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6CWF Lockdown 27/10

Uryu Ishida
MtotheC's Wrasslin Biatch
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6CWF Lockdown 27/10 Empty 6CWF Lockdown 27/10

Post by Mat Mon Oct 24, 2011 7:00 am

Match 1
Edan Ekram W/ Jerome Dubois vs Logan Kincade W/Uryu

Match 2
The Dragon vs James McManus

Match 3
The Saint vs The Shadow

*Scorpion Hardcore Title celebration

Match 4
Clarke James/Longinus vs Crime Lord/Rapture

Match 5
Marshall Murdoch vs Angelo Anneire

Main Event
Hero/Chaos vs Blue Dragon/Chris Patricks

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6CWF Lockdown 27/10 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 27/10

Post by Blade Mon Oct 24, 2011 8:28 am

The tron comes on and the crowd cheer as they have seen the Dragon doing some pull ups on a monkey bar in his locker room his interpreter Foo Poo is sat at his desk going through the contract for tonight match, The Dragon is just wearing white trouser's with a green dragon down the side of one leg.

Dragon drop's down from the monkey bars and gets a towel and wipe's his brow and bows to the camera and then whispers some think to his Foo Poo.

FP: Dragon say's he is happy and sad at the same time, He is happy that he won against John Fart at payback ppv and is sorry him and his friend loco oko got fired after there match.

Dragon whisper's in the ear off Foo Poo want's more.

FP: Dragon say's Shadow you do not scare him as he can not find you and tell you to stop playing with lights on wall as they can hurt you, Dragon also say he look forward to fisting against John MCgunius he like people with first name called John as he win's, He can fist John very good and hurt him very good, John MCgunius you are good fister and look forward to fisting you very much.

Dragon again whisper's in to Foo Poo's ear.

FP: Dragon say's after fist may be we could go for a drink together and make friends, Dragon has seen you fist and think you could make good friend for Dragon, Dragon like's to make friends with good fister's.

Dragon would like to thank good people of 6wf but feels he not going to make friends with the fister's that are here, So will look to make friends with crowd as there cheer for Dragon, He does not feel that MCgunius will want to make friends want to be friends after Dragon has beaten him so invites all his friends in the crowd to a party at his house and hopes there will not be many fister's going on as Dragon just wants to make firends.

The crowd cheer but some are laughing at the same time as the Dragon and Foo Poo the bow to the screen and Dragon goes back to doing pull up's on the monkey bars.


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6CWF Lockdown 27/10 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 27/10

Post by Guest Mon Oct 24, 2011 7:16 pm

RJ: What a fantastic night we witnessed yesterday at Payback.

MW: 6WF showed 6CW why it’s still the dominant force in this joint company.

RJ: So many shocks from last night, including two new Champions and Christopher Patricks retaining his Undisputed Championship. I’m sure over the next month all of the fallout from Payback will lead to a fantastic Born in Fire.

-Before Michael Wire gets the chance to reply to RJ, ‘Elements of Life’ plays around the 6wF Arena and the crowd get on their feet to cheer Edan Ekram. A thin layer of smoke builds up before Edan walks through in jeans, shirt and carrying his 6NG Trophy in his left hand. He slowly makes his way down the ramp.-

RJ: Edan’s smiling, but you know deep down he’ll be dying inside. Since his impressive graduation from Next Gen he’s had rotten luck on the bigger stage.

MW: Don’t make excuses for him, RJ. He did well in Next Gen because there was only one other top competitor. He’s moved up to the big time and he can’t cut it with the big boys.

-Edan place his trophy in the ring and is walking past the announce table to grab a mic from a stagehand and overhears what Michael Wire was saying. He snatches the mic from the stagehand and turns to face Wire. The crowd are still cheering for Edan as he looks left and right, before shifting his entire focus back on to Wire.-

Edan: Not good enough for the big league, Michael? Is that what you’re saying?

