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6CWF Proving Grounds - Wednesday 14th August 2024 (Episode 38)

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6CWF Proving Grounds - Wednesday 14th August 2024 (Episode 38) Empty 6CWF Proving Grounds - Wednesday 14th August 2024 (Episode 38)

Post by JJJohnson Mon 05 Aug 2024, 7:18 pm

Live from the Copper Box, London
Start time : 7pm
Official theme songs: "All of the lights" by Rihanna & Kanye West

Bout 1
Six-Pack Challenge
Blue Dragon vs GazzyD vs JJ Johnson vs Liam Wood vs Percy Percival vs Rex Adamson

Bout 2
Perfect Jack vs ???

Bout 3
Strange Bedfellows
Acer/Daniel Reilly/Scott Harris vs Geoff Steel/Jimmy Phillips/Mike Masters

Bout 4
6CWF European Championship
Open Challenge
Dicey Reilly (c) vs ???

Main Event
Six-Pack Challenge
Brandon Perez vs Chris Patricks vs Eddy Kent vs Logan Kincade vs The Saint vs Uryu Ishida


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6CWF Proving Grounds - Wednesday 14th August 2024 (Episode 38) Empty Re: 6CWF Proving Grounds - Wednesday 14th August 2024 (Episode 38)

Post by acer101 Mon 05 Aug 2024, 7:42 pm

The crowd's murmuring intensifies as Acer surprisingly walks to the ring without any entrance music. His usual interactions with the crowd are gone, replaced by a solemn, focused walk, revealing he has much on his mind. His blank stare and the repeated clenching of his fists suggest that his laughter in Tim Allen’s face at Night of Champions was just a facade, a coping mechanism hiding deeper turmoil.

“Well, I bet you are all glad I kept my promise and called it right down the middle at Night of Champions? Ah, who am I kidding? All you cared about was Scotty Harris winning and Daniel Reilly losing because that’s all what mattered to you. It didn’t matter what Acer, JJ’s buddy, or JJ’s ‘Make-a-Wish’ commitment did, because that is how you and the whole world apparently sees me!.”

The crowd is taken aback by this outburst. Acer starts angrily picking at his beard, revealing a bare patch from weeks of compulsive plucking.

“And the thing is, I’m fighting battles on two fronts. On one side, I have Reilly and Harris: Reilly, always lingering like a bad smell, and Harris, who sees me as a stepping stone to the top. On the other, I’m at war with relevancy. You see no matter what I do, I’m always in their shadows. It’s always been ‘JJ, Saint, and Acer’ or ‘Saint and Acer’ or ‘JJ…and Acer,’ like I’m an afterthought, like they see JJ or Saint and don’t bother to take a second glance at me. No matter what I do in this ring, no matter what I accomplish, I’m seen as a charity case, here solely because of who I’m friends with and not my talent. I’m trying to forge my own path through this maze we call 6CWF, but they’re there at every turn. I can’t escape their shadows to create my own legacy!”

“Maybe that’s partially my fault because, for too long, I’ve been selfless, putting their careers before mine. Now that I’ve decided to put myself first, I’m told to ‘remember who my friends are’ as if I’m a child.”
Acer’s voice begins to tremble, tears appearing in his eyes, his face exuding raw emotion. “Those friends forget that I’ve sacrificed and bled for them, and when it felt like the world was against them, I was their biggest cheerleader. And what do I get in return? On the biggest night of my career, when I needed my friends to pick me up and console me, they left early to party, leaving me with a six-pack that was on sale for £4.99 — because that’s what I’m worth to them.”

Acer initially bangs the microphone against his forehead before stopping to wipe away his tears with his hoodie sleeve, taking a moment to steady himself. Once he has composed himself he begins to speak again, his voice still filled with anger.

“And then there’s the podcast, where JJ gushed over his friendship with Saint, and how Saint is ‘his guy.’ You’d think after everything we’ve done together, I’d also be his guy, but if you’ve listened to it, and let’s be honest who hasn’t, you know the answer. He went on for three hours and could have spoken about our friendship, our brotherhood in the Coalition, or even briefly mentioned my time as owner/operator of 6WF. But he didn’t. Instead, he brought up the lowest point of my career, when I was the victim of vindictive creative as payback for my time in charge of 6WF. And to JJ, it was just a throwaway line. Is that how little he thinks of me?”

Acer wells up again with a mix of anger, sadness, and despair but quickly shifts his focus back to the men he shared the ring with at Night of Champions.

“In a sense, I’m jealous of Harris and Reilly because they have someone who believes in them and their quest for the World Championship. Reilly has Keane; Harris has the people. I have no one who believes in me.” Some of the crowd boo at this, prompting Acer to retort with even more intensity, “You can boo all you want because if it were between me and Harris to be Champion, deep down, you know you’re all aboard the ‘Needs More Harris’ Hype Train. And that’s okay; I’m not one to judge. Because it doesn’t matter that neither you nor anyone else believes in me, because I BELIEVE in me.

This isn’t just Acer speaking; this is Anthony, the real man behind the name. If you don’t believe in me, step aside, because otherwise you’re about to become a stepping stone on my path to greatness. Those who doubt me are not just critics; they’re my enemies, and they’ll have no choice but to watch in awe as I dismantle their favorites one by one en route to wearing that 12 pounds of gold. Go ahead, doubt me now, because soon, every single one of you will be a believer. Because my name is Acer, beat me if you can.”

With that Acer stares down the camera, breathing heavily and clearly still full of rage. He then launches the microphone into the canvas before storming to the back.


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6CWF Proving Grounds - Wednesday 14th August 2024 (Episode 38) Empty Re: 6CWF Proving Grounds - Wednesday 14th August 2024 (Episode 38)

Post by Steel Mon 05 Aug 2024, 8:09 pm

The screen in the arena flickers into life and we join a scene far away from the current location. We appear in a room heavily filled with smoke so much so that most of the features of the surroundings are unrecognisable, a shadowy figure of a large man can be made out and that of a glowing red blade, the man strikes at the metal with a rhythmic clang of hammer against anvil, before a loud hiss can be heard as the blade is plunged into a water trough. He removes the steaming blade and carries it across the room returning the blade to a forge, the light of the flames now illuminate the room and the man looks directly at the camera, he removes a hood from his head and the familiar face of Geoff Steel appears, sweat drips from his brow and his eyes burn with intensity.

GS: In this forge I am at home, I mold steel into unyielding power and strength forever unbreakable lasting the passages of time. With each strike of my hammer every spark that flies is a show of my dedication and resolve.

Steel lifts a hammer against his lips and closes his eyes.

GS: I am tempered by flames the blade my brother, both ready to cut down anyone who dares to stand in our way. The wolves are impatient and growing bold testing my will, yet they will welp and recoil when my true fury in unleashed.

The glowing blade is then removed from the fire and steel traces the spine of it with the hammer.

GS: You think you can handle the heat? Step into my world and let see who gets burned. I create destiny with my own hands relying on no other for inspiration, the only restraint my own imagination.

Steel walks back to anvil and strikes at it one more time causing orange sparks to fly in all directions, he then turns back to the camera.

GS: My enemies are brittle, raw, truly untested, where my skills have been honed by enduring pain and hardship to the point I have re-emerged stronger. When they face me they face true resilience and an unwavering desire to succeed.

In the ring I forge victory.

Steel plunges the blade into the water once more to angry crackle, the camera then steams up as the scene ends.


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6CWF Proving Grounds - Wednesday 14th August 2024 (Episode 38) Empty Re: 6CWF Proving Grounds - Wednesday 14th August 2024 (Episode 38)

Post by x12x Mon 05 Aug 2024, 8:24 pm

Harbinger by Many Eyes blasts through the speaker as we see the figure of Liam Wood walk out on to the stage and to the shock of the fans he has the 6WF World Title over his shoulder, Wood wastes no time making his way to the ring and taking a mic before standing tall in the middle of the ring, a look of anger across his face

5th of August 2024...the day I became the true 6WF world champion...

The majority of fans cheer but some look confused as Wood continues to speak

You see, this title over my shoulder might 'just' be a replica belt but for all intents and purposes, it means more than the one that Eddy Kent is still allowed to call his own. A second defence in a row he's had his skin saved by a little b¡tch...Miss Jessica at Scars And Stripes and now Damien Andrews at Night Of Champions... forgive me for not caring what the record books say, but Eddy, your championship reign is now null and void in the eyes of anyone with more than 3 braincells. This replica belt in my possession means more than the 'real' title that you call your own and I think even your own faction see that as well.

This belt might be 'fake' but it's a hell of a lot more real than your claim to calling yourself a can call yourself Daddy, claim that you're dominant and you can talk about how your title reign has broken records but it means nothing when you actually pay attention...

...You're like Lance Armstrong, your bragging rights come off the back of being a cheating scumbag.

Wood now changes his target for his vitriol

At Night Of Champions I beat you only to have that fraud of a GM Damien Andrews screw me over...and apparently now I'm on my "last warning"? Who the hell does he think he is?

I give out the warnings, I don't take them and I'll continue to do what I want, when I want until things are put right. Andrews, you didn't step in when I was screwed over time and time again, you didn't step in when I've been outnumbered in what were meant to be one on one matches and when you did step in is to help out your old friend Eddy Kent and take away what was rightfully mine...

I said it a few weeks ago and I'll say it again, 6CWF is being held back by frauds and Damien Andrews, you're the biggest one...

Your threats are hollow

You're going to take away my chance of fighting for a world title?
Maybe I'll take away one of your world champions.

You're going to fine me if I put my hands on you? Guess what...I'm rich mother f**ker! I already have more money than I know what to do because of the lucrative contracts this company have given me...

...all it means, is that if you p¡ss me off again or you overstep the mark, that I'm going to really have to make sure I get my monies worth...

Wood pauses one last time

So to Eddy Kent and any of the boys in the're looking at the true king of 6WF and the true 6CWF World Champion.

Damien Andrews...f*ck you!
Eddy Kent...f*ck you!

Wood lowers the mic and climbs to the second turnbuckle, posing for the fans with a determined look on his face. As he poses he shouts "ONE TRUE KING" and points at the symbolic world title over his shoulder.


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6CWF Proving Grounds - Wednesday 14th August 2024 (Episode 38) Empty Re: 6CWF Proving Grounds - Wednesday 14th August 2024 (Episode 38)

Post by Marky Mon 05 Aug 2024, 10:27 pm

x12x wrote:
Harbinger by Many Eyes blasts through the speaker as we see the figure of Liam Wood walk out on to the stage and to the shock of the fans he has the 6WF World Title over his shoulder, Wood wastes no time making his way to the ring and taking a mic before standing tall in the middle of the ring, a look of anger across his face

5th of August 2024...the day I became the true 6WF world champion...

The majority of fans cheer but some look confused as Wood continues to speak

You see, this title over my shoulder might 'just' be a replica belt but for all intents and purposes, it means more than the one that Eddy Kent is still allowed to call his own. A second defence in a row he's had his skin saved by a little b¡tch...Miss Jessica at Scars And Stripes and now Damien Andrews at Night Of Champions... forgive me for not caring what the record books say, but Eddy, your championship reign is now null and void in the eyes of anyone with more than 3 braincells. This replica belt in my possession means more than the 'real' title that you call your own and I think even your own faction see that as well.

This belt might be 'fake' but it's a hell of a lot more real than your claim to calling yourself a can call yourself Daddy, claim that you're dominant and you can talk about how your title reign has broken records but it means nothing when you actually pay attention...

...You're like Lance Armstrong, your bragging rights come off the back of being a cheating scumbag.

Wood now changes his target for his vitriol

At Night Of Champions I beat you only to have that fraud of a GM Damien Andrews screw me over...and apparently now I'm on my "last warning"? Who the hell does he think he is?

I give out the warnings, I don't take them and I'll continue to do what I want, when I want until things are put right. Andrews, you didn't step in when I was screwed over time and time again, you didn't step in when I've been outnumbered in what were meant to be one on one matches and when you did step in is to help out your old friend Eddy Kent and take away what was rightfully mine...

I said it a few weeks ago and I'll say it again, 6CWF is being held back by frauds and Damien Andrews, you're the biggest one...

Your threats are hollow

You're going to take away my chance of fighting for a world title?
Maybe I'll take away one of your world champions.

You're going to fine me if I put my hands on you? Guess what...I'm rich mother f**ker! I already have more money than I know what to do because of the lucrative contracts this company have given me...

...all it means, is that if you p¡ss me off again or you overstep the mark, that I'm going to really have to make sure I get my monies worth...

Wood pauses one last time

So to Eddy Kent and any of the boys in the're looking at the true king of 6WF and the true 6CWF World Champion.

Damien Andrews...f*ck you!
Eddy Kent...f*ck you!

Wood lowers the mic and climbs to the second turnbuckle, posing for the fans with a determined look on his face. As he poses he shouts "ONE TRUE KING" and points at the symbolic world title over his shoulder.

