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6CWF Proving Grounds Results - 14th August 2024 (Episode 38)

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6CWF Proving Grounds Results - 14th August 2024 (Episode 38) Empty 6CWF Proving Grounds Results - 14th August 2024 (Episode 38)

Post by JJJohnson Wed 14 Aug 2024, 6:17 pm

*We go live on air from an electric Copper Box Arena. Pyros shoot into the air and the crowd are raucous whilst we are welcomed to the show. RJ & JT are going over the huge announcement following last week's show in regards to the main event of Beachfront Brawl when suddenly "Numb" hits the airwaves and Eddy Kent/Miss Jessica are kicking off tonight. The Daddy/Mami of 6CWF make their way to the ring and Kent makes sure to bring all attention on to himself and the 6WF World Heavyweight Championship.

Kent points to the "Elimination Chamber" at Beachfront Brawl and reminisces on the match that kickstarted his historic reign a year ago. Kent believes this time will be exactly what Genesis needs....the biggest opportunity yet to remove any doubt that they are the most formidable force in pro wrestling. Not only will they leave with the tag titles but the opportunity will present itself in that very match for Rex Adamson to step out from the shadows and take the 6CW Championship from Blue Dragon. Miss Jessica is smiling, evilly, as Kent wants Rex to come on out here now but suddenly flames erupt from the stage and here comes Blue Dragon & Logan Kincade.

Kent doesn't look as confident anymore as the 6CW Champion/Tag Champs climb up into the ring now. Miss Jessica is eyeing Logan up with a mixture of fear and desire. Dragon towers over Kent as he says the only thing he should be concerned about is how badly he and Logan are going to beat him inside of the Elimination Chamber. Dragon wants to give the world a little spoiler and that is he plans on leaving Kent in such a decimated state in Saudi Arabia that we will finally see just how much Rex wants that world title....because all he has to do is show up and it will be on a plate for him. Kent is looking from brother to brother and then he smirks (his nerve returning slightly) and says Dragon should be more concerned with the proverbial knife in his brother's hand that he is just waiting to drive into his spine the moment he turns his back. "You think there's issues in my family?" Kent asks with a grin.....

BD is about to retort when Liam Wood enters the fray, much to the crowd's delight. We are reminded of Wood's fine and threat of suspension after what happened last week. Logan Kincade is glaring at Wood now. Wood is carrying his "True Championship" and says that the whole world knows he should be holding the 6WF Title right now but sooner or later that will become a reality....Kent and Jessica are laughing whilst Dragon steps aside to let Wood and Kent duel. Logan, however, is still eyeing Wood like a piece of meat. Wood wants Kent to know that a threat of suspension or a meaningless fine will not stop him from getting another shot.....last week was a disappointment but he is being kept going by the thought of himself and the 6WF Champ locked inside the Chamber and what he can do to Kent. Wood gets right up close to Kent and says inside the "Chamber" there will be nobody to save him...

Which brings Rex Adamson to the table. Rex is carrying the FFTR case and he makes sure to eyeball Blue Dragon (who rolls his eyes with a smile) before he gets in between Kent and Wood. Rex says Wood's schtick is getting boring now....he laughs at his "Wish" belt and tells Wood that if he really was a world champion then he'd be able to get the job done....Rex says he's not only tired of Wood but everyone else on the roster who thinks they "deserve something"....Rex asks "Who is still undefeated?" and more importantly "Who have you beat (Liam) that I haven't".....Wood smiles at this now and he points at Kent...."I've beat him....have you? Or are you too scared to even try?". There is plenty of tension between the three men now as Chris Patricks' music hits. Patricks says "Remember me? I'm just the "other guy" in all of this"....Patricks finds it almost laughable that the whole world seems to have forgotten him or his capabilities but Beachfront Brawl is a great chance for him to remind everyone what he is all about....and when he's done inside the "Chamber" then he's coming for the big guns (he turns to stare at Dragon as he says this). Dragon smiles as he steps closer to CP and says he's more than happy for them to take a trip down memory lane....they came up together after all, but only one of them will come back...

There is a huge reaction from the crowd as GazzyD and Uryu Ishida enter the joust now. Dragon says he and his brother already left Gazzy for dead and he should have accepted their show of mercy because now he wants to climb inside the Elimination Chamber with them and that will be the end of him. Gazzy says Beachfront Brawl represents the beginning of his road to redemption and he's more than happy to be overlooked because every single man in this match and in this ring knows that he is no pushover and if he turns up at 100% then he can beat any of them.....this raises a few eyebrows but nobody is doubting it. Uryu goes to speak now but he's shut down from all angles. Patricks tells Uryu that "Nobody wants to see another charity title run" (this causes both men to square off and there is certainly some issues growing here).....Dragon reckons that his brother must have done some "permanent damage" to Gazzy for him to overlook the fact Uryu was trying to bed his wife for over a year. This draws some smirks and there is a rising tension. Uryu retorts that Dragon should be looking out for his own brother and his mental state....Uryu turns to Logan in a bid of friendship (former tag champs) but Logan laughs in his face. Patricks says "Yeah he does that....little hanger on just trying to be everyone's mate whilst he slips your missus....isn't that right, Gazzy?".

The tension is at fever pitch now so let's thrown in Percy Percival and Brandon Perez for some light hearted relief. The crowd are bang into the "Brothers of Seduction". Perez flirts with Miss Jessica and is motioning for him to call her whilst winking. Kent is glaring at both of them and looks angered....Dragon says "Oh here's the Chuckle Brothers.....oh s**t my mistake, JJ & Saint aren't here yet". Percy and Perez might actually be receiving the most cheers right now. Their presence is certainly getting under the skin of Eddy Kent.

The arguments continue as JJ Johnson & The Saint are the final team to walk out on stage. JJ and Saint run down all the other teams whilst hyping Beachfront Brawl and the Chamber. JJ admits that Logan and Dragon got the best of them last week but that was before they knew they wanted to throw down with no rules...."You f***ers should have said you wanted to take it to the streets....ain't no bother to us, whole different ballgame at Beachfront". JJ and Saint are in agreement that it's a hell of a playing field but yet here stand ten men who really do seem to have forgotten exactly who they are dealing with. Between the two of them they have achieved more than the other ten combined and yet all they listening to is disrespect and flapping of gums. Saint says perhaps "You need a reminder" whilst JJ says "Sleep on us all you like....s**t gone get realer than Eddy Kent's micropeni5".

The commentators are hyping the two six pack challenges tonight as well as the huge impending "Elimination Chamber" match at Beachfront Brawl whilst all twelve men continue to trash talk one another.


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6CWF Proving Grounds Results - 14th August 2024 (Episode 38) Empty Re: 6CWF Proving Grounds Results - 14th August 2024 (Episode 38)

Post by JJJohnson Wed 14 Aug 2024, 6:33 pm

*Backstage and we see Max Adamson/Damien Andrews watching the drama out at ringside. Andrews has a deep purple bruise on his jaw (from Wood's punch last week) and Adamson laughs as he sees it. Andrews says he is unhappy that Wood wasn't suspended for his actions but he needed a unanimous decision (seems Max didn't vote for Liam's suspension). Andrews waves it off though because he knows Wood will step out of line again..."he can't help himself" and even if it isn't a suspension "My boys will make sure he gets what is coming to him".

Max is sure that it will be "hell on earth" come Beachfront Brawl but he cannot wait to watch it unfold. He believes this many egos in this one match is bound to combust. Andrews is grinning because he also knows the door will be wide open for Rex to use the FFTR case as well...."Why don't you give him a push in the right direction?" he asks of Max but is brushed off. Andrews is expecting a show to remember in Saudi Arabia. But now down to tonight....Andrews picks up a box and puts it on his desk whilst Max does the same with another (the two boxes delivered last month to JJ)....."flip a coin?" Andrews asks and Max agrees. Max wins the toss and it seems that whatever is in his box will be announced later here tonight.

*Rex Adamson walks backstage and places the FFTR on a table as Liam Wood grabs him by the shoulder and spins him around. Rex prepares for a fight but Wood tells him "It's time to make the right f***ing decision".....Wood says he and Rex might not like one another but there's respect from their battles in the ring and Wood knows a world champion when he sees one. Wood says nobody is going to stop him from settling the score with Eddy Rex needs to look at tonight and ahead to Beachfront Brawl because there's another world title in this company and it makes sense for him to pursue it....Wood believes that he and Rex are the right men to lead this company as the champions.....and if Rex is smart enough (is he?) he doesn't want to be on the end of a career-ending beating from Wood (just like Tyler Roth)...