-The crowd chant ‘Edan’ a few times and there is an awkward long silence as Edan stares in to the eyes of Michael Wire, who is shaking his head.-

Edan: No? So I didn’t just hear you say that I couldn’t cut it with the big boys?

-Michael stands up and tries to plead his case with Edan.-

Edan: Shut the hell up Mike, I don’t want to hear another word from your grubby mouth!

-MW goes to start his sentence again, but in one swift movement Edan unleashes a brutal uppercut that sends Wire crashing to the floor and smacks his head off the barricades.-

Crowd: BOOOO!

-Edan sneers at the fans in the front row and steps up the steel steps and into the ring. The crowd continue to boo as Edan paces from one side of the ring to the other, running his empty hand through his hair as a worn out look plays itself out on his face.-

Edan: Why don’t you all just shut up for a minute so I can remember why I came out here!

-The crowd boo louder and Edan just looks bemused in the centre of the ring.-

Edan: You sit there in your cheap seats, slumped there in your cheap clothes, wearing cheap merchandise, so you obviously think that you should have some chance to get across your opinion. But your ticket payment goes some way in to paying my contract at the end of each month; it’s safe to say I probably out-earn every single one of you morons sitting there booing me. That means I’m double the person any of you will ever be, so my opinion counts for a lot more. So I command for you all to SHUT THE HELL UP and let me speak!

-The booing reaches a new high in terms of volume and Edan walks across to the turnbuckle and sits on it.-

Edan: You know what, I don’t care if you idiots in the crowd can’t hear me because of your own selfish noise-making, but I know that the guys in the back will be able to hear every word. It’s them that I want to address so I’m just going to speak.


Edan: Last night at Payback I came within seconds of winning the tag team titles with Jerome Dubois. Last night the French Element showed, yet again, that we were capable of pulling off anything much better than any of the other competitors. But last night Uryu resorted to cheap tactics to try and win gold.

Right at the end of our match I had McManus right where I wanted him, I was about to seal the deal with a kick. How fitting that Uryu should be the man to pin his old enemy, McManus, at Payback. James paying the price for the months of annoyance that he had caused Uryu. If that had happened in any other match apart from my own, I’d probably feel happy for Uryu. But the problem is, it happened in MY match when I was going to win OUR tag titles for Jerome and I. WE SHOULD BE TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS!

-Edans voice cracks towards the end of the sentence and a sinister giggle escapes from his mouth. His eyes well up with tears, but the expression etched across his mouth betrays the look from his eyes.-

Edan: I know it sounds stupid to say it now, but I don’t want to come across as bitter. But it should have been ME standing at Payback holding the tag team title in front of a crowd that will lap it all up because I would continuously go on about how you all made it possible. I’d carry on with spouting the cowpat that I’m out here fighting week in, week out for the fans and that I’m here to rid 6wF of all its corruption. I’d carry on lying to you all.

Because that’s the way it goes. No one in 6wF really cares about what you all think, we’re just here to try and create a career that will be remembered in years to come. When they look back at the history books they won’t see: ‘Oh, those customers really liked Uryu’ or ‘Man, they hated The Saint’. NO! None of that matters. What matters is how you perform in the ring and how you progressed.

But there are those among us backstage that will suck up to you and feed you compliments because they know that creates the cash. That is all you pathetic, little people are. Cash cows to those who will sell out their own personal views for the sake of an extra bonus.

-The crowd start booing Edan and start chanting the names of Uryu and Logan. Edan claps his hands together and throws them behind his head, covering his ears with his biceps.-

Edan: It’s funny how you chant the name of Logan Kincade, but I wonder how much good those cheers will do him when I repeatedly kick his ass all around the ring on Thursday night. Since my 6wF debut all the way back in April I have not lost a singles match to anybody. That includes beating the likes of Scorpion, The Saint and Angelo Anneire. When I reel off that list of stars it saddens me to think of how much further up they are at the moment, meanwhile myself and Jerome will have to continue out-performing average wrestlers for this entire month just to stand a chance of being on the card at Born in Fire.