"Tobey" by Eminem hits and the crowd reaction is very mixed, as Rex Adamson slowly walks out to the entrance, he is wearing dark blue jeans and a black and green Genesis zip up hoodie, he has his Fight for the Right briefcase in one hand, and a microphone in the other. He is rapping along to the "Tobey Maguire got bit by a spider, see, me, it was a GOAT" lyric as he waits for the music to fade out. He looks at Wood in the ring and shrugs in his direction.

Rex: Don't mind me Liam. I thought I'd actually have a conversation with you on a platform that isn't Twitter for once. But I do empathise with you Liam. I genuinely do.

Rex slowly walks towards the ring as he talks

Rex: I mean, for the second week in a row, you've had an hour to get the job done, and for the second week in a row, you've failed to get over the line...

Rex laughs as the crowd boo, and Wood looks down at him from the ring, clearly not in the mood for Rex's antagonising

Rex: Look, I get your point. Milf Jessica cost you in The Hour, Damien Andrews cost you during Night of Champions, but giving yourself a fake Championship... That's just weird mate.

(RJ: Did he say Milf?)

Rex keeps walking towards the ring

Rex: Because, no matter how many times you claim you're the real Champion... You aren't. It's just factually inaccurate.

More boos are heard as Rex climbs the ring steps, but stands on the ring apron on the outside of the ropes, ignoring Wood beckoning him inside the ring

Rex: See, if I used this here briefcase, and cashed it in on you... It would mean nothing. Literally nothing. Listen, there's an argument that you've been hard done by. But two title matches and no wins... You've drawn with Kent twice now. But it's called Champions Advantage for a reason...


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6CWF Proving Grounds - Wednesday 14th August 2024 (Episode 38) Empty Re: 6CWF Proving Grounds - Wednesday 14th August 2024 (Episode 38)

Post by BlueDragon1205 Tue 06 Aug 2024, 12:54 am

Marky wrote:
x12x wrote:
Harbinger by Many Eyes blasts through the speaker as we see the figure of Liam Wood walk out on to the stage and to the shock of the fans he has the 6WF World Title over his shoulder, Wood wastes no time making his way to the ring and taking a mic before standing tall in the middle of the ring, a look of anger across his face

5th of August 2024...the day I became the true 6WF world champion...

The majority of fans cheer but some look confused as Wood continues to speak

You see, this title over my shoulder might 'just' be a replica belt but for all intents and purposes, it means more than the one that Eddy Kent is still allowed to call his own. A second defence in a row he's had his skin saved by a little b¡tch...Miss Jessica at Scars And Stripes and now Damien Andrews at Night Of Champions... forgive me for not caring what the record books say, but Eddy, your championship reign is now null and void in the eyes of anyone with more than 3 braincells. This replica belt in my possession means more than the 'real' title that you call your own and I think even your own faction see that as well.

This belt might be 'fake' but it's a hell of a lot more real than your claim to calling yourself a can call yourself Daddy, claim that you're dominant and you can talk about how your title reign has broken records but it means nothing when you actually pay attention...

...You're like Lance Armstrong, your bragging rights come off the back of being a cheating scumbag.

Wood now changes his target for his vitriol

At Night Of Champions I beat you only to have that fraud of a GM Damien Andrews screw me over...and apparently now I'm on my "last warning"? Who the hell does he think he is?

I give out the warnings, I don't take them and I'll continue to do what I want, when I want until things are put right. Andrews, you didn't step in when I was screwed over time and time again, you didn't step in when I've been outnumbered in what were meant to be one on one matches and when you did step in is to help out your old friend Eddy Kent and take away what was rightfully mine...

I said it a few weeks ago and I'll say it again, 6CWF is being held back by frauds and Damien Andrews, you're the biggest one...

Your threats are hollow

You're going to take away my chance of fighting for a world title?
Maybe I'll take away one of your world champions.

You're going to fine me if I put my hands on you? Guess what...I'm rich mother f**ker! I already have more money than I know what to do because of the lucrative contracts this company have given me...

...all it means, is that if you p¡ss me off again or you overstep the mark, that I'm going to really have to make sure I get my monies worth...

Wood pauses one last time

So to Eddy Kent and any of the boys in the're looking at the true king of 6WF and the true 6CWF World Champion.

Damien Andrews...f*ck you!
Eddy Kent...f*ck you!

Wood lowers the mic and climbs to the second turnbuckle, posing for the fans with a determined look on his face. As he poses he shouts "ONE TRUE KING" and points at the symbolic world title over his shoulder.

"Tobey" by Eminem hits and the crowd reaction is very mixed, as Rex Adamson slowly walks out to the entrance, he is wearing dark blue jeans and a black and green Genesis zip up hoodie, he has his Fight for the Right briefcase in one hand, and a microphone in the other. He is rapping along to the "Tobey Maguire got bit by a spider, see, me, it was a GOAT" lyric as he waits for the music to fade out. He looks at Wood in the ring and shrugs in his direction.

Rex: Don't mind me Liam. I thought I'd actually have a conversation with you on a platform that isn't Twitter for once. But I do empathise with you Liam. I genuinely do.

Rex slowly walks towards the ring as he talks

Rex: I mean, for the second week in a row, you've had an hour to get the job done, and for the second week in a row, you've failed to get over the line...

Rex laughs as the crowd boo, and Wood looks down at him from the ring, clearly not in the mood for Rex's antagonising

Rex: Look, I get your point. Milf Jessica cost you in The Hour, Damien Andrews cost you during Night of Champions, but giving yourself a fake Championship... That's just weird mate.

(RJ: Did he say Milf?)

Rex keeps walking towards the ring

Rex: Because, no matter how many times you claim you're the real Champion... You aren't. It's just factually inaccurate.

More boos are heard as Rex climbs the ring steps, but stands on the ring apron on the outside of the ropes, ignoring Wood beckoning him inside the ring

Rex: See, if I used this here briefcase, and cashed it in on you... It would mean nothing. Literally nothing. Listen, there's an argument that you've been hard done by. But two title matches and no wins... You've drawn with Kent twice now. But it's called Champions Advantage for a reason...

Liam Wood stands in the ring, and Rex Adamson stands on the apron, the lights dim and their heads spin towards the ramp as flames burst from the stage and 'Bodies' hits the airwaves. The fans erupt in a mix of cheers and boos, mainly a reaction for the expectant fireworks coming...

Blue Dragon saunters through the entranceway. His shoulders draped in gold as his 6CWF Tag Team Championship hangs from his left side and on the right shoulder sits the 6CW World Heavyweight Championship.

As the camera pans from one side to the other his face is smug and he has a wry smirk. Blue Dragon reaches into his suit jacket and takes out a microphone. He looks at both men for a second and shakes his head...

This is what we've lowered ourselves to? 
Have neither of you got the courage to stand up and to really be honest with yourselves? 
You see this gold that I'm draped in lads? 
Do you see it? 
Well that's what your acting like, your acting like you have something to lose, and in reality, you don't!

Dragon takes the tag championship from his shoulder and he holds it up, the crowd cheer as he does..

This shows you both that I have something that you will never have. I have trust in someone. My brother Logan Kincade and I are 6CWF Tag Team Champions, and that means that we are the most dominant unified force in this company, f*ck it, in this industry. That's something that neither of you can say. Wood, you're so obsessed with these contracts and with what your worth to people that you will never truly be trusted, your too selfish to ever be a part of something. You are doomed to spend your life looking over your shoulder. And right now, it's me that your looking for. And Rex, oh sh*t Rex your just a boy, your the young lion of Genesis aren't you? The 'dominant' faction here.. 
That one, the one that's fell apart and been rebuilt more times than triggers broom...
Oh you won't understand that reference will you kidder... Well there was this old show.. oh forget it. My point is this..
A 'unified force' is something that Genesis will never be, your all too busy checking out eachother ars*s in the showers.

Wood and Rex don't seem impressed by Blue Dragon, though the fans seem to be lapping it up as most of them actually get the reference.

Blue Dragon lowers the title back onto his shoulder and he lifts the other one up, the crowd cheer and Dragon has a bog smile on his face as he nods..

And this... 
This is the 6CW World Heavyweight Championship!! This is the real prize in 6CWF. Not because it's more prestigious, not because of the length of the title reign and not even because of the way it was won... 
It's the prize purely and simply because of the man who holds it... 
As opposed to the one your boy Kenty holds (he points at Rex and who shouts something back off camera). The 6WF Championship, soon to be forgotten and waste away to become a secondary title here. If I was you Rex, I would keep Kent on side, his belt's not worth sh*t, this is the prize you really want isn't it?

Rex looks down at the FFTR briefcase in his hands..

Don't waste it now Kiddo, wait till the time is right, I don't want to end you before the six man this week. I'm looking forward to mixing it up with the five of you. Some more than others, I owe some of you a slap, and others, I owe alot more to, like JJ... 
Thanks for the belts mate! Haha

Dragon winks at the camera breaking g the fourth wall (Deadpool and Wolverine, in cinemas now)

So here we are..
In, what seems like Smyth's toys superstore, one of you walking around with a glorified Lunchbox, too afraid to take the goodies out and have a crack at the full meal...
And you, Woody, walking out here with a toy belt?!?
I mean what the f*ck mate? 
If you want value for money I'm pretty sure they do an LGBT special edition with a rainbow coloured strap, much more you.. plus it would go with any outfit you choose at your next egoholics anonymous meeting. Wood you want to make threats to Andrews about taking out 'one of his world champions' well I'd love to see you try. Because I don't have to walk around here and tell people how much money I make. I don't have to moan and complain about how lifes not fair, I don't need a full roster of hangers on to make me feel like a special little man. 
I have a brother, a brother that will do what's right for us both. He's not my follower, he's not some sort of mentor or 'daddy' figure to me. It's a bond that neither of you understand. We were brothers before we knew we where even related. You Wood, your ego wouldn't allow anyone to get close enough to mean anything, and Rex, the parasitic relationships within Genesis make me sick. I would never use someone like you do. If I want to hurt someone, I do it myself. And this week I'm telling you both now.. 
I will hurt you both, and you deserve everything your going to get!

Dragon lowers his Mic and he holds out his arms as of offering himself up for a fight....

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6CWF Proving Grounds - Wednesday 14th August 2024 (Episode 38) Empty Re: 6CWF Proving Grounds - Wednesday 14th August 2024 (Episode 38)

Post by x12x Tue 06 Aug 2024, 6:44 am

Wood looks at Rex and then at Blue Dragon and takes a second

I guess the saying is wait for one c*nt to turn up and two turn up at once...the only issue boys, is that neither of you are the people I actually wanted to speak to but I guess it's something I'm used to now with Eddy Kent...other people doing his dirty work...

but Rex...I guess I'll start with you...

...You see, you keep saying that two weeks in a row I've drawn with Eddy Kent but we both know that's not true...two weeks in a row Eddy Kent has had someone save his reign, save his fraud of a career and screw me out of what is rightfully mine.

You say that me calling myself a champion is factually inaccurate, well I guess I have something in common with the man you take your orders from, Eddy Kent then? Can you really say that 'man' has the right to truly say he's a champion?

I get it...he has the 'real' belt over his shoulder but deep down, when you look at him and look at everything that's happened over the past few months that he's really worthy of being champion?

We both know that answer and it doesn't take a moron like you to work that out... can dress it up and call it "champions advantage" but we both know you're making excuses for a fraud...

Wood then switches his attention to the other person who came out to greet him

and you, Blue Dragon...Mr Phony Soprano himself.

It's funny you came out actually...I call out two pathetic losers and instead I have to deal with the little boys who call them 'daddy'. It's almost cute....

...but before I say what I really feel I'd actually like to congratulate you on your title wins of late. Now there may be some people who would point out that you didn't really start to make an impact on this company until your Daddy got in to power but that seems a little petty to me.

Wood sarcastically look at the hard cam and winks before continuing

but I have to say you come out here and make gay jokes like some sh¡tty 90's comedian and you think you're going to get a reaction? Holy sh¡t you've done the've actually made me hate Rex a little less... see, while I cannot wait to watch Genesis burn to the ground, I can also see through Rex's bravado and his lies and see that deep down, he might dislike Eddy nearly as much as I do...I think that he's a kid who's been caught up in the bright lights and the promises but he could honestly be one of these greats...he just needs to make the right choices...

...that being said, you come out here and brag about how you're the greatest champion this company has to offer...

...maybe we put an end to that and give you a taste of reality.

Wood shrugs as he speaks one last time

You see, all it takes is for one of us in the match to take you out and leave you down and out and if I'm being honest, I'd find it funny to let Rex cash in on you right there just to send a message to your stupid f**king Daddy...

So what do you think Rex?

We forget that we hate each other for one night, ruin Blue Dragon's day and you can call yourself a world champion without upsetting your own Daddy?

Wood shrugs at Rex

You see, I don't care if you become a world champion...I don't envy you becoming successful...but I do want you out of my way, I do want you distracted so you stop protecting Eddy Kent and I am free to get what I deserve...

So what do you say? Fancy taking Blue's Clues title away?

