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6CWF Presents Proving Grounds Results - 17th June 2024 (Episode 34)

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6CWF Presents Proving Grounds Results - 17th June 2024 (Episode 34) Empty 6CWF Presents Proving Grounds Results - 17th June 2024 (Episode 34)

Post by JJJohnson Wed 19 Jun 2024, 9:15 am

*The show goes live with Max Adamson & Damien Andrews sat in their (now) joint-office. They are discussing tonight's show and "Scars and Stripes". First order of business that they are in full agreement that for tonight all members of Genesis are banned from interfering in the matches involving their stablemates following on from last week's assaults on the contenders. The commentators cannot wait for Eddy Kent's response to that announcement.

Andrews has a couple of matches he wants Max to sign-off on for Scars and Stripes and Max doesn't seem to have an issue with it but does say "I think they'll call nepotism" but Andrews laughs it off and responds "They can call it whatever they want....this is best for business". Max shrugs his shoulders as a knock comes at the door and Chris Patricks walks in. Max is expecting to talk with his friend but CP says he came to talk with Andrews. Max looks surprised but stands up and says "I'll leave you to it".

*Dicey Reilly is here in Dublin. We see the European Champion being mugged on the streets by his adoring masses before he manages to enter the building. Clarissa is on hand to catch a word about tonight's "Open Challenge" and what Dicey is expecting to be doing at "Scars and Stripes?" Dicey holds up the gold and says that as long as he has the title he will be defending it against anyone who wants to step up and give it a go. He is delighted to be able to have a homecoming match tonight and is hoping for a worthy contender to step up.

Perfect Jack steps in front of Dicey now and there is a long staredown between the two former rivals/partners. Dicey shifts the European belt on his shoulder and says "Answer the call" before walking off. PJ has a dark expression on his face as he watches Dicey leave.

*We see JJ Johnson & The Saint arriving having raced one another to the arena. The commentators hype the huge tag team semi-final here tonight as The Coalition look to book their spot at Scars & Stripes. Saint is heading for the dressing room but JJ tells him he has "some business to take care of". Saint looks bemused as he watches JJ swagger toward Gorilla.


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6CWF Presents Proving Grounds Results - 17th June 2024 (Episode 34) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Proving Grounds Results - 17th June 2024 (Episode 34)

Post by JJJohnson Wed 19 Jun 2024, 9:17 am

Bout 1
6CWF European Championship
Open Challenge
Dicey Reilly vs ???

*The crowd are bouncing as we head to ringside for our first contest of the evening. Dicey Reilly receives the usual hero’s welcome and the European Champion looks fired up as he makes his way to the ring. We are reminded of the last couple of title defences that Dicey has retained his belt but isn’t happy with the manner in which it has gone down. So tonight he is attempting to make the third straight defence of his newly acquired belt.

*There is massive expectation from the audience and the atmosphere soon sours and boos fill the air as Robin Reborn swaggers out onto the stage. Reborn trash talks the camera and the fans as he makes his way to the ring and leaps in. He and Dicey go nose to nose as the referee presses them backward. Reborn is waiting for the bell to sound when “Here comes the boom” rips through the airwaves and JJ Johnson strides out on stage. Reborn looks furious as JJ makes his way to the announce area, grinning as he does so, and takes a seat with Jeff Thadeus and RJ on commentary. The fans are overjoyed to see JJ whilst Dicey turns to Reborn, who looks less than impressed with what is happening.

*Dicey and Reborn circle one another and then lockup. Dicey is much stronger and is able to throw Reborn back into the ropes but the challenger forward rolls under Dicey as he returns and then he waits for the champion to turn and he wraps his legs around the neck and drags him to the floor (ala Ricochet). They get back up and Reborn ducks a clothesline and springboards off the ropes into a crossbody but Dicey takes a step back and lashes a boot up into his midsection as he comes down. Dicey whips Reborn into the turnbuckle with force and looks for a sideslam as he walks out but Reborn flips out over the shoulder and nails the “Worldstar” neckbreaker for a two count. Reborn looks over JJ now as the commentators talk about how Johnson is getting in his head.

*Reborn runs up the ropes and looks to dive off with a headscissors takedown but Dicey catches his legs and slings him back onto his shoulders and powerbombs Reborn against the ropes and then nails a sit-out slam as he stumbles forward for a two. Dicey thinks about climbing the turnbuckle as Reborn runs forward and leaps into an enzeguiri which sits the champion down on the corner. Reborn leaps up now and is thinking superplex but Dicey battles back and nails a front suplex, launching Reborn down on his chest from the height. Reborn stumbles up as Dicey comes off the ropes with a shoulder tackle. Dicey drags Reborn up and scores with a brainbuster for a two count.

*Dicey sees Reborn scrambling to the corner and prepares for a “Hangover Cure” but Reborn pulls himself out of the ring. Dicey reaches over the ropes to pull the challenger back in but Reborn shows his athleticism to nail a pele kick from the outside over the ropes which staggers Dicey back. Reborn pulls himself back on the apron and springboards in with a seated senton takedown and then springboards off the ropes to twist back into a legdrop for another two. Reborn is up in the referee’s face now as JJ is laughing from the announce area. JJ tells the commentators that Reborn “ain’t got the kill in him no mo’” and he cannot wait to prove it when they step in the ring together.

*Reborn is back out on the apron now and he chooses to turn to JJ and engage in trash talk. JJ is telling him to concentrate on the match but Reborn merely grins. He then turns and springboards in for a forearm smash but Dicey avoids at the final second and then sprints off the ropes and returns with a huge lariat which spins Reborn inside out. Dicey rags the challenger back to his feet now and nails him with an “Ataxia” facebuster (ala Austin Theory” but Reborn just about manages to kick out again.

*The commentators are labelling another “instant classic” and believe Dicey Reilly’s reign as champion has begun with a bang. Dicey circles Reborn now and kicks him in the gut for “Craicdown” but Reborn swipes his legs and tries to apply a sharpshooter. Dicey kicks him back to the corner and scrambles up before running in but Reborn spins around the ropes and nails a kick over the top. Dicey staggers as Reborn springboards in with a meateora takedown and rolls back to his feet into a standing moonsault for a close call. Reborn circles and he drags Dicey up for the “God’s last gift” suplex but Dicey spins out and kicks Reborn in the stomach before snapping off a double armed DDT. The crowd are applauding the action as both men try to get up.

