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6CWF Presents Proving Grounds Results - 24th August 2024 (Episode 39)

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6CWF Presents Proving Grounds Results - 24th August 2024 (Episode 39) Empty 6CWF Presents Proving Grounds Results - 24th August 2024 (Episode 39)

Post by JJJohnson Sat 24 Aug 2024, 10:26 am

*Liam Wood is walking out to ringside as we go live on air. He doesn't look in a fantastic mood and it is clear he has plenty to get off his chest. Wood is on the mic and he's running down Eddy Kent & Genesis whilst addressing what went down last week at the end of Proving Grounds when he was brutally assaulted by Logan Kincade.

We get the footage now from Gorilla which shows the altercation between Wood & Damien Andrews. Rex Adamson then walks in with the FFTR briefcase and he and Wood exchange a look. Andrews is telling Wood he's not going out to the ring when Wood grabs him by the front of the shirt. This is when Logan enters the fray and attacks Wood when he sees what is happening. Max Adamson tries to interject but is slung backward into the wall by Logan and this is when Rex gets involved and is subsequently left battered and beaten just like Wood.

Back in the ring and Wood is about to continue when Damien Andrews interrupts. Andrews says the footage is there for all to see and that Liam Wood is like a petulant child who doesn't like to hear the word "no". He was told not to go out to ringside but he wanted it his own way. He was told not to put his hands on management again but everyone can see that is exactly what he did. Andrews has no doubt that Liam Wood is "world class" but he is also a liability and last week he found out the hard way that there are consequences for his actions.

Andrews: You knew the risk when you laid hands on me....not only from a professional perspective but a personal one....I told you you'd lose any more title shots at Kent and be suspended but what happened at the hands of my son is all the punishment you deserved...

Wood: Well why don't you get him out here now and he can try and "punish" me some more....

*Andrews smiles at this

Andrews: It isn't sinking in, is it, Liam? You don't call the aren't the boss, you aren't the champion and after last week's viewing we all know you aren't the toughest keep making threats that you are going to turn this place upside down but all that is going to happen if that becomes the case is you'll be collecting your pay cheque whilst at home on suspension....

The reason I am out here isn't to gloat, as much I enjoyed watching you brought to justice, but to tell you exactly what is going to happen from this point forward.....tonight you will compete in "Beat the Clock", at Beachfront Brawl you will compete for the tag titles inside the Elimination Chamber....those two are a what happens after that is, partially, on you...

Because I am a Co-General Manager which means any decisions I make have to be agreed by Max...

*Wood smirks at this

Andrews: And Max is still very much in the "locker room leader" phase and trying to be "one of the boys" so he wants you to stick around....but me? Well I wouldn't miss you one bit if truth be told....

So we had to find a compromise.....and the compromise is as follows.....first of all, if you so much as breathe aggressively in my direction from this point're gone...

Same goes for any member of 6CWF Management or is a strictly hands off don't get to walk around making threats to non-wrestlers and face no consequences....Max agrees you cannot be allowed to run roughshod....

*Andrews holds up a second finger

Andrews: Number two.....Max believes you should be #1 contender to the 6WF World Heavyweight Championship....I believe you should be stripped of any further opportunities....

So again we will get one more shot...

*The crowd pop at this

Andrews: One shot to "earn" that opportunity...

*Wood rolls his eyes at this

Andrews: A match of my choosing the week after Beachfront Brawl....if you win then you get Eddy Kent....if you lose, no more title shots....

*Andrews smiles, believing he has control of this situation

Andrews: Those are the rules, Liam, and I know you have a real problem with following those but the terms are there...they are more than generous and, quite frankly, more than you deserve.....this road can still lead to the 6WF World Heavyweight Championship and the only person that can mess it all YOU!

Because much as this could lead to the loss of your job, heavy fines, public disgrace.....the biggest issue at hand here is that if you step out of line again and make an enemy out of me, assault me, try to humiliate me.....well let's just say what happened last week will seem like child's play compared to the state Logan will leave you in next time...

*Wood mouths "Bring it on" but doesn't say anything on the mic. He seems to be weighing up what has been said to him as the commentators talk about the stakes heading forward and what an explosive way to kick off proceedings.


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6CWF Presents Proving Grounds Results - 24th August 2024 (Episode 39) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Proving Grounds Results - 24th August 2024 (Episode 39)

Post by JJJohnson Sat 24 Aug 2024, 10:39 am

*We see a shot of Eddy Kent & Miss Jessica arriving at the arena (where is Rex?) before the scene switches to Logan Kincade in the backstage area. Logan is sat down on a bench in the dressing rooms and looking at his hands as Blue Dragon walks in.

Dragon: Logan....what the f***?

*Kincade slowly raises his head to look at his brother

Dragon: Tell me you aren't his henchmen again? Doing his f***ing dirty're better than that, Logan....we'd moved past this...

*Logan doesn't answer and looks to bow his head but Dragon grabs him and forces his head upward. Logan snarls at this.

Dragon: Answer this what we're back to? You running around after his f***ing approval....

Logan: I run around after nobody....

Dragon: Then why?

*Logan stands now and is inches from his brother's face

Logan: You know as well as I do that blood runs deeps......pi55ants like Wood, f***ing Rex Adamson don't get to stand to the "Blue Dragons" and not pay...

*Dragon shakes his head with an astonished laugh

Dragon: You sound just like him.....this isn't a vanity project, we are dominant because we are the best and we put any potential "challenge" in their f***ing place....but we don't seek out problems, that isn't what we do....

Logan: No.....that isn't what you do...

*The two men are just glaring at one another

Logan: We are the same in some respects but very different in others and you know damn are the world champion and you achieved that by decimating the playing field and meeting each challenge as it presented itself...

Me? I don't give them a chance to prepare.....I destroy "challenges" before they arrive...

You rule with an iron fist....I rule through fear and suffering...

And that doesn't mean we aren't brothers....or a team....or an alliance...because we are...

But I am done pretending to be something that I am not....I'm Logan f***ing Kincade and they should tremble in horror when I walk these corridors.....and if they forgot then it's time for them to be reminded....

Is that ok with you, brother?

*Logan walks past his brother now and leaves the room as Blue Dragon is left looking ponderous. He sees his father's smirking face on the monitor in the corner and boots it off the table, smashing it on the solid floor.


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6CWF Presents Proving Grounds Results - 24th August 2024 (Episode 39) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Proving Grounds Results - 24th August 2024 (Episode 39)

Post by JJJohnson Sat 24 Aug 2024, 10:40 am

Bout 1
Diego Romero vs ???

*We have an elaborate pyro show as “The Prince of Pachuca” appears on the big screen. Golden sparkles fall from the rafters (ala Alberto Del Rio). There is grand mariachi music before Diego Romero rises through a swirling robe of flames. Romero brushes back his windswept hair and throws a dashing smile at the cameras. Some of the female fans are swooning whilst others reach out for pictures. Romero is certainly the “talk of the town” (huge Social Media following) as he runs toward the ring and uses a springboard to leap up and roll over the top rope (ala Sin Cara). Romero rises to a knee and smiles as he awaits his first ever 6CWF bout.

*Mike Conrad (former EWF & 6CW superstar) is revealed as Romero’s opponent and he sidles down to the ring, glaring at the fans and clearly unhappy that he is barely remembered. Romero offers out a hand to Conrad in respect before they start but Conrad grabs his hand and pulls him into a brutal clothesline. Conrad drags Romero up and suplexes him into a front throw that lands the young Mexican across the ropes. Conrad lifts himself onto the second rope now and leaps off with an elbow drop to the spine which brings Romero back in the ring for a two count.

*Conrad stomps on Romero and clubs his back before dragging him up. He flips him for a powerbomb but Romero immediately counters with a headscissors takedown. They scramble up and Romero ducks a clothesline before handspringing into the ropes and returning with a backflip inverted DDT (drawing big cheers). Conrad stumbles back to his feet and walks straight into a spinning heel kick before Romero lands a running shooting star press for a near fall.

*Romero is winning fans already as he claps his hands together and springs off the ropes into a meateora takedown into a forward roll and then springs off the opposite ropes into a legdrop for another two count. Conrad staggers up and Romero dropkicks him in the back to the turnbuckle and then looks to lift him up high. He clambers up as well for a top rope attack but Conrad battles back with sickening punches to the body. He shoves Romero backward off the ropes but the youngster backflips off onto his feet. Romero then springboards onto the middle ropes and leaps up top to pull Conrad down into a rana clutch facebuster. Romero covers but Conrad just manages to press his shoulder off the mat before three.

*Romero runs to the corner again and he leaps up top. He waits for Conrad to rise and then leaps toward him for a crossbody but Conrad catches him in his arms. He swings Romero up into a powerbomb position again and splatters him on the back of his head (Gunther style pin) for a two count. Conrad stands and spits in frustration before beckoning for Romero to stand. He leaps into him for the “Dustbuster” (RKO) but Romero throws his hands out to block his fall (ala Mustafa Ali). Conrad believes he has hit his finisher but then turns to see Romero kneeling and grinning, wagging his finger.

*Conrad roars forward for a discus lariat but Romero ducks underneath and then nails a backflip headscissors takedown (ala Ricochet). They get up again and Romero runs forward as Conrad uses his momentum for a tilt-a-whirl but Romero counters out into a facebuster (ala Carmelo Hayes). Conrad staggers to a knee now as Romero grabs his arms and drags him into a brutal knee strike (ala The Young Bucks). He points up top and the crowd roar in delight as he leaps onto the top rope and delivers the “Tequila Sunrise” (630 Senton) for the three count and his first ever 6CWF victory. The commentators commend Romero’s debut performance and believe he could have quite the future here in the company. He bows to the audience, who are raving on his showing, before he climbs onto the ropes to bask in their adulation. What next for Diego Romero?


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6CWF Presents Proving Grounds Results - 24th August 2024 (Episode 39) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Proving Grounds Results - 24th August 2024 (Episode 39)

Post by JJJohnson Sat 24 Aug 2024, 11:47 am

*Liam Wood walks backstage following his altercation with Damien Andrews. He finds himself face to face with Chris Patricks.

CP: Anything to get that title huh?

Wood: Is there a problem, Chris?

*Patricks smirks

CP: Absolutely not....I'm just good ol' Chris Patricks, everyone's favourite "nearly guy", the sidekick.....even when I was in the match for the world title and the FFTR case, it was all about you and Rex and Kent...I was just the appetiser...

Wood: If there's something to...

CP: There's nothing....we are heading into the Chamber together, mate, tag team partners....which means when we win, we both get a title....sure you can share the limelight?

*Wood looks irritated by Patricks' attitude

Wood: I'm sure I'll if you don't mind, Chris....I've got things to do...

*Patricks continues to grin (something definitely up with his attitude of late) as he steps aside and lets Wood walk past.

???: Making friends?

*Patricks turns now and sees Uryu coming toward him

CP: I know it's an alien concept to you, you're more used to just hanging onto coattails...

*Uryu comes to stop in front of Patricks

Uryu: I'm not overly sure what it is, Chris, between us....what about me that makes you so angry....

CP: I just don't like you....I see through this whole "nice guy" act....nice guys don't try and steal people's wives....

Uryu: And yet Max is your best friend and that was kind of his M.O for awhile...

*Patricks looks angered

CP: Your tune has changed, you were s***ing him off last time his name was in your mouth...

Uryu: Difference is that I don't try and pretend he's something else...Max is Max, that's why he is so loved....

CP: And yet when he needed those who "love" him....I was the only one who came to fight....he might forget and forgive...

*Patricks steps closer

CP: But I don't...

*Patricks barges past Uryu as he walks away.

*We see Max Adamson and Damien Andrews in the GM's office and looks like we are getting a random draw for the "Beat the Clock" challenge here (seems to be some gripe between the managers as well, creative differences it would seem?). The scene then changes and Diego Romero is receiving plaudits as he walks backstage following his debut. Romero is looking happy with himself as Clarissa approaches him for an interview. Romero is talking about his pride to represent 6CWF and he wants to become a Mexican great. The screen behind him switches on and a video begins to play...

A Vignette starts... An Aztec Temple. Ruined to the ravage of time. It's carvings battered and chipped. The figurines on the pillars shattered and almost decayed to nothing and on the top there is a large stone circle, a pit.

A fire burns inside this pit. Small at first. As a voice speaks. The flickering of the fire can be heard in the background as subtitles translate the words spoken..

"No sabes quién soy."
(You don't know who I am.)

The voice is smooth, almost silk..
The fire seems to grow with the words...

"Pero lo harás."
(But you will.)

