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6CWF Presents Proving Grounds Results - 7th June 2024 (Episode 33)

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6CWF Presents Proving Grounds Results - 7th June 2024 (Episode 33) Empty 6CWF Presents Proving Grounds Results - 7th June 2024 (Episode 33)

Post by JJJohnson Fri 07 Jun 2024, 1:57 pm

*The show goes live on air from the sold-out Co-Op Live Arena in Manchester. The crowd are making an almighty amount of noise as we get an in-depth rundown and recap on everything that went down last week. Damien Andrews looks like he is opening the show to a very mixed atmosphere from the mistrusting 6CWF audience. He is talking about bringing real prestige to this company when Max Adamson interrupts to a deafening pop. Max just wanted to be out here as a "Co-GM" and share in this moment. Andrews says he is more than happy for Max to be here (his face says otherwise) because they need to work together, especially with building the "Scars and Stripes" card. First port of call being "The Hour" match and the six participants who will challenge Eddy Kent for the 6WF World Heavyweight Championship. After a bit of back and forth it is agreed that both Max & Andrews will pick 3 men each to take slots in the match.

Chris Patricks' music hits and the crowd are on their feet. CP is glad that Max is still here and running things. Max looks ready to hand Patricks a spot at Scars and Stripes but Patricks stops him and says he isn't looking for favours and he also has other business he'd like to take care of. Max seems a bit bemused but Eddy Kent interrupts now. Kent says it is a disgrace and he should be the man picking his opposition, after all he is the most coveted champ in the entire industry. Andrews doesn't think it is a bad idea but Max says nobody wants to see a "Genesis orgy" so forget about it. Kent says Patricks was beaten at Night of Glory so there is absolutely no way he deserves a shot again. Andrews, again, agrees and Patricks does too, much to everyone's surprise. Patricks says "revenge is a dish best served well prepared" and he has another route to putting Kent in his place.

Max then says "Well I suppose your spot will have to go to Percy instead then" which draws a huge pop from the crowd now. Damien Andrews is shaking his head and Eddy Kent looks ready to vomit as a rendition of "Like a prayer" breaks out. It looks like, believe it or not, Percy Percival will challenge for the 6WF Championship at "Scars and Stripes".

*We are backstage now for the arrival of JJ Johnson, The Saint and Acer. Jack Reynolds wants to catch a word with the members of The Coalition. Acer says he is ready for a war tonight with Marty Helms and he is looking forward to stamping his claim to one of those spots in "The Hour" match at Scars and Stripes. JJ & Saint know they are awaiting their next round opposition for the tag title tournament but tonight JJ's attention is on Daniel Reilly and his "big f***ing mouth". Reynolds asks if JJ is concerned about being distracted and if all attention should be on The Wolf Gang after last week's attack. JJ promises that Reborn and Ojore "gone get theirs" but first he has a little side quest to complete and that includes putting Daniel Reilly in his place.

Reilly and Oliver Keane step into shot now for a staredown and there are crossed words. Acer looks to step forward to collide with Reilly but JJ calms him down and says "We gone take care o' this later, believe that". Reilly tells Acer he should thank JJ for "extending your joke of a career for a little whole longer" before telling Johnson "and your career, ends here tonight.....believe that".

*We see Logan Kincade standing outside the arena with an almost emotionless expression on his face. We hear a phone ringing and he looks down at it "Blue calling" but he ignores it and stows it away.

*Max Adamson catches up with Chris Patricks backstage and he wants to know why Patricks didn't want a spot in "The Hour" match and what this mysterious plan is. Patricks says he doesn't want Max caught up in it but it's something that he needs to do and that's why he'll talk to Damien Andrews about it. Patricks hugs Max walks away, leaving Adamson looking confused.

*Liam Wood is talking with Clarissa. Wood says tonight's opening bout isn't just about the "tag team titles" but something much bigger than even something so prestigious. Wood believes Genesis is a "disease" and he is the antidote to that. Plus he can kill two birds with one stone because it has been seven long years since he last held world championship gold and he is tired of waiting for the opportunity. Wood says he has been to hell and back over the last year but at Night of Glory his eyes were truly opened. Genesis and Eddy Kent did everything in their power to stop him winning the FFTR and that tells him how much they fear him and what he is capable of. Wood says tonight when he defeated Kent in the middle of that ring he wants his place in "The Hour" match at Scars and Stripes....Clarissa says "And what about Rex?"....Wood responds "Oh we have plenty of unfinished business too".

*The Genesis Express is here and Eddy Kent is walking into the building with the 6WF Championship over his shoulder. There is a long pause until finally Rex Adamson appears off the bus as well. Are Genesis back on the same page after last week's issues? Rex is carrying the FFTR briefcase and Kent is looking at it with a real hint of trepidation. Michael Sweetwater gets off the bus now and Kent suggests that maybe the case would be safer on the bus. Rex is looking from Sweetwater to Kent and he shrugs before handing the case over. Kent seems to relax a little as Rex walks with him toward ringside.


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6CWF Presents Proving Grounds Results - 7th June 2024 (Episode 33) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Proving Grounds Results - 7th June 2024 (Episode 33)

Post by JJJohnson Fri 07 Jun 2024, 1:58 pm

Bout 1
Tag Team Championships (1st Round)
Chris Patricks/Liam Wood vs Eddy Kent/Rex Adamson

*The noise levels are raucous as we head to ringside for our opening contest. We get plenty of recap on what has been going down and the end of last week’s show when Liam Wood laid out Eddy Kent. Genesis are the first to arrive as Kent and Rex make their entrances. The commentators are talking about the “issues” that these two have faced as of late but they need to get back on the same page if Eddy Kent is to keep hold of his 6WF World Championship at Scars and Stripes. Kent is definitely looking at Rex for some kind of indication of what he is thinking but the FFTR holder looks ready to fight and nothing else.

*Huge ovations for the arrivals of both Liam Wood and Chris Patricks. United against a common enemy it seems rather than a long-term tag team but who knows?. Both men will definitely have eyes on qualifying for “The Hour” match at the upcoming PPV but interesting to note that Chris Patricks wants revenge on Rex more so than anything (he is blaming Rex for Max’s retirement). So it’ll be interesting to see how that manifests itself going forward.

*Rex Adamson starts out and the crowd are happy to see Liam Wood step forward for a rematch on the classic we witnessed at Night of Glory. They circle one another and then Rex storms forward and lifts Wood off his feet before smashing him back into the corner. He unloads with deep shoulder thrusts to the midsection as Eddy Kent smiles from the apron. Rex looks for a “Biel” throw now to the middle of the ring but Wood lands on his feet and kicks Rex in the gut. He seizes him for the “Manson Driver” but Rex shows incredible neck strength to lift him off the floor and then drops backward so Wood’s throat collides with the ropes. Rex gets up now and he deadlifts Wood from a crouched position into a release German suplex. The audience have to applaud what they are watching.

*Rex rolls to the corner now and he seems to be weighing up the spear but Eddy Kent is urging him to tag in. Rex looks annoyed but accepts the tag. Kent is quick, smelling blood in the water, and he looks for the “Genesis Kick” but Wood moves out of the way and nails a chokeslam backbreaker. Rex can be seen shaking his head at Kent’s mistake. Wood goes up high now and he nails a flying lariat on the world champion before he drags him back up and nails a lungblower which garners a two count. Wood kneels for a second and then points to Chris Patricks, drawing big cheers from the crowd.

*Patricks lets Kent up before lashing hard martial arts kicks into his legs. He spins and plants a boot into Kent’s stomach before suplexing him into a front facebuster. Patricks rolls to the corner now and he leaps up high for the “Puzzle Solver” but Rex Adamson walks along the apron toward him. The two men are glaring at each other now which allows Eddy Kent to roll to the outside. Patricks shakes his head and turns before flying to the outside with a crossbody takedown. He rolls Kent back in and clambers onto the ring apron. Kent stumbles up as Patricks springboards in with a leg lariat takedown for a two count.

