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6CWF Proving Grounds Saturday 24th August 2024 (Episode 39)

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6CWF Proving Grounds Saturday 24th August 2024 (Episode 39) Empty 6CWF Proving Grounds Saturday 24th August 2024 (Episode 39)

Post by JJJohnson Thu 15 Aug 2024, 12:27 pm

Live from the Royal Arena, Copenhagen, Denmark
Start time : 5pm
Official theme songs: "All of the lights" by Rihanna & Kanye West

Bout 1
Diego Romero vs ???

Bout 2
Beat the Clock (Elimination Chamber)
??? vs ???

Bout 3
Beat the Clock (Elimination Chamber)
??? vs ???

Bout 4
6CWF European Championship
Dicey Reilly (c) vs Perfect Jack

*EWF Global Championship Contract Signing & Press Conference

Bout 5
Beat the Clock (Elimination Chamber)
??? vs ???

Bout 6
Beat the Clock (Elimination Chamber)
??? vs ???

*Xtreme Championship head to head

Bout 7
Beat the Clock (Elimination Chamber)
??? vs ???

Main Event
Beat the Clock (Elimination Chamber)
??? vs ???


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6CWF Proving Grounds Saturday 24th August 2024 (Episode 39) Empty Re: 6CWF Proving Grounds Saturday 24th August 2024 (Episode 39)

Post by DanielReilly Thu 15 Aug 2024, 3:29 pm

The camera takes us backstage to the locker room where Daniel Reilly is stood alongside Oliver Keane. Reilly is unwrapping his wrist tape as he smirks towards the camera before stepping forward, tossing his wrist tape aside.

DR: The King is glad to see things are finally changing around here! The King is fighting for a World Championship and he has proved to Acer once more that he is just not good enough to be a World Champion! But the King does not want you all to get excited just yet for he will still be out of here after Born in Fire and the words 'you never know what you've got until it's gone' will never be truer then in the case of Daniel Reilly! You see, time is ticking on the King's contracts and quite frankly, the King is doing what he wants, when he wants and if the King chooses to not show up to an event, then the King will not be there.

But this week, Daniel Reilly can see that a contract signing is arranged between the King, little Acer and Scott Harris and so JJ Johnson need not fear because the King will be there. The King wants to look both Acer and Scott Harris dead in the eye and see if they really truly believe they have what it takes to prevent the King from becoming a three time World Champion! The King wants to feel the nerves and smell the fear as these two men are forced to compete for a World Championship against Daniel Reilly!

The King will become the new 6WF Global Champion and then before these fans even have the chance to enjoy it, Daniel Reilly will ride off into the sunset with the World Championship firmly in his grasp as JJ Johnson is forced to explain to the shareholders how he managed to let a World Champions contract expire! Although the King has a sneaky feeling that JJ Johnson has his hands full right now with other matters!

Reilly smirks as he beckons Keane and both men walk off.


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6CWF Proving Grounds Saturday 24th August 2024 (Episode 39) Empty Re: 6CWF Proving Grounds Saturday 24th August 2024 (Episode 39)

Post by acer101 Thu 15 Aug 2024, 5:44 pm

The scene opens inside Elevate Combat with the set arranged for a sit-down interview. Acer, wearing dark shades, enters the room with a cold, detached demeanour, barely acknowledging anyone as he takes his seat. Clarissa, already prepared with her questions, begins welcoming the viewers and thanking Acer for his time. But before she can finish her introduction, Acer cuts her off, his voice dripping with disdain.

“To make one thing perfectly clear,” Acer interrupts, raising a hand, “I’m not here out of choice. I’m here because I’m contractually obligated to, so here I am, forced to entertain your irrelevant questions. Let’s skip the small talk—ask what you really want to ask: it’s about JJ, isn’t it?”

Clarissa remains composed and asks her first question: “I’m sure you saw the replay of Proving Grounds, particularly after you stormed out following your discussion with Saint. You’ve surely by now seen the celebration JJ was going to throw for you. So, I have to ask, why this hostility towards those who want to see you succeed?”

Acer leans forward, ripping off his sunglasses and locking eyes with Clarissa, his voice now a fierce growl. “Succeed? That’s what you took from it? Let me set you straight. In sports, you don’t throw a party for getting to the Super Bowl—you celebrate when you win the Super Bowl. You don’t pop champagne for making the World Cup final—you celebrate when you lift the trophy. But me? I’ve won nothing yet, and JJ wants to throw a parade because I have a title shot? You know what that tells me? It tells me that to JJ and Saint, I’m nothing more than a feel-good underdog, a guy who’s punching above his weight. In their eyes, this title shot is the highlight of my career, the furthest they think I can go, the peak of my Mount Everest. And that’s downright insulting!”

A tense silence follows as Acer lets his words sink in. Then, with a sneer, he adds, “And let’s not forget—it’s not even a real World Championship. It’s some ‘Global’ belt from the EWF.”

Clarissa quickly seizes the moment, asking, “Speaking of which, the EWF Global Championship is making its return at Beachfront Brawl. What are your thoughts on competing for it?”

Acer leans back in his chair, glaring at Clarissa as if the question itself is an affront. “Let’s get real for a second. In this business, there are only three World Championships that actually matter. The 6WF and 6CW titles—still the standard-bearers of our industry—and the TAW Championship, which carries a legacy you can’t deny. I could list the legends who’ve held those belts all day long, but the EWF Global Championship? I couldn’t name you three former holders because it’s a relic no one cared about. It’s a title with zero weight, and yet *that’s* what they’ve decided to resurrect?”

His voice takes on a bitter edge as he continues, “They could’ve brought back the TAW Championship—we know it’s 6CWF intellectual property. But no. JJ and Saint would rather hoard it like some prized trophy, parading it around to relive their glory days, knowing damn well what it means to me.”

Clarissa’s curiosity sharpens as she asks, “Why does it mean so much to you? You’ve never held the TAW Championship.”

Acer mockingly claps his hands, dripping with sarcasm. “Brilliant deduction, Detective. Yes, I’ve never held it. But that belt and I are tied together in history. Back when I ran 6WF, we acquired TAW, and everyone expected the TAW Championship to be absorbed, to become nothing more than a footnote under the 6WF banner. But I fought tooth and nail to preserve its legacy, to make sure it stood apart, with its own history, its own significance. I protected it, made sure it didn’t get swallowed up like everyone wanted. That’s why it matters.”