Seventeen matches since graduating from Next Gen and not once have I been pinned by an opponent or made to submit. Find me one other wrestler in 6wF that can currently boast the same record. Hell, look to those that were fighting for other titles this weekend and tell me their stats.

It’s unfortunate that on Lockdown that Uryu won’t be stepping foot inside the ring, because he’d really find out how much of a bitch payback can be. But I have as much to prove against his partner-in-crime Logan Kincade, who I will have the pleasure of defeating and carrying on my undefeated streak. The team of Uryu and Kincade will find out that the French Element won’t put up with losing the tag team titles despite not being the losers. We want another shot at those titles on the biggest stage possible- Born in Fire.

I know there might be others teams queuing up for a chance of gold, but we’re going to make it impossible for Danny McGraw to ignore us. Forget about chasing singles gold, bringing justice to 6wF or getting the fans to like us; winning the tag team titles at Born in Fire is our main priority. And we will not rest until we have won.

-Edan drops the mic to the floor and picks up his 6NG trophy. He clasps it to his chest and walks up the ramp, scowling at any fan who dares to boo him as he passes.-


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6CWF Lockdown 27/10 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 27/10

Post by Lee Mon Oct 24, 2011 9:51 pm

Before Edan reaches the top of the ramp 'Master of Puppets' blasts out to massive cheers from the crowd

MW: For once I am glad to see this nut case.

RJ: Ladies and gentlemen one half of the newly crowned Tag Team champions is here!

Logan walks out with his Tag Team belt in his hand and raises it right into the face of Edan and smirks. Edan looks furiously at him, the two men stare at each other before Edan walks away from Logan and into the back.

Logan makes his way to the Ring the cheers still booming round the arena. He climbs the turnbuckle and raises his tag team belt and the crowd start to chant "LO-GAN LO-GAN LO-GAN LO-GAN"

LK: Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeah! would you look at that, little old me and a nice shiny belt.

MW: Not that you did anything to win it

RJ: What are you talking about?

MW: It was Uryu who won that match and Logan knows it

LK: Hey Mikey hows the jaw feelin?

Michael Wire looks angry but instantly shuts up

LK: Thought so, now I was listening to edam and I find it interesting, he says he beat the likes of Scorpion and Saint yet I beat Uryu one on one, the guy who dropped Edam with one kick when it mattered most, when the tag titles where on the line...

...So he can talk all he wants, but I have shown when it matters I can beat anyone. And I admit I haven't been here long, but if he thinks that means I don't have experience in the ring....then you are mistaken, only the rings I used to fight in where rings of convicts and it was a fight for survival not for belts or bragging rights.

But you know what? It doesn't matter, because I have this belt right here, and I know theres a guy out the back who deserves to come out here and celebrate propperly with me, so I call on that guy to come out now and join me in this ring infront of you fine people.


Logan leans back on the ropes and waits for Uryu to come out...


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6CWF Lockdown 27/10 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 27/10

Post by Guest Mon Oct 24, 2011 9:59 pm

A stagehand is seen walking down the corridor looking anxious as he approaches a locker room. He stops outside and gulps before reluctantly knocking on the door. The camera swings round and shows 'THE SAINT' emblazoned on the door. There is a pause as the stagehand waits, suddenly the door flies open and stood there is The Saint; Wide eyed, breathing heavily, seemingly distraught after Payback.

He disdainfully stares down the frightened stagehand...

The Saint: What?! Are you going to stand there and proceed to wet yourself, or are you going to grow a pair and tell me what the hell you want?!

The stagehand nervously hands The Saint a piece of paper. The Saint studies it, before beginning to snarl and tears up the paper.

The Saint: A celebration?! A F***ING CELEBRATION?! What's the spineless cretin celebrating?! Stealing another mans moment! This stinks of Jessica stirring the pot! He better enjoy holding that title while it lasts, because I'm not through with him, not by a long shot!

I hope he watches what I'm going to do to The Shadow, because there's going to be one hell of a divine backlash at Lockdown.

