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6CWF Presents "Proving Grounds" - Tuesday 22nd October 2024 (Episode 43)

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6CWF Presents "Proving Grounds" - Tuesday 22nd October 2024 (Episode 43) Empty 6CWF Presents "Proving Grounds" - Tuesday 22nd October 2024 (Episode 43)

Post by JJJohnson Thu 10 Oct 2024 - 5:58

Live from the Tauron Arena, Krakow, Poland
Start time : 7pm
Official theme songs: "All of the lights" by Rihanna/Kanye West

Bout 1
Tony Monk vs The Villain

Bout 2
Chris Patricks vs Logan Kincade

Bout 3
??? vs Thunder

Bout 4
Blue Dragon vs Uryu Ishida

Bout 5
JJ Johnson/The Saint vs The MVPs (Jimmy Phillips/Mike Masters)

Main Event
Revolution vs Dicey Reilly/GazzyD/Geoff Steel

*Acer is crowned "King of 6CWF"
*Eddy Kent/Rex Adamson will answer questions on the historic ending to the "Road to Royalty"
*Miss Jessica/Max Adamson/Jackson Jackson amongst others will be pressed for their reactions.
*The in-ring debuts of Tony Monk & 6CWF's newest acquisition - The Villain
*Chris Patricks & Uryu Ishida will sign the contract for their match at Born in Fire. Will Max Adamson or Damien Andrews intervene?
*Can Blue Dragon & Logan Kincade honour the "no physical contact" clause? Why Hardcore Hell?
*What is Damien Andrews' role in this feud?
*Diego Romero/Killbane will go head to head as 6CWF's delves deep into the past of both combatants
*6CWF will announce the return of another match type
*Another potential return on the cards?
*Will Liam Wood look for revenge on Thunder? Can he wait until Born in Fire?
*The Brothers of Seduction will host a "Live Sex(y) Celebration"
*More developments on the EWF/TAW/6CW/6WF World Championship situations
*Update on Daniel Reilly's contract
*Will Scott Harris come for Perfect Jack? The Sharpshooter vs The Figure Four....which move is deadlier?
*Who will challenge Daniel Reilly at Born in Fire? Can Revolution keep the wolves from the door?
*Is there more than meets the eye between Dicey Reilly & Geoff Steel? Professional rivalry or does it run deeper?
*Can The MVPs hit it off as a tag team?
*Can JJ & The Saint co-exist with Born in Fire on the horizon? Will Acer confront them?
*Is Edward Plague coming back for GazzyD?
*And much, much more


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6CWF Presents "Proving Grounds" - Tuesday 22nd October 2024 (Episode 43) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents "Proving Grounds" - Tuesday 22nd October 2024 (Episode 43)

Post by Marky Fri 11 Oct 2024 - 22:01

The crowd inside the Tauron Arena are buzzing with excitement, and they erupt when "Tobey" by Eminem hits, Rex Adamson walks out to the stage, he has Jackson Jackson alongside him, Rex is wearing a red and black "Champ Slayer" t-shirt, and seems to have removed all traces of Genesis from his wardrobe.

Jackson and Rex make their way to the ring, Rex smirking at the entire arena chanting his name. The pair get into the ring and Jackson grabs a microphone...

Jackson: Ladies and Gentlemen... my name... is Jackson Jackson. And I stand before you fine people, to officially state, that my good friend Rex Adamson here... Is no longer a member of Genesis...

The crowd pops hugely as Rex seems a little taken aback

Jackson: ...And before I get the blame, I have had zero input into Rex's decision making. He'll explain everything in a minute. I just wanted to be out here, with my little bro, and tell him, in front of the entire 6CWF Universe... I'm proud of you mate.

Rex has a big smile on his face as he and Jackson shake a handshake and a hug

Jackson: However.

The crowd "oooh"s as Rex has a bemused look on his face

Jackson: The next few weeks are going to be hellish. You knew that a Rex and Genesis split would not be amicable, even if they caused all this. The fact you've cashed in your Fight for the Right briefcase for a match against Eddy Kent, at Born in Fire... That means you've declared war on Genesis. Including all their hangers on. It no longer matters what you and Genesis did together, because you're now trying to do the one thing you helped stop numerous people do in 2024. And that's taking the 6WF World Heavyweight Championship away from Eddy Kent.

Rex looks deep in thought, before he motions for Jackson to hand him the microphone, which he obliges. Rex smiles at Jackson

Rex: I can't pretend I haven't been guided by Eddy for the last year. He's done a lot for me. The problems that lie within Genesis are not of Eddy Kent's doing. Even last month, when it was just us two, we walked into the Elimination Chamber and became World Tag Team Champions together. Then Sweetwater came back and got in Eddy's head. If Eddy Kent really feels like he is the Daddy and I was the Chosen Son, then he's up there with Kate and Gerry in terms of parenting because he allowed Michael Sweetwater to convince him I was the problem. And Eddy, believe me when I say this...

Rex stares down the camera lens

Rex: ...You made the wrong choice. You chose preserving your title reign, just in case I cashed in on you, over making Genesis untouchable. You chose the ramblings of a CTE ridden, has-been, over taking Genesis into the future. Over making history. We were one successful cash-in away from being World Champs and World Tag Champs simultaneously. But you couldn't look further than your own title reign. But I'm a fair man Eddy. You know that. I don't just want to snatch the title away from you...