Clarissa nods, shifting gears to her final question. “Looking ahead to next week’s Proving Grounds and your match at Beachfront Brawl, do you have any last thoughts about your opponents?”

Acer’s expression hardens. “First of all, it’s typical 6CWF management—completely clueless. You’ve got three guys who can’t stand each other, and you think sticking them together in a tag match is a great idea? Then you follow it up with a contract signing and press conference like it won’t end in chaos. Genius move.”

He scoffs before addressing his challengers. “Scott Harris, the fans’ golden boy. They cheer like he’s some world-beater, but when that bell rings, they can’t save him. He talks a big game about breaking bones, but honestly, I doubt he could crack an egg without help. He’s soft, and I’ll prove it at Beachfront Brawl.”

Acer’s tone shifts to icy contempt as he continues. “Then there’s Daniel Reilly. I now know why his moniker is ‘The King’ because he just won’t ‘King shut his mouth! He’s so focused on his contract drama that he doesn’t even realise he’s playing a game where he’s holding Uno cards while everyone else is playing poker. He’s out here convinced he’s leaving in November with the World Championship that the only thing that’ll happen is him walking out crushed, watching me leave as the new Global Champion.”

Acer’s voice lowers to almost a whisper, his words deliberate and chilling. “And when I do, it won’t just be about winning a title. It’ll be about stepping out of JJ’s shadow once and for all. Beachfront Brawl might be my Everest—but for me, it’s just the base camp.”


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6CWF Proving Grounds Saturday 24th August 2024 (Episode 39) Empty Re: 6CWF Proving Grounds Saturday 24th August 2024 (Episode 39)

Post by Bentyf1 Fri 16 Aug 2024, 6:21 pm

[The 6CWF universe is greeted to a 6CWF network exclusive on Amazon Prime Sports. As the camera brims into a life a large poison green "Miss Jessica's Genesis Awakening" in bold font plasters the screen. The spiteful and arrogant face of Miss Jessica is smiling just to the top right of the word awakening. as the Text slowly dissolves, Jessica's evil giggle can be heard before slowly fading away. Jessica's voice can then be heard as a voice over as the a small video package beigins to play, showing 6WF undisputed world heavyweight champion Eddy Kent in all his glory as well as Genesis.]

MJ: "Listen up, 6CWF universe... it's your Mami... Miss Jessica and I have something I want to say... Genesis and our daddy Eddy Kent? They’re not just good...Genesis and Eddy Kent are the greatest of all time. While everyone else is flappin' their gums, they’re out the defending 6WF from itself. This company has been built by Eddy Kent, a man in his god mode era and our daddy... The inevitable one. The longest reigning 6WF world champion of all time... Eddy’s got the guts to defend everyone from themselves and win matches some are too scared to even contemplate. And Genesis, the likes of our son, Rex Adamson? It’s like a revolution wrapped in excellence, something this world will never see again. So, if you’re not on board, Genesis will leave you behind in your bingo halls where you deserve to be. Eddy Kent and Genesis have been my awakening... and they will be yours to. Welcome, to Miss Jessica's Genesis Awakening!"

[The screen lights up and the 6CWF universe is greeted to a makeshift, cosy and well lit, almost like a music venue area. There are four rows of bleachers where 6CWF fans are sat, warmly cheering and hollering their excitement. The fans are wearing largely wearing Genesis style merchandise, ranging from Rex Adamson, Eddy Kent, Tyler Roth, Michael Sweetwater and even Miss Jessica. Around the area, the walls are covered with Genesis memrobilia and of course, plenty of Eddy Kent merchandise and pictures of the main man. The camera swivels to a little aisle way where a glamourous and resplendent, Miss Jessica is sauntering down. She is wearing a expensive green gucci jumpsuit and her blood red hair is tied up neatly into a bun. She is clutching a microphone and heads to a neatly set up booth area where there is a large, poison genesis green G spray painted onto the glossy oak table. Around the table is electronic moving images of Eddy Kent posing with his 6WF championship. The noise of Jessica's black heels clicking on the wooden floor can be heard as the crowd somewhat simmer down as Jessica takes her position in the booth area. Jessica rubs her hands with glee as her pearly whites are almost blinding as she smiles into the camera. Jessica pouts for a few seconds before then speaking into the micrpohone as the 6CWF fans in attendance are now silent, eager to what tirade Jessica will speak now under the almost omniscient prescence of Eddy Kent in the form of the images.]

MJ: Good evening all of our amazing 6CWF universe, welcome to the Genesis Pulse! and if you didn't know already, my name is Jessica... and I am the Mami of Genesis and special counsel to the greatest of all time, the inevitable one and our daddy... 6WF undisputed world heavyweight champion, Eddy Kent! And this show is not just any show.. this is the show where I, Jessica, will address what the facts really are in this company and why Genesis is leading the charge of perfection and purity. Not the agenda of those who wish to dismantle and degrade 6CWF to the gutter where they are most comfortable. These so called idealists want the greatest ever to be removed, we cannot let this happen.

MJ: It's the greatest privilege of my career to serve as the mami of Genesis and the special counsel, the greatest ever.. Eddy Kent. The man who has picked up the record books and torn them to pieces, the likes of which never to be seen again. Our daddy has been undisputed 6WF world champion for currently a record breaking 345 days... hear that again. THREE HUNDRED AND FORTY FIVE DAYS... it makes me all warm inside thinking about that... The record is never going to be beaten and this kind of perfection is never going to be seen ever again.

MJ: 6CWF universe... we must rally and pledge alliegence to our daddy and the undisputed 6WF world champion, Eddy Kent. I promise you, this will never... EVER be repeated again. These dangerous idealists the likes of Damian Andrews and his sons Logan Kincade, Blue Dragon. And then the likes of Liam Wood and Chris Patricks wish to snuff out our greatest ever and drag 6CWF to the gutter. You people dont want that do you? You don't want this to happen. Look at what Eddy Kent and Genesis have built for you all. We cannot... No, we will not let them drag us to their levels!

MJ: Now, I know a large swathe of 6CWF universe, the underground community all love when men maim each other in the squared circle. You open up social media on X, instagram, Facebook, TikTok and all you see is wrestlers like Liam Wood, Chris Patricks, Blue Dragon and Logan Kincade trying to maim, spill blood and cause chaos... that's all they got... the shock factor! it all appeals to the lowest common denominator and that is the ones in our 6CWF universe we need to change. We need them to open their eyes to Eddy Kent and Genesis... the inevititibilty of perfection and we will!