The Saint is visibly seething as he talks to himself, the stagehand standing awkwardly.

The Saint: I warned him...I told him not to usurp my moment of legend, my destiny. I told him there'd be consequences, that he'd suffer...

I will face him at Born in Fire...I will become Hardcore Champion...I will be the second winner of the Grand Slam!

Jessica will see who she should really be backing! And it'll start Thursday...

The Saint looks at the startled stagehand....

The Saint: What?!

Stagehand: Ermm, are you okay??

The Saint: Get out my sight!

The Saint lashes out and punches the stagehand square between the eyes and slams the door shut, as the stagehand lies spread eagled on the floor.


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6CWF Lockdown 27/10 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 27/10

Post by MtotheC's Wrasslin Biatch Mon Oct 24, 2011 10:31 pm

Backstage in another locker room, Miss Jessica is alone watching a monitor as Saint berates the stagehand. She allows herself a manipulative smile as she gets up and walks over to a nearby table, which still has a large bottle of opened champagne in an ice bucket.

Miss Jessica : Don't mind if I do. I so deserve it...

She pours herself a flute of champagne and slowly takes a sip, pushing her hair behind her ear as she drinks. She picks up her phone, and jumps up on the table, swinging her legs as she watches Saint's reaction re-run on the screen.

Miss Jessica : Oh hello... could I like, order some more balloons for Thursday please. I was thinking, it might be cool to have some that have "Grand Slam Champion", with the Grand Slam crossed out and replaced with "Two Time".

Thanks honey. Charge it to the usual card. Yeah... the Mr. Zhi one.

Jessica hangs up and giggles, then takes another sip of champagne. Then she leans back on the table and stares at the bubbles rising in the glass with sly enjoyment.

MtotheC's Wrasslin Biatch

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6CWF Lockdown 27/10 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 27/10

Post by Uryu Ishida Mon Oct 24, 2011 11:51 pm

* "those who fight further" starts playing as Uryu walks out smiling as he holds the belt up high anbd the crowd cheer*

Uryu: Hey now guys, last night was a fantastic match, we made the fans happy and we all did our best. Me and Logan won but i want everyone to give a round of applause to all four of our opponents for giving us a good fight

*The crowd applaud as Uryu smiles and waits*

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6CWF Lockdown 27/10 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 27/10

Post by Gregers Tue Oct 25, 2011 1:59 am

(The lights in the arena suddenly go out and the word Destiny flashes up onto the big screen as manic laughter can be heard, slowly the letters begin to burn and the laughter appears to turn into full blown hysteria. Suddenly this stops and the arena is plunged into an eerie pitch black silence. A bell is heard chiming before "Its an Omen" screams out over the loudspeakers. The music changes to "Granite" as a hooded Chaos appears through the smoke. He lifts his head and throws his hood back as his trademark green pyro goes off. He then sits down cross legged on the ramp)

C: Destiny

(Crowd boos)

C: We could feel your presence as we hit that parasite with the G-Force, our life forces entwined as he crumpled to the mat. The boos of the crowd amplyfying our heartbeats, and then the count



But no 3.

(Chaos glares into the camera)

C: It was as if our heartbeats stopped. In a daze we looked around. Our vision clouded. Our mind destroyed. As he rose our title. The parasites chanting for the Enigma, the Enigma who has ruined everything. But you shall not ruin anymore. At Born in Fire on the anniversary of our glorious rebirth it shall be the end of the road. Your luck shall run out and whoever doesn't want your True Prophet as World Champion can feel true pain.

True Pain. Just as we have. Our title is now calling for us, Enigma enjoy your last month as best you can. For after Born in Fire, you shall be no more.

We shall be the Greatest

(Crowd boos)

Greatest Unified Champion. Nothing can prevent that from coming to pass now. No more distractions, no more stipulations. Just one on one, as it always should have been. Enigma, at Born in Fire you shall be but a memory. A martyr to these parasites if you will.