The fire is soon roaring and rumbling, the sound creates a strange mix with the voice of the man..

"No sabes lo que puedo hacer."
(You don't know what I can do.)

The camera moves out a little and we now see golden idols and figurines surrounding the firepit. The stonework looks fresher now. Almost new as the camera continues to slowly zoom back out...

"Pero lo harás."
(But you will.)

The temple looks glorious, the etchings clear and the Aztec symbols clear for all to see the statues around the pillars and rock work are adorned with gold. They depect ancient warriors...

"No conoces a los dioses."
(You don't know the gods.)

As the camera moves back from the temple we see lit torches in the distance. The flames of the torches, coming from the darkness, are carried by people in old fashioned clothing. They make a circle around the temple...

"Pero lo harás."
(But you will.)

The people drop to their knees and raise their faces to the sky , they lift their torches up and start to chant something in unison we can't make out what they are saying, the sound seems to have cut out and all we can hear is heavy breathing before the voice speaks..

"Creerás en mí, me adorarás, soy tu dios!"

(You will believe in me, you will worship me, I am your god.)
*Romero is watching the vignette intently and he turns to Clarissa and some of the 6CWF officials.

Romero: Where did this video come from?

*Everyone is nonplussed

Romero: Is this some kind of joke? Who ordered this to be played?

*Clarissa looks concerned at the agitation in Romero's voice. He looks back at the screen again before taking hold of the cross around his neck. He pushes his hair from his face and it is clearly he is distressed as he walks away.

*Eddy Kent and Miss Jessica are in the Genesis' locker-room. Jessica is whirling on a chair and ranting about "projections" and how the Genesis brand will not be tarnished. She is talking about live streaming and the uproar that Liam Wood is getting the chance to earn another shot at the gold. Kent seems distracted as Jessica saunters over to him. She is about to sit in his lap when Rex storms in. Rex puts his FFTR case down and unzips his jacket, slinging it over the back of a chair.

Rex: Oh aye yeah, I'm absolutely fine by the way....I notice you're on your twenty seventh live stream of the week, Jess, so your mobile is working just fine....and how about you, boss?

*Kent slowly turns his head to look at Rex now. Rex points to the stitches in his head

Rex: Hospital....last week.....Logan Kincade brutalised me, left me in a pool of my own blood....cheers for checking in, Daddy...

*Jessica stops what she is doing now, noting the first time Rex has ever said those words

Rex: You know I'm starting to wonder about this whole "Genesis" schtick.....because I assumed it was the whole all for one, one for all bull**** but now I see it's all about making sure Eddy Kent gets his and the rest of us feed off don't give a damn...

*Jessica's eyes are widening with each word. Kent says nothing but reaches for the remote control and turns on the TV. It replays the incident in Gorilla from last week

Kent: You and Wood in the same place at the same time, you should know by now not to feed the rumour mill.....but wait, my favourite part is coming up...

*We see the moment Rex goes after Logan after Max is thrown down

Kent: There it is....the man who tried to take everything from you, stunt your career progression and keep you in the shadows.....the man that I was forced to retire so you could flourish.....and what do you do? You try to protect him...

*Rex says nothing as Kent rises from his chair

Kent: This Rex.....this "schtick" is your family....we have looked after you from day one....ensured you have everything you need to become a legend in this business....but if this is bulls*** to you....then please, there is the door...

*Kent inclines his head but Rex doesn't move

Kent: Daddy has had is bad enough to be disrespected by my rivals....but the "prodigal son"? If you do not believe in what we are doing anymore, Rex, then I will not hold a may leave....

Because it is time to make a can allow Wood to corrupt you, you can return to Max Adamson's shadow and stagnate......that is your prerogative to do so....

Or you can stand side by side with greatness and cut your own path of dominance....the choice is quite simply yours...

You want to know why we didn't attend the hospital? Because you needed time to think and evaluate.....we checked on you, despite what you may think, but I will not be a crutch for ungrateful offspring....if you wish to inherit the throne one day, want the crown? Then earn it!


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Age : 34

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6CWF Presents Proving Grounds Results - 24th August 2024 (Episode 39) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Proving Grounds Results - 24th August 2024 (Episode 39)

Post by JJJohnson Sat 24 Aug 2024, 12:05 pm

Bout 2
Beat the Clock (Elimination Chamber)
??? vs ???

*We see Damien Andrews and Max Adamson picking the names out backstage for the “Beat the Clock” and there is a big reaction from the crowd as Chris Patricks and Uryu Ishida are drawn together to kick the competition off. We see Chris Patricks in his locker-room and he smirks as he hears the news before beginning his walk to Gorilla. We then see Uryu Ishida and he bows his head at the announcement before standing and heading for the door. He walks out into the long corridor and we see a cloaked figure at the far end watching him on his way to the ring.

*Patricks makes his way to the ring (one or two boos from recent comments) and he leaps up into the ring before pointing to a fan who is holding a sign which reads “Put some respect on Patricks’ name”. He sits back on the turnbuckle now as Uryu enters the fray to a huge array of cheers. Ishida makes his way down to the ring as the commentators remind us of the crossed words between these two in recent weeks. JT then brings us up to date on the “Beat the Clock” concept. The winning time will ensure which team enters the “Elimination Chamber” last at Beachfront Brawl.

*Patricks and Uryu square up in the centre of the ring. Patricks still has a smile on his face whilst Uryu just stares up at his opponent. We hear Ishida say “I guess we’ve gotta do this” as Patricks shoves him backwards and then beckons Uryu on. Uryu seems annoyed by CP’s body language as he says “What is your problem with me?” before Patricks pushes him in the face. Uryu shakes his head now and lashes a kick against the side of CP’s leg before following up with a crunching kick to the midsection. Patricks staggers away as Uryu nails another hard calf kick and then runs the ropes, only to return into a huge backdrop which sends him flying to the outside.

*Patricks rubs his leg and then he grabs the ropes and propels himself into a flying crossbody on the outside. He drags Uryu up and suplexes him before slamming him down, ribs first, across the security barrier. The referee is trying to get the action back in the ring as Patricks leaps up on the apron now and attempts a spinning legdrop (ala RVD) but Ishida moves and sends CP crashing against the railing in agony. Uryu throws Patricks back in the ring now before nailing a sunset plancha over the ropes and covers for a two.

*Ishida ushers Patricks up and tries to lift him for a “Michinoku Driver” but Patricks falls off the back and shoves Uryu off the ropes. CP attempts the “Enigma Bomb” (Sky High) on the comeback but Uryu counters with a midair hurricanrana takedown. They get up again and Uryu dropkicks Patricks’ knees out from under him and then grabs his arm for the “Sunset” armbar but Patricks rolls him up for a two count. They rise again and Uryu looks for a quick kick but CP catches his foot and then nails a stepover heel kick. Patricks then runs the ropes and returns with “rolling thunder” for a nearfall.

*Patricks pulls Uryu into the middle of the ring and tries to lift him for a vertical suplex but Uryu counters into a small package for a two count. Both men fight their feet and Patricks backdrops Ishida over the top rope but Uryu lands on the apron. Ishida nails a step-up kick to the face, staggering his foe, and then he catapults himself back in and splatters Patricks with an x-factor facebuster for a two count. The crowd are applauding the action as Uryu clambers to his feet and acknowledges Patricks’ toughness. Ishida climbs up the turnbuckle now and has a missile dropkick in mind but is wiped out in mid-jump but a flying dropkick to the ribcage from Patricks. Patricks underhooks Uryu’s arms now and flips him into a sit-down powerbomb for a two count.

*Patricks bounces back against the ropes and front flips into a legdrop to keep Uryu grounded and then heads up high. The audience rise in anticipation as Patricks throws himself into the “Puzzle Solver” frogsplash but lands right across the knees of Uryu. Ishida staggers up and he springs onto the middle turnbuckle and moonsaults back into a takedown as Patricks stands up for another close call. “Neither man setting a great time here but what a fantastic battle” chimes RJ and the crowd are certainly in agreement.

*”Remember each match also has a fifteen minute time limit” reminds JT as Uryu tries to get CP up for the “Michinoku” again but Patricks slips off the side. Uryu runs into the corner but eats a back elbow which stumbles him. Patricks then springs off the turnbuckle and looks for a side-on martial arts kick (ala RVD) but Uryu dodges it at the final second and snaps off a poisonrana out of nowhere. Patricks rolls over on his knees as Uryu runs the ropes and crashes back into him with a brutal shining wizard for a two count.

*Uryu beckons Patricks up and then springs off the ropes for a “Code Red” sunset flip bomb but Patricks catches him on his back (Gory Special position) and then drops backward so Uryu is guillotined across the top rope. Patricks gets back to his feet now and he pulls Uryu up into a back suplex before transitioning into a neckbreaker whilst in midair. Uryu is flat on his back as Patricks nails a split-legged moonsault. Three count seems assured but Patricks spits in annoyance as he forgets to check the proximity to the ropes.

*Patricks circles Uryu now and then he runs the ropes for a “destroyer” but Uryu counters with a drop-toe-hold and quickly rolls on top to grab Patricks’ arm and applies the “Sunset” armbar. Patricks is yelling in agony as Uryu yanks back on his foe’s arm and fingers to really amp up the pressure. The referee is asking CP if he wants to quit but is shaking his head and trying everything to twist his body toward the ropes. Uryu is sat on his back and really wrenching up on the arm but somehow Patricks is able to turn himself enough to place his feet under the ropes and force the break.

*Patricks rolls from the ring, clutching his arm, as Uryu looks a little concerned that he might have caused some damage. The referee is checking on Patricks’ condition now before he rolls back in to inform Uryu on the situation. Uryu almost looks sorry that he has hurt his opponent and turns out to the crowd as Patricks flies into him with double knees to the spine. Uryu smacks into the turnbuckle and Patricks rolls him up for a three count and the shock W. Patricks is grinning as he shakes his arm loose and rolls from the ring. Uryu is on his knees and looking at the referee and then at Patricks in disbelief. It seems Uryu’s fair nature has cost him in this one and Patricks has stolen it from under him. There are some boos from Ishida’s fans but Patricks doesn’t seem to care as he registers a victory. The clock is timing it at “11:39” so he takes the lead due to being the first match but “unlikely to be the winning time, you would imagine” claims RJ. JT still can’t believe Patricks’ tactics here but it seems the growing animosity between himself and Uryu may have played a part. Uryu still cannot quite believe what has gone down as Patricks looks back at him with another smile and then disappears backstage.


Posts : 10316
Join date : 2011-03-09
Age : 34

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6CWF Presents Proving Grounds Results - 24th August 2024 (Episode 39) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Proving Grounds Results - 24th August 2024 (Episode 39)

Post by JJJohnson Sat 24 Aug 2024, 12:27 pm

*Liam Wood and Emmy are talking now as we return backstage. Wood is still riled up by the way Andrews spoke to him.

Wood: And he just thinks I'm gonna take that...

Emmy: Liam...

Wood: They should know by now...

Emmy: Liam....

*Wood seems to just realise Emmy is there

Wood: Sorry...but you must see...

Emmy: And I do...we've been through this and I have accepted you and what you need to do....but I'm allowed my concerns....this scenario with Kent, with Andrews are getting way laid, Liam...

Wood: No I'm not...

Emmy: The goal is the've exorcised your demons, a whole year of dealing with the ghosts of the past....finally it is in the rear view, but now it seems like you are finding another war to wage...

Wood: This company, this profession is a list of wars...

Emmy: You know what I mean....there are other world titles, Liam.....the EWF is back, that title and you...

Wood: Do not...

*Emmy seems taken aback

Emmy: I just meant, there are three world titles in play....why does it have to be the 6WF?

Wood: Because me and Kent aren't done....and I'm not going to walk away halfway through a battle.....I'm better than him and I will prove it...

Emmy: Even if it costs you your job?

*Wood looks like he has been slapped

Wood: I thought you'd understand...

Emmy: And I do...I'm here, aren't I? And I put my hands on that b1tch, Jessica, with no hesitation but I want this to be about what it's about, Liam, and that is the title....nothing else....not everything has to be personal...

*Wood looks at Emmy and seems to want to retort but instead he shakes his head and leans back on the sofa. What will Wood's next decision be?

*An announcement plays

Sunday 29th September

*Miss Jessica's heels can be heard on the floor before we see her. She is bending over to get some coffee from the machine when she hears a voice from behind.

???: I wouldn't mind losing my nose up that...

*Jessica's wicked smile crosses her face as she turns to see Brandon Perez standing there

Jessica: You should be careful, Eddy won't like it if he sees you here with me...

