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6CWF Presents Unleashed II Results - 30th September 2024

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6CWF Presents Unleashed II Results - 30th September 2024 Empty 6CWF Presents Unleashed II Results - 30th September 2024

Post by JJJohnson Mon 30 Sep 2024, 7:19 pm

*We go live on air from inside the sold out Co-Op in Manchester. The crowd are raucous as the commentators run down the card and the concept for tonight. We are reminded of all the huge storylines coming into the show and what can be expected as we continue the road to Born in Fire XII.

We see The Saint arriving backstage and the noise from his hometown fans is deafening. He pulls open the passenger door of his car and Brandi Johnson is here too. This is huge ahead of our massive opening contest. Will JJ Johnson be here also? We then see Acer arriving alone earlier in the day as we recap on what went down last week and the continuing war of words between all members of The Coalition. Jack Reynolds heads over to talk to Saint about tonight and the return of a concept he created.

Saint: I'm pleased to see my legacy live on...I wish it were under better circumstances but you can't have it all...but tonight again is a testament to the house built by my good friend, JJ Johnson....he honours me by making this happen....I just hope we can find some light at the end of a very dark tunnel that we currently find ourselves in....

*Brandi looks upset but nods her head in agreement as Saint puts an arm around her and they head inside the building.

The scene changes as we see the Genesis Express bus pull up outside the arena. Miss Jessica is live streaming from inside as the doors open to the waiting crowd. Eddy Kent steps out with Michael Sweetwater at his side. Another car pulls up and Jackson Jackson is accompanying Rex Adamson it would seem. Jackson isn't allowing any press or questions in relation to tonight or Rex losing to Liam Wood last week. Michael Sweetwater is eyeing Jackson and Rex with suspicion. Miss Jessica hugs Rex and kisses him on the cheek before winking, playfully, in Jackson's direction. Eddy Kent stands with his arms wide to welcome Rex into an embrace. A united Genesis will spell trouble for Liam Wood's chances here tonight at Unleashed II.

Speaking of, we see Liam Wood and Emmy arriving at the building. Wood asks a stagehand if Thunder has arrived but they aren't sure. Wood wants to go and talk with Thunder and make sure he's ready for Genesis tonight, no mistakes can be afforded. Emmy calms Wood down and assures him that Thunder will know what is at stake. Wood just needs to concentrate on Eddy Kent and finally becoming a four time world champion.


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6CWF Presents Unleashed II Results - 30th September 2024 Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Unleashed II Results - 30th September 2024

Post by JJJohnson Mon 30 Sep 2024, 7:20 pm

Bout 1
Acer vs The Saint

*Manchester stand up and make some noise. The atmosphere is above and beyond here tonight at Unleashed II. The stage is set and here comes Acer to a deafening crescendo of boos (We are in Saint country now). Acer doesn’t seem to care about the crowd’s reaction as he saunters down to the ring and climbs up inside. We are reminded of the vast ongoing issues between the Coalition and what went down at Beachfront Brawl.

*The roof is trembling as Saint walks out now. He looks purposeful and focused as he marches down the ramp and climbs up inside the ring. There are huge cheers and chants for the Manchester idol but he just glares across at his friend. We see both men talking, almost telling the other to back down….”This isn’t your fight” yells Acer but Saint shakes his head and replies “It’s your choice….you can stop this any time”. But what awaits them? The big screen comes on now with Max Adamson and Damien Andrews in the GM’s Office. They are digging in the ball machine and take one out. They exchange looks as they look at the piece of paper….LAST MAN STANDING!

*The audience are roaring but the commentators are concerned. Incapacitating your opponent until they can’t answer a ten count, doesn’t get much more brutal than this. Saint and Acer stare at each other again, surely one will back down? But no, there is too much pride at stake here and they are going to fight. RJ recalls a draw the last time they fought in 2009 for control of Shutdown…..can either man secure dominance here tonight? The bell sounds and they continue to talk. Saint is telling Acer to see reason but finally Acer slaps him across the face. Saint holds his cheek but then shrugs his shoulders and rips Acer off his feet with a double legged takedown. They brawl on the canvass before Acer gets his feet up and kicks Saint away. Acer rushes him but Saint sidesteps and launches him high over the ropes to the outside, sparking a massive cheer from his hometown faithful.

*Saint climbs from the ring and he smashes Acer’s face off the “6CWF” announce desk. He looks to whip him into the steps now but Acer reverses as the big man collides chest-first. It is clear to see from Acer’s demeanour that he doesn’t want to be doing this but he still very much is. Acer pushes the top half of the steps away and prepares Saint for a piledriver on the base but Saint swipes his legs and then catapults him back into the ringpost. Acer sways as Saint spins him around and drills him with a “Batista” style spinebuster on the base of the steps. Saint orders the referee to count and get this over with. The count reaches seven but Acer is crawling back up. Saint picks up the top half of the steps now and charges them straight into Acer’s head. This is madness already.

*Acer rises on eight and Saint is feeling the pain of doing this to his friend. He scoops Acer on his shoulders and carries him toward the announce area again but Acer elbows his way free. He drops off and kicks Saint in the gut before nailing a DDT which snaps Saint’s head into the side of the announce table. Saint is bundled up in a heap on the floor as Acer backs away and then runs back in with a soccer punt to the ribs. He crawls on top of Saint now and we hear him on the mics “Just stay down….this isn’t between us, I don’t want this”….He lands right hands until Saint is slumped on the floor and then he tells the referee to count. The count is only on five when Saint starts to crawl up. Acer is shaking his head in dismay as he walks around to grab a steel chair. “He’s your friend, dammit” shouts JT….

*Acer jabs the chair into Saint’s gut as he turns around and then he lashes the weapon across his back. Saint drops to his knees as Acer hovers over him like an executioner. He is clearly having difficulty delivering the final blow as Saint swivels now and drives a vicious punch into his solar plexus. Acer is double up as Saint staggers to his feet and he nails a pumphandle drop (Riptide) which slams Acer down on top of the announce table but does not break it. Saint looks out at the crowd and then at Acer as he decides to clamber up onto the barrier behind the tables. Saint looks down on his friend before focusing on a sign that reads “Coalition 4 Eva”. Saint looks hurt to see the sign and everything that is happening but it allows Acer to land a low blow. Saint is in agony, stood on the barricade, as Acer climbs up with him and then delivers a “Downward Spiral” from the barricade through the table. OH MY LORD! The audience are going nuts and this has to be the end of it, surely!

*This is our first match and it is mayhem personified. The referee is counting and amazingly both men are trying to stand. Acer is up on seven and he staggers into the ringside barrier to stay upright. He then looks on in disbelief as Saint rises up on nine. Saint stares at Acer and beckons him to bring it on (the crowd love this). Acer grabs one of the monitors off the ground and he swings it at Saint’s head but he ducks under and kicks him in the stomach. Saint flips Acer up and they stagger forward before he delivers an outrageous “Divine Force” powerbomb on the base of the steps. This has to be over, this has to stop. The referee is shaking his head at what we are witnessing and then he begins to count both men again. This has to be all….Saint stumbles up and he’s muttering “Stay down, stay down” but Acer is clinging to the ring apron and trying to drag himself up. Once again on nine and both men are standing. Saint shakes his head as he grabs Acer by the back of the pants and throws him in the ring. The rolls in now and watches Acer struggling on the canvass. Some of the crowd are baying for blood but others look worried about what they are watching. Saint clearly wants Acer to stay down but he gets to his knees now and spits across at Saint’s feet. Saint looks to the skies and then roars forward for a spear but Acer moves at the final second and the referee takes the full brunt, wiping him out of his boots.

*Saint checks on the official as Acer takes this chance to roll from the ring and grab the ring bell. Saint is signalling for help or another referee before he turns and takes the bell flush in the face, sending him through the ropes and out into the aisleway. The crowd are booing now as Acer drops the bell and sways on the spot. “I didn’t want this” he shouts as “A55hole” chants full the air now. He pulls at his hair as he rolls from the ring and begins to pull the mats away, exposing the concrete underneath. “I’d hate to be Acer’s enemy if this is what he does to his friends” chimes RJ and there is full agreement from JT. Saint has blood running down his nose as he crawls across the concrete now and Acer drags a chair out from under the ring. Acer stands over Saint now and he’s surely not? He’s going to crush Saint’s head against the concrete with the chair!

*Saint still has enough power to seize Acer’s calf and he rips his legs out from under him, causing him to land on the arena floor. Both men crawl for the chair now but Saint lands with a solid right hand to the jaw instead. He stumbles up and is looking down at his friend as though he does not recognise him in the slightest. Saint kicks the chair across the floor now as some of the fans want to see him put a final nail in the coffin of Acer. Saint is very much conflicted and is starting to turn toward the ramp…..”Turn your back on me then, just like JJ”….Acer is on his knees, his lip busted, and glares at Saint with defiance. Saint storms forward now and he grabs Acer by the face….”You turned on us….remember that”…..Saint might have just snapped now as he rags Acer up the ramp and launches him against the entranceway structure. He has a mad look on his face (Saint is no stranger to the darkness) as he looks over the edge of the stage.

*Saint grabs Acer by the hair again now and drags him up. He is still extremely conflicted but he has no choice here because Acer is a man possessed. He flips him up but BOOM!....Loaded glove? Perhaps! Saint is rocked by a punch right between the eyes and he staggers back as Acer drops. Acer is demonized here as he forward rolls and explodes into a spear which takes both men flying off the side of the stage and crashing through tables. Wave this thing off, someone! We see both Acer and Saint just laying obliterated in the debris down at the side of the stage. Even if we get a new referee this has to stop. Someone has sent a new official out to end this and he’s counting but both men are actually trying to stand up!!!