(Chaos smiles twistedly into the camera)


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6CWF Lockdown 27/10 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 27/10

Post by jeromedubois Tue Oct 25, 2011 4:28 am

While Uryu and Logan Celebrate, suddenly "C'est Le Bien Qui Fait Mal" Hits to a chorus of boo's from the crowd as out swaggers Jerome Dubois with his stylish purple Robe with Phenomene written across the back with a microphone in hand as he begins to snigger while staring at the newly crowned Tag Team Champions.

MW: The Sensational One is back!

RJ: He was always here...

MW: Ssshhhh we are about to here him talk for the first time in a long time!

JD: Well isn't zis all barf material....I mean you too are celebrating like if you had one ze superball or someding....Calm down Ladies, and let ze real athletes talk instead of embarassing yourselves coming out ere and sounding like a bunch of teenagers, and feeding zese zombie fans what dey want....

Crowd: Booooo

JD: Now I know I haven't been as vocal as I normally as of late, but I am not going to lie, I was biding my time waiting for ze right moment, and while I was going wait to little while longer seeing you two out ere jumping around, after what was a cheap victory at Payback makes me sick! You Logan mon ami ze difference between you and me is dat you talk a lot out of your derriere! You say you can beat any man, I doubt dat very much, because one on one, you have 0 Percent chance vs ze Cultured One! Who cares if your a newcomer, and dat you captured a title in your short time here! It means noding to me! Because at ze end of day whatever you achieve, I have done it faster, and better dan you! When I first came do ze 6WF, In my first 3 months ere, I had beaten everyone dere was to beat! I had beaten, Saint, Cassius, Crime Lord, Mike Hill, JJ Johnson, everyone! You name it, I did it! Not only dat but I captured ze den called Internet Championship! I went to mentor and coach a future Star who won 6NG, I have achieved everything dere is to achieve! You ain't noding! Every company I have gone to I have succeeded! Yet you brag over a quick fluke win. And went on to being ze longest reigning champion in ze history of zis company! I am ze past, ze present and ze future of zis company, while you mon ami are noding more dan a 1 hit wonder, who will have his 2 seconds of fame when facing me zis week on Lockdown!

Crowd: bumhole!

JD: So enjoy ze spotlight while it is on you Logan because I assure Logan, you won't last longer dan 5 minutes with me! I will show to ze world dat you are noding more dan a little prison thug, while I......I Logan I am so much more! I am a future 6WF World Champ, I am Jerome Dubois! Ze Pride of France! Ze French Crusader! Ze Cultured Champion! Ces la ou tu va decouvrir que c'est le bien qui fait mal!

"C'est le Bien Qui Fait Mal" Begins to play as Dubois point to Logan with a smile and makes his way to the back.


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6CWF Lockdown 27/10 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 27/10

Post by AberdeenSteve Tue Oct 25, 2011 6:11 am

???:”Payback is a bitch isn’t it Longinus?”

The titantron flickers into life and reveals a man stood with his hood pulled over his face, he turns to look down the barrel of the camera.

??: “So you seemed to believe before our match my friend, but the heavens opened and you were taken by the darkness and now the Rapture stands tall.”

The figure takes a step forward and is revealed to be Rapture. He has an evil grin on his face as burns a hole through the lens with his stare.

“At Payback, my brethren and I proved to all that these ‘Atheists’ are nothing but a group of liars. They stood before you all, spiting vile lies that they would destroy the Church and that they would watch us crumble piece by piece. But the real truth is that we spread like a deadly virus and we will devour all in our paths.

The Church stood tall. We stood united against the people that have committed blasphemy towards the great lord and they suffered for their sins.

Once again, Rapture stood above the motionless carcass of Longinus and once again I proved him nothing but a drunken mess. I still ponder when you will ever give up, when the realism will hit you that you are never going to become a ‘someone’. Clarke James feeds you this propaganda, making you think that you ever have the chance of succeeding in this business we call professional wrestling. The fact is the Longinus, James is using you as a pawn in his game to prove he isn’t a washed up old has been. He had the opportunities to live off the glories brought side by side to being under the wing of our lord but he failed. He is trying to salvage what is left of his tattered and broken career by playing the renegade against a faith he once believed in.