*Patricks runs the ropes for “rolling thunder” but Rex opens up the ropes so Patricks slips through onto the apron. Patricks gets back up quickly as Rex runs at him and smashes a knee into the side of his head, leaving CP draped across the ropes. Kent gets back up now and looks pleased at Rex’s handiwork as he nails a heatseeker piledriver (ala MJF) which crushes Patricks’ head down into the mat. He covers but CP kicks out.

*Kent wants Rex to “show him the same way you showed your idiot uncle which side you are on”….he tags Rex in now and they look at one another for a moment before Rex runs and clatters Patricks from behind with a lariat. He punishes him with brutal punches to the back and kidneys before dragging him up and he ripcords him around for a “Rainmaker” lariat but Patricks ducks it and springs off the ropes into a tornado DDT takedown. Rex gets back up and looks for a kick but CP catches his foot and nails a stepover heel kick (ala RVD). He then runs the ropes and returns with a “rolling thunder” for a two count.

*Patricks heads high but Rex runs up the ropes and slams a forearm into his face. Rex wants a superplex now but Patricks battles back with punches and a headbutt before managing to launch Rex back down on the canvass. Rex gets up as Patricks swivels and moonsaults into a takedown. He then pulls Rex closer to the corner and nails a split-legged moonsault for a two. The atmosphere is absolutely electric.

*Patricks tags Liam Wood back in now and Wood watches Rex getting up and runs the ropes for the “Psycho Crusher” but Rex avoids and immediately lifts Wood into an electric chair position. Wood, however, counters into a victory roll for a two. They get back up and Wood sidesteps to push Rex off the ropes and drops him with a high knee to the face as he comes back. Rex stumbles up again as Wood drills him with a “curtain call” suplex for a two count. Wood heads high now but Eddy Kent grabs his boot. Wood succeeds in kicking him away but that allows Rex to run up the turnbuckle again and nail a huge overhead belly to belly from on high. They stumble back up and Rex nails a beautiful pop-up powerbomb for a two count.

*Eddy Kent is once again adamant that he wants to pick the bones of Liam Wood so Rex obliges with a heavy slapped tag. Kent’s hand is stinging and he looks at Rex before climbing in. He stalks Wood and then drags him in place for the “Mic Check” but Wood elbows his way free and then he kicks Kent in the stomach and nails the “Manson Driver” out of nowhere. Rex is forced to storm the ring and break the count before three. The referee gets involved before Chris Patricks springboards in and dropkicks Rex in the chest, sending him through the ropes to the outside. CP quickly runs up the ropes now and dives into a senton takedown on Rex as the audience go wild.

*Liam Wood turns his gaze back on Eddy Kent now. He wants the “Psycho Crusher” but Kent avoids. Kent looks for an inverted headlock backbreaker into a neckbreaker but Wood swings out and kicks him in the stomach. He whips Kent off the ropes for the “World Eater” but Kent catches Wood’s leg on the way down and then pulls him in close to nail the “Mic Check”. Kent quickly heads high and follows up with the “Kent Bomb”. The look of shock on Kent’s face when Wood manages to kick out is a sight to behold.

*On the outside Chris Patricks has pulled the covers off the floor to expose the concrete underneath. He then looks for a running “destroyer” on Rex but Rex catches him and then smashes him off the steel steps with an “Alabama Slam”. In the ring, Eddy Kent looks for the “Genesis Kick” again but Wood ducks under it and nails a backdrop onto the apron. Kent tries to pull himself back up as Wood runs the opposite side and returns with an apron spear which sends them both crashing down onto the exposed concrete outside the ring.

*Rex grabs Wood and launches him back in the ring and is thinking about taking him out but then he turns his focus back to Chris Patricks, who is trying to get up on the outside. Rex shakes his head and decides he wants Patricks and storms into a “Gore” but CP throws himself out of the firing line as Rex crashes headlong into the “Japanese” announce desk and turns it over on its side.

*Eddy Kent has staggered to his feet now and he rolls in to try and finish off Liam Wood. Wood is stumbling up as Kent runs into him and leaps into position for the “Kentlock”, wrapping his legs around Wood’s waist to pull him to the floor. Wood shows massive leg strength to keep himself upright and then charges into the corner to smash Kent against the turnbuckle. Wood stumbles away again as Kent storms out toward him for the “Genesis Kick” but Patricks has returned and counters with the huge “Enigma Bomb” (Sky High). Kent is doubled up as Wood nails him with the “Psycho Crusher” foot stomp for the second week running and that is the three count. Liam Wood just pinned the 6WF World Champion!

*JT is saying “If that doesn’t get you access into “The Hour” then I don’t know what will” but RJ also believes we might be looking at the new tag team champions. Wood and Patricks respectfully shake hands before the referee raises their arms in victory. The commentators also believe questions will be asked of Rex Adamson’s decision making as he chose his personal vendetta with Chris Patricks over helping Eddy Kent with Liam Wood. For the first time in quite awhile Genesis is looking rocky. We get a shot of Eddy Kent cradling his 6WF Championship and looking wounded as Wood and Patricks continue to celebrate their big victory.


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6CWF Presents Proving Grounds Results - 7th June 2024 (Episode 33) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Proving Grounds Results - 7th June 2024 (Episode 33)

Post by JJJohnson Fri 07 Jun 2024, 1:59 pm

*Percy Percival and his congregation are interviewed by Tim Allen. Percy is ecstatic at the news he will be in "The Hour" match at Scars and Stripes and is promising to show 6CWF the light and usher in a new era that will never be forgotten. The choir starting singing now and Percy says tonight he will give a demonstration to the world as to why he is the rightful heir to the throne. He is also offering Perfect Jack a place in his congregation once he has accepted his position as beneath Percy (cue the smutty look).

*Liam Wood is being congratulated as he returns backstage following the big tag team victory. Damien Andrews is on hand as Chris Patricks joins Wood now. Andrews knows that victory will certainly have people talking. He says he is more than happy to grant Patricks' request for Scars and Stripes after that win....he will be challenging Rex Adamson with the FFTR briefcase on the line. Wood raises an eyebrow and seems surprised by this as Patricks walks off.

Damien Andrews is ready to leave but Wood clears his throat and is clearly expecting an announcement of his own. Andrews was impressed by Wood here tonight but he cannot just hand out his three spots without serious thought. Wood is shaking his head in disbelief. Andrews has an idea, week Liam Wood versus Tyler Roth....Lion's Den Match.....if Wood can survive inside that environment with one of the most dangerous MMA fighters of all time then he's got his shot at Scars and Stripes. Wood looks angry as Andrews walks away.

*Perfect Jack is shown in the locker-room and he is once more talking to himself in the mirror. Jack is telling himself that the whole world turned their back on him after Clarke James put him out of action. After every drop of blood, sweat and tears he has given this industry and they discarded him as though he was nothing. But now they will they will feel his pain....and they will see the ugly truth!

*Eddy Kent catches up with Rex Adamson backstage. Rex has an ice pack on the side of his head and Kent wants answers. Rex says Kent is the world champion and he believed he could take care of Wood without Rex holding his hand. Kent is angered because he was left 2 on 1 and Rex put his own priorities over the good of Genesis. Rex scoffs at this as Sweetwater and Roth appear. Rex snatches the FFTR briefcase from Sweetwater now and heads away as Kent turns to the rest of Genesis and wants to know where the hell they were. Roth says "Rex told us it was all in hand" to which Kent snaps "I must have missed the announcement that I'm no longer in charge of Genesis". He tells Roth that he wants Liam Wood completely eviscerated next week on Proving Grounds and anyone else announced for "The Hour" he wants taken care of or else his wrath will be vengeful. Sweetwater and Roth exchange looks as Kent storms off.


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6CWF Presents Proving Grounds Results - 7th June 2024 (Episode 33) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Proving Grounds Results - 7th June 2024 (Episode 33)

Post by JJJohnson Fri 07 Jun 2024, 2:09 pm

Bout 2
Percy Percival vs Perfect Jack

*Percy Percival is the first to make his entrance and he goes through the full schtick of exciting the audience with a rendition of “Like a prayer” with the full congregation and choir. Percival is dancing around ringside and saving some of the “planted” fans in the front row. He then clambers in the ring and continues to work the crowd before Perfect Jack arrives. The commentators are still in disbelief that Percival will contest the world title at Scars and Stripes. There is a complete contrast in their mannerisms and demeanour as Jack looks ready to snap at any moment.