[The clearly biased Genesis fans in the makeshift area are hollering and holding up signs which read "Daddy is inevitable" and "Genesis, save 6CWF!" as Jessica chuckles and evily smiles into the camera while images of Kent continue to roll around the area on the electronic billboards and then a poison G flicks on everynow and then. Jessica then starts speaking more bile.]

MJ: Eddy Kent is here for perfection. He has built this company in his image... the image of Genesis. He's change the game for the better. Don't you all remember when Eddy Kent wasn't around? 6CWF wasn't on Amazon prime... 6CWF barely could get onto your screens around the world. 6CWF athletes were performing in rundown bingohalls and who changed the landscape. That was Eddy Kent and his vision of Genesis... in a year, Eddy Kent has changed the game. He put foods on all our tables... He has given so much hope to our 6CWF universe and he is the daddy we can all look up to.

MJ: What baffles me though is the lack of disrespect he gets from other wrestlers and alost the disrespect he gets from those two.. those two things on commentary! why don't they applaud him? why don't they acknowledge that they are in the prescence of greatness? are they trying to appeal to the 6CWF underground who want things to go back to a level they are happy with?! it offends me... and it should offend you! Eddy Kent is a winner... Daddy doesn't lose. Not like the likes of Patricks, Wood, Kincade and the rest of his family. And whether you like it or not, Daddy is going to be on top for a very, very long time...

MJ: Eddy Kent is the undisputed number one and we should all be empowered and motivated by his greatness. Because as I said, this will never happen again in our life time 6CWF universe. Look at some of the great names of this industry has ever seen... Cassius Zhi, Dicey Reilly, JJ Johnson, Crime Lord, Max Adamson, The Saint... all of them. Every single last one of them has never done what Eddy Kent has done in this company. No why? because they're all wannabes... Eddy Kent is the inevitable one.

MJ: And then you have a bunch of guys who want a shot at greatness... that one shot at immortality. All will talk big and loud... all talk about ending the title reign of a god. Your daddy and the greatest of all time. Why haven't they? Scott Harris, couldn't beat him. Max Adamson couldn't beat him. Chris Patricks couldn't beat him. Dicey Reilly couldn't beat him... Liam Wood couldn't beat him. And just quickly, 6CWF universe.. Liam Wood's long time girlfriend, Emmy. Why does she stick around with him? she will see the Genesis light soon like the rest of the degenerates. She will recognise Eddy Kent as her Daddy also.. Logan Kincade and Blue Dragon cannot beat him. The pretenders... they cannot keep on his level or the level of Genesis.

MJ: I'm not going to lie to you 6CWF universe... your mami cares. Your mami cares about what our universe watches and the dangerous direction it could go down if one of the pretenders gets their way... it's out duty as Genesis under the guidance of our Daddy to continue to wrestle power away from these pretenders and snuff out any oxygen they have to breathe. Our universe must be Green... our universe must be Genesis. Our universe must celebrate the perfection and excellency of Genesis and Eddy Kent.

MJ: 6CWF universe.. I'm going to keep this short and sweet as your Mami has a very, very busy schedule so I will leave you with this. There are 6CWF hall of famers... there are 6CWF legends and then there are 6CWF superstars... you lump them all together and yet there is still one that stands heads and shoulders above them all on a platform all on his own. There is only one Inevitable one.. There is only one Daddy, there is only one leader of Genesis and there is only one... Eddy Kent.

[The clearly brainwashed Genesis crowd begin to cheer and holler loud as Jessica giggles almost maniacally as she places the microphone down and spins on her chair to wave to her public. The crowd cheer loudly as Jessica stands up and points to a sign and yells "Genesis will save 6CWF!" The scene slowly fades away as the 6CWF audience are left with the electronic images of 6WF champion, Eddy Kent posing with his championship and then the poison green G of Genesis as the Genesis Awakening show ends and goes to a TeamZoomZoom commercial.]


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6CWF Proving Grounds Saturday 24th August 2024 (Episode 39) Empty Re: 6CWF Proving Grounds Saturday 24th August 2024 (Episode 39)

Post by TheCultOfPersonality Sat 17 Aug 2024, 1:22 pm

Mike Masters is on screen now with Clarissa. Masters is wearing a vest which reads “I put the Xtreme in Xtremism” which leads to an eyeroll from Clarissa.

Clarissa: Mike.

MM: You know, Clarissa, you say “Mike” but I don’t know if you are well acquainted enough for that Every time I do one of your stupid interviews I have to put up with your sarcasm or, quite frankly, your unprofessionalism so I don’t know if I want you calling me by my first name anymore.

Clarissa: I could call you something else!

MM: Every sharp with the wit, Clarissa. Congratulations on your little bump by the way.

Clarissa scowls as she looks down at her perfectly flat stomach

MM: No wonder they’ve been rationing the donuts at meal times.

Clarissa: So, moving on, what would you like me to call you?

MM: How about Mr Masters? Or The Masterful One? Or even the new Xtreme Champion?

Clarissa: I can’t call you something that isn’t true!

MM: Isn’t true, yet! See make no mistake about it Clarissa it is only a matter of time. 23 days to be exact until yours truly has championship gold around his gorgeous, sexy waist once again.

Clarissa has to stifle a mocking laugh

Clarissa: That was going to be my avenue of questioning here today after Geoff Steel granted you and Jimmy...

Masters puts a finger to Clarissa’s lips and she looks scandalised

MM: Hush now, you are making yourself look even more stupid than your blond hair and slutty appearance does. Geoff Steel granted me nothing and you’d be wise to never repeat such garbage again. I kicked Geoff Steel’s head in two weeks ago at Night of Champions and last week I slapped him about again just to remind him that he will never be in my league. That’s before you even get into the controversy of his match with Jimmy Phillips, the man who should already be keeping my belt warm for me.

Geoff Steel made the challenge to me and Jimmy because he knows it was his only chance to save any kind of face. He’s supposed to be a champion in this company but has spent the last month getting his ar5e handed to him on a plate. Well a little spoiler for you, Geoff, because it isn’t looking any rosier for you on the horizon. I admire the publicity stunt of calling me out but you and I both know that it is only a formality of what is coming at Beachfront Brawl. You’ve had a half decent run but this company needs someone prominent leading them forward and you just aren’t marketable enough. I mean, you have seen your own face right?

