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6CWF Presents Proving Grounds - Friday 28th June (Episode 35) - Scars & Stripes Go Home Show

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6CWF Presents Proving Grounds - Friday 28th June (Episode 35) - Scars & Stripes Go Home Show Empty 6CWF Presents Proving Grounds - Friday 28th June (Episode 35) - Scars & Stripes Go Home Show

Post by JJJohnson Wed 19 Jun 2024, 6:38 pm

SEASON 2024/2025

Start time: 8pm
Live from the Hammerstein Ballroom, Manhattan, New York City
Theme music: "All of the lights" by Kanye West and Rihanna

Bout 1
6CWF Tag Team Title Tournament (Semi-Final)
Chris Patricks/Liam Wood vs The Wolf Gang

Bout 2
6CWF European Championship
Open Challenge
Dicey Reilly (c) vs ???

Bout 3
Xtreme Rules
Blue Dragon/Geoff Steel/Logan Kincade/Uryu Ishida vs Edward Plague/GazzyD/Marty Helms/Perfect Jack

Main Event
Five-Pack Challenge
Acer vs Daniel Reilly vs Percy Percival vs Mike Masters vs Scott Harris
Special Referee: Eddy Kent


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6CWF Presents Proving Grounds - Friday 28th June (Episode 35) - Scars & Stripes Go Home Show Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Proving Grounds - Friday 28th June (Episode 35) - Scars & Stripes Go Home Show

Post by x12x Wed 19 Jun 2024, 8:31 pm

Revival Mode by Every Time I Die blasts through the speakers as The Viper Liam Wood walks out wearing a leather jacket, black skinny jeans, black Doc Martens and his new merch design which features a Punisher style skull logo with a snake wrapping around it.

RJ: The fans cheering for Wood but they seem to be split over his recent actions that saw him take out Tyler Roth...despite Tyler being the 'bad guy' what Wood did was brutal...

TJ: I have a feeling that Wood doesn't care

The fans are split after his recent actions and seem to be going back and forth with each other as he swaggers down to the ring, taking a mic from ringside and rolling under the bottom rope. Wood notices the mixed reaction he is getting from the fans and shakes his head as he begins to speak.

I get it guys...I really do

Some of you want to call me a bad guy just because I'm willing to do bad things to get the job done but the truth isn't black and white, this isn't a movie and there's no good vs evil. Unlike some of the boys in the back, I'm not here playing a character...what you see is who I am.

I can't be one of those cookie cutter super heroes that always wears a smile on his face, I won't be the one telling you to take your vitamins and to say your prayers and I won't be jumping through hoops to get your approval. I am not here to be a people pleaser and I am making that damn well clear and have been making that crystal clear since I stepped back in to this very ring.

Wood paces and seems reflective

The thing is.

I've been 'that' guy.
I've been THE guy.

I've been the cornball who plays the super hero and tries to make every one of you love me and for a while it worked but when I looked in the mirror and looked past that fake smile I hated who I was being...I had sold my soul for your cheers and what did it leave me with in the end?


Wood pauses and more boos appear but some fans seem to understand his point and cheer for him. Wood continues regardless cutting through the cheers and the boos with his words.

You see, when 6CWF last closed it's doors I had a lot of time to look back and reflect on who I had been, who I wanted to be and who I could be. I looked back at the titles I'd won and lost, the people I'd lost and the chances I never took...and it changed me.

The time away from this business, the time during the pandemic and the endless lockdowns changed me.

I gave up things I thought that would last a life time and I came through the other side a different man...some might say better, some might say worse but when it comes down to it...what you or anyone else thinks of that man doesn't matter at all.

I did what I had to to get through everything life through at me...

I stared in to the abyss and it stared back.

I did what i had to.

Wood pauses and looks down at his arm, looking at a blacked out part of his sleeve tattoo where three X's originally were, now covered up. He lets out a little sigh as he continues to speak...

I stopped being straight edge...

I broke a 14 year long commitment that I made when I was in my teens. A vow that I honestly thought I would carry with me for the rest of my life, until my dying day. A vow that made me who I was...

...but one day, away from my loved ones and in a period of reflection that vow ended...

Wood once again pauses before continuing

...because you see, when the world is in chaos the rules don't really exist anymore do they?

and that's what this all is...isn't it?

6CWF is Chaos.

A smile seems to appear on Wood's face, almost as if he enjoys the chaos of it all

6CWF lets a group of the most dangerous men in this industry nearly kill themselves week in, week out for your entertainment...

...and I'm supposed to worry about rules?
...I'm supposed to worry that I'm being the 'good guy'?
...I'm meant to play a role?!

f**k that.

Wood smirks despite still getting a mixed reaction but he can tell that the fans he wanted got what he was saying and his message. He looks around the arena and speaks one last time.

I am here to do what it takes to get what I want and if you're going to hate me then that's on won't change a damn thing.

Some fans cheer for Wood as others continue to boo as he turns to face the stage and address the other members of the roster

I'm not out here to just talk to the fans though...I'm out here to send a message to Eddy Kent. I would say to Genesis but half of you are out of commission and the only other remaining member is going to turn on you soon enough. So Eddy...this is a warning that you need to listen to...

Wood pauses one more time and begins to pace the ring, still looking at the stage

I have you in my sights...

...but not just because you have something that I want but because I personally cannot stand you. You represent every f**king thing in this business that I cannot are a coward and the moment I get to expose you is going to be like a dream to me...

...everything I did to Tyler is because of YOU and I hope that keeps you up at night. You see, he's been enabling you for so long and letting you think you're untouchable but brick by f**king brick I am taking down your defences until you have nothing left...

...and that is when I take the last thing you have...

Wood lowers the mic and has a huge smirk on his face as he motions a belt around his waist, the fans are coming back around but some fans are clearly not a fan of his new more violent side that has been building over the past year.


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6CWF Presents Proving Grounds - Friday 28th June (Episode 35) - Scars & Stripes Go Home Show Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Proving Grounds - Friday 28th June (Episode 35) - Scars & Stripes Go Home Show

Post by acer101 Wed 19 Jun 2024, 9:27 pm

Clarissa enters a small changing room where Acer sits on a massage table, eating from a plastic takeaway container and watching a repeat of the Proving Grounds Main Event on TV. Clarissa asks if Acer is willing to be interviewed, and he beckons her over with a full mouth.

Clarissa begins, “Acer, tonight you came out victorious against Daniel Reilly. How do you feel?”

Acer takes a sip of his soft drink and replies, “You know, it feels pretty good to back up my words and show Daniel Reilly—and the world—that I mean business. What's the saying? ‘The King is dead, long live the King’? Does my win tonight mean I take the title from Reilly? Not that I'll use it, but it might stop him from talking in the third person. It must suck to be him right now, claiming I'm not on his level, that he’d destroy me and make me regret coming out of retirement—only for me to walk away with the win. Anyway, I'll rest, recuperate, and go again next week, beating whoever management puts in my path.”

Clarissa continues, “Do you think the interference detracts from your performance?”

Acer looks puzzled as the TV shows a replay of Robin Reborn and JJ Johnson running to ringside.

“What do you mean? I beat Reilly in the middle of the ring, 1-2-3, and had him beat twice more before that, before Keane got involved. Having him beat three times in the same match while never being close to losing should boost my stock significantly. So I have no idea why you’ve asked that ques—”

Acer's voice trails off as he notices Johnson delivering an Access All Areas to Reilly on the TV. He mutters, “Oh for ***** sake,” then looks back at Clarissa.

“So that’s what you meant. Not gonna lie, that p***es me off a tad. I told Saint and JJ that I wanted—no, NEEDED—to take this journey alone. While I’d normally appreciate the assist, JJ just gave Damian Andrews an easy excuse not to put me in The Hour.”

Clarissa interjects, “Well, next week you’re in a Five-Pack Challenge against the confirmed participants in The Hour, with Champion Eddy Kent as the Special Guest Referee. So, although it’s unconfirmed, it looks like you do have a spot in The Hour.”

A smirk crosses Acer’s face. “Well, that’s something, I guess. It’ll be nice to kick Reilly's behind again and compete against the others. I guess I’ll have to make my mark next week and show that I’m not just an ‘also-ran’ in The Hour, but a genuine contender for Kent’s belt.”

Clarissa thanks Acer for the interview and wraps up the segment.


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6CWF Presents Proving Grounds - Friday 28th June (Episode 35) - Scars & Stripes Go Home Show Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Proving Grounds - Friday 28th June (Episode 35) - Scars & Stripes Go Home Show

Post by DanielReilly Thu 20 Jun 2024, 11:42 am

'Broken Dreams' begins to play as Daniel Reilly and Oliver Keane come walking out to the ring to boos from the crowd. Reilly and Keane are laughing as they ignore the surrounding fans as they climb into the ring and Keane reaches for a microphone which he passes to Reilly. The music begins to die down as the boos grow louder but Reilly looks undeterred as he smiles out at the fans.

DR: Ladies and Gentlemen, how blessed you all are today to be in the presence of the next 6WF World Champion, your King, Daniel Reilly!

Reilly smirks out to the crowd as the boos once again grow.

DR: Now the King has come out here because he has some things he needs to get off his chest. You see, the King does not run and hide when things do not go his way and after weeks of berating JJ Johnson, he finally got his revenge against the King when he beat him last week in the No Holds Barred match! Now JJ, the King does not want you to let this win go to your head because Daniel Reilly wants to remind you that the score now sits as 1-1 so if Robin Reborn leaves you in any state to compete once he has finished with you, then the King is coming to regain his lead! You see, JJ, you would not of beat the King had it not been for everybody else sticking their nose in the King's match! JJ, you may of beat the King last week but rest assured...