*The two men stand across from each other and Percival is yelling about welcoming Jack into the light and repenting to save his soul but then PJ just uncorks a vicious backhand chop to the chest that takes PP off his feet. Percival staggers back up and Jack lands several more chops, ripping at the chest of his foe, before he whips him into the turnbuckle with such spite that Percival collapses in a heap. The commentators talk about this very vicious side of Jack that has brought itself to the forefront since Night of Glory.

*Jack lets PP up in the corner and he stomps at his midsection over and over until the referee is forced to break them. Jack heads straight back in but eats a kick to the stomach. Percival rallies with punches and then he runs the ropes but Jack follows him and explodes with a back elbow to the mouth which sends Percival through the ropes to the outside. Jack shrugs off the referee as he follows his opponent and continues the assault.

*Jack smashes Percy’s head off the steel steps and then he lifts him up into a back suplex and drops him backward so that his neck smashes off the ringside barrier. The official is counting as PJ hauls Percy up and slings him back into the ring before following. Percy staggers to his feet as Jack scoops him up and nails a stiff backbreaker for a two count. PJ clambers on top now and nails consecutive closed fist punches until the referee intervenes.

*Jack drags Percy up and nails a snap suplex before he bounces back off the ropes and boots his opponent right in the face as he sits up. Jack stretches PP’s hand and stomps on it before doing the same to his ankles. Percy tries to use the ropes to get up whilst Jack smashes hard forearms and punches into his kidneys. He drags Percy into a waistlock and releases him into a German suplex. JT calls PJ a “methodical menace” whilst RJ believes Jack is enjoying the systematic beatdown he is inflicting on his opponent.

*Jack lets Percy stand and then he grabs his arm for the “Perfect Slam” but PP counters into an armdrag takedown. They get back up and Percy leapfrogs PJ and then dropkicks him to the mat as he comes back off the ropes. Percival lands a spinning heel kick that knocks Jack down again and then he rushes to the ropes and moonsaults off the second for a two count. The audience have found their voice again and are willing Percy on.

*Percy looks to get Jack in position for a “Crossrhodes” but Jack spins out and counters into a northern lights suplex for a two count. They both get back up and Jack immediately rakes the eyes and then he nails an exploder suplex which sends PP crashing against the turnbuckle. Jack looks down at his foe and shakes his head before he heads to the corner and climbs up. Jack drops off the top for an elbow but Percy moves at the final second and then pulls PJ into a cradle for a two count.

*Both men rush to their feet and PJ looks for another huge backhand chop but Percy ducks and springs off the ropes into a hurricanrana takedown. Jack gets back to his feet and Percy swings him into a neckbreaker for another close call. Percy kneels for a moment and then he draws energy for the crowd. PP is stood in the corner and he beckons Jack up before launching at him for his patented superkick but ducks it at the final second and runs the ropes before returning with an explosive chopblock to Percival’s standing leg.

*Jack drags Percy up and nails a hat-trick of German suplex and then he grabs Percy’s bad leg and shows strength to rip him back onto his feet before twirling him into a devastating “Perfect Slam” (Olympic slam). Jack looks bitter and angry as he then applies the figure four leglock which forces Percival to tap out in just a few seconds. The referee calls for the bell and then has to wrestle Jack off of his foe because he has refused to break the hold. Jack shoves the official away and stares out at the booing audience. The commentators remark on the darker version of Perfect Jack we are witnessing and the danger that spells for the 6CWF roster. JT praises Percival’s endeavour for a second week running and believes he has drastically improved but it was always going to be difficult to overcome Daniel Reilly & then Perfect Jack in back to back weeks. RJ agrees that Percival has brought something new to 6CWF but Perfect Jack is the one causing real concern at this moment in time. Both, however, are unsure if Percival can be 0-2 thus far and still merit his spot in "The Hour" match.


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6CWF Presents Proving Grounds Results - 7th June 2024 (Episode 33) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Proving Grounds Results - 7th June 2024 (Episode 33)

Post by JJJohnson Fri 07 Jun 2024, 2:22 pm

*Uryu Ishida is being interviewed by Clarissa. Uryu admits it has been a struggle of late and his form hasn't been as good as he would like. He also admits his disappointment that his request to be in the tag team tournament was rejected. But he knows there are spots in "The Hour" available and he is hoping that if he strings some victories together...maybe, just maybe....this is when Mike Masters interrupts and he laughs at Uryu's "desperation". He says nobody in their right mind would have wanted to team with Ishida anyway and there is absolutely no way he strings any victories together in order to force anyone's hand for a world title shot. Masters promises to wipe the floor with Uryu tonight and do everyone a favour by sending him into retirement where he should have gone a long time ago.

*Rex Adamson is in Max Adamson's office now and he slams down the FFTR briefcase on the desk. Max tells Rex he had no idea what Patricks was plotting but he's always been so sure he can stand on his own two feet without help so he isn't sure why Rex is even here. Rex seems to be thinking the same thing as he grabs the case now and heads for the door. The Uncle and Nephew stare at one another before Rex leaves. Max sighs as he dials on his phone "Patricks....get your a55 in here, we need to talk".

*Blue Dragon pushes his way into Damien Andrews' office. Damien tries to quip about not being able to "play favourites" with his spots for "The Hour" but Dragon tells him to "shove it". He is here to tell his "dad" that he wants him to stay far away from him and Logan. They don't need him, they never have and they never will. He says Andrews' is already f***ing with Logan's head and he won't let that happen again. "I'll bury you if I have to".....Dragon leaves as Andrews has a very dark smile on his face.

*Eddy Kent grants Jack Reynolds an interview and wants everyone to know "Daddy is mad". Kent says this company is trying to take his spot but they don't realise that he and Genesis run the whole place and perhaps they need a reminder in that. This is the first and last warning....he is putting everyone on notice because "if you want this" (he holds up the 6WF Championship) then you are putting a target on your back....and Genesis is the very last thing you want hunting you.


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6CWF Presents Proving Grounds Results - 7th June 2024 (Episode 33) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Proving Grounds Results - 7th June 2024 (Episode 33)

Post by JJJohnson Fri 07 Jun 2024, 2:23 pm

Bout 3
Uryu Ishida vs Mike Masters

*Back at ringside and the crowd go wild for the arrival of Uryu Ishida. He tags hands with the fans as he walks down the rampway. Mike Masters, however, has come through the crowd and he leaps off the barricade with a disaster kick to the unsuspecting Uryu’s head as he enters the ringside area. The crowd are booing furiously as Masters laughs and then charges Ishida into the steel steps. Masters is talking trash to the fans and the cameras now as he is demanding respect. The commentators vilify Masters’ actions but he doesn’t seem to care as he slicks back his hair and flicks the spray onto Ishida.

*Masters throws Uryu into the ring now and he springboards in with a devastating DDT, planting Uryu on the top of his head. He covers but Ishida delights the audience by kicking out on two. Masters stomps at his opponent and then looks for another springboard disaster kick but Uryu dodges it at the final moment and snaps off a poisonrana. Masters rolls over on his knees as Uryu runs the ropes and returns with a stiff shining wizard for a two count.

*Uryu lashes calf kicks at Masters’ legs as he stands and then looks to whip him to the corner but Masters reverses. He chases in but takes feet to the face. Uryu spins on his heel and leaps onto the middle turnbuckle but Masters runs up and jumps into the air with a devastating “zig zag” neckbreaker off the second rope….Masters thinks he has the win but Ishida is able to reach the ropes in time to break the count. Masters looks at the referee in disgust.

*Masters looks for a piledriver but the legs are swiped and Uryu catapults him to the corner. Masters lands on the turnbuckle but Uryu turns and lashes another calf kick into his leg before climbing up behind Masters and he nails a Russian legsweep off the second ropes. They scramble back up and Uryu nails a buzzsaw kick to the temple for a two count. The crowd are applauding the action as the commentators hype what we are witnessing.