This week I’m supposed to turn up to some head to head but what is the point? It’s not going to sell any more tickets and it sure isn’t going to change the outcome of what is inevitable. Yeah, it’s a chance for Geoff Steel to do his little macho, chest pounding, caveman get up. Sure, that’ll put bums in seats

Masters tips the camera a wink

MM: If it hasn’t sunk in already then it is only a matter of time. I am superior to Geoff Steel on every level. I can go Xtreme with him and beat him down and the whole world knows I can wrestle rings around him so, really, it’s up to him on how he wants me to beat him for that belt. I can make it relatively painless but outstandingly embarrassing or I can inflict so much pain mentally and physically that he begs for mercy in the middle of the ring. I’m open to either as long as I get what’s coming to me and that is championship gold.

I’ll see you Saturday, champ!

Lay off the doughies, sweetheart. Once upon a time I’d of hit that!

Masters sneers at Clarissa and then swaggers out of the camera’s view. Clarissa cannot help but give Masters the finger as he leaves.


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6CWF Proving Grounds Saturday 24th August 2024 (Episode 39) Empty Re: 6CWF Proving Grounds Saturday 24th August 2024 (Episode 39)

Post by JJJohnson Sat 17 Aug 2024, 4:18 pm

*JJ Johnson is standing backstage with Jack Reynolds. The Danish crowd can be heard roaring as he appears on all the screens inside the auditorium. JJ is dressed in a white vest and jeans, a smile on his face as he listens to the fans chanting his name

JR: JJ….

*Big pop

JR: I believe the first time ever for a show in Denmark?

JJ: First time but believe me after listening to this crowd, it won’t be the last….

*The crowd roar again

JJ: I said when we first kicked this all back off that we’d take this show on the road and we’d celebrate all around the world and this is exactly what we doing….Denmark is a beautiful country and a stronghold of 6CWF support….so here we be…

JR: This week, the final edition of “Proving Grounds” before we get to Beachfront Brawl….it’s “Beat the Clock”…..the winning time will ensure which team enters the Chamber last, giving a clear advantage….but the matches, we are told, will be drawn live….

JJ: Ain’t that half the fun….

*JJ raises his eyebrows with a smirk

JJ: Look, Jack, if this is a question of who JJ Johnson is hoping to draw for “Beat the Clock” then the simple answer is I don’t give a f***….

*More cheers from the crowd

JJ: If I gotta slap the lips off Liam Wood then so be it….if I gotta put Rex Adamson’s a55 back in kindergarten then so be it…..if me and Percy gotta go c0ck for c0….nah hold up…

*Reynolds is smiling

JJ: Bottom line, I don’t give a damn……Beachfront Brawl we all gonna be up in that mother****ing Chamber orgy and tearing chunks offa one another so it don’t really matter who’s name comes out the hat next Saturday night…..this s*** just a precursor of what is to come…

Reynolds: There are many though who’d love to see you and Blue Dragon drawn together….

*The crowd greet this with a huge roar

JJ: Yeah I done been hearing this on the grapevine a little o’ late and I really ain’t sure why it is that people so desperate to see it…

*The corner of JJ’s mouth twitches

JJ: Nah I’m playing….look me and the big Blue B1tch got legitimate beef, at least that’s what he says so who am I to correct him…..I said my bit last week and I stand by it….he’s the world champion, he’s top dog but first name outta his mouth is mine, every goddamn time…I ain’t no psychologist but I can diagnose an inferiority complex when I see one….

So maybe we dance next Saturday night, dice of fate draw us together and he gets his opportunity to finally prove to himself that he’s big enough to pi55 in the big boy urinal……if not then we gone see each other inside that Chamber no matter and we got a history of violence between us so you do the math…

JR: A…

JJ: Or…

*JJ smiles now

JJ: Or there is a third option….

*More cheers from the audience

JJ: It real simple……he wants his validation, he wants his moment…..I’m fine as a mother****er with that……Blue Dragon…..JJ Johnson…..6CW World Championship….like my boy Scotty Steiner used to say….holla if ya hear me!

*Crowd pop

JJ: I’m all about the people and what they want…sounds to me like that’s exactly what the people want……decisions very much lie in the hands of Max and Damo now, so we’ll see but I’m game tight for that….

JR: It certainly would be a showcase event…..but can we talk about the Chamber match itself, this is one of the most barbaric and, potentially, career shortening matches in pro wrestling….do you have any concerns stepping into this match? It cannot be denied that you have a history of some very serious injuries…

JJ: ‘preciate you reminding me, playa…

*Reynolds blushes but JJ taps him on the arm

JJ: It’s all good, I’m playing…..look, Jack, you damn right….(he runs his finger down the scar on his neck)…..when Cassius Zhi left me fo’ dead pretty much in 2013 they said that’s a wrap…when Lex Hart piledrivered me on a ladder back in 2015 they said I’d never make it back, absolutely no sir……and I’m proud but also humbled by the journey I went on to make it back to this point today….even being able to tie my own shoes in a morning is something they couldn’t guarantee me so I’m blessed, believe that….

And I’ve done this whole Chamber thing befo…..I think three times I stepped inside that structure and faced some of the absolute baddest whilst doing it, no doubt each time you do it takes a little something away from you…..and Father Time already telling me I ain’t got a whole lot more to give….

*JJ looks thoughtful on this comment

JJ: My family don’t want me to do it, they already been through enough over the years, especially this last one……but they my people and they also understand and respect the fact that I need this, the opportunity to write a couple of chapters before the finale….

So here we are….on the cusp….me and my boy, Saint, riding into Dodge like the old Wild West… it a risk? Absolutely….am I playing with borrowed time? Mo’ than likely…..but am I gonna enjoy every last minute of it?


*JJ raises a hand to the sky

JJ: This is all I know….sure I done a whole lot else away from wrestling but this industry is in my blood and I’ll be damned if anyone else decides how my story ends….now I stood out there last week in the ring with what I acknowledged as the past, present and future of this industry and I gotta admit it needled on me to hear they disrespect…..not because they should be down on bended knee for what I have done or what I have achieved….but because each and every one of those sorry mother****ers acting like they go one on one with me and it’s a foregone conclusion….like they don’t know me or what I’m still capable of……

Now maybe it’s the suit, maybe the fact I got corporate and business ties make them think I ain’t the JJ Johnson of old…..but you know it got me thinking…..because not one of them ever done it like I did and you know what, they still ain’t on my level now….two career saving surgeries later, and you b1tches still ain’t caught up….