Wood lowers the mic, a smirk on his face as he looks at the two men


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6CWF Proving Grounds - Wednesday 14th August 2024 (Episode 38) Empty Re: 6CWF Proving Grounds - Wednesday 14th August 2024 (Episode 38)

Post by x12x Tue 06 Aug 2024, 8:05 am

Smooth by Santana begins to play as Brandon Perez swaggers out on to the stage with a huge smile on his face, as he stands on the stage he hip thrusts in time to the music and poses, flexing his arms as he does

JT: One half of the newly named Brothers Of Seduction looking positive despite losing his first match last week!

RJ: I believe that might have something to do with the announcement that he along with Percy Percival will be going to Beachfront Brawl to fight for the 6CWF Tag Team Titles!

Perez quickly makes his way to the ring and slides under the bottom rope before hopping up to his feet, he then poses again doing a Val Venis style hip twirl before twirling his moustache and finally addressing the cheering fans


Perez winks at the hard cam and some of the women in the crowd let out "woooos" as Perez stands there

Last week didn't go to plan, so you might think that I could be down and out but that's one thing about Brandon can't keep me down and I'll keep coming and coming and coming...

...and coming.

You see, I came back to this company to achieve something and at Beachfront Brawl, I plan to do just that when I crown myself as tag team champion alongside my new best friend Percy Percival!

Brandon pauses, allowing the fans to cheer for Percy as he continues

Along side that man I plan to double team each and every single person on this roster and prove that I deserve to be prove that myself and Percy can overcome the odds and that the Brothers Of Seduction are not scared of getting down and dirty with the best tag teams in the world.

because you see, Brandon Perez is all about team work...he's all about getting his hands dirty and getting the job done...Brandon Perez is here to prove that he is championship quality and that he has staying power...

...and not just where it counts...


Perez once again flexes and poses causing the camera to cut to the audience that gives a mixed reaction, some women clearly enjoying Perez and someone seeming like they'd rather set themselves on fire than even contemplate going there

but Brandon Perez isn't out here just to pick up chicks and get his whistle wet...he's out here to talk to his opponents for this next week...

...because you know this isn't the first time I've taken on more than one person at a time, you could almost say I'm accustomed to it and that's why I have a trophy cabinet full of prizes for doing just that...for any of you who have seen my movie "Roboc*ck"'ll know exactly what I mean!

You'll know that it takes more than a few tough guys to out muscle me and that I can go for hours and hours and hours if needed...

...but this week, I just want to prove one thing...

...that Brandon Perez is the true Daddy of this company!

Perez pauses as Daddy chants start up

RJ: There will be one World Champion who will NOT be happy about this...

Perez takes a second, clearly loving the attention from the fans

Now Eddy offence, you might hanging out of the back of Miss Jessica and you might call yourself the Daddy of 6CWF but I'm here to put you on notice...

...I don't really want your world title...
...I want to prove I'm the Daddy...
...and I'll do that next week and at Beach Front Brawl...

...when myself and Percy crown ourselves champions!

...oh and Miss Jessica, call me?

Perez motions a phone call with his hands as he lowers the mic and the fans laugh and cheer along with him


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6CWF Proving Grounds - Wednesday 14th August 2024 (Episode 38) Empty Re: 6CWF Proving Grounds - Wednesday 14th August 2024 (Episode 38)

Post by Marky Tue 06 Aug 2024, 8:45 am

x12x wrote:
Wood looks at Rex and then at Blue Dragon and takes a second

I guess the saying is wait for one c*nt to turn up and two turn up at once...the only issue boys, is that neither of you are the people I actually wanted to speak to but I guess it's something I'm used to now with Eddy Kent...other people doing his dirty work...

but Rex...I guess I'll start with you...

...You see, you keep saying that two weeks in a row I've drawn with Eddy Kent but we both know that's not true...two weeks in a row Eddy Kent has had someone save his reign, save his fraud of a career and screw me out of what is rightfully mine.

You say that me calling myself a champion is factually inaccurate, well I guess I have something in common with the man you take your orders from, Eddy Kent then? Can you really say that 'man' has the right to truly say he's a champion?

I get it...he has the 'real' belt over his shoulder but deep down, when you look at him and look at everything that's happened over the past few months that he's really worthy of being champion?

We both know that answer and it doesn't take a moron like you to work that out... can dress it up and call it "champions advantage" but we both know you're making excuses for a fraud...

Wood then switches his attention to the other person who came out to greet him

and you, Blue Dragon...Mr Phony Soprano himself.

It's funny you came out actually...I call out two pathetic losers and instead I have to deal with the little boys who call them 'daddy'. It's almost cute....

...but before I say what I really feel I'd actually like to congratulate you on your title wins of late. Now there may be some people who would point out that you didn't really start to make an impact on this company until your Daddy got in to power but that seems a little petty to me.

Wood sarcastically look at the hard cam and winks before continuing

but I have to say you come out here and make gay jokes like some sh¡tty 90's comedian and you think you're going to get a reaction? Holy sh¡t you've done the've actually made me hate Rex a little less... see, while I cannot wait to watch Genesis burn to the ground, I can also see through Rex's bravado and his lies and see that deep down, he might dislike Eddy nearly as much as I do...I think that he's a kid who's been caught up in the bright lights and the promises but he could honestly be one of these greats...he just needs to make the right choices...

...that being said, you come out here and brag about how you're the greatest champion this company has to offer...

...maybe we put an end to that and give you a taste of reality.

Wood shrugs as he speaks one last time

You see, all it takes is for one of us in the match to take you out and leave you down and out and if I'm being honest, I'd find it funny to let Rex cash in on you right there just to send a message to your stupid f**king Daddy...

So what do you think Rex?

We forget that we hate each other for one night, ruin Blue Dragon's day and you can call yourself a world champion without upsetting your own Daddy?

Wood shrugs at Rex

You see, I don't care if you become a world champion...I don't envy you becoming successful...but I do want you out of my way, I do want you distracted so you stop protecting Eddy Kent and I am free to get what I deserve...

So what do you say? Fancy taking Blue's Clues title away?

Wood lowers the mic, a smirk on his face as he looks at the two men

Rex looks at his Fight for the Right case, he then looks at Liam Wood, he then turns to Blue Dragon who is smirking with both his Tag Title and 6CW Title on display, Rex lifts the microphone up to speak, but is interrupted...


The crowd erupt as Percy Percival walks out to the entranceway, he has a white suit, and is carrying the new LGBT special edition 6WF Championship, complete with a rainbow coloured strap, which definitely goes with his outfit. Percy shows it off to Blue Dragon who seems confused, and then Percy claps along to the rest of "Like a Prayer" as the crowd chant along.

Percy stands face to face with Blue Dragon, and holds up his LGBT Belt, Blue Dragon immediately goozles Percy for a chokeslam. Percy can be heard saying "Choke me Daddy" which immediately forces Blue Dragon to relinquish the choke in disgust, Percy pouts at Blue Dragon and then immediately backs away, walking towards the ring. He climbs onto the ring apron and enters the ring, he looks at Wood's replica 6WF Title and nods in approval, as if his is of equal value. Percy grabs a microphone and then sits on the top turnbuckle to speak

Percy: Oh you guys... All out here with your gold... Except you Rex, I see you don't have any... Perhaps you'd like to cash in your briefcase on me...

Percy holds up his LGBT Title at Rex who just sighs and closes his eyes in frustration

Percy: And you Liam, I like your belt... But it's just not exciting enough. Are you even trying to accessorize?!

Percy turns his back on Liam which seems to irritate him, as Percy jumps down from the turnbuckle and leans on the top rope to speak to Blue Dragon

Percy: But I'm here to talk to you, Blue Daddy. You wanna choke me? You wanna talk 6CW World Championships... I only want one thing from you...

Percy pauses briefly

Percy: Well, two things... But we can discuss that later. Professionally, I only want one thing. And that is for Brandon Perez and I, your Brothers of Seduction, to walk out of Saudi Arabia...

Percy talks to the cameraman off mic "Am I allowed in Saudi Arabia? Okay..."

Percy: To walk out of Saudi Arabia, as your NEW 6CWF World Tag Team Champions! And Brandon and I don't care for your politics, your briefcases, or your weird old man references. We care about shocking the world, and putting all ten of our opponents in their place. You might all be incredible athletes and wrestlers, but you all have egos the size of... Well, really big things. And when none of you can co-exist, Brandon and I, we will clean up. Metaphorically and literally, we will clean up the Tag Team Division and show you all, that Teamwork, makes the Dream Work.

Percy lifts his arms up and flamboyantly poses as the crowd cheers


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6CWF Proving Grounds - Wednesday 14th August 2024 (Episode 38) Empty Re: 6CWF Proving Grounds - Wednesday 14th August 2024 (Episode 38)

Post by JJJohnson Tue 06 Aug 2024, 11:38 am

“Here comes the boom” suddenly hits the airwaves and it is pandemonium in the stands as JJ Johnson walks out on stage. JJ plays to the crowd (drawing eye rolls from Blue Dragon) before he swaggers to the ring and leaps up inside. JJ takes the mic from Michael Bird and then he walks around the ring, looking eye of his rivals up and down.

JJ: What a collection we got here tonight, boys….

*The crowd cheer as JJ pauses in front of Liam Wood

JJ: Between this make-a-wish looking mother*ucker with his Fisher Price belt…

*Wood doesn’t remotely break at JJ’s jibe and Johnson rounds on Rex

JJ: To the inspiration to never allow family in-breeding….

*Rex pretends to laugh before giving JJ the middle finger. JJ turns to Percy

JJ: To whatever the f*ck this is….

*The crowd laugh and Percy blows JJ a kiss

JJ: I’m just messing, playa….big fan…

*JJ offers Percy a fist bump, to which Percy fires back with the “shark attack”

JJ: F*cked that one, playa….thought you were cool…

*JJ does a very slow theatrical turn now to face Blue Dragon

JJ: But then there’s you….Blue Dragon I choose you, you daft Pokemon looking mother*cker with that silly a55 haircut….

Out here talking to these people like “And others, I owe a lot more…like JJ”….the f**k out of here with you pretend Sopranos gimmick, playa….I’m right here, right now….so why not show these people what the 6CW Champion is all about?

*JJ and Dragon are glaring at one another now as the crowd roar.

JJ: See there’s some real sad cases here in this ring tonight….Rex Adamson’s family abandonment is a Dr Phil special waiting to happen…..Liam Wood. I mean f**k me playa if ever we were sleepwalking into a Netflix documentary it would be you…..Percy….you found God and even his a55 can’t save you…

But Blue Dragon…..if ever there was a real life case of impersonator syndrome….it would be you….I’m surprised yo a55 can even move carrying that big chip on yo shoulder….

6CW World Champion, finally…..6CWF Tag Team Champion… dripping off yo arm then way Percy wants all of us dripping off his face…

*Percy flashes another grin

JJ: But still the first name on the tip of yo tongue is mine….and it’s not just tonight, hell it ain’t even since last June when you walked back into this company….you got everyone out here throwing about some weird a55 Daddy innuendos…..but the only one with Daddy issues is you, isn’t it son?

And I ain’t talking about Big Damo in the back….I’m talking about the fact that for at least a fifteen years now yo a55 has been obsessed with JJ Johnson… eats you up inside, it consumes you…..everything you have achieved in this life, inside and outside of the ring and still you don’t even come close…..the inferiority complex is pitiful to look at, Bluey…

Oh JJ didn’t ask me to be a stakeholder in the company….oh JJ didn’t put me in the top spot….JJ didn’t acknowledge me……let’s get one thing straight, JJ Johnson don’t owe you nothing…you one of the biggest and baddest to ever do it….and when you walk out here you got people trembling in fear….right now, you are without doubt the most dominant force in this industry…….through yo own hardwork and by devastating means you have climbed to the summit of this industry……and yet still, still JJ Johnson the problem….

Because it ain’t enough, is it? Like I said, playa….I’m right here so whatever f*cked up validation you need, take yo best shot…..let’s really see what you all about….

Yo a55 walked out here last week and you said that the road to the top leads straight to you….but I’m looking you right in the eyes now and I know you don’t believe that….you got the belt, sure….but look at Liam…..he got one too…..Rex got a briefcase that practically guarantees him one….and Percy, if you ask nicely, I’m sure has a belt or two you can wrap around yo throat whilst you smash one off…

*Percy waves at Blue Dragon

JJ: But listen to these people…

*JJ looks around the crowd now as a huge “JJ” chant rings all around, it is beyond deafening

JJ: Seventeen years and counting my name has been cheered from country to country, stadium after stadium….event after event…when these companies hit hard times I slung them on my back and I hit the grind until they were back on top…..whether in the ring or behind the scenes I gave everything to ensure there was a tomorrow in a land where nobody can even guarantee today…..