*Dicey is first to his feet and he wants the “Craicdown” but Reborn shuffles to the ropes and backdrops him over onto the apron. Reborn then runs to the corner and springboards off with a dropkick (ala Jericho) which sends the champion down onto the arena floor. Reborn continues to goad the audience and then circles the ring and sprints at full speed for a flying suicide dive but Dicey moves at the last second as Reborn ploughs into the side of the announce desks. Dicey drags Reborn back up and he powerbombs him ontop of JJ’s desk as Johnson applauds. The champion launches Reborn back in the ring now and covers but Reborn just manages to kick out.

*Dicey watches Reborn scrambling to the corner and prepares for the “Hangover cure” knee strike but Reborn swings out on the apron and then he kicks out through the middle ropes into Dicey’s kneecaps. Dicey is staggered as Reborn clambers up and springboards in with a leg lariat to the back of the head. Dicey staggers up and Reborn nails a step-up enzeguiri which staggers back to the corner and then obliterates him with a yakuza kick. Dicey slumps into a seated position as Reborn circles the ring and runs back in with a low diving clothesline. Dicey rolls back away from the corner as Reborn goes high and nails the “Shooting star press”. The three count and a new champ seems imminent but Dicey finds the ropes.

*Reborn is furious as he confronts the referee now. JJ stands from the desk which causes Reborn to walk over. Reborn is trying to rile JJ but he seems to be the only one getting mad. He beckons Dicey up now and attempts a “Wingclipper” but Dicey counters with a backdrop onto the apron. Reborn tries to nail a kick step-up kick but Dicey blocks and then rags Reborn into position for huge clubbing shots to the chest (ala Sheamus). Dicey then drags Reborn over to the corner and shows incredible strength to superplex him back into the ring and off the turnbuckle for a nearfall. Dicey tries for the “Craicdown” again but Reborn swipes his legs and bridges over the top for two.

*Dicey bridges out and spins free before booting Reborn in the gut. He flips him for a powerbomb but Reborn counters into a falling headscissors which sends Dicey into the turnbuckle. Reborn then rolls Dicey up and grabs the ropes for leverage but Dicey manages to kick out. JJ is up and telling the referee that Reborn was trying to cheat. “Snake a55, Uncle Tom looking mother****er” is Reborn’s response. JJ feints to leap up on the apron as Reborn takes an involuntary step backward as Dicey spins him and lifts him on his shoulders the back to belly piledriver (White Noise) but Reborn rolls down the back into another two count. They get back up and Reborn dodges Dicey’s attack and handsprings into the ropes and flies back for an elbow strike but Dicey catches him in his arms and spins him out before nailing him with the “Craicdown” for the three. The crowd are on their feet applauding as Dicey is victorious and has another defence under his belt. The commentators remark on how JJ Johnson’s presence certainly played its part and impacted upon Reborn’s performance. Dicey takes his championship belt and raises it in the air as JJ tips Reborn a wink and swaggers backstage. Reborn has rolled out the ring now and is remonstrating with the official about JJ’s presence, all of which fall on deaf ears.

*JJ disappears backstage whilst Reborn continues his diatribe and the commentators hype the ongoing issues between the two former world champions. Dicey is just climbing down off the ropes now when “Saturday Night” hits and the arena erupts. Enforcer, dressed in jeans a t-shirt, makes his way down to the ring. Enforcer wants Dicey to know he has a giant amount of respect for him and he doesn’t want to come out here for an “open challenge” because he wants the very best of Dicey Reilly and he wants him to be as prepared as he possibly can be. Therefore he is issuing a challenge and that challenge is for a match between Dicey Reilly & Enforcer for the 6CWF European Championship at Scars and Stripes. What do you say? Dicey doesn’t need long to think about it as he accepts and they shake hands whilst glaring at one another. The commentators hype the showdown of the legends.


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6CWF Presents Proving Grounds Results - 17th June 2024 (Episode 34) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Proving Grounds Results - 17th June 2024 (Episode 34)

Post by JJJohnson Wed 19 Jun 2024, 9:30 am

*The Genesis Express is arriving backstage and Eddy Kent is climbing off when Jack Reynolds tells the champion about tonight's ruling. Kent takes off his sunglasses and stares at Reynolds in disgust whilst the message is relayed to the rest of the faction. Michael Sweetwater wants to take this straight to the GM's office but Kent holds up a hand as he regains his smile. He says the whole world is doubting that Genesis can get the job done, despite results to the contrary, and tonight they prove beyond any measure that whether it is as one or as a collective they can and will destroy everyone in their path. Tyler Roth is last off the bus and is informed that he is required in the conference room because "The UFC have arrived". Roth nods as he fist bumps with Rex and heads off.

*We see a graphic hyping Dicey Reilly vs Enforcer at Scars & Stripes before the scene changes and Scott Harris is finishing up his training for the upcoming tag match. Clarissa tries to get a word with Harris on the ramifications from tonight's match when Mike Masters interrupts. Masters is sneering as he tells Harris to "ride shotgun" tonight and not blow this opportunity. Masters is promising to take Harris to the top because Harris needs him. Harris gets in Masters' face now and says the only thing 6CWF needs is....


The two rivals stay nose to nose as the scene ends.

*Robin Reborn is causing a scene backstage with 6CWF officials following his defeat to Dicey Reilly. Reborn is demanding "contract talks" after JJ Johnson showed up. Damien Andrews walks over now and he tells Reborn to "turn it down". Andrews makes it clear to Reborn "for the billionth time" that his demands mean s*** around here now and that Amazon have been told they aren't calling in any more favours. If Reborn thinks it's ok for he and Ojore to smash glass bottles over people's heads and attack them on multiple occasions then they can certainly deal with the consequences of those actions. Andrews urges Reborn to "concentrate on your tournament match next week" before striding off. Reborn looks less than happy as he dials on his mobile. We hear him say "I ain't sure this is working out....get me TK on the phone and book my goddamn flights to Jacksonville".

*We see a banged up Uryu Ishida arriving at the 3Arena. Uryu speaks with Tim Allen and admits that Perfect Jack worked him over "pretty good" last week and he hasn't fully recovered. But he knows tonight is an opportunity to propel himself back into the main event so he was not going to miss it. Uryu also has a message for Perfect Jack. He says tonight he will work as a team for the greater good but that their issues are far from over. PJ seems to think Uryu is his springboard into bigger opportunities but he is going to find out, just like Clarke James did a year ago, that he isn't a pushover and that a wounded animal is a dangerous one.