*The audience cheer this statement

JJ: Maybe I tried to play too nice, maybe stepping away from active competition got y’all far too comfortable with the fact that as good as you are….you ain’t never been this f***ing good and to be honest, most of you never will be….

Truth hurts but like I said….”Beat the Clock” it don’t matter, running order in that Chamber it don’t matter…..whatever and whoever comes next, don’t matter…..y’all gone see JJ Johnson, every last one of you and then we find out….because y’all can talk about it…..heck some o’ you can even be about it….

But JJ Johnson is IT…..

Crowd: JJ! JJ! JJ! JJ! JJ!

JR: JJ, just quickly whilst I have you here….I wanted to ask you about what happened last week with the EWF Global Championship announcement……it seemed as though you and Saint had some kind of celebration planned for Acer but after giving Saint a piece of his mind he chose to…

JJ: You said it yoself, Jack….he “chose”, key word…..and let that be remembered with whatever happens from this point forward…..Acer is my boy, never been any other way…..certainly not from my mouth…..he went into battle for me and mine and that ain’t something ever gone be forgotten….

But I won’t ever beg any mother****er to see what’s right in front of they face and I certainly ain’t gone be nobody’s excuse for not achieving sh*t in they careers….if he thinks I don’t support him or ain’t got his back, so be it, that’s on him…

See how easy the climb to his “summit” is without me getting in the way…gone be real f***ing easy if you believe what you hear…

*JJ looks angered as he walks out of shot


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6CWF Proving Grounds Saturday 24th August 2024 (Episode 39) Empty Re: 6CWF Proving Grounds Saturday 24th August 2024 (Episode 39)

Post by Steel Tue 20 Aug 2024, 7:42 pm

We cut to the backstage are where both Tim Allen and Geoff Steel can already be seen. Steel has on a 6CW t-shirt the Xtreme title is perched proudly upon his shoulder. Tim already with microphone in hand begins proceedings.

TA: Please join me in welcoming my guest at this time the 6CWF Xtreme champion Geoff Steel.

Geoff stares dead ahead not blinking, then requests Tim Allen hand him the microphone with which Tim duly grants Steels request.

GS: Sorry Tim if this wasn’t how you envisaged this exchange happening tonight but I can take this from here, you’re welcome to stay but there’s two people no doubt watching somewhere feeling very smug at what they achieved this past week, who I very much want to address directly. Of course those two are Jimmy Phillips and Mike Masters, the men who appear hell bent on trying to frustrate me and make me their enemy. Keep on gloating boys about how you bested and out thought me, well done it’s the same L we share in each of our records as a result.

Steel taps the microphone in fake applause

The cheap shots and games you continue to play will eventually catch up with you, when you stand opposite the ring from me for this title there will be no surprises left you can throw at me. You are fooling nobody with this alliance formed out of hatred for Geoff Steel, the moment the gold is on the line the cracks will form and you will cannibalise each other, I’ll then take great pleasure in picking up the pieces and giving you both the true Xtreme experience. The reason I carry this championship is due to fact when pushed I am willing to do the sorts of acts most others would not dare to attempt, I am capable of some truly sickening exploits, you both best be ready to sacrifice everything there’s no going in half hearted or you’ll get chewed up and spat back out in a flash.

Steel lifts the title from his shoulder and holds it closer towards the camera.

GS: You see this, this is my title and I don’t plan on letting either of you ever get your hands on it. Phillips has already tried once and he may think he came close to taking it from me, in reality though he’s streets behind you get nothing for second place in this division other than trip to the nearest emergency department. Mike Masters on the other-hand has done nothing of note to warrant a shot at this title, the one and only reason he finds himself in his current position, is because its easier to get them swept under the canvas at the same time than waste anymore of my valuable time dealing with them separately. When I get my chance I am going end both of their delusions with the ring of the bell and walk out still the Xtreme champion.

Steel places the title back on his shoulder, then hands the microphone back to Tim before walking off ending the scene.


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6CWF Proving Grounds Saturday 24th August 2024 (Episode 39) Empty Re: 6CWF Proving Grounds Saturday 24th August 2024 (Episode 39)

Post by Marky Wed 21 Aug 2024, 11:56 am

We see Rex Adamson backstage at the Royal Arena, he is on his own, wearing his Adidas x Genesis tracksuit and has headphones on over a beanie hat on his head, gingerly doing some stretches, when Jack Reynolds approaches him. Rex glares and shakes his head at Jack

Rex: What is it Jack? Headphones usually mean "Do not disturb".

JR: Apologies... I just wanted to get your comments on what happened last week at the end of Proving Grounds, with Logan Kincade...

Rex immediately stops his stretching at the mention of Logan's name, and is clearly very unhappy. He removes his headphones and has them around his neck instead.

Rex: What do you want me to say? You already know what happened. Logan blindsided me, like a coward. He saw an opportunity, and he took it. For all the "Logan is a scary dude", the guy didn't want to fight me face to face, because he is a coward. A pansy. A weak minded piece of sub human scum. He will get what's coming to him in the Elimination Chamber, but I don't want to wait, I want Logan in these Beat the Clock challenges. I don't know if they're already planned out by Max and Damien, but I'm begging you.

Rex looks down the camera

Rex: Please. Give me Logan. Andrews, give me your boy. See if he's man enough to actually face me this time. Or is he only capable of sneak attacks?

Rex glares back at Jack Reynolds, before unzipping his jacket, revealing heavy bruising to his chest, and he removes his beanie hat which was covering up a big plaster along the top of his forehead. Rex throws his jacket and hat to the side, and is very frustrated

JR: You heard him folks, Rex Adamson wants Logan Kincade-

Rex: I wasn't done.

There is an awkward silence as Rex stares a hole into Jack Reynolds' face, Jack quickly backs off as Rex continues

Rex: There's some other things that have irritated me Jack. And I'm gonna vent now. I had to stay overnight in hospital, precautionary, after Logan's attack. Do you know who stayed with me? Max Adamson. Out of blind loyalty, I guess. It was awkward as f*ck, but he stayed with me. I respect that. Do you know who didn't even contact me?