This doesn't have the desired effect as Rex gets in Wood's face....he considered Roth a friend and he hasn't forgot what Wood did....they may be the two best in this business today but one of them is higher than the other (Rex jabs himself in the chest) and he will take whatever championship he wants, when he wants....."Nobody" and he emphasises the word will tell him what belt he goes for...Wood sneers at this and tells Rex "When this all backfires in your face....I'll be there to yell you I told you so....and I'll be holding a world title when that time comes"....Rex and Wood continue to stare at each other before Wood walks off. Miss Jessica is shown watching with a vindictive smile on her face.

*Uryu tries to talk to Gazzy and clear the air on some of the things said by others out at ringside in regards to Christy. Gazzy tells Uryu "Don't worry about it" but Ishida is still trying to talk to him. Gazzy yells now and Uryu looks taken aback. Gazzy says "You need to forget it....I have, Christy has...we've moved on" and Uryu nods his head. Gazzy pats Uryu on the shoulder now "I appreciate everything you have done and helped us with....but you need to let it go....because if you don't, this will never work....and you will never move forward".

Uryu ponders this as Gazzy finishes getting ready for the opening match. He ducks down to tie his boot laces and we see a cloaked figure in the mirror.


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6CWF Proving Grounds Results - 14th August 2024 (Episode 38) Empty Re: 6CWF Proving Grounds Results - 14th August 2024 (Episode 38)

Post by JJJohnson Wed 14 Aug 2024, 6:34 pm

Bout 1
Six-Pack Challenge
Blue Dragon vs GazzyD vs JJ Johnson vs Liam Wood vs Percy Percival vs Rex Adamson

*Here we are at ringside for the opening bout and this one is star-studded. The Copper Box is alive with noise as the competitors start making their entrances. JJ Johnson receives a mega ovation from the crowd, as does GazzyD. Liam Wood walks out with his “true championship” belt to a mixed ovation, which is the same as what Rex Adamson receives. The audience then get fully involved with a rendition of “Like a prayer” for Percy Percival before flames accompany the arrival of the 6CW World Champion, Blue Dragon. Dragon stands at the base of the ring and stares up at the ring before JJ steps forward with a smirk. Dragon beckons JJ to get out the ring and face him, to which Johnson needs no second invite.

*Dragon and JJ exchange punches on the outside of the ring as Rex Adamson drives into Liam Wood and charges him back to the corner. Rex unloads with shoulder thrusts before Wood drives a knee up into the side of Adamson’s neck, staggering him backward. Gazzy then turns to see himself and Percy as the only two left. Percy blows Gazzy a kiss and they circle one another before locking up in the middle of the ring. Gazzy looks to twist Percival’s arm but PP spins out and front flips into an armdrag takedown. They get back up and Percy nails a hiptoss before bouncing off the ropes and returns with a snap neckbreaker to his seated opponent (ala Charlotte Flair) for a two count. The audience seem shocked by Percy’s prowess.

*JJ is punching Dragon back into the aisleway before the world champion drives a thunderous knee into the midsection of JJ. He then suplexes him into the air and turns it into a front slam across the rampway. JJ is writhing in pain as Blue Dragon looks down on him and talks trash. Liam Wood kicks Rex in the stomach and looks to flip him for a “lungblower” but Rex lands out on his feet and he scoops Wood on his shoulders for the “Fire/Thunder” Driver. Wood fires elbows into the jaw of Rex and drops down onto the apron before grabbing his head and snaps the back of his neck across the top rope. Wood waits for Rex to get up and he springboards in for a flying clothesline (ala CM Punk) he ushers Rex up and kicks him in the gut for the “Manson Driver” but Blue Dragon almost decapitates him with a discus lariat. Dragon rags Wood up and slings him through the middle rope to the outside and then he runs the ropes and returns with a boot to the side of Rex’s head which sends him through the ropes to the outside. Percy has just nailed a bronco buster on Gazzy before he turns around to face BD. Dragon grips Percy by the throat and bench presses him overhead before walking to the ropes and launches him down onto Rex & Wood. Gazzy is the final man to reach his feet and Dragon grabs him by the throat and lifts him for a chokeslam but Gazzy turns his body into a wheelbarrow position and rolls forward into a pinning combo for a two count.

*They get up and Gazzy ducks a backhand before running off the ropes and returning with a flying dropkick which staggers BD. Gazzy nails a second dropkick and then he springboards off the ropes for a tornado DDT but BD just catches him and throws him across the canvass. Gazzy gets up in the corner as Dragon runs in for a splash but Gazzy spins around the ropes and nails a kick over the top (ala Christian). Dragon stumbles back as Gazzy goes high and leaps off with a crossbody. Dragon catches Gazzy now and swings him out into a release uranage slam, causing Gazzy to roll from the ring. Dragon stands tall before turning around into a huge right hand from JJ. JJ goes to the body with a right hook and then drives over with a left hand to the jaw which rocks Dragon back into the ropes. The world champion stumbles forward as JJ kicks him in the gut and runs the ropes for a scissors kick but Dragon avoids it and looks for a full nelson but JJ slams his heel up between the legs of BD (no DQs). JJ looks at Dragon and says “I can play dirty too mother*cker” before driving into him with a clothesline which sends the world champion over the top and smashing into the announce desk. BD is hunched over as Rex runs around the ring now and obliterates him with a “Gore”. Rex kneels for a moment and then he, Wood and Gazzy look at one another. The crowd are cheering as all three men get Dragon up and launch him through the table with a triple powerbomb. Rex is looking down at Dragon now, smashed amidst the wreckage, and he has a thoughtful expression on his face as he gazes over toward his FFTR case. A “Cash it in” chant starts now and Rex is certainly weighing up his options.

*Wood smashes a forearm strike into Rex’s jaw now before looking for an Irish whip but Rex reverses and sends Wood through the steel steps. Gazzy springs onto the ringside barrier and looks for a moonsault onto Rex but he sidesteps. Gazzy lands on his feet as Rex scoops him up in a modified F-5 and launches him backward into the ringpost. In the ring, JJ turns as Percy springboards in and nails him with a “West Coast Pop” for a two count. They scramble up and Percy ducks a right hand before he handsprings off the ropes and returns with a flying headscissors takedown on Johnson. The crowd are stunned and impressed by Percival’s showing. He beckons JJ up now and launches toward him for the superkick but Johnson ducks the kick at the final second and he nails a “Book End” style slam. Percy rolls from the ring now as Rex Adamson rolls in, cue the roar from the audience.

*Rex and JJ stand toe to toe and there is plenty of talking between the two men. The commentators remark on this incredible meeting before JJ slams a right hand into Rex’s jaw. Adamson fires back with his a shot of his own and a backhand chop and a knee to the midsection. He grabs JJ’s arm and looks for a whip but Johnson twists inside and lands a boot to the midsection and then a scissors kick off the ropes. JJ beckons Rex back to his feet and aims a kick at his gut but Rex catches his boot and spins him around before nailing a huge release German suplex. Rex drags JJ up and hooks both of his arms before flipping him into a sitdown powerbomb for a two count. Rex rolls backward into the corner now and he waits for JJ to stand up before charging out for a “Gore”. Johnson sidesteps and sends Rex into the far turnbuckle before lifting him into a release spinebuster (ala Ron Simmons) as he comes back out. JJ raises the “Coalition Salute” and the crowd cheer. He stalks Rex and then gets him on his shoulders for the “VIP Experience” but Rex kicks his feet and pushes Johnson to the ropes. He runs over but JJ ducks his shoulder and backdrops Rex over the ropes onto the apron. Liam Wood rolls back in and charges forward, past JJ, and he dives through the ropes with an apron spear which sends himself and Rex crashing to the arena floor.

*Gazzy is on the apron, wincing a little at the pain in his back, and he waits for JJ to turn around before springing in and taking him out with a flying forearm smash. Gazzy waits for JJ to stand and sets for the “Deep Impact” but JJ swipes his feet and catapults him to the corner. Gazzy lands on the turnbuckle and he twists back out with a fantastic tornado DDT takedown. JJ rolls over into a seated position as Gazzy runs the ropes and returns with a low dropkick to the mouth. Gazzy grabs JJ’s arm and pulls him closer to the corner before nailing “starship pain” off the turnbuckle for a two count. There are a lot of cheers inside the Copper Box as Gazzy goes into stalk mode again and he looks to get JJ in position for the “History Maker” but JJ shoves him away and he eats a superkick to the mouth from Percy. Percival is on the brink and the referee’s hand comes down for three when JJ manages to dive across and break it up. JJ grabs Percy and runs him to the ropes and slings him over the top but PP hangs on and “skins the cat” behind JJ’s back. JJ spins and charges but Percy drags the top rope down and sends JJ crashing to the outside. Percy turns and eats a huge running high knee from Liam Wood.