“Here comes the boom” hits the speakers and it is pandemonium in the stands because JJ Johnson is back. But he isn’t here to fight, he’s here to prevent it. JJ is in front of the action and he’s backing Saint away, calming him down. Saint is unsteady as JJ sits him down…..CRACK!.....Acer lashes a chair across JJ’s back and sends him staggering….JJ comes back around….CRACK….Johnson ducks as Acer breaks the chair panel over Saint’s head and leaves him flat on the table. JJ rags the chair out of Acer’s hands and launches it across the floor as he signals for EMTs to come in.

“Get him the f*** outta here” – JJ points security at Acer but Acer wants to go.

JJ: Oh best believe we gone go, homeboy….but you gone need yo legs underneath you when we do….the f*** out of here…

*Acer looks manic as security envelope him. Brandi is on the scene too now and stood by JJ’s side as Saint is checked over by the medics.

Brandi: This isn’t going to end the way you want, J…he’s too far gone…

*JJ looks in the direction Acer just left

JJ: Maybe…


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6CWF Presents Unleashed II Results - 30th September 2024 Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Unleashed II Results - 30th September 2024

Post by JJJohnson Mon 30 Sep 2024, 7:37 pm

*Backstage we see Mike Masters and Jimmy Phillips in talks. Masters is showing some gold and black attire that he has had designed and is suggesting "The MVPs" as the team name. Phillips has reluctance and doubts but he's willing to give it a shot as he takes his new attire. Max Adamson and Damien Andrews take over the screen now and they are drawing out the next match....we already know Chris Patricks and Uryu will team together tonight so what are we looking at?

First off they will have two opponents....The MVPs &.....The Brothers of Seduction (cue a huge roar of approval from the crowd).

The match will be.....a LADDER MATCH (another roar) and finally we are looking at a contract hanging above the ring....this contract will guarantee the winners a shot at any championship of their choosing!

*Scene change and Uryu is heading down off the roof for his match. He is met by Clarissa and she informs him of the stipulations just announced.

Uryu: All of a sudden Born in Fire looks like a huge opportunity....

???: As long as you don't f*** it up, like usual...

*Hostility renewed as Chris Patricks walks into shot. He lets Uryu know that they may be partners tonight but they aren't friends.

Uryu: Suits me just fine...

CP: Just don't get in my way....this is MY really won't like what happens if you do anything to jeopardise it...

*Patricks walks off as Uryu looks at Clarissa

Uryu: Apparently he's a nice guy when you get to know him...

*Clarissa smiles as Uryu walks off after Patricks

*Brandon Perez has just heard the news of the upcoming match and he preening his moustache as Miss Jessica walks by. She tries to act coy but Perez growls at her, seductively, and then tells her that when the BOS win tonight they will be coming for those tag team titles. Perez reckons Jessica would look good with the belt around her waist and nothing else on...

???: The f*** you say?

*Michael Sweetwater walks into shot and heads straight for Perez but Jessica gets involved and pushes him back (she is clearly enjoying the attention).

Sweetwater: One day soon, schmuck, you're gonna get it...

Perez: God I hope so (he winks at Jessica)...

Sweetwater: Genesis are gonna run you and your little prancy pink p***y of a boyfriend out of town...

*Percy skips into shot now

Percival: I felt my ears burning...

Perez: Did you not apply your cream?

Percival: That's not for my ears, silly....that's for the other thing....

*Jessica wrinkles her face and Sweetwater looks sick

Percival: Anyways why are you messing around here....I already have our mascot for tonight...

Perez: You do?

*Percy beams as the "Hawk Tuah" girls walks into shot now. Miss Jessica looks scandalised as Perez' eyes light up

Percival: It wouldn't be Unleashed II without a guest appearance or two...

Perez: And after we win (he turns to Haliey) we can get started on Unleashed III...


*Jessica looks upset now whilst Sweetwater shakes his head. The Brothers of Seduction are led away by Haliey Welch


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6CWF Presents Unleashed II Results - 30th September 2024 Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Unleashed II Results - 30th September 2024

Post by JJJohnson Mon 30 Sep 2024, 7:39 pm

Bout 2
Ladder Match (Contract)
Chris Patricks/Uryu Ishida vs Brothers of Seduction vs The MVPs

*We see the contract hanging above the ring and the audience are excited as the news filters through about what we are about to watch. The three teams begin to make their entrances now. The MVPs are dressed in matching attire of gold and black. Can they settle their differences and make a splash in the tag team division?

*The crowd are roaring for the “Brothers of Seduction” and there is almost a circus like event to welcome them to the ring. They are dancing in the audience and pointing up at the contract above the ring. What will they choose if they win the contract? Masters and Phillips look like they want to get the fight started early but the referee keeps them apart. Patricks and Uryu Ishida are the final “team” in the mix. Can they work together? It is highly unlikely but they’d both love to get their hands on the contract and guarantee themselves something huge at “Born in Fire. They eye each other with mistrust. A huge ladder match here at “Unleashed II”….that is the beauty of a night like this.

*Patricks and Uryu are continuing to look at one another as Mike Masters steps toward the centre of the ring and points up at the contract as if to indicate he is taking it home with him. Patricks and Uryu then double superkick him in the mouth and send him through the ropes to the outside. Jimmy Phillips enters a running clothesline on both but they duck and Uryu nails a backheel kick to the stomach, doubling him up, before Patricks springs onto the ropes and drops a leg across the back of the neck. The crowd are torn now as The Brothers of Seduction step up to the plate. The two teams look up above them and then they start to trade with punches. Percy is rocked onto his heels by Uryu and then whipped across the ring but he handsprings back with an elbow attempt only for Uryu to leap up and dropkick him in the back as he returns. Chris Patricks looks to suplex Brandon Perez but he floats over and drives a punch into the spine before he lifts him into a back suplex and dumps him over the ropes to the outside.

*Uryu grabs Percy and looks to run up the turnbuckle for a tornado DDT but Perez is on hand to swipe Uryu’s legs as he reaches the top rope. He checks on Percy and then they both climb high to deliver an excellent double superplex, much to the delight of the audience. Mike Masters and Phillips are back in now with a ladder and they smash through BOS with it. They place the ladder on the deck now as Phillips flips Percy and powerbombs him on top of it before Mike Masters nails a snap suplex that snaps Perez’ spine across the rungs. Masters sets the ladder up now and he starts to climb for the contract. Chris Patricks springboards back in and lands on the opposite side of the ladder but Phillips grabs his legs and rips him down onto the mat. He looks for the “Touchdown” but CP elbows his way free and then he launches Phillips at the ladder, which knocks Masters down at the same time. Masters starts to crawl back up as Uryu springboards in with an overhang neckbreaker that lashes them both across the ladder.

*Uryu starts to climb up the ladder now but Patricks is climbing too. They are on the same team but Patricks is adamant he is taking the contract (it was always a reach that they would work together). They both tug at the contract which allows Brandon Perez to get back in and he shoves the ladder over. Uryu hits the turnbuckle and staggers back out as Perez scoops him onto his shoulders and spins him sideways into a slam across the ladder which has been overturned. Perez starts to grab the ladder now as Patricks dropkicks him in the face and sends him rolling away. Percy is on the apron and he’s willing Patricks to turn around before he springs in for the “Percy Pop” but Patricks shows amazing skill to counter in midair with an “Enigma Bomb”. Patricks drags the ladder across Percy’s chest and nails rolling thunder now. The audience are loving what they are seeing.

*Patricks leaps from the ring to grab another ladder as Jimmy Phillips clatters him from behind. Phillips drags CP around and smashes him into the steel steps before he sets a ladder up between the ring apron and ringside barrier. He slides a second ladder into the ring now and rolls in after. Phillips is setting the ladder up in the middle of the ring and starts to climb. Uryu has put the second ladder up in the corner and he scales it before leaping through the air and he twists JP off the middle of the first ladder with a sensational tornado DDT. Uryu starts to rise as Mike Masters dropkicks him in the back and sends him into the ladder in the middle of the ring. Uryu drops to a knee as Masters starts to climb the other side. He gets within touching distance of the contract when Brandon Perez climbs up behind him and lands punches to prevent him. Perez tries to put his head under Masters’ to lift him into an electric chair ……OH MY GOD!.....Uryu has clambered up the second ladder and he leaps off, wrapping his legs around the neck of Mike Masters for a poisonrana, dragging them both crashing down to the canvass below.

*Brandon Perez is left on the ladder and the audience are going wild as he scales for the contract. His fingers brush the clipboard as Chris Patricks climbs up behind him and pulls him to the canvass with a fantastic Russian legsweep. Perez rolls toward the corner as Patricks traps him in place with a ladder and then he circles the ring and rushes back in with a flying dropkick that crushes Perez between the turnbuckle and the ladder. Patricks grabs the second ladder now and begins to climb for the contract. He’s right underneath it as Jimmy Phillips lashes a chair against his spine to keep him in place on the ladder. Phillips climbs up with Patricks now…..TOUCHDOWN FROM THE LADDER! Manchester is alive and they are all over this. Unleashed II is delivering on an epic scale tonight.

*Uryu is the first man to his feet and he grabs the ladder and sets it up. Mike Masters is trying to communicate with Jimmy Phillips and the MVPs start to rise. Uryu reaches the top of the ladder but he realises he is about to have company so he launches off the top with a sensational senton takedown on both. Uryu crawls back up now but eats a superkick right to the face from Percy Percival. PP is gonna do this thing and lead his team to glory. He starts to scale the ladder and he gets his hand on the briefcase but Masters rips him off and Phillips catches him in his arms. Masters wedges a second ladder between the turnbuckles as JP nails a sickening fall away slam that sends Percy crashing against it. Masters gets the ladder again now and he starts to clamber up toward the summit. Chris Patricks is crawling up and Phillips looks to finish the job with the “Game Changer” clothesline but CP avoids it and then he leaps into the air and nails a hurricanrana that sends JP against the ladder. The ladder tilts and falls, sending Masters from the ring and crashing through the ladder between barrier and apron.