Rex grins before continuing

Rex: ...I still want to prove myself. I have faced and defeated multiple World Champions since debuting in 6CWF. I'm the Champ Slayer for a reason! But there's one Champion I have yet to defeat. And to do that with the briefcase... It's not the same. I am going to defeat you, on the grandest stage. Main eventing Born In Fire, and taking your Championship away. You will have no excuses. You will be 100% healthy. With Genesis in your corner no doubt. And you will lose to Rex Adamson. And only then, will you truly realise, that you backed the wrong horse.

"Tobey" by Eminem plays again and Rex and Jackson talk to each other off mic


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6CWF Presents "Proving Grounds" - Tuesday 22nd October 2024 (Episode 43) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents "Proving Grounds" - Tuesday 22nd October 2024 (Episode 43)

Post by x12x Sat 12 Oct 2024 - 1:44

Our scene begins in the apartment of The Viper Liam Wood who is pacing the floor, clearly worked up. In Wood's hands he holds a special edition of the poster to 6CWF Born In Fire. On this poster it shows the faces of himself and Thunder to advertise their upcoming match.

This is what you wanted right?!

Wood crumples up the poster and throws it on the floor as his eyes lock on to the camera as if he is speaking directly to Thunder himself.

I hope so because this is the life you've signed up for now...real life...not a story in some stupid f**king comic where you pretend you're Aquaman or some sh¡t...this is REAL.

Wood pauses for a second

I think that might be what has hurt me the most...

...not the fact that you screwed me out of the belt, not even the fact that you attacked me in the first place but it's the way that you betray me after 25 years of friendship and then you come out here last week and put on your stupid f**king act like this is still about entertaining people... Born In Fire is just another match to you.

you see, this isn't just another match...this isn't going to be like any match we've ever had before...I said it last week when I accepted your challenge but this is more than any of those matches we've had before...this is personal.

Wood pauses, collecting himself before speaking again

I honestly don't think you're've come back with your new sh¡tty music and this whole new 'heel' persona but I can see through I said, it's all an act.

So I'm asking you to do me one last favour...

...when you step in the ring with me at Born In Fire, leave Thunder at the door and make sure it's Michael that turns up.

...I want it to be Michael who's blood I spill, I want it to be Michael who screams out in pain as I look to break his bones and end his career and I want it to be Michael to be the one to look me in the eyes as he realises he'll always be second best to me...

Wood pauses one final time

...because that's the truth isn't it?! You can hide your reasoning and claim it's 'destiny' but you've always been second place to me your entire life and that must be hard for someone so insecure to deal with. It's ironic that you've spent most of your life dressing up and playing superhero when in reality you've always been the side kick...

...I got you in to 6CWF, I kept you relevant and without me, nobody would know who the f**k you are. You say that it's destiny for us to fight but the sad truth that you need to realise is, it's only Destiny because of the obsession you have... congratulations, you're getting what you want and you can settle this warped view of destiny by being put through hell...

...I hope it's all you ever dreamt it would be.

Wood shakes his head one last time before walking out of shot.


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6CWF Presents "Proving Grounds" - Tuesday 22nd October 2024 (Episode 43) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents "Proving Grounds" - Tuesday 22nd October 2024 (Episode 43)

Post by x12x Mon 14 Oct 2024 - 20:50

As our scene begins we find ourselves in a trashed hotel penthouse suit that is littered with various empty bottles of champagne. The camera pans around the room to see various scantily dressed super models sleeping on sofas and other surfaces, we then reach the bed which again has a bunch of models fast asleep.


Despite the knocking at the door nothing happens


This time the person knocking knocks louder and causes a figure, lying among the supermodels, begins to stir before sitting up to reveal it as none other than one half of the new 6CWF Tag Team World Champions...Brandon Perez.

Perez winces as the knocking continues, clearly very hungover as he  climbs down from the super-king size bed, trying his best to not wake up any of the sleeping women in the bed or lying around the penthouse...the knocking continues


Perez pulls the door open quickly, the pained look still on his face

Jeez man! You're going to wake the babes...

The man stood at the door is one of the 6CWF stage hands and talent relations staff members who has an unimpressed look on his face.

Wait?! Why are you here? Can't a champion get a day off now and again to celebrate?

Staff: It looks like you've been doing enough celebrating...and I've been asked to collect you because you and Percy have media duty today...

Perez shakes his head and seems a little confused

but that interview is on Monday...

Staff: Today IS and Percy have been partying for 5 days...we need you at ITV in the next hour or so as you're promoting 6CWF as two of our newest champions...wait, where is Percy by the way?!

um, about that...I'm not 100% sure, everything is a bit hazy right now. I do remember being with him at some point though...things kind of got out of hand...

Well we were going to be sensible you see and only have a few but then Percy suggested we get a bottle of champagne to celebrate...but then you see there are two of us, so we got one we were being good...

...turns out though, if you win tag team gold people like to buy you drinks and one thing lead to another and now we're here...well I am, Percy kind of went missing in the Gay District and I ended up partying with a group of models and more not awful behaviour.

apart from the fight I got in...

Perez is quickly cut off by the exasperated stage hand

Staff member: Who did you fight?!

Well, like I memory is a little hazy but at one point I may have got in to a fight with all of the bouncers in the club and won! There were about 10 of them but I showed them just how tough 6CWF Tag Champions are...

The staff member remains silent, clearly not believing most of what has been said but also at his wits end with having to deal with the Brothers Of Seduction. Suddenly a text tone goes off and Perez pulls his phone out of his pocket with a smile on his face

It's Percy! He's alive! He said he just woke up and was a little lost but he's got something to show me...lets go get him!

