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6CWF Presents Scars & Stripes - Sunday July 14th 2024

Uryu Ishida
Perfect Jack
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6CWF Presents Scars & Stripes - Sunday July 14th 2024 Empty 6CWF Presents Scars & Stripes - Sunday July 14th 2024

Post by JJJohnson Sat 29 Jun 2024, 1:15 pm


Live from the AT&T Stadium in Arlington, Texas
Start time : 6:30pm
Official theme songs: "This is the way" by Five Finger Death Punch & DMX

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Bout 1
6CWF European Championship
Dicey Reilly (c) vs Enforcer

Bout 2
6CWF Xtreme Championship
Texas Bull Rope
Geoff Steel (c) vs Marty Helms

Bout 3
6CWF Tag Team Championships
The Coalition vs The Wolf Gang

Bout 4
Ambulance Match
GazzyD vs Logan Kincade

Bout 5
Perfect Jack vs Uryu Ishida

Bout 6
Fight for the Right
Ladder Match
Rex Adamson (c) vs Chris Patricks

Bout 7
6CW World Championship
Last Rites
Edward Plague (c) vs Blue Dragon

Main Event
6WF World Heavyweight Championship
Eddy Kent (c) vs Acer vs Daniel Reilly vs Liam Wood vs Mike Masters vs Percy Percival vs Scott Harris


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6CWF Presents Scars & Stripes - Sunday July 14th 2024 Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Scars & Stripes - Sunday July 14th 2024

Post by x12x Sat 29 Jun 2024, 1:39 pm

Revival Mode by Every Time I Die blasts from the speakers and the fans jump to their feet. While there are some negative reactions it is mainly positive as the former EWF World Champion and current challenger to the 6WF Title walks out on to the stage. Wood takes a short moment to soak in the attention before quickly making his way down to the ring and rolling under the bottom rope.

As Wood gets to his feet he takes another moment to take in the reaction of the fans before looking at the Titatron that features the perfectly designed poster for Scars And Stripes (if I do say so myself).

"One Hour Could Change It All" is the thing that stands out to me the most when I look at the poster for Scars And Stripes and that's because it's true...

The Hour could honestly change the landscape of this company.

Wood lowers the mic and nods to himself as the fans cheer again before he continues

An hour isn't a long time but for me, that hour could bring to an end seven years of waiting to crown myself a world champion again. That hour could once again place me where I belong...the top the mountain...

...and I'm going to do everything in my power to make sure that everything does change.

Wood pauses again, the fans once again getting louder with their cheers for him

So this is a message to every other man in that match...

...if you aren't willing to put it all on the line? Stay at home.
If you aren't willing to risk it all? You aren't ready.
and if you aren't willing to go as far as I am? Stay the f**k out of my way...

...because you can come out here and talk about how you're the best and how you're willing to prove it but the truth is we can all see through the lies that some of you telling. We all remember which one of you have packed your bags and left on multiple occasions and which one of you has other people do his dirty work.

Mike Masters, Scott Harris, Percy Percival, Acer and Daniel Reilly...some of us have history and some of us have never truly interacted but Scars And Stripes isn't going to be personal, it's just business...if you get in my way or try to stop me, I will make sure you regret those decisions.

It's nothing personal though boys...'re in the way of what I want...

...nothing more, nothing less!

Wood pauses one last time and slowly begins to pace, after a few moments he speaks again

You might have noticed though, I never mentioned one of the guys in the match and one person some would say is pretty important and that's the 6WF Champion Eddy Kent. Well, you know the reason I didn't want to mention his name is that because if I say it too much he might be tempted to come out here and talk for the next 20 minutes about why he gets teenage boys to call him Daddy, despite being a fully grown adult...

...and do any of us want that?

Wood mockingly shrugs causing the fans to laugh, a vocal group start chanting "hell no" but there is also clearly some love for Kenty from the Genesis faithful. Wood remains stood tall in the ring with a smirk on his face.


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6CWF Presents Scars & Stripes - Sunday July 14th 2024 Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Scars & Stripes - Sunday July 14th 2024

Post by acer101 Sat 29 Jun 2024, 3:47 pm

The hard-cam focuses on Wood as someone jumps the barricade, prompting security to swarm. The tension eases as they recognise Acer, who grabs a microphone and climbs onto the announcers' desk.

"Sorry to interrupt," Acer begins, "but I was just doing a meet and greet in the foyer when I heard you were out here. I heard you say that you’ve never interacted with some of those in The Hour, so consider this an introduction." Acer waves at Wood, as the crowd responds with a mix of cheers and chants.

"I've got to say, if I wasn’t in this match, I’d be 100% rooting for you. Seven years without a World Championship, potentially the final chapter in a seven-year story of trying to get back to the top of the mountain. Who wouldn’t get behind that?"

Acer pauses as the crowd roars, chanting both his name and Wood's. "But while seven years is a long time, try 18 years without a World Championship. So everything you feel, multiply it two, three, maybe four times, and you’re getting close to how I feel. Now, I’ve never claimed to be the best in the world, but I’ve always said that I can hang with the best. While you're driven to become World Champion again, I’m obsessed with winning that belt that currently lives on Eddy Kent’s shoulder, even if it’s for a week, a day, hell, even if it’s for five minutes. Just so on that day of victory, I can say, ‘I am the best in the world,’ and make this near two-decade career actually mean something."

Acer leans forward, his voice intensifying. "I'm a realist. I can see that we’re on two different trajectories, and it just so happens that our paths meet while we’re both a mere 60 minutes away from our end-goals. Either of us can win at Scars and Stripes, and at the same time, neither of us may walk away champion. But make no mistake, I’m confident that both of us will be World Champion in the future. Whether it's at the expense of each other or if we unintentionally get in each other's way, who knows. But understand this, while I respect you, I will not be stepping aside for you. I wish you the best of luck, and I'll see you at Scars and Stripes."

With that, Acer drops the microphone, the crowd buzzing with anticipation. He jumps down from the announce desk, hops the barricade, and begins to disappear into the sea of fans, leaving the arena electrified by his words


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6CWF Presents Scars & Stripes - Sunday July 14th 2024 Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Scars & Stripes - Sunday July 14th 2024

Post by x12x Sun 30 Jun 2024, 8:17 am

Wood laugh to himself as Acer exits and he's once again left alone in the area, Wood takes a second for the cheers to die down before speaking

Well I guess that's one way to make an introduction...

...but you know what? I appreciate it...I've been in these big multi man matches and I normally go in to them with a me against the world attitude but I'll be honest...I actually have quite a bit of respect for the men in this match

The fans are almost confused as Wood seems to be showing a more humble side

Well you know...apart from Daniel Reilly, Mike Masters and of course Eddy Kent...

The fans laugh as Wood pauses one last time

...but I know I need to walk in to that match knowing that anyone, even Percy Percival, could walk out as champion and i need to make sure I don't lose track of whats in important and that's becoming the 6WF World Champion.

So guys...wether I respect you, hate you or something in best believe I am walking in to that match to crown myself champion

Wood nods to himself and remains in the ring with a confident look on his face


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6CWF Presents Scars & Stripes - Sunday July 14th 2024 Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Scars & Stripes - Sunday July 14th 2024

Post by gazzyD Sun 30 Jun 2024, 3:39 pm

We open with a shot of an unknown outdoor location, a heavily wooded area with a small clearance in the middle. A small outbuilding can be seen circled by the hooded followers of Plague. The camera zooms in towards the building and then through the window. We see the image of a forlorn gazzy perched on the end of his bed, head in his hands

The camera shot fades and is replaced with an interior shot, we see gazzy clearer, black bags under his eyes. He looks at the mirror above the desk in front of him, his eyes drawn to the photo taped to the side of it. He gets up and grabs the photo and as he stares at it tears form in his eyes. He quickly wipes them away as there is a knock at his door

G: yeah

The door slowly opens and two of Plagues hooded followers march a third person in to the room, a bag on their head as if to keep the current location a secret to them. One of the followers removes the bag, and we see Christy, also look a bit worse for wear. She wrestles free of and runs towards gazzy, throwing her arms around him. The two embrace, clear they've not seen each other as of late

??: you have five minutes

the two followers leave, closing the door behind them

g: Christy......what are you doing here? Is everything OK?

CJ: Everything's fine

They continue to hug

G: Are you sure. Are they treating you OK?

CJ: Its no Claridges, but yeah, there's no need to worry about me

G: and Willow?

CJ: she misses you. We both miss you

They kiss, and Christy takes a seat on the edge of gazzy's bed as he walks towards the window and looks to ensure that none of Plagues followers are trying to listen in

G: Its safe, you can be honest with me. How they treating you?