*JJ holds up his right hand to show two rings

JJ: 6WF & 6CW Hall of Famer…….Multi-time world champion……but more important than all of that, because you can stick yo materialistic s**t were the sun don’t shine……is that no matter the town, no matter the forum, no matter where I go…..these people, the people that keep us afloat…..they let me know…

*The cheers and chants continue now for JJ Johnson

JJ: I’m standing in the ring with men who have amassed accolade after accolade, between you all you have either achieved it all or will achieve everything this industry has to offer….but so did plenty of others who walked through those doors, the ones who paved the way…..but the reaction of this crowd when you stand in the middle of this ring will tell you who is really on top…..who is the real champion… cardboard f*cking cutouts are gonna make it so unless they tell you

I’ll make it real simple; potentially you looking at the “past”…

*JJ points to himself

JJ: The present….

*JJ motions to BD and Wood

JJ: And the future….

*He inclines his head to Rex

JJ: But whilst I can still lace these boots, walk these aisles, entertain the masses and fight in the middle of this ring…

*JJ spins 360 now

JJ: Not one of you will ever be me……and the only way any of you takes my spot is by removing me from the equation….

So the real question out here tonight is……which one of you really has what it takes to lead this company?


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6CWF Proving Grounds - Wednesday 14th August 2024 (Episode 38) Empty Re: 6CWF Proving Grounds - Wednesday 14th August 2024 (Episode 38)

Post by Marky Tue 06 Aug 2024, 12:39 pm

Rex Adamson lifts the mic up as JJ Johnson finishes speaking

Rex: I'll put it another way for you JJ Johnson, and I'll be respectful, seeing as you're the one who signed me to 6CWF, because you knew how talented I was... How are you gonna stand there and pretend you've still got what it takes to compete at the elite level in 6CWF? Because to me, and to a lot of other people... You were leading this company as a stakeholder because you knew, deep down, that your time had been and gone.

The crowd boos as Rex is intently staring a hole at JJ

Rex: You come out here making jokes at my expense, jokes about in-breeding or about family abandonment issues... Just because you say "a55" or "playa", it doesn't make JJ Johnson cool in 2024. You think you're edgy, when in this world, you're a long way from even being remotely controversial. You think you're ageless, or timeless... You're done. You won the tag titles, but lost them almost immediately. Sure, you can still go. But 6CWF is not your playground anymore... Playa.


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6CWF Proving Grounds - Wednesday 14th August 2024 (Episode 38) Empty Re: 6CWF Proving Grounds - Wednesday 14th August 2024 (Episode 38)

Post by x12x Tue 06 Aug 2024, 12:53 pm

Wood quickly cuts in

Sorry Rex...but I have a question...

JJ, did you just say you lead this company? Are you serious? You came back and couldn't run this place and that's how we got Blue Dragon's Dad f**king things can act like you're still the big dog in all of this but that nostalgia can only do so much heavy lifting before we realise that you're someone who should have stayed retired...

...Just like Blue Dragon your routine feels like something out of a time capsule that we should have never dug back up...

...but you know what the worst thing is about you coming back? It's the way you won the Tag Team Titles just to hand them over to Bluey and his him the undeserved ego boost he didn't need.

Wood begins to pace the ring

God, looking at all of you, and I can't believe I'm saying this, but I wish Eddy Kent had actually come out here...

...not his lapdog...
*motions to Rex*
...not one half of the Jeremy Kyle version of Kane and Undertaker... *motions to BD*
...Not whatever Percy is... *Motions to Percy who waves back with a smile*
...and not the failed owner, failed tag team champion and failed comedian... *motions to JJ*

...all we're missing is Uryu Ishida's carer and Plague's ex b¡tch and we'd have the whole host of a game show I like to call "Losers who I do not give a f**k about".

Wood climbs out of the ring and stands in front of the ring speaking one last time

So excuse me if I don't stick around...I have no interest in exchanging barbs with the cast of the undatables and we can do our talking at Proving Grounds when I put my knee through each and everyone of your noses...

...Enjoy whatever this is and just remember...'re looking at the true king.

oh and Rex...
Think about what I said...that 6CW title could be yours and just to f**k up Bluey's day, I'll step aside

Wood drops the mic and hops the barrier with a smirk over his face as he exits, leaving the other wrestlers stood together


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6CWF Proving Grounds - Wednesday 14th August 2024 (Episode 38) Empty Re: 6CWF Proving Grounds - Wednesday 14th August 2024 (Episode 38)

Post by President Trump Tue 06 Aug 2024, 12:55 pm

“Refuse/Resist” hits out over the stadium as Chris Patricks walks out from behind the curtain still looking worse for wear after the chaos of Night of Champions. He stops at the top of the ramp and drinks in the cheers from the crowd before pointing to the sky and making his way gingerly to the ring

RJ: Here comes the Enigma, Chris Patricks and he doesn’t look good at all

JT: Could you blame him, he wasn’t only put through the ringer in what was an epic war last Sunday but he went for a ride by the Brothers of Destruction, Blue Dragon and Logan Kincade

Chris walks up the steps and slowly gets into the ring holding his ribs and wincing in pain


CP: Thank you, you are all too kind to me even though I have let you all down again. I should be standing here in celebration but again I am standing here with nothing to show for my efforts but some banged up ribs and a concussion. I give my all each and every week, leave my body in the ring every match and still I stand here with nothing. So I must apologise to all of you for not keeping my promises, for not taking down Genesis and for not being the World Champ you all deserve.

Chris lowers the mic as the crowd start an Enigma chant

CP: Not only do I owe you all an apology but I also owe one to my partner last week and in the Elimination Chamber at Beachfront, Liam Wood. Liam it was not my intension to hit you with the Big Bang and cost you the title. As I have been told by the doctors I was very concussed and really didn’t realise who I was hitting with it and to be honest what I was doing. I said before the match I would cost Genesis one way or another and failed in that by costing you but I did try and make amends by helping you with Logan and Blue Dragon so I tried

RJ: I haven’t seen this side of Chris in a long time

JT: Its fairly pathetic isn’t it

RJ: The guy is talking his heart out here Jeff

JT: And this is the champion all these people want?

CP: There was too big announcements this week. One on the next Proving Grounds, I will be in a six pack challenge against, Perez, Kincade, Saint, Uryu and Eddy Kent. The other announcement is at Beachfront there will be a tag team Elimination Chamber match for the tag team titles. While lying in hospital again it gave me a chance to think about where I am going and why. I came back to help Max, I helped all I could and now he is retired and co-Gm of all things. Then I continued the fight against Rex and Genesis and tried to keep Max out of it by dealing with Andrews but that wasn’t good enough and people started to talk. While lying there I came a decision and that is to reset and do it all for me and nobody else. I need to show people who I am, the man I am. I love Max but I can’t be just here for him anymore. I am my own man and that man is The Enigma, Chris Patricks. The man that has won it all and fought them all. I want that respect put back on my name, the name first thought of when you think 6CWF. We evolve or we die, we do what we need to survive and that’s exactly what I am going to do from now on. I will keep fighting until I can’t walk out here and look you all in the eyes or just can’t walk, starting with the Six Pack challenge. I don’t care who is standing in front of me I am walking out with my hand and head held high, with or without blood on my hands. I am the Ultimate underdog but that has never stopped me. No more whining, no more apologies, no more living in anyone’s shadow, just Christopher Patricks

RJ: Yes Chris

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6CWF Proving Grounds - Wednesday 14th August 2024 (Episode 38) Empty Re: 6CWF Proving Grounds - Wednesday 14th August 2024 (Episode 38)

Post by BlueDragon1205 Tue 06 Aug 2024, 1:52 pm

x12x wrote:
Wood quickly cuts in

Sorry Rex...but I have a question...

JJ, did you just say you lead this company? Are you serious? You came back and couldn't run this place and that's how we got Blue Dragon's Dad f**king things can act like you're still the big dog in all of this but that nostalgia can only do so much heavy lifting before we realise that you're someone who should have stayed retired...

...Just like Blue Dragon your routine feels like something out of a time capsule that we should have never dug back up...

...but you know what the worst thing is about you coming back? It's the way you won the Tag Team Titles just to hand them over to Bluey and his him the undeserved ego boost he didn't need.

Wood begins to pace the ring

God, looking at all of you, and I can't believe I'm saying this, but I wish Eddy Kent had actually come out here...

...not his lapdog...
*motions to Rex*
...not one half of the Jeremy Kyle version of Kane and Undertaker... *motions to BD*
...Not whatever Percy is... *Motions to Percy who waves back with a smile*
...and not the failed owner, failed tag team champion and failed comedian... *motions to JJ*

...all we're missing is Uryu Ishida's carer and Plague's ex b¡tch and we'd have the whole host of a game show I like to call "Losers who I do not give a f**k about".

Wood climbs out of the ring and stands in front of the ring speaking one last time

So excuse me if I don't stick around...I have no interest in exchanging barbs with the cast of the undatables and we can do our talking at Proving Grounds when I put my knee through each and everyone of your noses...

...Enjoy whatever this is and just remember...'re looking at the true king.

oh and Rex...
Think about what I said...that 6CW title could be yours and just to f**k up Bluey's day, I'll step aside

Wood drops the mic and hops the barrier with a smirk over his face as he exits, leaving the other wrestlers stood together

Wood exits up through the crowd and disappears through a door as the other men in the ring eye eachother up. All three go to talk at the same time but are cut off..

You boys finished?

Blue Dragon is still stood at the top of the ramp. He makes his way down as he talks

Where do we start on this?

Percy, take it from me. There's many ways to interpret what I'm about to say and your more than welcome to.take this however you want.. be careful what you wish for, because if you try me, you will get hurt, you will suffer and there will be blood. But I. The end I can promise you one thing, I will change you, both mentally and physically. And you won't walk the same again..

Rex... Don't you dare stand there and pretend like you here to defend Genius, that your here to do anything other than to raise your own stock, and take it from me, you should do, you have a bright future in this business. I can see it in you, you need to earn your way and learn your place, and right now, that's behind your 'daddy'

JJ, you want to know what my problem is with you? You seem to forget 'playa' I've been here almost as long as you have, I've been through all the sh*t that you have and I've done it all without losing sight of who I am. It's not an act with me, I am exactly who I say I am. I don't feel the need to play a character or to over egg the omelette with these people. I don't care if the love me or if they hate, but your f*cked if you think they don't respect me, or even fear me. I consider myself the top of the mountain here, the end to all roads because I am the most proven man to ever step through these ropes

Blue Dragon walks up the steps and through the ropes standing in the ring with the others

I'm not talking Championships, I'm not talking big money contracts, I'm not talking being 'the boss' and I'm not talking having a gang of ar*eholes to watch my back. Take all that away, take away the fans, take away the ring, take away the glamour of all of this and put me in a fight with anyone in 6CWF and you know I win. You won't admit it, but you know I win. So I don't care if it's you, you, you, (he points at the other in turn) or anyone else. I am the new measuring stick here or anywhere else...

Blue Dragon takes the titles from his shoulders and he places them in the corner of the ring...

I don't need the gold to prove it, I'm a champion, in the oldest sense of the word, Rex, your a young warrior and I can respect that, I hope you learn from the beating your due from me. You two though, your a pair of f*cking clowns...

Dragon leans on the corner post and crosses his arms snarling at the others...

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6CWF Proving Grounds - Wednesday 14th August 2024 (Episode 38) Empty Re: 6CWF Proving Grounds - Wednesday 14th August 2024 (Episode 38)

Post by Lee Tue 06 Aug 2024, 9:41 pm


Edgecrusher blasts out and the fans boo heavily.

RJ: The fans have really turned against Logan after his and Blue Dragon's antics last week.

JT: I don't blame them to be honest RJ

Logan wanders out onto the stage with a look of disgust on his face, a microphone in his hand as flames surround him, his usual disdain for the physical belt is on show as he drags the Tag Team Title behind him and tosses it into the ring narrowly missing Patricks who glares a hole into Kincade.

Logan stops at the steps and slowly climbs to the apron.

LK: Christopher, how's the head?

Patrick's looks unimpressed and shakes his head which makes him wince a little.

LK: Now Paddy, Paddy Paddy have made a grave mistake by attacking me last week, I had no interest in dealing with you, you weren't on my radar...but not any more.

Logan enters the ropes and walks over to the tag title, he picks it up, looks at it for a moment before dropping into the corner of the ring.

LK: Why you did it.I understand, perhaps. Maybe it's the same reason I came down to save Senior... Blind loyalty....or maybe because, deep down you know that if anyone is to hurt that is going to be you. Accidental Big Bang? Really? The Concussion made you do it? Behave yourself...

Logan stares in Patricks eyes with a look of scepticism before continuing.

LK: But that doesn't excuse you putting your nose in my business, and there are consequences to doing so.

Logan looks to be getting riled up as Patricks just looks unmoved.

LK: but to see you waddle out here, crying to these buffoons like a child... it's embarrassing. Maybe the humane thing to do is to finally put you out for good, I'm not sure you have the fight in you any more.

Logan gets close to Patricks who is still unmoved.

LK: I mean, as you said yourself... you're Just Christopher Patricks...

Logan smirks and turns his back on Patricks as the crowd chant his name.



