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6CWF Presents Proving Grounds - Monday 17th June 2024 (Episode 34)

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6CWF Presents Proving Grounds - Monday 17th June 2024 (Episode 34) Empty 6CWF Presents Proving Grounds - Monday 17th June 2024 (Episode 34)

Post by JJJohnson Sat 08 Jun 2024, 8:40 am

SEASON 2024/2025

Start time: 8pm
Live from the 3Arena, Dublin, Ireland
Theme music: "All of the lights" by Kanye West and Rihanna

Bout 1
6CWF European Championship
Open Challenge
Dicey Reilly (c) vs ???

Bout 2
*Winning team enters “The Hour*
Mike Masters/Scott Harris vs Perfect Jack/Uryu Ishida

Bout 3
Michael Sweetwater/Rex Adamson vs Blue Dragon/Logan Kincade

Bout 4
Eddy Kent vs Percy Percival

Bout 5
6CWF Tag Team Title Tournament (Semi-Final)
JJ Johnson/The Saint vs Edward Plague/GazzyD

Bout 6
Lion’s Den
Liam Wood vs Tyler Roth

Main Event
No Holds Barred
Acer vs Daniel Reilly

A Geoff Steel/Marty Helms update for Scars & Stripes


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6CWF Presents Proving Grounds - Monday 17th June 2024 (Episode 34) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Proving Grounds - Monday 17th June 2024 (Episode 34)

Post by x12x Sat 08 Jun 2024, 9:50 am

Revival Mode by Every Time I Die blasts through the speakers as The Viper Liam Wood walks out on to the stage with a determined look etched in to his face. Wood is wearing a black pull over hoodie adorned in the original EWF logo.

As Wood reaches the ring he rolls under before popping up to his feet and takes a second to allow for the fans to cheer for him. Wood then begins to pace the ring as he finally begins to speak.

There's a reason I'm wearing this hoodie today but it's not because I'm living in the past or reel off my, it's because I want to send a reminder to a certain member of Genesis...

...Tyler Roth

The fans boo as they hear Tyler's name causing Wood to smirk as he continues

You see, when I came back to 6CWF I made it my mission to move on with my career and stop letting the past get in my way and no matter what people have thrown in my path, I've been doing just that...

...I took out Daniel Reilly and he ran away with his tail between his legs...
...I rid this company of The Calihans...
...I destroyed the careers of Vincent Costello AND Engel Harlequin...

...and one by one I've taken out the remaining EWF roster members until there was only one remaining...

...and that's you Tyler.

Wood stops pacing and turns to face the hard cam as he continues to speak, this time directly to his opponent this week

You see Tyler, when I came back a lot of the former EWF roster members, who were still active, put themselves in my sights when they alligned with the Callihans but you I gave you a pass.

You were too busy failing to win world titles and having a will they won't they relationship with Scott Harris...

...but as we all know, things have changed.
...and you are no longer falling under the radar...

...this week though, I will relive the past and I'm going to remind me you why I was the man in EWF.

Wood smirks to himself and lowers the mic, his eyes moving to the stage as he awaits a response.


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6CWF Presents Proving Grounds - Monday 17th June 2024 (Episode 34) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Proving Grounds - Monday 17th June 2024 (Episode 34)

Post by Uryu Ishida Sat 08 Jun 2024, 10:25 am

Uryu is seen lying in a hospital bed wearing bandages around his head and his left knee in a brace, the bright lights and noises around him failing to wake him. The lights start to flicker as voices get louder and louder. Uryu groggily stirring as he sits up.

UI: Someone put a quid in the...

He looks around and sees no-one to hear his humor. The beds opposite him were empty and there were no staff around. He simply sighs to himself dejectedly, not willing to finish the joke. The lights keep flickering as he looks at his knee and it surges in sharp pain, making him flail wildly.


Seconds pass and nobody heard him as he continued to writhe in pain, Head now starting to throb.


He looks around for something, Anything within reach to knock himself out with. Something to make it stop hurting or at least make it so he doesn't feel it any more. He spots a plastic tray that held food on it and starts rapidly slamming it into his head over and over as the lights flicker more with each hit. After a few attempts someone grabs it and flings it aside.

???: What are you doing?

Uryu sees a dishevelled six foot tall man wearing mismatched clothes yet holding the 6WF World Championship.

UI: Hobo? You brought alcahol? I need something to numb this...

H: I came here sober and we need to talk.

Hobo looked seriously at Uryu as he stood on the left of the bed.

H: What happened here?

Uryu grumbled as he replied.

UI: I slipped on a wet floor...

H: HA Frak HA Uryu. I mean here.

Hobo poked Uryus head bandage, Making him wince a little.

UI: You saw the show didn't you?

H: Nope.

Uryu sighed and shook his head slowly.

UI: Perfect Jack decided to come after me. Threw me into a wall pretty hard.

H: So go kick him in the balls.

UI: On one good leg and a possible concussion?

H: And thats an issue for you? You have walked on worse. Remember the parties you joined me and The Producers for?

UI: Where you tried to steal the bar?

Hobo laughs and nods.

H: Thats the one. I remember you trying to stop me and Hollywood from doing it and we ended up singing Sweet Caroline all the way to the arena.

Uryu smirks briefly before looking down.

UI: long ago though.

Hobo nods and sits in the chair nearby.

H: Your rookie years were so fun. You became a champion, Twice. Serious point though. What happened here?

Uryu goes quiet, The lights flickering slows down, lingering more off than on.

UI: I...I think I'm done...

Hobo doesn't flinch or look surprised.

H: You serious? Look man don't rush this...

Uryu turns away from Hobo as the lights flicker off for a few seconds. Uryu is suddenly pulled back as the grinning visage of Cassius Zhi looms inches from his face as the lights turn on. Hobo was nowhere to be seen as Uryu's eyes widen and he tries to back away but Cassius grabs his throat and laughs.

CZ: There it is, The taste I have longed for from you for such a long time. The taste of admitting the obvious. The realisation finally hits. You have been done for such a long time. Ever since I broke you all those years ago you have been nothing but a walking corpse shambling from opponent to opponent. I will give you credit Uryu, A zombie winning the world title is impressive. That however is your last spark. You have nothing left except small embers of pathetic hope and self pity.

Cassius loosened his grip a little as Uryu couldn't break the grip after striking his arm over and over.

UI: Wh...why...

CZ: Because seeing you like this reminds me of what I am missing...

Cassius then lets go of the throat as Uryu looks like a scared gazelle staring at a lion as Cassius spies the knee brace, ripping it off him in an instant.

CZ: Start running...

Uryu is shoved off the right side of the bed and he spots a crutch and quickly grabs it to help himself up. Cassius is still standing there waiting as Uryu looks at the crutch.

CZ: Go on, I dare you to try.

Uryu quickly contemplates as the lights go out and he hobbles down the coridoor with Cassius humming a sinister tune as he slowly follows. The lights flicker on and off showing Cassius edging closer, Toying with Uryu as he holds the same grin each time the light reveals it. Uryu briefly looks back and when he turns back around he crashes into Max Adamson and both fall over. Max quickly leaps back up and looks annoyed as the light barely shows him.

MA: Watch your step man...

He looks at how scared Uryu is and helps him up.

MA: What, Clarissa wanted you to get in bed?

Uryu gets a good look at Max and he was wearing Project X gear and looking a lot younger than he remembers.

UI: Cassius...he's...

Max looks behind Uryu and turns back to him.

MA: Ok, You hit your head and there's nobody there. Just you and me.

Uryu looks around confused. The lights stop flickering and are on bright. Uryu recomposes himself as best he can and looks at Max who has a look of concerned annoyance on his face.

MA: Get back to bed Uryu.

Uryu picks up the crutch and slows his breathing as he can barely stand up.

UI: Alright just...need a minute.

Uryu struggles to hobble as Max offers a shoulder to help him back to the bed. Uryu accepts the offer as the lights flicker after a few steps, Sending Uryu looking around rapidly.

UI: No..nonono

MA: You need to calm down Uryu, Close your eyes...

Uryu does so as Max suddenly hits him with a hard kick to the groin, making Uryu fall to the ground as Max chuckles at him as he walks away, dissapearing in the flickering lights.

MA: You never learn...You got a choice to make Uryu.

As we suddenly cut to a hospital ward, Uryu tossing and turning as he sleeps with his knee brace on and head bandaged. Patients in the beds opposite him as a doctor walks by and checks his chart before the scene fades.

Uryu Ishida

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6CWF Presents Proving Grounds - Monday 17th June 2024 (Episode 34) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Proving Grounds - Monday 17th June 2024 (Episode 34)

Post by acer101 Sat 08 Jun 2024, 10:44 am

Acer is heading to his car when Clarissa and a cameraman rush up for a post-show exclusive. Clarissa asks for his thoughts on tonight’s show and the upcoming matchup scheduled for next week. Acer tosses his bag into the backseat, grabs a bottle of water from a side pocket, and takes a couple of swigs before responding.

“Acer vs. ‘The King’ Daniel Reilly. Or as I like to call it, Acer vs. ***king Daniel Reilly. Or ***king braindead Daniel Reilly, because the moron doesn’t understand that without my ‘joke of a career’ he’d be wrestling in bingo halls and asking ‘would you like fries with that?’ to make ends meet.

He’s too dense to realise he should be worried about facing me next week. Sure, he stole a win over JJ, securing his spot in The Hour, but beating him will make my place in The Hour undeniable. And as if I didn’t already have enough motivation to earn a spot in that match, he jumped me from behind. Now, I can take great pleasure in beating the p*ss out of him next week, earning my place in The Hour, and ultimately coming out on top of him, Eddy Kent, and three others.”

As Acer steps into his car, he rolls down the window to continue the interview. Starting the engine, he shouts, “Next week, No Holds Barred, King Reilly is King Screwed!”


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6CWF Presents Proving Grounds - Monday 17th June 2024 (Episode 34) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Proving Grounds - Monday 17th June 2024 (Episode 34)

Post by x12x Sat 08 Jun 2024, 3:20 pm

We once again find ourselves at the Plague Family Cult compound as we see a familiar white van pull in and quickly park up next to the the make shift building where Edward Plague was nursed back to health after his Night Of Glory match.

As the van stops followers quickly get out and run to the back, pulling open the door to reveal the follower who was attacked by Blue Dragon and Logan Kincade at the end of the cage match. The follower is beaten and bloody after the pair threw him through the cage wall.

As the followers help the man in to the building we see Edward Plague appears with a serious look on his face, he is flanked by another follower who is speaking to him but plague's eyes are locked on the injured follower

Edward, he's going to be ok...he just needs to rest...

Plague cuts off the follower

Of course he will be my child, we will heal him and bring him back to us...but I must know...where is Gareth?

the follower pauses, almost worried to anwer

...where is he?!

the follower takes a deep breath before answering

He's with his said that if he proved himself then he'd be able to see them...

Plague snaps, clearly very angry at this news


Plague's outburst causes the followers to go quiet as he continues to rant

One of our brothers is currently broken in half...a sacrifice he made for ME...and he isn't here to look after him?

I saved him from the darkness but his eyes remain blind at times...blinded by those who claim to love him yet stand in his way of the true glory that we offer...

...we are on the verge of writing our names in the history books yet again...we could turn the eyes of the world further on to MY message...