Perez attempts to leave but the staff member stops him in his tracks

Staff: Aren't you forgetting something?

Brandon take a second before realising the issue and quickly runs back in to the room before coming out with the title belt

Sorry, still not used to having this thing!

The scene ends with Perez walking off still in the hotel dressing gown and nothing else, the staff member shakes his head and mumbles to himself "I meant your clothes but whatever..."


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6CWF Presents "Proving Grounds" - Tuesday 22nd October 2024 (Episode 43) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents "Proving Grounds" - Tuesday 22nd October 2024 (Episode 43)

Post by Marky Mon 14 Oct 2024 - 21:44

We see a large hotel suite, daylight creeping in through the partially open curtains, dark but dark enough to see there are several partially naked male and female bodies strewn out on the floor, on the sofa and on the bed. We hear a groan, and one of the figures gets up from the bed. The partial light reveals it to be Percy Percival, his eyes are not fully opened, his hair a mess, and he is wearing nothing but his newly won 6CWF World Tag Team Championship, which is buttoned around his waist, covering his modesty.

Percy stretches, and then winces, holding his midrift. He looks around at the carnage in the room, and mutters "oh my God" to himself. Percy shuffles past some more sleeping bodies and makes his way to the bathroom.

Percy: Brandon? BRANDON? Are you in here?

One of the people in the main room shushes Percy, Percy looks irritated as he walks into the bathroom, we see his bare backside as he goes for a wee with the door open, for what feels like an age. Once he finishes, Percy walks over to the sink and runs the taps, staring at his reflection in the mirror.

Percy washes his hands and splashes water onto his face in an attempt to wake himself up, he slaps his own face with both hands and tries to make sense of what might have happened.

Percy: Where is my phone... And where the f*ck are my clothes?

Percy walks back into the main room, he accidentally clinks some empty bottles together and the noise seems to trigger a headache, he holds the side of his head as he walks back towards the bed. He finds some black jeans, and he goes to put them on. In doing so, he moves his Tag Title belt up to get his jeans on, and winces again, something isn't right with his stomach.

Percy walks over to a full length mirror, now wearing jeans but still shirtless and barefoot, and removes the Tag Title...

Percy: Oh, my, f*cking, God...

Percy unclips his Tag Title and the camera shows Percy appears to have a full size tattoo of the same Tag Title across his stomach, he looks and sees the tattoo goes all the way around his torso, the full belt and strap have been tattooed on his body. Percy lets out a whimper, as the realisation sets in.

Percy hurriedly looks in a duffel bag which is on the floor nearby, and it emerges it's Percy's merch bag. He grabs one of his own zip up hoodies, ripping the plastic bag off and chucking it to one side, ripping the tags off, and puts it on over his shirtless body, zipping it up. He finds his phone inside the duffel bag, and immediately starts texting.

Percy then grabs his stuff, including his Tag Title, and bundles it into the duffel bag, he sighs as he assesses the scene in the hotel room, he receives a text which he reads to himself...

Percy: F*ck... I'm late...

Percy looks at his bare feet, he looks around the room and freezes when he sees one of the unconscious bodies with a pair of sliders on their feet. Percy quietly and carefully removes the sliders from the person, and puts them on, he seems a little uneasy but his phone vibrates again and he huffs, immediately grabbing his bag and leaving the hotel room


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6CWF Presents "Proving Grounds" - Tuesday 22nd October 2024 (Episode 43) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents "Proving Grounds" - Tuesday 22nd October 2024 (Episode 43)

Post by acer101 Tue 15 Oct 2024 - 20:52

The camera opens with a close-up of Acer, standing in the center of a dimly lit ring. His face, half-hidden in shadow, radiates pure intensity. He’s dressed in his ring gear, eyes narrowed, with a cold, calculated smirk. His voice, low and controlled, cuts through the silence like a blade.

“There’s a game they play in Russia… 100 people, two of them are Werewolves, the rest are villagers. Every night, the Werewolves pick someone to kill, and every day, the survivors try to figure out who the Wolves are. The game doesn’t end until either the Werewolves are caught… or the villagers are dead. And most of the time? The Werewolves win. You see, this game proves something very simple – that an informed minority, when they stay sharp and ruthless, can manipulate, outwit and destroy an uninformed majority.”

He steps forward, his whole face now visible and his voice growing sharper.

“Now, I know what you’re all thinking. ‘What does this have to do with 6CWF?’ What does Acer’s little metaphor mean? Well, let me make it crystal clear for you – it means everything. You see, the narrative that’s being spun around me right now is nothing but lies. ‘Acer’s lost his mind,’ ‘Acer stabbed his friends in the back,’ ‘Acer’s not that good.’ And you’re all feasting on this baseless propaganda. It’s the same old story they’ve used to tear others down when they’re rising too fast. But here’s the truth: I’m in full control, always have been. Sure, maybe I’ve made a few ‘questionable’ decisions along the way, but tell me, who hasn’t when they’re fingertips away from their dreams? Who wouldn’t do anything to take what they’ve earned?”

His smirk deepens as he raises his hand to gesture dismissively.

“And as for ‘not that good?’ Let’s check the facts. One singles loss in 2024 – and that, thanks to outside interference. Last week? I won the Road to Royalty. I stand here as the King of 6CWF.

He pauses, allowing the tension to settle before continuing, his tone growing more menacing.