CJ: Honestly....its fine. I just want this all to be over you know. I just want it to be our little family back at home in Manchester

G: so what are you doing here?

CJ: I overheard that son of a b!tch Plague talking to two of them. He said he wanted you in good spirits ahead of your big match and that seeing me would provide you with a morale boost. What match is he talking about? We've not been allowed to follow anything from the complex

G: you really wanna know?

Christy nods and gazzy exhales heavily

G: At Scars and Stripes I have to go one on one with Logan Kincade
In an anything goes Ambulance match
and Logan Kincade two nights ago was ready to run me down in the Hammerstein Ballroom parking lot and would have done had it not been for 6CW management

Christy sits expressionless a moment as she takes in what gazzy has said and then suddenly begins to cry leading gazzy to sit down next to her and take her in her arms

G: Don't get upset. Its going to be OK

CJ: Is it? You've just told me that the same person who was willing to run you over, you now have to fight and if he tries to do it it again, then hes allowed to do so as part of some stupid match. I hate this......I really do. I wish this was over

She sobs harder

G: sshhhh, don't cry baby. Its gonna be OK. This will all be over before you know it. this situation we got here, this isn't a forever thing you know. Good days are coming (gazzy almost sounds as though he's trying to convince himself than Christy)

Christy lifts her head and wipes her tears away on her sleeve

CJ: What do you mean? What you got planned?

G: I've been doing nothing but thinking of ways out of this, and at the moment I'm batting a zero, but something will happen, there'll be a moment when an opening appears out of nothing and I'll be ready to seize that and save us, from all of this

CJ: and what about Logan? What about this ambulance match?

G: Honestly, most people will think me crazy after what happened the other night, and maybe I am, but you know its a nice break from being stuck in here with nothing but my own thoughts for company. Plus if I can beat him, maybe, just maybe Plague may let you and Willow go back home

There's a knock at the door. Christy fights back more tears and she grabs gazzys face with both hands and kisses him again when the hooded Plague followers enter the room again and pull her away forcefully

G: Don't you dare grab her like that

Gazzy gets to his fight and drops the hooded follower with a right hand and grabs the second and drives his head in to the wall, he grabs Christy

G: Listen to me......I will get you out of here, you and Willow. I love you both. Don't let them break you, keep strong

A dozen of Plagues followers come through the door and gazzy tries to fight them off but he is quickly overpowered and wrestled down to the ground. One of the followers takes a cloth and pours a liquid on it and holds it over gazzy's mouth and nose and he begins to fade. The last image gazzy sees before his eyes close are Christy screaming for gazzy before being gagged and the bag put back over head and being lead out of the room as the scene fades out


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6CWF Presents Scars & Stripes - Sunday July 14th 2024 Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Scars & Stripes - Sunday July 14th 2024

Post by Perfect Jack Sun 30 Jun 2024, 8:30 pm

Perfect Jack is pacing back and forth, he is looking disheveled, wearing the same clothes he has recently, his once blonde hair looking dirty brown and greasy, clearly disregarding personal hygeine recently. He paces towards an empty interview area and grabs a microphone from a nearby stage hand who jumps back in fear. He shouts towards the camera crew and tells them to start filming.


Jack is pacing back and forth with the microphone in one hand and pulling his hair with the other.

PJ: I am going to hurt you. This isn't about winning or losing this is about hurting people. This is about inflicting pain and punishment on the very people who stood by and watched me suffer. Stood aside and did nothing to help. I don't know your marital status, I don't know if you have children or not but I ask this of you.

Jack stands right in front of the camera and looks down the lens, hiding his scarred eye from clear view.

PJ: All I ask is don't let them come to the arena, don't let them watch at home. This isn't going to be pretty, what I'm willing to do to myself just to hurt you is unimaginable. I don't have anything to lose, my wife; estranged. My children, taken from me. All I have left is my will, my will to hurt people. Starting with you, one by one I will hurt everyone in 6CWF.

Jack takes a moment before speaking again.

PJ: Everyone who forgot me, will always remember what I did to them.

Perfect Jack drops the microphone and walks away, with the surrounding crew members moving quickly out of his way.

Perfect Jack

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6CWF Presents Scars & Stripes - Sunday July 14th 2024 Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Scars & Stripes - Sunday July 14th 2024

Post by x12x Sun 30 Jun 2024, 8:50 pm

CCClouds by He Is Legend plays and the arena fills with boos as 6CW World Champion Edward Plague makes his way out to the ring and is followed by various members of the Plague Family Cult. As the camera looks at the group we see some of them sporting injuries from the last episode of Proving Grounds but each member is still smiling and looking at Plague with adoration. Plague makes his way to the ring and enters with the followers surrounding the ring, all linking arms and holding hands

What you see before family...

Plague smiles as he looks around the circumference of the ring, his eyes looking at each member as they look right back at him

Plague: matter what this world throws at us, we will remain that...a family... see, there are those out there who want to destroy what we have built but even with the pain they inflict, my family still grows and supports each other. My family, each and every soul with me today, understands that pain is tempory in the face of destiny and there is nothing that can break us...

...Not attacks...
not betrayals...
...or disappointments...


Plague continues to pace the ring and look at his followers who surround the ring as he speaks

At Scars And Stripes I defend not only MY title...
...but OUR message...

...a message that your heroes have failed you and you need ME to raise you from the dirt!

Plague is stopped in his tracks as this line causes the fans in attendance to boo like crazy but instead of reacting angrily he begins to laugh


The men you call heroes are nothing but glorified monsters who are willing to hurt others to get what they want and all they care about is many souls did Uryu Ishida save when he held MY title?!


Plague calms himself, clearly getting worked up before speaking again

You see you call me a monster because I am willing to hurt people and be honest about it but since I returned to this company I have been set on fire, I have had my skin torn with barbed wire, I have been thrown through glass from great heights...

...I have been hurt by your so called heroes and you cheered...

...yet when I do it, I'm a monster?!

Plague pauses one last time

I am not afraid to pull back the curtain and show the world the true darkness that is our there...I am not afraid to bleed and suffer to show you all the truth...

...I do it so that I can save even just one of you and open your eyes to the truth...

...the others don't care about you...
...but I do... Scars And Stripes I will once again prove this and it's up to you to stop being ignorant and open your eyes!

Plague lowers the mic and the fans once again boo him causing the followers who have packed out the ringside area to start singing "HE'S GOT THE WHOLE WORLD IN HIS HANDS" in an attempt to counter the anger from the fans.


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6CWF Presents Scars & Stripes - Sunday July 14th 2024 Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Scars & Stripes - Sunday July 14th 2024

Post by BlueDragon1205 Mon 01 Jul 2024, 1:55 am

The sound of faint mumbled works can be heard, echoing through the building as we find ourselves in a church. 

The priest at the front, an older man in luxurious robes adorned with crosses and next to him sits a casket, in a polished dark wood. On top of the casket sits an arrangement of flowers and two framed pictures, one of a young man in a military uniform, the picture is in black and white as the man stands proudly holding a rifle, the other picture seems to be same man. It's a modern picture on him much, much older. The elderly man in the picture has a tired but content looks on his face. The priest is speaking..


Psalm 116...
I love the lord, for he heard my voice...
he heard my cry for mercy...
Because he turned his ear to me, I will call on him as long as I live....

He pauses for a second, the mourners clinging to his every his every word...

The cords of death entangled me...
the anguish of the grave came over me...
I was overcome by distress and sorrow, then I called on the name of the Lord...

Lord, save me!..

The priest smiles and continues...

The Lord is gracious and righteous...
our God is full of compassion...
The Lord protects the unwary, when I was brought low, he saved me...

Return to your rest, my soul...
for the Lord has been good to you...

A man in the congregation coughs as others look towards him scowling..

For you, Lord, have delivered me from death...
my eyes from tears...
my feet from stumbling,...
that I may walk before the Lord, in the land of the living.

In the Land of the Living...

And now we will hear from some of James' family, begining with his son James..

The priest steps back and allows a small slim man up onto the lectern, he opens a notebook and he takes a deep breath before begining to speak

Dad was a soldier, long before he was a husband or a father. He went to war to fight for this country and for it's freedoms, he faught so that we can all have the things we have and so that we have the safety that we do, and for that dad, I thank you. 
I wanted to share something that I read..

People in the church begin to mutter as there is the slightest commotion towards the back.. James continues..

God saw that he was getting tired...
A cure was not to be.
So He put His arms around him...
and whispered, “Come with Me.”
With tearful eyes, we watched him suffer...
And saw him fade away.
Although we loved him dearly...
We could not make him stay.