...yet he is nowhere to be seen.

Plague pauses, clearly still angry but he calms himself

Am I not a patient man?

The follower doesn't respond but nods

I waited for months with open arms for him to come in to the light and finally bask in the sun by my side...I crowned him champion and now I continue his legacy to spread the truth to an ungrateful world...

...I shed blood and had blood shed for him...
...I was put through the fires of hell for him...
...I have sacrificed my health and my flesh to keep him safe...

...yet I don't know if the same can be said for him...

Plague pauses one last time

Chapter 4 of the Book Of Plague is near my child...


It is time for people who have involved themselves in my story to pick which side they are on...

...the blood brothers, the hollow hero, the harlot, the chosen son and each and every single one of you all.

...a choice is to be made.

Plague places a hand on the Followers shoulder and smiles softly before walking away, the follower smiles back but looks nervous


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6CWF Presents Proving Grounds - Monday 17th June 2024 (Episode 34) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Proving Grounds - Monday 17th June 2024 (Episode 34)

Post by DanielReilly Sat 08 Jun 2024, 11:53 pm

The titantron lights up and a video begins to play showing a replay of Daniel Reilly pinning JJ Johnson last week. The video then skips to a video of Reilly hitting an RKO on Acer. The screen fades black and words begin to form: 'The Coalition is falling: Long Live The King!'. 'Broken Dreams' then blasts out and the fans are on their feet to boo the arrival of Daniel Reilly and Oliver Keane. Reilly and Keane stroll out with smiles on their faces as they make their way to the ring. The commentators remind us that Reilly did beat JJ Johnson but it was due to interference and then remind us of Reilly's attack on Acer. Reilly and Keane are in the ring as the music fades and Reilly stands smirking with a microphone in hand.

DR: Ladies and Gentlemen, allow the King to get some things off his chest! Last week was a very good week for Daniel Reilly. The King destroyed the man who has attempted to hold him back for the last year before being granted entry into The Hour match for a chance to become the 6WF Champion for the first time ever! You see, it appears 6CWF finally has some management in charge who understands the type of talent they have on their hands in Daniel Reilly because Damien Andrews has granted the King one of his three slots into this match and so that means one thing. Eddy Kent, your time as Champion is slowly coming to an end. You can walk around here like some second rate godfather wannabe but facts are facts and the King is going to be the man who finally shuts you up and relegates you to the back of the queue as the King snatches your precious Championship clean out of your hands! But Eddy, the King will get to you another time because first Daniel Reilly has a man he needs to address: JJ Johnson!

Huge cheers from the fans.

DR: JJ, the King tried to warn you. The King told you that he tells no lies and that he speaks only truth but you let your ego over ride your common sense. You see, Daniel Reilly doesn't come down here and talk for the sake of talking like everybody else in this company does. The King comes out here and he tells nothing but truth and last week, the King told you all that JJ Johnson was just too old to compete against Daniel Reilly and well what do you know? The King was right once again! JJ, maybe now you will keep the King's name out your mouth and think before you come out here and disrespect the King like you did last week! JJ, the pleasure the King gained from watching you flat out on your back, staring at the lights as the King stood over you hand raised is a feeling the King wishes he could bottle up! JJ, in all your ego, you have allowed the fall of the Coalition to the hands of the King. You have led your faction into a war with a King and a pack of wolves and inevitably, you have led your men to slaughter as all three of you idiots fell one by one. JJ, the pleasure was all the King's but maybe, just maybe, you now realise that you are not cut out to be a full time member of this roster 'player'!

Reilly is laughing as the fans shower him with boos.

DR: But JJ Johnson is not the reason the King is out here tonight. The King is instead out here to talk to the weak link of the group, Acer.

The fans break out into cheers at the mention of Acer.

DR: Acer, you have failed to see that Daniel Reilly is just going about his business and you have instead decided to take it personally. Last week, the King attacked you for one reason and one reason only. The King told your good pal JJ that he was going to hurt him for the way he has spent a year disrespecting the King. Daniel Reilly attacked you to show JJ that the King will stop at nothing to bring JJ's world crashing around him but you just couldn't leave it at that could you, Acer? Instead, you leave this arena and as you do, you drag Daniel Reilly's name through the mud with your foul language. Acer, you have decided to make this personal by speaking the King's name and for that, the King sends you his commiserations.

Acer, you should of let the big boys handle their business but you just couldn't resist trying to prove you can tangle with the big fish, could you? You spoke the King's name out of term and for that you are going to be punished. Acer, your punishment is a No Holds Barred match against Daniel Reilly in which anything goes and believe the King when he tells you that he can not wait! Acer, the King is going to destroy you the same way he destroyed your pal JJ Johnson last week! After the King has finished with you, you will no longer speak the King's name as you come to the realisation that you just don't have what it takes to be in the same conversation as Daniel Reilly!

Acer, last week you said some things that humoured the King. You talked about how the King needs to realise your history and forgive the King if he is wrong but he believes you said something about how Daniel Reilly would be serving fries somewhere if not for you? Acer, how the King laughed when he heard your comments!

Keane is laughing as Reilly grins.

DR: Acer, allow the King to educate you because you clearly do not know who you are dealing with. The King has actually held a World Championship, Acer! In fact, the King has held it twice! Acer, it's quite ironic because without Daniel Reilly's impact in this business, it would be you serving fries! And whilst we're being honest, if not for JJ Johnson, you would still be sat at home watching this show from your couch because without your boy running things, you do not get to be here because you clearly aren't here based on your in ring ability! But that's just the perks of your good friend running the show, you get signed and you get to try and puff out your chest and act like you deserve to be in the same building as Daniel Reilly!

You see, the King looks at the Coalition and he sees all that JJ Johnson, despite now being past it, has achieved. He looks at The Saint, despite also being past it, and sees what he has achieved, and then he looks at you Acer, and the King is not being unfair when he says you stick out like a sore thumb! You see, the King sat back and thought about it and he came to the realisation that you three are the Destiny's Child of 6CWF! You have the Beyoncé of the group, the one who runs things in JJ Johnson. You have the slightly irrelevant one who just enough people know with mild success of their own making The Saint the Kelly of the group! And then there is the one nobody knows, the one nobody cares about. In fact, Daniel Reilly had to Google who the third member is because despite raking his brain, he just did not know the name and so the King found the answer! Acer, you are the Michelle of the Coalition!

Reilly is laughing as the fans boo.

DR: Michelle, you are the one who nobody knows, the one who nobody gives a second thought about, the one forced to stand by as the other two members gain all the accolades. Acer, the King is not foolish enough to see that despite JJ saying he no longer runs things, he has a slight pull and so has managed to get you this match with Daniel Reilly but the King wants you to remember one thing. When the King is smashing your stupid little head in, the King wants you to remember that this is what you wanted. You wanted to play with the big boys and you are going to find out what happens when you bite off just a little bit more then you can chew. Michelle, Acer, the King will see you next week!

Reilly stares directly into the camera as he smirks.


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6CWF Presents Proving Grounds - Monday 17th June 2024 (Episode 34) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Proving Grounds - Monday 17th June 2024 (Episode 34)

Post by acer101 Sun 09 Jun 2024, 7:50 pm

“If you’re trying to stare me down, big boy, stop looking at the camera like a fool. My eyes are right here.”

The crowd erupts as Acer steps out from behind the curtain, twirling the microphone in his hand.

“I only came back to the arena to pick up my hotel key, which I’d left behind. Luckily, I arrived just in time to hear everything you had to say. And boy, you’ve said a lot.”

Acer faces the crowd. “Stop me if you’ve heard this before: you consider me the weak link and attacked me to get back at JJ for disrespecting you. You’ve cozied up to management to get your way.” Acer turns back to Reilly. “Mate, you’re just a poor man’s Clarke James.”

“Speaking of Clarke James, I had a No Holds Barred match with that psychopath, and I’m still here. With all due respect, you’re no Clarke James. So your threats of bashing my head in? I can’t wait to see you try.”

“One thing that does worry me about you is…well, you. Mentally, are you okay? Or do we need to get you a drug test? Because moments ago, you stood in front of these people and confidently claimed that JJ pulled strings to get me this match. When in reality, at Proving Grounds, the guy behind you told you to your face that he was booking you versus me, No Holds Barred. If you can’t remember that, then you either have a health or substance issue. So which is it?”

“I’m guessing it’s early onset CTE because I see someone calling himself The King without holding a championship. I could understand Eddy Kent being called The King, but you? What exactly are you the King of?”

“I have to admit, I found your comparison of the Coalition to Destiny’s Child amusing, especially comparing me to Michelle. She’s so unknown that she has a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame with 40 million record sales since Destiny’s Child disbanded. Not bad for a nobody. On the subject of Destiny’s Child…” Acer points to himself.

“James McManus - couldn’t handle this.
Perfect Jack - couldn’t handle this.
Clarke James - couldn’t handle this.
I don’t think you can handle this!”

“Now, unless you have anything else to say, I’ll go back to my hotel and leave you to polish your invisible crown. See you next week, where you’ll learn why underestimating me was the biggest mistake of your career. You think I’m the weak link? You think I don’t belong? Well, Reilly, prepare to eat your words. Because when the dust settles, it won’t be the King standing tall – it’ll be the man who just proved the King is nothing more than a court jester.”


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6CWF Presents Proving Grounds - Monday 17th June 2024 (Episode 34) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Proving Grounds - Monday 17th June 2024 (Episode 34)

Post by DanielReilly Sun 09 Jun 2024, 9:48 pm

Reilly is smiling as Acer goes to leave.

DR: Hey Acer, don't for one second think you can come out here during Daniel Reilly's time and then try to run away! You see Acer, the King can see you're the funny one of the group! You sure made the King laugh with most of what you just said and so whilst you have finally finished yapping, allow the King to address you.

Acer, you come out here and compare the King to Clarke James of all people? Acer, the King has been there and beaten James. In fact, the King remembers you and your pals had a front row seat when the King beat Clarke James and Exodus in a 3 on 1 handicap match single handily! And then you talk about the King being on drugs and not holding any Championships but it would appear it is you who appears to be intoxicated because how can you out of anybody in this company talk about holding Championships?

Acer, your boys may have given you the false sense of hope in that you can be a World Champion but the King looks at you and he feels nothing but sympathy. You are a small little boy being led to the wolves by your so called friends because you do not have anything close to what it takes to be competing in World Championship matches! Hell, it says it all that Percy Percival has a World Championship match and yet little, old Acer doesn't!

Reilly is laughing now as Keane pats him on the back.

DR: You can stand there and tell little jokes about the King having memory loss but do you really think management of this place cares what Oliver Keane suggests? The No Holds Barred match only gets booked on JJ's say so and you know it so whilst you may look stupid, try not to act it! You see, you can come out here little boy and talk about all the people you have handled but the King can only laugh because every name you just listed, the King has already beaten. The King has beaten every Hall of Famer this business has, the King has beaten every future Hall of Famer this business will ever have, and the King is going to beat you and prove that you only have this job because of friendship and not talent!