*Mike Masters is done and the ringside medics are checking on him. Jimmy Phillips stumbles up as Patricks drops him with a leaping heel kick. CP points to the corner now and the crowd cheer but that isn’t enough. Patricks pulls the second ladder up and places it in the corner before climbing. He’s fifteen feet in the air and he wants the “Puzzle Solver”…..BOOM! It lands and Phillips is crushed from the impact. JP rolls from the ring and I think it’s fair to say The MVP’s might just be out of the running here tonight. Patricks holds his body as he readjusts the ladder under the contract. He starts to climb but Brandon Perez lifts him off into an electric chair. Percy has clambered the turnbuckle now and jumps off with a kick that takes CP off Perez’ shoulders with their version of the DoomsDay Device.

*The Brothers of Seduction look at one another and then up at the contract. The crowd are going wild as they decide they are going together. The audience are singing and applauding what is about to happen but Uryu returns with another ladder on his shoulders and he drives it upward into the faces of Perez and then Percy, knocking them both down to the canvass in turn. Uryu drops his ladder now as he pulls Perez to his feet….STANDING SPANISH FLY ON THE LADDER…..Uryu rolls out on the apron as he watches Percy get to his feet and then he springboards back in and splatters him across the ladder with an X-Factor facebuster. Uryu sits on the canvass momentarily and grins at the audience’ reaction before his eyes travel upward toward the contract.

*Uryu gets up now and heads for the ladder. He starts to climb up but then Chris Patricks grabs his leg and rips him down. Uryu looks ready for the confrontation but Patricks grabs him and runs him to the corner, launching him upside down against another ladder that is resting there. What is Patricks’ deal? He heads for the middle of the ring now and looks up and nods his head. Some of the fans are booing CP’s actions but nothing is stopping him. He is halfway up the ladder now when Uryu stumbles up, looking angry, and he swings his leg up with a brutal calf kick that causes Patricks to slip into a tree of woe position on the ladder, trapped upside down. Uryu looks annoyed as Patricks is desperately trying to pull himself free. Ishida backs away now “He’s actually going to walk away from this opportunity?” asks RJ.

“He knows how much Patricks wants it and that’s why he’s doing it….Uryu showing some spite tonight”. Uryu clambers from the ring as Patricks shrieks at him to “Come f***ing back”. CP is still trying to free himself from the ladder as Perez and Percy climb up, looking worse for wear. The audience is electric as Percy blows a kiss at CP whilst Perez climbs the ladder and takes control of the contract. The Brothers of Seduction win and they get to choose a championship opportunity of their choice next week at the “Road to Royalty”. Clarissa is heading down to the ring to interview them but it’s hard to hear anything because the audience are making such a noise. It is party time in the Co-Op.

*Patricks finally drops from the ladder and he looks angry as he grabs the steel chair from the canvass and chooses to follow Uryu backstage. Clarissa is talking with the Brothers of Seduction now and they aren’t waiting around. Next week they are challenging Genesis for the Tag Titles….Percy says Eddy Kent has been a very naughty boy and deserves this punishment. Brandon Perez invites Miss Jessica to party with them once they win.


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6CWF Presents Unleashed II Results - 30th September 2024 Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Unleashed II Results - 30th September 2024

Post by JJJohnson Mon 30 Sep 2024, 7:50 pm

*Logan Kincade is here in Manchester. He looks as demonic as ever as his father heads to meet him. Andrews knows Logan has made it clear why he wants to cause so much destruction but there are rules and regulations that they must abide by. So he has a match coming up against a random opponent and he thinks it would be good for Kincade to exercise some of his bloodlust before his "summit" with Blue Dragon later on tonight.

Logan: It sounds like you don't want me to hurt him...

*Andrews chooses his words carefully

Andrews: Logan, I don't believe for a second that you care what I've made it clear what your intentions job, as your father and as a businessman, is to ensure we all get paid a whole lot of money...

*Logan glares into his father's eyes now

Logan: I don't care about the money, you can have it for all I care....I'll give you tonight but I'm not waiting much longer...

*Logan leaves for ringside as Andrews is left looking contemplative.

*Brandi Johnson kisses her husband before she climbs up into the ambulance to escort Saint to the nearby hospital. Saint is doing ok but he needs to be checked over for precautionary measures. Tim Allen is talking with JJ...

TA: And Acer?

JJ: Security hauled his a55 out....

TA: JJ, I have to ask....what is going to happen?

*JJ ponders this for a moment

JJ: Unfortunately, Tim, I think what's going to happen is something I've been trying to prevent for a long, long time....but eventually you gotta realise that your fighting the inevitable...sometimes you gotta realise when your efforts are futile..

*JJ looks hurt by his own words as he heads back into the building.

*Chris Patricks is sporting some serious bruises and cuts as he heads backstage following the ladder match. He boots a bin across the room in Gorilla and punches the wall as Clarissa approaches.

Clarissa: Chris...

*Patricks eyes her disdain

CP: Obviously it's you....another hanger on...

Clarissa: Excuse me...

CP: You know exactly what I mean...someone else only here because they got fifteen minutes of fame from Max Adamson, just like that little pr*ck Ishida....where is he anyway? Back on the roof or has he run away like he usually does when a fight comes his way?

Clarissa: I have no idea...

CP: Of course you don't....well you can tell him from me, when you "don't" see him.....his number is up....I told him not to screw me tonight....that was my shot to book the Born in Fire main event I deserve and he f***ed now he'll pay....

Me and him.....Born in Fire....

*Patricks walks out of shot leaving Clarissa. She pulls out her mobile and begins typing a message.


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Age : 34

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6CWF Presents Unleashed II Results - 30th September 2024 Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Unleashed II Results - 30th September 2024

Post by JJJohnson Mon 30 Sep 2024, 7:52 pm

Bout 3
Logan Kincade vs ???

*The crowd are in fine voice and delighted as former 6WF Champion, Rasta is announced as the random opponent for Logan Kincade. Rasta bounces down the ramp, slapping hands with the fans, and seems in great spirits but the commentators aren’t as convinced. “Why do I feel like we are watching a man skip forward to his annihilation?”. Rasta is up in the ring now as we hear a beep and then a hearse begins to reverse out from the left side of the stage area. Rasta suddenly doesn’t look as happy when Damien Andrews appears on the big screen. It is hard to tell but Andrews seems almost gleeful to announce this is going to be a “Last Ride” match where the object is put your opponent in the hearse and have them driven from the arena. “A first time ever, I believe” adds RJ.

*Logan enters through the flames now and his whole face covered in the black warpaint. He walks across the stage to the left and looks down at the hearse before turning and heading toward the ring. Rasta is starting to look nervous now as Logan gets up on the apron. Rasta crosses himself and then runs forward and dives into a dropkick that sends Kincade off the apron. Logan lands on his feet but bangs his head…Kincade staggers in the aisleway as Rasta runs the ropes and front flips into a senton to knock the big man down. Rasta can barely believe his own skill whilst the crowd are chanting his name. Rasta circles the ring, tagging hands, and then he climbs onto the ringside barrier and runs along before diving off, only for Logan to unleash a devastating uppercut as he comes through the air.

*Kincade flips Rasta up into a powerbomb position now and just throws him backward against the ringpost whilst the audience groan and wince. Logan shows power now to seize Rasta by a leg and arm and lift him off the ground before just launching him against the ringside barrier. Logan is just staring down at his opponent like a predator surrounding prey. Kincade rips the ring apron up now and everyone is watching on with horror as he drags out a sheet of glass. Kincade props the glass up against the ringside barrier and then he wraps both hands around Rasta’s neck and pulls him up before just throwing him through the air, sending shards of glass flying everywhere. There are fans holding their heads and looking distraught as Rasta is bloodied on the arena floor. Logan shows no trace of emotion as he pulls his unconscious opponent to his feet and slings him over his shoulders before carrying him toward the hearse.

*The commentators believe Logan is “out of control” and can’t see how his upcoming “summit” with Blue Dragon is going to bring any change to this situation. Logan drapes Rasta’s lifeless and bloodstained body on the bonnet of the hearse now as the cameras pan in on his demented features. Kincade walks around now and rips the backdoors open before returning to grab Rasta. Rasta, unsurprisingly, offers no pushback and is just slumped against Logan. Kincade decides to show Rasta’s bloody face to the camera and then he spins him around and smashes his head clean through the passenger window. Rasta is just slumped there and we see some of the older fans cradling the heads of their children. The referee is urging Logan to end it now and show some mercy but that word doesn’t exist in his vocabulary.

*Logan pulls Rasta from the broken window now and just stares at him before he presses him over his head. He carries him around and then just throws him with unbelievable force at the windscreen so that it splinters. Rasta just slides off the side and lands on the arena floor, bleeding profusely. The referee wants to bring medics in but Logan scares him off before finally ragging Rasta to his feet and he slings him in the back of the hearse and closes the doors. This massacre is over. Logan just watches the vehicle as it is driven out of the arena. The crowd are still stunned at what they have watched. Logan isn’t leaving though, he is heading back to the ring. Does he want the “summit” with Blue Dragon now?


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6CWF Presents Unleashed II Results - 30th September 2024 Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Unleashed II Results - 30th September 2024

Post by JJJohnson Mon 30 Sep 2024, 8:40 pm

*Damien Andrews comes out now and he wants to make it clear that he did not want his sons at one another's throats but this has always been an inevitability. Just like Cain and Abel. But 6CWF must protect the health of their talent and all of their workers so it is imperative they try to "iron out" any issues and prevent this war from happening before it reaches a point of no return.

Blue Dragon arrives now and he is ready to fight. We have teams of security at ringside but Dragon laughs.

BD: You really think these guys are going to stop me and Logan?

*Andrews knows they cannot but 6CWF is clear in their instruction and that if any staff are harmed then Logan will be suspended and Blue Dragon will be stripped of his belt. The plan is to try and stop the violence before it even happens.

Logan: We all know this is futile....he brought this on himself...

BD: And how exactly did I do that, brother?

Logan: Because you became human....for all your talk and your love of let GazzyD walk away from our wars when I set Plague on spared said you were going to "decimate and destroy" but your words mean fight for money and power....I fight to hurt....we are not the we could ever be brothers...