James stops for a second. 
His voice had started cracking, and he wipes a tear from his eye. A young boy from the front row comes and hugs his leg to console him. 
As someone in the congregation starts shuffling along the pews. Making others stand as he does so..

A golden heart stopped beating...
Hard working hands to rest...
God broke our hearts to prove to us...
He only takes...
The Best...


Everyone turns towards the shadows as the clapping is coming from the man who exited to pews. He has moved around the side of the congregation. The mourners all gasp and then are in silent shock as the man works his way around towards the front. James sends the young boy back to his seat and he steps into the shadow to confront the man. Before he even says a word a massive hand reaches out from the shadows and holds his shoulder. The massive man whispers something in his ear before his hand slides around James' throat and he lifts him off the ground. Pushing him roughly back into the pews. James sits terrified and holds onto his chest clearly in alot of pain...

The figure emerges from the shadows as the camera pans up him, smart dress shoes, black pants, a black shirt and black tie. We see the man now in all his glory. 

Blue Dragon turns towards the mourners and he nods respectfully. He steps towards the lectern and he places his hands flat on the top. He looks over as the casket and he wipes a fake tear from his eye...

I'm sorry for your loss, all of you. The fella seems like he was a good man, listening to what youve had to say, he seems like he was a good father. Like he was a real man, faught till the very end.. stiff upper lip and all that...

BD winks at the grieving widow. A woman next to her, perhaps her granddaughter, flutters her eyelashes at BD who simply smiles and continues..

I came here to think, after what my own father had to say to me last week. You see guys, I am not a good man. I am, very much, a bad man. Because when I came here to get some quiet and be with my thoughts, I saw this.. a funeral for a stranger, i saw the flowers, the big 'DAD'  in the car and I thought maybe I could learn a thing or two from this. Maybe by seeing what a father can be, I can see exactly why I should ignore the pr*ck that I call a father. But hearing the words of our good man here (he motions towards the terrified priest) I see now that we are all part of something bigger... 
We all belong to the plans of another, higher power.

The priest nods and slightly relaxed. Still clearly scared but at least he can take solace that someone was listening to him...

Unfortunately for me, that 'higher power' is the man that I'm talking about my own corrupt dad. So can I ask you, your holiness.. what should a man do if hes been hurt by someone else?

He should Forgive...

Oh ok, sound... And what if the same person that hurt him, is the one person who has promised to protect him from harm?

Then the person who should protect should seek forgiveness, not only in your own heart but from our lord. He should look into his own actions and ask if they mirror that of the lord and of our saviour Jesus Christ...

Or we could deal with it another way? You see mate, I mean your highness, I mean.. oh whatever!! You see, my father hurt my feelings last week and it was all there for the world to see.. it was recorded on camera, like those ones at the back..

Dragon points at the camera and breaks the fourth wall waving at the viewer at home..

It was filmed and it was shown on live TV, my own father told me that I'm a good man, he told me that I'm not a monster? The man who knows what I'm capable of. My own dad who I put in a coma when I was 15 years old. I stamped on his.head until blood poured from his ears and he now tells me I'm too tame to be a real threat? Are you f*cking joking?!

Please sir, this is the house of the lord...

I'm sorry mate, I wasn't aware he was such a snowflake.. may I? Yes I will... 

As Dragon speaks people start leaving the church. Women and children first as alot of the men seem to want to defend their families honour one man stands and walks towards Dragon as another man puts an arm out to stop him the two stand scowling at BD knowing it will end badly should they try to remove him..

He's not the only one to underestimate me, I was followed here by these cameras because they wanted some sort of scoop to show on TV of me getting ready for my Last Rites match against Plague at Scars and Stripes. Well I suppose this could be considered a message, I have no issue with these people, I simply wanted to feel the room here and get her my thoughts, but it seems that this place, that all this talk of fathers and sons has really woken something inside me... 
The need to send a message maybe...

Plague.. you want to stand and you want to lecture your followers. Your flock? Well you take a good look at this man.. you look at what he does here, he delivers lectures just like you, he does so with respect for his fellow man. He knows that he's no better than them, are at least he should do. Whereas you? You want to deliver lessons to your people, you want to tell your subs that your going to make an example of me, your going to send a message.. week after week I hear the same diatribe, the same words in a different order. Well I'm not normally a man of words but just for you Eddy, I'll see if I can find the right ones...

Dragon grabs the Priest and he lifts him off his feet and he sets him down Infront of the lectern, he roughly straightens his robes, the two men from the pews run up and start getting in Dragons face. BD throws his head into he face of the first man busting him open and dropping him to the floor. The second man reaches out at BD who grabs his hand out of the air and twists his hand, a cracking sound a sickening yelp as heard before the man is on the ground sceeching and cradling his arm...

Last Rites Doc.. start reading...

The priest flicks through a large book on the top of the podium, he's searching for something before he says something to Dragon that we can't make out

Go get it then!!

He drops the priest who scuttles to a book shelf and rifles through the volumes. Another man comes running at Blue Dragon who quickly turns his body to one side and as the man passes he punches the man in the back of the head. He drops to the ground and slides around four feet into a large crucifix knocking it over and spilling a bowl of anointing oil onto the floor. The priest returns as Dragon is meeting another attacker head on. This man is big, he swings a punch into Dragons body as it takes alot of wind from BDs lungs, Dragon nods his head, almost enjoying that someone actually hurt him. Before he stands upright and lets the man take a swing at his face. Dragon ducks the punch and he drives a fist into them mans stomach, the air leaves his body and he looks up at BD wheezing. Dragon lifts a knee into hair jaw and then grabs the man's face, he turns with him and he throws his head first into the casket, knocking it off the stand onto the ground as another bowl of oil is knocked over spilling into the red carpet as the priest begins to speak...

In this moment of sorrow..  
The Lord is in our midst and comforts us with his word....
Blessed are the sorrowful, they shall be consoled....

Dragon is fighting with another two men as the priest reads, one man picks up a large metal cross and he strikes Dragon with it over the back. The cross bends and buckles and a piece of it cuts the priests face. The camera zooms in on his. Trying to read from the book with blood in his eyes, sobbing at what has become of his church..


Dragon picks the man up and throws him through a large stained glass panel at the very front of the church. The priest has had enough. He dives over the lectern and he grabs Blue Dragon by the leg

You have brought this holy place to its knees, you demon, you dishonour our faith.. and worst of all... 
F*ck off!!!

Dragon looks shocked for a second before he kicks out his leg. The priest flying away, through the lectern, breaking the podium apart and the book of prayers lands on top of the casket. Dragon smiles to himself, almost proud that he made a man of the cloth curse in his own church. He takes a few steps towards the casket and he grabs the book. He steps up onto the casket, as he does so a candle is knocked over and the oils filled carpet catches light. Dragon is framed in flames as he stands on the casket. He opens the book and begins to read...

In this moment of sorrow... 
The Lord is in our midst and comforts us with his word...
Blessed are the sorrowful, they shall be consoled...
I commend you, Edward Plague, to Almighty God...  
and entrust you to your Creator.

Dragon is standing on top of the casket as the flames are getting closer, the church is empty and even the cameramen are starting to back towards an exit, there is a sick smile on Dragons face as he continues.

May you return to him who formed you from the dust of the earth and the sh*t from the worms... 
May holy Mary, the angels, and all the saints come to meet you as you go forth from this life...
May Christ who was crucified for you bring you freedom and peace...
May Christ who died for you admit you into his garden of paradise... 
May Christ, the true Shepherd, acknowledge you as one of his flock, and not your own flock... 
May he forgive all your sins, and set you among those who Blue Dragon chosen to send to the other side... 

The flames are now licking at the edges of the casket as Dragon, surrounded by smoke, looks directly into the camera, he's breathing heavily as the smoke seems to be coming from his mouth and nose...

Basically Plague, what I'm saying is, next time we meet... God F*cking Help You...

The flames take over the screen and the video ends with Dragons heavy breathing echoing in the background.

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6CWF Presents Scars & Stripes - Sunday July 14th 2024 Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Scars & Stripes - Sunday July 14th 2024

Post by DP Mon 01 Jul 2024, 4:29 pm

Wood continues to stand in the centre of the ring. He isn't given long to wait as 'Figure it Out' rips through the speakers and the already hot crowd go up another notch.

RJ: We're being treated now!

JT: Here comes The Sharpshooter!

Scott Harris appears on the stage and the crowd are thrilled to see The Sharpshooter. He raises an arm and points to the crowd, thumping his chest. He then moves towards the ring and climbs in, looking at Wood before walking past him and climbing a turnbuckle. He raises an arm again and laps up the reception. He is passed a microphone as he circles Wood. He comes to a stop and he lets the crowd make their noise.