Perez: That cuck? Please, baby, he can sit in the corner and watch if he really likes....cmon mommy, let me show how a real "daddy" fuc....

*Percy suddenly comes walking in

Percy: Interrupting?

Perez: Never Perce....I was just asking Jess if she wanted to be my opponent in the "Beat the C0c...

Percy: Didn't I tell you? It's clock, Brandon.....we had it all wrong....all that training for nothing...

*Perez looks devastated

Perez: But I've almost pulled it off this last week....I had the extender on it, the fleshlight....he's got bigger abs than me...

*Percy and Jessica both look down at Perez' package

Perez: Look, Jess....let's cut the want me, I want you ....Percy probably wants me too...

*Percy shrugs his shoulders

Perez: We're just a guy and a girl in a f***ed up world....looking for some strange a55 and a place free of judgement....

*Jessica bites her lip but then the machine beeps and she whirls to grab her coffee. When she turns back around Perez is laying on the table, posing (like Ricky Gervais in The Office).

Perez: There are no boundaries to what me and you could do....I could wear you, you could wear me....we could both wear Perce...

*Percival looks confused by this offer

Perez: Let's make sweet, erotic, brutal love...

*Jessica grins again as he sips her coffee and then walks away. Perez and Percy look at each other

Perez: A rusty trombone is the bare minimum of what is going to happen...

Percival: I used to play the trombone...

Perez: You still do, Perce....every night for the last week...the Danish scene is freaky...

Percival: Amen to that..


Posts : 10316
Join date : 2011-03-09
Age : 34

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6CWF Presents Proving Grounds Results - 24th August 2024 (Episode 39) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Proving Grounds Results - 24th August 2024 (Episode 39)

Post by JJJohnson Sat 24 Aug 2024, 12:29 pm

Bout 3
Beat the Clock (Elimination Chamber)
??? vs ???

*Eddy Kent and Miss Jessica walk out on the stage after the revelation that Kent is next up in the “Beat the Clock” series. Miss Jessica has gone full blown “Firecracker” with the skimpy shorts and outfit. She cosies up to Kent, who basks in the crowd reaction (Mostly boos with a tinge of diehard Genesis support). Kent allows Miss Jessica to open his jacket to reveal the 6WF World Heavyweight Championship around his waist before they make their way down to ringside. Kent paces back and forth as he waits for the announcement on his opposition.

*Big cheers ring out as Kent’s jaw locks and Brandon Perez is revealed as his foe for this match. We are reminded of what went down last week with Kent’s violent attack on Perez followed by the “Brothers of Seduction” taking out the world champion during the main event. The commentators believe that Kent’s infatuation with Miss Jessica allowed Perez to get under his skin and he will need to be smarter about that this week. Miss Jessica is eyeing Perez ( don’t forget she was encouraging his behaviour last week) as he approaches her and offers his lollipop. Will she accept? We’ll never know because Eddy Kent dives from the ring and clatters Perez from behind. Perez is still in his jacket as Kent runs him forward and launches him, upside down, against the corner of the ringside barrier.

*Kent is full blown Homelander as he stomps down on Perez in a frenzy. He drags him up now and smashes him against the steel steps as the audience look on in concern. Eddy Kent is definitely beginning to show a little more brutality in his character since the Jessica link up. Kent rips Perez’ jacket off and uses it to whip him repeatedly across the back as the referee climbs out now and tells Kent that he is going to call a “no contest” unless Kent gets the action in the ring and complies with the rules.

*Kent finally throws Perez in and rolls in after. There are red welts across Perez’ back as he tries to stand up and Kent is looking to end it quickly with the “Genesis Kick” but Perez ducks and rolls Kent up for a two count. They scramble back up and Perez is quicker with the backslide now for another near call. Third time and Perez ducks into Kent and flapjacks him across the top rope before leaping on his back and rolling him backward into another combo for a close decision. Nobody can quite believe it but Perez is giving the world champ the run around here!

*Kent puts his hand on the mat to get up and Perez stomps down on it with venom. He then grabs the world champion’s arm and pulls him up before twisting it. He backs into the corner and lifts himself onto the ropes before walking along. Is he thinking “Old school”? No instead he jumps off and wraps his legs around Kent’s arm for a modified armscissors takedown. Kent is clutching his shoulder as he rises and Perez scoops him up into a shoulderbreaker for another two. Miss Jessica’s eyes are wide in shock. Is Brandon Perez about to pull off the shock of the year?

*Perez grabs Kent’s arm again and is looking to spin him into a cross-armbreaker (ala Del Rio) but Kent drops backwards and uses his momentum to send Perez crashing into the middle turnbuckle. Kent staggers up and tries to shake his arm loose as Perez runs out toward him for a clothesline but Kent ducks it and snaps off an inverted headlock backbreaker into a swinging neckbreaker. He hooks the leg but Perez is equal to it and kicks out. Kent climbs on top of Perez now and tees off with massive punches until the referee orders him to stop.

*Kent wills Perez to his feet and drags him in position for the “Mic Check” but Perez elbows his way out of Kent’s grip. He quickly ducks under Kent’s legs now and lifts him into an electric chair position for the “F.A.C” but Kent leaps off the back and drives a knee into the stomach of his opponent before suplexing him into a gutbuster across his outstretched knee. Kent quickly drags Perez back up and spikes him with a DDT on top of his head. Has to be a three…..NO! Perez has some guts on him, that is for sure.

*Miss Jessica is rallying the “Kentonites” as the world champion rakes his boot in Perez’ face and stomps down on his chest. He drags Perez up now and whips him into the turnbuckle with force before chasing in, only to eat a big back elbow to the mouth for his troubles. Perez lifts himself on the second rope now and he takes Kent off his feet with an axe handle before ushering him up and this time he scoop slams him to the mat. The crowd are certainly feeling it as Perez grabs Kent by the head now and he drags him in position before flipping him up for the “Moustache Ride” (Running Liger Bomb) but Kent shuffles backward and backdrops Perez over the ropes at the final second.

*Kent takes his time to recompose himself as Perez gets up on the outside. Once again he blows a kiss to Miss Jessica and gyrates his hips in her direction, she certainly doesn’t seem aghast at it. Eddy Kent suddenly grabs the referee to distract him as Perez gets up on the apron and there is the low blow from Miss Jessica. So it was all a rouse? NO! Perez turns and winks at Jessica before going in his pants and pulling out a cup! He expected it. Jessica cannot believe it as Perez throws the cup at her and stands up on the apron. Kent clatters into him now and looks to suplex him over the top and back in but Perez lands on his feet and nails a bridging German suplex for a two count.

*Perez once again grabs Kent’s arm and looks for the armbar but Kent spins out and kicks him in the stomach. He hooks Perez’ arms now, is he thinking pedigree? Perez battles and swipes the legs before he catapults Kent to the corner. Kent smashes his head and staggers back. Miss Jessica tries to climb on the apron as the referee moves to stop her. Perez is ready to lift Kent for the “F.A.C” (Croyt’s Wrath) but Kent uses the distraction to flick his heel back and catch Perez between the legs (No cup this time!). Kent scoops Perez up and nails a rolling fireman’s slam (Green Bay Plunge) before applying the “Kentlock” guillotine. Perez is practically passed out and the tap out isn’t really necessary as this one is over and out. Eddy Kent is victorious with a time of “6:21” and that is a hard time to beat here. Great showing from Brandon Perez but Genesis are looking good for the final entrance in the Elimination Chamber.

*Kent isn’t happy though and he is intimating to Jessica that he wants a weapon. Seems Brandon Perez’ actions have really angered the world champion. Jessica cackles now as she slowly and, weirdly, seductively pulls out a sledgehammer from under the ring. This was Lex Hart’s speciality and seems the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree with the new leader of Genesis. Jessica slides the weapon in now and Kent takes it. The crowd are booing now as we are about to witness some savagery from the 6WF World Heavyweight Champ. Perez is trying to get up, very disorientated from the choke, as Kent sizes him up. Huge pop now as Percy Percival runs out for the save. Kent spins and looks to behead Percy with the hammer but he ducks it and handsprings into the ropes and returns with twisting enzeguiri which sends Kent crashing against the ropes and to the outside. Kent looks thunderous as Jessica rushes around to join him. Percy is standing tall and he looks mad as he beckons for Kent to bring it on. “The Brothers of Seduction” are crazy over with this Danish crowd. Could they really be contenders for the tag titles? Do not rule it out, these guys can play.

*Kent slams the sledgehammer off the top of the steel steps and storms away, Miss Jessica hurrying after him. Genesis still have the time to beat, however, with “6:21” on the clock and that will be hard to match for anyone here this evening. Percy is helping Perez to his feet now and there is a best friend’s hug between them as the audience delight in what they are seeing.


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6CWF Presents Proving Grounds Results - 24th August 2024 (Episode 39) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Proving Grounds Results - 24th August 2024 (Episode 39)

Post by JJJohnson Sat 24 Aug 2024, 1:02 pm

*We see Logan Kincade backstage again and he is staring at himself in the mirror once more. Uryu knocks on the door and Logan just looks at him through the mirror. Uryu tells Logan that it may have been a different world, a different company and a different time but once upon a time they were friends and tag team partners. He knows Logan is "going through something" but he'll always be there because he considers Logan a friend of his. Kincade just continues to stare into the mirror at Uryu and finally Ishida seems to get the message and leaves.

*Scene changes and Acer has arrived in Denmark ahead of the EWF Global Championship contract signing. He is putting his things in the locker-room when the door closes behind him and there stands JJ Johnson and The Saint.

Acer: What's this, an intervention?

JJ: Call it a reality check...

*Acer glares at JJ

Saint: We're mates....all of us....travelled this road together.....from day one to now....we don't want this animosity...

Acer: There's no...

*JJ scoffs

Acer: Something funny?

JJ: Yo a55 pretending there's no issues here....running me out in interviews.....whatever chip you carrying on yo shoulders right now, own it and speak on it....I'm a big boy, I can handle it...

Acer: You sure about that? Because I'm not so sure your ego could handle what I have to say...

JJ: You ain't never been shy, don't start now motherf***er...

Saint: Guys...

*Saint steps between Acer and JJ now

Saint: you want to see Acer become world champion?

*JJ looks confused

JJ: Sort of stupid a55 question is that....course I do, that's my boy....he deserves it....

Saint: And Acer....what do you really think of JJ?

Acer: He's one of my best friends....

Saint: So why are we fighting?

*JJ shrugs

JJ: Beats me.....I just wanna have fun with my boys and get Acer up in that world title scene with us...

*Acer's brow furrows now

Acer: You don't have to "get me up" anywhere....I'm perfectly capable of..

JJ: Playa, that ain't what I meant...

Acer: Yeah I get it....Acer needs JJ & Saint to become world champion, a leg up, a favour....look JJ I'm not you...

JJ: The f*** that supposed to mean...

Acer: First day in the company and you're cosying up to Saint because he's got the GM gig.....then I take over and you're my best friend all of a sudden....doesn't take a genius...

JJ: Watch yo f***ing mouth...

Acer: Truth politicked your way to the top.....and I don't want the same, I'll earn my title...

*JJ slaps Saint's hand out the way now as he walks closer to Acer

JJ: Listen up, fool.....I politicked s*** and deep down you know was because of my association with you that I had to work twice as hard to get to the top....I made it to this level because I was that f***ing good and what really rankled with yo a55 was that even back then it wasn't about levels...because I was playing a whole different game to you....

Now I done tried....I said what I said, you went to war fo' me and mine, never forget it...but this is a watershed moment and Saint's a55 can be the far as professionally, we done....I wish you all the luck, I hope you get the strap and I'll raise a glass to you when you do....but this, whatever this is....I'm out....

*JJ shakes his head and leaves the room as Acer yells after him

Acer: Don't worry, J, it still won't be a real world title....we both know only you "elite" guys can win those...

*Saint is looking at Acer with disappointment

Acer: What?!? You know what, you can clear out too....I don't need either of you....I'm tired of babysitting...

*Saint sighs and leaves the room as Acer smashes the locker door of its hinges and tugs at his hair, adding to the manic look in his eyes.

*Daniel Reilly is getting ready to go out and sign the contract for the EWF Title whilst Oliver Keane is hyping him up.

Keane: And the new....

???: You know I heard that myself not too long fact the last time you had a title...

*The crowd roar as Dicey walks into shot now with the European Championship

Dicey: Just on my way out for title defence number a way from that cool's a hard life...

Reilly: And how's that knee holding up, old timer? Because I trained Jack and he is going to tear it off....I can't wait to watch...