You see, you need to watch your mouth when talking to the King because you have a deal you can lose but the King? The King will do and say what he likes and you will stand there and listen like the good little boy you are because come September, the King walks out them doors with a World Championship in his possession! And you will look back at this moment, Acer, as the one time you have ever been relevant. Daniel Reilly has spoke your name and now people may finally know who you are! Now head back to your hotel little boy and ask JJ Johnson if he will order you some ice cream because it's going to be your last meal once the King has finished with you!


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6CWF Presents Proving Grounds - Monday 17th June 2024 (Episode 34) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Proving Grounds - Monday 17th June 2024 (Episode 34)

Post by acer101 Mon 10 Jun 2024, 10:49 am

"Are you done patting yourself on the back?" Acer asks. "Last time I checked, Keane here had the ear of 50% of 6CWF Management with Damian Andrews, and he was the one who booked it. But apparently, JJ is still in charge?"

Acer then looks directly into the camera, addressing Andrews. "Wow, 'Mr. Co-General Manager.' Two weeks into the job, and your guy has essentially neutered you in front of the entire world by implying you have no real power. That’s got to sting."

Turning back to Reilly with a smirk, Acer continues, "So, you’ve beaten every Hall of Famer, huh? Interesting… we might need to check for concussions because I’m the original Hall of Famer, and you haven’t beaten me. Without me, this place wouldn’t exist, but I won’t bore you with ancient history... much like your two World Championships. Let’s talk more recent history: on what many consider your career-best day, you lost the European Championship to Dicey Reilly. Meanwhile, I headlined the Main Event. So, on your best day, you were still on my undercard. But let’s leave that aside for now. Let’s focus on the immediate future.

Next week, I will outlast and outwork you. Everyone knows you can knock me down, but I’ll keep getting back up. You can knock me down 10, 15, even 20 times – I only need to knock you down once."

As Acer turns to walk away, he adds, "Oh, and one more thing: next week, I'm going to make you regret underestimating me. But more importantly, I'm going to make you regret disrespecting the good name of Michelle Williams. And on that note, I'll leave you with a song from one of the greatest musical ensembles of all time."

Acer walks away, singing:

"I'm a survivor
I'm not gonna give up
I'm not gonna stop
I'm gonna work harder
I'm a survivor
I'm gonna make it
I will survive
Keep on surviving."


Posts : 117
Join date : 2024-02-10

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6CWF Presents Proving Grounds - Monday 17th June 2024 (Episode 34) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Proving Grounds - Monday 17th June 2024 (Episode 34)

Post by President Trump Mon 10 Jun 2024, 3:51 pm

Dicey is sitting drinking a pint of Guinness in a non-descript pub in Dublin. The only others in the pub are the barman and a few aul lads sitting at the bar. You can almost make out the sound of the horseracing playing on an old telly just at the bar’s edge. Dicey signals for another pint when Tim Allen walks in. The bar flies turn slightly to see who it is but go back to sipping their pints just as fast. Tim sits beside Dicey and Dicey signals for another pint to be put on.

Tim: I’m fine Dice I’m working

Dicey: Shut up Tim, you wanted this interview so humor me

Tim: Ok but only the one please

Dicey: You’re such a fanny ya know that

The barman brings down the pints as Tim sets up his little recorder

Dicey: What's this a podcast?

Tim: No I just need to remember what you say as I know things get messy

Dicey: I thought you were just having one (Dicey does a mock of Tims voice)

Tim: Uncanny

Dicey: Thanks I was working on it (Dicey chuckles to himself)

Tim: How does it feel to be back home since winning the European Title

Dicey: It’s the same if I returned without it. Real Irish people like to keep their achievements on the DL, were not all like that goon McRap*r. Irish people are begrudgers, we don’t like seeing others doing well, its just how we are plus they’ll just take the p1ss.

Tim: You should be proud of your win and defenc..

Dicey: Get the f**k….my defences? They were sh1te, all won by interference. Whats to cheer about that? Who am I Daniel Reilly? F**k that. I want to be a fighting Champion, a winning champion, someone that will lay the marker down on what it is to be a champion. Just like I have been throughout my career. I don’t want to win because someone helped me or attacked my opponent, that’s what wa*kers do.

Tim: Even though Harris would have won last week?

Dicey: If he won he won, I would have taken it like a man and he would have deserved it. I don’t mind losing if I lose fair like a warrior

Dicey drains his pint and signals for two more much to Tim’s frustration

Dicey: Drink up these are on you and the lovely people of 6CWF

Tim drinks his pint and splutters the last few gulps much to the amusement of the regulars, he wipes himself off

Tim: And what about Enforcer? Are you worried he has his eye on your prize

Dicey: Why would I be worried about Big E….Big Eejit more like. He knows where I am if he wants to take a swing at the King. I have an open invitation to anyone who wants to have a go but has he…nope. So when removes his tampon and straps on his big boy pants he can have a shot whenever he likes.

Tim: And Perfect Jack?

Dicey: Good old Jack, I have all the time in the world for PJ even though he is a dirty backstabber but as with Enforcer…fu*king Enforcer he doesn’t even have the Wigfield version of Saturday Night as his music…whats that all about? Jesus Christ what a lemon. Oh yeah PJ well he knows where I am as well….all of them do so anyone that wants a shot at me and my belt then they can have one. I’m not shy even if they are.

Dicey drains his pint and stands up and shout to the barman.

Dicey: He’s settling up, a perk of being a Champ, pay the man Tim. Cheers but I have to be off can't sit in here all day drinking ya alco

Dicey starts to laugh and slaps Tim on the back and walks out of the pub. The Barman walks over with the bill for €500

Tim: Jesus we only had two pints

Barman: No you only had two pints…the big man was in here since opening and buying everyones drinks

Tim: F**kin Dicey Reilly

Last edited by President Trump on Tue 11 Jun 2024, 8:27 am; edited 1 time in total

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6CWF Presents Proving Grounds - Monday 17th June 2024 (Episode 34) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Proving Grounds - Monday 17th June 2024 (Episode 34)

Post by Perfect Jack Mon 10 Jun 2024, 8:49 pm

The scene opens in a dark boiler room setting, with a solitary light bulb swinging hanging above a lone steel chair. The side of his face that has the scar over the eye is covered by the darkness, with the light shining on the other side of his face. Perfect Jack is rocking back and forth slowly and begins to speak.

PJ: Do you know what it feels like to sit and wait in an airport lobby, and have people sit as far away from you as possible? To go up to the check-in desk to show the very nice lady your ticket and have her VISIBILY tremble as you speak and avoiding eye contact with you. DO YOU KNOW WHAT THAT FEELS LIKE?

Perfect Jack starts rocking back and forth with more intensity.

PJ: Stay calm Jack, calm down Jack. Ok I'm calm now I'm calm now.

Perfect Jack tries to compose himself, the anger and rage keeps coming through.

PJ: When I went home, I walked through the corridors of my own home and my former wife told me to cover my eye because it was scaring my children. MY OWN CHILDREN WHO WOULD CRY AT THE SIGHT OF ME. THEY USED TO LOVE AND ADORE ME, NOW THEY ARE AFRAID OF ME. DO YOU KNOW WHAT'S THAT LIKE? THEY THINK I'M A MONSTER.

Perfect Jack starts pulling his hair in anger and frustration.


Perfect Jack throws the chair he was sitting on across the room repeatedly and it knocks the camera over onto its side. Jack kneels down and stares into with his good eye. He begins to whisper,

PJ: Maybe I should be that monster. Maybe this monster won't stop until the entire roster know's what it's like to be a monster. To be victimised and cast aside and forgotten like I was.

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6CWF Presents Proving Grounds - Monday 17th June 2024 (Episode 34) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Proving Grounds - Monday 17th June 2024 (Episode 34)

Post by BlueDragon1205 Tue 11 Jun 2024, 12:00 am

We see Damien Andrews sat at a desk in his office. He has a suit on and is rifling through a stack of papers on his desk. They have pictures of the 6CWF roster members on with lists of stats, wins, losses etc.. he's flicking through them slowly, evil intent on his face as he does so.

There is a loud knock on the door followed almost immediately by four large men in dark clothes barging into the room...

Whoa whoa what's all this lads? Who the hell are you? I'm not the man to be fu....

His expression changes as Blue Dragon rounds the corner and walks into he doorway. He steps into the room and is followed by his older advisor, Mack, Andrews eyebrows raise at the appearance of these two. Blue Dragon spits on the floor and slams a fist down on Andrews desk, pens fly and the front of a drawer falls off the desk, Andrews jumps slightly but he smiles at BD..

Son!! It's great to see you....

Dragon snarls and gets in Andrews face

Don't "Son' me you evil old b*stard!! Do you know how far I've got without you in my life? I've been running business in and around Liverpool for years, I have my own crew and we make alot of money. So don't even start trying to act like my dad now... I'm not here to remind e on old times, I'm not here for advice, I'm here to give you some.

You need to remember who your talking to here Jr.. you may not respect me for my past, but you will respect me as your boss, here in 6CWF, I call the shots... Me and Max of course..

Dragon rolls his eyes at his father insincere respect for him Co-GM..

When it comes to me, I call the shots and no one else, and you know that better than anyone. But I'm here to talk to you about Logan, you know, your other son you treated like sh*t and abandoned.. the man has been put through hell in his life, he's broken, not completely, just enough to make him the monster he is. But I don't want that to change, your pushing him towards something dad, your pushing him past his limits and the cracks are starting to show. I'm telling you now that if he falls you'll be sorry. I will end you if you hurt him, that's not an idle threat, I'll finish what I started when I was a lad. Last time mum was there to get in the way. Now, I won't stop till I'm done and you won't wake up this time.

Andrews puts his hands out and shakes his head, looking as innocent as his ego allows him.

You've got me all wrong son.. erm.. sorry I mean... Well, what I'm trying to say is, I'm not here for Logan. I'm not here for you, I'm here for 6CWF...

Dragon nods, knowing that was a slip of truth..

Not like that.. I mean I'm here to make 6CWF better. I'm here to bring out the best in everyone, iron sharpens iron and all that ay? That however does include you and Logan. So yes, your in here now to warn me away from Logan, let me put it to you this way... Am I really treating Logan any different than everyone else, I'm simply giving everyone here a chance to improve themselves...

Andrews smiles as Blue Dragon, a horrible and false, sh*t eatting grin as Blue Dragon simply sighs in frustration at Andrews' ability to talk his way out of danger once again..

Rest assured lad, you and Logan have nothing to worry about with me here, in fact this could be just the oppertunity we've all been waiting for...

Dragon takes a step back and he looks around the office. 

The opportunity YOU have been waiting for Damien. Look at this office, you have no experience running a wrestling company, you have experience running a criminal empire and yet you stroll in here and take the big chair? Your upto something here, I know your playing some sort of game and I think it's going to go wrong and all come crashing down on me.. and Logan... But as long as it brings you down with us, it will all be worth it.

Now there's no need to attack me like that.. I'm here to make matches and I'm here to improve this place, I'm giving people chances to show me.. I mean.. us.. what they're capable of. Speaking of which.. don't you have a match to be getting ready for?

Yes, your right I do, and god knows why you felt the need to put us in a match with Genesis... Umi don't know and to be honest with you, I don't care. But you know what, it's not the first time I've crossed paths with Kentys boys, but you can bet your ar*e that by the time the nights done the 6WF World Champion, Kent, will understand what the 6CW World Champion already does... And everyone else for that matter.. That Blue Dragon is not the man to be f*cked with...