*Wood drags Percy up and whips him into the turnbuckle with venom before he scoops him up for a “GTS” but Percy counters out with a headscissors to send his foe across the middle ropes. Percy looks to “dial it up” with the 6-9 but Wood catches his legs as he comes through the ropes and then he shows incredible improvisation to whip Percy through the ropes and into the air before detonating the “World Eater” knee as he comes down. Wood has the three count guaranteed until Rex Adamson returns and breaks it up. “Another chapter to this story….this is fast becoming the must-see match in 6CWF”…..Rex and Wood go nose to nose and there is a shoving match before Rex headbutts Wood and whips him to the corner. He follows in but Wood leaps over the ropes onto the apron as Adamson crashes, chest first, into the turnbuckle. Rex staggers back as Wood goes up high and leaps off with a flying lariat and then he drags Rex into a suplex and turns it into a falcon arrow. The audience are going wild as Wood heads high again and scores with a flying elbow to the chest. He ushers Rex up and kicks him in the gut for the “Manson Driver” but Rex spins free and immediately pulls Wood into a “Rainmaker” lariat. Rex bench presses Wood as he stands and drops him on his shoulders for a running powerslam but Wood kicks off the back and counters with an “edge’o’matic” for a two count.

*Wood drags Rex up and looks to flip him for a lungblower but Rex lands out on his feet and nails an open handed slap to the chest (ala Gunther) before following up with a huge European uppercut. Wood staggers back into the ropes but then roars forward for a discus elbow smash (ala Jon Moxley) but Rex ducks and he lifts Wood into the electric chair position and prepares for “Croyt’s Wrath” but Wood rolls down into a victory roll for two. They scramble up again and Wood sidesteps Rex and sends him into the corner before following in with a sickening yakuza kick to the face. Rex is slumped as Wood lifts him up high now and climbs up with him. A superplex is on the cards but Rex fires back with huge blows to the midsection (both men are now standing on the top rope) before he grabs Wood’s head and launches them both off with a devastating swinging neckbreaker. A “holy s*it” Poopie is ringing all around and the Copper Box is on their feet. Both athletes are feeling the pace but Rex is the first one to stagger up, the ropes keeping him upright, and he sets himself for the “Gore”. He is about to run forwards when Percy springboards in on the blindside. Rex catches him in his arms and swings him onto his shoulders before nailing him with the “Fire/Thunder” Driver. Rex rolls over as Wood is up and runs over to nail the “Psycho Crusher” foot stomp on Rex.

*JJ rolls back in now and he swings Wood around and nails him with the “Access All Areas” (stunner) as the audience go wild. JJ is closing in on the victory before he, too, is spun around by GazzyD. Gazzy drives his boot into JJ’s stomach and then splatters him on the canvass with the “Deep Impact”. Gazzy is on his knees and about to make the cover when he looks up and spots several hooded figures in the crowd . Gazzy is alarmed as he stands up now and prepares himself for a fight. One of the hooded figures climbs over the barrier now and approaches the ring before placing a small music box on the apron. Gazzy is fixated by the familiar box and the tune it is playing. He is shaking his head and then Blue Dragon returns to the fray. Dragon looks less than impressed by what happened to him as he almost takes Gazzy’s head off with a running boot to the mouth. He ushers him up and grips him by the throat before decimating him with a sitdown chokeslam (ala Damien Priest) for the three count. This one is a wrap. Dragon stands tall with a defiant smirk on his face and allows the referee to place the 6CW Championship over one shoulder and his tag title over the other.. The commentators are remarking on how Dragon was able to come back from being “triple powerbombed” through a table and still won the match. “That’s the level of dominance we are dealing with here” says RJ. The cameras shoot around to show the rest of the combatants and their varying levels of disappointment as they stare up at Dragon in the middle of the ring.

*The music box continues to play but all the hooded figures have disappeared as Gazzy remains motionless on the canvass. Dragon leaves the ring now, making sure to stare down JJ Johnson, before heading backstage. JJ nods in appreciation of the crowd chanting in his name whilst Liam Wood has already walked out of shot and Rex Adamson is snatching the FFTR briefcase from the timekeeper’s area. Brandon Perez has made his way out to check on Percy and congratulate him on his performance, which gains big cheers from the crowd in attendance.


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6CWF Proving Grounds Results - 14th August 2024 (Episode 38) Empty Re: 6CWF Proving Grounds Results - 14th August 2024 (Episode 38)

Post by JJJohnson Wed 14 Aug 2024, 6:50 pm

*Perfect Jack receives big boos from the crowd as he appears on the big screens with Jack Reynolds. Reynolds wants to ask the question that everyone is wanting the answer to....when will PJ challenge Dicey Reilly for the European Championship? Jack says the time is coming and he and Dicey have been on a collision course for some time but nobody but he needs to know when that is....just rest assured that when the moment arises, everyone will know about it.

Jack says the whole wrestling world got too comfortable around him. "Good old PJ.....great wrestler but no personality.....all style, no substance". He was always taken for 6WF......multiple tag partners and so called "Friends".....everyone knew that if you wanted a top match then you signed him up.....but the moment he started pushing back, showed a little aggression and opposition to the establishment, nobody wanted to know him.....Jack once again thanks Clarke James for "opening my eyes" (he runs his hand along the scar on his face) but there was only so much knowledge that James could impart because he too was "lacking"....Jack is the teacher now, the master, and he has some very harsh and valuable lessons to teach the rest of 6CWF....starting with Dicey Reilly.

*Blue Dragon walks into the back following the "W" in the first match of the night. Clarissa is on hand to grab his thoughts but BD is just laughing. He can't believe that is the best that 6CWF has to offer and if it really is then nobody stands a chance. "It took three of those f***ers to put me through a table....and who won?". Dragon shows both of his title belts to the camera and says this is just the start of his reign of dominance....Dragon cannot wait to be locked inside the Elimination Chamber with five other teams so that he and Logan can lay waste to them all, one by one...

Clarissa asks about the 6CW Championship and who Dragon expects to be his first challenge...."I don't give a f***, any of them can get it". Dragon is adamant he will fight anyone and walk away victorious because "Nobody on this roster can take this away from me"......"Do you really believe that?" asks Damien Andrews as he strides into shot. Andrews wants to thank Dragon for coming to his rescue last week but Dragon dismisses this and says "I was there for Logan"....

Andrews' eyes glint with malice at this..."And yet he was out there to protect me.....what a conundrum we find ourselves in again now.....I mean, what would Logan do if, just say, I felt particularly threated by you?"

"You should feel threatened by me" Dragon bites back....."Keep pushing me, old man.....and if you don't already, I promise you that you will".

*We are at a press conference "Earlier this afternoon" appears on the screen. VIP Promotions are proud to announce the signing of "The Prince of Pachuca" Diego Romero....We see Romero signing his official 6CWF contract with JJ Johnson and signing pictures and autographs for the fans in attendance. We are informed that Romero is one of the hottest talents coming out of Mexico. Romero will make his in-ring debut next week on Proving Grounds where he promises to bring "A unique, fan friendly style".

The scene zones out to show someone watching the conference on a TV in a darkened room. The individual is masked and he crushes the remote control in his hands as he watches Romero receiving the 6CWF fanfare.


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6CWF Proving Grounds Results - 14th August 2024 (Episode 38) Empty Re: 6CWF Proving Grounds Results - 14th August 2024 (Episode 38)

Post by JJJohnson Wed 14 Aug 2024, 6:51 pm

Bout 2
Perfect Jack vs ???

*Back at ringside and Perfect Jack makes his entrance to a crescendo of boos from the Copper Box crowd. The commentators are talking about PJ’s ongoing metamorphosis and the eagerly anticipated but still not confirmed clash with Dicey Reilly. Jack is, as usual, in a dark and sullen mood as he rolls into the ring and crouches in the far corner. He sets his eyes upon the stage in anticipation of his unnamed opponent and then Zak Spencer (formerly of Church of Hero fame) walks out on the stage. The commentators are surprised to see Spencer here but remark on the backstory here given that Jack seems to be on some kind of mission to remove doubt that he is superior to Clarke James in every single way.