Rex looks at the Genesis logo on his zip up jacket

Rex: Whatever. It doesn't matter. Kent and Jessica can go around posting their propaganda videos, but Rex Adamson doesn't need propaganda. Rex Adamson does his talking in the ring. I'm confident Kent and I can become World Tag Team Champions in Saudi Arabia, Genesis are still on top of this industry... It's just that sometimes... Genesis isn't always pulling in the same direction. That is something that needs to change, and change now, if we don't want to be left behind in the dust.

JR: Is there anything-

Rex: And then you've got Liam Wood trying to manipulate me to go after Blue Dragon, to leave Eddy Kent for himself. The irony is, with his failed attempts to get us to work together against Bluey, that we're both gonna have Logan Kincade in our sights after what happened last week.

JR: So, you say Liam Wood and you were not going to work together, but you were both in Gorilla Position, at the same time, with your Fight for the Right briefcase...

Rex smirks

Rex: Once a journo hack, always a journo hack, am I right?

Rex smiles at Jack before his smile disappears and he grabs Jack Reynolds by the throat

Rex: You need to be careful what you say, and who you say it to. Understand?

Jack nods in a panic as Rex lets go, he takes a deep breath out, and just shakes his head, before grabbing his jacket and hat, and walking off


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6CWF Proving Grounds Saturday 24th August 2024 (Episode 39) Empty Re: 6CWF Proving Grounds Saturday 24th August 2024 (Episode 39)

Post by Marky Thu 22 Aug 2024, 8:43 am

We see Clarissa stood outside of a Sauna, with a microphone in hand

Clarissa: I am here outside this Sauna in Copenhagen, where we have been promised a brief interview with one half of the Brothers of Seduction, Percy Percival. And here he is, Percy...

Percy walks out wearing nothing but a large white towel around his bottom half, he is very sweaty and looks exhausted

Percy: Hey Clarissy, haven't got much time, Brandon and I have got lots of practicing to do.

Clarissa: Erm, okay... Practicing for what? What are you and Brandon doing differently to normal, ahead of the Beat the Clock challenges this week?

Percy looks confused and stares inquisitively at Clarissa

Percy: What do you mean Clock?

Percy is making a "La" sound with his mouth as Clarissa looks uncomfortable

Clarissa: Yeah, this week there are six Beat the Clock Challenges, to determine the placings for the Elimination Chamber.

There is an awkward silence as Percy looks frustrated

Percy: You're telling me, that they are Beat the Clock Challenges? Like timed wrestling matches?

Clarissa: Yes, why, what did you think?

Percy looks down at the floor, and sighs, he quietly repeats the word "clock" with emphasis on the "L"

Percy: I've, er, got to go...

Percy goes back inside, he's heard shouting "Brandon, it's Beat the CLOCK..."


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6CWF Proving Grounds Saturday 24th August 2024 (Episode 39) Empty Re: 6CWF Proving Grounds Saturday 24th August 2024 (Episode 39)

Post by x12x Thu 22 Aug 2024, 11:44 am

Our scene begins and we see the figure of Liam Wood stood against a dark black brick wall with a scowl across his face as he looks directly down the camera

There's a saying that those who crave power are the people that shouldn't be given it and I think right now, 6CWF have the perfect example of that...

...Damien Andrews.

Wood grits his teeth as he speaks, clearly extremely angry as continues

Andrews, you are nothing but a jumped up coward who thinks that he's the man because he can throw around threats of suspensions or fines...without that, you're nothing. You hide behind your position of power and you keep pushing your luck but the story always ends the same for people who've done that around here...

Wood pauses, composing himself for a moment

You might not believe in karma but I promise you, it's coming. You can keep pushing your weight around and acting like you're untouchable but eventually it's going to catch up to you and you'll be exposed. aren't the first person who's felt he could push me around because he was on a power trip and you won't be the might think that being the 'boss' or having Logan around is going to protect you but a cat only has 9 lives and yours will run around soon enough.

So stay smug and think that nothing is going to happen to you but I guarantee the more you push me the closer those shadows are going to seem...

...I am the sword of Damocles and I am hanging over your head...

Wood pauses one last time

...but I can't harm you though can I? You have your power to hide behind...I guess I'll just have to find other ways to ruin your life...and don't worry, I'll find out the perfect ways to make you regret standing in my way... enjoy this perceived control you have over me while it lasts but I promise, it won't last forever.

Wood gives one more determined look down the lens of the camera before exiting the scene as it fades to black


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6CWF Proving Grounds Saturday 24th August 2024 (Episode 39) Empty Re: 6CWF Proving Grounds Saturday 24th August 2024 (Episode 39)

Post by x12x Thu 22 Aug 2024, 12:20 pm

We find ourselves on the gaudy tour bus of Brandon Perez, as the camera pans we see various posters on the wall displaying some of Brandon's biggest hits including "oceans 11 (inches)", "Womb Raider" and "Indiana Jones and the Temple Of Poon". We then see various items that have been blurred out by the camera in a box labelled "toys".

Finally, we see Brandon lying on a bed surrounded by nurses who attend to his wounds and injuries that he picked up during his last match, as the camera focuses though it's clear that these aren't real nurses. As Perez lies on the bed and is fussed on he's joined by a male 6CWF official who enters the room with a disappointed look on his face

6CWF Rep:
Mr Perez...the actual doctor is ready to check you over now...

Brandon smiles and looks around at the nurses surrounding him

I don't need a doctor...I have my medical team right here...

The 6CWF Rep roles his eyes and lets out a sigh as he replies to Brandon

6CWF Rep:
With all due respect to these 'ladies', I have a feeling none of them are very qualified to give a medical examination...last time I checked they don't give out medical degrees at Spearmint Rhino...

...and for the last time, you cannot keep adding their 'services' to your employee expenses.

Brandon looks a little disappointed as the rep opens the door and motions for the strippers to leave, they each give him kiss on the cheek as they do leaving Brandon sat alone. Brandon quickly jumps up out of bed revealing himself to be fully naked (blurred out of course) causing the 6CWF rep to turn around in embarrassment

Oh don't be's not like you've not seen it before. I know a fan when I see one! To be fair if you have an internet connection you've seen this thing at least a hundred times!

You see that trophy over there? The one shaped like an aubergine emoji? That's an award from the SHAFTA'S to celebrate the fact that last year I was the number one watched adult star in the world...over 2.3 billion views... must think I'm crazy giving that up to come and fight here again? It's not exactly gone well has it so far? I'll get there though...Brandon Perez always over comes the odds and this time I've got my new best friend Percy by my side...