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6CWF Proving Grounds - Wednesday 14th August 2024 (Episode 38) Empty Re: 6CWF Proving Grounds - Wednesday 14th August 2024 (Episode 38)

Post by President Trump Wed 07 Aug 2024, 10:40 am

Chris looks at a smirking Logan

CP: Oh I have the fight alright, all I have done since returning is fight but what have you done other than mop you your brothers sloppy seconds

Logan’s demeanor changes

CP: I mean what is up with everyone in this place and their Daddy issues? I mean don’t get me wrong we all want that pat on the shoulder and told that we mean something to someone but looking at the state of you and your brother it makes whatever is going on between Rex, Max and Kent look normal. Come on I have been working with Andrews for the last few weeks and I would say he would trade you two goons for me in a second but you would still come out and defend him and run to his side in a second and you call me embarrassing….how about you behave YOURSELF

Chris walks around a now angry Logan

RJ: I really think Chris needs to be careful here, Logan is one unstable man

CP: I didn’t stick my nose in your business, nobody asked you or your brother come anyway near the ring last week but you did to protect Daddy dearest and that’s understandable but also I was trying to protect my tag partner. Believe it or not some of us have compassion and can feel and aren’t just mindless puppets like yourself. You come out each week and just wreck all in your path and let your brother take all the applause and titles.

Chris still circling Logan who hasn’t stopped staring at him the whole time, stops in front of him

CP: Poor little Logan, I might be ONLY Chris Patricks but that is a million times better than being a tool

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6CWF Proving Grounds - Wednesday 14th August 2024 (Episode 38) Empty Re: 6CWF Proving Grounds - Wednesday 14th August 2024 (Episode 38)

Post by Marky Wed 07 Aug 2024, 1:19 pm

BlueDragon1205 wrote:Wood exits up through the crowd and disappears through a door as the other men in the ring eye eachother up. All three go to talk at the same time but are cut off..

You boys finished?

Blue Dragon is still stood at the top of the ramp. He makes his way down as he talks

Where do we start on this?

Percy, take it from me. There's many ways to interpret what I'm about to say and your more than welcome to.take this however you want.. be careful what you wish for, because if you try me, you will get hurt, you will suffer and there will be blood. But I. The end I can promise you one thing, I will change you, both mentally and physically. And you won't walk the same again..

Rex... Don't you dare stand there and pretend like you here to defend Genius, that your here to do anything other than to raise your own stock, and take it from me, you should do, you have a bright future in this business. I can see it in you, you need to earn your way and learn your place, and right now, that's behind your 'daddy'

JJ, you want to know what my problem is with you? You seem to forget 'playa' I've been here almost as long as you have, I've been through all the sh*t that you have and I've done it all without losing sight of who I am. It's not an act with me, I am exactly who I say I am. I don't feel the need to play a character or to over egg the omelette with these people. I don't care if the love me or if they hate, but your f*cked if you think they don't respect me, or even fear me. I consider myself the top of the mountain here, the end to all roads because I am the most proven man to ever step through these ropes

Blue Dragon walks up the steps and through the ropes standing in the ring with the others

I'm not talking Championships, I'm not talking big money contracts, I'm not talking being 'the boss' and I'm not talking having a gang of ar*eholes to watch my back. Take all that away, take away the fans, take away the ring, take away the glamour of all of this and put me in a fight with anyone in 6CWF and you know I win. You won't admit it, but you know I win. So I don't care if it's you, you, you, (he points at the other in turn) or anyone else. I am the new measuring stick here or anywhere else...

Blue Dragon takes the titles from his shoulders and he places them in the corner of the ring...

I don't need the gold to prove it, I'm a champion, in the oldest sense of the word, Rex, your a young warrior and I can respect that, I hope you learn from the beating your due from me. You two though, your a pair of f*cking clowns...

Dragon leans on the corner post and crosses his arms snarling at the others...

Percy Percival goes to speak to respond to Blue Dragon, but Rex Adamson almost snaps him in half with a vicious Gore, leaving the Filipino doubled over in pain on the mat, as the crowd boos. Rex then speaks as Percy rolls underneath the bottom rope, JJ Johnson is unimpressed as Rex keeps distance between himself and JJ

Rex: I think we've heard quite enough from him for one night...

Rex smirks as he looks at Percy writhing around in pain, before looking back towards Blue Dragon

Rex: You can talk sh*t to JJ, Wood and Percy in your own time Bluey, but Wood did make an excellent point about you being a World Champion, and me having this briefcase... I wont dignify him with an answer, but don't take your eyes off me or under estimate me Bluey. You act like your experience matters, but that JJ Johnson's experience doesn't matter. And then you think my lack of experience discounts me somehow... You're talking b*llocks.

Rex shrugs as the crowd boo

Rex: You can make empty threats to me all you want about the supposed beating that I'm due, but nobody has been able to beat me yet... That's a fact. Nobody has managed it yet. I've beaten everyone I've faced, so I'm not scared of you Blue Dragon. And I'm certainly not scared of JJ Johnson. 6CWF are afraid to give me opportunities, because they know what I'm capable of. It's ridiculous that by the time we get to Saudi Arabia in September, it will be the first Championship match 6CWF have given me since I debuted. In eighteen months, they have given me a Freshers Ball match, and a spot in a 16 man Fight for the Right Tournament, while others have been given World Title matches for nothing. In fact...

Rex smirks at Blue Dragon

Rex: ...You, Bluey, have technically given me more opportunities than 6CWF Management have, when you made the Gateway to Glory match be for the 6CW World Title... Which shows how inept this company truly is. Kent and I might not be seeing eye to eye at the moment, but we both want success, and we both want what's best for Genesis... And it starts in the desert, when we become your new World Tag Team Champions.


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6CWF Proving Grounds - Wednesday 14th August 2024 (Episode 38) Empty Re: 6CWF Proving Grounds - Wednesday 14th August 2024 (Episode 38)

Post by DanielReilly Wed 07 Aug 2024, 11:25 pm

The fans fill the arena with boos as 'Broken Dreams' begins to play and Daniel Reilly and Oliver Keane come strolling out from the back. The commentators reflect on the action from last week between Reilly, Scott Harris and Acer as the duo make their way to the ring. Despite the loss last week, Reilly and Keane seem in good spirits as they climb into the ring and mutter to each other as the music fades and Reilly turns around to stare out towards the booing fans. Reilly is handed a microphone by Keane.

DR: Ladies and Gentlemen, the King of all of 6CWF is finally here to add some much needed class to proceedings! And the most important part of that sentence was 'the King'. You see, they say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery and Daniel Reilly couldn't help but see that other people want to come out to the King's ring and proclaim themselves the true King. Well that is all good and well except the King doesn't get his a** handed to him all week on Twitter before losing out on becoming World Champion in two successive matches before doing the most embarrassing thing the King may have ever seen in over 15 years by then coming out here and crying about it whilst carrying a toy belt!

Reilly shrugs as he smirks out to the crowd as the fans boo.

DR: But today is a new day and the King is not here to spread negativity! In fact, Daniel Reilly is out here with different intentions and the King is feeling full of good will! You see, the King has been going at it with Acer for weeks and weeks, and now Scott Harris finds himself getting involved and the King can not help but wonder why everybody can not just be friends? And as if by magic, this week, the King will be teaming with Acer and Scott Harris and whilst everybody expects chaos between the three, the King pulled some strings backstage and has taken the first step of being the bigger man, and Acer, that is not a dig at you! You see, the King has managed to get both Acer and Scott Harris to agree to talk through their issues with the King so that next week, Daniel Reilly, Scott Harris and Acer can work as one!

RJ: He's bluffing!

JT: This will be huge if Reilly has actually managed to get Harris and Acer on his side!

'From Sound to Silence' suddenly blasts out and the fans erupt into huge cheers as the titantron comes to life and a single chair is shown.

RJ: Is Acer here?!

JT: Hang on a minute! That girl can be no older then 12 years old!

On the titantron, a small girl suddenly walks into the frame and takes a place on the chair. She is wearing an oversized 'Acer' t-shirt, has two blonde pigtails and is wearing a frown. She sits back on the chair and crosses her arms.

DR: Little Acer, firstly, let the King thank you for taking this time to speak to Daniel Reilly!

'Acer' blows back a raspberry in response as Reilly smirks and Keane laughs in the background.

DR: Acer, the King understands that he has done and said some bad things so he doesn't expect you to forgive him so easily. But please, talk the King through why you have such an issue with the King?

'Acer' uncrosses her arms and instead places them on her hips and speaking in a high pitch, childish voice.

'Acer': You want to know why I have such a problem with you, Daniel Reilly? Well you told everybody that I shouldn't be in the main event and that is not fair! I mean yes, I shouldn't be in the main event but you didn't have to tell everybody! And that makes me very unhappy!

DR: Now little Acer, you need to understand that the King did not mean to offend you when he said that, he just didn't want to lie to you like JJ Johnson and The Saint did! Now do you think you can find it in your heart to forgive the King?

'Acer' shuffles in her seat before holding her finger to her chin deep in thought.

'Acer': Hmmm..okay sure! But only because you're bigger then me!

DR: Acer, the King appreciates that, honestly! But before you go, Daniel Reilly wants to know one thing, why are you so angry all the time recently?

This draws another frown from 'Acer' as she once again crosses her arms.

'Acer': Why am I so angry? Well because that meanie JJ Johnson didn't give me my pocket money this week because of my bad behaviour lately! And that is not fair!!

Reilly goes to reply but then suddenly 'Figure It Out' begins to play and the cheers grow in the arena as the titantron cuts off and the fans await the arrival of Scott Harris. The titantron then cuts back into life.

JT: Who is that??

RJ: This is a joke! Daniel Reilly is going to regret this!

The same chair is again on the titantron but this time the little girl has gone and in her place sits an elderly male, with thinning grey hair and thick glasses. He is wearing a 'Sharpshooter' t-shirt as he leans forward in the chair resting his hands on his walking stick.

'Harris': Hello, hello. Can you hear me?

DR: Scott Harris! How nice of you to join the King! Now the King wasn't quite finished talking to little Acer but since you clearly have no patience, let's just get to it! Now the King understands you have been doing this for a long time but the King wants to know why you keep doing this, what motivates you?

'Harris' tugs at his hearing aid and pauses as he thinks.

'Harris': You know young man, the answer is simple...... I have been trying to become the World Champion for many, many, many years now. I will stop when my time comes! I'm the Sharpshooter god damn it!

DR: Now Scott, calm down! The King can respect your need for a World Title but surely, enough is enough?

'Harris': You're wrong sonny! I know I have been saying this for many, many, many years now but this place needs more Harris! And you will listen to me, young man, when I tell you if these people want more Harris, then I will be damn sure to give it to them!

'Harris' is red in the face as he points a finger towards the camera.

DR: Okay, okay, the King gets it! But just like with Acer, the King wants to apologise for the issues that seem to of arose. But let the King ask you, why exactly do you have such an issue with Daniel Reilly?

'Scott Harris' sits back in his chair and pushes up his glasses as he takes a deep breath.

'Harris': Well young man, I guess it is quite simple. You have won two World Champions whilst I have been forced to sit and watch everyone get World Championships except me. The great Sharpshooter had to sit and watch the likes of Uryu Ishida get a World Title whilst I gave the fans more Harris. I guess it is time I face the truth. The reason I do not like you is because you were right when you said I was nothing more then a catchphrase.

'Harris' looks down at the floor, a sadness in his face, before using his stick to pull himself up and slowly shuffling off to the side as the titantron shuts off. Reilly is looking up at the screen.

DR: Scott, the King is not done! Has he gone?

Reilly is looking at Keane who nods as Reilly turns to the fans with a smile before shrugging.

DR: So there you all have it, the King is forever painted as the bad guy but you have all seen that Daniel Reilly is a gracious King and can show mercy to his enemies! Acer, Scott, the King thanks you both for your time and he can not wait to stand side by side with you both as you both get to team with a man who has actually won a World Championship!

Reilly laughs as he smirks out at the fans.


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6CWF Proving Grounds - Wednesday 14th August 2024 (Episode 38) Empty Re: 6CWF Proving Grounds - Wednesday 14th August 2024 (Episode 38)

Post by Uryu Ishida Fri 09 Aug 2024, 9:37 am

An hour after Proving Grounds ended.

GazzyD bumps into a semi distracted Uryu pacing near the car park entrance. He looks at Gazzy and sighs slowly, The obvious was on their minds.

UI: Don't say it...just...don't. I haven't stopped thinking about it since I saw it. I know you haven't either. Just been...trying to work it all out to some...answer.

???: You went from loud babbling to quiet babbling, Guess it's an improvement. Just focus!

Uryu starts pacing again as he seems to shake a little.

UI: I...think it's actually him. I...I don't think anyone is stupid enough to imitate him. Think he's after one or both of us?

Gazzy grabs Uryu's shoulder and stares in his eyes intently. Uryu nods a little as he looks in Gazzy's eyes before they both sigh in unison. Uryu's shaking stops.

UI: You are kinda right. Can't keep looking backwards n fixing old bridges. Gotta keep looking forward at whats ahead of us, Not focusing on "what if's?" If he shows up...You can count on me to help you out and I hope I can count on you to do the same. It shouldn't matter who he is after...we both have points to ourselves, Each other and most importantly them...