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6CWF Presents Proving Grounds Results - 17th June 2024 (Episode 34) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Proving Grounds Results - 17th June 2024 (Episode 34)

Post by JJJohnson Wed 19 Jun 2024, 9:32 am

Bout 2
*Winning team enters “The Hour*
Mike Masters/Scott Harris vs Perfect Jack/Uryu Ishida

*We are back at ringside as Uryu Ishida is making his entrance whilst Perfect Jack is already in the ring. We get a recap on what went down last week with PJ’s brutal attack on Uryu. The commentators are wondering if Ishida is in any condition to even compete after what went down. Uryu looks less than 100% but his eyes are focused as he interacts with the fans around ringside. Scott Harris’ music hits and the crowd are cheering for the arrival of one of their favourites.

*Jack uses the distraction of Harris’ entrance to roll from the ring and he attacks Uryu from behind on the outside. He whips Ishida into the steel steps, sending them flying. The commentators cannot believe that Jack is giving up his chances of competing for the world title but it is clear he has other things on his mind. Jack strips the covers off the floor to reveal the concrete underneath and then he drags Uryu up and nails a “Perfect Slam” to smash Ishida down on the exposed floor. Uryu is in a terrible way as the ringside doctor rushes to check on him and security arrive to prevent further assault.

*Jack looks deranged as security push him away from Uryu. Scott Harris has arrived at ringside and looks concerned for Ishida’s welfare. Mike Masters’ music is playing now and the arrogant star swaggers to the ring with a big grin on his face. Masters makes a beeline for Uryu but Harris gets in his way. Masters is laughing and sneering “This is exactly why you’ll never make it to the top, you’re weak”……Harris looks as though he is troubled by Masters’ words and almost takes a step back as Masters barges past security and grabs Uryu before launching him in the ring.

*The referee looks worried and is trying to reason with Masters but he ignores him as he springs onto the ropes and unloads a disaster kick into Uryu’s face. Masters hauls him back up now and he destroys him with the “Killswitch”. The referee looks reluctant and Harris is still watching from the outside as Masters shrieks at the referee to make the count. The official doesn’t look happy but he quickly makes the three so the medical team can tend to Uryu some more. Looks like Scott Harris and Mike Masters are heading to “The Hour”.

*Harris sighs and then the crowd go wild as he dives in the ring and beckons Masters around before running right through him with a flying knee (ala Bryan Danielson). Harris kneels over his rival as the crowd chant “Needs more Harris”. Is “The Sharpshooter” finally closing in on that world championship?


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6CWF Presents Proving Grounds Results - 17th June 2024 (Episode 34) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Proving Grounds Results - 17th June 2024 (Episode 34)

Post by JJJohnson Wed 19 Jun 2024, 9:43 am

*Eddy Kent is doing a photoshoot for "Scars and Stripes" when Scott Harris makes his way backstage following his victory. A fired up Harris gets in Kent's face now as the photographer goes wild with the clicks. Harris looks at the championship belt now and Kent smirks. He tells Harris "You had a million chances already and couldn't get it done....what's changed"....Harris says nothing, which seems to unnerve Kent a little, and then walks off. Sweetwater arrives back on scene now and hands a drink to Kent. Sweetwater wants to go after Harris but Kent stops him. He tells him "Go and get Rex, we need unity tonight". Sweetwater nods and walks off as Kent pulls the championship belt closer to him.

*Perfect Jack is escorted backstage by security and Max Adamson is on hand. Max jokes that PJ has "finally found a personality....or six or seven". He tells Jack that the world championship is now off the table but the powers that be have seen fit to sign off on Perfect Jack versus Uryu Ishida at Scars and Stripes. Jack snarls at Max before walking off.

*Blue Dragon is sat in the parking lot outside 3Arena when Logan Kincade arrives. Dragon tries to joke "Nice of you to finally turn up" but Logan merely feigns a smile as he drags his kitbag out of the car. "You ready for this?" asks BD but Logan merely nods his head and walks into the building. Dragon follows as we see Damien Andrews watching his sons' entrance from a balcony.

*Rex Adamson is training with Tyler Roth when Michael Sweetwater enters. Sweetwater wants to know if Rex is ready. Rex stands up now and says "Born ready". Sweetwater merely smirks but Rex takes him by the arm. There is tension there but Rex wants it to dissipate. He tells Sweetwater that they are all "Genesis" and they need to be on the same page. Sweetwater says "Me and Eddy have been on the same page for thirteen years, not one blip.....but you, Rex, you make me nervous". Sweetwater leaves as Rex looks annoyed.


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6CWF Presents Proving Grounds Results - 17th June 2024 (Episode 34) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Proving Grounds Results - 17th June 2024 (Episode 34)

Post by JJJohnson Wed 19 Jun 2024, 9:48 am

Bout 3
Michael Sweetwater/Rex Adamson vs Blue Dragon/Logan Kincade

*Genesis are set to make their entrance as the commentators remind us of the call made by the Co-GMs to ban any other members of the faction from interfering in each other’s matches here this evening. RJ & JT also talk about how Sweetwater & Rex have had a frosty relationship since before Night of Glory but they are going to need to put that aside tonight if they want to survive.

*Rex makes his entrance alone and he is halfway down the ramp when Chris Patricks dives over the ringside barrier with a headscissors takedown that sends Adamson crashing into the steel steps. Rex tries to get up, a snarl on his face, but Patricks launches forward again and superkicks his head against the ringpost. Rex is seeing stars as CP grabs the FFTR briefcase and raises it in the air, drawing massive cheers from the crowd.

*Michael Sweetwater runs out now to Rex’s aid but a wall of fire booms from the stage and blocks the top of the ramp, stopping Sweetwater in his tracks. Sweetwater suddenly looks concerned as he turns to see Blue Dragon & Logan Kincade standing in the entranceway. Sweetwater utters a swearword before rushing forward, only to be dropped by a huge double big boot.

*Chris Patricks lets Rex stand up and then he smashes the briefcase into the side of his head, slumping the youngster against the ring apron. Patricks then shoves Rex into the ring and rolls in after him before obliterating him in the skull with the case again. CP slams the FFTR case on the chest of Rex before making his way to the corner and leaps up top. Rex is prone as the audience cheer and Patricks lands the huge “Puzzle Solver” frogsplash, driving the case down into Rex’s chest and midsection. Patricks is certainly sending a big message ahead of Scars and Stripes.

