if you ask me, no brainer decision….

Damien Andrews is holding his jaw as he gets up but he is clearly very happy to see his “Boys” have come to his aid. Blue Dragon looks less than impressed as Andrews slaps Logan on the arm and smiles at him. The show is drawing to an end as we are reminded of everything we have just seen:

*One of the greatest matches in 6CWF history ending on a time limit draw just as Liam Wood was about to win the title
*Rex deliberating on the cash-in. Did Miss Jessica want him to?
*Liam Wood assaulting Damien Andrews. Logan Kincade coming to aid his father and chokeslamming Wood. Blue Dragon getting involved after Patricks tried to save Wood.
*Blue Dragon & Logan standing tall
*Is there still trust between Rex/Kent?

*We see JJ Johnson & The Saint backstage watching all of the action unfold.

Saint: I want those tag belts back….no way Kincade is getting away with what he did…

*JJ is looking at the monitors whilst Saint rubs at the stitches on the side of his head

JJ: I feel ya playa….got an idea on that…..this s**t gone be fun!


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