“Then, there’s the ‘backstabbing’ talk. Let’s get into that. Saint, you were never supposed to be part of this. I told you, this was between me and JJ. But you couldn’t help yourself, could you? Had to come down and play the ‘peacekeeper.’ Had to make it about yourself. You wanted to be the Knight in Shining Armor, preaching about ‘brotherhood.’ But what happened in that empty Co-op Arena? The mask slipped, and your real intentions were laid bare. You wanted the fight. And when we fought, I didn’t even bring my best, and you were laid out. Who came to save you? JJ.”

His eyes narrow, full of disdain.

“And then, JJ… You turned on me long before I ever struck first. Ever since I said I wanted to go my own way, you’ve been pushing me, trying to keep me under your shadow. You interfered in my matches, tried to overshadow me with your little celebratory parties and posters, not forgetting your not-so-subtle digs on social media, and last week… Last week, I finally stepped out of your shadow. I took the crown, won the Road to Royalty, and stood on the precipice of World Championship glory. And what did you do?”

He leans in closer to the camera, voice dripping with bitterness.

“You and Saint couldn’t handle it. You strutted down to the ring, threw your egos around, and stole my moment. My victory. And you made it all about you. You brought out that TAW Championship, and with one move, you tried to overshadow everything I’ve worked for.  Maybe the Krakow crowd, with their combined IQ of 72, didn’t catch on, but I see it for what it is. You’re trying to control the narrative, trying to pull me back into your game. But let me tell you something – this isn’t going to go how you think.”

The tension in Acer’s voice rises, his intensity palpable as he steps closer to the camera, his face still cold but pure anger is just beneath the surface.

“I’m not just fighting for a title anymore. I’m fighting for everything I’ve been denied, for every opportunity you’ve stolen, for every time you’ve told me I’m ‘second-best.’ JJ, you can stand there with your undeserved gold, throw it on the mat, point at signs like you’re the big man… but deep down, you know what’s coming. You’ve seen my rise, and now, there’s no stopping it.”

“And Saint? Keep laughing, keep playing your games. Pretend this is all one big ‘reunion tour’ for you and JJ. But there won’t be any jokes when you’re laid out at Born in Fire. You should’ve stayed down at Unleashed II, but now you’re on borrowed time. That’s not a threat. That’s not a promise. That’s reality.”

Acer’s voice drops, becoming even quieter, almost sinister, as he continues.

“You both think you can walk into Born in Fire, put on your little show, I’ll go back in my box and everything will go back to normal. But Born in Fire won’t be the nostalgia trip you’re hoping for. It’s going to be the night I take what’s mine. The night I tear down everything you’ve built, expose the lies you’ve been feeding these people, and show the world who Acer really is.”

He steps back into the shadows, his face almost completely obscured now, but his voice still carries the full weight of his message.

“I am Acer. I am the 2024 King of 6CWF . And at Born in Fire, I will be the World F**ing Champion.”

The last words hang in the air as he disappears into the darkness. The camera lingers for a moment before Acer’s voice, now slightly muffled, echoes one last time.

“Perspective… it’s a wonderful thing.”


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6CWF Presents "Proving Grounds" - Tuesday 22nd October 2024 (Episode 43) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents "Proving Grounds" - Tuesday 22nd October 2024 (Episode 43)

Post by President Trump Wed 16 Oct 2024 - 19:37

RJ: Here we are in Tauron Arena, Krakow, Poland and what a reception we have received since landing here JT

JT: The Polish fans have really laid out the red carpet for u…

Just as JT is finishing his sentence Refuse/Resist by Sepultura hits and the crowd go crazy as Chris Patricks walks out from behind the curtain and starts to make his way down to the ring

JT: Well that was rude

RJ: I wouldn’t take it to heart it is Chris’ MO lately

Chris rolls into the ring and poses in the middle drinking in the crowd’s reaction

RJ: For all his actions lately this crowd are excited to see The Enigma

JT: We will see if that stays the same when he opens his mouth

Crowd: E-NIG-MA

CP: Dziękuję wam moi przyjaciele (the crowd cheer at the cheap pop) it has been a whirlwind since getting here two days ago. Press conferences, meet and greets, signings, you know all the usual obligations but one thing I would say against it all is the same mundane questions over and over again “Why the change Chris? What is with the attitude? Why are you fighting Uyru?” I am sick of repeating myself, sick of justifying my actions when anyone with a brain can see why I would be p1ssed off, let down, shunned. Come on people it’s not that hard is it?  

The crowd go quiet in sections

JT: Told ya

CP: Just look at the state of the company at the moment. We have inept refs that have caused people titles or title shots, including myself. We have JJ, whose company owns this place bringing back old titles for his match so either him or one of his friends will win it at Born in Fire. While wrestlers like myself put of careers on the line week in and week out and get nothing in return. He also brought back another World title just because he didn’t want Daniel Reilly messing up his plans for the other two main titles that relatives of the two GM’s are involved in. Its corruption at the highest order but as long as it makes money and the ratings are high who cares right?

Nobody cares so we just have to suck it up, keep the heads down and hope that we get invited to JJ’s baby oil party. (Chris smiles to himself). I am not out here to moan and whinge, I here to educate, to shine a light on the hypocrisy. Who cares about Genesis turning on Rex? Most are slapping themselves on the back telling themselves that they were right all along, it was only a matter of time, I told him it would happen. Me I would tell Blue Dragon to clutch that 6CW title closer to his chest until it is all over.