Dragon pats the shoulder of thean to his left and he walks out followed in a line by the four large men.. Dragons advisor Mack gestures to the others as the leave and he follows to the doorway. He shuts the door after them but stays behind, turning to Damien Andrews as Andrews gestures for him to take a seat..

Mack... Long time no see, partner..

Ha, some things never change, you always did try to talk your way out of a bad situation D. How long's it been? Twenty, Thirty years?

Last time I saw you I was in the back of an ambulance, blood pouring out of my head. And now your here, looking after my son, almost like a dad to him...

I'm not doing anything for you Blu... Damien.. it's for the kid, it's for his mum. He's right, your upto something here, I know how you think, after all, we both learned from the same man, we where both gangsters long before that man was born. But I know the way you work, I know how you took over in Liverpool and I won't let you so the same here. I will be the voice of reason for Blue Dragon, as I was for you. I was your advisor when you where the second in command to our old boss and I was your right hand when you stood at the head of the table. Now I stand with your son, and if your planning on crossing him, then take it from me mate, you won't like who he's become. I will not stand by and watch him become you, he's so much more.

This is a business arrangement Mack, nothing else. I'm not some thug anymore, I'm a legitimate official here and it's all above board. I'm here to, and the better this place becomes the more money I make.. I'm simply trying to bring out the best in him, and Logan, and everyone else ..

Mack stands up and he goes to leave, before that, he turns and he looks Andrews in the eyes..

Your right Dame, your not a Thug anymore. Your something worse. Your a serpent, you crawled in here on your belly, slithered your feet under the table and donned that cheap suit. You hide your old tattoos, you hide your ego and your true self. You can talk all the big game you want and you can moke all the false amendments you can muster... 
But underneath all that Damien.. 
Under that suit...
Under that show... 
Your still a f*cking snake....

Mack slams the door and Damien pulls up his suit sleeve and looks at part of a tattoo he has on his arm, a Blue Dragon, before he smiles to himself and sits back in his chair, his feet up on the desk he lets out a small sigh and then a laugh before he goes back to his files and planning for next week's show..

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6CWF Presents Proving Grounds - Monday 17th June 2024 (Episode 34) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Proving Grounds - Monday 17th June 2024 (Episode 34)

Post by Bentyf1 Tue 11 Jun 2024, 10:20 pm

[The 6CWF universe are greeted to the broad, fairly well lit Genesis locker room deep in the confides of the 3Arena, Dublin, Ireland. The camera reveals Genesis's titles, hall of fame induction rings, memrobilia and other famous pictures of triumphs and victories of past and present members. In the locker room is three black leather chairs, a long oak table with fruit and bottled water resting on it. And sitting on the table is of course the 6WF world heavyweight championship. A dim green glow is in the background as the electricity provides a slight humming noise. The camera then slowly pans to the intimidating figure of 6WF world heavyweight champion, Eddy Kent. The aura of Kent is palpable as he stands tall and proud as the camera zooms in on the champion who is decked out in black and green under armour training gear and the official addidas Genesis trainers. Kent is staring at a nonplused and focused artist who is busy painting on a large set-up easel, it appears he is painting the present Genesis members in twenty twenty four. The artist is wearing a casual pair of blue jeans and a weathered lumberjack shirt. Ralph Santos and Michael Sweetwater arrive on the scene, somewhat cagey how they enter the locker room. Santos is wearing his usual three piece black suit with a poison green tie and Sweetwater is wearing a more casual suit, no tie this time, his top button undone. A few seconds pass before Ralph makes eye contact with the artist, Victor, who shares a weak smile. Ralph then speaks.]

Santos: Have a break, Victor. Michael or I will call you back when you can continue... canteen is open for business. You're on the Genesis tab so please help yourself.

[Victor nods in appreciation and places his paintbrush on the colour palette next to him. He then nods at a unmoven and surly looking Eddy Kent as the camera reveals Kent is nursing a slight abrasion on his temple as well as a slightly bloodshot eye from the actions  of Chris Patricks and Liam Wood last week. Victor trudges to the locker room exit and leaves quickly as the door slowly closes and then shuts. Santos and Sweetwater make their way towards the chairs near the table and the 6WF world championship as Kent cricks his neck back to the ceilling deep in thought as the pair then sit down. A few uneasy seconds pass before Santos nods at Sweetwater and motions with his hand for Sweetwater to talk. Sweetwater gulps before speaking up, clearly a little unsure of Eddy's current mood.]

Sweetwater: So, what's the painting for champ?

[Kent slowly turns around to face his fellow Genesis members, remaining pretty stoic and blunt. Sweetwater and Santos stare at their leader as Kent cups his hands on his waist, pumping his chest and shoulders broadly out. Kent then bites his lips before speaking to his Genesis comrades as the 6WF title sits proudly on the table.]

Kent: It's everything we have been working for, Michael. For over a decade, the three of us have been the constant, the most feared faction in 6CWF history, in the background or at the forefront. This painting is recognising the present and very much future of Genesis. Tyler and Rex are that future, and we will guide them for when that future arrives. When I'm ready to pass the baton on... when the three of us are comfortable Genesis will be protected. This is what Alex Walker talked about in the very beginning... whether he liked it or not now. This company is ours by right and we just have to reach out and take it. Both of you... even Tyler and Rex have been quiet this week. Are you afraid of me?

[Kent eyeballs his two Genesis comrades who look at one another and look back at Kent before Santos speaks cautiously as Sweetwater sits back and exhales.]

Santos: Should we be?

[Kent looks at the floor, and then looks at his longterm advisor with a aloof look before once again continuing his tirade.]

Kent: I'm going to be honest, Michael and Ralph. Our Genesis is in trouble, we have enemies. Oh yes... I hear the whispers... I see the looks and we all feel the pain. We have so many enemies we are surronded at all times. Our enemies have been emboldened by JJ Johnson hiring Max Adamson as co-general manager as you have seen the past few weeks and with the announcement of the hour match... it's become clearly apparent that our enemies reside in official power. They do not wish to see Genesis rise, they wish to supress Me. Your daddy, the end game boss,  the greatest 6WF undisputed world heavyweight champion of all time. But that's not all... they wish to supress you all, all the way from Ralph to Rex.

Kent: Enemies... they are enemies of us all. Let's start with Max Adamson once again. Max, is bitter because I took his boy. He's not his nephew anymore. He is the son. MY SON. Genesis's son and he has a very important task to complete with that briefcase. You know... I thought I did see alot of Rex in Max. The relentless drive to win, the intelligence and a powerhouse like his uncle. That Adamson family do or die, unquenchable will to win. However, I see more of me in Rex than Max or any Adamson family member and this kills Max inside. Rex knows his time will come when Daddy says so. Rex knows that what happened to his uncle at Night of Glory at my hands was very much needed for our era of Genesis. So Rex knows... Rex has got the headstart that his retired and washed uncle could never give him. That 6CW world championship is his by right and has our full support boys.

Kent: Another enemy... Scott Harris. That damn, needs more Harris movement. Harris is bitter because I crushed the Harris movement. Let's not pretend Scott is one of the greatest technical wrestlers in the world today. And what did your daddy do? I snuffed him out. I beat him in a match where the cards were stacked in his favour. The Needs more Harris crashed into a shuddering halt because of me. Scott Harris and his movement is finished, as far as i'm concerned. If Scott has a problem with, we will set him straight. The needs more Harris movement is dead. Scott can lie to himself and pretend it's not but it's dead. I KILLED the needs more harris movement.

Kent: Liam Wood... the viper. Six years ago, in Tokyo he brutalised me so badly that your daddy needed a blood transfusion. He sent my car into a concrete wall as you both know and nearly ended my career. And yet... I don't understand what makes Liam tick. I just want to get to know Liam. I'm trying to understand why he doesn't understand his own limitations... and the only thing I can perhaps pin it down to is that his father didn't teach him well. Maybe Emmy feeds him lies, I just don't know. Liam doesn't know his place in this world in my eyes he is a pawn in the game and Genesis and Eddy Kents are the kings of this game. We will make him realise. Rex took him down at Night of Glory but I still want the head of a viper.

Kent: Chris Patricks...See, Chris Patricks likes to play games doesn't he? he likes to play silly little games with Genesis. And in recent weeks he wishes to play silly little games with our son, Rex Adamson.. I see Chris Patricks as narrow minded. Patricks is from an age that is long gone... buried in the sands of time. My Genesis is putting the pair of you, Tyler and Rex on a pedastool. To showcase all of your talents and obtain all the gold which is the objectives. You know the challenge I've laid down.. Everyone has to get their gold. I want people like Chris Patricks to look at Genesis and wish they were us because we're just going to keep winning and winning... and I challenge anyone of our enemies to defy us.

[Kent stops for a minute and looks back at the half finished painting on the easel and then back at Sweetwater and Santos who look slightly nervous following Kent's tirade. Kent then clicks his tongue before speaking again.]

Kent: Genesis.. The name itself carries weight. The mere mention of it strikes fear into the hearts of our enemies. Like Max Adamson, Scott Harris, Chris Patricks and Liam Wood. And why wouldn't it? When you look at us, look at what we do. Look at everything we have acomplished up until this very point, this is OUR Genesis. When you see our talent, our determination, the sheer force of will... it's undeniable. And this is our time in twenty twenty four. At scars and stripes it is no different also.. I will steps into the hour, and mark my words, I will stand in victory and I'm doing it for my family in Genesis.

Kent: Genesis isn't just a faction. It's a brotherhood. It's a bond forged in the fires of competition, tested time and time again, and emerged stronger every single time. And that's why we are unstoppable. Because when I have soldiers and brothers like Tyler Roth, Michael Sweetwater Rex Adamson standing shoulder to shoulder, there's nothing that can stand in their way. Add the daddy of 6CWF and 6WF undisputed world heavyweight champion into the mix... well, there's not a man, woman or child that can deny us. We take it all in the coming months... this company is ours.

Kent: I want to make it abundantly clear to the two of you, this is about more than just proving our dominance. The coming months and years is about making a statement. It's about showing the world that Genesis isn't just here to compete. That Genesis isn't just a hall of fame group, no... We are here to conquer. We are here to leave a legacy that will be remembered for generations to come. We are going to crush our enemies like Max Adamson, Chris Patricks, Liam Wood and Scott Harris, only then can Genesis take over. They doubt Genesis, they  think they can stand in our way... I want you to know that they should Brace themselves. Because at this year, Genesis will unleash hell. We will expunge and eliminate present enemies and future enemies who have prevented us from fully taking over. Their egos must be laid to rest and that stars tonight and then continues at the hour match at scars and stripes.

Kent: At Scars and Stripes, Eddy Kent and Genesis is going to obliterate them all. But, I want to clear this up now. At Scars and stripes in texas, your daddy, your 6WF undisputed world heavyweight champion, Eddy Kent is going to stack them all and pin them, over and over and over again. After that I'm going to stand over their broken, mangled bodies and when all the thousands upon thousands worth of pyro are going off I will be holding my 6WF undisputed world heavyweight championship over my head. Chris Patricks, Liam Wood, Scott Harris and whoever else is foolish enough will have no other choice but to understand this is Daddy's world. This is the age of Genesis. And that daddy and his Genesis are levels above them all. And Eddy Kent is inevitable.