*Uryu rolls onto the apron and looks to catapult himself back in but Masters superkicks him in the face as he comes over the top. He drags Ishida up now and is successful with the piledriver but it is still only good enough for a two count. Masters decides to go high risk but Uryu moves at the final second. Ishida follows up with a standing moonsault but Mike Masters is once more able to kickout before the completion of the count.

*Uryu looks for a suplex but Masters swivels over the back and pushes Uryu to the ropes. Ishida leaps into a springboard and twists back for a crossbody but Masters ducks away and sends his opponent crashing onto the canvass in a heap. Masters runs over now and rolls into a cradle cover for a two. They both get back up and Masters lands a boot to the gut before attempting the “Gringo Killer” but Uryu spins out and nails a reverse DDT for a two.

*Uryu tries to grab Masters’ arm for the “Sunset” armbar but Masters swivels out and leaps into the air as he drives both knees under Uryu’s chin. Ishida is swaying and Masters tries to turn him into a “killswitch” but Uryu pushes him away to the corner. Masters runs straight up the turnbuckle and twists back off with a “whisper in the wind” takedown but Uryu kicks out on two.

*Masters is making sure the referee knows about his fury with the covers but the official waves him away. Masters wants another disaster kick but Uryu runs with him and leaps onto the ropes at the same time before nailing an inverted “Spanish Fly” which drives Masters down on his face in the middle of the ring. The audience are applauding the unique offense as Uryu rolls back out on the apron and catapults back in with an “x factor” facebuster for a seriously close call.

*Uryu signals he is going up high now as the fans respond. He gathers himself for the “Split Second” but Masters jumps into the ropes and crotches him on top. Masters smirks as he climbs up for a superplex but Uryu battles out and he ends up flipping over Masters into a sunset flip bomb from on high. Masters is just about able to kick out before the referee’s hand comes down for the three.

*Ishida wills Masters back to his feet again and he looks for a superkick to the back of the head but Masters dodges it at the final second and then leaps onto the ropes for another huge disaster kick. Masters is grinning as he believes this is it but Uryu throws his shoulder off the mat just in time. Masters looks ready to explode but composes himself as he rises back up. He drags Uryu into position for a “Gringo Killer” but Uryu swings all the way out and leaps into an enzeguiri which drops Masters onto one knee. Uryu then runs the ropes and returns with a brutal low dropkick to the mouth but Masters is able to throw his shoulder off the mat in time.

*Uryu waits for Masters to stand and he looks to jump on his shoulders for another poisonrana but Masters catches him and then drops him forward so that his face smashes off the top of the turnbuckle. Masters then rolls Uryu up and he grabs the tights and puts his feet on the ropes as the referee counts the three. The audience are booing furiously as Masters rolls from the ring with a massive grin on his face. The commentators are talking about how Masters has cheated to win but he doesn’t seem to care. He swaggers into the aisleway and pats himself on the back whilst Uryu is explaining to the referee what happened. The official is telling Uryu he didn’t see anything so he cannot do anything. It looks like it is back to the drawing board for Uryu whilst Mike Masters will be hoping this W propels him to bigger and better things.


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6CWF Presents Proving Grounds Results - 7th June 2024 (Episode 33) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Proving Grounds Results - 7th June 2024 (Episode 33)

Post by JJJohnson Fri 07 Jun 2024, 2:44 pm

*Chris Patricks is standing in Max Adamson's office. Max wants to know why CP wouldn't have come to him with his request but Patricks waves him off. Max is his brother but even he cannot admit that Rex is a piece of s***, despite the fact he got him retired. Patricks says you cannot play straight with Genesis and win so he's taking them down by any means necessary. Being in "The Hour" gives Kent the chance to weasel his way out again but the FFTR briefcase is so unpredictable that Kent will never see it coming. Patricks gets to "beat Rex's a55" and destroy Genesis at the same time so it is an absolute no-brainer to him. Max doesn't want Patricks to make the same mistakes he did....going after Genesis alone is a dangerous, dangerous game but Patricks assures Max that he enjoys the danger and plus he isn't "alone" because there's "plenty of others who want to see the end of Genesis". Patricks leaves as Max looks concerned and conflicted.

*Acer is finishing up his prep for his match with Marty Helms. JJ Johnson enters and claps his friend on the shoulder. JJ wants Acer to know that he appreciates everything he did for him and his family at Night of Glory and he cannot wait to see the day Acer holds the world title that he deserves. Tonight is a big match but also a big risk because Helms is "a bad motherf***er" but Acer is more than aware and more than ready for the challenge. Acer wants to know how JJ is feeling before his match with Reilly but JJ says "Ain't nothing to it playa, you know me"....."And what about Reborn?" to which JJ responds "Far as I'm aware he ain't even here tonight but he if turns up, he can get it too....that one is on sight". Acer and JJ hug before Acer heads for Gorilla. We see Daniel Reilly watching with a smirk.

*Huge crowd pop as we see Xtreme Champion, Geoff Steel arriving at the building. The champ is ready for battle tonight with Ojore but will no doubt have one eye on Marty Helms' upcoming bout ahead of their "Texas Bull Rope" match at Scars and Stripes. JT believes it has all the makings of one of the greatest Xtreme Championship matches in history. Steel is still sporting the bruises from last week's attack but he interacts with many of the backstage crew as he heads for the locker-room.

*A disconsolate Uryu Ishida arrives backstage following his defeat to Mike Masters. Tim Allen tries to grab a word with him but it is clear that Uryu isn't feeling great right now and perhaps experiencing a crisis of confidence. Uryu says he maybe needs to take some time to think about what is next.....twelve months ago he defeated Clarke James to become 6CW World Champion and now.....suddenly he is clattered from behind by Perfect Jack. Jack drags Uryu up and he slams his face into the nearest wall so that Ishida's head cracks the plaster, blood running down his cheek, and then he grabs Uryu's leg and pulls him away from the wall and smashes his knee into the solid concrete. Uryu is yelling in pain as Jack leaps into the air now and stomps on the knee again before security pour in to separate them. PJ looks deranged and psychotic as he is pushed aside and medics are called in. Uryu is clearly in a lot of discomfort with his leg as the scene comes to an end.


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6CWF Presents Proving Grounds Results - 7th June 2024 (Episode 33) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Proving Grounds Results - 7th June 2024 (Episode 33)

Post by JJJohnson Fri 07 Jun 2024, 2:47 pm

Bout 4
Acer vs Marty Helms

*There is a huge reaction from the audience as Acer makes his entrance. The commentators are talking about how Acer seem to riding the crest of a wave coming out of Night of Glory and has his sights set on winning championship gold. JT believes tonight will be a real acid test for Acer, however, because he is facing one of the most formidable challenges in all of professional wrestling. Acer makes sure to interact with his fans around ringside before clambering up inside.

*There is a boom of pyros to welcome the arrival of Marty Helms. Helms looks as angry as ever as he marches out onto the stage. He has the rope and cowbell attached to his arm and as he reaches the top of the ramp he is suddenly yanked backward and flattened by a huge clothesline from Geoff Steel. The crowd are on their feet and applauding the Xtreme Champion as he bids to get even with Helms for what went down last week.

*Acer is watching on, enjoying the action, as Steel grabs the cowbell now and he slams it into Marty Helms’ gut as he tries to stand up and then lashes the solid weapon across the spine of his soon to be challenger. JT calls Steel the “embodiment of Xtreme” as he wraps the rope around Helms’ neck and drags him up before running him forward and launches him against the solid steel entrance structure.

*Acer continues to enjoy what he is watching as the crowd chant for Geoff Steel. Steel grabs the cowbell again but Helms shocks him with a brutal uppercut to the nether regions. Helms grabs the cowbell now and cracks it into the side of Steel’s battered face (the injury from last week). Helms stands tall over Steel and raises his arms before motioning a belt around his waist (drawing the ire of the audience). Helms points to the side of the stage now and it becomes clear he has very evil intentions for the Xtreme Champion.

*Helms drags Steel up and he flips him into a powerbomb position but Steel still has the rope and bell in his hands and he smashes it down between Helms’ eyes, forcing him to collapse to the floor. Steel rubs at his damaged cheekbone and then beckons Helms up before scooping him on his shoulders. He then launches Helms off the side of the stage with an “Attitude Adjustment” which sends Helms plummeting ten feet through a table. The audience are going wild as the commentators talk about the battle lines being drawn.