Oliver Keane cuts Reilly off as he begins to whisper into his ear. Reilly is looking at Keane with confusion and can be seen asking him 'are you sure?'. Keane nods as Reilly rubs his forehead.

DR: Ladies and Gentlemen, the King's always reliable agent Oliver Keane has just informed the King that he in fact did not lose to JJ Johnson last week! Oliver Keane is informing Daniel Reilly that it was Acer of all people who pinned the King! Now maybe the King is suffering with a concussion that he was unaware of but last week, the last thing the King remembers seeing is JJ Johnson sneak attacking the King and then it all being over! And so it is clear to the King that as he always says, he tells no lies because everything the King said last week was true! Little Acer just doesn't have it in him to get the job done!

Reilly and Keane are laughing now.

DR: Acer, Daniel Reilly told you that without JJ Johnson, you are nothing. You would not have a job and you most certainly would not be anywhere near the World Title picture but the King guesses it is much easier when the boss is in your corner, cutting them corners for you and feeding you them handouts. Maybe it's just the King but doesn't it make you feel a little bit undeserving, Acer? Sure, you may end up capturing a World Title with the help of your good buddy JJ but will you feel fulfilled knowing that you have done next to nothing to achieve it? Maybe that's why you and the King are so different, you walk around as the Michelle of the group, carrying the bags of JJ Johnson and The Saint whilst they sign autographs for their adoring fans whilst Daniel Reilly has worked his way to the top by spending the last 12 months putting everything into his craft, turning a European Championship into a World Championship and proving all the non believers wrong!

So Acer, do the King a favour and congratulate JJ Johnson on his win over Daniel Reilly last week and you just never know, maybe he might give you another shot at the King and you might finally be able to fight for yourself to see if you can in fact 'handle this'.

Reilly smirks as he looks out at the fans who are now chanting for Acer.

DR: Now the King thought dethroning Eddy Kent might actually provide him with a challenge but the King caught up on last week's action and realised that the Godfather wannabe is all just mouth and no talent. You see, he walks around with his goons but as a man who the King has plenty of history with in Liam Wood proved, Eddy Kent is actually nothing without his goons by his side. Now the King doesn't want to go down the easy route of laughing at Kent for his loss to Percy Percival last week but really? That man who once left alone is unable to beat Percy Percival is the standard around here? Hell, even Perfect Jack beat Percy!

Now Eddy, the King can see you have a lot on your plate right now with your ongoing battles coming from every angle so the King is going to sit this one out, sit back and wait patiently until The Hour match when the King is going to finally put a stop to your paper reign and become the new 6WF Champion!


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6CWF Presents Proving Grounds - Friday 28th June (Episode 35) - Scars & Stripes Go Home Show Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Proving Grounds - Friday 28th June (Episode 35) - Scars & Stripes Go Home Show

Post by acer101 Thu 20 Jun 2024, 2:43 pm

DanielReilly wrote:'Broken Dreams' begins to play as Daniel Reilly and Oliver Keane come walking out to the ring to boos from the crowd. Reilly and Keane are laughing as they ignore the surrounding fans as they climb into the ring and Keane reaches for a microphone which he passes to Reilly. The music begins to die down as the boos grow louder but Reilly looks undeterred as he smiles out at the fans.

DR: Ladies and Gentlemen, how blessed you all are today to be in the presence of the next 6WF World Champion, your King, Daniel Reilly!

Reilly smirks out to the crowd as the boos once again grow.

DR: Now the King has come out here because he has some things he needs to get off his chest. You see, the King does not run and hide when things do not go his way and after weeks of berating JJ Johnson, he finally got his revenge against the King when he beat him last week in the No Holds Barred match! Now JJ, the King does not want you to let this win go to your head because Daniel Reilly wants to remind you that the score now sits as 1-1 so if Robin Reborn leaves you in any state to compete once he has finished with you, then the King is coming to regain his lead! You see, JJ, you would not of beat the King had it not been for everybody else sticking their nose in the King's match! JJ, you may of beat the King last week but rest assured...

Oliver Keane cuts Reilly off as he begins to whisper into his ear. Reilly is looking at Keane with confusion and can be seen asking him 'are you sure?'. Keane nods as Reilly rubs his forehead.

DR: Ladies and Gentlemen, the King's always reliable agent Oliver Keane has just informed the King that he in fact did not lose to JJ Johnson last week! Oliver Keane is informing Daniel Reilly that it was Acer of all people who pinned the King! Now maybe the King is suffering with a concussion that he was unaware of but last week, the last thing the King remembers seeing is JJ Johnson sneak attacking the King and then it all being over! And so it is clear to the King that as he always says, he tells no lies because everything the King said last week was true! Little Acer just doesn't have it in him to get the job done!

Reilly and Keane are laughing now.

DR: Acer, Daniel Reilly told you that without JJ Johnson, you are nothing. You would not have a job and you most certainly would not be anywhere near the World Title picture but the King guesses it is much easier when the boss is in your corner, cutting them corners for you and feeding you them handouts. Maybe it's just the King but doesn't it make you feel a little bit undeserving, Acer? Sure, you may end up capturing a World Title with the help of your good buddy JJ but will you feel fulfilled knowing that you have done next to nothing to achieve it? Maybe that's why you and the King are so different, you walk around as the Michelle of the group, carrying the bags of JJ Johnson and The Saint whilst they sign autographs for their adoring fans whilst Daniel Reilly has worked his way to the top by spending the last 12 months putting everything into his craft, turning a European Championship into a World Championship and proving all the non believers wrong!

So Acer, do the King a favour and congratulate JJ Johnson on his win over Daniel Reilly last week and you just never know, maybe he might give you another shot at the King and you might finally be able to fight for yourself to see if you can in fact 'handle this'.

Reilly smirks as he looks out at the fans who are now chanting for Acer.

DR: Now the King thought dethroning Eddy Kent might actually provide him with a challenge but the King caught up on last week's action and realised that the Godfather wannabe is all just mouth and no talent. You see, he walks around with his goons but as a man who the King has plenty of history with in Liam Wood proved, Eddy Kent is actually nothing without his goons by his side. Now the King doesn't want to go down the easy route of laughing at Kent for his loss to Percy Percival last week but really? That man who once left alone is unable to beat Percy Percival is the standard around here? Hell, even Perfect Jack beat Percy!

Now Eddy, the King can see you have a lot on your plate right now with your ongoing battles coming from every angle so the King is going to sit this one out, sit back and wait patiently until The Hour match when the King is going to finally put a stop to your paper reign and become the new 6WF Champion!

Acer's face appears on the Tron, with the the audience buzzing with anticipation.

"I've had the displeasure of listening to your rambling diatribe, most of which sounded like the delusions of a desperate man. But amidst all that noise, one thing stuck with me. Maybe you're right, maybe I shouldn't be anywhere near the World Title picture. After all, I've already beaten you. And let's face it, you're on a downward spiral since Night of Champions.

In what was supposedly your career-best showing, you went from being the European Champion to...well, not a champion at all. Then you were handed a spot in The Hour, courtesy of Ojore and Robin Reborn. But wait," Acer holds up his hand, mimicking a stop sign, "I almost forgot, yOu bEaT jJ aLl bY yOuRsElF, right? And how did you follow up that victory? By losing to little ol' me.

In your own words, I am nothing. Yet the record books show I beat you, 1-2-3. So what does that make you? Less than nothing?

It's amusing that you keep calling me the Michelle of the Coalition. But in the 6CWF Universe, you're the LeToya Luckett to my Michelle. Never heard of LeToya? Exactly. She was replaced by Michelle in Destiny's Child, just like I'm replacing you in the 6CWF Hierarchy.

We don't have to wait until the Five-Pack Challenge. You want some? All you have to do is 'say my name,' and I'll gladly give you another ass-whooping without breaking a sweat."


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6CWF Presents Proving Grounds - Friday 28th June (Episode 35) - Scars & Stripes Go Home Show Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Proving Grounds - Friday 28th June (Episode 35) - Scars & Stripes Go Home Show

Post by Uryu Ishida Thu 20 Jun 2024, 4:58 pm

Uryu slowly walks to the arena through the car park. His steps slow and pain filled as he looks at the Hammerstein Ballroom. He stands there and looks at it, Unaware a car is slowly approaching behind him and honking the horn. He only hears a dull noise behind him as he looks at the ground. The car gets closer and closer yet still he doesn't move. The driver yells at him to get out of the way but Uryu still can't hear him. The driver throws his high beams on and Uryu sees his shadow extending to the arena doors on the ground. He sighs and take a few steps off to the side as the driver zips past him and yells...something at him.

Uryu sees the shadow fade as he looks up at the Ballroom again.

UI: Why am I even here...

Uryu Ishida

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6CWF Presents Proving Grounds - Friday 28th June (Episode 35) - Scars & Stripes Go Home Show Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Proving Grounds - Friday 28th June (Episode 35) - Scars & Stripes Go Home Show

Post by President Trump Fri 21 Jun 2024, 8:32 am

Dicey is in the back of a yellow cab on the way to Hammerstein Ballroom.

Cab Driver: I know where I see you, you that vestling guy eh….Dicey Reilly. Big time star no?