[With that, Kent glares intently at Michael and Ralph before a paranoid and smarky smirk crosses Kent's lips. Kent then cricks his neck from side to side before heading towards the exit as Ralph Santos looks at Sweetwater who slowly starts to stand up before asking Kent where he is going.]
Santos: my champ, where are you going?

[Kent turns around, more confident and relaxed after his tirade and addresses Santos.]

Kent: Chill Ralph, I got this. I'm going to find my other boys... I have to go and check in on the future. You and Michael Relax, all is good. Keep things locked down here, get Victor back to finish the painting and we will have a good night, you get me? Daddy has it on lockdown, Ralph!

[The camera follows Kent as he strides out of the Genesis locker room and the door shuts behind him. Kent then leans against the door and lets out a long and lengthy sigh, perhaps the pressure is getting to him? Kent clenches his fists and shuts his eyes before shaking himself and limbering up. Kents eyes gaze around the corrdior to check for any other superstars but all is quiet in this area. Kent then furrows his brow before marching down the corridor passing some equipment crates and other backstage items. Kent takes a sharp left and hears a familiar sound of a beautiful choir singing. Just away down the new corridor, Kent then sees the figure of a joyous and bouncing Percy Percival with his choir who are having their own little party and singing. The crowd can be heard cheering as Percy acknowledges Kent as the fans await what Percy might say and do.]


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6CWF Presents Proving Grounds - Monday 17th June 2024 (Episode 34) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Proving Grounds - Monday 17th June 2024 (Episode 34)

Post by JJJohnson Wed 12 Jun 2024, 8:57 am

"Til I Collapse" suddenly booms from the airwaves as the giant form of Tyler Roth walks out on the stage. Roth is wearing a black vest with the green "G" of Genesis incorporated in with his Reaper's scythe. Roth wastes no time in leaping up on the apron and steps through the ropes to front up with Liam Wood. There is genuine sense of anticipation from the audience that have gathered.

Roth: Ah, Liam....that's right you don't want to live in the past or reel off achievements but then precede to do that every single time someone allows you to have access to one of these...

*Roth twirls the mic in his hand

Roth: Allow me to not reel off my achievements either...

*The big screen now flashes up with a montage of Roth's incredible MMA achievements as well as huge success in Japan.

Roth: You gave me a pass? You let me off? If I didn't have to take this seriously due to contracts and all that s*** then I'd probably laugh...

Regardless of achievements, Liam....regardless of how many world titles you've won or how often you've challenged Marilyn Manson for the Biggest Emo Freak of the not ever get it twisted that you or your existence is any concern of mine? As though you're idle, worthless, pathetic little threats could ever keep me up at night....

As a wrestler, I don't think any of us are ever going to downplay your harp on about it so f***ing much that how could any of us ever forget....oh my god do you remember when I was a world champion seven years ago and I was "the man", please love me...please don't forget about me....please validate me...

Have you beaten me before? We both know the answer to that and when we step through these ropes we know you could probably do it ego isn't big enough to deny that...

*Roth cricks his neck now, showcasing his huge muscles

Roth: Problem for you, Liam, is that next week we aren't stepping between these ropes...we aren't having a wrestling match.....and if the prospect of what is to come isn't keeping you up at night then you're even stupider than you look....

You know the premise of the Lion's Den, I am sure?

If you think you were the "man" in EWF then consider the fact that next Monday night you are facing the "man" in combat sports and this is where you are going to realise that you don't give me a goddamn pass on anything.....the only pass that may happen is if I choose to allow you to have a career when it's all said and done...

This is the moment when you all realise how your little 6CWF contracts protect you from me....and next week all of your protection disappears....

Run your mouth, Liam....throw your jibes.....remind all of these people once again about how you were once "something"....because when we are through on Monday you will be "nothing"...

Would I like to have more to show for my time here in 6CWF? Absolutely, we can all agree that I've been somewhat of a "disappointment"....that maybe I "sold out" to join Genesis for the "money"...

But this isn't wrestling....this is a fight....and unless you've been hiding the fact that you are a world champion mixed martial artist....I don't like your chances...


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6CWF Presents Proving Grounds - Monday 17th June 2024 (Episode 34) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Proving Grounds - Monday 17th June 2024 (Episode 34)

Post by President Trump Wed 12 Jun 2024, 9:20 am

Chris Patricks walks into the 3Arena and is seen by Clarrisa

Clarrisa: Hey Chris, can I get a few words with you for

Chris stops and takes a small bag out of his gym bag

CP: Hey Clarrisa, Joyce asked me to give this to you for your new arrival. Congratz by the way

Clarrisa opens the bag and takes out a baby sized Boston Celtics jersey, she smiles and gives Chris a hug

Clarrisa: Thank you and tell Joyce I will give her a message later

CP: No problem

Clarrisa sees Chris isn’t in a talkative mood so she gets straight to the point

Clarrisa: Last week you revealed your plan for the future and to take on Genesis, you also got thrown through a glass door. So much to unravel so have you anything to say to the 6CWF universe?

CP: I said everything that was needed to say last week, to the fans, to Max..

Clarrisa: Why didn’t you let Max in on your plan?

Chris shuffles on his feet uncomfortably

CP: Sometimes you have to keep your cards to your chest, I wanted to let Max in I really did hes my best friend but he is just too close to this. I know he is retired now but he is also the Co-GM now so I needed to just get all my ducks in a row before the big reveal.

Clarrisa: And what about Genesis and Rex?

CP: What about them? They have no say in this match up, I will take on Rex and give him the match of his life and one way or another I will take the FFTR briefcase from him and then take the title from that weasel Kent. The goalposts have shifted, the restrictions are off now, my initial reason for returning is over now it’s time to show everyone what it’s like to have the Enigma back and on a mission because when I am done Max and Andrews will be flooded with URGENT PMs

Chris says his goodbyes to Clarrisa and walks into the Arena

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6CWF Presents Proving Grounds - Monday 17th June 2024 (Episode 34) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Proving Grounds - Monday 17th June 2024 (Episode 34)

Post by Marky Wed 12 Jun 2024, 10:41 am

Bentyf1 wrote:[The 6CWF universe are greeted to the broad, fairly well lit Genesis locker room deep in the confides of the 3Arena, Dublin, Ireland. The camera reveals Genesis's titles, hall of fame induction rings, memrobilia and other famous pictures of triumphs and victories of past and present members. In the locker room is three black leather chairs, a long oak table with fruit and bottled water resting on it. And sitting on the table is of course the 6WF world heavyweight championship. A dim green glow is in the background as the electricity provides a slight humming noise. The camera then slowly pans to the intimidating figure of 6WF world heavyweight champion, Eddy Kent. The aura of Kent is palpable as he stands tall and proud as the camera zooms in on the champion who is decked out in black and green under armour training gear and the official addidas Genesis trainers. Kent is staring at a nonplused and focused artist who is busy painting on a large set-up easel, it appears he is painting the present Genesis members in twenty twenty four. The artist is wearing a casual pair of blue jeans and a weathered lumberjack shirt. Ralph Santos and Michael Sweetwater arrive on the scene, somewhat cagey how they enter the locker room. Santos is wearing his usual three piece black suit with a poison green tie and Sweetwater is wearing a more casual suit, no tie this time, his top button undone. A few seconds pass before Ralph makes eye contact with the artist, Victor, who shares a weak smile. Ralph then speaks.]

Santos: Have a break, Victor. Michael or I will call you back when you can continue... canteen is open for business. You're on the Genesis tab so please help yourself.

[Victor nods in appreciation and places his paintbrush on the colour palette next to him. He then nods at a unmoven and surly looking Eddy Kent as the camera reveals Kent is nursing a slight abrasion on his temple as well as a slightly bloodshot eye from the actions  of Chris Patricks and Liam Wood last week. Victor trudges to the locker room exit and leaves quickly as the door slowly closes and then shuts. Santos and Sweetwater make their way towards the chairs near the table and the 6WF world championship as Kent cricks his neck back to the ceilling deep in thought as the pair then sit down. A few uneasy seconds pass before Santos nods at Sweetwater and motions with his hand for Sweetwater to talk. Sweetwater gulps before speaking up, clearly a little unsure of Eddy's current mood.]

Sweetwater: So, what's the painting for champ?

[Kent slowly turns around to face his fellow Genesis members, remaining pretty stoic and blunt. Sweetwater and Santos stare at their leader as Kent cups his hands on his waist, pumping his chest and shoulders broadly out. Kent then bites his lips before speaking to his Genesis comrades as the 6WF title sits proudly on the table.]

Kent: It's everything we have been working for, Michael. For over a decade, the three of us have been the constant, the most feared faction in 6CWF history, in the background or at the forefront. This painting is recognising the present and very much future of Genesis. Tyler and Rex are that future, and we will guide them for when that future arrives. When I'm ready to pass the baton on... when the three of us are comfortable Genesis will be protected. This is what Alex Walker talked about in the very beginning... whether he liked it or not now. This company is ours by right and we just have to reach out and take it. Both of you... even Tyler and Rex have been quiet this week. Are you afraid of me?

[Kent eyeballs his two Genesis comrades who look at one another and look back at Kent before Santos speaks cautiously as Sweetwater sits back and exhales.]

Santos: Should we be?

[Kent looks at the floor, and then looks at his longterm advisor with a aloof look before once again continuing his tirade.]

Kent: I'm going to be honest, Michael and Ralph. Our Genesis is in trouble, we have enemies. Oh yes... I hear the whispers... I see the looks and we all feel the pain. We have so many enemies we are surronded at all times. Our enemies have been emboldened by JJ Johnson hiring Max Adamson as co-general manager as you have seen the past few weeks and with the announcement of the hour match... it's become clearly apparent that our enemies reside in official power. They do not wish to see Genesis rise, they wish to supress Me. Your daddy, the end game boss,  the greatest 6WF undisputed world heavyweight champion of all time. But that's not all... they wish to supress you all, all the way from Ralph to Rex.

Kent: Enemies... they are enemies of us all. Let's start with Max Adamson once again. Max, is bitter because I took his boy. He's not his nephew anymore. He is the son. MY SON. Genesis's son and he has a very important task to complete with that briefcase. You know... I thought I did see alot of Rex in Max. The relentless drive to win, the intelligence and a powerhouse like his uncle. That Adamson family do or die, unquenchable will to win. However, I see more of me in Rex than Max or any Adamson family member and this kills Max inside. Rex knows his time will come when Daddy says so. Rex knows that what happened to his uncle at Night of Glory at my hands was very much needed for our era of Genesis. So Rex knows... Rex has got the headstart that his retired and washed uncle could never give him. That 6CW world championship is his by right and has our full support boys.

Kent: Another enemy... Scott Harris. That damn, needs more Harris movement. Harris is bitter because I crushed the Harris movement. Let's not pretend Scott is one of the greatest technical wrestlers in the world today. And what did your daddy do? I snuffed him out. I beat him in a match where the cards were stacked in his favour. The Needs more Harris crashed into a shuddering halt because of me. Scott Harris and his movement is finished, as far as i'm concerned. If Scott has a problem with, we will set him straight. The needs more Harris movement is dead. Scott can lie to himself and pretend it's not but it's dead. I KILLED the needs more harris movement.