*The wall of flames has dissipated now as Sweetwater is crawling down the ramp looking for refuge. Blue Dragon & Kincade follow him down and then they absolutely destroy him with a double chokeslam through the “Spanish” announce table which leaves him motionless. The cameras pan around to show Sweetwater & Rex down and out as the commentators talk about Eddy Kent’s “defensive shield” being removed ahead of, arguably, the biggest challenge of his world title reign this far.

*Blue Dragon looks around at the audience and nods his head at his handiwork before heading back around ringside. He then pauses as he realises Logan hasn’t moved. Logan is looking down at the broken form of Michael Sweetwater and then he hauls him up and delivers a “Rough Justice” (Face-first chokeslam) through the “Japanese” desk. Blue Dragon is watching his brother with a furrowed brow. Logan then takes a step toward the ring as he sees Rex trying to stand up but Dragon puts a hand on his brother’s shoulder. Logan looks at the hand for a moment and then at Dragon. BD says “Not our fight….not yet, anyway”. Logan seems to think over Dragon’s words before eventually joining him in walking backstage. The commentators hype just how much damage can be caused by this formidable duo.


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6CWF Presents Proving Grounds Results - 17th June 2024 (Episode 34) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Proving Grounds Results - 17th June 2024 (Episode 34)

Post by JJJohnson Wed 19 Jun 2024, 10:07 am

*Chris Patricks is back in the GM's office and Damien Andrews is clapping. Max looks a little annoyed at this growing "friendship". Andrews says "This is exactly what I wanted, that's a statement"....Patricks nods and then looks over at Max, clearly feeling the tension. Andrews says not only is the FFTR on the line at Scars & Stripes but Patricks request for a "Ladder" match is granted. Max says "I never signed off on this" but Andrews looks to him and says "You really want to stand in your friend's way....this is a fantastic match". Patricks is smiling and has a hopeful expression as Max waves his hand as though to say "Fair enough" but it is clear that he isn't overly happy with the alliance being formed in front of him.

*Blue Dragon catches up with his brother backstage. He tries to pull him back as Logan turns toward him with an angry look on his face, a flash of violence in his eyes. Dragon takes a backstep and says "Logan, it's me.....cmon brother, we need to get out of here, this place is doing you no good"....Kincade's breathing is deep and ragged as takes a moment to process and then nods his head. They exit the corridor as the lights flicker on and off and we hear the eerie laughter of Edward Plague.

*Back at ringside as Geoff Steel enters to a huge ovation. The Xtreme Champion is here to hype the "Texas Bull Rope" match with Marty Helms at Scars and Stripes. Steel says 6CWF Officials have told him they want him to heal up and be at 100% for the PPV but he is a fighting champion and if Marty Helms is here tonight and wants a preview of the war to come then he is standing right here.

Helms quickly answers the challenge and he storms the ring, taking Steel down with a double leg. They are trading huge punches now and then Steel looks for the "AA" but Helms fights off and kicks Steel right between the legs. Helms takes the bullrope from under the ring now and he beats Steel down with the cowbell across the spine before choking the champion. He prepares to launch Steel over the top rope and hang him as security pour down to the ring to break it up. The commentators are hyping a "war for the ages" as Steel breaks free of security now and he spears Helms into the corner before unloading with more punches. Helms responds with a headbutt and then he grabs the cowbell again and swings but Steel ducks and nails the "Attitude Adjustment". He wraps the ropes around Helms now and prepares to lock in a crossface with the weapon when security intervene once more. Helms is throwing punches and fighting with the guards as Steel is pushed from the ring to keep them separated.

*Percy Percival is standing with Jack Reynolds. The choir are harmonising behind the interview as Percival says he knows everyone believes he is some kind of joke and doesn't deserve his spot in "The Hour" but after tonight when he beats Eddy Kent everyone will realise he is back and better than ever. Percival says they are heading for the promised land "And just like a know I'll take you there" which sparks the crowd into a frenzy with a rendition of "Like a prayer".

*Eddy Kent looks shaken as Michael Sweetwater is wheeled out toward an ambulance, a neckbrace on. Kent looks annoyed as Clarissa rushes over for a word. Kent says this is on 6CWF and he is blaming Max Adamson for his jealousy and hatred because Kent retired him. Kent knows there is a conspiracy here but he doesn't conform and "nobody puts Daddy in the corner". Kent is promising to all that he will silence anyone who doubts him and at Scars and Stripes it will be "And still" because there is nobody in this industry capable of dethroning him. Rex Adamson staggers into shot now and wants to go out there with Kent but the 6WF Champion says "Any Genesis interference and he is stripped of the title" and "Genesis need this title". Kent walks off as Rex looks down at the FFTR briefcase.


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6CWF Presents Proving Grounds Results - 17th June 2024 (Episode 34) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Proving Grounds Results - 17th June 2024 (Episode 34)

Post by JJJohnson Wed 19 Jun 2024, 10:08 am

Bout 4
Eddy Kent vs Percy Percival

*There is a real sense of excitement in the crowd for the upcoming bout. The audience have already started with a rendition of “Like a prayer” as the music hits the speakers and Percy Percival is joined by his congregation on the stage. The commentators still cannot believe that Percival will be competing for the world title at Scars and Stripes but tonight is certainly a huge opportunity to prove his worth. Percival has the crowd in raptures and singing for almost five minutes before Eddy Kent interrupts.

*Kent is alone following the brutalisation of Michael Sweetwater earlier on but the 6WF World Heavyweight Champion is exuding confidence as he strides down to the ringside and clambers onto the apron. We are reminded of Genesis’ tactics last week to target all of Kent’s rivals and tonight he can take care of some of that business himself. Kent is glaring at Percival with murderous intent as the referee speaks with both men.

*Percival is still playing to the crowd and looking to wind Eddy Kent up as the bell sounds to start proceedings. They circle one another before Kent launches forward and slams a kick into PP’s stomach. Kent tees off with big right hands and then whips Percy across the ring. Percival dodges a clothesline attempt on the comeback but cannot avoid the leaping high knee to the face (ala Triple H) as he returns from the opposite side. Kent drags him up and nails a suplex before he kicks PP over on his stomach and stomps down on his spine with sickening brutality.

*Kent keeps Percival grounded and applies a camel clutch of sorts until PP is able to drag himself to the ropes for a break. Kent rises and lands furious stomps once again until Percival is forced to roll out of the ring. The referee wants to keep the action inside but Kent clambers out and he smashes Percy’s head off the ringside barrier and then off the apron before launching him into the steel steps. “This feels like a message being sent” exclaims JT and it is hard to argue against that. Eddy Kent looks like he means business in this one.