RJ: Is Chris saying he thinks it’s all a Genesis plot

CP: If you take anything that lying sack of sh1t Rex says at face value you are a fool but I guess Max will be doing cartwheels inside. He has been waiting for this day for months, waiting for little Rexy to see Max’s light but he is just a delusional as the rest. Just look at what Rex said in this very ring, he isn’t repentive, he isn’t running back to attach himself to Max’s apron. He only cares that it was Genesis that attacked first, he is p1ssed that Daddy Kent wasn’t the stand-up guy Rex thought he was…..anyone delusional idiot. And where does that leave Wood? He was knuckles deep in the title scene, beating Rex, losing the title over a ref not doing his job and then now fighting a superhero wannabe, sounds very familiar but I’m sure JJ gave him the “It’s only business, I’ll look after you son” talk.

“Why did you cost Uyru last week Chris?” did I though? I was given permission to come out and do some commentary. I did not lay a hand on Uyru or interfere in the match. Hell I even told him to focus on the fight and not to f**k things up. I was his biggest cheerleader but when he obviously lost I am the bad guy? I can hear all the cheers Uryus name gets from you all. You see him as a good guy, the last in this company but I see through it all unfortunately. I want to like the guy I really do but how can I like or trust someone that would stab you in the back just to get what or who he wants. Look at what he did to poor Gazzy and then gaslighted him just so he could stay close to his missus. He is a creep and I am sure a stalker. He is besotted with his relationship with Max in a one sided kinda way. You see Uryu is like a girl you had one date with in High school. It was a fun night but after all these years he has a secret box under the bed, hidden from his partner with the cinema stub, McDonalds receipt and probably some of your hair in it. He re-lives that night in his dreams every night and is waiting for a time when you will notice him again. You had that chance Uryu, you had the chance to be Max’s knight in shining armour but you were nowhere to be seen so he went to a real friend…ME. It eats you up inside doesn’t it. You sitting up on the roof tops looking down on everyone but the one person you want to be sitting beside you up there, throwing up X’s to each other doesn’t care about you. Most people don’t buddy and I for one couldn’t care less what happens to you just as long you make it to Born in Fire and our match. You see I have months of frustration all built up and I want to hurt you, I want to show the world on the biggest stage that Chris Patricks is not done, that he is still at the top of this game, that he is the man to beat. I am sick of being overlooked, forgotten, an afterthought. Born in Fire is my rebirth Uryu and you will have the front row seat.

Chris leans back on the ropes and drinks in the crowd chanting his name

President Trump

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6CWF Presents "Proving Grounds" - Tuesday 22nd October 2024 (Episode 43) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents "Proving Grounds" - Tuesday 22nd October 2024 (Episode 43)

Post by Bentyf1 Yesterday at 22:54

[The 6CWF universe is welcomed to a 6CWF exclusive live from one of 6CWF many snake pit training facilities in the UK and around the world. The backdrop is a crystal clear mid autumnal day in the heart of London, there is no cloud in the sky and the sun is weakly beating down on the city. The camera pans in on a state of the art facility, with "6CWF Snake Pit" lit up in red with the 6CWF logo also on the building. The building itself is nestled on a busy London street but everything is ghostly calm and quiet. There is no pedestrations, no cars and no noise, just ghostly, eery silence. The scene changes inside to the Snake pit training facility and for a moment all we hear is heavy breathing and panting. The scene then bursts into life as the camera focuses in on a 6CWF banner with the likes of JJ Johnson, Hero, Max Adamson, The Saint and Cassisus Zhi on it. We also see a banner with the likes of Rex Adamson, Liam Wood, Scott Harris, Dicey Reilly and Acer to the side, proudly hanging by the legend banner. The camera then swivles to a training ring where we see three snake pit trainers knocked unconscious, face down on the mat and a few rookies outside the ring looking scared and anxious. The Camera zooms in on the lone figure in the ring, standing in the middle of the carnage, breathing heavily, his shoulders going up and down. 6WF world champion, Eddy Kent is staring, almost possessed at the banners proudly hanging from the ceiling of the snake pit, his ice cold blue eyes look worn out and puffy which suggests he has been crying. Kent is wearing his traditional black under armour tracksuit, poison green Genesis air jordans and his official 6CWF "The Inevitable one" T-shirt in black and poison green. Kent remains unmoved, his eyes fixated on the banners that we saw during the Max/Rex Adamson segement his demeanour exasperated and irritate. We then hear a familiar voice call out from the side.]

???: You've proven your point, Eddy... get out of there.

[Kent cricks his neck to the side, his face emotionless until his eyes meet the gaze of Alex Walker. Walker still looks chipper and the years have been kind to him as he is wearing a smart navy suit and yellow tie. Kent sadistically chuckles to himself as the rookies continue to look nervous. Kent walks towards the side of the ring where Walker is standing on the outside looking at his former protege. Kent lulls his head backwards and lets out a egomanical chuckle and then stares back at Walker to speak.]

Kent: You're still here, Alex? well, that's a surprise... for what it's worth, these rookies and your trainers... not cutting the mustard you know. I mean, I know it's been well over a decade since I was here and things change. Health and safety, medical forms... but my god Alex, what has happened. I was just showing a few of your trainers what would happen in the day and the rookies that will some day share my ring... how is that son of yours by the way?

[Walker looks nonplussed and sighs as Kent stares at him uncomfortably. Walker then speaks]

Walker: Come out of that ring and talk in my office.. we can discuss..

Kent: Oh no, Alex, You don't make the decisions anymore, I do... let's talk right here, I think everything should be out in the open don't you?