*Spencer (now working the Indy scene) looks nervous as he clambers through the ropes. Jack is eyeing him like prey as the bell sounds and they circle for an opening. Jack immediately takes the back of Spencer and lifts him off the ground before slamming him to the floor. He takes control on the mat and smashes punches down into the back of the neck before hauling him back up and launches him with a double underhook suplex.

*Jack throws Spencer into the corner and stops at his midsection for lighting him up with harsh chops to the chest, breaking the skin. Spencer is in a rough way as he stumbles out into a huge overhead throw. Jack is enjoying himself as he follows up with a release German throw and then he lifts him into a back suplex position and drops him into the turnbuckle, Spencer suffering some serious whiplash from the impact.

*Jack circles, ignoring the boos of the crowd, and then he drags Spencer in for the “Perfect Slam” but Spencer, somehow, counters into an armdrag takedown. They get back up and Spencer ducks a clothesline and jumps onto the turnbuckle before springing onto the ropes into a moonsault takedown for a two. The crowd cheer Spencer as he ushers PJ back up and looks for a “Trouble in paradise” kick but Jack avoids it and then destroys the back of Spencer’s knee with a horrific chopblock, the leg bending at a horrid angle.

*It is clear Spencer is in real pain but PJ isn’t done. He places his opponent’s leg on the bottom rope and leaps into three consecutive posterior slams as Spencer screams in pain. Jack then drags him up by the leg, Spencer hopping, and nails a dragon screw takedown before he kicks him over on his stomach and repeatedly lifts the leg off the floor and slams his knee into the mat. The referee is admonishing PJ now and trying to get him to show some mercy but Jack has no intention of that.

*Jack rolls from the ring and he drags Spencer to the ringpost and smashes his knee off the solid steel three times before clambering back inside. He then drags Spencer up and lifts him so that he is sat on the top rope before he climbs up behind him and delivers a ring-shaking “Perfect Slam”. Spencer is out but Jack grabs his leg now and applies the figure four in the middle of the ring for good measure. Spencer’s screams are hard to hear as he smashes his hand off the mat to tap out and end the mauling. Jack won’t allow the referee to raise his hand in victory but instead he climbs from the ring and grabs a steel chair. He scares the ref from the ring before wrapping the weapon around Spencer’s knee and he leaps from the second rope with a stomp. More referees and security pour to the ring now as Jack kneels down next to Spencer and mockingly “crosses” himself. The commentators aren’t sure if this is a message to Dicey Reilly or Clarke James…”perhaps both” offers JT as Jack finally leaves the ring so Spencer can receive medical treatment. There is a fan holding a sign which reads “Dicey Reilly is God” but Jack snatches it and rips it before throwing the remains back at the stunned supporter on his way to the backstage area.


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Age : 34

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6CWF Proving Grounds Results - 14th August 2024 (Episode 38) Empty Re: 6CWF Proving Grounds Results - 14th August 2024 (Episode 38)

Post by JJJohnson Wed 14 Aug 2024, 7:19 pm

*Acer is standing by with Tim Allen as we head backstage. Acer says tonight's tag team match is irrelevant in terms of "Can they co-exist?" because he's used to being part of a trio where everyone is out for themselves (cue the dig at JJ). Acer says tonight is the same as every other week and that's about getting the W that puts him one step closer to becoming a world champion. Tim wants to know if Acer believes his partners will feel the same way when Daniel Reilly & Oliver Keane interrupt. Reilly says he has no problem putting "differences aside" tonight but he wants Acer to know that there is a very steep price to pay for what he did to him and Keane last week....and he will be collecting on that debt very soon. Reilly says there's only room at the top for the "elite" and Acer doesn't make the grade.....neither does "that loser Scott Harris".

Harris walks in shot now (big crowd reaction) and says he isn't one for all the big talk like Reilly and Acer but what he is good at is beating people down and proving his dominance that here's an idea....they get through tonight and then they settle this, like men....because it's quite clear to see that they all think they should be the next in line to step up to the main event...."Let's make the decision very easy for management.....the three of us fight, one of wins....then we know".....there is clearly a lot of mistrust and dislike between the three men but looks like we could have some kind of agreement here. A triple threat in the offing?

*Jimmy Phillips is shown doing his last minute prep for the "strange bedfellows" match. Phillips is sporting many cuts and bruises from last week's war with Geoff Steel but looks pumped and focused. We are reminded of Phillips' comments on social media that he was robbed of the Xtreme Championship and demanding an immediate re-match....Phillips finishes his final squat when Mike Masters stands in front of him. Masters says he too is taking aim at Geoff Steel and the Xtreme Championship (finished the job that Phillips started last week) and they need to be on the same page tonight to make it happen....Phillips isn't sure why he should trust Masters or why he needs him but Masters convinces Phillips that the best course of action for them to secure their shot is by "Forcing Steel's hand". Phillips smirks at this (What exactly do they have planned?)

*Eddy Kent is pacing the Genesis dressing room, unable to stop himself casting looks at the two items on the table in front of him, when Miss Jessica returns. She tries to soothe him and get him prepared for tonight's main event. Kent admits he is tired of being questioned, doubted and underappreciated. Jessica hypes him and sweet talks him. She says tonight is a great chance to remind everyone "Who the daddy really is"....she says she has a surprise for him back at the hotel later to celebrate his win....Kent grins at this and it is clear that he is very taken in by Jessica's charm.

Kent asks Jessica "Do you really think I can trust Rex?". Jessica sits on Kent's lap now and looks deep into his eyes....."Rex is totally your guy, he believes in what Genesis stands for......and if he doesn't or that changes, we'll make him regret to him, clear the air....sometimes a boy just needs his Daddy.....and Daddy definitely needs his Mami". They kiss passionately as the camera pans out and shows the 6WF World Heavyweight Championship on the table next to Rex's FFTR briefcase.


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6CWF Proving Grounds Results - 14th August 2024 (Episode 38) Empty Re: 6CWF Proving Grounds Results - 14th August 2024 (Episode 38)

Post by JJJohnson Wed 14 Aug 2024, 7:20 pm

Bout 3
Strange Bedfellows
Acer/Daniel Reilly/Scott Harris vs Geoff Steel/Jimmy Phillips/Mike Masters

*The crowd are making a huge noise as we return to ringside. Jimmy Phillips (the bottom half of his face covered by a bandana) is walking through the crowd before leaping the barricade. Mike Masters then enters and we are reminded of what happened last time out at “Night of Champions” with Steel’s controversial win over Phillips before he was assaulted by Masters is in the backstage area. Will the Xtreme Champion be able to keep his cool in this one and work alongside his attackers?

*Steel receives a hero’s welcome and he stands on the stage and raises his championship in the air before marching to ringside. Steel stares at Masters and Phillips, who are both eyeing him, before he shoulders his belt again and climbs onto the turnbuckle to pose for his adoring fans. Daniel Reilly & Oliver Keane are out next to tumultuous boos. Reilly sneers at the crowd and then enters into a staredown with Geoff Steel (given their history).

*Acer walks out to cheers, although we hear a boo or two, and he looks as focused and determined as ever. The commentators question Acer’s mindset and his growing obsession with being a world champion as well as his issues with JJ Johnson. Oliver Keane backs away as Acer reaches the ring and climbs up on the apron. Reilly is smirking at Acer before Scott Harris walks out to a crescendo of fan support. Harris nods his head at the audience before striding down to ringside. “Which one of these teams of rivals can stick together long enough to win tonight?” asks RJ.

*After some jostling and pushing we are starting out with Jimmy Phillips against Acer. They move in and out for an opening before locking up. Phillips is stronger and launches Acer back against ropes but Acer dodges a clothesline on the comeback and kicks JP in the gut before snapping him down with a DDT for a two count. Acer grabs Phillips arm now and is looking to climb the turnbuckle for “old school” but Phillips yanks him off the ropes and drills him with a spinebuster. Phillips drags Acer up for a “dominator” but Acer drops off the back and runs the ropes, only for Reilly to slap his back for the blind tag. Acer and Reilly are talking trash to one another now which allows Phillips to lay them both out with a double clothesline.