*Dragon is looking at Andrews now and he is blaming him for turning Logan's mind but Andrews dismisses this. He says Logan is "his own man" and his outlook is nothing to do with either of them.

Andrews: I warned you...but you didn't listen, you never listen to me....

BD: Because you're a scumbag, piece of s**t...

*Logan looks like he wants to fight but Andrews reiterates what 6CWF are threatening.

Andrews: Tonight we ask you both the question....can we move forward?

BD: Ask him....this is on him...

*Kincade just stares at his brother

Logan: We move forward when I bury him...

*Dragon looks a little taken aback by Logan's words but it seems they aren't getting back on the same page. Dragon knows he has a title defence coming up next and he wants it to be Logan that faces him..

Andrews: Absolutely's a random drawing....and this is not the time....if Logan is adamant in his claims, we will work it out....

BD: I don't want to fight him....

Logan: You don't have a choice...

*Andrews orders security in now because the tension is at fever pitch. Logan looks bloodthirsty but he bows, mockingly, at Andrews' orders and leaves with the security as Blue Dragon is left in the ring to wait for his opponent. The commentators are talking about what is to come between the two brothers and that "war is imminent".


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6CWF Presents Unleashed II Results - 30th September 2024 Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Unleashed II Results - 30th September 2024

Post by JJJohnson Mon 30 Sep 2024, 8:41 pm

Bout 4
6CW World Championship
Blue Dragon © vs ???

*Logan Kincade is still being led away by management and security whilst Blue Dragon is left in the ring, looking slightly shook by the confrontation that has taken place. But he still has to defend his world title and we are about to find out who his mystery opponent is. BOOM! The audience is electric as JJ Johnson walks out on the stage. JJ Johnson is going to challenge for the 6CW World Championship….this is massive! Blue Dragon has a wry smirk on his face now as he turns to the stage and beckons JJ to come and fight. We have been waiting for this for some time.

*JJ removes his hooded top and bobs from one foot to the other. He nods his head and begins walking down the rest of the ramp. Dragon casts the belt aside now as he adopts his fighting stance. JJ grins and then dives into the ring as they meet centre ring to trade bombs. Dragon’s heavy hands rock JJ onto his heels but then JJ dodges an uppercut and slams a right hand into the ribcage of the world champ. He lands an uppercut of his own now and a left cross as he digs into his boxing expertise. BD falls back on the ropes as Johnson presses him with more shots to the body but Dragon uses his power to just shove Johnson backward to centre ring. BD roars forward for a lariat but JJ ducks it and runs the ropes before returning with a leaping forearm smash that takes the big man down. JJ then points to the ropes and the crowd roar. He runs them and looks for the scissors kick but Dragon pulls his head off the line and then grabs JJ by the throat. He wants a chokeslam but JJ smashes his knee into BD’s stomach and shows his own strength to get the big man up into an incredible Emerald Fusion……………1………………2………….Dragon kicks out.

*Manchester would love to see a new world champion tonight and who knows, JJ looks phenomenal! Johnson beckons Dragon up and looks for the “Access All Areas” (Stunner) but the champ shoves him into the corner. He chases in for a splash but JJ avoids it and runs the adjacent ropes, only to be met by a huge boot to the mouth as he returns. Dragon hauls Johnson to his feet now and scoops him for a running powerslam but JJ drops behind and shoves him into the turnbuckle again. BD staggers around and JJ scoops him onto his shoulders and spins him into a TKO. The crowd are on their feet as JJ heads for the corner. “MT Rushmore” is imminent but Dragon rolls from the ring as JJ hits the deck. Dragon circles the ring (ala Baron Corbin) and rolls back in and drills JJ with a flying spear/tackle as he stumbles up. He covers but JJ pops his shoulder in time. This is turning into a doozy.

*Dragon raises an arm and he wants the “Last Ride” powerbomb but JJ lands out on his feet and nails a huge right hand. Spray flies from Dragon’s mouth as JJ grabs his arm for an Irish whip but BD turns inside and drags JJ into a devastating spinebuster. He bounces back off the ropes now and lands a leaping splash for a two count. Dragon gets into full mount to land hard punches and forearms to his grounded opponent but JJ tucks his legs up and manages to boot the champion across the canvass. They both stumble up and JJ sidesteps Dragon again and sends him off the turnbuckle….”FADE TO BLACK”….the spinning impailer lands from JJ and the crowd roar in delight at what they are seeing but the world champion shows what he is all about by kicking out once again. This is being fought at a frenetic pace and the audience absolutely loves what they are seeing.

*JJ raises the “Coalition” arm to the audience as he stalks Dragon now. He scoops him for the “VIP Experience” but Dragon drops behind and wraps his hands around JJ’s head and neck for a sleeper. Johnson thrashes from side to side but cannot escape so he chooses to sit down into an inverted jawbreaker instead. JJ crawls back up and he kicks BD in the stomach for the stunner but Dragon counters into an inverted DDT. He drags JJ closer to the ropes and decides he’s going to climb the turnbuckle (not his usual forte). Dragon prepares to leap but JJ charges up the turnbuckle and stuns the crowd with an almighty overhead throw from the top. JJ then kicks up onto his feet (cue the pop) and ushers Dragon up before landing the “Access All Areas” (stunner). He crawls over and drops an arm on BD’s chest…………………1………………….2……………….3NO!....Blue Dragon is proving why he is the world champion here tonight.

*Massive “JJ” chants ring all around as the crowd sense he may be getting closer to world reign number four. He lets Dragon stand and once again he tries to get him in position for the “VIP Experience” but BD drops backward and reverses their positions. He twirls JJ around and drills him with a tombstone……….1……………….2………….JJ somehow gets his foot on the rope, much to Dragon’s chagrin. Dragon stands and he hauls JJ into a gutwrench and flips him for the “Deathnote” but JJ counters with a headscissors (hello John Cena 2015). They both crawl back up and JJ ducks a discus lariat and runs the ropes before leaping through the air and lands a “Superman” punch on the jaw……………………….1………………………….2…………..Dragon kicks out again. These men are throwing absolutely everything at one another.

*JJ heads for the corner and climbs up but Dragon rises and slams a punch into his jaw. He climbs onto the turnbuckle but JJ pummels at his body and shoves him back down to the canvass. BD starts to clamber to his feet as JJ launches toward him…..”CAUGHT HIM….WHAT A CHOKESLAM”…..Dragon spins with JJ in midair and almost puts him through the canvass with the slam……….a three count has to be happening but JJ kicks out. Doubt him at your peril but JJ Johnson is main event and he is hell bent on getting another world title to his name. Dragon looks at JJ with a mixed look of respect and hatred. He stands up and grabs JJ by the head again and hauls him up but suddenly JJ drops and takes Dragon down with a drop toe hold. He grabs BD’s ankle and applies the anklelock in the middle of the ring.

*Dragon is yelling through the agony as JJ rips and tears at the ankle in the middle of the ring. Dragon drags himself toward the ropes but JJ hauls him back and ups the pressure levels. Dragon is refusing to tap out but his ankle is bent at an horrific angle. The referee asks BD if he wants to give it up but he tells him to “F*** off” and there is no doubt about that. Dragon gets himself back toward the ropes but JJ drags him back again. Dragon turns on his front and boots JJ away but Johnson’s grip cannot be broken and he just rolls straight back into the submission. Has Dragon ever submitted? JJ continues to bend the ankle until Dragon grabs the front of the referee’s jersey and hauls him over his shoulders and into the turnbuckle…..the crowd are booing but the world champion is doing what he needs to preserve his title reign.

*JJ releases the submission to check on the official. We see BD crawling to the opposite corner now and he puts his studded biker glove on his hand. JJ moves away from the official now and grabs BD by the head….BOOM!....the punch hits JJ in the side of the head and sends him staggering down onto his knees in the middle of the ring. Dragon gets up now and he flips JJ into the “Last Ride” powerbomb but there’s no official. Dragon is shaking the referee now and looks angry that he can’t finish the match. He heads back over to Johnson now but JJ lands a low blow (which the crowd love). JJ stumbles to his feet, feeling the effects of the match, and he drills Dragon with the VIP Experience….”WE’RE GONNA HAVE A NEW WORLD CHAMPION HERE AT UNLEASHED”

*JJ tries to revive the referee again before BANG!....Acer rolls through the ropes and drills JJ with the “Rogue Spear”. Acer’s ribs are heavily bandaged and he looks worse for wear after his earlier battle. He’s kneeling over JJ and tugging at his hair (this is very much a “It should have been me” scenario. Dolph Ziggler meets Edge). The crowd are furious as Acer rolls under the ropes now and walks away from the scene. Blue Dragon is struggling to get his feet under him but he has plenty of time to compose himself but before drilling JJ with the “Deathnote”. The referee recovers enough now to complete the three. Blue Dragon retains. Acer has screwed JJ Johnson again.

*What will the repercussions of this be? And will Logan Kincade be the next to step up and challenge Dragon for his title? The brother vs brother showdown is inevitable. We see JJ sitting up on the canvass as he watches on the big screens what happened. “Motherf***er” is his first reaction. Blue Dragon looks down at JJ as he slings the 6CW Championship over his shoulder. There is definitely some respect there after that battle but Dragon’s smugness returns as he pats the belt and winks at JJ.


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6CWF Presents Unleashed II Results - 30th September 2024 Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Unleashed II Results - 30th September 2024

Post by JJJohnson Mon 30 Sep 2024, 8:56 pm

*Tony Monk is live in Manchester and that sparks a very mixed reception from the crowd. Monk is wearing a t-shirt that reads "MonkMania" and on the back "You just got Monked (On)".

Monk: How you doin'?

Crowd: How you doin'!

*Tony Monk says he has it on good authority he will get to make his in-ring debut next week at the "Road to Royalty" and he hopes he's in the tournament. "Don Monk gonna be King Monk". Killer walks past and gets in the shot for a second.