Dicey: I’m the biggest Vladimir me aul chum. We have a big show on tonight you should come, I’ll get you and the family tickets

The driver looks at Dicey through the rear view mirror with a sad look on his face

Vlad: I vish my family could be here in the US of A with me but relations between our two countries are a bit how do you say…f**ked at the moment

Dicey: Ah the war in Ukraine, tough times all round buddy but we keep going for the ones we love

Vlad: My son, he is on frontline I haven’t heard from him in 3 weeks. His mother cries on the phone every night to me. If I could I would go and fight with him, to keep him safe.

Dicey: Then why don’t you? Get your big Rusky ar*e on a plane, enroll and get to your son. Id rather go down swinging that dying in a cab by some random gang banger. Do it Vlad go kill for your son….SAVE HIM

Just as Dicey is ending his pep talk the taxi swerves and Vlad starts shouting out the window at someone

Dicey: You see anything can happen…wait a minute that looked like Uryu pondering his existence. You can drop me off her bud

Vlad: Dank you Dicey, I will go fight for my son and country, dis ride on me

Dicey: Tony Robinson eat your heart out….God speed my little babushka

Dicey steps out of the taxi and takes a deep breath

Dicey: Now to fight for what I love (He kisses his European Title) Crazy Russians

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6CWF Presents Proving Grounds - Friday 28th June (Episode 35) - Scars & Stripes Go Home Show Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Proving Grounds - Friday 28th June (Episode 35) - Scars & Stripes Go Home Show

Post by Marky Fri 21 Jun 2024, 9:16 am

Rex Adamson is shown walking around at the arena in a rush, when Tim Allen tries walk and talk alongside him

TA: Rex, not a good week for Genesis-

Rex stops and glares at Tim

Rex: No, really?

Rex shakes his head and carries on walking, as Tim Allen struggles to keep up

Rex: Obviously it's been a bad week, Tyler's in hospital, Sweetwater's signed off, and now I'm being told Ralph Santos got run over by a Russian taxi driver... Poor guy had no chance, the driver was in such a rush he carried on driving towards the Airport after he hit Ralph.

TA: Whats your plan this week?

Rex stops again and is clearly aggravated

Rex: My plan, is to avoid parasites like you, feeding off of the carnage surrounding Genesis at the moment. Genesis are at war. And if you're not with us, you're against us...


Rex shoves Tim Allen, who falls backwards in a comedic fashion before falling onto his backside, and dropping his microphone. Rex is heard laughing as Tim Allen is just sat on the floor being filmed.

TA: These wrestlers man...


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6CWF Presents Proving Grounds - Friday 28th June (Episode 35) - Scars & Stripes Go Home Show Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Proving Grounds - Friday 28th June (Episode 35) - Scars & Stripes Go Home Show

Post by DanielReilly Fri 21 Jun 2024, 2:39 pm

Reilly is looking up at the titantron where Acer is with a smile, Reilly then begins to laugh.

DR: Well if it isn’t little Acer! How nice it is of you to bless the King with your presence once more but it appears the King may of hit you in the head just a few times too many last week because you just aren’t talking much sense! You stand there hiding backstage talking about beating the King silly and that does nothing but make the King laugh because as he remembers it, it was JJ Johnson who did the hard work!

Just like it always has been, JJ Johnson has done the work for Acer to then ramble on and on about how great he genuinely believes he is. And the King is only talking facts here Acer, you only have a job here because of JJ Johnson, you were only in the main event because of JJ Johnson, you are only in the World Title picture because of JJ Johnson and the records show you as holding a victory over Daniel Reilly because of JJ Johnson.

So let the King ask you a question, when is Acer going to prove that he doesn’t need JJ Johnson? When is Acer going to show the World that he has what it takes without JJ Johnson because the King is stood here listening to you waffle on like you have actually done something worthwhile whilst forgetting that JJ Johnson did it it for you!

Keane is laughing as Reilly continues to smirk.

DR: Acer, the King understands that by JJ Johnson winning the match for you last week, you now have something to ramble on and on about for the next 12 months but whilst the King was trying to stay awake as you went on and on and on just then, the King did catch something you said that made Daniel Reilly smile.

You said that the King has been on a downward spiral since losing the European Championship but what a downward spiral it has been! The King has beat Percy Percival and JJ Johnson before losing to JJ Johnson, sorry the King means you Acer, last week. So sure Michelle, if that is a downward spiral then the King hopes it continues because it has spun Daniel Reilly straight into a World Championship match!

Now do you have anything factual you want to talk about with the King during his time or do you want to once again tell the King how JJ Johnson beat the King for you last week?

Reilly winks up at Acer before looking out at the booing fans with a smile on his face.


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6CWF Presents Proving Grounds - Friday 28th June (Episode 35) - Scars & Stripes Go Home Show Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Proving Grounds - Friday 28th June (Episode 35) - Scars & Stripes Go Home Show

Post by acer101 Fri 21 Jun 2024, 4:18 pm

“So, we’re talking stalking about ourselves in the third person, huh? Where’s your crown, King Nothing? Maybe you need a day at the seaside, trying to control the tide, because while you may think of yourself as a king, everyone else thinks you’re just a Cnut.” Acer smirks, making his way through the backstage area towards the stage entrance. “Pretty ironic you complain about long promos, considering yours are long, monotonous, and boring. You have so much hot air you could power the National Grid ten times over, but when it comes to substance, it wouldn’t be enough to power a USB fan! I knew you were delusional, so it’s a good thing I rolled past the truck before entering the arena. Roll the VT!”

Two separate pieces of footage from the main event are shown on the screen.

Rewilly is clutching his chest in real pain as Acer rolls out on the apron and then he catapults back through the middle with the “Rogue” spear as the audience goes nuts. The three count is imminent but Oliver Keane returns to the ring to break the count at the final second.

Reilly is down as Acer dumps a steel chair on the side of his head. Acer climbs high now and this time is successful with the “shooting star” kneedrop. The referee is groggy but he recovers enough to count the three.

Acer finally appears in front of the crowd.

“See that footage? Let’s start with the first one. I had you down for the count, and it’s only thanks to your guy there that you got a stay of execution. And the second one? You can try and play it off like JJ beat you, but make no mistake—it was me who pinned your shoulders to the mat. The record books will list me as the victor. Now, I could do a Daniel Reilly and look past any interference, like you always do, but I’m not as delusional as you.”

“I still get a kick out of you claiming I’m only here thanks to JJ. I’m here because I’m a Hall of Famer, and not just any Hall of Famer—I’m the OG Hall of Famer. For someone who apparently always speaks the truth, you still haven’t beaten me, so your claim of beating every single Hall of Famer? As Maury would say, ‘that was a lie.’”

“Touching on JJ, you’ve got a thing for him, don’t you? He’s very publicly relinquished operational control of the company, yet you still think he’s running things, pulling strings, and manipulating from the shadows like the Templars, The Cult of Kosmos, or the Order of the Ancients. Heh, maybe he is—he does like to say, ‘may the Father of Understanding guide us.’ Alternatively, you’re one of those nuts who believes in the Deep State, which, given how you think you know more than everyone else despite knowing jack, is quite plausible. Blame JJ for holding you down, blame him for not being World Champion, blame him for losing to me—I bet you even blame him for the fact you can’t use your winky without the little blue pill.”

“Now, I know you’re so busy in your own deluded world that you probably didn’t see that I’m now a confirmed entrant into The Hour. So, I just thought I’d congratulate you on being the answer to the quiz question, ‘On his way to World Championship glory at Scars and Stripes, who did Acer beat to earn his spot in The Hour match?’ Because make no mistake, I am becoming champion at Scars and Stripes.”


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6CWF Presents Proving Grounds - Friday 28th June (Episode 35) - Scars & Stripes Go Home Show Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Proving Grounds - Friday 28th June (Episode 35) - Scars & Stripes Go Home Show

Post by DanielReilly Fri 21 Jun 2024, 4:46 pm

Reilly stares towards Acer as Keane looks on nervously.

DR: So it would seem that little Acer has finally got his permission slip signed by JJ Johnson to come out and play with the big boys. Acer, the King has already told you that he speaks nothing but facts, the King has acknowledged that you hold a win over him thanks to your good buddy JJ Johnson but it appears the King was correct in thinking he has provided you for material for the next year so you are most welcome.

Reilly smiles up at Acer.

DR: Acer, you are a little fish in one very big pond and the King finds it amusing seeing just how out of your depth you are. But you are wrong because the King did see the announcement that you are in the Hour match up and the King finds it quite amusing that there is a World Title match in which Percy Percival is a more legit and deserving participant then the newest announced entrant.

But despite your rambles, you do make some sense, yes the King has been obsessed with JJ Johnson and for good reason. The difference is Acer is that Daniel Reilly isn’t afraid to lose opportunities of his own by trash talking the boss rather then gaining opportunities by licking his a*se and holding his hands out for opportunities to be given to him like you do!

You see, the King understands JJ Johnson gave up his control but the name above the door still states that JJ Johnson holds 50% ownership of this company so don’t try to patronise the King by making out like you aren’t in a World Title match because you’re his little hand maid.

But Acer, let’s get one thing straight here, the King has beaten every Hall of Famer there is because the King does not consider you Hall of Fame worthy. And don’t think for one second that the King doesn’t know your history, the King knows all about little Acer and there is only one thing that matters, only one man out here tonight can claim to of held a World Championship and so you thinking you are better then Daniel Reilly, well Acer, Maury determined that was a lie.