Crowd: Needs more Harris! Liam Wood! Needs more Harris! Liam Wood!

Harris waits for the crowd to die down.

RJ: This crowd really are split between these two men!

JT: Can you blame them?! These are two of the very best we have to offer!

Harris finally gets the chance to speak...

SH: Arlington, Texas..  You guys are just awesome!

The crowd roar at this.

SH: You guys just hit that bit differently to any where else in the world and I know for a fact that Scars and Stripes is going to be one of the highlights of the year on the 6CWF calendar! Not least because I'm finally going to do the thing I've dreamed of and win the 6WF title.

Liam Wood's eyebrows raise at this statement as Harris looks directly to him.

SH: Yep, you heard that correctly, Liam. That belt is coming home with me.

You may well think that the stars are aligning in your favour after 7 years... Acer might think the same after god knows how many years in JJ and The Saint's shadow.

But it's not happening how you think. I'm sorry to say that.

I'm not going to stand here and throw shade your way. I'm not going to talk you down because frankly, you're Liam f*cking Wood. You've done stuff in this business that some guys won't ever get near. You're operating on that level where you're so close to the edge, that you're borderline unhinged. You are a threat.

RJ: Harris giving Wood his flowers here.

SH: We've been on parallel paths in the last few months. We've both been exorcising demons, righting the wrongs. We both have designs of being at the very top of this company and it was inevitable that we were going to collide.

But Liam, my message to you isn't far off yours... And it goes for Acer, Reilly, Masters, Percy and that man sized child Eddy Kent as well.

I'm outlasting The Hour. I do this sh*t for fun and for good measure again on a Sunday. There might be egos aplenty, there might be subplots but I couldn't care less which of you Kneeds more Harris. I couldn't care less who taps... I'm taking it all. It's that simple.

If you want that title so desperately Liam...

Harris moves almost nose to nose with Wood.

SH: You're going to have to prise it from me... And I'm not backing down.

Harris and Wood continue to stare each other down as the crowd love them facing off.


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6CWF Presents Scars & Stripes - Sunday July 14th 2024 Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Scars & Stripes - Sunday July 14th 2024

Post by x12x Mon 01 Jul 2024, 6:16 pm

Wood looks across at Harris and his eyes narrow as a scowl crosses his face building the tension for the fans. After a few seconds though Wood shakes his head

You know what Scott?
We have a history and there have been times I've said a lot about you and it wasn't always good but that's not what this is about. I can admit that you have a great chance of causing an upset and winning at Scars and Stripes and I can even admit that on the night you could be one of my biggest challenges but I just don't want you to get your hopes up.

I know this means a lot to you becuase it means a lot to me but for every big promise you make, I just don't know if you actually have what it see this is about more than endurance or skill...this is about being able to get the job done and for as good as you are...

...have you ever really been able to do that?

Wood stifles a smirk, clearly feeling cocky but looking to show respect, if even only a little

and I don't mean any disrespect by that, I really don't...but at the end of the day, I'm a realist and my memory works. So these promises that you're going to come out on top just feel a little empty to me.

I love the confidence and if I wasn't in the match myself I'd possibly believe you but when I look at you and I look in your eyes I just don't see that fire...

...the fire that I have in mine.

Wood backs away from Harris and begins to pace, his eyes locked on his future opponent as he does

At Scars and Stripes I walk in to this match knowing that you are as dangerous as any other man that I'll be face but when it comes to facing me, being dangerous isn't enough...

...and it's not enough to hold me back anymore...

...because that's what's been happening to me, especailly since I've returned. I've had set back, after setback, after set back...I've watched as people like Eddy Kent get to call themselves champion while I've had to deal with idiots like Daniel Reilly, Vincent Costello and Engel Harlequin.

Even after putting them all in their place I've had idiots like Tyler Roth getting in my I had to add another name to the list...

Wood stops pacing and moves back in close

Like I said, I do have respect for you and I do believe you're a great wrestler but Scars And Stripes is MY night, one where I hope I don't have to add anyone else to that list...

Wood lowers the mic, letting the crowd linger on his words, wondering if that line was a threat or not


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6CWF Presents Scars & Stripes - Sunday July 14th 2024 Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Scars & Stripes - Sunday July 14th 2024

Post by DP Mon 01 Jul 2024, 6:45 pm

Harris stands and looks at Wood. He holds the stare for ten seconds or so and slowly raises the microphone to his lips.

SH: Add me to your list, then. I dare you.

Harris' doesn't take his eyes off his opponent.

SH: Convince yourself all you like that you don't see the fire. Tell these people that I've done nothing of note. If that's what you need to get by, you go for it Liam.

Like I've said, we've been running in parallel lines for months. For every Harlequin you've beaten, I made Mike Masters tap... For every Costello you've finished, I was doing my bit in War Games. Hell, I made beating Tyler Roth a thing before you decided to cave his skull in.

Your little dig doesn't hold it's weight. But that's ok.

We're all looking for whatever advantage we can get in The Hour. You've got your fire and I've got my self belief. It's tit for tat.

You've been around a long time, so I don't blame you if your memory is a bit hazy.

I can tell you one thing though, I'm more than happy to smash this knee off your head to try and knock some sense of history back into it.

Harris lowers the mic and smiles at his opponent.


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6CWF Presents Scars & Stripes - Sunday July 14th 2024 Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Scars & Stripes - Sunday July 14th 2024

Post by acer101 Mon 01 Jul 2024, 8:45 pm

Acer appears via satellite on a Texas sports show to promote Scars and Stripes, aiming to boost ticket sales and PPV buys. The host welcomes him and asks about his preparation for The Hour. Acer smiles and casually begins his response.

"You know the saying, 'It’s a marathon, not a sprint'? That’s how I’m preparing because in this match, endurance is king. A key element of my training is maintaining explosiveness under duress—when the lungs are gasping for air, the muscles are screaming for oxygen, and the heart is pounding so hard it’s all you can hear. Having the presence of mind, the reflexes, and the speed of movement to make or break a pinfall in the dying moments of a match could very well be the difference between walking out as champion or as an also-ran."

The next question focuses on the importance of this match and where it ranks in Acer's career. Acer’s initial calmness gives way to sudden intensity as he responds.

"How important is this to me? I’ve been in many high-stakes matches—from a loser-leaves-6WF bout against River Ace to fighting for the future of this company last month. But this is my first World Championship opportunity. It’s my chance to prove that my near two-decade career isn’t a waste. Sure, I’ve made enough money in the past 18 years so my son never has to work a day in his life. But history remembers champions, not the wealthy. Holding that championship, even for a day, moves my career from meaningless to legendary. THAT’S how important this match is to me."

The host, taken aback by Acer’s intensity, chuckles nervously before asking about the uniqueness of The Hour format and Acer’s status as the clear outsider. Acer’s intensity subsides, and his calmness returns.

"That’s the beauty of this match—there are so many different game plans. You could go hard and fast, hoping to do enough damage early to nullify opponents, but you risk gassing out. You could keep your involvement minimal, but with so many participants, maintaining distance is tough. You can gut out submissions or tap early to avoid lasting damage. My plan? I’ll be involved and outlast everyone to become champion. Unlike a typical Ironman match, I could be down 7, 8, even 10 falls to 1, but if my solitary pinfall is the last in the 60 minutes, it’s the most important, and I walk out champion. As the 50/1 outsider, I’m inspired by Buster Douglas, Emma Raducanu in 2021, Greece in 2004, and Leicester City in 2016. I intend to add one more miracle to that list."

The host thanks Acer for his time and wishes him luck in The Hour, before throwing to an advertisement for Scars and Stripes.


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6CWF Presents Scars & Stripes - Sunday July 14th 2024 Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Scars & Stripes - Sunday July 14th 2024

Post by Uryu Ishida Mon 01 Jul 2024, 8:57 pm

Uryu is seen at the rafters of the arena before the crowd has entered. He looks around in the barely visible light and sighs to himself.

UI: Why...why did I agree to even do this?

???: Because you actually listened to me?

Uryu doesn't look around and shakes his head.

???: Yeah thats pretty implausable isnt it? You having common sense. Why don't you tell me why you stayed and fought?

Uryu stays silent as he tries to get up, Yet his leg struggles to work and he's forced to sit back down.

???: What kept you here? What did he say that kept you going after him?

UI: Why do you keep on talking...prodding and poking me?

???: I care ya idiot! I want you back out there at your best!

UI: You want me gone and outta your way?

???: What? no! jesus christ you are worse off than i thought...