*Dicey smiles

Dicey: I mean if you're right and I lose tonight, that leaves me without a title again.....and your so confident of getting yourself one at Beachfront Brawl, maybe I'll come for that...

Reilly: You wouldn't stand a chance...

Dicey: This feels like deja vu, pretty sure you said that at Night of Glory....remind me how that ended?

*Reilly looks angered

Reilly: You don't belong on world level....what happened at Night of Glory was a setback, a minor blip, but look where we are're still living off that victory whilst I have ascended....

Dicey: Up Keane's a55....

Reilly: And when I become world champion for a third time at Beachfront Brawl, nobody will take it from me....I will be undefeatable...

???: I seem to remember you being an "undefeatable" world champion once before...

*More cheers now as GazzyD walks into shot

Gazzy: And how did that end up?

*Reilly smirks at Gazzy

Reilly: Is this irrelevant hour? First Dicey and now GazzyD.....two men who had a big "past" but languish in the shadow of The King now.....Gazzy you beat me a decade ago, it's hardly worth shouting about....I'm a different animal now and I assure you that you want none of run back to your brainwashed wife and child, accept the retirement package...

6CW is done....this is 6CWF and the biggest and best name on this roster is Beachfront Brawl I will prove that by becoming world champion carry on living in the past...

*Reilly aims to turn away, laughing toward Keane, but finds his way barred by Geoff Steel. The Danish crowd go wild again

Steel: Not interrupting am I? I thought I could hear Reilly's delusions from down the hall...

Reilly: Could this get any more pathetic? I put you in your place last year, Geoff....don't make me remind you...

Steel: On the contrary, Daniel, it would very much like a reminder.....see I heard you talking about becoming world champion at Beachfront Brawl and I couldn't help thinking, that's an automatic target....see me and Dicey....

*he points to the Xtreme & European belts

Steel: Have gold and we both know that when that happens, you are marked.....but when you win a world title, you are a wanted man, there's no hiding, no escape...

And when you run your mouth as much as you do, Dan, well people tend to remember....they tend to want to put you in your place...

*Reilly sneers as he looks from Steel to Gazzy and then Dicey

Reilly: You three? Even if you teamed up you couldn't beat me...

Steel: I guess time will tell...

*Reilly clicks his fingers at Keane and they hurry away as Steel, Dicey and Gazzy all stare at one another.


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6CWF Presents Proving Grounds Results - 24th August 2024 (Episode 39) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Proving Grounds Results - 24th August 2024 (Episode 39)

Post by JJJohnson Sat 24 Aug 2024, 1:05 pm

Bout 4
6CWF European Championship
Dicey Reilly (c) vs Perfect Jack

*Dicey Reilly is live in Copenhagen and the crowd are going wild. Dicey has the knee brace on and the commentators really aren’t sure he should have been medically cleared but he was completely insistent that this was how he wanted it to go down. We get another recap on the heinous assault that he suffered last week at the hands of Perfect Jack. RJ states “There is no way you can’t have Jack as favourite now….even as a one on one this was a tough call but with Dicey’s injury as well, cmon now”. Dicey poses for some pictures with fans and he downs a “foot” of beer that is handed to him by a supporter in a Viking hat. Even though he is gritting through it is obvious that Dicey is favouring the knee and his European Champion could be in serious jeopardy here.

*The commentary team are talking up defence #9 and Dicey’s quest for the million as Perfect Jack’s music hits. The Danish crowd are booing up into the rafters now as Jack appears on the stage. Jack’s darkened expression remains as he locks eyes on the champion and makes his way down the ramp. Dicey looks like he wants to go to war immediately but he looks down at his knee and knows he needs to be smart here. RJ runs us down the incredible history between these two men and how a meeting between them has been on the horizon for quite some time. Jack slowly climbs up into the ring now and the referee checks both men over for concealed weapons. Dicey is talking over at PJ but there is no response, he merely just glares back at him. The bell sounds and the anticipation levels skyrocket. Both champion and challenger start to circle the ring for an opening before Jack, surprisingly, steps through the ropes and drops down into the aisleway.

RJ: I….I’m not really sure what PJ is doing here….

JT: European Championship on the line…..this is the match he wanted…..he has stalked Dicey for nearly two months in anticipation of this clash…

RJ: He damn near destroyed Dicey’s knee last week in order to soften him up for this challenge….and now he’s just going to walk out? This makes absolutely no sense whatsoever…

Dicey and the audience seem to be thinking the same thing. The crowd are booing and chanting “Bulls***” as Dicey walks to the ropes and holds his arms out to Jack. Jack remains in the aisleway and just stares at Dicey as the referee starts to count…

Dicey: Get in here and fight you f***ing coward….this is what you wanted….

JT: I’m having a hard time working out Perfect Jack’s motive here….


Dicey is still talking and goading Jack (who offers nothing in return) as we see a figure climb over the security barrier behind the announce desks. The newcomer has jet black hair, wet and matted around his face, with a bushy beard and moustache. He is around 6’4 and looks to weigh in excess of 300lbs. He easily climbs over the ropes behind Dicey, who is still locked in with Jack, and then he grabs the European Champion from behind and whips him around into a devastating ripcord lariat….


JT: I know….and it spells an incredibly dangerous era for 6CWF…..that’s Angus Plague! The WidowMaker….Former MCCW World Heavyweight Champion…..what he is doing here in 6CWF, I have no idea, but this is one of the most violent men in professional wrestling today….

RJ: He just destroyed Dicey Reilly like he was nothing….the champ had no idea what was coming…

JT: Judging by the look on Perfect Jack’s face, he knew….this is all part of the plan….you can see it now….Perfect Jack is doing everything he can to make sure there is next to nothing left of Dicey Reilly….

RJ: You think he’s recruited this guy? This Angus Plague?

JT: That’s exactly what I think has happened…Jack has been telling us all how he is going to outshine anything that Clarke James ever did…..James’ origin comes from the Church of Hero, then he started Exodus….perhaps this is the beginning of Perfect Jack’s cult…

RJ: I have no idea if that is the case of Jack just wanted a henchmen but by God has he picked an absolute monster of a man…

The crowd are stunned as the referee calls for the bell and then tries to check on Dicey. Angus Plague flicks his hair from his face now as Perfect Jack nods his head in instruction. Plague shoves the official aside as he drags Dicey back up and he easily scoops him onto his shoulders before running at the turnbuckle and delivering a horrifying death valley driver down into the lowest turnbuckle….Dicey is folded up in a heap…

JT: This was Dicey Reilly’s ninth title defence and, quite unbelievably, it will go down as a successful one due to the interference and subsequent disqualification…

RJ: But Dicey Reilly is not winning right now…..

JT: I want to hear more about the arrival here of Angus “Black” Plague because his reputation precedes him and I want to know what exactly brings him here to 6CWF….this isn’t a guy to just follow willingly so what has Perfect Jack promised him or told him?

RJ: I’m not sure I have ever seen Dicey Reilly left in that kind of mess….

Angus “Black” Plague climbs from the ring now and marches to join Perfect Jack in the aisleway. They look back at the ring where Dicey Reilly is being tended to by the referee and the ringside doctor.

RJ: Something tells me that Perfect Jack’s quest for the European Championship is far from over….the question now is; is Dicey Reilly in any kind of state to defend?

JT: Not only that but Jack, seemingly, has a new equaliser… the hell can Dicey Reilly combat both PJ & Angus Plague?

Dicey tries to get up but his knee gives way and he falls flat on his face. He just manages to raise his head off the mat and he looks up toward the stage as Jack and the debutant Angus Plague just stare right back at him. The Royal Arena is still in shock at what we have witnessed here…


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6CWF Presents Proving Grounds Results - 24th August 2024 (Episode 39) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Proving Grounds Results - 24th August 2024 (Episode 39)

Post by JJJohnson Sat 24 Aug 2024, 1:26 pm

*Eddy Kent and Miss Jessica are back in "Genesis Towers".

Jessica: Do you need Mami to...

Kent: I need a plan.....Genesis are the premier power in professional wrestling and the respect we get is non-existent....everywhere I turn and now I don't know who I can trust and who I can't....we are in the bunker, the enemy forces closing in....

Jessica: Well it just so happens I do have a plan....

Kent: You do?

Jessica: Isn't that why you brought me in, Daddy? I'm so much more than a pretty face and a great a55....

Kent: I need to show Rex that Genesis is the future....but I also need to show the world that they cannot and will not usurp our position....

*Jessica's eyes light up

Jessica: Then listen up...because this will put us back on top....just where I like it!

*She winks at Kent as the scene ends.

*Back at ringside and three tables have been set up in the ring for the EWF Global Championship Press Conference. Max Adamson and Damien Andrews are already in the ring to make the introductions and talk about how big it is to be bringing back the EWF strap. Liam Wood, Vincent Costello, Thunder, Cerberus, Enforcer…..these are the kinds of names associated with this championship and it is time to add another to that list. So here tonight the three men who will battle at Beachfront Brawl are going to come out here and make it official.

Scott Harris is the first to arrive and is given a massive ovation. For Harris this represents another chance to finally win his maiden world title. There is no doubting Harris’ technical ability but he just hasn’t ever made it over the finishing line. Harris shakes hands with Andrews and Max Adamson. He is ready to sign the contract but Andrews wants to wait until all three men are in the ring (he’s grinning at this knowing full well it increases the chance of a kick off whereas Max seems happier to get it over with).

Daniel Reilly and Oliver Keane make their way out now to a wall of boos. The former two time 6CW World Champion is bidding to ascend to the mountain top for the first time in thirteen years. We are reminded of his contract situation and that Reilly intends to leave the company following Born in Fire in November. Will this man really walk out of 6CWF with one of their world titles? Oliver Keane, oozing his usual smugness, introduces Reilly as the new EWF Global Champion which sparks even more boos. Reilly wants to run down Scott Harris a little and pokes fun at the fact he has never won a singles title. Reilly says Harris is like the “Asafa Powell” of 6CWF….really good in the heats but found lacking against real competition and just waiting to pop hot at the wellness tests….Reilly says everyone knows this is a foregone conclusion and just a desperate attempt by 6CWF to get him to sign a new contract, basically gifting him a world title belt against two losers who never have and never will be fit to lace his boots.

Acer walks out now to huge cheers. There are one or two boos (the 6CWF fans can’t ignore his growing discontent and barbed attitude) but he only has eyes for the ring. Reilly mocks Acer immediately and asks “Did JJ have to tell you where you had to go? Just another stage direction for your career, all manufactured by your pal”….Acer looks angered by the jibe as he points to the contract and intimates he just wants to get it signed. Andrews wants to hold on a minute and let this stew (he’s a real smarmball). Acer grabs a mic now and says he’s treating this the same way he’s been treated…..he’ll win the EWF Championship at Beachfront Brawl but they all know what he wants….he glares at Andrews and Max now and says they are both fully aware of what he is talking about and they are becoming just as much part of the problem as JJ, keeping him away from what should be rightfully his.

Andrews asks Acer is he is going to sign the contract or not…..he’s competing for a world title and anyone else on the roster would kill for this kind of opportunity….Acer says “Oh so I should bend the knee and thank you…is that it?”…..Reilly seems to be enjoying Acer’s meltdown until he slings his mic at Reilly and it bounces off the side of Keane’s head. Acer drags the contract across the tables and signs it before he throws it at Harris. Harris catches it, a cool glare on his face, as he continues to stare at Acer whilst putting his signature on it and then he slides it across to Daniel Reilly. Reilly looks at both Harris and Acer before grinning. He reaches for his own mic again and tells them what a pleasure it is going to be to humiliate them both at Beachfront Brawl and leave with the third world title of his career…..”how many have you both won again?” Harris and Acer merely stare as Reilly scribbles his name and this one is official. Acer, Daniel Reilly and Scott Harris for the EWF Global Championship at Beachfront Brawl.

Reilly asks now “JJ got a little tea party set up for you again backstage? How pathetic you must have to be knowing that you’re whole existence is because of another man… if he asked you to suck….” That’s all it takes now as Acer up ends one of the tables and Reilly and Keane get caught underneath. Reilly tries to scramble up as Acer smashes him in the mouth a right hand. Max Adamson looks over at Damien Andrews as if to say “You caused this” whilst Andrews merely shrugs with a smile on his face. The EWF Global Championship is resting in the middle of the second table as Scott Harris stands and looks at it. Acer turns now and he spins Harris around as they go nose to nose.