Reilly smirks up at Acer whilst holding up two fingers and mouthing ‘two times.’

DR: Acer, you can come out here and accuse the King of being boring but maybe you should take some advice from your good buddy JJ Johnson, see he didn’t bite for months but you? One mention of your name and you are out here playing the joker, talking about things that you do not understand. But Daniel Reilly is happy that he has finally gave you a purpose, he has been the one say ‘f*ck it’ and entertain your crap in a desperate attempt to play with the big boys. Acer, enjoy the victory over the King that JJ Johnson gifted to you because the rules of the Hour match mean that our paths just might cross once more, and how poetic will it be that Daniel Reilly will be the man to finally make you realise that you just aren’t quite good enough to be a World Champion, little man!


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6CWF Presents Proving Grounds - Friday 28th June (Episode 35) - Scars & Stripes Go Home Show Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Proving Grounds - Friday 28th June (Episode 35) - Scars & Stripes Go Home Show

Post by acer101 Fri 21 Jun 2024, 5:03 pm

Acer stands tall, smirking down at Reilly as Keane shifts nervously behind him.

“Permission slip signed by JJ, huh? Funny, coming from a guy who can’t get through a promo without invoking his name. Facts? Reilly, the only fact here is that I beat you. Your problem is, you can’t accept it. You think calling yourself a king makes you one. But you’re just a deluded fool clinging to a title that no one recognizes but yourself.”

Acer paces, his eyes never leaving Reilly.

“Out of my depth? You think I’m the little fish in a big pond? If I’m so insignificant, why are you so obsessed with me? Why does my name get under your skin? And Percy Percival more deserving? That’s laughable, even for you, Reilly.”

Acer pauses, pacing up and down, never taking his eyes off Reilly.

“Obsessed with JJ? It’s not obsession, it’s paranoia. You see shadows and conspiracies where there are none. JJ might own 50% of this company, but I’m not here because of him. I’m here because I earned my spot. The difference between us is that I don’t need to tear others down to elevate myself. You call it kissing ass, I call it respect—something you wouldn’t know about.”

Acer straightens up, addressing the crowd as much as Reilly.

“You don’t consider me Hall of Fame worthy? That’s rich, coming from someone who’s living in the past. The fact that you held a World Championship twice doesn’t change the truth. Your time is over, and you can’t stand it. I beat you once, and I’ll do it again. You can brag all you want about your titles, but right now, you’re just another obstacle in my path.”

Acer points directly at Reilly, fire in his eyes.

“You think you’re going to teach me a lesson in The Hour match? Newsflash, Reilly—you’re not the first to underestimate me, and you won’t be the last. You talk about playing with the big boys, but the truth is, you’re scared. Scared that someone who for years you have thought wasn’t in your league is about to surpass you and leave you for dust. And come Scars and Stripes, I’ll do more than just surpass you—I’ll prove that I’m not only the future of this company, I’m the here and now, whilst you’re ancient history.”

Acer steps back, his voice rising.

“You can keep mouthing ‘two times’ and cling to your past glories. But at The Hour, you’ll be nothing more than a stepping stone on my way to the top. So bring everything you’ve got, Reilly. Because when it’s all said and done, it’ll be my name etched in the record books as the new World Champion. And you? You’ll just be the answer to a trivia question about who I beat to get there.”

Acer glares at Reilly one last time, then turns to leave, the crowd cheering him on.


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6CWF Presents Proving Grounds - Friday 28th June (Episode 35) - Scars & Stripes Go Home Show Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Proving Grounds - Friday 28th June (Episode 35) - Scars & Stripes Go Home Show

Post by Uryu Ishida Sat 22 Jun 2024, 4:21 pm

We cut to Uryu slowly meandering through the halls. He sees faces he recognises but he can't understand what they are saying. He sees their mouths moving and just quietly walks past them, Unaware of the concerned looks on their faces. When he gets to the steps leading to the roof he stops and turns around. He sees Tim Allen slowly fizzling into a faceless husk and quickly turns away. He slowly looks up at the door to the roof but all thats there is an intense light burning into his eyes. Tim keeping his distance calls out.

TA: Uryu? Do you need a doctor? Uryu?

Uryu just looks at the steps at his feet and watches cracks slowly grow into chasms as he slowly struggles to climb them, practically falling through the door to the roof as his legs spring into life and slam it closed. Uryu scrambles to put his back against the door and takes a deep breath, the light hammering down on him as shakes his head.

???: Finally, Took your time didn't you?

Uryu Ishida

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6CWF Presents Proving Grounds - Friday 28th June (Episode 35) - Scars & Stripes Go Home Show Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Proving Grounds - Friday 28th June (Episode 35) - Scars & Stripes Go Home Show

Post by BlueDragon1205 Sat 22 Jun 2024, 6:51 pm

Fans are still shuffling into he arena as the show starts and the pyro goes off on the stage.

Ladies and gentlemen welcome to the show. What a week we have for you but for now I'm going to take you ringside as Tim Allen is standing by... Tim?

Thanks RJ, it seems that management has requested some time at the start of the show, so.. introducing to you now.. former 6WF World Champion, Multi time Hardcore Champion, former Key ton the Kingdom Champion and former European Champion... The Hardcore Legend and one half of 6CWFs Brothers of Destruction... BLUE!! DRAGONNN!!!

'Bodies' hits the speakers as flames rise from the stage and Blue Dragon steps through the curtain with a slightly confused look on his face, he looks at Allen and is asking what the need for the intro was, Allen just says he was asked to give him a big entrance. Dragon has made his way to the ring as Allen rolls in with him..

Here he is Ladies and Gentle...wha!!

Dragon grabs the mic from Allen and he pushes him away. Allen takes a bump and rolls back out of the ring with his head hanging low and his hands up in the air...

I'd like you all to know.. that kiss a*se intro was not my idea, I don't know if Tim has a little thing for me or what, but that was just needless.. true... But needless. 
I requested some time out here. I sent an email to management to ask for the opportunity to speak on a few things. Chief amongst them, not a championship, not a match.. first of all, I want to address my brother, Logan Kincade...

The crowd rumble and a mixed reaction starts at the mention of Logan's name, the most bloodthirsty in the crowd are always happy to hear Kincade mentioned.

Logan, your not in a good place mate, your not in the right mind to be here right now and I'm sorry if I made you feel like you had to be back for me. I'll be ok if you need to go take some time away, get your head right and I know you won't talk about this in private, so I'm putting it out here, on national telly so you have no choice but to see it, Logan I love destroying things with you, I've never met anyone else with my distain for human life like you. 
But a big part of me wants you to go get right.. 
There's another part of me..

Dragon addresses the camera now. Like he's talking to Logan personally.

There's the cold and analitical part of my brain. There's the Dragon who just wants his brother to be happy, and he knows that the happiest you can ever be.. the one thing that still makes you feel warm inside... Is hurting people. Especially those who deserve it... Like Gazzy D 
(The crowd pop at Gazzys name). 
Haha yeah that's right Gazzy, the man who see's it more important to keep his creepy uncle Eddy happy, to keep his Eddy safe, than to keep his own wife and child safe. 
You see, I want Gazzy out of the picture more than anyone else does, he's been nothing but a thorn in my side for months. But Gaz I've seen a family torn apart by selfishness and by greed and Id rather you disappear with your family in tow. I honestly would advise you not to show up at Scars and Stripes, because in all honesty Gazzy, I don't want willow to have to see her dad beaten to a bloody pulp and thrown into the back of an ambulance, never to be seen again. 
I honestly don't know what Logan has planned for you, or worse yet what he's going to do without a plan. But I'm telling you now, there is a limit to what you should do for anyone, let alone a man who's kidnapped your family. 
If it was me Gazzy, I'd have already killed him..

There is a mixed reaction again as a few boos take BDs attention and he throws the middle finger up at them

Oi! Fu*k head!! You have no idea what my stake is here, you don't know me, not the real me. Your one of them pr*cks off of that X thing yeah? 
I've read all that bol*ocks, how since Damien Andrews has been involved here that me and Logan are being favoured, that we have more TV time and more 'spotlight' than before? 
That he's so eager to show off 'his boys' that we are getting whatever we want.. well let me tell you all now, Blue Dragon and Logan Kincade are no ones 'boys'. 
We do what we want, when we want and to whoever we want and that sad old b*stard in his office has nothing to do with it. When I came back I did so to prove I deserved to be at the tip of this industry, then when I did that, my next step was to cement myself as the Alpha of 6CWF and I haven't seen anything to prove otherwise. 
THAT!! Is why I have the spotlight!! 
THAT!! Is why I have the oppertunity I do now!
THAT!! Is why Edward Plague is hiding behind his boy, hiding under the bed from the bogeyman, but I'm coming anyway, and I know where he lives..

Dragon points to the Tron and the graphic for Blue Dragon Vs Edward Plague, Last Rites match for the 6CW World Championship shows. The crowd cheer as Dragon smiles and holds his arms out wide welcoming the albeit split reception from the fans in attendance.

At Scars and Stripes, I get a shot at Plague, one on one for the World Title, and it's last rites.. 
whatever that means.. 
But the main thing is that this match was earned through a few critical things, aggression, talent, dominance, among others. Andrews, and Adamson couldn't help but see the distruction left in my wake and they can see that path of chaos carving its way once again towards Edward Plague and the 6CW World Championship... 
You see It's not just my dad that knows what I'm capable of, Max knows himself that I've burst back into the industry with a passion and with a fury that's not been seen in years... 
Imagine it.. 
Can't you see it now.. 
Blue Dragon.. with that championship around my waist. I will make 6CWF a beacon, for others to challenge themselves against the very best, the Hardcore Icon, the dangerous, the destructive, the Dragon.. the Alpha of 6CWF.