UI: I ain't gonna go down easy and you know it...

Uryu struggles to stand up as his leg twitches several times.

???: Take it easy man...look we can get you focused, get you...

UI: You can keep on yelling about how you are going to end me ain't happening!

???: Alright...alright just tell me what you wanna do Uryu...

Uryu starts laughing to himself with excitement.

???: O...k Uryu you can stop now, it's getting Clarke James level of creepy here.

UI: You ever wondered why he never came after me? Why he never invoked a rematch? Maybe he saw that spark in me. Not the spark of a champion nonono but the spark of a fighter! The spark of a man he knew he could not kill!

???: Why didn't he come after you anyway? has he been waiting?

UI: He knew he couldn't even try so he tried to remake himself and only ended up broken! The exact same thing you are doing right now! You remade yourself, Turned and twisted but all I see is a hollow shell of a man that once was great!

???: I...I see...You think that about yourself too dont you? such a sad state to be in...I..I feel disapponted in you. Yet...I gotta be me and try to help.

UI: You think that after all this time now is when to try and take me out? Come now, you have known me for a long, long time and have seen me in much worse situations than this. So prepare to be disappointed in your failure once again to try and take me out! I believe its a taste you are all too familiar with...

Uryu slowly hobbles away as the figure sits down.

???: This better work for him...I hope.

Uryu Ishida

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6CWF Presents Scars & Stripes - Sunday July 14th 2024 Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Scars & Stripes - Sunday July 14th 2024

Post by Marky Tue 02 Jul 2024, 2:09 pm

We see Jack Reynolds stood backstage, he is proudly holding a microphone as he waits for the signal to go live

JR: Ladies and Gentlemen, my guest at this time, the current holder of the Fight for the Right Briefcase, Genesis’ own, Rex Adamson.

Rex Adamson is clearly not in a good mood, as he walks on camera. He is wearing a black and green Adidas x Genesis tracksuit and is carrying his FFTR case

JR: Firstly Rex, thank you for your time this afternoon. My first question, you and Eddy Kent cost Chris Patricks and Liam Wood their chance to become 6CWF World Tag Team Champions last week, what was the thinking behind that?

Rex smirks and shrugs before answering

Rex: What do you want me to say Jack? That I had a vested interest in The Wolf Gang winning the Tag Titles? Why do you think we got involved? Patricks wants to involve himself in my business, to try and take away my route to World Championship success? Nah. Not happening. I Gored the f*ck out of him, and left him to be dismantled by Ojore. And I’d do it again in a f*cking heartbeat.

JR: What do you make of the ongoing issues backstage, with Chris Patricks going to Damian Andrews to sanction this match at Scars and Stripes, and not going to Max Adamson. Is there something going on we don’t know about?

Rex looks bemusedly at Jack

Rex: Blood is thicker than water Jack, but also no, I’ve cut all ties with “Unkie Max”, he’s just a guy who happens to be one of the co-General Managers now. But maybe Patricks still doesn’t trust Max. Incidentally that’s weird right? Imagine not trusting your friend who has literally betrayed every single friend he’s ever had! Weird!

Rex shakes his head before continuing

Rex: But ultimately, I don’t care how Patricks managed to politic his way into this match. The fact is, nobody has managed to beat me yet. Nobody has pinned me, or made me submit. I went through everybody in the Fight for the Right Tournament, and I beat them all. Chris Patricks has yet to beat me. Chris Patricks knows he can’t beat me, Jack. So what does the honourable Chris Patricks do? He gets the match changed into a Ladder Match, he can’t beat me in a wrestling match, so he goes to his new best friend Damian Andrews, and gets the match changed into a match where he doesn’t have to beat me to win.

Rex briefly pauses to look at the FFTR briefcase in his hand

Rex: But none of that really matters. Because I’m STILL going to win. This briefcase is in my possession until I decide to cash it in. And if Damian Andrews wants to bend the rules to make me defend a f*cking briefcase in a Ladder match, then f*ck it. I’m gonna do it. I’m going to embarrass Chris Patricks, I’m going to ruin him, I’m going to destroy him, and he can go back to suckling the teet of Max Adamson and pretending to give a sh*t about Joyce and his spoilt brat kids. I’m the ultimate athlete Jack. Whether it’s a wrestling match, a Ladder match, a Cage match, a Blindfold match, or even an Urgent PM on a Pole match… The outcome is always the same Jack.

Rex over exaggeratedly clears his throat and lifts the microphone Jack Reynolds is still holding, closer to his mouth


Rex lets go of the microphone, pauses, and then leans into the microphone

Rex: …Adamson…

Rex winks at the camera, acknowledging his nod to Eddy Kent’s former gimmick, as he fist bumps Jack Reynolds aggressively, causing the reporter’s knuckles to hurt, before walking off. The last sight we see is Jack Reynolds cradling his now injured knuckles…


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6CWF Presents Scars & Stripes - Sunday July 14th 2024 Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Scars & Stripes - Sunday July 14th 2024

Post by x12x Tue 02 Jul 2024, 8:38 pm

Wood looks at Harris' smile and takes a second before responding

You see though, that's the difference... made Masters tap, I made Harlequin quit did your bit at War Games, I ended Costello's carer beat Roth...I BROKE him.

I'm the reason those three men I mentioned aren't around anymore, I'm the reason Eddy Kent and his title are on borrowed time. I tell the world that I'm going to do something and I do it...

I make the change that I promise.

Wood pauses for a second, once again moving in closer to Harris who stands his ground

Look...I'm not trying to be disrespectful and I'm sorry if you want to get up in your feelings and take it that way but at the end of the day, there are levels to this and that's something everyone in this match needs to understand.

I like the spirit that you're showing though because I want you and every other person that I intend to beat at Scars And Stripes to be at their best. I have had too many people try and take the easy way out and screw me over, so to know that you're willing to put it all on the line and not act like a pu$$y gives me some faith...

Wood pauses one last time, once again moving away from Harris and removing a little of the tension

Wood:'s just a shame that the same can't be said about some of the other men in the match with us...and I promise you, I use the term 'men' very, very lightly.

I know you're not stupid though, I know that you understand that as cocky and 'disrespectful' that I can be, I don't intend to stab you in the back and that, WHEN I win this match I'll do it standing tall. I know I can say the same for you as well...

Wood lowers the mic and offers a handshake that Harris looks at for a moment before accepting causing the fans to cheer only for them to realise there's clearly still tension there. Both men hold the handshake for longer than needed and the fans are clearly split down the middle.


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6CWF Presents Scars & Stripes - Sunday July 14th 2024 Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Scars & Stripes - Sunday July 14th 2024

Post by Marky Tue 02 Jul 2024, 9:34 pm


The crowd erupts as the opening lyrics of Madonna's "Like a Prayer" hit and Percy Percival walks out onto the stage, he is clapping along while walking down to the ring, as the crowd sing along to his music. Liam Wood and Scott Harris are still locked in handshake but staring at Percy, and not singing.

Percy is wearing all black faux leather trousers and waistcoat but with a white vicar's collar, the Filipino climbs up the turnbuckle from the outside of the ring, and sits on the top turnbuckle facing into the ring, looking in the direction of Wood and Harris.

Percy: Well hi guys. Don't mind me. I'm just admiring my fantasy threesome... And shame on me for being late, because it looks like you two are starting without me...

Percy nods to the handshake that neither man will relinquish, although they both immediately let go, to some laughter from the crowd

Percy: I don't need to panic though. Soon enough, I get to spend up to an hour with six guys tearing up this ring. It's like my 25th birthday all over again...

Sections of the crowd groan in disgust as Percy pouts towards Wood and Harris

Percy: ...But for all the jokes, for all the sauciness, me trying to get into Daddy Kent's head, you two and your unresolved sexual tensions... I'm not in this match to make up the numbers. I have a chance to become the first openly gay World Champion in 6CWF's long and storied history. Only because Hero stayed in the closet, but still.

Percy pauses as he waits for the laughs to die down

Percy: Pride Month may be over for another year, but the Pride Era in 6CWF is well and truly in motion. I am a former 6CW World Tag Team Champion, and I want a taste of the glory holl over again. You heard me.

Percy grins at Wood and Harris, neither are sure how to react

Percy: And when that bell rings, and I can play with my Harris... and I can make Mike my Master... and I can be the Acer in the hole... and I can make Daniel Really excited... and I can make Daddy Kent call me Daddy instead... Sorry Liam, I cant think of one for you...

The crowd laughs and Wood is almost incensed

Percy: ...By the end of The Hour, I will be your NEW, 6WF World Heavyweight Champion. And I can make that shiny gold belt my latest fashion accessory. When you call my name. It's like a little prayer.