Monk: Hey just walked in my shot, you f***ing stupid or something?

Killer: I walk by...the camera turns, I speak...the crowd cheer....

Monk: You, like, mocking me or something? You piece of s***...

Killer: I shake my head...

Monk: Hey listen, f*** you...

*Tony Monk headbutts Killer now and then he rags him up and hauls him into a nearby wall. Killer slumps as Monk places a bucket over his head and then punts it.

Monk: Tony Monk, how you f***ing doin'....

*Monk stomps on the bucket now so it shatters around Killer's head

Monk: I walk away now....end scene....f*** you!

*An irate Acer walks into Gorilla after costing JJ Johnson the 6CW Championship. Jack Reynolds is there to grab a word with him about what he just did and why Acer came back after being thrown out of the building earlier on.

Acer: Because this whole place is a sham....manipulated for the fortune of one JJ Johnson....a night of "random" draws where JJ gets a world title shot? Yeah me the bad guy all you like but soon you are all going to see reality...

I'm pulling back the curtain and exposing all the sh*t that's been going on for far too it or not I am going to make you all wake up...

Throwing Brandi to fight his battles and then The Saint....but now there's nowhere to run and nowhere to and you, and you...

*The screens are showing the issues between Diego Romero and Killbane, including Killbane's debut last week. Diego Romero is watching now on the screens and he looks angry. Max Adamson approaches.

Max: Diego...we're putting you in the random draws for Unleashed...

Romero: No...

Max: No? That's kind of the concept, pal...

*Romero raises his head and looks into the eyes of Max

Romero: You will have to excuse me....but this fight (he indicates at the screens) is bigger that something "random"....I understand I owe 6CWF a lot for giving me this chance....but you must also understand that this is something I need to and Killbane....I must make it clear to all and send a message to my Uncle that I am no longer afraid....I will meet my enemies head on...

Max: A simple, I want to batter Killbane would have done, mate...but you crack on...

*Romero bows his head and storms toward the ringside area.


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6CWF Presents Unleashed II Results - 30th September 2024 Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Unleashed II Results - 30th September 2024

Post by JJJohnson Mon 30 Sep 2024, 8:58 pm

Bout 5
Diego Romero vs Killbane

*We finish up the video package pertaining to the issues between Killbane and Diego Romero before we return to ringside. This is impromptu but Diego Romero is heading out here and he is calling out Killbane. The young kid has guts and you have to applaud him on that. Romero says he has fled in fear from his Uncle’s tyranny but he will run no more and he urges Killbane to come out and face him.

*KIllbane appears on the big screen and he is as arrogant as ever. He says Romero is brave but displays the foolishness of youth. He says he does not want this fight because he cannot win but unfortunately the order has been given and Killbane will execute that order. He is El Diablo’s most trusted soldier and failure is not an option. So Romero must pay the price for that.

*Romero is looking up at the screen and he shouts “coward” as Killbane comes from behind the announce desks and springboards in with a bulldog takedown. Romero tries to get back up but Killbane lashes into the side of his head with a knee strike. The crowd are booing now as Killbane wraps his hands through Romero’s hair and pulls him up. He displays his face to the cameras before placing a boot on the back of his head and drops him backward, whiplashing his neck in the process. Killbane stands again now and adjusts his mask before he heads for the corner and starts to climb up. Romero is prone on the canvass as Killbane backflips into the foot stomp but Romero moves at the final second. Killbane staggers backward but keeps his feet. He then runs forward but Romero throws himself aside as KB slams against the turnbuckle. Romero runs the ropes and rushes back with a flying dropsault which turns his foe inside out. We have a fight on our hands ladies and gentlemen.

*Killbane stumbles back up and Romero dropkicks him in the back, sending him against the ropes, and follows up with a shining wizard. Killbane’s head stoops as Romero darts across the ring again and comes back with a leaping headscissors which takes them both over the top rope and crashing to the floor. Romero is the first to his feet and he leaps onto the steel steps and moonsaults back into a takedown on Killbane as the audience applaud his abilities. Romero drags Killbane up and slams his head off the announce tables now before he grabs the ringbell and clatters KB in the head with it. Killbane is left slumped across the “Spanish” table as Romero turns to the audience, smiling as they will him on. Romero leaps onto the apron now and clambers up onto the top rope. Romero looks down at his rival and launches himself into a swanton bomb but Killbane rolls off the table and sends him crashing through the desk, breaking it in bits.

*The crowd look shocked now as Killbane drags Romero out of the wreckage now. He grabs a steel chair and sets it up on the floor before placing Romero’s head on the seat. He climbs up now on the ringside barrier and backflips off now with the foot stomp that drives Romero’s head down through the seat and leaves him limp on the arena floor. Killbane kneels down next to Romero now and we hear him saying “Apologies, nino….but orders are orders”. He stands and dusts off his hands, smirking at the crowd’s reaction, before walking away. Romero is still lifeless on the arena floor as the scene ends.


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6CWF Presents Unleashed II Results - 30th September 2024 Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Unleashed II Results - 30th September 2024

Post by JJJohnson Mon 30 Sep 2024, 9:22 pm

*Emmy is knocking at a door backstage and she walks in to see Thunder getting prepared for his role tonight as Special Enforcer. Emmy is happy Thunder is back and watching over Liam as he goes for his fourth world title. She is going on about Thunder watching out for Genesis as he just looks up at her. She goes a little red and apologises, she just wants Liam to finally get what he deserves....but she knows Thunder has always backed him and always will. She's just go glad to have him back. She hugs Thunder and leaves.

Outside she almost walks straight into Miss Jessica. Jessica sneers at Emmy and labels her "One of the witch hunters trying to besmirch the Genesis name" which Emmy scoffs at.

Jessica: Tonight me and Daddy will broadcast the greatest championship celebration ever seen, live to the masses...

Emmy: You know, Jess, they use to just call that a sextape but go woke or go broke, I guess.....I wonder if more people will tune in that watched you and Lex...

*Emmy clicks her tongue at Jessica and smirks before walking off. Jessica is already on her phone.

Jessica: Listeners....hear will not believe what that b1tch, Emmy, just said about me and Genesis....the mistruths....

*The scene changes and Max Adamson is knocking on Rex's dressing room door but Jackson Jackson answers.

Max: Oh so you'll answer the door but not the phone...

Jackson: isn't...

Max: Don't you f***ing dare tell me now isn't the time...acting like I didn't bring you into this business....all of you, and this is the disrespect I get...

???: Let him in...

*Max glares at Jackson as he barges past him and heads inside. Rex is just getting himself ready for the main event.

Rex: Listen, Unc, if this is about the disk.....or in fact anything career it...

*Jackson leans against the doorframe with a smirk

Max: Oh don't worry, I know you've got it all figured and him (he nods his head at Jackson) have clearly put your heads together, combined IQs, and still come out thicker than Brandi Johnson's a55....

*Rex shakes his head with a smirk

Max: I just heard they were showing some footage they shot for promotion of Born in Fire and I thought maybe you'd like to digest it before you head out to ringside tonight....

*Rex casts a look at Jackson as Max picks up the remote and turns on the screen. We see a montage of Born in Fire main events. We see JJ Johnson nailing the shooting star press to defeat Cassius Zhi and then we see Hobo hitting Nemesis with the "Hobo Cuddle" to capture the TAW Championship at Born in Fire II. It cycles through Perfect Jack passing out against Lex Hart to last year's battle between Max Adamson and Rex Adamson.

Jackson: Well we all know how that one ended...(He smirks at this but Rex is fixated on the screen and then looks over at his Uncle).

*The montage changes now to Born in Fire 2014 and Max Adamson capturing the Undisputed 6WF Championship against Chris Patricks and The Saint. We see Max's celebrations and the confetti falling from the rafters



*The montage ends and there are no words as Max looks at Rex and then tosses the remote at Jackson, who just barely catches it. Max then leaves as Rex is left staring at the screen.

*Daniel Reilly and Oliver Keane swagger into the GM's office now as Damien Andrews is on hand to announce his five opponents for tonight...


But there's more.....submission only!

Reilly cannot believe it as Scott Harris walks into the room now, wearing a protective mask for the injuries suffered at Beachfront Brawl. Harris is looking to even the score and set the record straight. Angus Plague and Jack walk in now and Harris finds himself surrounded. Reilly looks confident but then sees PJ and Plague looking at his EWF Championship (he hugs it tightly). Geoff Steel and GazzyD are there now and there is a staredown between all six combatants. Reilly gets in the face of Gazzy and Steel.

Reilly: When are you two going to realise that you are not on my level....I thought last week would have made it clear...

*Steel and Gazzy exchange looks

Steel: You know, Dan, I'm so glad they made this match submission only....because beating you just isn't satisfying enough for me....I'm going to break you in half...

Keane: You two might see yourselves as "saviours"....getting involved in business that didn't involve you at Beachfront Brawl.....but what happens when only one of you can win tonight?

*Steel and Gazzy look at each other again before smiling

Gazzy: We know the deal....but as long as he (he points at Reilly) leaves with nothing, this will be a good night all round...

Steel: And then we can ring up, Dicey.....I'm sure he'd love to celebrate your downfall just as much as anyone...

*Gazzy's phone starts ringing

Gazzy: Actually, I think that's him....he said he was going to be in Manchester...

*Reilly looks over his shoulder now and he is clearly concerned. Gazzy laughs and puts his phone away

Gazzy: He hung signal in Gorilla is there...

*Steel laughs as he follows Gazzy out of the room. Scott Harris glares at Reilly, PJ and Angus Plague now before following. Daniel Reilly's confidence levels don't look as high anymore.