Blue Dragon looks around at the fans and he smirks

As for this week? I team with three guys, possibly three guys who know me very well at the moment, and know exactly how dangerous I am... 
Logan Kincade knows me better than almost anyone in the world, he's my brother, in so many ways, not just in blood, I'd like to think that whatever Logan's version of respect is, whatever twisted emotion that is.. that I'm most likely the only person that Logan feels anything even resembling respect for. And the feeling is mutual big bro haha. And that leads me to Geoff Steel, the first man to face my fire and my fury in this latest 'run'. He barely survived he got out by the skin of his teeth... And that's it.. isn't it? Oh no there's one more.... 
Uryu Ishida, the twink.. he tried to get involved, he spent all his time lusting after Gazzy, all the time just trying to get close enough to get a taste, a smell, of Christy.. but Uryu you learned just how quicky that target moves, you know how quickly them cross hairs can shift.. you and steel need to understand that you have been put in a very, very dangerous place here. By siding with me and Logan, you have equal chances of being on the good side of a dominant victory, but you get our way, you stick your noses where they don't belong, and trust me when I say this.... You will regret it. If either of our team mates show the smallest hint of weakness then we will end them ourselves and destroy our opponents on our own..

Speaking of our opponents...

The aforementioned Gazzy D, take it from me mate, run.. find your wife and your daughter and run as fast as you can and as far as you can. Because if you somehow manage to get through this week then you have Logan to deal with, trust me, he's not in a good place right now, you carry on pushing your luck and god knows what my loving brother is capable of. You need to stay out of the title picture all together, because between me and Logan, you won't make it out the other side. And That title rests itself on the waist of your creepy uncle Eddy right?

Plague speaks as the leader of a church, as if he has loyal followers, a righteous flock? F*ck no! 
All he has is a rag tag bunch of dropouts and losers. The same type of people who are convinced that the COVID vaccines where full of nanobots. Put into our body to spy on us and listen to our conversations. Watch our every move. They are the same people that 4G phone masts where erected in populated areas to sterilise the poor and keep the rich able to contact their lizard people overlords. The same type of people that are willing to believe that a pathetic pr*ck like Plague can tell you what you need to do I life to be a success? He's always asking Gazzy and the others to sacrifice themselves for his success, to give they're freedom for his gain. 
He's giving sermons on loyalty and on the dangers of outsiders. When if him, your leader that is the real.danger. yes I may destroy your body, take your soul and break your heart. But with plague, it's your free will that he feeds on. Well Eddy you get your latest monologue all prepared, you get it written up and printed in a big font, I know your eyes aren't what they once where. And you get that to me. Along with a trusty copy of the 'book of Plague's that you speak of so much. And I'll fold the sermon up, I'll give the whole thing a nice little polish and have it all nicely prepared for you.
You come meet me in the ring this week mate...  
I'll stick your book, your lesson, your whole f*cking lifestyle, all the way up inside your ar*ehole!

Dragon holds up his hand. With four fingers up. He lowers two and stares at the other two with mocking confusion..

Ah ha!!... 
Marty Mcfly.. 
I don't even know he was a wrestler now. I'm glad he got over the Parkinson's, but Delorian or no Delorian. He's no match for me and Logan.
Whereas Perfect Jack, that's a name I remember, the perfect one. So clean, such a.. well.. perfect... picture of a pro wrestler. I'm sure he's got his whole life under control, yeah? 
Take it from me Jack, I know a thing or two about mental illness, go seek help, before it gets worse, you need someone to help you. Soon you'll be just as sane as Logan is.. 

Xtream rules is nothing new to me, I've lived my life with no rules and with no limits, why should I fight any different? You see this week I get to show not just one or two men, no I get to show six men, first hand, exactly how dangerous I.. we.. really are...

The crowd pop and Blue Dragon looks around almost surprised 

Before I go backstage and get ready for my match later tonight I've got one last thing to say. To the wrestlers in the back, and to anyone in other companies that may want to jump ship. 
On the day that I hold a world title here in 6CWF, when I hold that 6CW World Heavyweight Championship over my head... 
On that day 
Werther your the 6WF Champion, 
The TNA Champion, 
The AEW Champion, 
The WWE champion or the WWE World Heavyweight Champion... 
My door will be open tomorrow all... 
I will prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that I am not just the Alpha of 6CWF, that I am the Alpha of this industry, that I am the Alpha of the World.

The crowd cheer with bloodthirsty jeers and Dragon looks around reveling in the atmosphere

Until then, until I get my hands on Plague and that title, the rest of the world needs to stay the f*ck out of my way..!!

Dragon stands in the the ring soaking up the noise and the energy in the room. He looks up to the sky and closes his eyes, a sick smile finding it's way onto his face...

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6CWF Presents Proving Grounds - Friday 28th June (Episode 35) - Scars & Stripes Go Home Show Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Proving Grounds - Friday 28th June (Episode 35) - Scars & Stripes Go Home Show

Post by Lee Sat 22 Jun 2024, 9:12 pm


Edgecrusher by Fear Factory blast out as an unusually calm Logan Kincade walks out from the back.

Logan walks out onto the stage but he seems to be muttering to himself off the microphone before he looks up at Blue Dragon in the ring and after an exaggerated exhale into microphone...

LK: Listen Blue, I hear things yeah, I hear the rumours, the tall tales, I'm hearing what people are saying, I don't watch the show once I'm done I won't lie but the lads tell me what's what.

Logan begins to slowly climb the steps onto the apron.

LK: People seem to think I'm not handling Andrews' return very well, and they're right.

Blue Dragon looks shocked at Logan's honesty and self awareness.

LK: but you see, what I can't get out of my head is, I came back to this company or whatever the mangled pile of two other companies that managed to merge and crawl out from the wreckage is.. after a LOT of persuasion by you and then oh, would you look at that, a few short weeks later here's the man who seemingly goes out his way to ruin my life, and has done so, since the day I was born just randomly appears out of the f*****g ether...

Blue Dragon looks incensed at the suggestion that he is in cahoots with his father.

Logan takes a second to compose himself as the anger is constantly swelling in every word he says.

LK: listen big man, I'm not saying you're working with him, okay?

Logan makes his way into the ring and leans in to Blue Dragon

LK: But I bet you a birth right that you knew he was coming and didn't tell me, didn't you?

Blue Dragon looks ready to punch Logan's lights out as Logan walks around the ring.

LK: Now what I need to understand is this, was it out of concern for you big brothers feelings? You know how I get emotional about these things, you just didn't want me to get hurt........ Or...

Logan stops and turns to look Blue Dragon in the eyes.

LK: or was it because you're afraid I would turn on you again like last time? Haha but we all remember what happened moments after I joined forces with him last time right? No? Well let me remind you...

Logan looks BD up and down and mimiks kicking a man 'This is sparta' style as he laughs to himself

LK: that's right! I kicked him off the stage and tried to kill him! Hahahahahaaaaa... ahhhh...So with that said, why would I ever want to align with that egomaniac ever again...? But I guess, that ego runs in the family...

Blue Dragon shakes his head as Logan continues

LK: Look kidda, I've had my time to process this stuff and it is what it is, you are right about one thing though, I do like hurting people who deserve it....

Logan stares at Blue Dragon and pauses on that thought for a moment before continuing

LK: The Plague Family, so I'm here to tell you not to worry anymore baby brother of mine, I've done my thinking, I've had a word with... I've had a think and it's time to get back to business. It's time to show people what I'm ...we're truly about.

Blue Dragon nods in agreement but his face is still full of anger at Logan's insinuations.

LK: It's time to finish this s**t. Apparently that means you get a title shot and I get to put Gazzy out of his misery, unfortunately on the way to that we have to team up with Geoff f*****g Steel and Uryu Ishida, now there are so many people I hate as you well know..

Blue Dragon can be heard off mic "Is there anyone you don't hate?"

LK: haha a few, but these two, are up there with the worst of em, so like you say, if you two aren't ready for a war, just  stay away.

Logan looks down the camera.

LK: Plague... Your family is in real danger, we're coming to the climax of this story, and I can't wait to see it all come crumbling down around you....

Logan snarls as he lowers the microphone...


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6CWF Presents Proving Grounds - Friday 28th June (Episode 35) - Scars & Stripes Go Home Show Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Proving Grounds - Friday 28th June (Episode 35) - Scars & Stripes Go Home Show

Post by x12x Sat 22 Jun 2024, 9:52 pm

The sound of a burning fire can be heard as we find ourselves in a dark, field the only light the glow from the fire. The flames light up the figure of Edward Plague who stands with hid 6CW World Title resting over his shoulder as he is surrounded by his followers who all look on intently

Chapter 4...


Plague pauses for a second, the followers clinging to his every word

As the wolves circle our door I need you to stay strong, I need you to understand that what we have built here is stronger than any bond...

...any brotherhood...

...this will not be our reckoning.

Plague's words bring smiles to the face of the followers in attendance as he continues

This is only the beginning of our story... our word spreads and tears the eyes open of the watching world... this will not me my last right and it is he...Damien Andrews...who plays God...

A sick smile covers Plague's face

Plague: he sends his son for sacrifice!