*Phillips drags Reilly up and suplexes him into a front slam before running the ropes and nails a leaping splash on return for a two. Phillips glares over at Geoff Steel before he headbutts Reilly back into the corner and stomps at his midsection. Phillips drives into Reilly with a hard back elbow to the jaw and then he turns and offers a tag to Masters, who is happy to take the reins. Masters chokes Reilly with his boot and then he pulls him to the centre of the ring for a piledriver but Reilly swipes his legs and catapults him to the corner. Masters lands on the ropes and leaps up top before twisting back with a “whisper in the wind” for a two count. Masters beckons Reilly up and springs onto the ropes for a “disaster kick” but Reilly dodges it and snaps off an inverted headlock backbreaker (ala Randy Orton). Reilly drags Masters back to his feet now and nails a fallout neckbreaker for a two count. Oliver Keane is applauding Reilly from the outside until Acer shoots him a deadly glare and he shuffles away.

*Reilly stalks Masters now and wants the “RKO” but Masters counters into a reverse DDT. Masters crawls to the corner and drags himself up before willing Reilly to rise. He leaps out toward him with a superkick but Reilly catches his foot and immediately turns him into an anklelock. Masters is yelling in agony and scrambles for the ropes but Reilly drags him back and ups the pressure. Masters refuses to quit and launches himself into a forward roll which sends Reilly crashing into the corner. Masters stumbles up as Geoff Steel slaps him in the chest for a tag. Steel climbs through the ropes as Reilly comes back out of the corner and he scoops him onto his shoulders for the “AA” but Reilly fights off the back and leaps up for a hurricanrana but Steel catches him and drives him down with a heavy powerbomb. The crowd are cheering as Steel heads to the corner now and he climbs up high before launching himself into an impressive flying headbutt to the heart. Steel makes the cover but Reilly just manages to get his shoulder up off the canvass. Steel stalks now and then he drags Reilly into position for a jackhammer but Reilly floats over the back and stumbles into the ropes, where Harris makes the tag.

*The crowd are split and plenty of cheers for both men as Harris and Steel circle one another. They lockup and Harris immediately takes the back of the Xtreme Champ and tries to lift him but Steel lands out on his feet and swivels free before driving a knee into Harris’ stomach. Steel looks for a suplex but Harris floats over the back and locks his hands for a bridged German suplex which garners a two count. They get back up and Harris ducks in for a t-bone but Steel elbows him away and then drops him with a heavy lariat. Steel beckons Harris up as he runs the ropes for a spear but returns into a codebreaker for a two count. Harris is going high now for the frogsplash but is distracted from trash talk from Reilly. “First team to blink” remarks JT as Steel is able to get back up and smash a forearm into Harris’ jaw, sitting him down on the turnbuckle. Steel climbs up now and he gets Harris in his arms before delivering a top rope fall away slam. Steel makes the cover but Harris is able to get his arm up on the count of two.

*Steel sets up for the “Bladecutter” piledriver but Harris swipes his legs and tries to apply the sharpshooter. Steel kicks Harris back into the corner (Acer makes the blind tag)…..Steel gets back up as Harris runs out at him for the “Kneeds More Harris” but Steel avoids it. Steel has no idea about the blind tag and is waiting for Harris to stand when Acer clatters from behind and nails a Russian legsweep for a two count. Acer runs the ropes and swings Steel into a neckbreaker on the comeback before pointing to the ropes (drawing cheers from the majority). Oliver Keane thinks about distracting Acer but Acer kicks at the ropes to make him scarper. Acer is on high now for the “Shooting Star Kneedrop” but Steel moves as Acer smashes into the canvass. Steel gets up now and he drills Acer with a pumphandle slam for a two count. He looks to his corner but neither Phillips or Masters is willing to tag him. Steel shakes his head at them before he stalks Acer and gets him on his shoulders for the “Attitude Adjustment” but Acer grabs out at the ropes to prevent himself from succumbing. Steel struggles and then he launches Acer over the ropes onto the apron. Acer lands on his feet as Steel staggers away and he propels himself back through the middle rope for the “Rogue Spear” but Steel catches him in mid-flight and drops him into a DDT for a two count.

*Steel makes the crawl to his corner but Masters and Phillips both drop down off the apron with a smirk. Steel glares at them as he drags himself up and he heads back over to Acer, but Acer seizes and drops him with a “Downward Spiral” for a two count. Acer drags himself up as Harris puts his hand out for a tag but Acer dismisses him. Steel slowly starts to rise as Acer drags him in position for the “Barry White” Driver but Steel spins to the side and nails the “Attitude Adjustment” out of nowhere. Steel is slumped on the deck and can’t make the cover as Acer rolls closer to his corner and that allows Reilly to tag himself in before Harris makes the tag. Reilly smirks at Harris before he drops into stalk mode and waits for Steel to get up. Reilly pounces for the “RKO” but Steel counters with a release full nelson slam. He beckons Reilly back up and drops him with three consecutive clotheslines and then a scoop slam. The crowd are chanting Steel’s name as he pulls Reilly up and drills him with a jackhammer before hooking the leg for a two count. Oliver Keane heads around ringside and grabs the Xtreme belt and brings it back to chuck to Reilly but Acer drops down off the apron to confront him. Keane backs away now as Acer glares at him. Acer goes to stand back on the apron when Keane smashes him in the back of the head with the title belt.

*Steel lets Reilly up and then he swipes his legs for the “Steelworks” but Reilly uses his leg strength to haul Steel away. Steel gets back up and charges forward before taking Reilly out with a spear but Scott Harris makes the save. Seems like Harris is the only one out here looking for the W. Harris and Steel stare at one another as Keane takes the opportunity to chuck the belt to Reilly (Masters & Phillips just watch on). The referee is removing Harris from the ring when Steel is blasted in the head by the Xtreme belt….referee counts but Steel kicks out again! Reilly looks angered as he heads to the corner again now and nails a frogsplash from on high but yet another kickout from the champ. Reilly climbs on top of Steel and blasts him with right hands until the referee intervenes. Reilly is stalking Steel now and has the RKO in mind but the Xtreme Champ catches him in midair and launches him at the ropes. Steel staggers but then kicks Reilly in the gut as he gets up and nails him with the “Bladecutter”….the three count is on but Keane places Reilly’s foot on the ropes from the outside.

*The referee is admonishing Keane and then Acer gets to his feet and he spins Keane around to deck him after the belt shot but Scott Harris jumps down from the apron to intervene. Harris is telling Acer to keep his head in the game but Acer shoves Harris in the chest now and looks like this all about to go off. The referee clambers from the ring and is trying to restore peace to proceedings as Harris and Acer square up to one another…..this is the opportunity that Mike Masters and Jimmy Phillips have been waiting for. Geoff Steel is using the ropes to get up to his feet as Masters smashes a kendo stick over his head from the outside. Jimmy Phillips rolls in from the opposite side with a steel chair (payback from last week) and drills Steel right over the top of the head with the weapon. The crowd are booing furiously as JP indicates a belt around his waist and then clambers from the ring. Phillips doesn’t even bother to wait around as he makes his way backstage.

*Reilly is still very much feeling the effects of the “Bladecutter” but he slithers back up and smiles as he sees the predicament that Geoff Steel is now in. Steel is trying to get his feet under him and he turns straight into an RKO. Keane shrieks at the referee to get back in the ring and he does so to count the three and end this match. Reilly is on his knees, smirking, as the referee raises his arm. Keane is in the ring now and he shoves the official aside so he can present Reilly as the winner of the bout. Acer pulls himself up on the apron now and he is clearly weighing up a spear from the apron as Scott Harris watches on. The commentators are talking up Geoff Steel’s issues with Masters/Phillips and expect some announcement regarding that.

*Acer is just about primed to make his leap when Max Adamson’s music hits to a huge ovation. Max makes his way out onto the stage with a box (which he sets down at his feet). Max lets us know that not only was the match a “Strange Bedfellows” concept but it was also an audition. Now he isn’t 100% convinced that Acer, Harris and Reilly passed due to the issues in between but they are the team that got the job done and that means there is now a prize in store for them. Max opens the box and takes out a brand new championship belt.

Adamson presents the “EWF Global” Championship and says that at Beachfront Brawl; Acer, Scott Harris and Daniel Reilly will battle for this world championship (cue a huge roar from the crowd). Max wants everyone to listen up because the lifespan of this championship is short (all will be revealed in due course) but it was felt that the EWF Championship deserved to be given the platform it deserved. The commentators cannot believe we are going to crown a third world champion in this company. Max Adamson goes on to say that the reintroduction of this belt will set in motion a series of events that will culminate by time we get to next year’s Night of Glory so buckle up. JT & RJ are asking what this means for the future of 6CWF but it seems those plans are yet to be revealed.