I am happy he is using you in his silly rebellion as it means I can continue to beat and humiliate you. It never grows old and all I pray for is that in the bright lights of Born in Fire my name will be written next to yours. One last time, Rapture v Longinus. Just for old times sake huh?”

Rapture evilly laughs and winks into the camera before turning into the darkness.


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6CWF Lockdown 27/10 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 27/10

Post by President Trump Wed Oct 26, 2011 10:39 pm

Clarissa is standing backstage in the interview area when the cameraman tells her they’re rolling

Clarissa: Hey folks and welcome to another Backstage interview for and with us tonight we have the one and only…6WF Undisputed Champion…the Enigma himself…Chris Patricks

Chris walks into shot and the crowd can be heard chanting his name from the arena, he hugs Clarissa and takes a mic

Chris: Thanks Clarissa, it’s always great to talk to you, so how have you been?

Clarissa: I’m doing great Chris thanks foor asking, to start with I want to ask you about Payback, I’m quessing you are very happy about how things went down in your match?

Chris: Walking into Payback was nerve wrecking, not only was I going up against two of the biggest names in the business but it was also my first PPV as the Undisputed Champ but in saying that I was very confident in my abilities and I was positive that I was walking out as Champ, which thankfully I did as for the match it was possible one of the toughest matches of my career, Hero and Greg are top fighters and we all pushed each other to the edge but I proved to the world that me winning this belt wasn’t a fluke and I got the win and pinning Hero…again was a bonus

Clarissa: Talking about Hero and Chaos you go up against them both this week on Lockdown and also you will be partnered by an old friend of yours Blue Dragon who himself has had great success lately

Chris: We all know Hero and Greg cant stand each other and in the past even on the same team have shafted each other, but they are still dangerous and I wont be taking the match lightly I will be bringing it on Thursday as I always have week in and week out and with the added treat of my partner Blue…Hero and Greg are in for a long night

Clarissa: As it’s that time of year again with Born in Fire just a few weeks away have you any idea who you will be going up against?

Chris: To be honest Clarissa I don’t care who steps in that ring against me, there will always be roumors that I’m fighting this guy or that guy and by what Greg said earlier on he’s the one to take me on like he has some god given right to step inside the ring with me on the biggest night of the year, well I have a message for him…

Chris grabs the camera

Chris: Greg I know your lurking out there somewhere being all dark and broody so il make this short and sweet…if you want to face me at biggest night for the biggest prize in wrestling today then BRING IT ON!!!! I hide from no man and I fear nothing so if you think its your destiny to win the title at Born in Fire then you have one BIG problem….ME…I aint laying down for nobody and I sure as hell not giving up this belt anytime soon, I am the Undisputed Champion…a 6WF Triple Crown winner and soon to be the guy that kicks your masked face right in…Thursday is the beginning Greg but I doubt you will see the end

Chris lets the camera go and walks off leaving Clarissa a bit taken a back

Clarissa: Well folks that was Chris Patricks and I’m Clarissa signing off for until Lockdown see you soon

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6CWF Lockdown 27/10 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 27/10

Post by Gregers Thu Oct 27, 2011 5:23 am

(We cut backstage where The Fanatic is sat on an oil drum. He looks up at the camera)

F: I wander lonely as a cloud,
In a field of concrete,
Which makes grass obsolete,
Destiny comes,
In the fullness of time,
Tall yet small,
It's a wonder wall.