Kent: Liam Wood... the viper. Six years ago, in Tokyo he brutalised me so badly that your daddy needed a blood transfusion. He sent my car into a concrete wall as you both know and nearly ended my career. And yet... I don't understand what makes Liam tick. I just want to get to know Liam. I'm trying to understand why he doesn't understand his own limitations... and the only thing I can perhaps pin it down to is that his father didn't teach him well. Maybe Emmy feeds him lies, I just don't know. Liam doesn't know his place in this world in my eyes he is a pawn in the game and Genesis and Eddy Kents are the kings of this game. We will make him realise. Rex took him down at Night of Glory but I still want the head of a viper.

Kent: Chris Patricks...See, Chris Patricks likes to play games doesn't he? he likes to play silly little games with Genesis. And in recent weeks he wishes to play silly little games with our son, Rex Adamson.. I see Chris Patricks as narrow minded. Patricks is from an age that is long gone... buried in the sands of time. My Genesis is putting the pair of you, Tyler and Rex on a pedastool. To showcase all of your talents and obtain all the gold which is the objectives. You know the challenge I've laid down.. Everyone has to get their gold. I want people like Chris Patricks to look at Genesis and wish they were us because we're just going to keep winning and winning... and I challenge anyone of our enemies to defy us.

[Kent stops for a minute and looks back at the half finished painting on the easel and then back at Sweetwater and Santos who look slightly nervous following Kent's tirade. Kent then clicks his tongue before speaking again.]

Kent: Genesis.. The name itself carries weight. The mere mention of it strikes fear into the hearts of our enemies. Like Max Adamson, Scott Harris, Chris Patricks and Liam Wood. And why wouldn't it? When you look at us, look at what we do. Look at everything we have acomplished up until this very point, this is OUR Genesis. When you see our talent, our determination, the sheer force of will... it's undeniable. And this is our time in twenty twenty four. At scars and stripes it is no different also.. I will steps into the hour, and mark my words, I will stand in victory and I'm doing it for my family in Genesis.

Kent: Genesis isn't just a faction. It's a brotherhood. It's a bond forged in the fires of competition, tested time and time again, and emerged stronger every single time. And that's why we are unstoppable. Because when I have soldiers and brothers like Tyler Roth, Michael Sweetwater Rex Adamson standing shoulder to shoulder, there's nothing that can stand in their way. Add the daddy of 6CWF and 6WF undisputed world heavyweight champion into the mix... well, there's not a man, woman or child that can deny us. We take it all in the coming months... this company is ours.

Kent: I want to make it abundantly clear to the two of you, this is about more than just proving our dominance. The coming months and years is about making a statement. It's about showing the world that Genesis isn't just here to compete. That Genesis isn't just a hall of fame group, no... We are here to conquer. We are here to leave a legacy that will be remembered for generations to come. We are going to crush our enemies like Max Adamson, Chris Patricks, Liam Wood and Scott Harris, only then can Genesis take over. They doubt Genesis, they  think they can stand in our way... I want you to know that they should Brace themselves. Because at this year, Genesis will unleash hell. We will expunge and eliminate present enemies and future enemies who have prevented us from fully taking over. Their egos must be laid to rest and that stars tonight and then continues at the hour match at scars and stripes.

Kent: At Scars and Stripes, Eddy Kent and Genesis is going to obliterate them all. But, I want to clear this up now. At Scars and stripes in texas, your daddy, your 6WF undisputed world heavyweight champion, Eddy Kent is going to stack them all and pin them, over and over and over again. After that I'm going to stand over their broken, mangled bodies and when all the thousands upon thousands worth of pyro are going off I will be holding my 6WF undisputed world heavyweight championship over my head. Chris Patricks, Liam Wood, Scott Harris and whoever else is foolish enough will have no other choice but to understand this is Daddy's world. This is the age of Genesis. And that daddy and his Genesis are levels above them all. And Eddy Kent is inevitable.

[With that, Kent glares intently at Michael and Ralph before a paranoid and smarky smirk crosses Kent's lips. Kent then cricks his neck from side to side before heading towards the exit as Ralph Santos looks at Sweetwater who slowly starts to stand up before asking Kent where he is going.]
Santos: my champ, where are you going?

[Kent turns around, more confident and relaxed after his tirade and addresses Santos.]

Kent: Chill Ralph, I got this. I'm going to find my other boys... I have to go and check in on the future. You and Michael Relax, all is good. Keep things locked down here, get Victor back to finish the painting and we will have a good night, you get me? Daddy has it on lockdown, Ralph!

[The camera follows Kent as he strides out of the Genesis locker room and the door shuts behind him. Kent then leans against the door and lets out a long and lengthy sigh, perhaps the pressure is getting to him? Kent clenches his fists and shuts his eyes before shaking himself and limbering up. Kents eyes gaze around the corrdior to check for any other superstars but all is quiet in this area. Kent then furrows his brow before marching down the corridor passing some equipment crates and other backstage items. Kent takes a sharp left and hears a familiar sound of a beautiful choir singing. Just away down the new corridor, Kent then sees the figure of a joyous and bouncing Percy Percival with his choir who are having their own little party and singing. The crowd can be heard cheering as Percy acknowledges Kent as the fans await what Percy might say and do.]

The singing stops, as Percy stares at the uncomfortable looking Eddy Kent, who has his 6WF World Championship around his waist. Percy slowly walks up to Kent and runs his hand down the chest of the Champ

PP: Well, well, well... If it isn't... Daddy...

Percy says "Daddy" in a very feminine voice as Kent doesn't know how to respond

PP: I'm looking forward to spending some time with you tonight, Daddy. I've been a bad girl... What are you going to do to me Daddy, oh. Are you going to put me over your knee Daddy? What do you do to your naughty children Daddy?

Percy sneers at Kent looking so awkward

PP: Or do I have to ask Rex what you do to your naughty children?

Percy pouts at Kent as Kent is clearly irritated

PP: Are you angry with me "Daddy"? Are you going to spank me... "Daddy"...

Percy puts his hand on Kent's 6WF World Championship which is around his waist, Kent angrily pushes Percy's hand away

PP: Daddy doesn't like it when I touch his gold... Daddy won't like it even more when Percy Percival becomes the new 6WF World Champion, when you get to spend a whole hour with me at Scars and Stripes... It's gonna cost you though honey. First ten minutes is always free though Daddy...

Percy grins at the very irritated Kent


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6CWF Presents Proving Grounds - Monday 17th June 2024 (Episode 34) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Proving Grounds - Monday 17th June 2024 (Episode 34)

Post by x12x Wed 12 Jun 2024, 4:14 pm

As Roth stands across the ring from Wood a smirk covers the former EWF World Champions face

I have to say Tyler, I find it highly ironic that you’d mock me for living in the past and hinting I’m a has been when right now, across the ring from me, all I see is a never been.
Congrats on doing something in MMA though but it’s a shame you never stayed doing that because right now, if anyone is living in the past in terms of wrestling…It’s you!

Wood begins to pace the ring, his eyes locked on Roth at all times

Tell me exactly what has changed since we were in EWF?

You were a glorified henchman back then and that’s all you are now…you went from being Drake Callihan’s lapdog in FEAR to being one for Eddy Kent…the only thing that’s actually changed for you in 11 years is who you call Daddy.

Wood’s smirk widens as he continues to speak

You say you want to laugh in my face? Well guess what…the feeling is mutual

You see, you can walk in here and talk about yourself like you’re some sort of Apex Predator because you achieved something in MMA but right now you’re not even the top dog in your own faction and it’s clear you can see it yourself.

For every confident line you reel off, you show us another insecurity that plagues you.
It’s good that you’re almost self-aware enough to admit that you are a disappointment in this industry but I just wish you could be honest with yourself…

…you didn’t sell out and join Genesis for the money, you can “admit” that like it’s true and maybe even trick yourself in to thinking it but anyone with even half a brain knows the real reason you joined up with Kenty and why you joined FEAR back in the day is because you know that you can’t be the man…

Wood pauses one last time

…because despite being some big tough MMA star you need people around you…
…you need back up, because without it, you’re going to get exposed.

Like you did back in EWF and like you will on Monday…
…I promise you this…

…history is going to repeat itself

Wood lowers the mic, the smirk now going and a serious look covering Wood’s face


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6CWF Presents Proving Grounds - Monday 17th June 2024 (Episode 34) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Proving Grounds - Monday 17th June 2024 (Episode 34)

Post by JJJohnson Wed 12 Jun 2024, 5:02 pm

Roth: See there you go again talking about wrestling....we covered that just a few minutes ago, please do keep up, Liam.

You're good, heck some may even say great. If you look at the current roster then you might just be the best, apart from Eddy & Rex that know, Rex, right? The guy that beat you at Night of Glory?

If we were wrestling on Monday night then I might even stick a bet on you, it's certainly even money...I don't need to hide from the fact that you could "maybe" beat me between these ropes....history certainly shows it is a possibility...

*Roth sizes Wood up now and his confident smile returns

Roth: What are you, three stone wet through? Look, Liam, weight classes exist for a reason and as I said if this was "graps" then you'd be a shoe in but on Monday we are going to fight and I am going to take great pleasure in breaking you....all the tough guy talk and clever little quips don't hide the fact that you are walking into my domain and they'll need a wheelchair to cart you back're not big enough, strong enough or remotely talented enough in this field to survive more than a round with me and that is being generous...

I noticed how throughout that whole speech you skirted around that subject and I commend you for that, it shows you're not a complete and utter [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] break it down into simpleton terms....Liam Wood, wrestler....thumbs up.....Liam Wood, fighter, big f***ing thumbs down, kid...

And that difference is gonna smack you in the face almost as hard as I will on Monday night....

*Roth looks out at the booing crowd but there are some, clearly, concerned fans

Roth: I know you've never had a real friend in your life, Liam....Thunder came close and you got so jealous of him that you had to fight....calling me insecure huh?

And Emmy ran off with Costello for awhile before she came back to about tainted goods...

Yet you try and use my alliances in FEAR & Genesis as something to bash me with? Like having friends, allies and teammates is a bad thing?

Maybe ask yourself why when you turn around there's nobody standing behind you....says more about you than me...

*Roth takes a step closer to Wood now, his mouth curling into a sneer

Roth: The whole world knows you're an arrogant son of a b1tch, always have been and always will be....I don't even say that as a detraction....being confident in your ability is an admirable trait...

But if you really, truly, stand here and believe that you can do something that the best MMA fighters in the world cannot....well let's just say you're too far's a wrap and you need saving from yourself...

They say pride comes before the fall....well you can be as proud as you like but this is a fall you don't get back up from, Liam...


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6CWF Presents Proving Grounds - Monday 17th June 2024 (Episode 34) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Proving Grounds - Monday 17th June 2024 (Episode 34)

Post by x12x Wed 12 Jun 2024, 9:19 pm

Wood shakes his head almost in disbelief at Roth's words


You think the people in Genesis are your friends?! That solves the question as to who the dumbest member of your little crew is...Rex is a dumb f**k but at least you can see him wising up a little when it comes to you and the other two stooges you think are your friends...

...I'd say it was cute if it wasn't so pathetic.

Out of interest though...who in FEAR do you still see? Or did they stop talking to you the second you were no longer useful?