*In the ring Daniel Reilly is pointing to Adamson and the EWF belt and letting everyone know it will belong to him. Scott Harris is standing in the aisleway, staring up at Max, whilst there is a renewed craze in the eyes of Acer. He grips the ropes now and propels himself through but Oliver Keane shoves Reilly aside and he takes the hit. This allows Reilly to drop Acer with the RKO now. Harris and Reilly are locked eyes now with Acer splayed out (a contrast to last week) whilst Max Adamson grins down and holds the EWF Championship up once again.


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6CWF Proving Grounds Results - 14th August 2024 (Episode 38) Empty Re: 6CWF Proving Grounds Results - 14th August 2024 (Episode 38)

Post by JJJohnson Wed 14 Aug 2024, 7:57 pm

*Dicey Reilly is heading for Gorilla for his upcoming title defence when an irate Geoff Steel barges past him. "Watch where the f*** you're..." Steel whirls to look at Dicey and the two veterans spend a full minute just staring at each other. Dicey adjusts his championship belt on his shoulder as Steel nods at him (plenty of respect between them) before Steel heads over to Clarissa. Steel says he's not one to usually grab a mic and call people out but if Masters & Phillips think they really have what it takes to dethrone him from the top of the Xtreme Division then they should bring all they've got to Beachfront Brawl because he wants to face them both in a triple threat match. The champion is throwing down the gauntlet!

*Max Adamson returns backstage after the EWF announcement. Damien Andrews is applauding and admits "I am disappointed it wasn't my announcement tonight" but Max says "You'll get your chance....we need our fourth after all". Daniel Reilly and Oliver Keane swagger into shot now and Reilly tells both men that he really hopes whatever "grand plan you have" isn't "set in stone" because he's still leaving after Born in Fire and he'll be taking at least one title with him. Andrews and Adamson exchange looks as the scene changes to Scott Harris entering the locker-room. Harris pulls open his locker and sees a picture of himself on the day he graduated from the "Snake Pit" 6CW Academy. He takes the picture and looks at the back...."You'll be world champion in no time, kid.....RR". Harris sighs as he puts the picture back and then he grabs his towel and heads straight for the gym.

*Saint catches up with Acer backstage following the huge announcement and is expecting to find his friend in jubilant mood but Acer shrugs him off.

Acer: Where's the other one?

Saint: What do you...

Acer: You know exactly what I mean....I saw it in that room with you and JJ....

Saint: I don't...

Acer: What was it? All part of the plan? Some inside joke? A championship good enough for Saint and JJ but not Acer? Take a long look at it, Anthony, but just know you'll never have it...

Saint: What the f**k are you...

*Acer looks almost beside himself

Acer: That company meant more to me than you or him's thanks to me that belt even existed...

Saint: You need to take a backward step, mate....they just announced you're fighting for a world title....this is what you wanted...

*Saint reaches a hand out but Acer slaps it away

Acer: What I wanted was what he had in that f***ing box.....and don't get me wrong, I'll walk out of Beachfront Brawl with the EWF Championship over my shoulder but I won't forget what I saw and why it was intended...

Saint: There was nothing intended...

Acer: Nothing....and you know it as well as I do that nothing is never not "intentional" when it comes to JJ if you don't mind "mate" I have a "world championship match" to prepare for....I know it's not quite on the level of what you or he is used to....but I guess I'm just not worthy enough for that...

*Acer storms off as Saint is left looking bemused. A door opens to the right and JJ Johnson steps out, revealing that the room has been set up for a celebration.

JJ: Where he at?

*Saint looks at JJ and then shakes his head. JJ looks shocked.


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6CWF Proving Grounds Results - 14th August 2024 (Episode 38) Empty Re: 6CWF Proving Grounds Results - 14th August 2024 (Episode 38)

Post by JJJohnson Wed 14 Aug 2024, 7:58 pm

Bout 4
6CWF European Championship
Open Challenge
Dicey Reilly (c) vs ???

*Dicey Reilly receives a rousing reception as he walks out onto the stage with the European Championship. “Chasing #8” JT reminds us as Dicey’s quest to the £1million continues. Dicey interacts with the fans and he downs a beer at the announce desks before leaping onto the apron and stepping through the ropes. The commentators are debating on who might make the step up here tonight to give Dicey a run for his money. There is plenty of anticipation before “I came to play” booms out and there is shock amongst the supporters as former 6CW superstar Antoine Mason swaggers out onto the stage. Dicey has a wry smile on his face…..”The last time Antoine Mason shared a ring with Dicey Reilly, he dethroned him as the TV Champion” says JT before RJ adds that Mason is a “2 time Impact World Champion”. This could, potentially, be big business here this evening. Mason has plenty to say to the audience as he makes his way down to the ring and climbs inside. There is a long staredown with Dicey as Mason runs his mouth some more. “Miss me?” questions AM as Dicey merely grins back at him.

*The bell sounds as Mason and Dicey square off. Mason then stops and he, surprisingly, offers Dicey a handshake. Dicey seems surprised until Mason slaps him in the side of the face and laughs whilst the crowd boo. Dicey wastes no time in storming forward with a lariat to wipe Mason off his feet and then beckons him up and hiptosses him into the turnbuckle. Mason is upside down in the corner as Dicey circles around and runs back in with a vicious stomp to the face. He drags the challenger away from the ropes and covers for a two count. Dicey hauls Mason up and tries to lift him for a brainbuster but AM falls behind and he rakes down Dicey’s back before wiping him off his feet with a spinning heel kick as he turns around. Mason springs onto the second rope and twists back into a legdrop for a two count.

*Mason beckons Dicey up and looks to spring off the ropes for a knee strike but Dicey catches him on his shoulders and charges him back to the corner and powerbombs him against the turnbuckle. Antoine staggers out as Dicey scoops him on his shoulders for “White Noise” but the challenger rolls down the back and pulls Dicey’s legs out from under him. Mason tries to apply a liontamer but Dicey uses his hip strength to throw him away and across the canvass. Dicey gets back up but eats a running high knee to the face from Mason for another two count. “Mason had Dicey’s number over a decade ago and it seems that still might be the case….this would be a hell of a statement and upset”. Mason backs into the corner and he ushers Dicey to stand before leaping out toward him for the ”Genocide” superkick but Dicey catches his foot and spins him around before scooping him up and successfully nailing “White Noise” at the second time of asking for a close call two.

*Mason has rolled out on the apron as Dicey reaches over the ropes and drags him up to nail clubbing shots to the chest (ala Sheamus) but Mason grabs him by the head and guillotines him across the top rope. Dicey staggers back as Mason goes up top and leaps through the air with a stellar missile dropkick. Dicey gets back up and the challenger grabs his wrist to pull him into a sit-out spinebuster for a two count. There are some stunned expressions from the fans in attendance at what they are witnessing here. Mason stomps down on Dicey repeatedly before he heads to the corner and climbs up high again. Mason draws his finger across his throat and launches himself into a ”Houston Hangover” legdrop but Dicey rolls out of the impact zone at the final second.

*Dicey runs the ropes and batters Mason with a big boot to the face as he tries to get up and then he drags him into position and nails a brainbuster for another nearfall. Dicey kneels for a moment, almost in admiration and remembrance of Mason’s toughness, before getting back to his feet. He signals to the crowd that he is ready to finish proceedings before setting up for the “Craicdown” but Mason swipes his legs and catapults the champion into the corner before rolling him up, fistful of tights, and he very nearly steals one there. That was close!....they get up again and Dicey misses with a swinging right hand and eats a backstabber and then a lionsault. Mason hooks both legs and is sure he has the three here but Dicey is a tough son of a gun and he throws his arm up off the mat in time to keep this alive.

*Mason has words with the referee now but is assured it was a definite two. Mason shows the middle finger to the crowd before he drags Dicey up in position for the “Crackhouse Comedown” (Pedigree) but Dicey backs up to the ropes and backdrops the challenger over the top to the outside. Dicey takes a moment to catch himself and then he runs the opposite ropes for a baseball slide but Mason avoids and then detonates the “Genocide” superkick on the arena floor. Dicey is flat on his back, staring up at the lights, but Mason can’t win the title off a count-out. He summons all of his strength to drag Dicey back up and roll him back in the ring. He covers but Dicey is too close to the ropes and gets his foot up on the bottom before the three can be completed.