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6CWF Presents Unleashed II Results - 30th September 2024 Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Unleashed II Results - 30th September 2024

Post by JJJohnson Mon 30 Sep 2024, 9:23 pm

Bout 6
EWF Championship
Submission Only
Daniel Reilly © vs Angus Plague vs GazzyD vs Geoff Steel vs Perfect Jack vs Scott Harris

*There is a massive feel in the air for our second world championship match of the evening. Six pack challenge for the EWF Global that can only be won via submission. This is going to be one for the ages. The audience await the arrivals of the participants now and Scott Harris is the first out, sparking a huge roar of approval. Harris is wearing a protective mask for his damaged face but he looks ready for battle as he raises his arms in the air, sparking pyros to explode behind him. He makes his way to the ring before Perfect Jack’s music hits. The European Champion swaggers to the ring and eyes up Harris as Angus Plague strides out now. Will Plague and PJ work together? Angus Plague is challenging for a world title in only his second match for the company….that is what makes Unleashed such a unique concept.

*GazzyD is met by deafening cheers from his hometown audience as he launches through the trapdoor in the stage. He looks in fine spirits despite the seemingly inevitable return of Edward Plague. He taps his heart in appreciation of the crowd support and bounces his way down to the ring. He and Angus Plague square up as Perfect Jack places a hand on Angus’ chest and smirks at Gazzy. Gazzy rolls in the ring now and nods, respectfully, at Harris before climbing onto the turnbuckle to pose in front of his adoring masses. The crowd go wild again now as Geoff Steel appears on the stage. The Xtreme Champ nods his head and begins his walk to the ring. Steel takes a long look at PJ and Angus Plague now before joining Gazzy and Harris in the ring. The atmosphere is electric.

*The EWF Champ enters to tumultuous boos now. Oliver Keane is still banned from ringside but Reilly retains his swagger and arrogance as he raises his EWF belt in the air. The commentators talk about how Reilly is really up against it tonight and this is his “punishment” for cheating to win the gold at Beachfront Brawl. He reaches the bottom of the ramp and there is a long staredown between himself, Perfect Jack and Angus Plague. Can Reilly rely on PJ tonight? With a world championship on the line it seems unlikely.

*The referee takes the belt and shows it to all competitors. There is plenty of trash talk and squaring up going on before the bell sounds and we are good to go. Geoff Steel is eyeing Daniel Reilly and makes a step out toward him but Angus Plague runs and almost decapitates Steel with a thunderous clothesline from nowhere. Reilly is momentarily gleeful until Scott Harris flies across and takes out with the “Kneeds More Harris” flying attack. Harris watches Reilly roll from the ring before Perfect Jack grabs him by the waist and launches him into a release German suplex. Jack gets back up as Gazzy kicks him in the stomach and hooks his arms for “Deep Impact”….Angus Plague grabs Gazzy from behind and nails him with a snap dragon suplex. PJ and Plague look at one another now….can their alliance last?

*Steel is up on the outside and he drags Angus Plague under the bottom rope and then tackles him backward into the steel steps, leaving the big man down on the arena floor. Steel rolls back in now as PJ rushes for a clothesline but he dodges it and snaps off a release full nelson slam. Steel looks around at the manic crowd and heads for the corner. He has a flying headbutt in mind but Angus Plague is back up and uncorks a huge uppercut to sit him down on the ropes. Plague is on the apron as he stuns the entire arena by suplexing Steel off the turnbuckle and they crash down onto the arena floor in a devastating heap.

*GazzyD is back up and he sees Jack prone on the canvass and looks for an asai moonsault but lands across the knees. Jack gets up and scoops Gazzy on his shoulders before tossing him into a gutbuster. Gazzy is in pain as Jack grabs his leg now for the figure four but Scott Harris roars in from behind with a chopblock on Jack. The crowd are on their feet as Harris beckons PJ up into a kneebreaker and then applies a sharpshooter. He is just about turning into the hold when Daniel Reilly leaps out of nowhere and drills him with the RKO. But he can’t pin him. Reilly stares for a moment and then he applies the anklelock. Harris is yelling in agony and tries to scramble for the ropes but Reilly drags him back. Harris is shaking his head and refusing to tap out as Gazzy nails a springboard dropkick to send Reilly rolling under the ropes to the outside.

*Amazingly, Angus Plague is back in the ring. He grabs Gazzy by the throat for a chokeslam but Gazzy twists in midair and tries to roll through into a wheelbarrow pin but AP is too strong. He lifts Gazzy back up but he flips over AP’s shoulders and lands on his feet. He drives a boot into Angus’ gut now and he drills him with the “Deep Impact” in the middle of the ring. If pinfalls counted then GazzyD might be world champion right now. He climbs back to his feet and looks out at the cheering masses before Geoff Steel gets back in the ring. Steel is wincing in pain from the suplex to the outside but he and Gazzy have a stare-off now (the crowd are split). They nod in respect and then begin to trade with right hands (Gazzy getting more cheers in his hometown). Steel’s punches carry more weight and he rocks Gazzy back on his heels and whips him toward the ropes but Gazzy handsprings and floats back with a twisting heel kick. He ushers Steel back up and kicks him in the stomach for the “Deep Impact” but the Xtreme Champion swipes his legs. Steel is looking for the “Steelworks” now as Gazzy thrashes from side to side and manages to throw Steel off. Gazzy scrambles back up and he runs to the ropes and springboards but Geoff catches him and snaps him down with a powerbomb before turning him into the liontamer.

*Gazzy is yelling in pain but refusing to quit. Steel shifts his position so he can drive his knee down into Gazzy’s spine to increase the pressure. Most of the audience are willing Gazzy on but there are definitely some who want to see Geoff Steel as world champion again. Gazzy is in the “Steelworks” for just over a minute and he is starting to really suffer until Perfect Jack clatters Steel from behind and immediately nails him with the “Perfect Slam” in the middle of the ring. He covers him but the referee reminds him there are no pinfalls in this contest. Jack gets back up and he decides to go up high before dropping an elbow into Steel’s chest. The European Champion grabs Steel’s legs now for the figure four leglock and he applies it expertly in the middle of the ring. We haven’t seen Geoff Steel in this kind of pain for some time. He is yelling in agony as Jack really ups the ante. Will he pass out like Dicey Reilly did? The referee is asking Steel if he wants to quit but he shakes his head. Jack is bridging up now into the “figure eight” when Scott Harris crashes down on him from up high with a frogsplash.

*Harris gets back up before Reilly spins him around. Reilly looks for another “RKO” but Harris locks his hands and nails a hat-trick of German suplexes. He is feeling this and so are the audience. He grabs Reilly’s legs and succeeds in turning him over into the sharpshooter. Revenge for Beachfront Brawl? Harris is sat right back into the hold now and yells out from the effort he is applying. Reilly is roaring in agony as he is now on the brink of losing his world title at the first hurdle. He is trapped in the middle of the ring with nowhere to go…..CHOKESLAM FROM ANGUS PLAGUE! He almost put Scott Harris through the canvass with that impact. Has anyone ever won a world title this quick? Harris is unsteady as Plague stalks him and pulls him into a dragon sleeper.

*Scott Harris is at the mercy of Angus Plague here. It isn’t looking good as his body is bent backward with Plague’s knee up in his spine. Will Harris give up? CRACK! Geoff Steel smashes a steel chair into Plague’s back and he chucks it aside before he scoops the big man up on his shoulders before carrying him to the ropes and launches him over the top with an “Attitude Adjustment” that sends AP crashing on his spine on the arena floor. Steel turns back around….CRACK! PJ returns the favour as he detonates the chair over Steel’s skull. The Xtreme Champion might be out cold here. If PJ applies the figure four here then the referee might have no choice but to wave it off because Steel is unresponsive.

*We see Gazzy getting up on the outside and is about to roll in to aid Steel when he is attacked by a “Cloak”. He tries to battle back but the man is larger in stature and drives a heavy knee into Gazzy’s midsection. He then flips him up into a powerbomb position….OH MY GOD!....The fans in the front row run for safety as the “Cloak” launches Gazzy over the railing and he crashes through the seats in the first couple of rows. Gazzy has been utterly battered in front of his hometown fans. The “Cloak” just walks away now and Gazzy is left in a mangled mess.

*We switch back to the ring now as Perfect Jack is about to turn Steel into the figure four when Scott Harris drills him with a codebreaker. Harris is on his knees now, breathing in and out, as the audience will him to get up and finish the job. Daniel Reilly gets in the ring and he swings the EWF Championship belt at Harris’ head but he ducks underneath it and swipes Reilly’s legs. He tries to apply the sharpshooter but Reilly slams a punch upward into Harris’ damaged face. Harris staggers away as Reilly crawls up. He dives up for the RKO but Harris puts the block on and shoves him away. Geoff Steel is up, bloodstained face, and he boots Reilly in the stomach……”BLADECUTTER”…..

*Angus Plague drags Steel under the ropes before he can complete the spinning piledriver and turns him inside out with a “Dragon’s Breath” ripcord lariat. Plague rises now and flicks his hair from his face. Scott Harris is beckoning Daniel Reilly to turn around so he can nail the “Kneeds More Harris” once again but suddenly Perfect Jack pulls his legs out from under him from outside the ring and he crotches him into the ringpost. Jack looks up at the ring now and he grins at Reilly. Reilly grins back….REVOLUTION IS RISING!

*Angus Plague is back in the ring now. Is he in on it? He kneels down next to Scott Harris now and he rips off the protective mask from around his face before dragging him up and scoops him onto his shoulders before charging him into the corner and drills him with a death valley driver against the turnbuckle. Harris is being decimated here. Reilly is grinning from ear to ear as Angus Plague drags Harris by the wrist and leaves him in the middle of the ring. The champ drops down now and he applies the crossface. Harris’ face is a bruised and now bloody mess as the injuries are exacerbated once more without the mask for protection. PJ is smiling whilst Angus Plague now sits down in front of Harris and he presses his boot into his face…..Harris is known for his toughness but nobody can survive this and he has to tap his hand to the canvass. Daniel Reilly retains the belt and Revolution are reborn in 6CWF!