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6CWF Lockdown 27/10 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 27/10

Post by ncfc_Tooze Thu Oct 27, 2011 5:49 am

Mcmanus walks into shot

JM:Because maybe
You're gonna be the one who saves me ?
And after all
You're my wonderwall

Both men laugh and shake hands

JM: I will be facing The dragon at lockdown and he doesnt speak a word of english so I'm going to say this nice and slowly for him.
I............WILL........HURT.....YOU......DRAGON, IF......PEA.....BRAIN......GETS INVOLVED......I.....WILL.....HURT.....HIM....TOOOOOOO.
And now on to 2 people who acctually understand english Uryu and Logan Kincade,When I Finish off dragon, we will

mcmanus points between himself and Fanatic

JM:be coming for those shiny pieces of gold around your waists and become the 6wf tag team champions of the WORRRRRRRRRRRRRRLD

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6CWF Lockdown 27/10 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 27/10

Post by Blade Thu Oct 27, 2011 6:45 am

Dragon is watching the tv in his locker room and is looking really puzzled, He whispers into Foo Poo's ear and Foo Poo nods at the camera.

FP Dragon would like to know why you want me to eat pea's? Very strange as Dragon and you MCgunius are going to fist each other later on tonight, He does not want to eat pea's as it would make his tummy feel full and that would not be good for fist later on.

Dragon again whispers in to Foo Poo's ear.

FO: Dragon also say's why would you want to tag team him when dragon is fisting you later on not in a tag match with you.

Dragon does think you are a strange fister and now knows you not want to make friends with him.

The crowd are smirking in the arena as the titron goes dark.

MW: My god those two boy's really do need to brush up on there English, I think James McManus will be able to teach it to him.

RJ: Come on I like this kid, Yeah his English aint that great but he's one hell of a wrestler.

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6CWF Lockdown 27/10 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 27/10

Post by CMPUNKisthesaviour Thu Oct 27, 2011 10:40 am

Angelo Anneire is in the back with Clarissa.The masked wrestler breathes deeply as the interview begins.

Clarissa:Thank you for your time Angelo,I just wanted to speak to you ahead of tonight's match with Marshall Murdoch.Last week at Payback your team was unsuccessful in defeating the Church,what makes you think that you will have better luck tonight?

Anneire: Tonight I only have myself to look out for and that is how I prefer to deal with the problem at hand. At Payback,COH targeted Longinus and they succeeded in weakening our team ahead of our clash.Just like they went after Castiguer when I wasn't around.

I'm noticing a very distinct pattern here with the Church,they have successfully taken out a lot of people but they have never succeeded in keeping me down.In fact they seem to make it a top priority to avoid me on most occassions and believe me this is no coincidence.

The call comes from on high,the leader,the commander in chief.Hero.Because he doesn't want anything to do with me.Not because he considers me incapable,and not because he sees me as beneath him but because he has glimpsed the look in my eyes and he does not like what dwells there.

But believe me he has no idea just how much fire,how much fury and vengeance resides in this body of mine.He has no idea what I am capable of and how much I am going to enjoy ripping him limb from limb,but believe me that is exactly what the future holds for "Mr 8 time".

And I do not care if Marshall Murdoch wants to stand in my path here tonight,because there is nothing that is stopping me from reaching my ultimate revenge.By time I have finished with Marshall Murdoch there is barely going to be any scraps for Clarke James to feed off and then it's onto the Emerald Palace where I vow to take care of the Wizard of Oz once and for all.

Because he can hide behind all the veils,all the protection and all the smoke and mirrors that he wants.I am going to find him and I am going to make him pay.I am going to make him re-live each and every mis-demeanor he has ever been responsible for and he will repent for it all.

He is going to look back on a career of making people suffer,of stepping on everyone to just get ahead and he is going to wish he had done it all very differently indeed.Hero is a cancer on this company and I am going to the surgeon that permanently removes him.

If that means removing each and every one of his disciples,one sorry carcass at a time then so be it.Because if your willing to associate yourself with this sycophant then you are willing enough to pay the most dearest of prices.First comes Marshall Murdoch,and every casualty after that will fall solely on Hero's head.

And he might not care,because his arrogance and selfishness will blind him from any wrong-doing,but when judgement day comes he will look into my eyes,he will set his gaze upon my face and he will know exactly why this is happening.

I will not stand idly by and watch as Hero and his Church of damnation attempts to bring down this proud company,brick by brick.Now is the time for action,and I am just the man to provide you with such action.