Acer: Not way on this earth you leave with that…

Harris: Do you really believe that? Because I look into your eyes and I don’t see confidence….I see desperation…

*Acer laughs, almost maniacally, at this

Acer: Desperate men do desperate things, Scotty…..and if you really could see into my eyes, you wouldn’t still be standing here….you’d be at home crying to your mummy even harder than when your dad walked out on you…

*And here we go again as Harris headbutts Acer in the nose and sends him staggering back. Harris overturns a second table before he charges into Acer and takes him off his feet with a double leg. Both men are trading punches now on the floor as Max Adamson almost wipes his hands of proceedings and leaves the ring. Damien Andrews goes to grab the EWF Championship but Daniel Reilly gets there first.

Reilly: This is possession of The King….

*Acer kicks Harris off him and Harris gets back up as Reilly hits him right between the eyes with the EWF belt. Acer has rolled out on the apron and he is preparing for a “rogue” spear as Reilly turns around but Oliver Keane grabs his leg. Acer kicks Keane away now and propels himself through the ropes but Reilly is ready for him and drills him with the “RKO” in mid-jump. The crowd are booing now as Reilly snatches the belt up again and he poses over Acer and Harris as the crowd boo.


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6CWF Presents Proving Grounds Results - 24th August 2024 (Episode 39) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Proving Grounds Results - 24th August 2024 (Episode 39)

Post by JJJohnson Sat 24 Aug 2024, 1:50 pm

*We see Perfect Jack and the newcomer Angus "Black" Plague walking backstage following the assault on Dicey Reilly. Jack Reynolds tries to get a word but they ignore him. AP pushes the mic into Reynolds' chest and shoves him over as they pass. The scene changes to a banged up Dicey Reilly in the trainers' room with Max Adamson overseeing his treatment. Max wants to know what timeframe we are looking at but Dicey tells him to "F*** off" and that he'll be at Beachfront Brawl.

Max: You don't even have a match...

Dicey: Yeah, I f***ing do.....defence #10 and that little b1tch Jack is getting it.....he can bring his f***ing boyfriend with him too and I'll do them both....I'm leaving Saudi with that £1million....

*Max rolls his eyes but the doctor seems happy that with over two weeks recoup time that Dicey will be medically cleared.

*Scene change and Uryu is up on the roof of the Royal Arena when GazzyD walks out to sit with him.

Gazzy:'re really making friends here....

*Uryu gives a non-committal shrug

Gazzy: You know you can't help everyone, Uryu, even if you want to....and sometimes people aren't going to like you, no matter what...

Uryu: At least I can say I was true to myself...

Gazzy: Yeah....yeah I guess you can....look I don't really have a leg to stand on when it comes to telling you how to be or act but as your "tag partner" at the very least, I'd just advise you watch your back....not everyone responds well to the "friendly neighbourhood spiderman" routine....

Uryu: But another man who did what he did because he felt it was "right"....I'm not expecting any rewards and I know the dangers that come with trying to see the best in people but that's just how I am.....the same way that I knew you'd break Plague's curse...

*Gazzy looks shifty and remorseful of the reminder

Gazzy: I just want you to be careful, Christy would want you to be...

*Uryu nods in appreciation of Gazzy's words

Gazzy: Plus I need you in one piece so we can win these tag titles....

Uryu: I'll do my best...

Gazzy: I know you will....

*Gazzy pats Uryu on the back as they stare out at the Danish night sky, unawares of the flock of cloaked figures standing behind them.


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6CWF Presents Proving Grounds Results - 24th August 2024 (Episode 39) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Proving Grounds Results - 24th August 2024 (Episode 39)

Post by JJJohnson Sat 24 Aug 2024, 1:51 pm

Bout 5
Beat the Clock (Elimination Chamber)
??? vs ???

*The crowd are making a huge noise after hearing what is coming up next. We’ve seen it once before and Rex came out on top but Gazzy is certainly rediscovering his groove of late and he knows how to beat the seemingly unbeatable. This is “PPV worthy” says RJ and there isn’t anyone going to dispute that. Remember that “6:21” is the time to beat from Eddy Kent. Gazzy makes his entrance now and there is delight all around the Royal Arena. An elaborate pyro display is followed by Gazzy launching from the trapdoor in the stage (haven’t seen him enter like that in awhile). There is clearly a renewed hope to Gazzy as he interacts with the fans and poses for pictures on his way to the ring.

*Rex arrives now to a mixed ovation. He carries the FFTR case with him and slams it down on top of the announce desk (6CWF) before leaping onto the apron and glares at Gazzy. Rex still has the remnants of the cut on his head from Logan’s assault last week. Will that factor in the match? Will it be something that Rex seeks retribution for? Adamson jumps over the top rope now and goes nose to nose with Gazzy. Nearly ten years ago was the beginning of Gazzy’s historic feud with Max Adamson…..who saw this coming a decade later?

*There are duelling chants now as we get ready to start proceedings. Rex and Gazzy circle and then lockup. Rex spins around and takes the back of Gazzy and tries to lift him but Gazzy drops back to his feet and uses his hips to throw Rex off him. They rise again and Rex goes for a double legged takedown but Gazzy rolls over the top of him and drags him down for a one count. Rex still hasn’t tasted pinfall or submission defeat in 15 months but do not discount that happening tonight.

*Rex stands up now and he barges into Gazzy and shoves him backward. Gazzy smiles and then smashes Rex in the mouth with a forearm and then fires a hard kick into his midsection. He grabs Rex’s arm and looks for a whip to the corner but it is reversed. Rex follows in but Gazzy uses the corner to go up and over his oncoming opponent. Rex hits the turnbuckle as Gazzy drags him out for “Downtown” (Skull Crushing Finale) but Rex forward rolls out and drags Gazzy down with him. They both get up and Rex leaps into the air with a crunching knee Gazzy’s chin and then suplexes him into a running powerslam for a two count.

*Rex rags Gazzy up by the head and looks to flip him into a powerbomb but Gazzy rolls down the back for a pin only for Rex to roll right out onto his feet and boots Gazzy right in the face. Rex circles the ring now and then charges the corner for a catapult imploding splash (ala Jack Swagger) but Gazzy moves at the final second and sends him crashing against the mat. Rex staggers up now and Gazzy dropkicks him in the back and sends him sprawling across the ropes. 619? You bet! Gazzy swings through the ropes for the kick but Rex catches his legs. Rex uses phenomenal strength to rag Gazzy through the ropes and into the air but Gazzy counters with a tornado DDT. Extraordinary. Max and Gazzy had chemistry and this is no different.

*Gazzy heads for the corner now and he climbs up top. The expectation is real as he throws himself into “Spinal tap” but Rex drives his knees up into the spine and sends Gazzy rolling out to the outside of the ring. Rex gets up now and he has the craze in his eyes. He leaps up onto the turnbuckle but then he walks along the ropes and launches himself to the outside with an incredible crossbody takedown. That’s a 300lb kid? Shouldn’t be possible! Rex drags Gazzy up now and he throws him back in the ring before jumping on the apron. He grips the ropes and waits for Gazzy to rise before catapulting himself over…..WHAT A SUPERKICK! Gazzy is hurt so it takes him a moment to capitalise with the cover and that is enough for Rex to kick out. Whoah! That kick has opened that cut on Rex’s head, the blood is real!

*Rex is a bloody mess as he stumbles up and Gazzy tries to grab him for the “History Maker” (inverted twist of fate) but Rex spins around and nails a northern lights suplex for a two count. They get up again and Rex looks to pop Gazzy into the air but is sent flying to the corner by a midair headscissors. Gazzy is up and chases in for a shining wizard (blood all over his pants now) before he beckons Rex out. Kick to the stomach and he’s got “Deep Impact” on his mind (That’s how Christy got pregnant!) but Rex swipes his legs. Hard stomp to the stomach and then he catapults Gazzy to the corner. Gazzy lands on the ropes (think that happens every single time with Gazzy) and then he jumps backward to land on Rex’s shoulders as he stands. Rex holds Gazzy firm and is thinking “Croyt’s Wrath” (Electric chair into bridged German) but Gazzy rolls down front with a victory roll for a two count.

*They scramble up and Gazzy drop toe holds Rex into the corner, causing him to fall into a seated position. Gazzy comes back around now and sprints in for a catapult dropkick (ala Jeff Hardy) to his seated foe. Rex rolls away from the ropes as Gazzy rolls out on the apron now. “He won the bah gawd world title with this move” as Gazzy springs into a 450 splash but somehow Rex is able to pop a shoulder off the mat. Kid still hasn’t lost, did we mention? Not even Tyson Armstrong got this long undefeated!

*The crowd is bang into this as we hit “6:21” and there’s no way Gazzy or Uryu are getting the final spot in the Elimination Chamber. Shouldn’t the match just finish? It ain’t happening, we want a winner. Gazzy bounces off the ropes and returns with a low dropkick to floor Rex. He pulls him closer to the ropes now and he wants “starship pain” but he’s the only one in any kind of pain as a blood-stained Rex rises quickly as Gazzy is split-legged on the turnbuckle (again why Christy is pregnant) and nails a one-handed powerbomb off the ropes to the canvass. Rex drops to his knees and finally realises he’s covered in blood (like realising you’re a serial killer and didn’t know).

*Rex backs in the corner now and he ushers Gazzy up and sprints out for the “Gore” but Gazzy leapfrogs over him and sends him crashing into the ropes. Gazzy quickly takes advantage and nails the “Downtown” (Petula Clark….absolute banger) but Rex kicks out again. Kid is on the juice or something? Has to be….I smell a cattle prod to end this undefeated streak, it’s the only way. Gazzy is sat on the canvass and can’t help but smile at Rex’s resilience (plus he knows Max is tampering with the Wellness tests).

*The crowd are chanting “This is awesome” (in Danish obviously which is “Det er fantastisk” apparently, sounds sh*t doesn’t it?). Gazzy ushers Rex to his feet and he is all about “Deep Impact” again (which is why we don’t have a women’s division) but Rex sidesteps out and gets Gazzy on his shoulders before charging into the corner and nailing a death valley driver against the turnbuckle, leaving them both in a battered heap on the canvass.

*Who will rise first? Should this match even still be going considering neither can win “Beat the Clock”? Tell the Danes, they are pushing for this to go on (calm down Celine Dion). Rex is up swaying and blinking back the blood before he stalks Gazzy (consensual stalking). Gazzy rises and Rex gets him on his shoulders for the “Fire/Thunder” Driver (Marky, name this move!!!) but Gazzy drops off the back and snaps off the “History Maker” out of nowhere. It could be history in the making (see what I did?) as the referee makes the count but, you guessed it, Rex has kicked out again. Gazzy is in disbelief (wait til he finds out Uryu is the father!!!).

*Gazzy gets up now and he takes a deep breath (past ten minutes now if you cared?!?). He gets Goldberg up (sorry I mean Rex) and positions him for the Deepest of Impacts but Rex spins his body and backdrops Gazzy over the ropes. Gazzy holds on and skins the cat (not literally although maybe that’s what he and Christy call it?). Rex turns around as Gazzy nails a shotgun dropkick to the chest which clatters him back into the corner and then he wipes him off his feet with a spinning heel kick as he comes back out. Gazzy motions some kind of rolling technique with his hands (the crowd cheer but they don’t have a f***ing clue either) as he heads for the corner. “Spinal tap” (or is it spiral tap? I have no idea) is on the menu but Rex moves (almost like he knew what was coming). Gazzy shows impressive acrobatics to transition (no, just no) into a forward roll and onto his feet. Gazzy sprints forward as Rex uses his momentum to pop him up and powerbombs him to death (again not literally but he is properly mangled). The clock is nearing 12 minutes now and the crowd are singing “Fly on the wings of love” (Olsen Brothers…..not the twins….Jorgen and Niels, not Mary-Kate and Ashley. The actual talented ones, won Eurovision in 2000).

*Rex is signalling it’s over (is there a script for this?) as he circles the ring (it’s actually a square but can you square the ring?). He ushers Gazzy up now and sprints out for the “Gore” but Gazzy grabs the ropes and pulls the middle one down as Rex soars over him and crashes to the outside. Gazzy gets himself up now and he waits for Rex to stand before he springboards onto the ropes and nails a shooting star press to the outside (no idea why he would but it looks sick as f***). Gazzy drags Rex up and throws him back in the ring before rolling in after him. Rex is dazed and bloodied (insert any kind of disgusting humour here) as Gazzy waits for him. Lights out (literally, whole place is in darkness. Danes still singing, “Barbie Girl” now. Didn’t know Aqua are from Denmark? Wikipedia says so).