...honestly, I'm feeling so positive about it... know what I mean?

Brandon gives a genuine smile to the rep, looking to make a connection

6CWF Rep:
That's lovely but PLEASE put some clothes on and come and see the doctor!

The rep quickly makes his way out of the tour bus leaving a naked Brandon stood in the cluttered party bus.


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6CWF Proving Grounds Saturday 24th August 2024 (Episode 39) Empty Re: 6CWF Proving Grounds Saturday 24th August 2024 (Episode 39)

Post by Tacos&Tequila Thu 22 Aug 2024, 3:08 pm

“So what do you want to talk about, my friend?”

Diego Romero sits down in front of Pro Wrestling Fanatics journalist. He is dressed in white chinos and a white shirt, enhancing his tanned complexion. Romero even at 21 is already looking like he is destined for Hollywood once the wrestling career slows down. His warm smile extends to his face and his brown eyes glow with welcoming. The journalist is doing a piece on Romero’s debut in 6CWF this weekend and wants to know a little about his backstory in order to introduce him to the British audience.

“Me? My beginnings? Well I come from wrestling stock, you know. My mother and father were local talent and turned their hands to promoting. My Uncle…”

Romero’s eyes flash now with something more like fire

“Mascara De Diablo. One of the greatest talents in AAA history. A living legend in Mexico. And a real piece of sh1t”

Romero is wringing his hands now and it is clear to see that he has a dangerous temper.

“He and my father they started Fire Mountain Wrestling in my hometown of Pachuca. But my Uncle he took everything from my father, he drove him out and he ruined him. At the time I was just starting out and finding my feet in the business. I was fast tracked through Fire Mountain due to a mixture of ability and familia ties, I cannot lie about that, and soon I was being signed to AAA. My Uncle’s name alone was enough to get me that contract but I worked hard for my spot and I was just starting to show what I could do. Conversations had taken place about a key position at TripleMania and I was excited to honour my family on the biggest stage.

But that is when I learned of all the deceit taking place back home. My Uncle had cut my father out, my dad lost everything. My mother became very ill with all the stress and worry.”

Romero revels a chain now from around his neck and he kisses it before looking to the heavens, his crown eyes sparkling with tears.

“We lost her just last year. And because I publicly spoke about my Uncle’s betrayal; then he came for me. He is royalty in Mexico and if he says someone is besmirching his name, everyone believes it. AAA suddenly had nothing for me, my name was mud. There are deep rooted issues between my Uncle and my Papa, things even I do not know to full extent, but what he did to us was ruthless and callous.

So I left Mexico, my home, me and my father in the dead of night. I never imagined it. I dreamed of being a professional wrestler in Mexico, of emulating my family and headlining the biggest shows in our country but that is no longer a possibility. Whilst my Uncle breathes, I am no longer welcome in my homeland and that cuts me deep.”

Romero puts his cross away now and he tries to regain his smile, listening intently to the journalist’s questions.

“America is still not possible, even Canada. North America would have been simpler but my Uncle’s power and influence stretches far. I feel I have the capabilities to be a star in this profession but everywhere I turn, there are now blockades in my way. So my father and I gathered up everything we had and we decided to roll the dice. 6CWF is known around the world, I remember attending one of their shows in the States when I was younger, and I know of other Mexican talents like the great Cobra who has held world titles for this company. Although it was never my intention to leave Mexico, I feel like life has thrown a curveball toward me and now I must adapt.”

Romero raises his head now and looks straight at the journalist, a definite renewal in his confidence.

“Perhaps life is telling me something. Perhaps I am destined for something bigger than I could have ever believed possible. I did not choose this path but perhaps it did choose me. Conquering Mexican wrestling was my dream but my mother wanted me to dream as big as I could and now maybe the world is calling. Perhaps I can take Lucha Libre to the masses, perhaps this is what I was meant to do. 6CWF is truly a place where the best wrestling talent can be found and now I have the opportunity to put myself in that level of competition and show what I truly am capable of.”

Diego Romero runs his hands through his shoulder length brown hair and brushes it from his face as he flashes another brilliant smile at the enraptured journalist.

“I do not come here with any one particular goal or any one particular desire or dream. I want to experience it all and I want to get to the stage where people say: yes I know Diego Romero. He is quite possibly the greatest Mexican wrestler of all time. Mil Mascaras, Eddie Guerrero, El Santo, Rey Mysterio. My idols, my inspirations but it would be my honour and hope to one day be mentioned in the same kind of breath of those great men. Can I do it? Humbly, I have no idea, but I am very excited to find out. Orale vato, thank you and I appreciate this chance to talk you. Goodbye. To all my new fans in 6CWF, I will see you all very soon.”.


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6CWF Proving Grounds Saturday 24th August 2024 (Episode 39) Empty Re: 6CWF Proving Grounds Saturday 24th August 2024 (Episode 39)

Post by Perfect Jack Thu 22 Aug 2024, 8:47 pm

The following is a sit down interview between Perfect Jack and Jack Reynolds. There are two armchairs placed next to each other with a small coffee table seperating them. Jack Reynolds is sitting in one nervously as he awaits the arrival of the unhinged Perfect Jack.

Reynolds mumbles to himself as he tries to calm himself down whilst waiting for Perfect Jack. All of a sudden Perfect Jack darts into shot and sits down next to Jack Reynolds who flinches at his arrival.

JR: P-p-p-perfect're here finally, we can begin this interview.

Perfect Jack smiles and stares at Reynolds who begins to speak.

JR: How are you Perfect Jack?

Jack has a wide smile as he responds.

PJ: Me? I'm fine, I'm happy, I'm super, I'm incredible, I'm happy, I'm super, I'm incredible, I'm fantastic. You could even say I'm perfect. The best I've ever been. Why do you ask you've never asked before?

JR: The fans are concerned about mental well-being.

Perfect Jack clenches his jaw at the mention of the fans, the fans who he thinks abandoned him after his eye injury and departure from 6CWF, but manages to regain composure.

PJ: The fans you say? The same fans no no mustn't get into that, mustn't get angry, I mustn't get mad or frustrated I must keep my composure. For your sake Mr. Reynolds.

Perfect Jack giggles as Jack Reynolds looks on nervously.

JR: The fans will be glad to hear that.

Perfect Jack's eyes flare up in anger, but again he retains composure.


JR: My apologies.

PJ: It's ok, just don't do it again.