Uryu points to fans in the car park leaving the arena as Gazzy looks and turns back to Uryu, a little unsure nod follows.

UI: This brings me to why I asked you here. We got an opportunity.

Uryu shows Gazzy the main event for Beachfront Brawl with a smile.

UI: We have a shot at the tag team championships. Seems someone in the GM's office likes us. Though being an Elimination Chamber makes it even better for us. He won't get in and that means we can give our entire focus to the match itself. We focus on the match, We can win. That is as simple as I can put it.

Uryu looks a little unsure as he asks, Shaking slightly returning.

UI: Hows Christy and your kid doing? They gonna be coming to the arena soon? would be nice to see them. Only as friends mind you. I am not going to be that stupid again but I understand they are your driving force. I give you my word I won't even attempt to screw around. It will just be chatting as we were during Covid...and before I did...that.

Uryu looks down as Gazzy shakes his head before heading out the car park door.

???: Smooth going Uryu...

A few seconds pass as Gazzy opens the car park door again and looks at Uryu.

GD: You coming?

Uryu looks up and nods as he shakes off the shaking as he follows GazzyD out the arena.

Uryu Ishida

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6CWF Proving Grounds - Wednesday 14th August 2024 (Episode 38) Empty Re: 6CWF Proving Grounds - Wednesday 14th August 2024 (Episode 38)

Post by acer101 Fri 09 Aug 2024, 12:18 pm

Clarissa and her cameraman step inside the Elevate Combat training facility. The energy inside the World Class training centre is palpable, a mix of sweat, determination, and the echoes of bodies in motion. Head Coach Quade White approaches Clarissa. “You’re here for Acer, right?” he asks, not needing much to guess their purpose.

White gestures towards the changing room. “Acer finished his workout about 20 minutes ago,” he explains. “He’s probably getting changed now.” Leading the way, White pushes open the door and quickly checks the room. Finding it empty bar Acer, he nods to Clarissa. “You can conduct the interview in here.”

Inside, Acer sits alone on a bench, engrossed in his iPad. His eyes are locked onto the screen as he watches a replay of Daniel Reilly's in-ring segment. As the promo ends, Acer snaps the case shut and tosses the device into his bag with a casual flick of his wrist. Finally, he looks up, acknowledging Clarissa's presence for the first time. “I guess you’re after my comments on that?” he says, nodding towards the iPad.

Clarissa confirms his assumption, and Acer continues his tone full of sarcasm. “I didn’t want to comment on potentially unfounded rumors, but after that, it’s blatantly clear that Daniel Reilly does in fact play with children. Not sure that’s the type of person 6CWF wants on their roster.”

Switching to a more serious tone, Acer leans forward, elbows on knees. “In all seriousness, I couldn’t care less about Reilly’s games. Next week, we’re supposed to be partners. The management—inept as they are—seem to think that three men who despise each other can coexist as a team. Under normal circumstances, I don’t like losing. But these aren’t normal circumstances. My ‘partners’ are people I’d rather slap in the face than tag on the hand. As far as I’m concerned, this isn’t a three-on-three tag match; it’s a four-on-two handicap match. There’s no way I’m helping Reilly or Harris. In fact, I’ll be actively working against them.”

Clarissa shifts uncomfortably, unsure of how to phrase her next question. “I’m not sure how to ask this, but I have to ask about JJ…”

Acer’s eyes fill with anger, and he cuts her off. “You come to this facility that I own, built with my sweat, tears, and hard-earned money, and you ask about JJ? Why does everyone want to define my life and career by JJ f***ing Johnson?”

His frustration boils over, and he claws at his face, scratching the surface of his skin in agitation. With a few bangs of his fist on the bench, he slowly regains composure. “You want to talk about JJ? Fine. After Night of Glory, I was the Coalition member everyone talked about. I told JJ I wanted singles glory, and suddenly the Tag Team Championships were back. JJ and Saint win the belts, and now he’s making another World Title run. He knows that’s my sole focus right now. Call me a conspiracy theorist but it does feel like he’s doing everything he can to get at me. You might as well call ‘Proving Grounds’ the ‘6CWF Presents JJ Johnson Show’ because that’s how he sees it! JJ’s the type of friend who wants you to do well, but never better than him!”

Acer’s voice grows more intense. “And as for Night of Champions last week, I didn’t lose the Tag Team Championships, JJ did. I didn’t abandon my partner to be turned into a human pincushion by Logan Kincade, JJ did. I didn’t take a nap in the remnants of the announce table while my partner was double-teamed, JJ did. Yet somehow, in JJ’s mind, The Saint becomes my responsibility. I must drop everything to tend to his ‘boo-boos’? Nah mate. Despite what he thinks, this isn’t the JJ Show anymore, and I don’t walk to the beat of his drum. What happened to Saint is on him. The blood he spilled is on JJ’s hands. So don’t tell me I’ve forgotten where I’ve come from when almost every bad thing in my life—and Saint’s—started with JJ and his actions!”

Acer stands abruptly, slinging his bag over his shoulder. Without a glance at Quade White or the rest of the facility, he storms out, throwing a curt “See ya, Coach” over his shoulder. Ignoring everyone, he heads straight for his car, tosses the bag onto the passenger seat, and drives off, leaving a trail of dust and concerned training partners behind


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6CWF Proving Grounds - Wednesday 14th August 2024 (Episode 38) Empty Re: 6CWF Proving Grounds - Wednesday 14th August 2024 (Episode 38)

Post by Uryu Ishida Sun 11 Aug 2024, 6:14 pm

"Hold on Tight to Your Dream" starts playing as Chris Patricks and Logan briefly glance at the ramp as Uryu walks out to the ring and confronts the two as he rolls into the ring.

UI: Oh this looks like a trip down memory lane. A match where I'm up against old rivals, Some even from when I first started. A man who a long long time ago I was tag champions with and one who thinks the world shines out his backside. To some of you I may be a mere afterthought. To some a refreshing change of pace from the opponents they have faced recently. Some consider me a man they never want to face ever again.

Uryu leans on the ropes, Looking at Chris and Logan with a warm smile.

UI: Now I don't know who put me and Gazzy in the Elimination Chamber at Beachfront Brawl but we are not going to let this opportunity pass us by! I don't care if your dad put us in here to keep you in line Logan but I wanna kick your brothers ass for kicking me out that battle royal last year and as for your partner Chris his mouth has needed shutting for a long time. You I respect but him I have a lot less time for so if I get an opportunity to shut him up then I will! You both know this week is an opportunity to have momentum going into that match which sadly for me and you Chris...we both kinda need more than the others.

Uryu turns his attention to Chris Patricks.

UI: We are both know how good the other is simply put. We just need to prove it to everyone else. We ain't pitying each other and we don't deserve any pity! We can talk about how great we were but right now? We pushing all our chips in on every single match we have just to prove to ourselves we can still go! So my advice to you is to simply shut up and bring your best! You don't? Then expect to be pinned again and we can all expect another apology speech next week!

Uryu turns to Logan with a stern look.

UI: And as for you. Yes I have issues with your brother and maybe one day your father but simply put you are a wild animal thats barely in control. It's a wonder you are even let out here at times without a handler or a muzzle. Let me guess, Daddy promised you a belly rub if you won? maybe a Pedigree Jumbone? Well if daddy has an issue with me beating your ass tell him to phone the RSPCA! You know I can and will do it to you Logan so I won't be looking back at our tag team run and getting all starry eyed. I won't roll over n play dead for you!

Uryu Ishida

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6CWF Proving Grounds - Wednesday 14th August 2024 (Episode 38) Empty Re: 6CWF Proving Grounds - Wednesday 14th August 2024 (Episode 38)

Post by Bentyf1 Sun 11 Aug 2024, 9:12 pm

[A 6CWF exclusive begins to play streaming live on all devices and social media platforms. Our scene is set as the camera reveals the broad and bright Genesis locker room, bathed in light as a poison dark green hue is the backdrop across the walls. In the locker room is a mammoth sized plasma television screwed into the wall fixtures, a large table where an abudance of fresh fruit and water bottles are placed as well as 6CWF promotional items such as Mars bars and beef jerky. Behind the table is lavish black leather sofa and two further high priced leather chairs are placed. On the walls are pictures and paintings of the success of Genesis down the years and valuable painting of the current group proudly displayed on the wall. The camera then reveals 6WF undisputed world heavyweight champion, Eddy Kent sat on the black leather sofa. Kent is wearing black under armour tracksuit bottoms, Genesis Adiddas trainers in poison green and his official 6CWF shirt "The inevitable one" with the poison green lettering etched into the white fabric. The 6WF championship is resting on a plinth next to the large plasma television, the poison green lighting creeping up it almost like it's infected. The camera focuses in on the hulking figure of Kent who leans forward, his hands resting on his knuckles watching what appears to be clips from wrestlers, both in six pack challenge matches. The camera zooms in on Kent who stoically watches and listens to what they say, his blue eyes looking slightly weary and a face which looks a little unshaven. Loudly, The Genesis locker room swings ajar as the svelte figure of Miss Jessica struts in. Jessica is wearing a black jumpsuit, (similar to what Liv Morgan was wearing at Summerslam press conference)  black heels and a gold necklace with G encrusted with diamonds. Jessica twirls her long red hair, and twirls infront of the camera before taking the 6WF title from the plinth and sitting in a black leather chair before staring at Kent. Jessica wastes little time at all making herself at home, putting her high heels up over the arm rest and lying in the chair as Kent scratches his chin. A few seconds pass before Jessica pipes up at Kent who slowly turns his head to look at the mami of Genesis.]

Jessica: So....I'm going to say this because I want daddy to know I'm commited to him and Genesis. You worry too much. It's starting to show cant be so paranoid and stressed. Genesis has this under lock and key. From Michael to Ralph and to Rex. Rexy is a good boy, he trusts you... he respects you and would do anything for you. You have every right to be protective of the son, I know you do anything to help him. Like I would do anything to help you relieve some of the pressure...

[Kent cuts Jessica off as she is about to jump onto Kent's lap, she then sits back down with sat upright with her legs crossed.]

Kent: Jessica... did you go and see Damien?

Jessica: I knocked daddy... I knocked as hard as I could but there was no answer. I was going to give him a message that you wanted him to know but he just wasn't in. Neither was Maxy... And my history with max stretches far and wide for all to see. I know all about you two and your history. I guess you don't want mami going off to search for Maxy or do you?

[Kent furrows his brow and lets out a small chuckle. Kent then stares back at Jessica, his blue eyes locked on her as she stares back at him. Jessica grins, standing up again once more and saunters behind Kent, placing the 6WF title on the table in the process. Kent turns the television off and relaxes back on the leather sofa as Jessica is now standing behind it and the champion. Jessica's gentle hands begin massaging Kent's broad shoulders, her poison green finger nails also on show as the camera zooms in. Jessica then softly speaks to her Kent]

Jessica: Why doesn't mami take the pressure off and you get whatever is off your chest... that six pack challenge match this evening for example... I know you have enemies in that match... and you have enemies elsewhere, don't you daddy...after all a man with no enemies is weak. You're the greatest in this generation...tell me whats on your mind daddy.

[Kent closes his eyes and cricks his neck backwards as Jessica continues to gentle rub his shoulders. Kent opens his eyes, his ice cold blue eyes now look more piercing. Kent exhales a little before getting comfortable and begins to speak as Jessica continues to softly massage her daddy.]

Kent: Genesis.. The name itself carries weight. The mere mention of it strikes fear into the hearts of our enemies. Like Chris Patricks, Scott Harris, Uryu Ishida, Liam Wood and even the likes of Brandon Perez. And why wouldn't it? When you look at us, look at what we do. Look at everything we have acomplished up until this very point, this is OUR Genesis. When you see our talent, our determination, the sheer force of will... it's undeniable. And this is our time in twenty twenty four. I told you Jessica... when you proposed this idea. To become the mami of Genesis we are just getting started. But I have to tell you something else... something else which may shock you.

Kent: I'm going to be honest, Jessica. Our Genesis is in trouble, everything I have built is on the line... we have so many enemies. Oh yes... I hear the whispers... I see the looks and I feel all the pain. We have so many enemies we are almost suffocated at all times. Our enemies have been emboldened in the past few weeks, the likes of Liam Wood... Chris Patricks I could go on think they can stand up to Eddy Kent and his Genesis...  They do not wish to see Genesis rise, they wish to tear us apart. The likes of these men want to destroy everything I have built. They want to end your daddy, the end game boss,  the greatest 6WF undisputed world heavyweight champion of all time. But that's not all... they wish to destroy the son of Genesis. That I cannot and will not allow. Rex's mind is being poisoned... we must stop it before our enemies finish the job.