Percy jumps down to the ring mat and then sinks to his knees

Percy: I'm down on my knees, I'm gonna take you there. And there. And there.

Percy raises his arms to another huge ovation from the crowd, and nimbly jumps back up to his feet. He pouts towards Wood and Harris as "Like a Prayer" begins to play again, and the crowd sing along as Percy conducts


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6CWF Presents Scars & Stripes - Sunday July 14th 2024 Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Scars & Stripes - Sunday July 14th 2024

Post by DanielReilly Wed 03 Jul 2024, 11:00 am

As Liam Wood and Scott Harris stand in the ring, staring up at Percy Percival, a voice suddenly bellows out over the arena speaker.

??: Gentlemen, apologises for the interruption.

Wood, Harris and Percy all turn to the top of the ramp. The titantron lights up and the fans begin to boo heavily. Daniel Reilly is shown sat on a sun lounger in the sun as a prompt tells us 'live via Satellite'. Oliver Keane can be seen lounging on a sun lounger of his own next to Reilly as he takes a bottle of champagne from a bucket of ice next to him and pours himself a glass.

DR: You see the King's contract comes up in just a few short months which means the King can do and say as he wants so unlike you losers who need to honour your contracts by appearing before these red necks, the King doesn't need to show up just to please JJ Johnson like the rest of you! So allow Daniel Reilly to apologise for the no show but to be quite frank, the King could think of nothing worse then being forced to come out and entertain the people of Texas!

The fans are booing heavily as Reilly smiles and Keane can be seen lifting his glass and saying 'here here'.

DR: Now gentlemen, the King was going to leave you boys to your d*ck comparison contest but to be quite honest with you both, the King couldn't allow you to promote his World Title match by squabbling about which of you deserves to win more. Then you have little Acer jumping in and out of the crowd like he's doing the Hokey Cokey so the King has no doubt he's going to pop up again like the weasel that he is!

Now Wood, the King thinks you're little passionate speech was quite cute! You've come out and tried to pump everyone up because everyone should be at their best for Liam Wood to win the 6WF Championship. Liam, the King has seen you walking around these last couple of weeks feeling like the man because in your head, you have single handily taken down Genesis. Liam, you took the cowards way and couldn't do it whilst stood looking each and every single one of them in the eye! You see, Daniel Reilly has taken down Genesis before, but unlike you Liam, the King didn't need to hide in the shadows and then brag about it after every sneak attack, the King did what the King always does and that is handle his business like a man!

But Liam, the King does owe you a thank you. You see the last time you and the King crossed paths, you dropped the King on his head on the bonnet of a car. Now the King wants to thank you because you woke him up! Liam, you created a monster! You woke the King up and Daniel Reilly ditched Drake, hired Oliver Keane and now holds the longest European Championship reign of all time and stands before you as the King of all of 6CWF! Hell, Daniel Reilly has even single handily taken down the Coalition!

Reilly begins to laugh as Wood stares up at the screen.

DR: And you, Harris! You stand there like you're the biggest thing going but the King just isn't impressed. You've been here long enough to of done something of note and yet you still remain an afterthought to Management in this business! This Company needs a hell of a lot of things but more Harris is certainly not one of them! Harris, the King looks at you and sees nothing that makes you stand out, you are generic and the King can not wait to snap the ankle of the Sharpshooter!

Reilly smirks as Harris is mouthing 'I'd love to see you try'.

DR: The King can see that Percy is out there too! Percy, Percy, Percy, the King may of had a bit of respect for you after you beat Kent but the fact you hold a loss to Perfect Jack takes away all of the little credibility you had! You returned and spoke about how you were going to beat the King and when push come to shove, you got destroyed! But the King thanks you for being in this match because at least the King will have a little bit of competition because he sure ain't going to get it from little Acer!

Now the King knows their is a further entrant in the Hour match but to be quite frank, Mike Masters is more irrelevant then Scott Harris and little Acer put together so moving on.

Keane is laughing as Reilly takes a sip of champagne.

DR: Eddy Kent, the King can not forget about you! Eddy, you have held that Title for so long that it seems crazy that Daniel Reilly is unable to show you any respect for your reign. You have probably had a weaker Title reign then Uryu Ishida had and that says a lot! Eddy, the King doesn't need to get his success by copying page by page, word by word of another 'superstar' because the way the King sees it, you are just one more promo away from getting a cease and desist in the post for gimmick infringement for acting like you hold the 'Reigns' over a 'Roman' empire!

Gentlemen, it's been a pleasure, see you chumps next week!

Reilly smirks and raises his glass before the feed cuts.


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6CWF Presents Scars & Stripes - Sunday July 14th 2024 Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Scars & Stripes - Sunday July 14th 2024

Post by Marky Wed 03 Jul 2024, 3:09 pm

Percy Percival looks up at the now blank screen, looking disheartened

Percy: Oh man, those two got to go on a couples holiday before Scars and Stripes... I'm very jelly.

Percy looks around at the excitable crowd

Percy: But to answer the point made by the television... I did beat Eddy Kent. But it doesn't matter who I've lost to in the past, or who he's lost to in the past, what matters is that if I, Percy Percival, walk out of Scars and Stripes as your winner, putting the Camp in El Campeon... Nobody, including the television man and the two gentlemen sharing the ring with me, will ever be able to live it down. The pressure is well and truly on all of you. And none of the pressure is on me.

Percy smiles before continuing

Percy: Underestimate me at your peril boys. If the television man re-emerges, let him know his tan needs more work.

With that, Percy leaves the ring, and "Like a Prayer" hits again, as he skips to the back


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6CWF Presents Scars & Stripes - Sunday July 14th 2024 Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Scars & Stripes - Sunday July 14th 2024

Post by Lee Wed 03 Jul 2024, 6:13 pm

Damien Andrews is shown entering the arena, he walks down a hallway towards his office when he notices there isn't a soul in sight but it appears people were not long around, there is a still hot cup of coffee on a production crate, papers seemingly dropped in a rush scattered all over the floor and at his feet a couple of drops of what appears to be blood.

He reaches his office and notices the door isn't locked, he readies himself and slowly enters the room.

The lights are off as he feels on the wall for the switch, suddenly the light illuminates the office and we see a giant hooded figure sitting in Damien's chair with his feet up on his desk.

DA: Get your filthy feet off my desk right now and get the hell out of my...

The man removes his hood to show Logan Kincade. The light above him accentuates the scars on the side of his face.
The coloured contact he had been wearing to hide the damage he suffered at the hands of his brother Blue Dragon many years ago in the height of their hardcore feuds in 6WF is gone, the blue of his iris now a dirty white causes Damien to look away in disgust for a moment

DA: Logan! I'm so glad to see you, I've been hoping you'd come around...i mean it's good to see you.....son.

Logan stands up and walks over to the door and locks it before he turns to Damien

LK: sit

Damien looks a little worried and grabs his phone just in case he needs to call someone for help.


DA: Ok! Ok....

Damien sits in his chair and places his coat on his knees as Logan begins pacing around the room.

DA: What seems to be the problem son....logan?

Kincade is looking at pictures of Damien's "family" he has on the wall. His new family then he comes to one of a young BD and his parents. Logan takes the picture off the wall and turns to Damien all the while staring at the picture.

LK: People seem to have this picture in their heads, of what I am supposed to be. A lunatic, a psychopath... unstable.

Logan places the picture face down on Damien's desk

LK: and they're right, I am all those things aren't I Damien?

Damien looks worried as to what he should say

LK: and whose fault is that? Hm? Who's fault is it Damien?

Andrews looks him in the eyes.

DA: Honestly Logan, it's your fault...

Logan smiles and scoffs while allowing Andrews to continue

DA: Now am I also to blame? Of course, I was a different person back then, a bad person. But I've changed my ways...

Logan looks with raised eyebrows at this declaration

DA: I've changed Logan, I know you dont trust me, and I get it


Logan's sudden shift in tone startles Damien who puts his hands up

DA: now... yes, I get that you won't believe me and that's fine, I'm not here to win you over, but I do get it, I don't blame you for not trusting me but I do hope you will see how I have changed.

Logan smashes his hand onto the back of the picture he placed onto the desk shattering the glass as Andrews reaches his hand under his desk.

DA: Look Logan, why are you in my office? What do you want from me? An apology? I'm sorry for all I did back in the day, I am, I try every day to make amends but all I can do is try to go forward as a better person.

Logan walks around the back of Andrews chair and puts his hands on Damiens shoulders who quickly tries to stand but is pushed back down by Kincade.