*Kent threatens some of Percival’s people before he drags him up and launches him in the ring. Kent climbs up the ropes to the top and comes off with a double axe handle but Percival leaps into the air and greets him with a dropkick to the mouth. Percy looks for a quick cradle cover but Kent kicks out on one. They scramble up and PP looks to leapfrog but Kent catches him and then powerbombs his foe across his knee with a devastating backbreaker variation.

*Kent throws Percy against the turnbuckle and stomps at his gut before landing several shoulder thrusts. He lifts Percy up high and climbs for a superplex but Percival holds on and then responds with a hook to the midsection and launches himself over the top of Kent into an astonishing sunset flip bomb from on high which gets a two count. Kent gets back up and runs forward but PP drop toe holds him into the turnbuckle. Kent falls into a seated position as Percival rubs salt in the wound with a bronco buster, drawing huge cheers from the crowd.

*Percy ushers Kent to his feet and looks to land with the patented superkick but Kent avoids and boots Percy in the stomach before spiking him on his head with a DDT. Kent thinks about the cover but it is clear he wants to inflict more damage upon his opponent. He waits patiently for Percival to get up and then explodes from the corner for the “Genesis Kick” but Percy ducks and rolls the world champion up for a very close two. They scramble again and Percy actually hiptosses Kent to the mat and then runs the ropes for a low dropkick to the face. Kent is flat on his back as PP heads for the corner and he moonsaults off, only to land across the upturned knees of the Genesis leader. Kent gets up and scoops Percy on his shoulders before nailing a rolling fireman’s slam. Kent makes the cover but Percy shows guts to find a way to kick out.

*Kent drags Percy up now and he suplexes him but then just throws him at the ropes. PP lands rib-first on the top rope and bounces back down onto the canvass in a sickening heap. Eddy Kent pulls Percival to his feet again and drills him with the “Mic Check”. The referee is expecting the cover but Kent isn’t done. Kent heads for the corner now and he climbs up before delivering the “Kent Bomb”. Percival is out of it.

*Scott Harris’ music hits the airwaves and Kent turns to the stage with anger on his face. Harris strides out as the world champion is ordering the referee to keep Harris from the ring. The audience then roar in delight as we see Chris Patricks walking down the tiers from the crowd toward ringside. It looks like Kent’s rivals are looking for payback from what went down last week and making good on the declaration of “No Genesis interference” here this evening.

*Kent is visibly shook but he grabs Percy Percival and is dragged into a surprise small package for a very close two count. Kent storms back up and almost decapitates Percival with the “Genesis Kick”. Percy is unconscious standing up as Kent pulls him into the “Kentlock” now and drags him to the floor. Chris Patricks hops the barricade whilst Scott Harris continues to walk down the aisle toward the ring. Eddy Kent is choking Percival out but is also shouting at the official to keep his rivals away from the ring.

*The referee moves toward the ropes to keep Scott Harris at bay when Liam Wood leaps the fan zone behind the announce area. Wood is in the ring and he stomps Eddy Kent’s head into the canvass with the “Psycho Crusher”…..Wood dives from the ring and the referee sees him, confused as to where he has come from. The official is now in discussion with both Harris & Wood as Chris Patricks nails the “Puzzle Solver” on Kent and drags Percival on top.

*CP leaves the ring as the referee turns around to see PP covering Kent. The official looks bemused but he makes the count and we might just have the shock of the century; Eddy Kent just got beat by Percy Percival. The commentators are in utter disbelief as to what has gone down here on Proving Grounds. Chris Patricks & Scott Harris are grinning whilst Liam Wood casts a look back over his shoulder before making his way up the ramp toward the backstage area. It seems last week’s tactics have backfired here tonight for Genesis & Eddy Kent.

*Percival’s congregation drag him from the ring and hoist him high like the messiah as the audience once again delve into a rendition of “Like a Prayer”. JT is trying to get the vision of Percy as 6WF Champion out of his head but RJ says “Anything can happen during “The Hour” match”…..also penny for the thoughts of the rest of Genesis after they were banned from ringside in each other’s matches here tonight.


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6CWF Presents Proving Grounds Results - 17th June 2024 (Episode 34) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Proving Grounds Results - 17th June 2024 (Episode 34)

Post by JJJohnson Wed 19 Jun 2024, 10:19 am

*Liam Wood is the first man back through the curtain as Tim Allen tries to grab a word about what just went down. Wood says that Genesis have been allowed to get away with these tactics for over a decade but that was just a little taste of their own medicine. He says Eddy Kent needs to start realising, however, that this war is unlike any he has ever fought before. This isn't a fair fight and there are no rules so he should seriously start to expect the unexpected.

*JJ Johnson & The Saint are getting prepared for the upcoming match when Acer walks in. Acer knows there have been some crossed words of late but he is just getting to grips with the "pressure cooker" that is the main event scene. JJ says "Ain't no love lost, brother" and they hug. JJ urges Acer to keep his eyes on a swivel tonight because Reilly will do anything to get the upper hand. Acer appreciates the advice but tells his "brothers" that they also need to be careful with what is coming here tonight and also to expect some backlash from Reborn. JJ & Saint have their minds focused and Saint adds "You know those belts are coming home...only a matter of time.....and that 6WF Championship will look great on you, Ace"....It seems The Coalition have big plans for Scars and Stripes.

*A very forlorn and stressed looking GazzyD is shown backstage. The crowd can be heard cheering for him as he sits on a bench and just stares at his feet. A knock comes at the door as a showrunner is telling Gazzy he's up next. The former world champion walks out into the corridor as Edward Plague seems to glide up beside him. We hear Plague saying "The time to prove your love to this family is upon us, Gareth"

*There is outrage backstage as Eddy Kent is smashing up the catering section following his shock defeat to Percy Percival. Kent wants justice and he wants Harris/Patricks & Wood "destroyed".....Rex comes over now and Kent shrieks "Where were you?" but Rex snaps back that if he'd interfered that Kent wouldn't be world champion anymore. "Is that what you want?" Kent seems to bite back a retort and then he calms himself and says they need to respond. He asks where Roth is and Rex tells him he is getting ready. Kent storms off toward the gym area.