Kent: Chris Patricks...Chris Patricks for example likes to play games doesn't he? he likes to play silly little games with Genesis. But in recent weeks I think Chris and his friend... Max, are breaking. Something has happened... I feel it. But, Patricks is dangerous... however, I have also said Chris Patricks is narrow minded which is true. Patricks is from an age that is long gone... buried in the sands of time. Our Genesis is about putting everyone on a pedastool. To showcase all of your talents and obtain all the gold which is the objectives. You know the challenge I've laid down mami.. Every  has to be better. I want people like Chris Patricks to look at Genesis and wish they were us because we're just going to keep winning and winning... and I challenge anyone of our enemies to defy us. When this is all over, Patricks will want to pretend to be dead again.

Kent: Another enemy... I've always seen as an enemy and we have history is Uryu Ishida... That damn Ishida... Ishida deep down knows he may be a veteran in this business but he knows I'm on another level. If it wasn't for Christy James at against the wall last year... I would be 6CW world champion. Ishida's dream would be still that... a pipe dream. However, let's not pretend Ishida is one of the greatest wrestlers in the world today. And what did your daddy do? I proved I can beat him. I beat him in a match where the cards ended up stacked in his favour. His dream would of crashed and burned into a shuddering halt if it wasnt for his girlfriend Christy James... Ishida and his dreams are  finished, as far as i'm concerned. If Ishida doesn't agree I will set him straight. Ishida can lie to himself and pretend he's better than daddy but daddy knows the truth... and so do you, Mami.

Kent: Brandon Perez... Percival's family grows every day. But this family needs to be ripped, root and stem...
Perez is a poison. A poison like Percival... two degenerates who have no respect for anyone or anything in this business. What do I see in Brandon Perez... You know what, you should he should see tonight as one hell of an opportunity. by extension, I'm giving him an opportunity... the opportunity to share my ring. But Perez...  what has he done compared to me? Absolutely nothing. Okay sure he has his little bus and his little rated R jokes and the people love him.. so what. Perez is nothing compared to me.

[Jessica continues to massage Kent, her eyes lighting up as she softly speaks in a seductive tone.]

Jessica: What about the rest daddy... Kincade... Saint... what chance do they have against you, the inevitable one... the greatest of all time?

Kent: Hmm.. well, there's one half of the brothers of chaos... Logan Kincade. I'm going to be honest, Logan and I haven't seen each other for many, many years...but I know his family. And I know what Logan Kincade brings to the table. Sure he has that intensity... that volatility but we all know his dad and brother call the shots. Maybe his dad and his brother think he's a lesser man than them. I don't want to be putting words in peoples mouths but there's every possibility his brother and dad, think that, Logan is a lesser man than the pair of them.

Kent: But for the record... if that was true, I don't think that. I think Logan is worthy to challenge for the 6WF championship down the road. But I also think that the likes of Logan Kincade need to be taught a lesson. A lesson which can start tonight. For the record again, I think Logan is much more of a man than his father and brother believe he is. He doesnt need the fire of his brother or the cunning of his father... he just brings that volatility and chaos, I respect that. But Logan should know... tonight I can easily smash him straight back to the family who think he's a lesser man.

Kent: Saint... where do I start with Saint. Saint has been in this game as long as anyone... he's been there and done it all. A veteran of this world and he has my respect for what he has accomplished. But I don't think he understands fully what and who I am...I'm Eddy Kent. I'm the leader of Genesis, I'm the inevitable one and I am the face of 6CWF. Lots has changed since Saint was on top... you know that right Jessica? I expected to cross paths with Saint but not like this. But Saint has done something to catch the attention of the people like I knew he would...

Kent: Saint has used his time wisely and has friends in high places with the coalition... that I can't knock him. I give him credit for that... it's not easy in this day and age to know your career is ticking away and still have these people love you. But tonight could be the last night of that for Saint. Like I've said before Mami... I push this business forward, all the way to the big screen. Almost like cinema...People like Saint want to push it backwards. I've turned this business into a billion dollar comglomerate and what has Saint done for the past few months? get the fans to chant his name and ride on the coattails of one of the greatest of all time, the rock cosplayer, JJ Johnson? Saint needs to enjoy this moment because it will be one of the last before I smash him.

[Jessica giggles as she stops massaging Kent's broad shoulders before playfully sitting on his lap, her lengthy legs stretching out as Kent sadistically grins. Kent looks at Jessica who returns the stare as he speaks]

Kent: Tonight, Genesis and Eddy Kent is going to send a message to them all. But, I want to make this abundantly clear, Jessica...your daddy, your 6WF undisputed world heavyweight champion, Eddy Kent is going to stack them all and pin them. After that we and Genesis are going to stand over their broken, mangled bodies and you will be holding my 6WF undisputed world heavyweight championship in the air as Chris Patricks, Uryu Ishida, Saint, Perez, Logan Kincade any others will have no other choice but to understand this is Daddy's world. This is the age of Genesis. And that daddy, Mami and their Genesis are levels above them all. We are inevitable...

[Jessica chuckles evily as she bites her lip and stands up and nods at Kent, looking back at the 6WF championship in the process. Jessica places a hand on the shoulder of Kent before sauntering off towards to her personal make up area. The scene ends with Kent staring at his 6WF title, the paranoia growing in his eyes once again as the scene slowly fades away to a teamzoomzoom commercial break.]


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6CWF Proving Grounds - Wednesday 14th August 2024 (Episode 38) Empty Re: 6CWF Proving Grounds - Wednesday 14th August 2024 (Episode 38)

Post by President Trump Mon 12 Aug 2024, 10:02 am

Uryu Ishida wrote:"Hold on Tight to Your Dream" starts playing as Chris Patricks and Logan briefly glance at the ramp as Uryu walks out to the ring and confronts the two as he rolls into the ring.

UI: Oh this looks like a trip down memory lane. A match where I'm up against old rivals, Some even from when I first started. A man who a long long time ago I was tag champions with and one who thinks the world shines out his backside. To some of you I may be a mere afterthought. To some a refreshing change of pace from the opponents they have faced recently. Some consider me a man they never want to face ever again.

Uryu leans on the ropes, Looking at Chris and Logan with a warm smile.

UI: Now I don't know who put me and Gazzy in the Elimination Chamber at Beachfront Brawl but we are not going to let this opportunity pass us by! I don't care if your dad put us in here to keep you in line Logan but I wanna kick your brothers ass for kicking me out that battle royal last year and as for your partner Chris his mouth has needed shutting for a long time. You I respect but him I have a lot less time for so if I get an opportunity to shut him up then I will! You both know this week is an opportunity to have momentum going into that match which sadly for me and you Chris...we both kinda need more than the others.

Uryu turns his attention to Chris Patricks.

UI: We are both know how good the other is simply put. We just need to prove it to everyone else. We ain't pitying each other and we don't deserve any pity! We can talk about how great we were but right now? We pushing all our chips in on every single match we have just to prove to ourselves we can still go! So my advice to you is to simply shut up and bring your best! You don't? Then expect to be pinned again and we can all expect another apology speech next week!

Uryu turns to Logan with a stern look.

UI: And as for you. Yes I have issues with your brother and maybe one day your father but simply put you are a wild animal thats barely in control. It's a wonder you are even let out here at times without a handler or a muzzle. Let me guess, Daddy promised you a belly rub if you won? maybe a Pedigree Jumbone? Well if daddy has an issue with me beating your ass tell him to phone the RSPCA! You know I can and will do it to you Logan so I won't be looking back at our tag team run and getting all starry eyed. I won't roll over n play dead for you!

Chris ignores Logan and focuses on Uryu

CP: Lets get things straight, WE (Chris motions the air between himself and Uryu) are nothing alike, not even close. The only thing we ever had in common was we both partnered Max and look who he came to in his hour of need.

Logan smirks at Uryu’s annoyed look

CP: I think you need to focus on you and your own partner and forget about me and mine. I know Liam has tunnel vision at the moment and is just focusing on the main prize. I was like that myself with Genesis and especially Rex but at least I know he will have my back because he needs me to have his when the time comes, can you honestly say the same about Gazzy? After all he has done to you, the betrayals, the beatings, the taking the one person you care about and now playing happy families. Can you trust either of them now? Plague did a number on Gazzy’s head and to just snap out of it all of a sudden and you don’t see the red flags or is it you just want to get close to Clarrisa again. Maybe catch a smell of her hair or even better a couple of strands to add to the collection.

Chris smiles and walks up to Uryu

CP: Maybe it’s you that should keep their mouth shut because you might not like what you hear back

President Trump

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6CWF Proving Grounds - Wednesday 14th August 2024 (Episode 38) Empty Re: 6CWF Proving Grounds - Wednesday 14th August 2024 (Episode 38)

Post by Uryu Ishida Mon 12 Aug 2024, 10:46 am

President Trump wrote:
Uryu Ishida wrote:"Hold on Tight to Your Dream" starts playing as Chris Patricks and Logan briefly glance at the ramp as Uryu walks out to the ring and confronts the two as he rolls into the ring.

UI: Oh this looks like a trip down memory lane. A match where I'm up against old rivals, Some even from when I first started. A man who a long long time ago I was tag champions with and one who thinks the world shines out his backside. To some of you I may be a mere afterthought. To some a refreshing change of pace from the opponents they have faced recently. Some consider me a man they never want to face ever again.

Uryu leans on the ropes, Looking at Chris and Logan with a warm smile.

UI: Now I don't know who put me and Gazzy in the Elimination Chamber at Beachfront Brawl but we are not going to let this opportunity pass us by! I don't care if your dad put us in here to keep you in line Logan but I wanna kick your brothers ass for kicking me out that battle royal last year and as for your partner Chris his mouth has needed shutting for a long time. You I respect but him I have a lot less time for so if I get an opportunity to shut him up then I will! You both know this week is an opportunity to have momentum going into that match which sadly for me and you Chris...we both kinda need more than the others.

Uryu turns his attention to Chris Patricks.

UI: We are both know how good the other is simply put. We just need to prove it to everyone else. We ain't pitying each other and we don't deserve any pity! We can talk about how great we were but right now? We pushing all our chips in on every single match we have just to prove to ourselves we can still go! So my advice to you is to simply shut up and bring your best! You don't? Then expect to be pinned again and we can all expect another apology speech next week!

Uryu turns to Logan with a stern look.

UI: And as for you. Yes I have issues with your brother and maybe one day your father but simply put you are a wild animal thats barely in control. It's a wonder you are even let out here at times without a handler or a muzzle. Let me guess, Daddy promised you a belly rub if you won? maybe a Pedigree Jumbone? Well if daddy has an issue with me beating your ass tell him to phone the RSPCA! You know I can and will do it to you Logan so I won't be looking back at our tag team run and getting all starry eyed. I won't roll over n play dead for you!

Chris ignores Logan and focuses on Uryu

CP: Lets get things straight, WE (Chris motions the air between himself and Uryu) are nothing alike, not even close. The only thing we ever had in common was we both partnered Max and look who he came to in his hour of need.

Logan smirks at Uryu’s annoyed look

CP: I think you need to focus on you and your own partner and forget about me and mine. I know Liam has tunnel vision at the moment and is just focusing on the main prize. I was like that myself with Genesis and especially Rex but at least I know he will have my back because he needs me to have his when the time comes, can you honestly say the same about Gazzy? After all he has done to you, the betrayals, the beatings, the taking the one person you care about and now playing happy families. Can you trust either of them now? Plague did a number on Gazzy’s head and to just snap out of it all of a sudden and you don’t see the red flags or is it you just want to get close to Clarrisa again. Maybe catch a smell of her hair or even better a couple of strands to add to the collection.

Chris smiles and walks up to Uryu

CP: Maybe it’s you that should keep their mouth shut because you might not like what you hear back

Uryu shakes his head slowly and sighs as Chris smile grows.

UI: Yeah...there are times where bridges are broken in my past. Max, Acer, Gazzy, Reborn. Yet look back at all the bridges that have been remade. Acer knows I am there to help him if he wants it. Max was the first man to walk out and congratulate me when I became champion. Am I mad he chose you over me? not in the slightest! If you recall when he saw me I just got my ass handed to me and could barely raise my arms!

Uryu raises his arms in the Project X symbol as the crowd cheer.

UI: So Gazzy is continuing to earn my trust and I am earning his. Why else would I go after Plagues followers if not to help a friend make sure he got to his wife safely! I have told him and I shall tell you that I only will be friends with Christy, nothing more and only if she wishes it. Now you can drag every bit of my past up if you want but I am looking forward to what lies in my future and right now it looks like the crowd getting a sneak preview of the main event!

Uryu starts to look between Logan and Chris, Unsure who will strike first.

Uryu Ishida

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6CWF Proving Grounds - Wednesday 14th August 2024 (Episode 38) Empty Re: 6CWF Proving Grounds - Wednesday 14th August 2024 (Episode 38)

Post by President Trump Mon 12 Aug 2024, 11:37 am

Chris raises his arms in a disarming manner and walks towards the ropes

CP: You need to lay off the redbulls and maybe the cool-aid there buddy. Your delusions amaze me Uyru. Let’s just forget all about all your little indiscretions over the last year. How you conducted yourself with your “friends” girl, all the whispers of who her baby daddy really was and all while you were the face of 6CWF and 6CW champ. Do you really think everyone will just forget…especially Gazzy? Never mind him earning YOUR trust, some might say you got what you deserved it’s just a pity Gaz didn’t have the balls to do it himself and not hide behind Plague. You should be begging for his forgiveness but you will spin it like you always do and make it out that you are the victim as usual. At least I own my past and apologise when needed like a real man.