*Lights on and the ring is surrounded by cloaked figures (like Hot Fuzz or that place were all the “Elite” cult meet and worship the Devil). Gazzy is on the defensive now and expecting to be attacked but they’re chanting (it ain’t Barbie Girl). “Resurget” seems to be what they are saying (if you know Latin well done, otherwise look it up). Gazzy is disturbed by what he is seeing and hearing but he shakes his head and tries to get back to the match. He grabs Rex by the head now but Rex rises up from nowhere and gets Gazzy on his shoulders before destroying him with the “Fire/Thunder” (any name will do!). The referee is counting and that’s the three count. “14:01” on the clock so it’s pretty irrelevant for “Beat the Clock” but the crowd f***ing loved it so Amazon and 6CWF will take that ratings money thanks very much.

*Rex rolls from the ring (he is blood city… Jerry the Berry from Phoenix Nights) and grabs the FFTR case before walking to the back. The cloaked figures remain at ringside (can’t see any faces but rumours online are saying Shamim…..nah I can’t…..f*** me I think one of them is Harambe). Gazzy is on his knees now and staring at the unwelcome arrivals (they didn’t arrive on a dinghy if that’s what you think I mean). Penny for his thoughts right now (mostly probably disgusted at the commentary for this match….first Lucozade in years will make you do crazy things, sugared up to the eyeballs).


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6CWF Presents Proving Grounds Results - 24th August 2024 (Episode 39) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Proving Grounds Results - 24th August 2024 (Episode 39)

Post by JJJohnson Sat 24 Aug 2024, 2:18 pm

*Saint is backstage with Clarissa. He won't be drawn on the issues between JJ, himself and Acer but acknowledges he is disappointed. He hopes Acer wins the title at Beachfront Brawl and the "madness" can end. Saint talks about tonight and the "Beat the Clock" challenge. He reiterates comments by JJ that the rest of the playing field seem to be taking them lightly. His accolades are greater than anyone else in the match, including JJ, and yet he isn't being perceived as a legit tonight that will change and inside the Elimination Chamber he will help his team regain the tag team titles. Saint has a wry smile on his face when he admits that he feels "maybe I've got one more world title run in me" which sparks a huge reaction from the Danish crowd.

*It is chaos backstage following what went down during the EWF Championship contract signing. Daniel Reilly and Oliver Keane are doing some media photoshoots when Acer crashes the party and begins to smash Reilly with huge right hands. Scott Harris walks into the scene and he shakes his head as security pile in to separate the warring parties who are trading shots on the floor now. Harris looks over at the plinth where the world title belt is resting and he walks toward it. Oliver Keane tries to step in front of him and block his path.

Harris: You really, really don't want to stand between me and that belt.....your idiot client has no choice...but you, you I'll just break for fun...

*Keane backs away as Harris closes on the belt now. Acer and Reilly have been pulled apart and dragged to their feet as all three men look at one another now and the prize between them. Commentary believe this could be a show stealing match at Beachfront Brawl.

*We are in the GM's office now and Damien Andrews and Max Adamson are in discussions.

Max: Actually out there on live television saying I'm trying to be "one of the boys"....

Andrews: I say it as I see it, need to separate still make decisions as a talent, whereas I am a businessman...

Max: You sold c*ke to're hardly Elon Musk...

Andrews: Your judgement is clouded...

Max: And yours isn't? Logan....Dragon....these are your sons....

Andrews: And Rex is your nephew...

Max: I have given Rex nothing....his spot is earned...

Andrews: As are my boys.....Wood is the issue...

Max: We've been through this and I agreed....he gets a shot at a shot...

Andrews: I'm glad we agree because I know the match I want booked...

Max: At least make it realistic and pretend you are objective....not something s*** like Wood vs the roster....

Andrews: On the contrary....straight one on one.....Wood wants his shot at Kent then he can have it....he just needs to become the first man to beat your nephew...

*Max raises his eyebrows

Max: You're serious?

Andrews: Deadly....first show after Beachfront.....Wood beats Rex and he can have Kent.....Rex wins, Wood gets no more chances..

*The scene ends as Andrews chuckles and pours himself a drink whilst Max looks deep in thought


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Age : 34

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6CWF Presents Proving Grounds Results - 24th August 2024 (Episode 39) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Proving Grounds Results - 24th August 2024 (Episode 39)

Post by JJJohnson Sat 24 Aug 2024, 2:21 pm

Bout 6
Beat the Clock (Elimination Chamber)
??? vs ???

*Denmark stand up because JJ Johnson is here. JJ strides onto the stage as the commentators remind us of the ongoing issues between JJ & Acer as well the growing resentment between Johnson and the 6CW World Champion, Blue Dragon. We see signs reading “JJ for world champ” as he beats his chest and raises the Coalition Salute to the adoring masses. JJ makes his way down the ramp, interacting with the fans as he does so, and then climbs into the ring. We are again reminded that “6:21” is the time to beat from Eddy Kent. Is anyone going to get close to that?

*This is what we came for. “Bodies” hits the airwaves and the 6CW World Champion is walking out. Dragon has a smile on his face and you can tell this is the draw he wanted. JJ is smiling too and it is very much big fight feel in Copenhagen. This would sell out Born in Fire but it’s part of your weekly schedule, insane booking. The noise levels are unglued as Blue Dragon climbs onto the apron and just spends two minutes staring at JJ Johnson. The crowd are chanting “Title match” (Titelkamp in Danish, sounds like something different and a fantastic place to visit). No way 6CWF are giving you this as a title match. Nice try though.

*JJ waits for Dragon to clamber through the ropes before stepping forward. BD raises the 6CW belt in the air and we hear JJ say “Any time you want validation, big boy, put it on the line”. Dragon merely grins and then he smashes his head into JJ’s face and staggers him back into the ropes. JJ responds with a huge right hand and this is not going to be technical. Dragon swings a punch now but JJ dodges it and unleashes a flurry to the body and then an overhand left which staggers the world champ into the ropes. Dragon comes forward and JJ tries to get him on his shoulders but receives three devastating elbows into the jaw. Johnson stumbles to the ropes and is then clotheslined over the top to the outside. Dragon just stands and raises his arms. This is a dominant animal in his prime.

*Dragon finally clambers from the ring and smashes an arm across JJ’s back before he scoops and lifts him into a slam across the barrier. JJ holds his ribs and stumbles away to the announce area and BD follows. JJ boots out at his opponent’s stomach now and he smashes Dragon’s head off the 6CWF table but Dragon’s head just snaps up and he smirks before seizing JJ’s head and batters it off the desk. JJ staggers away again as Dragon runs at him…..BOOM….eating some steel ring post right there. Dragon holds his head as JJ shows his ingenuity (he is a legend after all) to nail a scissors kick across the ringside barrier whilst BD is resting his head there. Johnson slings the 6CW Champion back in the ring now as the crowd chant his name.

*JJ is up on the apron and he’s signalling “Buckshot lariat” (guy can do it all) but he flips straight into a devastating spinebuster from Blue Dragon. Dragon bounces back off the ropes now and returns with a “Warrior” style splash for a two count. He drags JJ’s head off the mat and talks trash to him now before slamming the back of his skull against the canvass again. Dragon rises and basks in his own aura before welcoming JJ back up and grabs him by the throat. Chokeslam on the agenda but JJ is able to jump out the side and he boots BD in the gut. “Access All Areas” on the cards but Dragon pushes Johnson away to the corner. He chases in but JJ kicks him in the face and knocks him back. JJ leaps backward on the second rope and twists off with a back elbow to the chest that takes Dragon off his feet.

*JJ grabs Dragon’s arms and looks to twist him into the “Fade to Black” (Spinning impailer) but Dragon frees himself and nails a sit-down full nelson (ala Bully Ray). Dragon heads for the corner and heads up high (not often we see this). Dragon has a “Tsunami” splash on mind but JJ rolls free at the very last moment and the champion smashes onto the mat. JJ quickly grabs the ankle now and applies the submission in the middle of the ring as the crowd go wild. Dragon yells out in pain and quickly darts for the ropes but JJ drags him back and ramps up the pressure. “Not sure Dragon has ever tapped out” claims RJ but he is in a world of pain right now. Over a minute passes but then BD is able to turn out on his back and he lands a brutal kick to JJ’s face that sends him staggering away into the corner.

*Dragon winces from the pain in his ankle whilst trying to get his weight under him. JJ comes out toward him and grabs him by the head but eats a sickening punch to the body. Dragon rises now and seizes JJ before just launching him across the ring with an overhead throw. JJ stumbles back up and Dragon scoops him on his shoulders for a “shock treatment” backbreaker. He clambers on top of JJ now and drives vicious forearms down into his face (face breaking is definitely on the agenda here). The referee looks to get involved but Dragon yells “back the f*** off” which allows JJ to drive his finger up and poke the world champ in the eyes. They both scramble up and JJ nails the “Book End” slam for a two count. “This is awesome” is ringing around now and the commentators are in full agreement…..”this is why this has been such a highly sought after contest, two of the absolute best”.

*JJ kneels for a moment and he grins as the crowd chant his name, he turns to the camera “Washed up apparently”. JJ gets to his feet now and he drags Dragon toward him and looks to suplex him into a stunner but Dragon falls off the side and he shoves JJ into the ropes before felling him with a big boot as he returns. Probably no surprise here that the “6:21” time is once again way out of the proposition here. Genesis are still leading the charge for that honour. Dragon pulls JJ back up by the head now and he looks to flip him into the “Last Ride” powerbomb but JJ falls right now into a seated position for a jawbreaker. Dragon stumbles back into the ropes and is then drilled by “Emerald Fusion”. JJ hooks the leg but Dragon powers out, he’s not f***ing joke this guy!

*Johnson is back on his feet now and he looks to the corner as the crowd cheer. A little “Mt Rushmore” action? JJ is going for is and he reaches the top but Dragon is already up and lands a crunching right hand to the jaw. JJ sits down on the ropes now as Dragon grips him and lands a solid headbutt to the cheekbone. He drives three more headbutts against the side of JJ’s head and then climbs up with him. A superplex? From these two? That’s gonna leave a mark! But JJ’s fighting back, driving hard punches to the gut and then nails an uppercut which snaps Dragon’s head upward. JJ is trying to shift Dragon on his shoulders now….VIP Experience? He lands this and you can count to ten but Dragon is smashing vicious elbows into the back of JJ’s neck (surgically repaired) and JJ is slumped. Dragon ducks into JJ now and he lifts him up before dropping back into a ring-shaking avalanche Samoan drop. That could just about do it….referee’s hand is an inch from the mat when JJ just about eeks his shoulder up. This is a battle for the ages!

*Dragon smirks at JJ as he stands and then drags his opponent into position. He flips him for the “Deathnote” but JJ lands out on his feet and nails the “Access All Areas” (stunner) from nowhere. JJ sags back down on the canvass now, struggling from the damage he has taken, and it’s thirty seconds or so before he is able to drop an arm on Dragon’s chest, which allows the 6CW Champ to kick out in time. JJ stretches his neck out and tries to psyche himself up as he gets back to a vertical base. Dragon is crawling on all fours and begins standing as JJ runs the ropes and comes back for a scissors kick but Dragon avoids it and then he grabs JJ by the throat and nails a ring-shattering sit-down chokeslam (ala Damien Priest). Dragon shakes his head now as he rags JJ back up and decimates him with the “Deathnote” powerbomb. The three count is a given but the claxon sounds before it can be completed. We have a time limit draw on our hands right here and Dragon stares at the official with disdain. The crowd are still chanting for JJ but he’s not looking too hot currently.

*Dragon stands now as the referee passes him the 6CW Championship. BD poses over JJ but OH MY GOD!....Eddy Kent comes from nowhere and drives a sledgehammer into the bottom of Dragon’s back, knocking him down. What is the meaning of this? Kent has an evil grin on his face as he raises his arms and basks in the boos of the crowd before he turns toward the stage. So this was the plan? “Tobey” hits now and Rex Adamson (blood still stained on his face) is walking out with the FFTR case. Rex looks almost shocked by what Kent has done. Miss Jessica is on Rex’s shoulder and she’s urging him on. The Royal Arena is bouncing as Rex slowly climbs onto the apron now and looks at Blue Dragon. Dragon is trying to push himself up, spittle dripping from his mouth, as Kent laughs and beckons for Rex to get in and finish the job.