LK: Now I need you to understand something very clearly, I'm not afraid of you, I'm not intimidated by you and most importantly... I'm not stupid.

Logan let's go of Andrews as we see him seemingly pressing a button on the underside of the desk.

He seems confused why his security team hasn't arrived when he looks at Logan who is staring a hole through him. Damien clears his throat.

DA: I would never think you were stupid Logan. It's your brother who appears to think you're too stupid to look after yourself, I assume you know he keeps accusing me of playing mind games with you.

Logan smirks

DA: He treats you like a child at times almost like he has forgotten his place in the hierarchy of this family.

LK: This family? He is the head of this family, he is the Blue Dragon...

DA: But it's you who should...

LK: BUT IT IS HIM WHO FOUGHT FOR AND WON THE TITLE!... He beat me, and I renounced my claim to the Blue Dragon.

DA: I'm afraid it doesn't work like that, maybe he neglected to tell you, but that title can be challenged for by any member of the extended family at any time.

Damien stands up to look Logan in his eye.

DA: I don't want anything from you other than professionalism, I am trying to run a company here, I have Investors, shareholders, advertisers... I need them to want to work with us, so all I ask of you is to try and keep your cool.

Logan glares into Damien eyes.

LK: I can't do that, this week I put an end to the Plague family, it starts when I break the body of Gazzy, I will make his wife afraid of what if anything comes out of that ambulance, his mind is almost gone as it is when I snap his bones the destruction will be complete....and then, it ends when Blue takes the only thing keeping Plague's fantasies alive his title, his pride and joy...

Damien is holding back a smile

DA: well that sounds great, I look forward to the show.

Damien stands and walks towards his office door. He unlocks it and turns to Logan

DA: Now if there's nothing else you need to talk to me about I have a show to sort so...

Logan walks past Damien but stops and leans into his ear

LK: Don't forget Damien... I'm not stupid, don't you forget...

Logan barges past Damien and sends him slamming into the door. He walks off and Damien quickly locks the door and sits back in his chair trying to compose himself, he puts his head in his hands and breathes heavily before he begins laughing.

He picks up the broken photograph and looks at it with a smirk across his face.

DA: Haha wait..why the hell didn't my security team come in...

Damien looks under his desk at his panic button which had been disconnected.

DA: hahahaha.... Wonderful.

The scene fades


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6CWF Presents Scars & Stripes - Sunday July 14th 2024 Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Scars & Stripes - Sunday July 14th 2024

Post by Bentyf1 Sun 07 Jul 2024, 10:06 pm

[The 6CWF universe is greeted to a empty auditorium with single beam of light shooting down from the rafters. The stillness and quiet is palpable as the rows of chairs are empty and bear. A gold plaque is shown hanging on the wall with the words "Texas Hall" on it and a large American flag is hanging from the rafters indicating to the 6CWF universe we are indeed in Arlington Texas. The camera shows a single black chair placed on the stage where the beam of white light is shooting down. A few seconds pass before we hear the noise of footsteps on the wooden stage before none other than 6WF undisputed world heavyweight champion, Eddy Kent enters the shot. Kent is wearing a pair of casual black tracksuit bottoms, Genesis's adidas trainers, a black under armour training shirt and of course, the 6WF championship resting over his left shoulder. Kent sits down and stares into the hard camera, we see the champ's face looks slightly weary and tired. Kent is a little unshaven and his eyes seem faded. The 6WF championship shines in the light as Kent looks around his surrondings. Kent looks at the wooden stage and sniffs loudly before sitting back in the chair and staring into the camera. Kent licks his lips and begins almost like a presidental address to the 6CWF universe.]

Kent: In a few short days, I step into the hour, not as an underdog, not as a mere participant, but as the biggest threat for Percival, Wood, Acer, Masters, Reilly, and Harris. The 6CWF universe and those men won't believe me but I thrive in this chaos, I revel in this anarchy, and I embrace the pain that will happen in this one hour. Because for one hour I won't just step into the fray. I'm coming into this match to dominate. I'm coming into this match to keep hold of my world and my legacy... The legacy of Genesis.

Kent: The 6WF World Heavyweight Championship? It's not just a title; it's a symbol of my supremacy, my token of power, and I've held it high for over ten months. But at Scars and Stripes, I don't just want to retain it; I want to make it my permanent symbol of my dominance, a testament to my Genesis. I want to see the fear in the eyes of all the men in  the hour as I dismantle their dreams again. I want to see the fear in the eyes of Wood, Acer, Reilly, Masters, Percival and Harris as they watch as Eddy Kent and Genesis continue to be the gold standard.

[Kent takes a deep breath and adjusts his 6WF championship on his shoulder before carrying on speaking into the camera]

Kent: Let me remind you about Genesis... MY hall of fame genesis. Genesis is defined as the collective group of the greatest wrestlers assembled. The old Genesis has long died... I put an end to last year. My Genesis is retaining the 6WF world heavyweight championship and soon my son... Max Adamson will become the 6CW world heavyweight champion. Once again..Genesis isn't a passing moment, it embodies everything I am and everything thing that I stand for. Genesis is the living embodiment of dominance and perfection.

[Kent shuts his eyes and leans back almost in a trance. Kent then lowers his head and opens his eyes and begins to speak.]

Kent: Now, the boys... the ones coming for Daddy. The truth is boys is that what is to come for you all.. the truth is that it all could of been avoided. I see and hear all the disrespect you give me... either out in that ring or on social media. You are going to see how hard it is to reply to tweets when your fingers are broken. You are going to see how hard it is to read letters and emails when your eyes are so swollen and red that you can't make out the faintest symbol. You are going to see how hard it is to talk to your fans or your loved ones on the phone when your jaws are swollen. As a public statement to my 6CWF world, it's worth saying the boys coming for daddy... they will all see what happens when you cross me and my Genesis. When you cross daddy you pay the price.

Kent: I look at the other guys in the hour match... and I feel they all have this warped sense of wanting to be the heroes... or anti-heroes. The guys who want to bring down the Genesis empire and bring down the era of the inevitable one. Whether it is being a hero to  underground fans who want to see this great company on it's knees or trying to be a hero in the respect of stopping my Genesis, you will pay the price. You cross my path, you cross Genesis's path and the inevitability of my greatest of all time era and trying to take my 6WF world heavyweight championship... I will crush you.

Kent: Fellas... you have no idea what is coming and you all better believe during the hour we are all on a one way collision course. It will all come to a breaking point where our destinies are intwined once again. But, every 6CWF fan knows what is going to happen. And all your deluded fantasy's to become 6WF champion is doomed. The hour, it's going to be me against the world...I have no doubt in my mind it will be one for the ages though and where daddy comes out on top.

Kent: This match...the hour, it truly seperates the men from the boys, This match will allow us and all of my 6CWF world to see who the greatest in this business is, in this very ring. You all want to go the one place  in this business that nobody would ever dream of going, bar me.  sixty minutes was it, you wanted? do you know what that means, boys?

Kent: Sixty minutes. You all want to find out who the man is? you want to find out who the greatest in this era of 6CWF is? can you go the distance, boys? sixty minutes where the one who survives will be rightly called the greatest and of course, the 6WF world heavyweight champion. But fellas, I have to ask... you all gotta think about what you want. I mean really think. Have a deep look inside those hearts of yours, ignore fans's chants... ignore your loved ones. You got to ask, boys, Can you hang with the greatest? can you hang with my Genesis? can you step into this ring and go one hour with a man in his god mode era?

Kent: Can you go the distance with Daddy, fellas? can you all, put it all on the line and hope to god your lungs dont explode before the end. Can you accept the fact that your dreams will end in a nightmare. Can you accept that at Scars and Stripes, you will see that it is my destiny to be the greatest as you all will lie on your backs on that mat, gasping for air and clearing your eyes of sweat after sixty minutes of getting destroyed by the best in this business. You will look into my eyes and you will know without a shadow of a doubt that you all cannot be ever on my level because I have no equal.

Kent: Boys, at Scars and Stripes you will find out why I am the 6CWF world heavyweight champion, why I am Number one in this business, why I am the Daddy of this company, nothing goes past me without my say so. Harris, Wood, Acer, Masters, Percival and Reilly.. you will finally realise that I am simply levels above you all. And I am truly the inevitable one.

[Kents blue eyes are lit up as he finishes speaking, a look of intensity and confidence now drawn across his face. Kent glares into the camera before standing up from the chair and the spotlight slowly fades. The scene slowly fades away as Kent snarls at the camera, straightens up his 6WF title on his shoulder once again and marches from the stage as the sound of electicity being cut is heard as the scene fades to darkness.]