Chris climbs out of the ring and starts to head up the ramp to the cheers of the crowd

CP: See you both in a few days, have fun in there

President Trump

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6CWF Proving Grounds - Wednesday 14th August 2024 (Episode 38) Empty Re: 6CWF Proving Grounds - Wednesday 14th August 2024 (Episode 38)

Post by BlueDragon1205 Mon 12 Aug 2024, 11:57 am

Marky wrote:
BlueDragon1205 wrote:Wood exits up through the crowd and disappears through a door as the other men in the ring eye eachother up. All three go to talk at the same time but are cut off..

You boys finished?

Blue Dragon is still stood at the top of the ramp. He makes his way down as he talks

Where do we start on this?

Percy, take it from me. There's many ways to interpret what I'm about to say and your more than welcome to.take this however you want.. be careful what you wish for, because if you try me, you will get hurt, you will suffer and there will be blood. But I. The end I can promise you one thing, I will change you, both mentally and physically. And you won't walk the same again..

Rex... Don't you dare stand there and pretend like you here to defend Genius, that your here to do anything other than to raise your own stock, and take it from me, you should do, you have a bright future in this business. I can see it in you, you need to earn your way and learn your place, and right now, that's behind your 'daddy'

JJ, you want to know what my problem is with you? You seem to forget 'playa' I've been here almost as long as you have, I've been through all the sh*t that you have and I've done it all without losing sight of who I am. It's not an act with me, I am exactly who I say I am. I don't feel the need to play a character or to over egg the omelette with these people. I don't care if the love me or if they hate, but your f*cked if you think they don't respect me, or even fear me. I consider myself the top of the mountain here, the end to all roads because I am the most proven man to ever step through these ropes

Blue Dragon walks up the steps and through the ropes standing in the ring with the others

I'm not talking Championships, I'm not talking big money contracts, I'm not talking being 'the boss' and I'm not talking having a gang of ar*eholes to watch my back. Take all that away, take away the fans, take away the ring, take away the glamour of all of this and put me in a fight with anyone in 6CWF and you know I win. You won't admit it, but you know I win. So I don't care if it's you, you, you, (he points at the other in turn) or anyone else. I am the new measuring stick here or anywhere else...

Blue Dragon takes the titles from his shoulders and he places them in the corner of the ring...

I don't need the gold to prove it, I'm a champion, in the oldest sense of the word, Rex, your a young warrior and I can respect that, I hope you learn from the beating your due from me. You two though, your a pair of f*cking clowns...

Dragon leans on the corner post and crosses his arms snarling at the others...

Percy Percival goes to speak to respond to Blue Dragon, but Rex Adamson almost snaps him in half with a vicious Gore, leaving the Filipino doubled over in pain on the mat, as the crowd boos. Rex then speaks as Percy rolls underneath the bottom rope, JJ Johnson is unimpressed as Rex keeps distance between himself and JJ

Rex: I think we've heard quite enough from him for one night...

Rex smirks as he looks at Percy writhing around in pain, before looking back towards Blue Dragon

Rex: You can talk sh*t to JJ, Wood and Percy in your own time Bluey, but Wood did make an excellent point about you being a World Champion, and me having this briefcase... I wont dignify him with an answer, but don't take your eyes off me or under estimate me Bluey. You act like your experience matters, but that JJ Johnson's experience doesn't matter. And then you think my lack of experience discounts me somehow... You're talking b*llocks.

Rex shrugs as the crowd boo

Rex: You can make empty threats to me all you want about the supposed beating that I'm due, but nobody has been able to beat me yet... That's a fact. Nobody has managed it yet. I've beaten everyone I've faced, so I'm not scared of you Blue Dragon. And I'm certainly not scared of JJ Johnson. 6CWF are afraid to give me opportunities, because they know what I'm capable of. It's ridiculous that by the time we get to Saudi Arabia in September, it will be the first Championship match 6CWF have given me since I debuted. In eighteen months, they have given me a Freshers Ball match, and a spot in a 16 man Fight for the Right Tournament, while others have been given World Title matches for nothing. In fact...

Rex smirks at Blue Dragon

Rex: ...You, Bluey, have technically given me more opportunities than 6CWF Management have, when you made the Gateway to Glory match be for the 6CW World Title... Which shows how inept this company truly is. Kent and I might not be seeing eye to eye at the moment, but we both want success, and we both want what's best for Genesis... And it starts in the desert, when we become your new World Tag Team Champions.

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6CWF Proving Grounds - Wednesday 14th August 2024 (Episode 38) Empty Re: 6CWF Proving Grounds - Wednesday 14th August 2024 (Episode 38)

Post by BlueDragon1205 Mon 12 Aug 2024, 11:59 am

Marky wrote:
BlueDragon1205 wrote:Wood exits up through the crowd and disappears through a door as the other men in the ring eye eachother up. All three go to talk at the same time but are cut off..

You boys finished?

Blue Dragon is still stood at the top of the ramp. He makes his way down as he talks

Where do we start on this?

Percy, take it from me. There's many ways to interpret what I'm about to say and your more than welcome to.take this however you want.. be careful what you wish for, because if you try me, you will get hurt, you will suffer and there will be blood. But I. The end I can promise you one thing, I will change you, both mentally and physically. And you won't walk the same again..

Rex... Don't you dare stand there and pretend like you here to defend Genius, that your here to do anything other than to raise your own stock, and take it from me, you should do, you have a bright future in this business. I can see it in you, you need to earn your way and learn your place, and right now, that's behind your 'daddy'

JJ, you want to know what my problem is with you? You seem to forget 'playa' I've been here almost as long as you have, I've been through all the sh*t that you have and I've done it all without losing sight of who I am. It's not an act with me, I am exactly who I say I am. I don't feel the need to play a character or to over egg the omelette with these people. I don't care if the love me or if they hate, but your f*cked if you think they don't respect me, or even fear me. I consider myself the top of the mountain here, the end to all roads because I am the most proven man to ever step through these ropes

Blue Dragon walks up the steps and through the ropes standing in the ring with the others

I'm not talking Championships, I'm not talking big money contracts, I'm not talking being 'the boss' and I'm not talking having a gang of ar*eholes to watch my back. Take all that away, take away the fans, take away the ring, take away the glamour of all of this and put me in a fight with anyone in 6CWF and you know I win. You won't admit it, but you know I win. So I don't care if it's you, you, you, (he points at the other in turn) or anyone else. I am the new measuring stick here or anywhere else...

Blue Dragon takes the titles from his shoulders and he places them in the corner of the ring...

I don't need the gold to prove it, I'm a champion, in the oldest sense of the word, Rex, your a young warrior and I can respect that, I hope you learn from the beating your due from me. You two though, your a pair of f*cking clowns...

Dragon leans on the corner post and crosses his arms snarling at the others...

Percy Percival goes to speak to respond to Blue Dragon, but Rex Adamson almost snaps him in half with a vicious Gore, leaving the Filipino doubled over in pain on the mat, as the crowd boos. Rex then speaks as Percy rolls underneath the bottom rope, JJ Johnson is unimpressed as Rex keeps distance between himself and JJ

Rex: I think we've heard quite enough from him for one night...

Rex smirks as he looks at Percy writhing around in pain, before looking back towards Blue Dragon

Rex: You can talk sh*t to JJ, Wood and Percy in your own time Bluey, but Wood did make an excellent point about you being a World Champion, and me having this briefcase... I wont dignify him with an answer, but don't take your eyes off me or under estimate me Bluey. You act like your experience matters, but that JJ Johnson's experience doesn't matter. And then you think my lack of experience discounts me somehow... You're talking b*llocks.

Rex shrugs as the crowd boo

Rex: You can make empty threats to me all you want about the supposed beating that I'm due, but nobody has been able to beat me yet... That's a fact. Nobody has managed it yet. I've beaten everyone I've faced, so I'm not scared of you Blue Dragon. And I'm certainly not scared of JJ Johnson. 6CWF are afraid to give me opportunities, because they know what I'm capable of. It's ridiculous that by the time we get to Saudi Arabia in September, it will be the first Championship match 6CWF have given me since I debuted. In eighteen months, they have given me a Freshers Ball match, and a spot in a 16 man Fight for the Right Tournament, while others have been given World Title matches for nothing. In fact...

Rex smirks at Blue Dragon

Rex: ...You, Bluey, have technically given me more opportunities than 6CWF Management have, when you made the Gateway to Glory match be for the 6CW World Title... Which shows how inept this company truly is. Kent and I might not be seeing eye to eye at the moment, but we both want success, and we both want what's best for Genesis... And it starts in the desert, when we become your new World Tag Team Champions.

Dragon steps away from the turnbuckle and he places a boot on the barely conscious form of Percy, he unceremoniously kicks him to the ropes and out of the ring, he hits the floor with a thud before BD turns round and laughs to the other two in the ring, he smiles and winks at JJ who just shakes his head.

What? You got a problem with that too? Is it against some sort of code or conduct to clear out the sh*t from the ring? Should I have left that there for the ring crew? F*ck you!!

JJ shoots a hateful look at BD and then looks over at Rex who goes to speak.. BD puts his hand out and 

You, Rex! You... Have no idea how right you are. This company have always, and will always refuse to give the people, the warriors, the opportunities that they deserve, and you can thank JJ here for that.. he wants to drone on and on and make me sound like some sort of sore loser, complaining that I never got to be a part of this companies return. But I do find it funny how he had all of his mates involved with the 'board' and how none of them had the spirit to stand up to Clarke James and survive. All they could do was sit back and wait for the 'hero' of 6CWF to come save them. These idiots lap it up like some c*m hungry wh*res and the likes of Rex Adamson, Robin Reborn, Liam Wood, hell even Gazzy D are suddenly taking a back seat to this so called saviour. 

BD gets close to JJ, he talks to him, almost from the heart..

I wanted this company to be about so much more, I wanted it to be about competition, about bringing out the best...
Can you imagine what could have been with the real spirit of competition here Jay? This place would be Glorious Chaos...

Dragon seems to realise how much he sounds like his father and instantly stops with an angry look on his face, he looks dejected before trying to shake it off...

What I'm saying here lads, is that.. while I will admit that the three of us in this ring right now are possibly three of the best to lace up a pair of boots. While we are all potential world champion material, and I'm not afraid to admit it. What I will admit is this, JJ, your best is behind you, you've done everything in this industry, you've practically ran this whole place for years and you deserve you time living out the rest of your days outside this ring, or I can take you out back and put a bolt through your head, your choice...

And you Rex, you are the future, your just getting started on what your capable of here, I want to watch it and I want to be part of it... but me? I'm the Then, I'm the Now and I'm the Always Will Be. I'm the one to test yourself against here, me and Logan, and I'm the one that will make you dig deep and show everything you've got, but even after all that, even after the showing of a lifetime, you'll both come up short. Because I am Blue Dragon and you will realise, if you don't already.. that I am the Alpha of 6CWF and I will not give my titles away while I'm breathing. If anyone wants to take.anything from me again, they're going to have to k*ll me..

Dragon looks intense as the fans cheer and jeer him in equal measure, he walks back to the corner and he takes his titles, he lifts them to a pop from the crowd again and he steps out of the ring. Dragon backs up the ramp, not taking his eyes off the others and disappears through the curtain with a stern but almost worried look on his face...

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6CWF Proving Grounds - Wednesday 14th August 2024 (Episode 38) Empty Re: 6CWF Proving Grounds - Wednesday 14th August 2024 (Episode 38)

Post by Lee Tue 13 Aug 2024, 8:40 am

Logan glares at Patrick's walking up the ramp.

LK: Christopher, never forget... you're just Christopher Patricks, and that's all you'll ever be....

Patrick's smirks at Logan's words as he continues up the ramp.

Logan turns to Uryu with a look of disgust.

LK: of all the people in this match you, Uryu, are just another one of them. There may have been a time when beating the s**t out of you would have brought me no small amount of joy...but to see if what you have become, even for you, is sad.

In the mind of the weak, self doubt is understandable, and some even find it useful as motivation to become better and to overcome... But not you, you use self doubt as a comfy blanket, you hide behind it to shield you from the ugly truth that

Logan is pacing around the ring as Uryu looks unimpressed.

LK: You're not ready for this, this is beyond you, I almost feel sorry that they put you in there with men such as me...but then I remember things, stupid things like...Team...Water....cooler

Uryu smirks at the name he thought Logan would never have remembered.

LK: it's nonsense like that Uryu that almost make me hate you...almost, but no, because I see you crying and pissing yourself on the roof and remember exactly who you are...

Logan leans back over the top rope and flips out onto the floor

LK: You want some free advice lad? Don't show up for work next week, if you're in that match, it's gonna go very badly for you...I don't wanna add you to my list...but I will.

Logan grabs his Tag title and walks up the ramp dragging the title behind him.


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