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6CWF Presents Proving Grounds Results - 17th June 2024 (Episode 34) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Proving Grounds Results - 17th June 2024 (Episode 34)

Post by JJJohnson Wed 19 Jun 2024, 10:21 am

Bout 5
6CWF Tag Team Title Tournament (Semi-Final)
JJ Johnson/The Saint vs Edward Plague/GazzyD

*Back at ringside and the audience are hyped as the commentators talk us through how both teams have made it to this stage of the tournament. The response from the crowd is giant as JJ Johnson & The Saint make their entrance. The hall of fame team seem in good spirits as they interact with their adoring fans. JT & RJ are wondering if the issues with The Wolf Gang are playing a part but both agree they need full focus tonight on their formidable opposition.

*GazzyD arrives first and there are fans cheering him (trying to convince him to turn) but he lowers his head as Edward Plague enters now. Plague is not looking in fantastic shape but wears a broad smile. He and Gazzy stand shoulder to shoulder and are soon joined by six hooded “followers”. Plague looks at Gazzy and his smile widens before he points his finger to the ring and the followers storm down to attack JJ & Saint.

*JJ and Saint start throwing shots at the “followers” as they storm the ring. JJ seems to knock one of them clean out with an overhand right whilst Saint bench presses another and slings him at two more. There are two left and JJ stunners one of them into Saint’s path as he delivers a “Divine Force” powerbomb. The last remaining “follower” attacks JJ and tries to pummel him but JJ shoves him away as Saint delivers the “Promised Slam” in the middle of the ring. The Coalition members are just reaching their feet when Plague drags JJ out of the ring and tries to blindside him with the “Omega Driver” on the concrete but Johnson flips out and shoves Plague into Gazzy, knocking Gazzy down and he hits his head hard off the side of the steel steps.

*JJ spins Plague around and looks for “Access All Areas” (Stunner) but the world champion puts the brakes on and shoves Johnson into the ringpost. He isn’t prepared, however, for the huge form of The Saint catapulting himself over the ropes into a crossbody takedown on Plague. Saint drags Plague up and launches him into the ring before rolling in after. Saint gives the signal to the audience and then almost breaks the 6CW Champ in half with a spear. The cheers are ringing all around Dublin as the commentators talk about how Plague is still nowhere near recovered from what happened to him at “Night of Glory”. Saint smells blood in the water now and he grips Plague by the hair and pulls him into position for “Divine Force” when GazzyD springboards in and dropkicks Saint to the canvass, making the save. Gazzy looks to Plague and then he beckons Saint up and kicks him in the stomach for “Deep Impact”. Saint struggles and swipes Gazzy’s feet before slingshotting him to the corner. Gazzy lands on the middle rope and then leaps up top and moonsaults back but Saint sidesteps as Gazzy wipes out Plague.

*Gazzy looks surprised by his actions as Saint kicks him in the gut. He flips Gazzy for “Divine Force” but drops him backward as JJ returns and nails the stunner combo as Gazzy is falling. JJ makes the cover as Saint runs into Plague and clotheslines him over the top rope to the outside. The three count is an academic one and it looks like Saint/JJ will challenge for the tag team titles at Scars and Stripes.

*JJ & Saint climb from the ring now and celebrate with their fans as we see Edward Plague’s head rise above the ring apron and he is staring at Gazzy, who is struggling on the canvass. Plague seems to have real anger bubbling under the surface as he climbs back in the ring now and stands over Gazzy. The crowd are booing as we hear Plague muttering about “disappointment” and “punishment”. He is telling Gazzy that he needs to be purged once more and he drags him up before decimating him with the “Purifier” in the middle of the ring. The commentators are stunned as the 6CW Champion crouches over Gazzy now to end the scene.


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6CWF Presents Proving Grounds Results - 17th June 2024 (Episode 34) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Proving Grounds Results - 17th June 2024 (Episode 34)

Post by JJJohnson Wed 19 Jun 2024, 10:33 am

*Backstage and Tyler Roth, Eddy Kent & Rex Adamson are standing with Jack Reynolds. Roth looks extremely confident as he tells Reynolds that tonight is the end of Liam Wood. After what he just did to Eddy Kent it is imperative to send a message to the entire roster that messing with Genesis is "bad for your career". Roth says tonight, for the first time, they are entering his world and there is no escape. Roth says inside the "Lion's Den" he can do whatever he likes and Liam Wood's "wrestling ability will mean nothing". Reynolds wants to ask about Roth's talks with the UFC but Roth says tonight his business is taking care of Liam Wood....and as a present to Eddy Kent, for showing faith in him, he will deliver Wood's head on a platter. Kent smirks whilst Rex Adamson is nodding his head.

*Damien Andrews is trying to call Blue Dragon & Logan Kincade but it is going to voicemail. Clarissa is standing by as Andrews says he was hoping his "boys" would have been here for the official announcements but as they aren't....."Scars and Stripes".....Logan Kincade will face GazzyD in an Ambulance Match (huge response from the crowd)...

The lights are flickering now as Andrews smirks and says....6CW World Championship.....Edward Plague will defend against Blue Dragon.....Last Rites Match...

The lights go off and when they come back on Edward Plague is standing in front of Damien Andrews. Plague's mouth curls into a feint smile as he says "No father should have to bury his child....but you seem to take solace in that opportunity, Mr Andrews....I see you....believe me, I see you for what you really are".

*The commentary team now run down the stacked card that we have for Scars and Stripes:

Eddy Kent (c) vs Daniel Reilly vs Percy Percival vs Mike Masters vs Scott Harris vs ??? vs ??? - "The Hour" for the 6WF World Heavyweight Championship

Edward Plague (c) vs Blue Dragon - "Last Rites" for the 6CW World Championship

Rex Adamson (c) vs Chris Patricks - "Ladder" match for the FFTR Briefcase

Geoff Steel (c) vs Marty Helms - "Texas Bull Rope" match for the Xtreme Championship

Dicey Reilly (c) vs Enforcer - 6CWF European Championship

GazzyD vs Logan Kincade - Ambulance Match

Perfect Jack vs Uryu Ishida


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6CWF Presents Proving Grounds Results - 17th June 2024 (Episode 34) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Proving Grounds Results - 17th June 2024 (Episode 34)

Post by JJJohnson Wed 19 Jun 2024, 10:35 am

Bout 6
Lion’s Den
Liam Wood vs Tyler Roth

*After the VT showing Tyler Roth’s dominance in the MMA world we return live to an area set up backstage that has been designed for the “Lion’s Den” match. The commentators have a “bad feeling” and are trying to describe the atmosphere because everyone involved here tonight is expecting brutality. We then switch to Tyler Roth’s dressing room and he looks in unbelievable shape. He is just finishing off on the pads with Rex Adamson before they fist bump. Genesis are still banned from having any involvement but Roth doesn’t seem concerned about that at all. He slams his hand against the door as he walks out and heads for the caged area.