*”Was anyone expecting this?” queries RJ as Antoine Mason stomps down on Dicey Reilly some more. Mason drags Dicey up into the middle of the ring and looks for a “three handled credenza” suplex but Dicey spins out of it and drags Mason up on his shoulders before spinning him out into a facebuster. Dicey sits for a second as Mason rolls over on his back and then the champion decides he is going to take a big risk of his own. He gets up on the top rope and propels himself into a frogsplash that lands flush. Dicey covers and the crowd count along but Mason propels his arm up off the mat just in time. We fight on.

*Dicey sees Mason crawling to the corner and charges in for the “Hangover Cure” knee but Mason rolls from the ring before impact. Dicey clambers out onto the apron and leaps off for an axe handle but Mason sidesteps and sends the champion crashing against the ringside barrier. He pulls Dicey away and lifts him into a back suplex position before swinging him forward, face first, against the barrier again. Mason launches Dicey into the ring now before leaping onto the apron and he springboards into a “Houston Hangover” legdrop. It looks we are going to have a new champion but Dicey Reilly kicks out again! This is quite astonishing!

*Mason is up now and he heads to the corner and begins tampering with the top turnbuckle. The referee rushes over to confront him and the challenger gets right in the referee’s face. He grabs the ref’s shirt before the official pulls free and shoves Mason away. Mason looks ready to lash out but Dicey grabs the back of his shorts and drags him down a rollup for a very close two. They both scramble up and Mason lands a kick to the stomach and sets for the pedigree but Dicey swipes his legs. Dicey catapults Mason to the corner now and the referee moves aside (deliberately?) as Mason smashes the exposed turnbuckle and turns around into the “Craicdown” for the three count. “Dicey evens the score…that’s #8….he is 2 away from the million”. The crowd are applauding as the commentators pay respect to the challenge from Antoine Mason here tonight. “I’d like to see Mason back here on a full-time basis if management can make that happen…that was a class performance”.

*Dicey is holding his championship high before he looks down at Mason and gives him a grudging nod of the head. The roars of the audience suddenly turns to boos as Perfect Jack smashes into the back of Dicey’s knee from behind……finally he has made his move. We see an irate Antoine Mason making his way backstage as Perfect Jack stands tall over Dicey now. The Euro Champion is clutching his knee as Jack leaps into the air and stomps down on the appendage before clambering from the ring. He grabs Dicey’s leg and drags him to the ringpost before wrapping his leg around the steel and applies a devastating modified figure four around the post. Dicey is yelling in agony as Jack cranks up the pressure to 100 whilst the referee and security try to break it up. Jack finally relents as he is shunted back toward the aisleway, a fire burning in his eyes. Dicey is cradling his knee on the canvass. “What state is Dicey’s knee in? What does this mean for his championship reign?”. Perfect Jack has certainly bided his time but he has chose the “perfect” time to attack and left Dicey, potentially, at his mercy.


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6CWF Proving Grounds Results - 14th August 2024 (Episode 38) Empty Re: 6CWF Proving Grounds Results - 14th August 2024 (Episode 38)

Post by JJJohnson Wed 14 Aug 2024, 8:12 pm

*Miss Jessica is walking backstage when she finds her way barred by Brandon Perez. Perez offers Jessica a "Moustache Ride" and wants to "Wear you like a glove puppet". Jessica is smiling and seems to be enjoying Perez' flirting when Eddy Kent delivers a thunderous "Genesis Kick" out of nowhere. Perez is down as Kent climbs on top and beats him senseless with right hands until Perez is bleeding heavily (seems Kent really is in deep with Jessica). Kent rags Perez up and launches him through an office window, leaving him broken amidst shards of glass as Percy screams and runs into shot. Medics and security are quickly on the scene....Jessica is delighted with Kent as she places a hand on his chest. Kent looks almost feral as he stares at the bloodied form of Perez (can he even compete tonight?).....Rex walks into shot now and stares at Kent's handiwork. Kent rounds on Rex now...

Kent: Genesis, Rex....this is what Genesis is all this what you want? Is this the kind of dominance you want?

*Rex looks at the EMTs trying to bring Perez back to consciousness whilst Percy looks beside himself

Rex: You're damn f***ing right it is...

*Jessica grins with glee as the scene ends.

*Uryu is getting ready as he walks down the steps from the roof and pushes the door open, almost walking into Chris Patricks as he does so. There is a long staredown between them...

Uryu: Chris....I just wanted...

*Patricks holds up his hands

Patricks: Save it for the ring......look we've both said a few things...

Uryu: Actually I think it's just mainly you that's...

Patricks: Because unlike you, Uryu, I actually tell people what I think of them.....instead of bottling it all up or acting on the sly.....I don't particularly like you or this snivelling thing you've got going on....I see right through you for the odious little creep that you are...

???:Whoah, whoah....lads...

*Max Adamson is walking into shot now as Uryu and Patricks are starting to get heated

Max: Save the animosity for the ring...didn't have you two down for enemies...

Patricks: Yeah well, Max, I'm starting to wonder just how well we know each other at all....can't believe you'd ever keep company like this...

Uryu: I was thinking the same thing...

*Max pushes Patricks and Uryu away from each other. He looks at Patricks

Max: Chris, no idea what is going on with you right now.....but cmon, it's me...get it together...

*Patricks eyes Max for a moment or two. Max pats him on the shoulder and then Patricks accepts his fist bump

Max: We good?

*Patricks nods before shooting a glare at Uryu and walks off toward Gorilla

Uryu: What is his deal?

*Max watches Patricks leave and rounds on Uryu

Max: He's wound tight, ultra more to it than that...

Uryu: You sure?

Max: I know him pretty well...

Uryu: You know Rex pretty well too, look how that played out...

*Max stares at Uryu for a minute and then grins

Max: You're the man on the see all the comings and goings....

Uryu: You're point?

Max: You should know that the games have only just begun...


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6CWF Proving Grounds Results - 14th August 2024 (Episode 38) Empty Re: 6CWF Proving Grounds Results - 14th August 2024 (Episode 38)

Post by JJJohnson Wed 14 Aug 2024, 8:41 pm

*Dicey Reilly is being helped backstage. He looks angry as he takes a swig of beer from a bottle and one of the doctors presses on his knee.

Dicey: Yes I f***ing felt that, d*ckhead.....what do you think?

*Dicey is looking at the European Championship belt next to him on the bench

Doctor (speaking to a medic): There's no way...

*Dicey clicks his fingers in the doctor's face

Dicey: Never you mind there's no f***ing way.....I do this "open challenge" every week and a little tickle in my f***ing knee isn't going to stop...

Doctor: Dicey....for all we know you have ligament damage, maybe even worse.....I can't in good faith...

*There is a yell now as Perfect Jack storms the scene again and he smashes into Dicey, driving his head back into the wall. Jack stomps on Dicey's knee and then he grabs it and spins him around before blasting the injured appendage against the wall. Jack stomps down on the knee a few more times before security pour in to drag him away. All we can is Dicey's yells of pain now as he is left in a bad way on the floor.

*Logan Kincade is staring at himself in the mirror when we see the door open behind him and Damien Andrews walks in.

Andrews: Son...

*Logan lowers his head into the sink

Logan: Don'

Andrews: Logan....last week....despite what your brother is trying to tell you, something primal inside of you called you to my saw your father in danger and you came as my salvation....

*Logan's hands are turning whiter as he grips the side of the sink

Andrews: I know there have been problems, I know I haven't always been there for you, as I should have been....but one thing I have never done is try to change you or force you to be someone you aren't....I have always told you to be you.....because I know, just like you do.....that the real Logan Kincade is the greatest, most destructive warrior on this planet....the Dragon lives inside of you...

You saw them all out there earlier.....Kent, Wood, Johnson....even Damien Jnr....fighting and squabbling about being the best, standing on top of the mountain....

And when I watch that it makes me angry....and I know it does you as well...

Because, Logan.....Logan, look at me....

*Slowly Kincade's head rises and he stares at his father through the mirror

Andrews: You know that there is nobody in this world who can stand toe to toe with the real you and live to tell the tale....

Logan Kincade - you are the rightful king and you will have your crown.....through blood, fire and force you will take the throne...

The war is coming, Logan, and soon you will have to make your choice....break the shackles, Logan.....unleash hell!