The followers cheer and clap for Plague causing him to pause and soak in the attention, clearly loving having the group hanging on his every word

NO! This is not our reckoning...

...this is the beginning for us...
...but the beginning of the end of the so called 'Brothers Of Destruction'...

...the end of the Dragons hope...

...his last rites...
...his sacrifice...
...another failure he must endure...

...another chance for us to build our family as we show what we can achieve.

Plague stops, the followers standing and joining him as they watch the fire burn revealing two effigies, one to look like Blue Dragon and one that looks like Logan Kincade


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6CWF Presents Proving Grounds - Friday 28th June (Episode 35) - Scars & Stripes Go Home Show Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Proving Grounds - Friday 28th June (Episode 35) - Scars & Stripes Go Home Show

Post by Bentyf1 Mon 24 Jun 2024, 9:55 pm

A majority of fans are cheering on a proud and standing tall Liam Wood in the ring, all crammed into the the Hammerstein Ballroom in Manhattan, New York City. As Wood continues to motion a title around his waist, Succession roars over the sound system as the crowd rise to their feet in both respect and widespread loathing of the man to come. Two figures stride onto the stage as the camera pans to the top of the ramp. One figure is Eddy Kent's special advisor, Ralph Santos carrying the 6WF undisputed world heavyweight championship. Santos is wearing a smart three piece navy suit with a poison green tie and a expensive looking gold Rolex. The other figure is of course, Eddy Kent who is wearing a pair of casual black workout trousers and a pair of Genesis official Adidas trainers. Kent is also wearing his new 6CWF merchandise shirt which reads "Daddy Wins" in bold poison green etched in the black fabric. The camera shows Santos looking worried and almost urging Kent not to risk confrontation with one of the most dangerous men in 6CWF LIam Wood. Kent meanwhile looks cold and aloof, his right eye is slightly bloodshot and it looks like he's had trouble sleeping. Kent eyeballs the audience who are on their feet, chants ranging from "Daddy's home" to "Who's your daddy" and "He's inevitable". Kent shrugs his shoulders at a anxious Ralph Santos who follows Kent down the ramp, just behind him. Kent strides to the foot of the ramp, his ice cold blue eyes locked on Wood who similarly gazes back. Kent stomps up the ring steps and glides into the ring as does Santos who quickly grabs a microphone for Kent in the process and hands it to him. Santos stands at the turnbuckle, clutching the 6WF undisputed world championship and looks at Eddy with slight anxiousness and then back at Wood. A few seconds pass as succession tempers down and the crowd are excited to see Wood and Kent share a ring with chants of "this is awesome" mixed in with Wood and Kent chants. Kent tosses the microphone in his hands, snarls slightly and scratches his cheek as Wood looks on. Kent exhales and stares up to the rafters and then back down as the camera zooms in on the champion who chuckles and then raises the microphone to his lips to speak.]


[The crowd boo loudly while there is still some hardcore Kent/Genesis fans who continue to rise for their man. Kent looks around and then back at Liam Wood who is standing in the ring and is ready for anything. Kent has an air of confidence as he sniffs loudly, clicking his fingers before raising the microphone back to his lips.]

Kent: I don't know if you all tuned it last week but I had a match with Percy Percival... in one of the biggest matches in the career of Percy Percival. And what do you think happened? some say I lost...And that's something I can't get my head around because your daddy doesn't lose. It's not in my makeup, it's  not in my DNA... so I had to sit on it and think long and hard on it and... I didn't lose. It was a farce and I ended up on the end of a farce because of the actions of three men. One is actually in the ring with my right now... And he's called his shot. Why have you called your shot, Liam?

[The crowd cheer as the camera flicks to Liam Wood who is standing watching Kent. Kent then prowls in a circle before raising the microphone back to his lips and speaking to Liam.]

Kent: Here's the deal Liam... I've heard you loud and clear, you wanted my attention. You wanted to send a message to me and I get that. Ralph over there thought it was a bad idea coming out here. He thought it was going to end badly and I get that. I've seen first hand what you do to your enemies. I've felt first hand what you do to your enemies... I wasn't the first and I'm certainly not the last. The car park back in Tokyo? oh boy, you nearly ended it all for me! You nearly took my era of God mode away and I don't blame you. That's what I admire about you Liam.. Ralph and I think you're alright really.

Kent: You busted my head open, right here and left me to bleed in a crumpled car. One on my forehead and the other at the back of my skull and I bled all over Tokyo that night six years ago...You smashed my face to the point that my family and friends doubted whether I should do this ever again.  They were disappointed in me when I came back out of fear and that fear has long been eroded because I've changed the game Liam. Genesis has changed the game and we will take it all... Just ask Max Adamson. Just ask Dicey Reilly. Just ask Scott Harris and just ask Chris Patricks.

Kent: You take care of your enemies and threats and I respect that, I truly do. You just have to look at the recent history... I mean, you've put yourself through hell and back so I'm proud of you Liam. Good for you little man, I'm proud of you. These fans appreciate how good you and so does Eddy Kent. You should be proud of that and all of your achievements all over the world... there's not many superstars who have your CV in the chaos you describe. What you said just now struck a few chords with your daddy so I'm going to tell you what's what Liam.

Kent: As champion, I watch all the wrestlers including you Liam, with open eyes and as I said impressed, truly impressed. But listening to what you had to say just now about change... I feel fooled. Sure your personal life is changed and I respect that... I see all the tattoos, I see all the gear you wear, it's cool. But in reality... it's just a paint job on Liam Wood isn't it? you've mentioned you don't like nostalgia but what do you do every week? you put on a nostalgia act. The same thing every week, the same music, the same entrance, the same world is against me act, the same insults... it's the same thing over, over and over again it's like missionary every night! Eddy Kent has changed though... I'm the 6WF undisputed world heavyweight champion... I'm the daddy of 6CWF, the leader of Genesis and I am inevitable!

[Kent chuckles once again and looks over at Santos before looking back at Liam with a relaxed smile still locking in on Wood.]

Kent: And yet, after all these years...I don't know the real Liam Wood...Let me ask you a few questions. What kind of man was your father? is your father a smart man? I'm not trying to anger you or rile you up... I simply want to get to know the real Liam Wood. I'm trying to understand why you don't understand your own limitations. And I get stuck on thinking maybe your father didn't teach you about your limitations did he? and praise aside Liam... I look at you and I don't think you're really built for this game. You're not supposed to be here.

Kent: You're not a castle, you're not a bishop, a knight, a king or a queen. You're a pawn on my chess board. You're simple...I'm the king of this board. Everything revolves around me and yet you still don't get that fact. You still think that you can take my 6WF undisputed world heavyweight championship but Liam... you can't. You're ill equipped, you're inferior to me. And I promise you right now, you will never EVER be 6WF undisputed world heavyweight champion. And come the hour or whenever you're opportunity comes you truly don't have a chance. And it's not your fault Liam...I don't blame you. It's your family.

Kent: The fact you think you have a chance against me in any wrestling match makes you a fool and if you're a fool... what does that make your father? what does that make Emmy? Fools. I can appreciate what you're trying to do but let's be honest here Liam. You have no clue what you're doing do you? you don't know have a plan or a structure... and that is you're other undoing Liam. You must be living under a rock if you're underestimating your daddy and Genesis, Liam. I'm the greatest of this generation no questions asked..I'm the greatest 6WF undisputed world heavyweight champion of all time which makes me the greatest to ever do this.

Kent: Alot has changed around here Liam, you know that. I expect people to step up I truly do but I didn't think it would be you stepping up. But you've got these people's attention... you've got Genesis's attention and most importantly you've got my attention Liam. I've advanced this business Liam and when I look at you... you want to take it back to the stone age. I've taken this business to becoming a multi billion dollars industry and what have you done? you are doing everything you can to take this business back to run down bingo halls like the one we are in tonight...

[The crowd boo as Kent chuckles vindictively as Wood remains fixed on Kent. Kent then speaks again.]

Kent: Liam, enjoy nights like this. You're little fun is coming to an end and so is your dreams, this is my reality. This is my company so take this night as one of the last ones you can enjoy before I smash you. Eddy Kent and Genesis will end you so badly that these fans will forget about Liam Wood. You're going to disappear... but don't worry Liam. A bigger star is in your household and when she wants to become a megastar I will let Emmy be that megastar Liam. Because I'm inevitable and I am Levels above them all...

[The crowd's excitement is palpable as Kent lowers his microphone with a sinister smile as he stares at Wood before looking back at Ralph Santos. The crowd are on their feet waiting to see what Liam Wood will do next as the camera focuses in on him.]


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6CWF Presents Proving Grounds - Friday 28th June (Episode 35) - Scars & Stripes Go Home Show Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Proving Grounds - Friday 28th June (Episode 35) - Scars & Stripes Go Home Show

Post by x12x Tue 25 Jun 2024, 8:55 am

Wood looks across the ring at the 6WF World Champion, his eyes locked on Eddy's belt as he begins to speak

you done?

Wood lets out a sarcastic sigh before he continue

I wasn't sure if that was ever going to end and while most of it became white noise there were a few things that really stuck out to me...amongst all the pseudo psychology projection bullsh¡t...

You don't think I'm built for this business? I've been doing this for 11 years and the only thing that's ever stopped me is the entire world locking many times have you walked away in that same time period?

It's funny that you call yourself the king though because it's true...if this was chess, you'd be the King because it's a 1 dimensional piece that needs every other piece to protect it and without others around it, it can't do a f**king thing.