*Rex stands with the case now and is torn with the idea of handing it over to the official as Kent and Jessica exchange looks of glee. Rex looks at Kent now and nods his head before flames burst from the turnbuckles and the stage. Logan Kincade isn’t going to let Genesis just steal his brother’s world championship. Kent’s demeanour changes immediately and he’s looking for the exits as Miss Jessica stares at the entranceway, entranced. Logan Kincade is marching down to the ring now. Rex swells with anger now (remembering Logan’s attack last week) as he tosses the FFTR case aside and he dives from the ring. Rex meets Logan in the aisleway now and they are brawling. Kent slinks from the ring to meet Miss Jessica now as Rex smashes a knee into Logan’s stomach and smashes his head into the ringpost. Rex launches Logan into the ring now and rolls in after him. He has the “Gore” in mind but runs forward as Logan grabs the FFTR case and smashes him in the head with it. Eddy Kent and Miss Jessica just watch on as Blue Dragon rises now, look furious, and they deliver a devastating double chokeslam to Rex in the middle of the ring. Dragon punts the FFTR case over the ropes and it lands at Kent and Jessica’s feet in the aisleway as they remain dominant over the fallen Rex. What a moment this is!


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6CWF Presents Proving Grounds Results - 24th August 2024 (Episode 39) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Proving Grounds Results - 24th August 2024 (Episode 39)

Post by JJJohnson Sat 24 Aug 2024, 2:35 pm

*Another advert plays
Tuesday 8th October

*We head backstage immediately as Blue Dragon and Logan Kincade push through the curtain. Tim Allen is there to talk about what we just saw at ringside when JJ Johnson grabs Blue Dragon's wrist and spins him around. They go nose to nose.

Dragon: You wanna go again, right here?

*Dragon sneers whereas Logan looks murderous

JJ: We just went to war, know as well as heard the reaction and I know damn well you a fighting man....

Dragon: You're the boss, just click your fingers and it happens...

*JJ smirks back at this

JJ: Even if I did call the shots, this on're the champ and I know you ain't no duck.....f*** the talk....if you want it, you'll make it stick...

*JJ slaps the 6CW Championship on Dragon's shoulder and the crowd roar

Dragon: Tell you what, you survive the's on!

*JJ grins and backs away. Dragon watches him go as Logan speaks from behind

Logan: He won't survive the chamber....

*Dragon again looks concerned for his brother's bloodlust as the scene ends.

*A dazed and bloodstained Rex Adamson pushes into his own locker-room and overturns the table. He slings the FFTR case against the wall and drops down on his haunches.

???: Second time you've heard it tonight but time for you to make a choice....

*Max Adamson is standing in the doorway and he shows a disk to Rex

Rex: What's that?

Max:20th November, 2023....Saudi Arabia...ring any bells?

*Rex just stares at his Uncle

Max: The night that set in motion the chain of events that lead us to today....two weeks from now we head back to Saudi, Rex, and you need to watch this tape....I'd say pull up a seat...

*Max looks at the smashed furniture

Max: I'll leave you to dissect the footage yourself and make your own decision...

*Rex reaches to take the disk

Max: Your future, Rex, is in your hands...


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6CWF Presents Proving Grounds Results - 24th August 2024 (Episode 39) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Proving Grounds Results - 24th August 2024 (Episode 39)

Post by JJJohnson Sat 24 Aug 2024, 2:37 pm

*We are out at ringside for the Xtreme Championship head to head. Geoff Steel enters the fray to a deafening reception from the Danish support. The Xtreme Champion is in street clothes as he heads to the ring and raises his belt in the air. “Steel is Xtreme” is shown on one of the supporter’s signs and Steel is asking for a microphone now. It has been three months now since he captured this championship for the second time in his career but Steel believes this time he is going somewhere special with the title. This isn’t just about holding gold but revitalising a division and making a statement that he can become a “pillar of 6CWF”. Steel truly believes that he can be someone that this company relies on to take the baton whenever they need.

Which brings him on to Beachfront Brawl and his impending battle with Mike Masters and Jimmy Phillips. The latest thorns in his side. Steel says he’s heard the chatter that he is crazy to offer out two hungry lions at the same time but this is what being a champion is all about. One challenger, two, six or a dozen it doesn’t matter….there’s always going to be someone knocking at the door but Steel is the guy that opens it up and greets you head on. He hides from nobody and no threat. Steel says they can wait until Saudi or they can go right here and right now….they’re billing this as a “head to head” but there is very little else to say expect that if Phillips and Masters want some….then they can damn well come get some.

Jimmy Phillips is the first to answer the call. Phillips is on stage, pacing back and forth, and he says he can’t believe the brass neck on the so called champ. Phillips came back and threw down the gauntlet. At “Night of Champions” they clashed and the whole world, including Geoff Steel, knows who really won that match. Phillips put Steel through a table but it was called “accidental” but everyone saw it and the subsequent replays…..Phillips believes Steel is “protected” just like others in the ”elite” but deep down that championship should be his. Steel smiles at this and says there were two “accidental” table spots in that match that could have gone either way but there was nothing accidental about the “Attitude Adjustment” from the balcony through four tables to end proceedings. Steel says Phillips may have some kind of gripe and that’s why they’ll settle it at Beachfront Brawl…..whoever deserves the belt will walk away from Saudi with it.

This brings Mike Masters out. Masters walks down the tiers from up high and he says he and Phillips have been on the same page to this point but now it’s every man for himself with gold on the line and the only one leaving Beachfront with the strap is him. Masters makes it clear that he isn’t made up of “idiotic brawn” and that his wrestling expertise and athleticism is what will set him apart at Beachfront Brawl. Masters doesn’t care about what happened at “Night of Champions” or who should currently have the belt because all they are doing is keeping it warm for him. Masters says this company has been keeping him down since his return and he agrees with JP that Steel is “protected” but that protection ends when the bell rings at Beachfront Brawl.

Steel says he’s bored of the chatter. Masters wants it, Phillips wants it, so here he stands. They keep talking about this protection but they’re the two men running their mouths when they could be in this ring fighting with the champ. Masters leaps the barricade now as Phillips makes his way down the ramp. Steel is urging them on and ready for a fight. Phillips leaps on the apron as Steel storms forward but then he drops back off and smirks as he steps backward into the aisleway. Mike Masters leaps onto the opposite apron now and he is beckoning for Steel to turn around as he springboards in for the flying forearm but Steel spins and catches him on his shoulders. The crowd are going wild now as Phillips aims to rush the ring again but Steel launches Masters over the top rope with an “Attitude Adjustment” that slams him down on top of Phillips and leaves them both sprawled in the aisle. The crowd are burning for a fight and so is Geoff Steel. He throws the Xtreme belt down on the canvass and points at it as he urges Phillips and Masters to come back and fight. The two challengers are up on their feet again and they look angered but they do not return to the ring. Steel is shaking his head now as Masters and Phillips retreat.

How are Masters and Phillips going to approach the match at Beachfront Brawl? Will they work together? Steel, despite the licks he has taken recently, looks all fired up and ready for the challenge that awaits him at the PPV. Are these two men capable of destroying one of the “Pillars” of 6CWF?


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6CWF Presents Proving Grounds Results - 24th August 2024 (Episode 39) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Proving Grounds Results - 24th August 2024 (Episode 39)

Post by JJJohnson Sat 24 Aug 2024, 2:43 pm

*A final advert plays

Monday 28th October

*Back after the break and Geoff Steel is walking following the clash at ringside. Mike Masters suddenly jumps Steel and tries to get the upperhand but Steel turns the tables and lashes Masters into the wall until Jimmy Phillips lands the "Game Changer" clothesline from hell but from behind across the back of Steel's neck. Steel drops and Phillips applies the coquina clutch, choking Steel into unconsciousness on the concrete floor. Phillips rises now as Masters kneels and smirks at what has happened. Phillips tells Steel he's leaving Beachfront with the gold before walking away. We then see that Percy Percival will face The Saint in the "Beat the Clock". Andrews and Max Adamson exchange looks because they know what the main event will be now.

Bout 7
Beat the Clock (Elimination Chamber)
??? vs ???

*Percy Percival vs The Saint, first time ever? Saint is met by a gigantic reception from the Danish crowd. The multi-time world champion is looking in fantastic shape….another run at the big one? Would enhance an already hall of fame career. Saint removes his trademark aviators and hands them to a fan before he climbs up into the ring. We are shown a graphic to remind us that “6:21” remains the time to beat from Eddy Kent. As things stands Genesis will be the final team to enter the Elimination Chamber at Beachfront Brawl. Saint is focused as Percy makes his elaborate entrance. There is a real die-hard of Percy followers here in Denmark (Troll Trace would seek them out) and it’s like a Eurovision party at ringside as he dances down the ramp. Saint can’t help but acknowledge the goofiness with a smile. Percy gets in the ring now (Oh my) and he offers Saint a handshake. Saint accepts it before Percy lashes a knife edge chop at his chest. Saint no sells it and just stares at PP. Percy then opens both palms and slaps them against Saint’s pecs. He keeps his hands there and almost loses himself in the feel. Saint is just looking at him now and then shoves him with such power that Percy bounces backwards across the canvass and into the ropes.

*Percy gets back up now and he crotch chops at Saint with a smile before throwing a right hand but Saint catches it and squeezes. He uses immense power to lift Percy off the mat by his hand and just chucks him across the ring again. Percy mutters something about his “wa@nking hand” as Saint smirks and shakes his head. Percy marches forward again and he aims a kick at Saint but his foot is caught. Saint then launches Percy backward but he shows great athleticism to land on his feet. Saint looks for a huge clothesline but Percy ducks it and looks for a schoolboy (allegations) but he can’t pull Saint down. Saint merely shakes his head again before using his heel to flick Percy away.

*Percy gets up once more and he runs to the ropes and springboards but Saint just catches him in his arms. Saint spins Percy up into the air but PP counters with a headscissors takedown, drawing a massive response from the surprised crowd. Saint storms up and charges forward but Percy rolls past him and then rises and nails a spinning heel kick that staggers Saint to the corner. PP runs in now for a splash but Saint catches him. He carries Percy out of the corner toward centre ring and Percy plants a kiss on him, forcing Saint to just throw him across the mat.

*Saint grabs Percy and tries to pull him up but PP scrambles through his legs and toward the corner. Saint spins and runs at the turnbuckle but Percy spins around the ropes (ala Christian) and nails a kick over the top. Saint staggers back as Percy climbs the ropes and moonsaults off into a takedown for a two count. Percy can wrestle! Percy stumbles up and then he manages to drop toe hold Saint into the middle turnbuckle as he rushes him. Percy has a cheeky smirk on his face as he shuffles in for stink face but Saint just launches him away again. Percy rolls to his feet as Saint gets up and he actually beckons him forward, drawing another cheer.

*Saint looks slightly annoyed as he storms forward again but Percy ducks his attack and then snaps off a “Gaymaker” superkick to the chest which sends Saint staggering back across the middle rope. Could it actually be? He beat Eddy Kent last month….and now Saint? Percy blows the crowd a kiss and then he nails the 6T9 (619). Saint rolls back across the canvass as Percy sets himself on the apron and then springboards back in….”Percy Pop”…..BOOM!......Saint catches Percy in mid-flight and almost breaks him in two with a Divine Force. That’s the three count after “4:00” and we have a new leader in the “Beat the Clock”. It took just one move, one move pretty much in the whole match and Saint has disposed of Percy Percival just like that. It was a brave and entertaining showing from Percy but he was up against one of the best ever and all it took was one opening. Saint looks down at Percy and his frustration and annoyance subsides as the referee raises his arm in victory and he realises that he’s put The Coalition in the driving seat. We see JJ Johnson watching backstage “Yeah f***ing boy” he shouts as Saint continues to celebrate his victory. Saint leaves the ring now and interacts with his fans before heading backstage. Percy is dazed as he sits up but the crowd applaud and now we have a bit of “Like a prayer” doing the rounds so everyone’s happy.


Posts : 10316
Join date : 2011-03-09
Age : 34

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6CWF Presents Proving Grounds Results - 24th August 2024 (Episode 39) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Proving Grounds Results - 24th August 2024 (Episode 39)

Post by JJJohnson Sat 24 Aug 2024, 2:53 pm

*Rex Adamson walks out of his changing room after seeing whatever was on the disk that Max gave him. He is holding the FFTR case in hand and looks ready for battle but then he walks straight into the path of Liam Wood. The two men just stare at one another (fully aware that they will be facing each other after Beachfront Brawl and the ramifications of that).

Wood: Time to make a choice...

*Rex looks at the FFTR case in his hands and then walks past toward "Genesis Towers". Wood takes a deep breath and finishes his walk to Gorilla.

*Logan Kincade stands up, his eyes darkened from war paint, and he stares at himself in the mirror as Damien Andrews steps into the room.

Andrews: All I have to say, Logan, is very simple.....they all want to take what is rightfully yours....but they are not capable if you show them your true self....