*Scott Harris flat on the canvass as we get a shot of his bloody face and his broken mask. Reilly, Perfect Jack and Angus Plague are standing tall in the ring now with their arms raised. Reilly steps in front of the camera and draws an “R” in the air as the audience boo. Reilly then tilts his head as we see Geoff Steel getting up on the outside. Plague rolls out one side of the ring and PJ the other. They charge around and Jack nails a chopblock at the same time as Plague almost takes Steel’s head off with another lariat. Reilly laughs and now he’s ripping the covers off one of the tables. He climbs up on it as Angus Plague drags Geoff Steel onto another. Plague flips Steel up now into a powerbomb position and then throws him into an “RKO” from Reilly through the table (ala Orton/Batista at WM30).

*Plague helps Reilly up now and we get a shot of Revolution standing tall as the cameras pan around to the devastation they have caused. What a moment here at Unleashed II!.


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6CWF Presents Unleashed II Results - 30th September 2024 Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Unleashed II Results - 30th September 2024

Post by JJJohnson Mon 30 Sep 2024, 9:38 pm

*JJ Johnson is sitting with Clarissa backstage as she asks him about Acer's attack and what he said backstage following. JJ is clearly disgruntled at not being world champion but there's a lot more emotion in him.

JJ: As I said, I didn't want this....but I don't think we got no choice no more....Acer says he wants it to be me and him....

Well maybe he should be careful what he wishes for....because when expectation becomes reality, most motherf***ers don't like what happens...

*JJ stands up and walks away. Clarissa watches him leave as Uryu sits down next to her.

Clarissa: So you got my text?

Uryu: I did....

Clarissa: I don't think there's any point in asking what you are going to do....I already know...

Uryu: You always did know me....I think that's what sent you running...

*The two of them look at one another

Clarissa: Good luck, Uryu...

*He nods at her as the scene ends

*The scene changes as Eddy Kent is standing in front of Rex Adamson. Rex is in his referee's gear as Eddy Kent has the 6WF Championship over his shoulder. Jackson Jackson is sitting on the sofa.

Kent: You are ready, my son?

Rex: I am...

Kent: You know what is expected....what Genesis expect....what I expect...

*A knock sounds at the door and Max Adamson walks in again with Damien Andrews.

Max: We just wanted to update you...

Kent: Wood's ran for the hills?

Max: Like f**k he has.....we've had a little deliberate...

*Andrews doesn't look overly pleased at this

Max: And "we've" decided....Rex calls this match down the middle....

Kent: And if he doesn't?

*Max looks at them all and grins before looking at the FFTR case

Max: We'll take the case.....anyways....good luck, champ!

*Jackson Jackson's face is unreadable as Max and Andrews leave. Eddy Kent looks angered whilst Rex is staring at his briefcase now.

*A battered GazzyD makes it backstage and he slumps against the wall in the dressing room. His phone rings and he answers. It's clear that Christy is on the other end. Gazzy smiles at the sound of his wife's voice and then he speaks with baby Willow also.....Gazzy, however, admits he is concerned because Angel (his best friend and former tag partner) was scheduled to be here tonight but didn't show. It is clear that Gazzy is now worried that Edward Plague may have something wicked planned.

*The newly reformed Revolution are in a celebratory mood as they are backstage and reunited with Oliver Keane. Keane is telling them what he has planned for them when Dicey Reilly steps out in front of them. Dicey's knee is heavily strapped but he just wanted them all to know that he's back. Reilly turns to the rest of Revolution and he grins.

Reilly: A one legged man against the greatest stable in pro wrestling....the fear is crushing me....

*They all laugh before Geoff Steel steps to Dicey's side

Steel: He won't be alone...

*Revolution stare at Dicey and Steel before smirking again and walking away. Dicey looks at Steel now.

Dicey: I'm pretty sure I had them ruffled...

Steel: I know you did...

*Final scene change and Blue Dragon is walking out to the parking lot and he looks at a trail of liquid that seems to lead all the way to his vehicle. He stops and stares before his attention is diverted to the side. Logan Kincade is standing there with a lighter in hand and he throws it down so it ignites the liquid and burns its way to the car before blowing it up. The flames burn into the night air as the two brothers just stare at one another.

The final shot is of the two hulking shadows illuminated in the flames staring across at each other.


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6CWF Presents Unleashed II Results - 30th September 2024 Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Unleashed II Results - 30th September 2024

Post by JJJohnson Mon 30 Sep 2024, 9:40 pm

Main Event
6WF World Heavyweight Championship
Eddy Kent © vs Liam Wood
Special Referee: Rex Adamson
Special Enforcer: Thunder

*The biggest “Proving Grounds” main event of the year is upon us and the crowd are making themselves heard. The commentators run down everything we have seen tonight and all the routes that have led us to this evening. Rex Adamson is the first man to enter the fray with his referee’s vest on. He receives a mixed reaction from the crowd and there is some discussion because he is carrying the FFTR case with him. “I’d imagine it is a backup, just incase Liam Wood somehow wins this match”. Rex paces the ring before Thunder’s music hits and there is another deafening reception for the returning fan favourite. Thunder is at ringside now and he looks up at Rex before patrolling the outside of the ring. This is going to be some matchup with both competitors, seemingly, having backup at ringside.

*Liam Wood’s arrival almost takes the roof off the Co-Op. He makes his way down to the ring and there is a staredown between himself and Thunder before he climbs into the ring to join Rex Adamson. Wood and Rex go nose to nose now and Wood is making sure the referee understands what is on the line here tonight. Rex merely glares into Wood’s eyes before stepping back from him. Is this the night when Liam Wood finally becomes champion again? Will Eddy Kent’s historic and record breaking reign be ended?

*It is the grand entrance for Eddy Kent. Miss Jessica’s face appears on the big screen talking about how Genesis is the purveyor of truth and that their era cannot and will not be ended. The green and black “G” of Genesis falls from flags on either side of the stage before Eddy Kent appears in a full blown Genesis inspired superhero outfit. He nods his head to the reception of the crowd before Michael Sweetwater appears at his side.

JT: Surely not?

RJ: I’m not sure Thunder is going to allow this…

*Thunder is pointing at Sweetwater and trying to get Rex’s attention but Rex merely shrugs. Sweetwater grins as he continues to stand by Kent’s side as they make their way down the ramp down. Kent removes his outfit and Sweetwater drapes it across the steel steps. Wood is pointing to Sweetwater now but Rex dismisses it…

Rex: I’m the ref….I have everything in hand…

*Wood looks pi55ed as Rex calls both fighters toward him so he can explain the rules and expectations. Now comes a big moment because Rex wants the 6WF World Championship belt from Eddy Kent. Kent is looking at the gold and it takes nearly a minute for him to put it in Rex’s hands, something not unnoticed by Liam Wood.

Wood: When are you gonna wake up?

Rex looks at the title belt and then he shows it to Liam Wood before holding it in the air. Eddy Kent is looking up at the gold in Rex’s hands like a jilted partner but then he steels himself as the championship is handed outside the ring to the timekeeper. Rex looks to Thunder to make sure he is also ready to do his duty here before he calls for the bell and we are underway. JT and RJ are struggling to be heard over the audience, this is as big a fight feeling as you can imagine.

JT: This is Born in Fire worthy….

RJ: Night of Glory worthy….this match could headline any show in any stadium around the globe….and we are bringing it to you live on Amazon Prime….

*Wood and Kent circle one another before locking up in centre ring. Kent applies a side headlock and grins at Rex but then Wood backs into the ropes and shoots him across the ring. Kent returns and looks for a clothesline but Wood ducks it and snaps off a jaw to the mouth before swiping the champion’s legs. The crowd roar as Wood now spins Kent around (ala Cesaro) for ten seconds before dropping him. Kent is dazed and confused as Wood decides he is finishing this quick…


Kent avoids the foot stomp and he rolls Wood up with a schoolboy but Wood rolls right out onto his feet and he grabs Kent’s head before flipping him up and decimates him with a lungblower. Liam Wood has started out at one hell of a pace. Wood takes a look at Rex Adamson as he heads for the corner and he climbs up high before delivering a flying elbow drop to the heart. He covers but Michael Sweetwater is on the apron to distract the referee. The crowd are booing as Rex and Sweetwater are engaged in conversation before Thunder pulls Sweetwater down from the apron. They square up now and Sweetwater jabs Thunder in the chest.

JT: I’m not sure that’s wise…

*Thunder shakes his head and turns away. Sweetwater fidgets in his pocket now and he pulls out a brass knuck. He swings it at Thunder but he is fully aware of what is coming and ducks as Sweety punches the ringpost. Thunder suplexes Sweetwater into a cradle position now and drills him with a muscle buster in the aisleway. This one is going nuts and we are barely minutes into this match. Rex Adamson is resting on the ropes and watching the action with a smile on his face until Liam Wood clicks his fingers in his face and wants him to concentrate on the in-ring fight.

Eddy Kent is crawling up as Wood beckons him around and kicks him in the gut. “Manson Driver” on the cards but Kent swings out and knees Wood in the stomach before nailing him with a spiked DDT for a two count. Kent looks at Rex (he doesn’t say anything but he wants a quicker count) before heading for the corner. He climbs up high for the “Kent Bomb” but Wood gets his knees up into the spine. Kent rolls away and ends up on the apron. He tries to drag himself up………APRON SPEAR!

*Wood and Kent slam down onto the arena floor at Thunder’s feet as the audience go wild. Rex has no intention of a countout here and he’s going to let them go for their lives it would seem. Wood is the first to his feet and he smashes Kent’s head off the steel steps before running him around ringside and launches him over the remaining announce desks. Kent smashes into the barriers behind and is slumped as Wood glares at him, his chest heaving in and out.

RJ: This is months and months’ worth of frustration pouring out of Liam Wood…

Wood drags Kent to his feet again and he lifts him into a suplex position before dropping him, ribs first, on top of the announce table. Kent is slumped there as Wood walks over to the timekeeper’s area to grab a steel chair. He looks at Rex (almost daring him to try and stop him) but the referee is happy for this to go. Thunder looks at Wood and Rex’s interaction but keeps his thoughts to himself. Wood climbs up on the apron now and he runs across with the steel chair…


Wood leaps through the air with the chair and looks to slam down on top of Kent but the world champion rolls off the table in time as Wood slams down on the edge. The crowd are groaning and wincing at the horrific landing. The table doesn’t break but something might have snapped in Wood’s arm or side following that landing.