Wood smirks at Kent as he continues, his voice taking a more serious tone

but lets drop the metaphors and the nicknames and get real, you want to know how I really feel? Lets do it...this might sound like a contradiction but I cannot f**king stand you but it's not personal... see, to truly hate someone they have to mean something to you as an individual but to are nothing. You're a paint by numbers cliche who gets his 'best lines' from other people on Twitter and spends way too long saying the same thing over and over again...

...oh you're the best and I'm not as good? Ground breaking...

...You want to talk about the woman I love? You think that's going to be the thing that pushes me over the edge and gets in my head? Get in the f**king and every other single so called bad guy has tried and failed...

...even your former bodyguard Tyler Roth... should be ashamed actually, his attempt was better than yours...
...and look what happened to him.

Wood pauses for a moment letting out a little laugh to himself

The funny thing is, I showed Emmy the tweet you sent when you said she needed a 'real man' and you know what she replied with? She asked me if you were being serious referencing yourself as a real man...because all she see's is a man going through a midlife crisis calling himself Daddy...

...I believe her exact words were "I think I'd rather set myself on fire than take that man's virginity".

Tough luck I guess...maybe try something new?

I'm actually begging you, because honestly, if I have to stand here and watch you talk about Emmy again and say the same things they all say but take about 5 times longer to say it...I might just set myself on fire as well.

Like I said, nothing personal though...

Wood's smirk widens as he continues

...It's just I hate the way that you walk, the way that you talk, I hate the way that you dress. I even hate when you say the word "daddy", but that's just me, I guess...

now for any fans listening they may have picked up on the fact I was paraphrasing the lyrics of Kendrick Lamar and his recent diss towards Drake and believe me, I pick my words for a reason and to make a point... see, you want to claim you're the King of 6CWF but you're're the Drake...a middle aged man who also calls himself Daddy with an over inflated ego who appeals to the lowest common denominator but instead of ghost writers you have Genesis doing everything for you and just like Drake you're going to be exposed when a true great comes along.

...and that's me.
I'm the Kendrick in this and your time, just like the clock during the match at Scars And Stripes is running out if they put me in that match.

Wood lowers the mic, the fans cheering for him as he does


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6CWF Presents Proving Grounds - Friday 28th June (Episode 35) - Scars & Stripes Go Home Show Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Proving Grounds - Friday 28th June (Episode 35) - Scars & Stripes Go Home Show

Post by Marky Tue 25 Jun 2024, 1:50 pm

Rex Adamson is sat watching the Liam Wood and Eddy Kent argument, shaking his head as he looks down at his Fight for the Right briefcase. He is deep in thought when he sees Percy Percival with some members of his congregation behind him, walking along the corridor. Rex stands up.

Rex: You.

Percy was mid conversation but stops immediately and stares at the youngster

Rex: How is it that you manage to get into The Hour and I'm once again stuck on the peripheral?

Percy smiles at Rex

Percy: Well, well, well... If it isn't my little Step Brother...

Rex: Hang on... What? Step Brother?

Percy: Well... You know... We have the same Daddy...

Rex puts his head in his hands and sighs, as Percy smirks at Rex

Percy: So if I beat Daddy, and win the 6WF World Championship, and I become his Daddy... Where does that leave us? Do I become your Grand Daddy?

Rex snaps back at Percy

Rex: It makes us nothing. Ultimately, it makes you deluded, the fact you think you're going to dethrone Kent... But on the off chance you do manage to upset the odds, and you're standing in the ring with the 6WF World Championship...

Rex lifts up his Fight for the Right briefcase

Rex: ...It makes you my target.

Percy: I mean...

Rex is angry as he stares at Percy

Rex: What? What do you mean, huh?

Percy: It's just...

Percy looks sympathetic as he continues

Percy: ...You might not be the owner of that briefcase by then...

Percy grins as Rex is clearly agitated but trying to maintain a level of calmness

Rex: I'm not doing it. I'm not going to rise to your bait Percy. I don't need this sh*t.

Percy: Ooooh... Somebodies grumpy...

Rex angrily grabs Percy by the scruff of the neck and shoves him up against a wall

Percy: "Stepbrother... What are you doing..."

Percy laughs as Rex immediately lets go in disgust, holding his hands up

Rex: I don't need this sh*t...

Rex picks up his Fight for the Right briefcase and storms off, leaving Percy and his congregation laughing


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6CWF Presents Proving Grounds - Friday 28th June (Episode 35) - Scars & Stripes Go Home Show Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Proving Grounds - Friday 28th June (Episode 35) - Scars & Stripes Go Home Show

Post by Steel Tue 25 Jun 2024, 3:56 pm

The cameras cut backstage Geoff Steel can be seen watching on a monitor the interaction between Blue Dragon and Logan Kincade in the ring.
The figure of Tim Allen swiftly Jon's him and the two watch the exchange continue.

TA: Arent you going to interject yourself into the equation and join them out there?

Steel snorts and smiles while continuing to watch.

GS: You know Tim I've pulled some stupid stunts in my career and have more than my fair share of regrets, going out there tonight though to confront those two in the mood they seem to be in would no doubt make the top of that list of regrets, so I think I'll pass Tim if it's ok with you.
I don't need any further reason to give the medical staff the chance to pull me from active duty which I know both those guys are fully capable of.

TA: Youll have little choice though come Proving Grounds but to get in the ring with them.

GS:True, the way they are talking tonight you wouldn't suspect it but they are supposed to be on my side, if they are truly ever on anyone's side but they're own. One can hope there's enough distractions for them to deal with on the otherside before they start looking for trouble inwards. God knows it's only a matter of time before one if not both start to take an interest in the Xtreme title, I'd rather not do anything to speed up proceedings.

TA: Id say that's a pretty wise strategy. It's a formidable grouping enough you have to contend with without adding the brothers to the mix, any strategy on how you will cope with such a match?

Steel laughs and gives Tim a side glance.

GS: Honestly, looking at the lunatics I'll have the pleasure of sharing the ring with I don't think there's much point preparing in advance it's just far too combustible, you know you are in trouble when I'm considered the sane one of the group.
My aim for proving grounds is to get out of there as unscathed as possible and move on to Scars and Stripes in as close to one piece as allows.
Secondary to that is causing Marty Helms as much pain as humanly possible, I'm sure there's two guys who can assist, that's it that's all of my personal goals for this match.
Of course there's the additional pressure of me being the Xtreme champion, this is supposed to be the environment in which I thrive, this is my wheelhouse. I aim to carry this championship for the foreseeable and that includes knowing when to reign it in and dial back the exploits to protect my longevity as champion, Proving Grounds is one of those occasions knowing what's up next on the horizon.
Don't take that statement Tim as me not wanting to put on a show for all those in attendance I'll make sure they go home happy, then I'll pay them back tenfold when it truly matters.

Steel then looks at watch.

GS: Youll have to excuse me now Tim as pleasent as this has been, I've been informed if I want to remain clear there's strict orders that regular medical appointments are a must and the docs are calling.

With that Steel walks from shot leaving Tim still watching the monitor.

Last edited by Steel on Wed 26 Jun 2024, 9:48 am; edited 1 time in total


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6CWF Presents Proving Grounds - Friday 28th June (Episode 35) - Scars & Stripes Go Home Show Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Proving Grounds - Friday 28th June (Episode 35) - Scars & Stripes Go Home Show

Post by Uryu Ishida Tue 25 Jun 2024, 4:42 pm

Uryu doesn't look up or acknowledge the voice. It sounds familiar to him and he wants it to stop but he doesn't have the strength to shut it up.

???: Why are you here Uryu? You look like a mess.

Silence was the reply.

???: Uryu...

The voice sighed.

???: Typical...your head is a mess and you won't even open up. Come on now, I'm not going away. It's why I waited here for hours.

Uryu struggles to talk but mumbles out...

UI: Shouldn't have bothered...

???: At last he speaks! I ain't out here roasting my ass off in this heat for fun Uryu. So let me be blunt. You gonna quit? You gonna call it a day and say you are done?

A few silent seconds pass by.

???: Jesus christ Uryu you've had weeks of getting your ass handed to you by a guy with a screw loose and now you wanna quit? How many times have you been here? How many guys with screws loose have we faced? Ethan Shaw, Engel, Plague, Cassius Zhi!


Uryu slams his balled up fist against the door.

UI: I...I don't know what to do...

???: Really? You don't know what to do? Seriously? You walked all the way from the hospital to here just to say you don't know? You think being here helps make your choice?

UI: This time...feels different...

???: Being here? Why it's the roof of the arena, You are up here every week to relax. What is so different about it now?

UI: The hurts so much.

Uryu starts fidgeting and scratching at old wounds but the figure stops him from continuing.

???: Hey, Enough of that! The sun ain't that bad you know. You've flown close to it for a long time, A long, long time. You aren't Icarus though. He didn't win a world title by beating a madman in Clarke James. What makes Perfect Jack so different to everyone else?

Another moment of silence is broken by the mystery mans frustrated voice.

???: If you think I am telling Max that you are quitting you can Frak right off! I want you to stand up and fight Uryu...but I cannot make you stand up and fight. Only you can do that. Fighting is what you are best at. Yet you think you have run out of fight? That everything has caught back up to you? are just scared of losing. You are just a god damn...


???: Woah there Uryu! Glad to see you have some fire left in you...


Uryu is starting to break down as he bangs his fist repeatedly into the door.