*Acer is looking at the referee and the official has no choice but to declare him victorious. Suddenly Daniel Reilly slides in the ring from behind and he swings Acer around before drilling him with an RKO. The crowd are furious whilst Reilly grins at what he has done. JJ Johnson storms the ring now but Reilly has already rolled from the ring and hopped the barricade into the audience. The “King” is certainly ramping things up before his clash with JJ later tonight.


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6CWF Presents Proving Grounds Results - 7th June 2024 (Episode 33) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Proving Grounds Results - 7th June 2024 (Episode 33)

Post by JJJohnson Fri 07 Jun 2024, 3:39 pm

*Dicey Reilly is here and he receives a huge pop from the Manchester crowd. Dicey knows last week's fight with Logan Kincade was a "classic" but he feels the win was tainted and that doesn't sit well with him so tonight he's here to issue another open challenge and he's hoping for a definitive finish. Jack Reynolds asks if Dicey has any preference on who answers the call tonight but the champ is happy to face anyone. Dicey never backed down from a fight in his life and he is proud to be a champion once again so he wants to be an honourable, fighting one. Enforcer walks into shot again (just like last week) and he looks at the gold on Dicey's shoulder. Enforcer remembers the European Championship fondly from his career and admits it looks "as good as ever". Dicey responds "You know where I'll be" before he leaves. Enforcer watches him leave with a wry smile.

*Daniel Reilly returns to Oliver Keane backstage and they are bragging over what they just did to Acer, sending a message loud and clear to "The Coalition" and especially JJ Johnson ahead of their match. Damien Andrews walks into shot now and he is ready to offer a major incentive to Reilly for that match.....beat JJ Johnson, you're in "The Hour".....simple as that. Reilly's eyes glint with malevolence as the scene ends.

*Blue Dragon has finally caught up with Logan Kincade. The two brothers are in the changing rooms and Dragon is trying to communicate with Logan but getting very little back. Dragon wants Kincade to remember all the s*** that their father has put them through and he doesn't want that to happen again. He says they have cut their own path now and nobody can tell them what to do anymore....they are in charge. Starting tonight when they destroy whatever is left of Edward Plague. Dragon claps his brother on the back and leaves. Logan just stares at himself in the mirror as the lights in the room flicker and we hear the feint singing of "He's got the whole world in his hands".

*Rex Adamson is standing outside the Genesis Express. He sighs as he prepares to head onboard but then the door opens and Tyler Roth walks down to stand in front of Rex. "Boss had a job for us Rex, game?". Rex looks at his training partner and then nods his head as he follows Roth back inside of the building.


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6CWF Presents Proving Grounds Results - 7th June 2024 (Episode 33) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Proving Grounds Results - 7th June 2024 (Episode 33)

Post by JJJohnson Fri 07 Jun 2024, 3:40 pm

Bout 5
6CWF European Championship
Open Invitational
Dicey Reilly (c) vs ???

*Huge ovation in Manchester for Dicey Reilly. He makes his way out and raises his arms as pyros explode behind him. We get a reminder about the classic match that took place last week between Dicey and Logan Kincade. Dicey picked up the W but wasn’t happy with the interference that led to his victory so he is re-issuing the open challenge here this evening, proving once more he is a fighting champion.

*Another massive crowd reaction as Scott Harris answers the call. Harris is chasing his first singles titles and we are reminded of the alliance/rivalry between Dicey and Harris during their war with Genesis. Although the two men were on the same team they never quite saw eye to eye at the best of times so tonight is a great chance to settle any differences between them. Harris climbs up into the ring and there is a respectful slap of hands between the competitors. The crowd are definitely split in their support.

*The two fan favourites tie up and Dicey tries to use his strength advantage to take control but Harris is quicker and he drops down to drag Dicey’s legs out from under him. Harris immediately looks to set in the sharpshooter but Dicey kicks him away to the corner. The champ gets back to his feet but Harris is on him and almost takes his head off with a flying clothesline. Harris follows up with kicks, stomps and punches but Dicey shoves him away to the ropes. Dicey charges again but Harris drops his shoulder and backdrops his opponent onto the apron. Harris looks for a suplex back inside but Dicey drops down to crush the challenger’s throat across the top rope. Dicey catapults back in with a shoulder tackle takedown and follows up with a brainbuster for a two count.

*Dicey looks for a suplex but Harris floats over and locks his hands for a German. Dicey runs into the turnbuckle and uses his hips to thrust backward and send Harris across the canvass. Dicey turns and sprints out for a big boot but Harris avoids and this time nails a release German. Dicey staggers back up into a wrist clutch suplex and then the hat-trick is completed with an excellent t-bone but once more the champion is equal to it. The audience are already applauding as RJ says “I think we could have all predicted a classic in this one”.

*Harris goes to the corner and he climbs up. Dicey is getting to his feet as Harris throws himself into a back elbow takedown, wiping Dicey off his feet but it is a kick out on two. Harris tries to get hold of the legs again but Dicey slams kicks into his face until he falls away into the corner. The champion rises as Harris runs back out toward him but Dicey uses his momentum to sling him over the ropes to the outside. Dicey takes a moment to regain his composure.

*Harris gets back up on the apron as Dicey makes a beeline for him. The champion looks for the big punches to the chest (ala Sheamus) but after three Harris is able to swivel his body and nails a huge shoulder thrust through the middle rope, driving all the wind from Dicey. Harris then stuns everyone in attendance as he suplexes Dicey over the ropes and both men crash down into the aisleway, leaving them writhing in agony.

*Harris is the first one up and he grabs at Dicey but the champion falls backward and sends Harris’ head smashing into the steel steps. Dicey gets up now and he lifts Harris into a back suplex before letting him fall (ala Randy Orton) across the top of the steps. Dicey throws Harris back in the ring now and rolls in after. Harris is holding his spine as he stumbles to his feet and Dicey nails a two handed lift into a kneeling spinebuster for a two count.

*Harris has rolled to the corner now and is sat against the turnbuckle. Dicey lines him up and then rushes in for the “Hangover Cure” knee strike but Harris rolls away at the final second. Dicey comes back out as Harris kicks him in the stomach and looks for the “Shot in the dark” but Dicey jumps out the side and then he lifts Harris onto his shoulders and charges back into the corner, crushing him against the turnbuckle with a variation of a fireman’s slam. Harris is all at sea as Dicey drags him back out and flips him into a release jackknife powerbomb for the closest pinfall thus far in the contest.

*Dicey acknowledges the “Needs more Harris” chants but then signals it is over. He grabs Harris by the head and hauls him into position for the “Craicdown” but Harris swipes the legs. Everyone is expecting the sharpshooter but Harris changes tact and catapults Dicey into the corner. The challenger flies in with a stinger splash to Dicey’s spine and then drags him away from the corner and nails him with the “Shot in the dark” (Olympic Slam). The audience believes Harris has his first title win but Dicey just about raises his shoulder off the mat in time. Harris looks to the referee in disbelief but the official is adamant of the two.

*Harris heads to the corner now and he is climbing up for the frogsplash but Dicey rises and greets him with a huge right hand. The champion clambers up now and a fistfight breaks out between the two men until Dicey slams his head into Harris’ face. The crowd are on their feet as Dicey scoops Harris up and drops from the turnbuckle with a crushing back to belly piledriver (White Noise). He covers and is certain of the three count but Harris gets his foot on the bottom rope before the three count can be administered.

*A “this is awesome” chant is ringing all around Manchester now as the competitors are forced to dig deep. Dicey drags Harris into position for the “Craicdown” once more but Harris seizes one of the champion’s legs and then nails a dragon screw takedown. He looks to get the sharpshooter locked in but Dicey is able to drag him down into a small package for a two count. They get back up and Harris rolls under Dicey’s lunge forward and sprints off the ropes before returning with a low flying tackle to the legs of the champion again. Harris drags Dicey up now and he suplexes him into the air before dropping him out at the top so that the champ lands across his knees (ala Roderick Strong). Harris pulls Dicey back to his feet again and scoops him onto his shoulders before dropping him into a “shock treatment” backbreaker. Harris makes his way to the corner now and climbs up top before launching off with a frogsplash to the spine of the champion.