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Join date : 2011-03-09
Age : 34

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6CWF Proving Grounds Results - 14th August 2024 (Episode 38) Empty Re: 6CWF Proving Grounds Results - 14th August 2024 (Episode 38)

Post by JJJohnson Wed 14 Aug 2024, 9:18 pm

Main Event
Six-Pack Challenge
Brandon Perez vs Chris Patricks vs Eddy Kent vs Logan Kincade vs The Saint vs Uryu Ishida

*We head back out to ringside as the commentary team inform us that Brandon Perez will not be competing in tonight’s main event due to the attack on him Eddy Kent just a few moments ago in the backstage area. The entrances begin now as Chris Patricks receives a big ovation from the London crowd. Patricks interacts with the fans as he makes his way down to the ring before Uryu walks out now and CP’s expression sours almost immediately. JT & RJ go over the argument backstage and the seemingly growing issues between Uryu and Patricks….what is the deal there?

*The Saint receives a hero’s reception and he plays to it as he makes his way to the ring. Logan Kincade’s entrance brings the fire but Saint is in no mood to play around as he dives from the ring greets Kincade on the ramp with huge right hands. It looks like Saint wasn’t messing when he said it was “on sight”. It doesn’t look like either of these two men have any desire to head for the ring as the brawl moves further up the ramp and they disappear into the backstage area. Eddy Kent arrives now and he stands on the stage and basks in the crowd’s reaction (mainly boos with some cheers). He raises the 6WF World Heavyweight Championship belt and really eggs his entrance, wasting time as he slowly walks to the ring where only Uryu and Chris Patricks are remaining.

*We immediately head backstage to see the fight between Logan Kincade and The Saint has escalated out toward the parking lot. Saint drives a thunderous knee into Logan’s stomach and then suplexes him into a front slam across the bonnet of a nearby car. Saint turns to the camera and says “These young f***s need a lesson in manners”….he climbs onto the bonnet and is preparing for a “Divine Force” powerbomb when Logan backdrops him off the car and slamming down onto the concrete floor below. Kincade jumps down and he launches some of the backstage crew out of his way before grabbing a shovel (presumably for leaves etc). Logan beckons Saint up and then tries to behead him with the shovel but Saint ducks and it smashes the passenger window. Saint drives into Logan now and picks him up off the floor before driving him backwards into a huge shutter door, leaving them both battered in a heap.

*Back at ringside and Eddy Kent is allowing Miss Jessica to derobe him when Chris Patricks somersaults over the top rope and wipes the world champion out in the aisleway. Patricks throws Kent in the ring now and he walks straight into a spinning heel kick from Uryu. Patricks leaps over the ropes and immediately into a rolling thunder on Kent. Ishida waits for Kent to get up and drills him with a “Michinoku Driver”. He prepares for the cover when Patricks rags him up and asks him what he is doing. They are trash talking and shoving each other now before Patricks smashes Ishida in the face with a huge forearm. Uryu staggers into the corner and then throws a roundhouse kick to the head which staggers CP. Uryu runs the ropes now and handsprings into a “Cardiac Kick” before pointing up top. The crowd cheer as Ishida is preparing for the “Split Second” but Patricks drives his knees up at the last second. They stumble to their feet and Patricks lifts Uryu into the “Enigma Bomb” and then signals for the “Puzzle Solver”. He leaps up high for the frogsplash but Kent has recovered and swipes his feet. Kent climbs up top now and puts Patricks on his shoulders before nailing a rolling fireman’s slam (Green Bay Plunge) that lands them both on top of Uryu from on high. Kent covers CP but he kicks out on two. Kent covers Uryu now and he also kicks out on two.

*We head backstage ahead and Saint has dragged a table out into the open floor and is pulling Logan up into a front facelock for the “Saint’s Row” when Logan drops and lands a low blow out of nowhere. Kincade smashes the shovel across Saint’s back down before he succeeds in chokeslamming him through the table in the middle of the floor. Logan walks toward Saint’s head with the shovel now (are we watching Walking Dead) and looks like is going to bust his skull when JJ Johnson storms in and tackles Kincade across the floor. Logan makes a break for the shovel again as JJ kicks him in the face and then drops on top of Kincade with right hands. Blue Dragon appears now and he wraps his biker chain around JJ’s neck and drags him up before using the chain to launch JJ into the nearby wall. JJ slumps as Dragon charges at him but Johnson sidesteps and sends Dragon through the door (taking it off its hinges). JJ looks at Dragon now, getting to his feet, as Logan gets up and starts to make a beeline for him. Saint is up and he smashes a chair across the back of Logan, staggering him, and then obliterates it across his head as he turns around. JJ grabs Dragon’s chain now and he wraps it around his fist. Saint grabs Logan by the head and drags his face up off the floor. He wants Logan to watch now as JJ smashes a devastating right hand into Dragon’s jaw with the chain and sends him falling down the a flight of stairs. Dragon is left flat on his back on the landing halfway down as JJ tosses the chain aside and staggers over to Saint. Saint stands up now as Logan is left spitting blood on the concrete floor. Looks like The Coalition have answered back from last week’s battle.

*Back at ringside and Eddy Kent is waiting for either Uryu or Patricks to stand for the “Genesis Kick” when Liam Wood’s music hits. The crowd are going wild and we are expecting to see Wood but he is not forthcoming. The cameras turn to Gorilla now and Damien Andrews/Max Adamson are barring Wood’s way from ringside. Wood looks ready to attack but Andrews tells him that if he sets foot out to ringside tonight then he will be suspended.

*Patricks is first up and he ducks Eddy Kent’s “Genesis Kick” and nails a standing dragonrana for a two count. They scramble back up and CP swipes Kent’s feet and lands a somersault footstomp to the gut before heading up top again. It looks like the “Puzzle Solver” is imminent but Uryu runs up the ropes and nails an enziguri (ala Del Rio) that sits Patricks down on the turnbuckle. Uryu climbs up with him down and nails a top rope frankenstiner. Patricks staggers up and Uryu superkicks him in the back of the head to send him through the ropes to the outside of the ring. Ishida rounds on Kent now and runs into him before turning into a wheelbarrow and rolls into a pinning combo for two. They get up again and Uryu dodges Kent’s attack and springboards off the ropes into a tornado DDT takedown. Uryu wants the “Split Second” and he’s heading up high for it. We see Rex Adamson watching backstage (he’s also seen the attack on Blue Dragon) and he snatches his FFTR case before leaving the changing room. Where is he going?

*Back out at ringside and Miss Jessica is distracting the referee as she climbs onto the apron. Uryu is looking over at her and this allows Kent to get up and slam a forearm into his face, sitting him down. Kent climbs up now for a superplex but the crowd are roaring as Brandon Perez is here (his head bandaged up). Miss Jessica is still distracting the referee as Perez lifts Kent off the ropes into an electric chair position and then Percy leaps from the opposite turnbuckle with a superkick (a very varied Doomsday Device…”Double Penetration”?).

*Perez isn’t in the match (was removed through injury) so he and Percy roll from the ring now. Uryu is still sat on the ropes and he notices Kent is down so launches himself into the “Split Second” (450 splash). Uryu has the cover and the referee’s hand is coming down for three as Chris Patricks leaps across the ring and lands on top of Uryu with the “Puzzle Solver” frogsplash. Patricks is gonna win this thing…..BOOM!

*Flames erupt and Logan Kincade is here. He’s still officially in this match. Logan is bloodied and looks thunderous. Patricks gets up off the cover and he beckons Logan before charging to the ropes and propels himself over the top but Kincade catches him around the throat and chokeslams him on the arena floor. Eddy Kent sees the look on Logan’s face and scurries from the ring with Miss Jessica. Uryu is all at sea as he gets up. Logan is watching him for a good while (is this mercy?) but then he grabs him by back of head and runs him up the turnbuckle with “Blind Justice” for the three count. Logan Kincade has won the second 6 Pack Challenge.

*Eddy Kent and Miss Jessica are up against the ringside barrier, staring at Logan in horror, as we survey the scene all around. The cameras slowly zoom in on Kincade’s bloodied, deranged, face and then they cut a path up the rampway toward the curtain. Where are we going?

*The scene enters Gorilla and it is carnage and devastation. There is destroyed equipment and battered personnel everywhere. We see crew members and production staff in a heap before we see Max Adamson kneeling next to Rex Adamson. Rex is slumped on the floor with a pool of blood gathered around the FFTR case. Liam Wood is broken amidst the wreckage of the table for the road agents whilst Damien Andrews just stands there with a perverse smile on his face, staring at what his son has just done.


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Join date : 2011-03-09
Age : 34

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