Wood pauses for a second

Actually, don't answer's hypothetical and I already know the answer and we all know that it'll happen again the moment you once again fail and Kenty and Rex have no use for you anymore. Like I said...history is going to repeat itself.

Wood smirks as he continues

There is one question I would love an answer to though and it relates to come you and the rest of Genesis don't trust him to actually get the job done? I know you both have that selective memory about Night Of Glory but the truth is that you and that other little "friend" of yours had to come out and help him...

...yeah, so why don't you have faith in him?

Wood sarcastically shrugs before continuing

While you and your few remaining brain cells come up with an excuse as to why you holding his hand isn't a sign of you all being cowards I wanted to remind you of one thing. You seem to be forgetting a lot about who I am and what I can do. You want to call me delusional but the fact that you say you don't fancy my chances shows just how delusional you truly are!

Wood pauses one last time, his smirk now gone and his voice more serious than before

Defying the odds and proving people wrong is what I do...

...You see Tyler, you are looking at the man who beats them at their own game...I ended Vincent Costello's career...I made Engel Harlequin, a man who people said was unstoppable, say the words "I QUIT" and on Monday night I'm going to kick your head off your f**king shoulders...

The fans cheer like crazy as Wood offers this threat

...The thing is though...if the rumours are true and the UFC do want you to work with them then I'd make sure you get that contract signed before we head in to the Lion's Den because once it's all said and done and I've booked myself in to the main Event of Scars And Stripes by beating you in "your domain", the offer on the table is going to be missing a few zeroes!

Wood lowers the mic again, a confident look on his face


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6CWF Presents Proving Grounds - Monday 17th June 2024 (Episode 34) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Proving Grounds - Monday 17th June 2024 (Episode 34)

Post by Bentyf1 Wed 12 Jun 2024, 10:10 pm

[Percival's entourage begin singing once again "Like a prayer" by Madonna as Percy continues to grin at Kent. The entourage are singing, twerking and genuinely having a great time as Percy almost looks like he wants to join in. Kent's head is lowered as he cricks his neck from side to side, his eyes shut trying to keep cool and focused. The choir simmer down as Kent raises his head and opens his eye ice cold blue eyes and stares daggers at Percy. A few seconds pass before Kent starts sniggering and then a wry grin crosses his face as he locks in on Percy. Kent places both arms around Percy's neck and looks him dead in the eye and chuckles before speaking]

Kent: I'm not angry at you at all, It's Percy Percival right? I think this is the first time we've met? I can't recall ever coming across a wrestler like you. And I must say, your choir, congregation is very uplifting. You know, I've been feeling quite tense and quite... what word or phrase am I looking for, yes, you could say i've been feeling quite under pressure. Wanting to release it... does that sound good to you Percy? there's so many ways I want to release the pressure and it looks like as a matter of fact you and I have a match tonight for the first time! did you hear that guys Percy Percival vs 6WF undisputed world heavyweight champion, Eddy Kent?

[Kent removes his arms from percy and casually places an arm on Percy as he turns to the congregation who are still fairly happy and share smiles back at Percy. Kent chuckles to himself and scratches his nose. He then removes his arm from Percy and goes back to staring at Percival. Kent waits a few moments before shrugging his shoulders and begins to speak to Percy with a glint in those ice blue eyes.]

Kent: Look, I'm going to be honest Percy, I want to release so much tonight! I want to release a couple of weeks worth of... how can I put this, indignation. Now Percy, it's ironic that you're going to feel my release because I sense you want all of this, all of my attention and my release of emotions. But I got to be quite honest with you Percy and i'm going to let you and your choir into a little secret... getting my attention... and furthermore the attention of Genesis is a road you don't really want to get down.

[It's clear Kent is taking quite a patronising and underestimating tone towards Percy. However, as the camera zooms in we can see in Percy's eyes the focus and a never say die attitude. Arrogantly, Kent smirks and continues to talk to Percy.]

Kent: Infact, over the years, many men... so many men want to spend time with me in that ring. You know, this is a great time to meet you Percy. Because I'm sure you're going to make a fine addition to that list of men who wanted to spend time with me in that ring. The sad reality is that many of those men have never been the same again after daddy gives them his full attention. Percy, you really don't want to go down this road, however much your body and your head craves my full attention. And I don't blame you Percy, no, who doesn't? the other guys in the hour want my full attention and they will get that I promise you.

Kent: But, let's roll it back a little. What do you see when you see me? you see daddy. And you're one hundred percent correct, I am your daddy. I am the 6CWF Daddy. You see my face plastered on posters, merchandise you name it my face is on it. There's a reason for that Percy. There's a reason why that's the case Percy because I'm not like the others.. I'm not a free ten minute kind of guy, no my time is always filled with money. More money than you could ever imagine. I'm the leader of my own congregation actually, a Hall of fame one. We don't need a prayer either, Genesis is inevitable. I am inevitable. Now Percy, let's talk about you...

Kent: What do I see in Percy Percival. You know what, you should see tonight as one hell of an opportunity. by extension, I'm giving you an opportunity, yes daddy is giving you an opportunity to share my ring. And even better you have an opportunity for more time with daddy in the coming weeks. But Percy, what have you done compared to me? Absolutely nothing. Okay sure you've got your little choir and these people love you, so what. You're nothing compared to me.

[Kent is now looking a little angrier in his demeanour and tone as he cotninues to eyeball Percy Percival.]

Kent: I'm the greatest wrestler in this business, ever. I'm in god mode Percy and you have the audacity to try and get under my skin and show me no respect...I wan't to make one thing perfectly clear to you, Percy and your choir. You will never be on my level nor Genesis's level as for a matter of fact... you're lucky I'm in a charitable mood. So Percy... don't make me hurt you. Don't make me break your little heart... I'm a man of my word. You and your choir do not want to be destroyed by Eddy Kent or his Genesis... now, are you going to show me some respect or not?

[The bully he is, Kent stands arrogantly with a sarcastic smirk and patronising demeanour eyeballs Percy as his congregation look on in slight trepedation. The crowd have now begun a "Lets go Percy chant" and "Percy is daddy" in the 3a arena.]


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6CWF Presents Proving Grounds - Monday 17th June 2024 (Episode 34) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Proving Grounds - Monday 17th June 2024 (Episode 34)

Post by TheCultOfPersonality Thu 13 Jun 2024, 5:33 pm

Mike Masters is standing backstage with Clarissa. Masters is his usual cocky and arrogant self. Behind him is a promotional poster for “Scars and Stripes” which is currently advertising Eddy Kent and The Hour match.

Clarissa: Mike Masters this Monday night on Proving Grounds you will team up with long-time rival Scott Harris to face the team of Perfect Jack and Uryu Ishida. The winners of this tag team match will receive positions in The Hour match at Scars and Stripes to challenge Eddy Kent for the 6WF Title. Are you ready for this challenge and, I guess, the question is can you and Scott put aside your differences to work together?

Masters smiles at Clarissa’s question

MM: How ironic is it that Scott Harris has been banging the drum so often of late about becoming a world champion in this company, dragging himself out of my shadow and finally proving he belongs up at the top. But now he needs me to get there, funny how these things work, isn’t it?

After Night of Glory they said I was heading back down the card and Harris was destined for the big nights in front of the lights and yet here we stand and without me his chances go kaput.

Luckily for Scott he is teaming with me, he does once again have greatness on his side and I will drag him to this victory and book our place in the main event at Scars and Stripes. The history is there and there is plenty of evidence to show that regardless of the fact we hate each other’s guts we can team together and when we do we are extremely formidable. Former tag team champions for a reason and for one last time this week we can revisit that because it is mutually beneficial to the both of us.

But, Scott, just remember that you need me a damn sight more than I need you. Whether it takes a month, six or a year I will make it back to the summit because that is where I belong and you cannot buy this kind of god given talent. You, however, are running with the wolves and they haven’t yet noticed you aren’t their kin but one false move and you will be exposed for the fraud that you are. So I assure you that on Monday you should watch your mouth and your actions because one false move, one slip from that ape-ish mouth of yours and I will pull the plug, I will put you back down jerking the curtain with Eddy Kent’s stooges.

Clarissa: Any word on your opponents?

Masters looks at Clarissa as though she has three heads

MM: What is there to say? Last week I showed my levels against Uryu Ishida and this week he isn’t even half the man he was ten nights ago. The state he is in right now is also due to a brutal attack from the man he is supposed to be tagging with on Monday. It doesn’t take Steiner math to work out, Clarissa, that these two have as much of a shot at winning as you do of ever finding a man.

The crowd boo this as Clarissa scowls

MM: Perfect Jack is a quality operator, big fan, but let’s be honest the guy is one bang to the head away from a psychiatric evaluation. He clearly has some fixation with beating on Uryu right now, again big fan of that, and I’m not convinced he is focused enough on the task at hand.

As long I turn up then in the words of Johnny Drama “victory”.

Clarissa looks bemused by the comment

MM: All Scott Harris has to do is keep his temper in check and we are golden. I’ll drag him out of obscurity, again, and put his name up in lights, again. He can ride my coattails to the main event and then fall at my feet, again, as I walk out of Texas as the new world champion.

Masters blows a kiss at Clarissa and then imitates for a strap around his waist. He chuckles to himself as he swaggers out of the shot.


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6CWF Presents Proving Grounds - Monday 17th June 2024 (Episode 34) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Proving Grounds - Monday 17th June 2024 (Episode 34)

Post by Marky Fri 14 Jun 2024, 11:27 am

Rex Adamson is shown walking backstage with his Fight for the Right Briefcase in his hand, he is not looking very happy as Tim Allen stops him mid walk with a microphone. Rex closes his eyes and sighs as Tim begins speaking

TA: Rex, last week-

Rex puts his hand in front of Tim Allen's face to stop him talking, and takes the microphone from him. He motions for Tim to step aside

Rex: I don't have time for your line of questioning Tim. I know what you're going to ask me as well, because it's the same old sh*t every single f*cking week...

Tim Allen looks a bit upset as Rex continues

Rex: ...Yes, I'm not happy that I have to defend this Fight for the Right Briefcase like it's some kind of belt, it's a prize I won for winning a tournament, Chris Patricks didn't win the Tournament, he doesn't deserve to challenge for it... And what if I decide to cash in the briefcase before Scars and Stripes? Is he really going to fight me for an expired contract? All of this is just bullsh*t and d*ck swinging from Max Adamson and Damian Andrews has led to this, where they're trying to "out-douche" each other with ridiculous ideas. I mean, making Eddy Kent defend his title against six opponents in a new match type?

Rex shakes his head in disapproval

Rex: It's just controversy for the sake of controversy, Max and Andrews seem to ignore the fact Genesis have carried this company for the last year or so, and seem keen to throw us under the bus just to look like they're doing their jobs properly. It's frankly pathetic. And this stunt from Andrews, making me defend my briefcase in a match...

Rex looks down at the briefcase in his hand

Rex: ...It's just mental. I don't care about Patricks and his grand plan, he thinks he can take this from me and cash it in on Kent... I'm going to derail his plan before it even leaves the station.

TA: What about this week, your tag team match, you and Michael Sweetwater against Logan Kincade and Blue Dragon?