[Nonchalantly, Kent glides out the ring and stands face to face with his former mentor, Alex Walker as the rookies look on anxiously. Walker doesn't back down and returns Kent's stare as Kent bears down on him, the size difference captured by the camera. Kent snarls and lets out a snigger before scratching the back of his head and exhaling. Kent then speaks directly at Walker.]

Kent: You know, I had you down as the type to be enjoying retirement Alex. Why stay in the sphere of professional wrestling. I mean your obviously finished with that little fallen experiment of yours and your son, well, where is he? back in the states? back to hating his daddy? so you've gone back to your roots and for what... to find another me? to find another Genesis? Alex, you know there will never be another me. So what is the whole point of this? Or.. or is this something more sinister. The great Alex Walker trying to find someone to save his backside from obsecurity...

[Walker's eyes look at Kent with a glint as he speaks back at a Kent.]

Walker: This is what this is about isn't it Ed? In all the years I've known you and worked with you... we go back to what I thought on day one about you when you dragged your scrawny self, kicking and screaming into one of these snake pits in Glasgow. You can't accept that maybe, just maybe you aren't as good as you say you are. I saw you looking at those banners... and yet, where are you? you're nowhere. And that burns you up... it consumes you. You're need for gratification...approval. Lex saw it and so did Jackson.

[Kent snarls at Walker and snaps back.]

Kent: You know I was better than him. You know I was better than all of them that came before me... the facts don't lie, Alex. Hart told me when I first met him with you all those years ago that I was the best of the best. Or, are you liars? because that's one thing I didn't have you down as Walker, a liar. I didn't have the great Lex Hart down as a liar either... your favourite out of all your experiments. And in my recent years, I don't approve of liars... I'm a man of my word and I expect you to be also.

Walker: You're right, Ed, you were the very best. Lex and I didn't lie and if he was here right now... he would tell you to your face you're the very best. You're the face of the company... which is what you always wanted. That scrawny, pathetic, jealous little boy I met all those years ago in Glasgow... he morphed into something we didn't expect. He aced all the tests. He was top of the class and proved me and Hart wrong. We truly had never seen anything like him... And look at what he became. Those days in the snake pit, in glasgow, we have never seen one like you and haven't since.

[Kent arrogantly smirks and cuts Walker off and begins another tirade.]

Kent: You remember, don't you Alex, when I first burst onto the scene with your Genesis, a force with a singular purpose to conquer, to dominate, to establish our reign as the great white sharks of this industry. I bulldozed through anyone who dared to stand in our way, and more to the point your way. Leaving a trail of wrestlers and shattered dreams in our wake. We were a force of nature, an unrelenting storm that would not be tamed. But that wasn't down to Lex Hart... It was down to people like me. See, Genesis at that time, Alex, wasn't being built around Lex Hart. No, it was being prepared for me.

Kent: But do not let the past cloud your vision, When the chips were down, Alex, I was the true leader who has not only embraced our legacy but not only have I done that, I have transcended it. I stand here as the embodiment of your Genesis. Your creation and I have taken it to levels you or Hart could never, ever dreamed of. A Genesis that will redefine what it means to be at the top of the 6CWF. The previous era of Genesis was merely a prelude to my era, your era and Hart's era could never understand and comprehend what your little experiment was going to create. A company which is over a billion dollars, watched by millions every week and it's all because of me. In many ways, Alex, your little experiment saved 6CWF. And continues to save it.

Kent: Alex, I've done it all. I have conquered them all in this business that they have to offer. I have conquered the 6WF world heavyweight championship, I have held championship gold with an iron grip, and now, my Genesis is simply unstoppable. My sights for Genesis are set on the grandest prize of them all, complete domination of 6CWF worldwide. Now you and Lex, I know what happened. You took your eyes off the ball... you couldn't see what was right in front of you and that is the difference between us. Hart was self centered, my Genesis is no longer be confined to a one single person, I'm the face of Genesis but Genesis is an entity of perfection. Where professional wrestling acknowledges my Genesis and I was the one to push it mainstream...

Walker: Some speech Ed... want me to ring Lex to come down here and give you a medal? what more do you want me to say?

[Kent clenches his fist, his face awash with Anger as Walker looks on without fear. Kent shuts his eyes and smirks before continuing his tirade.]

Kent: You know Alex, you and Lex taught me things, sure, your little experiment learned from the pair of you. But, the difference between us, I took the lessons of our past victories and defeats, the battles that shaped us, and I molded them into a blueprint for success that the 6CWF Universe has never witnessed before. Your journey to the top ended with Lex a shell of the man he was. But that was just the beginning, a mere taste of what was to come for me. I have redefined what it means to be a champion. my path couldn't be any more different to your or Hart's no... because while you and Hart hid. I watched. I learned. I took on my own identity.. I listened to what my heart said. And it said you and Hart, you held me back...

Kent: You want to doubt me, go ahead Alex.. I'll tell you what i've told the others. All those who dare to stand in my way, I say this brace yourselves, for the storm is coming. Genesis under Eddy Kent isn't a passing moment... I've given so many the chance to be architects of our own destiny. I am the embodiment of dominance, the embodiment of evolution, and I will stop at nothing until the entire 6CWF Universe realises that Genesis under Eddy Kent is taking 6CWF to new levels. If anything Alex, your son might have a chance... to be thankful for my plans of perfection, a new age for 6CWF.
Walker: And what about Rex Adamson? dont you see the similarites Ed? or are you blind to the inevitable? are you the one truly hiding? that insecure, needy, anxious pathetic little boy still is in there isn't he? running from the clear light of day... Ed, it's coming whether you like it or not...