*There is a gathered crowd (some fans have been invited backstage) as well as production crew and other 6CWF superstars. Roth’s intimidating presence parts the crowd and he is just walking through the doorway as a steel chair slams off the back of his spine and he stumbles forward. A masked man (think the Joker masks from Batman Dark Knight) steps forward and enters the cage. The masked attacker drives the chair into Roth’s stomach now and lashes it across his spine again as he drops to his knees. The assailant then delivers a destructive and horrific chairshot to Roth’s head as he is on his knees as though awaiting execution.

*The crowd are stunned as Liam Wood removes the mask now and he holds up bloodstained steel chair. Tyler Roth is crawling for the cage wall now and tries to use it to get up as Wood slams the chair against the back of his head now and crushes it against the steel mesh. RJ tells us “It was foolish to believe Wood would ever fight under Tyler Roth’s rules...Wood is not a man to follow orders”….whist JT adds “This is a very different threat facing Eddy Kent and Genesis….Liam Wood is not going to fight on their level and he is showing that right now”

*We see Eddy Kent & Rex Adamson now trying to get inside the cage but it is locked and they are banned from interfering. Wood looks at them with no trace of emotion as he turns the chair on its edge now and he drives it down repeatedly into the ribs and body of Roth until he is spitting blood across the canvass. Wood then lashes the chair across Roth’s spine ten times as the gathered crowd watch on in horror.

*Roth’s face is bloodied as Wood sets the chair up now and he place Roth’s head on the seat. He doesn’t break eye contact with Kent or Rex now as he runs forward and delivers the “Psycho Crusher” stomp that crushes Roth’s head through the chair and leaves him unconscious, blood pouring from his head and mouth. Wood picks up the weapon again now as Rex manages to hoist the door open and he rushes inside to check on Roth. Liam Wood has the weapon cocked as Eddy Kent steps in the cage now. The 6WF Champion’s eyes are narrowed as he stays close to the cage wall. Wood’s hands are covered in Roth’s blood as security arrive to make sure he leaves the cage. EMT’s are called to check on Roth’s condition but it isn’t looking good. The commentators talk about how Michael Sweetwater and now Tyler Roth have been taken out tonight….Eddy Kent’s line of defence is collapsing around him and his chances at Scars and Stripes are looking more and more problematic.


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6CWF Presents Proving Grounds Results - 17th June 2024 (Episode 34) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Proving Grounds Results - 17th June 2024 (Episode 34)

Post by JJJohnson Wed 19 Jun 2024, 10:51 am

*Daniel Reilly & Oliver Keane are being interviewed by Jack Reynolds after only arriving at the arena half an hour ago. Reilly says he doesn't need to be embroiled in any of these "fake wars" because his fully focus is on Scars and Stripes and getting his hands on the world championship, just as he deserves. Reilly says tonight is his chance to put Acer in his place just as he did to JJ Johnson last week, cementing his status as the favourite for "The Hour". Reynolds wants to ask about what has happened tonight but Reilly doesn't care, he explains that all of this is playing into his hands. Wood, Harris, Kent are too busy taking shots at one another and yet 6CWF continues to put these people on pedestal. Which is exactly why he will take the title at Scars and Stripes and then in September he is walking out the door.

Acer steps forward now and they square off. Acer says the whole world knows Reilly is "going nowhere" and this is just a pi55 poor attempt to make himself relevant. Acer promises to bring Reilly back down to earth with a crash here tonight and book his own spot in "The Hour". Reilly seems to take great amusement from this and says Acer will wish he'd "stayed retired" once this match is over and done with.

*The commentators have heard that Tyler Roth may have suffered a fractured cheekbone and skull at the hands of Liam Wood. He has been taken to a nearby medical facility. The scene changes and Eddy Kent is looking mortified. Rex Adamson gets hold of the world champion now and he slaps him (causing surprise). Rex tells Kent he needs "to get it together" and Kent seems to finally come to his senses. Kent seems to be seeing Rex clearly for the first time in a long time as he tells Rex "We need to stick together.....we are Genesis". It seems Eddy Kent is feeling "mortal" after the loss of both Sweetwater and Roth on the same night with the impending "Hour" match on the horizon. He draws Rex in close now and hugs him. We see Rex staring at the Scars & Stripes poster behind them as the scene ends.

*Liam Wood is readying to leave when he finds his way barred by Max Adamson. Max knows Wood doesn't listen to advice and he knows he is going to do things his own way but he needs to be aware that there is a lot of moving parts to this and he might not want "friends" but he will need an "ally or two" if he wants to bring down Genesis for good. Wood says he doesn't need "anyone" but Max disagrees and Wood may soon come to realise that....."Even Keith Leone had help in bringing down Genesis, underestimate them at your peril".....Wood smiles and retorts "They underestimated me....look what happened"

*Damien Andrews returns to his office and he has a voicemail waiting. "Heard about your announcements....We need to talk" is the message from Blue Dragon. Andrews smiles as he replays the message three times and then begins to dial. The scene then changes to a dishevelled GazzyD sitting up on the roof staring out at the setting sun. There is a lone tear running down his cheek before he takes a deep breath and stands up. We see the shadow of him standing in front of the sky as the scene ends.


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6CWF Presents Proving Grounds Results - 17th June 2024 (Episode 34) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Proving Grounds Results - 17th June 2024 (Episode 34)

Post by JJJohnson Wed 19 Jun 2024, 11:18 am

Main Event
No Holds Barred
Acer vs Daniel Reilly

*The audience is vociferous and the hype is real as we get set for the main event of the evening. We get a recap on last week when Reilly struck first on Acer after a victory before he then scored a huge win over JJ Johnson under controversial circumstances. The commentators talk about how Daniel Reilly will be looking to make another statement tonight as he bids to show why he should be favourite for “The Hour” match at Scars and Stripes whilst a win for Acer would, almost certainly, books his own spot in the same match.