*The commentators believe this is the moment. Harris has destroyed the back of Dicey Reilly and this time he is successful in turning him over into the sharpshooter. Dicey is yelling in agony and trying to drag himself toward the ropes but Harris pulls him back to the centre and sits right back into the hold. Dicey’s face is etched in pain as the commentators debate on whether they have ever seen Dicey Reilly tap out before. The referee is talking to Dicey and trying to get a response from him. The champion seems to be fading badly as RJ says “I think we have a new champ”. The official looks very concerned with Dicey’s condition and seems ready to call for the bell when he is dragged from the ring and punched unconscious by Mike Masters.

*The boos are unmerciful as Masters stands and grins at what he has done. Scott Harris sees Masters on the outside and there is spit flying from his mouth as he boils with fury. Harris releases the hold on Dicey now and chases Masters on the outside. Masters heads up the ramp and turns back with a grin as Harris looks ready to explode. Harris heads back to the ring now and drags the referee up to throw him back in the ring. The official is still barely conscious as Harris rolls in now and tries to reapply the submission on Dicey. The champion reverses into an inside cradle but there is no ref to count. Harris storms to his feet and lands a kick to the jaw of Dicey before dragging him up and nails a snap dragon suplex. The referee is on his knees now as Harris points to Dicey and then reapplies the submission. Dicey is practically out of it but Mike Masters returns and he springboards off the ropes with a disaster kick to Scott Harris’ face which forces the ref to call for the bell.

*Masters is gleeful as he flees and the commentators cannot believe that he has cost Scott Harris his first singles title. JT believes “jealousy is an ugly thing” as Masters continues to lap up the crowd’s boos. Scott Harris has stumbled up, holding his jaw, and he looks uncontrollable. RJ says that Harris/Masters’ feud looked over after Night of Glory but JT isn’t sure it’ll ever truly be over between the rivals. Harris has the DQ victory but he is not the European Champion. He dives from the ring and gives chase to Masters now, who disappears backstage.

*Dicey is hurting as he gets up but he looks angry rather than in pain. He snatches the belt from the referee but it is clear that he is not happy with how his second “open challenge” has worked out. JT says “At least he’s still champ” but RJ says Dicey is a “proud man” and he does not want these tainted results. Dicey wants to fight and he wants definitive conclusions to his matches whether in victory or defeat. It is clear the champion is frustrated as Jack Reynolds heads out to talk to him about what has just gone down.

*Dicey pays respect to Scott Harris for “a hell of a match” and he also knows Harris is going to be disappointed, just like he is and he knows the crowd will be because they were robbed of a proper finish. Dicey says he wants to be a true, fighting, champion but his efforts, so far, have been thwarted. He isn’t giving up, however, and says “We’ll just have to try again next week”. Dicey isn’t shying away from any challenge and he welcomes anyone to step up and face him. He just wants to fight. The crowd applaud as Dicey hobbles from the ring and makes his way backstage.


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6CWF Presents Proving Grounds Results - 7th June 2024 (Episode 33) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Proving Grounds Results - 7th June 2024 (Episode 33)

Post by JJJohnson Fri 07 Jun 2024, 4:16 pm

*Scott Harris has already stormed backstage and is looking to tear Mike Masters apart for costing him the European Championship but Max Adamson and Damien Andrews are on hand and urge Harris to curb his desire for revenge right now. Harris doesn't see why he should do anything for anyone right now but here comes the incentive. Max & Andrews are both offering one of their spots for "The Hour" next week in a tag team match with a twist. Scott Harris and Mike Masters must work together to earn their shot at the world title. "Just like the old days" says Damien Andrews. Max shrugs almost apologetically at Harris as the scene ends.

*Acer is irate in The Coalition locker-room following the attack from Daniel Reilly. He wants instant revenge but JJ & Saint are trying to calm him. There's a real fire to Acer that hasn't been seen before but JJ is telling him to keep his focus on the big picture because he's "gone go out there and take care of Reilly's a55". Acer doesn't look fully suited with this and says he needs "some air. JJ turns to Saint and says "Make sure yo keep yo eyes peeled fo' these Wolf Gang f***ers too, just feels like that kinda night"....Saint smiles and says "Yeah I got something for that".

*Geoff Steel is being checked over by medical staff after his collision with Marty Helms earlier. Steel's cheek is not looking great as Max takes a step in. Max throws his hands up to quell Steel's complaints but says he has no choice and he's out of tonight's match with Ojore, a replacement is already sorted. Max knows Steel wants his pound of flesh and he knows that he and Marty Helms are going to war at "Scars and Stripes" so he wants the Xtreme Champion at 100% for that. Steel looks annoyed but accepts Max's order as he allows the medics to continue their work.

*We see Logan Kincade standing outside of Damien Andrews' office, just staring at the nameplate. Kincade is obviously feeling some confliction and then readies to walk away when the door opens and Andrews seems almost surprised to see his son there. He welcomes him inside and Kincade thinks about it before BD arrives on the scene as well. There is some clear tension between all three family members as Logan chooses to walk away now instead. BD glares at his father before following Logan out of shot.


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6CWF Presents Proving Grounds Results - 7th June 2024 (Episode 33) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Proving Grounds Results - 7th June 2024 (Episode 33)

Post by JJJohnson Fri 07 Jun 2024, 4:18 pm

Bout 6
Xtreme Rules
??? vs Ojore

*Back at ringside and the violent Ojore is already there and getting ready for battle. The commentators are talking about how Geoff Steel has been replaced last minute but as of right now we don’t know who Ojore’s opponent is going to be in this contest. The huge Ugandan is pacing back and forth before The Saint arrives to a deafening pop. We are reminded of the clash between The Wolf Gang & The Coalition last week and it seems Saint wants himself some of the action here this evening.

*Ojore shows no intimidation and yells for Saint to come and fight. Saint doesn’t need asking twice as he climbs into the ring and immediately they begin throwing huge bombs at one another. Saint rocks Ojore back on his heels but then Ojore seizes his foe and headbutts him so that Saint topples through the ropes to the outside of the ring. Ojore rolls out now and he charges but Saint moves as the Ugandan slams through the steel steps with sheer force. Saint gets the steps up on his shoulders now and he charges into Ojore’s skull with them, leaving him slumped in the aisleway as the crowd go wild.

*Saint works the crowd before he drags a table from under the ring and rests it against the ringside barrier. He stalks Ojore now and then looks for a huge spear through the table but Ojore sidesteps at the final second and then he runs forward and ploughs his head into Saint’s chest to send him crashing back through the wood. Ojore drags Saint around to the announce area now and he scoop slams him on top of one of the tables, leaving him writhing in pain.

*Ojore then clambers onto the furthest table (of 4) and he runs across them to leap into a huge splash but Saint is up and he dives into a brutal and astonishing RKO that crushes himself and Ojore through the “Spanish” table and leaves them down and out amidst the wreckage. The referee is out of the ring and trying to check on both men. Eventually they start to stir and Saint stumbles to his feet whilst Ojore is throwing debris out of his way. Saint drives a boot under Ojore’s chin and then runs him forward and tosses him back into the ring now.

*The audience are going wild as Saint rolls in and he seems almost stunned to see Ojore getting to his feet before he rips through him with a giant spear. Saint makes the cover but Ojore kicks on two, much to everyone’s astonishment. Saint is almost laughing in surprise as he gets back to his feet. Ojore is once again trying to rise and Saint grabs him by the head before pulling him into position for the “Divine Force” but Ojore counters with a backdrop at the final second and then just jumps in the air and slams all of his bodyweight down into Saint’s chest with his backside. Ojore seizes Saint by the wrist and he drags him to the ropes now.