JR: I think I have time for one more question, at Proving Grounds you have a shot at the European Championship, held by Di.....

Perfect Jack flips into an uncontrollable rage. Jack Reynolds jumps out his seat and exits the interview area as fast as he can.


Perfect Jack throws one chair into another and leaves, knocking over expensive camera equipment as he does.

Perfect Jack

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6CWF Proving Grounds Saturday 24th August 2024 (Episode 39) Empty Re: 6CWF Proving Grounds Saturday 24th August 2024 (Episode 39)

Post by BlueDragon1205 Fri 23 Aug 2024, 2:18 pm

Flames rise from the stage as 'Bodies' hits the airwaves and Blue Dragon comes swaggering out onto from the back. He walks to the ring with no real rush, soaking in the very mixed reception from the crowd. He's wearing his 6CW World Heavyweight Championship around his waist and he carries his Tag Team Championship Belt over his shoulder, he already has a mic in hand and he steps through the ropes into he ring before addressing the fans...

Last week, you saw the dominance that me and Logan are capable of. Last week, you saw that no matter the odds, no matter how many people try to bring us down, no matter what distractions, what chaos we are presented with, we will come up glorious and victorious. And the gold over my shoulder and the gold that my brother looks after so well, that, is a testament to just who we are. We have everyone around here telling us how we are destined to split, how it's inevitable that Logan will turn on me and that Damien Andrews is coming between us. Well, last week should show you all that what is happening is the exact opposite. Logan and I are stronger than ever, we are a real tag team, we are a real brotherhood, not like JJ and Saint who are only together because it brings their collective stock up a notch. I mean where would those two be if they didn't lean on each others egos quite so much? JJ would still be playing Shane 'O' Mac and Saint would have faded to obscurity long ago, it would have been a matter of.. remember that fella that JJ was mates with? What's his name? Steve? No erm... Stain? Yeah that was him, Stain...

Some of the crowd do not appreciate this and boo Dragon who replies by laughing and giving them the middle finger telling them to "F*ck off"

You are looking at the measuring stick of 6CWF, you are looking at the man to beat right now and yous re looking at the Alpha. You add to that the nature and the ability of Logan Kincade, the bloodthirsty, war hungry, almost out of control monster of a man and what you have is the single most devastating force this industry has ever seen. And that, THAT! Is what 6CWF should be all about. Not gangs of sycophants, not groups of narcissists and not collections of false face tw*ts who pretend the care for eachother. Not looking at anyone in particular here, Genesis... 

A small Rex Adamson chant starts in the crowd but is quickly silenced by BDs words

Chant for that hypocrite if you want... He claims not to need Genesis, he claims to be capable on his own and here he is, hiding from one world champion, behind the coat tails of another. And take it from me Rex, your lucky that Logan got to you when he did. I was in no mood to deal with your sh*t after what I'd been through. Chances are, in that state well ... A wounded animal is a dangerous thing, I'd advise you choose your next spot a little more wisely kid...

Dragon looks round the fans and he takes off his world title. He places it over his shoulder and he lifts both belts up high, parading them around the ring shouting to the fans

"Im the Alpha of this company, do you hear me? No one will take these from me, not your best guys not even the worst... This company belongs to me!!"

He lets the titles rest on his board shoulders again as he addresses the ramp now, speaking directly to the backstage area

Now I COULD go through the entire list and I COULD call you all out and we COULD have a nice little get together in this ring and all call eachother names. But we've all been there and done that.. and to be honest I just don't see the point in making this match any bigger than it already is, because quite frankly... Theres no point...
Logan Kincade and Blue Dragon, the Brothers of Destruction Vs The Coalition Vs Genesis Vs Gazzy D and Uryu Ishida Vs 'The Brothers of Seduction' Vs Liam Wood and Chris Patricks...
Just look at some of the names in that match. The amount of titles held over the years by the men in this match is probably alot more than any of you realise, and the amount of blood shed between them all is most certainly impressive... But as I say, it's all pointless in the end.. because no one, and I mean no one!! Is getting last Me and Logan, no one is taking these Tag titles from us..

Dragon lifts the Tog Belt up high and he circles the ring before heading to the ropes and hopping down into the floor....

And you can bet your ar*e that no one will have what it takes to take my world title from me either....

Dragon drops the mic and 
walks backstage with purpose

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6CWF Proving Grounds Saturday 24th August 2024 (Episode 39) Empty Re: 6CWF Proving Grounds Saturday 24th August 2024 (Episode 39)

Post by Lee Fri 23 Aug 2024, 5:57 pm

The scene opens in Blue Dragon's 'The Pit" gym. Upstairs in the office we see Blue's number 2 Mack sat behind a desk as one of the boys walks in.

Man: Mack, you got a minute?

Mack: Alright Terry of course what's up?

Terry: It's just we just got a message from the caretaker that Logan was back in town and wanted to let you know...

Mack: That's great hopefully he comes into the gym while he's in town

Terry: it's just... The lads have been watching the TV... They're a little concerned...

Mack: concerned? About Logan? Haha he's a big lad, I'm sure he'll be fine

Terry: it's not his safety they're worried about, they're worried about his....his mental state.

Mack looks towards the door then back to Terry.

Mack: Listen Terry, Logan is a complex guy, he's wild but believe me, he's in good place lately, his dad... that's complicated, don't get me wrong I do think it's bothering him all the gossip and hearsay.

Mack gets up out of the chair and walks over to a window that looks down on the fight pit.

Mack: Logan and Blue are busy with the wrestling, they've left me in charge of business and that's what we continue to do, tell the boys not to worry about Logan, he'll be fine... Anyway there's no need to worry about Logan until he starts with the W......

Suddenly a knock at the door and a huge bald man peeks into the room

Bald man: Sorry Mack, the accountant is here...

Mack looks at him with a heavy sigh.

Mack: Cheers Bob, I'll come down and meet him now. Terry thanks for the concern but as I said, tell the lads to concentrate on business and let the Brothers of Destruction do their thing. They're sound.

Mack and Terry both leave the office and head downstairs as they walk down the hall we see a man walk out of the shadows and enters the office.

We see it is Logan Kincade he walks over to a cabinet with a combination lock, he turns the dial and the lock pops open, inside we see a leather bag.

Logan takes the bag and puts it on the table, we don't see inside but Logan looks deeply into bag for a few seconds before he zips it back up and slings it over his shoulder and exits the office.


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