*Daniel Reilly is booed to the rafters by the Dublin crown who haven’t forgotten his assault on Dicey in this very city. Reilly looks ultra-confident and unfazed by the reception, Oliver Keane stood smarming at his side. The two men their way to the ring as Daniel Reilly tells the camera “A month from now the world championship is mine….and then I’m walking straight out the door”. He slithers into the ring before Acer’s music hits and it is a standing ovation for the hall of famer. Acer looks very focused as he strides out on the stage, soaking up the atmosphere. We are reminded that Acer is unbeaten in singles competition since his return and winning a world title for the first time ever is his priority so tonight is a huge deal. JT talks about how Acer has shown some “flare-ups” in recent weeks and that proves how serious this is to him, he isn’t playing around.

*Reilly is grinning at Acer and then begins the mindgames by climbing from the ring as Acer climbs in. Acer just stands and stares as Reilly walks the outside and feints to get back in on several occasions. The referee is trying to get Reilly in the ring but Oliver Keane is yelling about “rights” and putting obstacles in the way. Acer decides to reach over the ropes and drags Keane up onto the apron instead. Keane is pleading and trying to wriggle free as Reilly rolls in from the opposite side. Reilly tries to get the drop on Acer but he’s ready and ducks under the attack before unleashing with solid right hands. He whips Reilly across the ring and looks to pop him on the comeback but Reilly leaps out the side and then dives for the “RKO” but Acer counters into an inverted DDT for two.

*Acer heads for the ropes as Reilly stands and clatters him with a right hand. Reilly climbs up now for a superplex but Acer fights out and then nails a giant sit-out powerbomb from on high (ala Billy Kidman). A three count looks likely but Oliver Keane interferes by dragging the ref (no DQs). The crowd are booing but Acer is in no mood as he rolls from the ring and then spears Keane in the aisleway, drawing a huge roar from the audience. Acer climbs back onto the apron now as Reilly kicks him in the head and nails a hangman’s DDT off the second rope for a two count.

*Reilly gets a kendo stick now and he lashes it across the back of Acer, leaving deep welts, before he tries to choke him with the weapon. Acer stands and elbows his way free but then runs the ropes and is smashed in the gut with the weapon as he returns. Reilly breaks the stick over Acer’s back and then he flips him up and nails a fallout neckbreaker. Reilly heads high for a frogsplash but Acer drives his knees up in time. They both struggle up and Acer scores with a pop-up powerbomb for a nearfall.

*Acer grabs a steel chair now and he lashes it toward Reilly’s head but he ducks it and looks for an “RKO” but Acer shoves him off the ropes and nails a spinebuster on the comeback. Acer sets the chair up now and he nails a rolling German suplex which smashes the back of Reilly’s head off the chair seat. The crowd are going wild as Acer sets up for the “Barry White” driver now and the remains of the chair but Reilly spins off the shoulders and counters with a hurricanrana to send Acer through the ropes onto the apron. The crowd are then stunned as Reilly runs to the corner and leaps on the turnbuckle before diving over into a crossbody which takes them both off the apron and crashing onto the solid floor.

*Reilly rips the covers off one of the tables and looks for a back suplex (ala Randy Orton) but Acer battles free and then drags Reilly in close and drops him with an inverted STO so that Reilly’s face smashes the corner of the table. Acer dumps him on top now before he drags the steel steps away from the ring and climbs up. Acer drags Reilly toward him for a powerbomb but Reilly suddenly drops and slams a low blow between Acer’s legs. He leaps up into an RKO which crushes himself and Acer through the table, leaving devastation everywhere.

*The referee is forced to just watch on as both men try to recover. Reilly drags Acer up and nails a European uppercut before rolling him in the ring. Reilly searches under the ring and grabs another steel chair before going up the turnbuckle. He looks for a frogsplash with the chair but Acer rolls away at the last second. Reilly is clutching his chest in real pain as Acer rolls out on the apron and then he catapults back through the middle with the “Rogue” spear as the audience goes nuts. The three count is imminent but Oliver Keane returns to the ring to break the count at the final second.

*Acer drags Keane up now and he launches him to the outside before following. He removes the covers from the final remaining announce desk and then he suplexes Keane into the air before front slamming him through the table, drawing massive cheers. Acer returns to the ring and he drags Reilly up. Reilly looks for a shock RKO out of nowhere but Acer shoves him away and knocks the referee out. Reilly stumbles back and Acer drills him with the “Barry White” driver but there’s nobody to make the three count. Acer shakes his head as he rolls from the ring and searches underneath before pushing a table in. He sets the table up now and dumps Reilly on top of it before clambering up high. Acer looks for the incredible shooting star kneedrop but Reilly pulls himself off the table as Acer shatters through it. Acer is clutching his leg in pain as Reilly grabs the ankle now and applies maximum pressure.

*Acer gets to the ropes but Reilly drags him back and cranks up the pressure. The commentators are concerned that Acer’s ankle may break when we are informed of a commotion taking place backstage. Robin Reborn has thrown a drink at JJ Johnson but then ran as JJ gives chase. Reborn is running down to ringside now as JJ follows him. Backstage and Saint is shaking his head, watching this progress on the monitors, when Ojore clatters him behind. Backstage personnel are fleeing as Ojore lifts Saint into a “World’s Strongest Slam” and obliterates him through a table.

*Reborn leaps the fan barricade and scarpers into the crowd as JJ arrives at ringside. JJ is really conflicted as he watches Reborn scarpering but then he turns to the ring and we hear him mutter “F*** it” as he rolls in now and delivers the “Access All Areas” (stunner) to the unsuspecting Daniel Reilly. The crowd are going nuts now as JJ rolls from the ring and heads backstage. Acer is holding his ankle, unawares of JJ’s interference, as he hobbles up. Reilly is down as Acer dumps a steel chair on the side of his head. Acer climbs high now and this time is successful with the “shooting star” kneedrop. The referee is groggy but he recovers enough to count the three.

*Huge match and a huge result. Acer remains undefeated as he knocks off Daniel Reilly. The commentators talk about JJ’s interference and if that will factor in to any conversations he has with Acer going forward. We see JJ return backstage and rush to Saint’s aid as he realises what has happened. Saint is holding his ribs and wincing as he tells JJ “We need to get these f***ers” and Johnson is in full agreement. Back at ringside and Acer is celebrating his win as Reilly has rolled from the ring to join Oliver Keane, who has barely moved. The commentators talk about how “surely Acer has now booked his spot in “The Hour” which just leaves one place”…..JT says “No word yet on Liam Wood’s involvement, I guess his actions from earlier may need to be scrutinised first”…..

*The show ends with a triumphant Acer celebrating his victory as Daniel Reilly, blood running down his ear from where the kneedrop slammed the chair into his air, is sat against the ringside barrier looks murderous


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