Soon all will be known and soon my quest shall become clear.I urge you all to keep watching because things are about to get very interesting.


Anneire stares at the camera and cheers can be heard from the crowd as he exits and leaves Clarissa with the microphone.


Posts : 30
Join date : 2011-02-01
Age : 30
Location : Venice Beach, USA

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6CWF Lockdown 27/10 Empty Re: 6CWF Lockdown 27/10

Post by BlueDragon1205 Thu Oct 27, 2011 12:42 pm

'Before I Forget' plays through the arena speakers as Blue Dragon steps through the curtain with a 6CWF shirt on, he turns and the back says 'Too Big For One Brand'

The crowd pop as he walks down the ramp slapping hands with the fans, he stops and takes a small boy from the crowd at ringside, he lifts him onto his shoulders and parades him around the ring, the boy is wearing a 'Blue Dragon- Life is bullsh*t, go with it' shirt. As he puts the kid back he notices a sign in the crowd, he takes it and rolls into the ring.

He jumps onto the turn-buckle and hold the sign up. It says 'Uryu + Kincade = Best Tag Champs Ever' he points at the sign and speaks into the camera

BD: Congrats guys, I told you you'd do well Logan...

The fans cheer him as he stands in the middle of the ring and holds his hands upwards, his head lifted as he absorbs the positivity from the crowd. He looks to the stage hand by the announcers table and lowers one hand opening the other in the air, suddenly a mic is thrown straight into his hand as he nods at the man who threw it

BD: Nice throw....

He stops and looks around...

BD: Its good to be home, I mean don’t get me wrong 6CW is fun, the guys over there are all a little... out there. Genesis hair club for men, they're a strange group... not too different from our very own 'Church'.

Crowd Boo

BD: Speaking of the church and their 'Illustrious Leader' Hero. What is it with him and chaos, I mean as soon as I'm out of here, they jump into mine and Leone’s spot. Don’t get me wrong, Keith's a pr*ck, but he earned that spot as much as I did. It should have been the 6WF title that I chased, not that second rate strap over on 6CW. But now, now you two are going to challenge Chris for it? You two who weren't good enough to win the Gold Rush Battle Royal, Gregers, you had a decent showing and I can see why Chrissy boy may wanna give you a shot, but Hero? Mr Ten Seconds?? that makes no sense to me at all.

The crowd are laughing and as Blue Dragon starts to count

BD: 1.... 2..... 3..... 4...... 5...... 6...... 7...... 8..... 9.... 10.......

The crowd count along with him until he's finished

BD: and that ten seconds was enough to qualify for a title shot? Chris I hate to say but your in for the toughest ten seconds of your life, and after that you'll only have 'Chaos' to deal with...

He laughs to himself and then steps towards the ropes and starts to speak up the ramp towards the back

BD: Don’t you worry your pretty little head though mate, this Thursday, you've got me to help you out..

He winks at the camera and starts to smile as he talks, making it obvious that he's just playing with Patricks

BD: I mean don't get me wrong Chris, your a good wrestler, you're competent in the ring and I’m sure you'd be fine in a one on one situation with either of these men, you may even win.... but lets be honest here, your no Blue Dragon... Right?

The crowd pop and Dragon starts to laugh before a massive sigh and a more sincere look crosses his face.

BD: Of course I am joking with you Paddy..... You are in fact on my level if not above it, I mean after all, you’re holding the 6WF Undisputed Championship right now, and I’m, well... not.... I would have loved to have met you at Born in Fire for that Championship. I’m sure you would too. As I say, we are on par right? And these other two pretenders, these two walking gimmicks, 'Chaos' and Hero, are not on our level. So I propose this, We have a contest of our own on Thursday. Lets see who can hurt Hero and Gregers the most, lets see who can embarrass them most and then once I've took the 6CW Title for my own...

The crowd pop massively

BD: Well that’s when the real competition will begin....

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Join date : 2011-01-28
Age : 38

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