Tonight.....unleash hell!

*Logan almost grins as his father nods his head.


Posts : 10316
Join date : 2011-03-09
Age : 34

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6CWF Presents Proving Grounds Results - 24th August 2024 (Episode 39) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Proving Grounds Results - 24th August 2024 (Episode 39)

Post by JJJohnson Sat 24 Aug 2024, 2:53 pm

Main Event
Beat the Clock (Elimination Chamber)
Liam Wood vs Logan Kincade

*It is main event time and the crowd are hyped. Will it be a clean fight? Will a 6CWF show finally end without chaos and destruction? Probably not but here we go. Liam Wood makes his entrance to a huge ovation, he’s big in Denmark it would seem. Wood has abandoned the “true championship” belt it would seem as we are reminded on everything we have already seen tonight and then the assault that took place last week from Logan Kincade. Were Rex and Wood in cahoots backstage before Logan accosted them? It is hard to imagine they are working together but suspicions are abound right now.

*Logan Kincade walks out through the flames of his entrance now. Logan’s eyes are darkened (seems the warpaint is slowly returning) and we get a recap on earlier this evening when he and Blue Dragon destroyed Rex Adamson. Logan’s family matters are extremely conflicting right now but none of us are quite sure of his motive except for regaining his penchant for really hurting people. Does Liam Wood quite know what he is in for here? Remember the time to beat is “4:00” and it’s hard to imagine either of these finishing this quick but you just never know. Wood is fired up and looking for a fight, so in that sense he has the perfect opponent because Logan isn’t likely to back down.

*Kincade climbs up on the apron and is just putting his head through the middle ropes as Wood runs over and attempts to catch him unawares with the “Psycho Crusher” but Logan anticipates it and withdraws his head in time. He remains on the apron and grabs Wood by the throat for a chokeslam but Wood grabs his head and guillotines him across the top rope. Wood quickly runs the opposite ropes and returns with a huge flying spear through the ropes that sends them both crashing down onto the arena floor. Yeah, this is going to be a fight.

*Both men make it up and Wood charges Logan backwards into the steel steps before dragging him back to the aisleway and suplexes him on the concrete. Wood sits there for a minute before clambering up and heads for the apron. Logan is crawling back to his feet again as Wood leaps off for the “Psycho Crusher” but Kincade avoids again and this time he snaps his hand around Wood’s throat and chokeslams him on the arena floor, drawing massive winces from the Danish crowd. Logan has no cares about “Beat the Clock” as he rips up the ring apron and drags out a steel chair. The bell hasn’t sounded anyway so it doesn’t really matter. Kincade smashes the chair across Wood’s back as he tries to stand up and he collapses into the apron. There is no doubting whatsoever that Logan has been corrupted by the violence once more. Not sure even Dragon can bring him back even if he wants to.

*Logan sets the chair up in the middle of the floor and then he grabs Wood by the back of the neck. “Rough Justice” on the seat of the chair looks imminent but Wood flicks his heel back between Kincade’s legs to break his grip. Wood grabs the chair off the floor now and CRACK!....He drops Logan in a heap as he crashes the chair right over the top of his head. Liam Wood will not back down from this either. “This is a potential bloodbath waiting to happen” exclaims RJ whilst JT is in full agreement.

*The referee is trying to restore order and get Wood in the ring to start the match officially but Wood is thinking about what Logan did to him last week. The “darkness” is setting in for Wood once again and he’s ready to even the score. He grabs the chair and sets it up himself before grabbing Logan by the head and he smashes his face down onto the seat so that he just slumps there. Wood looks around and then he climbs up onto the steel steps as the crowd cheer. He’s looking for one hell of a “Psycho Crusher” right here but the referee steps in front and he’s waving his arms. Wood is yelling at the official to move but he won’t. Logan recovers enough now to shove the referee in the back and sends him crashing into the steps, which causes Wood to fall to the floor. Wood quickly tries to get up as Logan snaps the chair shut, turns it on its side, and jams it straight into the stomach of Wood. Kincade throws the chair in the ring now before he grabs Wood and runs him into the ringpost. Wood is dazed as Kincade slings him in the ring now. No referee though so we are still not officially underway.

*Logan rips the covers off all the turnbuckles and things are turning grave here. Wood gets back to his feet now and Logan looks to run him into one of the exposed corners but Liam gets his foot up to block and then elbows his way free. He stumbles over to another corner as Logan charges him but he manages to sidestep and sends Kincade against the steel. Logan is dazed as Wood spins him around and drills him with the “Manson Driver” in the middle of the ring. If we had a referee right now this one might he be curtains. Wood looks over the ropes at the unconscious official and then signals for another to come down and end this. Wood looks to the steel chair now and he wants payback. He picks the weapon up and begins to lash it across the spine of Kincade time and again until it is bent out of shape. Wood throws the chair away now and he heads for the outside again, grabbing the ring bell. He rolls back in and ushers Logan to his feet before driving the bell right into his face and leaves him spread on the canvass. Eddy Kent does not want this man hunting him. Also penny for the thoughts of Damien Andrews right now. Because he’s on Wood’s hitlist and all of a sudden his main weapon is taking a beating.

*Wood again signals for another referee but nobody is coming. He circles Logan and waits for him to get on all fours before running the ropes for the “Psycho Crusher” but Logan crashes home a brutal low blow as Wood jumps up. Logan has blood running down the bridge of his nose but he doesn’t seem to care as he gets to his feet now and he grabs Wood by the back of the neck and nails him with “Rough Justice” (face first chokeslam) as Wood’s face smashes off the ring bell. Logan looks murderous now as he heads to the outside to find something harmful. He drags out a steel chair wrapped in barbed wire and this is turning manic. Sorry I know everyone wanted a normal ending but it’s the f***ing Go Home show, you can’t f*** with the formula.

*Logan is ready to blast Wood’s brains in with the barbed wire chair but then he turns as Rex Adamson almost “Gores” him out of his boots. This is incredible! Is Rex aiding Wood or is he just getting payback on Logan for last week? Either way this is huge. Rex looks down at the steel chair now and he looks at Logan and Wood, what choice does he make? Scratch that because Blue Dragon is coming out here to aid his big brother. What a tag team match this would be? Rex grabs the barbed wire chair now and he chucks it at Dragon as he gets in the ring. BD swipes it away as Rex crashes into him and tackles him back into one of the exposed turnbuckles. Rex drives home with brutal shoulder thrusts now before he drags BD out and tries to get him up for the “Fire/Thunder” Driver. Dragon fights off and kicks Rex in the gut for the “Deathnote” but Liam Wood is up and takes Dragon off his feet with a huge boot. Rex and Wood are staring at one another now? Is this an alliance?

*Eddy Kent is here and now we are going to find out. Kent is looking outraged as he marches to the ring, pointing from Rex to Wood. Kent is smiling at Wood now though, does he know something we don’t? Kent won’t get in the ring as Wood yells at him to bring it on. Rex is backing out of Wood’s eyeline now and he’s in the corner. So is this a set-up? Dragon has grabbed the barbed wire chair during the distraction….GORE!....Liam Wood cannot believe it as Rex runs right through BD before he can attack Wood with the chair. Kent slides in now and he low blow Wood from behind. Kent is smirking up at Rex…..are they on the same page here? Kent seems to think so…..he rises and pats Rex on the back before he clambers out and grabs the sledgehammer (what happened when Rex went back to Genesis Towers after seeing Wood backstage? And what was on that disk?). Wood’s days are done here and this is a huge message ahead of “Beachfront Brawl”.

*Wood is on his knees as Kent gets ready to drive the hammer down. Rex is watching him. He takes an involuntary step forward. Was he about to grab the hammer? We will never know because Brandon Perez and Percy Percival land duelling dropkicks from either side of Kent to send the champion down. Rex turns and plants Perez with a right hand before catching Percy’s foot as he attempted the superkick. Rex spins Percy around now and lifts him off the floor with a huge one-handed spinebuster…..SMASH!....Logan Kincade is back and that barbed wire steel chair just destroyed Rex’s back and sent him flying to the outside of the ring. This is out and out chaos….what a surprise.

*Logan is standing tall now as Uryu comes running down. Ishida still believes he can get through to Logan but surely he’s wrong? Logan is listening to what he has to say but I’m not sure it is making any difference. Gazzy is here now and he snatches the weapon from Logan’s hands whilst he is distracted by Uryu. Logan grabs Gazzy by the throat now as Uryu tries to reason with him but suddenly Chris Patricks drags Uryu from the ring and slings him down in the aisleway…..”Stop trying to be a goddamn hero” yells Patricks as he leaps onto the apron. Logan drills Gazzy with the chokeslam before CP springboards in and dropkicks him into one of the exposed turnbuckles. Patricks is just readying for a fight with Kincade when he is spun around and goes nose to nose with Blue Dragon. Now this has some serious history! Patricks throws his arms up as if to say “Let’s have it then” and BD obliges with a headbutt. Patricks fires back with a solid kick to the midsection and then kicks the back of Dragon’s legs out from under him. CP is thinking “rolling thunder” but lands across the knees. Dragon is back up now and it is “Last Ride” all the way to hell on Patricks. Blue Dragon is staring around at the carnage.

*JJ Johnson & The Saint are here and the crowd are going wild. Dragon smirks as he turns and beckons for JJ to come and fight him. JJ dives into the ring now and they are going toe to toe with huge rights and lefts. The Saint drags Logan Kincade from the ring and blasts him with huge right hands. This is all out warfare here to end this show and we would have expected nothing else. Dragon smashes a knee into JJ’s stomach and then whips him off the ropes but Johnson dodges the attack on the way back and he kicks BD in the gut….Stunner? No Dragon shoves JJ away. He runs at him but Johnson sidesteps and sends him into the exposed turnbuckle. VIP EXPERIENCE…..Dragon just got drilled. Logan Kincade claws at Saint’s eyes and smashes his head off the steel steps. He sees his brother down on the mat and he leaps onto the ring apron as Liam Wood smashes a light-tube across his back. Wood is not done with Kincade. Rex Adamson staggers up and there is that look again. He and Wood pull Logan off the apron in a double crucifix and they launch him through the “Spanish” table….the hell is happening?

*Brandon Perez and Percy are standing either side of Eddy Kent. They wait for him to rise and then leap in for a double superkick from either side but the world champion ducks and grabs the sledgehammer before smashing it straight into Percy’s gut. Perez runs to his friend’s aid as Kent smashes him in the side of the head now with the hammer. Chris Patricks is getting up and he is battered in the ribcage by the weapon. Eddy Kent has snapped here! Uryu is ready to springboard in as Kent catches him coming through the air with another shot before GazzyD takes the hammer to the head to send him through the ropes to the outside. JJ Johnson & The Saint are sitting on the ringside barrier now and enjoying popcorn with the fans as we watch the mayhem unfold.

*Kent looks almost crazed, sledgehammer in hand, as he stares out at Liam Wood and Rex Adamson. Logan Kincade is somehow trying to sit up in the wreckage of the tables as Kent points to the hammer in Rex and Wood’s direction. Does he suspect Rex of double crossing him? Blue Dragon is staring on the mat as Kent rounds on him now. He looks to Rex and we can hear him speaking.

Kent: If you truly are Genesis….then this is your moment….one last gift from me, on a plate….you get that briefcase and you cash it in….

*Rex is watching as Kent beckons for Dragon to stand up and then he runs at him with the sledgehammer and aims it at his head before Dragon throws his hands up and catches it. Kent’s eyes widen in horror as BD rips the hammer out of his hands and he snaps it across his knee. Kent backs up a little now before he spits in defiance and launches forward for the “Genesis Kick” but Dragon grabs him by the neck. The crowd are going wild now as Blue Dragon almost puts Eddy Kent through the ring with the sit-down chokeslam (ala Damien Priest). Dragon rises now to a knee and he stares out at Rex Adamson & Liam Wood before turning his head to glare at JJ Johnson & The Saint (both of whom grin back and eat some more popcorn). The show ends as the bloodstained Logan Kincade rises behind Rex & Wood. Just how does the landscape of 6CWF look now heading into Beachfront Brawl? Are Genesis still together? Can Blue Dragon trust Logan now that the violence has taken over? Coalition enter the Chamber last, are they favourites? Is JJ Johnson next in line for Blue Dragon? We are out of time but this is all coming to a head at Beachfront Brawl, we will see you in Saudi Arabia!


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Join date : 2011-03-09
Age : 34

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6CWF Presents Proving Grounds Results - 24th August 2024 (Episode 39) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Proving Grounds Results - 24th August 2024 (Episode 39)

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