*Eddy Kent looks down at the steel chair and then at Rex Adamson (I don’t think he’s happy at what Rex was going to allow). He drags Wood up and crashes his arm and shoulder against the ringpost now before slinging him back into the ring. Kent grabs the steel chair now but Thunder rips it out of his hands, drawing massive cheers. Kent looks like he wants to fight Thunder but Rex grabs the world champ and urges him to get in the ring and finish the job. Rex and Thunder glare at one another now before Rex rolls back in the ring.

Kent beckons Wood up and slings him onto his shoulders for a rolling fireman’s carry but Wood elbows his way free and shoves him to the corner. He chases in but eats double feet to the face that knock him back. Kent lifts himself onto the second rope and jumps off with an axe handle but Wood catches him and drills him with a reverse swinging STO (Sister Abigail)………………1………………2………kickout. Wood raises his head, wincing at the pain in his arm, and stares at Rex (does he suspect a slow count?).

*Wood drags Kent up again and he whips him off the ropes. He looks to pop him up for the “World Eater” but his bad arm goes out on him. Kent lands on his feet and he scoops Wood up before nailing a shoulderbreaker across his knee. Kent heads for the corner now and launches himself into the “Kent Bomb”………………………1…………………2……………Liam Wood kicks out, astonishing!

Eddy Kent rises now and it is clear he isn’t happy with Rex. He slaps his hands together to show his Rex should be counting.

Rex: It was two…

Rex goes to turn away but Kent grabs his arm and turns him around…

RJ: Oh…

JT: When the gold is on the line, Eddy Kent cares about nothing else…

Rex looks at where Kent’s hand is and slowly the world champion withdraws. He looks back at Rex (is there regret?) before focusing back on Liam Wood. He ushers him up onto his feet and then he roars out toward him…




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6CWF Presents Unleashed II Results - 30th September 2024 Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Unleashed II Results - 30th September 2024

Post by JJJohnson Mon 30 Sep 2024, 9:40 pm

The crowd erupt as Wood dodges the brogue kick and he splatters Eddy Kent into the canvass….1


Rex whips around to make the count but he “accidentally” seems to push Kent’s foot close to the ropes and calls the pinfall off. Liam Wood looks ready to flip now as he rises and gets in Rex’s face. He shoves Rex in the chest….

RJ: Wood thinks Rex screwed him…

JT: He might have a point…

RJ: But he needs to concentrate on the match….

*Wood and Rex continue to jaw jack one another before Wood steps away. He looks out at Thunder, who just stares back at his friend, and then refocuses on Eddy Kent. Kent is crawling on all fours as Wood backs up in the corner and he lifts himself onto the second rope….


Kent is quick to grab Wood’s feet and he rips him off the turnbuckle so that he lands hard on the back of his head. The world champ rags Wood back up and splatters him into the mat with the “Mic Check” from nowhere. He hooks both legs as Rex slides over to make the cover………….1……………..2………WOOD KICKS OUT!

The audience was hoping this match was going to deliver and they are not being disappointed. Eddy Kent kneels and stares up at Rex with a mix of dismay and frustration. He then rolls over to the corner and he ushers for Wood to stand up. He looks almost manic as he waits for his foe to rise and then leaps toward him with the “Genesis Kick” but Wood ducks it and he chokeslams Kent into a backbreaker. Kent clutches his spine and rolls over on his knees as Wood applies the “Viper Lock” in the middle of the ring. Is Eddy Kent going to tap out? The 6WF Championship is in serious jeopardy here. Rex is kneeling next to Kent and asking him if he wants to quit but he shakes his head. Wood is staring at Rex…

Wood: I’m taking that f***ing belt home with me…

*Kent is in the hold for nearly two minutes and he fades as Rex checks his pulse. The arm drops twice but then flies into the air before the three can be completed. The world champion shows his spirit to rise up with Wood on his back and then leaps backwards so that he lands on top of him on the canvass, breaking the hold in the process. Kent is still feeling the effects of the submission as Wood rises first and heads for the corner. Wood is on the ropes now but Kent shoves Rex into the ropes so that he causes Wood to fall into a crotched position.

Rex: The f**?

Kent looks at Rex with no hint of apology before heading to the corner. He climbs up now and he scoops Wood on his shoulders before nailing the rolling fireman’s slam from the top. Kent isn’t satisfied, however, as he clambers back up and climbs the turnbuckle….KENT BOMB!....This has to be all she wrote. Kent makes the cover now and he holds his fingers in the air to count along…



*The Co-Op is electric as Wood kicks out again. Eddy Kent is slapping his hands on the canvass, spittle flying from his mouth, before his gaze reaches Rex Adamson…

Kent: Rex…my son…is this the plan? You’re going to defy me? Try to take what is mine?

Rex is staring at Eddy Kent, unblinking…

Kent: After everything I have done….

Kent staggers to his feet now as he gets up close to Rex…

Rex: You need to concentrate on the match, Eddy…finish him….

Kent: I want you to do it…

Rex: What? I’m the ref….they’ll take my case…

Kent: What’s more important? Genesis is your life….that case is nothing but a distraction….

Rex: I put everything into winning that case…


*The audience cannot believe what they are watching as Eddy Kent steps to the side and motions for Rex to take out Liam Wood. Wood is struggling on the canvass as Rex rubs at his temples and seems to be having a moment. He looks at Kent again before dropping to a knee…

RJ: He’s not? He’s going to throw away his “Fight for the Right”….

JT: Genesis got him this far….


Thunder grabs Liam Wood’s legs and drags him under the bottom rope before Rex can run out and spear him. Thunder is glaring up at Genesis now and shaking his head. Eddy Kent looks apoplectic as he rolls from the ring now and he clatters Liam Wood before slamming him into the steel steps. He looks at Thunder as he stomps on Wood repeatedly….Rex Adamson is still looking shook by the predicament he found himself in…

*Kent drags Wood back up and he slings him in the ring before ripping up the apron and this time he produces the sledgehammer. Thunder takes a step forward but Kent points the hammer at him in warning before he rolls back in the ring. Wood is stumbling to a knee as Kent gets the hammer in position and charges forward…


Wood dodges the hammer blow and then swipes Kent’s legs before catapulting him into the corner. Kent’s head slams against the turnbuckle and he staggers back around as Wood superkicks his knees out from under him and runs the ropes….


Kent pulls his head out of the way of the foot stomp at the last second. He grabs Wood by the waist now for a German suplex but Wood smashes huge elbows into his head until he releases….Kent stumbles away as Wood makes a grab for the sledgehammer….


There is a huge reaction from the crowd as Wood moves and Eddy Kent nails the brogue kick on Rex Adamson. Kent looks stunned as he turns around and eats the sledgehammer to his gut….he drops on all fours as Wood lifts himself on the ropes….



Thunder rolls in the ring as Wood drills Kent into the canvass with the stomp….



Thunder’s hand comes down for the three but then he stops. Liam Wood’s reaction seems to be in slow motion as he sees his friend’s hand in midair and then Thunder blasts his forearm forward into the bridge of Wood’s nose, sending him rolling across the canvass. Thunder gets up as Wood staggers into the corner and he crashes into him with a brutal shining wizard before lifting him onto the ropes. He pulls Wood onto his shoulders and drills him with a muscle buster in the middle of the ring….


Thunder has a blank expression on his face as he kneels over Wood for a moment and then leaves the ring. There are stunned expressions all around the Co-Op Arena now. Rex Adamson is holding his jaw as he’s trying to recover from Kent’s kick. Wood is motionless on the canvass as Kent crawls over and drops an arm on his chest………………..1………………….2………………….3!


*The commentators cannot believe what has just gone down and there is a real air around the arena that everyone is feeling the same. Eddy Kent is sat with a triumphant and smug grin on his face as black and green confetti falls from the rafters. Rex Adamson rolls from the ring and grabs the 6WF World Heavyweight Championship and then he looks at his FFTR case. What is going through his mind right now?

Miss Jessica is rushing down to ringside now and he climbs in to join Eddy Kent with his celebrations. Michael Sweetwater staggers around ringside and he takes the 6WF belt from Rex and rolls in to join Kent and Jessica. Rex is left on the outside holding his case….he looks up at the other members of Genesis…

RJ: I’m no psychologist but I’d say Rex Adamson is having a real deep think right now…

JT: Here? At Unleashed?

Kent is hugging Jessica and then he can be heard asking “Where’s Rex?”. He stumbles around as Rex is climbing into the ring now. Will he cash in? There is a tense moment as Rex marches forward but then he grabs Kent’s arm and raises it in victory. Jessica is applauding and calling on Sweetwater to duet with her as Rex and Kent hug one another in the centre of the ring…

Kent: Sometimes, my son, in the heat of battle….things are said…

Rex: I get it….

Kent: But I want you to know, I forgive you….

We get a shot of Rex’s face after Kent says this and his brow furrows. Kent keeps the hug going for another minute as Rex is clearly deep in thought. We see Michael Sweetwater looking over, suspiciously, as Kent grabs Rex’s arm now and raises it to the audience. The Genesis celebration goes on for another few moments but it seems we won’t be getting the duet after all….Rex is the first to leave the ring and grabs his case from the apron. He looks at it for a long moment and then up into the air at the “Born in Fire” sign. Sweetwater is hot on his heels and it clear that his lack of trust with Rex hasn’t faltered. Kent and Jessica are arm in arm as they follow their quarrelling “sons” up the ramp. We then get a shot of Liam Wood sitting on the canvass looking forlorn at what has happened. He sits there is disbelief for what seems an age, not moving or showing any sign of reaction. His unreadable face is the last image we see as the show comes to a close.


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