*Ojore clambers up the turnbuckle and it is clear he has “Banzai” on his mind but Saint is up and lands a very borderline punch. Ojore is doubled over on the turnbuckle as Saint ducks under him and then carries him away from the corner before drilling him with the “Divine Force” in the middle of the ring. The crowd are ready to count the three when Robin Reborn flies off the top rope and lands on Saint’s back with a shooting star press. The crowd are booing as Reborn quickly clambers back out on the apron and attaches his custom knuckles before he springboards in with a huge superman punch to Saint’s jaw as he stands up. Reborn hauls Ojore on top and the referee makes the shock three count.

*JJ Johnson is sprinting to ringside as Reborn dives from the ring and sneers from the aisleway. There is plenty of trash talk between the two rivals and JJ decides it is time to send a message so he waits for Ojore to stand before delivering the “Access All Areas” (Stunner) to leave him flat on his back. Reborn looks annoyed and continues his trash talk from the aisle as JJ beckons for him to come and fight. The commentators voice their concerns that JJ’s concentration needs to be on tonight’s match with Daniel Reilly but he seems to be embroiled in gang warfare with Robin Reborn.


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6CWF Presents Proving Grounds Results - 7th June 2024 (Episode 33) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Proving Grounds Results - 7th June 2024 (Episode 33)

Post by JJJohnson Fri 07 Jun 2024, 4:47 pm

*A dishevelled GazzyD arrives in his hometown arena and you can hear cheers from the fans inside despite his allegiances. Gazzy looks torrid and a man battling some serious demons. Clarissa rushes over to him to grab a word but Gazzy either cannot find the words or he has nothing to say as he continues his forlorn walk. We see many concerned looking members of staff watching Gazzy's broken appearance. Gazzy reaches a door that is flanked by two of Plague's hooded "followers". They open it up and Gazzy walks inside. The room is darkened and we see the shadow of Plague sat there. He welcomes Gazzy to sit with him as they prepare for tonight's battle. Even in the dimly lit room it is obvious Plague is badly scarred and bruised from Night of Glory. Plague makes it clear that if Gazzy proves himself tonight then he will be permitted to see Christy and Willow.

*Robin Reborn swaggers into the back (having left Ojore behind) and he snatches a mic out of Tim Allen's hand. Reborn wants the world to see how quickly he can make things happen and how deadly he and the "Wolf Gang" can be. Reborn says JJ Johnson needs to understand how quickly he can turn someone's world upside down and JJ has had this coming for a long, long time. Same goes for anyone else associated with Saint just found out. Reborn is guaranteeing that not only is JJ Johnson going to get what has been coming to him but The Wolf Gang will become the first tag team champions of the new era, guaranteed.

*There is some real tension with The Saint & JJ after what just went down. Saint thinks JJ "f***ed up" by getting involved in this Reilly bull**** when they are already embroiled in a war. JJ understands Saint's gripe but "couldn't let that motherf***er go unchecked fo' running his mouth". Saint says they need to leave their egos out of this "they're damn sure big enough".....if JJ is really serious about working as a team and going for the gold then they need to be on the same page, none of this "last action hero s***". JJ touches knuckles with Saint and says "My bad, homie....we game tight".

*Scott Harris is finishing up for the night in the gym, working out his frustration, when Tyler Roth jumps him. Roth runs Harris forward and launches him into the weights rack before Liam Wood rushes in and begins brawling with Roth. Suddenly a dumbbell smashes off the back of Wood's head as Rex Adamson spins him around now and slams him through a weights bench, overturning it in the process. Roth and Rex are nodding at one another when Chris Patricks drives a Olympic bar into Roth's stomach, dropping him on his knees, Patricks and Rex are staring each other down when Michael Sweetwater low blows CP from behind. Rex and Sweetwater stare at each other for a moment before Rex nods and he drags Patricks up and drags him into the adjoining showers before smashing him through a glass screen and leaves him heaped amidst the glass and blood. "Clean yourself off, you're a mess" Rex sneers as he walks out to join the rest of Genesis. It seems like Eddy Kent's threat is being acted upon.


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6CWF Presents Proving Grounds Results - 7th June 2024 (Episode 33) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Proving Grounds Results - 7th June 2024 (Episode 33)

Post by JJJohnson Fri 07 Jun 2024, 4:49 pm

Bout 7
Daniel Reilly vs JJ Johnson

*Back at ringside as Daniel Reilly and Oliver Keane arrive to tumultuous boos from the audience. Reilly is full of his usual swagger whilst we get an update on his earlier attack on Acer as well as the back and forth trash talk between himself and tonight’s opponent. Reilly is up in the ring as Oliver Keane is telling the cameras that we are looking at the next world champion.

*It is a standing and deafening ovation for JJ Johnson’s first singles match on weekly television for nearly eight years. JT is still concerned that JJ is embroiled in a lot of different issues right now and perhaps he isn’t giving Daniel Reilly the full attention that he merits. RJ is hyping this “first time ever” showdown between the two former world champions. JJ is up in the ring as the referee moves to keep both men apart. There is plenty of trash talk flying around before the bell sounds to start proceedings.

*They circle for a lockup but then JJ steps forward and uncorks a right hand that lands on the temple and staggers Reilly. He follows up with big hooks to the body and then whips Reilly off the ropes before launching him with a backdrop as he returns. Reilly staggers to his feet as JJ drops him again with a solid right. JJ whips Reilly into the corner with venom and smashes him down with a Samoan drop for a two count as he walks out.

*JJ flips Reilly for a powerbomb but he lands out on his feet and responds with a European uppercut and a dropkick that sends Johnson back into the ropes. JJ flies back with a leaping clothesline to take Reilly down and then lifts him into an inverted atomic drop, a jawbreaker and an overhead throw. Oliver Keane is looking concerned on the outside of the ring as the commentators believe JJ is “looking as good as ever”.

*JJ runs the ropes and looks for a scissors kick but Reilly ducks out. Reilly tries to respond immediately with the RKO but JJ shoves him into the ropes and nails him with a snap spinebuster (ala Ron Simmons) when he comes back. JJ has the crowd eating out of the palm of his hand as he wills Reilly up and looks to nail the “Access All Areas” (Stunner) but Reilly counters into an inverted headlock backbreaker. Reilly is up now and stomping all over JJ before the referee interjects.

*Reilly grabs at JJ’s ankle and looks for the quick submission but JJ is quick to swivel his body and take Reilly down before applying an anklelock of his own. Reilly yells and quickly scrambles for the ropes to grab hold. JJ nods his head in acknowledgement but then uses his power to launch Reilly onto his feet by his ankle and scoop him up into a devastating “Emerald Fusion” which draws his cheers from the audience. JJ covers and Reilly just gets his shoulder up.

*JJ signals to the audience and they give a huge cheer. He scoops Reilly up for the “VIP Experience” but Reilly drops behind and nails a back suplex out of nowhere. Reilly crawls for the corner and he climbs up high before launching himself for the frogsplash, only for JJ to move aside at the final second. Reilly is doubled up, trying to stand, as JJ crashes into him with a brutal scissors kick to the back of the neck. Oliver Keane climbs up on the apron to break the referee’s count.

*JJ is up in a flash and he hauls Keane over the top rope as the audience go wild. Keane is begging for mercy but JJ punches him back into the ropes and then scoops him up. It looks like a “VIP Experience” is on the cards but Reilly clatters JJ from behind and then runs him forward to launch him through the ropes into the solid post. Reilly then swings JJ around the ropes and drops him from the second with a hangman’s DDT for a very close two.

*Reilly goes into full blown stalk mode now for the RKO but JJ lifts him into a full nelson and nails a dragon suplex for a two count. JJ ushers him up again and grabs him for the “Fade to Black” (Spinning Impailer) but Reilly turns his body and counters with a neckbreaker. Reilly heads high again and this time he scores with the frogsplash. He is sure he has the three count but JJ kicks out just in time.

*Reilly is having words with the referee now before turning his focus back to JJ. He drags him up and flips him into place for a fallout neckbreaker but JJ kicks his way off the back and spins Reilly around. He kicks him in the gut for “Access All Areas” but Reilly shoves him away to the corner. He rushes in but Johnson kicks him away. JJ storms out now for a huge clothesline but Reilly sidesteps and shoves him into the referee, sending the official to the mat. Reilly pounces for the RKO now but JJ shoves him into the turnbuckle and lays him out with the “Access All Areas” as he comes around.