[Kent's eyes light up with rage and he moves towards Walker who cowers slightly, Kent gets right in Walker's face and continues his poison.]

Kent: You really want to go there, Alex, why.. there is still some life left in the old dog yet isn't there. Okay...
Rex Adamson.. my son.  The apprentice, the student who soaked in every ounce of knowledge, every nugget of wisdom from me. And now, my journey has led me to this moment, this crossroads where I must watch my apprentice be victim of the new era of perfection. Rex, forever will be my son you know Alex... I won't kick him to the curb like you and Hart would do, no. See, i'm going to rehabilitate Rex. Rex has been brainwashed by those who still sneer at me, who still see me as not good enough as the likes of JJ Johnson, Saint, Liam Wood, Max Adamson, Dicey Reilly etc thinking they can live out their hopes in Rex. But no, see, I'm going to rehabilitate... I'm going to be the dad you never were and I'm going show Rex the light.

Kent: The student thinks he can become the master, Rex thinks it's his time and the time for him to ascend to greatness hass arrived. That 6WF world championship... it's mine. that funilly once was around Hart's. But the difference is with Hart... I keep my eyes open. I'm going to save my son, Rex Adamson. Do not get it twisted, Alex, Rex will get help. He will have his rehabilitation and it will be at my hands. And Genesis will welcome him back with open arms once he has learned his lesson. A son strays from time to time... but a father will always be there to offer support. And I will support Rex.

Kent: I know the thoughts and feelings Rex went through... I lived them for years. But the difference is, i knew when to act on them and that was without your help. That was without Lex Hart's help. See, I'm smart. I know the game... I know the value of ice cold logic over a passionate heart. I'm not going to destroy my son over ego... no, I'm going to show Rex the error of his ways. And if that means some tough decisions over the next few weeks, months... hell, years, so be it.

Kent: Rex is my son... Rex will always be my son. Because I know how good Rex is... I know because I was him. I lived his life... but while I will rehabilitate my son, I will save him. I'm going to save him from the scrap heap because that's something you or Hart would have never, ever done for me... The master, hell, I'm not the master. I'm the God! This isn't some kind of moment that the fans think it will be because unlike you and Hart... I relish it. I relish it because I know how good I am. I know how inevitable I am. If this is going to be a new era of my Genesis so be it. And Alex... Alex, you can sit on the sidelines and watch with your son.

[Arrogantly, Kent pats Walker on the shoulder and turns around as the rookies make a path, unable to make eye contact with the egomanical Kent. Walker breathes deeply and aims one last barb at Kent who is walking to the exit.]

Walker: You will remember what we also told you all those years ago also, Ed... That one day, you would be the greatest to ever do it. For a time... then comes another, younger, stronger, better to cast you down and to take all you hold dear.

[Kent stops in his tracks and that emotionless, irritated and incandescent look sweeps across his face as we can see his temple vein bulging. Kent breathes deeply, his chest rising as he takes one last look at the banners in the rafters. Kent stares at the legends banner and then at Rex Adamson on the banner next to it. Kent closes his eyes, clenches his fists tightly and then reopens his eyes. A evil, egomanical smirk passes his lips as he then strides out of the snake pit. The scene ends with Walker shaking his head and slightly trembling as he goes to help the trainers in the ring, slowly fading away to a teamzoomzoom commercial.]


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6CWF Presents "Proving Grounds" - Tuesday 22nd October 2024 (Episode 43) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents "Proving Grounds" - Tuesday 22nd October 2024 (Episode 43)

Post by ProdigalSon Today at 3:46

The live feed of the show is interrupted by a vignette.

Voice over man talks over a heartbeat monitor showing a very slow heartbeat.

Voice: the history of 6CWF is long and complicated. A once mainstream company that has seen the highs and the lows of mainstream popularity.

*the heartbeat monitor starts to build up*

Voice: the recent re-emergence of the sleeping giant from its sleep has seen the company come back from its lowest nadir. But it still hasn't reached its potential.

*heartbeat gets faster*

Voice: fortunes are about to change. Nothing will ever be the same again. You are all going to be famous.

*the heartbeat stops. The letters HB fill the screen before fading and the camera zooming in to a figure smiling. The camera zooms in to a close up of his face.

Hugo: I will make you famous.

*the image of the heartbeat reappears over his smile and gets increasingly faster until it reaches its crescendo and an explosion covers the screen. It disappates to reveal the words "Coming SOON"

The words fade to reveal a link to the message

"Follow @HugoB on Instagram, X and YouTube."


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6CWF Presents "Proving Grounds" - Tuesday 22nd October 2024 (Episode 43) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents "Proving Grounds" - Tuesday 22nd October 2024 (Episode 43)

Post by Lee Today at 4:35

As Patrick's is leaning on the ropes the light begin to flicker before they begin to fade to a dark orange.

RJ: What's this now?

JT: I bet I can guess...


Edgecrusher blasts out as flames  fill the stage. The crowd turns venomous as Logan Kincade walks slowly out onto the stage.

RJ: Well this won't be pretty, Chris seems preoccupied with Uryu Ishida, I can't really see Logan being pleased with that

JT: I agree.

Logan is locked on Patricks in the ring who looks unimpressed and uninterested.

Logan walks around to the commentary table where wisely RJ has placed a microphone ready for him and moved his chair back to avoid him.

Logan grabs the mic and continues around the ring to the ramp side before he makes his way up the steps and over the top rope.

The music dies down and Logan is stood across from Chris Patrick's with an emotionless stare.