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6CWF Presents Scars & Stripes - Sunday July 14th 2024 Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Scars & Stripes - Sunday July 14th 2024

Post by Steel Tue 09 Jul 2024, 7:48 pm

Last Resort begins to bellow around the arena and the fans clamber to their feet to give their usual warm welcome for Geoff Steel.

RJ: The Xtreme champion is In the house JT and listen to this crowd.

JT: Im more interested in what Geoff has to say, he clearly can't be in the best of states following his tumble down those stairs last week, that has to give Helms an advantage at Scars and Stripes.

Steel steps out from behind the curtain wearing his ring attire, on one shoulder sits the Xtreme championship and on the other is a coiled up bull rope. He steps into the lights and raises the championship to a large cheer from the masses before hobbling his way to the ring clearly in some discomfort.

RJ: Steel and Helms have been at each other for weeks now, neither man has given an inch no doubt their upcoming match is going to be a true war of attrition.

JT: Truly RJ I fear for both men, we've seen neither of them know when to quit and the their conflict keeps escalating, it's only a matter of time before it goes horribly wrong for one of them.

Steel is now at ringside he removes the bull rope from his shoulder and pushes it toward the centre of the ring, he then collects a microphone before clambering into the ring. He manoeuvres the bullrope with his feet so it is laid outstretched Infront of him. As his music fades he lifts the microphone to address the crowd.

GS: Geoff Steel has yet to learn submission to any oppression, come from what source it may. That will not change at the hands of Marty Helms, sure you can knock me down, you can thrash me about this ring but I will always get back up, quitting is not in my nature, the only person truly capable of beating me is standing in this ring right now.
It's clear Marty you do not want me heading into our match in the best physical condition you've made that quiet clear, my question Mr Helms is why? Are you that petrified of facing me at hundred percent, big bad Marty Helms who acts tough but really has a soft underbelly and cant face up to a real challenge for fear of being made to look a fool.
All you've done these past weeks is instill further confidence in me that you don't have what I takes to wrestle this title from me. I told you at Night of Glory I would walk out as champion and you laughed in my face, yet here I am with the gold on my shoulder, when I beat you again at Scars and Stripes you best start putting some respect on my name and learn to accept me as your champion and the leader of this division.

RJ: I can't help but feel that trying to provoke Marty Helms might end up with unwanted consequences.

JT: That may well be Steels aim to unnerve Marty so that he is incapable of thinking straight blind with rage.

RJ: We still want to be able to televise the match though, we don't want to actually see one of these two men actually attempt to end the other.

Steel now looks down at the bull rope.

GS: This here Marty is what will not only bind us together but also binds you to your downfall. There will be no escape, nowhere to run, the arena may be huge but for you, you're about to feel claustrophobia on another level as there will be no let up and your world is going to feel as small as it ever has, lucky for you that you will share that space with a man hell-bent on putting you out of your suffering, when the end does comes Marty you will be more than ready to embrace it.
I fully expect you to fight against your fate and can't imagine I will have everything my own way, no doubt like me you have envisioned every single which way you can use this rope to your own advantage, be it the fibres burning against the skin or driving home the cow bell to leave your opponent unconscious and out for the count.
Whatever the most heinous act that has formed in your brain though Marty know I have dark thoughts of my own and won't for a second stop to bear in mind your safety, This is the land of Xtreme we both know what we have signed up for and can count ourselves lucky if we live to fight another day much like the gladiators of old. You've done your best to make my life hell and get under my skin, you believe me not worthy of carrying this championship, at Scars and Stripes I make it my aim to leave you with a few lifetime reminders of what I am capable of and why you were wrong to doubt my credentials.

Steel then lifts the championship once more a determined look on his face, Last Resort then sounds out again.


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6CWF Presents Scars & Stripes - Sunday July 14th 2024 Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Scars & Stripes - Sunday July 14th 2024

Post by acer101 Thu 11 Jul 2024, 7:35 am

At 10 am, the official 6CWF weigh-in show shifts focus from the presenters to a live feed of the weigh-in room, buzzing with media and representatives from the Texas Athletic Commission. The room quietens when Timothy Allen announces, "On to the scale, Acer."

Acer enters the room wearing a 6CWF-branded tee, shorts, and trainers. Approaching the scales, he removes his trainers and shirt, stepping onto the scales in near silence, save for the sound of camera shutters. The Texas AC weigh-in official adjusts the weights, then turns to the media and declares, "Official weight: 220 lbs." Acer strikes a double-bicep pose for five seconds, allowing the press to capture their photos, then steps off the scale, putting on his shoes and shirt.

Timothy Allen approaches with a microphone, repeating Acer’s weight and asking how he feels just hours away from the Main Event of Scars and Stripes.

“I’m feeling good,” Acer responds, sipping an electrolyte drink. “I’ve focused on endurance and performing under duress. To make this easier, I aimed to come in lighter than before. I weighed 235-240 lbs at Night of Glory, so I’ve come in lighter this time.”

Allen then asks Acer about Daniel Reilly’s recent comments. Acer scoffs before responding.

“He can’t stop talking about me, can he? I’m not sure who he’s more obsessed with—me or JJ. Honestly, I haven’t thought about him since Proving Grounds. I beat him two shows ago and beat him up last show, so it’s amusing that I live rent-free in his head.”

Acer takes another drink before screwing the cap back on. “I wish I could see inside his mind. He parades around like he’s the Champion, the face of the company, THE guy—but he’s none of those things. He thinks his expiring contract will break this company, but in reality, few will miss him, and many will help pack his bags. He’s playing poker with UNO cards, thinking he’s calling the shots and wants the big bucks, but he’s about to go 0-3 in his last PPVs. He lost to me, and according to him I’m not Main Event level, so what does that say about him? You can’t negotiate power moves when you can’t beat mid-carders; otherwise, you look like a delusional Muppet.”

“You mentioned JJ Johnson,” Allen begins. “With he and The Saint fighting for the Tag-Team Championships, there’s a possibility that The Coalition could walk out with all members carrying gold. Have you thought about that, and have you spoken to JJ since your altercation at Proving Grounds?”

Acer sighs before responding. “I haven’t spoken to JJ. But unless plans change, we’ll be sharing the same locker room as always. I’ll be there early to help both him and Saint prepare and warm up. Knowing JJ, he’s probably already booked a celebratory after-party for when they become Tag-Team Champions, so I’ll just walk in fashionably late—with a shiny new belt.” Acer winks at the camera as Allen wishes him luck, reaffirms Acer’s official weight, and throws back to the weigh-in show hosts.


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6CWF Presents Scars & Stripes - Sunday July 14th 2024 Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Scars & Stripes - Sunday July 14th 2024

Post by President Trump Fri 12 Jul 2024, 9:32 am

“Born to Fight” hits and Dicey strolls out with the European Title draped over his shoulder. He stops at the top of the ramp and raises the title in the air as the crowd goes crazy.

RJ: The European Champ is in the house and listen to that reception its deafening

JT: I wonder how they will cheer if Enforcer takes the title at Stars and Stripes

RJ: I don’t think Dicey cares to be honest, he is here to fight

Dicey walks down to the ring with a big smile on his face. He say hello to the commentators before taking a mic and climbing into the ring and posing on each turnbuckle

Crowd: DI-CEY!!

Dicey: I thought I would come out here and show you all what a fighting champion looks like, because let’s face it IF the Big Eejit takes this title from me this week you won’t see him or hear from him. Just like Cobra, The French Fancy and others, Big E just came back for Night of Glory for..well the glory. Well f**k that and f**k him. This isn’t 6WF or the “glory” days of Trash TV this is 6…C…W…F this is the big leagues not some fart joke WCW bullsh*t. Those days just like Enforcers career is dead.

RJ: Dicey is fired up tonight

Dicey: You know what you are Enforcer, you are one of those guys that I speak to all the time in the pub. The old drunk that sits there spinning yarns about the glory days “I played Junior C under 15’s for Carlow” sorry for you guys it would be “I was the Quarterback for my high school, I was awesome and could have gone to college level and beyond but I did my rotator cuff finger blasting my cousin at a family bbq on the back of my daddy’s pick up” or something like that. That’s all I see when I see you Big E, a long forgotten, relevant gimp that’s clutching onto anything that will make him feel like the big man again. Well you have come up against something you’ve never faced before f**k face, this isn’t Rasta or Hobo this is the one man sh*t storm, this is the man that will kick your teeth so far down your throat that your boyfriend will have to wear an iron jonnie so he doesn’t get bitten. I am DICEY F**KIN REILLY….the 6CWF European Champion and I have come to Texas for one reason and that’s to……

Crowd: FIGHT!!

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