UI: When I was the champ...I barely had a defence by myself...there was always someone else getting in the way...saving my ass. When I faced Plague he would pull some crap and i'd end up on the negative end of it. I can't do much more to save one of the few people I call a friend. I am tired of everything feeling pointless. I take a win in the ring, I'm in an ambulance ten seconds later. I start my match and I am screwed by my tag partner. I have been at this long slog so Frak long I just want to rest...

Uryu starts quietly sobbing as the figure wraps an arm around his shoulder.

???: I know, It's not fun being the kicked puppy all the time. I've been through that. Being told that 'Daddy still loves you' over and over. You do everything he asks and then some and I understand that you feel like you get no reward. Yet the reward ain't from him many messages did you get in hospital? Come many?

UI: I..I dunno...

???: 1954 Emails, About 20k through X and weirdly you are still getting hand written letters of encouragement. Thought people would have typed them up aat least but hey ho. Those are the ones that matter. Every message they send is your reward. They think you are worth something. I think you are worth something and can still kick ass! Yet...this is your call to make. If you want to quit then you go to the GM's office and you tell them to their face like the men they are, Like the man of respect you are. If you want to continue though you need to send a statement to Perfect Jack. To everyone else that you are here to break arms to get what you want! You need to get in their faces and break them in half! You might even want to find those answers to the questions in your head. Only one person has them and you know damn well who it is. If you wanna continue Uryu, You gotta fight for what you want.

The mystery figure stands up and his voice can be heard getting fainter.

???: Whatever you decide...make sure of it.

Uryu slowly stops crying and slowly looks up. A high up camera reveals Uryu alone on the roof with his back against the only way in or out.

Uryu Ishida

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6CWF Presents Proving Grounds - Friday 28th June (Episode 35) - Scars & Stripes Go Home Show Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Proving Grounds - Friday 28th June (Episode 35) - Scars & Stripes Go Home Show

Post by Bentyf1 Wed 26 Jun 2024, 8:48 pm

[The crowd are clearly on Wood's side as he stares daggers at Kent and Santos. Kent purses his face tightly before furrowing his brow slightly. A few seconds pass as Kent turns to Santos who looks back at his leader with a now smug grin seemingly more relaxed than earlier. As the camera zooms in, Kent shares a cheeky grin with Santos and a condescending demeanour has now taken over the champ. Kent licks his lips before raising the microphone to speak to Ralph Santos.]

Kent: You hear that Ralph? Liam Wood hates me?! me! Simple Liam Wood doesn't like the man who puts food on his dinner table... And after every positive thing we have said about him. Now Ralph, you know we don't do hate on my show... Genesis doesn't do hate on their time. So why does Liam Wood want to talk about hate? is it because he's a hateful person? is it because Liam Wood hates success? or is it Ralph... maybe, just maybe, Liam Wood is envious of Eddy Kent and his change. Liam Wood wishes in the past decade he could change but he can't... He'll always be the runner up.  As a matter of fact, has Liam Wood ever competed for the undisputed 6WF world heavyweight championship? has he ever been in anything other than a hardcore free for all where the prize is adulation from the underground fans that fill out bingo halls like where we are this evening?

[Kent turns back to Wood with a condescending, vindictive attitude, his pearly whites peeking from his lips as the crowd cheer for Wood. Kent tosses the microphone again in his hands as he looks directly at Wood before speaking again.]

Kent: Emmy, I wan't to apologise in advanced because sadly, if your man keeps saying stupid stuff and defaming the man who makes this place tick, he's going to be rocking up to another hospital bed! Emmy knows this deep down but Liam, you clearly don't have the star power that I have. You'll never reach the levels I reach and continue to reach and let's just be honest it's not your fault. I don't blame you Liam, we just go back to the subject of limitations and your limitations.

Kent: But I do want to make one thing clear for the record.. I think your worthy Liam. I think you're more than worthy to challenge for my 6WF undisputed world heavyweight championship at the hour down in Texas or any other time down the road. I also think you're worthy to catch a beat down from Eddy Kent at the hour or in the future. But just for the record before you people boo and cheer Wood, as I said.. Liam you come out here with the same schtick every week but what seperates you from many wrestlers around the world is that your hungry and you want it. I dig that about you, just know that. So...if you do want to carry on down this path, Liam, I'm going to smash you and send you right back to that hospital bed. Does Emmy want that?

Kent: Let me give you some advice Liam, And the greatest of all time doesn't hand out advice all that often. Especially not to anyone else other than his Genesis family...This is my show. 6CWF is mine. I'm the 6WF undisputed world heavyweight champion, not the EWF world champion, 6CW UK champion, EWF television champion...I'm the face of this company. I'm your daddy and I am the leader of the hall of fame group, Genesis. And one day, Liam, years from now I'm sure you will have your moment in the sun.

Kent: One day you're going to have the opportunity to be the man. One day you're going to look in the mirror and you'll see the man you've always wanted to be. You will have changed, matured and flourished and in that moment, in that very moment you'll be thinking about this very second sharing the ring with the greatest of all time. And instead of hating me Liam, you're going to love me for them. For the lessons that I have taught you and will teach you. And Liam, I'm going to love you right back. Becuase, Liam, you will always be my favourite runner up.

[The crowd boo ferociously as Kent hands the microphone back to Ralph Santos and looks as Liam with a condescending and smug grin. Kent mouths something at Liam in the form of "take my advice" and holds his hands up innocently and smugly as Wood stares on. The crowd are on their feet and chanting Liam Wood as Kent turns back at Santos and chuckles.]


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6CWF Presents Proving Grounds - Friday 28th June (Episode 35) - Scars & Stripes Go Home Show Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Proving Grounds - Friday 28th June (Episode 35) - Scars & Stripes Go Home Show

Post by DP Wed 26 Jun 2024, 11:10 pm

A exclusive is aired, showing Scott Harris loading his car up after Proving Grounds concluded. Clarissa approaches him just as he's getting into the driver seat.

Cl: Scott Harris, a quick word for

Harris gets back out of the car and leans against it, smiling warmly at the interviewer.

SH: No problem at all, Clarissa. Anything for the fans!

Cl: Thanks Scott. We just wanted your immediate reaction to securing your place in The Hour and your opponents?

SH: My immediate reaction is that the job is half done. I'm not resting on anything now my name is inked into this match, Clarissa. That'd be criminal.

The first half of the job was getting into the match. The second half is winning the thing. That's what I'm focussed on. That's my priority.

In a match full of ego and subplots galore, I've just got to do my thing. I've got to keep my head, believe that I can do it and rack up as many pinfalls and submissions as I can. It's that simple. It's just a case of doing the job.

Cl: And speaking of racking up the pinfalls, we saw a new addition to your already stacked arsenal. Is that something that you adopted especially with The Hour in mind?

SH: Absolutely. It was almost poetic that Mike Masters got the first taste of it too. It was only right that that douche got it first. The Hour is going to be about impact and getting points on the board quickly. A move like that means I can hit it when I need to and to coin a phrase 'outta nowhere'.

6CWF's wrestling machine just got that bit more dangerous. My opponents at the Go Home and then at Scars and Stripes will see that first hand.

If you'll pardon the pun, they'll kneed more Harris...

Harris gets back into his car leaving Clarissa looking confused. The car starts up and moves forward slightly, before Harris brakes and opens his driver side window.

SH: Clarissa, ask the guys in editing to chop that pun out please? It was awful, wasn't it?

Cl: It wasn't good, Scott.

SH: As a pun, no. But as a name for the move, I think we're onto something! See you Friday.

With that, Harris drives away and the scene ends.


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6CWF Presents Proving Grounds - Friday 28th June (Episode 35) - Scars & Stripes Go Home Show Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Proving Grounds - Friday 28th June (Episode 35) - Scars & Stripes Go Home Show

Post by x12x Thu 27 Jun 2024, 1:37 am

As Kenty stops speaking the camera cuts to Wood who has a blank look on his face as he mockingly pretends to be tired, letting out a sarcastic yawn

You really don't hear yourself do you? You just start to ramble and without a hint of irony or self awareness you reel off this bullsh¡t, don't you?

How can you stand there and talk about how I repeat the same thing, week in week out, when you're literally doing the exact thing right now? I literally just laughed in your face for taking what felt like a life time to tell me that you think you're better than me and bringing up Emmy...

...and then you do the exact same thing...
...3000th times a charm, I guess?

Wood pauses for a second, shaking his head at Kenty in mock disbelief

I'd call it an insult that you'd put in so little effort while saying so much but at this point I'm honestly worried that the collective IQ of Genesis would struggle to break 100...

...and yes, I'm including you Ralph.

The fans laugh as the camera looks at Ralph there is a clear annoyance.

You're the greatest of all time?

It's cute you're brave enough to be that delusional but lets say we take away your little team of yes men...and we make you fight your own fights...where does that leave you?

I guess we'll find out soon enough actually...

...Tyler Roth and Michael Sweetwater have been put out of action and Rex Adamson is starting to see that you will forever be a stain on his career if he continues to enable you. Sooner or later you are going to have to stand on your own two feet and that's when it'll hit you...

...without the shoulders of giants to stand'll never truly be able to see the top of the mountain.

Wood smirks, dropping the mic and walking out of the ring leaving Eddy standing on his own as Ralph Santos looks on. As Wood leaves the fans begin to chant and cheer for him.


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6CWF Presents Proving Grounds - Friday 28th June (Episode 35) - Scars & Stripes Go Home Show Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Proving Grounds - Friday 28th June (Episode 35) - Scars & Stripes Go Home Show

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