Rex has a smirk

Rex: It's gonna be a rare moment of fun in a month of stupidity, as I've always wanted to challenge myself against the best, and there's no debating that Logan and BD are two of the best. But this is the era of Genesis, and I don't fancy their chances against the Godfather of Genesis Michael Sweetwater, and Mister Fight for the Right Rex Adamson. I think I've given you enough of my time now Tim...

Rex hands the microphone back to Tim and walks off


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6CWF Presents Proving Grounds - Monday 17th June 2024 (Episode 34) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Proving Grounds - Monday 17th June 2024 (Episode 34)

Post by Marky Fri 14 Jun 2024, 2:15 pm

Bentyf1 wrote:[Percival's entourage begin singing once again "Like a prayer" by Madonna as Percy continues to grin at Kent. The entourage are singing, twerking and genuinely having a great time as Percy almost looks like he wants to join in. Kent's head is lowered as he cricks his neck from side to side, his eyes shut trying to keep cool and focused. The choir simmer down as Kent raises his head and opens his eye ice cold blue eyes and stares daggers at Percy. A few seconds pass before Kent starts sniggering and then a wry grin crosses his face as he locks in on Percy. Kent places both arms around Percy's neck and looks him dead in the eye and chuckles before speaking]

Kent: I'm not angry at you at all, It's Percy Percival right? I think this is the first time we've met? I can't recall ever coming across a wrestler like you. And I must say, your choir, congregation is very uplifting. You know, I've been feeling quite tense and quite... what word or phrase am I looking for, yes, you could say i've been feeling quite under pressure. Wanting to release it... does that sound good to you Percy? there's so many ways I want to release the pressure and it looks like as a matter of fact you and I have a match tonight for the first time! did you hear that guys Percy Percival vs 6WF undisputed world heavyweight champion, Eddy Kent?

[Kent removes his arms from percy and casually places an arm on Percy as he turns to the congregation who are still fairly happy and share smiles back at Percy. Kent chuckles to himself and scratches his nose. He then removes his arm from Percy and goes back to staring at Percival. Kent waits a few moments before shrugging his shoulders and begins to speak to Percy with a glint in those ice blue eyes.]

Kent: Look, I'm going to be honest Percy, I want to release so much tonight! I want to release a couple of weeks worth of... how can I put this, indignation. Now Percy, it's ironic that you're going to feel my release because I sense you want all of this, all of my attention and my release of emotions. But I got to be quite honest with you Percy and i'm going to let you and your choir into a little secret... getting my attention... and furthermore the attention of Genesis is a road you don't really want to get down.

[It's clear Kent is taking quite a patronising and underestimating tone towards Percy. However, as the camera zooms in we can see in Percy's eyes the focus and a never say die attitude. Arrogantly, Kent smirks and continues to talk to Percy.]

Kent: Infact, over the years, many men... so many men want to spend time with me in that ring. You know, this is a great time to meet you Percy. Because I'm sure you're going to make a fine addition to that list of men who wanted to spend time with me in that ring. The sad reality is that many of those men have never been the same again after daddy gives them his full attention. Percy, you really don't want to go down this road, however much your body and your head craves my full attention. And I don't blame you Percy, no, who doesn't? the other guys in the hour want my full attention and they will get that I promise you.

Kent: But, let's roll it back a little. What do you see when you see me? you see daddy. And you're one hundred percent correct, I am your daddy. I am the 6CWF Daddy. You see my face plastered on posters, merchandise you name it my face is on it. There's a reason for that Percy. There's a reason why that's the case Percy because I'm not like the others.. I'm not a free ten minute kind of guy, no my time is always filled with money. More money than you could ever imagine. I'm the leader of my own congregation actually, a Hall of fame one. We don't need a prayer either, Genesis is inevitable. I am inevitable. Now Percy, let's talk about you...

Kent: What do I see in Percy Percival. You know what, you should see tonight as one hell of an opportunity. by extension, I'm giving you an opportunity, yes daddy is giving you an opportunity to share my ring. And even better you have an opportunity for more time with daddy in the coming weeks. But Percy, what have you done compared to me? Absolutely nothing. Okay sure you've got your little choir and these people love you, so what. You're nothing compared to me.

[Kent is now looking a little angrier in his demeanour and tone as he cotninues to eyeball Percy Percival.]

Kent: I'm the greatest wrestler in this business, ever. I'm in god mode Percy and you have the audacity to try and get under my skin and show me no respect...I wan't to make one thing perfectly clear to you, Percy and your choir. You will never be on my level nor Genesis's level as for a matter of fact... you're lucky I'm in a charitable mood. So Percy... don't make me hurt you. Don't make me break your little heart... I'm a man of my word. You and your choir do not want to be destroyed by Eddy Kent or his Genesis... now, are you going to show me some respect or not?

[The bully he is, Kent stands arrogantly with a sarcastic smirk and patronising demeanour eyeballs Percy as his congregation look on in slight trepedation. The crowd have now begun a "Lets go Percy chant" and "Percy is daddy" in the 3a arena.]

Percy Percival does a very fake and loud yawn, and pats his mouth mockingly, which doesn't impress the Champ

Percy: Sorry Daddy darling, you're just so... uninspiring... I feel like I could sue you for your failed attempt at gimmick infringement, but I'd rather just teach you a lesson in the ring. And not in the fun way.

Percy leans in towards Kent

Percy: I mean by kicking you in the face. Gaymaker, BAM, uno, dos, tres.

Percy winks at Kent before continuing

Percy: Daddy, please don't mistake my kindness, my penchant for enjoying life, or my good nature, for weakness. You can underestimate me all you want Daddy... I'm coming for Daddy's Gold. Maybe one day... You...

Percy puts his finger on Kent's chest

Percy: ...Could call me...

Percy puts his finger on his own chest

Percy: ...Daddy...

Percy pouts a kiss towards Kent, and then grins at the Champ


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6CWF Presents Proving Grounds - Monday 17th June 2024 (Episode 34) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Proving Grounds - Monday 17th June 2024 (Episode 34)

Post by gazzyD Sat 15 Jun 2024, 11:13 pm

We’re at the 3Arena, stagehands are working carrying set pieces from the production trucks in to the area as Tim Allen is going through the itinerary for the upcoming show when a car pulls in to the backlot and gazzy emerges from inside. Gazzy looks weary and sleep deprived as he lifts his bag from the boot of his car and enters the arena towards Tim Allen who shakes his hand

TA: Hey Gazzy, hows tricks?

Gazzy shrugs his shoulders and sheepishly answers

G: Same old, been better, but could be worse I suppose

TA: how’s Christy and Willow? They both OK?

Gazzy looks as though he has the weight oif the world on his shoulders as he hears both Christy and Willows names, but he puts a brave face on everything as he answers

G: yeah they’re doing good. Both Christy and Willow are back at the compound. They’re happy

There is an awkward silence that lingers. Its clear gazzy doesn’t want to continue the conversation and looks around as if being watched but Tim continues to ask

TA: its just that, well, none of us have heard from her for a few weeks which is unlike her, and we just wanted to make sure is all

G: Yeah that’s one of the rules back on the compound, no cell phones, no distractions, but I can assure you both are doing great

Another awkward silence

TA: Listen….gazzy you sure everything is OK? We’re off the record here

Gazzy shows signs of frustrations as Tim keeps pressing

G: I’ve already said haven’t I? Both Christy and willow are back at the compound. They’re safe. They’re happy. Do you think I’m lying? What I can I do to prove to you that they’re both fine?

TA: I’m…..I’m sorry gazzy. I didn’t mean any offence

Gazzy realises he lost his cool temporarily

G: No…Tim. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to snap back like that. Just not been sleeping all that well is all, I’m tired, I’m cranky.

TA: Its OK, honestly. You don’t have to apologise. I…heck, we all know what’s happening at the minute, what with Plague. Only natural its taking its toll

G: What about Plague?

TA: Promise not to get angry? *gazzy nods* Last time I spoke with Christy she had confided in me that you had been having some regrets about this alliance with Plague

Gazzy goes to respond

TA: BUT….even if she hadn’t, it doesn’t take a genius to see that over the past month or two. We’re all just concerned over you mate. What happened at Night of Glory, what happened last week, this isn’t your fight, so why do it?

Gazzy looks to the heavens and takes a deep breath

G: Tim, its true. I admit. The sense of needing to help Plague isn’t what it was two or three months ago. I’ve been painfully honest when it comes to him he did save me from a darkness, he was a shining light when I was at my lowest and for that I thank him, but now, its not so much anymore that I want to be there to help him. I have to help him

TA: But why?

G: You know why, Its not just about me anymore, its Christy and Willow, and well, I‘ll do whatever it takes to keep them both safe, including helping Plague remain the Champion as well as bring the tag team titles in to the family. Now if you’ll excuse me

Tim shakes gazzy by the hand again as he throws his bag over his shoulder and walks off towards the locker rooms. As the scene ends one of Plagues hooded followers emerges from behind a production truck having clearly heard the entire conversation


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6CWF Presents Proving Grounds - Monday 17th June 2024 (Episode 34) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Proving Grounds - Monday 17th June 2024 (Episode 34)

Post by Lee Sun 16 Jun 2024, 9:31 am

We see a YouTube video play from a wrestling fan channel.

Voice Over: Welcome back to the WrestleNerds News my name is Declan G Kenneth.

DGK: Now for our main story. A troubling video of Logan Kincade has emerged captured outside the CO-OP Arena in Manchester.

A video from a CCTV camera shows a group of men sitting outside a bar, they turn to look at an alleyway when suddenly a man comes flying out battered and bloody.

The men rush to help him as the giant frame of his attacker comes walking into shot.

It's Logan Kincade, covered in blood and seething. He walks over to the men who try and calm him down which seemingly works for a moment but not for long as someone at the back clearly recognises him and whatever he says reignites the rage in Kincade.

Logan suddenly snaps and starts firing shots at anything that moves. He picks one man up and throws him through a glass window as other people rush out and flee down the street.

Bodies are left flayed all over the floor as Logan wipes his lip of blood and moves on out of shot.

DGK: Shocking scenes there, it appears Logan Kincade has been involved in a fight outside a local bar after Proving Grounds went off the air.

Sources close to 6WFC claim that the fight came about because one of the men was wearing a Plague Family hoody and Logan was out looking for the Plague Family Compound after the finish to the main event of Proving Grounds.

This isn't the first time we've seen this kind of behaviour before, remember a few weeks ago when Logan and Blue Dragon were in a bar and the same thing happened there.

It is said Officials are concerned about Logan's mental state, especially with the arrival of Damien Andrews Logan's father.

Let's not forget when Logan first appeared in 6WF he debuted as 'The Captain ' a man who thought he was a super hero.

Turned out he was suffering from a mental episode which finally came to a head when he got dropped on....on his head.

Since then Logan has struggled with the fact he hasn't quite had 100% control of his own mind. And with the reintroduction of Damien Andrews, the man who is the root cause of all Logan's mental scars... It doesn't bode well for the rest of the locker room.

Wether or not Logan will be repremanded by 6CWF officials is yet to be seen, but considering those officials are his own father... It's unlikely.

The scene ends


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6CWF Presents Proving Grounds - Monday 17th June 2024 (Episode 34) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Proving Grounds - Monday 17th June 2024 (Episode 34)

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