Chris returns the stare for a minute before chuckling to himself and suggesting he gets on with it.

Logan continues to stare at Patrick's as a smile starts to form and he brings the microphone to his lips.

LK: Your obsession with Uryu is almost admirable, Chris Patricks. It's the lack of will to actually do that which must be done that lets you down.

Logan begins to walk towards Chris who is still unmoved.

LK: I left Uryu in a bloody puddle, you could have ended all this there and then, but, as you didn't....just like the rest of them... You relented. Not good enough.

Christopher, you know more than most they won't GIVE you what you need, you have to force their hands.

Look at me, they wouldn't give me Blue Dragon, I was supposed to sit and wait my time, why? So some inferior man wastes Blue's time until our inevitable war? No that isn't how this all works I'm afraid.

Andrew's can sit in his office and twiddle his thumbs all he wants but that fool understands now who he is dealing with, and unlike you Chris, It didn't take me losing over, and over, and over to come to this realisation.

Logan begins to stare into space for a few seconds before snapping out of it.

LK: Maybe you only learn the hard way... Rebirth? To live again, must require one to die... I volunteer to put an end to the tale of Christopher Patrick's

Logan glares at Chris as the crowd noise swells into a cocophny of jeers and boos.


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6CWF Presents "Proving Grounds" - Tuesday 22nd October 2024 (Episode 43) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents "Proving Grounds" - Tuesday 22nd October 2024 (Episode 43)

Post by DanielReilly Today at 9:10

'Broken Dreams' begins to play and out come Daniel Reilly and Oliver Keane to a chorus of boos from the fans in attendance. Reilly is wearing the EWF Championship over his shoulder as he pauses at the top of the ramp to observe the crowd before he and Keane stroll slowly towards the ring. Reilly refuses to engage with any of the ringside fans as he rolls into the ring and waits for his music to stop as Keane hands him a microphone.

DR: Ladies and Gentlemen, the King is out here to get some things off his chest!

More boos are aimed towards Reilly as he stands and stares out at the crowd.

DR: All week the King has debated about whether to come out here or not. To be quite honest with you all, Daniel Reilly was finding it hard to find the strength or effort to bother coming out here and wasting his time entertaining you people when the reality is that in less then a month, the King is finally out of this Company to go somewhere where the King is shown the respect he has spent over fifteen long years earning! You see, the King has put every bit of his life, every drop of his blood, his sweat and his tears, he has dedicated every day since the age of 17 years old to this Company to help establish it to the Company that stands here today, still going strong and still touring the World due to the high demand to see the wrestlers of 6CWF in action!

But look around at the posters, look around at the programmes, the merchandise, look at the podcasts. Everybody is paid their dues except one man. Daniel Reilly is the black sheep of the family and isn't that ironic because without the path that the King created, 95% of the people in this Company would not have the opportunity to be here because it was the King who helped establish 6CW into what this place has become! The King was here on the very first day, the very first show, and yet JJ Johnson doesn't see it fit to show the King the respect he deserves. He doesn't think the King is deserving of being a top guy. But the other Originals? They are all over each and every show. In fact, let's take a second to go through them! Look at Dicey Reilly!

Huge cheers from the fans.

DR: Dicey is treated like he is above everybody else, he is given opportunity's for doing half the work of Daniel Reilly simply because he is Dicey Reilly. He can drink backstage and crack a few jokes and JJ Johnson will clap along like a stupid seal and award him with Championship shots! Dicey is half the wrestler that Daniel Reilly is and yet Dicey is held in such regard that you would think he is the second coming of Christ! Dicey can do and say as he pleases and he will be rewarded because JJ Johnson is so far up his a** that when Dicey talks, you can smell JJ's breath! He turns up when he wants and is given top billing on the card for so little effort because he is the legendary Dicey Reilly! Then there is another original in good old GazzyD!

Again more cheers from the fans.

DR: Now GazzyD shows up less then Dicey and he is awarded just as much! Gazzy can turn up and mope around when he wants and he is awarded with shots at the 6CW Championship! A very long time ago, GazzyD defeated the King for the 6CW Championship at Night of Glory and it saddens the King to see what GazzyD has become. That GazzyD was an animal, the ultimate underdog willing to prove to the World that he could take on any challenge and he sure gave it his all! But now? He is a shadow of that man, he is a shell of the man he once was but that doesn't matter around here because GazzyD is an Original, he has been here since the start so he gets rewarded just like the King's old friend Geoffrey Steel!

Huge cheers for Geoff.

DR: Geoff Steel was on quite easily the worst run of his career and how did JJ Johnson reward Geoffrey? He gave Geoff three straight Title shots at the King's European Championship! He gave him shot after shot in an attempt to take the Title off a man who had put everything into making it a highly sought after and respected Championship and when that failed? JJ sends in Dicey Reilly because Dicey gets what Dicey wants!

You see, the King doesn't need anyone to blow smoke up his arse, the King doesn't need a whole show dedicated to him. The King just wants the same respect that he has well and truly earned! This so called management has allowed Daniel Reilly the oppurtunity to walk out of them doors on November 5th through sheer stubborness. They have failed to hold the King in the same light as those who have done less then Daniel Reilly and so the result? The King is walking out them doors and this EWF Championship is coming along for the ride!

Reilly smirks as he raises his Title.


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6CWF Presents "Proving Grounds" - Tuesday 22nd October 2024 (Episode 43) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents "Proving Grounds" - Tuesday 22nd October 2024 (Episode 43)

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