*JJ is trying to revive the official but he is getting no joy. Oliver Keane has rolled in the ring behind JJ with a steel chair and he is waiting for Johnson to turn around before swinging but JJ punches the weapon out of his hands. Keane looks ready to pi55 himself now as JJ kicks him in the stomach and drags him in place for a powerbomb. Suddenly JJ is attacked from behind by Ojore, sparking huge boos from the crowd.

*JJ tries to fight back against the big Ugandan but he is lifted up and splattered by a “World’s Strongest Slam”. A cocky Robin Reborn has swaggered down to ringside now and he goes up high and delivers a punishing “shooting star press” on Johnson now. Saint’s music hits and the big man, sporting the injuries of earlier, is rushing to ringside to aid his friend. Reborn scarpers and Ojore takes some persuading but soon follows suit. Saint grabs a steel chair to give chase.

*JJ is trying to get back to his feet as Reilly lands a low-blow and then drills him with an RKO. Acer comes running from the back but he is too late as the groggy referee has recovered enough to count the three. Reilly has defeated JJ Johnson!

*Reilly is out of the ring in a flash, grinning from ear to ear, as Acer dives in. “The King” is full of swagger as he celebrates in the aisleway whilst Acer glares at him. Reilly may have beaten JJ Johnson but his issues with Acer may just be beginning.


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6CWF Presents Proving Grounds Results - 7th June 2024 (Episode 33) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Proving Grounds Results - 7th June 2024 (Episode 33)

Post by JJJohnson Fri 07 Jun 2024, 5:04 pm

*Ojore & Robin Reborn are clambering into the huge Hum-Vee parked outside as Saint charges out after them. He launches the steel chair at the vehicle but it just bounces off as The Wolf Gang drive away. The battle lines are clearly drawn now between these warring teams.

*We see GazzyD following Edward Plague from their dressing room as the commentators hype the upcoming main event. The scene then switches to Dragon & Logan Kincade. It is clear, without words, that Dragon has some concerns about his brother's mental state but they don't speak on it. Dragon says "Time to finish these f***ers" before walking out, roaring as he does so. Logan Kincade stands alone for a moment with a dark expression on his face.

*Daniel Reilly & Oliver Keane are standing in Damien Andrews' office. Andrews is congratulating Reilly and telling him he's a man of his word so Reilly is in "The Hour". Reilly nods his head as Keane claps him on the back. "That being said....". Reilly and Keane pause in the doorway now....."Next week....Daniel holds barred....Can't wait". Reilly's eyes narrow now as Andrews smiles at them both.

*Max Adamson has Chris Patricks, Scott Harris and Liam Wood all sat in his office. Patricks has refused medical attention despite the numerous cuts on his body....Harris is pacing back and forth whilst Liam Wood is just staring straight at Max without blinking. Max says "Shall we begin?" as the scene ends.


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Age : 34

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6CWF Presents Proving Grounds Results - 7th June 2024 (Episode 33) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Proving Grounds Results - 7th June 2024 (Episode 33)

Post by JJJohnson Fri 07 Jun 2024, 5:06 pm

Main Event
Tag Team Championships (1st Round)
Steel Cage
Blue Dragon/Logan Kincade vs Edward Plague/GazzyD

*There is a real air of anticipation as we return to ringside and the giant steel cage structure is lowering around the ring. We are reminded of the utter chaos and carnage that took place at Night of Glory inside “Hell in a Cell” and the commentators are expecting much more of the same here this evening. The rules in this one are either victory via pinfall, submission or both members of one team escaping the cage. Edward Plague is the first to arrive and despite all the smoke and mirrors of his entrance it is clear that the 6CW Champion is nowhere near 100% after what he has been through recently. He climbs inside of the cage and admires its menace before GazzyD arrives. We are recapped on the fact that Plague now seems to be using Gazzy’s family as “emotional hostages” in order to keep Gazzy in line. Gazzy has dark rings around his eyes and looks to be struggling internally with the ongoing turmoil.

*Fire and huge pyros now accompany the arrival of Blue Dragon and Logan Kincade. JT is wondering how Damien Andrews’ presence is affecting his “sons” because Logan certainly seems almost “disturbed” by his father being in charge whereas Blue Dragon cannot hide his contempt. Is that driving a wedge between them? Are these issues that Edward Plague can exploit to his advantage?

*The commentators cannot see anything but full blown war here as Logan and BD begin climbing inside of the cage. The door is padlocked and chained shut. Suddenly Plague turns and spits a black liquid into the referee’s face, taking him out of commission. It looks like escape may be the only option for all involved as Plague smiles at his foes, his teeth stained black from the mist.

*Logan and Dragon stare at one another for a moment as Gazzy is clearly concerned about what happens next. Plague seems to be almost goading the brothers and they rush forward and tackle him, exploding with brutal punches and headbutts which sag him onto the ropes. Gazzy takes a deep breath and then clatters into the back of Logan Kincade and drags him around. He kicks him in the gut and looks for “Deep Impact” but Logan swipes his legs and catapults him into the side of the cage wall. Kincade gets back up now and he ensures to launch Gazzy against all four sides of the cage in turn, busting him wide open, before he seizes him by the back of the neck and runs him forward with devastating velocity to haul him against the cage door….the impact of which snaps the chain, padlock and takes the door of its hinges as Gazzy is sent crashing to the outside in a broken heap. Logan just stands there in the doorway as “Holy s***” chant rings all around Manchester. The ringside doctor quickly rushes over and signal is given for EMTs as Gazzy is bleeding and unresponsive on the outside of the ring.

*Dragon looks over his shoulder at what his brother has done before walking over to him. Kincade seems almost trance-like as BD puts an arm on his shoulder and seems to awaken his brother. Dragon indicates that they have a job to finish with Edward Plague. Plague is tied up in the ropes, thanks to Dragon, and cannot free himself. BD walks forward now and begins to unload with huge right hands which split Plague wide open. Plague is slumped, blood down his head, his mouth and teeth black from the mist but then he starts to laugh. Dragon seems confused as the lights go out and when they come back on there is a dozen cloaked figures in the ring and they begin to attack Logan and Dragon.

*The fight breaks out but Logan and Dragon are too brutal and too strong for their assailants and they beat them down. Logan has ripped the robes off one of the attackers and seems to be taking sinister pleasure in grating his face off the side of the cage until he collapses in a pool of blood. Dragon flips up another attacker and release powerbombs him against the side of the cage before he double chokeslams another two.

*There are stunned expressions and gasps from the crowd as a bloody and clearly battered GazzyD is refusing medical attention and heading back toward the cage. He then begins to climb up the side of the cage to the top. Logan and Dragon are alerted at the very last second but it is too late as Gazzy throws himself off into a corkscrew takedown which wipes both brothers off their feet, knocking down several of Plague’s “followers” as well.

*Suddenly the bell sound and there is confusion but in the melee one of Plague’s “followers” has freed him from the ropes and he has crawled to the broken door and dropped to the outside, ending the match as he and GazzyD have both escaped the cage. Plague is clearly in a lot of pain as he coughs and wheezes but he has a dark smile on his face as he stumbles up on the outside and looks back at the cage.

*Dragon and Kincade are already getting to their feet and they stare out at Plague now with cold expressions. It looks like it is time for a message to be sent loud and clear. GazzyD, bloody and barely moving, is the first victim as they drag him out and deliver a double chokeslam which breaks the ring canvass and leaves him out of view, drawing a huge response from the audience. JT is asking “What the hell is Gazzy getting out of the alliance? He has been victimised here tonight”……RJ says it is all to “keep his family safe”….

*Dragon and Logan are not done though as they round on the “follower” who helped Plague to escape. They drag him up and stare at Plague as they run the “follower” forward and they launch him against the side of the cage so that it buckles and breaks. The cage wall falls and collapses into the aisleway, landing almost at Plague’s feet with the broken form of his follower there as well.

*Plague’s expression is hard to read as the show comes to a close with him staring back at the devastation in the ring whilst Logan Kincade and Blue Dragon stare back out at him with demonic and dangerous looks on their faces.


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Age : 34

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